LU GUST S , ISttl-TWELVE PAGES. TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SA1VKDAY . THE OMAHA. BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. C1 KICI * No. 12PKARL STREET. r Svrruu : t > y Cmrlcr In ur.y part of the City. IIV. . TII/I'ON MAiS'AUBll- I c , No Night Editor. No. 2 ji i A < i it .11 tax n o.v , N. Y. P. Co. t'ouncil HlnffK Lumber Co. , coal. ( 'rnfl'H chattel loans , U04 Sapp block. If you want water In your yora or house I otd Hlxby's ' , ; tut ! M or rlam block. A game of ball will ba played tomorrow afternoon by tlio l.otio Stars and Marcus duos nt the driving Dark. Horn -To Mr. and Mra. D. IJ. Coons yes- tori ay , at S10 South Sixth street , n boy ; weight nlnu and one-half pounds. MUs Mitimo Paubio entertained about thlrlv of Her young friends night before last nt ho'r homo on Ltltlu Curtis street. Yujtorday was ono of the hottest , If not the tiotU'M , days of the season , tbo tticr tnomutcr standing at 05 ° in theshadodurlng tbo ufto/nooii. In police court ycatordiiy morning .lolm Parker was sentenced to seven days In ttio county lull for vagrancy. IConrnoy Johnson was ll'iied flfi.70 for drunkennoHS and E.V , Bull $10.70 for dninkuntiois nnd disorderly conduct. Newton Nelson Is cnnflncil to hli homo near ttio stock yards by an Injurj which ho received while working on n shod. Ho lull to the ground nnd hail n rio broken. Ho wns taken to his hainu and Dr. I' . . ) . Montgomery fundud him. Ills injury will kftop him In f U .00 tioiiso few duys , but Is not serious. hovcrnl ottli'laU of the North western ronil arrived In the city yosterJny Hftarnoon nt 2 : tl , the trnin having been delayed for six hours by n wreck. They nt opco took n motor train for Omiilin , where they were to hold a itu'cllng with the ofllcials of Uio litilon 1'a- clllc coinpuny relative to changes which It la tali ! aru to bo niadt ! In depot facilities. An enjoyable soclnl was given last evening hi the parlors of the Klfth Avenue Methodist church. A musical programme was ono of the attractive features of the evening , 1'rof. Uuttor rendering several selections in an excellent monitor. The phonograph was also called In to furnish entertainment. A lartro crowd was in attendance mid a pleasant time was had. Superintendent II. W. Sawyer has boon busily engaged for seine clnvs past in going . over the snmplo school hooks luft , with him X for examination bv various wholesalers nnd will have his report roauy for ttio school board nt its meeting next Monday evening , at which tlmo the selection of hooks for use in the public schools buring iho coming year Will bo inndo. An nlnrin of flro was soutnloa yesterday morning at 5.0 ! o'clock from the corner of Mill anil Seventh streuts. A bla/o had btartud in n small house , Ol. > Mill street , oc cupied by n family nami-il Kppcmlcr. The ttrywiMi succeeded In oxtingiuatilng It. before finch damage was done , the only loss bulnga bud and lieddlnir. a dresser and some cloth ing The occupants thouirht the tiroorigl- nated from the explosion of a lamp , but t\ I aubor.schi'iiner , who owns the building , claims in was a case of Incondlarlsm. Joseph Auvonmark , a young Swede Just from tlio olil country. Is In tlio city for the Liirposoof giving an exhibition of bis jump ing powers at Mnnuwa this afternoon. A tower has been erected in the lake sixty feet hV < h , and from this ho Jumped hotd : fore- , Ciost last evening into the water. The tower 'is to bo built up twenty feet higher today , nnd helll make the Hying lean ot eighty foot Into the water. Ho has a grc-it reputa tion as an aerial porlormor anil will vary his ontortaiumont by performing a double sum- crsault In the air. He will doubtless nl- tr.u-t a large crowd. William McOulro , who lives about three miles east of the city , lu Garner township , was arrested Thursday night on an Informa tion Hied in Justice Hariuer'.s court charging him with threatening to kill , The informa tion was ( Hod by his wlfit. According to her story , then ! has been n good deal of war lu their household lately. McUulro became un manageable , and wont so far from the stand ard ot inarltliil perfection as to draw a butcher kulfo on his wlfo and threaten to kill her Ho spent 0110 night lu the county Jail , being unable to glvo bonds , and yesterday morning Mrs. McUulro reappeared in court and withdrew the information , paying the costs of the casu. Her husband was released nnd wont homo. VIIK IMIICI S M Xlt'O TI1K ItUSINKSS Only Five DIIJ-H More. Komombor Sargent's great discount lasts but llvo days moro , and if you stop and think a moment you will see tlmt it will pay you to take advan tage of it. Think of this. Kdwin C. Burl's MOO , * < I.OO and $7.00 shoos for $ ; i.7i ) to close. Wright & Peters' clotli tops and all $ . > . { > < ) shoos , $ .2. > . John Kelly turns and welts $1.00 shoos , $ ; { . ! ( ) . . .John Kelly line $ : t..r > 0 shoes. $2.98. * - .John Kelly line * 'l.OO hhocs , * 2.o3. Everybody knows tliefco goods. Sargent cl'otli top and patent tip sJU. 00 shoes , t-.oS. Sargent misses' school slices , $1.75 shoes , iM.-IS , The bent made. Sargent misses' kid , spring heel $2.oO hhoon , 12. 12. Sargent oxford ties at your own prices. Tlio lo. < t men's $3.00 shoo in tlio state for$2..r)5. Everything In the store reduced. Remember - member this Is to reduce stock and make room for fall goods , and positively will not last but live days more. The old PhtlllH | Shoo Store. U. M. SAUOKNT. J'KK.SO.V.I / , r.l It.KUt.ll'IlS. John N. lialdwin has returned from ute trip to Chicago. Mrs. J.V. . S < iulro nnd daughter have re turned from a vhlt at Colfax , Charles T. Stewart has returned from a thruo weeks' trip to western Nebraska. Al Parkinson loft for California yesterday , where no will make bis home in tbo future. Mrs. Ur. F. S. Thomas and children bavo returned from a visit of several weeks with friends in the eastern part of the st.itu. Ors. Woodintry , dentists , fiO Pearl treot , next to , Grand hotel. Telephone High grade work a. specialty i Try Dtinuotto. & Co.'s Pomona fruit cough tnblots. They are delicious. An KtptMiHivo Hotel. A well known tailor who has been In the habit of patronizing the cup that chews , and who was brought up to tlio notice station a nuinher of times lately for drunkenness , mot with an expensive experience night before last. Ho wia on his way from Omaha whoio bo hud boon rounding up tuu city , to hU homo , when his Jag commenced to get too heavy , and \\a \ lay down to rest In a clumn of weeds near the motor power house. When lie ciuno to himself yesterday morning ho was minus a coat , a bat and a watch. Somconu bad evidently found tilin anil relieved him of all his surplus property during his drunken tupor. HU total loss was about ! . " > . Illi-thiliiy Cdlutirntion. Mr. Paul Kodwclss entertained about twenty of Ids friends Thursday evening ut the rculdciico of Mr. nud Mrs. K. K. Matins , 1100 Fourth nvonue , the occasion being his twenty. lxth birthday. Among tho-,0 piv , unt were Mr. nnd Mrs. Uottlg ? , Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell , Mr. and Mrs. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Sc.iiunn , Mr , and Mrs. Hutter , Misses Bell and Doudluot of Umahu , Moss IT , , ( ialhignur and Boudlnot , Music and cards were the enjoyable features of the evening. About U o'clock an elegant lunch was served , nftor which the guests departed , wishing Mr. Kodwi'iis many happy returns. , i'f. Stewart & Patty , votorlnarv stir- eons , -15 fourth ntreotCouncll Ulull'H , In , Gasoline and oil ; cobs , wood nnd coal ; prompt delivery. L , G. Knotts , 27 Main : telephone 03. . NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Eonefi'3 Accruing from the Decision in the Bridge Case. BRINGING PtOPLE TO THE BLUFFS. Hook Iilautl HUH KstiilMlstiotl Division Iloiiiliiiurtorfi | mill .Mnny H Will .Mnkc Tlielr Hoiium Hero Alter IhlH. Since tlio docUlon of JuJso Hrowcr In re- gnra to the Union 1'ucIfloUock Islatul con- trovewy , cotisluerablo hai boon snld about the rulnoui offcot tlmt tlio dei'Ulon would linvo , nnil , In fnct , hail already oommonrod to have , on the biiMneis inloreitt ot the BlufK The nrtlclaU of the Uock Nliuut state that , so fur from InjurltiR the niuff-i , the ctiaiiKb Uruwor's decision Is brought about by Judpo having A bononolai effoet In ninny ways , so far iw thulr line U concerned. Superltitond- ent U. Hurlelgli of the c.iilcrn division , wltn his force of clerks , moved from Top.'Un noino in anticipation of the proiont state of attain , ana bai Jurisdiction of that part of Inn line botwuou OouiiuH Bluff * and Hoatrleo , Nub. , The dlspitchor's of- llco dtn boon romovud from Atlantic to this city , and has been given quarters in ihelcciil iippot. The dispatching force con sists of U. C. Under , chief dlsp itcher , and his assistants , M. Cronin , \V. C. WcUlnlto and F. .1 , Do/.dock , together with bV. . Bru- liirfton , tbo operator. After the Kith of this month the llyor will run through from Chicago to Denver. Under the new replmo Council BlutTs will bo u di vision station , and all crows and engines on all the trains will bo changed hero. This onu fact will result In at least forty families boinK brought to this city to llvo. There v\lll bo 'six f roiplit i-rows and six p.isiunifar crows oesldos nil extra which will do duty on a local tmln between this city and South Oiu.tni. Most of the frotKht and passetiBor Uiifllc lll lioroaftcr bo handled Irom the local depots , Instead ot the transfer , and as n re sult It will probably bo found necessary to enlarge the present depot facilities. hnHt Kcw Monday , August 10 , is the last day of the { 'rcaf co-it sale at the lio&ton Store , Uouncil 'HluiTH. Ladies , tuUo timely warning , make your dry goods pusvhnsos just now , although not in nbaoluto need of them , for certainly such un offering SB not to bo had every day. The eholco of such a , vast stock of dry goods at actual co < t price , something never hoard of before - fore in the dry goods tnido. Today ( Saturday ) and Monday all our summer goods must go , cost catting no figure on such goods , wo make tlio prices that tlioy are sure to soil. lijlow are only a foxv'of the items included in this great sale : 33-inch 8u and lk' ( summer cashmeres and cliallies , all in one lot , So a yard , make beautiful dresses and for comfort ers you can IInil nothing butter. Yard wide 12c plaid suitings , sale price lie. Fine French patoons , regular 22c goods , beautiful designs , half price for this sale , lie a yard. 5,000 yards Pokin cloths , fancy y.ophys and seersuckers that sold for I0u and lilje , sale price < > Se. All our Co dark prints for tje. Our bsst , indttro blue calicoes for oc. Best light shirting prints for -lc. Wo show one of tlio greatest bargains in table linen ever shown on a counter , a beautiful quality unbleached table Unon , 70 inches wide , at tY7jts , worth Sou. At13e wo show a line that is usually sold at oOc , We and OOc in bleached , unbleached uiid Turkey red. Hvorything in linens , napkins , flun- nols , muslins , shootings , blankets , etc. , etc. , at actual coat , lu short , everything - thing in tlio store at actual cost , with only two exceptions , which is ono or two makes of I Jr. Wiirnor'ij and Dr. Hall's corsets ; wo don't make tlio price on them and therefore cannot break it. Ladies' ribbed vests , 7o veals for -tc. Ladies' ribbed vests , 12e vests for 9e. Ladies' ribbed vests , 17c vests for 12Jc. Ladies' ribbed vests , 2oc vests for lOc. Ladies' ribbed Lisle vests , 45o vests for 27 jc. Hosiery , as is a widely known fact , wo carry the most complete line in Council DUiITa and the best brands in the world ; they are all included in tins great cost sale ; our 17c hose for 12jc" our 2oo ho = e for llc , our , > Uc for 3lc and 42c. Uomembor today nnd Monday are the last t\\o days of this great cost sale previous to inventory. 15OSTON STORK , t'ouncil BlulTs , In , FOTIIKIlINailAMWmTKk.YW & CO. , City Kifiiiiiuns. The following is a statement of the llnances of the city for the past month , emilng August 1 , according to the report of City Treasurer Kinnelmn : 1 On hand. Oveidrafts. fieneral fnnil . Il.-'lfi 4' llonillnaii fund . 7,010 iill IntuiKi-utlon imvlns anil Kradlne . f > .iTi : S9 InttrMcttoii .ottur sinking fund . 4.K1S ISO .luiltrincnt fund . , . 40 ! I8 Wiitur fund . 18t 71 1'iirU fund . llll b ! > Mlirary fund . ll i CO Curiilni : and sidewalk . : U7'J'C Intnrsootliin sewer . 8.M1 ? 7l ! ' . ' ! ! tf Special imsu siiiDiit Rranln ,781 litidoniptlnn fund . 50 15 Sitworulntriut Jxo. 2 . 2M 50 City brldKO tnml . ! I.O'.W ' M Kundad ilobt . Kl.'JTil.VJ llcni'riil huwer . Il.ori I'i Total rccnlpts . JwillTTiJ I'nrk slnkln fund . * 45 w > Suoclitl Ksxesumoiit huw ur. . . ! IM5 M Speulul iissus nUMt ) paving. VO.O'Jl lit Total ov.irdr.ift . * 'ACKi ' . ' 3 ll.ilunco on hiind AugiiAt I. . JISiU 5U Piano , organs , U. U. Music Co. , 530 D road way. Swnnton music company , 335 Broad way. _ Buy your furniture , carpoU , stoves nnd lio'iiohold goods of Mandol & Klotn , Council BlulTs. 1'rlces very low ; freight prepaid to your city. Hound Tor I ho I'on. 1C. S. Fogley's case was resumed in the po- llco court yesterday inornlu ) ; . The city at torney commnnced opuralions by changing the charge against the defendant from as sault with Intent to do great bodily Injury to assault with intent to commit murder , l-'cg- ley bad been granted n continuance In order to got un attorney , but ho bad evidently failed to llnd any one xvbo would defend him , us he appeared for himsoll. tie was vur.v penitent , but his penitence failed to inovo the court in his behalf , and bo was oound over to await the action of the grand jurv. Ills bond was llxcd at f.iM ! > , in default of which ho was hoiit to the county Jail. , ! < > : > I' nn tint ; Or regular work for Omaha , or Council Blull'rt parties , or anyone else , done promptly and properly at Pryors Bee job otllce , 12 Pearl street , Council BlulK 1'rlcos are always as low as Is consistent with good work. For Kent Store building , 400 Central Broadway. J. C. Do Haven. Farmer Camllilaio. II. C. Wheeler , repuullcun cundldato for uveraor , spout yesterday In the city , and was the observed of all observers. Ha was taken lu hand early In the day by prominent members of tbo republican league , who mudo It their duty to see that Uo took away with him a favorable lni | > rc Mon of Iowa's crn metropolis. In the niornlnc ho was at the ofllco of Colonel D. H. D.illoy , where do was cAlic.l ution oy a number of citizens of who wanted to both partles--by republicans see what IOWII'H next governor looncd Hki1 , and by deinocr.its who wanted to worm some thing out of him that mltrjit Injure tlio pros pects of the rermtillcnns next fall. So far a's learned , the pftorts of the democrats wore not attended by any ft.irlllng rotults. Several nowsuapor man were among these who called on him , and whllo ho was aftablo with nil bo took no p.ilns to conceal the fact that bo did not care to talk much about any political subject upon which tbeio Is much discussion. In the afternoon he was given a ride about the cltby J. J. Ilrown. Hon. Walter I. Smith. Colonel D. H. D-ilfey and I. M. Trey- nor. IIo was much pleased with tbo * anco of tits city. He loft Ust evening for his homo. Made a rood Haul. The Woodbine , a saloon In the Key build ing on llro.idway near tlio corner of Seven teenth street , was entered by burglars yesterday torday morning. How the burglar made bis entrance Is a mystery , as nothing was disar ranged about the building , and It is supposed that who ever did the deed must have had a key that llted the lock of the front door. Ttio burular evidently knew Just wh.itho wanted , and took It. A silver watcti. a gold chain , gold nugget , gold ring nnd $ . " > ( ) In cash wcro among tbo booty. The cnso was reported to the police , and a description of the stolen property was given , but there Is no clue , so fa11 , to the perpetrator of the crime. Dlcil I'm in the KlToct * . Mrs. Walter Heobo died at 70 : o'clock Thursday night from concussion of the brain , caused by her fill ! from a carnage. She never regained consciousness. She was a sister of Miss Hattlo U.ivls , a teacher In the puollo schools , and of Mrs. J. 10. Hollen- beck. The latter Is out of the city and ar- ranucmonts for tbo holding the funeral can not bo made until stio Is heard from. Picnic tit Manhattan beach. Round trip tickets from Omaha , including boat ride , oOc ; on sale at news stands at Millard - lard and Murray hotels. The C. M. & St. P. ticket ollico has been removed from 500 Broadway into the elegant now quarters In the now Baldwin block , 5 Pearl street. Union Park races , Omaha and- Coun cil BlulTs , September 8-11 , 40,500 ; Oc tober 20-22 , $1,000. For programmes address Nat Brown , Merchants hotel , Omaha. J-moke or ing. Chicago Herald : That , man was In the best of humor when ho climbed on the cable car. Ho was.smokinea citrar. N-nv and then ho would lift the seed Havana from his lips and strike tip two or three bars of a song. Then ho would dron tbo song and take another draught or two from the ciirar. A woman sat at bis sido. tldpetlng under the smoke and fairlv rebelling at the song. All the passen gers suffered , but , they suffered In silence till at length the happy man struck up : "O , Guneviuvc , sweet Oauoviuvo" when bo woman Interrupted : "O , smoke -smoko , " she cried imnntlontly. 'I would rather smell your cigar than listen to your song. " A CINCINNATI II > YIi. Heal Homnnoc In tlio Classic Slindcs Over I In : Ktilne. It was late , and the two strolled slowly and ecstatically along the bide strbet over the Rhino , says the Cincin nati Commercial. It was evident that they were two souls with but a single thought to agitate their thinkers. It of hour since was now three-quarters an they bad seen "Komeo and Julietat tlio Grand opera house , and their minds were still thrilled by tlio pathos of the tragedy WIOMJ ! swoetoat strains wore still singing themselves over and over in their two young loving hearts , an old , old story , over now. They paused by the entrance of u bril liantly lighted apartment , entered , re mained but briotly , emerged thought fully and lovingly wiped the last lleeks jof foam from their ripe young lips. ' to the doorway 'Twas but half a square way of the homo. Cli'so in its shelter ing shadow they paused an instant and gn/ed rapturously into ono another's eyes with that gaxo which needs no word or interpreter anywhere under the sun and moon. Ono btrong , manly arm stole , unrosistod , anout n delicate , taper waist. A sunny head sank softly upon a heaving bosom with a sigh. Ono mo ment they stood so , their thoughts too deep for utterance. Thou , in a tone ot suppressed emotion , ho whispered : "Tilly , you know beer ? " "Uh hull , beer ! " " ' ' . " "You're bottor'n hear. Pulsing with the lire of a young maid en's love , she pressed s-o close to him that they seemed but ono sensate body , and clasping her soft arms about his nock , she pressed ono burning liss upon his lips and murmured , as a dove might murmur to its mate : "Billy , you know Romeo ? " "Uh huh. Romeo. " "An1 you know you ? " "Uh-huh. " "Well , Romoy lie isn't in it ! " With a glad cry ho strained her slight form to his breast and imprinted kiss after kiss upon her rich emollient lips , as they quivered together in tlio dearest oestney of passion. Suddenly lie caught his breath and travi u gulp of agony , tore himself desperately from her palpitating arms and ran ifkc the mountain wind , down tlio dusky street. Up , up to her forlorn couch crept the pain-racked girl , clutching her bosom as if in anguish and restraining by a bitter olTort tlio huge , burning sobs that shook her slight form in a convulsion of blind . grief forsaken forsaken forsaken ! Far , for uway the torn mountain of a man's inner soul labored and brought forth. Clinging to a street-lamp , death ly pale , his long , dbhovolod hair clus tered over his clammy brow , William swayed to and fro as a mountain pine in the storm that overwhelms it. At last his writhings of pain were stilled , and lift ing ono hand to the blue-vaulted heaven , ho cried in quivering tones : 'May I bo everlastingly dod-gastod If over I swallor another chaw of torbaek- or for anybody's kit-sin ! " llluo .Monday. An explanation of the much dreaded "bluoness'1 ot Monday has boon alTordod by an erudite French observer. He gives it ns the result of extended obser vation that the only nation In which Monday-is a day of poor lessons , lioad- aches , scratch penmanship and that "tired feeling" generally Is the United States. Ifero ho notices that people accustomed to great regularity In eating and other physical habits during the week , mitko a practice of eating a Into and unusually largo dinner on Sunday and lounging lir/.lly around the house a grout portion of the day instead of taking necessary oxoroiso. This , of , loads to temporary dyspepsia on Monday. Tlio theory is Ingenious. Tlio l.uuky Scart'pln. A fancy of the hour for men Is a "lucky" bcarfpln. This may bo a four * leaf clover , with tlio tiniest diamond , ur moonstone resting on ono loaf ; u horse shoe with tievon jewelled nails ; or a soli taire star tmpphlro or moonstone forming the knob of a pin. All and any of these pins to bo desirable must bo ex ceedingly small and dainty , When profusely jowollod , such pins are more suitable , small ns tliov are , for my Lady's Ascot tie , worn with tier Marlow shirt , than for yentlouion s AND EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY. Foe the Treatment of all Chronic and Surgi cal Diseases , Perfectly equipped with every facility , apparatus and remedy for the successful treatment of every form of disease requir ing medical or surgical treatment. MOST COMPLETELY ANTI-SEPTIC OPERATING ROOM , and best hospital accommodations in the \vest. Board and at tendance at reasonable rates. The business of the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , formerly conducted at 9th and Harney streets , by the late Dr. J. W. McMenamy , has been removed across the river to 26th street and Broadway Council Bluffs , la. , where every case and any and all con tracts , old or new , are receiving'prompt and skillful attention We refer by permission to patients we have cured. u rite for circular on Deformities and Braces , Trusses , Club Feet , Curv.-tturc of the Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Ca tarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder , Eye , liar , Skin and 13 oed , and all surgical operations. operations.Btbrmities of the Human Body , Brace Dapt BHACKS. TRUSSHS , nnd all inanner'of 8tirilcul appliances , manufactured to order nnd a lit uiuim-itee. ! . The brace department , Is under the charge of J. 1'Vob - ' , nnd who is unreservedly recommended by the medical profession ns heiiitf the best brnco maker U > tlu ) U 'i'tV11 ' W"3 MuAlonainy'H brace inikor for years In this department we are especially successful. Our claims for superiority over all others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment manufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case , We have three skilled instru ment makers in our employ , with improved machine ry , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents arid improvements , the result of twenty year's experience. 144 PAGE BOOK , Illustrated , -ft ii iife : Sent Free to any Address blood to visit mark ; GOOIMEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE , . . . 26th and Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa. wear. As ii rule , men prefer a pin typi cal of their taste's , l or juiiilitsmon there nnchora and various arc tiny crossed flags , ous deaitrns of the sea ; for tlioso fond of the turf there are horses , some of them painted in enamel from famous ) racers , whips and joelcoy caps ; and for sports- mo n v.'ith tho. reel and rod or gun there nro tiny trout in enamel and squirrel brushes. _ I'AN-AMKiilOAN \Ui\V lY. FoiiMiMMity 01 the l'ro.cot | for a Ilnil- wny Union ol' tlio Two AincrluiiH. A writer in the Knprlncurin Mnyn- /.ine says : "Tho feasibility and practi cability of this road is apparent toovory one who has any knowledge of Spanish America , Wliilo wo are thinking about it , tlio scheme la slowly but surely de veloping in the natural course of events. The Mexican Central annihilated 1,221 miles. Tlio Mexican Southern will , in u fo\v days , make the distance -130 miles shorter. Ono can enter a Pullman at Buenos Ayres nnd ride 1,000 miles towards - wards New York. While the obstruc tionists are slinking their heads , tlio 17,0(10 ( miles of railrcad in Central and South America nro handling Kurapoan merulmiKiise , aiUl pouring the products of the country into tlio holds of tlio hiib- sidi/ed steamships of England , Prance nnd Germany. 'Of total imports of Contra ] and South America the 'First and foremost na tion on earth' contributes 7 per cent. Of tlio exports wo got about 20 per cent. These comparatively undeveloped coun tries , with an area two and one-luilf times that of the United States and Alaska. , have a commerce at the present time amounting to $ Sll ( ) , I82 , ! 1S. In it not worth while to nsslst in the con struction of U,000 milei of railroad to ob tain this trade ? The action of the Pan- American conference IWE made the con struction of tlio road an international af fair and has put the project on a hotter ba is than if it were to bo attempted by independent parties " About Spcutnclo' . Tlio honor and credit of pointing out tlio benefit of glasses to aid defective vis ion belongs to Uogor Bacon , who lived from 1211 to 12)2. ! ) Spectacles were ac tually invented inthoyear 1280 , tlio man who conferred this great blessing on suf fering liumanty being Alexander Bpinn , a monk of 1'iea , who died in 1H1H. In the early stages of the art tlio spec tacles made were rude and crude , the glass-OS were rough , though they ren dered ain to the nlllictoo. At the pres ent time , an optician who understands his Dullness can , by successive experi ments , discover the actual defect of tlio eye and furnish a glass. Unit will make . .the eye utmost perfect , friio perfection in the means of nssisUncu is due to tlio oxpfvimonls and inventions of Dr. Schelllor and Dr. Giraiul of I'nrK The latter tciontist promulgated the idea and tlio former practically put the the ory in operation. . > Clashes are comonly ground with equal convexity on both Bides. The ma- torlal for their manufacture Is both glass and a kind of stotio called Hr.i/.llian pob- bio. It is really a rock crystal of very line quality and doea not resoluble a "pebble" In any particular. Spectacles have alleviated moro misery than all other human agencies , because there Is no sorrow equal to that caused by im paired night , A Ui'inurkahle Krcnk. A roinnrknblo freak of nature Is found among tlio hlllH of Delaware county , N. Y. , in the sunken lake covering about three acres of biirfuco. which lies be tween two parallel ridges not far from the Now York , Ontario .t Western rail road. The whole surface of tlio lake Is covered with a thick growth of IIIOSH , whoso stems extend to an unknown depth , but certainly further than the arm can reach. Uach tuft of IIIOMS IH of a different color from Its neighbor , BO that the surface looks Hue that of a beautiful colored carpet. In walking over the velvety surface , tlio foot sinks down a few inches without encountering the water , which ia at least two leet below - low the su rfaco. Near the , shore in a few places , the water comes to the top. The buried pond is a wonderful natural curiosity. UXURKiHOUND WIHHH. The KHtnlilN'iPil Oriloiof Tilings In Kvcry Pro rosHive City. The Engineering Maga/.ino savs the greatest sufferers by the burial of tlio wires are tlio telephone companies whoso systems connect with tlio long-distnneo lines. A short length of underground cable lias little or no effect on telo phone transmission , but when a few miles of underground cable a e joined on to sev eral hundred miles of overhead line , the effect is very marked , the speech becoming - coming mulllcd , thick and indistinct. All cities ought , to make allowance for this apparently insuperable dilliculty and allow the wires of tlio long-distance system to bo carried overhead. For local telephone work underground wires work admirably. The telephone system of Now York from the Battery to the Harlem river is entirely underground , and there are today under tlio streets of New York considerably more than 20.000 miles of wire utod for telephonic com munication. The typo of underground cable now in general use should have a very long life. Tlio load covering is practically indestructible ; if laid in iron pipes it cannot bo affected oven by galvnnio ac tion , because iron is electro-positive to lead , nnd the iron would bo attacked. As the insulating material is hermeti cally sealed within the lead covering , it is safe from deterioration as long as the load remains bound. So that unless it is found that the insulating materials de teriorate by reason of the action of the current , tlio donreointion on under ground cables of this class should be placed at a very low figure. In contrast , the depreciation of overhead lines is very considerable , especially in towns where the wires nro exposed to the ac tion of .smoko nnd gases besides the iulUi- enco of extremes of weather. In largo towns nnd cities the under ground t.y tem is among the established order of tilings , while freedom must be conceded for overhead wires in the open country and on restricted routes. A fniiltnl It'iroinrtcr. The colToo cup is a capital barometer. After the sugar lias been put in , if tlio bubbles collect in the middle of the cup the weather will be fair ; If they lt > ave the center and adhere to the sides of the cup , forming a ring of bubbles with a clear space in the middle , there will bo rain ; if they scatter themselves indiffer ently on the surface the weather will be variable , wlillo a cluster of ( nibbles on one side of the cup indicates rain. Don't "Monkey" with your Blood , Delay t * ilniiKiTims In HICK- lion : U It tux. dully Imrtuclmn In cllseuii-s i > f II u IIIXM | | . Cor rupt Ion hritiU coiriiption , jitxt inlljciuri" , II u < Klvi'ti' < iiimi.'l < > p Into luciirslJlo chronic ill * . n Inn > eixy | nnil SO \ mni vuru ( ur ull 0. Uii'oiilnnliiu * lilooU fd Bi'mdilii , kln hliuntloin , nml linn curcil ihoiikuuiU ur VOMHOf ClIIHl'l. U U n | rrrul tonlo fnrilell. cam IHTKOIII , jot U Imnulex nml Uirui'Alild ' of Injurlug lUo A triutUo mi Illood nml Rkla PhriKi-ii inulliil rucK on oi ull. ciitlnn. DruggUti Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , , Bruucr 3 , AtUuta. CB. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. jJAHTI'l ACIBrTo bo had flt tlio driving Jl'ilii si'1 y'n' ' l ° Cblrlc's | MltKoimrtnnlty | | forrl lit man to on.--iL'e -1 In : i j : ooil pay nt ; biisliir < .s ! small capital roijulrud A 4llleu. Couuull Ululls. \VAM1''lloTri ' lo-l''lvi'.niom lmn > * > . full i'l ' " " ' ! " ' " " ' llml lot in Council IMulK 1) . llrotvn. HiL' Itroaihvay. TTO1 , ' , ' AI'F.-nooil farm. 10 mlles 7rom CoiiiT Jull HIiitK with > orjr larcn orchard , * .15 UIT ncT\ ' ' " ' llty "oru farm , near railroad HtiUlun. * fluff"0'0' J""St" " * V" " ' ' "U < - ' " - I71O11 Halo or Tradi'-I'iunlly uarilagu horse J ami siirn-y. 1)18 ) Third aM-nnu. UKXT A nice o-room house with Inrsn yard to di-sr. | hlo pally fruo of uiKu. .1. W. Hiiilio | , ul I'o.irl struct. OlA I ItVoVANTanil syihomutrlc. or char- m'tor icicllnx * ; nlsoilhiKiinslH of dlsoaso. nond lock of hair for readings liy lottisr. Hun- buys unil uvcii ns. ; Mra. II llnuiiur.lil \ Avo- duuR i-orncr Kith street , Cuuuull llluir ? . 'Icnns&ioaiKl fl.O ) . MAONIFirKNT aero uroporty In Ilvi'-auru Iructs locatfd L" miles fioni po-tolllco , forsalc on icasoiriblo turms Homo line roil- di'iico propiirty for runt bv D.iv t lloas. "plOK i VLB iir U3nt-a\rJuii" * lan.L VTtth" & Uousa * . u1. . It liloj , WJ j.\n it , OounoU UluITi The oliiiuliia Uicycio. We have the best cushion tlio m.ido. Hut tb < s is not the only fool fuaturo of the old ri'll-ihlo an I popuur Co.nmhl.i. Invo-itUato uli.tsinu uii'-crupuluiiii dealers liuto to say foi ihi'lrnuiiN. . 'I ho Coiuiubli Isoith Its weight In iiold , oven with "free ll vcr. " Do V. itlioiit a Itflrl ciMtur. In hot wuithtr : It Is Iniposslblo to do so and pii-sumi your lio.ilth and comforl. Food can- nut bo pri'sorvi'tt wltlKinliliiiuuioumlatcrliira- tlon. In a foo.ol or r.nv st.itiHlthunt nifrli- iM.itlon. . You will ( in 1 It more Impusslhln o vcr I oilo without t Ills Iniiiortant ail Jiini't when yon look i't ' * ho North and limrn the prices wo will makit for tlin no\t thirty days. ( iiiHolino Hlnvi1" , Ijnwii Sfoworw , Anil caidcn hosn nt lower tluuros than you uvorK'it laifoio. I'.voiy artlolosold Is thchK'h- est RiMilo ma In. Screen doors and window sei ecus at cost. Muku your homes comforta- hlc at lilllo expense. I' . C. l > cV < l. no I Tlioy MIIHI Go nt Cost. There Is no use of your onduavor nj ! to ( jot n'oiii ; and econoinl/c by dolni ; wltlimit u re- filucialur. lloalth nnd comfort canu it bo malnt lined In thii hot siimmorcathcr anil food piopir.y presuivcd wlihout snimt moans of preserving a cool , dry atmosphero. The new ( iucrnsoy rofrl''cralor Is I how irlil boater In every eHsontlal point , and fiom Ibis limn on we propose to put thorn Into your houses at absolute cost. Th s Is a bon.i lldu otfor that It wl i pay yon to Investigate. \Vinilow Moi'PuiiH < unl Donrrt Oo at the s-inio price until our present l-irso stock is exbaiisierl. Thl Is j our opportunity to provide your homes with Ihunu necessary comforts , All modern tittle Inbor-s.ivln and comfort- prodnclini novwltles In iho Iw.iro line for summer use will bo dlsimsod of In tlio vitne miinnur. SluiKiii't Ai Son , No. 1 I .Ainiu Htrcct , Couuull liliilfM. _ "Tl-IR GRAND Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly AppolntaJ Hotel Is Now Opsn. N , A. Taylor , Gas Heating Stores. No Annt.Hl No SMOKIC. Just the tiling fur bath rooms , bo I rno < u , oil Cull und beu our iartu uisorlmcuu C. B. Gns nU Elajtrla Ll-j it Ca. HI I'o.irl anl : ' . ' 10 Main rilruoU C. A , HAMMER , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE orriUK ni II road way , Council Uluffx , la ; OUXCIL mm STE.U DM woins All kinds of Dylns anil Olu.inln ; ilnno In tha IllKliestStyloof the Art , FacloJ and til.ilnoil 1'ahrlcumadu to look in noocl n * now. Hod I'oathors ( 'loaned Ity Steam , In l.'list Olas < Uanncr. Work promptly done and dollverol n all p.iru of tlio-'ountrj. So ml for prla * O. A. MAOIIAX. I'rop. , 01J Uroiidwar. Near Northwcaturu L > COUNCIL Hi.urt--i. lc Lake Manawa Hotel , A * tractions. Pine I'KbliiIloatin , ' , H.illi- iianJ : r\L'i'lltnt ! Minor ilYalur. . Only llftiM-ti mlnutus rldo from Council lliitTs. Motor Ha ns itvrry half hour , dlruot ooimtcrsof Council Ululls .mil O mill i. Most ( lollc litful und lucujsiu.o pl.ioo for ill nk > uurtlis. TELEPHONE NO. 45. 3fflZEH5 STATBBAM Of Council BluCfVj. ; APITAL STOCK . $150,000 iURPLUSAND PROFITS . 70.003 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 DIHB TOIH I. \ , Mlllor , P O ninutm , K. U Ihufnrt. Ii K. II irt. J I ) Bdmiindiim. On irlot ( .ll.tnnan. Tr.uuixot gennril liinUInt bint- ten Ijarioit caulttl and urplu4 ol any janlcln Hjiith > ro turn low. ! . INTtREaf O.4 TIMi DEP33 F 5. Or.M.H.CHMRLl . . . Eye , Ear , Nosa and Tlirjil SURGEON , Council HI u IT * , lu Shugurt-lJono H'lc. Hoom 1. D to lii in 7 and S p. in. I'OUNCIl , " ; ilvanixed Iron Cornice Works , U. (1IIAIII. .V HON. I'KOI'U 1O1LJ and 1O17 Broul\vatj , lliiiiilm fiirnlilicil on nil klnilt nt ( inlvaiilioit run I'driili-o Wnrk Iron Itontliu , M.ira Kruiiti nmt 'opiii'rVmlc. . Arilitla wurk n miicilaltr Hirnw * omiunco inllcllixl cr im pulats t indoi fruiiiCuun II llluir mid Ounli.i. : irst--National--Bank - : - - : - -OF- OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , alii Up Canltiil , . . . . $10),009 ) Oidu-l orrfiinlioil bmk In HKI cltr. I'uroUu anl uiiiflilia u clnn/o anl luutl crairltUi. llDiitlon ptl > l toillJ'il i n. Auaiiiti > t IT lull klilriks binkuii ui lujcp'Jr.itlj.H ' ulljltil. nt u.puiMlncolnvllu.t. I to. 1 * . dANKJIll ) , I'radilunU A.V. . ItlKKMAN. Cnitilur A. T. HICK. AMliU t 'it'll > f D. Ii. McDancld & Co. , lutchers' ' aid Packirj' Market Fixtures , Casing , ilcei and Faiiingo Mukor * ' Maolilnory. 01) JMiiln St. , Oiiunoll llluiT * . 1 * . AUu i Uliici uuU fur * .