Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat wa ? Strong and Weak by Turns ,
Closing Lower.
Corn wnn Covornccl liy the
Tone In Otlior Corcnls I'rovl
Ion Pit n Scene uf
Cilli'A'lo , Auz. I Tlio wheat market wni
itronn and weak by tutus today and tbo close
wan about'ic lower than on ycttcrday. The
tnarkot wim chlolly governed by ontsldo
advices and as these ere rnora or less contra-
illmory , thu market wai kept sco sawlnff.
Around tlio opunlni , ' . Paris quoted strong and
RdvanrltiB , later It was said to l.o weak and
lower. Liverpool which bad been cnjoyltnr a
couple of holidays cro llrst iiioted | C < l hlKhor
and then It was said that buyers \\otu holding
off. There VMII a Hiisplclon that the toporH
wcie holiiK manipulated.
Nearly all of the later private advices wore
weak but the board of trade's cable quoted
Paris Hie higher. Antwerp 2'x ! hlaher
mul llcrlln ' . ' . ' marks hlsthnr on August.
ClarK wired from Nuw Vork that bis closing
Llverpnol cable was ! i < l hlKhcr. Now
Votk wired that the amount of wheat and
llnnrun passaKu showed an Incteasoof Is.OM.-
( JfX ) but some traders rontejided that tlio ulll-
clal statement would not appear till tomor
row.New Vork opened higher , but was noon re
ported In bo selllnc. Then I lie tleucr reported
that the local receipts were llfty ears over the
rstlmiilcs , but later cotrcclod It to sixty ear <
niider. Allofi'lher the. news of the day was
badly muddled. The catlv action of the mar-
lcl indicated that It was bulled by parlies
who weie Imn ; "li December around ll'.V , and
that they were making a market to sell on.
Tin- longs began to let go their holdings.
The decline was very rapid , l.o''iin. White ,
( 'onn-elninn and May. SchnartHupce and
nlheis were feeding the croud with all tlint It
wiinlcd. Hie M'lllng being iindoistood to bo
for New Vork and St. Louis account. A Now
York dispatch reported foiolgners as scllln ? ,
and that cable advices lust night were not ac-
ceplcd. Hecemher dropped under this load to
IKiV' . thin It rallied tolil'.ic , butbioUo again ,
this time to IKI'ie. ' ndvanccil to UI'C. ' ruled
uuli-t during the last hour , the price l.elng
tnisplcloiis and bewildered by the conlllctlng
reports eased oil' near the close and closed
weak at lO' c.
t inn was u'overned largely by the wheat
market. The opening was ii'.ilot , bill wheat
mailc the sharp spurt , corn became o.vclto I In
fymp.ithy mnl Seplembersold at , " > 7' ' ' . I'rom
this pn'iit ' there WHS a ilroji to . "iGc. hot again
rallied to . * > ? V. cased oil. became dull and
Closed at ! Vi * e.
Oats were quiet and steady throughout the
Mission with lluctut.itlons confined to ! tc
raim'e for September.
The provision pit was also subjnctod to con
tradictory reports. The estimated receipts of
hogs wcie I.'I.INIO and the reports as to thonum-
ber received varied between 8,0.10 and 111,00(1 (
while the condition of the market wasiinotcd
both as firm and higher and steady. The mar
ket opened rather firm but when one of the
dealers endeavored to market some of the
holdings of pork there was no demand and
prices u out on * . There was a slight rally later
and then another recession with thu close near
the bottom. Klbs followed pork. I.aril was
dull ant. weak during most of the session.
The leaning futures ranged as follows :
fash quotations were as follows :
I'l.tiuu Steady , nnclian ed ; winter , $2.7. .
_ t - . , * j t 'y ! .
WIIKAT Nu. 2 sunns wheat , gS'/jp s'ic ; No. 3
prlng wheat , nominal ; No , 2 rod , 80Uc.
CoilNNo. . 2 , KI'lo. '
OATSNO.7 © 27 ? o ; No. 2 white , 30J ! ®
41o ; Nn. : i white , 28c.
KVK Now No. 2. 7iUo. :
llAiii.t'.v No sales ; No. : i , 01(20:1 ( : ; No. 4 Febru
ary , Me.
f < 'l.AXKKn No. 1 , JI.OO.
TI.MOTIIV Sunn Prime. $1.2,1.
I'OIIK Moss nork , jier barrel. $11.12 ! $ . Lard ,
per cwt. , J.I.57H ; short ribs sides ( loose ) .
t..70fl. fi ; dry salted shoulders ( hoxn.l ) , . &VIO
< 2fi.X ( ) ; short eloar sides ( boxed ) , tn : < & 7.w. :
WnisKEV Distillers' llnlsbed goods , per gal. ,
BiiflAits-Cntloaf , 55io ; granulated. 4Jo ! ;
Btiindiird A , 4\i\
On the produce oxcbango today tlio bnttor
market wus tinner ; creamery , 10iS17o ! : dairy ,
12l."ic. Kggs. I5c.
Now Vork Mnrkctn.
NljW YoilK. Aug. 4. Kii'itm liecolpts , 22,112
paokages ; o.\ ports , 781 barrels. ; i"H sticks : ac
tive for export and 111.her ; sales , 15oOO bar
rels ,
C'niiNMiAf : < Quiet , steady.
Wni'.AT Sales , 41.1,700 bushels ; exports , 214-
012 bushels ; sales , i4lo0 ; ; bushels of futures :
Ol.loti bushels of spot , Spot market Irregu
lar , closing Hteady , active for export tr.ullni : ;
No. " red , WjcGrif I.UO In elevator ; JI.OO'.TJ
1.01 alloat ; .fl.O.'iiai.OI f. o , b. ; No. : | re , } .
Wi'io ; ungraded ted. ni > 4uitf ( l.uti : No. 1 northern
to arrive , $ ! .IO > 4 < tl > I.IO > ; No. 1 bard to arrive ,
fl.lS tiil.i : ! ; No. S Chicago. * l.u7H ®
l.OS ; No. L' Milwaukee. tl.OI'.i. Op
tions advanced ? B < ifia4o on stronger
entiles and f irelu-n buying , declined ? © 'ic on
wonk private cables ami nmg helling , reacted
' © iic and closed llrm at ln&llu nnilor yeMor-
dayi No.2ied , Atmnst. lir Huitl c , closing at
IC.ic ; September. HS'.tfddljji ; . closing at ll'.V ;
October ,' ' , , closing at WU.e ; No-
voiubcr , Sl.iKiyifi'.Oi' ' '
, closing at tl.fM' , ; Do-
comber. $1.01 ' ,541.02" , . closing at Jl.01 % ; .May ,
II.OlUI.U7 , i'losliiiiHtI.Ol' ( .
HVK- Quiet anil llrm ; wistorn. September
delivery , 824crf.1i. > . Sales , 24,00 1 hnslicls at 8 V.
llAin.KV ' JUi/r Dull ; t'anada , country made.
I'nilN lic { < < litH..1tU7bushels | ( ; exDirts,2lllO ) (
hnghols ; sales. ' . > 'Hnoo bushels of futures :
! .liutO bushels of spot. Spot market ononed
ht unity and closed .steady and quiet. No. 2 , 71'i
Q,7I4C In elevator ; 72'ifl.7234e ' alloat : ungraded
mixed , Tix& uo : Nu 2 white. > 0c. Options weak
nnd varied with wheat , opening hloady and In
St'iO. re
ing. A7'kC.
OATM liecolpts , 40.000 bushels ; exports ,
5JOj sales. 80,000 bushels of futures and
1111,000 bushels of spot. Spot market llrmcr
INK * nlui niui.iif. , n IIIIU. , iiU&4i tO ; IlllXCII
wostoin. ILiJfcR'o ' ; white weslorn , IWiJ.V.'o ; No. 2
Chicago. Il ' iti3ll ( > 'ic.
IIAv-Quiet , steady.
Hill's Weak , qulot.
CNiKKKK Options opened steady , unchanged
to ft points up ; closed steady at ft to 10 points
advance mi near mouths ; s'llcs 24,2V ) bags , In-
12.0. ) .
Ilio-Steatly ; fair car.'ocs llc ) ; No. 7 ,
1 , .
Si-run Ittiw , llrm. more ncllvi * ; sales 20,591
bugs and C'.KI hhiK : centrifugals IM ti < t , ilA-ltli ; ;
molasses , 2Vrcllned ; qnlut. easier ; No. 7 ,
ilSe ; No , H. ; | i c , No.H.II'ic ; No. l > , ; uii > : No. 12 ,
iLlM-i mould A. 4.tlc : ; standard A. 4 ' , e ; con-
fectloiiors A , 4.0tV : powdered , 4.4lc ; granu
lated , 4. KSt.llto ; onbo > , 4.
Mni.ASxEs Now Orleans , llrm , quiet ,
KtiEQulot , llrm.
strong , but soon be
came weak under liquidation sales , and 10-
malnud uttiady until the clo.o when It was
weak. 1'ennt.ylvanla oil spot closing Klo ;
Hcitombor | options , opening , ( He ; highest , lite ;
lowest. CUSt' ' ; closing , U0 ? , Total sales , 77,000
TlWPt.NTISK I'lrni ; 'lilo.
Kuns Dull , lower ; western , I0'4o ; receipts ,
l.V'O ' pacUngns.
Wnill. Steady , falrdem'in.l ' ; domestic tloccn ,
BtXIi.'Cc ; piilh'd , 28ltile : ; Texas , Klfc'lc.
I'IIIIK - Quiettmdy ; old ineis. $12.21 : now
oss , ( i .7ftitiL : ) ; extra tirlnle , til.uoftMi.S ) .
* C'UT.MfATS Acthe , llrmori pickled bollles ,
S -
MIIIIILBS Stcadyi bhort clour , September ,
17. It ) .
I.AiiD-Kaslor , dull ; western steam ,
fAM ; outlons nah'H lo.iHW tierces September ,
10.02 old : October. iQ.W ; December. ti.Sil.
IIUTTWI Western dairy , 114 * . tc ; western
creamery. 14ii , ! > > c ; Klglns , iNai 'ic. '
iKtSrHotter : demand , steady ; part ski ins ,
I'm liioN-Diilli unphanod.
t'ot'iT.a Nonilniili laku Angnat nnd Sep
tember , i2 ! W.
I , KAII Steady ; domestic , fl.40.
TisDtnl , heavy ; utralts. tjO.00.
Ijlvui'nol | ) ( iraln Mitrkota.
AUK , 4. WIIHAT l-'lrmi demaud
falrt liolilcrs offer ip irlnt5'i ! California So I.
M 4'id'itM ' r l per ci'ti till i red western | irlnz ,
It H < n\'lP \ * , Kiinsiit wlnti-r , linrd. ! l ; , > di
rori'tiln | or wliont fur Ilia p.'iftl tlircu ilnyn
wnro r..noOomittiK IncluilliiR H.OOO Ainorlcnn.
( /'nltN-Slniiilyi dcnmtid poor. Tlioro wi-ro
no ri'iult8 ! | ) nf Aincrluan corn for the p.tst
titiicVi if hrendstnlT * omtooU I'lotir.
nokt ; wlioal , IoA"UUO vcntiiUi corn. CO.-.COO '
PlronciTi cash. TH'jclildj ' August , 't'ia ' bid.
No. ' , ' red , cn h. H'o bid ,
COUN StroitRur ; cnsli , f > 5os AiiBiist , ftt'so
OATft-StroiiRor ! cnsli , V > Uo bid ; Aii3iiat ,
SI i ! Mil ,
llt'TTKii Stcatly mid iinolintiscd ! creamery ,
IKitl.Vicl dairy. I l2e.
I Mit'ti flniiittur : forolsn demiiiitl fair , nnd
miiro Inniilry forlioino trade.
Kim ririn ill lose.
HAV Hto'tily , tiucliniigrd ,
I'liovisiiiNH-Mioady , iinohntliicd.
\Viol , --Sli'ulv ; , niieliiiliisud.
Hr.CKii'M U'bciit , ill.-'OJ ; corn , 27,3)0 ) ; o.itH ,
I'J.U IU ,
Sliti'MBNTS Wheat , 2',000 ; coTn.fl.OOJ ; oits : ,
tllwnttlcnc Markets.
WIs. , AIIS. 4. I'i.oifii-Un-
WIIKATQulot ; No. ! ! xirlite. | on trnuk , onsli ,
OiWO'lo ; Hoitoriib | r. It'i'ic ; No. I nortlium. OSo.
Ufiiis ( jiili'tiNo. 2 , on track , file.
OAiH-ytili't ! No. ' . ' , wliltu. on tinok. 3'c.
HAlil.KV-KInn : Hciiteinlfor. C7ili7Hu. !
Kvi : K'islor ; NO. I , In stoio , 7lc.
I'oitK Sc'il | cm tier , Jll.IiO ,
I.AIIIItil.t.71 } .
HKcr.ti'TsI'lour , 4,100 barrels ; \vlioat , 0,100
bimhols ; b.-irluv. none.
Siiii'MUNTs-Kloiir. l,7JOInirruls ; whoiit , none ;
barley , 1IUJ ! ) lnHlinH. _
. > l < nno | iotls U'iicat fllitrkot.
MlSMiAl'oi.ti. Minn . An.4. . WIIIJAT lo-
tnnnd for I'iCili wbi'iit win sniiill. The market
oiii'iind u'Wie ovur ycslordnv but dcullni'd li
nuiMitr It : over. Low urados wore uuitlt'Cled.
Iti'i'i'lpti. 4.'i cirs ; slilpnic-nts 4. " > car * . Ulosu !
AnciiMt , fl.d'J'i : on track. liS'in : No. I northern ,
Air.'iitl. c ; on track , ' . ( ! ; No. " itortliurn.
August , 8u ( ! on track. ( I''OOIc.
HI. l.o .Is 'MnrUclH.
ST. I.oris. .Mo. , Ausr. 4. WIIIJAT Knsy ,
cash. 8 , ! : Scplutnbcr. SO' c.
I'liltN KasVi cash. Kle : 5'iptninbur. Kl iC ,
OATS Uns.-ttlL'd ; cash , 7Ue ; rieptuniber ,
'Jlj'nl' .
I'dliK I.nwor ; tll.W.
I , Aim-- Dull ; 1 2i.
. . O. , Aitff. 4. WIIRAT Firm ;
No. 2 rod. S7i' .
UiiilN Oultit ; Nil. 2nilxod. Kc. .
D.MS Kasy : No. 2 inlxo.l. : il.2c.
WlllrtKBV il.l" .
DiilulliVlicat Murkctx.
Dl'i.iiTli. Minn. . Ans. 4. September wheat
opened at t-T , sold up to MM' ' , down to ( TJj'e ,
ciiiii.'d tht-rt. ; llccoinlior onunnit at 8So ; tiiiil
closed ut Me. IK'eolpts were 20 cars.
Nnw VOIIK. AIIR. 1. The stock market
opened weak thN morning but stllTuned up
later , prices belli * well bold tbroiiishotit tlio
day with homo Iliietiiittlons In all but a fuw
stocks which were Hiibjoct to more than the
usual inanlpnlaton. The market lias sunk
Into u puicly pro.'csilonal stnto and the lower
opening was due to a pleco of manipulation
which , however , failed of Its ultimate objeet.
Last avcnln there was eoiHldor.ible bity-
lnK , which advanced prices at tbocloso. This
stock wns sold In London before tlio opunlnx
hero with tboo.vnro-is design of lowcrlir. ijuo-
tatlons there and making n Weak oponlns
bore. The deslirn was so far successful , but
the Ion ; ; stork failed to como out attliocun-
eesslons iniiilo ovun when still lower pncos
were established by further ralilin . t'nlon
I'aelllr. Louisville N-ishvllle and Northern
I'actllu iin'forrod ylo.ded oaslly. a ml espe
cially the first name.I. but this
weakness was fairly olfset by the stub
born Mrmiiess In llurllniHo.i , St. I'anl
and Alcblson and the decided itrunsth In New
England , even though the last was In all
probability due to manipulation. The oper
ation mentioned Kave the room a bearish tern-
per. and free soillni ; of the \\eak stocks was
made to appear for London account , which
aided In producing that otVect , lint the favor
able nature of the general flltuntlon Is now rc-
colvlni ! more attention , an'.l lena stocks hav-
Ini ; ( 'ono Into stronger bands of Into , do not
como out with any freedom under the att leks
01 ino uearisu eiemeni.
Material losses weio sustained In Union I'a-
clllc , I.onlsylllo & Nashville. Koclc Island ,
Sutirand : Northern Pacific prefurrod. but the
concessions In the remainder of the list were
conduce ] to small fractions , as a rule. As
usna ! of late , those stocks , with addition of
Now Rutland , monopoll/ed the business of the
day , the transactions In the other be.In ? with
out significance In any wav. The opening do-
ellno was followed bv moderate reaction , but
the boar.s made all the capital possible out of
the failure of Hacker , and with the aid of
some rniiurs In regard to Union Pacific ,
nlonK with thosu that the .luno state
ment would bo a poor one and tb it tlieio was
dllllcnlty In handllne the floating debt ,
thoiiKb ncltlier could bo verified In any way ,
bioko tins stoek nearly 'l per cent , Louisville
was hold freolj , apparently for foreign
account , and Kock Island. Northern Paclllu
preferred , and St. Paul scored in iterlal losses
before the close of business. The Kcnoral list
remained dull and heavy In sympathy with
the lenders. Nocbiimo in the temper of tlio
.speculation occurred and the close was quiet ,
but boavy to weak after a .slight oreaetlon In
the last hour. The final chanties with the
exception of Now Knqland and one or two
sneelaltes ! show marked losses , and Union
Pacific declined 2'j percent : Suzur. 2'o ' per
font ; Loulsvlllo & Nnshvllle , Northern
Pacific preferred each 1H per cent. an < l St.
Paul 1 percent , tlio rest of .the list losing
cenerally Inrso frictions.
Kallroad bonds were still dull and wbtlo
sliowinu' no chance of note reversed the
coaitioof the stock market In the early trad
ing , most NSIIOS traded In advancing slightly.
Later , however , the steady pressure upon the
sliltro list had ItsiilVect and bonds yielded as
slowly as they had risen during the forenoon.
Tlio final changes are Instcnlllcant In all the
active bonds anil no feature worthy o ( note
was seen durlni ; tlio entire session. The tran
sactions foot tin if.VKSDO'1.
( lovernmont bonds were dull and steady.
State bonds have been entirely nejjleotod.
The following are the closing ouotatjona for
the leading slocks on the New \ one stoek ox-
today :
tins , 3,421 : Delaware , l.ack.iwuna > t West
ern , 2,0(17 ( : Lmilsvlllo & Nashville , 7i7' ( !
Northern I'aclllc , preferred. 8.S lj ) St. I'titil ,
24.100 : Union I'aclllc , alW.
I'llllllll-ltll Itl'VloW
NKW VOIIK , A HIT. 4. The Post sava : The
present stock market in iy bo fairly eharac-
terl/ud as < i innrkot suoklnz to touch bottom.
In other words , tbo raiuo of prices Is Is al
ready mi low In view of the prospects for the
fall and winter business that ovpcrlenco
teaches operators for the decline to niovo cau
tiously and avoid any ohanuo of running
counter to a ijinot linyituup of securities by
these lar.'O eaplt'illstn who are traditionally
llrt buiblnuprsof the recovery In prices.
Tnreo ueeUs nuo the inaikol was allourd
to drift , the liear oporatuis tastlnt with
Inoiter.ite saios , one atuol. after iiniithur with
tbo purposii of discovering what olcnicniK of
support \voro behind these propeitle'i and
what clianci'x there were nf bringing lung
slock upon the m irkel. The result of this
testing proems was the vigorous at
lir.cein the last fortnight. Similar oxpoil-
inentlng has been goln'i on s'nco the opunlng
of thu present WOOK.
I InniiL'Inl .Niito > ) .
NKW VOIIK , Am. 4-O.earliUf , f lll.'ll 1.057i
bllanees. * l.4 7.410.
KANSAS OITV. Mo , , Aug. 4. Tod/iy's
Inga wuro ( ! .2I > 1UI1.
lUi.TiMDiiv.Md. : . Ann 4.-Clearings today ,
t-MU/7.V ! ual.ini.e9 , WJW/7. Kate , u per cent.
IIOSTO.N , Mau. , Auf , < . -Clourlus ,
balancrH , H.lfAni.V Money. fi. > ,7porcent. Kx-
changooti New Vork. lOe to lie discount.
rilli.AtiKi.i'tii . , Aug. t. Clearings , ill.-
2IO,7iOi balances. Il.tiJt'.SW. Money , 4 percent.
C'lllfAtiii , Aug. 4. New Vork cxrhango rVS
PIT font discount I'lc.trlngs , H3.J2.i.2t ) .
Monu.v steady at 0 per cent. Sterling exlinnzo
diillt JI..V ) for ( O day bills and 14. s7 for sight
Xf\v Voi > : t Moiun' Sfurknt ,
Nr.w VOIIK. Aug. 4. MONKVOS C' !
ranging from l'i to U per cent : last loan , li !
percunti closed olforo.i at 1'4 ' pur cont.
I' : MKIICANTIM : I''aT'i ier cont.
HTCIIMMI l"xii ; > .NH : Julia nnd steady
nt fl.-l'i * ' for sixtv-ilav hills nnd tl.SIU ( or
The following wore the closing prices on
bonds :
Itostdti Htoolc Mnrkot.
S , Mass. , Auir. 4. The following wuro
the closing prices on the Huston stock market :
Ati'iuVon A. fopYkir.T Si'mrrnnklliiTT . .TTTH
lloaton A . \llmnj-.Ml 'Huron ' ! . ' >
fli. . llurl.V Qiilnvr. . S.1 | ( KciirnurKO It Jl O.-ocoln M
MMMt'on lillf Onliicy. . . ' .C ,
Mux. On. coal lH''Snntt ' | : I'o C'oi | | > ir ! M
N. V. A N. Hun : > ( , , Tam.-iniok I4'.l
( Ilil Colony ir.u , .Mml-ton l.unil Co. . . IIJ
Iliitlanilcoin : < > ( WcKt Kml l.uml Co. . 17
Iiiiiidon SKiuk
LONDON. Aug. 4. Tbo following were tbo
London stock notations c'oslug at4 p. in. :
Cori nIiTTmimiy. . . .tOCMKi'K'rlc'.M IHO
ColisoH Hccoiint..lJJii-l.Mc\lran : | ! ' orillnary. . IIIU
IJ. S. Is HUH'St. ' Paul com il ! > fi
t ! . S. IMs IUI .V. V. Central IU' ( (
N. V. l > , , V I ) . HritH. . . IVnnoylranla f"
Canailhin Pnclllc . ( Ci 'ltcinlbm ' .
Krle . . lni8 , .Mexican Ccn. new ta. 70 ? (
HAH SII.VKII 4r.jd ! per ounce. Money , II per
Unto of discount , In the oi | ni market for
both short and tbreo months bills , \ \ y3t'a \ per
Gorman Itank Stiili'inctit.
Hnin.iN , Aug. 4. The statement of the Im
perial banu of ( iornmny shows an Increase In
spccloof 2lu,000 marks.
I > : tnk < il' I''nulanil Hiilliiiu.
LONIIOV. Aug. 4. Amount of bullion gone
Into the Hank of Kiulamlon balance ,
PAHIS. Aug. -Threo per cent rentes Ojf ,
for the account.
.Mlniii" ; Stnokw.
DENvnit. CJolo. , Aug. -Pair business In
mlnlngstook'5 today. Sales , H.4 10 shares. The
following are the closing quotations on thu
stock exchange today :
Allrk'hany. . nl Tenilur .
Amity l.lttli'llnlu.
Argonaut 8 Mati'lilt'sH
llnllumt f > 8 May Man * 122
llnnukok < i .MornlnirClhn Ml
llMtcsll 65 Ore IUJ
lllu linllan 7'ii ' Puy ( lock 1M.
Poliul Of
llrowntow ii ; ( I'nrkCon
Calliope 17 Itcril Niitlonnl .IS
( Viitary Ill ) jltlalto Ill )
Clay County IM I ItannluK I.oilu l'.i ! {
( "utli C I ? lA'avcnwnrth t :
Dhiinoinl II ; i'4 .Inliii ,1 4
Di'iivertiasAUII. . . . 17U I'li'/U'r 3
Knniiiii 41 iCIuiidla , ) 4) |
liohl Tri'asuro 32 ( ii'ttyolnirK 15
Ironclail : ij | Wliali- VSH ;
Jmtleu II Kiohl Uuck IB
San FYaiioisoo 'Miniti * ; tj
SAN I'ltANUisco. Aug. 4. The olllclal closing
nuolatlons for mining htocks ted ly wotu as
follows :
Aim 10 Niiriijo at )
llulwi'r ; ij Ophlr 3W
lli-st.t llclphcr 310 Poloiil 687 !
lloilln Consolltlutcil. 70 Snrnxo 1S5
Chollar I'M Sleria.\evmlii ; il&
Con.'ilu. . fi Va 573 Union ConsollilMteil ! * )
Crmvn Point li" > Illnli tKJ
Kurcka Con 'HO Yellow .liiekot 175
lioulil , V : Curry IW ) Conimomrcalth 45
Halo , V Norcross. . . . ' 'Oi N. V 20
.Mexican 24.1 It. 1 jo
.Mono 45 N. U. 1. 40
New York Mining QuotaOIIH. !
Nr.w VOIIK. Auz. -Tho following are tbo
closing mining stock quotations :
St. liniiiN Mining Qtiot itions.
ST. I.ouis. Aits. 4. The market was Inactive
and prices had a downward tendency. The
following bids were made on call :
Ami'Hraii Nettle..W ) I A < lnus : 7. . . . . IM
llhiii'tiillli ! 3,4'JO ' .Miiiitromi
Central ( Silver 4 .M. llreen 47u !
Kll/abutli IJU Silver Age IKI
( iranltu Mountain..2.iv. : > Yauiii 37.
ISo.stonVool Market
ItosTON , Aug. 4. Thorn Is no change In the
wool market. Trade Is goixl and values re
main the same and are steady. The territory
wool continues acllvo ; sales tire reported of
fine In a range of from rafii 2c ; line medium ,
57S-'sc ( ; medium , .Wi.V > c. Texas , California
and Ore --on wools are In a fair reiiucst and
steady. Pulled wools are in good demand ;
choice supers. 4 OI"ic ; fair to aood sutlers , : ii/ @
IIM- ; extra , 22)2c. ; ) , as to nnallty. Ohio llceccs
are iiilet | and steady atJ ' 6 ill. ' , and X and X.X
ii'ml nnovu , 'IK&r.'c ; No , I , ICtfi'.Ou ; Michigan X ,
2ic ; No. 1 , y-l' < / - > . " > L' . Australian wools are llrni
and In good demand.
Havana Markets.
HAVANA , Aug. I SPANISH Gor.n $2.i9'4' : ®
2.411.KxniANOE Quiet but ( Irm : on the United
States short sight gold Oli't&W per cent pru-
mluni ; on London , iOUfi2J percent.
SUIIAH Quiet. _
l-'in-eifin Oil . litrkct.
I.OMMIS , AUK. 4 , IjiNsuin On , 21s per owt.
SOUTH U.U.lll.l Jl.lltKKTS.
OMAHA , Aug. 4.
CATTLE Olllclal receipts of cattle LMDS
as compared with S , : 0 yrstord iy and ? , D7.i
Tuesday of last week. The market was
si Daily on the host grades of beeves , and
steady to lOj lower on other grades ; steady to
lo ( ) lower on b.ithori' stick and steady on
feeders. Thooreceipts Included some very
good beef o.ittle.
linnsOlllclal receipts of hogs fieB : , as
comp tred will. I.XI' , vostorday and 4,1)01 ) Tues
day of last week. The market was firm on
choice light ho.rn and slow and lOo lower on
other grades. The range of the prices paid
was M.O KaMV ) . Light , $ : > .10di.V > j ; heavy ,
JViH/tt."i.2. i mixed , J'i.1 ® . " > . ' . ' 0. Tbo average of
the prices paid was JV.'J as compared with
W.'ll yoiltirdiiy and Kt. ' t Tuesday of last week.
SitKKl1 ' .Ullclal receipts of hhoop yon , as
compared with U : i yesterday and Til Tues
day of last weok. The market was acltvo and
sti-a'ly. Natives. iiT.VUVOH westerns , * 3.73iW.UO.
Jood OJ to TO Ib lambs. t'
KcoclptH nnd Ilispoiltlnn of .Stoolc.
Olllclal receipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of thu Union stockyards
comp.inv for the twontv-fimr hours cndliijt at ,
5 o'clock , p. m. , August 4 , IS U :
1 f.20 2m 5 7o7 S 8.5 I T20 M 55
1 7' ' 2 f.5 10 'foil 281 a5 till a 2.5
2 C2 > 27.5 I. , ,7.0 , 21-0 4S 115 M , 'W
1 WO 27,5 2l./Ftl ( a 0.5 W I'M ' . )
2.5. . TIKI 275 J. t)7.5 ) 30.5 7. . 0-0 3 ! M
2S . 77J 2M 7 r .f. a 05 21. .1111) ) 3UJ
4. . cm 2 so 3 > ; ma a 10
1..1270 I fifl l . ,
1. . CUD 1 ( T 2. .127.5 173 1..1400 220
2. .1220 I 75 2 1M5 1 85
1 . 510 87,5 OSivISS 353 9. . 3J5 3 7 ! {
13. . 203 275
2. . 745 1 M - 2. . 1075 3CO
' "STAO ! ' .
1 . u-A . IKW MOO
Ssprlngors , each . , . . . . } i5 00
1 springer . ; n U )
I cow and calf . 32 M
icow and calf . 35 00
wisTEii.N : CATTLE.
No. Av. 1'r.
1 tailing . 1330 * l 73
Icow . 1120 209
i cow . lain 2 IK )
.1 cow * . 1137 200
10 cows . I2.S 200
21 heifers . Mil 2 ; : o
07 foi'duis . KB 273
42 feeders . MS 300
,1. 11 , Olovo.
3 feeders . 1007 3 00
17 steers . 1110 3 M
U. . Van Tassel.
3 cows . . . 10'W 240
20 steers . UU1 4 BJ
A. Nobockur ,
II tailings . Kir.0 2 15
41 tailings . 12J3 233
John Lute.
0 cows . 1025 2 25
33 steers . . . 12S7 345
Kiiultablo li'.Vfl. Co.
27 rows . 1011 205
( a calves . 2.VJ 310
Hugiu.M. & 1) .
2fl eow-A. . ' . . Oil 1 8) )
05 cow.s . 015 1 bO
7 feeders . ! . 1014 310
3 bulls . 11" ! 1 CJ
.lames tilendenlng.
41 tailings . . . . 12CS 200
Ira Nebuker.
4 . 1470 2 M
1 . . . 1170 275
3 feeders . 1170 300
No. Av. Sb. l'r. No. Av. Sb. l'r.
13 . VJI 40 iM 73 fit ! . . . . 230 40517'5
1 . 333 ,100 72 . 218 N ) 5 I7t !
f ) . 211 503 711 . 204 120 5 17'/ ' ,
0 . 211 40 500 75 . 210 200 520
1 . ; > o 5 oa 03 . 201 ira r.vo
10 . 2b2 SO 600 01 . 201 M ) 5 2il
a . : i2j r. oa ns . 242 40 ,120
'Hi . 2J5 210 5 10 4.5 . 308 ) 520
'M . 213 120 505 1,0 . 20l ! M 520
5 . ; Ut ) 505 70 . 213 40 220
01 . 23.5 bO 505 ( K ) . 2.M ) 120 520
70..2JI 24'J ' 510 72 . 2:7 bO 520
; iti . 2.0 bO 510 70 . 222 200 525
fi . 101 120 510 GO . 2J 220 525
fiO . 2.53 210 0 10 50 . 305 525
00 . 228 3.0 5 12V C3 . 204 40 525
51 . 202 120 fi 12t ! TO . 218 Ilil 527'J
7il . 213 40 515 55 . 223 hO 5 : W
HI . lO'l ' 120 515 ( M . 202 M ) 530
(17 ( . 225 bJ 5 15 71 . MS 40 5 IiO
IM . 225 40 515 72 . lb.5 40 .130
( B . 245 120 515 70 . 108 5 32' 5
70 . 231 UK ) 515 57 . 200 43 5 : ; 2"
70 . mi lljj 515 Kl . 184 120 632'i '
5 . 1S2 Ti 15 60 . Kr 40 5J5 !
77 . 228 40 515 10 . 225 53i
58. .258 120 515 21 . 1.-3 540
57 . 231 1IJO 515 37 . 101) ) 540
07 . 235 ICO 515 31 . IlHi 540
fi . iMl 515 31 . 174 540
75 . 207 0 5 15 23 . 1HI 540
( . . . . 120 315 31 . 1H ) 540
71 . 2JH 40 513 tO . 171 5 I2K
78 . 221 20(1 ( 513 31 . 174 545
71 . 213 120 515 42 . 101 550
1 . 32(1 ( 30J 2 . 313 80 400
1 . 2.0 4 00 4 . 2iW 4CO
dili-a-jo Mvi-'Stock ' .Haricot ,
ClllCAK ) . Aug. 4. [ Special Telegram toTllK
ItKK. ] Of tlio 7,000 cattle received today 4.000
were from ranges. Among the natives on sale
theio wore not many x < < od ones and ax there
was fairly active Inniilry for that class there
was u very pcrciiptlblo strengthening of
values , llutwet'ii Uuyers for eastern and for
eign markets eomputitlon had enonili vitality
tocansc an advance oT lee in anything grad
ing better than medium. There was no Im
portant advance In 'the poorer qualities of
native catt'e. ihoifgh.ntl descriptions showed
more stability than at the close of last week.
The Increased tlrinhess of the general
market was attributable to the antici
pated moderate arrivals for the remainder
of tills week rather than to any present lack
of siinnlles. .Tho arrivals for the last two
days have been some. 2.500 herd greater than
for the C6rrespondlhu''timo last week.
The rair-'o of limitations for natives was
$1.2f > ( & 3.00 for Inferior to extra cows nnd $ ,1.0016
$0.15 for common to fancy steers. To.vas cattle
sold a shade higher than last week's lowest
prices. Tliora were about two thousand of
them and thny were limited at $ l.50@.15 for
cows and at ? -.2'I.OO for steers. There were
about two thousand western rangers sics : ! < ,
which were sold on a basis of S2.2. > ® : | .00 for
cows , J2.7.r > ® " > . ( )0 ) for steers. Calves con
tinued active nt $ . ' . " 1X25.00. Stockets
and feeders were saleable at $1.7.aa.-5.
The range of prices for bogs was about the
same as for Monday , but the average was lit
tle higher , common and hiedluin grades scor
ing an advance of I.'c. Good qualities were
extremely sctirco and were quoted 5c higher
than yesterday. Tlio quotations were & > .o ©
5.7,1 for heavy weights , ? jlti5.75 for medium
and . ? 5.2. > ® 5..i5 ' for poor to fancy light. There
WHS not much trading below $ .5.25. The creator
part was nt..VI55.70. Culls wore peddled out
to city butchers at $2..VSs4.53. ) The close
Urn.Tho Evening Journal reports : OATTI.K Io- !
celpts. 7,00 > head : shipments , 4,000 head.
Market steady to stronger. No prime natives
on silo ; goou to choice , $5.00 < < J. > .7 ; medium
and common , W.5VSI,75 ( ; Texans , $2.2."i.XIXl ;
range steers , $3silf5.00 : ( ; stockers , SJ.SJ&a.lO ;
botchers' cows , $ ? ,5'Kf'i3.5 ! ) .
lloo.s ItecolnlH , 13.0JO ; shipments , 7,000 ; mar
ket active , steady ; prime light higher ; com
mon and roiu-h , $4.5) ) 5,15 ; mixed and pack
ers. $5.2535.45 : prime heavy and butchars * .
J5. > 0J5..5i ( ! ) : light , f5.50Q3.03 ; light grassers ,
$1.5 < &V25.
SitKKI- Receipts , fi.OOO headshipments ; , 2,500 :
market sloady : native owes , $ l.50@l.i.5 ( ; ml\cd
and wethers , $1.7533.25 ; Toxans. $4.3J < i 4. 0 ;
westerns , $4.40B4.0' ' ; lambs , J.I.75&5.75.
Now York Ijlvo Htouk Dlnrlcot.
NKW VOIIK , Aug. 4-llKnvKs Hocelpts , ISO
bead , all for export no trade. KoolliK sto idy.
Dressed beef , firm , SBOVjC per II ) . Shipments
tomorrow , 1,042 beeves and C,4sO quarters of
UAIAT.S Receipts , 530 bead. Marknt steady.
Calves In mixed lots sold at * , " > .lwiiO.'JO per
100 Ib.
SIIKKP Itecolpts. fiG75 head. Market steady.
Phi'op. J3.2U1M.30 nor 10) Ibs. ; lambs , tl.iO'l.o ( ' ( ; ;
dressed muttons , sleady,8IOo peril.jdtessed
lambs , weak , ll'iQllu. '
Iloas Uecolpla , 4,207 ho id , Including live
car * for uale. .Marmot , lower , $ .5,50 < i2 > U.5'J. '
C ity Live Stouk Market.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Aug. 4. CArrt.K Ko-
celnts , fW ( ) ; shipments , 8ia Choice steers
steady ; others dull anif lower. Cows steady
to lOc lower. Choice Texas steers strong.
Steers. J3.0dtt3.75 ; stockers and feeders , f 1.75 ®
4.25 ; cows , tl,502,83.
lions Hecolpts , 4,500 ; shipments , 125. Mar
ket opened 5QlUe lilirher ; lost most of the uiiln
and closed weak and lower. Hulk , t5.2J3.30 ;
all grades. $ l.4.Vf(5.40.
aiiBKi1 Receipts , 3,200 ; shipments , 2,03'J ; mar
ket btody. _
Ht , Ijouis Ijlvo Slouk 'Market.
ST. I.ouis. Mo. , Aug. 4. OAT-rr.t ! Ho-olpts ,
3.000 ; shipments , 3.SOO. I'lrm ; fair to
fancy natlvo stcofs , $ . ' 1,15 ; oxcns and
Indians. * . ' .00a\35.
IIiKW Hooo'pts. ' - 4,50a ; nhlpmentH. 030 ;
stronger ; heavy , t\533.03 ; mixed , 15.10
< a.\50 ; light , $ i.l
OJl.lll.l irJHUt-ES.lltK J1AUKITS
APPLES 1'cr ' bnti'he.1 box , green , 40o ; rod ,
wlic ; per barrel , V ) .
I'liAits California , Ilartlott , $2.50.
l'n\cuts-Uallforlilf. ! llaloN early , per box ,
$1.2.5 ; Crawford. * l.5tijjienraskn slock , liUo per
basket ; Michigan , 8)onor ) basket. .
lit\.Nus : Uoill. $ altajfi.5'j ) Sorrenri ) , $3.50.
WATKIIMKI.D.NS Hlijnplti : stoou ,
I'MIMS OallfornluWUick. JI.75.
( 'ASTAMUPKS ! ' > / crate. $1.25.
III.MJKIUIIIIIIKS ( luoil stock. $2.00 per 24 quart
cases. '
IIMONS : Per box , M.00i3fl.50 ,
llANANAs-l'or bniiOh , $ . ' .OOQ2.50 for good
shipping Htock. : "
Tlu > following dlilitatlons renrciont the
prices at whluli cliulco' stock U billed out on
orders unless otlicrwl.-o htaled :
NKW I'OTATOKs The market Is very weak
and pretty fair stock IIIIH been offered as low
usil'/iil c , Local producer * an < nupplylng the
demand to such an extent that shipments
from a distance would not m > vo very readily.
NKW HURTS 1'er bu. , 5 11 ic.
IlKASii Nnw , * 2,2.V22.5'J per bushel.
TOMATOKS I'or box. one-third bushel , G3
© 75c.
UUCUMIIEUS I'or i\or \ , 30o.
OKI.KIIV ViiU'Oo per do/en.
UNIONS California , 'U'ic ' peril )
Homo crown , l ! > ® 2opcr IU
I' ' In 11 r.
Omaha milling rompany. Ilolbinco. Patent ,
(2.8J ; Invlnciblo Patent , t..7n ; l.ono Star. .Su
perlative. (2.40 ; Snowllakc , (2.00 ; Fancy Fam
ily ,
It. T. l > avls milling company. High Patent ,
No. 1 and Cream , $ . ' .50 ; Ilhio I ) . , full patent ,
f..tiJ ; llawkeyc. half patent , f..IW ; Special
Koyal. Patent No , 10. $3,00 ; Minnesota patent ,
(2. W ; Kansiw Hard Wheat , patent , t..W ; ISu-
brakUaKprlng Wheat , patent. 12.00.
H. R Oilman's tlolil Medal. t2.SO ; Snow
\YUlto.t2.Mi buuwUaku , ti.ig ; loir trade. 11.00 ;
Coiuitry I'rtnliit > r > .
I'otn.Titv The nmrkot conllnnrs weak nnd
$ .00'l.50 Is the outside for good old fowls
wlillo M.OO h > nliout the ontsldo for sprln :
chickens. A good many Rprlngs sell at $ . ' .00
© 2.50.
HAV Tim market l glutted ami a large pro
portion of the receipts Is made up of poor
stock , having been liHiilllclcntly cured before
being baled. The best upland brings only
( tUrfi , nnd bottom land hay fl.oo up.
KiuiN-Thr market docs not show much
chatiL-e , salei being mudr at l2 > ( iDI3c. The market does not show any ma
terial change , and the bulk of the country
stock Boesat 8 > H' .
.t's CO.IHTIOK.vr
Adinlrnt . ( uCniiti Tclln ol'tlioVnr nutl
Othof Matters.
NEW VOIIK , August --Threo boardcil men
with military bearing , thulr faces being
seared by exposure to n tropical sun , nr-
rlvcil nt the ( Irani ! hotel ycatcrtlny ovcnlnc.
They were Hoar Admiral Wtlllmn I' . Me-
Catin , Lioutciiant Kennedy and Ue'.itctmnt
Osturhaus of the United States navy. They
came from Colon on the Puclllc Mall stcamar
Newport , which reached her port yesterday.
Hear Admiral McCanti , when soou by n re
porter , said :
lThc Peruvian people , ono nnri nil , Iteoti
nloof from the terrible struggle which Is
going on In Chill. The civil war In Chill will
probably progress until the government ou-
tains some new men-of-war from Kurope. A
popular uprising Hint proves successful gen-
itllyprogrcmca. Djlays and tnantloii nro aut
to prove fatal. The end of the war ono way
or the other would bo n boon to ( ho country
ns well as to the cause of peace mul order.
It Is dinicult. however , tit n distance to tin-
tlorstand the bitterness of feeling that exists
between the opposing sides. Our own civil
war r.over brought out such an intensity of
rngo mnl mallco. The wealthy , aristocratic.
class is generally on the side of the revolu
tionists. Thu olllcml class is led by President
> > The mass of the people the poles , the
peonos follow the loud of their superiors in
the social system , according1 to the province
In which they live. The people , as wo under
stand the word , have precious little to do in
Chill hut to do us they are directed. Tlio re
ports from the country which have appeared
in the New Vork papers have olten boon
greatly exaggerated. Ol course the Latin
people of South America conduct affairs dif
ferent from the Anglo-Saxon race. There Is
not much .sentiment displayed towards any
one who sticks by his party. Ualmaccda bus
locked up these who shout 'viva el congreso'
in the streets of Valparaiso and Snntiiigo.and
the congressional party have suppressed the
adherents of the government In Tarauaea.
"Tho American navy inndcii splendid show
on the coast. Three ships like thu Haiti-
moro , the Charleston and the San Francisco
are a credit to any marine power. The Unit
ed States navy was treated respectfully and
courteously by both sides. The Itut.i did not
land n sincrlo rifle. It was n great disappoint
ment to tbo revolutionary party to lese the
arms. In order to spare their natural feel
ings of sorrow , the ship was sent to s > oa after
dark so that the people on shore would not
witness her departure. There were no
threats or intimidation. The leaders were
notitiod that the Until had violated our laws
and her surrender was requested. Of course
wo had force enough to lend authority to the
request , but this question was not raised.
There was no need of r.iising it.
' Tlio rovolbtlonstrv army is generally uni
formed and well disciplined. The jealousy
which existed between the army and navy .
kept and continues to keep the two branches
of tbo service apart. The navy was the fa
vorcJ arm. The army felt that it was com
paratively neglected.
"There has been an immense wheat crop m
Chili and the Government has derived in-
creused strength from that source. The Hal
mnceda people also have had moro ready
money. These who have been engaged to
undertake perilous service for the govern
ment have been nald nromntlr. The ofllcurs
and sailors on the Almiranto Lynch ard the
Almirnnto Condcll , the two torpedo cruisers
that blow up the Blanco Kncalada , were
heavily rewarded. I met Captain Mat-ago ,
who commanded the expedition. Ho is n man
without fear very much the same I imagine
as Arturo Prat , who is canonized in the ar
chives of Chill. The war will not last Ion ? .
The country , once so prosperous nnd wealthy
will recover very slowly Irom the effects of
the strife. It will require another generation
to overcome the estrangement that exists bo-
Uveen the two sides , "
DoWitt's Little harly Uisors ; boat little
pills foil dyspepsia , sour stomach , baJ breath ,
HH Importance Greatly Inoroaseil at
Nnw YOUK , Aug. 4. Tlio receipts of llvo
cattle at this port have been steadily grow-
lite larger every week for months , and now
average about H f teen thousand head a week.
Not only is this the case , but the healthy
revival of business across the North river nt
the Jersey City stock yards is shown by the
fact that cattle are bringing about $1 a hun
dred pounds moro than at this time lust year ,
and scores of butchers who for several years have been purchasing their cattle in
the Chicago market , recognizing the new
order of things at this port , nro now soon
daily nt the cattle pens across the river.
There tire moro and hotter cuttlo there for
tlio buyers to select from than there have
been for tlvo years , and that is why tboy tire
deserting Chicago and returning to their own
market. The cattle arc coming from Penn
sylvania , Maryland , Virginia , Tennessee ,
Kentucky , Ohio , Indiana , ami in fact from
all thu region cast of Chicago.
Last winter the Tribune published an extensive -
tensive account of the efforts being made by
S.V. . Allerton , P. Sherman and other enter
prising men to recover the entile of this city
which nod slipped away to Chicago. A
description of the costly Improvements for
butchering nhd exporting beef in swift ocean.
steamers was given In full. It looks now as
if the plans of these men to make New York
a great cattle market once moro is about to
bo realized.
Ono of the foattiros of this revival of the
cattle business hero Is the marked falling off
In the receipts of cattle at Hoboken. This
is because fowcr cattle are bought by Now
York butchoM in Chicago and moro in Jersey
City. Railroad rivals are mixed up in It.
One of the inducements which wuro offered
to butchers of this city ana Brooklyn to buy
cattle in Chicago yards through agents there ,
was tlio fact that the DelawareLackawannn
& Western road would , If the Jeeves were
shipped over that line , put them on floats
anil deliver them frco of harbor toll tit the
foot of ICast Forty- rat street , this city , and
North Thirteenth street , Brooklyn. This led
to the Imildmt ; of a large and lucrative cattle
business over Mr. Sloan's roads centering at
Jersey City. The Pennsylvania , Baltlmoro
& Ohio , and Erin did not oll'or the siima
facilities to hutchors. Irately this has boon
changed , nnd In consequence butchers tire
going buck to Jot-soy City to buy. and ro-
colpts of Chicago bought cattle at llobnken
nro falling oil correspondingly. To have Now
York a great cattle market is In the
of every farmer living east of Chicago.
Dr. Blrnoy , hey fever and catarrh. B bldg.
Conflagration In a Church.
PiiKsi-orr , Aw. , Aug.I. . Just nftor tlio
services commenced in the Methodist church
hero a largo coal oil lump upset on the carpet
causing n conflagration , destroying the
church building. Burning oil was spilled on
the clothing of n man named Churn who was
seated immediately under it. Ho rushed
through the congregation with the llamas
running up his hack , several Indies having a
narrow escape Irom having their clothes
Ignited. Henry Kvaim was considerably
burned in assisting Charp to got his burning
coat oil. The Inter's back and head were
seriously bunted.
DoWitt's Little Bariy UisoiM for the liver
JOHN A. McSiiA.Nf. niANu c. CON.IO.V
McShane & Condon ,
300 8. 13th Ft. , First National Uanli Build
ing , Omaha , Neb.
[ leal In > tock . b < iml . letmrlllav connnorclitl pa
per , otc. Neitulluto lu.'ini a lmpr.TU'l ' Uui.tlia
ustuto. Hliurt tliao luan * . uu tank itucH , or oa all
culhtturuliugurlt )
luiimuuiimo t
'l vw -vw i
Omnba Tout & Awn-
itig Oo. ,
Flnir . hniiitnnilci.oll nnd
rubber clntlnint. 8 'nil for
c.itnlntfiii' . 111,1 Knrnntii.
Bemis Omaha Bag Oo.
Importer * mil Mnnufnc-
KlotirSa-ln. llurl.ii'H mnl
A. II. Perri : o & Co. M. 0. Daxou.
no ; H'cyrhx olil on inonllilr
p ivint'iilti.
foml fur our rntnlci.'uo
unit prhvs. I'Mrnmn t. , ( liniili
nixiKits , t < i .svvi Tioxtii
Ackennan Brothers & ; Iloin'ze ,
I'rlnten. lliuli'r. . eli-rtrotriion , blmik book ni.'inu-
IIICi lluwnnl nlriv't , ( inmlin ,
Olms , A. Too & C'o ' , KirkenilnllJoncs&Oo
.Mn'iiifa.'lnrTI ' nml .Inb- Whii'o'al.'Vatrifirtiir'ra '
bi'rs. Auon M for I'o4 on Itiih-
lierInn' C Illl' ' . IIOl ,
110.1 IlotTnnl "Ircot. anil IIIH , lliir.u'y stroot.
Williams , Van Acr- w7v7jIorsT"&OoT
nain & Harto Shoo rnntiM.v.f'urnir Itth
atnl Itoiiulif At1 * . Oinatia
1213 llnrnor ilrout. .Murohiiuti Invitivl to
Oinn n. NVb. call tiii'l uvaui n ' .
Jolin L. AVilkie , Louis Heller ,
Oainlm p.ii'Orliox factory llulcluTs mnl IMcker * .
l.ilT-I.II'J Toulinnil supp'lo * . llccf
hoz mnl h 'up cruliit- * .
OritiT.4 promptly tlllt'il. lllii-IIH .Ini'k on vrcot.
W. T. Seaman ,
Otnalia's Lnrt-ost Vnrioty
Onnlia Carpet Oo , , Gilmore & Buhl ,
Carpets , oil clolhs 1:1 it- Mmnif irluro < nlnt
tliitfi , ciir'-iln pooil-uti ; \Vliulii-ale clolhlurH ,
1511 11MI llarncy Ktri-nt.
West & Fritscher ,
Mnn ifnctuics llncclffarfl ,
Jolibcr.tof loaf tabnpcn.
1011 ritrnitn Slrcct.
C'O.17. , COKE , ETC.
Eagle Cornice Works , F. Kuemping ,
.MmiulactiirerB ol | ( ; -ilvniilz'il Iron cnrnlpoi.
'tidvan'z d Iron Cornice. ' Hornier windowiloor
Wlmlow L'iii4 , melMlllo i-npt , ilnlnl > . etc. Tin
kvlltht < , etc. 1110 mul , Iron mul-I ito looter ,
t. Ml fiirnmii SI.
Eibbel & Smith , Sshroodcr & Oc. ,
Dealer * In country prixl- Cash buyers butler uiul
ucc , frulti , vuKotntilcs , e tr . nail Kenorut com *
IM7 llOH-anl Street. 42.1 South lltli Street.
" "
A. D. Boor ? & Oo. , Hunter & Green-
M-S'J K chmi o lliillilliiK. ; 0 CtchmiKO llullillnv ,
South Oinnbn. South Oimitia.
I amoirorinsstioU in a isood uounil company -
pany will pay a 20 p > r cent dlvldun I.
$100 uhnres for $85. Wrlto ( or pro
Ecom 0 ,
KVW. . . ' DI5TniCTB , V/ATER
C'orrMpoinJiace Ri.iH-iti'il.
H.W.HARniS aCOHPAHY.Bankers.
lO'OS ' Oonrhorn Street , CHICAOO
:3 Wa'l Stroot. HEW YOIIK-
70 Btata O - BOSTON.- _ >
Hltmitl" ! ) ' | ir..i'ur . f"r itrailu
H)1 ruu fi.rclruubirn.
HIIICitWiK'li ( Illtirl. tin No\r
" y'ork | , | fo | iia if. unittlm , Neb.
. .
ltuci.ii ; i9uiu < ! y tor all tb )
un'iAiuir' a'lehniKC' ' an'l
| irivnt ilniciii. ol .CD. A
{ .crulo , „ , „ , or , , l
tow. mi n.
I pren : ibaltund lceli ln
In riM-mnnnDdlng It to.
1'lUCli 1.00.