Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1891, Part 2, Page 12, Image 12

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Dong ! of tbo Fashionables During the Dog
MOVEMENTS OF WELL KNOWN PEOPLE. Omnlm Nclglilmrn Kind to Kn-
Them U'licti 'I lines
Atu Dull anil Ul'o at
ii .Stiuiil-Stlll.
MM. B. U. Cognvull U vUUIng in Unite
Mr. mttl Mrs , Lnn ) Altheui nro visiting In
C'aiitnln W. H. Ashby of OnKland , Cnl , , Is
In the city.
Prof. K. H. Nicholson of Lincoln , was In
the city I-Ylday.
DToin H. Fulton h.-w fc'ono to Chicago for
visit of sovcnil weeks.
Frank Bojd la homo from Washington on
a vncntlon visit of n few weeks.
Airs. II. K. Ucincr hni KOIIU to Chicago
with u view of residing permanently.
C. ( > . lloyt is homo ngiiiii from n prolonged
business visit to Spokane fulls , Wash.
Vol U'hltteinoro Is homo at-nln from an ex
tended visit to tils old homo in Illinois.
Huv , .1. N. Mill * Inn Keno on ft vaca
tion visit. Ho v.lll return September ] .
Kunntor I'nddoek has been In Omaha the
greater pnrt of the week on general business ,
ft Mrs Willis rtnll ntid children have gene to
Ann Arbor , Mich. , for a visit until Septem
ber 1.
I'rof. ( J. D. Uiikpstraw of NobrnsUnIC St
uns visiting friends hereabouts during tUo
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Bpiirdsloy huvo ro-
tuincd to lieatrli o after un extended visit In
the east.
Mrs Isabella Ilcrtof H'oociflcld. ' Ina. , Is
visiting her son , K. O. Hurt , in ulcnover
suburb for a few weeks.
Miss Huttle Wortsmlth of Sioux City Is
visiting her cousin \lisa Callto Cole on South
Sixth street for a few days.
Mrs. Theo. Ensign of St. Louis , Is In the
city or. a visit with her sisters , Mrs. S. C.
Smith and Airs. M. A. Mot/par.
Mrs. Ullllmn U'olfo lotnrncd homo from
Kvnnston and Frcoporl , 111. , Kildny , whence
she had been on an extended visit.
Mr. untl Mrs. Waldo Holmes have returned
to their homo In Iowa , after u visit of several
weeks with relatives and friends hero.
Superintendent of Public Instruction A.
K Gomly WIM in the city last week and
aitendmt the Gauge county teachers' in
Arthur Weaver of Falls City , son of the
late Hon. A. J. Weaver , was in ttiu city dur
ing the week , tbo guest of Mr. and Airs. 1J.
F. Leluy.
Airs. J. C. Higby returned home from
Oinuha Wednesday , wheneo she had been
called bv thn death of a nleco , the daughter
of Air mid Mw. Ueechor Hlgby.
AIiss Allnnie AIcGee and her brother .fames
returned Saturday from a ton day's vibit in
Tecumseh. Their cousin , Alary Town-send ,
accompanied them tiomo lor a b'rief visit.
Airs , .lob Hurhanan , accompanied by AIlss
Llo Chase , departed last ween for Ncosha ,
Mo , for a visit with relatives. This is Airs.
Buchanan's llrst visit out of thu county
hlnco l-slKi.
The sad intelligence was received here
Wednesday of the de.ith or the two-year-old
son of Air. and Airs. Uulph Wcstou , at New
castle , Wyo. The remains were brought
here for interim nt.
Whllo John Al. Koliopg was visiting with
his Beatrice friends n few days since , his
homo near Stratton , Neb. , took lire uiul
binned down. Air. Kcllogg did not learn ot
his loss until his leturn homo.
Kev. I. O. Davis and wife and family of
IJellofonto , Pu. , arrived in the city last
Thursday , with a view of making their per
manent residence lure. Rev. Davis Is the
now rector of Chiist's Episcopal church.
At the regular meotlnir of Company C , First
regiment Nebraska national guards , in this
city Thursday ovcning last , Flist Sergeant
Gilbert Palmer was elected second lieuten
ant , Vice S P. Anderson , term expired.
Kev. and MM. Hobort Scott departed last
Thursday for Scott's Alills , Aid. , their future
tiome. Kev. Scott Is the ox-rector of tbo
Episcopal chin eh of this city , in which
capacity ho has been engaged the six years
last past.
The examination at the teachers'Institute
closed Saturday and an adjournment was
taken. Uoforo the session closed the teachers
presented AIiss Alarlu Upton , fie elllcicnt
superintendent of the Gage county schools ,
with n handsome set of Buiwor's works and
n book-stand.
The remains of the late Airs. C. E. Baker ,
nccompanlcd by Air. Baker and the surviving
members of ttio family , arrived here fro n
Illinois Saturday afternoon. The family was
mot at the depot by a largo number of
friends. Tno procession went directly from
the depot to the cemetery. The p.iil-boarers
were Dr. D. A. Walden , L. F LaSallo , A. W.
Parker. E. K. Fogg , C. 13 Will to and A. H.
Babcock. At the cemetery the services were
conducted by Uov. J. N. Mills.
Ncliriislca City.
Airs. Overtoil Is visiting In Hamburg.
Allss Tillio Plorsoii Is visiting in St. Joe.
Mrs. Luclan Utterb.ick U visiting in
Mrs. Goorco Borchors Is visiting friends In
AIiss Barbara Kennedy Is visiting friends
In Hamburg.
Airs. W. II. Doughty is visiting relatives
in Ashland.
Airs. B F. Alordon and children are homo
from a visit at Wvomlng.
Kev. and Airs. B.irkervlllo , nco Campbell ,
&ro In the city on a visit.
Allss Emma Davis and Allss Alerodlth are
visiting the AllsseLloyd. .
Allss Elslo Sehoentgen of Council Bluffs ,
Is visiting the Schneider.
Lulu Di > oi. May Kolf and Alattlo Hayward -
ward are visiting friends in Omaha.
Cltv Attorney Seymour and wlfo will visit
relatives In Pueblo , Colo. , next week.
Air. and Airs. Alinatreo Catrou returned
homo Saturday evening from tlio west.
Airs. Bowman of Blue Springs , Neb. , is
visiting at the homo of Conductor Uorry.
Congressman W. J. Bryan was the guest
of Colonel Frank P. Ireland on Thursday.
Miss Ora Elliott started Wednesday on a
visit with friends in Talmngo and Auburn.
Mr. and Airs. John liaumer will celebratn
their silver wedding on the evening of Au
gust 0.
Hon. J , Sterling Alorton attended the Long
Pine chautauijua and delivered an address
on "Trees. "
U' . A. Cotton , chairman of the bortrd of
pubiie works , and family nro homo from n
trip through Colorado.
Prof. Gnrdnor's family uvrlvod Wednesday
from Wytnorc wlu-ro they have been resid
ing. They at once began housekeeping.
Miss Flora Lovl , accompanied bv her eons-
us , thu Alisses Sllveroorg of Chicago , left
Wednesday for Omaha and Lincoln to visit
Duncan Mcl/'nalg started Wednesday for
Huntington , Pa. , and whllo thuro will bo
wedded to ono ot the most charming joung
ladles In the Keystonu state.
Kev. F. Froiind , Instructor at the German
school which o used Monday nUht , gave a
picnic In Moore's park for his pupils iinil
friends. It was a very enjoyable alY.tlr.
Allss llattio Sheldon giuo a card party
Wednesday evening In honor of Miss Dlxon
kiul Allss Ernst who are her guests from St.
Joo. It was a nappy evening for all who par
Mis * Liublo Wllll.inii started Wednesday
on a trip to Montreal and all through Canada.
A number of young friends accompanied her
to the depot to see her safely oft and to wish
her a plea-unit Journey.
G. I. Bluoudorn unil wlfo loft Wednesday
for iv \ Isit with friends and relatives In
Michigan. Tuny will also stop over at Chicago
cage and Milwaukee and other cities enrouto.
Editor Blnehdorn has well earned this vaca
tion ,
Allss Colla Burgert gave a very enjoyable
tea party Tuesday evening In honor of Miss
Clara Hart of Cleveland , O. Among those
present were Aliases Mollrlug , Simpson , Ful
ton , Georgia Hawko , Enitnu Smith , Cecelia
Hur art and Davenport ,
Jtllu FliprcucoYicUinoycr iyu given a
pleasant surprise by n number of young
friends on Alomlay evening , it being her
nlnotoeiith birthday. It Is unnecessiiry testate
state that the company was hlidily enter-
tnlncn during the ovcning.
( iciion.
Mrs , H. Klloywas at Columbus visiting
J. O. Horch spent o portion of the week at
ColumtniH. , ,
C. Potter of Fullortou , wus In Genoa visi
ting Tuesday.
Kov. Tuncll IIM been granted n vocation by
hh congregation.
Sheriff CaUwell of Platte county was In
town Wednesday.
Bert Fox of Valparaiso Is spending n few
days with his parents , ;
E. F. Fnrrculld and wife teen a trlu to
Omaha Wednesday.
AI. V. Alondv spent a portion of the week
In Oinuha on business.
Kov. Air. Plorccot Clarks was a guest of
Genoa friends Wednesday.
Mrs. O. E. f.reon was visiting friends In
Omaha the llrst of the weox.
Will Stock of Albion , was shaking hands
with Genoa friends Wednesday.
Miss Gertrude Flesheris attending the In
stitute at Columbus this week.
AIM. George Baer was visiting friends In
Columbus the flr.U of the week.
Mrs. D. B. Slnngloy rotunicd on Satur
day from her visit among Iowa friends.
Airs. Hannah I'etngo nnd daughter re
turned to their homo in Iowa on Monday.
Mrs. Alorton and daughter Gertie loft
Alonday for a visit among fritnds in Illinois.
H. A. Van Vleot of Washington arrived In
town Tuesday , and Is a guest of his sister
Airs Henderson.
AIlssos Kllev , daughters of Judge
Kiloy. of Albion , wore guests of Airs , Char
les HolTman the last of the week.
Misses Luc-la Will-ton , Cynthia Por-
tcrlleld and Ella Stlllman are in attendance
at the institute at Fulirrton this week.
( Jus , Wlllson drove to Stromsberg on Sun-
dny , returning Alonday with Mr * . Wlllson
and children u ho had been visiting friends
in that city.
Airs. C. E. Carter , who has been sick for
several weeks , passed iiway buturdny morn
ing last. Airs. Carter was an intense sufferer
dtnlnir her brief Illness , and leaves a husband
and a bright little boy to mourn her depart
Allss Fannie Fonda gave a party at the
losldenco ot her p.irunts on Friday ni'jht last
in honor of her cousin , Allss Aland Cornpton
of Ceilur Kaplcis. The following little folks
worn present : Misses Gracie Flcsher ,
Mngirlo , Lucy and Nclilo Alcllaydeti. IClttio
Hughes , Lulu Hollmaii , Nannie Walton ,
Ethel Green , Lida nnd Klslo Adann , Ella
Balsioy nnd Messrs. Willie Falrehlld , Cecil
Compton and Arthur Fonda.
Grand Island.
Car Eggo has returned from his visit to
Salt Lake City.
Air. nnd Airs. S. P. Alobley arc spending a
part of the heated term nt the Black Hill
hot springs.
Allss Alice Hurford , who for the past two
years has been traveling in Europe , has re
turned homo.
Guv Laverty of Ord , was in the city on
Alonday , the guest of his brother , Prof.
Lnvi'rty of ttio business college.
Alujor A. B. Valentine , an extensive woolen
manufacturer of Bennington. Vt. , is in the
city looking after property interests.
Air. and Airs. E. E. Thompson returned
Sunday evening from their wedding tour and
are now prepared to keen house on their own
Mrs. Gus Kinklc of Omaha , who has been
visiting her sister Airs. Gus Kolls for the
past two months , returned to her ho'no
Prof. L. L. Crothwalt of Lincoln , was in
the city this week and conducted an elocu
tionary entertainment nt the First Al. E.
church , Monday evening.
H. T. Julius Fuehrman left Tuesday for
Now \ork from whence ho will sail lor Ger
many on a three months business trip in the
interests of the Oxnard Bcot Sustar Co.
The sad news was received in tills city
Tuesday of the death of John Keimers jr. ,
which occurred July lb at Kiel , Germany.
Air. Keimers , accompanied by his mother ,
left for Germany about four months ago ,
hoping to Improve hU health wnich had been
falling for some time , but by the strange
dispensation of Providence his expectations
were not to bo rcall/ed. The remains wore
interred at Wilster , July 21.
The Hall county teachers institute con
vened In this city Aug. 4. The instructors in
normal work are as follows : Aritnmctlc ,
algebra and geometry , K. J. Barr ; history ,
natural philosophy , language and drawing ,
J. H. Thompson ; botany , physiology , book
keeping , geography nnd reading. E. E. Cole ;
civil government and didactics , E. E. Thomp
son : music , J. F. Kates. Thu session is ono
of the most Interesting ever held in this
county , and will close August 14.
( iciieva.
Mr. C. N. Platt of Cbadron Is homo for a
Air. V. C. Shlckley has returned from
Omalia. '
Dr. H. L. Smith is visiting friends In
Orland , Ind.
Air. Will Richeson of Lincoln spent Sunday
with his parents.
Alts. H. Toogood and children nave gene
to Crete for a month's visit.
Air. L. F. Laiulmessor has been til with
typhoid lever , but Is improving.
Alossrs. J. Jensen and H. Sheldon are
amoiu- the Genovaltes at Detroit.
Mr. nnd Airs. J. B. Suxlon are the gnosts
of Mr. and All's. J. C. Law , Lincoln.
Mr. A. V. Dworak of Sutton was visiting
his mother hero the llrst of the week.
Air. J. D. Carson returned Tnoiday from
several days' visit in Paeillc City , la.
Mrs. F. A. K.seler aad daughter , Florence ,
were in Exeter .several days this week.
Messrs. H. C. Brunor and J. W. Burl
have returned , from a week's stay In Denver.
Air. Louis K. Lighten is attending thu
bible school at the Chatauqua grounds ,
Prof. II. L. Chaplin went toj his homo at.
Aluceilon , N. Y. , last week to spjnd the re
mainder of vacation.
Alisses Alattio and Lou Smith , after a
WCCK'S visit uith the family of Air. George
Claik , have returned to Plaltsmoulh.
Air. and All's. Billings and son John left
Wednesday morning by wagon with com
plete equipments for four weeks' camping
Air. James Pclfcnbnrg returned Alondav
from Illinois , and as his Irlends expected ,
did not return alone. Air. and Air * . i'iren-
burg nro receiving congratulations at tno
The Young Peoples' Society of Christian
Endeavor of the Congregational church of
Geneva atteiuleil n meeting of Iho Young
Peoples' Society of CnrNtLiu Enduavor at
Fairmont Sunday night.
A very enjoyable coinvob social was given
by thu ladles of the Baptist church S itnr-
ilnj evening at thu resldonuo of Air. Gourde.
Smith. The gronnd.s were lighted ny
I'hlnese lanterns ai.d the house \V.H illumi
nated I rum basement to attic.
E. B. Hull ami family of Omaha were Hast
ings visitoron Sunday.
Georgu Letson loturnod Tuesday from
Iowa , where ho was visiting.
Howard Flnloy of Kearney was In thu city
visiting his mother -siiiulay. .
Airs. P. D. Spraguo" left Tuesday for a
visit to Denver nnd the Koekio.s.
Henry Brehinuml daughter , Allss .Maggie ,
made a visit to Sutton. their former homo ,
The Epworth league of the Methodist
church met with Airs fl. C. Alorln Mjnday
Ginioral A. II. Bowen and wife nro in Do-
trolt at the national Grand Army of the He-
public encampment.
I. W. Barnes and wlfo of Kearnov woru
the guests of Key. and Airs. L. F. Britt the
fore part of the week.
The ' 'Lamplighters mission band" of the
Congratlonal church gave a social at the
ohnrch on Friday evening ,
These present at the lawn social given at
the homo of S. H , Alooro on Wednesday
evening report a very enjoyable tlmo.
The Pythian sisterhood have passed reso
lutions expressive of their regard of Airs. J.
W. HarrU , who was ourtcd here on Tuesday.
The Altar society of St. Mark's Episcopal
church nro arranging for an entertainment In
which amateur theatricals will tlw'uro largely.
The past week bai been a very quiet ono In
society circles lu Uiutlugs. The exceedingly
warm weather has probably boon the cause
of this.
AIM. Sarah Wool Atoroof Lincoln cave n
series of art talks to the ladles of Hastings
on Tuo day , Wednesday , Tuurday nnd Fri
day afternoons nt the home of Airs. H. Al.
IMntlMiiioiilll ,
Major J , W. Poarman was In town Tues
AlUs Annie Baumolstor is visiting nt
Mrs. A. F. Groom hai returned from her
visit In Kansas.
Airs. Perlino Kowo of Cambridge is visit
ing In tlio cltv.
Airs. Charles Campbell ot Omaha has been
visiting In the city.
Airs. H. N. Dovey nnd three children have
gonu to Lincoln for a few Weeks' visit.
Airs. Alarv Sherman is visiting her sister ,
Airs. C. W. Belleville , at Knoxvlllo , In.
Air. and Airs. Nay of Princeton , 111. , nro
tno guests of Air. and Airs. A. P. Campbell.
Air. and Airs. Jacob Kirk of Logan nro in
the city visiting with their step-son , D , F.
You n if.
AIr.s. Fred Latham departed for n visit to
Central city and other points west Wednes
day morning.
Airs. E. B. Lewis and son returned to
Dorchester Wcdnesdnv morning after a visit
with her parents In this city.
Alr.s. William Ballanco and sou , Franco ,
returned Sunday from a month's visit with
relatives In Michigan City , Ind.
Allss Jeano Helps arrived from England
WcdneiUiiy morning and will visit with her
brother" , J. H. and Arthur , In this city.
Allss Blanche Martin , who has been the
guest of Airs. Shadrack Colo' for the past
month , has returned to bar home In Grand
Judge S. AI. Chapman and Postmaster H.
J. Strolght went to Greenwood Wednesday
to attend the Grand Army pf Iho Kepubllc
reunion ,
George Dodge and family and Airs. C. T.
Fleck donnrted for llarrisburg , Pa. , Tues
day , called thither by tbo serious illness of < i
Kev. Buouner nnd family have departed
for Lincoln for n visit. Tnoy will oo absent
for two week i and will attend tbo Bennett
camp meeting nnd the annual church confer
ence bolero their return.
II. B. Hetrick nnd wife of Harvard nro
visitinir friends In the city.
Kev. Dr. Kidgowny and wife have returned
from n visit at New Allriny , Ind.
Joel Eaton of Omaha is visiting his.father ,
Postmaster Eaton of this place ,
Kev. W. S. Barnes has returned from his
summer vacation in Northern Aliunosota.
The ten months old daughter of Air. and
Alra. Gilbert E. Haaso died Tuesday night.
A. ,1. Gallentinc and wife and MM. James
Boyd nro visiting their old homo at Morrison ,
I" .
F. Y. Kobcrtson wont to Now York city
tills week. Ho will accompany bis wlfo
All of the Sunday schools in the city will
celebrate their second annual Hold day outing
in ono of the city paries near the lake on
Autrust 1 ! ! . i
A. C. HefTclllnger and family went to
Pueblo , Colo. , this week , whore" they will
rcsklo Air. Heffelllngor will go into busi
ness in Pueblo.
Congressman C. D. Clark of Evanston ,
Wyo. . a brother of Airs. J. AI. Tisdcll , is in
the city nccompuiied by his family. They
will remain hero about thros months.
JuduoJohn A. Finch of Indianapolis , a
Jurist of considerable notoriety , visited with
Alls. Connor chls wcolc. Judyo Finch is n
nephew of the late General A. H. Connor.
The county jail is empty now , for the llrst
since the Jail wi's ' built , and "old timer * " .say
that this is the llrst time that the county lias
been without prisoners since it was organ-
l/.f > d.
Key. II. O. Gutho , pastor of the Gorman
Presbyterian church , started this week to
Hanover , Germany. He will return soon
after landing there with his mother and
other members of his family.
The teachers' institute Is well organised
and the enrollment has reached 125. Prof.
W. H. Skinner of Crete Is the leadinir in
structor , and the tcaeliors are well pleased
with his methods of teaching.
Sutton. *
Air. Dick Silvers was at Council Bluffs last
Air. A. V. Dwarck Is visiting at Crete , his
old homo. , "
Frank Davis of Lincoln is hero for a few
days' visit. * >
Alss3s ! Avcrill and Hancock have returned
to Harvard.
AIiss Di-lla Day of Grafton has boon visiting
her friend Etta Kollnnd. „ . .
Air. Bennillold , who lived hero formerly ,
was in town last Saturday. ° "
Air. Arehio Blue of Fro neat , has boon at
Sutton looking up old friends.
Atiss Nannie Wittenberg went to .Fairmont
Tuesday to visit Aliss Soloman.
Air. Will Weed was in town last Sabbdtn ,
the guest of his motnor , Mrs. 'IV.Woad.
Air. 1\ Powers and F. Alattlson have re
turned from thi-lr trip to the Ulauk Hills.
Alavor Bonus and wife of York have made
u short visit among relatives hero lately.
Airs. AlcCaOiland met her son nnd daugh
ter , Air. and Mrs. Everett of York , In Sutton
List Saturday.
Miss Anna Randall of Ked Cloud was the
guest of Aliss Lo Wheaton on S.fturday and
Alr.s , Dr. Johnson , Airs. Fredericks , Airs.
John Merrill , MM. Ho.'rger , Airs. Alattlson
and Woodruff make up ony of the pleasant
lishing parties of the week.
This week twenty-four younj ; Indies made
up thu llshlng party that went out to Blue
Clay pond. The party was In honor of AIiss
Delhi Day mid the invited were us follows :
Susie and Alice Aloore , Ida Kolland , Etta
Holland , Lida Grieco , MlunitBacl.mann ,
Ludo Outhwalt , Mamie Wlieadon , Pearl
Barr , Alarv Goodrich , Vida Scott , Anna
Stephens , Lulu Greonhldo , Laura , Schwab ,
Grace Stiver , Nannie Wittenberg , Grace
Kowe , Grace Wnlthor , Esther CampbellEva
Jarrett , Alllo Jarrolt , Nova Longatreoa , Ida
Silver , Clara Stewart.
Aitmrn. ;
Aliss Lillian Beach U visiting relatives In
Syracuse. '
Paul Goss of South Omaha spent Sunday
last with his father at Auburn.
John Hair lias boon enjoying a visit from
his sister , Allss Anna Hair , of Baldwin , Kan.
Dr. Clutter , who has been visiting his
mother in Iowa , has returned homo after an
absence of several weeks.
W. C. Longford , councilman from the
Second ward , was homo last week from At-
chlson , whom ho has been for some time.
The board of education have engaged Allss
Elvlnn Koekwood to tuko a position as ono
of the teachers in the publlo schools the
coming year.
Kov. Whitmer has taken n month's vaca
tion from the Methodist Episcopal church
pulpit and has gone to Illinois nnd Ohio ,
where ho will meet his wlfo and childien ,
who have been ( .pending thu summer there.
A tabulated statement of the value of
buildings erected in Auburn was made this
week. The total value ot the improvements
reaches the magnlllcont llguro of ; il7ll ! ( ) .
Can any town of 'J.U.Ji . ) population show a
better record \
Aliss Enie H. Campbell , who has bton for
the past three years a very successful tnachor
of muslo In Auburn , has been offered and has
accepted thu position of teacher of vocal ami
instrumental music in the Institute for the
blind at Nebraska City. She will leave next
week for her homo and a short vacation bo-
fora taking up her now work.
Airs. L. P. Ash Is visiting her parents in
Colonel and Airs. George E. Cheney are
taking In the Long Pine CbautauiMia.
Kov. C. Al. Grinith went to Lincoln on a
PHifn n hy war § ! ck , wu giue her Cejtorla ,
When * lie w < ui Child , * liu crlwt f or Cttitorkt ,
When the be ( une Ml * ! , the clung to Cantoris ,
Vkea h tuul CUlUrwu , glio gavu thorn Ciulorirt ,
combined business mm ! pleasure trip this
Miss Emma C. Bcch.innn and daughter ,
Collie , ot Elgin , 111. , are visltlcg with her
sister , Mrs. A. L Perry , In this place.
J. L. Packard , who has bean spending tbo
past few months nmonc the Wisconsin lakes
with his family , returned homo Friday.
Several of our people nro making prepara
tions to attend thn creat lacing event at In
dependence , la , thc'luttcr part of the month.
Air. and Airs. F. A. Warnek entertained n
number of guoit < Wednesday evening In
honor of their daughter , MM. E. P. Weth-
crby of Norfolk , wuo Is visiting them.
Hon. J. H. Waggoner , late udttor and pro
prietor of the Eau Clalro ( Wls. ) Dally Frco
Press , has been spending n few days In the
city , the guest of Air. J. 11. Borryman.
The lltllo folks had a delightful picnic in
AIcGIIl's grove , near tovn , last Wednesday
afteinoon , whllo about twenty made up a
picnic party to Plum Valley on the same day.
nntl ClalnmntN.
The rapid Increase of the business of the
Examiner Bureau of Claims is highly grati
fying to this Journal. It shows nt once the
need for such an organization and thu con
fidence in which the paper is held by the pee
ple. Since the bureau was established It hai
received twice as much business as all the
claim agents In Washington to othor. It Is
thus evident that the distrust of the ordinary
agent that led the Examiner to spend the
money necessary to put the bureau in opera
tion was shared by the majority of persons
who have claims against the government.
With the appointment of the now assistant
attorney-general last month the court for
consideration of Indian depredation claims Is
organised and ready for business. The
depredation claims in charge of TIM : Br.n-
Examlner Bureau will therefore bo pushed
as rapidly as they can bo prepnrud and tno
coui t can bo brought to consider them.
The organl/Mllon of the now Court of Pri
vate Land Clallns , established by the net of
Alarch ! ) , 1S9I. makes possible the settle
ment of the disputed land titles.
Unsettled titles are the bane of any country.
Few settlers are willing to imnrovo land that
may bo taken away from them. There have
been loud complaints at the dlfllciiU.v of get
ting llnal decisions in the methods heretofore
proscribed The last congress , therefore
passed a law establishing n new court for the
especial purpose of settling tncso claims.
Tin : -Examiner Bureau Is prepared to
represent claimants In this court , as well as
in thu case of Indian depredations claims.
or the pUcnt , pension or postal claims that
have made most of the business for the
bureau to the present time. Assistants
familiar with the Spanish language have
been secured , and the claimants who wish
to seek the Examiner's protection In this as
in other cases can bo conlldcnt that the best
talent will bo at their disposal. The bureau
Is ost.bllshod tor the public service , and will
give the best of attention to anything that
may bo contlded to it.
If ilioy Do , Tlio HOP Iturpuu or Claims
Will Tell You of It.
The government , deeply sensible of the good that was performed by the federal -
oral army in pel-serving the union , has prate-
fully decreed that none of its defenders or
their dependents smiH want for anything in
their sickness and old ago. This decree has
gene forth in the media of pension laws
which unhappily for thousands of people , are
not understood. As nconsequenco , there ara
thousands of soldiers toJay in tins country ,
sutferini ; perhaps for the necessaries of Itto
si it j ly Iccauie thty do not , know what tn
country has done to care for and render them
TinBri : is aware of this fact and has
allied itself with the Sin Francisco Exam
incr and established TUB IJii : : Brncvu
OF CLUMS. By this means. it pro
poses to secure for evcrv claimant
Just what ho or shols entitled to from the
In addition to claims for pensions , those for
a variety of other causes will bo pressed , and
from the effects of losto * occasioned by those
claim- ; hundreds ave suffering in this part of
the country.
I'ciiHloncd A tor Doatti.
In ttio tcport of pensions granted Wedncs
day the Nebraska list is headed by the name
of Kit-hard Alelady of Stuart , Holt county.
In this case the pension comes too late to beef
of any benotltto tbo man who earned it bv
suffering lor his country on the battle Held.
Alelady was the man whose death in the
Omaha medical institute , led to the olllcial
investigation of that place and the arrest of
its managers early last month. A brother of
the deceased is n member of the city council
at St. Paul , Minn.
Death of a Nester of the Art I'rchcr-
Snmuol Sands , ono of tlio oldest eiti-
/.ons of Baltimore , Mil. , pussod uwny on
tlio 28th ult. , in the ninoty-bec-oml year
of hih atro. For n tunnber of yciirn , SIJ-H
the Spriiifjlioid Uapublicmi , it hud boon
conceded tint Mr. Samlet was the oldeM
living printer. Hisappronticesliipbo 'in
in 1811 nnd ho had hud an unintorruptcd
borvieo as printer , editor and publisher
since that time. An interesting inci
dent in his early career \vas that when
an apprentice boy in 1811 in tlio oilier
of tlio" Baltimore"Amoriean ho put
into typo , frebh from tlio au
thor's hands , the soiifr of "The
Star Spangled Banner. " Left alone in
the ollieo on account of Ills youth , when
tlio other hands went into the tronohos
on the attaelc by tlio Ih'itihh on tlueity ,
ho put tlio Htirriii } , ' poc'in into print in
the shape of a broadside , wlui-li , in
pati'iotie ardor , ho distributed tliiMii h-
out the oily witli little idea of tlio celeb
rity and popularity Iho Bontf would nftor-
ward attain. Nearly half a century aye
Mr. Sands was publisher of the Amuri-
ean l-'arinor , tlio lirht ayricultunil p.ipor
started in this country. Ho altont onetime
time publihhed the Morninjr Clu-oii-
ielo , a daily issued at Baltimore
before tlio era of tlio telegraph
and steam press. In KSIKi lie. pnbliMird
the Freeman's Binner , advocating the
election of General William Henry Ilar-
riboa and nftonv ird other political and
literary papers. In polit.cs Mi- . Sands
was a strenuous whig , during the war an
unconditional union man , and since a
republican. Ho novoi- ran foi' public
ollice. Tlio Maryland institute for the
promotion of tho'mcuhanie arts is much
indebted to Mi- . Sands for hisiu'thitv in
founding and bulldliiir it up. Time had
dealt gcuitly with Mr. Sands , and Ills
nu'iital ' powers were umlimmed almost to
the last.
and only Oumiili-ia und Huilifnctory
C'omlemcd Mliicu Meat In tlio Market ,
Cheui > Hiilitiltuici and VruUo liulintlnni
tire onrorcrt wltn the aim to prollt by ttio popular-
It ; of llio New Kutlmil.
Iti > niil be decclvctl but Klwoya Inilft on tbo
c\v JlnuIunU Urutiil. Tuo butt muilo.
\V V Vl'lt1 ! Aaenti to nell Iho l'lnlo
< > VVi > 1 11 ly.ciolho l.lno thu only llnuovor
Invuntuit Hint holds thu clollioi without | iln < , n per-
li > ct IUCCOIK , pntvnt recently l "iit'd , tolil only lit
Ki-ntD , U > wluiiii llio oieliinlvo rUlit U itlvt-n , on ro-
culpt of 'Ocuntn u will lund n mtmplo line ( if mitlli
also ilmil.iri , prlielltt and It-rint to nt'unl > , n-ciirj
our torrltnrr nt one * Ail.lrt'm'I'llK I'INI.KSS
U.Nli CO. , 17 lloriuju St. , Worcunlgr
flow Tlioy Keel Over tlic Hiircnn ul
I I lalniH Work.
' During the p.nt month thu Kxamlncr-IlrB
bnroiiu of clnltns has been tn receipt of n
number of letters from clients undoaitiK
threatening nml nrtftiniotitiUlvo clfculurs
, from nttornoys formerly employed , nnd ixsk-
, Ing If the nwotttotiH therein iii.atlo were tnio.
The snltl clients nro jmrtioa wbo , hnvlng been
previously rolibett by clnlni ngc-nta , caRerly
i craspctl the opportunity for relief oy trims-
I ferrimt their t-nscs to thK Imrcnii when con-
gi-uss oiH-'iieil the tloor uy nniiulllni ; pnivions
contruvt.1. Now , the nforcsaitl cltilm ngunt
cormorants , fuurlng they may bo Ualkinl ol
thn pruy thuy hnvo so loni ; entangled In their
' meshes , have bosun to Hood tlio country with
circular letters In which they constantly
hnrp on two themes , viz. : That conprei * Inn
no power to iinnul private contrncti , nml that
thi'lr DOWCI-S ot attorney uru Irrovoc.ililo lie-
cause conpli'J with nn interest , nmnclvn
contliiKont foe.
Wo tlo not nroposo at the present tlmo to
nilvortho the nnnios of thc.iu Canton who now
mn aiieradu under the cognomen of nttnr
noys , thouah Mtrotii.v | tnniptud to plvo tlumi
thu colebrlly tliolr qua i-lltonuy-li'irui cn-
ileiivorsso richly inurlt. Ono In'particular
deserves special roc.vnltlon , by n nmmllin
coininnnlc.iiloii of cl ht | iau < 's In which ho
Jumbles useless fuels wliU fanciful tlu-orics ,
pnrbltH Judicial decisions , am ) so InoNtilcably
cntntu'lcs his words that In ninny lustnnces
thu closlnt : part of his sentences have no np
carent connection wltn tin1 beKliiinn .
To any ono versed In the Inw of the land
such idiotic letters are n mutter onlof ilill-
culo nml ntmiso'nent. Hut when we consider
that thu nvcinuo claiinant in the west is nec-
Oisarily Icnofant of tlio law novet-nliin the
prosecution of claims In the city of Washing
ton , \\unroprono to treat the inattut- more
seriously. ,
Tlio question of extent to which congress
nny go lu its Interference with private con
tracts , Is uiuloiibleilly ono on which .somo of
the most eminent le nl minds have ( littered ,
nnd It were easy to write u voliimu on oubor
side. However , the philosophical and politi
cal arguments pro aim con arc yomutluni.
with which wo nt present have no convent
Wo routine ourselves to the cold , hard lut'le
of facts. That the last congress .lid spcuiil-
ctlly cancel and annul all existing contracts
between claimants and nttornoyd lu the Ii
dian depredation act of March It , I1U. . Is n
fact which not oven thn squirming claim
tiK'-nts donv. and which anyone interested
ni.iy re.ul for himself oy applying tn us fin a
copy of the law. Possibly tlio eminent con-
stltuUoniil lawyers and Jurists In the honnto
mid hoimo of representatives should have
consulted these obscure cl.iiin agents before
passing the net which so seriously
curtiiilud their Shylock propensltlcj.
but we npurehcnd merit reliance
has placed upon the recent decision of the
U. S. supreme court , case of .Mitchell us
clerk , repotted in 111) ) U. S. reports , nago ( itt ; :
where in the highest tribunal In the land
nsscrfs "no provision of the constitution
piohlbitsconpross from interfering with the
validity of contract1
The second problem Involved is that
of revocation of powers of attorney. When
and under what circumstances thu claimant
can recdil an existing power nnd employ Our eight page friend
loads off with duo solemity by quoting Judge
Storey : "When un authority or power is
coupled with an Interest it is from its -o\vn
nature and character in contemplation ot Inw
Irrevocable : " then proceeds to argue that the
retaining of nn attorney on n continecnt
fee | s equivalent to coupling the power
wltn an interest. This is absolutely false
from a legal standpoint , but it is nn Hbscrtioii
well calculated to mislead the ordinary read
er. What is ro.illy meant by un "interest" is
nn Interest or right in the thing itself. Thus ,
If an estate is conveyed to a trustee , with
power to sell , this power cannot bo revoked
because the trustee has an Inturost in the es
tate itself : he holds the cgal right to the
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , diopels colds , Iiend-
aches- and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptuhje to the stomach , prompt in
its action and duly henelicial in its
effects , prepared only from the mott
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in f)0o
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable driggistsho
may not have it on hand will pro-
euro it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any-
A Written Guarantee lo
„ „ „ -
Ocr cilro la jx.rmiuiinl un I not a t atclniM up. Cnici
tnated I vo yinia n-o | Iliv 3 luvir will at. inil | ni
Incp. lydcscrll ! > lntiamfuly ! o can tiintm \ l.y
nullnnJ woclvoluo b.uao blioiur ruinihUr lo ct o
or icfund nil money. Tho'-o vl.o pufcr l-ico-i.c li-ro
fortnatmcntcnndoBo ondwi. wl.l v o d Uro
liolh wunuidhotil bills whdo hero II i\e full l.iiu ' ,
Wo tliHIlQiiro the world f-r a cvo Hint nui-M\t 10
UiHl : y vs , Inotiuro.rltoforfu I nnlulnriii ! .1
. .
ociln taIUoi.nlUilkiK-iilli-1. II t u , . luci.r ii : j j
Bu untiujuuiloildiiut Icll.tctol j -i i' " y-
Yout..konotianioof ! Imlirr jovr 1 101 y. oi-ar-
anti'Otocbioornfiiiidivi-ydo lar , in I l v . lit . -a
n.mlatlontoriotfit , ulBOfiimclal bail. icf t K1-
COO , ltlpcfictlyrafotu : ; all ho % ill \ f t ioti i.t-
vis i < : atomr llr.i-iclal it..m.nff : , our icpu ttlnn 11
ImUno o men.i..u UJ lor I a. < old a.icH ! u nf
these w u have cut id ho 1 a < v i i -i. i't. ni.Utlon to ro- Itc , itsjouon'y po n o to ! ! -It
I'Blvi' jol. ft MO McfiufTillrif f. iiniTlt Ulr In
niaif > ou.iuoiimrrlfd lictin/oure ! : . nl'i.'ffu' ' ir
llnouhjuurov nncrfllrcnie. } ( juiir > } inptinniaia
toiulliiuat , niuioiu | 'i ilir * lu inuuth , rl.i inn t fl
In lon > , | , , : * , ! l.ilr.-ot'.rcruitl ! ! ' unui y
neial dinn-ulun pa'ni
rnrtof tliobi'ly.fccllneof it ,
Intionilcrlniiifn , > oiih.ivotio tlmo lo Ma to. HIOMJ
Ythor-ocoiiiluntlytnl-inirlii'rcii ynnlr" ' th loblil
dlxcort'nuolt ' , toint .i.tu o 11 Ihono dib0'4V : ! tliinly
lnnii.ui < aniiiloill Kutiursln 1'ioct d. l > 'n'tfilto
v r-to. A 1 cot rm ; < mini' o * < i 11 rait tl In plain cuv < 1
opi . AVoliiv.lolhoiiio trluul Iniot'gutioiinn ' Iwill
do all In oir rovrrr to til jui In It. AJIurn ,
COO/C JtK3liiH' CO. , Omahit , tTrltraikn.
Onico 13th and cocoud flour , iiilrauco ntUt.1
General or Nervous Uobil ty , \ -
bo ay or mind , tti e loots of orrjfj a' ; *
CHBIO.S in old or younj th it we cannot euro.
We guarantee ovorv cuso or riituni every
clollir. F vi ) treat nent 1 , lull
course $6 Peroantiole bin -llu reilij > In
throe ilavs. By mad. 8 eurely pao.tud Irom
itlHU IU Corta'n to a uayor money rofundeU.
Price by mall $ S Hoaio',1 from obsorvatioa.
Ill ( Hit M C 1 II W
The Niuet.fifth Session Will M" n TUE-DAY SEPTEMDEK 8th.
C/ctssics , Letters , Science , Law , Civil and Mechanical Engineering.
Til Hftiitfli I'riMmrn'xry Kin ) I nintiiorc'nl ' l'nur o < Sr HIIH Aim s HAM , fur IH.JH umli > r U It uni > iui' 1 <
lhncuiiiili | < iviu" > ipf lt ciiiliinunt ) | ( . 'ntn'ojup * m > iit I roc on npiillcitlon to
KEV THOS. K. WALSH , C P. C , Notre Dame , Iiul.
AHDMOIABT _ CONSR YATORI , rmnur * . IDlh yi.r.
1'nlronsln li''lMr .
Mcum heat , rlrrtric
llchtK , dmrlrrnl hjr
ithi-Hlnlc. ( 'lici'i' | l
? anil Hint Collet' " la
It lie \Si t.
. ,
run kritiMs n u i , wintsn r. x JAC mtiN KT.
Alllirinrliriof M itli PraiiMtu Atl Pcl-urlp T , i , I , -t > 'Pr.ln.
IrcSclio. ! UllKUlpuuo < l dvant Kf * Al n > ler ti > t nt-
Ivji ul > llcil ' "I. J. i , IlATrbr.ltlir , nlntlur.
ne.ii HIANMOIIT , Kv.
OPEN Tli..OUGHOUr fl ! 5 YEAH.
Tim sfciincl Icrin of this Hc.nlomlc yoir otulm llr-t
.Mtindny In .Inly and vloiut third Wuilnuidiy In
llcii'iiibtr ni-xt.
Col. . I ) K IO\ ! I ) , Snpt I'ost-Olllcc , I'AHMDU.i : , Kv.
Illinois Military Academy
.1 "i URII 1'iiiuintioii
forColUtfuurltimmisa. Kor intaloRUF npiil ) to l'i IncliuU
Kntriim-opvaiiilniitloni .n Chlcuo : In charjo
of I'nif. ( ii'orxo llowluinl , at the llo.irtl of Ktl-
ucutlun iDoius. City Hall , . I line J. " > nnd - ! ut 1)
n in. , and 11 SI. I.oula In chiiiK'i' of I'rof. K II.
I , nil'ollice oT Supl. of Hi'lmols. Hovcnth mnl
Cheitmit strt'uts , Jnnu " . " > tintlii atllii. in.
nc free.
J. It. JUIt , Jr. , Si'f
' - IIH ; < IIK .
4TU-JSI Dt-arl/orn Avc. . Chk-aco , III.
Slxtt-untlijonr bt lni ' upl. lith. llditrdlng nnd
day KHiool lor Vdilliir I. miles MIK ! Chlldron Kull
iiinr > tn or wltiily Ini'liidlnif prcpiir.itlun for collect ;
i\i : > t > llunt hiitiitx thinuiiKlily lilted lip
Condiuli'd t.MIss Hc' Itlio. A M ( . .
I " "clpiili.
by | Mian Mnrry 13 llccdy.A M f
Mrs II ibcock's Konltworth Scliuol.X ItoanHnaanl
lJntf.Sc/KKil/nrOlr/ upon Sfpttmlier'a , K'l , ftt
hentlwrtii. III. , t5 ! mlles north ot Chlotuo on l.nko
bluiro ) .Now mid tlionmtlilr tiiilpiod | | bniltlliiRa
croctudenui-nnlly fur iho cliool. biittlircoinlnntoa
wtilk from the railway st itlon. bupcrlnrudvuntaifcg
Biitl bountiful locntlon. 1'circirculars , addrcus
MlUi. SIAUV Iih3VUS UAUCOCK. Konllworih. 111.
> W. A. WILSON. Prcildcut.
J D SLANTON. rr idcrit
1316 Douglns Street , Omaha , Neb.
Mnnr roar 'oipurioncu ' Kr'-niUr fr.TluiH" In mullein * i nipimnni > IIOIT. I HHI trcnllne with ll >
irrnte t ui' nil Servmn t lir ML , o < l I'-l it li'-oi't'n A perm int'nt curu vu trnni" < ! IT tulirrh ,
SpiTnintorilnni 1.'t , M-mi - , . . , ,1 - un ml U-Mknu. * , Niuht ln- i , Imp , tj i y , Myih | < il M turn , nnd Nil
| | "IM.C uf t-ii. 1)1 ) i 11 -X n n i , ' : , S II I Ku.tnri vu f 4Ji for v > r > tu > u I un I Tinko nnd full
toiuru ton il'nit. il " Hk , . | > -trruM of l.lfni mint ( r < o OHIO' li > iir-iu in t , , s M m Hiinilujr
10 n , to I. > n d t i" i fur "
kit. T. I-UI.IX l.Ill lf\l I > 'H OlillNTAI ,
CiAM ) | : , OK M UiH U. IIK.M I II liit. :
Id nun. . run. rnii | , if li't'c- '
= vi > : i lot , M > th ratLlaii lUihhaiiil - Llll
T-V" iJfcMuwi.m. I o i-rj Li. UHI.I. . on
' " - lituuiy , ami tit lit *
! . ' , | . , , . It liu
, / , Utll t ! f till of < l |
V Ml inn , "ml U mi
K. 1 //ili'ili ' | > . n.'ll
trljr nini'11 ' Alir | t
liu i o t Ii iftil uf
umlliir HIM i * . lr ) L *
A. bH ) . t Ml 111 tU A
' , ( ! ) oill.i hull Inn
! aiuitl i D "A y < iu
cr In the t ml I h | * ' * iinftiti k. . . . . . . . -
tKUl ) T li | i 'M\s l'i i r S/lin .iw n > . 8t N Y
A POSITIVc ! indpermintnl CURE lor all
ClitiMiottxaUmNARY ORGANS. Cur *
tth r olh rlroilmenl lain , Fulldirtictiontnllh ch
bailie. Pries , one dollir , Sue tlgnalure al E , I ,
8TAHU FPVBalo Oy All
The 73d Acaclem o Term Will Onun Monday.
Sept. 7th.
Tlip Academic Cmir i-l Tiior.iicli In tlio 1'rcpirn ,
tnrr "v' mid < l.i--luil druili'ii Muilc I > i > | "irt <
inont tui Un > | il. < n of iho licit t miicrvatorlix oj
Kuniio | I * iinilor cliniiio uf n c mipliMa c. rp til
tt'ni horn Sttnllii n , > ilclol "ii tlm u mt Art
til K.irtipu DnvWiiK mid I * ilnllnix Iruin lf ) J itml lh |
nntliiu | > I'l o "Krnpliy nml Ti pc W rHInttnuulit. .
nul ! < ! iiu "iuipiiM | with Klru ! : u'.ic | A pnpnr.iU
ili'pnittnp'it f'irclilltlron un lur HI Applj for intai
lUKUO 10 DIHl-llttS-lOK lilt AtniMY
Notre Dame V. O. . St. Jo toph , Co. , I ml.
.i Founded by Dit. K. TOUIIJI'K.
CARL FAELTEN , Director.
Instruction in 1'iann , Organ , Voice.
. . - - Violin , hullcKUiii. llannnny , l'.lc.
Claw Tuition , 10 lessom , f IO to * 3O I'riv.itcU'stons
given. KccilaN. Lectures , ETOPET " ' all
t' nnd Orchestral Practice r ft Spupils. .
ELOCUTION-Oratory. Dramatic and l.jric
Actuin , tine Arts , I.angmtcs , I.itcr.itiire , Tiann
anil Organ Timing , A conifiirulilc U"t Rfll IS
fur I.idy Students. ( . alcndar free ft - ' lUI K
I-iill 'I'rriu ncalim Sept. 1O , 1HU1.
FRANK W. HALE , Conornl Mannger.
Franklin Square , Boston , Mnflo.
Kill/ear , rrepnrctonr , Collrftlntc , Mnrfc nml line Art
Ponix Kits for IVcllcsH-y Bt'mtfoi lllii trRtcdcatalogu9
U F. I'.ULUKl ) . A. it. 1'tln. JackraiiilllMII. _ _ _
, -k1 ? ! mr-tnictlon In Ml dernrt-
j incuts uf Jlilflcal MiulyTtno
- ' Art.Ltc.iasiiintlcndnnn-lnafl
j-car. Aildusa 111M1ULLAHI ) , ButiU Jucksonvllle. 111.
Health Homa
anI lilltl.S.
Lnrgc Illu trntiJa LuUloRtie Bent on application.
Studi'iilu from nil pnrla ul Aint-rlcn. NuiiilH r r -
cclvdllliultid. Conducted p.irllcn It ave JSVVorlc ,
Clnclnnatl.tMilcuico , nnd other polnls for thuCollfgd
Inbuilt. HPV. K. N. UNO JI H , M , A. , I'rltlLlpal.
) . Iloardlnz
odl forCtlrlo and Youim Imiles. Kor
catiiloziio nddrcas O. TllAYKlULIi. I > . , *
Morganl'arli.lll..or 2t'i htatu btrect.Clilcaito.1" .
M NTUJ-AUanl .
To DEUHV and
( AMI.S' . t'iU In Ml. Amirdliu I" Sloftinur
nml lee itlnn of hluturonni *
liiti'riiH'illnlii nti'l Htui-riiKii nt low rutOf.
Nil CATI'I.Ulllinil. : .
CSrnAT'PSI.UVHU / : 01'
toJL/i.JLHlV Al.I.\.M I.I.VU
LINIO.i , I , STKMrtllim
vlu lnilo-iilorrj , emir ) Kortnluit. !
AtiKiiiitiMlli. iiTATi : ! ' ! NI.IIItASKA.l ) TIA ) f.
t-BiU'mlM'r.lrdSTATH | "I 1'Al.imitNIA. D. t > A M
hi-lilWHilt-r lilli , bTATB Of NKVAIIA J I' M
CAIH.N l.iuii Ili-luiii IfiX Slonrnuo 119.
Aiplr | I" AM.AN A m. i hliiiuii
II | : MiinlU. " WnliiiKh Tl , ktt ( Itllra
\ \ IVA1I. . Iliirllniitiin'riciit OtllcB
Schlifmipa'i&ttbua Cure i T r/uiliiiclM
i 4'iM ( rttiila tl. Vkortt cu ii lr.iurti com
IfurUtlt ilitpi tf ti curei li ro 'l clhiri U.I. A
itnul mti r < tfit VKHt tLrflieal , I'rlt * . 6fetH * DV
0. tl lnn liii or br mil 8tmtl FILKK In I
DIU R. . Bt. P ol7aiiin.