Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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i Delivered by Carrier In any part of the City ,
Business Ofllce , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 20-1 Sapp bloclt. *
If you want water In your yard or house
fete Blxby's , UO'J Morrlam block.
All members of General O. M. Dotlgo camj
No. 2.7.1 , Sons of Veterans , nro requeued tc
nifiel nt the hall this evening nt 8 o'clock foi
business of Importance.
Ladles of All Saint's mission will enter
tain a lawn social this Wednesday evening
nt the residence of Mrs. Hlghsmltt. , cornoi
of Seventeenth street nnd Second avenue.
Jennie Smith was lined S'J.OO In pollco tour :
yesterday morning for vagrancy. S , B. Kim
uorlln was found guilty of the larceny of i
shovel from Samuel Dobson nnd was
fined ? 3.
The Spooncr remedy company , whlcl
played to big audience ! , about a month ago
has been engaged for another week's run
commencing next Monday night nt thoBroau
way theater.
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion ,
meets nt Knights of Pythias hall this oven-
ing. All comrades aio requested to bo pres
ent. Inspection of encampment by Inspcctot
general from Crcston.
The chairman of the commlttco nn enter-
, of lliu Woman's Relief corps , de
sires to meet all members of the corps nl
Grand Army hall Friday afternoon nt . '
o'clock to transact business of importance.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Uerean
Baptist church will itlvo a reception tomor
row afternoon from U o'clock till 5 nt the res
idence of Mrs. James McMillan , 1700 Nlntl
nvenuc. KcfrL-shments will bo served. All
are Invited.
John Beochcr was arrested yesterday
morning on an Information charging bin
with the larceny of a hack license tag belong
Ing to William Welch. Ho was given n hear
ing boforn Judge McGee yesterday morning
nnd was discharged , ho being able to prove
bis title.
The will of the late J. F. Brodbcck was
filed for probate yesterday in district court
It will bo brought up September S > for nn ex
amination. By Its toims Emma E. Brodbcck
wife of the deceased , Is appointed ex ecu to :
nnd also receives the whole of his real ant
port-mini property ,
The reunion of the twenty ninth Iowa in
fantry is to bo held In Glcnwood , August 23.
nnd preparations are being made by tbo mem
bcr for a line time. There will bo aboul
twenty In attendance from this city , nnd
largo numbers from thccounties In the couth- -
western part of the stato. The celebration
will last two days.
Ed Blumcnsteln nnd Ed Morgan were
'gven ! n bearing before Commissioner Huntoi
of the United States court yesterday morn
Ing on tbo charge of stealing a government
skiff. They wcio bound over to await tiu
action of the federal grand Jury nnd hide
fault of ball they were taken to the Polli
county jail for Keeping.
"Evangelist" Sherwood's boy band wns In
the city yesterday playing about the streets
nnd gathering up 'what few stray shekels
they could. It was reported that they had
been brought by Sherwood to this side of the
river in order to prevent any papers beinp
served on him to compel him to give up any
of his chargcs.-Thoy all went back to Omaha
last evening.
A party was given Monday night at Lake
Manawa in honor of Miss Julia Officer , whc
Is spending n vacation at homo after spend
ing n year in Chicago. The following guests
veropresent : Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlnton , Mr
nnd Mrs. C. T. Ofllccr , the Misses Kate
Ptisey , Janlo Baldwin , Besslo Stewart am :
Julia Ofllcer , Messrs. J. E. F. McGe , W ,
P. Ofllcer , J. L. Paxton nnd C. W , Schwart/ ,
A highly onjoyublo time was had.
Ned Mitchell , n eonductor on the motoi
line , was the victim of an assault last Satur
day evening by Charles Denny , who caught
blm as ho was on bis car and administered r
thrashing to him , accuclng blm at the same
time of having insulted bis wife. An in
formation < vns Illcd In Justice ) Hiimmor't
court charging Denny with assault ana bat
tery , and ho was arrested yesterday am
taken before the justice. Ho entered n plea ol
guilty , and was lined $5 and costs.
Kcd UldlilK Hood's Kesciier.
A very bountiful porfejrmanco under
the above title will ho given at the
Broad way theater on Friday nnd Satur
day ovoninps , August H and 15 , with
Saturday mntinco , for the honufit of
'Unity Guild. Forty children , rnngiiic
from six to twelve years of nge , will he
In the ohorus , till beautifully costumed ,
under the direction of Mrs. M. A. Kings-
Gasoline and oil ; cobs , , wood nnd conl :
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , 27 Main ;
telephone 203. _
Union Park races , Omaha nnd Coun
cil BlulTs , September 8-11 , $ ( ! ,500 ; Oc
tober 20-22 , $1,000. For programme *
nddreBS Nat Brown , Merchants hotel ,
Mrs. J. T. Boll has gona to Chicago to visit
friends. Shu will bo absent several weens.
Miss Cecilia Mulqueon has gene on n visit
to friends In Sioux City and Hubbaril , Neb ,
Mrs. M E. A my and daughter , Miss Mnmln ,
have gene to Oakland , Cal. , to visit relatives.
Miss Etta Maxwell has returned from a
visit of n couple of weeks with friends In
Miss Allio Boebo has , returned from n visit
of several weeks In Now x'ork uud othei
eastern cities.
Ofllccr W. U. Kemp Is the first member of
the pollco force to take his llvo days' vaca
tion as allowed by the recent resolution of
the city council. Ilo is spending a few days
with his brother In Hazel Dell township.
Colonel D. B. Dalloy , Major It. C. Hub-
bard nnd Theodore Gulttar left for Oakland
last evening to attend a meeting of old sol
diers , nt which arrangements for the sol
diers' reunion to bo hold In the east end ol
the county seine tlmo during the month ol
September will bo mado.
The Epworth league will glva nn on-
-tertniiiinoiit at the Fifth avenue Metho
dist Episcopal church Thnrtiday oven-
ing. Miss Lena Sims , the Amphion
ciunrtotto nnd Prof. Ruttor will nsslst.
A phonograph will bo exhibited. Icu
cream served.
Water from the Milwaukee artesian
well , for drinking purposes , delivered
ovorv morning to private families at a
nominal rate. Address , Water , UKK
olllco. _
Lost and l-oiind.
The South Omntia rig that was stolen at
Manawa last Saturday night 1ms been found.
The horse turned up safe and sound in acorn
field near the stockyards Sunday night.
Yesterday morning n policeman , while look
ing around In a Hold near the corner of Tea-
tovtn street ntut Nineteenth avenue- , found
the buggy , slightly battered up , but still In
tlio ring. The property has been given to Its
owner nnd the reward of $ - > 0 has been paid
to the llnders. Tbo thief is still unknown ,
hut tbo polli-o nro on a hot trail and bopu to
run him down In the course of n few days ,
The O. M. & St. P. ticket olllco has
been removed from 506' Broadway into
the elegant now quarters in the now
Baldwin block , G Potirl street.
Picnic at Manhattan bench. .Round
trlu tickets from Omaha , including boat
ride , oOo ; on sale at nowa Btiuuls at Alii-
"ard and Murray hotels.
Buy your furniture , cnrpots , sieves
nnd household goods of Mandul ft Klein ,
Couuoll BlulTs. Prices very low ; freight
prepaid to your city.
Mrs. Oharles Denny Meets with Probably
a Fatal Accident ,
She \ \ nn CriiNhctl Between the Cni-rl-
HKC ami lliu Curbstone anil Suf
fered Severe Internal
Mrs. Chnrlcs Denny mot with a serious
accident yostcniny nftornoon in front of
her residence nt llio corner of Avenue B and
Thlrtucnth stroot. She wt\3 getting Into her
Innrgy to drive her husband to Ills work nt
tlio transfer wtmn tlio horse commenced to
Mrs. Denny WHS crowded between the
wheels nnd tlio box nml b.idly bruised. She
wns then thrown to the wound uncl ono of
the wheels passed over her boily. Slio was
picked up mill carried Into the house where n
physician attended her. She was found to
bo'scriously Injured , ono of her ribs being
Last evening It wns feared that she had
suffered Internal injuries , nnd that she was
In a critical condition. Whether she will
recover is yet a matter of uncertainty , but
she is receiving the beat of attention and it I3
houed she may pull through.
KIIH'I .lot ) Printing
Or regular work for Omaha , or Council
BlulTs parties , or anyone else , done
promptly nnd properly at Pryors' Boo
job olllcc , It ! Pearl street , Council BlulTs.
Prices are always as low as is consistent
With good work.
IIiii'KlnrM atVorlc. .
The Osdcn house bar room was entered bv
burglars at an early hour yesterday morning ,
entrance being effected by forcing open the
transom over n rear door. Tlio visitors went
through everything In the room pretty thor
oughly , nnd secured as booty about $ ( ! in
cash , several hundred cigars , n lot of liquor ,
nnd some meat that was In the ice box. Two
grips which had been left In care of the prop
rietors , Thompson & Sullivan , were found
lying on the lloor when tlio place was opened
yesterday morning , with their locks broken
and their contents scattered about the lloor.
Nothing was missing however. There is no
clue to the thieves.
M. Vvoolman's ' Jewelry store , nt 233 Broad
way , was burclarlzcd some tlmo durmgMon-
diiy night or Tuesday morning , while the
owner was at Colfax. Ho returned Monday
night and nt OMCO saw that some ono had
been through his store. Whoevir it was hnd
failed to get into tlio safe , and had been con
tent with what few things that had boon left
In the show case. Two empty watch eases ,
a movement and a couple of breast ( ilns were
all the missing nrtlclcs of any value.
'llio Catholic convent was uttered by
burglars night before last. All the hoys to
the front door were taken oy the visitors ,
who got in through nn open winnow , but
nothing of value has been missed so far.
Swanson music company , 335 Broad
Itcport ol the Assignee.
Assignee M. F. Kohrcr filed his report and
Inventory last evening of the affairs of the
Kiniball-Champ Investment company. Ac
cording to the inventory the bills receivable
amount to IOO,4 : > ; j.7f > , the assignee's valua
tion of the same being $90,000. The follow
ing arc among the more important items :
Bills receivable , secured by first nnd second
mortgages on real estate , mortgages on per
sonal property , chattels nnd secured by other
collateral anu book accounts , face value , 5 > iU- ,
724.71 ; npprnlsed value , J10,5-J1.4r > : stocks In
Pottawnttamie County Heal Estate Abstract
company , Union Depot company nnd the
Security Building and Loan association ,
face value , ? ir ,2'JJ ; appraised value , SlU-J4. i.
Furniture and fixture's , cost , SIIK ! > 3.K ( ) ; ap
praised value , $1,000. estate Interest
coupons past due , face , ? SUi.SU ( appraised
vnlue , ) , 'IOO. Tax sale corlilicatcs , Iowa and
Nebraska , ? 'taS7.01 ; appraised value , same.
Sheriff's ' certitlcates , Iowa , $7i7.r ! > ( i ; ap
praised value , foOO. Book accounts , $ ) , { > ! .DO ;
appraised value , $ | ,2UO.
In the list of real estate assets the Grand
hotel Is valued at $185,000 , the Inoumuranco
on It Is $91,500 , and the estimated equity of
the ICunball-Chami ) investment company in
It Is $ . ' 0,500 , or the costof Its erection less the
incumbrancp. The vuluo of the Manhattan
Is placed at $18.000 , but as the movt ngo on it
is nearly tnat amount , the appraised value of
the investment company's equity Is oniy 91.
The assignee states that there are other
assets which ho bus not yet been able to get
hold of , from the fact that they are in tba
hands of eastern bankers , where they have
been put up as collateral for loans furnished
patrons of the company. Fifty thousand dollars
lars , he thinks , will cover this item.
Go and see Mrs. Kingsbury , Red
Riding Hfod ; Mr. Davis Wolf ; Mr.
Fornokcs , Woodmnn ; Miss Anderson ,
Grandmother ; . Miss Jackson , Red
Riding Hood's mother.
C'lntiiiH Sim in Snnc.
Mrs. Emma Breosco of Harrison county
came to the front again yesterday with n
potiton for n writ of habeas corpus , which
she tiled in the superior court. She makes
Sheriff J. D. Garrison of Harrison county , S.
I. King , president of the board of Insanity ,
Dr. J. C. Wood , physician , A. B. Brcesee ,
liar husband , and the members of the board
of supervisors dolendants In the suit. She
alleges that she is not insane , but has been
declared to bo so by the Insanity commis
sioners , and has boon by them turned over to
her husband , by whom she is now kfipt in
custody , and may bo nnlorod Into conllno-
meat nt any tlmo. Shu will bo brought be
fore Judge McGee lu superior court August
" 0 , when the case will bo clvon a hearing.
Knrowoll nencdr.
The friends of Edward Cogloy nro getting
up a farewell testimonial concert for him in
view of his leaving Council BlulTs for the
cast , where lib has aa engagement with the
"Little Nuggctt" company. The concert will
bo given tomorrow evening In the Broadway
theater , nnd a tine program Is Doing arranged
to consist of selections by some of the best
talent of Council DlulTs nnd Omaha. Among
the performers will bo the Mandolin club , the
Amphion quartette and Dalby's orchestra.
Mr. Cogloy will appear In sqmo of his uow
and original specialties which he has prepared -
pared for use on the stage. Ho loaves next
.Monday for Cincinnati , whoru ho will inret
the companv and practice until September 1 ,
when the season opens.
The ladles of the Trinity Methodist
church , corner of Ninth avenue and
Fourth street , will give a chicken pie
social in the church parlors tomorrow ,
Thursday , evening. All are cordially
Forgot All About It.
The statement made in yesterday's Ilir. : in
the report of the mooting of the school board
ntcht before last that D.V. . Bushnoll was
the only stationer whose bid was sent In bo-
fora the expiration of the tlmo llxed in the
advertisement for scaled bids for handling
school books Is disputed by Dell U. Morgan.
Ho states that his bid wa In on the after
noon of the last day , and as It was the low
est , ho thinks ho should Imvo uoen awarded
tbo contract. The statement madu in Tin ;
Br.u came from two mmnbor * of the board ,
however , so that it was sup
posed to bo correct. Mr. Morgan
wont to the ofllco of Mr. Wells
the president of the board yesterday and had
a talk with him. lie found out that Wells
sulTor nocdledsly. A disordered stomaeh ,
constipation , gout , rheumatism and kid
ney disease can positively bo avoided by
the careful use of the genuine Carlsbad
Sprudol Suit. Dowaro of imitations ,
had taken his bid mid handed ll to ono ot hi ;
clerks to bo filed atvay. It > vas filed awn ;
with such n vengeance that ho had forgottcr
all about it. Whether this will make nnji
dlffercnco In the nnvertlslng for a second sol
of bids Is not known , but It probaoly will not
The board Inus already ordered a rcadvortlsc
ment. Riid as thcro nro only two bidders , over
with Morgan , It Is hoped that by civliit
another chnnco moro bids may bo secured
nnd the district thus bo saved some unnecessary
sary expense.
Dr9. Stewart & Pally , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth otrcut , Council Dlulls , In.
ClinrKPtl wltli lll li\v y Itnliliury.
John Orant , a well known contldonco mai
and all around crook , was arrested nt 10 :
o'cIocV last night at Goldstein's saloon 01
Broadw-y , Just west of Indian creek , on i
charge of Highway robbery. The victim dli
not glvo his name , but will llio an Informn
tlun today. Or.uit has qulto a record as i
criminal. Ho says ho U 1 ust out of tlio poll
ttentlary. where ho served n four years' t'jrn
for robbery. According to Depot Maste
James McMillan of the transfer , iio was 1m
plicated In n potty conllilenco came at tin
transfer last week , In which n farmer fron
Antclopa county , Neb , , was worked forfi 01
the dead brother-in-law dodgo. Ho Is i
smooth looking customer and will prob.ibl ;
spend another term behind the bars of th
L'lunos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 03 !
Suit Against Attorneys.
C. V. Forties & Co. commenced a suit 1
district court yesterday to recover ? 1,00
which was placed in the hands of Wright
JJ.iUlwln & Haldano as security for th
coits In a suit in which the laltcr appearci
for Forties & , Co. In the district court o
I'ottawat'amio county In IbSS. A judijmen
was rendered In favor of the plaintiffs , bu
ltisclaimo.1 that Wright , Baldwin & Hal
dane refuse to pay over tno thousand dollar
which wns deposited with them ,
Drs. Woodmiry , dentists , 30 Peat-
street , next to Grand hotel. Tolophom
Ho. High grade work a , specialty
I..ITKHT J-'ItOM UlllX.t.
Cele.Mtliil Hou-dleH Still Continue tc
IliriHH Aniericani.
SAX Fuxxcf-co , Cal. , Aug. 11. Tin
stnamer Oceanic arrivrd this ovonlne fron
HonglConu' and Yokohoma. Advices fron
lIongKongup to July 15 state that the llro
of discontent Is still smouldering in Norm
China. Occasional riots nro reported.
The mission stations near Cantoi
are said to Imvo been nttackci
but no particulars were received. Two o
the Wusch rioters have boon executed am
their heads are hung up at Wusch as a warn
Ing to other evil doors. A correspondent at
Tioustlen writes under date of Juno 2'J thai
all Is ijuiot Ilioro.
A correspond jnt at T-donp Ivaniunder date
of June 3" writes that the viceroy wrote to
the ofllclals there thut tno residences of for
r.iguors should bo searched to sue It' they had
any babies' or dead people's bones about ,
The Presbyterian mission was searched
bv an olllcial , while a crowd of excited na
tlvcs waited outside. A mob into thi
Catholic mission but they were put out b.i
the occupants , Mr. Chalfant holding th <
rioters at bay with his revolver The nu
thorltios finally sent the military to the seem
and soldiers were guarding the compound nl
On July 4 news came by telegraph from the
southern'part of the province of serious not
Ing. n this section the Catholics have large
property Interests , many line churches and c
largo orphanage. Several of these have been
destroyed by the mob. At Fuchu Fu rioters
wrecked outhouses , entered the churches and
priests' houses and sacked oveiythlng , but
did not burn tbo building. The
amount of damtigo done is not
known. ItJ is said , the orphanage
was not touched. Soldiers have been or
dered out and patrol the streets at nignt
cunrdlng Uomanlst property. The town Is
now left without n gunboat nnd a feellnc ol
uneasiness prevails.
A telegram from Tlcntlou states that the
French and British ministers in China have
opened negotiations with Taunp ; Ll Yamen In
regard to their claim for indemnity on ac
count of the recent riots. The sura claimed
is ir.00,000 ; . taels.
Advices from Yokohama gives further par
ticulars of the sinking of thosto.imorTamayo
Maru end the drowning of : ' (1U ( passcngors.
The Tam.ivo Maru and another steamer , the
Mynshl Muru , were racing when the lattei
steered across the Tamnyo's course and tin
vessels collided. Tno Tatnayo sunk immedi
ately and only about sixty paoplo , who wore
on deck , were rescued.
Changes of Importance lu the West
ern .1 Hilary Service.
WAsmxoro.v , Aug. 11. [ Special Tolegratr
to TUB BIK.J : The following army orders
were Issued today : Leave of absence for
four months , to take elTect upon being re
lieved from duty on the recruiting servlco.'ia
granted First Lleutenadt Farr.ind Sayra ,
Eiuhth cavah-y. The leave of absence foi
six months on surgeon's certificate granted
First Lieutenant Euwin C. Bullock , Fourth ,
then second lieutenant , Seventh cavalry ,
February 14 , is extended two months on
account of .sickness. Second Lieutenant
Malvln Hill Barnum , Third eavalry , Is de
tailed for the course of instruction nt the
United States Infantry nnd cavalry school
at Fort Loavenworth , Kan. , September , Ib'Ji.
The leave of absence granted First Lieuten
ant Harry L. Balloy , Twenty-llrst infnntrv ,
July 11 , is extended two months. Tlio ex
tension of It-ftVQ of absence granted Second
Lieutenant Charles G. Lyman , Second cav
alry , July ! l , is further extende > d ono month ,
The leave of absence granted Llcutonant Col
onel Cicorgo B , San ford , Ninth cavalry , May
J.I , Is extended four mouths.
CharlcHton Will Go to ( Mini.
V.U.KJO , Cal , , Aug. 11. The Charleston
has been ordered to Yokohama , and will
loavu from this port August 18. She will go
Into the dock at Mare Island given a
new coat of paint. She Is ordered to Shang
hai after touching at Yokohama , owintr to
missionary troubles at points along
the Yang-tse-Kiang river. The warahlj :
Caya Is the only ship on these waters of
service. Sea stores are being taken on the
Charleston for the voyage and a full comple
ment of men wont on board from the bar
racks nnd reviewed the ship. Her engines
worn to bo completely overhauled but this In
postponed owing to the peremptory charac
ter of the present orders.
U nrktnlMho
CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. II. The pollco of this
city on telegraphic advice of olllcials nt Mid-
dlesborough , ICy , , nrrostod Valentino D ,
Hito , ux-chlef of police ot MIddlrsboruugh ,
What ho Is wanted for at Middlcsborough
has not been definitely stated. It has been
ascertained hi-re , howtiver , that ho bioughl
twenty-six Hungarians hero from whom hi
collected f5 each on tits promise to secure
them employment. When he arrived hero lu
deserted them.
I'loamiro Party Drowned.
TOI.KIIO , O. , Aug. II. The yacht Nellie-
with a pleasure party of four young men and
six girls aboard were caught lu a sudden
squall this afternoon In Maumoo bay. The
girls crowded into the little- cabin to escape
a wotting. When the squall strode the boat
shecapsUod. . Three of the girls were extri
cated from the cabin but the- three that re
mained , Lena Sandbonr , Kllen Fculy and
Clara Bourds , were drowned ,
WASIIISCITOX , Aug. 11. The fourth annual
meeting of the American society of micro-
scopists bewail ut 10 o'clock this morning lu
the medical department of the Columbus un
iversity. John S. Bulling ot the surgeon's
ofilce , delivered an address of welcome.
Or. Frank T , James , president ol
the American society of lulcroscoplsts ,
delivered his annual address before thu
.society thU evening , his subject being "Tho
Microscopic ) investigation of Burns
and Scorches on Textile- Fabrics , "
i ' 'Pop the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgi-
U = = -y
cal Diseases ,
Perfectly equipped with every facility , apparatus and remedy
for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing medical or surgical treatment.
and best hospital accommodations in the west. Board and at
tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha
Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th
and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J. W. McMenamy , has
been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway
Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con
tracts , old or new , are receiving prompt and skillful attention
"We refer by permission to patients we have cured.
Write for circular on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca-
tarrh.Bronchit ' - " Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , Skin and B oocl , and all surgical
Deformities of the Hifman Body , Brace Dept ,
BRACKS. TRUSSES , nnd all nmnner of surgical appliances , manufactured to order and a lit Rtiaru'itood. The brace department is under the charge of .f. P. Web
be r , who was Dr. McMenumy's brace maker for years , and who is unreservedly recommended by the medical profession as boliiL'the best brace-maker in III
United States.
In this department we are especially successful. Our
claims for superiority over all others are based upon
the fact that this is the only medical establishment
manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for
each individual case , "We have three skilled instru
ment makers in our employ , with improved machine
ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our
own patents and improvements , the result of twenty
year's experience.
144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated ,
Sent Free to" any Address
DISEASES OF "WOMEN A SPECIALTY. Book on Diseases of Women Free. Only Reliable-Medical Institute making a Specialty of Private Diseases. Ar
blood diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poibon removed from the system without mercury. Now restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Persons untvblo
to visit us may bo treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidential. Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , hoouroly packed , no
marks to indicate con tenth or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and wo will send in plain wra'ppor 'oul
BOOK TO MEN , FREE unou private , special or nervous diseases , Iinpotoncy , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelo , with question list. Address '
26th and Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The entire address was'-taken ' up with an
account of tho' trial in the
spring of 18'JO of Charles F. Vnll , a .young
business man of St. Louis for the murder of
his wife and the part the microscope took
jr./c'T/o.v JT.V r/
Five Constitutional Aiii iiIiuonts Car
ried by Ijiylit Mn.joriiy.
The amendments to the constitution upon
which the people voted today were llvo in
number. The Hrst provides for registration
of voters in cities of 10.000 inhabitants and
over and rmpowers the legislature to make
the changes in the ballot laws. The Aus
tralian ballot system Is at the bottom of it.
| The second authorizes the legislature to tnlco
1 per cent of the school fund and place it to
the credit of the available school fund. The
fact that tbo public schools of Toxns are not
kcpbopon morotlmn four months In the year
and the teachers are forced to wait for their
pay Is at the bottom of this amendment.
The third provides that the legal rate of In
terest shall not be moro than 10 per cent per
annum nnd in contracts where the rate Is not
stated it shall bo 0 per cent. The farmer's
alliance Is at the bottom of this
The fourth gives moro extended facilities
for adopting and enforcing the local prohi
The fifth provides for the creation of addi
tional courts of civil and criir.imnl appeals.
The polls closed at (1 ( p. m. idvlces from all
parts of the state show that all of the amend
ments have been carried. The Judiciary
amendment would have been dofoaton but
for the fact that many of the suffrages did
not take the trouble to scratch. The vote
was about one-fifth of the usual amount.
Got Atv.iy with a Tlioumnul.
TOLEDO , O , Aug. 11. George P. Fitz-
meyer , city ngent for the largo wholesale
tobacco and cigar llrm of Leland Smith &
Co. , is a defaulter. Ho look his annual vaca
tion last week , going with his wife to the
Bad Eczema !
Hcnd ono Solid Sare. Itching Awful.
Had to Tic Ills Hands ( o Cradle.
Cure I uy CuUcuni.
Our little boy broke out on lili liciul with n bad
form of vczi'nm , when lie wns four months old. Wo
ti loil three doctors , but they did not liolp him. Wo
then ue I your tlirou Cunci'ltA llKMKim.M , nml nf.
Uy ualnu thorn oloron
'wooks exactly iiccord-
Inn' to cllcectloiu , ho
'l ' > it t" utoartlly Irn
? ? " ' unil uftor the
, uiuof them fur nuven
tiliintlin liU lii'inl was
i | itlroly well. When wo
I'Muii ' uaini ; It tils ho 11
' "n " noltJ nero from
'tll ! ) "w" ' ' I'll ' ejro-
"brbtti It wns ill jo all
ovcrlili oura , luoit of lili fa.'D , iui'l ' munll pliuoi on
Ultlorunt imrtinf Ills Utiilji Tliero uro nlxluun
wi'C'kn thnt wn IKK ! ti ki'i ) , ' hU hnnili tlml l tlio
cimllu llTr.l hdl I thiMii wluin-ho win tnkim up ; unl
to kooiinil.tJiu tied on Ills lun li tn kuoi | bin tlnur
nalli out of tlio ioroi , as 11' * niiull airmail It ho
i'iinUl In nny wny vet hU hiuiH loom. Wo know
your I unci'ltHKMDiiirrt ' , cjurc'.l . him. Wo fool
itnfo In rtcotumt nillnu thjnilu others.
UUO. II , ami JANK'fTA l ) UUIt ) . WoJstor , Inil.
Cuticura Resolvent
The new blond and skin purifier , and greatest
of Humor Hi'ini'dli'H , ult ais\ the blond of a I
Impurities nml poisonous uluinuiils , mill thus
removes thocamo. while C'uncuiur the uioat
ttUrn euro , nml CUTIUIMIA SOAP , an oxnnlHlto
Bklnboiiulllor , clear the skin iinilHi'iilii anil te-
btnro the hair Thus the ( . 'iniciWA KKMKDIKS
curoo cry spoolcs of Itrliin ' , hum n. , > o ilv ,
pimply nloU'hy skin , a..nip and blood I-MI | ,
from plmpli's in H 'rofnlii , f nun Infanuy to ngi' ,
nhen thu best phvslelans full.
Polil everywhere. 1'r'cp , ( JUTicintA.SOntHoAi1 ,
ItEsoi.vKNr : , * 1. 1'rcpurud by thu I'oiTmt
UllUII & ClIKMIC M , L'nill'OIIATIDN , IlLStO.l.
t < f"Scnil for "Uow toC'uioHlilu llhea ) fs"fll
piicce , ftlltlustratloiiN , ami 10) ) lustlinonliila.
10 Hkln and Scalp pnrlllcd and ioiuitlllliii ;
by furicuiiA bOAiAbioluttily pure
Of ftumloi Initnntlr lulluToil hy thut now
vlevunt und lufnlllulu Antliluto to I'aln ,
ludiiiumatlon and Wcakuem , the Cull-
cum AuH-1'ulti I'laiU-r.
Grand Army of the llepubllo encampment at
Detroit. She returned homo , leaving him to
make , as she supposed the tour of the upper
lakes. A day or two ago she received a let
ter from htm mailed In Detroit , saying ho
would never return. This led to nn Investi
gation by the firm , which developed that ho
had raado collections" for which ho did
not account. This is not complete , but
so far shows a deficit of 51.000.
Shipping News.
San Francisco Sailed , steamer Australia ,
Honolulu ; cleared , steamer City of Polcin ,
Yokohama and Hong Ivong.
Now York Arrived , State of Nebraska
from Glasgow.
London Sighted , Lahn and Gnllort from
Now York.
Glasgow Arrived , Devonla from Now
Quocnstown Arrived , Indiana from Phil
Honvy Knlluro In Vienna.
VtKSN'A , Aug. 11. The Presso announces
the failure of Morpurgo & Co. of Triust
owing to disastrous speculations on the part
of their clerk. The Paris Rothschilds are
creditors to tbo extent of 51,000,000 but they
will not present their claims until the other
creditors have boon satisfied. They have
oven advanced money to facilitate liiulda- |
tion. The liabilities of Morpurgo & Co.
amount to $2,500,000.
Italian liiHtantly Killed.
K\STPAi.isTiXL- . , Aug. 11. As the west
bound express No. 2 on the Fort Wayne was
approaching the state line coaling station this
evening it ran into a gang of section men Just
after rounding n sharp curve. Sullivan
Peti , nn Italian , was instantly killed nnd
Adam Hull fatally hurt. A passing freight
train is supposed to have confused thorn.
Vulcanic ICruption In Mp.xioo.
COMMO , .Mox. , Aug. 11. At OtfO o'clock
this morning tno volcano of Collmo began to
show signs of eruption , nnd after n tlmo the
whole city became covered with ashes. This
is the most extensive eruption over known
hero , and there nro fears that a great many
lives will bo lost ,
Corn Crop Assured.
ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Aug. 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THE OCR. ] Numerous showers fell
In western Kantas and the adjacent country
in Nebraska today. They wore especially
heavy In Kansas and have , It is claimed , In
sured the corn crop.
AVIll Cost .1 right Klvc.
There was a small II ro In a one-story fraino
building at 21(1 ( North Thirteenth street ,
owned by L , . 11 , Wright , and occupied by
Mrs. Clark , yesterday afternoon , A defec
tive iluo was the cause. Loss , $ .ri.
linmlfjrantH "Munt < < lvo Hnnds.
WAMIIVOTOV , Aug. ll. It has boon decided
to allow the Husslan Jews detained at lioston
under the Immigration law tc land upon
filing n bonu in the hum of (2,500 for each
person , that such person shall not become a
public charge.
Paying Up HH DolitH.
ATCIIISO.V , Kan. , Aug. 11. The People's
savings bank which failed last winter has
announced a dividend of 20 per cent to de
positors. This makes ( JO per cent paid de
positors. _
NABiivii.i.KTeiin.Aug. 11. A bill has boon
Died by the Atlantic trust company of Now
York for the foreclosure of a mortgage
amounting to ftW.OJO against the South Trod-
cgar Iron company.
Tl.oVcud anil tlio VarnlHh.
The rccun t dlsuiiM.sion on tobacco nnd
alcohol , following Tolstoi's morciluHM
Ht'roud agniiirit their use , has rovualcd it-
man who t-mohed for sovont.v yearn with
out interruption , consuming hotwcoti
infill and nlno thousand pounds of to-
hncco , and yet rotulncd por/oct / phyaical
and inorul fioalth.
Anolhoi * Bun Serpent.
A hl ( . ' leopard seal came up In the
mldwt of iv lot of Imtlioi'H ut Santa liar-
burn , Cal. , causing n ( , 'roat deal of alarm
at flrst , us some thought the creature a
shnrlc or sc.a sorpcnt. Sotno of the hoys
barked lil o a seal and the visitor bccmud
for it tinio to think it wns ainonjr friondH
of its own kind , mid kept coining clo.5or ,
until Iliinlly takingin the situation it
turned ttiil nnd lied out to sou again.
Ventilating Itallrond Car.s.
A now method of ventilating railroad
carriages and preventing dust from en
tering with the air lias appeared in
Prance. Tlio more quickly tlio train
moves tlio moro rapidly the apparatus
works. Tlio air is made to traverse a
receptacle containing water , which cools
it and relieves it of dust , after which it
goes through another filtering hoforo
entering the carriage.
'lo Test < > enulno Money.
Tlio true test of genuine American
paper currency is to hold the bill up to
the light bo that you can discern two
lines running parallel across Us cntiro
length ; these are a red and blue silk
thread inside the paper ; no counterfeit
lias them.
13AKK opportunity for right nmn tn rngiiKO
4-iln ircod paying business : small unultnl re
quired. A 44 Him. Counull lllnir.s.
TKA VKIi or stolen Krom Kohiur's past nro
neir ; ( . oinotery , rod and white cow : right
horn sn.lnturiMii clvlng milk. Itoasunalilo re
ward forherieturn to A. H. Snyder. 7UJ N 8th
H OTI'Ij for rent , furiiNhed. Torins reason
able , K II. Hheaft1. Council Illulls.
W ANTED ( looil Klrl for Kunural houio-
oriauutiUtliiivt'niiu. .
LOST Krldiiy uvenlni : In l < 'nurth ward , a
dark IniithiT pouliiitboolc contiilnlii ) ;
owners iiainc. Ketiirn to.lill South 8th stitot
and cut reward. _
WANTKI ) toTrudu Kvt { , > .roiiiii house , full
lot In Omaha forhonsu anil lot In Council
Illulls. I ) , llrown. iuj : llro.ulwuy.
FOR bALf > Hood fiirin. 10 tulles from Coun-
cll IllulfH. with very Itiriro ori'h-ird , t-fi pel
acre , reality , \viu fiinn , near railroad Htatlor
att.T.M per acre , Jolinbtoi. & Van I'uttei.
OoimeU llluirs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T/IOH KENT A nice ( l-rnom house with
* - larijo yard to deslr.thle party free of
churtic. J. W. Biinlro , iQl t'o.irl street.
CljAlKVOVANTmid Hyvhoinutrlii , or char-
aetor rouclln s ; uNo dliiKUosU of disease.
ncnd look of hair for remllniM liy letter. KIIII-
fc-uys an < l oven.nus. .Mrs II Hooper. I1JJ A-VII-
( I no 1C , near corner 13lh htreot. ( Jonnull II In IT" ,
Terms , &Jo and il.OJ.
MAONII'MOICNT aero propuity In ( Ivo-aoro
tracts located " 'i ' miles frnni postollbo ,
for saloon reasonable tnnns Soniu line roil-
denco property for rent by Day & lloss.
or Ituni Jantai ) r "j. wltli
- houioi , Ur J. U. Itlao. KM il ia et , OauaaU
f * \inii'pr ' ! < ; Alttirllo > "i at law.
OillllIJLlb tie , , I , , tlui stito
federal court.s. Itoims ! , t and
lleno block , Council IliiiiTs , l.i.
HI rillinhArc Attorney nt f.n , No. 19
. J. LllillllDLIi ) , puir ; | Htroot , ver llnili.
null's store. Telephone No. r > 'l. Ihisliiuj )
hours. Bii. m. toJp. m , Oouiiult HtuiH 11.
All klndi of Drln and Ole-in iidonaln tin
fUuhoutHtyloof the Art , I'.ului una rit.ilni ) I
rubrics iiiuda to look ai ttood ui now llu.i
I'ualhitrii dunned Uy Mount , hi Kirst dum
Jluiinor. Work proinotly done mrl dellvoruj
In all paru of the country tioiul for p
,0. A. MAOHAN. Prop. .
10U Uro&dwav. Near Northwuttoru opoL
UOUNCJU ULuri-i , U.
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions : Kino Flshlne. Iloatlns , Ilath- Water.
Only fifteen minute ? rldo from Coiinoll
Itlnffs. Motor trains every hulf hour , dlroat
to centers of Council IllnlV.s uud Omaha.
Most delightful und ui-cesslb.o place for
plculo parties.
Or Council Bluffs.
CAPITAL STOCK $150,000 ,
niltKTOlls I. A. Mlllnr , tt. O. Olouon : , 11 U
Shuvnrt. E. B. Hart. J I ) [ CUmmillion , Otinrloi
It. llannan. Tr-ini-iot Unnkltit hmi-
nen Lnr.'oit capltil ruiJ mrplui ot uj
banlcln Southwostoni IJ.TX
Eye , Ear , Nosi and Tiiraat
Council BlulTs , To ,
Shngiirt-IJono U'lr. '
Room 1. iJ to 12 m
7 and 8 p. m.
First--National--Bank : :
Paid Up Capltnl , . . . . $100,093
Oldest oriMiiUwl Utnk In tint altr. I'orolvn nn4
itninoitlo molnruu iiml looil J3 Ifitlji. Ui. > jU
uttuntlon pilit M oilljctln n. A-m.iiU l ! lull/11
ualn.bnki liiiikurt.iiiilujrpjr.ttlj.iji jjlljltjl Jj. '
UKU. 1 * . SANrollI ) . 1'roilclonU
A. W. ItllCK.MAN , Cuihlor
A. T. HICK. Villttae "
Council Bluffs , la.
This Etognntly Appoints ! Hotal
Is Now
N. A. Taylor , Manager
Gas Heating Stoves.
No Asnnsl No n
Just the thins for bath rooms , lie I rooms , ota.
Cull und see our iar'o as-iurtinunt.
C. B. Gas nnd Elajtris Lljht Co.
ill I'o.iri an I 'JO Main Si root.
27 MAIN Sl'tlBfcJl' .
Over O. II. Jacfueniln | k Co.'s Jewelry Storo.
Medical and Surical Institute
ima IIKI
Chronlo duoasc.s of all kinds and duform *
Itlvu bpuulultius. No * IVJ1 uud a
Cuuuvll Ululla , la ,