2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , HAHttJKDAY , AUGUST 8 , 180i T\VlfiliVW PAGES. CHICAGO MOVED UP ANOTHER , Undo Anso's Oolti Managed to Get One Moro Run Than SoWs Men , NEW YORK GOT IT IN THE NECK , ItiooUljti nnd riillnileliliinVon | - IjotilHvllln and WiiHliliiRton Still Vl litlnir for I/iiHt , I'liuic No \ \ enterii UOIIICH. DoTi-ox , Masr , Auir , 7. Boston had thi game wnll In band until the eighth Inning With two men out , Ilrodlo and Tucker modi Inexcusable errors which lot In the tieinj runs. In the tenth Inulntr Clark'on lust thi pamo bv a wild pitch and Coonoy crossed the pltto. Score : ClilciiRO * Union I 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 ! Ills : Chicago. 0 : lloston , 14. Hirers : ( Jhl- t'liw , i ; Iloiton 4. Batteries : llulchlnson m Klitrlik'e ; Clurksoil and diinziill. l.arnoi runs : Chicago , 2. RII.VEH KINO FIMSII TUB OUSTS. New YORK , Aug. 7. King's ' speedy curve- vrro too much for the giants today and the PltMniirgi won. Score : Now York 000000000 ( PlttHbiirg * ' . IlllH ! Now YnrU. 2 : I'lltslmnr , 5. Errors : New York , n ; I'lttsiiur/.ft. ( latteries ; .1. nwltnr , Unite und Iliirtull ; King and Mack. KarnoU iiuu : PllUbiirj , ' , ' . ' . ( lUMl'IO S HID TIIR IIATTISO. NEW YORK , Aug. 7. The Drldoarooinf acralu won from the Cleveland * at Uastern park , Urooklyn , today. Superior halting do tided the gamu. Scoru : Clcvitlmul . . . .000000010 1 llrooklyn .0 0 0 1 0 a 0 0 1 C llltB : llrooklyn. 0 ; Cluvohind. fi. Errors ; P.rooKlyn , 3 ; Cleveland. 1. Itutlurles : Bhearun and X.linmer : Lovolt nnd Klnilow , Karnod runs : Clevolnnil , 1 ; Itrooklyn , .1 rilll.AIIKI I'AU'S FIFTH \ ICTOIIV. PitiiAiir.i i'iuAug. . 7. The Phillies again defeated the Clnclnmitls this iiltornoon Mill- lane was an ens ) nintk , nnd ho was also very wild. Uleason was very effective until tin sixth , when ho was hit hard. Score : Philadelphia 1 n 0 0 0 0 S 0 3 U Cincinnati ' I ! Hits : Philadelphia. l7iCliicliinatl.ni Errors ; Phlladulphln , 2 : Cincinnati , : i. Iliiltorles : niiMRon and dementi : Mnllano and ICcnnun. Knrnod runs : PhlludeliihlnG ; Ulnclniiull , U. Niitlonal I I'luyod. Won. Lost , I'er CTt Sti. . rt r 4J .41)1 ) 17 All 17w AM Kit WAS A8WVIA T/OY. TjOiilsvlllo Gave HoHton Another Hot Ton-lmiiiifj Race. LOUIHVII.I B , Ify. , Aug. 7. The Uostons and the Loulsvlllos plnyud another lea-inning gamu this nftornoon , and again the visitors wcie victorious. Heavy hitting in the ninth and tenth Innings won thogamo for the Bcun 1'utcrs. Score : I.onlsvlllo 1 0 1 ,1 0 0 0 o 0 l C Huston 0000300028-7 Hits : Louisville. 10 ; Itoston , 12. I'.rrors : I.onlsvlllo. : i ; lloslnn , II It itterle.s : lluckln mid Cahlll ; Gr tilth and Murphy. K.irnud runs : Louisville , I : lloston , 2. IIIIOW S3 IIATrEII IT OI'T. ST. Lori : * , Mo. , Aug. 7. In the fifth In ning of today's uamo Munyan was iujnrol by a foul tip and was obliged to retire. Schult ? , n semi-professli nnl catcher , went behind the bat and BrelUnstoin , the Browns' now pitcher , was substituted for Easton. The change worked \\oll , ns only ono hit was made off BieitciHtuan , whereas the Biowns hit Sanders ficuly in the sixth aud batted out a victory. Score : Ht. Louis I ! 0000400 0 10 Athlallcs 0 13 : i 20000 U ( Ills : St. Lonls. Ills Athletics. 3. Errors : Ht. J onls. 8 ; AthleticsI. Ilallorlos : Kiinton niiU Munyan ; Hrultensteln and SchnltBanders ; nnd .MllllKan. I'arncd tuns : St. l.ouls , 3 ; Athletics , M. OIIIOr.KS TOOK THK FAST. CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. 7. Bnlttmoro won the final ganio of the series after n hot fight. Ail but ono of the runs scored by the visitors were made on errors. Score : Ulnclmmll 4 H.alllinoro J 000000 1 1 B lilts : Olnclnn ill , ! > : Ilaltlmorc , 4. Errors ! : Cincinnati , 7 ; Iliilliinore , 4 Ilattiirlus : < 'rano and VniiKhn ; Mains and Kelly : MoMa- hunund Koblnson. Karncduins : Cincinnati , I. ecu MIIIS ; WON KASll.y. COI.UMIIUS , O. . Aug. 7. Columbus out- batted Washington today , took the letiloitrlv in tno game and was never headed. The bat ting of Donahue won the game for Columbus. Score : ( "Vllliinbns 40200020 * 8 WuslilnRton 021 100002 b lilts : Colinnhns. 12 : Washington. . Hr- rors : Oolnmbns. I ; WashliiKton , 2. llattnilos : Dolan and Doiialinu ; Carsov and McUulra. Ihrned runs : Columbus , 3 : Washington , J. Ot. .503 .5)1) .414 'JIO IIIlnolH-lo\vu Tjea ue GIIIIICH. At Jollet JoliQt , 1 : Ottawa , 2. At Cedar Haplds Cedar liapids , 12 ; Hock- fold , 7. 7 > M.1/U.M > 7S / ' . YORK , Neb. , Aug. 7. To the Sporting Kdl- tor of Tin : BEK : The ( Jophor baseball elub of York has received several challenges fiom nelghboiing clubs to a gamoof bull. The club nas decided to play no ball until Kovcm- bet It , IS'.ll. Wu pln > on Iho Cincinnati plat form in the foienoou wo will play the Mafia ( gentlemen of Italian docentj of Now Orleans. In thu nftornoon wo will play the anarchists ( ccntlemen of Chicago ) . iMunoof our club w-Jlxh less than 2 , ) pounds , and like Ihu gentleman from Kansas , wear no socks , Everybody invited , uut prohibition hrottuvn nto requested to take a back beat , a ; , there is no prohibition plank in that platform. Gioitnn FIOCI ; , Captain Gopher club , York , Neb. lown papers plea o copy. Heavy On m < ! at Iloth Kmls. The North BUhtcenth Street Stars do- fcatod the S. J. V.'s ' yesterday afternoon by the following scoru : gturs. . . o 0-13 H. J , V.'s . . . 0-17 Iliittorlesi Tninpseth and Kiulur : Hyiin anil Lhitpmiui. I'miilro : HaBsmusscn. The Stars chalJeiiL'u any team in the cltv , ngonotovor llfteun. Address Frank ling- ler , captain , 1110 North Eighteenth stieot , Nluo ( iiimo tit . NKIUMKA , Neb , Aug. 7. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tun BKK 1 A very oxcltlng game of baseball was played hero thU afternoon butwoou n picked nine from the llrst and soo- end nines of Nebraska Cltv and the bankers of Nohawka. Score , U to 12 In favor of the visitors. Batteries : Nelmwka. Baldwin and Gadko ; Nubruska City , O'Bilun and Strobel. _ _ _ AVhnt Noriiiiin Snj-H. Norman Baker got In from Mlntioauolts last uveiilng. llo has been buffering moro or less for the past few days with his injured hand. Ho spcax-t In warm terms of praise of Manager Londloy and says tbo team he has bunded together n 111 suriirfso people. Is'or- in nn wants to bet his bank account that Omaha will quit as good as second. ThlnkB the liininoiuU the Best. The Athletics nro horflby challenged for a game with the Florence team on August 2J for a staxo of fi.5 ; also the Diamonds for a ituko of f 15 on August It ) . A. SMITH , Captain of the Flo rones loom. VtnoUctH I cut 'Km. CntTf , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Special Telegram to TIIR DKB , | The game of bill between the UockotB of Crete and B plckod Wilbur ulna resulted In score of 5 to 3 lit favor of tlio Kackots. Batteries : Rackets , Itolton nn Kontifjhy ; Wilbur , Kirk and Thompson , Tlio HUB y Amateurs. . The Eighteenth Street star * arc nnxlou to hour from tlio Park Juniors and Koj stones , The Thlrtoonth Street Slnrs nrnlicrnb ; challenged for a game with the Acmes Sun dajvAtifcustO. Address Char ) s Krebs , Jr , captain , 140 < 1 South Thirteenth strcot , The U. S Junior * nro ready and nnxlou for business and would llko to hoar from nn , mid all amateur teams who think thuy cm best thum. The . [ union positions mo as fol lows : 1'ellsson , llrst ; Homscn , catch ; I'ln noy , pitch : Hilly , short stop ; Allen , second Shorkoy , third : Armont , riRht fleld ; Hum center , and Stryker , left Held. Mnna er , M Itoupraan. Tlio Alhlotlcs and S. I * Morses will pin on thu latterS crounds Sunday. Followln nro the players and positions : Athletics. Positions P. I' . Morse- Mcl'ann rl lit . C. llondli'it Illnehey coiitur Hlle. Hronni'ii . . . third Hlrchmor ( 'inmlnKliam short I'dd. Ijridy llrst . . . . Mnnsu ( 'oiruy luft It. llouboii. . H.u'o uci.nd. . . . llmisle , Muduo , . . . entt'li . . .rdvriml Mullvumo plteh Reynold I'lny nt I'lipllllon Toilny. The following Is a list of the nnrnes of th KOiitloinon coinpoitng the Onmba lawyer team , substitutes and batting order. Th club meets another made up ot the attoinoy of Sarpy county at Papllllon today A tallv ho will leave with thu club nt if 00 , return Ing In the evening : Shields , second base Woods , shortstop ; Wllllkor , left Uold. Smith catcher , Thomas , middle , Lunt , llrst base McCulloucb , third base , Mngnov. ilcht Held Crullo , pitcher. Substitutes ( } oss , Smvth Druu I ay , Daniels , Shuoan , lirossiuau , Dunn Kclby , manager. Ol' til'llltT. Sliowaltcr Clianiplon at Clicss. LnxiNnTON , Ky. , Aug. 7. At the ehoss con press for the championship of the Unitci States , Pollock , by defeating ITiclc , completei his score , which stands 5 won and 1 lost Showaltor olono can tlo with Pollock if th latter defeats Ilanham. Showalter aefoatoi Medomann FriJav nftornoon and has nt yo 1 wins to 1 lost. Medumntiil's complete acer is 2k ; won to IJ * , lost If fahowiilter tie \\ltti Pollock they will probably play off fo : the tltlo of champion. Sbownltor defeated Pollock In playing of tlo tlo , thus winning the championship o the United States Chess association for tin third ttmo In succession. IMect Monday NouroiK , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Special Toll pram to Tins I3KP.J "Prof. " Willlo Is li town preparing to moot Tom Qulnn nox Monday night , August 10 , at the opera house this place. The wrestle will bo for a pursi of $100 , Oui'co-lioman style , best two li three falls Considerable excitement I manifest ntuoni ; the spoils. Hothmon are ii ilno trim mil' ' the contest will bo exciting. rranjel ( to Wrestle. NBIIAWKNob. . , AUK. 7. [ Special Tele gram loTm : Biiii.j A wrestling match wa ai ranged between O. W. Hurshninn of till' place and Frank Detmond of Nebraska Citi to take pl.ico August 15 at Nebraska Citi for ? 100 a side , with $ T > 0 foi felt. 31 , i / > / ; ifr. n Democrat io Faction * Aprct to "Work Together. OHICMIO , Aug. 7. 'J'ho two factious of th < democratic party in Chicago united toniphl after n long anil bitter light which had tillcmccl the republicans to win twoimportanl elections. The split originated with ov Mayor Carter Ilaulson , who claimed t ( liavo boon a sufferer from the uroitrary con- tiol of the party machinery by ox- Mayor Dowitt C , Grugiur. Tlio constitution adopted at a union nicotine of both factions' ' representatives tonight Is a decided noveltj In the line of political agreements. It pro vides that all primaries beheld under the Australian b illot system and lorhids central coininitloemon from Decomlngonico-holdeis. Should tlie treaty piovo binding the demoCrats - Crats expect to inako a clean sweep of all the oftlcos in sight , thn patty when united hav ing , according to their estimates , a majority of 15,000 votes. The present city administra tion Is republican. Killed His Hornier Sweetheart. CisciNNATf , O. , Aug.7. About ' . ) o'clock tonight - night an affair of love , disappointment and jealousy terminated in the murder Of a girl by her rejected lover. The victim , Miss Idn iCtpp , last Sefitcmber promised to mairv Lewis Levi , but afterwards rejected him. Since then Levl has boon inflamed with rage and wounded pride. Tonight ho saw Miss ICIpp going with an escort and ho fol lowed her on Sixth street to Fifth and John streets , near the Fifth street garden. Thuro ho shot Miss IClpn , killing her on tbo spot. Levi was ariostod. Ho nas been working on the Baltimore it Ohio railroad , and is nn ap plicant for appointment on the pollco force. Cut tlo TlilovpH Ctipturod. AWUNSAS CITV , ICan. , Aug. 7. Several days ago two strangers arranged with the Santa Fo to charter several cars to shin horses to Kansas City. Night before last the > o same men , who nto from Howlns , Kan. , utolo llfiy-ilvo head of hones from the Osngo Indians and started for Wharton with them. Last niirht nt Pawnee fold thov weio inter- copied by n United States mar-thai mid possO mid after a short fight were captured. All the houses weio recovered. < onU'Hted CiiHe Derided. Futvcioio , Citl. , Aug. 7. The supreme - promo court of California today londerod a ilecision In the suit of Merle vs. Alvarado , in- yolving the titlu to the Sail Pablo ranch in Contra Costa county , comprising 18,000 ncios of land , 'luo dochlon of the Irm or court in favor of the plaintiff , who contended for par tition , is sustained , and the land will now bo divided among soveial hundred owners. The litigation in the case commenced in 16(17. ( No AIM Ion Taken. W \stnsf.Tov , Aug. 7. The attention of Iho itnto dopartinont ofllelnls was today called to \ dispatch from the City of Me\ico to the Fiict that a Guatemalan paper had slated lhat iho family nf Ounpr.it Harrundin , who was Hilled on the Pncllle Mail steamer at .lose , Guatemala , had won their suit of $ sOOl)00 ) itfidim the United Status. No mnlon has been taken on the claim. Sentenced lor iho Third Tune. . ST. .lor , Mo. , Aug. 7. Louis Hulling , the ivlfo murderer , was sentenced to death nt Savannah this nftornooii for the third time. I'ho datu was fixed nt September , Hulling ins twice avoided paying the penalty for his ; riino t > y escaping from J.ill. llo was leenp- Hired the last time In Chicago uftor nn oxcit- lug light with ofllcers. The Dentil itoll. LTXciinritii , Vn. , Aug. 7. Thomas S. Uab- : ock , for fourteen years a inumbor of congiass md for fouryeari spuakor ot the confederate : ongtoss. Is dead. MoKitisrowN , N. J , , Aug. 7. nx-CiOvornor Xxtoll dlod yoslurdnv afier a brlof illness. PA HIS Auir. 7. Lltalff , the wall known musician and composer Is dead. DuvlH Will t nse. DDTTI , Mont. , Aug. 7. Captain Jacques , f. B , Woavornnd W. H. Davis were exam- lied forrontostants in the Davis will casoto- Irtv on their familiarity with tlio humiwii ting ) f W. II. Uddv , the supposed forger of the ivlll. Thosubstancoof their testimony was : hat thu will suomod to them to be In his landwrlting- . Interest on Argentine . LONDON , Aug. 7. It Is stated that the for- ngn onioo approves and the Daring guaran tors are ugrooablo to n plan for col loot Ing n > ortlon of tlio Argentinu customs In Kuropo jy coasoU to provide for the Interest ou the \rgontinoloans. 8njri Ills Ill-other Did It. ST. PAUL , Minn , , Aug. 7. Adnlbort Holier , jouvlctod of the murder of Uoha II ray , baa nado a statement that his brother , Anderson Jolion , did the killing and that ho saw it. tndersou hiu boon ariest J. FB1DAY ON THE RACE COURSE Another Good Crowd Watched a Hot Day' Racing at Jerome Park , FAVORITES FIRST IN HOST EVENTS Snrnto n Still Attrmitlvc Tito Twli City Truck MUM Inirrpm Yut lllvalH In Clilcnuo-Ou Other TrnukSi JKIIOMC PAIIK , N. Y. , Auif. 7. About si ] thousand persons were ptosont hero toila' and they wet-o troatoJ to seine HwtAclnsi sport. The weather was u little too warn for ubsoluto uomfoit , but the track was li first-class shape and as favorites won theli fair sTmro of races , everyone was satlsllod There wore no stake ovonu on thu card , bui the heat r.ico and the stcoplcchuso made infer for tholrnbscncu 1'lrst i.u-e. sui'op tauo-t for non-winners hi'lllm ; , one-hiil ( mile Tonstarteis Iniishiiri ilnliii Uninil I'rlv , 1 i nto U , drew away win nliii ? hunilll ) by two lenuths Kxullr , lu'i , (7 ( K 5) ) , beat I'lciiillly , 01 , t.V ) to 1) ) . flxd lengths foi tlni place. Tlnio : : IV , ; . t'ui'dinl raiHu HweciHtakes , 1.100 yntK Snvor sl-trteis llini.sloii , Wi. ( I to I ) , won by half t lonstli : Oramimu , 10' . ( .1 to I ) , heitln ; I'nean 1 1. iSU > ; > ) , two kMigthi tor the plncu. 'I'lnni 1 il" . Third r ice , tnveep < U ilcs ST ! furlongs , huats Pour Mtartora : Klist heat Iii n hot llnlsl llct'k. H" ) , (7 ( to.'i ) , won by u nook from lto < iuo- forte. 10(1 ( , (11 ( to I ) , who boat Mau'hurlt.t , W. fi to 1) , iho leiiRlhi. Tlnui ! I'lH. Sceonc In-.it , Itei-K , ( J to "ii , undo nil the run ning In the second hent and won eumly bj six lenxtht from Itoiiuufortn. (4 ( to ll. who heal Mm/hcrltn , ( I to 31 , : i len/th. Tlino : 1.17 I'onrtli rice , hnndlfap svvaopstuKps for two- Ji'ar-ilU ( , non-uIMIHTS slfnilonus Tet sturtors In Ihuslietch , llanillton. Ill (7 to ) came thioii.'h with a rnih and won by twi lun ths from Kllkonny , IDJ. O to 1) ) , who heal thu Ithoda colt , 110 , (7 ( to 2) ) , two lengths Time : 1IH. 1'lftli race , sssoopstakos for thruo-yoar-oldi soiling , six furlongs. Xlno stutter * : Holer Ioe ( , 107 , Cl to I0)won ) by two lonRths from I'or niti , 104 , (4 ( to-J ) . who boat Mlllan , lot , (7 ( to 1) ) nshnithmul Time : 1:17 : 5 SIMh race , handicap stoeplochnso , with ly added , the short course. I'lvo starters : In at ctcil nif Iln bh , Ilassineii , U'J , ( J to 5) ) won by : t Icuu'tli and u Irdf from I carte , 144 , ( , to 1) ) . who bo.it llonolit , iw : , (0 ( to U , halt : i length for second plauu. I'nrlty u neck away , Tlmu : .J''J7. Siu-iuoga Il.icos. SAUATOO\ . Y. , Aug. 7 Today was nn extra day for the race meotiug. The sk\ was slichlly ha'.y with a rofrostilng Ureozo , The track was In line condition and the at/ loudiinco fair. I'lrst race , for three-year-olds and upwards , live and a halt fiirlnnii Hlx ht'irturs : SI ( . 'lurlcs , 1U1J ( to I ) , led all the nay. winning hi 1:07' : ; by thiuu luimtlis from Virgin II , Ul (40 ( tc 1) ) , who p tsscd Orinoco , 10J ( I ! to . ' > ) , thrct lengths In the stroteh Second r.iee , for all afrcs , seven furlongs. HlRlitslarters : 1'p to the lust fur one It wa nobody's nice. Little Allnch. Ui ) ( ' . ' ( ) to 1) ) , rinchod the pinto a half lenuth fiom Infernn , 111 ! ( , "i to 1) ) , who was quartet locked \ij \ Hud 1'el- low , ll'JH ( to I ) . Tlmu.y : \ . Third race , for three-year-olds and upward , flvu and a h-ilf fnrlonzs. I'lght starters : lrl/7le , in (7 ( to 10) ) , forced to the front In the homo run and run iindur the wlru In 1:00 : , n half leiuth bolter than MaKglu Heck. 0 | ( ir , tc 1) ) , bilnsMiiK Tormentor , 110(10 ( to A ) , third. 1'ourlli ruc-e. for two-year olds. , llvu fur- IOIIRS 'lllo starters : Kox 113. 14 to ii ) , was never headed and won In IMC'S. ' by half a IcniMh from Cottonadn 111) , ( S to 1) ) , followed by Ksplrato y.into 110 , (4 ( to I ) . fifth race , for throc-yoar-olds and ttpw irds soiling , seven furlong. Nine st irtors D.tKy f 110 , ( I ! to.'i ) . non by : i short/head tint bolter In 1J : > ; Krlo 117 , ( i to I ) , was Hccond , two lungths ahead of Kern 0' > , (4 ( to 1) ) . Twin City Kvctits. ST. Pvrt , Minn. , Aug. 7. Weather hot , ttack fast and crowd small. 1'if.t race , pttiso iflUO , for throc-yoar-olds and upwards , iion-wlnner-f , out ) mile. 1'onr starter" : Ell. IL'C ( li t i5) ) . won , Innocence , 117 (4 ( to J ) , M'eoml , Jim Dunn , 1-1 , ( n to S ) , third. Time : J:4)T : ) . Second raco. purse $100 , for two-year-olds , non-wlnnors , tlvo furlongs. Tlnen starturs : Culllo 1'urgiHon , 11" ( I ! to ' > ) . won. Kaanur. 115 ( U to 1) ) , MiLOtid , If'rauuoss 115 0 to' ' ) , third. Tlnio : 1.0.i34. Third rtco , Hweepstakcs. for contlcmcn rldets , ( list prl/e slhor plato valued nt500 , half tulle hoatrf. five stirters : Fltsb hunt , Illnu lilrd Ci to 1) ) won. Hl.lck llcllu C > to S ) second end , DuUe li (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 37U- Second ho it , Black Ilullu first. Duke Ij sucond , llluo Illrd third. Time ; 57 , Tlijrd heat , Ulaelv Ilollu won In . " > 'j Fourth racfl. free handicap swoepstaltes for throe-year-olds and up , inllo and a furlong. Three starters : Prlnru I'orluiiatnu. 11SU ( to.S ) , won , Guldo , lllloven ( ) , , souonil , and ll'.d Hop per , ll ) , ( I to 1) ) , third. Tlnio : l.ril't. Klfth raOe , Diir-so $4uo , for tbrno-yoar-olds mil up. ono mill' . Untdo , 1 ( U to ll. was an easy winner by two JettKlhs , I'omfrot , 101 CJto ll second , Ed I.oomiid , inilO to rf , third. Tlnio : 1.4J4. Death ol Proctor Knott , SMiArook , N. Y. , Aug. 7. Proctor Knott , the well known race horse , died in his stall at Horsohaven. His name and fame wore known to turfmen all over the country , for whllo his form during the past couple of years has not been the highest , as a two- year-old ho won laurels enough to place him among the most famous horaoi of thU coun try. Ho captured both the junior champion and the futurity , In the latter defeating Sal- valor aflor a frroat llnish. Ho cost his own- ois ? t3" > as a yearling and won for him moro than $100,000 in the throe seasons that Uo raced. Mi'jor IlankiiiH * Uaci-s. CHICAGO , Aug. 7. CJarflold Park ; track fast : Plrst race , tlilrtoon-slxtoenths at a , mlle : Hrltt. won ; IHuo JIalil , bucon'l ; Leo , third. Time : l'JI'/4. : Second race , ono mile : Hindoo li iss. won ; 7. .1. llualuy , sucomlt Arundul , tltlid , Cmu : 1-41" . Third incu. tliroH-fottrtliM nf a inllo : G od- stone , won ; Addle , Koooml ; Jim Head , third. Time : 1I4 : ! ( I'ouilli race , one and ono-slxleonth miles : HrandolnUo , won ; Marolnn.i , buuond ; Jed , third. Tlino : 1K : fifth r.ico , llvo-ulshts of a mile : Masslo Lot tig , won ; Corlnno , sucond ; Zantlppa , third. Tune : L'OJ5. : ! Closed ut Ilntl'iilo. UfiFAi o , N. Y. , Alii ; , 7 The grand circuit races closed today. 5iclass : ) trottlmr , purse tJ.OOd' NIshtlnRiilo won , Honest ( Joonrit ieeoiid , Walton Hey third , Keokeu fourth. Kcsl tlino : L'll'i : ! ' , ' : i4 class , pacing , pursn ,000 : Direct won , > lnrv C'uniilvro nocond , frank Doituh third , 1'lneMol \ fourth. Best tlmn : 2-Wt. freo-for-nll trottlm ; , jnirso , t.M'Oil ' Kosallnd \\IIUes Ili-nt , Mainhrlno Alald second , Alvln third , MuDoul fonrth. llest tlnio--iri. Jt7 : olss trottlm. . pnine , # , ' , mw. nnllnlshud : litnoniont llrsl , .1 It Klcliardson second , Miss Alko thlid , Walter i ; fourth. Host thnu _ ' :18. : Coldiml Corrl an'H Iliu-eH Cute voo , Aujf. 7. Hawthorne race results ; first race , ll\o fnrlonss : Oiionnla Trow- luldKe won , 1'luidllly sucond , Dr. Iconiun thlid. Tlino : him * . Second ra ( o , mile and onn-slxteonth : Ijlttlo S-Issors won , I'ntiluk second , OHIIH third. Tlino1'MJi. . 'I hlrd race , six furldnijR ! JUHII won , Maud Howard Nuc-ond U. L , llronn third. Ttmo : UI7I1. 1-oiMth race , six furlonss : fei'.ildlno ! won , Miud : 11 second , \Varrcn l.olaud third , Thnu : ltn'4. : fifth racu , onu rnllo : Diimloo won , Indus houond , Ititokhound third. Tlmu : 1:13. Close nt Ottawa. OTTIWA , 111. , Aug. 7. Closm ? day. Unfinished ' . ' ' 3J pace won by Joe f Ifor. Heat Tlinui : ' I4. L'.ntiot , Mttlu Uoorgo won ; llrlRht Murk , Heeond ; othorn distanced , llust tlinoMl : . free-for-all iiacc.Dr M won In thrcu straight ietts ; ; J. U I , , sucond ; Hooky ford , third ; rillv llerr. dUt.inoeil. Heat tlmut llfi. ! : L'.tl : trot. Munvden nun In tin no straUht HMits , Kate f , second ; Tom , Thiirn , third ; L'ominury Medium , fourth Dust thnu : 'J..l' ' . Lowered HotKcuoril. . FitEBi'oiiT , 111. , AUR. 7 - Interest centered on the throo-ycar-olJ trot and It took snvon loats to ' ) ocldo It Uona Uolfo , driven by Major ( 'ass of Hnclnu took the fourth nnd Ifth heats , towering her record iu the fourln to U:30. : She'H liiHniic. Suslo Itoborts was arroated on Harnay street uoar Thirteenth after tnldnlyht. She had a revolver und a wild doilra to kill a nun. She did not naino her victim. It Is thought the woman is lusauo. Army nnd Nnvy Union , DOSTO.V , Mass. , Auf ? . 7The Array aud Navy union ut today's session appointed a committee to arrange for a Udlti' auxiliary union , olrvrhlch the wives and daughters a mombcriiof [ the regular org.inl/atlnn mi : bccomo Moihbors. Chaplain II. S. Cldorgc ai > ioInUJd\a \ committee logo before the lion congress tttui ask that United States soldlci bo put on\itii \ rotIrcd INI after tuonty-llv years sorvleo Ins'i-ad of thirty. Stio TellH ItiirvcRt I'xi'iirsliiiilsts Iloi Hlio Ujin Aocoinnuxtiito Thoiti , OAKtiAi.iAuff.t. ; fSpoclnl to Tun Unn.l- Antclopo county I'oi ' in the northeastern pat of the stnto nnd In tha saint * latltudo us cot tral low'ajand northern Illinois. It has tno same general charactoilstlcs n to cllmato , surface , soil nnd productions n Other eastern parts of the stato. His ! ! mlle * long from north to south and 21 inllo In width , and contains twenty-four towi ships of thirty six sections each , or aboti r.VJIH > J acres of laud. About one-thlrd of the country Is vallo\ ono-third low rolls and undulations , nud one third qultu rolling or hilly. There is vor little land lee rough for cultivation , nnd non thatls low and wot. except n fuw small tract along seine of the sttuaui-t. Tbo valleys vnr In width from a half a mlle to four mllos. The soil Is generally n dork loam from on to four feet deep , with a subsoil of loose , pot ous , yellowish clay. It lius nil tha clement of. fortllltv , nnd is capabln of producing any thing that will grow in temperate latitudes The central and southern parts of the coun ty are watered by the Hlkhorn river , n cleat rapid stroim thirty yards wldo , nnd b twelve or thirteen tributaries. The Klkhori and two of Its tributaries , Codnr creek , am Clearwater , furnish several line waior pow ers. ers.Tho loading productions aro- corn , cattl and hogs , but all the graltn , grasses am fruits that are raised In the satuo latltud fart her cast , have been raised with unlforn success hero. About half the land In ctiltlvu lion Is planted annually to corn. Onts am wheat rank next In about equal proportion whllo barley , Ilax and rye are raised to quit an extent. Since the llrst settlement of the eounti eighteen yo.u-s ago , there has boon great uitl formltv In the yield of crops , owing to th rich soil , equnblo cllmato and generous rain fullThe The elevation of this part of the stnt above sea level is about seventeen hundroi foot , which Insures a dry , bracing a tmo phero , free from fog * nnd uilasma. Many ii vnllds from the eastern states hnvo been 01 tlroly cured or groatlv bonelited by n re moval to this part of Nebraska ; cspoclall' ' these suffering from lung or throit dlltlcul ties and these predisposed to malarial dls cases. The rainfall , which is from thirty to thirty olght Inohus annually , is ampla to insure the growth and maturity of all kinds of crops The fall of snow is moderate , sometimes fur > tilshing a month or six weeks of fair sleigh ing , but oftener from ono to two weeks , 1 any. any.Tho wind blows here , just as it does In Iowa , Illinois , Michigan , and ether love states. Thi.ro has never been a oyclono it Nebraska , whereas stales further east havi been scarcely free from thorn for a single season. Another fact that applies equally a ; well to all northeastern Nobras'ia ' , Is that there never has been slnco the solllement o this part of the state n failure of any crop either from drought or excessive tains. The Tromont , Ulkhorn and Missouri Vnl ley railroad traverses the county from south east to northwest , dividing it into two near ly equal uarts , with a branch running soutl from Oakdalo. The wheat , beef cattle and hogs shipped from the couutj nro sent either to Chicago 01 Omaha , but the corn , oats , vegetables Hour , meal , ground feed , poultry nnd dairy products are sent west to the cattle ranges government posts and minos. Owing to j this western demand , many things that farmers have to sell bring bettoi prices herp than thov do farther east ; ant this western market is becoming bettor oven > Oakil-ilc'H 11 0.1. Oakdalo Is the chief town In the southern part of Aatolppe county. It is situated at the junclion of the main line of thd Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad with the Albion branch , and has at present iitilroad connections eastwe-st aud south , and will doubtless during the year 1SU1 have rail connections with Yankton and other points north , amended articles of incorporation having bouu filed with the county clerk and secretary of state to that effect within the last thirty days. There are also prospects of ether railroad extensions to this place in the near future. It is the end of a division on the Albion rood , and the railroad company has estab lished a round-house , a larco coal depot , n repair shop , a 2,000 barrel water tank , a hard coal depot , an ice house , and three miles of sidetrack. It has two of the host water powers in the country , only ono of which is at pre ont mil- 1/od. It is surrounded by the finest agricul tural legion 'In the county , nnd is approached by good wagon roads. It has a graded public school employing four teachers. It has a largo , handsome public school building. It has a seminary in process of construc tion. It has llvo churches and throe resident ministers. It has a Grand Army of the Republic post , ftn Oddfellows society and encampment , with a very flno hall ; a Good Templars' lodco , an Aticlcnt Order of United Workman society , ' n Woman's Christian Temperance Union o'r- ganlratlon aud an excellent cornet band. It has a largo public hall. It has the largest aud host grain elevator in the county. It has two yards for shipping stook , ono of them being much the largest in this part of the state. There are two oxtonslvo cattle feeding es tablishments near town which create coni- poliliou in the coin aud hay market , thus making Oakdalo ono of the best markets for these commodities in noith Nobrasltn , The mill power Is now partly utilized by a flouting mill , full lollor process , with a capacity uf 150 barrels , nnd at a cost of $ i.- KX ) exclusive of the site. The population of the town Is about ulna hundred , and whllo most of the common hranchos of business nro fairly well ropio- senlort , there are good openings and room for moro. Ahitsed llln Family. Moso Elliott is a stone cutter who worked an the city hall. Last night ho put In pail af his "eight hours for recreation , nmuso- inunt and Instruction" getting drunk and ibuslng his wlfo and sick children. His "eight hours for sloop" were passed In Jail. A Olrcutoty of Emotions. The Intost tvpostlo of the beautiful In ilross htiB arisen to proinulfiiito a now undo of ethicS , says tlio Now Yorlc Sun , by which' a woinnu'a gowns ahull bo a chronicle Ofdross directory of her orao- lions nnd conditions. The holy tind dig nified O3tut6 of matrimony shall Hnd ox- prosslon in ablnck gnrmout , while love , [ la precursor , too often only its precursor ser , is robot ! in a garment upon which Iho torch ot hyinon starts tiotn popples in crimson and fold , symbolical of lovo's hyp notism. Ilbalth wears a gown of Nile green wltlv , a border of lottw llowors. Life Is garbed in white crepe with silver antique traceries. Death is glorified in fjnnnonts wherein the golden light of the HII n und tlio silver aheon of tlio moonbeams ) mingle In tlio mysterious symbol of death. Fancy buoldlng a woman [ gotten ujj in such occult , murlcly , mystic things ) about the coal bill , orislclng her whor in thunder she has put your col- I urn and clean stockings. Ijinporor AVillliini and AVomon. The Gorman emperor has anything but liberal views concerning the ad vancement of women , and ban declared [ rankly that "for his part ho preferred v woman with tv talent , for making jams to one who had an aptitude for discuss ing the constitution , " His worthy jjionsu sets an example to all duvoto'd wives by insisting , despite the demands if her exalted social placo.on roparing tier husband's cotTco with her own royal jiands. No nno is allowed to servo him in this capacity oxcont liornolf , oven though ho Is fronuontly obliged to leave Iho palace on military business at the incomfortablu hour of 0 : : > U in the iiioi-a- DID NOT IlEEi ) THE WARNING Two PiraMotl Vtsaots in B.hrinsr Sea Fa' Into Uuo'.o Sam'j O.utoio3. ! CAPTURED BY RtVNUE CUTTERS Tlicy Had llcett Purnlrthetlvlth , Copy ol'tlie I'rt-HiiletU'H I'roclii- million Itut TotnMy Ms- resardcd It. WistnvoTov , Aug. T. Captain Cottlson commanding the loyonuo cutter Uush , re ports to the treasury dopirtmaiit under datt of Outialaska , July 0 , that on the Oth lust whllu cruising to the northward of Uiilmat pass with his command for the purpose o warning vessels in pursuit of seah not t ( outer Hearing son ho fell In with the Hi Ills ! : schooner H. H. Mnrvln , < J lt > l > MoUotigM , oinstor , of Victoria , H. C , Imvhu on boird twouty-lhreo men and al the Implements ruru , etc , uoccssarj ser scaling. Upon being hailed Captain Me Dougall said ho was si > allng. Captain Coul son therefore lowered n boat and soitt Lieu tenants Nowconlb and Cantwsll to board nm thoroughly cxamlno the vessel. U was thot ascertained that the Marvin hnd been bontdei oil Julv 1 y thu United Slates ship Tholl : near the Island ot Uuga and furnished will a copy of the prcsldont's proclauiatiou ant the necessary wanting was glvon to tlio inns tor not to onior Rehrlng HO.I for the titirpo < c of scairtig. On that occasion the ni.ntcr sale ho had no seal skins on board. Ho rofusoi to allow the hoarding ofllcor of tin Thetis to end orao ou his loglstcr tn < fact that ho had been notlllct : and is reported as being othorwlsi "uncivil. " On examination by the ofllccrj o the Uush two fresh seal skins wcro found 01 board. The evident Intention of the mastci to continue sealing notn'itlist.Midliig tin warning was considered suniclent by Captaii Coulson to Justify thosoi/.uio of the vessel , Lloutonaut . ( juinnu was placed on board nnd the vessel , crew , arms , seal skins papers , etc. , weio delivered into the custodj of Lieutenant Commander Mead , U. S. N. , commanding the steamer Alklll , and wore subsequently turned over to Captain Turnci of her Hrltiih majesty's ship Nymph , whicli arrived at Ounnloska ou thoTth inst. Capialn Hopper , commanding th revenue steamer Corwin , reports to the treasury de partment under date of Outialaska , July 18 , the seizure of the Ame.iic.in schooner Ln Ninfa of San Francisco near St. Paul's Island on the 14th inst , for violation of the president's proclamation. The trcas- tiry department is informed that the revenue steamer Bear , Captain Iloiloy commanding , sailed from Ounalaska Juno UO for Point Barrow , Alaska , ind touched at the seal Islands for the purpose of laavitig the In- structlons lo the tteasury agents to limit the catch of the Alaska commercial company this soison to 7,500 seal skins. It U learned from other sources that this company has al. ready secured this number of skins and that open sealing has boon entirely suspended foi' the season. Itlnlnc. Snys Dr. K.ildwln Came Over Merely to Cull Socially. BvuHAituoit , Mo. , A.ue. 7. Mr. Emmons Hlalno said to a representative of the Asso ciated press tonight. "There is nothing in the repot t that Dr. Baldwin is coming to Bat Harbor to see my father professionally. IJ ho Is comlnp to 13ar Harbor at all my father knows nothing about It. Ha has not been sect for and my father has no need of big services. My father has not taken any med icine for nearly two months , llo is as well as usual , very well Indeed , and is gaining all the time. As to the toportod visit of Ox-Col lector lilrbardt , I can say nothing , I do not know that ho is coming and up to this time I ktiowho has not called on ray father. Nr.\v IInConn. . , Aug. " . Dr. William W. Baldwin of Florence , Italy , the specialist in nervous diseases , was at his old homo in Birmingham today. In conversation with a roponor Dr. Charles Baldulu , the special ist's brother , said that the doctur came to the United States partly on business , and added : " 1 suppose my brother will call on Mr. Blaine before ha returns. " At this Juncture Or. Williams appeared. Ho said in tesponso to questions : ' I have not soon Mr. Blaino. I cannot say whether I will call on him or not. it is not the duty of a nhysiclan to announce such mutters to the public , Tno public has noth ing whatever to do with my imsinoss and It will not know whether I shall see Mr. Blaine or not. " Then , turning to his brother , ho said : "Chailes , you should not have glvon this to the loiiortors. You don't know wholhor I shall see Mr Blaine or not , I did not lull you. " Dr. Charles during this speech istonod with a smilu , not saying a word. Dr. William Baldwin lott for Bar Harbor this afternoon. New Ijino I'rojiosed. CI.KVRI.AXI > , O. , Aug. 7. Tha board of di rectors of the Toledo & Ohio Northern rail road company at a meeting hold bore yester day at the ofllco of the Luke Shore authorised .ho tlio immediate prosecution of the work In Hiildini ; that road. The line will extend 'rom Fnyotto , Fulton , county , O. , to Shlp- suowana , Ind. , and will pass through Wil- iams county , Ohio , nnd Stoubon and La jrango counties , Indiana , and will furnibh a third road between Toledo and Klkhart. The Toledo & Ohio Northern company , Which was organized November III , IbbO , nnd reorganized May 7 , Ib'JO , was formed in the intortist of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern com pany by whicli its bonus will bo guaranteed it the rate of 812,000 a milo. The now road will bo built through at an early datu and in connection with the ether lines of the Lake Shore it will prove of great valuu to the tcr- itory which it taps and it is confidently ex- lectcd that aid will bo received from the communities along Iho line which has hith erto boea soughtby thuTolodo it Chicago Hoe Uno company. Talk of building n road through that section has been heard fro- inently of late , but the Toledo As Ohio North ern is the llrst company to actually uuthori/o the beginning of work Answer. , Kan , Aug. 7. " S. M. Scott of McPherson - Phorson , the alllanco lecturer , to whom ha ? } eon entrusted the sub-troasuty agitation , is irop.ulng an article in answer to the latter vrltten by Colonel Harris of Loavonworth. ; Io said today that Uio statements made about .ho alllanco renouncing the sub-treasury sehonio were entirely without foun dation. "In every comity which has as yet voted on tlio sub. treasury , " ho said , "it has boon ondorrod overwhelmingly , It has been nppiront to nauy of the alliance loador-i that thuy must endorse the sub-treasury if thu people's mrty organization in its present farm is pre served. It has tiovor been endorsed by the milonul alliance convention and the Kansas state alliance has never considered it. it cannot therefore bo made a test of alllanco falvh , but from a political standpoint it H a iccesslty It was incorporated in the pee ilo's patty platform nt Cincinnati nnd the work done by this convention platform nnd all has been approved by nearly uvory sub- alliance in the stato. " Ijnulilni ; In Alnliiinu , Ala , , Aug. 7. A quadruple ynchlng occurred In Honey county , Alu mina , near Crosby. List Frldiythe roil- donee of W. P. Davis , a prominent farmer , was burned nnd the famltv nartowly iscnped with their lives. On Kund ly illn Williams , colored , was nucsted nnd confu-isod to having saturated the house with oil and sot tire to It nut of revoimo In her confession she Implicated .Izzii ) Low , Willis Low and LIUVIlllumi. . Yusturday thu sheriff started from Crosby to Abbeville Jail with the prisoners and latt night ho was overpowered bv a mob anil the prisoners taken from him and shot to death. rholr bodies were thioun In the livor. The llndlng of two of tbo bodies today revealed tbo story. _ hotter Carriers I Slum Ollinrn. | DKTIIOIT , Mich , Aug. 7.Tho National issoctatlon of Icttur rarrlon today elected , ho following ofllcors President , T 0 Don- ils , Boston ; vlco president , A 10 Smith , San FrntirUcoi wrttary , .1. F Victory , Not York city trciuUror. IJ.V I'rnni' ' Indlannpolli , Ind , ; sergoant-at-arms , Y , W. Washington , Nashville , Tonn executive committeeIJ. . H. dreu ory , Denver ; ( I. 1C. ICIotfuor , Oinulia O. C. Condon. Cincinnati ; I' . K. Udev , Mil waitkco ; W. U. Hognii , Chicago ; luclslatlv committee , 1) D. Rolls , Kansas. , i. J Konrns North Dakota ; C. llonntlcs , New Orleans C II. Culler , IJoMoti , Man. ; C. W. Mnitoti Hroonlyn ; IimurancotriMtuos , C. M. O'Brlon Clovular.d , SV. H. Kent , Auburn , N. Y ; t- IJ Clralmm , Kansas City ; chief collector Wllmol Dunn. anss itMioi ) vioroiuous. Slip ItealH Out tin , Central I'nrl .School KIcheiH. It was almost too warm ycitorday to enjo , comedy , but the committee on teachers nm text books had the benefit of a scrlo-comi piny nt the board of education rooms tha proved to bo quite interesting. It was thodlnlculiy that has arisen ovo- - the prmcip.ilshlp of the Central Park school Mr. French appeared before thocommlttuo ti present the complaints that wcrt to ba urged ngalnst MUs Uced as pilnclpal of thu school About twenty of Miss Hood's frlonds won tirosont to refute the charges , and the meat ing proved to bo very animated. Some of the charges woio very extraor dlnary and provoked considerable ahiuse tnunt. In one instance thu principal wn1 charged with having told ono boy that hi WAS "liKo his dad , n horse Jockov and r gambler. " In another the accusers nllcgot thit Miss ileud had told 0110 bov that hl head was so led that ho should not stum' near thu other pupils for ho might sut thoti on llro ; that she told another boy thai ho was n fool , that sliu had' Jerked another boy out of the line whllo the children were marching , nnd kicked him in the back , Then us a unit tor of variety , the principal wa represented as having tied ono lad to a so it for a whole week. She hnd informed nnothoi young hopeful that she would "knock hH in fotnal head off " All the aiiovo allegations wcro quito sue cessfully refuted by the testimony of pupil-i and teachers in the Can tral Park school , mm the committee appeared lo bo prelty well convinced that the charires had boon , to n very largo oxtunt , the result of personal spm brought about by the unruliness of two 01 throu boys who happen to have indulgent parents. COUNSKLKI ) 'IOGI3THI3II. Members of the Heal ICst.ito Owner * ' AdvtHory Board in BesHlon. There was a mooting of the advisory board of the Koal Katato Owners' association last night at which several very Important matters - tors worn discussed. Colonel Scott was present and was asked td state something about his experience in pro- seiiling the claims of Onnha upon the next national republican convention before the na tional committee. Colonel Scott said ho had been very cordiullv received bv the national committee nt Washington , and ho consldciod that Omaha had a very good show to oecuro the convention if the proper effort was mado. Dr. Mercer , Mr. G. W. Lintngcr. Mr. J. S Uood , Cadet Taylor , Mr. D. J. O'Douahiio , Mr. W. .1. Council aud others spoke ear nestly upon the subject nnd the concensus of opinion sccmod to bo that Omiha should push right ahead and do everything possible to secure the convention. The mooting then took up a discussion of the alleged disappearance of the $150,000 paid Into the treasury of Douglas county as a sinking fund for tlio purpose of meeting the bonds voted to aid the construction of the Union Pacific bridge in Ibl'iG. Thocommlttco appointed to look into this matter submitted a partial report and was continued to make further Investigation before formal action should bo taken. Some remarks were made about the smelter strike , but on account of the mooting ap pointed for today at Dr. Miller's olllco no lormal action was doomed necessary or ex pud lent. CHANCE FOll SIiJTrMSMlSNT. Probability of the Ad.fiiHfnirnt of ( bo Smelting AVorltH DIlliciiltiOH. There appears to bo seine prospect of an early settlement of the difficulty between the employees of the smelting works aud the company. Dr. George L. Miller has Inaugurated the movement that may eventually bring about im amicable settlement of the difficulty. The statement was made last night nt alato hour to a reporter for Tun Bin by an influential business man that Dr. Miller and a row ether gentlemen had callud upon Mr. Barton yostcrday nnd aflor dls- jussing the situation thoroughly they md succeeded in getting Mr. Barton to nomlso that ho would muko sumo conces sions if the employes would QO the same. It was then agreed that another meeting ihould bo held today at 10 o'clock at Or. Miller's ofllce at which a committee from the 3inploycs , n do/on of the pi eminent business men of the city and Mr. Barton will attempt .o arrive at u satlslactory adjustment of the jnusus which led to the strike and shutdown it the Omaha and Grant smelting works. o.ii.nr.i r.v Julian Wlnoo , a lad of about ton years , , vas nrroHtod yesterday for stealing lumber. A child of F. B Lavin , ut 174 Cass street , mfortunately got hold of a can of concen- .tatod Ivoyostordny morning and swallowed i small quantity of It. The liquid was also [ pilled over the chttd's ' nock and hroast ami .ho little ono was seriously burned. Word has been received ftotn Mts. Gennju { . Butlln , now living in Fort Worth , Tux , nit for'tiorlv ' .1 resident of Om.ih.i , stating hat her husband 1ms wandered nwiiy fiom ionic , presumably under n temporary alu'tu- .lon of mind. Friends of the family in Omaha itu rciiuostod to bu on the lookout for the varder r. A do/on packages of cotton lace were ro- olvod vcsturday at the Omaha custom house ' 01 IJmln J. Kollan , n native of Anihiu. The joodsurodutlablu. . but had boon sent by null , Thov were discovered at Now S'nrk md stamped a : liable lo eu-ilom duties. The tundur was evidently Ignorant of the custom aws , hut ICmiu .1 Kollan will pay the duty ust tlio sumo holoro ho sccuios iho goods. Mrs. J. W. Mutthowson , who llvoi at'i'ii ) : ' . .aku btreot , was nufoi Innately ttampled indertho loot of a hoiso jcstct'ilay and lovcioly injured. Mrs. Mattnowsou was nt- .umpting to ruscuo bur little son who had 'allon into thu mnngur , when HIO uas ( necked down by thu horse and was serUmsly njntod bafuiu her sctoams attructcd unyono o her tescuu Her left lug was liroxun In luo ilacas , and she was badly bruised In huvoial ilacos about the body. PERSECUTED HER TO DEATH , Brtttnl E iioinii3 ( O.-nwotl Oatharlno Bnrth to Oorainit Suioido. j FATAL EFFECT OF WHITE CAP NOTES , Drhcn In Dcxpunttlnii Uy liisultH and SlnndiM'H , a I'retty St. ( Jlrl IhulH Her Own I.I To. ST. Loft , Ale , Aug. 7. The case of erltio Barth , the pretty South St Louis gin girl who was driven to her doatli by the nm- llclous persecution of her neighbors , Is n sod one. Thu details of the story wore made public todn ) nt tbo Inquest ever the remains. Some facts were lovoalod nt the inquisition which were now to thu family and will innko trouble for parties who harassed the girl to hordeath , If thu threats of the frou- 7loii hiother nndngoiil/od father made this morning nro catrlcd out. Miss Barth win u beautiful girl , 25 years of ago , and her conquests In the neighborhood hnd aroused ihu Jealous ire of several \onng women , who a fuw months ago pouted Insult ing communications thioiigh the mail to Miss Barth , and , not sathllcd with thu llrhj doir- geral Diluted ou the sheets , wrote sentence * and chrtixus and called her names unlit for publication. A sickness whii'h caused Mis Barth's detention in n hospital um utfcrrud to by the panics hounding her In the most cruel manner. Juno .Ti sliu received u lottur which shn put In dotcoUvcs' hands to learn its source , and in the epistle she cnnrged with murder and other ci lines tu ? orderud to leave the neighborhood and city or the \\rilor would innko It dangerous for her and her family. The letter was signed by "Montson White Caps. " MHs Barth did not discover who wrote it , though she said on receiving It that she felt quite poslilvo she know , but would not moution the partv H naino unt4l she could provo her suaulcloim coriect. 'Ihu most harrowing chapter In this sys tematic persecution was told bj Mis Bnrth , mother of the girl , today. The name of a Broadway line conductor still omployud on the roau Is nromlneiiUy mentioned. ilo is a married man , but it is said Unit ho ondeav- orud to force hls.attunllons unon Miss Barth against her expressed wlshos Mrs Barth claims lhat because her daughter pcrslstuntlv refused to associate with him or tucoKiii/o him ho scut his young daughter to the Barlh residence to call the young ladj namos.J' This was testified to by sovctal wltnas wT On ono occlusion Miss Barth , Incensed by thoiopcatod Insults of the gill , stuiek hot- , and thu next ovenidg shu was met In the alloy hark ot her residence by the man iu- forrod to , who boat her about thu fuco nnd neck until she bled nt the mouth , nose and oars. Mis Barth , the mother , said nothing of this as sault to her htmbnnd or son for feat ot 11 ttagcdy. and this' , wilh miuiv moro -stories of otittago and abuse , was heiiul uv the falil r nud tlio brother for the lirst llmo Ibis inorn > ing. ing.It It was also assorted by the famlh ami neighbors lhat the cnomlus of MNs Bai th , some of whom \\eio madoUnown toda > , went among the neighbors and told main scandal- ojs stories about the young lady , which caused the nalghbois to shun nnd insult bor ovoty time she ap pealed on the street. This per-iceutioii was can led on for si < c or ulght months. Duvcn to dcspuintlon bv these luuntajnul slnndois , and scoinud by Ihoio lo whom fltio tiled to explain or deny them , the girl diV elded te taitu hur life , and last Sunday ovcn ing suallowcd several ounces of nil poison. It only had thu effect of sickening her , nnd , souinir hmsclf tecovor , Miss Baith went to a nuighboiing drug store , \\horo the clerk without question sold her two uncos of tiisonic. She sat in the gaidcn until her parents had rotiicd anil thun b\Milluwud thu dose , which was enough to kill many per sons This also sickened her nnd she vomited thu greater part of it , but enmit'li te- malncd In her system to c.uuso hur death Monday night. Although the physicians mudu a dospuralo attempt to force a stomach pump into the young woman's mouth she fmight them off , and In hur grim resolution to din succeeded In preventing nil attempts to snvo hur lifo uutil she became too woalt to teslst , nnd it was then lee late. She died Monday morning. A verdict of suicide was reiiduicd this moi-ulny. Ono loiter sent to the virtually mm doted gill is signed "Mlssouii White Capi" nnd leads thus1 .1 nno 20. Miss Ilarth : You need not thmU for one minute thru people are fouls , \\oall Knou what wiih thu m.ittuilthyon. . ThiN IK thu third iiiiudui you liaxueiitninitled on your own offspring ; If yon luivo thu leisl lill of j * soimu ioii wlll le.ivo hcn > . If you don trm ulllh.uuto stand the ( .onsoiinuiiees. Ifw-li uru not gunu In thirty days It will hotlin > yirsu for you. MiKsount U HI-IK J\i , SuU'ided Over ItiiHinosB ! ronlileR. Nrw Youiv , Aug 7. Norinnn Campbell , a member ol the consolidated stock and puti ol eum exchange , committed biilcidc tonight in Prospect pat k , Brooklyn , by shooting him self. In his pocket was found a scrap of paper diioctlng that his body bo cienmted. Ills family attribute it to business Constipation poisons the blood ; OoU'ltt's Little Karly Ulsers cute constitution. Thu -iiusc temuvud , the disease U gonu. Klcutrlc Hired Unllwayn. II. II. Prinillo writes in the eui-iont nuinhor of tlio MnglnoariiiR Mn ir/.lno : j Pliose who are fainlliar with e.tblo byn- Lonitvilh tholr onorinoim power pluiita md o.vpotiMVO conduits , ciin si > o at , once how ( llsailvanttijreous tlio comparison * * with the oloctt'io system will bo. IVoin I'oliablo litfuros on II rot co-it of equip ment the avor.ipo cost of live y : 'o.uls operated by cable in I'nrloim parts of the rnmtr\ ( , iH Jl'M7o70.WJ , tlioso roads avcnifjuiH1 in oiiL'th 7.Ifl milcH , iniikiny : the cost of ill- ittiliation per mlle of road about 5-- : ! ( ) 100. Five lotulw operated by homo wwor eoit on tlio average iT.i'i.iiO'i - ) , ) r $11-SI ! per mllo. Kivo Kinds isliij { oleclrlelly as a motlvo power jest on Iho a\ora } , ' ( ) ' { "I' diS. oc ? ! ! ( il)0 , ( ) ) per mile. Tbuso tifjuies iliow in favor of olcctrieal ( ( iilpnii N ior milo of tr.tek of $5,2vt less tliiin h.n < ' o.uls , and Hi'll IH)0 ( ) les tlian euliK- \ > uniiuu HI poi' ivnt for iloprei latun1 the ' ( intrust between Iho three stmn inlet lot less marlvuil. Somudi for orlirJijii. , ( ( uipmont , all of vvlm-li is nmstTOTor- ibloto the ok-i li'ie nill\\a\ Is prepared from Hannparllla , Dindellnn , Is the best blood purifier before the public. Mandrake , Dock , 1'lp'lssewa , .Iniilper Dci- It eradicates inery Impmlty , and ciii s hi rof- rlus , and other well-known and ynlu ihloPSO - ula , Silt Itheiini , liolls , Piniiiles , all HimiorH , table remedies. The conihlnatlnn , prnporttun Dyspepsia , lllllousnoss , HI'Ic Head iclm , Indl- and prcpiratlon are peculiar t Hood's Harsa- Kcstlon , Ucnvrnl Debility , Ontairh , Itlicimi.v- p irlll.i , filvhiR It curatlyu power nut possow d tlsm , Kidney and MvcrCiiniihlnti. Itdver- hy other medicines. It effects remark ihlu comcs that exttrino tired fctllug , and buliili cures where others fall. up the system , " 1 consider Hood's Sampnrllla the best " Hood's Snnnp.ullla was a (5oil send to me , moillrlno I ever used. 11 gives mo an appetite for It cured mu of dyapcpsla and liver com aii'l refreshing sleep , and kocps the cold out " plaint with which I ha < rurf rt < l i'O ' jeais. " J. B , Kooo , 100 fipruco Street , Portland , Mo. J. H. IIoiiNliEcu , South 1'allihurg , N. V. " Wlien I houglit Hood's S-irsapnrllh I undo " Howl's Kinniurllla takes Icsi time and ngnnd hiM'Stnicnt nf ono dollar In medicine quanllty to show its i tlutt than any other prep- nrallou. " Mm C.A IIuniivitii.N thillh Y. lor the first time. It has driven off rhotmri- tlMii and Improved my appetite so much tint "My wlfo h.id very poor ht.ilth fur a long My boarding mUtrcss saya I must Keep it time , siiffcrliiK from Indigestion , poor appo- lot kt-d up or shu will ho obliged to ralso my tlte , and constant lictdaclie. She trldl every- hoard with every other txurder that tukus thli.L've could hear of , hut found no relief till Hood's Sirsaparllla. " TIIO.MAB HUIIUKI.I- , she Ulul Hood's Hirsap.irllla. She is now W Tlllary btrcet , llrooklyn , N. Y. taking the third hottlu , and neu'r f lt hotter " 1 find Huod's harsap.irllla thu best remedy In her life. We feel U our duty tciiccoiiunciul forlininiruliUtoil levcrukf-il. " M II. HAXIHI , Ittoctery one wo know " OKOIIOU HUM El t- ticket ast'iit , 1' . A. It. ltd. , Hound Jlrook , N. J. VII.I.K , Muiuland , U < ) uk Comity , III. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla Solajj \ all ilruKlU SI > lx for hold by sit druKdiU. ( II i lx fur li/C 1 HOOD. V CO. , ApolliveariMiMvetl , Man. by 1) ) I IIOOI > iCO.AKJlliuctrkiJ\H'llMa [ . 1OO Doses Otto Dollar IOO DOSOB Ono Dollar