Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Oripplcs Prcvcd Strong Enough to
Hy flach's Gang of Miller *
Omro Mncoln n Tn to of
V/hnt finnin ! lind l cn Unjoy-
IMJJ KntiHttH City Downed
MINNKAI-OMH. Minn. , Aug. 0. [ Special
TdtcRrum toTur HUB.-Minneapolis ] opened
a tcrles with the reconstructed Omabns this
afternoon nnd promptly dropped tbo llrst
gnme nftor having It won. Sommers , n now
tnnn from Kvnnsvlllc , Ind. , played first nnd
played acceptably. Ho seems to
bo n good man with the , stick.
Wcntr , who was billed to play
second has not yet arrived. Killon was
taken out of the box In the Boventh Inning
aft6r one man bad boon put out nnd Hettger.
also a new man , substituted , lie gave evi
dence of being a first-class man , striking out
four of tbo live succeeding batsmen. The
pamo was characterized by costly errors on
both ldo .
Minneapolis mniloa tally In each Inning for
four Innings , all of them through gross errors
of the visitors. In the fifth McQunid's ' double
nnd Sommer's homo run gave two more. In
the sixth two hits , a base on balls and
Walsh's errors gave two moro , and in the
seventh n double nnd two singles cave the
locals their last tally.
McClcllnn for Omaha got around m the
first Inning oy being hit with a pitched bull ,
a sacrifice , a passed ball and Darling's error.
Three blanks were then drawn. In the fifth
four singles and White's error netted two
runs. In the sixth , but for Tredwny's
muff of Whltohcnd's fly , the side would
have boon retired without n run , nnd ns
it was the visitors went nt Kllhm rouch
shod. Trendway muffed another liy nnd made
a wild throw , the total result of tbo circus
being five unearned runs.
In the seventh thcro were some fireworks
for Klllcn's benefit , and n dizzy
old error on Mlnnchnn's part.
After five men had chased themselves
homo , Kllleuvcntto the bench nnd Kettger
Into the box. That settled the run getting' ,
as ho struck tbo next two men out and in the
eighth fanned out two of. the three. Score :
Minneapolis 1 11122100-0
Omaha ' 1 0002 5 5 0 * 13
Gurnet ] runs : Minneapolis , ! ! Omaha. 2.
Two-basn hits : Ward. McQuald , Smith , Mc-
filono , Diingnii. Hume runs : Sommers.
Stolen buses : McClelland. Double plays :
Walsh to Flaniiean ; White tnSummers. First
base on balls : IClIhm , I ) ; ICeofc , : > . Struck out :
lly Klllen , ( ! : Keefc. 2 ; Kotlger , 4. Passed
balls : Darling. 2. Time , 1:43. : Umpire , OatT-
Duluth Mtidu SuorcH While Ijitiooln
Made Krrorn Yesterday.
Dui.UTir , Minn. , Aug. 0. ( Special Tele
gram to TIIK Br.K.J Duluth kept up her
string of victories today by defeating the
Llnoolns , moro by good luck and thn errors
of the statesmen and by hlttlnjr Ehrot. The
pitching honors were about equally divided
between Inkj nnd Ebrot , each being touched
up for n total of ton bases. Thu former gave
seven bases on balls and hit n batsman and
had two bad wild pitches against him , but
bo struck out. moro mon than Ehrot and diet
bettor work nt critical points. Ehrot had
poor support. The visitors did some very
ragged Holding. In the first Stafford dropped
nn easy lly , nnd in the second fumbles ,
muffs and a wild throw lot in three runs on
one hit.
In the olchth Lincoln had two chances to
put out Inks after he had got. to first on nhlt ,
out both times failed through orrors. Lin
coln was able to lind Inks only in the second
and ninth. Dtiluth's hits wuro generally
lucky ones. Tbo homo team played a
splendid gnmo in the Held. O'llourko
especially distinguishing himself. MoMnhon
split his finger in the third and had to retire
from the game , Baldwin tuning bis plnco.
Umpire Emslio was presented with a hand
some bouquet started by Dtilulh admirers ,
lie has boon here ever since the Duluth .sea
son opened , but leaves after this series.
Score ,
uui.irrn. LINCOLN.
AH In ro A E All II. I'O A B
Wright. rf.,6 Cllno , rf. , 4 3000
l.aronuo , lib.5 3 I ! 1 1 Wllxtin , ns..4 1 2 ,1 1
McMnliono..2 1 3 0 0 J. Howe. SI.4 0 : i 3 0
HiilcliYlif , C..U 0610 llurkult. If..4 1200
O'llrlen , ! b..4 I ) . IIOHO , 11).4 1 II 0 1
Kir , m 6 0030 Htnm > nlcr..4
O'Uourko , : ! ! > . .5 2240 Itont. lib II I I a 3
llnniburir , If..3 0000 CooK , e 4
( iouil'n' 1100 IChrut , i > 4 1032
Inks , p i 1 1 2
Total..40 1) 87 11 1 Totnl r > 8 2T la 7
Dnlnth . 0 7
Mncoln . 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 4
Karnoil runs : Duluth. 1 ; Lincoln , 2. Two-bnuo
Idta : O'llrli'ii. Tlm'iflinso liltn : llnrkctt. Lett on
Imnpn : Duluth , 8 ; Lincoln , II , Stolen linnnsi Wrlulil.
2 : ( inoitciiouuli , llurti'tt. First IIUHU on hill : ; Ott
Iliku , I ) ; on Kliri > t , 2. Hit liy iiltohc',1 Imll : .1. Uotro.
.Struck out : lly Inkn. II ; by lihrol. It. 1'niHoil India :
] ) ! tldtrln. Wild pitches : Itikn , 2. 'I'lnm : Ono hour
nnil tlfly-Uvo minute * . Umplru : l nisllu.
Honey Swai't/.el'H Day.
MIMVAUKIBVls. . , Aug. 0. Inability to hit
Swartzol lost today's gamelor Milwaukee. .
Score :
l.'nrnml runs : .Mll nuke , 2 ; KinHxt Cllr , 2. Two
tmnoliltir. Ililrko , I'utllt , I'lfkutt Thrcu liaio lilt :
Huittli. Stoh'ii hu so : Hurl , r'lrnt h.inti on liulU :
llVlckurjr , 8 : l > x SwnrUi-l , 4 , Struck out : lly
Vlokury , 2 ; by Swartiol.6. 1'iuiuil luilln : rfi'lirlvor ,
Zl GUIDUII , I , Tlmoi Two hours. Umplru : Quoat.
\Vhlto Winds' Om-losltlon.
Sio x CITV , la. , Aug. 0 , Denver opened
bore today unit proved easy picking for the
' luskers. ICennody pitched rather wild at
'the outset nnd practically lost the game In
the second inning. Denver's ' Holding was
also rather shady until the latter end of the
game. Score i
Blouz Cttr . , . 1 60000JOO-SI
Dourer. . , , . 0 0000010 Ja
Kurnotl rum : Sioux Cttr. 5. Two-bine Idtm
Bwartnood. Strnuit. Tliree-buno lilus Vun Djrku ,
Hierinre Llti : Hlou Cltif , I. lloublu nlay * ; Slrauu ,
Nlutioltoii. Murrl iejr ; Sclmlbeck , Nloliulioii , Mur <
il /l Mcholiou , Morrliiujr ; Worrlck , uuaril ,
. Hit br pitched ball : Oenlns. Struckouti
llr Mcnkln. 4s Ki-MiniMlr. ' . M'llil pltchpsi Kennedy ,
3. Tlmoi Two lioum , Umiiltni Knight.
Western AnHiiuliitlou Blinding.
1'lnyod Won. Ixiit , I'cr Ct.
Milwaukee IK ) M al JKM
Omaha , T5 4i IIO .fiW
Minneapolis 01 4 ! ) 42 /KM
Lincoln. . ( O 4.1 4J .Vlrt
HiotlxOltr 88 41 41 Mi
KnnsnsOlty M 41 47 AM
Denver ffl l 53 3V ! )
Uulllth : . . .W : 58 LTO
Chicago Tnkps Ono I'roin Hostoii nfler
n llnrd I-'lKlit.
BOSTOX , Mass. , AUK. 0. t'or twelve In-
nlnps today both Nichols and Hutchlnson
pitched mrignlflccnt ball. The Aoldlng was
of tbo highest order. Score :
( ! hl'au'0 . . . .0 3
lloston 0 2
flatteries : Hutchlnsoii nnd Klttrlilitei
Nichols and Ilonnett. Karnod runs , b'hlcaso 2 ,
lloston 1.
NKW YOKK , Ati . (5. ( Today's game nt tbo
I'olo Rronnds between Now York and Pitts-
burtr was n .spirited one , the Olatits wlnnlnis
in the tenth Inning. Uuslo pitched his
tislial great game , holding down I'ittsbtirg to
six hits , and .striking out ton men. Shugart
did some great work , and his errors were of
tbo excusable kind. Ulcbardson nnd Buck-
Icy also did suporoly. The winning runs
were made on two bases on balls , a snorlltco
by O'Kourko , a two bagger by Kwlng and n
single by Bassctt. Score :
Now York 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 II 8
I'ittHburg 0 1 a 0 1 0 0 1 0 I S
Illls : Now Ynrtt , 8 : I'lllshurif , 0. Errors :
Now York , I ; I'lltsliiirff , 4. llaltorlos : Kiislu
and Huckloy ; Daldwln and Mack , l-.arnoil
runs : Now York , 2 ; I'lttshurg , I.
llIIINliS' WII.n.VKSS I.08T.
Pilii.\tKl.l'ltlA ) , Aug. 0. The Phillies de
feated Cincinnati rather easily this afternoon.
The pitchers woroaboutequally effective , but
Rhinos' ' wlldnoss proved very costly. A son-
sntlonal catch of a foul lly by Clements was
the fielding feature.
1'hllndolphla 0 00121000-4
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-t
Hits : Philadelphia. 7i Cincinnati , (5. ( Errors :
Philadelphia , 2 : Cincinnati , 1. Itatterles :
Thornton and Clements ; lEhlnos and Ivounan.
Karncd runs : I'hlludelDhla , 1.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. (1. ( The Bridegrooms
bunched tholr hits lu two Innnlng today and
wan the game from Cleveland.I'i'erry pitched
a good game in spite of poor support. Score :
Itrooklyn 2 fl" 000300 0-5
Cleveland 0 00000030 a
lilts : Brooklyn. 8 ; Cleveland , S. Errors :
Ilrooklyn , U ; Cleveland. 3. Batteries : Terry
and Dally ; Uruberand X.lniinor. tfurnod rum :
llrooklyn , 5 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
National League Htanilin : ; .
I'layod , Won. Lost , I'or C't.
Chlcayo 87 52 iXi . ' ) !
Now Voru 80 46 III .173
Huston 84 48 3(1 ( X > 71
I'hfladoltihla H3 4:1 : 42 : M
llrooklyn 84 II 43 .48S
Olovoland 88 42 (8 J77
Cincinnati ? 8 'M 52 .400
1'lttshurz 80 : it 52 39. )
Athletics Outpliiyud the HrowiiH on
the IjnttCf'H Own OroiindH.
ST. Louiu , Mo. , Aug. 0 The Athletics won
the second gauio of tbo series from the
Browns this afternoon by superior all around
work. Score :
Bt. Louis 0 2000200 1-5
Athletics 0 * 7
Hits : St. Louis. 8 ; Athletics. 14. Errors : St.
Louis. 4 ; Atlilotlc.s , a Ilatterlos : Stlvotlsand
Miinyan'oyhln \ and .Mllllgan. Karned
runs : St. Louis , 2 ; Athletics , 4 ,
Louii.vir.tE , ICy. , Aug. 0. It took the Bos
tons ton Innings to beat the Loulsvlllos this
aftornoon. The game was marked with
sharp Holding for both teams. Score :
Loiilxvlllo 4
lloston 0 020 110004-8
Hits : Louisville , 13 ; lloston , 10. Errors :
Louisville. : i ; lloston , 2. Batteries : Stratton -
ton and Cahlll ; HuillnRton and .Murphy.
Karncd runs : Louisville' , 1 : lloston , 1.
OlllOI.r.S' KltltOUS LOST.
CINCINNATI , O. , Autr. f ) . Today's game was
won by Cincinnati , in much Iho same way as
yesterday' . Baltimore's
poor Holding and
hard hitting by the ICollys won the gaina for
tbo homo team before live- Innings bad boon
played. Score :
Cincinnati 0 7
Italtlmoro 0 00 4
Hits ! Cincinnati , 4 : Baltimore , 8. Errors :
Cincinnati , 4 : llaltlmore , 4 , Itattorlos :
Dwycr and Kelly : Madden and Koblnsoii.
Karncd tuns : Cincinnati , 4 ; Baltimore , 2 ,
Coi.u.Miitifi , O. , Aug. 0. The poor work of
Clarke In the box losttou.ay's game for Colum
bus. The batting of Snood , SutclilTo nnd
McGuire were features of a slow and tire
some game. The errors of Columbus woroj
very costly , Score :
Columbus 1 0
Washington 0 : i 2 30210 * 11
Hits : Columbus. 10 : Washington. 10. Er
rors : Columbus , 4 ; Washington , ! ) , tlattorlos :
Clarke , 'L'u'ltholt and Donahue ; Foreman and
McUulro. Earned runs : ColumbiiH , 3 : Wash
ington , 3.
American Association Standing.
Played. Won. Lost. I'or Ot.
Boston Ul 61 30 .070
Bt. Louis Oi r ) 31 .KM
Baltimore 87 49 33 MU
Athletics 89 43 44 .5JU
Columbus ! )2 ) 4 40 .50) )
Cincinnati 89 40 4 ! ) .440
Washington 87 29 53 311
Louisville t > 5 31 01 .320
lllliiois-lown Ijoatcno Giuiios.
At Cedar Haplds Cedar Rapids , 4 ; Rook-
ford , 0.
At Qulnoy Qulnoy , 8 ; Ottumwa , 4.
fil'AltKS OF Nl'OUT.
Stars Put Out.
Yesterday the Omaha IClds got n half nelson -
son on the Twenty-seventh Street Stars nnd
put them square on their collective back.
This result was not accomplished without
much earnest effort , and so elated were the
IClds after the game ttwtthoy voted 9 to 0
to change the team's name to tlio Keystones.
Hereafter any outfit looking for the Omaha
Kids must address tbo Koystonos. Yester
day's ' game was :
OMAHA KIDH. ] 2TT11 Nl'ltmir KTAIIS.
It 111 ! IA 1 it nu i > A i :
.lotuiNun 1 2320 llnnl i i 3 2 l
D.iy . 2 Walker 0 I II 3 2
Kriilil ,3 3 ! ) 3 0 Weber : l 3900
Swnmion. v.l 1 0 I 0 A.HaMUU84on.t ! 0 3 1 0
Mmlli 2 llnrrlium 2 1 2 2 2
AtcKurliiml. . . ! 0200 .Murrlun 1 0 ; i 0 3
Shnntlulil 1 2200 N.lliiimiiiaJon.l 1000
NulHiu 1 2000 Normun 1 2 1 0 J
Kostor 2 H 1 4 0 0 0 > 0 0
Total 14 111 Iff IT 3 Toliil 10 827 8 U
llun.i earned : OiimUti KIH | | , ' .h Twtmty-suvuntli
ntrret Htnrs , ( I. Two IKUU hits : V'cistor , Trull. Three
bn u hits : l-'ostor. Klrnrk outlly Day , 3 ; liyTrnll ,
I ; byVulkor a. Wild pitch ; Wiilkur. llutturlus :
OiiliUiii Kliln , Day , Trult niul .loliiisiin ; Twunly-
nuvciith street Ktiim , Widki-r aim lluiil. Tlnio. Two
liuurs. Umiilrui Uoi'iiiia.
Itlalr Won It"
BLAIII , Neb , , Aug. 0. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BUB. ] The Fremont pasotmll to\m
dropped the second game bore today with
the locals score lii to 5 nnd then loft for
homo on the U o'clock train with
tholr bonds down. The homo team
made four . scores in tbo first Inning ,
and thu visitors got bail I v rattled over
It , nnd It took them some time to recover
t hemsolves. When they did it was too Into
n the season to catch up. The hits were
about evenly divided. Fremont made ton
and Blair eleven. The visitor * . ' hits did not
do them much good , for as soon as they 11 Hod
the buses Welbaum would retire the side by
strike outs. Thfa homo te.uu stole bases llko
thieves , getting tea , which aided much
toward winning the gamo. Score by
innings :
Blair , 4 -12
Fremont , 0 3-5
Karncd runs : Blair , ft ; Fremont. S. Buses on
balls : Oir Welbamn ; otr Finch , 8. lilt by
pltchnr : Italian ) , Ousac , Tow , Farmur.
Htrnohout : lly Wtilhaum.ili bv Flnuh " Wild
pitches : By Wolbaiim , 3 ; by Flnuh. 2. Passed
halls : Urover , It Bailey. 2. Two base hits :
Mat hews , Orovor , Adams , Tlcknor. Tiirea
hasp hits : Bailey. Iliitlerlos : For Blair.
\\olhaum and G rover ; Fremont , Finch nnd
Bulluy. Time of game : Two hours. Umpire :
Shooting nt UiirlliiKtnn ,
BUIIUNUTO.V , la. , Aug. 0. fSpeclal Telegram -
gram toTiiKBeis.J One of the most success.
ftil trap shooting tournaments ever held In
the western states closed today ot tbe
grounds of the DCS Moines County Trap
Shooters'association. The interest \tas un
abated , weather ftue and soorei irlondlu.
Ono feature of tbo tournament was the loam
shoot between ton mon from Illinois and ten
men from town , cash man shooting at twenty
birds. Iowa won In a total score of Hill dead
birds to Illinois' 151. Another Interesting
event was the contest between Avery of Bur
lington nnd Hlckoy of Oaloaburg. Ills. , for n
purse of fcW , each to shoot at twenty-ilvo
birds. Avery won with twenty dead birds.
Hlckoy getting but fourteen. A number of
line contests followed , nil having good scores.
Australian rtnortliiK Mrtttors ,
SAN FiiAXCiBi'O. Cnl. , Aug. 0. The steamer
Atimcdn from Australia brines advices
which confirm the report of the defeat of
Owen Sullivan , ex-barrier champion of
Australia , In two rounds at the hands of Joe
ChoyuskI the California ! ! pugilist.
The AInmcda passed the steamer Mnralposa
at Auckland , N. Z. , .Tilly IS , The John L.
Sullivan theatrical troupe was aboard the
Mnralposa on tholr way to Sydney. It was
reported that Sullivan Indulged in liquor on
arrival at Auckland to such an extent that
Captain Hnyward of the Mnrnlposa had boon
constrained to order him confined to the
SVN FiiAKCfpco , Cal. , Aug. 0. Australian
ndvlcos stnto that the mntch between Billy
Murphy nnd Grlffo , which was to have taken
ulacoat Sydney July IB was postponed for a
week , as John L , Sullivan was expected to
nrrivo by July 2J and bo would bo Invited to
Considerable preparation Is being made for
Sullivan's arrival In the colonies.
. Details of the Stanbury-McLoan race on
the Paramatta rlvor July II for the sculling
championship shows that Stanbiiry , who
was the favorite nt 12 to , was uovor hondod ,
nnd won by two lonulhs.
. - h : ot.
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Aug. 0. ( Special
to TIIK BKK.J The gun club enjoyed their
weekly shoot nt the old driving park grounds
yesterday afternoon , nnil Walt IHilmos cap
tured the badge. The score at ton 1'oorla
blackbirds was as follows :
Lomm . 10011 1IO'1 t !
Jones . inoi 00111 7
\Vobor . 10100 01101 5
Johns . 10111 11111 0
Kubrey . llltl 01110 8
Holmes . 11111 11111 10
DoBpaln . OI10I 11101 7
Hyecs . 100DO 11010 4
Frlcko . Hill 01111 I )
Mtinim . 00111 flllll 7
Kubroy took first money In a sweepstakes ,
Jones second , and Holmes third. In the
second , Johns took llrst , Dospalu second ,
Jones third ,
AVon Joth.
HASTINOS , Neb. , Aug. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BIIK.J Hastings won both
games of the sorlos with the Lincoln Giants.
Today's games was very exciting nnd was
won by Hastings. Score :
HaslliiRS . 0 01000303-7
Lincoln . 1 5
Batteries : Hastings , IJohror and Abbott ;
niaiits. Miller and Maiipln. Struck out :
Hastings. 4 ; Lincoln , 7. Errors : Hustings , 10 ;
Lincoln , 0. Double nlays : Bulger , McKlhhnn
and Waliek , Wallek and Powers. Schnnot and
Mclvlbben. Two-huso hits : Taylor. Base
hits : Lincoln , 5 ; Hastings , I ) . Umpire : John-
son.Tho prevailing feeling hero is that tbo
Giants are moro than n match for Fremont , Game at
Cvsimtinni : , Neb , , Aug. ( I. [ Special to THE
Bnu. ] An exciting game of ball was played
nere Tuesday bv the "Kid Nino" of Arapahoe -
hoe and the Little Clippers of this placo.
Arapahoe secured a load in tbo llrst by three
runs , but the Clipper. * In the third tied the
score. From that time until the eighth only
ono run was made and that was to the credit
of the Clippers. Four runs in the eighth by
Cambridge cinched the victory. Follow
ing Is the score by innings :
Arapahoe , , . i. . 2 0
Cambridge . 0 * I )
Illinois FfriiinII'H . oiirnnnicnt.
LINCOLN , Ills. , Aug. 0. Four thousand
people were present at the last day of tbo
firemen's tournament. Mondota won the
sprinters' contest , Genoseo won the hub nnd
hub , und the free-for-all was won by Mount
Pulaskl. The hook and ladder free-for-all
was won by Gencsoo in 0SO : 4-5 , breaking all
state records. The novelty hub and hub was
taken by Uenesco , and the free-for-all hub
ana hub hose race by Mount Pulnskl. In tbo
ball game between the Llncolus and Cham
pions of central Illinois and Mount Carroll ,
Lincoln won by a score of 13 to 0.
Kentucky Olicss Tourney.
LBXINOTO.V , Ky. , Aug. 0. At tbo ohoss
tournament Lloyds' priro problem was solved
In half an hour by Prof. Dolloodo , who was
awarded the gold chods pin. Score up to
Friday morning :
Won. Lost. Drawn.
1'ollock . , . .
Showaltor . 3 1
Flck . 2 1 1
Hanham .
Eudomann .
Klploy . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Mnson City s Close.
MASON CITV , la. , Aug. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKK.J Today closed the racing
on the Mason City turf club's traclt , about
four thousand persons attended. There were
some line exhibitions of speed and some record -
cord breaking.
2:23 : pacing , purse $1,000 : Deacon won ,
Federal second , Slrow third ; host time 2:20. :
2:40 : trot , purse $ IHO ) : Kate B won. Little
Mike second. Dodo Ihlrd ; best tlme2:2ii. :
liuttc City Needs a v ntuhor.
ATKINSON , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special Tolo-
grnmtoTnu Buu.J A gnrao of baseball at
this place today between Butte City and
Atkinson resulted in a score of 13 to 15 in
favor of Atkinson. Poor catching on tbe
part of the Butte City Braves Is all that
saved tbo Atkinsonites.
The Clippers AViint a FOR.
OMAHA , August fl. To the Basobtjll Editor
of TIIKBKE : Tbo Clipper Juniors nro open
to nn engagement with any team , players not
over sixteen years of ago , in or about the
city. Address Fred W. Swain , 1810 Binnoy
Won by the .Mints.
BKATIIICU , Nob. , Aug. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BiB. ! [ Beatrice Mint nnd
Lincoln Musoo played a line game of ball
here this afternoon. A big crowd was pres
ent. Beatrice was the winner by a score of
0 to 0.
Snlly's Out ol' - Iffht.
LONDON , Aug. 0. Ted Pritchard , the
English champion middleweight , Intends to
start for the United States in n short time.
Ho will Issue n chnllongo to moot any man In
tbo United States.
Kopoi-torlal Dorhy.
CHICAGO , Aug. 0. [ Special to THE BEII.J
After much consideration Wednesday , Au
gust 13 , has boon fixed upon as the date for
the Roportorlal Derby at Garllold park. A
mooting of the judges , the racing 'stewards
and the representatives of the press was bold
in Colonel Clark's rooms yojtorday nftor thoraces
races , and tba particulars am ] conditions of
the great struggle were agreed upon. The
value of the Is $ ' 50 and a gold watch ,
the money to bo divided between the three
llrst borsos , and the watch to go to tbo BUS-
ccssful rldor. The lowest weights allowed a
mount will bo li" pounds nnd tuo highest IGO
pounds. Only ronl , live Chicago reporters
will bo eligible , The distance has been fixed
at three-quarters of a mile. There will In all
probability bo four or live starters , but the
number of tlnlshors is an unknown quantity.
Spoclnl arrangements nro being made nt th.0
park for the Immense crowds expected to
witness this , the loading sporting event of
the season.
Kitowood'H Houord.
NEWMAN GIIOVE , Mob , , Aug. 0 , [ Special
toTiiE UEB.-Kltowooil ] , owned by Soarlns
& Ellsworth of this place , won first money
in the D:50 : trotting class at Mason City , In. ,
on tbo 4tb Inst , time , " ; ! } ! , which , consular-
Ing that the track was now and heavy , is
considered remarkable spood. Horsemen
claim that UM : on tbat track was equal to
better than 2UO ; on a track in good condition.
Ijorotto's I'oxtmtistui' .
WASHINGTON , Aug. 0. [ Special Telegram
to THE DUE. ] The postmaster general today
npuolntod J. K. McCartney postmaster at
Lai-otto , Boone county , vloo J , W , Farly ,
dJ v
to < )
Report o'f the 'BdJv'rJ ' of Pub'b ' Linth ami
ljngpdon tbe Asylum.
Jf IB _
' *
lilvoi'liiKhoitriRV ilooUH In a Chaotic
Condition iWiirclossiicH * " In Mak
ing I'ni-ohuM'H No Itccoininon-
LINCOLN , Neb , , Aug. G. [ Special to TUB
Br.K. ] At u special mooting this evening the
board of public luniU atut buildings adopted
and slgnid their findings on the Investigation
of the llnsUng.s hospital for the Insane ai
prepared by the ottornoy gononil. It does
not embody , but tnoroly refers to the report
cf the uxpurt accountant who examined tlio
books of the Institution , which ropoi't will bo
attached to the board's findings and trans-
mlttid to Governor Th : ycr. The report b
very long and damaging , showing numerous
Irregularities and the grossest carelessness In
the financial records of the hospital. The
board has made no recommendation to the
Kovornor , believing that the simple statement
of it * findings , backed by nearly four hun
dred paces of testimony , Is sulllclent. The
members of the board feel that tlio results
have justlflcd the investigation. They are
willing to roU on their report and lot the
governor take the responsibility of further
action. Following are Iho board's findings :
LINCOLN , Nob. , Ann. n. Hon. .Tolin t M.
Thayur , ( iovernor of tlio Htato of Nebraska :
Sir--Tlio board of public lands and Imlldlnes
respectfully hogs leave to report that uarlv In
tlio month of Juno , ism , charges of a serious
nature , suvorely rolloolliiK upon tlm iiinnnKo-
niunt of the asylum for the Incuralilo Insanu
lit Hustings , Nob. , were made to this bo.ird.
Tlio charges were as follows :
1. Irregularities , v/hlol. wore alleged to have
occurred In the financial management of the
s. Neglect and misconduct on the partof the
ofllcori and employs of said Institution
toward tlm patients committed to their
3. Conduct unbecoming ofllc rs and detri
ment : t ! to the food management and good
numo of said Institution.
Wo have inudo as careful and as
thorough an Investigation of these
several charges as was possible , under
o.xlillui : circumstances , and herewith wo
transmit to yon nil of the evidence which we
havn taken , which you will observe was com
menced on tho-Glh dtiv of June , ( Mil , and was
endu.l on the 5th day of August. 1831.
A hrlof history of the matter. In our opin
ion , will not ho out of place , June H , 1SD1 , Hon.
John O. Allen , sec-rotary of slate , made the
discovery that certain practices hud been In
dulged In by the olllcors In charge of the asy
lum for the Incurable Insane at Hastings.
Moh. , viz ! Dr. K. 11. Test , superintendent , and
.1. W. li Ivorlnghoiisp. steward. In the matter
of drawing money from the slate ostensibly
for the institution , on vouchers duly certified
to by tlioin as just and correct , which were
Irregular and apparently fraudulent. These
several vouchers wore drawn by the stew
ard , certified by the superintendent ,
and the money represented by them , was
regularly drawn'froin theslato treasury. At
once , upon Mich' ' illieovery. Secretary Allen
communicated the Hhovo facts to this board.
Tbo hoard dlrectod'hlm ' to communicate with
Steward MvorlnphcMlso regarding the matter ,
In order that an opportunity for an explana
tion of the transaction might ho had. In pur
suance of such direction , there was addressed
to Steward Llvcr'tngbouso , on Juno U , 1801 , by
Secretary Allen ifcommunlcAtJou of which
the following Is i ) copy :
"LINCOLN. Nob. . June 0. 1891. , T. W. Liver-
In'-'hoiih0 , c * ! ] . , Hastings , Neb. Dear Sir : I
write to you at tills'"time ' , usklng for an ex
planation roiranllni'-.two vouchers that I will
call your uttentlpn to , 1 have not the time to
enter Into a detailed account regarding the
voucners In question , but will -say that there
appears to ha > ; o been allowed to you upon
n voucher , dat6T "November XI , 180' ' , the
sum of J.S.l.oO on'n'cc'ount of employe's wages.
Of this amount JU.5l > ; was for Thomas Ko'ley. '
discharged I find , by a voucher under date of
March. ! ! , 1801 , tllitt you have drawn for the
same Thomas JuiUoy. ttho sum of $ ! . ' > , n , ' ! , the
difference being the Interest you have figured
the same as upon all accounts allowed at that
time. I also fiiiu a voucher under date of
January 'M , IS ! ) ] , and allowed by the board of
public lands' und "buildings at Its regular
meotlnq , February : i , ' for RliMn. Of this
amount SUM Is foryouraalary from October 1
to November 1 , 1801. Upon a voucher pre
sented by voiirsolf to this board , under date
of March III , I lind that you have charged the
state JU12.50 , for which 3'ou received your war
rant In duo time , being for services as steward
from October 1 to April 1 , which amount Is
J100 more' than you are entitled to , or
rather you have charged the state , twice for
your services during the month of October.
1 would suirgeat to you the advisability of
appearing before the board of public lunds
and buildings at an early date to explain to
Its satisfaction these two transactions.
Awaiting a reply from you , I remain , yours
truly , JOIINU. AM.KN.
"Secretary of State. "
On Juno 13 following , this board , through
Secretary Allen , received from Mr. fjlvoring-
house two replies to the above communica
tion , each of which was written on the same
day , of which the following are copies :
IlAtfTiMiH , Nob. , Juno I.'lth , Ib9l , J. it. Allen ,
Dear Sir : I ask this personal fiivor of you
that you con.o out. will see our'books , and
allow mo In justice' to mysulf to show the
matter to you. and tbat you do not make Iho
matter public until you satisfy yourself about
tlio facts ; these matters given to the public ,
however Innocent I may bo. or excusable the
error , no explanation could ho made to the
public that would roach the distance the first
ronort would. The nurty that has been pur
suing mo for two years. tbat I think Is doing
this , will stop short of nothing to ruin me.
Would deem It a great favor If you would
come out , or stop over on your way home , or
to MeUook. I trust you Will assist me In got-
tlng the facts to the board In proper form.
Lot. mo hoar from yon. Yours truly ,
"II ASTiNns , Nob. , Juno 111. Hon. J. 0. Alien ,
Lincoln , NeU , Dear Sir : After mailing a letter -
tor to you yesterday morning I received
yours In reference to the vouchers referred
to , would suy In reply that In the rush of busi
ness at the close of the biennial period some
errors wore made , among them those referred
to In your letter , hut wore discovered and re
ported to the superintendent , and by his order
the money was transferred to the cash fund
and put on deposit In the bunk Inside of forty-
eight hours after Its receipt , us our books will
show , where It lias remained ever since ; ho
also ordered that the same ho reported to your
hoard in the quarterly report at the end of the
present quarter. I will gladly appear before
your board at a designated time , but think It
would be more satisfactory to yon , and much
moro so to mo to have some member of the
hoard , or tlio full board come out and look
over our booKs and accounts , and I am con
fident those things will bo .satisfactorily ex
plained. Wo would bo very glad to have you
come If It la possible. Very respectfully yours ,
"J.v , LivKiiiNCinoirHi ; . " .
Soon after thl It was openly charged in the
public press and bv Individuals of this state
that not only was the management of tlio
financial affairs of the asylum being managed
In u corrupt and dishonest manner , but that
Its olllcors wiToguIIfy of neglect of patients
coinmlltod to their uhargo and of conduct un
becoming otllcors of tho.stato and detrimental
to the Rood management of that Institution.
On consideration tf/h / board concluded to
make an invostlgilUMfrof tho.vo charges , On
June 1IMM , thorn wiis.aildrosscd to you by
this board u communication Informing yon of
Its Intention to nuiikujan Investigation of the
alTalis of the ii ulilin and suggesting that
pending such Investigation , and until such
time as an accurate Knowledge of the affairs
of that InslltutioilTDiild be arrived 'it ' , you
suspend from duty I the superintendent ami
steward. The following Is a copy of said com
munication : , , , . ,
"LINCOLN , Nob. , J.lino 15. Hon. John M.
Thiiyor , Uoveinor of. Nebraska : Do.irSIr It
has come to the knowledge of the hoard of
publ e lands and biddings that grave Irregu
larities have taken1 tll.'ico ' in tlm management
of tlio llnanclal alflllft of the hospital for the
ohronlo Insane , a't > o Hastings , Neb These
Irregularities aroofts'ich u character , ns In
the opinion of thu hdurd , called for act Union
their part , andnintlm uth Inst. a letter was
transmitted by thbl vtctetary of the imard to
J. W. Llvorlnnhoiiaq , toward of that Institu
tion , calling his nttquilon to homo of the inoni
Important items tluiiY discovered , and which
wen ) uliilmo I : p/ , this board to be
Irregular and fraudulent In their
character. A copy of that letter is hoiewith
oiicloxod. On the Uth Inst. Mr. IilverliiKliunsu
replied to tlio hour.l in two communications ,
copies of which are ah > o enclosed herewith.
Other Items similar In character as those
mentioned In the letter of tlm board of the
Uth Inst. btlll await an explanation. In the
opinion of this board ( lie affairs of that Insti
tution ilemand a thorough nnU searching In
vestigation , pending which wo would Miggou
that the .superintendent and steward of the
Institution bo suspended from further duty ,
un II such time as an accurate knowledge of
all transactions done -during their adminis
tration .shall be urrlvuil at. Yours very re
spectfully. JOHN U. AI.I.K.V
Secretary of Hoard of 1'ulillc Lands and
llulldlngt. "
Owliu t'J the absence of Hon. A. H.
Humphrey , commissioner of public lands
and buildings , from the elty on ofllelal
business , this board was not called to
gether by him until June lit , on which
date Hon. A. It. Humphrey duly convened tlm
board In special suislun for the purpose of
considering the several charges no made , at
which meeting It was unanimously resolved
lo Invoillzatii tlm several charges tat forth In
the notice imtllni ; the special meetInir , ami
duporlntandonlTest and Steward l.'vcrlin ' ; !
house woriMlulv notlllcd to npponrhcforo the
board on.lunu at , I.H , and at thn < uim > time to
produce u detailed account of the amount of
eash mi hand In U Uiuwn Instl-
tutlon lift the "mish fund , " together with the
amount paid .n to said fund with datoot s uno ,
the ahiount I'Xpende I with date and vouchers
therefor , and thiil the statement 'bo mvom-
p.'inlt'd by a draft payable to the order of the
slattt tro isuror for the amount of uasn on
Imnd In."aid fund. On the 1Mb the parties
appeared ami produced a draft as had brim
luMiilrcd | for the iiiin of 9 s being the
amount ( if the cash fund then on hand , which
draft WIH , by this board , placed In the posits *
xlon of Hon. J. 1C , Hill , stale tre isurer , und the
books of the asylum , together with all of the
papers , vouchers , documents and memoranda
that had boon furnished us by said otllcers ,
are stilt In the piHscxflon of this board , e\copl tlm draft above named. The board
deemed It prudent to call to Its assistance a
.skilled > ind co-iipuful accountant , to ale. It In
Its research , ami selected .Mr. T. It. I.cavltf , u
gentleman whose reputation as a skillful ,
painstaking , Ihoiouuh and reliable account
ant Is second to mini' , and placed In hs ! hands
all of the books , patters , vouchers , chocks ,
do'Umeiits and memoranda wi > had been ttble
to procure from the otlleers of suld asylum ,
for his Investigation , with the following In
structions :
Ijt.Nfiii , * , Nob. , July 1S.--T. H. f.oavltt , I > q. ,
pity. Dear Sir : Wo h.ivo placed In your
hands and at your disposal for your examina
tion nil the books of account , vouelmr-t.
papers , etc. . relating to the financial truisao-
ttousof the superintendent and steward of
the hospital for the chronic Insane nt Hast
ings , Nob.nnrounahlo to discover from
thorn , so fully and clearly as wo deslro. Just
what has been done , orto learn from them th
e.xact financial condition of that Institution
You are hereby requested fo make 11 careful
and thorough examination and Investigation
of these books , vouchers , et . . In such m inner
and to such extent us will enable you to give
us adlsllniit history of the monetary trans
actions of that Institution , from the date on
which the same was opened , until the a stday
of May , 1S1H. together with the exact condition
of affalrsof thai Institution on the last namea
date and report lo us at as early a ante as
practical. It Is the desire of the
board. however , that you keep
separateand distinct the two
administrations that have had the manago-
moutof the affairs of that Institution. If
them ben data from any of the ollli'ns at the
capltol that you will rciiulr'e In order to aid
you In the Investigation , or to verify or
explain any transaction which may not bo
clearly of record , It will bo the pleasure of any
member of the state board of public lands and
buildings to furnish you with the same. The
charges mudu against the management and
against the Institution Is that there have
boon --rave Irregularities connected with tlm
financial management of the same. The board
desires that you make to It a preliminary report
port containing such Information as yon can
readily arrive nt , anil that your preliminary
report be handed In. not later than July"J.
1891 , In which report It desires you to answer
the following questions : Do you find n com
plete sot. of accounts In tlm books , mem
oranda , etc. , of the hospital for the chronic
Insane nt Hastings , .Nob. , which has boon sub-
milted to von by the board of public lands
and buildings ? That Is to say do you Und suf
ficient data from which a full statement of
the financial affairs of tlm Institution can be
prepared by you , dating finm the opening of
the Institution to the Inauguration of the ad
ministration of Dr. R U. Test and from the
Inauguration of the administration of Dr.
Test to thoJIlst day of Ma > IsUI. If your an
swer to the question should bo In the nuga-
tlve Will you Inform this board what books ,
memoranda , papers or vouchers are lacking ?
C'anyou trace the monetary transactions of
the institution from the time Dr. Test became
Its superintendent until the Hist day ot May ,
1MI1 , from the books , papers , vouchers , etc. ,
which have heretofore boon submitted to yon ?
If not will yon oxnla'ii to this board the rea
son ? Do you find from your examination any
checks or vouchers among the papers sub
mitted to you that are fictitious or that are
not properly entered upon the books ? Have
you discovered any Irregularities In
the keeping of any of the accounts ? If
so , what accounts , the nature of the
Irregularities ? Have you discovered a
fund , known to that Institution as the ish
fund ? I f so , give us Its origin and date of the
several Items composing It , and the amount
that has been expended therefrom , Do the
charges , so far as you have been able to ob
serve , correspond with the vouchers and
chocks heretofore submitted to you ? So fur
as you havn been able to examine , are these
charges of Irregularities In the llnanclal man
agement of that Institution , corroborated by
any of the books of accounts , or by any of the
vouchers , paper or other documents sub
mitted to you/ Yours very respect fully ,
"A. It. HuMi'iiiiur ,
"President of Hoard of Public Lands and
Ituildlugs. "
Un thoSth day of August , 1801. wo received
from Mr. Lcavltt , the accountant , his pre
liminary report , which Is herewith trans
mitted. The testimony In this case Is exceed
ingly voluminous , and covers over three hun
dred pages of closely trypowritton matter ,
which , with the exhibits , make It ciulte a for
midable ] undertaking to attempt to be
come famlllur with , but the Interests of
the stato. as well as the parties under
Investigation , seemed to demand at our hands
the most searching examination. Section T ,
article" , chaptersof ; ) the compiled statutes
of the slate of Nebraska provides as follows :
"It shall be the duty of the board ( referring
to .he board of public lands and buildings )
to take cognizance of all charges or com
plaints made against the a.nd public officers ,
and at a regular meeting to give an Impartial
hearing to such chaigcs and the defense
against them. If any , and report the charges ,
evidence and their conclusions In the matter
to the governor within six days after the de
termination of such Investigation. " While
section 11 of the same article and chapter
provides as follows : "The president shall
nave the power to call the board together In
special meeting If , In his judgment , the public
good requires the same lo bo done for any pur
pose contemplated In this act , and such call
shall bo by written notice , stating the pur
pose of meeting , which notice shall be deliv
ered to each momborof the board. "
Under the provisions of section 7 , It will bo
observed that It Is made the. duty of the
board , not only to report to your excellency
the evidence that has been tatcon , but our
conclusions as well.
After a careful hearing and on due con
sideration of all the evidence , wo have unani
mously arrived at the following conclusions :
1. That the vouchers drawn by Steward
Llveringhouse , and which were duly certified
to by Dr. Test , the superintendent , aj being
just ami correct , to the following named per
sons , wore drawn and certified to by those
olllcors. they well knowing that the state was
not Indebted to any of those persons In any
sum whatever , they being either duplication
of other vouchers or else purporting to bo
drawn for wages for employes , when In fact
no such employe was lu the service of the
state , the warrant In payment of which was
drawn by the steward. That Is to say ; Kelley ,
815.11. ! Corn Illokmnn. flUTS ; Llndvig , Wuilj
MHS | Uulgor , $ ) . ' . : : > ; Marvin , ft ! : ! : Ularey. * 15 ; ! ) ; making a total of $ .VSI.i ; : ; that
none of these amounts wore duo any
of parties , and that Ihoy wore
drawn by thostowi > rd , after having been duly
certified to as correct by the superintendent
as above stated ; tlmttho steward andsuper :
intendent divide.I iho amounts up Into these
.several small sums for the admitted purpose
of deceiving ibis board , and In order to have
Iho fact of their duplication escape their no
tice , fearing , as they claim , If the full amount
had boon placed In one voucher , or to one
person , the board would delect thu scheme
and refuse to permit the money to be drawn
It Is perhaps only fair to say , however , that
the steward claims th it ho drew these fraud
ulent vouchers with the knowledge and con
sent of the superintendent , Cor HID purpose of
drawing out of the stale treasury till of Iho
money that had boon appropriated for the use
of that Institution for that year , and
tbat lie deposited the samu lu the
bank of Hastings with the hahince of the
pay roll , expenses etc. , payableto ! \V \
Llvorlnghouse , steward , and that he did so
draw siid , money , so as to piovout any part of
the money which the prior legislature had
appropriated to that Institution from laps
ing. The constant Ion , however , of the state
of Nebraska , section " ' ' , article'I , provloos as
follows : "No allowance shall bo made for the
Incidental expenses of any state olllcor.
except the same be made by general appro
priation , und upon an account specifying
each Item. No money .shall be drawn from
the treasury except In pursuance of a spcclllo
ipproprlation made by law , an I on the prc-
eiilailon of a warrant Issue , ! by the auditor
thereon , and no money xlinlt ho diverted from
any appropriation midoforany purpose , or
Laken from any fund whatever , either by
joint or sep irate resolution. "
Hence , wo conclude In any event tin ) action
if the superintendent and steward was
llu-al , contrary to the constitution and
unwarranted by law , and the practice , If
ndult'cd In : could only result disastrously.
Wo further lind that no separate fund , known
iy the olllcors of this institution as the "eash
Tu ml" has been koutby t horn nt thu ha UK , where
Ihoy have kept the funds of the Institution ,
urn that the Individual funds of J. W. Uvur-
nghoiisonnd thu moneys belonging to the
stale have been Indiscriminately mingled and
< opl together lu iho bank lu the name of J.
W. Llveringhouse , steward , and have been
Irawn upon by him at will.
J. Wo further find from the evidence that
the said ollleers of the asylum have traf-
luked In the goods of the stale provided for
: lm use of the patients and have sold tlm biime
lo employes , receiving Iho money therefor ,
iml for a part of which they have falloJ 10 nu
ll , lii the letter to the board under date of
Iuno III. IS'.ll ' , the matter of two of the
vouchers , vlICollcy * IV l and l.lverliig-
IOIIHO 1100 , Mr. Ijivorltighouso claimed was a
.ilstake , and th.U MI soon as ho discovered Iho
uistako the amount was put Into thu imsh
: iind. " hut no mention was made of thu other
vouchers that wor. ) In thes.imo plUlito
I ml from the evidence the duplication of thu
: wo vouchers before named , aS well us the
abort ahovo set forth , wan not n mistake , but
mt was deliberately and wilfully done.
4. The report of Mr. T. H. l.oavltl , which N
Mihjolno I , shows a molt lamentable condition
if thi ) books and biulnoin methods of the in
stitution. Not only has there been an absu-
itte want of care and business melho'l , but
.hu book * appear to be In inch n condition
that no parson , whntornr may ho hhouallflaa
tlons , can , from thorn , arrive at the tlnnnula
condition of the ,
\\nfurtliorflml from thrt evidence thn
there has boon an absolute disregard for th
Interests of the state lu thu purchase o
drii's , groceries and ether supplies ; tlm
there h s hos-ii an absolute IncK.of huMnot
principles , and uxorb taut price * have beni
Paid for merchandise for that Institution , fi
furnishing estimates for morohaiidlsi > , the In
tjirostsof thoslalo have boon neglected am
thiMo estimates furnished In such a nruinc
that It has made legitimate eompo
tltlon Impossible. The evidence disclose
that the bids for these supplies , oyun whci
made by the mine company , or Indlvldua
varied widely with naoli roourrln * quarter
without any corresponding olmnto In tin
market , and there appears to have been a
studied effort on the part of the nmimgcmun
to purchase nomippllcs on which the bid WUH
nt. a price equal to or below the market valtlt
of the. commodity and to puroh-i ie In largi
quantities those article * that wore lu a bid a
an exorbitant figure. .Thlseontlnili'd practice
Indicates to this board that It was by design
and not accidental , and deserves the sovores
Wo cite only n few of the many Incidents
shown by thn testimony. I'op the uuarler
ending HcptJiithorlM. ISM , Silver ( Ton stand
was agreed to bo furnished th it Institution a
8 cents per pound , at which price Itl pounds
wore purchased Sop'ombor 37. three days
prior to the expiration of the quarter
On October 1 ' following , the bu
by the same p irty for Iho sain article was - '
cents per pound , and at that price no st-ircl
was purchased during the quarter. For tin
quarter ending September , 'IJ. ISM. the bid for
furnishing elder vinegar was H cents per gal
Ion. Noun , however , was purchased al tlm
price. October I , the same parly coiitrnctm
to furnish the satmt commodity at 1H cents par
gallon , ami at the latter price a large quan
tity was purchased. I'or the quarter ending
September : ! " . IHIM. syr < ip was aitive I to bo fur
nlshcd -"u'onls per gallon. None , however ,
was purchased during that quarter , but on
October I lliosamo party conlracted to fur
nish the same gr.ulu of svrup at TO ccnl-s per
gallon , and two barrels wen- purchase I. Sep- , IsU ) , forty pounds of baking powder
were purchased nt 40 cents per pound. The
next day , October I. tin simo p.irty from
whom the baking piiwdnr was boiKMit makes a
bid to furnish the sam article for the ensu
ing quarter at ' 'u cents per pound. It Is need
less to add , none was purchased. The same
facts exist with ro/nrd to the purchase of to
bacco , hominy , chocolate , oat meal , cammd
goods , etc.
il. In the matter of the death of the pitlcnt.
X.h'gler , which occurred on July : t , IS'H ' , we nre
convinced that there was gross carelessness
and negligence on the part of the olllcors ami
employes In the treatment of the patient
The evidence tends to show th it h ? die I from
Iho effects of an overdose of the drug known
as pirnlduhydo , which appears to have boon
administered under the direr-lion of Dr. lU
Test at. It ) n. m. , and the patient died on the
following day about li m. , without having re
covered from the stupor .superinduced by the
In conclusion , permit the board to say that
It has made this Investigation under circum
stances exceedingly adverse , to say the least.
The legislature placed no funds at Its com
mand with which to pay the expenses of tlio
board , ollleers , witnesses or counsel , and when
It Is considered that It has boon oblUod to
hunt up thu witnesses , procure their altcnd-
anro , and attend to all other matters pertain
ing to the Investigation , when the oilier du
ties , of the respective olllcors are olalmliiT all
of the time at command , and the further fact
that the jlllcers under Investigation were con
tinued In charge of tli'it institution , for good
and sulllclent reasons nodouht. notwithstand
ing the fact that the hoard had recommended
tholrsuspension pending this Investigation.
Wo congratulate you that wo have been ena
bled to tiring this Invostl-tatlon to thU speedy
close , nil of which Is most respectfully sub-
milled. Yours very truly.
J. I ! . AI.I.UN.
( iKOIinK II. HA.STtNdS ,
J. K. HIM. .
Board of I'ubllu Lands and Buildings.
I'lWSO.VAK I'.tll.tlll.ll'IIS.
L. P. Harper of Lincoln Is nt the Murray.
O. II. Willard of Hebron is nt the Paxton.
G. F. Fields of IS'orth 1'latto is at the Mur
F. E. Snaulding of ICoarnoy is at the 1'ax-
Chris Sohotfeldt and wife of Grand Island
nront _ the Millard.
Mrs. C. O. D. Brown and two sons have
gene to Colfax Springs to spend the month of
W. J. Allen , assistant prcncral manager of
the Kock Island , and O , T. Wilson of Chicago
cage nro at the Millard.
L. F. Swift and wife , Nnto Swift and
Alden Swift und Miss Eunlco Alien of Chicago
cage nro at the Paxton. Mr. Swift is u mem
ber of the Swift packing company.
LynianV. . Case returned from Moamouth ,
111. , yesterday morning , whore ho was called
Tuesday by the death of his father , the ven
erable Samuel M. Case , which took place ut
NEW YOIIK , Aug. a. iSpeciaHo'Ciii : Bin : . ]
Among the pussoncers that arrived on the
Lahn of the Isiorth German Llovd line wore
Mr. William Wolff of Omaha and Judge and
Mrs. D.V. . Cooley of Dubuquc , la.
Iowa folks in Now York nro ; W. 11.
Jenkins , at the Sturtovant house , and W. M.
McFarlow and E. E. Moox with lam.
Miss Mnthews of Dos Moines , la. , is at the
St. Doris hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hichards , Atlantic ,
la. , were among those who sailed on the
Scrvia of the Cunard line , for Europe.
Mr. M. II. Tranorman , Omaha , is hero buy
ing goods.
Coiiltln't Stniiil American Whisky.
KVNSVS , CITV , Mo. , Aug. ( I. Michael Sin-
toro , nn Italian twenty years of "ago , wont on
a spree this afternoon. Ho was not accus
tomed to American whisky and his In
dulgence in that Intoxicant made him crazv
drunk. At tno corner of Independence und
Prospect avenues ho draw'his revolver
and Dogan firing about promiscuously.
Policeman John Konnally attempted to arrest
liim , when the Italian turned his weapon
against the olllcor mid fired. The bullet
struck the oflicor's star and made only a
slight wound. Policeman M. .r. Newell wont
to his comrade's aid to arrest , the unruly
Italian. Slntoro then turned the weapon on
Newell , but it missed fire twico. Newell
then fired and shot tlio Italian In the breast ,
inflicting a fatal wound.
South Dakota I'rnlrlo Fu-cs.
Br.UST , S. D. , Aug. ( ! . The mercury Is nt
100 In the shudo nnit Iho wind blowing n
Tearful gnlo. About noon nu eastbound
freight engine llred the prnirio west of this
city and the entire population turned out to
subdue the I'amos ' , which wore traveling with
fearful rapidity nortti to the grain Holds ot
Sully county. The train hnnds lent nsslst-
inno , nnd by strenuous olforts the ( Ire
was placed 'under control The whole like a tinder box nnd everyone -
one is on the alert for tires , which
ire liable to spring up nl n mouiont'.s
lotico. The lire south of the city yesterday
destroyed thousands of acres of hay land and
about live hundred tons of cut hay in thu
stnsk wont up in smouo.
Allliiuuo Coriiur.s KansiiH AVhont.
TOPBKA , Kan. , Auir. li. J. II , ( ' "Vouch ,
secretary of the Kansas state farmers' alll-
anco , states that the buslnois branch of
, ho nlllanco has completed arrnneetnents
jy which It will handle throivqunrtor.s of thu
Cansas wheat crop of r > u,000,000 bushels. Ar
rangements have been maao to store nt least
talf of the crop in the big elevator * of
faiisus City , Chicago , St. Louts , Cin
cinnati , Baltimore and ether loriro
cities for on liulullnUo period or until the
owners doslre to sell. Arrangements have
boon made in tlio east to secure tin advance
on the wheat stored of 75 per cent of the
present value of wheat. This now move
ment by the alliance practically corners tha
Kansas crop. _
1'hl Delhi Convention.
CI.KVKIANMI , O. , Aug. 0. The fiftyrscccmd
annual convention of the Phi Delta is in ses
sion on Luke Chnutnuqua. Over llfty chapters -
tors are represented. The following officers
have boon elected : President , Prof. J. C.
Gordon of Washington ; vice presidents , Kov.
Y. P. Morgan of Cleveland , Charles S.
Thomas of Indiana uiilvonlty ami C. . M.
Mnino state college ; iimrihal , A. O. Kceso ,
University of Nebraska ; assistant marshal ,
J. V. Moore , Jr. , Westminster. Mo.
Koran Inturiiiitluiiiil liar Association.
Busrox , Mass. , Aug. ( I , At the annual
mooting of the National liar association at
which Colonel M nrshali presided , hold at isnn
taskot beach today , n report of the coin-
inlttoo on International law was adopted
providing that stops bo taken for thu organ
izing of an International Uur association to
moot ut the world's fair In 18W1 and appoint
ing a commiUeo consisting of A. C. Harris of
IiidlannpoUi. Hon. G. F. Little of Kansas
and John W. lilt of Chicago to co-operate
with thu Chicago Bar association In further
ing tbU movement.
Ho LaniU a Hot Race After Maklug a Dead
Hoat. S
Crowit of tlio Mooting Out-
H Si'vontli Iiiy-t3ood
Haul UK nt , the Twin
City Trunk.
Nnw YOIIK , Aug. < ) . The Inrgos t crowd
that has boon at .leronio Park during the
mooting was present thorn today , The
weather was portuot , the track win In llrst
class shnpo and thcro was no opposition at
Brighton. The card presented was a good
onu and the fl.OOi ) persons present saw some
first class raelnir. Thoni were only six
events on the e.ird , but in One of thorn re
united lu a dcmt hont thcro were .novon con
I'Mrst rai'ti. handli '
'ip sweepstakes , one mllii
and one furlonic. Throe : starters : Ituckon. I H
( I toil ) , won by two li-mUlis from Kdgar John
son , III ( ' . to I ) , who. f tnr being apparently out
of It. come again and nlpnud Unogrande , IM
( . " > to 51. In the poil fur the place , 'rime : 1.17V. :
Second race , the ( 'nindiMi ' stalies for two-
yo-jr-o ds. six furlomis. Six starter * : Turn
ing Into thu i ntniteh all were In a buautlfiil
bunch , Sir .Matthew , til 'I lo > , came away
easily as they straightened out ii'id won In a
canter by two lengths from the Nucromnncv ,
colt. Illill to.r > ) , a length l < efnre the l'iroar |
colt. Ill ( II to. ) ) . Tlinii : IMS'i.
Third race , the Trenton stuko * . for throo-
yoar-olds , one mllo. Five starters ; A di'.s-
norato linlsh resulted In a dead between
Maywln , IDS ( ii to Si , and Sirroi't-o , 1 'Mil ' ) lo-l ,
Adventurer , I US (3 ( to I ) , third a loiuth away. n untd
Time : IJ.V. : , . Maywlil won Iho run OIT. Time : T < fl
Fourth race. Iho freehold race for all ages.
mile and a half. Twosaarlors : Kacoland , ll.'i
( I to 41. I.'ngllsh Iiady , in. ( I loll. Kusllsh I.aily
went out and opened up n gap of two lengths
which Klin held to the head of thu .si ret -h ,
then Kacnl ml came by and won In a Canter
by two lengths. Time : -i7'i. ; :
Fifth rare , selling , sweepst'ikes , six fur-
loncs. Six starters ; Daisy Woodruff , fill ( ! ) to
B ) . rushed to the front and won easily by two
lengths from Sohin lir > ( I to 1) ) . .Salisbury , IUJ (4 (
to I ) , third , alensth awiy. Time ; I : lily.
Sixth raeiswoenstakps , for lu'tlilon two-
year-olds. live furlomis. Twelve starters : In
a whipping linlsh Alac iluu. 111 ! ( .I to I ) , won by
a head , while Klrsh. 113 ( II lo II , linat Scliuyl-
klll , 118 (40 ( to I ) , for the place. Time : 1OI' ; ' { .
At , Saratoga.
S.UIITOOA , N. Y. , Aug. li This Is the sev
enth regular dny of the races mooting hero.
Flvo races on the programme Included the
Iroquois stakes for throo-ycar-olds. The
weather is clear and w.irm and the track lu
line condition. The nttcmlaneo was largo.
First race , six furlonirs. Two starters : San
S tlvndor. ll.'ldl to' ' ) , ( ileu Hey , liiS : ( to. ) ) . San
Salvador won by a length In 1L1) : ) ' , .
Second race , tlm Iroquois stakes for throo-
yo'ir-olds , one mile and one-sixteenth. Font
slartcr.s ; Homer , 117 ill to 10) ) , won In I : . " > . ' " , ,
two lengths fiom llnlrfownii , 117 ( even ) . Ayr
shire Lass. IU7C.'O to 1) ) two lengths behind.
Third race , for three-year-olds .mil up
wards , one mile. Four starters : llalnro , ll.'i '
( I to 5) ) , won hands down lu lllv : , two lengths
from Versatile , liia : ( ) to I ) , who was three boi
ler tlian Headquarters. Ill" ( til to 1) ) .
Fourth , sweepstakes , oim mlle anil a
quarter. Three starters ! Eon , I'M tf to ! i > , won
easily. Able , 101 ( fi to I ) , three lengths behind
Carroll , 131(1 ( to 1).second. ) Time : - ! : ! ! .
Flflh race , forthreo-yoar-oidsniid upwards ,
six and one-half furlongs. Five starters.
Three were so eloso on thu line that It re
quired the judges lo place then. , one , twn ,
Ihroe. Villa Marie , mi ( Si to : > ) . won. ( Jettys-
btirg , lit ! K'/t to 1) ) , second , Iuiay , us ( to 1) ) ,
third. Time : 1:21. :
Sixth race , five furloncs. Nine starters :
Apollo. lftlM ( to 1) ) . OnandiiKii Kelp , Illly , 110
( I'i to 1) ) , wont lo the front at. the drop of the
tlaitand kept , up a good race to the wire , lln-
IslilnR In that order a half a Injth between.
I'tniny Uoyal , 110 ( 'J to S ) , was third. Time :
: : ! .
On the Twin CilJTrack. .
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. ( i. The attendance )
at the races today was good In spite of the
hot , weather nnd the track and weather worn
the host for fast running. ;
First race , purse flK ) , for maiden two-yonr
olds , five furlongs. Four Hlarterc Ilfspanln ,
115 (9 ( to 5) ) , won easily , Comether. UTil.Vj to f ) .
second , and llamllne , 100(4 ( to r > ) , third. Time :
ll ! ) .
Second race , purse SIOO for Ihreo-jour-olds
and upwards. Four starters : Mnry O. ICI (5 ( to
J ) , won. Comedy , 104 ( . 'I to 5) ) , second , ( Jlocicnor ,
117i2to 1) ) . third. Time : lr : > l.
Third race , purse JI'JO , for tlneo-yenr-ods !
and uuwards. Milling allowances , nine fur-
IOIIRS. Slxstarter.s : Kll Klndlg , 07(4 ( to 1) )
won , Corlnne Klnney , 101 ( S to , " > ) , second , licta-
wny , Iir (7to2 ( ; . third. Time : lf : > ( i'i.
Fourth race , carnival .slakes , for colts and
guldlnes , two-year-olds , Jl.OUO added , three-
[ iiartcr.sof n mile. Three starters : Newtnu ,
JJ ( li to II , won by a length. Carlsbad , Mill lit to
" > ) . a neck In front1 of Uorman , I'M (7 ( to II. Time :
lin ; .
Fifth race , purse $ , " > 00 , for three-year-olds
ind upwards. , for horses bred In this .stale ,
one mllo. Kliht starters : I'lgll. 1)1 ) ( to 1) ) ,
won ; Dolly Houston , Ktt (4 ( to 1) ) . second , and
lee , IO'Jto2) ( ) . third. Time : ll"tf. :
Trot tinat ; Hnllalo.
BLTFAI.O , N. Y. , Augr. (1. ( The races today
were attended by about six thousand people.
I'ho weather was bright and clear , the rac-
ng close ana exciting. Following are sum-
mirics :
2:1 : ! ) class , : f-fli ) ) . ( inillnlshod f rein .
Weilnohdny ) ! Sprai ue Oolil Jlust first. Alltui
second , Jean Valjean third , llainoil ; ( fourth.
lest time 2:11)4. : )
2:35 : class. irotllnR , ? ? .00) ) : Jerrle fj.
Irst , Ncttlo King second , Frank F. third. Nut
ting Kins fourth. II - < t llmo 2:21. :
I'rtu'-for-all , purse Ji.o.O : Hal Pointed first ,
I'uolo Maid second. .lohnslon third , Dallas
ouith. Host I lino. ' _ ' : ' ) 'i.
2Slelass : , trotting , purse if..OOO , unfinished :
loncst ( ! oor40 llrst , Nightingale second. Keo-
KOU third , I'aul fourth , ( lest time : -il'Jij '
CIIICAOO , Aug. 0. Giirllold park.
F Irst race , lovon-otghtlis of a mlle : Htartor
'ahlwll won , Kuil Fox sucoml , IllllNye third.
Pliiioi IitW'i. '
Second race , one mlle and seventy yanls ;
Somerset won , Arnndcl iiucoiiil , K'ins I'unsler
bird Time : 1:411. :
Third race , seven-eighth1 * of a mile : . 'Istor
.Inila won , llra/.oa souond , His O'Luo third.
FouVtli race , one and onn-half miles : llonnlo
lyrd won , Uancor hocoml. Van Huron thlid ,
Fifth race , live eighths of n mile : Mngghi
\llimwon , Tllllo Ssecond , Deceit third. Timu :
:02. : _
liolo tlio KiM.'ord.
li'UBi'.ronT , Hi. , Aug. 0. Track fast. Sena-
or Conklin today broke the track's recorder
or a mile trot by one-half sucond , making it
nill ! : > H >
Frni'-for-nll trot. VM : rionator t'unkllu
won , Klpplo second. I'rlnce M third , Hill llev-
rly fun rlh. lli-sl. time 2:1(114. : (
" : " . ' * Irnt. if.Wi : Uluirluston won thrc-o stialu'lit
mats. I'nt Downliu second. Klnx t hinliir ,
bird. .1. W. Tuilford fourth. Host time : 'irlS'f.
Cu.t ruee , threu-yoar-olds , * li)0 ) ( uiilliiiiliedii
Molofhs nun llrst beat , ( Jiivernur won aucond.
lesl time : 2 : . 3 _
' ' ItaooH ,
C'olnnol CorrlK IH'H
Ctiicino , Aug. n. Hawthorn results :
Flwl nice , soyon furlouui : Jon Carter won ,
, cla May second , Inaolunce third , 'lime :
: ; | , . *
r-ui'nml ra"o. mlle : Ilellor Skelter won. LI/-
lo II hoi'ond , Hed Leo third. Time : 1:11. :
Third race , mm and one-eighth mlles : I.I hoi
ton Silver Lake socdnd , llydy third. Time :
:5Hi : .
'Fourth raeo. six furloncs : Fan Klir , ' won ,
iili-rnaKccond. Itousur third. Time : I.IB'4. '
Fifth race , six furlongs : I'rlnce llonry
vim , Illiuu Duke uucond , Van Oluso third ,
'ime : 1:17 :
C\II.\WAV , Nob. , Aill , ' . . [ Spoelal to TIIK
lcit.1 The Interest of. thn sporting oiomont
f this vicinity Is now centered In the annual
aces of the South Loup Uaoiiig association ,
which are to bo hold hero August 1H , ID and
0 Our line half mlle track is being put In
rime condition and some of the host horses
n thesUto will bo entered. Over 11,0(10 ( In
lur.ios Is offered nnd the meeting promise * to
) o the proateit sportinir event of the season
n this portion of tno state.
California Ili'iii'diir * ' ICnoos. " * -wj
SIN l'Aiusiisno ; , Cal. , Aui' . 0. The at.
endanco was small at th" races toutvv. The
hrco-yoar-old stake race was won by Vida
Vilkes , Wlldroso second , ilust time : 'J:2'J. :
Siioclal race : i''lora won j Free ( Joiuago
ocond. Host time : UtfO.
Hold it ( 'oil. v , ,
Is-IIKI'KSMIKSCK , la. , AllR. O.-C. W. Will- j
nins today sold to W. II. Uueglo of DCS
vloliios the two-year-old colt Urlfton by
s'unvood , daut Miss lUJman , for tS.bOO. /