THE. OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY ArdT'RT 3. 1801. 8PK6IHL NOTICES. VOIl THKHKCOM'MN't ADVKHTIMKMKNTH 12 I ) for thn i > venln nd untilfi Tip m forlho morning or Sunday oil All rt < rrtl rtncr < U In Iliffn column * I cenH ft word r.rn liuu > rtlnii nml ! ' < cent * a mini tlirrrnllir , or IV jirr line l"-r montli No dvortl'diirnl Inkrn fnr lfs thnn 75 cents for the ltr t Insertion Tcrmi cash In ad vance Initials , flunrri" symbol * , Mr. , rnchconnlns n won ) All niUrrllfonn nt must rtin consicii lively ArtvoMlsrrB , by icqtirstlnit n numbered check rnn Imvolliolr MISWI mnddtrs rd lo n"num liernl lelUr In cnrool Tll > ' llrr. An wrr * o il drrMt d ill bo dallvcrcdonly un presentation of llio check 1)IIAM II lrHCK'AIUlTIMN ) ( ! lOUTllKBK J ) colim ns will lie Indrn nil tlio nl OTO conditions t HIP fit'iowlnK buslnrni linutcn. wlm nro nuthor If ril l InKc rpclnl \ notices nt the BRDIO rates as cnn li > linil nl thenmlii nfllcr Pniilli f innlm llrnncli Offce No 2rj1 N street. LIs Urblnrk Jolin W Hell , llinrmnrlM. tlth nnrt Mason utrootii H II Hitnswortli. riinrmfirl t,2llSCtinilnR iitrect W I IliiKlii' * , 1'linrmnclpt (24N ( Ifth street 0 K "ntlorfli'ld , I'lmrnincliit , K18 Lcnvcnworth itrirl HuKtir-s Pharmacy , 240i nml Knrnnm SITUATIONS Far anter , etc. , arc tov nf fitt cu A. WAN ri . SITUATION BY JVeiiKlneer sober , C years experience Address V I ! lleo -wANTKr ) SITUATIONS ton HOOD oiui.s , my waiting rooms nre nlwnys full from ( I n in to ftp m < iinnillun Kiiiploymoiil olllco , 3HH H Uln Telephone 831 _ M \ A W illOW LADY WITH KIVK 1KAUS K\ Api'rleiiin as mnlrnn In public Institution * wants totnnki' n chatiKO nml secure n position In tlio wusl Address ! M , Hoc olllco ' M _ ' - WAN ! KD , SITUATION 11V I.ADV HTUNOd rapher , Hood references Address M " j 'l1. ' A-WANI'KII l'0 l I'lov IN WIIOU-HALi : ( .IK ) . /Vrcryor comml "l < > n hy i xporlnnccd mtin Inn keep books Address CJO-IN \ Llfo bid * fi > \VA.\TID ; MAM ? tin totr * . rtc . tec toi > nf l * rnlumn onits ( / j > < ( . - \ \vo.Miiui : tu. ADVUIITIS Intf devlco o\or known sell to every inorclinnt , Idt ? pny steady work Aru J MamitacturlnK < < > . llaclnc Wls lleo , Oiniilin M8'IS-5 ( 1)i tin-mi AOK.VH inn MOVKV IN KM-I.IT JJdlvc lorrltory Our new pilont enfi-i i > i-ll nt flBbt In ntv or country Nnw n ! PtiH tlrnt In llcl < l nclnnllv iHttlnit rlrh Onn nui'nt In ono day rlcnrvil IKI Mi run ) "ii rntnliiBiiii frcu Alplno bafo iiiui pnny J.I ITI Clnrk Pln.i'l , Unrlnnntl. U A NUAT i\l'iilIKNCUU : DAI11Y > man 41,1 , N 24lhslreel ixSOO * 1W AN'II I ) , A .MAN ' 10 TAKI3 AN OH-ICII I ) nml rcproM-iit n nimnifnctnrcr , t'a pprwi'Ck , iminll capital rpqiilrud. Addrrsi wltli stump , Mnnii facliiriT Itov'O , Wont Autlun Mass MS7I 7 * 1 > WANTKI ) . A III.A'K M11'lllO DO ( IK.VKH M , 1 > jobliliiirnnd liorto nliovliiK. Imiulro Jonathan JIulllm-iT , i-cwnrl. In 8h'i 4 T > -WAVTI3O , AN AdKST AM ) CANVAMMu | ; I fnrn llvo weekly pnprr In i-vory town In Ni ) liraika and town , liberal coinnili-'loris Addrens Kxninlniir ncency , 31.1 S 14th street. Uiunlia b | > WAN'I KD-MVK , KMIIIlH.Tir MAN WITH .1 > $ W. l IKoeii | a Iirolii'niKi' bii lnui > for it iiintiu factiirlnu inmpan ) , flni > per annum fur rluht Minn to mainiKO thu ulllo1 Mnil | line oM cstapllKhiMl fomern nn falk , will wland oxnnilnallon Call on K Sluti small , I'axtun holi'l > li,0 S * 1) WAS'I III ) TUN OIl'IWKIA'UnOOl ) H'lONK J'CHlliTii nt onro stead ) juli , nt Catiadu , nlno uilles Botith of Hot Sprint ! " S I ) ik W I'IIHCOP BWANTUi * i\rnmi.srni : > nuv sali'nnonian miisl xpiak I iiKllih nm ! dirimm nnuuiii.u"i IliiPiitly , nlio uxuurliMifcil nalCHiiinn Apply with rufurenio to T I , . Da\leci , V Co dry KOOlM | \ ork , Neb 7M d * TJJ W'AM UD.nUNKKAIiAMtHI'rriAIiAflUN'IS JJto ropr " * nt llio I'ldullty Mtillial l.lfo Insiirumo rompnny of I'lilladelplila , 1'a , In Nohratdta and Couiull III nits , extra liberal Iniliicenicnl t rlxlit parties Call un or nddrest ? lalo nminiKor. 6,17 I'm ton block , Omaha , Nub ' > ! T > WAVI UI > , PAM > MUN ON AI.AUYOU COM JJinlsnlun to handle HIL- new pnlonl rbpnilral Ink erasing pencil lhe > ureatc t HI < IIIIIK novelly uvur ) irudiued orasei Ink IhoroiiKlily In Iwo sooonds no nhraslon of paper -TO lo .M l per cent prutlt ono iiKi'nt's rales amountPd to $ iu0 In six dayi , anotlier $12 In Iwo hours Wo. waul nun Krneral aKent In pach state and torrltnr } lor terms and full par tlculuis address llio Monron Kraswr Mfu Co , l.n Crosse. Wit din p vvTN i"ki > , Ai.rsMKN IN KVIHY : cotTsrv JS7A'M ( ) > i'r miinlb and expenses Otitfll sainplen. rto.freo t.oods sold by samples Steady pimltlon lo proper pnrly No cxp < rli-nco iii'resiary 1 nil parlli ulars upon appltuillon Heml stamps wnrtenter ferrtilo and iiiMiiuracturlii compitnv SI llermon stri-ol , Worcester Mait JI7U "I > WANTKI ) SAMI MUN 1'KUMANKNT PAY Jlnii positions for imollluunt worknrs Wrltn nt once l.llwaiiKcr JL. llarr ) , .Ml llojio Nurseries Jtochester N Y 6lu nU * BMl'N OK ( iOOD ADDItKSS Jtr.TUOI'OLI- lan Mf'uCo. , 1U Howard or U7 N. IZtli , Lincoln ' _ _ 6IOa24 * JJby samido , bl pay forworkon. now ttoods , pr- nianenl sliimilon ; chance lo build a tlnu trade Model Mf K Co , South He nil. Ind. 7'JI ad * n-WAvrun-ioii IMHNTUIIS AT FKSTNKU JJl'rlnthiKCo , Heea 1'rlntlnKCo and Klopp Hart loll A Co MS71II WANTKI ) 1'or rn/fc. / etc. . fee ( op nf Hint column nn thin -\w\VV \ \ \ work on bookkeephiK Address Y 17 licit qlllco. ' C-WAVni : > A fOUUUM'ONDKNT AT I'ACH postolllio lo furnish us names lo whom we c in mall cln nl.irs No lanv.issln. ; nor ( ollcctln. ! , lib era ! pay , lull particulars , Id cunts Union No\olty Co , hot ,0.1 , , Omalm , Neb VMi , ' C-WAMUD , OI11L Kilt ( .LNHltAL HOl'Si ' : work ; Kood -i'l ? Dodk'O , oppoalto hUh BCllOlll. Vi tl C-WA.VJ'IID. I > lMiill : VTI'hY. TIlHUl ! I'Kll- snni to recolvo Instructions and keep bonks ; coed altunllons. J 11 Smith , : Vi ! No\r York LlfoMil Mil 5' C-WANTUD , C.1HL I'Oll HKNUIIAL HOI < * K work , deed wimes Call Weilnesiliy mornlin ; nfter ten Mrs K W < ! rn ) , JO. ! DoUKlas bt. S37 & p-WAM'un , oooi ) nnu. ion V-'lioiisowiirk In family of two Munt be cooil look nnd furnish reference ( , OIH ! WHKHS and a steady placu to the rlKht girl Imiulro nt I'.Hd DouKlati Stt&l t&l C. W'AM'UD , ( illtl. I OK lIOUbKWOHIv. CALL ' . ' . ' , . ' ; California hi. hl,7 I-'OH HUNT Km i < iirn. rtc , tec top of nit iniumn oul/ifs / i nyj , J' 17th Klrcel ono block from Inuliuss All mod ilern Improvements , furnltuiu for silo If desired , beslloiallt > for roomers ami hoarders bco James Neville , N W cor a Hi nnd llarney M'WH * 1 l-HIl ) HUNT 1 IIIVIM Lb bL'YUN UOOM J ' modem house , l.'il and NUholns , very ri'asnnn bio renl lo coed p irtles M 'T ' 3 * TKll HUNT , 5 UOOM HoFbl ! AT S.'J bOIIlll 4-2dstleel . ' \lill5 * TvToit HUNT TO I'uui r.cuLV UILIAU"LU : -l-'parly onlyU room house , No fill Davenport bt UJOO Also 4 room eottaKO sw cor ' "th nnd DodKO , Jlll ) ) llOKUs.V I 111) ) , leal estate , I IDs harimm st N i . ' > T\-l Oil HUNT SlUOOM Cori'AdU IN I.IIOI ) -l.'reiulr | , a.ti S 13th bt. Uniiulio ono dooi doutb doutbM773 M773 T\-Kllll HUNTS UOOM IIOI'SK TO KAMILY Jy Itlloi t children , Ml S . 2nd slroot , hSU J , T\-i" ni KIN : r , ULKCAN r \Ti-uooM HOUSUS ! J-'jiioilerii lomonlenies , perfect order ; pnvoil -Alloetii , imitiir. and wllhln th o minutes walk ut post citllie Nathan blioltun , II11 harnaui stuot Mil TV MODIIUN io UOOM HOMI : , NO ff.IIUHT \ J'Ktiiet Apply nc'\l door ne l. .MJj b * "I ) i < > w 1:11 : i > Aur oi not M : , MVI ; HOO'MS. J'furnished and bath room lentrnlly located for rent Lndy and K'l'nllemiin will tnko bonrit asparl pa ) mi'iit Iminlio 1(124 Cans st Mils d "I" ) HJllMSHKD IIOI'SK U UOOM * AND 1IAUN LJtur rent W. N. .Ninon , chamber couimurcu couimurcuM3IS 3 B-i-llOOM ILA T , TlCl ( < 7lli LKAYUNWoit-rir M8JO D-H.AT Kill HKM' OK ( I 11OOM.S , al ) H.oTidT. Union blink , rnmto , nuwl ) papered. John lliiinllli , 1)17 ) b Hth t 7lv | 1) II' \ \v'isil"TO uTlNT A HOlTsKoiT'bIOltTi > , co II U Colo. Continental block. ( O b -I Oil HUNT , 10 UOOM HllUbK T'KNTItALLY locultul , modurii Impruvvuiuius , UJ N I'Jth. 1-4 , D-KlIt IlKNT , 6 UOOM COITAOU , CISNl'U.tL. I li > w 5 room coltiiKP , near motor , $12 IX ) 4 room column near motor , flu W 3 rooms , inifurnlslied. HUW Au > 1 tlio lu'ft realdimco Huts In the city , 1.1) to (3S , no l r > ' 'lliu Mead lav t Co , IU lleo llldit ( , U7 D-M.AP , T"OHMH , "UAMIK , AW NIM.S A.M ) nil cinivcnluiices , ( Lt lieoriiu Cloiucr , call at itore. TUI Ililh st Mii ; "I ? M.ii.Y : H'ltMSllKi ' ) UOOUT "o Ah "AN D J bBlli.a.lOIIarnoy . tH. ' M , ' | , DpOlt IlKNT , ll'llUK hTOUY AND A HALK luiiiso , larico yard , n u cjr blh nmlSubtlcr InqultoC I * Cannon , IMI rarimm M7U 1 - toll UlTNTTsT'lTlTNDlTlN UWH UOOMHOLblT , ' . ' .US Duuiilas itroct , best locution In the city In Qulrn of dloliu Loan and Tiunl Co. , lutli nnd Doiko ti. or A H. Ulml.toiic , 1310 Douglin Irrul M4) B- _ _ .S < l UOOM M.AT WITH AM. I MOlilTco"x ? t i-nl nco , ZIOJ Lcavunworlli it , WU u 7 * IVHJU UKNT. 6-UOOM Cl/lTAMK , Iii N .17TH 'fiet. IO. 3-room coimuu. ZM BUI ! Kariiam , llt U. Uuoil A bolliy , room 1,1. lloar.l or Truiltf. tMI KOIl IlKNT MOUHKfl. foil D-FOllllKNT 10 UOOM IIOl'XK. 5011 HAIINK.Y strwl ; rent low Hco Jumps Neville , N W cor. Hartley and Will strrcl. .MWI-II * KOK UKNT I''UUN HHII ! ) HOOMH. r rralf t , t lr , , itt too of lift column n IM iu ' I. THK ST I'LAIIl KfltOI'KAN IIOTKIj , COII. J HUh and DoilKi- will mnko loir rules for rooms by tlio week or month , with or wllhoutboard 07J "l -KOIt IlKNT NICKI.Y KfllNI IIUD COOI. I Jrootns al norllieasl corner tfith and Howaril lawn around bulldlnK , from 17 OJ to IM m n iiionlhwd wd IT1 VKUY I'LKA'UNT KltONT llKM IN I'll- Iliyulp family for Kcnllonian.bM 8 lh strcol. , 1 'ituoaia ANT7Tuj > Aii /"or nitet , etc. , tft top of flrnl columti n thu } M'j' " " ' I.-COtH. . rOMr"oufAm.i"HOOMS ANlT'FiU T- -I class board lit ya N 1'ilh ' 401 nl I' _ -KL'UNlSllKirilOoilS , DAY 1IOAUD. 510 N Kill I Mtcct. H7iiM ' _ ft-UOOMtl AND DAV I10AUI ) CX SOUTH 17lh. 1' M VdVaii * IMCH NKWLY I ITIINISHUI ) UOOMS , Wl Til II bonril 1707 Dodmi slrcel , W > l > ' . ItOOMS IIY DA\ Oil I week , alto rooms for housekeeping 13JI Capitol bHa-l * avciiuo _ I-I1XM AMI IIUAIIII 2013 DOUIiLAS STUKUT L' M84i St' l.i UOOM AND I1OAUD ; 2103 DOUGLAS , TAIILK 1 bnnrders wanted M' ' Ji > 11 * \f TWO KI'IINISIIKD SOUTH IIOOMS WITH L board , 1721 Dnvunport &U tf iritNNIIUD I'ltoNT IIOOMS AND IIOAUD J nt 211 ! N 1'ltli slrci t M72I I0 -VKUVDKHIIIAIILU UOOM toll IlKNT 1 board If desired , 111 S 19th st 8.V ) iy-UOO.M AND IIOAUI ) , lUnlHJL'OLASbT l -FrilMSHUI ) UOOM WITH IIOAUD , UKrKIt 1 dices , 2211 rnrnntn 7J1 b * -rUliNISIIUI ) KOOMS AND IIOAUD , 20 II All L ney 7i" > tl t 17 1 Oil IlKNT , UOOM W I I'll IIOAUD I7 IHilMK J Blr 201 KOIt I n.NT U003I.SUM'UitM.SHKj ) I'"o rates , etc. , itctnpof t rrt rndim'i ' onl/i / ( p tot ' ' 11- V nlnlied rooms , modern for housekeeping ? Sherman pveniio MRW-7 ( 1011 UTM' St IT OK .1 UNHJIINISIIKI ) V 'rooms nlllidly water , \e. Apply S 15 corner Illli andCass slreels 123 Fnr rate * , etc. , tec tap ofIrst / column on l/if / p 108 ' | Y-i't'LMiA.N "Tmiii : nio Iw iTi 'sTTruKT llVor peed bounl , nlcu rooms , modern conven Ii nccs rales and locution , It cannot bo expelled Mrs Horn. 1'rop MU7 All' KOIl KI.N 1-oTOKKS AM ) OKKIOKS. / 01 tntrict , < : , * cr Inn of tii * > column on Citi 7 i(7e ( i 01 nn s ion HUNT < * r. ( ONDSIOIU ( .1.0111 : I building H w corner lilh and Dodito sts I'le ant locallon just opposite now postolllco Cheap rent uls dlobo lx > an and Trust Company 7 > 5 1 Kll ) HUNT TIIK 4SI'OIIY I1IIICK IHMLDINd , -I with or without poner , former' ) occupied by 'I ho lleo I'libllsblni ! ( o Hit , ! nrmini * t 'I he hull.I IIIK lias n llreprniif cemenl tiasemenl complete steam-lie ithiK litluios , water on all llio Itoors KIIS. etc Apply at the olliio of'I'lie llco IMS - HUNT Oil SALU , MY IIUILDINC ON Jones st , bet lOlh,111th (1 A Lliiilqulst , 110 b ISlli 1,70 , "i i on itKNT , M UK HUCOND KLOOUOK ONI : OK J llio principal dry goods slores In Omali i bull * able for clotidni ; , hats caps , crockery carpets or furniture W III rcnl either llio eullio Hour or part of It Address T II. Hee I-STOIIUX Kilt IlKNT IN (1IIAND ( OI'UUA 1 House bulldlin ; K J Sutclltlo , 111 1 Irst National Dank bulldlnx 2i ! I KltltKNT TIIK Ol HCK rOUMKULY OCCU- 1 pled by Alevnnder A. bmllh In tbo Conllnentnl block , coiner room , In perfect order. Irceland , I.oomls Co M782 KOIl HEXT 1'ornites , etc. , : Inn of fnltnlit nn nn tlm l -I Oil IlKNT Oil SALK CHKAi' . A 1'IFl'Y llAn > rol roller mill A Cistcller , lllalr. Neb JI714IO AN LI'JD TO 1CI3M' . J-irmtn , rtf r' * ln flr' . ' nilnmn im lliu K WANTKD A LAUH ! hlOUK , ONI ! HAYINO coed trackaco fiellltles for Ibo handllin ; of coal and Kraln iirvfcrroil Must havu xood Imslness locallon Write , stating lerms , location und references onces Addrcs V 14 , lleo olllco MS72 17 -I HAYi : IIUNTKll WHO WANTH ( i-UOOM house also router for 7 room house. 1 red Terry , room 4C ! llaniKO block. M I K-WANTKD TO IlKNT , IIY MAN AND WII'K only , n nko live or slv room cottm/o In uoocl lo cution btalu runt Address I * O llox M 0.11 4 IlKNTAIj AU UNO Y. / or rate * , etc. , * cr tt > nf t rul column on tlits juioe. i -wuLbiiANS .1. co , NIAII : UNTIIANCIM.UAND JUopera Imuso .MS.I4 HI * L H K COLK IILNI'AI. AGKNCY , CONTJN KN till bloc . f -11UNTAL A.1'M' ( JKO J I'AUL , KTO KAIl IJiuini street , IIOUHCS stores , etc Special attcn lion to man moment of ronlal property Now lists llrst of each montli M'lH A25 r -C1IUA11 HUNT , LAUDKST AND fllKAl'KSr IJIlst 111 the city , tl and upwards U Kllutts , 2JO N Jith st 2S.1AI7 * / or rntf , etc. , fcf to i of nmt column on thb wige. omSTcHSAlsA'iiu house Iu city Williams „ Cross , l.'U Harnoy ( .72 -CLUAN , DltY AND I'KIYATK STOIIAOI ! OK furnlliiro , Omaha blo > o llepalrVorks , l.W Douglas , liT.I WANTKD TO I5UV. tf.i , etc , reetno of ni.ii. column on thh p ins -\T wANTm > 1 > prlco wanted I ) Morrlll , bo Onialiu MUUj hi * V ILllNITLItU DOl'CHl' , bOLU , blOUKI ) , 1 > Wells , till 1 arnam stnet 071 N' WANTUI ) 'ID 111 Y MCUJbl'lllNt ! WAf.ON ( all ll.di N. llith , U rctcisun. b' > j 4 * AT'WANTUD 'io IIUY , A C.OOD IIANKIM. nus Illness HOT Uaii , bheiiandoali , Iowa M7oA fi * - ion c vsii , itusiDKNCi : i.oro.N wi.vr biiTi : near motor. Must bo n Imru-ibi AddrussL'&S lieu 7I'J Ii * " " " V "WA"NTKII , 'io IIUY i IIOM n iu in ACIIKS" i. acci-sH lo by nioliir cars Address. Klvliu do- scrlplion and terms , I. W I.oomls ole 4 * KOIl SAIiK KUUXITUKK , I'm Ki'fs , flc , net top of flut column on tlili j - Ol' TUN UOOM IIOl'SK , CAIl- 0-HJUNITUUK pels , u > ertlilnn complete.tij buutli'nil street Ms % 5 - Hll SA1.K - 1 rilNl'Tl'IlK 1 Oil "llOIISK keeplnt : , fotirroonu , now J7jcnsh 2JOJ lllondo MrtH 0- 0-NKW H KMI'I'IIUOK bKVKN IIHOM KI.AT , cheap , part tlmo , , oed localiou 100 N liilh bl. 8544 * KOIl HA M : IIOIISI'.S.WACJOXS.I'JTO / Or ICIIH * . ftC . tl ( Ofl ofDrit I litldllu oft ( flM ) ] ' ! ( / { : sAMi'LKg oil lldcllly Oil Co , boutli .Wi and U 1' rnllnny i > -i.AimviMiviu. : \KAUS OLD. ( JKOTLK 1 nnd bound , only toi H K Cole , Continental block Mix ) 5 _ _ _ : , JIL'l.UV AND HAllNKbb , ia'i7 N lltiu 7. 7 .1 t > < Klll S\LU. KA.MILY CAIIUIAI.K , .KI3 I Nichols stnbh. ' , 2sth nnd LcilM.north 175 1)1OH SAl.i : CHI : . \l' . Lit ! 1 1' ( ! LAb.S I nxii ) nnd food piano bux top biu'k'y , both In Komi otdei. Imiulro nt room JO. Omaha Nut bank bulldlnic OTil _ P-KAMILY iioitsi : von SAjTi-rTii Nni.i : nuTv- I ersur curiluKi ) It'iuns Can turn l h iinyklndof hoiso deslied Call nt C 1 > oodworth \ Cuur addressT J Memlnu , Cnllioun , Nub 077 l > -.lKliTTsibV ] 7niilJY ( NUAULY NKW. 1 J top buiKli * . ' plnietoui . ' \ topc.irrlaites c.uiopy surrey. J top dolUery WIICOIHI Driimmoinl htli S opp court liuiisp. 231 ali KOIl ' . e r. , w top of rut coliimii o Q-KOII bALK A JIIMY : : : cow , H ntKbii itKi- Isiured lu A J C t . suit cheap Address Y HI. lieu olllco U urn b.u.K ou K.\UUN < ; K , A feather remmitor , coaipleto , nearly na\t lu gulro I1IIJ Uroudwny. Council lllurrs. g1) ) ! l * QKOIl BALK , TI5N 'IO Kl rKKN1 'IHOUi AND tons need lev , to. b. inn , Bloux Clly , la. Jus K HOOKO „ Sons. * M7A10 Q-fOll S.VIiK OU LKAr TH Kt KXI N rTw'b paper [ lain In llionortliwcu looj palnmaKU Addrm U JJ , ( Jmuha lloo. JIKl ) aiJ' toil HA I. r OOOII AND COMl'LhlK MX turc uf moat market ; uxtclluut locnttuu uiii low rcul , 11 A. Uiluu ) Lu WI For nifeo. rtf , , ret top of fr t column on t/ili " " -iALDNKHS I'OSITIVKI.V CUtlKD NO MIStake - take alMiut It , send for dcsrrlplivn circular Address dross "Anll-llald , boi 891 Davenport , In K-I'ASTUIIAUK TO UK HAD AT DUIVINO park by npplylnff tu Charles ( JrpRory I2J Mntn slrent , Council Blurts. M2 10 * R " SmA v7NIllltltniAM ( CO .SOUTH OMAHA MW.4 as. | * IIUILDINH NOW WV n-rOll HALK-CHU ICH -lirated on Harney si. , near 74th , lu bo mored off , Apply lo Samuel Knit. 1,14. " Illli si W7 K-s n STKVKN- , CAUI'KNTKU HIIOI' , WA I.wivrnworlli sis Killuialus inado on nil car penter work _ MirWA-a ) T ML lilt AY 811 Tik IIKI.I. Tittiss rosiTivr.i.v rupture Cull ntiil ten It nt Uniim 0 , .V W ior < nor Daiiitlnn nml llth , rruiiiJtuSp m H. Hick ninn statu niti'iil f < r ( inlcntuv. MS.ll 3 * 1J-MAMSA K 1HKATMK.NT l\innl bittlin ocnlp nhil Imlr trontiiuuit inmilciiro niiilchlrupuUlat Mrs l'o tIIDS S litli.WllliiiL'll Iilk 8lO \IIIVOVANTS. . For rnttf , etc. , rte tn t \ of fnt rnliiinn nn thin wat. KlY | . UI , Mrovi-lallum ( 'hnllnnvvs tlio wcirlil SlrK , Ir ) M I Krnv > > ikml trnmoilnirrornnt nttrulnKlit.lntlmlKt nnd II fo ronilir ti-ll * j-ourllfo rroincrnillulo urnvu nnltci lliuo | > nri\tc < l , CRIDK'H mnrrlneo itltli lluinnu yon lovu liMln where you urlll niiCLCvil nml In "lint i > iilnc * tiol nitiiptoil for , luis tlm rolohrnttMl l.'K > ptlin lirrn'tinto | | fur lurk nml ti > ili' lrny ( mil Initiicnrp * citric nt Inti'niporniici' nml nil prlvnlo coniplnliitu ulth innninKo linths nml nlcoliul trrnt incut Honil t , look of linlr , nnnio itiul dnte of birth nml rpcoho nrrtirnti * IHu clmrt IcvnMIn itninpi for clrcitlnr nlvci Inlltnlt or nnu yon will mirry also pliotn of iiniiic Ulllco 1017 South llth ntruct , llrnt Hour honrii , Unm t < i Vp ni romp ono , oumu all , nml bu convinced of Ihli wonOurf id nrlolo M7JI7 5 * _ Q MIN'DUKAIHill AM ) SIXOSI ) mOHT HKKU. OTho ( trnit fortuni' ti'llor In this city Ims n miltii iif tmrlom nl thu llonnnl liontp , imiitlienst tornur of il.tli and Hownrd ntri > ( > t till * iM'riillnrljr dried person linn n iiinulr mirror In uhlch you can 4 < ( o juur future liunband nlfo. ciiumy or frlund All ini lnun nlrk'tty cinillcU'iitni I'nrlorn o nr rnnxod J u will IIIUL-I no summer 'lliu lust week NANNII : v WAIIHIN : , crAiuvo\ANT > lrmuo npotiklnv , vrrltltiK and rcllablo bllslni' ' niiMlluni , fourytnm In Oiiiab i , HU .V loth. Kii i OUT A/MIS. ! ' ANIXIVI-SV i OUTUNI : TtMH pant nnd ftiluro from Mill's of llio hand 1'ceJlUO ladles only 'Ai ( N 2llh. Upstairs 4SM uJ. ' ) ' or rolf4i , tic , rrc ( op ofjlul colnnin oiu/iM / > U73 8 K , ILICTHK'IAN : 3U llnn 'u block AIJHi a' ' ) ' V-MASSAOI3 , AIADA.MI. UKLXIKll , OYUIl 010 S Illb 2UOn7 l llthONAI.S. ! ! Z'nrr tcti. etc. . tec t i > nf flnl co/nmn / on thin ftnijt C iK7l1 > 7't lVTb7rASVubK\irvFm"MAT rlniony. full parlli ulura ( senlfd ) 10 lents. llox J2I , , Oinnlin Neb , AD * AUT AM ) I/ANGUAOK. I'nr talri , etc , fee tni > of Ttf culiimn nil thlx tinfjt. Vr "iu ViTn TTN"ifrA"1)VANO ) ; KXAMiNiiITni > new scnlo Klmball piano. A llospe,1.11.1 DoiiKhm. 07'J MO.NKV 10 LOAN Itl-JAIj 13TA'li : . For iatcictc. , ter loj ) nfnl / column nn tliti JVIIK. r-lls'I' ' 'AND ' SllCOVn > McOTAOrNOANH ' ' money liuru , Aluxandur .Mooro , 401 lloo build ing ( ' ' " \\r riUVATI' MONKY 'IO LOAN. J. I ) . 21TTLU , ' ill 4 N Y l.lfo bW ) \ V.t'AHANTUUD MOIITC.ACKS ON bAlll'Y , ' Tluipr Ciniilni ! nml Hlnnlnn Cu. lands for sale by H T Clarke. 1 Hoard of trada LSI \V-LOANS. W M IlAIllflH , U 20K11UNHKII I1LIC i T OM2 \\T-ANTIIONY LOAN AND TUIlbT CO , ,118 N. Y. ' Llfo , lend nt low rntes for cholco security on Ncbrnska or Iowa arms , or Omaha city properly ( .S3 \\r KASTKUN MONLY TO LOAN AT VKIIY low ralow. H II Iro,20ilN. Y Llfo 084 WANTKI ) 0 MONTHS. WILL (11VU trust deed on SIS UK ) worth cbolcu Omaha real estate Address , V 10 , lire 84 5" AXT-l-W'AN'l KDt7ffl ixToN .l.-aACUKSCLKAIlLAND 111 Weld Co , Colorado. Address. V iMIeo. 84 ft * \\r-MONUY 'IO LOAN ON OMAHA I'llOl'KllTY. il Mdellly Trust company , Ibll rurnam. 037 \ \ mTTfTDlNC LOANS (1 ( TO 7 1'Kll CKNT ! NO ' i < addlllonalcharges forconimlMslonoratlorney'H feus W II Melklc. 1 Irjt National bank hld'n. ( 3 \\r-MONUY ON HAND TO IXAN ON 1'IIIST " mortcauo on Omalm city properly. Chas W ItalnoY , iin Omalm Nal biuikjijilii M7H AY CII.NTHALLOAN AMJTHUST CO 11KU I1LIHJ Ttr-MOXKY'll ) LOAN ON OMAHA I'ltOI'Ulll'Y 'I H. Neb and lu farms 12 , F. Ulngcr , 1510 Knr'm USD all \\r-SToi' I'AYiNci UINT : , OWN A IIOMI : wu ' will buy or bn\ ono built for yon nnywhero , and let tbo renl pay fnr the property , ror Infer iratlnn call or address North American Savings As pollution. Itoom 720 , Now \ork l.lfohillhllnn Otllco open until 7 p m OIJ a U T\r .I U II1CU , INVbl'.M'T bKCUULTlIIS. BH Llfo llul Id 721 A 4 * 'ixr-fi 1'uu CUNT ruiiT MTOK LOANS , men ' ardC I'litlerson , IU7 N Y Life 418 MONKY TO IiOAX CH/X'1'l'KI.S. / ui riitrn. etc. , ft" tun ot lirat cnlnmnnn tliti p < iy . X , , ' .MA furniture , cto. Dull l.iecn.U ZO.Conllnunlal blk y MOVUY TO LOAN IIY II K MASl'UllS ON viioiisehold poods , pianos , ormtns , horses , mules , warchouso receipts etc. , nt the lowest posslblo rates Hltliout publlilty or removal of proport ) 'llmo arraiiKi'd lu suit borrower. My loans are so arranged Unit > ou * can mnko n payment at nny llmo and reduce bolh llio principal any Interest Von nil ) Mini It to your advantage to see mo If ) on want n loan , or If moro convenient call up tcl epliono Hi * . ! ! nnd your buslnoss can bo arranui'd nt homo Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity , Ion cat ral s 11 V Misters , room I , Wllhnell block , 15lh and Unrnu ) streets _ VJO X -ClTATI'UI. HANK , 119 S. If , I'll. LOANS MONKY on clintlels or colhilural al reasonable ratcH 1 * 1 -LOANb.WJN Y LIU ! , U. A MOUIIIS. v sniss * X MOM'.Y TO IOAN ON' IIOHSIIS. WACO.SH , furnltiiro planosand collateral security llusl IICSD conlldentlal. I red 'lurry , U 41.1 ItauiKO bl k _ MM XK MO.NIIY ON ruiiMTt in : , IIOII UH. uic" Keystone MortvnKO Co , room -W shoely blk iiW . ' MO.M'.Y LOANUD , C VfluOluflOOO. ) 2ll5Cumlnist Ml.-JnlS rti . , cc top of 1'int column on i/its / j mi' . ness stuck and nccnunti will Invotco aboul filouu IbUls n splLiidld ( linnco for nn IK thu pci 1,011 to mnkit muney 1 or full particulars nilddrcKS Y 1 1 Uea _ _ _ _ M ii77 8 V ANY "MAN Wl I'lli ( CAN KNTKIl INTO A 1 buttlnosH Unit ulil pay Ibo largest per cenl on money lnostcd of anything In Omalm 1'arllciilnrs address Y Ii lleo h I ) ! > V DO 10U WANT A ( , OOD ItrilNUbh.llin THK JL Louunoiclal , llio luadlni : holul Broken How , Neb Ml _ _ V rOlf ALUOU TIIADU I Oil CLUAU I'ltliF I erl ) , alnto and count } rluhta for the I \ L.slnto piiliit hend for clruular J 1. Itlco , patciileo box tT'J Omalin 848 & V I ° 11 "Al.i : , CI.KN HKI'AIL S IWK t7F < 7uo" L lories In desirable locution , Ouuiba , lit tiucrlllcii AddroBS I'cycko llros MCU & OK Dllt'l.S , 1'IIYSICLvs lu i donco ami pracllio In llvo lown la tunlral No , nil clieup AddresH U 4J. lleo HISS * . UNT TIIK tftOS'l ) M.OOUOKUNK o' L llio principal dry KooiUslorcs la Omalm bull blo foi clolldiiK , hals oupi , crockery , larpets or furnlturci Will ronitlthur Ihu untlro lloor or pan of It Address T II lieu Mltf I'3.\OIIANOI ! . t or rtitf , etc , are tn > of i rtt column on ttila ixiu' . WANTKD TCl"TltAltk.fl.OiX ) ' KQIJM'v" * 1N / Omalia rc'ldcncu property for ck > nr land In lown or Nebraska J L Illco. 'XN Y Lite 81'J A * r/-\V \ MIU HAVK AilOI ( ) tll'lUtlllfl'IANl ) YOU /Jwunt to oxnbaiiKo for lot worth ( JJJ , nil ilrtsiT ? ! , llooullicu li)7 ) WK--niiN : MIIIIA.HKTANDTHK : COMING J-l 'bonanza ' I am prepared to otTcr 10 or moru sei lions of cliolco hunt III Western Nolirasku for miluor for oxilimuo for denlraiiUi uiiilttles | in I in proiod property In Omalm or ulsonluiro I ) L' Hunurd , iriTaxtoii blk . Omalin , Neb 7011 * V-KAUM-j ANU HOUSKS TO RxHfANOiTTlMt /-JUiuahu pioperty Cull ut room IOJ llruwn Inilbllnu' , M.- ' > -AI5 r/-TWO SUCTIONS CHOICU V M.LKY LAND IN /J\\cldCo. Colorado nearly clear , for Umalm lirunTty | J. K likeN ' Y l.lfo un 4 ' / WANTKD TO TltADK , NKW KUKNITUIIK /-Tor n food .trenii honu. Addreii V uO , Iluu , .MIM V-WANTKI ) TO 1HADK ONK 6YKAH Oll > /Jhlnik horie , wuUtit 1,170 uounJs , for Iwo muajl tiortvs. Addrcn U Calliuup , 1011 S Jlth b i 4 rJOU TltADK TlllllTV IIKAD UK HOltHKS /Vforilrr Kooils , clolldnu. boutu and hon , li t > nJtiipi. ilary Novotuy. Uurnull , Nob. k'J'- * , run w iN n. MlllM. rCHOICK KAHM8 tO KX11IAMIK KOIl MKU /Jchaiidlno. nrllo mo. V K. Wolli , llurwell , Nclt y-VOIl K.XCHANdK. UlUAVKSW ACHKS CLKAU / Nebraska land and , e I mudorn residence In Omnlin tu cirhaitito fof.jjood stuck mcrchnndlse , Inside vacant property ! if ] acres , owners nddross , 1' O boW , omalia \ ; } t'll 1 ? r/-KU,200 ) KQUITV IN OMAHA /J n'sldnnco and ? 2,0w or 12 ! W casb fnr mineral merchandises Address | , ock llot 03 , Council Illufts , Iowa Ms.4 . | | * " " KOIl . ' Fomitrt , etc. , tft dU/Ji s fohimii nil 'ftfi I trnckaKcor ri'sldeiin" * BO t the l.iidbm ronl eslnte dealers In "oiitb Omaha , Kit Jotmilou A Co , corner 31th and N streets IW ' KNTrNTA-TsiMU'Tlirr TjVW ALK 'IOWOHKINOM 1 lor.s mod not applyi on tlmo or monthly pay menls , n ncnl coltauo at less than nt Dial value In nldfl property , only ono block lu electric line In quire nt room Wi , Omaha National bank biilliltnn 7 IDltiiKrOH MAI.UON KASY TUHMS , HOfMKS 1 1 fur rent Address Herman American Siivlnits bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - . lv SAT.M-KASY TKHMH. HOMIW rOlt J 1 ( IOUU H.200. II 100 nml up Tnko small fleir prop erty as part pajmonl. U < l Wallace , Drown block , iilb nnd Douglas ' "M IOU4ALU MI'OOP LOT WII'H I1HICK IIIMI.II 1 Intr. on Doiliin nenr 12th , M.SOO. Address ,1 It Sliaw , UVON Y Llfo 4W n 4- _ /on sAhn'TTiiiKK oooi ) l.or > < , liitAiii.u A 1 lleachley s addition , Ilcatrlco , Neb , will sell heap or oxilmniio for Omaha property A II Kelly , * < otilli Omalm _ M707 fl l-HHl SALU , ON .MONTIILV PAYM INTS AN'D L very cheap n number of houses in illlToronl parti of tlioclly , will irado eiiullles for vacant lola 1110.0 F Da\lsCu gi.4 Alii _ r HKNOVATOItT I'orrtitfK , tte , , tr to\t \ nt lint rodimii on till * ' AN i > 'i i L > erslOUKht Mall orders promplly lined Work called foramldollvorod I'riuikAnson.JhtXI ranklln PATENT SOIiIC'ITOllS. 1'nrrviOs > pnf first column onthii I Sues \ Co , llco building , Omaha , Neb Ilriincli olllco nt WushlmUon I ) C. Consult itlon free 1 , . MKOIIANlOAh OHAUGIll'SJin.N. Formic * , etc. . nee ( on o//lrat column nn thli pniir. TXA lT l oTKicU 'AND > bl'UUAI , DUAWINiUS 1onparcd by ( I W. bues A Co Omaha , Nub 177 I'ATTIJKNS AND A for tatrs , etc. ncctoitof Jrsl cnniinii nn thin " TAKKN VI' . for rate. ' , etc. . tee to of firtl column on l/it / < riAKUNYiF'-DAiuv HAY I three wldlo fiol nml star In forhead S U 'I a > lor , U-'l Kmnii't street HI 4 * RKILWRYTIMEGKRD Loavoi I SIOUX oll'V * 1'AUIHU. I Arrlvoi m.ihn , Donot 1'ith and U'obstor Sts. I Omiha. M | > m I 8t. I'aul Limited. . . . V. | M a m LCITOS Arr.roj Onmhii | j T. depot , I0th and Marcy bu. Oninha. 1 > .l a a m Chicagoiixproi * tfli a m 1.10 p m Vosttbulo iJraltod ' 3J a ni ! ' 20 p m . . .Uastorn Flyer I.1) ! ) n m "LullMM i t. , b.1' I' . , M .V O Omalii. I Dopo115th and W'clxterSIs Omalru S 10 n m bloux City Accommodation . UOi p m 1 ( JO p in Sioux Uty Ktpross ( Lx tjiinday ) \i \ 40 p m S4F p m St 1'aiil ( .1 in Hod. I * 2i a m 5linin _ _ _ llancroft I'assongor ( Ux Sunday ) 8 4 i n m Leavoi I MISSOUUI l'A ( tl-io. I Arrnoi Omahi. I Depot I Jth an I W'obstor Sts. I Omalit St. Louis , V K U Uxpross. . I U SO a m a p ml St Louis A It C. I 5 ZO p m Loavoi I K CS1' JOUAC. I ) Transfer I Union Depot Council Illults 10 W a m I Kansas City Diy lixpruss. 1015 p ml Kansas Clly .NlKbl hxpreis i.oavos I CIIIOAOO , U 1 A I'AUH 10. ArrlxoU Tranfor I Union Depot , Council lllutts. Trinsfer R < 0 p m . .Nlk'lit Kxpress . . . I ! i .1) ) a m 'J V > a m . . .Atlantic Kxpress. . . I ; , V > p ni SOO p ni . \ostlhula Limited . i 10 a n m Leavoi IC'Ili AOO.Ic NOIU'IUVKSI'KII.V Arrlvoi 1 ranaferl Union Dopot. Council nlulti I'rinsf o 9 40 n m ClilcaKO Kxpress. I..UI p m 5 UO p m Vettlbulo Llmltod. U U n m ,0 U ) p m Kistornrlyur. , . . ' ! * ) D m 8 UO p in Atlmtlo Vail i a n m ( . . .JO p m | Iowa Accommodation ( Sat , only ) I ) 40 p m l.uivoi I OMAHA A bf LOUIS I Arrival Iransfosl Union Depot , Counclj IHulT ITrinsJcT 4 40 p m | .St Louis Canon llalT. 11.15 p in Loaves | CIHCAO ( ! , IIUUL'N , V 'TTrfivos rransfi-rl Union Depot. I ouni'lHIIiiits rl'ransfer ' .i VI a ru hlcnio J o JO p m 10 UO p m . . .Chicago 1'xpress 40 III 7 Uj p m . . .i.lreston Locd I 13 n m IMl'KOVIiJIEH ' Hie OKDER of tin ICE , FOR 15-YBARS All usnr of TVI'nvflTniW have felt the necusslty nf their buln j Iniiirovod. You will tin. ! In Ihu rciii The Iniest nnd best. Wu elnlin ; anil Insueo- Hun and trial proxu It , " 1'hu Most llnrablo In Alignment , Kislust Knnnliu' , and .Mo-it Mlent. All tyno olnanod In tun heeonds vlihuut the lianiN , bund for The Smith I'romlflr TJIHJ > VrHcr Co. T. II MAYIIBW , M.iiiii ur. rarnam slieot , Oinalui. Not ) . \V \ 'V'Pli'l Acenn to sell the I'lnless ' Vi > 1 Ii ! I.Clothes Llnu , iho only line uvor holds thoc'olhui without pins , n ported ted success , pnlcnt recently Umied. sold only by ukiunts , ID whom llio oicliulvo rUlit \ ulven , on ro- celpl ofMccnts wo will send n utimiilo line by mail ; uUo circulars , prlcolltt nndu-rmi to adonis , securu your iirrlmry at unco. Addru I'lli ; 1'INLK-M CI.OTHKS LINK CO , 17 Hurnioii St Worcualar Buffering Irons Uio llect > ft youthful erro * arlf decay , wosllni weakneu , lott uinuhoul , etc I will toad valuablu trvatUe lu tliili coutalnlnj full particular ! for bom * euro , I'll U I. nf cnargu JL ipundM medical work | ttioulit IMJ run ! by rv r ] man who l < ncrroui nml ctul > llltat d , Addrert I'ror. v. v. i'owMui.-nooUui , AWrlllen Ounrnnleolo SYPHILIS CURE EVEHY CASE or . _ MONEY REFUNDED. Oar rum 19 pmn nf nt n I not ft p tchlnif up CafM trriitrd fltn y ari HRO IUT nctrr n niyrnplnm In. . o. Jly dcmrlblnRctUB fully wo r n tr t Toil hy tnall , and waitlta III * Mtna ( HiuliJBinrftntio lo eur of refund nil money. TUoio who pn'f r to conin here fortir lmcntcnndo n nJw lll piy r llrod f r hotli w y nmt hotel bills while li r If wn f ill to euro. Wit chtltenim the worl I for A cas tlml our MAillO Ilhlll IiY will not euro. Write for fu I | nrti , ulnrsant KcttbooTUIcntc.o know til it you am V | llctl , Jinlly no , lei , n the moil eminent rhy > tilan < htro mftrrlxenaliletoRlrn mom than Urinonrr rrtlcf. In our n o fArs' pr ctlco llh the SI loll' M SlFDY It hn been mo t illfflcult to orercomo the prrjud'o * mt lnitalliOiftlle l | icclflc < . But uinler mir itrong BUirantco yon fhouM Hot herltala to try thl remedy. You tnkA no rhMii oof lo lnit y mr money. V o untco lo euro or refund ctery dollir , nml wn li v a repittitluntoprotsct , also Omnclal backing of fJOO , . COO.UHporfi-cllyjafeto all who wilt trr thotrrnl- meat , lltretoforeyoii hire been piilllnff up nnd paying out ) our inonry f or different Ite itmcnls and although you ronotetciireliioonolia pslil buikynur m n er. ponotwAstonnymoromoncyuniiljou try us. OKI chronic , deep scute I esaoi cured In 30 lo 50 days. In. rrstlirsto our ( Innnclil fUmllnir , our re"itallon | at tiuilnois rnf n. Write us for niniM an , ! nddrrMps of thoio wo bavo cured who hnvo Rlvtn | > crml9ilon to re fer to them. It costs jou only poj'.jo to do thin It 111 MYO ) oil ft orl 1 of f utf crlnif front mcntsl strain , and If jou nro married what may your olt prln suffer tlnouKh your own nf gllci-ncc. If your symptoms nro rorothroat , nnuous putties la mouth , In lionos nnd ) lits , hair \llln.t out , eruptions on nny rartof tliobodrfiellniiif K n ril dcprvi lon , I'.ilni Inhfodorboni-j , > i > uli' > ono tlmo lo wa to. Thnso who nm cen t n'ly tsVlnif nn rein y nn I pntsslishould dljcontlnuolU Constant n o uC Ihnso dniirs 111 surely brlnfr tore * nml e il Irtr lib era n Iho end. Dmi' C f all to write. Allcnmnpondon , o n-ntn-slul In plslnenvil opes. Vr'olnvlto tha mo trlit d Invtstlgitloiiiindwlll do nil In our power lo nil you In IU Adlrcsn , ( OHt } tiVinCO. . , Omalm , tfrlnaikn. OClro llh nnd Fnr mini , second door , entrance llth L . FOR MEN ONLY. S560U Id , a oiso of Lns o Fail ng L. . Oounral or Nervous Uobilifcy , w.ilcuoss of boiiyor iniml , tin ollocts of errors or i'x oniius In old or young th it wi > ciinnot ruro. Wo guarantee evorv case or rnlunil every ilollir. Fvo days trial troitment $1 , mil rourso $6 Poroentiblo bJn Ills ro ilizul in three ilu-B By mall , mcuroly packed fro.u REMEDY CO. , OMAHA , NEB. LADIES ONLY MARIP FEMALE KEQULATOn , Sifo nnd lllHUlU Cartnm to a aayormnnny refunded. Price by mall $2. bo.ilotl from obsnrvatlon COOK ItEMEDY CO. . Omnni. NOD BAD BLOOD ! : , Pimples on the Face | Breaking Out ) ! f Skin Troubles | : LlttloBorej ) HotBkla ) : , Bolls l Blotches ) : Cold Sores ) Bad Breath ) Bore Month or Lips | : If yon ntr > r from nny of ; litke U1y\nowun , lcrno i'Vat VllftiibfouiViriveradl- ; Clt5 the poison from the " " ' ' > , " ' 'A'm. ; : : j oirdru 'l t orwrltoto M II IIOOKI-H .to . ; l ) , 41) Wist Hroadwny. Nc\v orlt 4 Ity FOU hALE Y ICUHN k CO. . Om.iha. PKoposAi-s rou niMXTioN or smooj lllllllllllKS DM'AIITMI.NTOI TIIK ISTI.ItlOH , Oini'i : in IVDIVN AM'Aiui , .liny ifllli , 18 n. bo ileii proposuN , uniliiisoil "I'ropos ils ( or cruutlon of si'lioel bnildln.s , " anil aililrossoil lo thu ciminilv > loncr of Jiiilian al' 'Its , \\usli- iiulon , I ) . I' . , I1I no iLH-oUcil at this olllco until I o'clock of Aiutisi 10th , 1SI ! . for llio erection ot threu lar o school hnllilliiKs on thu Slioshont ) Inillan rpsurvatlun In Wyoming at a point to ho selected hy the Indian ngi'tit , the iniilii bnihlinu to he 140x41 , the RI | Is' dormitory 41x71 , anil the hoys' dormitory .i\8i ! ; also for thoorortlon of the I'ort Hall Indian Inilns- tiial school noir III icUfoot , Idaho , u fr.imo dntmltorv hulldliiK ,1'lxJI ' , all In aocoriliinuo with plans nnd spi'Lllientlons inny be c\- amlnoil at the olllcos of the "lli'" of Denver , t'ol.j "I'm : HUB" of Oni.ilm , Neb : " t'ilhiino"of S.ut Lal oJity thn ' 1111" of Clioyomiu. Wjo.anil tlio "" of lloloiin , Slont ; also at the Mioshono Agency , Wyo. , and the I'ort Hall school. Idaho Illddorsslll ho ii'qnltod to submit > .opnr.ito bids foreneh bnlldlni ; , and tost.ito the iiiiuth of tlino proposed lo he eon nnied In their con- striiftlon Cl R'Hi-IEii CIII.CKS. 1'iieh hid must ho uccunii ) inlol by n certi fied check or di.itt uDon some Unliud Ht.ites duposltorv or some solvent nation il b ink In the vicinity of tlio blddot's phieo of hiislnass , n.iyublo to thoordor of the ooniinHsionei of Indian allnlis , for at least * > per emit , of the amount o ! the propos il , which ehook or draft shall bu forfolti'd to the Unltotl bt ites In o.iso any bidder or hlddors receiving an award ih.ill fall to promptly oxeouto a eontraot wltn good and snlllclenl sntetlus , othorwho , lo bo returned - turned to the bidder. 'I ho right Is ro-i r\ed to roect | any or all bids , or any p.irt of 'iny bid , If deemed for the host Interest of the service. THOMAS J. MOIIOAN , Commlsslonor. : jylvl.'ttin ) i on Kitr.crioN or t-uioo hnlldliii Dopirtmont of iho Interior Olllio of Indian Allulis. Wiishlimton. 1) . U , July 20 , 1VII. Sealed propos ils , ondorsoU , "Proposals for erection of hchnol Iliilldlnirs , " and u ldrrs > cd to the C'onunlssloner of Indian Allanat WiishliiKton. I ) O . will bo rocolvod lit this olllco until 1 o'clock of August 17. Ih'Jl ' , for thu 01 01 lion of ono laro stonosohool building on the I'lpostone Indl in IlesorMitioii -iiutln\esti'rii ! .Mliinesoln , In accord nice with plans and Hnocllloatlons that may ho o\- iimlnod lit Ihe uttlucs of the "Press and Di- kolan , " Yankton. b l"l.'ho lleo" of tJin.ih i , Sob. and the "llnlldor's Ho ird of Tr.ulo , " PoinurTth and Codni streets , SI. I'aul. Minn The bulldliustono on the loseivitlnn la to bo used In the erection of llio bulldinc. 1'or fnrlhei Infiiimatlon , as to loentlim of bnilil- int ( , me ins of Irnnsporlatlon , litbor. etc , ip- ply to 12. W 1'ostor. Lnltod btalos Indl in AKOIII , fJri'onwood. bonth Dukotii. C'Lllll- riLI ) ( 'IlfX'ICS Kadi bid must bo accom panied bv a certified check or diatl upon some Hulled Stales depository , 01 MOIMMI * National Itank , In the vlulnlly of Iho bid- dor's pliiuo of bnslnos , puvahlo lo the order of the Commissioner of lndl.ui Atl.ilr-i , for nt It'.ist fl\o put cunt , of thu amount , of the pio- posal , whloh chuck or draft shall bo foi foiled lo tliu United blalos In c.isu any bIJdor or bidders icci'lxln an award shall fall to c\- ecoto a contract \\itb KOIX ! nnd snlllclenl suiolli's , olhorwiso to bu loturni'd to iho bid- dor. T.I MOUGAN. tominlsslnni'r. July -'I u 1 l. .Inly 2" > in 50 t. A us run n IMJU. . b Indian ohool bur * Ice , Urmia Indian liidustiliilohool , Nob. ( iono.i , Nub. Inly " 0 , ivil. Sealed propos , ils.ondois-od I'lo- posnls for Election of llullilln,1 , " mil ad- dn-ssod to HID undorslKiiud at ( ieno.i , kn , will bo ruiuU oil at tills school nniil ono o'clock p m , nf .Mondayilir , 17 , Ihfll. for fur- nishlil'r. the materials , and inoctlni , ' , a dining' room , kitchen and auditorium building .it tbls school. In nccoidanco ullh plans and spo- clllcatlons that may bo uMimlnrd at thu olllucof the "Hee , " of Oinalui. Nub. and al this school , llldtlurs will statu In lliolr bids thu luiisth of tlinu roipilrod in the con true- tliin of s'lld liulldliiir. The iltfht Is rraervml to rclcut any or nil bids , nr any part of any bid. It docii'ud for thu best Interesl uf ( lie set- VIPU. C'hllTIFII ! ! ) C'llClhSKlicll hill 111 list III ) accompanied by a curllllud cheek nr draft upon some I'nlli'd Su.tes looslliny ) | ) or sol vent Nation il Hank In the \ Ii Inlly < if the ie-i- ili'iicc of thu bidder , madu payable In the order of llio Commissioner of Indian \llalrs. for at loasi mi ; I'Kit t KM of thu ainonnl of tlio pioposil. w hich chruU or di aft will bu for feited lo the United states Iu uaso any bidder orblddois rocoUInt ; an awiiid shall fill lo promptly tno'itto a eontract ullh xood and snllli lent sin dllus , dt beiulsu tu bo n tinned to tliu Udder. Kids accompanied by cash In lieu of a eei tilled chink \vlll not hu umslduiod. I'm fin Him Information nutilv to W II , HACKI'b hilperlnlondeiit Jj..d-'ltM lllds will bo lecoUed by the Slate Hoard of Printing iittlioollko of the > eerul iry uf .state. on or before - o eloi k p m , August dth. is'U , forprlntliu and binding In cloth , ono t bons- ii mi LI.OO ) ] coplus ( if Vol. 111. , of thu Transnu- ilons and ItcpniU of the Nolir.iRua "tun * Ills- torlo il Society , to ho delivered complete at Iho olllco uf the Suorofiry of iho boo oty. In tlio btatu UnlMTslty Hollillni ; , Uneoin. To contain , W pa cs , muro or loss The nl/o of p.i o , i lirlit and quality of papur , Htylc and iiuallt > of blinlliiir. Ht y In of leiioilni ; ( immei. anil In all icspccts Ihoork to be iho same us thosannilo to ho seen In thu ollleo nf thu si > c- otii ry of sinlii The rluhl lo lojecl any and all bids Is icaui vt ( I jylBiU'oiin .Inns C All.fv , Sncn tary & Ktllon * , I ) lul ivn tpaikl'uic , il d Pmli7lnc faulJ by ill rinalvrt / Itf t n InuiutHul I'ictiiru IltMtk nnd cardj Mill to aay ono addriw. O. J. , HIIIPH A CC J'blUdelDlll- Knjll.h DUnonJ III Hid. Or'xtnul ' an < l ( Inly tirnulne. AFC l i < r lt bl ifcoif ulf tar CMtHUtrt 'n li , Hit ' ' IIMulboUui TuL iwlilifw. la. iMlliuonUU tij bf r lnr POSTAL TELEGRAPH PLANS , Intorcstinj Ideas on the Subject of Facili tating tlio Business , EXPENSE OF THE SYSTEM EXAGGERATED. I'coplu III Uoncrnl Will Ho lU'ticllttcil hy tlic SulicMiio Whloli IH Cer tain tu Mature \\llliln tlio Decade. WABIHSOTO.V , AUR.t. . [ Spoclnl to Tnn Her ] "Tlio most that wo enii ilo , " said I'oHtmastor Gouor.U Wunaiimkor toJay , "n to ilu us ( "oil usvo c.ui uiulor oxistliiK postal laws.Vo can ask tlio attention ot the people - plo to rofonns , mill Inform tlio momuors of congress about tliotn when tlioi ink us.'o cn.iiiot oupsolvos in. ilco laws provlilin tor postal toloimipliv , po < tiil sayingii b.iukn , ono cent pottage mat iimvorfnl free delivery , no matter how strongly wo bulluvo in these things.Vo can only sugKCst , It Is for con gress to pass the Inws. " ThU In nnswor to my question , lia ttly iiroDouniluil today nnd replied to oil'-luuul , whether postal legislation of lin- porlanco uoulJ bo llkoly to pass the next congiess , nnd what Mr. WaimmaUor pro posed to do about It. "You apoko , sir , ot the postal telegraph ; how doo- that stand , utul \\hnt can bo done nbout 111" "Tho limited poital telegraph plan , 1 thlnlc , " the postmaster general replied , "Is the best po Uil telegraph plan j ot proposed simply hecnuso It Is the easiest and most biislness-llko and It Is not Immodest for mete to say that for It was the product of months of conferences nnd agitation amongst men familiar with the telegraph busi ness , us well as the best postal systems , of LJuropo. It was unanimously ro- poited by the somUo commlttoo and only failed by a vote in the bouso committee , nnd that too after n series of discussions wlituh were In furor of the bill. It tins Dcen nude out to bo a tremendous exaggeration of gov ernmental power , you know , piternalbm , nnnlos of civil soi-vlco , millions of expense , nnd all that. It Is nothing of the sort , It is simply a proposition that the present forces and nroportlos of the postoflk'o department shall help out the telegraph companies , and that the telegraph companies in loturn for this favor and In consideiation of this s.iing shall transmit telogiams more cheaply , nml so bring their immense benefits within the icach of ten or twenty millions of people , .say , Instead of OHB million. Person ally I believe this dep.irtuie would piy the telegraph eomtMiiics , curtainly It is no in fraction of their vested rights to clo as much for them as thej do for the depaitment and hence for the people. It Is n proposition di icetlv to benefit hundreds of cities and towns in this country and to benefit Indirectly the \\holo country , for it proposes to connect at all points with the postal service , and that is uulvmsully used. It biings moru of tbo people ple together ; it promotes social con espond- eneo. Excuse mo , though , I did not moan to ni guo for It to you.Vo shall have to wait until the time comes again for that. Certain to Conic. "No , I do not see that the plan will have to bo modified much. No objection was inndu to it last session , troni those who looked at It from a purely publlo standpoint It was de feated because it was supposed to nntagonl/o ccitain ptivato interests. I do not believe that it aid , but If It wns fought with the belief that it nntagoni/od pilvalo Interests , whv there was the fact , and there was nothing to do nDout It. You may bo certain that the limited postal telegraph plan is coming It is not coining , of course , until the people understand it and ask their leprc- sontatives in cougicbs to vote for it. " "i see , " said I "Doubtless it is much the same with the postal savings bank plan ) " "Yes , almost exactly the same. That has been fnisoly assumed to antagonize the bank ing interests. Myopinlonlsthat by taking a hundred millions of dollars of money out of tlio stoelfincs and fiom under the Jloors " nnd Mr. Gould estimates the total of "unused savings in this country as high as that It would go to all the banking and loan Institutions and not only earn profits , intcicst , money , fonts deposit ors , but It would put just that amount of money into circulation , nnd not only would the bankers profit thereby , but the men in the snmllor kinds of business would have jtlst so much more capital within their leach to work with. That is not the main thing , either ; it Is this addition of such n tremendous deus quick capital to the uses of the whole country , i'ho main thing , us I believe , is that it would make millions of people ios , millions thrifty , saving , prosperous , proud ; It would mnko them enpitalists. Hut what I nm saving is not to tlio point , either. Your question is whether the members of the new congiess will look at It in this way , and whether they will pass a bill to permit post- innstors In remote quarters , where vested lights would not bo interfered with , to re ceive deposits which the government should bo security for. " "You spoke a moment ago about ono cent postage , nnd as though you would like to see ill" "Yes , that leform Is very dear to mo ; but think what is involved. To cut the postage on lottcis iu two tvould moan an annual deficit of f 1,1,1)00,000 ) , in addition to the pros- out ono. Wo ate not to blame for the pres- entono , you know , which has , I think , been 10- dnced one-half , sav 1,000,000 , dining the last two years. Wo hnvo had to do ? .1,0 ( > 0,000 worth of free business for the other executive departments. . ! ! ! the flist plnce. Then wo do n losing business of some f I J,000,0)0 ( ) or $ li- ! , 000,000 , on the iicwsptper mails , which must bo mndo up by letter postage This is proper , wo ought to do it , for if there Is ono way to disseminate intelligence , which Is the object of the ijostonico department , more tbun another , it is through the newspapers. C heap 1'apcrs I'rci'orroil. "Thou I Imagine the average put ton would rather have his paper Ihnn his letter roiim cheaply in the mails , because ho lias it como oftener as a general thing. Hut with these gioat items , which at least wo ought to tm\n ciedit for , taken into account , our deficit is only nppaiont Yet there seems to bo no way of making it appear only apparent , for it is hard to got monov appioprla'ed for the use ol the service unless It Is seen that It comes back df > ! lnr for dollar Tlio only thlnir wo can do is to cconomi/o whore wo can wisely do so , and to do\olop the prolltablu parts of the business. " "Hut would not tlio revenue recover itself giaduallv. although you make this i educ tion I" 1 asked. "Yes , and I was Just coming to that point , The revenue would tocoxvr Itsolft but not so quickly nor with such coitnlntj as under puvlous icductloub. With tlio icductiou of loiter postage to 1 cent thu Increased volume of business would bo Immense ; it might hu doubled oven. Suppose It were Incicasod one-third or only one quarter , would not that moan tlm employment of piettyne.ulv that proportion of oxlja clerks of nil kimls , and even the enlargement of postolllces and the addition of postal cats ! There comes in an other Item , you sea and an unrcitain ono , so that while the effect of 1 cent postage upon the levenno could bo guessed in , and wo did that lu the last annual icnort and propose to do it in the next , still I think It is host to point out what hoeins to bo the truth In tills mat ter. Ono cent postage would mnki ) n deficit ol piobutly if 1. 1,000,000 the first year. Ibis would bo gradually reduced each year , but It would not disappear otitiiely fnr ton years In nil probability , so it In of course very line to sny UuU 1 cent postavo Is good ; the ptncticnl question Is , howo\er , can wo alford itf" "Yes , sir , I see that , but do not tlio country people complain , and h.ivo they iiot u right to complain , that their needs nnd daslrcs nro slighted in this mutter , white wo lira delivering the mail nt city homes 1 If they cannot hnvo 1 cent postage or Ihu fieo delivery advantages which cittos have , what can bo done for thorn to uquulUo the benefits of tlio system , so to speak I" lru < "That is a goud paint and ono very natural to bu made Thorn comes In what is thought to be , us I hope it Is , the beginning of univer sal f ice delivery , fu'o delivery In small vil lages and the funning districts , just ihu saino as Iu the elites. Itnmybau long time com ing. but I hupo wo linvo begun to see it. Wo uro experimenting , as you uoi.bUois know , in foity coimnuiiiuo * , b > winching the effect or nn nllownnro of notuo &KX ) for n cftrrlorwho delivers nnd collect * loiters , The early re ports Indlcnto that this service is almost pull ! for by Ihocxtrn revenue which nccrum to the particular postoftlco pnlronled. Suu- pete the annual reports were to say tniit it Is quite paid for , or siippaso that thev onlv snv Hint It U livn-slxthfi paid for , or oven throe foinths , could Wo not develop n prtncl plo nnd present u schema to ecu- gross by willed wo could nsk lor u given iippioprinUon for n com munlty of such and such n population , and Mich and such nn area , and hold out a reason iiolo hope that tiioU of the money wotud como back to the depaitmontl If wo could do that , anil If congress would grant ttio monowo could establish free delivery whrrovor It might ho wanted I nm Bangui no enough to expect that wo can mnko some Mich showing us this. Tlio plan might bo \earslu developing , but when j on consider the tremendous In this country and the tiemcmlous distances covered by the mail routes , It would cortnlnly bo n wonderful thing tosocuio universal free drllvery In a low years , us I think Muttvougol ( food morning. You see thcro Is n good deal nuout the postal service that Is Interesting " That Is ccitalnly true , nnd I always real lo It In some new wny when I goto the post- olllco department , especlnllv If I have a talk with the postmaster gencial. Parents Komi TliN. lu'y ' and August are nnvlons months for mother * who carefully watch over their llttla onet Hot da\s nnd fietiuent eli'ingos of temperature are liable to pioduco cholera morons. How satisfactory It should bo for pan'iitstoknow that Ilallor' < i I'aln > zer ' it both n pleasant and olTcctlvo itmiedy'for all summer complaints. It soothe * and rn- llovcs nil pain and griping and al\uis olToits aeompletoeuro. aeompletoeuro."A "A MAN. " Now \Vt AI-H With You. On iintl : iflor .Inly HI tlio Chlt'npo , Hook Island & I'lu'illu nillwuv will run all IH trains in and out of llio Union Depot - pot , Omaha. Trains will lonvo us fol lows , cnst-boiinil : D.ij oxp-ess , l > : ; r > u. in. VoHtibuluil limited , 1:10 : p. in. Atlantic express , lill : ) p. in. Arrive I ) : ID a. m. , 10oj : ( a. in. and 0 15 p. in. These trains are voslibuletl and it I.s nn iiidisnntalilo fact that thodmitii ; car sorviuo of the " ( Iroat [ { ot-U Island" is second to none in the country. For rates , sleeping car hurths t ) C'hi- eatjo or any points i-ast call at city ticket olllco of the Koclc Inland Houto , llith and Itanium slicels. Jons' HKIIASTIAN , O. T. & P. A. J. L. DJ : Duvoisn , Oonoral Agent. ItADhV IHIllNi : ! ) . An Oil Tank i\Dloiles Sei-nmsly In- .liirlnu n I'lnmhcr anil Helper. Monday evening about " > o'clock , an explo sion of an l dwards burnoroll tank took plu.-o at Kuenno's bakery , ftJJ South Si\leonth street The tank was destroyed , n plumber ntiniod George Kuiv. was badly burned , and n helper named Thomas Bowles , was injured about the eyes and on the face. It seems that the tank had been used for the storage of crude oil and was connected with n pump Hy moans of the latter , air was forced Into It , creating a piossuro which forced the oil throuch the pipes to the plates and ovens where it was lighted for bnkini ; purposes. The tank leaked and tlio plumber was called In lo repair It. Tlio latter at first re fused to mnko the repairs until the tank should hnvo been emptied of the oil. Ilo claims , however , the bakery people told him thoiowasno oil In the cylinder and that consequently thoio could bo no diinuor iu making the repairs. The proprietor of the bakery says that tliu oil leaked from n break In tha cnn , and that tlio plumber , applying a Ugh to It , caused the explosion. Tlio leak was soldeiod and the plumber says ho was about to turn away when the top of the cylinder was blown elf and a voluino of llamo from the tank struck the plumber in the face. The explosion was attended by a loud re port which attracted the attention of neigh bors and hundicjs of passers bv. ICui7 , the plumber , was badly burned on the loft side of the face and neck and along the left arm and hand and It was believed had inhaled some of tha flames , which it was thought would soi lously ulToct his lungs. Ilo was taken to his homo .TiGI Indiana avenue. Uowlcs' eyebrows and lashes woio burned off while his eyes woio tendered bloodshot. Both inon "were employed by Half ft Head , plumber * . At latt accounts Kur/ was suf- feting greatly from his injuiles. Do not tnko any chnnco of being poisoned or burnoil to death with liquid steve polish , paints or enamels In bottles. Tlio "llslng { Sun Stuvo Polish" is safe , odorless , brilliant , the cheapest and host steve polish made , ami the consumer pays for no expensive tin or glasspaokago with every puichase. Grand IJntry Into Omaha. On and after July SO , 1hl ! ) , the Chl- ciifjo , Milwaukee A : St. I'an I Unilwav company will run all of its trains In and out of the union depot , Oinuha. No more amio.umco caused by transferring and switching nt Council lUulls. Solid vestibulod trains , consisting of no\v Palace sleeping ears , free parlor chair cars , clouant couches , and the finest ( llninir cars in the world , all heated by steam and lighted throughout hy oloc- trio lights Tlio now evening express with "electric lights in every berth" now loaves Omaha dally at ( i.0 p , in. arriving nt Chicago at 9IO : ! a. in. in time for all eastoin connections. fcJeenro tickets and sleeping ear berths at I.i01 Rirmnti street ( Barber block ) , J. E. Pitr.sTO.v , L'A. ' . NASH , C. Pass. Agt. Uen. Ajjt. I'olli'o Worh for July. The icpottof the cltyjallors shows that OH ni rests were made during the month of , Iulv. Ton of this number wore under sixteen je.irs ofngo Thirteen cases wern sent to the ilia- tiict court under bonds nggiogntlnir St. iO. Theio were IS. ! convictions and : tsl dismis sals. I'ropoity valued lit < i.MSi."i ) was re ported stolen , and of this amount ? l > SI M ) WOH rccOM'ird The no llco lost lib days dining thu montli , of which fifty was on nnnual leave of abscrce. liilorinaiioii I'roi : . Do you know t'l it nil } ' ulil sere or out -in bo absolutely utirod by the tutulllgunt use of llnller's Iliubeil Wire Mnlmoat. Ho inoioi- fill to your horsunnd try it. m : iAi/rv aiAintirr. 'NTH phicml oiiioooril Augusts , Mil. W AIIHA.MV III PIU. A II llnlirius to Mrs K TOIUur , lot t , blk ' O , " bniiiidcri oV IPs .4 I.C'iO S.miuol t'ntnor mid \\lfn to .loliu Dalu. lot i7 , lIlv 17. llnmeoiii | ) 'u .l.Wil J \V lirlllltli to 1' ' I' Mornon , lot SI , MU ,1 , llu'.i'r ' | ilc . . . . -1 Jnlin ll.i.inirui lo I'liarlcs , iiiiilli lot 17 , iilk I , Umiililxdl's .ulil. ! . ' u ) ( jii'atav Kiii'thnni lo 0 f. C'liallto , lot I and s- " ft Int i , Ijllc II , inivhorn , anil u > , lot 7. liil , I , I.luliDi n . , 11JO Alfioil Millml anil wlfu In Ciiinriiniuinl .Vulim il liiuil , , unit 't "f vv ! i lot II anile o M fl lot Ii. Kovu'iH'il ) i. "iO Dur i Nelson anil linsliiinil toOlobo nml I rust i'iiniiiiiy | , luls H and U , tilk I , Ihinsconi ] ilo . 7MX ) Allii' nml T I' U'l'niinui to Mattliuw anil Mai \ I'll/imlrlc'l' . lilt 7 , Iilk I , M Dunii- viui'ssiih . . 3.000 Ailflalilu liiioil nml liimli mil to IMwnnl Kflly.iKxIUl fl In no sw | u-n-ri . I.5JO Jin h.ioios nml wife to i ; i : siunloy , Int , i tilki''l. bnhlli Unialiii. . . . . . IsiO r. M Mcnhi'i.'otnl to II U Alli'ii , lot 7 , blk I. Hi.MilliU . . .I'JO Nnllutii bhi'ltnn and vlf" tu l'.ilwiird M - rnuliioii. Inl 15 , 1)1 > ' - ' , Wlndnnr hirr 100 509 A 1'TilUoy mid wlfo to tli'iirjoiilUur , lot Ih , Ml ; > , Int I. lilkj ( liaiiiiiian < y DirH . . . . . . . WJ9 gi'ir CI.MM DKIIIS , A ( ' ClrllTt'iiut al lo l.iioy I' HillTiiii hU nt w'ill a of nw fill .l.-I.Vl I anil * > \ nf . . ' ' . ' . ' ' lot nl , sw .l.-n-IJ , n I'J..M'j fui'tof lav 4 In l-ll-l , ' i. I r.llnu M I links to T ror.son , n'.i lot I.I. tilk 4 \\IHI I.LWII I'arlt . . . 1 II II Mllk'i' to h A 1'iister , lot 0 , lk | , > , . Tliiton I'lncii ' . WO J N Nuwcoiiililo (1 ( ' llolililu , lot "I , UIU i' , Mllllll I X < hlU 'l.lCO . Total amuiiiilor transfers .SO.077 Tim only complexion powder In the world that Is without vulgarity , without Injury to 1 tlio user , and without ilo ibl u benutillvr , U