Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1891, Part 1, Page 6, Image 6

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Dellvenil by Carrier In any part of the City.
.JluiiliicM Oniec , N'o. 43.
'NMffhl Editor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Pay your wntcr rent before July 31.
Council Bin Us Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 201 Snpp blocit.
If you want water In your ynru or IIOHSO
pete Dlxby's. U02 Men-lam block.
P. .1. Day hni commenced sullncnlnst the
Union dcpotcompnny to recover , 1 ,12. ) , which
ho claims ! a a baiunco duo him on four loU
purchnscil of him n year ago last Mnrrh.
The ropular meeting of the Pottuwnttnrnlc
County Fruit ( Jrowcrs1 and Gardners' ns
loclatfon will bo hold this aftonioon nt 2
o'clock In Farmors' hall at the county court
The Pnclllc house was closed Thursday
night on an attachment for bncic rent , In the
MUM of JSIi. ) , proceedings having boon com-
mcnccd In the district court. Tbo houio Is
now In the hands of ShorlfT O'Neill ,
I ) . 1C , Shrcevei , who was arrested several
days ace on the clmrtto of larceny , was rearrested -
rested yesterday morn Ing , his bondsman Imv-
Ing wittulrHWii his hall. Ho soon furnished
another bondsman and was again released.
Tbo Council HlulT.s liowlnc association Is
mnUltiK artaiiKoments for a ball , to bo given
at J.akti Manawa on the evening of August
1 1. The yount ; people of the city arc looking
forward to the event with great expectations ,
There will bo n regular meeting of Council
Bluffs council No. 1 , Commercial Pilgrims of
America , this cvcnlneat 8 o'clock. All mem
bers mid these who have sent In their names
for membership are requested to bo present.
Ida Marie , Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Tucker , died last evening at 0
o'clock of cholera Infnntum , need ton months.
The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon
at 'JU : : ) o'clock from the residence , 800 KigUth
A surprise nnrty was given nl ht before
last to Geoivo and liortlm Smith at their
homo on Fifth avenue by Manila Hill. About
thirty-llvo young pcoplo wore present and
the evening was .spent pleasantly In dancing ,
cimls and other amusements.
IJy a typographical error Tun Bni : stated
yesterday that the reunion of the old settlers
of Pottawattamio , Mills and Fremont coun
ties would bo held In Fnirmount park in this
city on August US. Instead it will bo held on
August ! iO. The programme Is now being ar
ranges and will ho sent out In a few days.
A colored woman called at the police sta
tion about midnightThursday night , and com
plained that slio had been abused by her
husband. She had been attending prayer
meeting on North Main street , and when she
went home , 521 East Broadway , her husband
throw her out of the bouse and struck her
with a whisk } * bottle which ho had been in
dustriously emptying of its contents , She
filed no information , and her dusky partner
was not arrested.
In the police court yesterday morning
Oscar Jones , colored , was lined ! ( l.)0 ( ) for
drunkenness and disturbing the peuco. U.
D. Wiuizcl , the "policy" man , was lined
t'jI.dO for gambling , and his appeal bond was
lixccl at $100. Notlco of apneal to
the district court was given. S. Johnson
was clvcn thiity days for vagrancy , M. Cro-
nau fourteen days for the same offense.
John Johnson was HneU ? li.7 ! ( ) for drunken
ness anil vagrancy , mill Charles Ivorsou a
lllcu amount for drunkenness.
Lust ovenlug's heavy rain storm caused
another rlso of Indian crook. The
waters were obstructed again oy the North
western bndco nt the corner of Eleventh
Btrcct , and wore sent in a Hood across lower
Broadway for a block or two cast. Fortun
ately but little damage was done , nlthough
the creek rose a distance of ihroo foot in
nbnut on hour and a half. It Is thought that
the damage suits which nro ibout to Do com
menced against the Northwestern railway
company will have the effect of bringing the
company to terms , and putting a stop to suoh
Complaint Is being Indulged in on all sides
on account of the weeds that are being
allowed to disgrace the public streets in all
parts of the city. Across from the court
house there Is a luxuriant growth on a
vacant lot between Main and Pearl street.
On the corner of Broadway and Tenth the
wcoils .iro higher than a man's head , and as
nn added misfortune , the ground Is very low ,
so that the molsturo of the past summer has
pntnored there. It Is just the kind of place
to start an epidemic of malaria and ague ,
nnd the pcoplo of that vicinity will consider
themselves fortunate if tnoy escape.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
nnd household goods of Mnndul & Klein ,
ouni .Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight
prepaid to your city.
Gasoline nnd oil ; cobs , wood nnd coal ;
prompt delivery. L. G. KnottH , 27 Main ;
telephone 203. _
Don't wear n heavy , ill-flttiiiR' Btiit
when you can got elegant summer suits
nt eastern prices at Roller's , the tailor ,
810 Broadway.
Dr. P. , T. Montgomery started yesterday
for St. Joe to bo gene until Monday.
Sheriff J. D , Garrison of Harrison county
was in the city yesterday on olUclul business.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fraultlin have re
turned from n visit of several months with
relatives in Indiana.
C. Sprnltt loft , yesterday for Colfai , where
ho will visit a sister. Next woolt ho will go
to Clark county to talto part in a teachers'
institute. Ho will bo instructor in grammar.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth street , Council Bluffs , la.
Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 539
Broadway. _
Irnvyorj on tlio Diamond.
The game nt , Manawa yesterday was not
exactly what could uo called interesting from
* professional point of vlow , hut Judging
from the amount of noise that was made by
the audience , there was moro real interest
felt in the game than In any that has boon
played In this vicinity for u long time. The
grand stand was well tilled with spectators ,
and every good play was mot with applause ,
whila bad plays , which could have boon
picked out by the dozen by anyone who was
Inclined to stickle for the technical points of
the national cnmo , were greeted with de
risive , though good natured jeers.
The members of the bar from Papllilon
arrived about noon accompanied by quite a
number of thulr friend * who came along to
BOO that their friends had fair piny. The
visitors wore not compelled tomakoanidavlts
that they wcro all practising lawyers , as
was suggested , and 'therefore some doubts
were oxproised as to whether some of them ,
whowuro apparently still in their teens ,
were regularly practising nttornuvs. But
they were old enough to ulav a pretty fair
game of ball , anyway , and nobody cared any
fun her ,
Tno names of the players In both clubs
wcro as heretofore published , with the ex
ception of the Bluffs catcher , Travis taking
thoplacu of Emll Schurz. Good work was
done on the whole by the battery , Drove and
Allen for Panilllon and Travis and Aakwlth
for Council Bluffj. The mala feature of the
gnmo was Askwlth'a slide to llrst base.
During the llrst half of the game the Bluffs
boys keut ahead of th.Mr rivals , hut after the
sixth Inning the tables were turned , nnd the
Papllllonltot took tbo lead. The last Inning ,
however , came very near evening things up ,
and at the close tbo score stood 17 to IS in
favor of Papllilon. The game woa awarded
to Pupllllon by Umpire F. W. Neal , and a
line upper was served In the dining room of
the hotel Mumuvu , at tbo expense of the
Blunitcs. After supper , on account of the
rain , thu whole party decided to stay at the
Hotel until mornlnu.
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs , September 8-11 , $0,600 ; Oc
tober 0-22 , 81,000. For programmes
address Nat Brown , Merchants hotel.
Omaha. _
ITotol Gordon , most centrally located ,
first class house in city ; straight $2.00 u
Ami-Prohibitionists Failed to Mcot at
Previously Agreed.
City Council Hcimloti of Next Wee !
Will lie PoMtpuicd to Permit
Member * Co Attend Ait-
otlu r Flood.
The meeting of ixntl-prohlbltlontsta failed
to como off last evening at the court house ,
as had bcon announced. Had It not been foi
the rain the room would have been crowdci
In all probability , but as It was there wort
not over flfty present. It was thought bcil
not to take any action. In the hope that bj
postponing the meeting a fuller expression ol
opinion could bo secured. An ndloummcnt
was taken until next Monday evening , In the
superior court room at the county court
house , and the programme which had been
arranged for Inst availing will bo carried out
to the letter , Monday night Is the tlmo for
the regular monthly meeting of the city
council , but It is said that the meeting will
be adjourned , In order to allow the councilmen -
men to attend the antl-prohlbillon demon
stration. _
lOvcrytliliifj in the Store HUB Hccn
Marked Down to Cost Ten Dnj'8
Only Note 'I Iioso I'rlucs.
82-in 8c summer cashmeres at cost
price , Sc.
Yard wide 12Jc suiting ( plaid only ) at
cost price , ( ! c.
French sateens , regular 22c poods ,
beautiful designs , half price , lie.
5.000 yards of Polcin cloth and fancy
zephyr , sold for lOc at 12Jc , for OJc.
All our 80 and lOo outing llannol in
one lot at 5o a yard.
All our dark prints , including best
quality indigo , at 6c , just cost price.
5c best light shirting prints , -tc.
Lot 1 All our 12 jc , loo. lOc organdies
for ! ) u.
Lot 2 All organdies sold from 17c to
2oc in one lot for 15c.
82-inch bastiso cloth sold for Sc and
12Jc , now 7c.
Wo only mention a few of the bar
gains. Everything in this department ,
including ginghams of every descrip
Linen of every grade , also napkins
nnd table sots , Turkey red damask ,
crashes , etc. , etc. , at , cost price.
Sheeting in all widths from the lowest
to the highest grades , in brown ,
bleached , half bleached , at not cost.
Also all our yard wide muslin at the fol
lowing prices :
Lawienco LL , oc ; Lonsdalo , 7c ; Arrow
Brand , Oc ; Hope , ( ! 3c ; Argyle , (5c ( ; La
dies' Cholco , ic ) ; Osspio , 7c ; Wamsutta ,
lie ; Pride of the West , lljc ; Lonsdalo
Cambric , Klic ; White River cambric ,
8c } ; Berkley Cambric , OJc.
All tlannels , shirtings , blankets , tow
els , tick all under the same heading
cost price for ton days only.
No side lino. Every ono of our brands
are just as popular all over Europe as
they are in America. During this ton
days' sale wo put every pair of hose in
stock on sale at cost price.
19c fancy hose , Ific.
2oc balbriggan hose , 19c.
60o black hose , 39c.
Everything goes in cotton , lislos and
silks at cost , price.
Wo have 500 dozen underwear , which
must bo removed during sale , and will
go regardless of cost. Look at the fol-
owing prices :
7c ribbed vests , -lc.
12Jc ribbed vests , 9c.
17c ribbed vests , 12c. }
2oc ribbed vests , 19c.
15c lisle vests , 27c.
This includes everything in ladies' ,
gents' and children's underwear , all at
cost price.
Loaders and promoters of low prices ,
Invcstijjatinsr Cut-On" .
The city council took a drive over to Cut-
On Island day before yesterday afternoon
for tbo purpose of looking over the ground In
order that in the future when matters como
up that need attention they can act under-
standlngly. They cnmo back fully convinced
that If Iowa wins the suit now pending In
the supreme court for the possession of the
Island the city will got Just what it wants ,
the opinion of some of the citizens to the con
trary notwithstanding. According to a
statement made by ono of the aldermen the
land which Is the subject of litigation is the
only part of the island thai is worth any
thing , and the council was unanimous in the
feeling that Iowa must , have It If such n thing
is possible.
An immense amount of grading Is being
done there , over n thousand men bring cm-
ployoa In thu work by the East Omaha Land
company. Many now buildings are being
constructed , and the place Is talcing on a to
tally now appearance. City SurvoyorTosto-
vin states that the grading now buintr done
will bring thuislund up to a level with that
in the business part of Council Bluffs.
Another result of the ride will bo witnessed
in tbo course of u few days in the form of a
couple of law suits which are to bo com
menced in superior court to compel the
Union Paclllc and the Northwestern rail
way companies to rnlso their bridges in ac
cordance with the ardors of the city
council , some months auo. As stated In TIIR
UKK , these companies huvo steadily Ignored
nil warnings glvmi them by tbo council nnd
an effort will now bo made to induce them by
moans of the order of a cuurt to do what they
should already have done nt the council's re
quest. The city maishal served notlco on
the companies yesterday that a suit would bo
commenced against them on or before August
15 to compel thorn to remove the Indian
crook bridges at Eleventh street and Tenth
Iloinovnl Bttlt ; .
Intending to discvntinuo our Omaha
store /or the present and moving the
stock to Council Bluffs , we will have no
room for all the burplua block , and in
arilor to reduce our now immense num
ber of Pianos and Organs wo will offer
thorn at a sacrifice for the next thirty
days. If you want a big bargain call
soon. MUKLLIW MusiuCo. ,
lOS Main Street ,
Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl
street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone
M5. High grade work a specialty.
Swanson music company , 335 Broad
Seriously Injured.
Henry Maxwell , who works nt Boson's
plaining mill , was the victim of u bad acci
dent yostorday. While operating a Joiner ,
ils hand was caught , and his index linger
torn off. The rest , of his hand was badly
mangled , and It was feared yesterday a ( tor-
loon thut the whole hand would have to betaken
taken oil. Ho Is resting as easily as could bo
expected , at Us home on vouth Madlsou
New Directory.
A. T. Khvell has reenlved a letter from J.
P. Busbncll , the compiler of the now city
directory , stating that- the material is all
. inhered , and the book is ready for the
printer. Uoforo printing ho wants a thorough
revision to bo uiudo by a committee of throe
from the board. Q ( trade. o ; Uat all possible
errors may bo avoided. This committee will
bo appointed In a day or two , nnd the revis
ion will bo made as soon M possible. The
book Is larger thnn any that has heretofore
been Issued , ns It contains not only a com
plete directory of the city but of Pottawntta-
mlo county as well. Mr. Bushnoll states that
in the city part Mono there are 'JMK , ) uatnca
more than In tbo last edition.
Picnic at Manhattan bonch. Hound
trip tickets from Omaha , including boat
ridu , 50c ; on sale at tiows stands at Millard -
lard and Murray hotels.
the Paving.
Ira Johnson , mayor of Kcarnoy , Neb. , and
Aldermen U , II , Cutting , Illchard Hlbbard
and W. L. Cookc , and City Engineer . II.
Elliott , were In the city yesterday morning
on a tour of Inspection. The town of Kear
ney Is about to commence some Important
public Improvements In the way of street
paving , nnd their object was to get what In
formation they could out of the city olllclals
of Council Bluffs on the subject. Mayor
Macrae showed them about the city , ami
they wcro very much pleaded with what they
srw. They were o reclnlly taken with the
results of Council Blurt's experiment with
brick paving , nnn it seemed to bo the opinion
of most of them that this would bo the kind
thov would try. The party took dinner nt
tbo Grand , together with u number of
friends from this city , and they loft for homo
in tbo afternoon.
Matrimonial llecord.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following : E. M. Jones , Nettle M.
Hildrcih , Unlonberg , Harrison county ;
Cleorgo Kiei. Sarah Green , Omaha ; C. J.
Hlckey , Omaha , Amanda Slater , Helena
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruit
cough tablets. They are delicious.
O. Yotinkorman & Co. , feed and com
mission , 108 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Tel. 77.
\VIio Compote Itn Coiinncl and How
It IB Managed.
About sixty days ago n now departure was
nauguratcd by tbo San Francisco Examiner ,
now the leading-paper on the coast. Its pro-
nriotor , Mr. llcnrst , son of thu late Senator
Hearst of California , who has a very la"go
fortune at his command , conceived the idea
of establishing a bureau of claims at Wash
ington , manned by the ablest lawyers
and specialists conversant with the routine
wont In the various departments and bureaus
of the government. *
When the nnnouncomntof this new depart
ure was made negotiations were nt once en
tered into between Tun Br.i : and the proprie
tor of the Examiner to Join hands an d inu
ually share In the enterprise. These ar
rangements havo.beon perfected nnd agree
ments entered into by which TIIE Bin is to
prosecute all claims urrislng In the territory
where Tun Bin : enjoys so extensive a sub
scription patronage.
Under this agreement all applications for
claims , cither for pensions , Indian depreda
tions land or mining claims , patent or pos
tal claims In the states of Iowa , Kansas ,
South Dakota and Nebraska , will bo taken
in hand by TUB BKC BUHRAU or CLAIMS In
Omaha and through it fowardod to head
quarters at Washington where they will bo
prosecuted to n llnal and speedy conclusion.
Tin : BIE : takes pleasure In offering to all
its patrons nnd particularly to subscribers to
Tin : WIIKI.V : Br.E , the services of its now
bureau which , we have no doubt , wil 1 prove
of groit advantage to them , both in prosecu
ting now claims to a successful issue and in
expediting all claims entrusted to THE Bui :
Tin : Bnn BUUEVU OF CLAIMS has frequently
bacn referred to in these columns , but up to
the present time , no reference has boon made
to the manner in whicu its Important work Is
performed. This is ono of the most , Interest
ing featurns connected with the antorpriso.
The Iliiroau'H Counsel.
To begin with , the siii vices of tbrca most
eminent councilors have boon retained.
These are A. L , . Hiuhos , O. E. Wellor , and
P. J. Butler. They "nro denominated "gen-
oral counsel. " They are men of mature
years nnd learned in tno law. They have
made a specialty of practising in tbo
the United States supreme , circuit and dis
trict courts , the United States court of claims
aud before all the departments and bureaus
of the government. They nro qualified to
pass upon the general merits of any claim , as
soon as It Is presented. This saves a great
deal of time , because , when a claim has been
passed upon by them , it is generally one
which is entitled to a standing m court.
When a claim Is rejected by them , It means
that it Is either outlawed or that it lacks cer
tain elements which would loa-1 to its final
Kxainlncrs and Experts.
Besides these gentlemen thuro are also a
practising attorney , an examiner and expert
in each department in which Tin ? Bii : pro
poses to probcouto claims , namely , these of
patents , pensions , postal and land claims and
Indian depredations , in fact in any depart
ment in which a claim may nriso against , the
federal government. These attorneys pre
pare the petitions nnd tend to the claims before -
fore the several courts , while the examiners
and experts mokouspeciulty of searching tbo
records nnd arranging the evidence neces
sary to strengthen the chum.
The gentleman charged with this duty re
garding Indian depredations has bcun the as
sistant chief examiner of thcso duitns In tbo
Indhin burc.ui of tbo Interior depirtmont for
mauv years. His comprehensive knowledge
of details , facts , hWtiib of and evidence in
the coses heretofore ( lied or the outbreaks
out of which others yet to bo tiled have
arisen , renders his services extremely valu
able.Then there is a general manager , John
Woddorburn , For years ho was priv.ito sec
retary to Senator Hearst , tbo father of Hon.
William tlearst , the projector of the present
enterprise. He has nNo been for years the
Washington correspondent of the San Fran
cisco Kxundnor , with which TinBKK : is no v
co-operating. Ho Is a man of universal Ill-
format Ion and is especially adapted to the
responsible position ho now holds.
Than this force nouo more capable could
bo found In the country. Its services have
been retained ut great expense by tbo
bureau , the salaries alone reaching at the
present tlmo $1,800 per month.
As has been Minted , the S.m Francisco Ex-
nmlnor inaugurated the enterprise , and
through It Tun Bin : was allowed to establish
its bureau for the accommodation of claim
ants In South D.ikota. Iowa , Nebraska and
Kansas. This privilege was Hwt , of all the
papers la the country , extended to TUB BUB ,
bccau&e of Its known pluck , enterprise and
The undertaking , however , tws at
tracted so much attention throughout
the country nnd been so greatly appreciated
by old boldlers , Indian victims , nnd defrauded
government claimants , that leading papers
elsewhere have asked to bo admitted to
enjoy the privilege * of the bureau. Among
ttioio papers there is a le.ullng ono in Minnesota
seta and others In Boston , Cincinnati , St.
Louis , Atlanta nnd Now Orleans. It Is
thought that Mr , Hearst , the proprietor of
1'ho Examiner , nnd tbo gentleman who In-
auiMirutod the svstom , will grant the applica
Clalnm Coining In.
Tin : Bin : CI.UM BUUBAU has not been In
zxistcnco ono month and yet it has listed
Indian deprldatlon claims aggregating
$32,000 , ald | tbo Is being con
stantly added to. This is a remark
able showing , and yet it U but a fraction of
.he claims which remain unrecorded and Un
paid In the stutoH controlled by TUB Bin :
BUIIRAU OK CI.UMS , namely , South Dakota ,
Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas.
On March ! l , of this year , an act for the
payment of InJIun depredation claims was
approved. To this act , It Is neces
sary to direct thu attention of every
claimant who has suffered at the bauds of
Indians. This refers to these victims wlioao
claims huvo all oady boun tiled ui well as to
these who still contemplate tiling them. Up
to tbo duto In question , thousands of
sufferers had tiled thulrclaluis with attorneys
in all parts of the country aim wuru in most
cases charged excessive foes. Many of tbo
claims , too , bad been * pending for years.
Satisfied that , in many cases , the claimants
had contracted with the attorneys In ques
tion and , without fear of proiecutlon for
transfer thulr claims to
other agents or attortmys who might cipc
due the collection , con K res undertook d
afford the desired relief.- This It did in tin
net In question.
Annulling ; ICxorultniil Contrncto.
Jurisdiction In ihcttfl'maltors was tran
fet red to the court ofxlalms where the sc
vices of nn attorney arc Indispensable. Undc
this law , all agroomonO made by claimant
with attorneys , prior to March , 1801 , tin
oxpresslv declared nuiriind void. This wa1
done ns has been tntlmalad to release claim
ants from exorbitant fpo , contracts.
Every claimant Is , tftbreforo , free to cm
ploy as his attorney w&umsocvcr ho pleases
under circumstances , It would appeal
to be to the ndvantaga of every person hnv
Ing n clnlin to place the same with the bit
reuu guaranteed by such a reliable nnd re
sponslblo paper as * TUG WEE , rather that
with unknown parties ,
The disappointed attorneys whom the law
In question has deprived of exorbitant fee :
hnvo bcon Hooding tbo country threatening
their former clients with suit should thuj
take their claims from them and place then
In the hands of other attorneys. But thl :
should not discourage claimants , because or
act of congress Is paramount to nny and nl
agreements entered Into with nny attorney
prior to the tlmo named In the said law.
To Itcuovur Co Indian Deprcdiitloin
Parties desiring to avail themselves of thi
benefits of the act In Question ro
gurdtng tbo recovery ot claim1
srowine out of Indian depredation'
should forward to TUB Bnr. BtmiiAU 01
CI.UMS power of attorney , granting author
ity to in tholr easn In the court of
claims. They should also furnish a detailed
statement of lots , including one )
specific article lost , Its value ,
date , countv and state , baud or tribe
of Indians committing depredations , name ;
nnd present addresses of witnesses whose
testimony tlu y expect to use In nubitantla-
tlon of their claim , and such other lnforma <
tlon bearing upon the case us they may
Upon receipt of this simple Information ,
TUB BIK : Briti\u or CLAIMS will immediately
attend to tbo moro intricate or dilllcult por-
ion of the preparation.
The claims must not bo based on depreda
tions extending back beyond 1805.
Headers of Tin : Bni : or these who may file
claims for collection , are respectfully re
quested to furnish TUB Bin : UUKBAU OK
C'I.UMS with the names nnd addresses of any
other parties who have suffered similar
losses at the Imnus of Indians. Many pcoplo
are ns yet unaware of the recent favorable
legislation by which these claims can now , If
properly prepared and presented bo collected.
But Indian depredation claims are not the
only ones which Tun Bnn BUHHAU OP
CIAI.MH proposes to handle. In brief , it will
look after nny claim which nny citizen has
against the government or nny department of
the government. It will bo specially service
able to soldiers of the late war.
IVn.loiiH Tor Aged Soldiers.
Strange us it may appear , tuero are thou
sands of veterans of tbo rebellion , who are
old , weary , Inlirm and beyond tbo skill of
physician or surgeon to restore to health.
Many of thcso arc < incapncitntcd because of
exposure or injuries sustained in the late war ,
and yet , many of these are unprovided with
I'cnHloiiH Tor Inlirm Soldlern.
There are thousands of poor fellows who
ore permanently disabled , having served nt
least ninety days in tuo war. They were
also honorably dlschatgc'd. These are entitled
tlod to n pension oven' "though the Infirmity
from which they suffcr.Wos not the result of
exposure in the war. , TOo only condition is
that their prostration Is not the result of
vicious habits.
1'ciiHlotiH for Sofdicrs * Widows.
There are thousands ol soldiers' and sail
ors' widows in this country who do not know
that they nro cntltluditq.pensions. And yet ,
by writing Tin : Bic : BUIIIAU or CLAIMS , when
their case is just , thoy-wlll bo ublo to secure
these pensions. All thatz is required is that
each widow show that' she is without other
means of support than ( , tier dully labor and
that her husband served at least ninety days
in the army nnd was .honorably discharged ;
that she married the soldier prior to Juno 27 ,
IS'JJ. Proof of his deatu must also bo ad
vanced , but his domlsoneod not have been
the result of nruiy cnvlco , * ,
Securing Fatont-HlRlits.
There are thousands of inventive men and
women in this country who 'havo inventions
which arc known only to their friends. Yet
in these inventions ! there are sometimes for
tunes to he found. Yet , comparatively
speaking , but few of these Inventors ever
seek n patent. Thov do not know how to do
it. Tdoy fear the cost and the delay. THE
BIB BUREAU OK CI.UMS has reduced thcso
almost ton minimum.
Pensions lor Soldiers' Parents.
There nro thousands of soldiers' parents
who nro also Ignorant ot the fact that they
nro entitled to pcnsious. These must prove
that their son died from a wound , Injury or
disease which , under prior laws , would have
given him a pension ; that ho loft no wlfo or
minor child ; that the mother or father is at
present dependent upon his or bor own man
ual labor or the contributions of others not
legally bound for bis or her support.
Besides thuso claims , TUB Bnc BUUKAU
will prosecute land claims growing out of
disputes or appeals from local land oflices to
tbo general land oMuo of tbo United States.
Appoil.s : From Local timid OlIlecH.
These appeals are frequently most annoy
ing to both parties. The local attorney can
not personally prosccuto tbo cuso in Wash
ington. It would cost to support htm there ,
frequently moro than the land In question Is
worth , to say nothintrof his fees , which , ns
has been shown , nro generally ns high ns
may bo collected , lie Is , therefore ,
compelled to trust the claim Into the hands
fa man whom she does not know , whoso
first move is to bleed the claimant and the at
torney who refers the claim to him. Be
tween thcso men the appellant bungs In un
certainty until the final adjudication has
beou made.
In Tin : BuiBiuiuu OP CLAIMS those would
bo placed in the linndi of well known and re
sponsible people , pushed with the greatest
energy and at thu minimum of cost. Tin :
Bin : BUIIE vu or CLAIMS therefore is the medi
um through which these appeal cases should
bo prosecuted.
. * > inrii and Pontal ClalniH.
The same Is true of mining mul postal
claims. These would go Immediately to coin-
potent hands. Ttuty would not bo delayed.
If unworthy , they would never bo tiled in
court , but tbu claimant would bo notified of
the fact. Ho would thus bo relieved of till
anxiety within it few months , whereas , as It
is now , bo does not know what kind of a
claim ho has until after it has bcon passed
upon by the courts or the departments.
THE BBB BUHEAU can toll a good claim
from a bad claim. It never presents the lat
ter. It does not wish to rob the treasury. It
collects only claims that are Just.
I ncoiiralnft Inventors.
There nro n groat.'Wny Inventors who
bollovo the moment they place tbo secret of
their discovery In th 'hands of any other
iiorson , from that very moment un Intrigue
is formed to dispossess , , thorn of their dis
covery. Tin : HEI : Bini'tuu OP CLAIMS take *
sccnsion to sny to thus worthy but unre
quited class of Its pMrons that it will
treat all such businosjLintrustod to Its cnro
In the moht contldonttiUfCianuor , thus assur
ing to all who may wi's'Llp secure n patent on
their Inventions the uUiJpst secrecy from the
beginning to the end of. tie transaction.
Parties desiring to/uvuil themselves of
Tin : Bui : Buitiuu nrCUiM-t In the matter of
securing patent rlghtsAtrailo marks , prints
laools nnd copyrlghts.ji/ould / make known
Lholr wants in this direction , when written
Instruction ! ) will bo furimbcd us to the mode
) f procedure required , j uor the patent laws ,
Patent HlK'tUJ * w Specialty. '
THE BuiiBxu opCuYiiS announces that It
will make this branch of Its work a specialty
ind ono that can bo rolled upon us beinir
beyond the power of exports oven to criti
cise , This announcement ls made because
the fact tmi already been ofil-
: tally promulgated by the United
States patent olllco that the territory
3inbraccd In the states of South Dakota ,
Nebraska , lowu nnd Kansas enjoys u world-
ividJ reputation us possessing moro li\vcntlvo
genius , strungo as it may appear , than any
similar extentof territory In the United
States nt the present time.
Applicants for patents should understand
tbiit Tin : Bui : Hinnnu or CLAIMS 1'iys grout
, tress upon the fact that It ran udvisi ) Its
patrons , almost ut the outset , whether tholr
invention is now and putentablo , thus saving
ihmn the exorbitant fee cburgcu by the or
dinary patent attorney.
Thcbo claims will bo prosecuted not as n
nouno of making money , but simply as an
iccomodution to claimants living in tbo states
ibovo enumerated , The work will bo done
it about wbut It costs TUB BBB BUHEAU or
JLMUH , so that claimants need have no four
) I exorbitant raVes nor the bjo dlup delays
I to which they hnvo heretofore been Mib
Jpcted. Address nil letters to Mnnngcr , HEI ;
BtmiSAU or CLAIM ? , OMUIA , Nun.
Tlio Terms.
The terms under which claims will be
prosecuted will uopcnd entirely upon the
amount of service rendered In o.icb case.Vo
can safely assure nil patrons of the buraiu
thut the chnrgea will bo very much lower
thnn rntos charged by the regular claims
lawyers and claims nu-cnU at Washington
It go without saying that the Examiner
and TUB Hr.r. are In position conjointly to ox-
pcdlto business and do service ut moro lib
eral rntos than nny ether medium for the
prosecution of claims.
In tbo matter of fees and charges TUB Ben
desires only to clear oxpcn.ies. The bureau
Is Intended for thorcllof of the people from the
rapacity of legal sharks. In many eases foes
allowed attorneys are irrevocably fixed by
law , nnd m such the question U decided. In
other claims such n charge will bo mndo as
scorns to cover the actual expenses Involved
In collection
Wo maito no effort to solicit your
patronage , as docs the ordinary agent
who seeks your elnlm for n llnnncla
consideration. Such Is not our pur
pose. Wo offer to ono and all the services of
a well equipped bureau , where n cliiltn of any
nature win bo sent , or information In regard
thereto be obtained. If your clnltn is worth
less or Illegitimate you will bo so notlll"d
without fear or favor. If the claim is gen
uine It will receive prompt attention nnd
onicicnt prosecution. If unsuccessful , no
charge will bo madoj provided , however ,
Ihutclalmnnts must defray their own expenses
penses In the preparation of ullldavits , depot
sltlons. and other evidence outside of Wash-
Ington. Wo will furnish the uocouiiry login
papers nnbjar the Washington expenses
onlj * In unsuccessful claims. Whoa claims
are allowed , n reasonable fee will bo charged
to cover actual cost.
All letters will bo promptly answered and
nil Information concerning form of applica
tions for claims , terms , otc , u 111 bo given
with as llttlo dolny ns practicable. No Iotor
will bo answered unless the sender encloses
requisite staintH for roply. No information
concerning nny particular claim will bo Im
parted until the applicant bos become a
member of Tbo BOB Claims Bureau assoc'.a '
Address all letters relating to chums to
Omnbu Neb
Hides and
All pcnsious under the dependent pension
law will commence from the dnto of tiling
the application ( executed after passage o
the act ) in the pension bureau.
No application or declaration will bo good
If executed before Juno U" , IbOO ( date of the
net ) , or if not in the form substantially pro
scribed by the secretary.
Discharge certitleato need not bo filed until
called for.
The rates of this luw nro not nffcctod by
the runic of the soldier. This net provides
the following rntoi : For dependent father
or mother , $12. The widow $3 , nnd $3 addi
tional for each child of soldier under sixteen
years ; and if the widow dies the child or
children can draw such pension. The sol
dier is entitled to any rate from f < l to $1 ac
cording to Inability to earn support.
A pensioner under existing laws may np-
ply under this ono , or u pensioner under this
ono inny nppl3' under ether Inws , out can
draw only ono pension at the same time.
This law requires In n soldiers case :
flj. An linmir.iltlc di chnrac ,
(2) ( ) . That ho served nt least ninety duns.
( ! ) ) . A pcriifincitt physical or mental Ina
bility to earn a support , but not duo to vicious
habits. ( It need not have originated in servr
icn ) .
In case of a widow1' :
(1) ( ) . That the soldier served at least ninety
days.J .
( J ) . That ho was hannralAii illnehurual.
( II ) . Proof of death , but it need not have
bcon the result of tils army service.
(4) ( ) . That the wido.-v is 'without other
moans of support than her daily labor. "
(5) ( ) . That she married n soldier prior to
Juno 27 , 189J , duto of this act.
In dependent parents' case :
(1) ( ) . That the soldier died of a wound , in
Jury or disease , which , under prior nws-
would have given him u pension.
( ! 2) ) . That ho loft no wife or minor child.
( ) . Thnt mother ( or father ) is at jireoent ,
dependent on her own innnuiil labor , or the
contributions of others not legally bound for
hrr ( or his ) support.
The rules nnd regulations of this depart
ment will govern applicants and attorneys.
The fco shall in no case be greater than
S10 , and only as shall bo dirt-cod upon herc-
under between the claimant nnd agent.
Commltiliincr nf I'eiiitliimt.
The foregoing rules nnd regulations , with
the forms hero following , nro adopted and
approved. JOHN W. NOIILI : ,
Scciet-ru ofic < / Interior.
Indian Depredations.
The last congress pas od an act designed to
facilitate the presentation and collection of
tbo claims of citizens of the United States
for depredations committed by thu members
of the various Indian tribes since July 1 , iSllo.
This act provides for the speedy hearing and
determining of nil such claims , and allows at
torneys presenting them to charge from 15 to
UU per cent. It Is believed that the work can
bo done for from 5 per cent and upwards of
the amount of the claims as allowed by the
proper court , thus effecting a largo saying to
claimants who huvo in tbo past paid fromftljff
to 50 per cent for such work. By the terms
of this law all claims must be prosecuted before -
fore the court of claims within three years
from the date of Its passage or that they will
forever bo barred ; so that it Is desirable that
persons who have suffered from Indian dep
redations In the states of Nebraska , Knns'is ,
Iowa and South Dakota should nt oncu com
municate with Tin : BEE buronu ol'iMaims and
have the matter put in proper shnpo und pre
sented to thu court immediately.
Claimants should take notlco that bj the
terms of the law above alluded to , all con
tracts nt present existing between themselves
and attorneys , wherever located , nro ren
dered null nnd void ; therefore. It will bo noc-
pssnry for them to ongugo other attorneys
or make ether contracts In accordance
with the terms of the law. THE Bni :
buronu of claims undertake * thu collection of
nny such claims on terms in Unholy moro
favorable than these offered by the attorneys
ami agents who have endeavored to make
largo profits from this class of business , ns
its desire Is to bonelit only a class of Its
readers who nro Illy able to afford to pay tlio
exorbitant fees for such services , which ro-
qulro only honesty , Intelligence nnd persist
ence In their presentation to bring them to
n successful Issta * .
Claims that are filed first under the now
law will naturally have first attention In the
court of claims , and therefore It Is desirable
to got them Into the hands of the proper
authorities ns soon ns possible.
Pensioned A tor Death.
In the report of pensions granted Wednrs
day the Nebraska list is headed by the name
of Richard Melody of Stuart , Holt county.
In this CASO the pension comes too late to beef
of any benefit to the man who earned It by-
suffering for his country on the battle field.
Molndy was the man Rhone death In the
Omaha mcdlcnl Institute led to the official
I investigation of that place nnd the arrest of
I Its managers early lust month. A brother of
the deceased Is n member of tbo city council
nt St Paul , Minn.
Why The lice Hiiro an was ICntalillslicd
and ItH AlniH.
When the San Pranclsco Examiner estab
lished Its claims bureau It printed thu follow
ing prospectus :
The Kxamlnur hat received so mrny com
plaints from Its subscribers In various locali
ties on the coast of the delay , extortionate
charges and unsatisfactory work performed
for thorn by the various claim agents that It
has decided to establish In Washington n
buronu for the collection of nil legitimate
claims against the government or its vurloni
departments. This bureau will bo In
rhnriro of Its Washington corrosixn-
dcnt , who hns Had much experience
In the prosecution of claims against
the various departments of thu government.
Charges for services performed by this
bureau will bo nominal and designed to cover
only the actual cost of the work and such
legal services ns may ho necessary In order
topropoily present claims to the heads of
Iho various departments and the court of
claims In the supreme court. _
_ N WANT uild
> J Kci'ord of K\i | Kiinrinons snlot.
Hie money. Write Immediately. Ilex Ol1 ! ,
Omaha ,
WIMj trade good residence lot , clear , for
family horse and oiiriniKO. Apply iitMO
r niiUlln avenue.
FOH hALIv CJootl farm , 10 miles from ( 'onn-
ull Illnirs. with vorv laritu on-hard , M' , per
acre. Eighty acre farm , near rallro.ul matlon.
tit JiT.fiO per uciu. Johnston .V Van fatten ,
Counull IllulTs.
TilOIl UKST A nice 0-rnom house with
* inrgo yard to desirable party free of
charge. J.V. . Scinlro , 101 I'oarl street ,
C1..A IU VO YA NT nd Ryehometilu. or clnr-
nctcr ro'itllnus ; also diagnosis of disease ,
nond loulc of hair for readings by letter. Hnn-
Says and ovonin s. Mrs 1 > Hooper. I l-'i A ve
il no I-X near corner 13th street , Council lllulT .
Terms & ic and Jl.OJ.
MAONIKIOENT aero nroperty In flvc-nvro
tracts locatotl 2'J ' miles fiom po > , tollleo.
for Kale on reasonable ) terms Somu line rusl-
clcnco property for rent bv Day t lloss.
TpOK3.Vl.Er . or Itont U J nJ.
JL houna * . or J. UUlan. . UUUlu t , QounoU
Tlic t olninliia llloycio.
Wo have the best cushion tire mado. lint
tills is not thu only good feature of the old
reliable un 1 popular Columbia. Investigate
what some nn cnipnlons dealers huvo to say
for their wliccK
The Columbia Is worth Its weight In gold ,
oven with "freo "llvrr. "
Doitlinnt a ItolYlgcrntor.
In hot weather It Is Impossible to do o nnd
preserve your health and comfort. Kimd can
not bo preserved without dinu'rrotis : deteriora
tion. In u cooked or raw state , nlthont , refrig
eration. Von will ( Ind II moro Impossible thnn
ever to do without this Import an lad Inncl when
yon look ut 'ho North ttir nnd Inmi the
prices uo will make for thu next thirty dayx.
GaHolluo Stoves Ijii\v 11 MOWCI-K ,
And Kurdun hnsu at lower figures thnn you
vorjot before. I'very article sold Is IhuhFirh-
i" = t 'railo made. Screen doors und window
seieuiis at cost. Make your homes comforta
ble ut little o\pciisi\
P. C. DcVol , HOI Ilroadway.
They Must Go at Cost.
There Is no use of your ondeuvor IIR to get
nlnns and economize by doing without a ru-
filKur.itor. Health und comfort e.imvit bo
maintained In I ho hot summer weather und
food puip T y pieserved without some mean *
of preservlna u oool , dry utiunsplierc. The
now UuoriiMjy refrigerator Is tliu world boater
in every essential point , and from this tlmo
on wo propose to put them Into yo'ir houses at
absolute cost. Th's In a buna lldu olTor tbut
it wl.i pay you to ItivcKtlguto.
Window Sercent ) and DOOI-H
Go ut the HUIIO : price until our present l.irno
.stock is exhansto.-l. Tula U your opportunity
to piovlde your homos with thosu necessary
All modem llttlo labor-savin ; tinrt eomfort-
pnxluultiK novelties In the hardware line for
snmnier use will bo dispose.I ot In the same
Sliiiai-t At Son , No. 11 iHaiii .street ,
Council Illtiirri.
First--National--Bank : :
Paid Up Capital , . . . . $109,003
Old ? it orc.mUoJ Ij.mi In Iho cltr. t'urolKn ntiil
domuitio exclmiUJ und lojjl jojirKl3 : < . Uipj.-li
Atiuntlonpilil lo ojllusllo.ii. AOOJ mts of 11 lull
ualvbakt. bnnkuriiindujrparatluiK ullaltj L Jj ;
respond u talnvlted.
UKO. r. UANKOltl ) . I'ro.ldont.
A.V. . ItllSIC.MAN , Oiihlor
A. T. RICH. Asslitn. t
G. A. Scnoedsack , Proprietor ,
Bluffs and 1B21 Farnam St. , Omahi
of every description. Packages re <
Works , CorAve. . A and 26th St. C
Merchants who have shop-worn or si
them rodyod and liniahod equal to new.
latest and most approved maciiinory , at lo
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
. Attractions : Finn t'hlilns , lloatlnc. Hath.
Ini ! nn I Kxcellent Mineral Water.
Only nrtcrn minutes tldo from Council
HlnlTs , Motor tr.vns every Imlf hour , illreoi
to centers of Council lllnlls and Omaha.
Most dollKhtful und accessible place for
plcnle parties.
Or Council Bluffs.
I. A. Mlllnr , P O Qloaio-i , R. U
flhuciut. K. E. llaru J I ) EdmumUcm , Uli vrlai
1 ! . llnnntin. Tr. iu-\ot Kouont Oanklrn bud-
nei * IarjoU capltit iuiJ mrplui ot uy
bnnieln HonUiwoUorn lo.rv
Eye , Ear , Nos3 and Tlinnt
Council illulTs , K
SliUtfart-Uono H'lc.
Uooin 1. U to 112 m
7 and 8 p. in.
Council Bluffs , In.
This Elegnntly Appolntei Hotel
la Now Opan.
N. A. Taylor , Manager
Centrally located in the business
portion of Council Bluffs , nil the
street cat' lines in the city pnsslng
the dcoi * . Modern and conven
ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 12O
guest chambers. The best $2 a
day house In the west.
Board and room from $ OO pot *
month up. Tnblc board $ B per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works ,
u. ( iit.uiL i SON , pitoi"S.
1O1B nntllOIY Broadway.
K'tlmnto < funiMiPil mi till klnili of ( Inlvanliod
Iron Cnrnlro Work. Iron Uditrt.i , Mnro. KruttU tintl
Copiior Work. Arll'tln wort n itioclnlty C'urroa-
pnuilencusnlldtoil from pulms.'WU nilljs from L'uun
ell Uliiiraiiml Oamlm.
Medical and Surgical Institut3
ima HEi.r.iNUKit ? , CHOI'S.
Chronle discuses ot nil Muds mill deform *
Itlrs spcelalties. Not -VJI und OJU lroul\vuy ! : ,
Council llluir.s. lit
Gas Heating Stores.
Just the thin" ( or buth rooms , lied rooms , oti
Cull and see our iirn'o assortment.
C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co.
-II I'oarl ami 213 Main Stroot.
OI-'KIon 41. ' > Hroadwav. CounoH Illtiffs , la
D. H. McDaneld & Co. ,
Butchers' aid Pas'nrs' Siwlm ,
Market Fixtures , Casini > ,
plcos and Satisaso MaltorV Maohtnory. 8J ) *
KMaln St. , Couriell UUnr * . la. AUo Uo-ilurj
a Hides and L''nri
Offices O21 Bro-idway , Council
. Dye , clean and reflnish good3
jived at either office or at tha
ouncll Bluffs. Send for price list ,
led fabrics of any character ean have
fl ) CLEANKD BY STRAM , with the
j cost than you over paid boforo.
STIir.NOTII-OUACK-Iltmply mil ted In thu
Haladln Koad Wilson , In tno preiunuu tif
thousands of mini rt-rs , All Stren'th anil
True Cram At home \VoIr-Slinnirt ;
Uuflcr Jmio iht ,
Torino fcsnitot this h.ippy union look at th s exquisitely beaulifii ntvt novo'ly. ' the I < Ulit , ( Jr-ioaf tStroTj -
4With 4
With either grained body and gear orcarmlno nn'l ' black body , kolld panel iindorthn seat leather orol ith fancy trliiimliuii . und , unit. loiri
Blirliiu's with hK.ivy curves tliu whole ov r--ominabo-utely tliu sroat objection to roa I waxons-lhelr nuavy and clumsy iippu-irance.
' ' ' tieml'forfoTi'ia'alol'iiu ii'ddesorlplloii-of the New Itleo Celled Sprln , ? Oarrlusc , "ThoDrummer1 * I'rleinl , " and ether new and tukliu imvol
ties' WoKiiaruntte oetter values any olhor house In the west ,
WEIR SHUGART CO. , Council Bluffs , la