" 14 THE OMAHA DAILY BB10 , SUNDAY. A I'GUST 1(5 , 1801.SIXTEEN _ . _ PAGES. . . . _ _ . _ „ I il „ L 8PEQ1HL NOTICES. ' FOll TIIKHK COf.t.'MNS Am'KIITIPKMKNTH I2U : ) p.m. for the prcnlrtK end until 8.W p.m. for tlio morning or Humlnjr edi tion * All ndfprtl pinpnt In thrio rolnmni 2 cnt < i ; word nrn Inrcrtlon nnd l\4 \ cent * word thi-rpitttpr , or't j > pr line i > pr monlh. .So Rdvertlfcniciit Inkpn fur ICM tbnn M cpnl for Illi' llrft Intiprtlon. Ternis cn h In n l- Tiinrp. Inltlnlf. ftmrrp , urmbole. etc. , pnch count nil B woid. All fidtettlfcnu-nli mint run conn-en- tlvply AdTpftlnTf , by rpqiici'llnH n niimbPrpd check , run hnv Ilielr nnswcrs nildreMPil to n "mint- bpred letlor In tnn-of TUB 1IKK. Atuwermo ml- dreffCd nlllbu dellrcri'donly on preicntftllon ottno check. 1 > IAN'IIOFFICESA1IVKHTISINO ( FOUTIIKSK J > rolumnii nlll b < > Inhpn on the nbOTc condition' tltht'f"lion ' Inn I'lirlnm hoiivf. wlio nro nuthor- lied lo Inkp f perlnl notices nt the mine rntcn ni cnn IP hnd nt llii'innln ofllcp : tmith t'lnobn ' Ilinnch Office-No. 2C53 N ilrcel , Ms- lirlilock. John W Hell. I'lmrmnclM , Illh nnd Mnfon ttrPftn. H H Knrnnworth I'bnrronclM. Slir.fnmliiB. Mrect W .1 Iliiiihcs. riiarmndtt. ifU N. IMIi Mrcet. C K Hnttcrllcld , rimrtimclat , HIS I.t-avcnworth ftrpi't Iliiclipn' I'hnrmnpy , 51th nnd Kn.'nnm. " H'r''tJA'r ' IONS' WAXTTcT ) J'f.r nnlff , tie. , nr Inj ) nf ' trt column on Ihif i no' . WANTKI ) SITUATION AT ONCK IIV I.AOV A nlpniicrniilipr ; c iierlcnceili uood references. Adilrein .ir ; X. ttird. MlA : IS' T KM'ntliSTKIM.AI : VhTKSOnilAI'IIKIinK- J\Hres poKitlnii. Modernle snlnry with view of In- crpiiKi' In niiiiu nnd permnnunt iiosltlon. Addrem W IS. Ili-u ail Hi * "T ITI ATION WANTKI ) IIV A TINHM1TII AND ViKetiernl uoikmnn who romcn well reeoiiieniled HH.M' wli employ. Is nlwnyr < nn tlmo nml don't be- limit In the foldlur corps. Aildrens box 1111. Mncrn- tlno li.wn. WJ li' WANTKI ) . POSITION AH HOL'SKKKMI'KIl IN A relllieil nldower'n fniully. or noiilil Hike u few minle rrli.ilnrn. Add. .1. II. , b7. cor. 2Uh nnd I.env- mw..rtli rtri'Pti. 3K" "X WANTKI)77siTiATION ) : IIY A VOL'NC ! MAN J\ , r 27 with ifnod biinlne.ii expurtc'tico Hi's to I Adilipni W. , III. Hue. 'Wl ' Hi * AltCfilSTKUKI ) DliriidlST , 8 VKAUS K.V- nerli-tice wonlii pOKltlnn. We'll ( | iiullllud nnd ri'i-oniinpnilcil. Address V IW. lice. Ill'J lli * _ _ _ - A I'llAPTIOAI. lll/rCIIKll WANTS M'lTA- n ii , captitilu of ruiuiltiK mutkt't. Addrt'sHV U. W A NT ! : I ) M A MO JI K til' . 1 tir tiitct , ( ( r. . rw ( ; > nf tirt tolitinn onI.i ' / / jvtiie " ' l ) WANTiil."ritAVKI.'lN : ( ! SAI.HSMKN TO SUM. J 'n.'iklliK | iu di'r to Iliu retail urnccry trade. Wo lire ci.iiiK to put our coodn In every city and town In tin1 I nitpii statPH If iiiirxllile , and have aduiitcd tlm tiiHi'iiil to iitilalii nile"inen : nc < ] iialiil'd nltli tin' iMli'ii nt HTllui.s of country. We want men nc. on Hie road to carry uur uniida us u Kldi1 line. Tlil.il al nit cnod upporlnnlty for clerks , or any live nipti uiin Haul to nut on the road. Kxperlence li ( < t iii > t > "hii ( > ly iirri-psitry. We menu liuclnei'H. and | i. the lifhl Mian a Mhernl contriiet Kill lie made and Mcad > einplovmeiit ( iU en. at * nn pay not less than lift per monlli pnlnry and ( "niensed. or 20 per cent ciimmli'i'li'ii AdilresH with htaiiip. the I'lilteil Ktaten riiemieal uotka , blO and H Van lluien tticct , ( . 'hleaKo , 111. 31:1 : 1U < I > WANTKI ) , i'\PKItIiNTKITHAViiIN : : : ( ! MAN J > nciiialnted | with drni.'k'li < t nndrle and the druu trade In NcbriiBka. Addrenn V W. lieu oilice. 381 lli * ] 1 WANTKI ) , AN KXI'KIIIKNCKI ) CAI'PKU 'I.atiKuortliy-.Mnmford Canning Co. Il'ii lli " ] ) A MIDllliK AJKI ) AMKUICAN ( J KNTI.K.MAN J > of cdiicatloiMviinted at once , need not ho i"c- perlcnced In our line , but iiiunt haven KOIII ! locilrd. Married man preferred : fnlr pay to nliut. Call niter IU Tnctday. W. T. .Marshall , IS Croltiliton block .M.I3H-1C' BWANTI'MI ) , TWO ( iOOD ACC1DKNT INS UK- nrp mlleltors for the city and one for South Oiualia. Address W 1' . ' lieu. iMl'.l B WANTKI ) . A I'llAVKl.INf ! MAN WHO HAS been In tlio confectionary or grocery line. Aimvor f.lntlnii where liiHt emplo.\ed. wlint territory covcied and 1' . O. Lux J47elly. "I > WANTKI ) . AN ACiKNT TO CANVASS THK UK- J 'lull trade In the toluu eo lljin for tbe benutlt of hilemle ) ileiileru In Nebrnskn. Addrcxs lth full mirlleuliiiN ut , lo relf lll. lufereucu to partlex liuvu been with. ( lirlMIin : 1'eper , ht. Louis-Slo. : ; U7 IG TT'WANTKI ) . AiKNT.S ( TO SlTfT. THK IIKST J 'manifold poodn made. Sold lo nil business men. Tbevientebt i-nnp on eartli for agents. I'omml-i- slun f.Ul.lU per week nml vniiiplec fieu. Wrltu lit once. ht. Joe Mf . Co. , f-oiith llund , hid. WJ 10 * T > WANTKD-A NIIAT. K.Xl'KIHKNC 151) ) I ) AI It Y- J > mun. 4i1li : North Ulth. Milli : IS * 1 > WANTIII ) . THAVKLINt ! SALKSMliN. CAX J 'iiiaku fu.J.lXJ per week permniK'ntly. Trade t pec- Inllles. Tiibor , 177 Monroe Htreet , Chlcnizo. li.'IU 1G * B WANTKD-A < i001 > HTKONC TU1IA Oil clarinet plnyer , who ID de lrout of lenrnlni ; diotourapliy. Younir - > liiKlo mull preferred. 'I'hln { H n tniip fnr the il lit party. Onu of thti bent uul- k'lleH lu tlio t-ht. Address I ) . 0. JenkliiB , llelirou , Neb , 1111 hiT - T ) WAN'I'KI ) , COMl'KTKNT llt.'SINKSS SI AN J' ltli ainall cnpltnl to ninmico biuneli olllce. Ad- dreps W 17 , lleo ollico. : W-lli * l ) WANTKI ) A dl.NTLKMAN OK ( JOOI ) Al'- J'lu-urance nnd teed linbltH ; nnift bu xtrletly bon- ent uml wllllni.'to make bliiixeir feneinlly useful. Kalary lor trliil , S18.0U per wet'k. Address W 7 , lleo ollleo. -.l'.l III * 1 ; > SAI.IIS.MKN THKOUIiHOL'T Till ! COUNT11Y 'oiilKldc of cities. llL'ypectnble employment. Hiiro rlinuci ! to emiito with n prominent M' ! ' ( , ' Co. fnybiK Inriiu fiilarlea. I'or pnitlculars address 'ruhldunt. ' box's ? , Cincinnati. i)33 ) 111 * 1HO I'KH MONTH ANI ) KXl'KNfiKS OH COM- J > ml MoM to couit Knlebinan. to sull by nniuplo our fuOil ( ( . Krittrely new ; ellH to every buclncHH man , hem ) 2-cerit ftamp , I'ennnneilt potiltloii. t''luu openliiK for food men. Aemu M'f't ; Co. , Cincinnati , Uldo. . 'I''l 111 * 1 > WK WISH TO KMI'LOY A KKW ( ! OO1 > LOCAL J.'nnd tr'iTellii ' ) ; salesmen to M'll by samplii iiur money order Nyptem to retail mcrchiinttt. SJ u month In It for llvo miles'tien. I'luvloim exper ience not necehsarj' . Adilres-i with 2-cent hlnmp jdeichnntH .Money Order company , Cincinnati , O. B WANTKI ) , (1KNTLKMAN ( WITH SMALL OAr > - Itnl for city ork. lluom SUi ) , hbeely bloek. : .i -ii ; * .1'B WANTKI ) , VOIINd MAN KOU OTKICr. Wlllllv , J'UinHt bnvo irood linbltHvrlto i\elli blnte Halarv wnnted. Address V Oi , Ilee. MSM ! Hi * 1 > WANTKI ) , IIV Till ! KOCK ISLAND I.U.MIIKIl .1' 'nnd ' .Miintifnclurlni : Co. , ten flrat eliUH bench car Iicnlers nt Hock Islam ) , III. ' 'Tl IU T ) WK OITKIl AOKNTS UK ! MONKY IN KXCLU .i'slvu territory. Our new pntent safes sell nt ftlybt In citv or cfinntry. New nv'ents Hist In Held actually Keltlni ; ileb. ( ) n niieiit In iinu dny elenred ( Hi. So i-nn yini. Cntnliiuiin Jrci' . Alpine Sne com- puny , WMTIChirk street. Clntlnnnll. O. T > WAsTKI ) , AN AKNT ( ! AM ) CANVASSKIl .I'forn live weekly pnper In every town In Ne- tirntkn find lu\\n ; liberal commissions. Address Kxamlncr utency , 'IHI S. 14th street , Omnlin. b'.U ' "II WANTKI ) . SAIiKS JIlIN ON SAI.AUV OK COM- J lulfrclou to liiinillo tlio new pntent elu'inlciil Ink crui-liiK | ieiicll ; tinuientei't i-elllnK novelty ever produced : ernxes Ink Ilioioilt'lily In twu M'ccindn ; no ntnio < lin of pnpen ItK ) to fUl per eelit pruttt ; one nt'ent'H Hih-H iiinounteil to jiuO hi hlx ilnyH , tinotlier Ib' ' In two lionrK. Wo wnnt one nenernl ntenl In meh Btnto nml terrltoiy. l-'or teiinn uml full pur- tleuliiiti iiililrc'bd tlio Monroe Kri er MfK > Co. , l.u _ _ I ! WANTKI ) SAI.KSMHNi I'BHM ANCNT 1'AV- J'lni ! POUIIIOIIB for Inlelllfent workers. Wrllo nt once. Kiln-linger .V Hurry , Ml. Hope Niir erle . llocht-nter , N. V. 6Ui tt''l * 1-MKN OK IJOOI ) ADDUKSS. MKTHOl'OLI- 'tiui Mf'KCu. , HUI llownrd or U7 N. 1''tli , Lincoln. 5IO-U-S4 * \V ANTI-ID K10M A I/K 11 MM * . for idf . He ( on nf flr t cn'umn nn 1/if.i / jia ; , South Omnlm mid Council llhlltn ; llil IB H Milcn- cliiinen loliullil up u Komi piiylnK nml permanent trnilu , iiKentp iiini-t hnvo a eiipltal of not lees tlinn rillK ) Apply nt Mil North Kith street , rurncr Ca . lloomi' ' , lor live itnB , botneen tlio hours uf H nml 11 n. in. , nml V to 4 p. in. III' ! hi * p W A NT K I ) , A M'llSLIilHL roitONUCIl 1 1 ,1)T- Vvyenr-ohl. full nt .W3 llnrney utreet. 33t 111 p WANTKI ) . MIDDI.K AIIKD l.ADV Tt ) ( 'AUK V for nnd furiilxhhor 10 room modern house fur club , AiMrem W 14 , lieu tinico. m aiT-IH * p WANTKI ) , A ( Jlltl. I- Oil ( IHNKHAI , llOf- V ork. nli'O liotiio. i'llll' C'lipltil nveniio. | 13.VI7 | Tr\rTlli : FIIIST oVMlKT'TKililKHr IXlt ) A Kiniill fnmlly , u Ilrrl clnra cook ; lnu t lie uoml wnnlier nml lumen ( iermiin eook prelerreil. AU a ri-iuiiul Klrl who IN u gum ! Hidtress niul ean tin plnln tenliii ; . Only those thnt nrooll leconniienileit ncoil cull lit I ' .Mil OHUI Mreel. aji 10' p WANTKI ) . K.\l'iitKNCKl : | ) HAIisIAIY : ! mil V'tlijroik. . llooiiiHH" " . Mieely liluek. lull | ii > p W ANTKKX PKllKNOKnAIiV AND tiKN- V lleiuen iiKt'iitu l > y Oiuuliu llrm. ItoumWJ , Sheely lilock. IKU-lli * ( "T t i 1 1 H7wANTKI > "T < ) TAKK OAltK Ol1IA1IV V 'nml iln lliilit liunsewoik. .MrMurlioll , Vi ; J Hew- uril , ' 'sum * /"I WANTKI ) . VOUNd.MAN Oil I.AIIY AS TVI'K- v wilier tillo nho l i | lck mid uccuiuto ut llulllea iiieleneil Hliite ieteieiii-o uml tulury oxpei'teil. Address , \V 4 , Hen Ollleu 1'JT \ WANTKI ) : A tXi.MlT.TKNT COOK. MISS v. KuunUe , Forre5t Hill , t-outli lOlti ttrvvt. WANTKI ) : AN KLDKHLV LADY TO TAKK tare uf elilld oiiu jenl oUI. Ullti L'nuuet Uecl. .M-.TV III' fWANTU1) ) : OLD l.ADV WHO WANTS tJOOD v 'liiimi' ' to lul.eenieof IwoluLlen. lif.'t ( 'lileiiuo I reel. > ! ' . ' lo p CO.Ml'KTKNTtillll , KOU IIMNKIIAL 1IOUSK- V utk , Apply to .Mr . Tlios. t1. Hull , 1UOJ tiliur until nvi'liue. fit FOlt UKNT HOUnlW. tar iiittf. etc. , ate top of ) rut commit nn thin > nt } ( , ' ' uioUeru ImprovemcuUi K < i , < 1U Jd it. IWJ i'oruum ittv'll. JW-10 HUNT IIOL'SKS , D-KI.KOANT C-IIOOM IIOUMK , 8J3 H. VIST dtrrcl , " : THitTKM niit : i MV 2i > lli anil Nlclioln * , Hillocks frtim Wnlnnt Illll motor , one of Ihn rnon convenient t room cottnt ) < - " < , n line tinrn , lnrcr- lot nil In ilnulnwn : rent , KA. in- < ) lllt 3UI N. V. I.I ft ) bhtu. Tlico. Olft-li. MSTO IT D-TOH HKST , NU'Tl Hlx"1HOM COTTAISR , city wnter nml gat , ccnlrnllr lotnted. Iliiilro | utri-ul. * DriviMtoo.M iioufi' : ; UKNTI.OW. ll\l \ DoiiKlni. o lNT.Sfi-HODM FLATS. MODKHN. newly pnpL'red. Coi"l locnllon.t.'l-'O ench. 8-room lioiinf.moilern , newly impereil. flno loentlon. | irleo t'KJUO. 7-rooin lint , modern. Ill food localltyi fJT.SU. 1 10 room IIOIIM'- , tint , lintli. hot nml cold nler , down tanii.tss.uj. Henn n A ' 'o. MMM 18 -m IIKNT. nu AND nu N. ? JNi ) sTitnirr , inudcrn lmui > o 10 roomnlo 21 HI Cnllfornln street , ilMuclictt house 8 room * MA. Apply 'Wl H.yitl etti'ut. _ 2g 17 * Toii ilK.vr.Tii.wiANT iiuicic nousimy : I'ncllU ! ulri'pl. Hniu > eoii IMnec , f.VJUO. Nlco little eottnt-e , henr llhlh rehonl. fM.OO. i Ivo room tint , corner dunliur nml Vfln. f I3."i0. Hlckn , Nuw York Life llullillni : . ' \ ) -COTTACB , U UOOMS , 810 S. OOTII ST. KlMT' D-l.VlfOOM IIOIJSK. KlMINIHHKl ) , 212 NOIlTIt I7th ftreet ; furnlihlncii for enlo cheap. Sco Neville , corner llarney and V'lith. S19SJ MJ' aiiHKK-iHHi.M nmsisiconNBU ; : IITH J-'nnil N Mreets , South Omnlin. 218 I7 NwAiolKUN ANIM08T DKSIKAIII.K IN thedly. Dort-room nulles. Cnmplete forboioe- cepliiK. his S. Z2d dtici't , T. IVan Horn. 179 D-i'TUNismiiHorsi ! , 5 HOO.MS , m TO MAN nnd lfe. IWH S. lull. 237-87 * _ -KI.AT oni uoo.Ms , s. i : . COHNKH WIIIISTKH and ll'.th , llh water and heiit. t'.D month : i 'i N. liUli M. , pbotoKrapb callery. IneludliiK tvnterand heat , | : )0 ) : bakery and ctote , C''l N. lUth , IGU month. f-earn.KW.S'ew k'ork I.lfe. 24' . ' Ill T'Oll "irKN'K S-1IOO.M 1'I.AT , III11CK , 212/i / Lake M. . with all modem convenlenceH. II. II. Cole , Continental block , or KuuM , bottling works , 'M ' _ TV" , < AND f , UCOM iiiitsis : , Slo.oii TO Jift.W : 1 'I e t residence lints In city. Mead InVt. Cu. . 412 Ilee bulidlni ; . 'J.VJ D-CIIIIAP HUNT. IAItI ( > T AND CIlKAPllST list In the city : 14 nnd up nrd9 U. ! ' llutls room .111. Paxton lllock. 2b.'iA17 > D-KI.AT I'dll ItKNT OK 1OO.M ! . 21) FI.OOK , I.lnton block ; ranee ; newly papered. John Ilnmlln , 1)17 ) S. ltli : ; t. Till -IK YOU WIHII TO Ill-INT A llfif eee 11. K. Cole , Continental block. & & V\-KOU HKNT. 10 IIOOM IKH'SK CIINTUAIJ.V Ji'locntL'il , modern Improvements N.l'.ith. twi -FLAT , 7 UOO.MsT UANHII , AWMNdS AND nil conveniences , } * - ' . ( Jeornu Clouiur ; call at Btoie , 7U1 8. Illtli st. Mil ? -KOIl ItKNT , IWICK yrciUV AND A IIAI.K house , lartie yard , n. e. ejr. ISth and Webster. Inquire C. U. ( iimison , 1514 Farnaiii. M712 D-KOK HKST. SPI.iNlllINiWll-ItOOM : ) : IIOUSK , 21)12 ) KoiiKlns stieet ; bcM location In the city. In quire cf ( ilotio Loan anil Tiu- Co. , ! i > th and lodwe He , , or A. 11. liladstune , IJ1U Douglas street. UXJ D-KOlt HUNT , fi-ltOOM CO'lTAdi : , 1X1 N. : i7TII Ktreet. UU ; 3-rooiu cottiiKe , 23d anil Furniini , I12.W ) . Held \ fci'lby , room III. lionrd of Trade. K4I r6ii K KXT KU KXiHiTToiT it6o3isi r T.ilfK , ttc. , tec In < nf fin' roluifiii on Wi/x / , , iJnlcely fiirnlslied. Steam heat , izas nnd bath ; coii\enlent to business , No other loonier : * . Ad- diets W , lieu. 3o4 IG * | FHU HUNT , ONI ! I.AHCK ANI ) ONK S.MAI.Ij J J.'ontb loom , 2ll".i HoiiKhiH street. mlHi-Vl I12 , SOUTH FltONT I-'L'HNISIIKD HOO.MS , MOD- I Jern conveniences. 2'iiti Harnuy St. : ! ; ( . " > I G * -FirUXIsTlKI ) ItOOM IN ( JIIOII LOCALITY , Ij with all conveniences , to one or tno gentlemen - men , Addiess V 07 lieu. MUSI IB * I/-OUTMIM : itooMsil'iTiTvlariiNisiiKi ) . ALL ljcin\enlences. 614 S. li'th st , , lint C. 301 lli * 1 ? ItOO.MmVVTK FAMILY , 17U1 J-Jnve. I,1 Foil HI-INT. A N1CKLV FiilNl ; > llMI ) HOO.M -t nlth KUU and hath , for two ircntlcir.cn or gentle man and wile. In a pilvate tamlly : n pleasant home to tlio rl lit party ; terms reasonable. 4318 Fariuim Btievt , two blocks from the Htreet cars. M2i.U-IS Tin ; ST. CLAIU iuPKAXioTm. : ) . ou. Kith ii nd Dodtre. will make lo rules for -ooms by the week or month , with or wlthoutboard. WJ l iT F n i x i sTTK iT ltb ( i s. SI.TPA niTi-i ' FOK i Krentleman ort/entleman and nlle ; cunvenlent to Fin llinn street inntor. 2KI S. 24tb stieet. 163 \ fKOU HUNT , NICK1.Y KUIIN1SHHI ) COOL l.JrooniH at northeast corner llith and Howard ; lann mound bulldlni ; ; from i7.0U to Sltl.uu a month. US _ 77 VK11Y PLKASAXT KHONT ItOO.M IN PHI A-yvatu lumlly lor gentleman. bV.i S 2''th ' street. 321 Fur nidi * . He. , KC di'i o/yist column on tMn L , COMtOHTAmKJlOO.\lb ANl KillST- J clash boaul nt 222 N. I'Jth. " 401 nil * 17 KOI : HM.NT , XKWLY FiniNisiti : ! ) IHXI.MS L with buntd , 1707 Dudicu street. M378 Ib * I,1KUHNISIIMI ) HOO.MS AND 1IOAIU ) , ( JAS ANI ) X1 butb. llest location In thu city. Ill S. 17th street. MSU 17 * A KKW IlKSIHAHLH IIOOMS WITH IIOAHD at the Vcmlomo ; satlslnctlon Kiiaranleed. 2lli < I2I8 Noith I'.ith ntreet. M34.'l 18 * l.i-HOOM ANI ) 1IOAHI ) 1-OH TOCIl OH SIX CKN- 1. tlemen ( ir lady leacberfi. New house ; all mod ern. InijUlic'.MS North 2.1rd. M-II7 18 * \f \ PHONT CHA.MIII5H ANI ) AI.COVI ! KHONT i- parlor tmnlshcd or unturnlslred ; tllrht-ehiss boaul. 17U' . ) llodue. liii lli * 1FOll HUNT , HOO.M WITH IIOAHD. 172 , ' DOIHiK Istiect. . VUt IV-KirilNlSHHl ) KOOMS , DAV luJAHD , 210 N.17th i. htri-ol. CU7aS8 * -ltUOMS ; ANI ) DAV IIOAUD 02S SOUTH ITthT -L .M. G-ir.'a' 17 HOOJl AND IIOAHD 2013 DOL'tiLAS STHIIHT J. JI842 S. l.-TWO Kl'llNlSHKI ) SOUTH HOO.MS W IT H I board. 1721 Davenpoit. wu : KOIt KNT KOUMSUAKUK . t'ur nitcK , fc. , fee toil of Jl/vi / , i dim < mi till * p - yep p - TuN FlTu NISI IKI ) KOOM S.Tu IT'ATT.lTToi ' ) : v Iliousekeeplnf , to nuall tamlly , prlcu fit , 17U2 Webster stieet. 287 G KOU HUNT , it HOO.MS TO A SMALL PAM- lly , with all comcnlenccH lortiousekeepln . In quire 11)13 Pierce st. f < i4 ItOAUDINU. furratCK.ftr. , rret i > nf tint rnlitnin nit ( Mi ji8 ( PPLLSIA N " 1 f TusKTlMIU 1 KVlw" ! K7TuTlTloT ? ) ) loan ) , nicer room , cun\enlcnces. intes isnd location It cannot bu excelled. Mm. lloin , prop. 2M-M2 * KOU KlvN P-STOIU'.S AM ) OI-'I-'ICKS. tiir rntrK , etc. , rcr dm ' ' r * ' ruiiiiiiu < > 'i tli't \ > n\jt \ J town , ( iaxe county , teed trndlni ; point , Aildrc < a W 21 Ilee. Mil Hi * _ 'I-STOHl : KOH HKNTIWN. 1I1TH STUKKT. IN lijnlro 1211 N. l'tll utieet. 283 1U > IFOll UKNT , A I.AIKHI STOHK-UOOM IN A IKOOI ) location , belnir No. I.'il.'i Doduu st. Imiulieof Howard II. Smith , U12 New York Lite bid ) ; . V. > 4 17 I WANTKII : IIIINTPHS FOll Iiu.V ) ; , (1HOC ( K 1 fv 1 nnd mint or feed stole , lecntlon very desirable. ( leo. W. P. Coules , 3 board of trade , Omiihn , Neh. MSN ) 17 I - FOll HUNT , TIIK 4bT < UlV 1IHICK lUMLDINC , Iwlth or without power. lormery occupied by Thu lleo PiibllkliliiK Co. , Hid Fiirnnm st. ' 1 bit build- ban a fireproof lenient basemont. complete Mcnm-hcntlni ; II.Mlllrs. water on nil thu lloois. 1:1111 , etc. Appl ) nt the ollico ot Tuo ileo. UI8 " " T-Voil HKNT "ill : SAI.K , MY liril.lllNIi ON 1 Junes St.bet. lUth.V lllb. li.A.I.IndiUlst.3lii | S.ISIh. U7U 1FOll HUNT , TIIK SKCOND FI.OOIIOK ONK OF 1 thu principal dry woods tore In Omaha. Suit able for clotlilnc. lints , raps , i-rockury cnrpets or turnlture. Will rent ultber tliuuiilliu Hour or part of It. Address T 31. lleo. M180 i-hTOllli-T WJH HKNT IN ISIIANI ) OlM-fllA I House biillillliL' . F. J. Sulclllfu , 3U First National Hunk biilldliiu' . Wl 1 FOll HKNT , Till ! OFFICK 1OHMKHLV OCCU- I pled by Alexander .1 Smith In lliaCuntlnental block , cornur room , In perlt-ct order. Frucland , l.oomU Cu. M7aj M'ANTKH TO m-JXr. Ifriatc , fir. , iff Innof fir * : rrliimn ii ( fti < tip/a " K'Oil S UKSIIlAllLi : L'NtTlINISIIKI ) UtIOMS fur IlKbl liuukvkvviitnK- Address W IV , Ilee.MHO MHO * K-WANTKI ) TO HKNT. IIV fiKXTI.KMAN ANI ) wife , u 11 to 8 room liuiiou or Hat Inrnlnlied with conveniences. AdUrvm W VM llooottlci ; . givlni ! lo cality , ti-nuB , etc. .Mw a * K'-A 0KNTLKXIAN WITH TIIK HKST oV IIKK- i-renceu as to soclnl Miindlni ; ami eluirocler , du- sires 11 huiiiu with n jirlvulu fnnill ) . Wlllluit to pny liberally tor It. Addrus-i W 15. Ilee. SJSIu' K " -WA.VrKTri'cT rBST. COTTAtJK "op"s Tt'TT rooms. Address V 61 , lieu ullUe , ulvlni : price. locution , number ol rooms , etc .M164 10 * ltHXTAI < AtiKXOV. _ fur lutcii. ttc. , tee ( oil o/t-rst column on thtt txiae. AJWl tl * lll'NTAIi AOKNOY. Coiildinnl , rU.K. . COLK UKNTAL AtiKNCV , CONTINKN- Jjtnl block. naT _ T -IIKNTAL AdHNT ( IKO. J. PAI'L , MM KAU- J-Jtinm street , bon > e > lorei > . etc. Special alien- lion to mnnnnempnt of rental property. Now lifts first of cncli month , M.'iis A''J ' ' * ' * ' " ' . . IIKAI'KST ANI ) IIIJST STOIIAIH5 1U house In city. Williams A Cros < 1SI4 llnrney. 072 - CLKAN , IIHV ANI ) I'HIVATK STOIlAflK OK furniture , Omaha Slovo licpnlr Works , ' I2U7 Donitlni. G7l , fr. . eloj.ifrtl rotiimu onthd ) i'o ' 1 > Slate kind , size and price. Address P. U. llox 647. city. 34 MU _ " AT-WA"NTKI ) , 120.1 . AT ONCK. TO UK KKTC 11x1:11 : i > In payiuenls of $ : iu per month. Will Klvc T-HI for useof fame. Aililrcmt , V. > 7 , lleo olllce. - UUS HI * T WANTKI ) IIAV I.OOSH OiilAl > price anted. I ) . Morrlll , So Omnlin. MCUi-SI \T-FIU\ITIUK ; u uTtinfi soi-u , sro 1 1 K i ) , i ' WellM. lilt Kurnnin street. H74 KOU H.YIil'J FUuMTUItK. Fur rat ft. fir. , fft. lo nf 'n-fl rnlnmn "II tliH Q-KOIl SAI"i--i'UUNITUHi : . lUD. ) Went Mil" 0KfUNITfllK OK 10 1KHI.M IIOAItDINC IIOl'SK llh | iil\lli'Kuuf louse , .Uj S 21th tlrect , hou'i' > i paying well. .Ui'i li. ' ' lei int. etc. . nfti\i ( \ nf ltr.it rn'iiimii > in Uin p-ou SA iSviv sf vi.sii A N 11 1 licir ' . Kli'd , obedient , fnultlcn ; no trade. P. O. Ilex 76' ' . AUbU 17 * | > -roTiSAijiniKAi'-nuAiT : , DKI.IVKHV AND * driving huri-ei , i'ri',1'.1 North .Mtli utreet. Call at bain tiny time. C. II. Wnlwoith. MBto : 18 * "p-KOIl SAI.K AT A IIAItCA IN , < > NI OK Tl'lT : L handsomest dilrliik' liorrcn In Omiilm : suitable for lady ; nlpo nol > blc ) > t road iic.ii In the city. new. Can be ceen ? . e. corner fstli and l.eavemxnrth st. or call on Dan 11. Wheeler , jr. , Inaurnnce , nnd 1Mb ctr. IJ-- li , lIL'titJvANI ) lIAUNKSd , 1507 N. I'.itll. J- l > -KA.MU/V llOUSKM-HAIt CIM ) lAY tiCXTIiV : 1 and bound tt-VIAI. 11. K Cole , Continental Mn. < \ . 2-'i 17 T > (7l7 SAIK , 1'A.MII.Y c7\"iKIAiK ; , IjTJM & J NleholM' stable , l.'btli and Ijcaven\\ortb 075 KAMIhy-IIOHKK KOIt SAT.K. SINIK ! I ) 1 1 1 V- 1 er or carrbipc teams. Can furnish nny klmloF horhe desired. Call at C. I ) . Woodworth iV Co. , or nddie T. .1. Fleming. Calhoun. Neb. 017 KOll SAIiH 3 Formte' . c'c. , arc ( D.I in' nvl cnliunn onill ( / uii ? . Q PIANO POll SAI.K-CIIKAP KOIt'cASH. "lIAT- lelt .V llavls "upright uland. 7v ! octnve ; In splendid condition. Addiess W. 24 , lice. J',1 II' , ' -Poll SAI.K. Fllliail .1 K 1 1 S K V CO W , K INI ) A N I ) Q Kcntlo , for halu cheap at VKPlcico \ in , .4-l7 ( ; * QQ Q - I'OH SAL1I , LAD1KS' SAUDLI3 , J8.W , WOHTH : SlIUO. 2312 Hnrney. 351 Hi' Q FOll SALK CHKAP Oil THADK. SAKHTV Star : bicycle. Size u'J.v24. Address W. 5 , Ilee. 327Hi * Q-rilt SAIiW , CllliAI' I'D 11 CASH. A o STATION Kinpiirln Ca b Hallway vyrlein cemplete , nearly new. Al > o n MuMer lire and burglar proof sale nnd n lot ul aloro fixtures. Lettun .V Hlnslmw , Kalr- bary , Neb. m12l-l < i * Q-SALK Oil KXCllANtTiTAN l.Ml'OHTKI ) Clyde btulllun , pike M/iUO. llox 1160 Slienamlonb. la. y.'b-l'J' Q-KOIt SAI.K TUI 1IKAD OK COOO KKKDKUS- , nvlKliliii ! I.UUOto 1.1UO , on ra litre nt llenklemnn , Neb. I'or pailleularB address N. A. Dulf , Syraeu.-.e , Neb. , or Denver Live. Muck Com. Co. , Denver. Col. 22 : > Sll - 1'OHSALK , TUN TO riKTKKN THOUSAND Q1'OHSALK tuiiHk'oud Ice , l.o. b. cars , Sioux City , lu. Jas. K. llooie , \ boils , 25iAlU Q I'Oll SALKlTll LKASK. THK"JNKST NK\v - -Paper plant lu tbeiioithwest ( Jood patr < inaic. Address U 3ii , Uiaalm Ilee. J1.17U n J * Q-KOll SALK ( iOOD ANI ) COMl'LKTK FIX- tuies ol meat maiket ; excellent location und luwieiit. .M. A. Upton Co 'Ml MISGUlTTiA X liO U T rorralc * , rtc. , MCtnt of mt cntitmn "it l/i.t / ( jxiye. "LKju 'rowiiTK TIIK NKTw npi ) svstem of "hurt hand , the easiest learned , most rapid and li'Klblusystem In existence. Wiltu for paillculara and terms tor mall lessons. "If/ * -"i'.i Spiucu ktieet , Omaha , Neb. ! t3 | Hi * -HAI.DXKSS POS1T1VKIA CUHKD ; NO .MIH IVtako about It ; send for descriptive clicular. Ad- diess "Antl-Ilald , " box 2'J.i. Davenport , In. ' " K Sl'Ul Nf IV I ULL CK.M KT1IH Y KINlT'LOTs" , liixlts. lur ! ; Knives , $ IU. Olllce , No. 701 N" . liith : tel. No. ailor nny umlert.iker. JUIIiiS l > -.MASSAiK ( TKKATMBXT , KI.KCTHIVrllKH- IXiiiul hatbs , sealp and hair treatment , iminlciiru andchliopodlst. .Mis. Postil'jv , : ; b loth.Wlthucll blk. 8711 - TIIK HULL THU > S POS1TIVISIjV CU1IKS RTIIK rupture. Cull nrid see It at Hoom li , X. W. cor ner DoiiKlas nnd IJtb , from i to .1 p. in. 11. Hick- man state agent lor patentee. b3ttt : * T-OODPASTUIIK ; KOH 1IOHSK3. T. MUHHAY 844 R KNCHAVINU.IIIIUJHA.M CO..SOUT1I OMAHA MM lUll * R.-S. ( i. STIIVKNSON , CAHPIINTKII SHOP , 28 A. l.cavenworth sts. Kstlmates made on all car penter n oik. Mii'XI-A-U ) OuMUVOYANTS. I'or ratf , ( I- . , ccc In i Crevelatlons. CliallenKes Ibu world , ills. Dr. .M. I.e iax e.dead trnnceelalrvo > ant.ntroloul t.piilmlst nml lite leader ; tells jour lite Horn cradle to KDIVO : unites the sepnintcd , CHUSCH mnrilaire with tliu one > uu lo\e ; tells u bero j on u 111 succeed and In ulint Inu-lness best ndapted tor ; lias thu celebrated Kuyptlnn breio-tplnto lor luck and to destroy bad tubueiiccs ; clues tits. Inlenipcrnycu nnd all private complaints Nllh massime baths ami alcobul treat- incut. Send * : . ' , lock ot liulr , iiamo nnd dale ot birth nml lecelve accurate lite eliint ; 2 cenls In stumps tnr clieular ; ilves Initials ut onu 31111 vtlll mail } , aim photos ol same. Oliieti 1017 South llth sticei. Hist lloor ; liouiK.Hn.m. lo'.li. | m. Comu one , comunll.aml beeonvlnced uf this \\omlurlnl oracle. M7U7 Hi * CJ-.MHS. NANNIK V. WAHHKN , OLAlltVOVANT , 'trance speiiklim'rltlm ; and reliable biiblness medium , fouryetiis In Oiuiihii , ll'J N. loth. I'.TS O-.MHS. KOIIT. I'AL.MISTANDliYl'SY KOItTUNK tOleller. Tells past and luture trom lines ot tliu hand. Kee , JI.UU : ladles only. IUA N 2Uh. L'p stnlrs. MASSAUH. i : ATI IS , I'/rc. or H'trp. < [ c. , nc ( up nf l.ral rnliimii on this \ia \ , 42UIS. IftTH , 3i IMOUKONAIj. F rr < : texftr. . . Kt.tn\t \ nf Uml inlumnnn tilt * UWKSTKItNr ( VK.STLKMiN : VKsVIVlsY "rmT : ncqiialniaiice Of eiistein ladle * tbroiiuli cones- pomlence. Inr matilmuny or iitber\\lse. ndilieKs with stamp , .Mu-Cur-llureuii , box 1V4'.I , Ilostnn , .Mass. U-l. II. CA-SKLMAN CAN LIIAHN SOM I-ITIIINI ) of f.'iU.H ) mileage book he lost by addiesslnu ad- vortUli'K department of tlio lieu. Kill Hi * f T tTin'rsluT'ro THK KOLLMWINCJ PIIHSONS t'July 11) , .1. W. Vlnlon. Neiiruska SuvlnuH hunk bull. is. .Inly II. II. , I. Whlttleton , Kmerson Seed Co. , ball : i.V July 1' ' , M. Copenliarve. compositor on Ilee. ball 13. July 13 , Kd. N. llronn. 121 N. ll.th. ball 13. Harry llruuu. si A | ( i * ' rolllllISPOND , KOU AMirSKMK.Vl' OlTsiAT- ilmony. Pleasing' , cunienlul coricspondentH se cured. Full funiculars ( bcaledj IU its. llo.v.'ii , Omaha , Neb. Mj 1U * TTx UT AX i > TTvN < Tu A u K" ' J'oi1 m'lw , ' ( „ nf dm or ftl. i-nliiiiiii nil HIM nut. ' " " " ' " " ' ' "OK NKW > York City , vocu'l studio , Stli Mcc'naue bullilliiic. uiu si * V-HIIKOIIll IIUVINIi A I'lANO K.XAMINITllT : : ' new hcalu Klmbnll piano. A. Honpe.lfilJ DuuKluo. MO.NKV 10 LOAN-HIM I. K VI'A I R. tnr niff > , cf. , fee tni nf i rot niliiHiii MI till * JKKK. TTF-rji 'io I.OAN ON x'sir "m All A > ten I < tnte , V. ta. lleo olllce. .M2UI-17 * \ \ -MON1IV TO LOAN ON Oil A II A PHOPKHTV , ti Fidelity Trust coinpuny , liill Faruum. Ii87 A\r-CiN'UlAl4 1.OA.N ANDTIIUSTCO1IKK HL1K ) 22 usA _ _ _ A V F1HST , rx HKCOXI ) MOHTIJAC.K LtAXS. it money litre. Aloiandur .Moore , 401 Hut ) build- Inx. iwi _ \\r-HAltANTHKD ? MnilTGACKS ON SAUPY. i Tbnyer , Cumlnitund Htiinton Co , lund tornulo by 11. T. Clarke. ID Hoard of trade. \ \ .OA.Ns7w.ilHAIllllS , U. iO ' ' \\r-AXTIIONV IXAN ) AND THUST CO. . 313 N. V. ' i Life , lend nt low rales fur chulco seuurlty on J cbru ku or lu u aruit , or Oumlia city property. \\r IlUILIIINfl LOANS 0 'IX ) 7 1'KH CKNT : NO ii additional clmriien forcomrultsloiioriittoruey'a fccY. . 11. McUle , llr t Nolloual baak bia't : . Ct3 ) . \ . Y .O IOAN HI C f.i.u ft. \V-MONKV ox IIAND.M-O LOAN ox FIIIST 'i morlK.iuo on Omnhik' lty property. Cha . W. llnlney. UIA Omnlin Nnt. Imnk bbht. M'4.1 _ v\r- i "FiTfi "nixr Kiiis-tMiTTiK. KOANA nrd C. Pallet son , 107 Ni V , Life , MOXHY TO IjOAN UU XTT.'JI.H. Ini' [ Witt , fie , , retni > fi i < r l nilimiiiiiii " l/i / ( . < j ii l X. V. LlF'tm A. - . fl'.p2 | * V-MONKV TO LOAN ox HOHSKS. WACONM. Vfurnltiirc. pianos and riMluliT * ! security. Musi ness conildentlitl. Kied Tarry , U. 433 UIIIIIKU bl'k , My loam nro so utranired that you cnn mnkf n pnjiiH'nl ntnny tlmu nnd reduce both the prlnclp.il nny Interest. You will nnd It to your ndvnnlnito In see melt yon wnnt n loan , or If more convenient call lip tel ephone 1 ! > 2 ! and your biuliuss cnn bo nrrnnued lit iiome. Money always on Imnd ; no dclnyi no publicity ! lowest rnles. II. K M-iitprn , room 4 , Wlthnoll block , lAth nnd llnrney street * . li'.W V-MONKY TO LOAN.TO. : m AND 10 DAYS ON v furniture , etc. DiiiT ( irecn.lt. 2UConlliientnl blk. 7IJ2 \r-MONKV OX KfllNMTHUK. IIOHSKS. KTC. , v Keystone Mortcnce Co. . room 21H Sheely blk. KU -MONKV I.OANKD : CII.UTKL SKCI'ltlTvl tlQ.Ut ) . 2ll.Cuinln''si. MH20 nI3 1IUSI.VKSS CIIAXCI'IS. Tor ratr * . ' ( < „ xr. tup nt i rut column nn t/i / ( . < i mie , \rTO MlLLUItS : TIIK t'lTI/IINS OF PAXTON , Klcth Co. . Nebraska , want n ( 'noil , practical mil ler to come anil build a mill and operate It for nil It Is worth. Paxton Is situated In the midst of the finest Krnln protiuchnsection in neitern Nebraska , on the main line of the I'nlon I'm tile II. II..and will have for shipment thli ea on 21XIUM ) bushels of wheat alone. This Is a Hue opportunity for a coed man with modernte cupllal. who will receive every encouragement from the cltl7Cti * i.'eiierally. Ad dress at finee , L. K. llatton , postmaster. M.UU 17 V-WAX'I | ; r-TO HKST KUHNISIIKI ) IIOTIIL ; 1 NvbriMkii to\n. Addres.s llh pnrtlcul.irs ami term"N 2.1 , lice. 32I-1U * \r Dlll'i ( STOIlK POH SALII. ( iOOD LOCATION , dolUKKood iKIiiesx. lu\olcu$4UOU to4'iOU ; terms cnsh. Addres < W II lieu. 8-17 lli * Ar-l'I'OCKHY ' HUSINK.-S , ( iOOD LOCATION. LOW 1 rdit. Hoik MUit. iooi | older , estnbllslied tinde : poor bealtb , must sell. Address W ID , lice. M3ii : : is * A PHYSICIAN CAN SIICKHK ( iOOD COt : N- I try loeatlou wlthotit op | > "sltlon by liii > lini prop- city. "H , " 22r.l Spruce btreet , Omiihn , Neb. y -STOCK roii SALII. i OWN KKSIITY SIIAHKS I of stock ( $ IUi ) each ) In one of the best Trust comp - p : n'es ' In the city of Omaha , with n paid up capital otSMXJ ! , whlcb I will exchange for llrsl-class , un- Ineiinil orcil leal u < lale In or near Ibis city or south Omaha. Addles , Lock llux , No. 2JII , Omiiha. m17-l6 : * Y"A HOOD OFFICK MAN HA VINIi 51.KW TO f I..MIO J can puichase an Interest nn established and profitable business. This Is a rare opportunity to therlcbt man. Address W Iti , lleo jlllce. MUMH : ; * \r-FOH SALK AN OLD KSTAHLISIIKI ) MANU- facturer1 * agency and commission business , located - cated In the center < if business. Only small capital required. Addi ess W ( i , Uee olllce. J1J28 IS Ar HKST OPKNINC IN THK STATK FOlt A 1 hurncssmaker. Addiess. K. H. Taylor , fcholton , Neb. 312 II , * LKiiiT PLANT KOU SALK IN I county seat limn nit hin SU miles of Onmh. i. Two dimimiiK , cup.iclty 1.VJ Hi C. P. lamp . one lill II. P. WcslliiKhouse engine. two ) II. P. boilers , will sell for one-third cost pr lie. half cash , balance unlitctim- Lered real estate. Address W 3 , cuiu of Omaha Ilee. W.'sll Y-KOH SALK OH THAI II , STOCK OK DHY Lf.'noil , boots , shoes , hctt. . < ps. irloves , mittens , almost new ; Invoice al'Oi-.t ' il.U' ' U : must be sold on account 111 health. Address , Lock lo.v ; II , Lcl b.Neb. 272 Hi * V-KOH SALK , ATA IIAKIiAIX. NICKLY K1TTKD I up leslaurvnt. Inquire , Ilrovui's Heslanrant. Lincoln , Neb. 24'.P lli * -KOH THADII OH KXCHAXlJK KSTAH- VKOH SALK. , - I Ilihucl buslnes' ) . P. O. box .MS. M20'J V KOH SALK OH HKN.T. IIOTHL , WITH on I without furniture : KIIIH ! coiintv seat town. Ad- dre > B ( inrtlcld Co. Hank , liui well , Nub. 1W > 18 * \r-.CO.MPLKTK LINK OK CONKKCTIONIIIIV , with oyster and Ice cruam iiarlors , In most de sirable location for icslaurunt business , at n bur- UIIM. | Must sell on account of III health. I'or lull particulars address Lincoln llureau of Omaha Ilee. lUth and O , Lincoln. Neb. .I7U Hi * V KOU SAI.K. HKST PAYINi IIOTKL PLANT IN 1 Omaha ; lou lease. I'or price , terms , etc. . nil dress James Cnsey , Hotel Casey , Omaha. M'.i.V > Hi * V WA NTKD. K.VI'KHIKNCKD DHY 1SOODS i salesman with i-ood relerenci.- lake hall Inter est In fcl.UUt ) stock ; a coodcash pujlnir business for a new bcKlnnu : Address Cbas. Houmlch , btanton. Neb. VII III- Y DO YOU WANT A ( iOOD IIUSI.VKS.S.HUY Till : CoinmeicluLtlie IcailhiK liotel Broken How , Neb. S.11 V-1''OUHKXT. TItnSKCONM ) KI.OOll OK O.VK OK L the principal dry uoint4i > toruj lii Om.ilii. Suit- nliln forclotldnv , Intta. eipt , vrookurjr. carpets or Inrnltiire. Will rent ultlior tliu entlru tloor or part of It. AililrrhHTSI. USD. .Mis ; i'"oi ; Rs.anGK. . l''nr rfitr.ftc. . , " . ' In , o' rut iMmr'i'i nu thix nine. r/- ! . ( ) fN flCAH SToFlC TO KXC1IANUK KOI : / ' s. KVIIIIK , rai Puxton biiiK. IMI-H'- r/-1 VKUY CIIOICH NUIIIIASKA KAIIMS 'I . K. /J chanec or will sell at u mcrltlce. Kvvn. ' . ' chiinzo. ; I'M Paxton bill'/ . " ! - ' ' ' V \VANTHII ( ) tI ) ) STOCK 11OOM1NC II'K.M- 'J tiiro In t-Aflinncp lor cooil lota. Kviir.d II.V- climn.'e , IK ! ) Pa.xton lililK. IITI-li' , ' Z TO TUADK , xnw snwi.vc ; MXCIIINK I-HJII ilrlvliik' borne. AtKlrcus K. J. , IMIi Diinnlan titieet. .M."U7 18 * KUUX1THIIK. . CinAltrl ANI ) CASH FOll CITY A/orluiui piopcity. Aililiecu W - ' - ' , lice. : I7I : IU' / - TUAIIK-fO AC1IKS OF ( iOOD SIKiAIl /Jbeel lilinl neiiriiniiid I.-liail for n No. 1 drlvliic lioii-e iml bnwy. II , L. Hurkcl , imiluilaker ' 'llli anil Cnniln sts , M > ,2-1S TPOlt K.\rilANjK. ( THKKi : TltACTS Ol'1 TIM- /JlicMi'il Innil 111 Ki'iitnck ) , IW , L''ill anil .MK ) acres Cr.cli : prlcu SS.IW per rcre. Will I'M'tinimn lor mer- rlinnillMwcwti'rii I.mil or city propeity nml us inne some encniiibiance. S ml ile 'criptlon of . .bat > on bave to olfer to M. S. llunn , Imyt on , O. ,141 lli * rNKW CONN "WOXlTKU11 COIINIJI' TO KX- /Jeliiince for bleyclo , casli. or olfcrs. 1) ) . W. Howllt. liertniinl , Neb. 21-lli * rVOIl i'XCIIANIJK , MODKUN IIOIIS1AXI : ) /Jfnll lot In IhoiM'om iiiiico , lor viieant property. Aililress W I lleo. ; f.u ! r/-TO liXrllANIiH : I.ANI ) ANI ) CASH KOU /Jinetcliiiiiillse. Aililreta 0. 1 ! . Young , ShiMinn- iloab , Iowa. M:10I : 'ii' r/-WH.I. M.VCIIANOK KAll.M IiANDS FIIKK OK AJencaiiibnoico for Omaha city pioperty. If pro- iluctlve will ussiiine Kimill innonnt. llKi'les.s to ot- ler beiivlly mortciiKcil property , ( ieo. A. Hlckok. 1'ieniont. Neb. 2JII-S1 / -11-- YOU HA VI ! AiOUI ) UPltKiHT I'UNo'v'tnJ /Jwiint to e.vcli.unfe lor clear lot wortn * JJJ. nil- ilrt'MiTSI , lleoolllee. Ib7 ' / W A N TKI ) TO TIIAOK , KKW KUllNI'I'lJll K S-Jlor n Kooil utroiii ; lioiso. Aiblre.-is r 'M , lleo. Ml 8. y-cnoicn PAUMS TO KXCHANIJIKOH : jinu- AJchiiiullse : ttrlto me. W. K. Wells , llnrwell , Neb. ' rKOU HXCIlANfJH. 1 IIAVK''IO Al'HKS CI.MAH /J.Nehraaka laiiil ami u l moiljrii rutlilencii In Omaha to O\CIIIIKO | : lor'Kooil ' stock niercliamllse , Insble vncant propertyufucros , owners uililrens. P. O. liotiiiii. ilmulili. , MU-17 KOK SALK K Ij KSTAI'K. Fur inti * , ttc. . ffr tni > nf F.i-st co'iiiiui ' on l/ifs | ip/c. t Look at tbi'M ! uluKiUit resilience sites. Tbe llnest In tbe clly , anil then call nml net prices. Corner .list ami Popplctnh . iui.vl.'JI I'ornuriilbt uml Woolwortb . ioow Coiner.lViIiiinl Wonhuu-tli . { , U\ISU llni-t front on IlUt , north' Of Woolnoith . Coiner lUl ami Pneltle. , . iniil'jl Corner H2il anil I'uclrle . . , ' 1 . ll.Uxl.VJ Coiner : ltli anil Paelttn. . r. . EtUlli Wi t flout oaSIH soiujj of Piieitlc . Corner l.oHoave. anil JatUsiin st . IKJxIM Hlck , iicciit. New York I ' .He. : H ; 111 1 011 HAI.K. 40 ACia'wl T ( ) ! CITY NIIAIl 1 new liilrirrouinlii. tl.Viiier aero or will divide In IDiicio lol" fcl.'iO per ni'ro.rnurtb curly . W per acre. litlVticorKln incline i ) ais ic _ ( \ P. U. TIIHMINUH. ONI.Y SliAPOIlT ON K.NI1- \J , llsh Mill on Hie Pncirc coiiht. Slennmlilps In tbeOrlent e\cry two weeks : commeice ir.pblly In- crcniiliii ! . Tiiiile in Inniber mill coal calna M per cent over htbt yetir ; viilaeK la icalty low. Aibbesii Itobert li.'Muckuy , Vancouver , II , C. Hunk refer- euciii. MillM7 ; _ A r KIIIIASKA KAll.M LANDS HASTKHN , ' CIJN ii tial nml wentern from ti to { Ml per acre. .1.11. livann. .MM N. V. I.lfe. 271) ) SU KMIC < ! AN'lM10l' iTANIUT , iTAN > CO.MPIAt1i : , I J.I l.lu b.iruiiln It tukeii quick , lleo. N. Hicks. N. Y. I. lie bnllillni ; . : > ' . ' li ) 1 0.IW AfltlWI.ANI ) KOIl.SM.K.f IJ rKIl , KIUNK llln. ( liit > enno uml Klmball lOiinlleH , Nt-lirasku co. IIPeUir onJIII3 H. Mill et. , Oiniilni. SSHl H It i ou ol. " l OMAHA I'liiil'Kirri KS. nus INISS. : J tmekiiKHor lunlilencu , no to thu l.i.nlbu reul cnuto < lealer In t-omli Omiilm , 1M. Joliimoa & Co. , corner Sltti uml N atreetii. VUI I OIl SAI.K-KASY TKKMS.TlUMK.S FOll HO ) A II.UW ) , II.3U ) . | LIUI nml up. TiiUo munll clear prop erty u purl-payment , o , ( i. Wulluce , Urown block. ICtli nml lloiijilu . v.O VOIl SALK-ON KA8Y TCIIMH , ,1 8TONK IlKSI- i denceiii nil uiuilera ImprovemcnH : will tiiku nooil city or farm proiicrlr lu part payment ' - , ly tioara vt u a . KOH SAI.i : lUJAIi HS ConU'l ' MKN OK TIIK IJNITDD STATKH , Vneven-tenltifi of tin-in , nmilo tliolr money out of rrnl mtnlo or Iniul spccnlntlon. Probably none nf them ever hull n clmncit to beuln their upccnlntlon ( or li > > tlinnllo. Tlu'OpiHirtunlty will In- open to yon nil Mil' week to pnrclinpii n lol In Oinnhn > Inlejt niblltlon for flO. Ten ( lollnr * Is full pnuncnl for n nlco level biilhllni ! lot. enllrely free nmi clenr from morl 'niic or InoiimbriinccMi m runty ileeil.iibjtructof tlllu uml llthovinpheil pint Klven with enrh tolfotO ; no tn.x line on tbl niblltlon tintll .Iiiimnrv I. IS'.r ! . liny n lot for your chili ) : try whnt you em iio with ono yourself In ( lie wny of n triiili- . These lots Inlve n Kooil lutnrinml " 111 s > iirprl i } yon nil by Kvttln Into minielioiiyfi wnj- one of tbesoiluyK. Then you will nil reuret lost opportnnlly to t'ocomon ' f eeliobler n ncll nR tlio oiiner of Oiindm renl eslntewhen yon ronbl IIIIVP purelinseil lot ut (10 eiieb. Hnle nil this Heck nt SID South 1Mb ntrcct. ienil1. cents potneo for plnti nml full Information. Cliurles llenlnmlti. volvnKent. Cut this out , It limy not appear nu-iiln. R'K 1i ( < _ _ _ _ _ ' i.i oijiw Koit s.vi.n ON IASY : TUHMS : noisis : Jifo'r rent. Aildten ( iermnn Anicrlcnn fr.vlnit bank. CM 'TUN AC-HI : THACTCI.OSITO"CITV. : A spii\iTn : I linrcnln for cusb. tieo. N. Hicks , N. Y. I.lfe H li ! . SVJ 111 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i ron SAI.I : . ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS AsT ) i very clicup. n number of house * In illllcreut nnrtsof tbe city : win tnnlo ciiultles for vncsnt lots. TbeO. K. llnvli Co. Ji'4 AM LOST. I'mriilft rlrwrtftu ti' rrl ro.i/nin on X K blniiket on Kiirimni street near 2ltb str.-et Moloininn who | lekcd II up plca p return to I'bns. SlilrcrU-k , \ Co. uml receive re ard. : iii.i Hi" . r (1ST ( I'Allt fol.l ) KIMMKI ) SI'KCI'ACLhH J JMlltiiblu rewind lur leliiin to I4UJ DuiiiiUs stieet. SMI STKAM KIO.YT1IKK KHXOVATOll. /'or nttif , if' . . > r tn : n > rut inlninn nni ( . < jt'/e , BKDS. Ticixf A > TiTpiTZoTv vTsTrn7nTK eisboutibt. Mall ordcis promptly Illli d. \\urlc called lor and dell veied. Krnnk Ansonlst\Kranklln : ( t.'J7 . PATi XT KOMtMTOItS. t'nrntrx ilr. . " > ii : ' n nt i.m nitnmn nntlni j ) ' I SUCH \ Co. . lleo biilldlnx. Oinitli : ! . Neb. llrnnch Olllce at Waslilinilon I ) . C. Consultation fu'e. iM Ti iol ; . "i A xTtlTv i i "iTTr.uTTi TrmoxT" r riiiff , fie. , ( .re tnii rf ' i-ft cnl'tinn nn Ili/.i / j 77A rKNT 7Tmc7n DUA\vi N"is ( -I ineparcd Ini. ( i. W. sue < & Co. . Omaha. Neb. 177 1'ATTI'ill.NS AX I ) 101)1.L ; ; . R SANDHHSON. COHNHH 1&TU ANI ) JACKSON. : SJ A 2J' niPUOVEJltST UlC 1)1(1)1 ) ( ) Ji clllic ACli FOR 15 YEARS All u < u-r < < of TYl'KWItlTEtl-s huvc fi tbe nocoss ly r tbolr bolus Improved. You will " ; In the I'i'ciii'er ' ' m M il Typewrite The latost-ind I cat.Vi > L'laliiii and Insm-o- linn and trliiI provn It. "I'lio .Must Iliirablo In Alignment. IC.isIosl Kiinnlii , an I .Most , Silent. All typo cli'iiiiod In ton seconds vlthout stilling the hands. Sutul for oataio ui : . The Smith Premier Type Wrilui * Co. K. U. Ji\vin\v : , M.iiiugur. _ HitJ'j l-.iriiit n strcat. O'n.ih v. N'ub , PROPOSALS "KoTt iuiTJritj.N : ol < ' sUiiooh bulldaiirs. III-AIIT.MINT ) : or TIIU ISTIIIIOII. : Ori'ici : inIMIIAN Ai'r.uits. Juiy lUth , Ihill. .Sealed proposals , en mrsed "I'rouos ils Tor erection of school hinlfKii s. " and addivs-i-d to Ihu commissioner of Indian iiR.tlrs Wnsh- liulon , I ) . U. . will no received at this ollleo until 1 o'clock of August lUth , I Ml . fur the election of throe lanro sehool buildings on the shiisliono Itidiiiti reservation In Wyoming at a point to bo seloetod by HIP Indian iisoiit. tliu main bulldlni : 10 bo ll\l .tho nii-.s' dormitory 4i.\TI. : and Ihu hoys' dnr iltory .Mivv. ' ; a so fur the ore I Ion of tlio Korl lla.l lii.ll.iu liidus- tilitl Hcluiol nor lilacfoot. ! Idah'i. a frame dorniliory building mix 11. all In no ordauco with plan- and Mi ullloatlons that m.iv be i > \ - a'nliii'd ' at. tin-olll-us of the "Id-public in" of Denver , Co1. ; "I'm' HUB" of Uinaha , Neb. ; Trllimo"of ) Salt I < a.'oUlty : the " > un" of Cheyenne. Wyo..iiiiil the "Joiirntil" of Helena , MenU ; also at the t-hushotio Agency. Wyo. , an I thr I'nrt Hall s-cho d. 1 laho. Illddors will liu required to submit separate bids.for o.u'h bulletin ; ; , and to slate the len.-th of time | iropose < l to ho eon umi-d lu their con- strncllon cr.irriFiKU CHUCKS. Kiiuli bid must bu accomuan o 1 by a eertl- flcd ulict-k or dr.ift upon MIIIIU United fct.aos doiiosltorv or somu olvenl national bank In the vielnlly of ( ho bhldoi's place of huslnens. iiaval.h ; to thoordorof thu cuiiiniN'ionor of Indian ulfalri. for at least . " > perecntof the aiiioiinto' the iiroposal , which uhi'L'lc or dr.ift shall he forfeit lo the mtud States In onso nny bldilor or hlilduisrci-ctvur ; an 'iwiinlhli'ill full to iimmptly ovoeulo a coalra'-'t wltli Kood nnd siiilleloiit .urL-tlos , othurwUo , to bo ro- tiirned to the bidder. The rlKht Is rered to rolect anv orall. bills , or any p in of any bid , If doomed for tlio bent linen-si ot I hn M-rviee. THOMAS .1 , MOICliAN. Coinnilss'onor. ' ' . OK TIIK 1NTKUI It DKI'Altr.MKNT Ollleo ot Indian All'a rs , Wiisliliu'ton I ) . C. Aiiuust 4 , Iti'JI. i Infdru oliiK nti\i-rt. u- iiii-nt bus been so Tar modllled as to ponlpono thooponliiK of bids until ono o'clock i > . M. . AucustSi. 18:11 : until wl leh tlmo bids will , l > locolved us abo\o sot forlh. It. V. IIKl.Ij I'l'opos.tls tor Kiirtul tiro. Hy resoliii Ion of llio City Co.moll , p'is-ort July 21 , 1S1I1. ( ho Uomniltlcu on I'tinlli : l'roi- | urly and llulli.hris were instriiutod lo nv.tu bids for fiiriiNhlni ; tlio oity ha > l of Oniahi , Nobrasua , until 'I'liesday. August , Isth. IK1I. at ft o'i'lonU p. in. K R'h bid Icr to fiirulsli Ininr own plans , t-po.-ilie.itloiis an.I dotalod diaw- ln s. to tiuiiompiiny but , Ir' ' " of all cost to llio oily , and to furn .sh a ui'HIUd ohoi-k In l lit' .sum of J.'i.i ( K.oi ) , payable to llio elty of Omah ' . to bo forfo.tcd . m case pirtv : fahs to furn sh the roiiulrod bond whleli nill bo In the .sum yf oipial lo ( loub e > the ninouiilof llio ac-c't-pti'd bid , for the f.illliful pt'ifofnitineo of Ihc ron- traut. Illds lo ho iiililivxiu I. marUoil "I'l'iipi- ) sals for furnlturo for eltv ball. " lo the ( , 'o.n- inlttuuon I'lihlk-I'ropi'ity and llulliliiitfNUIty C'ounell of Oni'ilia , euro lity ! UlorU. The I'liun- ull rcsorvi's the ri-'ht to tojecl any or all bids ) , IIKXKY OSTIIOl'I' , I t'onimltti-oon THOMAS R TUTL'fjE. H'ub'le I'm-wrty O. SI'KUIIT , and llull'llii''H. ' | J.V.Mil''i't ' ' I'ropos tls I'mVault I''i.\liir . Thu uudor.ilKiied Coiiiinltteoon l'iililc ; I'rop- cityiind llullillir.'s. will roui-ivo lilds up lo . "i o'eloek p. m. Au u-,1 1Mb. IM.I , for fiiniKhlni ; complolo tlio v .nil llxturo-t In the cKv h.ill of Omaha. Illddors to fimilMi ul.ilis. spO"llli'a- tlons and dotallod dr nvlii-s without eliar 'o to llio eltv. llaeh bid to bo accompanied with n cottlllod ohock In MUJ sum of f.'iD.OJ , and the siieoes-ful bidder to turn. ! i a p > d mill MI III- olont , I.null In twicr- the ainonnt of tlm no 'opt ed bid for tlio faithful pnrfor.iiauc.oof UK > con tract. All bids to bo marko'l "I'rop'isalH for fur- iiisblnK vntill llMtirus. " ,111 I to iio adilriHHul lo tliocommltlL'o at the City i.ur : ! < 's ollico. The ( Jiimiull reserves thu rls-it to ri'Juot liny orall bids. IIKNICV OSrilDl.'R I Commltleoon THOMAS TUTTI-n. . Vl'ubllo ' I'ropjrty O. SI'KUirr. I and Itulldin s. Notice to Contrauto.s. * Proposals \Vlrin-'f'lty Mull for Tolophonos. 10 tied piopo.salb will bo rueulvu.l ul the of- lli.'o of the city elcrl ; of the elty of omitlia. un til Tuesday. Aiie. icih. IMI' ' . at ft o'clock p. m. , for wir us city hall for telephones ui-cor-linK to p tins and Murllcatlons ; ; on llio the In ollico of I'owlor it Ilelndorll' , uruhlti'ds. Kiu-h bid to bo aceoinpuiiliMl hy it iMu'tllk'd chuck of illW.uo anil tlio sncihsfiil bldiii-r lofiiiniha nooil nnd siillloeiit l end In double the 1111)011111 ) of llio coiitrnrl. All bids to bo in'irUod " 1'rouosals for wiring elty ball for lolephonus. " anil to Im addro.i > o > l to Ihu l.'oininllli'o on I'nbllo 1'ioportv and llilllilln H tit the City t'loik's Ollico. llld to lie opeiiod Ail''iisl IMIi , Ivt1. The t'oiinull n'M'i'vi's thu rlu'hl to rnli'vt any or nil b.ds. IIKNUV O.vrilOKK. TfiOMAS I' . TUTTI.H , C. Hl'l-X'HT. C'oiiimltti-oon I'nhllu I'roporty ' und llulliiliin's. Oniahu , AUK. "Ill , 1K ) | . alJilil' Notioj. Illds will bo ro.-plvi-d up In Hopto nilior M ism. by the Hoard of I'arU I'limmisiloiiPrii fur the purt'liuHO of ti3 uoros moro or loss of Hind for I'lirU purports , lyiiur north of Ann niivonuu and wltliln II miles of the elly ilmlianurlhiiirl wt-Bt. Hlds to bo built to SUITJliiry of Iho bOliril. Al'UI'HTI'H I'HATT , iiliidlt ( Jhalrmmi of t'ommlltt'O. Nollui ) . I hereby notify all HuslnfhS houses thnt I will not pay uny bllU contracted by Mrs. Jt'UlllO tJCllOttrill. OlJAB. tJLIIOITHN. ulCUll , * OMO 1MUU VIA. O.MAIIA. t < ho OfToppiI to tlio Coin- in K Hat'vcNt IO\iMtrNlonl tH. The dofoctlon In the Western t'lissoMRor nssociation as avuloncod by the notion of the St. 1'aul lines In ilc.mutul.tin to bj pluood on nn cqunl footing with the Kitnins City lines in the mnttorof harvest excursions , Is look- oil upon with great satisfaction by the agents of the western lines , who reallzo thnt n rnto of ono fnro to the rlVor from all pJlnU lu the territory of the Western association Is bound to come. The agents of the western lines say the association cannot discriminate ninlnst ? ono section of Us territory In favor Of another , nntl the application nf the St. I'mil lines will Do pr.iutod. This will open tlio way for n one-faro rnto via Omrtha ns a matter ef course. 1'hls rcitm'lloii In r.ito * will have n henellc- Inl effect In Increasing the tralllo.biit railway turn predict u harvest for the sc.tlpur.4 : who will uiko advantage of all the opportunities offered by the reduction. I . Is reported from San Fr.inelseo that H. A. > lohnson , the itoncral airent of tlio freight ilcpartmi'iit of the Union 1'acillc at Hint point , has roslinioil. This is neither denied nor eonllrmed at headquarters , where It h stated that nothing oHIclal has been received of this nature. ' The HtsrlniKton will run ft speda ! train from Omaha and South Omaha next Wednes day , tlio 'Jiith Inst. , to Creston , la. , for the ac commodation ot thnio who wish to visit the blue ( rnss palace. The train will leave Omaha In the morning and return the even ing of thi' same day. A bout three hundred colored people went to Kcd Ouk , In. , on the HurliiiRton ycstorday to attend a camp montui which Is in pi'ojrross there. The crowu returned about 0 o'cloclt this morning. Do Wilt's , Little Enrly niseiHestllttlc pill ovrr madu. Cure cor..stip.uion cverr time. None equal. Use them now. Music .Umlor tin ; " ret" ) . The Seventh ward band will clvo a con cert In Hanscom park tills nfternoon at It o'clock under the loiidctMliip of I'rof. Stcln- haus > er. The programme is as follows : I'AitT r. Mnri'h , Golden Oalo Dalhpy Poinoullvlvan ! Doll Adlcr Andli' . Ui'll ioiis Holllnsnn t-olucllnu , lolanthe Sullivan I'AUT II. Ovcrature. Vlllaso l.ifo D.ilbi'v MKctore from III Trovatoro Verdi San I la no ( Span sh val.-e ) Corbm Urand Si'lcctlon , Itolifinlan Ulrl llalfo I'AitT in. filorln. from thu I''lb mtiss Mozart I'll i tat Ion , Daneo Charautorlstliio Ha.lu'y 1'olka. , loll > Chinaman ar lloultRcr Orand Maroh. Pale-itno Cciium in.Iry lohnson PeWitt's Little liariy Kisors ; boit llttlo pills fortlyspcpihi , ! > our atoiiach : , bal ; breath. Notice to Contract jrs , Sealed proposals will bo rwo'vud at the of- Ik-u i ) the c'.tClerk of tho.-llyof Omaha. mull Tuesday , Aus. l tli. IMP , at 5 o'clock p. m . for laylnu tliu slilfwtilk on the east sldi ; of the- now t'lty Mall building , accord n : to p'ans ' and spi'dHcut Ions on flo ! In the ; ollleo of said city i'U re and in-eparod by < . ' . I' . IteludnrlV. Airh H"M. llauh Ud lo l.o . aeciimianh'd [ i > y i. coi tilled ciec-k ! hi tin- hum of JliM.1) ) ' , and the S'iRrussfiil blddor to fiiinlsh a ( roo.l and sulll- cli'iit bond In double the amount of thi-cou- tiail. All b ds t < i Lo marked "I'ropos ils for l.iyiii. sidowa'.k" ' airl to bo a.ldt s-u I to the I'oiiiiolMojMiii Public Properly and llultdliis. at the I'llv t' ork's Ollleo. Itlds to bo ( ipcned Anunst mill. IS'll. ' The Co.ui'jl. rc-orvus the fiBlit to rojiic't any or all hi Is. IIEMIY Or-rilOKK. THOMAS ! ' . TUTPI.K , C. SPKCI1T , Com-nittco on Publle Property and HnildliiKs. Om.-iha , Au . lith : , isil. : al.'dGt i XoticM' . I'uhllo notice Is lieruby Klvou that , the llrm of Jnhii iio M' it Co. has bt'on dissolved by mutual consent. John Itowu an I t'has llax- | nr retain uvlho bus ness of John Itinvo V ( 'o. and the hook accounts. Tlicodoio llouck rullrlii ! ! fiom s'lld llrm. All outNlaudin ac- foiiuis anil c. alms of every kind and oharac- tor are to ho paid lo John liowo. ( 'has. lla.v- tor and a 1 doht.s and dotnands against sad llrm aio to bo paid by John Knwu mid ( . 'has- llaxtor. .Inii.N Idnvi : . Tllio. : IIIIICK. : Omaha , Au . 15 , 1S9I. CHAS. Il.\x-nu. : Ai K.liJt. ; ! Publ c Sale of Canning and Vinegar Factory. Wi'wlll on the Sind day of August l.-lll , on the premises , still nt piiblto aUL'tlon , on o.tsj- toiius , our enllio plant nt , U'ost l.lni'oln. Wo will sell llvo and one-lialf aeros of ground , n brlek vlm-itar factory , 4U.\iJ : foul , capacity .0 harrols iiorday. no-v operated undura ptty- hr ' lease tei-mlnablo at our option , l-'rainc c.innery. WIv'iiU ' fool , capacity 'J , 'KiO can1 * pur nay. ami all inaclilnory and appllamicos cnu- tained tlii'i'i'ln. Will s'11 toyethur or scpcr- ately losult purehaser. Corresjnmdi'iico soll- Oltud. ljlNttll.N : CANNINd it PlKIVI.-'ION Co , JylO-aiAS-'l-lG Lincoln. Nebraska. RH1LWHYTIMEQKRD WKIiIj , WHO IS TO Itlj.VMK ? \Vliy Thcro IH 80 Stuoli Innotlvlty In AdvutioliiK Oliy ConlraulN. The cftutu'll coinmlttcoit want It understood that they are in nowlso rcsponslblo for the fact that JIO.OOJ of ccmlrnctoM' forfeit money ronialns In tlio tianda of tlio ohalrraati of tun board of imbllc works. President Lowry Of the city council salil yesterday that hova aware that the board held n laro ( sum of money that bo- lonecd to contn\olors. The council was not to blan-.o , however. It was u Inw 'of the city that when bidding on tmbllo works , contrno tors wcro compelled to donoMt fMX ) checks as a ttimrnntco that tho.v would enter Into bonils anil do the work. Tim committed had not tltM up any Important fontraets , but wore anxious to pi't them ui shape thnt the contractors miuht KO on with the work and clvo employ- nient to tlm laborers. Injunctions bad pro- vcntoil the council from eloMiiK a number of contracts , but that was sotnotliliiK' that the city could not proven ! . There wort ) also some Inr.tntu'os when the board had adver tised forbids on pavliip and Indncct'ptotlanil approved contrnctv 't'liose had been In the hands of the committees for some time , for tlm reason thnt posMbly inoni'y might bo ' lound to pay for paving'tliu Inturseotloni. 'J'lu < dmiculty over curbing had rosultcil lu several hnndred dollar * having been with- Ill-Id , but no I'oniH'll could have provontcit that , ns Kurnas vt Mahom-y , the Horca sandstone - stone contractors , hud enjoined tlio city from entering into n contract with any of the other bidders on ciirblnir. Chairman Ulrk- Imusor did not want to attach any ul.imu to the council , but thought the momticrs .should bo more prompt In reporting upon contracts that hati bcou roforrcd to thorn , A Cure I'or 1)1 i T.nst fall I was taken with kinil of n sum mer complaint accompanied by ft wonderful diarrhtfa. Soon after , my wife's sister who lives with us , was taken in thu same way. \Ve used almost everything without benellt. Then 1 said , lotus try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dinrrhoja Kemedy , which wa did , und that cured us rlpbt away. 1 think much of it , as It did for mo what It was tee oinnii tided to. John Ilertnler , liethel , Berks county , Pa. 1:5 : and nj cent bottles for sale by druggists. ix Di'xvuu KOII miiisAiru. . liucnuso "tfr. Ilitsli ICnow.s Tt-otiblo Waits I'cr Him in ( ) : n ilui. Mr. Hush , of air ship f uno , h.n been heard from. The chief of polled rooolvo.l a letter yesterday stating that tlm fellow is In Denver and asking if ho Is wanted horn. Ho will bo remembered : ia tlm enterprising fnlclr who enRlneered tlio scheme ny which some 3,1 0 or moro conlidlut ; Oniahnns were Induced to > ; lvo up i"i cL-nts npieeo to enter the driving park for the privilege ol golni ? out npiin. It happened about two months nco. on n pleasant Sunday afternoon nnd Mr. Hush has never yet explained just what It was that In terfered with currying out the programme as advertised. It was reported that lie wont to Chicago , but nobody seemed to care , and now Iio has- , reached Denver , but it Is not bcllovod that ho stopped in Omaha en rontn. Mr. Uiihh will not lu brought bn-lc hero , for the simple reason that this c.innot ba done. Iio took money from at leant three thousand people , but It was such a small sum from each that it does not constitute n fel ony , as each sum constitutes a different caso. If , however , UiMi should venture iuto town , ho will have consi'lorablo busi ness on hand , as there will ba : t)00 ( ) cases against him for obtaining. money under false pr-itouscs. Hush ought to hold the criminal championship , accord ing to these ligures. oven if the neuroguta sum of the money thus obtained does not reach four ligures. Kind Words. Klder II. E. Lisht , of Mountninvillo , Lan caster Co. , Pa. , has n gond word lo snv lor a patent medicine. SVo will lvo it in his own wonis : "Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrluua Remedy was used iu my family and can tay that it diniu us oed in dinr- rhu'.i and cholera niorbus. J do not bo.sltato to rerommund It to nil suffering from tlio above diseases. " 2jc mid SUe bottles for sale by druggists. Will ' 'oto September 1 The motor line to Uonso'i is completed nnd it was thu Intention nf t'.m mnnnsoment to begin tlm operation of the line today but the delay iu the receipt of the bodies of the cars will prevent this Delne done. The trucks have been received and tlio bodloi nro expected about IhuJolli lust. It has there fore been decided to commence the operation of this line about September 1. A very small pill , nut , a very goja ono DoWtt's Little Early Risers. ' A Hiulroil : > ucident. jr lie had como in Unit morning1 from Chit-ago und wua talcing nil uftot- break fast Miuoko ut the Ciidillmvitli : a Uotroit friuntl , says the I'Voo ' PI-CVSH. " " romarlcod the frlond "liy Georjjo , , glunuiiir | over tlio inoriiinp ; jiapoi' , "an- oUiL-r rtiilmad wreck. Did you cvor see nnything lilco it ? " "No , " wan the reply , "bacauso there N - wns iiovoi1 iinythlng likoit to soo. " "Did nny accident happen to you on vour wi.y lioroV" ' " * ' "yen. "you don't sayl" "Yes , I do. " "Did you got hurt ? " "No , thank heaven , wo cnmo through safely. " "What was the nature of the accident dent- " ' "Com"B { through safely. " "IfowV" t don't undorntand"and tlio friend rubbed his head for thought , "Why , under tliociivuinstanccs it wits an iio-'idont that wo eaino through with out any. See ? " Then the other man kicikod himself In tlio calves of tlio logs for revenge and wont out to gug some other follow. - 'I ho I ali'st Conundrum. Why ! s llaller's Sarsnparilla and Hurdock lilii ) the most popular soap of thu day. lU'cituse they both cleanse the skin and leave it both soft nnd velvety. TUH IlKAIiTV MAU'll'T. IXSTHUMKNTS placed nn record 15 , Is'JI : WAIUIANTV IICKIIS. i : A llenson , trnsleo , to ( ! K Timlin- ! { lots 1 nnd 4 , lilk SI. llenson J.S50 \V O llml'jes nnd II .1 Davenport to II L Johnson , lol l.'l. lilkShrlvr I'lacn . . . . ,1 \ , Iliiirl ; nml wlfu to .lames Donnelly , lot I. II aeU'HMib \V V ( ' .ilbihan and wlfo to Monahati k 0'Njll , n Hft. lot n , bile 71) ) , South Otalia N A Cliilsli-iimm and wlfo to A W ( Ji'd- riliidin , w 40ft , it ) ! ' . ' , blk 'l , Omaha View Elivm-d I'as.sldy and wlfu to Nathan ( ior.lnii , lot. ' , Ill I ; ' . ' , Mls-oiirl Avonuu I'm It A II ralooner anil wlfu to Marv H I'ar- rolt , lolH.lan.l II , blk.'l. Ames I'laeo . . . 1'i'ank tiiislafMin and wlfo to ( iooriio llei-st , lot 11. blk I. Ito-l'nlon add . . . . 1C U liv ncs and b sb.iinl to I'nuili Ink , n" lot S , blk toSmlh Otiiaba Sumo to M IKO I'alvas. * ' MI inn I' . A l.oiivonworth and wlfo lo II Kllunt , loth ami 3 if I Mt Ip adjoining o.ixt bldo , In blk IS , Omaha SO.COO John Mct'roar.v and wlfo to .1 M lu- ) I'Yancc. ' lot x' , lilk ; ' , Marysvll o add l.tCO John Mullonald unit wlfo to U W I'ut- rliiL-c , n a'ifl of s 110ft lots U and 10 , blk I' ' , llanseom I'laei ) 8.CCO John Mcl'ri'ary and wlfo to T U limner , h.ifl Inlh I and ' . ' , blk in , Omaha L'l.SM . nsK and lUDiiiiniie b.uiU to 1'iiekers' Nalloiuil hank , w : ! 'ift ml 14. ink Hi. Siuilli uiiiaha ioooo ; NoriliHuhtorn Invuiitniuni tinniiunr teA A IMiliiu. lot II , tIU : t , loll ; , blk I , L'rclvliiim llu.tilits I.MO Henry , t IVIU lo Ida M Curtis , lot ) , blk III , Wu l Knd add , : ; . 0,000 It It Wlmllmm and wlfo to I'M Oourt , lots II and IS , blk S , In hub uf l llt T.I. 400 II H Mulld'cu"lo ClV X'nVus , iut'oVblkH , Jerumo n.irk 10,300 gUIT CLAIM IlKHIK. Nuliruhkit SnvlnuH Iruik lo I'ackuis' Na- tlouril banii , w-ift lol II , blk hU , huuth Uiualia sa.OM IlKKDS. ! ( ' t > hiior , siiociiil maiitor. to I < F linn- croft , w ? 5fl life l.Vifl of ol' , lot'.XI , 1 > IU ID , Inipruvuiiiuut umociallon add 4,000 Total fttuouut of trauufcm , . . , , tlCl , I4