Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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Declaration1 ! That Harvest Excursion Busi *
ness Will Wet Bo Rou'.oJ.
Union * Hnllslnot jry
Can lie Mnilc the Otillnuvil lilnc
Will I'rolmtily SliiHli tlio
ItntcH Promptly.
Cmruin , Aug. 3.- Notice 1m boon given to
the lines operating between Chlcaxo nnd St.
Paul that the arlvisory board of the blind
pissotu'cr pool will not undcrtaku to route
nny of the business accruing on account of
the harvest nml homoseokers excursions.
Kiich line In the pool will bo allowed to se
cure ns much of this buslneis for Itself as It
Chairman Flnloy has notified IntereUoJ
parties the harvest oxeunion rates are
to bo tendered the eastern connections ns
bismir rates while they nro In forco. Tnls
action will no doubt be thr signal for
tome sort of a performance on the part
of the Alton. That reid has
not yet announced what It Intends
to do but has been waiting lor its comwt-
Itors to fully show their hands before taking
nny nctloirltself. As It cannot follow thorn
In the arrangement with the outturn Hues It
will probably make lower rates than tlioso
agreed upon by the association.
McrriNn tuMj'i'rmo.v.
Chairman 1' In toy has authorized the
Wulmsh nnd other Interested roads to make
n round trip excursion rate of $ S TiU from
Hprlngllold to Niagara Falls , Aucnst . * > . This
Is to meet rates made by the Alton for that
mo roi it INVIIIIII.K.
A meeting was to have boon held at Mil
waukee today of the lines Interested in
freight rates from Milwaukee via Benton
Hnroor to eastern polntu , but it wns post-
poncd owing to the non-attendance of the
hip Four representatives. The Big Four Is
ono of the rends that control the ICanawha
Dispatch , the line that recently reduced the
rates fiom Milwaukee to the seaboard via
licnton Harbor.
HOCK IOI.VND i\uvivns.
1 he estimated cross earnings of the Hock
Island system for the inon'li of July nro $1-
; ni.Hs ! , nn Increase ns compared with the
sumo month last j car of SIUI.MJ'J.
Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWItt's
Little lOnrly Hlsor.s cure constipation. The
cause removed , the disease Is gone.
Kiui'S OF nn : . \o/ii'iiii'it < r.
Callaway is to have a third pr.iln elevator.
Klsing City wants n dentist and n jeweler
Knshville old settlers will organize ail
The Ohio association will hold Its annual
icunlon nnd picnic at Milford , August 111.
J. J. Toolly of Broken Bow has been em
ployed as principal of the Mason City schools
for the coming year.
The Kearncv county teachers' Institute
will be held nt Monden , beginning August IT
nnd continuing two \\oclis.
Old settlers will hold their fourth nnnunl
picnic nt Hickman , August 1M , and will bo
addressed by Governor Thnycr.
The Sownrd Democrat has become the
People's Rights and Editor Ncoban has
jumped from the bourbon ranks into the in
dependent party.
Sherman Cameron of Falls City died at ,
Fort Dodge , Ivan. , while on his way home
from New Mexico. His mother was with
him nnd brought ttio remains homo for burial.
Two workmen In the Norfolk sugar factory
were caught under n boiler which they wcro
unloading. Ono had his bond and shoulders
badly mtshod , while the others suffered a
crushed foot.
While plnylug in his father's vnrd nt Una-
dtlla , Frnnkio Farnsworth was bitten on the
boot by a rattles n nlco. His leg swelled up
very quickly , but prompt measures saved the
little one's life.
The little daughter of W. M. Vnstlno , liv
ing on a farm twelve miles from Culbortsoii ,
was bitten on ttio lip by a rattlesnake. She
was taken to Cnlbortson ns qntokly as possi
ble and her life saved by medical treatment.
The tenth annual fair of ttio Buffalo
County society will bo held at
Kearney September I to I. Now nnd ele
gant grounds have been provided , nnd the
mooting promises to bo ono of the best over
The small grain is so strong nnd high in
this vicinity , says the Norfolk News , "that
the binders will noti-ut a full swath , compell
ing farmers to work half width of the sickle
to allow their machines to tnko care of the
grain. North Nebraska U in It all right
enough this year. _
Several persons at Blalrstown are engaged
In collecting pearls.
Harvest hands cannot bo secured at any
price In ' 1 ama county.
The Tabor creamery will ho enlarged on
account of Increasing business.
Fourteen women till the ofllco of count }
school superintendent in Iowa.
T. T. HolTinor. nn Insurnrco man at Now
Sharon has disappeared and It Is found no is
short $ . ' , noo.
Dr. C. W. Cane of Onawa , had an oat
grain removed from ouo of his oars , where it
bnd been for ton years.
A two-year-old child of C. Van Beck of
Sioux Center drunk a quantity of kerosene
nnd died from tlio effects.
Muscntlno watermelons will not bo ready
for shipment this year before August „ ' ( ) oil
account of ' .ho backward season.
Sena Stevens , a twelve-year-old boy. fed n
halter strap around ills wrist ami was
drasrgcd to death by n pony ntCantril.
The ninth nnnual ennipmeotlng of the Mis
sissippi Valley Spiritualist association will
occur nt Mt. Pleasant park , In Clinton ,
August to III ) .
A man nnd his recently divorced wife were
"married over ngaln" at Dubuquu Friday.
The groom In oighty-llvo years old nnd the
bride forty-live. Uach has been married
three times before.
J. W. Cluvor of Bluff Creole township ,
Monroe county , lost his spoecli eight months
ngo. The other day when.ho came la from
his harvest Held his power of articulation
cumo back ns sudden ns It loft.
The Oddfellows of the northern part of the
state have under contemplation the purcluiso
of some lakeshore proirarty near Arnold's
park for the purpose of holding n reunion nnd
to be used for n camping ground.
The biennial report of Stnto Treasurer
Hccson In completed and will bo ready for
distribution soon. It shows receipts fur the
ilscnl year ending Juno ! ) ( ) , 1 till I , of over
$ ; i.MX.000 ) and disbursements of a llttlo moro
than 1,000.000 , leaving n nalnnco of nearly
$ . " 100,000 lu Iowa's strong box.
The farm hand who suicided at Chelsea In-
cutting his own bowels out had lioon drunk
since . I uly ) , nt which time ho bought two
pallons of alcohol. Ills employer found What
remained of the stuff and would not lot him
hnvo U , and the fellow made up his mind ho
would die rather thnu do without his favorite
John Solasok , n farmer living In Carroll
township , Tamn county , got crazy drunk and
tried to kill his wife. She escaped nnd ho
then turned his wrath upon ono nf his hordes.
Taking his Unlfo ho cut nnd stabbed the ant-
inul until It fell exhausted from loss of blond.
Ktill tlilraniLfor gore the lloml pulled out
the dumb brute's tongue and cut tt off Sul-
nsuk wut urriHtod mil wns lined oiilv $10 and
costs. Ills wife refuses to llvo uith him
Two women who were conducting a beg
ging tour through the central part of the
Btato while tholr husbands , two strapping
lazy men , remained out of sight In a covered
wagon , cntuo to grief at Coon itapids , when
they were found to bo Impostors. The
women told a pitiful story of how their
three children were sick , und a health ofllcor
made no Investigation which revealed a
half dozen healthy kids , twoltuy men , seven
horses und two wagons. The outfit was In
fur bettor circumstances than iivuny who
unido donations.
No gripping , 110 .nausea , no pain whoa
paWltt's Llttlo Early Klson art )
timaUplll. Sale pill. Best pill.
Cllly.oii Train Hnyn Tlilrt Clly Can Snvc
World's l-'ulr.
Mr. Ocorgo P. Donib has received the fol
lowing characteristic letter from Citizen
Ooorgo Francis Train written at Chicago
the next day after his departure from
Omnhn :
Palmer House , Chicago , July 31 , ' 01. Dear
Cltln , ( I. P. H. : Leiivo noon. Kvnrythlng
dead hero ! Omaha can save fair I
Kvonbudy at funeral ! That Baton-Bnntinan *
Pnxo'n-photo in rotunda pointed at some
thing' ' It was the "crock" ( as French say )
the panic ! thn crash !
Stand by each other In Omaha 1 Issue
H-irlpt ; renew notes ; don't let any ono fall.
No bank ever failed there. Let ban us save
trades merchnnts. Omaha will llvo when
other cities fall. Centre of belt of
I.INHKOOO square miles. ( S.OOO.IKW llvo people. )
Corn wheat-coal beet root-tin Iron -
mines ores-hay -everything. . Omaha
Is rich In undeveloped resources.
Tno depressed to atop and see world's
fair moil. Kveryoody asleep. Two cripples
( on stlltsi , Bl'ilno and Cleveland are down
with dlubotui , measles , ohlokon-pox nnd
thousand Ills ! Too sick to llvo and too dead 1
Thev ' are entailed on fT > 0,000i)0 ! ( ) by Gould
nnd' nikltiHnledged to sign ? lut,0)0OJO ) ( )
Union Padtle bill and $ IOOO.X.OJO ) Western
Union postal telegraph ! "Big Head" against
"Big Belly ! "
Dlffim'nens between Chicago gravo-ynrd
nnd Omnha wedUinir nnd "tnlly-no" turn
outs manes one sea sick ! Nothing can save
fair but "majestic" ( .VM miles n dny forty
dav nice round uorldwith ,
circular * , telephones , phonographs , ( for nil
races to talk through ) as exhibit of exposi
tion ! ot tf tr to nil nations !
One thousand notables' with ko.laks , pens ,
pnloltcs noini'ot mt' ' Gallery of genius !
Town meeting for foity ; da\sl Convention
of brains ! Concerts , debate ? , lectures
twenty.two knots nn hour advance ngoiits by
caolos ( llenter. , Kustulle , Union ,
Bennett's ) t.OH ) ilnllios cable from 100 ports !
only $100 each ( paid to While Star line ) no
dead hoads.
Omaha can save fair otherwise another
case of Panama , grandest ll/zlo of
century 1 Air Is surcharged with in
solvency I Australian fro/on meat nnd
linilii vheiit will stop our exports abroad.
No chance to stop crash.
This was sl/.o of currency Hint saved the
* ' ' ' ' ' *
w.'i'do.'ooo.obo !
: or :
: f fl Pet Capita. :
Repealing greenback bill ( ISi'J ( ) repealed
taril ! and gave piemium to imports ! and re
duced cunencx to * < i ( now ) per head.
liidlng on axle of wheel talking McICInley
bill reciprocity silver nnd Blalno's diseases.
Our-iK,000'milos ) railway ( United States
and Canada ; , stocked and bonded for
JlOOdOOuOK)0. ( ) I can duplicate fori,000,0l)0.- )
000 , or one-llfth ! ! Honeo , Goulds , V.indor-
bilts , IJocknfellows , Hiintingtons' of million-
iiirc-dnm are living on l.impuiacK ami paper
( foiir-liftl's ! ! ) .
Gould Is rattled ! Ho don't know what to
do ! His mouse-trap capacity is colossal mlr-
ago of idiotic statesmanship ! Ho wanders
about In palace car trains in daze of imbe
cile delirium !
Treasury will bo ? 2.V.OJOOJJ ) short this fis
cal year I 1C very state tnoasury ( and city
treasury ) short in same rutioI Silver hill ,
they say ( idiotic farmers' alliance ) , will save
nation !
Say. S 1,000,000 monthly ? IS,000,00 ( ) annu
ally. Let us lookuboad ten yours ! * f 1&0,000-
000. O-that Is si/e : < i ! per cunitall !
Is Whin We Want :
tG ) I'd Capita.
Hence , no relief can coino from that quar
ter ! Where then ? ( This kills fair ! )
We have over-bragged , ovor-lied. over-ox-
ngceratcd population ! Republic only British
colony I Pasturage for Knglish sportsman 1
Hotbsehlld can't stand long ! Government
should at once suspend specie payment !
ST OJO.OOJ gold went last year and bal
ance this vear ! nut silver nnd gold ( about
S,000,000UO ! , ) out of nr s ) enough in world to
furnish this countiy with currency ! Hovo-
lu'.lon sighted ! Shall go back to Silence !
Sound apple perishes in barrel of cotton ap
ples ! Soon ns children fill up with diseased
moat , llsn , butter , oysters ( long clothes ) , I
cut them off ! Six young ones maku full-
grown corpse ! I intend to live ! And Silence
alone saves mo !
If you save Fair , I will try to help you !
Lot mo send kindest words to yourself , Bin : ,
World-Herald , Eastman , Pnxton , Custiing ,
citizens , Photographer Eaton , nnd Grand
opera house audience of Indies and good fel
lows lor splendid round world reception
ovation cheers good will ! it makes mo
feel younger than ever.
ever.Gio. : . FH\VCIS Titus- .
( Address : Continental Hotel , Now York. )
Mr. Bemis answered Air. Train's letter
with the following telegram :
OMMH , August I , isili.To George Fran
cis Tram , Continental Hotel Now York :
Executive bo ml Omaha real estate owners'
association passed resolution today fully en
dorsing your forty day "majestic" round
world fair program mo Omaha to Omaha
f 1,000 notables ) future capital republic and
bus started p issa o list. Paxlon , dishing ,
Boggs , Hitchcock , Dumont , Hicks , Hoso-
watcr , Bulcomhe , Chase. Mover , Heed ,
Joslyn. Creighton , Bovil. Hill , Smith , Hurt-
man , Potter and 'Jtio others will go and think
can book the whole 1,000 from Omaha nnd
When is the tour to bo imiio spring of ' 921
nnd nroftOO ladies accompanied by : > 00 gentle
men to innko up the party , or Is It expected
to be n stag company of 1,000 mcnf
Ci ! omit ; P , BLMI" , Secretary.
Last nicht Mr. Bomls received this reoly
to his tolciirum :
Nn\\ YOUR , Aug. 3. To George P. Bomls ,
Secretary Ii > al ICstnto Owners Majestic-
Forty Day Hound World Fair Omiha to
Omnha rifty-llvo- Syndicate Omaha , Neb :
Wirogram menus business. Success irunr-
anteed. See Now York World , Sun , Herald
and Nows. Gr.omn : FUINCIH TIIAIN.
"I do not boltovo that 1 would bo ullvo to
day had It not been for IJogont , Ferro-Mnngn-
neso water. " F. H. Miihan , LoiTeyvlllo , ICas.
rillVK ( * ! ' . . / . / / /C'l//.irOK.S. .
Tlioy Kiro on tlio ( . ' .iri-lHoii anil Will
ProDnlily 1)1.- .
B vurii.oNAug. : . ' ) . Last night a party of
fifteen speculators on the , armed with
rides and revolvers , made nn attack on tlio
garrison with the Intent of bringiuc about n
decline in prices of the securities dealt In on
the exchange. They tired upon tno sentries ,
wounding several. In turn they were lirod
upon ; nml niter the troops had been called
out nil the members of tlio party wore cap
tured. They will bo tried by court martial.
The chances nro that they \\11I bo shot.
A very small pill , out a very gooa ono.
DeWitt's Lit tie Km ly Risers ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. : ) . ( Special Telegram
to TUB UKK. I The following list of pensions
granted is reported by Tun Bun and Ex
aminer Bureau of C'lauiH :
Nebraska Original : Lewis K. Walford ,
John Glllosplo , Harvy McCoy , Daniel Bon-
neil , Columbus P. French , Henry Miles ,
Albert M. Lunt , Thomas II. Brown , John N.
Thompson , Albert F , H irbert , John C ! .
Mvors. Jnmns Jay , Jnmc.s Watson , Bonjnmln
H. Fuller , Elisha iloldorncss , John Blake-
well. Nathaniel S. Drake , Henry D. John
son , James N , Harris , II < ury Miiisnun , Sam
uel L. Brown , Alexander Cnluoun , Mnlvlii
B. Slocuin , Thomiii P. Corblu , Jamus A.
Sailor , Henry N. Banks , Lackey Dovnnov ,
Walter S.ViUy , John Diglej. Hugh C' .
Nlnnot , Knos Hanchott , Martin P.
Wolcott , Lewis Currier , Jnmes H. McCJrav ,
George M. Williams , \ \ illnim A. Suhed ,
Jo'opli D. Citlmau , Huston H. Ivnn , Emmett
Morrow , Francis ( J Smith , John McGlvon.
Original : James H. Loftus , Jonathan 1C.
Tuylor , Daniel We.shfall , Slophon It. S. Horton -
ton , 1Cu 1:0no A.Vright , Thunus Andersen ,
Cieorgo W. linn , Justus Kinim , Augustas C.
Preston , Dennis Cannon , William C Cum-
mliigs , John A. Flaming , Jolm Truebiood ,
Kdmuml Turner , David Jones , JohnC. ICulor ,
Chauncy W. Harris. Gcorgo VV. Wicks ,
Joseph Crnbtru , B Scuipp , Roger W.
Crcssoy , James Halltdav , Charlus O. Hatha
way , Richard S. Hill , Bonjimln F. Thomp
son , Aloiizo E Kennedy , J. Walter Dalboy ,
William E. DoJge , Loander Dupleaso , Irving
D. Hull. Josephns Alooro , John O. Levov ,
Charles Gallagher , Willimn McMillan.
Small in size , great in rosutts. Do Witt's
Llttlo Early Rbur * . Best pill for constipa
tion , boat tor lok tnjailaohe. bait , for sour
Many Milters of Lwil ItnpDrtnoj Dls-
cusaod by Councilman in Session ,
Struct Improvements ) Taliccil Over
Sonic School .Mutters .Settled by
tlic Hoard NotcH I'Voin tlio
Last evening wns the regular monthly
mooting of the city council , nil members
holiitf present. Mayor Sloam wlelilod it brnn
now Rnvcl , which Ulty Clerk Uyiin provliloil
for the occasion.
T. Li. UIco nskod to ba parmtttod to run ton
wagons , piylnir therefore ono Hconso. The
request wns not gr.mtcU.
Tlio petition to change the pra-lo on
Twt-iitv-llrst street win roferroil luck for
mnro sl | > nutui-c-i.
A motion to nward the rontr.ict for'r. ( lnp !
In district No. .1 , Twenty-first street to Nor
ton Brothers was lost.
The olght hour law win taken from out the
hands of tlio special committee nnd referred
to the commlttuo of the wholo.
O'Hourko's resolution to reconsider the
action awarding the contract to Hugh Mur
phy for pavlntr L street , from the west end
of the L. street viaduct to I'lili-ty-third street
for the ro.uon that an ordlnanco hud never
been pissed ordering the street paved , was
laid on the table for one week.
Frank Noonan made application for a
saloon license nt Thirty-third nnd Q
Jonosolioit Brothers asked to have their
license trar.sferred from IIUl Twenty-fourth
street to 2518 Q street.
Property owners asked that Twenty ninth
street , from Q to U , bo Kr.ulod.
Property owners on oist Q street nskoJ to
have unit street" paved with brieu.
A petition asking the conhcil not to com
pel John Kriuko to move his house from the
middle of Twenty-second street , hatwecj. Q
and Brown streets , win read. Howloy and
Walters were appointed to mvostliiito.
Ed. was appointed Inspector of
the Q stieot sowor.
Insnrctor Howard reported nmateon head
of catllo condemned in Julv. ; priCJ ,
$ ! . : ) .
Michael P. O'Connor ortcrod the bisemont
at 2. " > lI N street free of rhfirtfo for policecoart
and jail purposes. Uelenod.
.1. F" . Uitchhart olfered rooms in tno
Pionr-or block and basement for city ofllcoi
for S'il ' ) per month.
.John Daughterly offered tlio block nt
Twenty-fourth nnd Q streets for it like pur
pose tor.k ) per month.
G. I < \ Barlow , tlio street railway conductor
who fell from his train Into a sewer civo-in
on Twonly-fourth street July 3 , asked for
fir > 00 damages.
John Bowlay wntitod the council to pay for
a sliot-Kun which OilR-or Hpoottler damaged
while gunning for canines.
Thoinai Murray called the council's atten
tion to the condition of Mliroy street , be
tween Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth. Re
ferred to the chief of police.
Chief Bronnan s monthly report showed
114 arrests for July.
Councilman Dougherty submitted a new
bond , with Martin ligho and Hugn Kennedy
as bondsmen.
The llnnl estimate of cost of pavinp Twen
ty-fifth street was accepted. Also Q street
storm water sower. Several estimates of
gradinp were also read.
City Treasurer Hoetor submitted his re
port nnd the same was accepted and tiled.
llowloy wanted the action taken In regard
to pivinjr Twenty-fourth street reconsidered
and the council readvcrtlso for bids , und di
vide the street up into two districts.
Conlov's motion to accept the proposition
of John Dale to tnko the & 5',0M ) intersection
paving bonds at par Hat and 1 par cent com-
inUbion wan defeated.
On motion of Wood to accept n proposition
of Mr. Dale's to act us agent for ttio sale of
the bonds at n commbsion of 1 per cent was
Tno city attorney was Instructed to draft
nn ordinance compelling parties tosecure a
permit from the city engineer and deposit
$ i" > before taking up any sidewalk in the city.
The council will set as a board of equation-
tion on paving of Twenty-linn street nnd nil
other special assessments Monday and Tuesday -
day , August 11 and I'.1.
An ordinance was ordered drafted ordering
Q street from the viaduct to Twenty-fourth
Hived with brick.
Ordinance No. ! fO' ) was read nnd the follow
ing appropriations wore made-
Interest fund fUWHJO
JmlKumi'iit Iiiiicl ! ) , " ) < . . ' < "
I'tillic fiinil 'JWlM
I'liuanil niitcrfuml f > . ' . ) ) . ' .7U
Public llclit Iiiml 2.6IKIOO
Mri-et repair fuml ii.lUOOU
Nilury fund iiOIUOd
IIiiKliu'iTn' fund 2..W.UO
( .uncial fund O.JU'J.UO
Itoitrd < ) ! ' Kdiiuntion Martin : .
All members of the board of education were
present nt the meeting held last evening.
A statement from the county treasurer
showed $ ii.' ! ( ( In the county treasury to
the credit of the school district.
Tno normal school music system wns
The committee on janitors will engage
janitors for all school buildings except the
high bchool and Third warn buildingi.
The committee on supplies will receive bids
up to next Monday night for a car of anthra
cite coal.
The committee on grounds will receive bids
lot grading the hign school lot.
Tlio committee on repairs will recolvo bids
for removing a partition In the high school
building and report Monday night , and will
liavo necessary repairs made on the Third
ward building and painting roof , and with
tlio architect will have the roof of the high
school building repaired.
Ijivo Sleek KxuliniiKO Mooting.
Vice President Ab. Waggoner and Secre
tary A. L. Lott were in the respective chairs
of proMOont nnd secretary at the meeting of
the llvo stock exchange yesterday afternoon.
Messrs. W. B. Cheek , Draper" Smith and
David L. Campbell were appointed a commit
tee on the excursion to the Creston blue
grass palnce on Wednesday , August -I. (
Messrs. Colonel 10. P. Savage nml Alma
Jackson were appointed a comm'lteo to as
certain who of niomhors would attend the
opening banquet ot the Omaha grain ex-
clmngo on Thursday , August 'JO.
The proposed amendments to rules 3 nnd 0
woi'ti read ami laid on the table to bo taken
lip and acted on at an adjourned meeting nt
U o'clock this afternoon.
Cuilnliy liiHpentloii Force.
Inspection of stock has been commenced at
the Cudahy packing plant , and the following
governmental appointments nave been made :
James Wilson , veterinary surgeon of Lin
coln , chief Inspector ; nsslstniit veterinary
surk-con , Klchnrd Kbhltt of O.niiha ; O. if.
Phillips of Boatrlco , lorumnn of the taggers ,
and deorgo Shroodor of Holmosvlllo , Hun-
ben Forbes of Onmlia , James Condon of Dil
lon , Julius Uhodes or Ptiwuoa , Samuel 10.
Gibson , Jeremiah Howard , and Daniel L ,
McUuekeu of South Omaha , taggers.
Unli n Siinil iy School I'lciilo.
Nu\t Thursday the Sunday schools of the
throe Christian churches of Omaha and two
of South Omntm will Hold an all-day union
picnlo In Syndicate park. Elder Roles , who
has it In charge , is making ample prepara
tions to accommodate all who may attend.
The picnic nronihot n success and will draw
closer tlu ) bunds of friendship between the
several congregations ,
Kulli-onil niniiKOH.
\ \ . O. Severance , formerly a ont of the
Kroinont , KlUhorn .t Missouri Valley nt
Fremont , has bsun nppalntod general local
OL'cntof the Fro'iio-it , Klkhorn & Missouri
Valley nnd the Clilea a .V Northwestern at
this place , frank Heed , the cfilcient rop-
reiontnuve , will remain In ctiarKo of the
o 111 co.
Mr. Severance comes to this city well
recommended und will bo as courteously re
ceived ns man can merit ,
NutoH Aliout the C Ity.
Miss Mary Dee of Omaha U the guest
of Mrs , John Ply no.
Stock Inspector OluiU Howard condemned
uluoteeu U''ud or dlaeaaod cattle during July ,
nnd the owners wrrtmwnrdod on un average
$1.110 for each cnreajw.
A party wont toJ-Wtrpr Mills yesterday to
attend the Gi'rmniinilcnfc.
Kdwln Q. Davis Wlooklng nftor his lost ,
strnvcd or stolen wMHe bull slut ,
W. R. Skinner ofttho stock ynrds traveling
force has returned from Cnlcngo.
Dele Dnwson , .sonnof Key. O. N. Dawson ,
s visiting relatlveR.ln Mluncsotn ,
'J'lio Poutth wnrdtuchool lot lias boon graded
and the stakes sot < fbr the now building.
William M. Mauoln , n popular Lincoln
newspaper man , spent Sunday In the city
with friends.
James Donohop , elf this city. Is reported to
have been slugged and robbed In Omaha
Sunday night.
Mrs. A. B. Thomas of Portland , Oro. , Is
visiting her sister nnd brother-in-law , Mr.
nnd Mrs. E. D. Gideon.
Robert Hoymnn , son of H. Hoyman , has
returned from Atlantic , where ho hus boon
visiting relatives nml friends.
Building Inspector D. IBovless has
IsHiird n permit fora SI.O'K ) addition to his
house on Thlrty-thlrn nml L streets ,
Miss Olive M. IIowo of the Drovers
Journal force , who hn bucn spending n fort
night nt Forest City , Mo. , Inn returned.
J. S. ICnox , trafllc manager of the Cudahy
packing company , wlio has been In Chicago
attending the meetln ? of tlio Western
! relent nnd Stc.iuuhip association , has ro-
I timed.
TholOnterprlso of Sheridan , Wyo , hns n
nlco notice of Col. K. P. Savage , who lately
visited that section , I ho observing colonel
predicts great things for the grazing .sections
of the northwest.
A delegation of about thirty stock yards
men nnd friends went over Into Iowa Sunday
about twelve miles and , visiting n bachelor
friend had n stair picnic nnd party. They nil
enjoyed themselves well.
Coroner llarrlgan yesterday afternoon
empaneled a jury to inquire Into tin ; donth of
Kiltlo Decker's child. The jury returned n
verdict that the cnild camn to its death by
being smottiored and found blame on no ono.
A meeting will bo hold in St. Acnes hall
this evening to arrange for the fourth annual
picnic nnd lawn party in nid of St. Agnes'
church , in Syndicate park , Saturday ,
August 15. All gentlemen nvo urged to
T. Wollstein , wlfo nml daughters , Blisses
Honnio and Gertie of Chicago , nro in the
city. Mr. Wollstein is looking nftor the
business block ot M. Woilstoin .t f'o ,
ami is visiting the local manager , Sigmund
J. C. Ulloy and Charles A. Wood of the
commission firm of Wood Brothers , Chicago ,
nro in the city visiting Walter K. Wood of
the local commission house of Wood Brothers.
Messrs. Wood nnd Hlloy will go from hero to
the Black Hills.
Clti/ons' Alliance , No. II. has mndo
preparations for n Jubilee this evening.
A limit Ihlt-tt * ii ml din itj tutll Itn ttifttiitjwl mill
nml a lovofenst will ho held. Kvory member
nnd every person who has been favorably
acted on are urged to attend. The mooting
wld bo held in Knights ot Pythias hall ,
McUinnls block , 1.M20 N street.
The distension of the stomach which many
neoplt , fool nfter entlnir , may ho due to Im
proper mastication of the food ; but , in most
cases , it indicates a weakness of the digestive
organs , the best remedy tor which ls > ono of
Ajcr's pills , to bo taken nftor dinner.
H mini MRft Show N'oxv.
R A. Cooper , formerly assistant city
ticket agent of the Burlington , Is in the city.
Mr. Cooper hails from Denver now und has
loft the railroad business to adopt the moro
congenial occupation of theatrical manager.
Ho is arranging for the appearance of his
aggregation at the Urand during the coining
season and is enthusiastic over the merits ot
his company. Applications for positions are
pouring in upon him and ho hns succeeded
in enlisting the services of Colonel Jack
Dowling , the well known Burlington passen
ger agent , ns assistant manager.
Our lady readers will ba interested to
know something concerning the grout sales
of Santa Cluus Soan. .Tho manufacturers ,
N. K. Pairbank & Co. , are Justly entitled to
rank among the great advertiser * of the
United States , and are counted among the
most liberal patrons of printers' ink In this
Tlio Fairbank company is particularly
friendly to newspapers as offering the most
legitimate moans of advertising , nnd nat
urally nil newspapers are friendly to Santa
Claus Soap.
It cannot bo said , ns In the case of some
advertisers , that Fairbank has mndo Santa
Clnus famous , hut it docs seem correct to say
that Santa Clans has made Fun-bunk fam
ous.Santa Clnus has been , of course , for tlmo
outnf mind , a household word. It was a
happy thought wncn the Fairbank company
sieved upon this horao-liko and familiar name
for their very best laundry soap.
Naturally enough the quality of the soap
has had much to do with its succejs , for not
oven thn most extravagant advertising could
make a success of n poor article. On tlio
other hand there have been so many poor
soaps put upon the market tbopnst few years
that in 'ho beginning many purchasers hesi
tated to tr.v another now candidate for favor
at the wash-tub.
Fairbank & Co. nro llvo , widc-nwako
business men , nnd they knew just j
how good housekeepers felt on the j
soap question. So they not only |
set nbout to manufacture the very best soap .
that could be made , hut they inaugurated o
most earnest am ] honest system of advertis
ing. No "fakes" or "schemes" have been !
employed to introduce "Santa Claus" soap i
on the market. The brand was brought into .
notice by straightforward and legitimate
methods , and hns constantly gained in I
public favor because of the excellence of the
in tide Itself. The manufacturers can con-
cratumto themselves upon .such n success.
Wo nro informed that the sales of Santa
Claus soap have Increased enormously this
year , and far above the average rate. No
doubt i ; great share of the Increase in this
neighborhood is duo to the fact that Santa
Claus soap has boon well advertised in these
The only complexion powder in the world
that is without vulgarity , without , injury to
the user , and without doubt n boautllier , is
AVnlter illinni Tyler.
Formerly of Birmingham , Kngland ,
and afterwards of Forest City , Sai-py
county. Nob. , and Salem , Jewell county ,
Kan. , United States of America , who
was last heard of in Novnmpoi187f > ,
will hoar of something to his advantage
by applying to the undersigned before
October 19 , 1891.
In the absonco.df anv evidence of hi.s
being alive application will bo made
after October 19 ; 1S)1 ! ) , to tlio prolmto di
vision of the high court of justice in
Kngland for a grant of letters of admin
istration to his estate upon the presump
tion of liis donth. A'Hiruw Wood & Co. ,
8 G rout Jiunos street , Uodford row , Lon
don , W. U , , England.
Mnrri iu >
The following marriage license * were issued
by Judge Shields yoJterdny i
Name and luldicas. Age.
I John Oldmaii. lluvolook ; ti
I Aim i Wymiui , Onuili i : j |
t Joseph MarUulon ; Smith Dinahn Ill
I 1'itmiy I'urlInk"until " Omulia 10
i M. I' . Minnahan. Omaha i
1 Katlo Lynch , Unmlia L'U
Thn Imtost Conundrum.
Why is Hallor s Barsaparlllu aiiil Burdock
like the most popular soap of the day I
Bccnuso they both demise the skin and
leave It soft and velvety.
w ,1
.1 .
I liuto the pnnts that mother makes FATHERS :
And "leaves mo room to grow" ;
That's why Ihoy drag around my
That's why they wobble so. Do remember the
you home-made pants you wore when
That's why the pockets at the sldo you were boys ? Do you remember how fearfully and
Are 'wny down by my foot : wonderfully they were made , ami how they "fitted like
And tlio way I Ictiow the front from baulc a bag n a bean-pole" ? Do you remember how yeti '
IH the patch that's on the soul.
did wish
you could have a pair of store pants like
That's why they look so kind of qucur ) some of the other boys ? Well , your boys feel just
I'm ' going to tell her go. that way now. And there's no excuse for letting boyS" * *
I hate those pants that mother makes look- like '
guys now-a-days , when boy's is
With "lots of . " clothing so
room to
Judije. cheap , anyway. This week we arc goinoto hold a
special sale of 2,000 PA I RS of
Ages 4 to 14 , in dark , medium , and light colors , in a great variety of plaids , stripes , checks
and twills , at less th.m yon can buy the materials.
KNEE PANTS , good , strong , substantial goods , worth 35c to 500 at 25c.
KNEE PANTS , good , de sirablc goods , value soc to 750 at 35c .
KNEE PANTS , good goods , good styeswell ! made , value 75C to 900 at 45c.
KNEE PANTS , splendid goods , handsome patterns , usually QOC and $ 55c.
-A N L >
Regular price a dollar , ( ages 5 to 8) ) , at '
13NI3K Y'S liKW AKI > .
Ciihtollar I'r < " -l > y oriiuiH Dedicate
Thi'lr House of Worship.
The dedication of the Castollar Street
Presbyterian church took place yesterday
nccordlng to the programme. ) Jev J. M" .
Wilson , the pastor , was assisted by Key. C.
B. Allen , Hov. Robert L. Wheeler. Itov. John
Gordon , D. IX , Hev. W. J. Hnrsha , D. D. .
Hev. Thomas L , Sexton. D. D. , Council
Bluffs , nml Hov. H. V. Atkissou of the South
west Presbyterian church.
The services wcro very Interesting nt all
three of the meetings nnd thi small Indebt
edness was entirely wiped out and a balance
of JU'fci was placed in the treasury. In rais
ing the funds necessary to liquidate the
debt a very novel plan was
adopted. On a largo canvas
at the back of the pulpit there was th" pic
ture of n river wi'.h abutments at ttio sides
for n bridge. The framework of the bridge
wns put up but the lloor was lacking. These
boards for the lloor represented the dollars ,
that were needed to complete the bridge and
provide a mentis for ero-sliiL' over the stream.
As the subscriptions came in the boards wcro
placed on the bridge. The thoroughfare wns
completed und theie were n loan or two of
boards left over for the next bridge.
"A MAX. "
X < nv AVe Are With You.
On and nftor July ! U the Chicago ,
Koolc Island & Pacific railway will run
all its trains in and out of the Union Depot -
pot , Omaha. Trains will lcivo : as fol
lows , east-bound :
Day express , Oil.1) ! a. in.
Vcstibiilod limited , 4:40 : p. in.
Atlantic express , 0:10 : p. in.
Arrive ! ) : 10 a , in. , 10 : " > 0 n. in. and Clo :
p. in. These trains are vestibuled and
it i.s an indisputable fact that the dining1
cat1 service of the ' 'Great Rock Island"
is souond to none in the country.
For rates , sleeping car berths to Chicago
cage or any points cast call at city ticket
ollico of the Rock Ibland Houto , lJth (
and F.irimm streets.
J. L. DK Bnvoibn , General Agent.
The Orphan Asylum
The citizens of Omaha who so generously
contributed to the erection of the now orphan
ns.t lum ut Benson will bo pleased to leurn
that the building is nearly completed. The
Sisters of Mercy who have charge of tills
work are laboring oilously to procure the
means sufllciont to enable them to got posses
sion of the now bulld.lng , as the orphans are
now occupying rooms entirely inadequate to
their wants.
The now orphan asylum is situated in Bon-
sou , a delightful suburb In the north west part
of Omaha. Its election was n colossal under
taking and could never have reached Its
splendid condition but for the energetic sup
port of the klnd-hoarled poiplo of Omaha.
Tlio object of the institute is the protection of
pour , homeless children , regardless of sect ;
nnd ns It is the only ono of Its kind in the
state the citizens who are interested in the
welfare of this beautiful western metropolis
will irlvo It n hearty support.
U Is a serious matter for reflection to think
that the heavy tax levied yearly for the
malntcnat'co of the immense state peniten
tiaries nnd roformltoi'ies might bo in no .small
measure lessoned bv the proper support of
Institutions of this kind. The children who
nro 'oft homeless In tnuir innocent days , lead
wasted lives not because they are naturally
bad. but because circumstances compel thorn
to become so. Tlio records of the public
places of conlluomont nro lilted with mimes of
persons , who , with proper pro'netlou in youth
might have become worthy men nnd women ,
but who nre , for want of this caily protection
tolling out a miserable existence , deprived of
every ] ov which the human heart may Inw-
lullv ( iHsiro , uud in many instances the con
solation of religion , with its glorious hope of
eternity. S.
Grand Kntry Into Omaha.
On and aftoi- July JtO , 181)1 ) , the Chicago
cage , MllwatiUco & St. Paul Uallwav
company will run all of its tr.iiiiH In and
out of the union depot , Oinuhiu No
moro annoyance caused by transferring
and switching at Council BlulTs. Solid
vestibuled tiains , consisting of now
I'nliiL'o sleeping cars , f'-oo ' parlor chair
cars , oloLMiit coaolios , and the llnost
dining cars in the world , all hunted by
steam and lighted throughout by olct1-
trie lights. The now evening express
with "oloi'trio lights in ovoi'y borth"
now leaves Omaha daily at U.0 p. in
arriving at Chicago at ! ) : . . ( ) a. in. in time
for all cahlo-n connections. Secure
tickets and sleeping car berths at 1601
Farniim street ( linrbor block ) ,
J. K. I'ltKSTn.v. F. A. NASH ,
C' . Pass. Agt. ( ion. Agt ,
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Msnytoari otpcrlcnro. A rcRiilnr prnitimlo In mcil.eiAG A mpiumns nnow Is itllUrcitlnK wl .
treileitnuci t'ss nil Ni > rv ui c'lir n f iml I'rUulu ll u mn A ppimanunt ruri u ir.inti-iHl for t'lilarrb/
Spi rtniitorrlin * i Lost Manhunt ! H n unl \ \ i-nknt'i" * Nl ht I H , n , luiiMiii-y syphtlli , stricture , nml nil
< jn | HI'S of dm lli | mil , ! n.iJ t i n i > Otvun S II It ! 'urnii eo mi f..r . I'I.T ) cuiu 1 umlerlnko anil full
loMini C i ii'iilintlon t oi , n . , k Mvstirlua of Mfu
) unit fri'U O.llcj hour * J m to 8 i > , m Sunday
10 a in to VJ m * * < ncl * tirap for rp * > ! -
For troubling pains in small of back
useMoore's Tree of Life.
For Catarrh use Mom-o's Tico of Life.
For Constipation use Tree of Mfo.
The in-cut life remedy The Tree ol
Moore's Tree of Mfo n potltlra euro lor Id lT3f
and IjlYBr Com pi lint and all b oo I il * u u i. ) tji It
pay to sutler wiun ) i > u cvn urj 1 iitulm Muorj'j
Troouf Ufo. tuoUroit Ufa HnnuJir ?
Wo rend tlio miirti'lotiR Frt'Mrh 11
liiMmdy CALTHOS five , nml n f
lt' ulKunrniit < u > lli < tti AI MHHvlll
' " \ lirlct'ctfa
ii ius'r : < ! V'K"jrt
I \ \eitandfavifsat .
Ad ! > VCN MnHLCO. ,
Sole lu-rltm ic. U , ( ijilonall , ( ILlo.
The Times , London *
" The A/it > llinaris Spring yields enough
water nrl only fur prtsciil tci/itirt meats ,
but also for those of a future iv/nch is
still remote. "
"The existing sufiflv is adequate for
filling forty million quart bottles yearh. "
" The rolnme of gus is w great that
it is dangerous to 'approach Hie spring on
a wintlltss day. "
THE TIMUS , LONDON , aothSept. , 1890.
Wo mnko murn rorout
plasters limn all < ithur
nmki'ra In IhU country
coinblnedi biransi ) lliu
iitibllo npnrcclatu the nif i >
tt that I'Xlnts In our K" < ' < 4
iuNSON'S iitlioonlyn v
dlclnal phip-i-r for house-
( mid 1I81- . nil othura lielii '
\vc.ik Imitations , ( let the
' ( icmiitid.
I :
Pimples on the 1'aco |
Braaklng Oat )
Bkln Troubles I '
LltlloBoreu Hot Skin |
JioIUi Blotches I
Gold Boreal BaaBrsath )
Bora Mouth or Wi I
If inl miircr frunl "JJfjJ" *
Foil fAl.i : HV KIMIN A I'll.
A POSITIVe andparminont CURE ' < " ' "
.lieasusolthoUHlNARY ORGANG. CITOS
liareolharlieiitrrenllallt. Full direction with each
toilla. Pilca , one dollar Sea signature 01 E. L
WML. Fo ; tinlo Dv All
Vnt RaiTartnK Irnro
u w . . jruuii.rul if. .
early ilocur , wm > Uii < v cnkiiPM. l < "t mauu > "I , .t < -
I will util aialuulilo trrvlliv ' " 'il',4l ' i"1" " " " *
tailiianlrulan tur homn cure , t'lll'li "f < narg'
JL iDlenilld mmlical worlii tUimM bo f u uy - * rj
mail whii It n rrnm ami d Ulllal A i r t
I'ror , P , C , I'O WlilUt , jawodui , Couu
n Vcnrs" Hipcrl nco In thu Trontment or
( inniirrhiiM. Clout. Strlcturu. Syplillli , Lost MnnX
h 'nl ' , awl all DMor.lor * uf the Soiim ! Oiifini Sktu
lllsc.isi'S mill Pom iln | ) | HJ IHIII JMC.I : | | fro n 3 u < f
only lr .McClrow's micctm In thu truntmmit ot
1'ilvato lllie.mii Inn rwortnan \ uqu illoil Ho >
nml ( .Iranian FIIKC. TrMUnent by rurrujpomlu 109.
Olllje , 14tu and St < ! . , Omaha , Neb
llntr.uico ( in ollli jr struct.
from OVER-
P1LE.3 ,
To Bathe
wh < zn heatsi etc.
wK en on
wilh you Vou t
. To need if ,
perhapi VERY HVCM
indeed .
probably v/o * lMeia AcccpT
Pond1 * Extract Co
/lew Vbrh tnd London.
flic Kcst Till On Eurtlit
Dr. llnlili'N Llttlo
Tcj.i-lulilo I'lllH act
Ijoiii Iy yet jiruiniitlT on
tim iiviii : , ulin.
NMSuu.l . IIOU'liLS ,
ill i ' .ltiull-iuliclii ! > |
J'CHTH HUll ( 'lllllNt
rl w i-ljiylhu syftmi Ujor-
ourUly nnil tliuy cur *
liil/lt'ial connliiitlon ,
Tl.i'jr uro > UH'ir conteil ,
do fi"t crlpo , v ry
nnmll , caty to take , ouo
jiill it dns , anil at *
Diircly vc-tiotalilo. 45 i > ! Hnlu > nci ) vIM l'i
Vtt illJpFtlou followx their iibo. Th y A IIS
1/J'TICL.V Cl'Itli MCK IIiAI : , \ 'IIIt ,
iiitiaru Kuc-oniliii'liili-il I > ) B.ratllni : I'liy
" ' . KorBnlohy ilniKKlHH or fc ul U : "
< t tcnU n vltlorSfurtl W. Addro j
Jan Franclico , Cal. Chluuu ,