Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Attempted to Hold Up a Burliugtou Station
Fntullj lliirndl with Krrocnc at
StcuK * City Holt County Vrlenuis
u Ucnnlon at
Atkinson. , Neb , Auir. --Special [ Tola-
gram to TIIK BKK. ) A masiiod burglar rnado
an Ineffectual attempt to hold up the nlu'ht
operator at the II. ft M. depot at this place
about 2:15 : this morning. Operator Will
Hhlldncck , was sitting in front of tno bay
window nt a desk writing when ho beard n
"voice In n low tone snyput 'cm up.1
Iluglancod up and saw n man wearing n
mask with a gun pointed at him through the
glass of the window. Shlldneck made n
Jump from bis desk nnd landed behind n
Jog In tbo wall where bo was out of the sight
of the man with the gun. The would-bo
burglar then came Inside nf the waiting room
and tried the door which was locked
The operator then stepped to another desk
nnd picked up n glass p.ipor . weight nnd as
the burglar stepped out to the bay window
again the operator lot It fly. It missed the
mark , but hit thu casing of the window nnd
loft a mark that she veil ! f It bad reached its
proper destination It would have laid the
thief out permanently. The robber then
disappeared in the darkness as mysteriously
as ho had come up nnd has not since been
Or.nivn , Neb. , Aug.I. . ( Special to T"i :
BEE. ] A vial of wrath lost its cork hero last
Saturday upon the convening of the nllianco-
Indupondcnt-peoplo's county convention. It
looms that a secret mooting of tbo delegates
had been hold prior to thu convention , for
the purpose of gotlinc the state fixed , so
that , to tbo public at least , the strife would
not bo apparent. But the scramble lor olllco
was too much for tno proposed peace and
harmony , nnd the secret meeting adjourned
without effecting anything.
The convention mot almost Immediately ,
and the battle was waged from its opening.
Ono faction of tlio delegates had a project for
ndjournlng until September , which was op
posed by the opposite faction ns being cowardly -
ardly nnd indicating a dojiro for fusion.
Finally it was decided to nomlnnto n ticket
at once , and a bitter light wns made for
nneriff. John Mnycock was nominated , but
his opponents refused to make it unanimous.
For c-lerk A. F. Snyder defeated Judge J. M.
King , the old whoolhorso of tno paity , and
hl § precinct is out of lino. The ticket , was
< jomplolod ns follows- Treasurer , C. C.
Franklin : superintendent , Mrs. Agnes Moo-
maw ; coroner. Dr. II. O Stalcup ; commis
sioner , John II. Kellnms. For delegate to
the state convention , S. J. Clark was elected.
During HorHOtliiol * .
TrrtJMSEir , Nob. , Aug. 4. | Special Tele-
pram to TIIK BKE. ] A strange man with n
pair of sorrel horses drove into town yester
day , mid by his pecular action soon aroused
* suspicion that ho had .stolon the team. As
the officers appeared on the scene to invest !
gate the matter the strnnucr took to the
woods aud cornfields and escaped. Sheriff
Stetuvorn took charge of the team and it is
now hero ut a livery stable awaiting
The stranger has not been heard of since
neither has a span of nice young Hamblo-
tonlnn mares belonging to Henry Jones , n
farmer living ono and a half mile northeast
of this plnco. The marcs had achu young
colt and were missing this morning. U Is
supposed that the man wboevuded the officers
In town is the man who stole Mr. Jones'
team , nnd It is pi etu good evidence ho hail
stolen the team ho brought hero with him or
be woulu not have abandoned It on the approach
preach of the ofllcors. Deputies have boon
limiting for the thief nil day.
Woi-lc nt Ci-otp.
Cnr.TFNob. . , Aug. 4. [ Spoclil to Tm :
BEE. ] The State Blblo association is hold-
Bg its annual convention on the Chnt-auqua
grounds in this city. The session commenced
yesterday afternoon. The attendance is
. largo for the first day , visitors from all parts
of the state are taking part. The Young
Men's Christian association is holding an
out-door Hold session , Insting a week , also on
the same grounds this week. Tennis , base
ball , athletics are the exercises they enjoy
most. A grand and delU'htinl time is being
bad by the members. The assembly grounds ,
since the closed have been occu
pied by qulto a .number of families from
Lincoln and other cities , who enjoy camp
llfo to the fullest extent. They prefer the
pure nlr of Nebraska to the hot nnd stilling
atmosphere- fashionable outing places. A
small city of touts has sprung up on the
grounds nnd young nnd old are making the
most of tholr outing.
OIK : County Crops.
B.UR SritrN-ns , Nob. , Aug. I. [ Special to
TIIK Bui : . ] Never before since the white
man settled in Nebraska bus there been a
season of such wonderful productiveness as
the present. If this country could bo assured
every year of such timely rains as have fallen
thla spring aud summer it would over become
Icuown as a veritable garden of Eden. Har
vest is about completed heio , and threshing
enough has boon done to show that many
fields of wheat will uveingo thirty bushels to
tbo acre , while oats go fiom fifty to seventy-
five. Potatoes were novt'i- known to yield t.o
abundantly nnd corn prospects are Mmply
Immense. Every nnd shrub of n fruit-
bearing species Is loaded. And the land Is
literally groaning under the burden of pro
ductions. Thu peach crop hero Is phenomenal.
There is but ono huge pouch orchard , but
many of the farmers have a few trees and
some have enough to yield several hundred
AVoninu lliirnod at Aurora.
AUHOHA , Nob. , Aug. 1 ( Special Telegram
to TIIK liKi ; . | During u temporary aberra
tion of the mind Mrs. O. AV. Cass , wife of n
prominent merchant of this city , this morn
ing saturated her dress with kerosene nnd
then sot llro to it. She ran out onto the
lawn and was almost Instantly enveloped In
The neighbors Immediately ran toiioras-
alstanco , but before they could render any
service her clothing was entirely consumed
nnd her skin burned to u crisp from bur
knees to her fnco , the Hush in places bomg
burned to the bono. Physicians were sum
moned at once and rendoicd all possible med
ical aid to ullovlato bur Intense suffering.
Her iujurtcs were too severe for medical
skill to reach , death ending her misery ut 0
o'clock this evening.
Hluu KprinitH t'olltluH.
BI.UK SriiiNfi ? , Neb , Aug. 4. [ Special to
TUB BitE.J Blue Springs has the credit of
being the banner p.txslnot of Gage county
for straight republicanism and will continue
to roll up a republican mijorlty at the polls
In spite of the domocrat-lndopondont combine
that is attempting to swoop the county.
Many of the republicans who were caught In
the earlier stages of the gnmo are now re
turning to their alllogiancu and the Indica
tions are that the combine will go to pieces
in consoquonsu of its dissensions ever lu
scramble for ofllco.
lingo ( ouuty people appreciate thoofforU
of Tar BEK In securing n renewal of the
harvest excursions which hnvo heretofore
tlouo much toward developing the .stato.
There is no section of Nebraska that can offer
greater Inducements to enterprising settlers
than this.
Heavy Yield of Oats.
BitoKKvBow , Neb , , Aug. 4 [ Special Tola-
gram to Tun BKK.J A Hold of oats on the
funnof Prof. Scott near Wostorvlllo , this
county wns threshed ycstordny and yloldoj
104 bushels to thu nc'ro. There u much
mora in this county that will do as well ,
Governor Thnyor't * Hiirnrlno.
Niomuiu , Nob. , Aug. 4. [ Special to TIIK
Jlsc , ] The old and trusted frlouda of Cover-
nor Thnyor were Rreatly surprised and pro
voked over hU appointment of J C" Snntcn ,
formerly n domoi'ratlc editor of thl olnco , at
tompornry county clerk of Hoyd county. Tlio
county soutlociiuon Most Mtflit of In iliotlis.
Appointment In the governor's poor judij-
inunt In loading ttio now county with n tnnn
whoio political record Is bad i\nd enuractor
not ubovo reproauli.
Cherry oiinty Affairs.
VAI.I.XTIVE , Nob. , AUK. 1. | Spoclnl to TUB
Ilr.i : . ] The linrvost of small grain h In full
progress lu Cherry county. Tlio county has
the hoavlost ncro.xifo ever put in , nnd tbo
grain never looked bettor.
A ncnvy Imll storm naiied ever yoiterdny ,
but did Ilttlo dutmigo ns It foil largely on the
Indian reservation. This will set the small
grain all in shock.
Hlacklcp Is working among the cattle
north of Valentino. Several farmers have
loit stock from thU ilHeiite.
Knoclnl Agent V . H. Reynolds Is at Koao-
uinl ugoncy tnklng account of the ponies
taken from tlic Indians In ISTl ! by the order
of the wnr don.irttnont. The Indians will
rccoivo about $ iO a hond foroach pony.
C n Him Itti lOntcrliilnril.
Hr.nnov , Nob. , Aug. 4. [ Hueclat to the
BnB.1 One of the most pleasant events Ilo-
bron lias over witnessed was the iHttoth an
niversary of the woddlngof lion. Roliort
Ualbraith and wlfo , which occurred Auuilst
' . ' , tlioy having taken the tn.irri.iijo vow nt
Glasgow , .Scotland , August 2 , 1311. Mr
Qnturulth Is widely known In r.illroad cir
cles , having occupied tun position of master
mechanic for a great many years and Was n
pioneer in railroad work In the stnto of Illi
nois , being engaged In opcr.itmg the tint
road built In that state and constructed the locomotive built In Chicago.
InhuritiMl u Fort HMO.
Nmuusiu CITI- , Neb , An ? . I. [ Special to
the Tin : Bic. : IC. I . A. Odonhauson , a team
ster for the Chlcigo packing and provision
company , received news of the death of his
father In Germany , leaving a fortune of
800.000 marks-about S200.0 * ) to * 2ir..003
in United Stales coin , to his sister nnd him
self. The surviving wife and mother is to
rocolvo Interest during her llfo , ami at her
death the entire amount Is to bo turned over
to himself and sister The necessary legal
steps were taken today to provo his identity
and establish his claims.
A to Strychnine.
Hnn SritiNciH , Neb , Aug. 1. [ Special to
TIIK IJuu.J Yesterday evening , little Viva ,
a three years old daughter of C. L. Clapp of
this place found a paper of strychnine which
had been stored away to poison rats and ,
cMldllko , commenced eating it but not liking
tno bitter taste told her mother it was some
of " ' . " The
"grandma's popper. parents soon
detected the poison and though considerably
frightened began to glvo tne child milk as mi
antluoto and no serious results have followed.
AVotilil CrusH tlio Ti-aok.
GIUVD ISIAVII , Nob. , Aus. I [ Special
Telegram to Tin : HBR.J Yesterday ovonlng
Set Mallnby , a nephew of Dr. Hawk , while
crossinir the Union Pacific railway track between -
tweon the cars hid his foot caught between -
twoon the bumpers by the train moving nnd
was carried some distance before ho could
extricate himself from his perilous position.
Ono foot was badly mashed and it Is thought
amputation mav bo necessary.
Pat-illy Iltu-m-d.
STHELE CITV , Neb. , Aug. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BBI-.J Mrs. James Shortoll ,
wlfo of n farmer living four miles northwest
of here , was badly burned yesterday while
trying to start a tire with kerosene. The can
exploded , scattering oil all ever her. She
died today about noon. Tne house was saved
but badly scorched.
Gosjler'sMagiclie.idacne Wafers. Cures al
headaches in 'M minutes. At all druggls ts.
AltK ft C till Kit.
How They Keel Over the Iturcnit of
< luiiMM Work.
During the past month the Examiner-Bun
bureau of claims has been in receipt .of a
number of loiters from clients oiu-losing
threatening and argumentative circulars
from attorneys formerly employed , and ask
ing if the nsseitions therein made were true.
The said clients are parties who , having been
piovionsly robbed by claim agents , eagerly
uraspod the oppot Utility for relief oy trans
ferring their cases to this bin eau when congress -
gross opened the door by annulling previous
contracts. Now , the aforesaid clnim agent
cormorants , fearing they may bo balked of
the prey they have so long entangled in tholr
moshcs. have begun to Hood the country with
circular letters in which they constantly
harp on two themes , vte. : That congress has
no power to annul piivato contracts , and that
their powers of attorney are irrevocable because -
cause coupled with an interest , namely.u
contingent fee.
Wo do not propose at the present time to
advortlso the names of tliobu parties who now
masciuorado under the cognomen of attorneys
noys , though strongly tempted to give them
the celebrity their ( luiusi-lltoraiy-logal endeavors -
doavors so richly merit. Ono in particular
deserves special recognition , by n maudlin
communication of eight pages in which ho
jumbles useless facts with fanciful theories ,
garbles judicial decisions , nnd so inextricably
entangles his words that in many instances
the closing part of his sentences have no ap
parent connection with the beginning ,
To any one versed in the law of the land
such idiotic letters are n matter only of ridicule -
culo and mnuso'iient. But when wo consider
that the average claimant In the west Is nec
essarily ignorant of the law governinc the
prosecution of claims in the city of Washing
ton , wo are prone to treat the matter more
The question of oxtJut to which congress
may go in its Interference with private con
tracts , is undoubtedly ono on which some of
the most eminent legal minds have differed ,
nnd It were easy to wnto u volume on either
side. However , the philosophical and politi
cal arguments pro and con are something
with which wo at present have no concern.
Wo coullno ourselves to the cold , hard loslc
of facts. That the last congress did specifi
cally cancel nnd annul all existing contracts
between claimants and attorneys in the Ir
cllnn depredation act of March ! ! , 18'Jl. ' is a
fact which not oven the squirming claim
agents deny , and which anyone interested
may read for himself by applying to us to * .1
copy of the law. Possibly the ojiilneut con
stitutional lawyers nnd Juiista In tlio senate
and house of representatives should have
consulted these obscure claim agents before
passing the act which so seriously
curtailed tholr Shylock propensities ,
but wo apprehend that morn reliance
has placed upon the recent decision of the
U. S. supreme court , case of Mitchell us
clerk , reported in 110 U. S. reports , p.igo till. !
where in the highest tribunal in tlio land
assorts "no provision of the constitution
ptohlblts congress from interfering with the
validity of contracts.-
The second lugal problem Involved Is that
of revocation of powers of attorney. When
and under what circumstances the claimant
can recall un existing power and employ
another attorney. Our eight page friend
loads off with duosolomlty by quoting Judge
Storey : "When an authority or power is
coupled with an interest it is from iUt own
nature nnd character in contemplation ot law
Irrevocable : " thi-n proceeds to niguo that the
retaining of an attorney on a contingent
feu Is equivalent to coupling the power
with an Intorost. This Is absolutely false
from a legal standpoint , but it Is an asset lion
well calculated to inlslo.ui the ordinary read
er. What is really meant by nn "Interest" Is
nn Interest or right In the thing itself. Thus ,
if an estate is convoyed to a trustee , with
power to soil , this power cannot bo revoked
because the trustee has an Interest In the os-
Into itself ; he holds the cgal right to the
property. Again , If the o r of u patent
assigns ono-tcnth of It to n second party and
gives him power of attorney In connection ,
suul power of attorney cannot bo revoked bo-
cnuso'tho assignee Inn nn interest in the pat
ent Itself. Hut If n claimant gives n power
of attornov to an agent to prosecute his claim
for a contingent fco.thls power is not couplea
with an interest and can bo rovoUod al the
pleasure of the claimant. When the agent
agrees to work for it contingent fee , ho no-
cupts a very serious part of the "contingen
cy,1' thu iwsslbillty of having his power re
voked. And a feu contingent on the success
ful prosecution of u claim can. in no wav. bn
construed as an "interest" in the claim which
would render a power of attorney Inovoo-
able. _
Vor ScUlltz boor apply to R. R. Urotto ,
lO.'U Furnum ,
School Board Decides That Boll & Borling-
hoff are Not the Superintendents ,
Kni-ncst llHcii ilnn nntl Flnnl Ilrjco-
lion of tlio Committee's Report
favor I UK * ' > ArohltcuM Contractor -
tractor Not Satisfied.
Only half a dozen v'sltors ' looked ever the
railing last night at the board of education
rooms when President Goodman called the
board to order.
Mr. Mnrtm from the commlttoo on build
ings and property brought In a report upon
the Kellom school diniculty , ns follows :
Vonr ciiiumitioo on bu Idlnus and propmty.
to ulioin was ri'iinitoil Ilir m.ittorut mpt'iln-
tmuli'iK-y of the Kutlum school bulldln ; . unulil
rcspiN'tftilly report that wi held a mooting
to.lav , nt which were jiroM'nt the conlr.ielor ,
Mr. Mpnsndciht , anil Sir. ( iroi.-o llcrlliijlidir.
icprfsuntlng ItelKV llurllnirholl' nrrhlltctsot
the building , ut whh-h time tlio matter w is
fully dUcnssud and an ntiilcnhlo arriunrmiioiit
agruiMl iipnn , Hiibjout , of i-nurio , totho ap
proval of Hi s bti inl. And that Is that Messrs.
Hull & ItcrlliigliolT are to bo the superintend
ents i > f tlio tmllillti , ; . They futUlor nsrrpo to
accept , at the roiuplotlon of the liullillni ? . 4
per cent nn tlio actual cost of thn building In
full and rompluto p ivniont for all plans , spo-
ellli-ai.lons , siiDorlntundiini'e. and claims of
any Kind wiiulnvur , and wu rospeotfuliy rec-
otiiiiiund the adoption of this report
The report was signed by Mr. Euclid
Martin and Charles Wohror.
When the report was road Mr. Wohror at
once moved that it bu adoptod.
Mr. Sinvtho sprang to h'is feet and entered
upon a long and very earnest argument
against the report ol the commlttoo.
"This ts simply crawling out of the hole in
ns graceful n manner as possible , Mr.
Sinvtho , " srtld Mr McConnoll.
" 1 deny that the board Is or has been In n
hole , " Mr. Smytho rejoined energetically.
The gentleman then ptoceodod to nrguo
that the board had never adopted the
specifications submitted by Boll & Borling-
holt. The plans onlv were adopted , and for
the plans alone tbo board should pay. There
was not the scratch of a pen , Mr. Smythe
held , between the board and the architects
which went to show that the architects were
employed to superintend the building , IIo
claimed that the paragraphs in the Mongo-
doht contract placmcr the suporintondoncy
of the building in the hands of the architects
did not bind the board. If Boil & Berling-
hoff wanted pay for superintending
thu building ho believed ill letting
thorn go to the courts and got It. IIo tbought
it would bo unfair for the board to refuse to
stand by Mr. Hamilton in this contest. Tbo
board had appointed .Mr. Hamilton to super
intend the Kellom school nnd now when the
conllict has como between him and tbo
aicjiitects the board propose to go back on
the superintendent of the buildings and let
the architects have their way.
Mr. Wohier made n rambling and vehe
ment speech In which ho hold that the con
tract between Mr. Mcngodoht and tlio board
made it obligatory on the part of the board
to recognize Bell & Berlinghofl as superin
Mr. Martin explained his position as a
motnbor of the committee. Ho said that he
did not undertake to defend the attitude of
the architects , but the board had entered
into u contract with Mr. Mongedoht in which
the architects were named ns the suporin-
ents of the building. Mr. Martin held that
the board was under obligations to carry out
its part of the contract with Mr. Menge-
doht. Ho could not see how the board could
repudiate the contract made with Mr. Men-
godoht and n compromise , ho thought , was
the fairest and most sensible way out of the
Mr. Hoes thought that the board bad paid
Boll & BerlinirholT about all that wis duo
them. Ho was decidedly opposed to the idea
of hiring men to superintend a building who
nad tried to take advantage of the board.
Dr. Gibbs took a middle ground in the dif
ficulty. IIo believed that the nrchitcuts still
had some interest In the building. It was
the duty of the architects , ho thought , to sou
that Mr. Mongedoht put up the building ac
cording to the plans nnd specifications. It wns
also the duty nnd privilege of the boara to
have Mr. Hamilton there. In case of n dispute -
puto between the contractor and Mr. Hamil
ton with regard to the plans nnd specifica
tions the architects should bo called in decide
the dispute , and for this work on the part of
the architects the board would certainly have
to pay a reasonable sum. Ho was in favor
of adopting the report of the committee.
Air. Morribon was in faver of adpptmg the
Mr. Points agreed with Mr. Smytho in
that the board could not bo legally hold by
the architects for pay for superintend
ing the building , but ho thought
the report of the committee was all right as
a matter of compromise , with the exception
that it did not provide for any superintond-
ency aside from that of tbo architects. Ho
believed in keeping Mr. Hamilton In the
position of superintendent at the Kollom
When the vote was called for the report
was rejected by a vote of 7 to4. .
The board then went into commlttoo of the
whole with Mr. Murlin in the chair to con
sider the Kellom school difliculty. The com
mlttoo sat in the superintendent's room with
closed doors.
After half un hour of discussion the com
mittee of the whole rose and reported as
follows :
Itosohod , That Td O. Hamilton bo and Is
hoioby confirmed as the superintendent for
this board of the Kollom school building , and
thntnu do not rvcognl/e Itoll > l liorllngliotl
us the siipuilntundont.s 01 in any way the tup-
ri'sont.itlvos of said board In the construction
of s ild bulldin ; , and thu suurutary Is hereby
Inslinctod teat onoo notify the contractor
and the said Hell & , Hoi Iliijjlioir of this action
of the board In this respect
The report was adopted by the following
Yeas : Babcock , Coryoll , Glbbs , Points ,
Popplcton , Itocs , Smyth 7.
Nays : Kcllov , McC'innell , Morrison nnd
Well i or I.
Mr. Martin explained that ho voted aye on
the motion to adopt this report for the reason
that ho placed a giont deal of conlidonco in
the opinions of members of the board who
were attorneys , and they haddoclared that in
taking this stop tno board would not vitlato
its contract with Mr. Mcngodoht.
"And I vote no , " said Mr. Wohror ,
"because 1 have very Ilttlo conlidonco In the
opinions of the lawyers on this board. "
The use of the Eskormnn school grounds
was graatod to a committee of Bohemians
for the purpose of holding n picnic ,
The board adjourned to moot Saturday
night to open bids for supplies.
Mr. Mongidoht was been by a reporter for
Tun Biy : after the meeting and was asked
whether ho intended to proceed with the work
on the tniililinsr.
"I will consult my attorney in thn mornIng -
Ing , " said Mr. Mcngodoht , ' 'before 1 decide
what to do , "
"Aro you willing to have the architects
taken clear out of the deal and allow Mr.
Hamilton to superintend the construction of
the building ! "
"No sir , 1 nm not. If no was n reasonable
man and understood his business thoroughly
I would not mind it , but ho Is not nnd I don't
think 1 could got along with him. "
Mr. Borlmghorf was also scon. Ho said
they had retained an attornov and would pro
ceed according to his advtco in tbo matter.
Dr. Blrnoy , hay favor and catarrh. B bldg.
VAl'TUKlUt ItY ,1 I'.lHIf.l.
Now York Hi-lrosH to U oil an
NKW YOHK , August I. Among the passengers -
gors who came ever on the last tripof the
Etruria was n distinguished looking for-
olgnor , whom any ono would have taken /gr
an Englishman but for the peculiar cut of
his clothing and the deep liroiuo on his face.
Ho was u handsome man , of powerful
physique nnd courtly manner. His appenr-
111 co at the Hotel Marlborough attracted
more than ordinary attention. IK ) was no
loss n personage than a real Egvpllan pasha.
Hois a director general of prisons in Egypt
an ofllcial who ranks high in the court of the
khudlvo. Ills mission to America is to take
in custody and escort to Cairo , i young lady
who is widely known and highly esteemed In
society circles in this city. She is Miss
EmnmValravon Comfort , the only child of
Major Samuel Comfort , a mauiber of th
SUu.Ura oil coaipiuy. It will bj a
surprise to many xvhi have known this beau
tiful and iKTOinpltslivll joung woman to icirn
that during her rorciii visit In Kirynt * np is
snld to buvo sloloii from the Khudlvo's
pnlnco an nrtlclo of sacii ( prlooloss value that
the pasha , nftor consulting with the Rhedivo ,
came In person to convoy Miss Comfort to
I his country. It tnny nlso HCCIP singular that
' although no treaty oxtni between the United
1 States and Egypt , , tho. government should
permit oven a pasha ( d rnrry off an American
girl ngalnst her wlll liss Comfort makes
I no denial of the clmrro that ts made ngnlnst
1 her and has freely consented to go.
It wns nt n grand ball that was given In
tbo khodtvo's palnco that the article Miss
Comfort Is said to have stolen was llrst
missed. It was the pasha who discovered Its
loss. It wns his hoartv So she will return
with him on the Htrurln next Saturday.
Miss Comfort will bo escorted to
Egypt by her husband. Althoueh n pashn ,
the handsome foreigner Is nn Englishman
by birth mid education. His name Is Harry
rrookslmnk and ho Is ontltlej to ndd K U.
C. S. to his signature. Ills father was an
English general who was killed In the In
dian service. While yet a medical student
Crooksbank became attached to the medical
cotps of the Gorman army and followed Its
vnrious fortunes throughout thoFranco-Prus-
slnn service For Vnllant servlo ho was ro-
wardcd bv the Empress Augusta , who took
her own linger ring nnd presented it to him.
Ho entered'lioTurklsh-Uussian war nt d wns
in the surgical corpi at the Bulgarian massa
cre and through the Servian wnr.
In lsst : , when the cholera was raging In
Egypt , Dr Crookshank went to Cairo His
fidelity to the suffering Egyptians attracted
the khedlvo's personal attention and ho was
created a pasha and made director general of
Egyptian prisons.
Miss Comfort Is nVassar graduate. She
Is tall , fair and stately. Her education was
begun at a convent in Paris. When she
pruduntod from Vnssar in 1VJ she took high
honors In tlio higher sciences , notably in
chemistry , mathomntlci and astronomy. She
wont abroad with her mother. While in
Egypt they were the guests of Judge Kclloy
of the. Egyptian judiciari , and it was
through his influence that she was presented
to the ttuodlvo and afterwards bonoted with
invitations to the grand ball given nt his
courtIt was then the pusha lost his heart.
Ho kept her company almost during their
entire stay In Europe. The wedding Is to bo
celebrated at noon tomorrow at the country
seat of Dr. Pickiiring , thu bride's uncle , at
Lnnghorn , Pa.
Some Earnest Crniik-iurnliifj Mono uy
the City Council.
Several hundred people with dull axes
josoled each other for a position nt the muni
cipal grindstone last night and the city's
seventeen servants who were present tried
their prettiest to accommodate all comers.
Of course there was n crop of disappointment
nnd the reaping of 11 caused a whole lot of
The preliminary caucus and skirmish con
sumed n largo amount of time and the first
half hour of the session's time was numbered
with the past before President Lowry called
tbo council to order ,
The mayor vetoed the ordinance creating
sewer district HS , on Sprague street from
Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth , as the plans
called for nn Inadequate sewer to drain the
territory in the district !
On u statement by Mr. Ostboff that the
citizwia of the district wanted the sewer and
were going to pay for IB , the ordinance was
pissed ever tlio mayor's veto.
Mayor Cushing sent in a surprise In the ap
pointment of Philip Andres as sanitary com
missioner. The appointment was confirmed.
City Attorney Ponpleton gave an opinion
to the effect that the city tickets , for the
coming election , should be printed on separ
ate tickets from tbo state and county tickets
and should bo canvassed by the city council.
Estimates In favor ot John P. Coots , for
city hall work , amounting to ill,003.00 , were
allowed. '
Street Commissioner Flaimory was granted
a two weeks' vacation.
The action of the flro and police commis
sioners in causing the arrest of Cadet Taylor
for allowing the entrance to tlio Globe Loan
nnd Trus.t company's , building to occupy
some of tlio sidewalk space como in for a lot
of attention. After a lot of discussion a resolution
elution instructing the city attorney not to
probocuto the case , was adopted.
A man with H schema tornn automatic
time-keener for the city hall had his propo
sition icfcrred to the committee on buildings
mid property. Some of the members wanted
the matter placed on file , but Mr. Brunor of
the Elchth ward protested and secured n ref
erence to the committee.
A resolution by Mr. Beehel , tesclndlng the
conttol for Adamant plaster for the city hall ,
with a view of submitting Silicor' wall
plaster , wjs referred to the committee on
public property and buildings.
On report of the committee on claims , the
city attorney was instructed to confess
Judgment in tbo district court for $11(1 ( in
favor of F. J Kaspar , for grading on Mason
street. This was the case In which Mr.
Kaspar , when a council.nan , was sued by n
Second ward citUon for worn done
in repairing and gradimr Mason street. The
city did not furnish the proper defense and
the case was decided against Mr. Kaspar.
The city now assumes the omohnt of the
Judgment rendered airninst Mr. Kaspnr.
The bond of John Nelson for hauling dead
animals was rejected , the sureties not being
frco holders , nnd the comptroller instructed
to advertise for llvo dnvs for bids for hauling
dead nnlmnls for n term of two years ,
On report of the commlttoo on paving ,
curbing and guttering all bids for curbing
were rejected and u committee appointed to
test the various Kinds of stone olloroj tor
curbing , for the purpose ol establishing u
The appropriation ordinance was passed.
At 11:30 : o'clock the council found that It
had spent the entito ovonlng In wrangling
ever a lot of unimportant mutters and adjourned -
journod in disuust.
Dyspepsia's victims are unmoored by the
thousands. So are the people who have been
restored to health by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Holt County Veterans Meet.
ATKINSON , Nob. . Aug. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKR.r The four days session of
the Holt county reunion of veterans opened
at this place today under the most favorable
auspices , and promises to bo the most suc
cessful event of the kind ever hold
in northwest Nebraska. Many have already
arrived and Atkinson will no doubt have tlio
largest crowd assembled hero tbo balance of
the week ever seen in this section.
Thu nddross of welcome was delivered
this nftoinoon by Hon. W. E. Scott. The
response wns by Huv. J. LCappoc , presi
dent of the Veterans' association.
Hoy. Blackburn also delivered a very
interesting address. The programme
for tomorrow Isi 0)0 : ! ) n , in. , call
of states ; 1U:80 : a. in. pddross by Uov. Black
burn ; U p. m , addrpss by Hon. C. H. Van
Wvck. "
The "Spy of Shiloh , " under the manage
ment of Major Howard-fs to bo rendered nt
the opera house every tjyonlng , The weather
could bo no more favorable.
Do Witt's Little Early UISOM , bast pill.
Grijonwoocl'H hiicuoaHl'ul ICvont.
GUEINWOOI : > , Nob. , Aug.I. . [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bur. ] il'lio second day of the
district Grand Arniyof the Kopubllo ro-
unton has passed Into history. Hopioaontn-
tivcs froifi all over the state being in atten
dance , Aldens' beautiful park contained
several hundred people. From early morn
until into tonight all has boon merri
ment. Musiu and speeches uore the
order of the day. Tonight campllroh
are burning nnd short speeches were made bv
Comrades Kirk. W. H. Kufesull , John
Matlionoy nnd Mr. O. B. Polk. Special nt-
tractions mo booked for Thursday and Fri
day , when the largest crowd ever In Green
wood Is expected. Ono of the special fea
tures for tomorrow will bo a balloon ascen
sion with a parachute descent.
DoWitt's Little Early Risers ; only pill to
cure sick headache and regulate the ; be. als
Hcenif Kve liiiMur ( MIm \ < ltr tlii * licul , nfl'j
: eactuul iHfrimU line ten cent * .
YUUNfl QOOKO II. , niod M yearn , tit the ros-
iuenco of It. W. ItuMi.trdson.Ului DodxoMroot.
ut 0w : ; Munduy uvuiilng , August a , lxll. aftur
a lliuorliiK and painful Illnoss. Ducuasud
bus for the just thirty yours lioon n valued
emplovuuof Uio UloliiirdMin drug company
In su I.oulu and this city. Komulm uuii <
taMm I'lios Jiiy iitturnoon , August i , IBIU , to
at. l.uuls fur lulunuunl.
Question of Reduced Fares for Theatrical
Pnrtioa OonsUlcred.
C.cnernl Soiitlnionl Pnror * tlio Itloa
IT the Terms Can Bo Mmlo
un n Two Cent
CitirAoo , Aug. 4. At the mooting of the
Western Passenger association the old ques
tion of special passenger rates for the benefit
of traveling thoatrlcil companies was re
vived. The pioposltlon was to make n ratfl
of 'J cents a milo for parties of ton or more ,
but to establish n form of tlcltot that would
prove n reasonable safccuard , against the
abuse nf tlio privilege. The eonernl senti
ment of the nicotine was in favor of n party
rate on tbo proposed b.isls nnd n committed
was appointed to rocommuml u special form
of 2iOD ) mlle ticket for this purpose , the com
mittee to report at the September meeting ,
uiIIIMX riM.n'sITO. : .
Chairman Finloy has ruled that n member
of the Western Passenger association has no
right to upponl to the advisory board of the
Western Trafllo Association because the Chicago
cage , St. Paul A : Kansas City is n member of
the former aud not tlio latter organi/atlon
The question eamo up in the notlco given by
tbo Atchison that it unuld moot the Chicago
& Alton's $10 round trip rate between Kansas
City and Chicago. The Uock Island opposed
this anil wished to nppoal to the advisory
board of tlio Western Trnfllc association
claiming that its revenue would bo injured if
such a rate should bo nuthori/od
Mr. Finloy said : "There is no relief to
lines that simply want protoUiou in revenue.
Should our line give notice thill it will meet
the notion of some other outside road there is
no chance for appeal to an advisory board ,
even though that line is a member of the
Western Tialllc association. We art ) now
operating under the rules of the Western
Passenger association. To recoanlzo
that appeal in ono case wo would
have to do tbo same in all
cases. Therefore to permit n member of
both associations to anneal would bo giving
rights that another line belonging to the
Western Passenger association could not
enjoy. " A number subjects were laid over
until the next meeting. Arrangements were
made for n confeicnco of committees of the
Trnnsmissouri , Transcontinental andJWos-
tern Passenger Association- , regarding the
manipulation of Colorado rates.
ituptcr.t ) IIVTKS rnoM mi.UTir.
The board of commissioners of the West
ern Traffic association cave out n decision to
day \\hicli luithou/ed the Chicago , Milwau
kee , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha and the
Fremont , Elkhorn Ac Missouri Valley loads
to apply Chicago rates on all clnssoiiind com
modities except lumber from Duluth stations
on the last mentioned lino.
Tliib is nn extension of privilege grai.tcd in
ISM ) , which referred to class rates only and
which is now made to include west-bound
commodities. OWIIIL to the relations of the
Chicago Ac Northwestern with the two roads
named , the commissioners understand that
the question of divisions on through rates
between these lines does not como before
111(1 OU MX TIIA1-FIC IX SinllT.
Traflio Manager Busenb.irk of the Chicago ,
St. Paul A ; Kansas City road has advices
that r > 0,000OlJ bushels of grain from Kansas
will begin moving during the third weeit in
August. Considoinblo delay has been caused
bv the continuous rains in that stato.
J. Sterling Morton is at tbo Paxton.
A. V. Pease of Fan-bury , is at tno Casoy.
John Moran of Cnllaway , is at the Paxton.
W. B. Humphrey is a guest as the Millard.
B. B. Baldwin of Elkhorn , is at the Del-
lone.C. A. Patterson of Inman , is at the Mil-
J. D. Parish of Lincoln , is a guest at the
A. A. Schuster of Schuylor , is at the
George IToborts of Creighton , is a guest at
thu Casoy.
Uov. J. M. Wilson started yesterday for
Newcastle , Pcnu.
Mrs. J. L. Morgan and Mrs. M. V. Daan
have gone to San Diogo.
B. SlUoway , proprietor of the Murray ,
wont to Chicago yesterday.
W. B. Humphrey and John W. Hoffman of
Lincoln , are nt the Millard
Hoy. H. V. Atkisson and wife started for
Chicago yesterday attornoon on the Bur
lington flyer. ;
Mrs. K. C. McShano nnd daughters loft
yesterday afternoon for an extended trip
through the cost.
A. D. Brundois and wife returned yostor-
duy from a three woolts' trip to Salt Lake ,
Munltou and Yellowstone Park.
Police Commissioner Hartmnn left for
Hot Springs , S. D , last evening. Ho ivlll
tarry tlioro for a couple of weeks , bathing in
the medicinal waters.
Mrs. C. F. Wilkins and two daughters and
Mr and Mrs Harry llobbio and daughter ,
loft on Saturday for Coltax Springs , la. ,
Where they will spend the month of August.
Mr. II. M. James , ex-suporlntomloiit of
schools , loaves next Thursday for Michigan ,
where his wlfo and daughter are now visit
ing. IIo is undocidcd as yet about what ho
will do the coming year , but will probably
( o to Europe or Califoinia.
Colonel James Biddell , colonel of the Ninth
cavalrv , passed through the city yesterday on
his way to FortlJobinson , whorobo takes com
mand of the regiment. Lieutenant Colonel
A. T. Smith ot thu Eighth Infantry , now In
command nt Fort Uouinson.has boon ordered
to David's Island , to superintend the recruitIng -
Ing service.
Before buying that typewriter , why not
look at the best ( the Caligraph ) i
Chilians Klj-ht In Pom.
Niw : VOIIK , Aug. 4. A Lima , Peru , special
says ; Intense excitement has been created
in diplomatic circles hero by a llerco personal
encounter between the representatives of the
Chilian revolutionary party and a military
attache of the Chilian government legation.
Frotn all accounts the attacking party wns
thu attache , and tbo assault Is snld to have
been of n most brutal character. The insur
gent representative is severely Injured. The
Peruvian authorities have ulteiidy taken up
the affair and will insist upon satisfaction.
The affair is looked upon as n great violation
of the 11.'Ills accorded the Junta's representa
tive by their friendly neighbor , Peru.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when
DoWitt's Little Early Kisoi-a ure tnicon.
Small pill. Safe pill. Dost pill.
A O' porfact purity.
Lemon - Of great strength.
Economy In their use
Aim el -I
] Flavor as delicately
Rose etc.Flavor
and dcllcloualy as the fresh fruit
Eczoum Afflicts nXVol'-Known Gon-
t'.oman. Pit-.fiblo SuujocttoLook
Upon. Snlforocl Torrlbly.
WhDlo Fody Covered.
Glvon up by Su i F rnna'.sco ' Doctors.
Might Hnvo Save $000 , na Ho
Ourotl for $0 by Cutl-
curn Ilomod oa.
I linvonmny llmct ntullpil over what CPTtrt'ltv
tn ilomi for im > . H Irn ri"t rut mi-to KOOI ! lu'nlth
n"d Impplnon. for hof irii I trlftil Ciiirriil KtMk-
inn I vriiRltiMi lip lij nil Ilii * itix-ton lit ' mi Krnn-
clvii. Inn If I liml i.nW iiikcn nrcrialii k-cntinnmi'n
llilUi'l ) unit ItllM CI Til I II V HI.MMIIC.I lOlim-r I
thoiilil rcrlnlnlv Invc vmM from fftlU In fi U I wn <
II IIIO t pltlllll MlllJl > < t lu Milk IIHIII | wltll CI'flMllll ,
niitl * tiflVri-il u-rrlhlf t nit * aliniMt n .lark m roil
from no liKti-p up to tin km i on Tint ! ! | OK , nnil
nlt'r Uiit It liroknoiit nil ovnr my tioilt s Mil nfliT
inlim li ilf n ilo/i'ii m'U of 1.1'11 < I in lUMI'lilM I
wns pi-if-oily ri"toroil lo umM In-illli , nnil hrtvo mi-
Joyid Km * itn - pi-r < ln < o ( whli-ti Is for o\or two
yein ) A cri'n-niimtu'r of ponpli' NIDI my Mib-
iMi'iiont mil I h ivn , | , huiiilr ' ' "f pi-opli' whnl
CI'Tin a t h i' ilono for nu > . luit lwo tliriiiglil Hint I
oiiKht In wrlto nnil ii-t you knotv , KCI tint ) ou rnn
refer 1111)0110 In tlili i-ounty lo nu >
Proprietor Mirlno llonl Home ,
dniiMllln , Mnrui in , 1'illfornln.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tint now Illnoil I'urllliMtntirnnllv. . do oleiiKO tlin
Muml of nil liiii | illliami | > i > l iinoii < cli'imiuH , unit
thin ri > niii\utlii > i-iiii oi. IIIKI Ct-nii uHIP Kn-U
Hklii ( uro ami i i i n mi \ SUMnml t > itiln | inSkln
lluiutlllor , I'Urrmilly ( in t u > iltln mul il | > ,
nml ivtoro Hit ? tin ! ) i mi > i-vorv ilUo.nii unit humor
nt Hie nklii tint ) hi mil , ( rum | > | IIIIIM | to M ruTilhi.
Si > litmrr > MTlic'io I'rk-i' . n rici in fioo. . SOAP.
3n' ItKsuiKVT * l (0 ( l'nnriMl liy tlio I'm rt.n
Diit-ii AMI Cut MIIvi. . Coin-on\i ins , lioMun ,
! Joinl for -How to 1'iirn Illoml lllnnisix "
BABY T Skin nnil i-ilp pin HUM itml Imaiitlliul
0 by II mi iiiui AliHlniitdly puto
nnil piltn bn ok iu'liu.voik klilnpji ,
rhoitin itMin , anil i lut pnltH , rclli'M-il
In ON f MINI IK li > t hod-Til' ' in AMI
TAIN I'l vsrnii Tliullrit mul only pnln
The Liebig COMPANY
Ilaro for twoiity ll\n > t-nrs boon putting
up the faiiioiiH iiroiltii t whh h Mtlrn'il mcil
Icul circle n lu-n tlrnt Imi-n'vil mul givaa
tolho nurlil li > the rt-niiwiu-lu'inlsl , Jus
tin von l.lobln 'Iholr
In kimnn nroiuul tin * world mil IMS | ntpy |
lioi-n carrlpil lull ) ' - -li.irUi- Afrlci' by
Stnnk-y It liunnpiirimclinblofur purity ,
II ivoriinUboiii'llchili-IIi-i t As III n P > A.
ili-llcloiiK mul n-lrO'tliUix InilNpcns ililu In
Iinpruvcil nnit Kcotiomli'f ooki-ry
Genuine of
with Justus
signature vonLlolug
iirclvorelief llku" Jr. 1'lon-n'n iliiKiic-tlo l.l.isilc
I'rusn. " Itlnsrim-iHIioUsanils ! If jnii inttlio
mi" > T,80inl Iciiint.uupsnrfno I'uiiplil'-t No. I.
Miiintllc Klnstlo TruHi Co. . hnn 1'r.iiul-i-o , 'nt
nnd Compli-io imd .Sutlrfnctory
tlondcniiei ] Sllnco Meat In the Market.
Chimp HullIlliUinml Vriulo Jinllatlono
nro olforccl with the aim to prollt 117 tbo popular
ity of the New licluiul.
Do not l > o ilerulvetl but nlwnya Infill oa tne
ae\v JltiKlunil IJruml. The bcft made.
8OL.I ) 11Y A.L.I * OROCKKS.
SAVEiOUKiil Kilif
* 1"V
Practical Opticians
Anil brunch of worlil rciiownuil optlcnl o'tnbllih-
iiii-ntofA. H A lee A l'o. HI Ioul Our matlioil H
Btipt-rlor to nil othon ; our li-nsc nro superior , will
not wuiry or tin ) thu ufin. 'Iho fruinco propurly adJusted -
Justed to the face
Eyas Teatod Free of Chnrero.
Prices Low for First-class Goods.
114 8. 15th St. , Next t > Post- > moo
Cur. 1 Ith anil Capitol Au .
Just coinplgtoJ , his 100 rooms , three
stairways , from the top to the bottom , has
ftno elevator anil dining room Baryleo , la
fire proof throughout , flno billiard rooms
and the flno it toilet rooms In the city. Largo
sample rooms. Suites with bath , oto. Cor ,
I'Hh and Capitol Ave Street cir servl03ln
all dirootlon-3. Rates , from $250 n $ I
TlieMurray , cor. 14th and Ilarnoy , is the
most substantially constructed hotel build
ing iu Omaha. Several heavy brick firewall
running from basement ta roof. All ceilings
and floors lined with Asbestos fire proof linn -
n g , makinsj it impossible to burn quick. Fire
escapes and fire alarms throughout the build
ing. Steam heat , hot nnd cold water andsun-
shina in every room. Table unsurpassed any
where. B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor.
Mr. and MM. Goarge Van Ornnn , luvo
taken the Barker Hotel under their well
known management. This hotel is tha best
tNo-dollar-a-day house in Omaha , all
modern convenient , Fire escapes and fire
proof floors. Speo alrates for base ball aud
theatrical companies. Table unsurpassed.
Cornur Ulli unit Mn.ion Strii'ti , Unit him It wott of
t'nlou ' I'licltlii nnil II .V M , Diiputi
Now tmiMliiif , now fiirnltiiro upury tiling Hrit-
chu.i cii'ileit lui > ui in In O uah i luvr of uatlru.
mirioniiiliiuuoiintry , k'm Imthclui trlu i- ill bulli vtu
Kutui f I lU iin.l H U Cirory line of < tblu n I motor
cir tMiH ivlttiln'inn blui k iiioipt rf i trm t Vvuniii )
nnil lliiiMOoni I'aik line 4 block * uwuami you i.m
tr.iiMtu 10 tlio o If y HI nun
nnnilT * uvnuwonnru'xnmnro ih
Illlllll 1 A l mt Kim only oiiHiilii ! I'roi. rlmi.1 l > r
uuuu I II r.a , , | , | . tin.II-IHIM for tun mire of
( liinnrrlimt mul illM'ImnjiM fi-nin llui tirlii try orjuni
nliiirltml or nriiniriM tl v l'i > r tin All frniiJlUl
Nos , 108,110 nnd 112N , IlthSt ,
pnoTCCTto ny u. s , PATENTS.
Manufacturers of Iron nnd Steel Ribtion
Yard nnd Lawn Fences , also Farm , Stock ,
Park and Cemetery Fences. The cheapest ,
most artistic nnd durable fence In the
market. Manufacturers' agents for Archi
tectural Iron work of all kinds , nnd for the
celebrated Buckthorn Steel Ribbon Wire.
Call at Factory and sco samples
Send for Catalogues and Prices.
N h , IJ U . A.
National Bank
Capital . $4OOtO
Surplus Jnn. 1st , iSOO. OU.BOO
Otllcprn anil liiroilorillonry \V Valor l'rn Munt |
IpwlH Ho M | , Vltn lnMiiit. . . .ImninV uaunV. .
\ Morii.lohii ( ullliii , It C. Cii'hlitK , I N. 11.
1'alrkk. W II S lluuln-i. Cn < lilcr
T I-I K 1 UO N 1 3 A. N K.
rumor Ulli mul Kimmiii li ItiinMiu llmlnuss Tran * > notcl.
GOLD MEDAL , " Anis rxposmoN , 1889.
The Mnoty-Hflh Ses-iioii Will Open
Pull fourses in Ola'sics , Letter' , Sqionoj ,
Law , i ivil ami Mechanical Engineering ,
Thorough J'n p irntnr } anil Coinniorrlal ( 'OIII-M" < .
St 1 ilwnnl x llitll lor boys uiiili'r 1 1 la uiiliuiIn | 111 *
dimploU-m-si ni lt ciiiipinuiit |
CattltoKllUH M'lll Tli-uon applli'atloil to
lll.V TIIUMAb H WAI.SII , O 8 C ,
Notru Dmiiu Intl.
( Onn Mllu West of Nutro Dmuu I'lihurHlty )
The 73d Acadeuiio Term Will Open Monday ,
Sept. 7th.
The Atmlomlc ( ' < > iir < It Thoronith In tlio 1-ii'plrn-
torv , Htnlor unit CI i-mli-nl ( Iritilrn. Mmli' Duiuirt-
n.cnt , on tlia plan of tlio liuit < omurMitiirlin of
Hmopp , In iiiulcr clmrru of n coinplt-to ttirpi of
tpniliorK Hluillo iiimluloil on the crpnt Art Hi heels
ot Kuropu Dr.iwliu ami I'.ilnlliikfniiiillfu nml Iho
nntlqui * . riiotoKriiliy | nml Typu Wrltlnx tatittht.
lliillilintpiiilppiil | wtth Tire UHLIIJIO A Hopar.tta
ilepartniont for i-hllilnin umlor 1.1 Apply for tatii *
luuiio to liiitu-nirssor nil , \CAJIIMV :
Notre Dame P. ( ) . , St. Joiupli , Co. , I.ul.
M KMorirniil'nfUlncnrChlcaco ) . IloarilliiRPr *
nLftlbclioiTl forOlrlfl nml Youni ! I.artlim. Korg |
; * a > ' cutiilomia mlilrpBB O. THAYIiH. l.d. 1) . " " "
Moreuui'urklll.or 1-10 hUuu biruct , Cliltauo , III
j OF l r.inv : !
voiun , VIOLIN , mu.
Systematic ciMirsps m chss nml private It-ssons.
Tiiitiini , $10 to Jjo fur 20 cl.iss lessons. Many frco
ClrihBi-x , I.ritiin-H , Id-rltiilH , liIllncu -
lion , Orilloiy anil I/rnilliillo / Art Ion , J'lno
AtlH , I.ltrriiliiti.l.iinminm'n , I'liino unit
Or iui Tnnliii ; . COM I OKTAIII.K IIOJli :
forljiuly hliulL-nlK. Calendar 1 rcc ,
Fall Term begins Sept. 10 , 1801.
J'KANK W. IIAI.K , OiMlorill HlMnnKiir.
Franklin Square , Doston , Mass. _
II AllMllllllU Ul JL UUlillUlUH J f
lt < tSIO..Pl.tMS. .
KnlruiR'ciiv imin itlons in C'hluiui ' ) In eluir a
of I'tof. fii'iir o lliMvlnnil , at Uiu llii.tnl of I' I-
iioittlon rooms , City Hull , .ItiiioJ. ' ) iiiidJj ut < l
u m. . mid in Ht. Louis In i-liuiKoof I'rnf I1. H.
lion , iilllctof Siiit | of HI-IIOIIH. Sovc'iuli nnd
pliostniit Htioi-ts , Jnnu - . " mul . ' ( I ut U u m ,
; uii froo.
. / . . / / / , Vf If , .It : ,
" "
Mr llulii-ock'i l\i'iillivnrlli Sch'iiil 1 ItmriHiiaiivil
/ / ! / HihiKilfnr Hirli , will op'-o .SrjilrmhrrSI. Ifil nt ,
l/tnllwiirili. Ill ir > inll ii north 01 ( hluauo on l.nkn
buiim ) Now thoroiiulny i-iiilppoil | biillillnu
crertiiOouiii-mllf for thorcliool lint tliri-ulnliiiiteii
walk from iho rnllwnyBtutloii. hiiinuliirsdvantiiuca
Slid houiiUf ill locHtlon. Korcln-iilnra , uililrona
M1W 11AHV K1JV1W UAIIUOl'IC. Kunllwortli , III.
ir. < t l/r'ir. rri'imriiiorir Oollwlntc , Hn | | i uinl Mmrt
r. ° . . " , . . " " , ' ! ( ' ' ' " ' Hi ml fin ilhi-init. < Uuml < > K" < i
. . . . ' .
111' UUM.AKU. A U.,1'1111 JucV.uiiillli , . Ill
LWYOIIK MllilTVlVt'Alil.MY. . "
fol.C'.J.WllHilli. It x , A.M. , Uirnwiill , N Y.
| .M\INJTiN. . : Ml ) .
l.rllnulun. Mo , ( f \ \ > f t ) cn fafpt lolli. isdl
I 41 ulty Uiler lure , I.augu4flei , NUtiiliittli.k ! , Virn c.
tutlr , l-aintlnc , 1 lixulion , ] tutin s4 ( uise tfi > I uui u
! rnlirgul , rfii ateil * iid frfuriiivtic l |
itcam lieateil anil , u lilft Iv I 1 ultvii4 aiMteki
\ \ . \Ml.silS. . A Al. . i'ri ' , l.l'.XIMn ON , 111) .
ajnl year brcint Viririlicr9 | i' ' i ' f i l ul * I
lilt tn tlttrre < r . S | tali rb Mu i 1 > utum < , ynillJ
ftluin. free I iluie t uune rtt Ikaillful liruumli I Ir dnl
ItiuM " kr , all iniMlein * PI ( iiuiment Vn I I < T l i.ue
AUtlliKAIJ * A. io > KH , 1'rtfl , l.hAl U.N , UO.
A Chrl tun Homo 'i houl I t 40 Young Ladle u put ) > et
tion Sr | i M Nujublu eilutdiiuiik I it Mime Mu > i < ami
Art , sfci ultn * r m ( > lric water frvt J > r ul c-n
kjilieu J. IK Ill.AN'ION. I'n * . t I MM * ION , MO.
l'.p r ilon turt vltrc ,
We t i * f or llu-im >
it ( 'i- > nd terms
. .i Enlslenca
AiuTn'niT e'r'Vob ' A Mdiiiorfor tf.-muTtMiTiH'oATuiw1 ( 6p
tvullks Literature Art Mumo. liy ipccialliU icrt lUnilsonta
LullilliiK * , hoi wAtfr hrktlnir hnth rfmrn * wairr rlo * ti MurAltuat
cf Bthoul Jcellf-iil A t-lllllsTIAN ( OI.I.KUK. Ailtmt
_ W. A , OUDHAM , PrcBlUoilt , COLUMBIA , MO ,