Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Excitement In Wheat Continued With Fre
quent Sharp Fluctuations.
Prices Very Knnlly Influenced In
Kltlier Direction Italluf Tlwt an
Clique Is Mniilpiilul *
UK tlio Trade.
CmrAflo , Aug. in. The cxcltcmmit nwl
norvoimicis In whctit was continued today
wuli frequent mid sharp llucttmtioos , thotr.'li
tlio range wris narrower tliiin that of yoster-
tlny urn ! thocloiosomowhiil lo.tor. Tlio btisl-
nos'i ilono w-js higher Hum tlio past
fowdnys , chlollv bocnilso neither tl.o bulls
nor boais cured to risk much on their con-
vlrtliviu. . Their timidity In tlio early purl of
tlio Bosslon wns largely tlio result of 1'ar-
tlrldgo's action yesterday In allowing
hli fdmrt trifles to bo covered In tlio
opr > n market ; tni'lors were Inclined to
iwult tlio clearing homo statements to tnako
niro that Ills oh ( ( . ! < 9 In BOltloiiicnt of
3 1 ( TV re noes were not thrown out.Vlion It lie-
( Mint known Unit lie had responded with tlio
noi'i'ssnry funds they branthcil morn o.islly ,
but there remained aiintlior deterrent shadow
- a suspicion that tlio innrki'l was be I tin ma
nipulated hy u clique of eastern speculators
who were alternately advancing and dopioss-
Init . Thu absence of I'urd ridge , whoso
dealings have cut a IL'iiro In tlio transactions
of ouch tiny. also ten ( I oil to inaku business
Prices were very naslly Infliiunccd In either
direct on. Tin1 bears taking warning by
I'urdrldge's dreadful example , while not dis
posed to do much , would rush Into tlio niarkot
nnd cover wliuiiovcr thuro seemed to bo tiny
uniiHiial rnovoiiient In Iho way of buying and
on the olhor hand , Iho bulls would seem
crary to Hell when the action of the market or
nny Item of news seemed to Indicate a mo-
riifiitnry ctinlldciico. Isow Voik started on"
( > Heil Mini higher and Mvuipnol wan quoted
Ii © id up.
i no l-tgo elcaranees frotn all the pnrts vo-i-
ternny ami ilny bi'fnio had a bulllsn oll'ect ,
linn Logan , \Ylulc , wohwarl/-I > upee and ( ' 01111-
M'lman were all good buyers , priHiimnbly for
Now York nccounl. December sold eary at
i' . hut iiioxiil along up and In a sburt
tin o sold at H7c. Then Logan begun to sell
ciiit mine of Ills early nurd. fur iliu Now
YorKi rs. Cnntlnental cables came .n wt'aUor
and Itcam hecamo nn ng : resslvo seller.
I nili-r his raiding Iho market broke back to
D5V. He lepeatodlv oll'ered .lU..UUO ' busho s or
aiiy uart of It at yj'jC.
Hut aniilher bull wave soon swept , nvnr the
crowd ; New York > -cilt In more buying oiilers
and HI. Louis begun buying while the oll'er-
Ings suddenly became meagre. Kater the ex
citement In the ry market caused a nervous
Jump loHt'ao. list hunted largo receipts for
tomorrow already signalled by early
buyers nulling and it rumor that foreigners
were selling In New York finally carried lie-
eoiuhcr baek tollPni : . reacted some and then
biokototfic. Late advices from New Vork
weic that nearly f.i ( ; > .i > M ) bushels of wheat bad
been taken there for e.xport up to iio.m , hut
the market did not. tcspond. Itgiow dull and
continued weak , Ii''emborsinking ) lo''j ' c ,
and It closed weak utOI'iC.
The Ivi.u In : News , In Its commerelal arti
cles < < ays there Is u growing impression that
New Vork lias been a heavy seller and that ,
upor.itnrs there have been working this m.-ir-
Kel. All news which Is Illleroit through Now
Yor ! > houses Is ho.'inning to be regarded with
suspicion. There are any number of people
hero who do not yet believe that Uu-slit h-is
prohibited o.\potts of rye simply because Now
Yorl ; says so. The late board of trade cable
quoted I'aris ! ! 5 centimes up on wheat. Ant
werp and llerlin were both higher.
Coin wns not very active but w s quite ner
vous in sympathy with wheat. The crop rc-
poil of the Cincinnati I'rlco C'urrrnt was
rather non-coinnilttal but was Inclined to bo
logarded as bullish. ' ! ! predicted only an average -
ago yield and after tlio very sliort ciop of last
year the trade Is disposed to look upon un uv-
rrne yield IIH hardly snlllclont. Tliu atIItilde
of the ellquo Is also a material cheek on .specu
lation ami restricts short selling. September
corn opened at .I''c , MM ! toiWje. back Irregu
larly to .IP7ii ( but sp rlngly at that , grow
we k wit Ii whi'at near the end of the session
mil closed utiH uC.
tJau woio rather neglected for the wheat
and rye plls , ihon h lluctuatlons covered n
range of ? { o , closing near tlio bottom. It Is an
unusual thing for the market to nlTect the
{ irleo of whuat , bnlsiisli was the case todav.
t was the tall Wagg'ng the dog. September
Marled uth7o and sold tofi.'le , against Tii'io at
the close on Monday. Cash sold at IKIQOIc.
Hog products were plow nnd steady during
the greater portion of the session , but about
m on Koam made a sudden raid on pork ,
Ho sold right nnd left , and In
tiuantltles to suit , and tlio market
bo-'an to tumble. The weakness In grain wns
faMirnhlo for Hie operator , and smaller longs
FOOD look iilaim and boiran to lot go their
holdings. Slop lost , otdcrs and exhausted
Inurglns kept bringing out others and a par
tial panc followed , Scntoinber going oil' to
MU.ift against tio.42',4 at the close yesterday. In
a few minutes , Tlioto was u slight reaction ,
but the decline was resumed and continued to
t.M. ! ) and the oloso was dull at $ ! ) .S7 ! { , Lard
and ribs suffered In u lighter degree In sym
pathy with pork.
The loan ng futures ranged as follows :
AU r t cTns ! OI'K.V. L'l.usv ; .
W11 HAT No. S
1 ?
Si'litoniber UIISUIU ty
Deeeiiilier i'SJi
ColtNNo. . 2
Angiiit . . C05 ( ran
Hoiitember. f.8' (
Oetnlier 6I > { 6IJ ( M > 1
OATH -No. s
Ho | > toint > or si :
31l ! : > 1M
h'oiilciiibor 10 M ! l P.1 "
Ortolier 1065 U 'J7 10 1)0 )
feiitninlier f . ii roi'
Orlol > r G 73 n iKiJ Ii i H
Flloltr Hll.H
September fi lub Ii 711 o.u n m
Oilober b It 85 ( i 70
Cash limitations were as follows :
1'i.oi'u I'lrm and unchanged.
WIIUATNo. . 2 sprunr wheat. . No ,
3 spring wheat , lUc ; No. 2 red , OOo.
COIIN No. 2. tll - , n.
OATK-NIJ. sr Ti3J o : No. 2 white. 3S1O !
! 0c ! No. ; ! wh.
IlVK No. i ! . UlQUIe.
HAUI.KV No. V. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. 50(2)0ci (
No. I , f. . We.
Ki.AX8iBii-Na : I. JI.OIM.
TIMOTIIV SliBli I'rlnio. JI.2S < ai 2H.
1'oiiK Mess pork , per barrel , f..87',5. ) Lard.
per ewt. , W.ri : short rlhs sides ( loose ) . * ' . ! > - >
( ML All : dry halted shoulders ( boxed ) , ifT.l.'ift
T.-A ; bhnrt clear sides ( bo\eitl , Jii.Tn.
SuilAiis-Uiit loaf. unehaiiKcd ,
Kloiir , Imrreln. . . l-.imu ii'.mio
\Vlient. Inothelti. nuti
Corn , lumliela. . .
OntH. IniKliels. . . .
Hyi ) , bUHheU. . . . ( XI.IHHI 70,1100
Hurley , luiihelH. iiu.uuo I.UUO
On the prodnco exchange today the butter
market was unohalured : fancv eroamory , ' "
" " line western , l7 < itlSVio ; line dairy
Now York aroH.
NRW VOIIK , AUK. 13. KI.OUII Iteeolpts , 10.700
pnoKnKesi exports , I,2IUbarruls an I8ii'.tiacls ) ;
inarkut fairly uotlvo ; hold hlcher advance ;
uales , iiU.M ) harrols ; low o\tras. ? ; i. K2ll.40 ; fair
to fuiley. tMiKa.\IB : Mlnnes-ota , olear. $ l.4 ( ) < iA
t.O'i .Minnesota patents. fl.r@1.O ( ( : winter
wheat , low cranes. J.'l.H ( < ai.4i ; patents. J4.liVif.
6.23J hlralKhts , J4.t5a > .a ; rye mixtures , f4.4.Vy ,
3.i > \
COIIN MUAI. I'lrm and In gootl demand ; yel
low western , * U'.Vf , 1.85.
WIIKAT llecolpts , 145,71X1 liusliuU ; exports.
in , , UN" , Imshois ; ales , H,4W,0 0 liushois of fit-
lures. Spot market Unsettled and fairly
iietlve , eloslm : easier ! No. t ! red , * l. 4'li < & > l.u5
in olov.uor ; JI.Hl ( > 4i(41.tl7' alloat ; JI.HIWt.M.
f.o.b. ; jsii. a reil. f 1.0. ; uncr.ided rod , i. ( ' , ' ! ;
1.14 ; No. 1 northern to arrive. JI. W.II' , ;
No. 1 haril to arrive. I,17 I.17'4 ; No 2C'bl-
CJIRO , Jl.lOJi ; No. 2 Milwaukee. Jl.O'.i'.ai.titiii ,
Options upeiieil liiHaio , up on Htroni ? eablest ;
. ,
( CI. 4i eliislni : . i l.l'i ( ) ; Uotober. Jl ill W.
l.t'Otj ; eloslnc * I.OI'4 ; November. fl,03\il.U7i
eloslni ; . ( I.P.V\i December. Jl.tXP4 ; elosliiK
( I.OO i January. * l.i7)iiil.usaj ( ) : i'losliiI.o ; ; ' , ;
May. I.IU' , , .l2iii eliialiiz.Jl.lO'i.
UVB Illirher , llrni and active ; western , Hop-
lemherdeHvoryil.O 31u'i Bales , IW.OOO bushels
lunsiieufl.oiilj ,
llAtu.Kr JUi.T Dull ; Canada country ,
COILS'Itocelpts. . 12.U23 bushels ; exports , 20J
bushels ; Nalci. 4I8.UOO bushels of futures ;
J7.0UO bu-sboU of spot. Spot market sirotuor ,
quiet , clostiiK Irroiiular ; No. 2 , 737 ( > o In
elevator ; ? Gjcril > 4u alloat ; niik'r.ided mixed , 7a
K.7ilVe , Uptloit : . varied with wheat , ( 'pcnlni ' ;
JiWJio u | ) , deolliilnc Uo utul uloiltiK easy at-
unclmiiKod prlcoa to ii'u doellno auuliiat tlio
oloso of yc.-tenlny. AiiKUst.71Ha72tke. closing.
7Hie ; Sopleiulier , UU'tQOU ' e , ulosuiir , ( tfijo :
Oetol'or. t > 3 ? 4irOHe. closing , C3u ; December ,
Wl * ® S7c. u'osTiiK'i Wife.
OATS ItucelptB. 7J.OOO biibliolst exports.
4M : Baleu. IdO.uoo budhuls of futures and
H.UCObusliclu of spot. Spot mnrUct dull ; opened
llruii closed oany ; outloni dull , lower , weak ;
U o , clonlnj , aiSo ; Hetitembor ,
ulutlug UJ oi Octubur , b4i .le ,
clo < ln n"l' c : pol No. 2 wblto , f.'oi
mixed western. 41 ftldc ; wbllo wcstorn , 4n3. > 0ct
No. 'J L'llleaito , 4 l7c.
HAV I''irm. niilel.
HOPS ( julci anil oa\v ; common to cbolce ,
VfMSc ; 1'aclflc coast. iff-HO'jc. '
COFFKH Ution | ) < opened Hieady . . . . _ nml . tin.o -
- - - - .o
changed to 10 points up , closing ( In
points up ; Mir17,200 hairc. Im'lndlug / . . . _ .
lltl.l.vmogS ! September. JJ/Mi.Vflli.7fi ( ; October.
* 13.COW li.0.1. : Spot . , llrni ! fair car-
goo * , lllo : No. 7. KU'ltfflit ' * .
SmiAll Knw , firm , quiet ; sales ypMerilny nf
S,500baps ; centrifugals. l test , at a'-Hji'i irtO
baas molasses sugnr. Mi test , at 2 , * c to Phila
delphia ; rcllru-d , steady.
MoiAsts : Now Orleans , tulet | , firm ; com
mon lo fnncv , 2btM'.V. *
HlCK-tJnlcl. . ,
I'irrit'M.i'.i'M Market opiMiod strong nnd ad-
vntifoil 2c on small buying orders , closing
steady. I'eiiusylvetilii oil spot Hales , Vl.uOO
barrelstrloslng , Gn4t > ; September option sales ,
lWrn buriels ; Lima o'l ' , no sale : total Rales.
120.1 oob'irii'js. ( . 'ruilo In barrels , 1'nrkcrs. fVM ;
crndo In bulk. f.l.'W ; ri'Ilnod. Now Vork. W.fl 6
fl.7.1 : I'hlladelplila and llaltlmoro. K3.vntl.ii ) :
1'hlladolphlu nnd llaillimiio. In bulk , 11.203
4.21 ; united rimed nt ( i ! ) ' c for September.
COTTON Siip : : Oii. Stronz.
TAI.MHV Dull , ensy.
Hosix Stonily , quiet.
Tuui'KNTiMK Tinner , quiet ; 3 337c.
] . ' ' . .osQuiet. . Irregular ; western , lV3IC'.iO ;
rereltils , f > , r > ( .li pneUagcs.
Wool/ Steady , qiilof domestic fleece , 30 ®
37o ; pulled , -MiW e : Texas , IU624C. „ _ , , .
I'OIIK Dull , weak ; old mess , JIO..iOSII.a > :
new mess , 1UUOBI.V ) ; extra tirlnie , 110..103
ctrr MHATS Qulnl. ( Inn.
Mliilit.lis Quiet , weak ; bbort clear , hopteni-
ber , Srt.00. . .
LAIIP Lower , ensy : moderate demnnd ;
western stetini , fti.S.1 ; sales. S.MK ) tierces at
WSje ; option sales , 7.2.V ) tierces ; September.
sfrt.hK2n.lii , , closing at ? l. I iiHUed ; October. fi.O )
( itt.Ol. closing at bid : November , ii.Oli
December. f.Ma ; January. i7.2s.
lll'TTKit--Strong and active : western dairy.
IWJ fc ; westi'tii erenmery , ICffl-Oc ; western
factory. litf.MIt * ; l-Mglns. 20c.
CIIIIKSK Aotlvi- and stiong : western , fl ! ' , ®
7'4e : part skinis.aCilli'tC. ' _
I'm InoN-lJiilei : Anii'rlciin. Jir.Oti ll.S.i.
Copi'Kit Nominal : lake , August , Si2.00 ; lake ,
September. $12.US.
LIIAP Steady ; domestic. ? ! . ; , > .
TlN-Closed easy ; stralls. fll.8.i. )
Slliiiition In Diilutli'.s Mnrkct.
Din.t'Tll. Minn. , Aug. i : ! . During the list
inontlis there has bei'iiiino lotof 1..1U'.000bush '
els of wheat sent through Diilnth to the ca-t
by .Minneapolis parties. A good deal of
specnlnllon has arisen regarding this
shipment , nnd a further consignment of
fiOii.uOJ bn.sliels Is now through
Ibis city. Tlio Herald says today
that tin's wheat Is being sent out
of the country by I'lllsbury. and that every
bushel of It represents a lo-s to the big
llsh syndicate , running the .Minneapolis mills ,
of 20 cents. Last fall Mr. I'lllsbtirv was a per
sistent bull utul a loud exponent of * ' . ! wheat
and { ID Hour. In tills way he loaded up with a
meat quantity of grnln at orlcei ranging from
il.Id to $ : . ! ! ) a bushel and has carried it iood
share of the year as high as WHKI.UMI bushels.
Mnco then wheat has gonoolf pro'.ty sletul-
lly and a short time ago the .Minneapolis svn-
ilfcnlo found llsolf wlthenou-'li wheat to muko
1,0 o.OOi ) Din rols of Hour right on the eve of the
biggest wheat eiop the I nlted Sfites has ever
seen , and with tin * stuff wprth about liac or lo-ss
a bushel , some of this wncat bad to ho got out
of the way. llenco the shipment of 2.W ) , IKJ )
bushels to the east by Dtiluth. Thu entire lot
Is sent through oo inspeclal cut ralo by Iho
great Not thorn road , passing through Us own
elevators and on Its own vessels to Huff .ilo.
and paying but a fraction of u rate to rail
ways , elevators and steamships.
K'liiMiiH City
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Atrv 1:1. : WIIUAT
ptrotiRor ; No. 2 hard. cash. Hit ! bid ; August.
N/SMi'4c ; September. 81o bid : No. 2 red. cash ,
! i.i , ! bill ; Augtiist , fi' ( e bid ; Septeinber. no bids.
COIIN Stronger ; No. 2. cash , M'/je ; August ,
M'niiWI'io : September , .ll'iie.
DATSWo iker ; No. 2. cash , 207sc hid ; Au
gust. 2i > 'v ; Seplomlior , 2rt'ic.
Knu I'Mrm at I2c for strictly fresh.
HtrrTKit 1'lrnii ereamo'ry , ' . ® ( ; ; dairy.
10611 : v ; stole p ieko.l.kT ! : tu.
HAV SI rally ; strictly fancy , { 3.5 , ) ; peed to
choice , it l.Vl'irl..1l ; ; timothy , $7. Ml
I't.OL'lt--teadv anil iinehansed.
I'li.iviiioNUiteb.ingo , I.
HKCBllTs Wheat , 51,3)3 ; corn , 7,110 ; oats ,
I , OKI.
Siui'MKNrs Wheat , 47,1 0 ; corn , 0,00) ) ; oats ,
Ltvnni'oou Aug. ii. : WtiBVT-li'lniij de-
niiind Imnroved : holdersoll'ersparlngly : Oala-
fornla No. 1. bsVtdSs Ud per jentiil : red.
western , sprlnir , > > s 'iilliJSs Id ; Kansas winter
bard. Hs I'idilss2d. '
COHN Steady ; demand f.illen olf.
l'oitK--l'rime western. Ksfl'l per tlerco.
LAltli--l'rlme western. 4s per ewt.
CiiKKSu Amerlcan , finest white and coloied ,
4s Ud per uwt.
ST. I.ouis , Mo. , Aug. la.MIKAT Itarcly
steady : ra b , ! )2'Je ) ; Docoinbtir. UPaO.
C'oilN' Weak ; etish , f > 7lc ! ; i-eplomber , 41.ic. !
OATS Dull ; cash , 2S 4c.
I'oitic-ICasler : $1.03 ! ! ,
LAUD Dull ; { ( ! 1.1.
WtilsKEV Steady ; 51.17.
Cincinnati .Markets.
CINCINNATI. O. , Auz. 13. WHEAT Firm ;
No. 2 red. U2Vi ® 3c.
COHN Lower ; No. 2. mixed , ChlHo.
OATS Kteady ; No. 2 mixed. 32c.
WlllSKUV $1.17.
Toledo ( Ji'iiin Mat-lcor.
TOLEDO , O. , Aug KI. WIIKAT Lower ; cash ,
CoitN Dull : cash. 04c.
OATS Steady ; cash and August , 30c.
Milwaukee < i rn in Mnrkct.
SIit.WAUKii : , WIs. , Aug. 13. WHEAT Easier ;
No. 2 .spring , cash , I Bii.'j'-'c.
JOHN Kaslur ; No. a , cash , 02c.
OATS-Kaslei ; No. ' . ' , while , MJio.
I'ot'i'lKii Oil Murknt.
LONDON , Aug. 13. LINSRUD On. 2Is per
I.IVr.ltl'OOL , Aug. 13. bl.VSKEP Oil , 21.S 3d
I'Miiaiiciiil Notes.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug , 13 Clearings , $1,291-
Niw Youic , Aug. 13. Clearings today , JsS-
911.31.1 ; balances. i.l.OlH.COI.
llAi.TtMOiti : , Mil. , Aug. 13. Clearings. $ J,2IU-
S80 ; balances. . ? I5IlUSj rale , 0 percent.
I'liu.Aiii'.U'iln , Aug. 13. Clearings JS.073-
010 ; balances , tl,7-"Il ; ! ) ; money , 4 per cent.
HUSTON , Mass. . Aug. 13. Cloni-lnns today ,
(11,104.4711 ; balances , * 1,1IU,1K)1 ) ; rale for money ,
0 per cent.
CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 11 Money , , ' | ift ( | per
cent. New Vork exchange. 7jo discount.
Cloarings. $7GOi.70l' .
BOSTON. Mass. , Aug. ir. . Clearing bouse
balances. jl.ll'J/JJl ; into , U per cent ; call and
time loans , 7 per cent ,
Cuu'Ano. Aug. 13. Now York exchange , ( K ©
70o premium ; clearings , $13,7011.711) ) ; money
steady and unchanged utO per cent for both
cull and tlniu loans ; , sterling exchange un
New YoiiK. Aug. 13. rho stock niarkot today
was less active , but displayed a firm to strong
tone which but for tliu Inlluenco of Union 1'a-
ulllu might liavo been thu cause of material
Improvement In prices. Signs are not wanting
that the Union 1'aolllc Hunting debt xcuro has
served Its purpose In the street , and the prob
abilities are UKU In a few days some other
sensation wl I t.vku Its place and tlio Moating
debt will bu allowed to settle Itself us far as
Wall street Is concerned. The niarkot
during the last few days has shown
an unmistakable disposition to break
away from Union 1'aclllu and assertions
tire not wanting that tlio attack upon
Union t'aclllo was untlroly for the purpose of
picking up slocks in other directions. Union
i'ncllle today was still the most conspicuous
llguro In thu market but In transactions were
on a much smaller scale than during tliu last
few davs- , and Its lluctuatlunt were broudit
down to u parity with tliu rest of the list ,
white jator In the day Its relative Importance
In the dealings was subordinated to that of
BOIIIB other -tojks. llurllnjton , Ateblson and
St. I'aul , and later Uock Island and Loulsvllio
& Nasnvllle. were features of tlio trading , Uut
the remainder of tliu Market , wltn the single
exception of Cordage , showed no uulmutlonor
movement of Importance.
London was apparently a seller of I'nlon
I'aolllr. .St. I'aul and AtchUon In thu early
trading and alter < v linn to xtnmg opening
with fiutliur fractional gains , a partial
reaction was forced In the general list whllo
Union I'acillu wuv broken I'-i ' per cent , the
mo-,1 Importantwiiovouu nt of thu day. The
reports ( roni tliu growing crops wuro again of
the most encouraging ohaiucter. but un
doubtedly strength was shown In tlio nclhe
blocks throughout the day although tliu ad
vances were eonllned to small fractious until
Union 1'aclllu again displayed strenlli
In the afternoon. Only In u few special
ties however did tno gains amount
to anything material for thu day
and tliu usual renll/atlti'X sagged prices off
again during tue latu U Ibis , Tbo market
finally closed quiet bill ( rm generally ut
biunll fractions better tbf lust night's prices.
Kallrond bonds weru o. I mote fairly ac
tive , but Ibo Increase. In tno amount of busi
ness done was almost entirely in thu Atchlson
Hue , which furnished W2luCO out of a total
day's business of J'JXWO. 'llie o bonds wuro
HIM ) specially ttrong , ana closing at 52 per
ebnt scored a gain of 3 par cent. Chicago ,
I'corla & St. LouU Urau roiu 3 pur cunt to U7
percent : fort Worth .t Denver firsts lost 3 per
crnt at HI per cent. . . , , . ,
Onvcrntni'iit bonds liavo ticcu dull anil
ntoady ,
Stale linnds liavo boon putltoly nculcctPtl.
Tlio followini ; nro tlio clmlns iiuotatlons for
Ilio Icadlnn dlocUs ( in tlio New \ ork slooU ox-
todny :
Atclilunn N'ortlnvcMern. .
AilnliH Ktprnns Nortlitvvulern , prof. . IM
/Minn. Terre llnulu. . i.V. V. , ( > ntrnl t'.l
do preferred 12
Atnerlenn Cxiilann. . . do prcfcrri'il lUi
llnr. C' . K. , VN nlilo .Mp | ili lpil | 111M
( 'nnnilii I'neltle ' M
Cnnniln Snntlipril. . . . 'onmrlo.vVMrrn. . . .
( Vntritl I'nrllte nrr-tfon Iniptovciu't. .
flu's.lhlo It ! 'Orrj/on ' NIIT I' )
do IPI preferreit. , . , 'Oregon Tr.-ms
iln 2d pruferreif. . , I'MCltle Mull
Chlrniio fi Alton. . . . 1'i'urln. | ) IP. &tivttni.
( ' . . II. , vy M I'UtHliurir
C . C. . 0. * .St. 1. "IMII'nlhnnn t'-ilnco
liclnvnirii Mliiilson. . l'i" ' ( lln.-iillmr
Del. , I , A. W l.H't ' ItoPU Ir.lnnil
Peii'.V U. (1. prof. . . . II IM. L. \ S < t F. 1st pfil.
Hun Tenne-sec fi St. I'nnl
ito 1st prulerrod . . . 1.1 ilo preferred .
ilo''tul preferred. . . II St.l'.iiil. Mm A. Mnn. Hi )
Krlo IS ? ( St. I'nnl.t Unintin . . . 21
do preferred I''tll ' ilo prererreil
I'ort U'nyiio Pi' ' ) iTunn. t.'oil : , < clron. . .
Old. A KnM. Ill (114 ( I'aclltc
Iliicklmi Vnlley ! M'i ' To I.O. . Cent , plil. . .
lliiilit'in \ TexiiH. . . . : ni fiilon , I'nclllc
St. I'nnl \ Dnlntli. . . . U'nl.iiMi. ft. L."c 1'iic.
KnnsiiHTen.i ilo prcfprreil i
l.tiku l'.rleWest. . . . . \Vcll.i Vnrav Kxp 1W
du | irctcircii Western Union 710M <
l.nkeHlmre Am. CollonOII M
l.iHilivllle A Ni.ilir. : . Colorado Conl vllli'V N. A , . . . IIoini'.t.iku
.Mempili ! \ I'linr 4 Iron Mlver 10 ! )
Aili litunn Central. . . . I'.i | tinlirl ! as
MM. , I. . S. , V W ,0 .i.mii-k
du preferred IU.I do
Mln , v HI. I. 41 ! , Silt , . , .
di iirett'rred ' . l lluhvcr
Missouri I'-ieltlc Mi ililcli. . .VV. . I1. Tor. . . .
MutiHi * AOhln ; \vicoii5lii ) ! Central. . .
NiiHlirllloClintt 80 ] ( iieat .Nortlienipfil. .
N. J , Central ll' ' { Cblctuo ( ! ! >
Norfolk , V We.t pfd. 4 < i l.i'iul 'I'ru-t
Northern I'aeltlc S'Ji i'SiiKir ' Trn t
ilo jireforred. unilSontliern I'aellle
1 1 * . Denver .y nlf I4' Oreuon S. I , tt U. N .
Tlio tmliMOf hlnoi % lo.lnV woio ' . ' 'S.001 '
sliaros. iiu'liiiilim : Ati'ld-mn. U ) , < i. > < : C'lileajo
tins , | , . \V ) ; I-ru. : : 4iIO : !' & Nnslivlllo ,
M.iiU'i Missouri Pitflllf. .VlO'i ' Noriliorn I'.iclllu
pit'furruJ , S.MM ! bt. Paul , ID.OJU ! Union Paoille ,
U , l8- > .
Now York .lltmov Slnrkot.
NKW VOIIK , Auir. III. MONIV : ox fAr.t.-Knsv ,
raiurltm finiii 1'j ' to 'J iiurrcnt : last loin - pur
ornt ; cliisln.1 ulVuiu I at 2 p.-r conl ,
PHIMI : MKUUANTK.K l > At'Kii-SJ4/3' ' < 't percent.
Srint.iMi : KxciiAMiiult : ( ! hut htutnly , at
} I.M for siM.v-iiav bills and fl.S'i ' for domand.
Tliu followlni ; were tlio clinliu prices on
tionds :
HoHton Htoclc .Miirlci-t.
UOSTOV , Mass. , Aug. 13. The following were
tboelosing prices on the Itoslon slock market :
AtchtMin , \ . Topekn. . iunn-'rnnklln I P-4
IIO' < toii \ Allniny.'Ol Huron. , "fi
Huston \ Mnlne I7 * > [ Cenrsnrge , I0lti
t'li. . Kill I. , * c Vnlncy. . Mi l-.eeoln ) < ! 'i
I'Mtclilmri : It. It 70 ll.'iilney ' ! 'S '
Flint piulVncil K , IMIIIIII Ke Copper 4. >
MiiBs.Cen IiUjlTnninrnrk If , . ' ,
Mov. Cen. coin IS'd ' Atmlxtoii Lnnil Co.
N. V. A N. KIIK..I lla.Snn IMe.-o Liinil Co Hi
N. V. , v N. l-ng7 . . . .IIS Wes-t Illlil LarnlCo. . 171 < J
Dili Colony lli , ' , illell Tclcjilionc . ISt )
Untlniiil eom , ' 1 . btoiu S . I'.O
Itntlnnil prcferrcil. . . 7. I\Vnler 1'oiver 2'i
\Vl.s.Ceiitrnleoni. . . . ili ! i * . M fi
Allone/ . Co. ( iiewH2 ) .Mliiln.-- . . . .
Atlnntle I' ' N. K. T 4' )
lln > tiui .1 : .Mont. 4' ' 1) ) . .V II. C
Ciilnnii't A. lli-dn.'li >
Ijonilon Stotilc tinrlcot.
IJ' > XIION. Au { . III. The followini ; were the
London stock notations u OSIIK ! at I p. m. :
Consols money. . . . . . . . ' .fiH . I'entrnl !
COII > O.H | , account. . ' . : ; - ; .Mexican orillnnry. . . " .t
U.S.4 llii'f t. I'liiil com . . CnVC
' II. S. . - n IU-'S N. V.Cenlinl . . . . lll ) i'
N. V. I' . . < cO. firsts. . . Ki'vM'eiinsylvnnln. . . .
rnimillfln faelllc S4lienillnB ( | : MVii
Krlo. . . lsj.Mexican , Cen. new Js. 713C
" Kx. eoii | Tf.vriilv. ;
ItAtt Sii.vnit 45Jd ! per ounce.
i/t per cent.
Hate ofdlseonnt In thu open market for both
short and three months' bills , l-'u&US ' per cent.
Denver .ISiiiniK .Stocks.
lEN\'iit : , Colo. , AUK. IX General Improve
ment-Ill mlnlnc stocks today. Sales. IV.SJO.
The mining quotations closed as follows.
New Vork > i liiint ; Quotations.
NBW Yoitic. Aug. 13.Tho closing m
bt ick quotations are as follows :
Alice "fii ( ) .Mexican 2.M )
At pen 'J.)0 Ontnilo : > 7K )
Con. Cnln. A. Vu 7UJ Ophlr " , M
Dcailwiioil i : ) I'lymontb IWI
Ktirckiieon il'JI SavtiKC 17f
Mnlo , V Xorciocs. . . . h'4) ) Sierra Nuvnilu : iuu
llomostnku Hit ! Stnnilnril IIU
Horn tillvcr UVU Union Con I'liu
Iron Silver ItW Vellow.Iiick liu
St. Louis Aliniii ! ; Quot KloiiN.
PT. I.OUIH. JIo. , AUK. I. ! . Tlio nilnlns niar-
ket was dtII today and there weio few sales.
The following bids were made on call :
IMinetallc ISu , .M. Hreen ; i.'i
Kllinbi'th 147 ! , Silver Ace M'd
Uttle Albert DtiVunm 47H ,
Itiuilc of lOii liiiul Ittillioit.
LONIIO.V. Auir. ii. : The amount , or bullion
In the Hank of Holland decreased .i'T'.Oiil
( luring the past week. The proportion of the
Itank of ICimluiiils reserve to liability which
last wcoli was 4'UK ) per cent is now 4I.'I per
cent. Amount of bit lion nemo Into the Hank
of England on balance today. J--.OJ. : )
Itank of iM-aiiuo Stiitt-inotit. v
I'Aiits. AUK. 111. The weekly statement of Iho
Haul ; of France shows a * dcereaso of O'Jj.uiWf
( 'old and un Increase ot l . " > ,0 ut silver.
Paris lionti'H.
I'Aitis , Au ? . Ill Tbieo per cent rentes 05f
20e for the account.
Xow York Hry ( .ootln Alarkot.
NBW YOHK. Auz. 111. The dry coeds mar
ket Is without oliange , prices beln nearly
Havana Mark IH.
HAVANA , Au . ii ; SI-ANUII Uotu-J3.Mi@ !
ill'J ' . E.xubaiiKe , ijtilet.
Tr.idors' Talk.
ST. Louis , AIIC , 13. Laiigonborg llrothors to
Cockrell Ilrothors : The following will show
tliu oltlcln ! range In the leading options on
this market today :
C'QMMoliirv | Open. I IIUIi. | |
Di'cuniber. UJ'J WJi l)4J ) { yijf ! ) Ji <
45 } ( 5IH 501
OA rs
_ Hfit | . . .
CincAiio , Aug. 13. Schwartz , Dupeo .t Mc-
Cormlck to I' . C. &waru A ; Co. ; The general
fooling last night was that after a stormy day
like yesterday wu ueru llablu to ha\o a quiet
and lower market today , nml the crowd gen-
er.iUy have worked with a , view to lower
prices. The ( not that foreigners \ieru sellers
of wheat at the oponln.'coiillrmcd traders In
the r brinish views K\orvthlng considered
thu hrouu today of 2'to from thu extiomu of
ye-.teid.iy Is a very small one. A further
iiroak was oiovonU'd by thu Strength of
cables. Antwerp was quoted one
franc higher , Liverpool a penny higher ,
llurlln 1 mark hi.her. while 1'arls showed an
advance of ! i frnnu on wheat and 7.1u on Hour.
Lar.u clearances wuro reported from the sea
board and lar.-o sales wcru said to have boon
inadu for export , Uuculpts at tlio eleven pri
mary points woru I.t2iuuu : ; ; sbiumonts , Ki'l.OJJ.
Corn was fairly aetlvo and weak. Thu market
was very nervous , lluetiiallug 'in either way
frequently and with great rapidity.
When provisions broke some of thu
scalpers tried to sell corn , but broku
the market badly without effecting any con
siderable sales' . Thn market looks to us very
heavy and It would bo illlllciilt for the longs
to dispose of any considerable quantity of
corn without bruiklui ; tlio market badly ,
I'rovlslons were decidedly sensational In tliulr
movements. After two or three hours of
quiet market prices suddenly broke away
reaching stop orders with great rapidity. On
the decline scomod lo have pork
for sale , the only buyers being shorts. Lard
ami ribs sympathized with park although
they did not break so badly. The market
closes at bottom pi Ices and It would not tir-
prlso us to see ti further break tomorrow.
CmoAtio. Aug , 13. Kennel HooUlns ti , Co. . to
S. A. .MuNVborlur ; Thu wires liavo been load-
ttllh gossip and news and tlio effect upon u
scniTUlvo market wan shown In suildnn unil
swooping lluctuutlonii , Kvldouco U not want-
tug to nutljfy the observer tbut a Lugo eomUl-
ti'itlmi PAhlsts to tninjjKilato lliN wheat mar.
ki t. It's rum licatyiif-t are lit Kuropi * . flow
York ami Hie mirtli\Wt. Hilmors uru of the
most soiisntlnnnl chitSi'tor ' nnd are set alloat
to accomplish u | ) u | f < W nnd II iiiit't bo ad
mitted tlio g'lBiIr In' ' * been wo I
flint. Ucports of,7 , ! < 5.xports. mostly of
deferred gilpinonts ! , piu son tout , tlio market Is
worked up nnd thenitliwmalilpultttorssel out.
Spcculutors don't slopfln contldor. Tbo dally
average of exports , iitrvo its they are. are not
miii'li more than half wlutt must be shipped lo
U sposo < if oi.r enormous surplus. The now
crop of spruit who'iiMs beginning to liavo
movement. Mlnnoiffjolls received fifteen iiin
today. The St. I'l'iefaftiirc icportof the Lou-
don Times sny.s to niuf journal that Uussl-m
harvests aru In Vfl way as bail us
pietended. and th'ut'the rro crop Is not
smait enough to warrant prolilbltlonofevport.
There Is no good ri'-ihon to suspect the finelgu
sltn-itlon has been grimily exaggerated In the
Interests of speeiilatois. HIM qtllto certain
that alleged puicliri'-es of cash wheat for ox-
I port ate often bed.I'd against by sales of the
fi r options. Tills keeps the cadi market
i stiong and creates the Imptosslon tluit It Is-n
| legitimate strength. It is like the big .Inly
piriniiim lint exlsl'-l s long bill finally dls-
I appeared altogether.Vo would not care to belong
long of wheat on those manipulated bulges ,
but would buy when weik : and
demorali/eil , tor iipeeiiltloii Is awakening
and there nio vnsi pnsslbl.illesiin this mar
ket. Corn bus been sluing at limes. Iho
weather continues favorable , receipts urn
fairly good nnd holders soctn to be le s snro of
their position. Thorn Is tt downward tend
ency In bntli corn and oats. liu.'in1 , who has
been watching the piovls'on ' nrirket for MIIIIO
ilnys. niailo one of his ebarnclerlstli' daslics nt
It today , llobad ulvon iheshorts time toeovcT
nml the ion ts ample opportnii'ty ' to get In
( heir stop loss , llicti he pressed the button nn I
put his eqnall/.al'on ' machine tn action. I'ork
went otr rapidly , ribs followed at a ulftiince ,
but lard was not lilt very bard. It Is piobnblo
that rll s and Ititd nmv be r.ihli'd tomorrow.
Our stocks arc iMir.lensomc. anil do not go Into
con'limptlon as rapntly us they onlit. . The
exports me also below those for the corresponding
pending period u year ago.
Cnli'Ar.o , Anr. I'.li.l.ouiiti * Co. to Hryan
Commission Co. : Wheat openeil rather qiilot
nl abinit ( ll'io ' di'llverud and sold up to nr'ie.
The closing prloo was ' .ri Wi'4.1. ; Cnliles hin
been cjnlllcllii' ' . .Sinn * say weather line and
continental tiuiilcMs The public
e.ibliM received bv our board quotes'oes
fiotu 1 shilling lo I shllilng nml 0 pcncchlgher.
Our own elves a stbady marUel with I penny
higher. 1'or the near future wonlhor In
ICuropu will bo Hi'1 Important fo'itnre. The de-
mtind for shipment , so far. is wo can.ludge , Is
light. To keep up the I'scllomcnt we ha\o lind
the last few da vs will tun Hire morn substantial
buying thanihcto nns been to lav. Wo
lo'ik for nu'i't iiakeN , In Knrnpo and
with line we.ither-omiMli'i'lltie. I'nlcssnll signs
fall we slionid h.'ivia broil , of a few cents
here. The doiuMid for umniigu Is ftiir , but
none of U for now luislne-'s. Corn bns been
fairly active. Septei ilur opened at .111 , sold i.s
lowns.l 'i and closes nt , " > s'i. lS"port from
a 1 tlic corn growlii'- state , conllrm marked
Improvement In the flowing erup. I h" Sep
tember option l.sstijl net Ivo nn.l lluutimles In
Hympatliy with the cash demand anddaliy re
ceipts. ( 'asli sold at r.l'i today , live --old at
V''i ' for SepleniJier. Comml-slon liotisus doing
a country buslnusb thu principal buyers. Not
mncli doing in oats. Provisions weak.
Liquidation been v.i'iy Imavy. Lard tind
ribs loo' , low and hut for the heavy stock of
pork would icconimcnd liuvlnbolh. .
Ni\v : 'oltK. Aug. la. Kennell. Hopkins .t
Co. lo S. A. McWhorter : Stocks opened tills
niornlitc with considetablo buoyancy , lirst
prices being from Vt/3-i ' per cent above last ,
ni.'la'H i'l'e. The strength of the Union l-ii-
cilic whlrli led to Hie belief that Its llnanclal
all'alis had ben provided for and that , thus
tlio most disturbing element In tlio ni"i let
had been removed wns no doubt the oi-c isUm
of the early biiyln - . The market continued
to fehow considerable strength throughout thu
day , hut did not aihance any nftir the early
dealing * . In fact. It ( .o-dtatcd HIM there were
Indications of lenll/.lng sales and an
indisposition to press thu upward move
ment. Northern ( 'Millie prefeircd Is s.ld
to havu been pinvhiscd fy the company.
which Is tint tin' rijniu my is thus limit
ing mune\ derived from the Miiiii'Miti ( : linid
awaid. 'I'li's ' sto k galnutl al'.ont I point In
nrU'i' on the day's tri/lnr. : ] Union I'aclllc Inn
been most actively tiadod In an.l has llnclu-
atcd the most. fiv < ; itpntly. It- rapid eiianio
In price was due tn-tlto fact that , the struut
wtis full of rumors .iiincernliig the i"uiip my.
It I.e. ng poHltlvulv btnte.l that Mr. .Morgan had
agreed lo take | | p'aco ' of Mr. Ames
on the e.Necutive oo-mnitteo of thu com
pany. ami again tlij-jstntomeiit was positively
denied. It Iy rerinrted that the meeting of
creditors today d'.u not accomplish anything
towards a scttlement'and Iho matter has been
ad.loiirned until TuC-sdav. The fuel seems to
be there Is some liltull. Whether temporary or
pel minium rumaliii til lie seen. Louisville .t
Nnshvllloliaa .sliowiffncsluvo weakness It
sold near the openlngMtiti > s'Li , lint went lower
and closed at the Ionpoint. . II is rumored
that the slock recciVtly Issued by the company
and taitcn by Ins ( li-rs has been m u-kelcd , It
Is alMisald. nut deiftt'd th.'it thovtlmpany s
allowing those partes'an : extra condition.
Western stocks aiostroni ; they me supported
by continued giowlni ; reports of crops which
assure to thcmalnrge , tonna.'o for a year to
come. The market closed ste.uly , but with
reduced activity.
OMAII \ . Aug. 1:1. :
OATTI.K oniclal recclnts of c.ittio. S.i'SO ' ,
us conm.iiud l.lill vnstiTil iy and ' . ' .OKI
Thursday of List week. The market was firm
on the best grides and uiK-linn : t'.l on other
ur.ides of beefe- ' . active : m I lirm on good
grades of butcher.stock anil dull an.l loworon
oilier urndcs , dull nn I unchanged on goo I
and lower on coinm > n gt Us of too ! crs.
lloos-Olllclal receipts of Hogs. 2hOl ) , as
comp.ired will , 2,7(11 ( yesterday and 2:3i : Tbnrs-
day of last week. Tlio market was fairly
autlvo nn I steady on hogs. Tlio raiiL'o of the
prices paid ws } 4..V < & ' ' . : n , ( he milk .soiling at
jl.S.rttS.IS. Light. tl.7r > ( i.1.3i ) ; heavy 1.7.135 1.1 ;
nilM ) I. JI.SSt7flIU. Thu aveia.'O of tlio prices
paid was JJ.i4. ! ) ? as compnreil with J5.03j ! yes
terday and f'l.til'i'l'hurs lay of last week ,
S.lir.ii'--Ollielal : loeelpts of sheep. 1-9. as
comp.ired with Cs yesterday and none Thurs
day of last weuk. DID in iiuut unclian-
ged. Natives. * ; .5S.I.75 ( ) : westerns , t2.25(5
4.75. 3ood U1) ) to 'U Ib lambs. II. Oit > 5.75.
Kccei- mid ( ispii-itinn ol' Stoclc.
Olliclal receipts and diipo.ltlon of sluj as
shown by the ho'jk > of the Unlo.t stockyards
company for the twont.v-four hours ending at
QoVlock , p. m. , Aiuust 13 , 18.11 :
CATTI.K. noos. | SUIIKI' . In'.s & M'I.'S.
Cnr . llo.ul. Cnrs.i lle.t.l. Cars lleail Cars lleail.
6U 2Ua'.l I 3U | I'.S.l . ) 1 20
lloirc.siiitatlvu | ! Sulu * .
3 .1353 223 , „ „
WU3 l ltN CATTLE ,
No. - | AV. I'r.
12 steers . . . . . . . , , . , ll 4 $3 23
No. Av. l'r.
C. l'ord.
4 conn. . . ' . 825 W cs
U cows. . Oil 2 0.1
37 cow * 01 ! ) I U. )
W. Merchant.
5 P > (1 ( a ir >
0 fcodoru 124.1 a LI
3) ) feeders UI3 a is
Amos Lilly & Oo.
1 bull 14'J ' ) 1 75
.2 bulls 12.V ) 1 7,1
a bulls I''Oi ' ) 1 85
1 calf 31' ) 2 1)5 )
ai cows. . . . , 2 0.1
Ucotvs , Ml ! J W
31 feeilci-s tOJ a jo
No. Av. l'r.
la stcors 12.0 2 75
1 steer , . , , , IIMI 2 DJ
7 steers 1238 SIM
Ibieor IIOJ SIX )
asteuis 1200 2 HO
laluer HIM S DO
4 f cutlery UiU U 09
'ii o lilvi ;
( 'IIICAIIO , AUK. I.I. [ Hpoi-liil tn Tin :
HKI : . ) The reeolptH ofuatliu for tudav wrro
uhnut I..MM ntitlvi's , 4..MIO wcslcnis and 2CO (
Trx.tii" . TMuv worn iU'iio.l | at f . ' . l. > 5f'il.'S. at
t2.iwtc.Viimi ! ) m ( l.MiTi. ' .MI rospootlvi' y. I'ur
the day < > f tlio wci'k and sna on tin * supply
iiH mitahlv Il ht. It is ucll that sucli ns
the case. Had tlioro been a maturlailv Inirr
numl.oi' on sale It is doubtful wlii'lliri' prices
cciulil Ii ivi > hucu sustained. Tl.o doiniiiiil tvas
wi > aU. Hut hy virtue iif tlio niodorato uiii'ilnus
M'lU'rs uoro onalilod to iinloail without sacrl-
( U'ln. prh'us.
Df i-atCr Hint woru ( II fnrllio fort'Spn wr-
Ki't tlii-ii. ' were a few r.irlnuiN. It Is Just
us wi'il that ftiti'li wa" Iho oa"o as tlio oxport-
ois hav" not lic"n diiliiL' much of late , o'vtr. : lethe
the dcpii" < * ed state of thu mark l.M on tlio
other sldi > of the water.
Piireh.iHiM nn ciistcru ai'connl. wore princi
pally at * J."iOi6i..Vi and frum J-LiVl toji.niiern
jii ires paid Iiv dressed bi.'ef llrtiiH for tlio hulk
of I licit laUlnufl.
\Vi > tcru' .t > lil Inryoly at J..fiOUil.PO. uiul $ ! . ' 0
ffi.'fiO were the riillna prlrr-s for Tovtis cult Ii1.
Tlinnlistn lliOMil.'ht ri'e.'lpt'mili'iinen wein
oiia ilrd to clear tlio pros ni all aeenmnlal limy
nnd tlio out look for I'Yid.iy f.ivorud .itiou i'i'
ptl.-i's for n-oful I'attli1.
Tlio li'iir marUi't % va < slrons early and wak
later , hut prleos ( li.l'nnt at , any tlnii' show a
iiuitalilr | dlll'orc'tii'e fnini llioviof ihedcy In
line. After an hour or two of fair .n-t.vlty
tin.1 movement hueamo suit lllc'.s and the sup
ply plovod vtro iti'f than the doin .nd would
al'virli by several tliiius.iuil Im--s. whieh lay III
puns at Iho close , and the " 'vliid up" WIIH very
weak at il.7S'j.i ( ( : ) for lliihl wolKlil- . and at J.V )
QS.4.1 for ho'ivy. Thu soli's of m."illiim wi > lilim
were prlnt'lpally tit } . " > .0 N'O. , . 4 1 , tlu-y SL'IMu : ' tu
hottei' ndviintaee than the heavy suits and
not iiiti' | ! sis stronir as liilit woUhUs. Or.iss-
i > f. weiv praetleally unMiliilila and anythlni ?
weluhln-'overa7. " > piiund was neplectt'd.
The Kxvnln : .louinal reports : OATn.K Ho-
eelpts. | ti.t)0 ) : shliineiits ) none ; niarliot fairly
tietlvo and steady to a ' undo sttonuor : prime
to elnd.'i' ' sloers , fS.K SUi ; no oxtia steers on
sale ; tiond In useful stei rs , j4.MHf. " > .r > 0 ! Te\ao .
J-.tiv a.T : MoeUers. ii'.a."ii.T.1j ; westerns , fc'5 ®
4.4i ; rims. fl.i ( jij..M. :
Huns Keeelpls , 10i 00 head : .shlpmenl < ! . B.cifl
ho id ; f.-ilr demand , steady to stron.or ; roil : li
and common. < ! I. . ' . " > ? I. S'i ; puc .crs and mixed ,
$ ; prlmo heavy and liutelijr weights.
J. > .4' ! ; prime ll lil , K.GiiS ) > .i-0 ; Krasser.s ,
$ .
Sll K1 ! Iteeolpts , r 00(1 ( hcadsshlpments. ' . ' , V)0 ) ;
markol fairly active an I stuadv : ntitlvo
ewus , tl-2."Mtil. . , i ; mixed and wethers. il.OOi ! ' > .2S !
TeMins tt.8. > @l.i. > ; westeni-4 , $1.15 ; lambs ,
\c\V Yof't ' Iilvc Sti > ; k
Nr.\v YDIIK. Anj. -Iliyii-Ujoolnts : : ; : : , 7,77) )
hoail. no traile : feeling steady.
IIIIKSSI : : ) lluur tflow at ( for Texas ; S'c
for native cireissino : : : sliliiinuuts to.lay ; to-
moriow.Vil livecatllo. .
( 'AI.VIIS Iteeelpls , 1,118 lii"id ; marltot ' 40
higher for veils ; hiitlonnllk and irraKsuM
weti : veals mid at rMPie pur pound ! butter-
iirll ; and arasseis fi'jiitifc.
siiiii' ? : liuL'elpts. 4,4 S liend ; market steady ;
sheep lil at $ 'I.7. > < E. > .2S per 1UJ Ihs ; lamhs ,
J.1.2.1i4 ( > .2 >
lions lieeelpts , l.fill ho-'d. Inultidlni : 1 car
for -iilc. Marl. ot firm for light lie s atjj.ll- ©
S.M per ICO Ibs.
1C HIM IH Hy Ijjvi ! Stoalt
KANJACITV. . Mo. . AUK. K ) . ( MTn.n Ko-
oelnts , s.o.i : ; ; slilunients. i'.lfli. Mnrkot - .
Texas c.ittlo strong to Hie hlirher. Cows steady
tn.V'i.l.lo hlirhor. Sto"i'4. M , . > iiJ'i.r.1 ; eows , f I..10
( if. ' . ' SO : stolior.s and feeders , f . ' .f > 'Jfj 4.'S.
lions Itec'olpts. 4,0) ) . ; shipments , 1.00) . Market -
kot steadv to stroiis ; hulk , } : i.'lO.VJO ; all
Ki-ados. M.tSTft-.T.1J.
SiiKKt' Kueolpts , ) ; shipments , 50. ' .
MarUut stuady.
N ; . IjoulK Ijtvu StOL. ! : Mai-l < ct.
PT. Ijotits , Mo. . AIIC. 1' ! . ' 'ATTI.E Uo-elpts.
2.'ini ; sh'pments ' 4. " .HI ; market slron ; ordl-
nniy toebolee natives W.OiTfr'i.ii.ijToxans and
Indians $ ! , ' . ' © a-.M ; uaniiois , * ! . ( Xlir--VJ. ? ) .
llons-ltecelpts. 0sh ; pments. 11'J ) ; mar
ket net vo : honvy. .fs.lina .jo ; mixed , $1.1)016 )
.1.3.1 : llcht , f.
or/.i .i wiiot. s.tijt : JIAIIU . .TS.
F.-rsli Fruits.
Ai-i't.BS Per hill. . K.O.lii'.1. . . . " > .
PI.U.MS California , Jl..W.l.Sl.
Pr.utsUallforn n llartlolt , S..flOaS.S. ' ) .
OliANnis : ICodl. ? ( > ( M.
\VATIIIMII.O.VS : : Shipplirj stock. l.lQl.-'c.
CANTALOUPES -Perer.ito , f 1.2.1.
LKMiiNS Pur lie v. fii.Oi.
| ! ANA : < AS Per hunch , J..O Ji'J.riO for peed
shipping stook ,
tluArKS Southern. 4fic porS ihhaskut.
PKACIIUS The supply Is oiilte lafi-'o and the
quality improve I. t'a'lfiiriilii ' Crawfords.
ase lots , Jl.Ills llvovasu lots , il.25.
Country Pro-.Inco.
The teeolnts are lllit anil prices nro
llrmer , ran ln : all tlr > way from l.'lu to He , A
"ooil manv slrletlv fio-h I-L-L-S lirlu ' iiic : ntnl
a few single ease lois I4e. Ajood many seconds
ends and cc'-'s not elusuly eanilli'il ro at I'le.
HUTTiiii Tlio Imllc of tlio country butter
hrln''h n'.ic. although an occasional pai'kairo
of eholeo dairy .soils to the retail trade as
hlL-h as IS'
POUI.TI v ( iiod ) old fowls , ji.0'i.r : ' ' : > ' 1 ; roost -
ors , W.Wl : SPI-'IIK chlukens , ttood , iL'.j
small , } 1. 7. & . ' . - . ' ) .
The follow I us Ions * oprosont tliopr Ices
\\hlilieholcostoekls hilled out on otdurs
iiiiiesothorwlso stated :
Nr.w I'OTATOKS Supplies lurio ? ; irooil block.
3'e ' per I ushel.
NKW HIIKTS Per luishol , f.Oc ,
HIASS : Navy. K.'OflS.K > pur luishol.
ToMATors Per luishol , ji,1l ) .
Ciir.nv : Mo per do/on.
CAIIIIAUK Homo mown. lic ! per U ) .
UNIONS llomD frown 'Hu per bushel.
Omaha rnllluiK eompany. Itcllnncc ,
Patent. JS.SO ; Inviiielhle Patent. f'-.7 ( ) ; l.onn
Sti : r. Hnperlatlve , $ i.40j Snowllako , t.uO ;
ranev I'limlly. fl III.
It. T. Davis mllllni ; company. Illah Paient.
No. 1 and Cream. iKMil ; ( line I ) , , full natunt.
41 ; llnwkoye , half patent. $ ' 2.T : > : Special
Itoyal. Patent No. 1 > , f..M ; Minnesota patent-
f-.TS ; Kansas Muni Wlinat. patent , II.i.1 ; No
htaskn Spring Wheat , nalont. f..l\
S. Ullmnn'sCold Medal , JS.7I ( | Snow \Vhltn
f' . ' 40 ; SnowllaUe. * ' . ! ( ) ; low irrade , fl.fli ; ( jiieun
of t-'io Pntitrv. J..7'ij Minnesota Superlative ,
f.7il ; I. . ran. fttM ; ehopped food , f.M.Oil.
K. I , . Welch & C'o. . Itcsl. 2.7. ' ; Crown Prince.
f..m ; Mliiiiesota Chief , W..Vi ; Splendid Tainlly ,
.IO ! StrulKlit. tl.M.
AVIII Quit tlio Iliii-No
Ln.MSfiToN , Ky. , Atitr. 1 ! ! . UanlelSwluort ,
proprietor of the lOlmemloi'f stud , Ititcnd.s
hclliiif.- ! ) .VlO-ncri * farm and nil of tils horses
nt publlo auction next October. Ho says bo
Is Kuttlni ; old and wishes to retire from busi
ness nllogothor. Well posted liorsotnon value
bis plant nt $ r.00)01) ( ) ) . Mr. SwiKert Is out ) of
the widest known breeders of tuorougbbi'Cils
in Atnei'lea.
Killed Without Prnvm.'nt Ion.
Nr.w I'liii.Aiini.i'im , O. , Aug. IJ. ! At Vul-
loy .liuioUon a sitting In thu
depot waiting for u train when Samuel Mc-
ICcown of St. Louis eaino In unit without a
word drew n revolver and shot bill ) , liilllutlni ;
a fulfil -wound. Wnon arrested tlio assassin
said bo did not knmv why bo had II rod tlio
SttirtH ( of Vloliy.
P\itis , Aug. 1 ! ) . Tbo ( Jrand Puke Alexis
Wft this city for Vichy today. Much enthu
siasm was inanlfosteu by thousands of [ wr-
sons ( : iitbcrml at tlio railway station.
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th fct. , First National Bank DulW
Ing , Omaha , Nob.
Deal In i-tocki. bjniU. eoiirltlot , commercial paper -
per , eto. Nwotl-ile loam un ImproTOl O.u.ina rail
cmat . Hliurltlaiu loum. ua biuk ttuclt , or utber
apprurttU GuUutvtal > acuil ( ) .
an oers
A , ' \'XIX(1S \ A XI ) TKXT& .
Omalin Tunt & Awn
ing Oo , ,
Klnir , hntnni nk ollnnd
rnlitiorclnililni : S > iul for
ue. Ill : ) 1'atiinai.
Bemls Omaha Bag 0 ? .
linportor nn I Mnaafnc-
1'luitr Sn'l > a. lliirap ! nail
A. II. Perrio & Co. M. 0. Thxon.
lift ! Helm stto't. lilcychiM iilil on nionlhly
Send fo * our tto
nnd prliv. lf/)7' ) ' < Fnrinm st. , Omnh
Arkerman Brothers & Hnin'za ,
Printer' . . blinler < , rlurtmtperi , lilnnk book iniiiiu-
f. ct ne-n
Illi' , Iliiwinl .licet , Onmlm.
Olias. A , t oc & Co. ! Kirkendall.Jones&Oo
Mnnufn Huron nnd , K > b- Wlni'O'iili'Mniiiil'ii'tiir'rs
ber. < . Alien s for 1'in'on llnb-
ber Hlu.c C . Hi' . ' . IIUI ,
IIOH Howard stiool. nnd 1101 , llnrni-y Mrool.
Williams , Van Aer- W. V. Mors3 & Co. ,
nain & Hnrto Sine Kactory.Corner llth
nnd Oonuhii sin Oinnb.i
1212 Ibinicr stroct. Mi'velmtiti
Invilcil to
Ohiti n. .Vcli. cull l
HUTCH vita
John L. Wilkio , Louis Heller ,
Onmlm piper box fnplo"y lliitcliert nml P.ieker" ,'J noiitlii9. | Tooli ( mil Biipiilloi. Hecf
. lin < nml cluop en lnjH.
OriUT.i promptly IIII.M.
Ili'MIIS ' .Ini'k-on street.
. .
\Vlmlo\v caps , melnP'o ' e.'ip * . llnlult , etc. Tin
* klluhti , etc. 1110 an I Iron nmlltto > loofer. .
Ill''Doil 'O St. | Ml Furilalil HI.
J. J. Johnson. & Oo. , O.\dy & Gray ,
213 S. 1.1th Strait , I.lmo , content , etc. , etc.
Oninbn , Xeb. Cor. ilth nnd Donulaa Htt.
M. E. Smith & Oo , , Kilpatriok-Kooh Diy
Dry gnuili. notlinfur - Goods Oo. ,
nUlilnuoo U. Dryaiiodi. notions , Bents'
fiinilaliliii ! iroi At.
Corner llth anil llownril. cor. llth anI llnw.inl i-ts
Wolf Electrical Oo. | ) ITUOIT-AIT.MATIC : )
Electric Motors
Illnstrnteil catnlogno
nml liynmoi. t'n'nliiiio '
fr'u. . . . . '
llCJ. II. A. Iv'nr.ey.lien'l
I'il4 Capitol Avenue. AKI. SO .i.v.f.l.lfu Unix- .
Parliu , Prciulorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo.
, li'cnornl
o tein iixent
Corner Jones nail ! ltb Sts. .Sknmlm I'low Co. ,
Uinabn , Xeb. DI'.i-HSI Sbcrnmn Ave.
E. L , Welch & Co. , E. T. Davis Mill Oo.
101' ' N. iC.h Street. C. Ci. I'mlunrooil ,
J. I ) . Me : y , .M. ' Mjer. .Manager nt Omalin.
Mill at Ilu.nlerMi'i. .Ml m. Cor. Mil nml .lack-on Sts.
f.F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
IOii-l.ri-lT : , N. Kith Street. .Motclnint .MIIIorH.
Ullk'oaml Mill IIIU .North
II. } ' . . IM.icV - MiniiiL-er. ! iib : Mreet.
G HOC E It IE * .
Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Eaapko ,
703-711 S. lUlh Streol , HUi.llWIInriioy Street ,
Oinuhi , Neti. Onmlm. Nob.
D. M Steele i Oo , Sloan , Johnson & Co. ,
12)1-1:0) JUIIM Street , Kill ami I.cuvenworllt
htreeta ,
Oin.ilm , Nob. Oniiiliu , Neb ,
Allen Bros. , McCbril , Brady & 03. ,
1106-1110 Ilnrnejr blrcot , lath unit l.oavcnworlli ,
Onmlia , N'eb. Onmlm , Nob.
Ilutrli II. Olnrk ,
( ien'lVestern Aiiunt of
Illiunt' ) | Kiiurtlnu ( illn-
1'owiier. Atlun IiluliotjilO'
Itohli tlni { Cflpi. funoi.
Ulb IlarautrouU
nit A ix A xi ) pitonsroxa.
Toncray tt Bryan , S , A , MoWbortor
llriDuTj. urnln , | iroYl - ,1U 1st Nnl'l lf\ntc , Hrok-
Inii'niul murk * . 3J | H. cm. Prlvnto ulron to
llth HI 1'rlvntu nlrn New Vork , ChlciKonml
lo f'lilcnun , St. l.diili SI. I.oiiln. Cn li rnln
nml xtiir York. linii < littorMHiir > rkft .
Cookroll Bros F , 0. Swartz & Oo. ,
Ilrokor . Prlvntu wires Hrok < > r . ( ] rnliirroTlMoni
lo New York" . ( 'iriMifo , ' * I miI'nvnlo wlro lo HI.
" ' - - ' Uitiln niiil rtileivii. Ottlco
tlon gln'ii to Irnrk bM i In 1 t Nul'l llnnk , Omaha ,
tint-rain. 1st Nnfl Hunk. I KjcluirmobM'ir , S Oninlm
: I1I7 ! - .awal-H
vi.i u > t ; fcinuuy ( urul. -
imitituii' ' ( Ii'ii'lmiKCB ana
.loitiMvuifauol' r * . n. A
rorlmc'iiri ) t'ir the ilflilll-
utlnK vc'uLnvutt pccullai
Ilirri-cr I'.oltamlfeeldtla
In r.-i-i'innieiidlntf It 19
' ' '
/ . . . . ' .
Nulil l > v Dni aUi * .
1'isit l' ,
, Total Imiiui of CITieOt
Uorrt poniltnto olciti' | < J.
H.W.HARniS&COMPflNYBanker , %
10 = 1-165 rjonrborn Street , CHICAQ < *
:3 : we'i streot. HEW YOIIK-
70 BtntO SS'-
I am oflortnc st jo'c In a good sound oom-
pany tlut will pay a tiO pjr oout dividoij "
$100 sharus for $ B6. Wrlta for prospect
Room 0 , Qor , Am , B'k ' Bldg-.St , Josaph lift