Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Scored an Advance- ft Result of
Today's Trading.
litillH Mnnlpiilntrtl Itcporln with Mtiuh
HHC'COIS HtioiiK fiHcrjiool Cables
Mllli Hlslng Tendencies
BtoukH and Honda.
CniCAno , Am ? , 7.Whcat cored nn nttv nco
ofc as a result of toil ly's trading. Tin * m ir-
kot was stnmgor from the outset , iiml though
It noomed to hesltuto i llttlu for a time It
flimlly broke awny and u isliy md r ipldly ad
vanced to the nlgbi'st polntof thod iy Thorn-
nftor It Undiluted within n comp ir itlvely
narrow r ingo nml cloned 'So below tliu highest
point rciich'il.
There wits some very fn'o ollln : around tlio
opcnm ; , led by iunson. . HehwarU-Uupco.
Walkoi , Mlliiilno und Hodman , but they
ntnrlcfl i vuiything without showing liny ovl-
dam oof weakness , fiogm und " . V White
wore i vidontly ilndir resirlrlpfl buying orders
presumably foi Now \ ( irk and tlio Hollers
wore dually balled out und llir dciiiand Htlll
iinsi il lulled 'Ilio soiiporn who had followed
thuM illne lir tlin big linns In tliu oailj | ) irt
of tlio o 'ui hi 01 nit i llltli ) upimihensiM )
over tlio stuliliorn utrungth the miirket
Mitiwtd und nitiilu hiiMe ( o PHI PI I his ill mgo
RIIVO tlio miirket now strength and about thu
niinii ! timi n , good iloul of bull nuns vv is lot
lot so mid lidded to tlio gmw In ' siren < tli I'liu
soaldi nd eloaraiici's uric : igaln lurgo and ug-
Kregnlid TOUOu IiiiftholH from tliu three All in
tic ( \port | oltils hrsldps ; eMi ) pick ices of
Hour Ihoio wus a good demanil htru for
Ciililis ulso rppnrti'O i ftrong Liverpool
inarliPt mine limiting an iilxiinti' on sties ,
with ( ( nuns limit ating a slroiut r
ttmo Had ivoitlur In AnMiull , lluiaary
mid dutii ifro to imps , with n ports of Kovoro
hailstorms In Ilnkot i and Mlnncsot i. were
nlso strong f.u loin Onu of the bull pointers
was tliu Hlnry that the falling olT Inthero-
rolpls for some d lys WHS duo to tin ) oiiiniilti i-
tlon of tlio f.iriiicis' alliance to hull ! "lie it ,
buck ami tb it It might bo u\pic tt d to < on-
tlnue I'lnH OIL' ituil some line islnois
A illspitih fiom Tinnessee rcpoitod tlio
farmers holding luck their wheat and millers
notgtttlng enough to grind with the result
of au advanto of Te pi r bushel during the p ist.
week Tim culmln itlnn of tin ) advance was
duo to big buying by I'ardrldgu biokois mil
also I ho cove ring of a ho ivy line of slioits by
George ' mllli ( .oiinsolnian nnd Diy wore
reported to have t ikon 45,0v ( ) bushels for
thlpnii nt After tliu market had torn lied the
top fl nte Log in hi Ban ujtiln to reall/o. then
Iterlln w IN quoted I m.irks lower mil the cx-
nort pun bases at New York weio rviiortud at
the Lompiir itl\ely Hin.ill amount of . ! " >
loids. miistjy foinptpmbor. . This stopped the
advance and ciused u recession Dttembpr
opt m d .it H'lV- ' , sold up steadily to ' ( O'Jc , broke
tn'rle , rt iiolod to W c , Ihiitu itcd aomo .mil
closed at Me , ugtiliistk'J'ic at the eloac yester
Corn was wont nnd lower eirly on con
tinued warm neilber and the fietthat re-
celptM were In e\oes of the i stlm ito , but nd-
vnneril 1 itcr In nip.ithy with wheat through
the elrcnlatloiiof astorj tothnolleetth UCOM-
tlnutil dry warm noilbor liiHtoad of Improv
ing the imp was lll.ely to shilxel It up and
thiouch feir of bull manlun'itlon 1'rido
wa slow mirly. ' eptember opcm d ac lower
all e sold atr > ( ' 0. i < U mted to 50'ie1 , fluetu-
utt d to VK' ami V > ' , e so\ times and closed
atr > fi'e ( Inn Now Vork pirties and I'.irdrhlKo
were the main support of the iniuket durlni :
the foil noon , but tlio eiowil took tliu job oil
tlielr hands In ibo afternoon ,
Oats were ( pilot and ste idy , with \civ nar
row llnetuatlons , clus irs' at thu outside
I'ork opened stronit isiiule , thoiich early
salt n were at some ouellne
Miortiiioxciiiil freoly. There w is not much
BollliiL' pressure , while the strength In priln
licliil ] ) tlio markot. Cud by w is a free seller
of all piodife'ts and Memui sold a uood deal
of poik , Klbs were firm. There Is a Rood
uish ( loin mil and p n kers were sullliii ; freely
'nf spot .ind buylni ; futurei agaliibt these
B.lll S
I < ard steady and firm , closing with an
ad MI in u of r > c
I'orl. aihanc'od IT'S ' © Oc and rlbs7'5c.
The 1c in UK futures r IIIKCI ! an follows :
Cash < inolatloni werons follows :
I'l.oun btuntly , unchaiiKud ; winter , J2.7'i
Q4 ( .0 , siirlnir , if. Vi& > Id ; rye , 8 ' .7Vfi l " > 0
WllEVT-No 2snrinit wheit , S754'ItSS ' > e ; No 3
print ; wheat , nominal , 8IQS7 ; No. 2 rod , 80'io.
ColivNo. . 2 , fiflo
OAIS-NO ; > , 27'.io ; No. 2 white. 3323t'4o ' ; No : )
IlVfc Now No , 2. 7Jc' ( .
HAIII.I.V No 2 , nomlnil ; No n , C0 ® ( > 5e , f , o.
u : No 4 , noinlniil , 40J'ic , t , o. b
1'i.A\SKUI No 1 , il 01.
Tuitnin bEU ) I'rlnie. $1.2 © 1 25
1'ollk Moss uork , per barrel , 110 4'i. Lurd.
per owt. . 11.4 : short ribs sides ( loose ! . SulU
SIMM ; dry salted shoulders ibo\ed ) , MOO ®
B.IO ; short cln ir sides ( boxeM ) , { " .I'lQ" 25
\VlilbKbV DIstlllorii'UiilsliailBOods pursal ,
SU'OAIIS Cut leif ,
Hour burri-lii 8IIOIJ 4000
\Vllltlt IlllKlll-lH _
2)1 (100 (
Corn tniHtii-lH . 2iJ OOU 'S.OOO
Ontn tniHlielH . 2SXJO (
11)0 llllklll-lH 01 UIIJ to UOO
llnrloy , lni liiln um
On the produce oxchanuo today the butter
market was htnaity and null muml ; f.uicy
creamery , I'Qf-c : line woslc-tn , lMtlijo ; ! ; or-
tlluary , lliftl.'u. Kgcs. ( IST'e' .
Now Vork Alnrkots.
Nrw YORK. AIIR. 7. I'i. ' tut lit-celpts lfi,7u8
pnokucis : tixporta , 5,740 burrelh ! easy , fair ,
Halts .11,2011 bairels
\\HKAT lteiolpts. .I.M.'WlObiisliels ' ; exports.
6JM.U , ' ; sales , 2 , ino.tmu bushels of futures -
turos : .1311,000 bushels of spot. Spot
iniirkot llriiu-r. fair export liuhlnos * : No 2 red ,
Vh ffi ilOliiulotutnr , 'HV.tO * ! n'i4alliiiit ; 61,0(1 (
MIDI1 * f. o. b ; No II red. uViftflio : uiiKradod
rod , liSi4c < al.lSV4 : No. 1 norlhcrn to arrive ,
tins ; No. 1 hunt to iirrhp. $1 HOI.ll'i ; No
2 ChleiiKO. I05'4 : No. 2 Milwaukte Jl 04.
Options iiilMinced ( Oll'iie' , on favorable 1011-
tlnental weither , broke 't&'ii' on lanu m-
oolplh and line wuallit-r west , closed st < mdy 'i
41 V o\er yostoiday ; u 2 n il. Aut-'usi. 117 7 ©
44'fcV. cloMliu ; lis c : beptembor. H7a B'S"io ) ,
closing lNi8o ; Urttilmr. Iisacl1i' ' i1. flosliu ;
Db'io : NtiM-mbi'r. U'JOOJSc , eloslnt ; inijc : lo- )
cc-inber , ifl I ) fftl.O 4. elosliu ; ( lid < t : Janu-
nry ,'.ttl Ol'i. closing } | , OIJ : M IT. il OlSffl
10 > 'a , clos UK * l 04\ ,
K r ririnj wosteru , September delhery ,
v UOLOlpKtt/liObuslirlfl , oxoort , ,2t,4 II
oiiBhtli ; huh a , .rlnKi bushels of futnii's :
3.I.OCO biihhuls of spot- Spot market dull :
and weak. No. 2 , boa In olemtoi :
71 c iilloat , uiiKradod iul\e < il , ) KSft7lo No 2
white , Nlc Opt mis declined 5,1 0. but
elo-t > d firm at VAI'ti'mcryi sterduv Whnat.
O ? ! ! ? ' ' , closliiR (17SC ( ; Aiuiust , ii'HiWSo. cloi-
Inxli' o ; Htptembe-r , Of.Sico'if. clusliu' KVSt'i
Octol er , l.2' . e % closliiK UJ > , e ; Dec-umber ,
M ! , < 8 " > ic , clusliu ; , MK %
O\IH Itt'fulpts , 21000 bushels ; t-\ports ,
37(1 ( ; bales. lL\Otxi bushulH of futuie-s unit
tl)7,0Xl ) ( bushels of i-pot t-pot market up 'ta eon
on llKht supply und peed demand ; options
dull nml tlinu-r ; Auuimt , . .fiCte , clohlni ; ut
Ilfte : September. .r. " < 3.l. i4t % closliu at tJ'4o ;
Octobei , oloslnc ut.tPjo ; spot No ' white , 4 , ®
4tloi inKed western , , ii ic ) Ic ; white wcnitern , JO
GMcj No. JCIiliMKii. 4JC. (
llAOulet imil oni-y.
lloi's-lul' ) ' , eusy
( 'oi'tl.R-Optituisopoiicd tcndy ; unchanged
to 10 points iidMini i' . AUIMISI , tlOKt. eplem
ber , 17.i-3 : Oetolx-n JU70iil4SO ( ! NoM-mber ,
tl I V4tl I 75. Klti. tiotalnal , No 7 , 17 ® 17lie > .
SimUKiiH , moMi nctl\o ; hlhi ) : r ; fair re >
rellulnt : , . veiitrlfiiKiilts t o tost. Pee ;
salt's , 2fiTU iMiKiheudii ami .Vl.000 ba.'s at .lo
for Muscovado nml I HO-1 7-Klo fur 01 test , c-eil-
trlfiiKnls , noiulnnl ; rellued.u.ctho anil llrmir ,
No. ( > , nominal ; No , 10 , itoinhial , nioultt A , 44C- ;
BtiitiUHrd A. nominal ; e-iinfeotUuiori. , A , noml-
nal , powdoreil , 4)iu ) ; KiaNiilatc'il,4'4c ; tuibcs.
v MoLARdrs-NVw Orleans , julet nun flrm.
liu KJooil dcniiitiil.
I'KTitoi.rtnt Cjulut , woik ; crude In barrels
I'arki'rs , M Kl : orndo tu bulk , M.'J'i ; relliiod
Now Vork. tn.uXTiil.7t ; I'lilliidulphln und II iltl-
inoro , til-5.ViJil.70 ; united closed t5.u fori-ep-
toinbor ,
COTTON Kct u Oii < Kiwy , nulet ,
TAII.OW ririn.
HOSIN Onlot , easy , nt We ,
Tiiiii-hMiM : cjiiliit. stonily nt .SMilli.- .
I'.iini Steiidy , iiilot | ; we > toin , ll Ul'o ; ro-
colnts , 4tl7packaici ,
\\oui. 1'ulr iliunand. etoaily : tlomtstlu
fli'von. IUi.l7o ; piulod , 2s4i.Ho ; 'l\x is. Kittle. : *
I'OIIK I'nsL'tlli'il , dull ; old moss. tlOM'rt
11 ' . " .I nun IIHU , tUUOai. ' . & ; extra urlmo , tlU.OO
CirrMKiTH rirm.
Miiiiii.Ks-Steailler ; short clear , September ,
weaV , but closed flriu and
active : wcctorn stpim. JS1 hid ; snlos , IM
tlorccs at W.71 ; option niln. V/0 ) tlorcon :
AiiKUSt. frtfldbld ; . ' optombc-r. Ii57l 1.7' ' , clos-
IIIK it ( I7J bit ) ; October. US'J bldi November.
to 00.
IlltTirit-tn fnlr donimil niul firm : state
tlalry , I4 (8o ( ; t ttu oreiiinirr , ' { UlOot west-
cm ilnlry. IJdl'I'Jo ; western e'rc.unurj , I4iit
mifiKin ; : , leuaioc.
( 'ilfcMfc--l'alr , actlio and slondy ; part
klm . it'i'U' .
I'm InnsQtiiot and unch.iiiKcd ; American ,
lilt Will * 2
C'ol'i'Fii Sto uly : lake Aiittiiat. 112 0' > .
t.KAD Kisler ; domc4tlr > , ( I V\
Tis Oulot but llrmi-ri straits. JJO.IO ; plate *
moderately active unit llrni.
KnnsiiH City Alnr'tcta ,
KAS tn CIT , Mo Ati ; { . 7IICAT I'ulrly
nctlvo ; No 2 liurd. cash , 7.1'i bid ; August ,
71' ' So bid ; No. 8 red , o.ish , 70j bid.
( 'tiix ) troiiKer ; ci-di. fila : Austmt , 5a'ii % ,
\rH-\VVukor ; cash , ' 'Jo bid ; August ,
24'ic bid
htKH I'lrm nt lie for strictly frcih cindlttl.
Kocelptscrr Unlit.
BIli'TTUt flendy and unch mcod.
llA4-Sli'iuly und unt'lmtiRtd
Kiouit Htouily ; fornlun tloininii fur and
moderate tmiulry from domostlu tradt.
I'lttn KIOSS Oiieli uixo I.
Wool , -Sic uH
IlEOHi'TVheat , 20 JOO ; corn , 11,400 ; onts ,
2fi 1 1
"llll'MEVis Wheat , 1 l.fljO ; corn , 7,73) ) ; oats
TI\PIII > O ( > U Aiu 7 Witmr rirm ! dpmimd
f ilr : liolders oiTerHp irliuly , reculptsof who it
for the p uit thriilavs ( , . ' > ! , UJO cent its , Ine ud-
liu I t-WKi A me i lean
Cotiv-Sto idj ; donmtid Itnprnvlnit : mUed
wt stern "is 5d ( per it-lit il ; roculpti * nf Amcrl-
tm lorn for the p ist thrco da > s , 01,700 cc-n-
t ill
PiAs C until m. Cs "id per i-onlal
III I ! i\tr : i liull m ini-ss s.lslld pur tlorco
AMUIII AN Ki-Himniuiiii Ut ir I'tiroiitinr-
tois.-l il ; h'niliiiiiirtcM ' O'td per Ib.
M. f.o tin M.irlci'ti
ST r/oiTis ) , Mo , Au , 7IIRAT Stronger ;
C I'll , hilic
t'oitv MO ulv ; f1 ish , 5V.
Ou-v- Monty , fash. J7c.
I'lillK-rimi : fl'i 171 ,
Mim donor , Hi I" '
ItjrrF it -In com ! , unchatigotl.
-il 17.
mi.n. Minn . An' 7. \Viin-\r Slow.
unihm.'ed Koielpti , ficirs ; shipments 110
e iri Close No 1 hirl. August , 'lie ; on
track , iMi ; N'o I northern Aiuust , s7iL' ; on
tru-k. iric ; No 2 northern , August , 8 > c ; on
trick , 'i.
Ciiit-liiinui 'Miirlcots.
O , Aiu. 7. WHEAT Easier ;
No 2 red * 7e
Uniiv Dull ; N'o 2 mix ml. die
( Mrs I'asv. No J ml\oa. .li'/ l-O.
Tolptlo drain
Tor.EDO , O , Aii 7. WIIE T Steadier ; cish
COIIN to ulj ; cash file
OiQuiet ; old , cish , lie
Milwaukee *
MlMVAIfkLC , WIs , All ? 7. WllkATQtllct ;
No 2spriu , i' ish. ijijiio.
OOHN I'lrni ; No J o ish. illc
OAIS-HIO uly ; No . ' , white.
l'uoISIONS lllithnr.
NKVV YoitK , Aii . 7 , riio stock market w is
more active lotluy th in any d ty since thu de
pression In business at the stock i-xeh m.'o
lioi : in and It w is aNo dealdodly strong , every
thing on the list reichliiK miilt-rlally higher
Ujnres 'the Itidloatiiins point to a complete
ch ui''o lu the lomp-ii of the specill ition ,
thotiKh the strength ted iy w is cert iluly duo
In u great meisuro to the running of the
shorts mil thu I ite prominent aoileis of the
mai kut were lar.0 buyers oponl } In thu m ir-
Ki't. 'the elToits to got Union Pieitle down
further were not abated , however , and there
was a repetition of all the old stories Con
sider ihlo Hilllniw is Indulged in bv the 1 ito
buyers , the piollts net rnlti ! ! on the rise so far
pro\lni ; too lomptiiu In the present stito of
thospoculutlNO temper to bti roslstou.
'I In ; upward movement from the covcrinc of
the shoit Interest w is aldu I also by the in m-
Ipulatlon of cert i n speclaltli-s , U'noiu hlch
Sugar und New Kn lund were prominent ,
while Litkawanni also joined the list of
stocks to m iko i sh irp upnard movement ,
bt 1'aiil and I'ulon 1'aeldo were the only
spc-cl illy uctlvo stocks , but the business on
the rest of the list w is imteil i'ly ' larger th m
th it iisu il of late mil the m irket w 13 cer
tainly wider. Indie itliu more onora.1 Intui-
est In the course of prices
There were no pceliilly wank points oven
aniline the low priced shines and the Into
movement In Chicago O is w IH in exception to
the uenoral rule. Tboadvuncc's.whlch ranched
tlielr hcU'htb about I p m , ruaehed .1 nur cent
in bugar , which Is supposed to be enjoying a
siuoo/e | of the lute sellers by the Insiders
l/uor re illitlons with somii help from the.
boars knocked most of the rfalns elf , the miir-
kotslowlv settling uwiiy nnd Chic i.-o Gas In
the lust hour developed thu most pronounced
we iknoss .mil scorln , ' the only Import mt de
cllno of the ilnj- . The condit ons , however ,
are voiy favoi ible to the upward movement
and should uny outside support bo given the
mirkot ishiirp Hilly would cert ilnlj bo In
order. The market flnilly closed active and
ho ivy with most of the list with only slight
eh times from the opening llgures The tin il
ch mgosaio ironerally small fr ictlonal gains
but Conligo ts up per cent , bug ir I5i per
oniit. Ch cii.o X , I astern I llnols 1'J percc-nt ,
Heading 1'i uor cent mil l < ie' < uwanii i 1'ipur
cent , while Chic 1 0 Ous U down I percent
Kali road Lends wore also more .ctlvoand the
sales of all Issues wore tun up to the rcspect-
able llgnroof t-mXi ( ) , with no specially I irgo
sales m any one Issuothough there were in my
tr insnctlons In Oioon Improvoment'is Thu
market was IIrm to btion and the majority of
the Issues trilled lu are enl ) fnctlonally
higher tonight. The business done was evenly
and wliielj distributed.
( iiverniu' ut lion Is neri > | ( loll and steady.
htato bonds were dull nnd linn.
1 ho following aio the closing qtiot itlons for
the le.idlu blocks on the Now York stock ex
change today : ,
rinaiiuiiil Ki-vli-vv.
NB Vniik , Aug. 7. Tlio I'ost siys : There
hiiM ) been m.iny IndUut'ons ' lu this week's
miirket that thu di-Mionito und unscrtip i mis
buur e-umpulfii ugalnst prices Is no ir UH end
It be ; n on u rational bus s , uamelj , that the
whole community hud lost fonllil nce in tlio
bulls und In bull iirgumi ntH. Th s mo mt uii-
Milulo lack of support , a market full of stop
ordoisund in thoeml loivor prices The ho ir
combination as was natural , took utUimtago
of the situation
This was several vveiiKs ugo. In < ho mean-
tlmo niuikut iiindltlons hivu undergone a
radical oh mge I'l Ices uru on a much hmcr
lev c'L U oak und timid holders ot stocks liuv o
vtuy lurgoly ooniplott d their Iliiuldutioii und
thuio IH a lit uvy outstanding Hiiorl inttirost.
Hut by fur the most Important cimsldoriilUm
U the fact th it the bears havu smut nearly
.ill of their nmmunition. The gold imports
have e-eusod and Ith cums ; : Jtro iiinlerstoo I
Itnmois of troiiblii In gro it llnunulul IIOIIHOII
are no longer lelluvod sin o tlio scandalous
und unfounded falsehood circulated lust
Itiillioudi. In tumporary vmbiirrassment
thrmuh Inublllt ) to ifo it their bonds , have In
Miccrsslun In on Hiibjocted to searching and
hostile scrutiny , r'uwlfnny of those stories
will be avulliiblougiiln for bear use und moan-
tlmo thugieit gr iln crop Is moving on the
nun ket , Thu iinimturil state , of affairs lu
thu loan and Investment mirltol i-ontlnuos ,
und until equilibrium U restored , Wall street
will nut hot ) n bull market for stoek. There
may , moroovorhe lower prlc-en before the un I
of the month , mil Ilia people Mhnlost eonll-
ilonco In the bull sitlu havu utterly lost conll-
doiic-o In tliu bears ul o , und that tells Its own
story ,
Now Vork Monov Murkof.
ran f Ing from 1's ' to 2 per cent ! last loin , 2
per i oiil-t closed olTurc I at ! per t nnU
IIUMK MKtKMNTII.K I'AI'CIt-5' . ' i' percent.
THit.iNi ntctUNnryuli t and wcilc
at ( iHl't for nlxty-uay bllif and JIS.i'5 for
I lie following nero the closln ? prices on
bonds :
rlniuiulul Nott'i.
K ANSA9 CITV , Mo. , Autt. 7. ClenrlnRs , (1,110-
TO l.
NPVoilic , Anir , 7. Clearings , IsS.SiS.VtCi
balances. lViSH
I'llli.Alit i.i'im , AIIR. 7 CloirlnRs , } ( ! , -
Ill , Wij balance' " Jl , IU4 , t'A Mbnoy. 1 percent.
llAi.TiMouc , Md , Aiu. 7 Hank clearings
todiij worol..LW.HJ. b ilauocs , $ j."i3Vl. Money
G per tent.
ItoiTos , Aun 7 Cleirliu house balances ,
( . ' .iiUV.'to. money atoieirliiK hoiiso , 7 percent ,
call and llmo lo ins
Louis. Mo. Aiu 7-OluirllUs t ) ! > . .r-N !
b ilniipes , JiT'i , tt ! Monoto S per cent , L\-
change on Now York 7" > e Ulsuount.
HOSTON Mifcs.Aitir 7.-Oluirlnis ! 11,4lriJ3 :
b il lines t.'o'iS.Ui. Money , 7 per cent I x-
ch niRoim Now York , We discount per jl.OJO.
CHKiii Aui { 7 Now York cxc'han o 61 to
70o il s'-ount ! clearliiKH , tllHiUfll Money
iincli IIIKO I atd pur cent for both enll and
lime loins. MeillnK exchaiuo lower at J4 HI
for sixty day bills mil fl ' ( I for suht ts.
HoNton Stock Miirket.
I | ( | TOV , , Auir 7 The following were
thueloslni ; pilcu-i on the lioston stock inarkol.
ruiiliiu Stock Market.
I.OMJON. Aiu 7. The follow liu were tlio
London stooU 'juot itloti c oiliu' it I p m :
lUn sirvrit r > ' d per oiineo.
Mosh\--'i ' percent
Hank of IJiiLrluiid liitllion.
LOMIOV. Au ? . 7. Amount of bullion Rene
Into thu It inU of nniil.ind on balances loday ,
P tuts , Aim 7. Three 4 > er cent rentes 05f ,
iJile for thu account. .
DniM-r 'Mliiin htooks.
OENVFII Colo. . Ausr 7. Stocks werodull and
netflceled today. The following are the
closing iiuot.itlons on the stock exchange
today :
Sail rrnnclsut ) .Ilinlin ; Qii
SKN riUNCt CO. Auir. 7. The ofik-I il
'iiiot itlona ( or mining stooki ted ty wore
follows :
N'cu Vork Mliiliij ; Quotations.
Nr. VOHK AIIR -The folio rlnf , ire tlio
cliiiln , mining stock quot itlons :
St. l.ouiH Mining Quot itlons.
gT I.OUIS , Mo , AIIR. 8 MlnliiSHtouKs were
tlull tod.iy. The follow lug bills wore inndoon
cull :
Ailams 167H ( .rnnltu M
Aincrle-nn.N ettlo . . 1'4 Miintrose
llliiiutiilllc UV ) Sthcr AKO
Kllziibeth 111 \nnrn
IJustoiiool Market.
IIOPTOV , Mais , Anir. 7. Thu iloin mil for
wool his hooii fiooil nnd tlio ilob liu e.
iiinoiiiitlnc toSiVOJ.OOO pounds of all klniU.
1'a i tut thK , ho wo \ or , n isholil seine weeks 11 0
1'ilics nru ste-aily and unohiin ; nil ( Jlilo
llc-ccos liaroliQi'ii-toUl fiee-ly iit ieforX , II © Uo
for XX and XXX anil alo\o ) The silcs of
MlcliU'iuioio also I ir o .itJ7o for X. frmi-r il
1 irso lines of line doliilno have lii-un hiilil at
.IICt.UJ ( for Ohio , , Ui- for .MIclilKilii No 1 eonil-
Iiu wools iiro stc ulj it.H'iilOo. In unnusliuil
c-oiuDlii thuru h.ivis been salt s of oiio-ijuai lur
lilood at SVQJtc.tliuUiico-olulitliH blootl , .TffJ.-c
The h lies of territory wool hiivo been I. liO.iUO
noiinds , liiuliutlni : Mont in i , Wviiniln and
Utah , principally ISftdio for ilno , .MiiV ) for 1110-
(1111111 Texas , Uallfot nl i and Oic-Kon are ue-
tl\o at previous nrli-is I'nllc-d wools 1110 In
Kooil iluiniind. 4d , le ! ;
fair to Bootl supers , .I'dUx- ' : extras 2.fil.'i' .
Ailhtrallan wools quiet mil firm , I'oioltrii
woolb remain steiuly In tleniand und price.
HAVANA , AIIB 7. fal'\MSlt Got , ! ) JJ.u
. ll 4 ,
nu nt ! > nK linn.
fc LIU Alt yulet.
oil . > lai-kpt.
I.ovnov , Ani ; . 7 , OU.CUTTA LI-JSEPII 42s
' /id put ipinrter.
ANrwhiii' , AIIR. 7. I'ETHOi.hUM ICf p.ilil and
'Iradci-h' inlk.
OlIlCAGO. Anir. 7. Ke-nnett. HoplilnR A. Cc.
to S A. Mo\\hortor : Who it Tlio nioinliu
p ipers K IMI nous of drouth In India and hail
storms In I ) ikota. K irly cables rufluctiul a
better tone und this combination of bullish
intollliicnci- connection with nn oversold
niaikot , risu ted In u lo rally There was lib'
oral re ill/lnir on the nil Mince , shorts lielnn
the buyers Thoe- ese wa § linn at lKe- ) for De-
cumber , with room traders be ulsh and app r-
enlly slioit. Tlm'i oiitliiiieil ilemand foi eiish
win-lit - at a premium ever Aiuust and tliu
lar o dall > eloirances are iiltractlii ) ; more
iittontlon and It Is Kcnurully lulmlttc-d
o\tuu > thiiso whooxpect to see iniu-li IOIMT
piieos If the siirliiwheut Is secured In isood
Kim , lllon tlmt the laip'e outward niii\oinuiit
Is Ilkoly to help the market toinpor ully.
Corn an I O its Corn was qnlto wouk early ,
receipts by ennui and rail oxcietlliiK the o'stl-
mi.tus by moro than unu hundred o irs The
decllno brought In KOOI ! liiiylii.k' , und the mar'
kot atlMinc-id pretty bUmdily ( liroiuhoiit the
session , closliu stionj at the top. Thiscriln
Is f Unlii , ' frlt'niK ' In toiisc'nuenoo of b 1 1 oiop
it'iKiits from in my Boi-tloiis , The weather IK
wurmer , but tht < iii-ed of rain In most of thu
I'li-iit coin stall's Is beciinil IU a serious matt er
Oulii were firm \\ith NOIIIO htrc'imthcnln , but
nut much sHCiilutlon | on tlio buy Hide.
I'nn Islpns An attt nipt to raid the iiiurKot
nt the openliir ; dovelo-jd | ) a sharp demand
from tlio hborts with seine Imj IIIK for lunu' ae-
eount. euinlii- f ilr rally , w Ith Ind lent Ions of
butter prlci-b tuinorrow
Nbw Yi H-c. Aui ! 7Konnctt , llojiUins &Co.
to S A. \\hurtor : 'lli aniioiiiieuiuont that
u syndicate composed of Inr o owneis of
I'niim I'aelllo htocU and frlomUof the omn
ium ) h ul been ftirniHil to unilorwrlto loins of
the itimpanv for llirnu yours , Htliiulatln to
pun lilo sni'li sums which the company m ly
moil , * CMII'I lin burrowi-il otherwise , iibMtrcd
InililorM of I'nloii I'uclllo im I relieved the
nlrot of nipri | Ill-union that the company
imirlit bo put Into tli h mils of u rucotrt-r
Mich Important in tldii rouaidlnn a toiiipin\
whoso block WONilc'i'llulnc and unfa\oiably
aireetlni ; the whole tallioid list , hud
u ili'C-lilc'd utTcot on the whole mir-
kot , f-siieelally BO n * other mutters
were also of an omuurnulnj , ' nitiiro.
MooUH of wiatorn roids aio fiiviirllii with
the litmus. London loiiKht M. Caul mid
Union I'aelllo mid was Konorally si run i ; on
Amorlc' m stock. It tloes nut , howoMir , fancy
IxiuUvlllo.V. , Misli\e | | | Hits stock liashhow u
a decided tendency to lap. uhlio the rest were
htroiu. SiiKar in ulo a i > li iri iiiUimco und
OhlciiKO liiix ileclliied cin a line muiilnulntton.
Money on call , IVii- per cent. The vtoek
iniirkeMost most of the early ad vance In early
dealing some eon foil below the OptMiliii ;
prko mid thu clot > u was Irregular und only
toady Bait' , 2J7- * .
tiOVTIl OM ilt I U I
CATTt.R-Onicliil rqvnll't' ' ' citllo I'.W
,11 com lured with vi' tonl iy imu I. i
Trldliy of luit week. , Tlio m irkrt wai slow
nnd IIIH hiiiiKi-il on lu > eic * . lo tiy on biitchor
stock ami iictho null liSiiu on fi-eilers. Tlitro
ffi'iu no rood ivittlu nliiotiu tlio rt-ctupts.
llotlrt Olllclul recofrtts of IHI S iS.O. , ! ! *
romp tied will. 2U o , uiMonlny uiul'l. il 1 rl-
ilayof lust wi-ok. Thu.iiiiirkcl was steady on
thu best Kratles of light , ho ivy utiil inixod
lit ) s mul wi'iik to fie lowi-roii other irniles !
The ruuo or prlcixi pKhl wus fl sr < i\ao. tlio
bulk soling nt * l UW , 10. l.lulit. Jl VJX.'O !
he ivy , * ltJVaOs nilxi-a. * I1W < J' > IO I'ho liv
er IKO of tlio prlecs ti ilitvaro1l Dl'ii ' us rout *
p irnil with } V01 i vostcr.ltiy and f. " > . -H 1 rlilny
of last week.
SllivH'-Ulllc'lal recolpti of thocp'l.'ili ns
with nittl 40.1 1-rluiiy
ctiiupareil none > csti-r > lay
of lust woek. The mnikot ns iinoh niKi'ti.
Natives , ti 7Wf 0)1 ) westerns , W WS5 OJ. 'Jood
OJ to 7011)1 mibs II 7. < i 100
tlcccl ) tn ninl DlHpoiltluii "P toolc.
Olllclil n-celpts and dlspoiltlon of slock nv
shown by the bo ) Us of the Utiloi stocUyiiriM
eomp i"V for tlio twotitv-fonr houis undliU at
5 o'clock , p m. , Ails-list 7 , IS Us
II S A M 1 S
Cm a Ill-mi Cnm llt-nil Ciri < I It-mi
SO J03 41 2870 81 !
Itcprescntatlvc Stiles.
Nn \v I'r. NoAu I'r. No Av. I'r.
18 WJ2 $1 U ) I I i'U $1 00 UTO ft UO
10'iJ i or. 1 7" 801 200
8IJ 1 41 1010 I .5 1 ! 811
f-bJ l no su 1 7" IWO 82J
Ni7 t M 710 1 > 1)10 ) 2V >
10) ) ' ) 1 50 710ui 1 m Oil 881
071 I ( „ " . nut 2 00 24 hil 881
' 170 1 70 Kit ) 8 00 17 I1U 85J
TUG 1 70 2 I04'i 2 0)
KO 2 r 2 W , 3 10 1' ) (171 ( 140
1)01 ) 2 7 * > 1182 nw 41 035 : ur >
770 .1 00 7t4 3 10 ! TI lilt 3 M
7 < 9 .1 0) ) 8W I 2J 20 1008 .1M
.1 01 10 8V II 2' ) 17 1011 .110
( Cll J 00 1 11 JO .1 . ' 5 20 10UJ J75
2 V\ \ 17i 3 03 2 21" 32' .
UX ) 2 75 100 J 00 .123
19J J 00
1..14.0 1 50 1 1JOO 1 00 1 .1700 200
1..I.IO 1 DO 1 .1KIO 2 00
1. . 7JO 1 75 12 . ( M 1 73 8 817 205
2 1JSO 2 CO
1 milker f 2 00
1 cow and calf . 18 00
1 cow and calf . . Zl (0
2 cows and calves , o icl 27 SO
I springer . 40 00
No i Av Pr.
1 steer .I.'IO $1 03
2 steers I.'IO .1 00
4 steers .11.9 2 75
Kockford U b. Co
21 feeders HI.1 2 SI
1 steer , t illlng , 2 40
T J.w m (
II stccr . tailings U34 2 40
CJriili mi A , bnydcr ,
10 feeders . . 101)- 2 65
I H. Mill ird A Sou
4 feeders I 112.5 2 85
1 steer , t illlng . . . . " . . . : UO ) 2 40
7 stems , tailings . . . - - . IJ34 2 75
Etiilt ) iblo r.irm and Stock Co
72c lives i 231 2 65
b.V. . nccles-
87 feeders . ' . . .1 8S3 2 60
Aldeu I.conaid
70 feeders . - 090 2 SO
H irrou A t-tfutlior
2cows t 109" 2 25
8 bulls f 12.-1 2 00
6 steers 1100 .1 0
1 bull 1400 1 80
G steers , tailings . . . . . ' 1101 2 1)J
2steers tailings 121 % 2 'JO
3cuws 10"0 2 25
3 cows 100,1 2 2.5
JOcous 013 2 2.5
Wt stern Union Hoof Co
in steers , Toxims 11.8 275
lifisteers , I'oxiins , IIOU 2 75
,1.5 steers l.'in 3 00
Wi steers l-'DU 3 CO
42 steers , Colorado , Tex is 1111 2 ' , ' >
44 steers Colorado Texas lllj 2 7.5
No\v Hampshire Cattle Co
2cows , 800 2 CO
2tows ( > " > 2 00
.Icowh 1001 C OJ
leow II.'O 2 J.5
4 rows 8'i2 2 25
5cows lOuO 2 25
rSstoors lilt .1 05
Meows 974 " 25
Ostee-is 1122 2 75
1 steel , t ullng 13)0 ) 2 00
1 steer , tilling U'uO 2 00
1 stoortalllng 100J 2 00
.1 steorstalllnrs 14 fl 2 - ' >
5 steers , tailings 1 00 2 bJ
O. R. Sleber.
pins AND itouoii.
200 4 CO
4 CO
60 4110
4 ( ' . .I
40 470
Chicago Ijivo bloolc Market.
CHICAOO , Aug. 7. ISpeillal Tolo-r un to Tun
IHfl Iii a general A iy the cattle m irket
may be mild to have remained unchanged ,
'I ho 4,5 o nat v os on K iln were bought ut about
Tliursdiiy'B price" , the best of them khovving
an Inert-ised tlrmness. hull's ivcro on a busls
of * I , 'Q,2 75 for Inferior lo extra cows. Jl.7 > 40
.1 . ' 5 for stoekois and feeders , and fjon < i&
0.20 for very common to extra ship
ping htoois. Prom il.75 to J.MO bought
most of thu cows and bulls und H 00 < iM 50 wax
the rungo ut vvblob most of the steer Htoi-k
wus weighed. I'uenty-tlvo hundred western
rangeisvoro In de-maud at < 'i'XJ.175 ' ( ! for io\\
und ut * .lo tM 5)furHiu ) > ra and iiuotutlons for
Texas cuttlo wuru JI.4K.I.5 foreousund f. , 10
( ( .Inn forsteors ,
There were about forir thousand Tex ms ,
but th it numl or was not oppressive tliu 10
colpts foi previous days of the vvtok h iv Ing
be-in light Mockorsrtnd ftoders wuioln de-
iiiuuil ul sto uly price * . 1,0 were % eul oiilvos.
'I bin old tows nnd bulls mild at thuloncsl
prims of the week.
Although today's arrivals of hogH amounted
to only about IIOil ) head , business
was hiow nnd pi-lus unimproved Had
the supply bi-eii e-oiilliiiil to fresh loculpts ,
Hollers would fureil better , hut with
from twelve to llfti en thousand snlii hogs In
the pi us , thy host thnv could tin was lo hold
thorn il Ui t sltiady Ci.mmoii to choice him v y
weights vveto s tloiililo ut it MifCMiO , and fiom
11 75i4.5iO wus the range for common tu prltiio
light wulghtx. * These ijuotatlonx Indicate a
decline slnco Tiitsdiiy of J Sttfo pur UHJiris.
There were skittering hulos of "slngors" at
$5.U.Xi6.5,70. and II 40 wus pild for heavv hogN
lint the gre itur part of thu supptv went over
the scales at prlies bulovv.n Ifecnlpts were
pietty elo-ie y liought up and the mm ket had
u llrm look ut the u use
Thu KvonliigJoiiriiul reports : OATTI.IIte -
onlpts. 11,0. head : shipments , .IOJO he id.
Market stead } ; lop prlci s , * 5vmy.575. no t-xtra
Mourson bale , others , f I. i > tcl 1)5 ) ; Toxuus , t..OO
Ht."JJi rangers , fuxxitt 00 ; stouiiers , t2.2 > wJ.5 ;
natlvu COHS , tl.iO'ii..M.
lloils-ltccclpu , l..l'OO ' hoiid ; ihlpinpnts , 5,000
liuail ; murkot weak and lower ; roiik'h and
common , f 125it4 75 ; packers and mlxoil. tt H.5
prime heavy and liutcUon'i li.J-iJ
PogltlTcly rntnl
those I-lltlc
Tlicv nJso rcllcvo DU-
trtM from Uyspcpsifl , In
digestion ami Too Ilcnty
E-.tlnff. A perfect rein-
ctlj for IMzlncss , Nauscn ,
Drowsiness , Had Taste
in tlio Mouth , Coitcd
Toneue , 1'ixln tn the Fldo ,
Tonnn nvni
regulate tlio Bow.cl3. Ittrel ) VcgcUxblo.
ssjssF * : '
5(0 ( , prlmo light , I'lWO SO ; cra-jscrs , Jl' tt
6 10.
SiirnpHocelpt" , 4,003 he-id t shipments , 1/00
liend mnrkct fa ily nee but wouU und
lower : " -tiH-kois and coininon owes , } l iU.4 0 ;
mlM'il ami wethers $4 ( Utiv.1) , TcJtuns , * J U.Vf (
4.2.1 ; lambs ,
NP\\ York l l\f Stoi'Ic
NKW VOHK. Atiit 7 - HrryKsKooelpts J.I21
hoiid , liii'ludliig 47 CUM for 8 il" Market
Htt'idy Native steer < ft'Wilit ) per 100 1m ,
bulls mul tovvx { J iii ? < > J. diosbc-d beef ste id\ ,
iil'Sc pi r noniii ) . * h puionts toluy MM
beeves , and I Nl i | miters nf l-ief , lumoirow ,
2os | bot'vo nnd "ml qii irt jra of beef
( J.U.M.S Ho clpts s.'i he ul , m trkot dull und
weak ; vuiils. } > OJuM > 7" > ; buttermilk c lives
S-iit'i i' Hocelpts flfift hciid ; shoi'p stouly ;
l.mihs , > | C uer Hi lower : 1 imbs , K > U'tift ( Oi
dressed mutton , llrm ut Hilldc peril ) ; dressed
lunibs ste ulj at U'ifille ' pot 11) )
lions -Hi oclplM , 1,10 ! ho id liii'ludltirf 5 c irs
for sale. MarKet stouly it J" > 10(45 OJ.
f It } I.Hi' Htoi-lc
KAN-AS C'm , Mo. Aug 7 CAT rt.E Uo-
celuts. Hi-01 ; shipments. J MI ) , mirkct dull und
steady for host CHttlo ; nthers tins ill able.
sto-'is , lflO < a so : ( nw , il : .O Jl.oO , stojlti rs
und feeders , if. ' 'WtfM Oil
lions iteielpts 4si , shlpnionts , I.200 , m ir-
kotdullmil I0chiwor th in yc' tonl ly's gon-
erul ir-irket ; bulk , JMOjJ'i 17' , all grudes ,
SIIEHKcrelpts , l.JOO ; shipments , none ;
market ste uly
St. tiOiiln Ijivi ; Siook 'Mark-ot.
ST. I.ottis , Mo , Au 7 CATIMS Itaiulpt * > ,
3000 ; shlpnii-nts , I.MJi. dt inor.ilirod ; fair to
choice native sttors , MOiCt'Sl ; Toxuns and
Indians , f. ' 00 < 3 10 , iiinnirs fl'ift.Ol
Hotis Koco'pts ' 2,7ili , slilpmniits , 4.0 0 ; mar
ket lower : he tvy , ti4X ( ft'i .0 , mixed , Jl 3UI&3.40 ;
light , f > 25ffll 03.
I'lCHll IVllltH.
I'Konns Callfoinl i. Halo's early , per box ,
$1 2" > : Cnwford , } 1 "iO ; Xobr isk.v stock , bOc per
b iskot ; .Michigan , bJe per biskct *
Ai'i'i.fs I'oi H bushel box , green , 40c ; red.
WaOle : per barrel , if-"K )
I'LAIts Callforni i Itarllott , 12 " > 0.
OliANOts Hodl.IOffti ( ( r > J : feoriento , ? " > .10.
W \TKit\ibr. INS Shippiu : stoc ( , IKitlSe ,
I'MJMR Oallfornlu stoek , t7 \ >
OA\T .I OUITS I'cr crate , ! l . ' " >
ck i-'OO por24quart
I.ivioss Per box , W 0"f , " 0.
IlNANAK 1'ur bunch , i.'OOUJW for good
shipping stook. _
The following tiuot itlons rcpiescnt the
prices at which oliolco stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stati > 1.
JSM1'OTVtoM PI a m irket isery woik
and pn-tty fair stock lias boon olfered as low
as JVill Ic , Local producers lire supjilj Inc tlie
demund to such an extent tli it sh'pniints '
fiom a dlstaucn would not in vo very tc'.ulllj.
iNKW Hen1'or lii , 1 < 3ii'c.
llrANs Kuv U . ' ' ' husliel.
v , i lJ per
ToviATObs Per box. oiio-lhlrd bushel , lu
© 7"ie-
CuruMiiKitsPer doTic. .
On , ntv ! > < iJ4)e ) per tin/on.
ONIONS California. JVS-i'-o porlb
OAiiiiAOh--llomo iriinvn I'S'a.'opcr ' Ib.
Om th i milling comp my Hell nice , Pitent ,
J-'bO ; Invlnciblo Patent , i ! 70 ; I.ono ' u-
porlatlM- 40 , snowll ike , { . ' 00 , 1'ancy Taiii-
lly , fl.lK )
It T. Davis milling comp mv. High Patent ,
No 1 niul Crotun , $ . ' 50 ; Hluo I ) , full p itent ,
J2fiO ; Iliwkeyo. half p itent , tiO ; bpcclil
Koyal , Pate-nt No 10 JI.OJ ; Mlnnesut i p itonl ,
* 'UO ; Kunsisllard lu > it , pitent , $ b" > ; ? io-
br iska i-pi Ing Who it. p itent. $ _ ' 0 ' .
S R Oilman's l.old Med il , i-'fO ; Snow
White. W W : Snowllako. ? . ' 10 : low ur ulo. ifl M ,
Queen of the Pantry , f J 80 ; Mlnuosot i bnper-
latlvo , J..SI ; bran , Sll DO : thopped foed. it.l 0) )
i : . L Welch .V Co. llcst. 17 % , Orovvn Prince.
8 , ' no ; Mlnnusota Chio' , W 0 , bplendla raiully ,
f.'OO ; fctraUht.SI riO
Country 1'rotliit'C.
I'out.Tiiv Themuiket continues weak and
$ i 00 ( J 1 10 Is the outside for good old fowls
while $ .100 Ib about thu outside foi spring
chickens. A good tn my suiinrs sell at 4-03
(22 V )
MAV The market Is glutted and ilargo pro
portion of the icttilpts Is miido up of poor
stock , h.i\ lug been Insulllcleiitly otireil before
bolng bnled. Tlio best upland bilngs only
ill. Mi. and bottom I md buy 14 00 up
Kilos The inurkut does not show much
chunge , sales being miide it l-5t' ; c.
Ilurrcn rinnn.irkt't docs not show any miter -
tor al change , -mil the bulk of thu country
stock goes at 8Jc. !
Mothers \\ill Hud Mis. Wlnslovv's Soothing
Sjrup the best lomody for their childion
25 cents u bottle.
ForcifjncrH In China 1'icp trine to I'ro-
tcot Tlionist'lvcs.
NhYonic , Auc. 7. A lut'er fiom nn
American KOutloman nt Huulcovv , dateil Juno
23 , recoivoJ In this city , rocltcs the recent
outiagos in that part of China uRiiiibt for
eigners as has hotetoforo been nubllshcd , mul
snjs further : "I think unless thcio is n tad-
icnl chntiBO there \\ill bo trouble up nnd
do\\n the ilvcr. Wo have oiKnuirod n defense -
fonso committee , put arms In the hands of nil
the male members of the committee anil are
pretty \vell prepaied for any uoublo thnt
may atiso. Wo can muster ever n hundred
brooch loading guiib and most of the men uio
experts In handling thorn \Vohu\osipnals
artangcd to ulium the community in cuso of
tx rising us and huvutno tendci\ous
on the river f ion I tohtuh nil the women
nnd children will bo taken in case of ncces-
felly , nnd wlicio they will be guarded or
placed on steamers should thcio bo any in
port. Once the women and children nto
safely disposed of the men will do what they
can to defend the settlement.Vo will mauo
it Hot for any mob that comes our way , and
don't uuiku any mistakn about It. "
No gripping , no nnusoi , no pitu when
OuWUt's -Littlo Uurly lUsora are talten.
Smull pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
RiMiorul ( loiron l'olltli'8.
NKH YOIIK , Aug 7 General Natnin CJolT
ofVost Virginia was at the Tifth nvonuo
hotel Instulglit. Ho hid Just nniveil from
Syracuse vvheio ho had dcllyotctt n speech
before the republic in stuto lo iguo conven
tion The K0ii"inl said thai it was an cu-
thusla-itlo meeting Ind-'cil ami thnt in his
opinion , without .inowlii much nbout stnto
politics , the democratic tmitvvoiild linvo to
woilc the machine for all thnt itvas worth
to elect a govcinor. Ho uns asked about
polllki In Ills stnte .
"O , 1 nni out of politics Wo Imvo no cam
paign unv wuy this vear I suppose I slinll
alwiijB tike an iiitorost In po'ltlt-s , but I shall
never bo n candidate again I extracted all
tin ) .sweetness thuio Is out ot n position of
thnt kind \vhcnlran for governor Iain
now practicing Inw and living qulotlj nt mv
homo Next month 1 shall go over into Ohio
mid spoilt for Major Mt-Kinloy Do I th n'c
ho will wlul Well , It is now only n iiucstion
In my mind how largo his majority will bo. "
DoWItt's Little Knrty Hisors for the liver
Ciiture-il | tlio IXuiipoil IjitnatlcH.
ALIIIIIV , N. Y. , Aug 7 Ono moro of the
nine fugitives who eiciipoii fiom thu Insane
nsyluin jestorday wus captured this morning
utter n long chase. Only ono h at liberty
( ) lUliuul'H UHIIIC AilthoH/.o i.
WAsiiiM.ros , Aug 7 , The complrollorof
the ciiironoy hns authorised the Hist Na
tional bank of OalsHn I , Nob. , to beglu busl-
ness v\lth n uipitul ol fi
McShane & Condon ,
3flO S. 13th St. , First National Ban'c ' Build
ln , Omaha , Neb.
Deal In tocki , bjiiili le-urllloi common IM pa-
pel eta NdKiiU.ili ) louai on Imprurol Ouilia real
citato bliorl tlinu luaat on buuk ( tuck , or ua all
collateral lu
llaiiiifadira' Mte1
_ _
ii | tii
Omaha Tent & Awu-
itig Co. ,
1 lnK linuim k o I nml
riibhcr cl utility 8111 il tut
citilnifuf III ) I urniiiii
Bemis Omaha Bas ; On.
Importer' n 1 Munufnc-
1 lour' a hi Iliirliips nml
A. H , Periiro & Co M. 0. Daxon ,
IlOii IOI L Htro t feM on monthlr
fontl for our < ti
nml ptlrt * < nrnsni l , Onmh
Ackerman Brothers & Hein'ze ,
' ) bln.lfn tl.tiot < | iiM. bli Ik Uoilc niinu-
f cl HC t
llli. lttiw > il tin > i. Onnl i
/iOO/.S A XI ) tillOKS
Olms. A. Too & Co.
Mnimfn n ten niiil Job vli ilo ilfMnn I'fti a
\'U t for I J on It - >
lu-r sh ) t > o , | in I
IIO'l ' llownnlntro-- ! niul HO , Iln .yr ' ! oi
Williams , Van Aer- W. V. Morsj & Oo. ,
uam & Harto -hoo V1111y ( oi ipr I til
nml li ) nnli i > ' < Otr 'i l
1212 11.111or nl'cot. Mcrchn it < I i itfil lo
Onin * .NVb ( ail mi Ict m n
Louis Heller ,
Omnlii piper box facto llulclior-i mul 1' %
I , IT 1 110 HoiulT- 1 eoN untl supr tu I
li IK iiiil > . .b0,1 t i-
Onlt'ri | iroMi | > tlj tllk-il nil , IM . 'a KMHI ir
.AltniAG E IKS , 7J7V.
W. T. Seaman ,
Oninhns l.iruistnr'ely
Eagle Cornice Works , | F. Ruemping ,
Mnniifactiiicia nt I ( Iron cornlco *
Onhnniz-il Iron Liirnlco Dormer wlmtiiu * ilooi
\\lndo-v t UK , nn-ill c clips llnlnl' etc 'I In
"kvllthl" Me 1110 mil Iron niul Miitu innfoi
lll.'IoiU-ubt. )
| Ml Inriimn bt
J. J. Johnson & Oo , , Oady & Gray ,
213 S IlthStio.-t , Mine , cement , etc , etc.
Om ilia , Neb Cor 'nil anil IJoni. ! is bis
M. E. Pmith & Oo , , Kilpatrick-Koch Diy
Dry K"nilnoil inx , ftir- Goods Oo. ,
nbliliv kooilj Dryiroodi iiotloiii icnti'
fiirnMliln ? KOI dicer
Corner llth nml Honnnl cor llth nml lluwanl Bts
WolfEleotiical Oo. IJLIltOir-AUIOMAlir
Electiio Motors
Illnstntiil citiloKiio
nml Dyamov tntali
fiet * II A Kin-IP ) ( , i n 1
li H Cnpltnlvcnne AU S.3 I S \ I ifo illil it
Parlin , CrcndorfF & T. G ,
Mai tin Co.
, deiii-ral wo tirn nsient
Corner loni'/i nml ' .11)1 ) Sti bknnilla I'inw Co ,
Oiiuiha Neb 111 i 1 ol blieiimui A\o
E. L. Welch & Co. , E. T. Davis Mill Oo
10IJ N 10 ii ' Ire t C tl I'nderwood
,1 I ! Mil my , Miv inecr Mnnii er at Omaha
Mill it llonilcrnon , Minn Cor ftli anil laikxon "Is
S.F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Oo. ,
Me chint Mllleri
10I3r17 , N Kill blreot
Ollliunnil Mill IIU .North
C K Illiclr - M inn .er lull Htnet
GLASS , I'AI XT , OIL A XI ) lltl'G\
Koi.nard Glass ntid J. A. Fuller & Co. ,
Taint Oo. , UU2 linitlat ) slrt-ot ,
04 li l llnirev btrcet.
Omali i .N jli. Oniiilm.
William Oummhgs. Blnka , Bruce & ( Jo , bt l , -.0i loive-nnorin st.
Omu'i i. No'i Onmlin , .Noli
( ! ItOCUltW\
Paxton & Gallnghor , Meyer & Raapke ,
jflj-711 S lOlli htrJut , IIO-l llO'ilIiirnoy r-tri-ct ,
Oiimlui , Nc-b Noli
D. M Oj , Sloan , JohiiBon & Co. ,
I.Oj Juiii" Et net , illliunil l.i'iufii\\urlli
strioti ,
OuiilM , .Null
Alien Bros. , McOortl , Brady & Oo ,
11C8-1IIU lliiriii-r fcliict , 15th und l actiwurth ,
Uiuilin Sou.
row nint.
Hugh H. Clark.
don \\u9tarikAKunt I 'if
] ) uwint biiorilnv l.un-
liotriler Allan lilituuiplU'
lihitlliiK tapi ( u ia
U19 llaruiutruct. ) .
nit MX A xn
Toncruy ft Bryan , 9. A. NoWhortor
Ilraker * , urnln , prnyl 312 Ut I nsnk Itrolt.
ir I'rlvnto wln tu
Hill M I'rlvntn wlro Now \ork , Clilonm ) nn <
to riiloniro , st I.oul ! 31 l.on | Onih Brnli
ninl .Nun U > rk boimlu for l | iiiArki'lii
S\ \
I nmollerlnuBtooc in i coed Boimil oom-
p-my th it will pay n SO rnr cent divul'iu ,
$100 snares tor $86 Wrlto lor prospu-tai
Boom 0 , Qer. Am. B'k ' Bldg , , St. Joseph Mo.