Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1891, Part 2, Page 16, Image 16

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Interesting InoU About Omaha's ' Re-
organ'zd Ball Team.
A Now Shooting I . .rk Tlio
of tlic ChlokH CyulltiK Hroczcrt
The UrulHcrH Ijooul Sport-
Inji OosHlp ol'All Kinds.
ell , It docs looknftor
' nil M If Omnha waite
to Imvo n bnll team
yet tills season that
tlio most exacting
crnnk mny wall be
proud of. 'inU Is
nil jln cotisoimticc
with what iniRht bo
expected ot such nit
enterprising , Intelli
gent and tireless
manager ns Hob
Lendloy. Ho has
mnilo a success of every club with wlilch ho
wns ever associated , and Omaha will bo no
exception to the rule. I'oorman , Foe , Powell
nnd several moro of tlio inoii who boiiin with
the newly organlzsd club at Mllwaukoo will
bu dropped , In fact the three lirst named
have been let out and now men signed to Jill
their places. The lutest additions arc
O'Nell , the Manchester pitcher , who cost the
managcrae it a pretty penny : 1'op bmlUi.ttio
old Boston second baseman ; Jack Lolomau
ol the Plttsburgs , and possibly Billy Kuohno ,
the German count , who lust season was
ranked with the best third basemen of the
( ountry. ICuohno 1ms just been lot out oy
Columbus to make room for.limmj Donnelly ,
anil It is safe to saj the Buckeyes will regret
thochnnuo. Whllo Donnelly is all rltfht in
Holding his position , Kui'hno Is woith a half
dozen of him nt the bat. In nd'Jitloii to these
men , Manager Lcadloy Is ale nugotiiittnt !
with Oori0 ! Edward Andiewi of Mike
Kellv'n Cincinnntis and Blllv Alvord nnd
Mike Slattcry of the \VashiiiKtous , with
uro'.pccts of fastening onto ono or
two of them. In any event Omaha
patrons can icst assined that they nro
to have no bum Job lot palmed oft on them
for the balance of the season , notwithstand
ing the exigencies of the case , but instead
as line a team of bnll playeis as weio over
congregated together in such a short time.
bo far , of course , the newly organi/od team
nas met naught but roveraes.but when Load-
lev gets the full complement ot men lie Is
after , victory will come about as often as in
the old daysand if they have lost hopes of the
pennant , tno Lambs will irlvothcm all an ex
citing chase down to the wire any wav. 'I ho
duty of the local admirers of the sport Just
now is to lend every assistance within their
power to further the interests of the new
club , mid in no better way can they do tills
than l > y turning out en masse on tlio opening
day hero. Pr < . idcnt Hal McCord Is a gen
tleman woithy of every respect ; ho is a safe
man and n competent one.nnd will o\ert him
self to the utmost to give Omnha the stan
dard of base all she is entitled to.
Pro IV Mioniil Hprintors Meet.
A number of welt known sporting men nro
Interesting thcmbilvcs In the matter of secur
ing the bi-cnnlul sprinters moot for Omaha
this fall. There nro sovoial other cities , no
tably Boston and Buffalo , making n lively
bid for the runners' assembly , but ns the
Gate cit ) has the call of the knights of the
cinder path themselves , It is more than prob-
nblo that it will meet hero. If it does , Sun
day , October 8 , is the day likely to bo llxcil
upon mid the fair grounds the place of the
meeting. This meeting , which is held every
two years , is for thn championship of Amer
ica , and is run over a spirit level track nt 75 ,
100 nnd 1-0 vni ds , the championship and prizes
to bo decided bv points. To secure the
meeting for this city it is necessary to cuar-
nntcoat least 5 100 in cnsh or pri/es , and defray -
fray the expenses of advertising , which can
bo done uitliout question. It will bo a now
species of spoil for Omaha and can bo
brought to a very successful Issue , If piop-
crlv bundled , tncro is little doubt. Botli the
starter nnd pistol llrer must bo brought from
abroad , and will bo either .loo Wilson of St.
Louis , who started the events at the Mound
city two years ago , or Harry Weldon , sportIng -
Ing editor of tlio Cincinnati Enquirer , ac
knowledged to bo the best pistol llier In the
country. Harry Helhnne , the present cham
pion , together with Captain Joe Forsyth of
UiilTulo , called on the snortimj editor yostor-
tluy nml gnvo him a list of the starters
booked for this fail's championship races , nt
nn entrance fee of $10 cacti : Buthuno , the
present holder of the medal , nud who has
located in Omaha , heads the list himself , fol
lowed by James Collins of EdgortouVIs. . ;
James Quirk , Branford , Canada ; J. L. Hyau ,
San Francisco , Cal. ; Kurd Pulley.Shonamloah ,
la. ; Clem Hough , DOS Motncs , la. ; Con
Iluntloy , Huron , S. D. ; Billy Keas , Council
liluffs , and James Whitney of Salem , this
stnte. In addition to these there will bo
fully ns many more , whoso names aic at thin
linio unattainable. The championship events
will bo run under the bhcfllelu , England ,
rules , a synopsjs of which follows : Any man
entering under nn nssumcd name shall bo
disqualified ; going before the pistol Is II red
onc-yiml handicap for the llrst offense , two
yards lor the second and dlsqu liflcation for
the third ; dlsqunlllleatlon for fouls , sueh as
hindering or lutorfering with a competitor ;
the truck must bo staked nnd roped ; also
must bo a spirit-level track , with measure-
incut sworn to , nud all records mndo to bo
olllelnl. liosldna the championship events
theiowlllboa regular card of sldo runs ,
matches , handicaps , etc. It Is snfo to suy
that every sprint runner of any prominence
In the country will bo bore , If Omnha secures
the meet , and ninny of the best known ama
teurs , too , among whom might bo mentioned
Luther Carey , Smyttiu and others ,
Ilol ) IjciHlhsj'h lOur Marks.
It will bo observed by the additions that
nro being inailo almost every twenty-four
hours to Omaha's now ball team , that Man
ager Leadloy Is focusing quite an nggregn-
tlon , nnd it can bo depended on that by the
tlmo ho roaches Onuihn , ono week from to-
mono w , he will bo nt the head of n tcnm
that wilt bo able to glvo unj lu the Western
nsscoluilon a run for their mouuy. As before
Intimated In these columns , Bob Lcadlev bus ,
no su iioi lor lu tl'O country ns a baseball man
ager. Ho possesses nn Inexhaustible fund of
lu formation about players , and recognizes a
peed piece of timber the moment his eves
fall upon It. It would bo unreasonable , how
ever , to expect much from the reorganl/od
Lambs for the balancu of the season , the
crunks should bo satlsttod , even
thankful , that they have gotten n toani
nt all , nnd build their hopes upon
the season to romo. Under the circum
stances , conildoilng that this Is the very
thickest of the tight In nil the divers raeos
for pennants , nnd thnt good ball players are
Bcar oiiH lion's teeth , Manager Lcadloy has
done well In getting together the pluvors ho
has. Aa soon ns they have hud a little prac
tice together they will bo about ns apt to
knock out a victory us any of thu rest of
thorn , The now team will bo seen on the
homo grounds for tlio llrst tlmu aim week
from Tuesday , August 11 , nnd on this occa
sion every ball crank In the city should turn
out nnd glvo thorn a royal welcome. The
man who would crltlclso or belittle- the pres
ent triim at this tlmu Is an enemy to thu
gnuio , _
AVus It All u Illiiir ?
Now they all say that the order to the ex-
Omaha jilayors was dimply "u bluff. " II
thnt ls so the national board win In , pretty
bid ( .traits. Such n hoard of control as It
was supposed to bo , should occupy n more
dlgnlllcd piano. It has changed front In otic
year ns tinny times ns n political party gcii'
orally docs on public policy in ten. The
National board 1 1 COL' a purging , and with tlic
coming of peace it should bo relegated to the
background. That order to the Omaha uoya
tame nt a tltno when the pcuco question was
under discussion. It was llko waving a red
rag before a collodion of bulls. The Wash/
Inu'tou club's attorney saw a
chance to got a little dory
nnd earn another fee out of It. and ho
has llred a letter ut your Undo Nick Young
as long as n chapter on divorce In Chicago.
These paragraphs are worth reproducing ;
'It Is a principle of law that an oftlcer of an
corporation or association , voluttury or otu-
irwlso , may become liable personally for the
nets of the corporation or association , wheth
er ho approve of them or not , " * The
so-called board ol control ha * been kept busy
turning somersaults In nmkmg and counter
manding pronunclnmontoi , manifestos , bulle
tins , orders , cdlcts.ukaies nnd whnt not.untll
Its ofllclnl neck must bo pretty nearly bro
ken. " Times Stnr. It wan no bluff , though ,
Mr. Star , if thov nil do ny to. It wni bontx
fldo. But It makes n mighty largo dlffeienco
when the league dips In Ut spoon ami fattens
onto it player or two. See I
Jinny Times in DitHoball ( Irate * .
President ICrautnoff of the Western asso
ciation Is acting as mediator between the
National le.iguo nnd American association ,
with n good prospect of an early settlement
of their ilinicuttles. That there are a num
ber of changes down on the card for the
American there scorns but little doubt ,
Krnuthoff ndvlsos the dropping of both Co
lumbus nnd Louisville , which means that
Milwaukee and some other Western circuit
city , poulbly Minneapolis , In s.tieh nn event
would step In In their placet. Under any elr-
cumstaucoa Milwaukee lias seen her last
soiison In the Western. The American Is
already making overtures to her , nnd as It
has been her ambition for three years pnst to
get Into ono of the older associationsIt Is two
to ono that she will not allow the present
opportunity to go bj unimproved. Of course
the- Western association Is in for n general
remodeling this coming winter , but Just what
the changes nro to bo , It would bo foolish to
oven predict at this time. However , there Is
hut precious little prooability that all the
cities now making up the circuit will bo In it
another season. With a now national agree
ment there U to be n general bustle all round ,
the outcome of which , It Is honed , will bo to
put baseball on n llrmor and more duVablo
basis than over before. Look out for soiisu-
tlons from tills on ; thov will boot ircquent
and startling occurrence.
AVI 11 lie Swear to It.
All talk of McCormlck's having released
the Omaha players July 1 instead of July 12
Is simply gufT. If President ICrauthoff is at
work Investigating this fraud let him put
Dick MrCormlck on the .stand. Will ho swear
that ho wrote those releases on July 11 Not
n bit of It , and tt will bo a matter easily
proven. Mr. Krauthoff Is unnuestlonnbly
rlgnt when ho declared that these releases
were fraudulent thnt they wcro dated back
to boat the other Western associa
tion clubs out of their ten dnys period
of acceptance of service guaranteed them
by their constitution which was expressly
conceded in the players' contracts. And
more , not one single ono of these players will
on his oath say that ho oven received notifi
cation of his release ns cirlv as Julv 1.
There Is little to come out of all this talk ,
however , but the general public , ns well ns
that of tins city , is entitled to know the full
p.ittlcnlnrs of the dirty and dastardly trick
turned and just who turned It , therefore
these few lines.
All U ill Soon lie lively.
The National board has about concluded
that the best way out of a bad muss Is the
easiest , and the Om.iha muddle will
hencforth bo lot severely alono. Still there
Is n day of retribution , and the whirligig of
time will assuredly square matters with a
whole lot ot people thnt could bo named , but
will not bo , Just now , when the white-pin
ioned dove of pence is hovering over the base
bull oligarch ) ' . . The American association ,
which broke away jrom the National agree
ment on account of arbitrary treatment re
ceived ut the hands of the board of control.
But the American has had u quantum sufllcit
of war. The odds wcro too great and they
reali/ed that all is war and disaster in a
continuance of hostnlitics , and are paving the
way for an honorable compromise. Every
thing is in n crude state Just yet , but keep
your eyes nnd cars open , the sounds uud
scones of peace are fast approaching.
1 ho Imnt oftho Season.
Owing to the wrecking of Omaha's model
ball team , nud the consequent excitement
that followed for several dnys , the regular
schedule for tnc balance of the season was
lost sight of. Now , however , that the team
has been restored , interest will revive , and
everybody will want to know on just what
dates the now tonm can bo seen. Hero tboy
nro :
With Denver August 11 , 13 nnd 1 ! ! .
With. Lincoln August 2' ' , 23 and 2r .
With Kansas Cityboptembor 11,12 und 13.
With Minneapolis September 19 , 20 and 31.
With Milwaukee September 22 , 2,1 and 24.
With Sioux City September 25 , UO and 27.
With Duluth September 2U nnd 30 and
October 1.
That makes twenty-0110 regularly scheduled
games , hut this number will piobnbly be in-
ci eased by postpouoa games , ns every off day
will bo u tilled.
Tlio lil coin Ginnts.
The Lincoln Ol ints , the crack colored ball
team of tie weit , nro again covering tham-
selvcs with glory this season. M.uipin's ,
their star catcher , only Joined thorn about
two weeks a o , slnco which time they
haven't lost a game , and prior to that only
four. Mannirer Castono is now arranging
for a tour through Dakota , on which n serioj
of games will bo olayetl at Ueadwood , Lead
Oily , Hot SpUncs and Hapid City. Manager
Gastono would also like to make dates with
the three best amateur teams In Omaha.
The halting nvoiapcs of the Giants this season -
son up to date are as follows : Mauplns.
till ; Lincoln , 'Uil ; Castono , ! ! J1 ; Carr , ai'J ;
Taylor , 'MlI \ Iu banks , 'J17 ; Broad us , 'J O ;
Dobbs. Ill , and Dean , IbO.
Union I'urk September Moot.
The September meeting of the Union Park
trotting association will take place at Union
Park , Council Bluffs , Snptcmber 8 , 9 , 10 and
11 , and every effort will bo mailo to surpiss
the success of the sprint ; session. The pros
pect thnt this will bo accomplished U ijood ,
as there is a much larger number of entries ,
which includes a bettor nvt'rago of horses ana
represents a icuch bUgor scope of toriltory.
Tlio purses aggregate , ( , ! > 00. The entries to
the trotting and pacing events closed Friday
evening , but the entries to the running
events will not close until . i p , in. , the even
ing previous to each race. Apuondoa is the
four day's card :
rmsT IIAV Tuiiiinv , Rii'Tr.Mniit : : 0.
I'lrst lliioo Tnittliu. StAlelass . .Pntsojno
Sociiml ICaoo TiottliiK-'s'ileliihi . . I'ursofuOO
Third Kiieu Uunulii- . V.-yuai-olils ,
" . mlle Purse JI50
1 oiu Ih Itauo-Kiinnln ; : . luinllo , 1
mlle over J hurdles Pursued )
I'list Unco Trotting.- class . . .I'uiiu ? 10J
' fit'o-fur-all. I'nn-oJlW
S-ooiid Ituco-l'iielne , - - -
Third UiL : u--Knnnln < . 3i mile 1'urso tl'tl
1'nurth K uo Itiinnliu" , hurdle , I1 ;
mlles OMH 4 hnidlvs PII
I'lrst Hui'o-l'.u'liu. 2H : chihs . . . . I'uts .
t-i'i-ond Uiive Trottlm ; . fii-o-for-ali.l'urMUiJiiOn
. ' ' ' . ' . . '
Third Knee TiottliU.-'i''Tvliiss . . .I'uisu J1X )
1'ourth Kieu-Kiiniiiu , ' , 1 inllo and
ropunt - . . .l'ursoJuO
tOL'IITII 1IAV HUIIAV , Sr.l > lKMlimi II.
rir t Itiii'e I'tit.'liiSi'S'Sl elitss l'ursonn
Sooond Unco Troll hu. ' ! ; 3n class .1'urco KM
Third KucoKunnlnx. . l'i miles l'iiibo\U )
For till p.irlluulars address Nat Brown ,
secretary , Merchant's Ii3ul , tliU city ,
Tlio Out ilia ( jtiii Clnlt'H KtttcrprlHD.
The committee appointed by the Omaha
gun club at Us last mooting to look up n sltj
for nc , v grounds , put In n couple of daYa at
this work during the past wcok , ana will sub
mit their report nt the next meeting of the
club , which will bo held at Collins' gun store
next Saturday evening. The committee con
sists of Frank S. I'armelco , George Loomts ,
Fied Fuller\V. K. Nuson ana ( Joodloy Brack-
or , and they li'ivo unanimously settled on a
tract of land In tlio neighborhood of Court-
landt beach , which will be accessible by motor
on completion of the extensions under way.
It Is the Intention of the club to pur
chase fiom six to eight acres , enclose
the sanio with a good , substantial high hoard
fence , erect a complete club house , and IIx up
the finest shootingpark In the \\vst. If the
site selected by the committee- moots
with thoclub'i approvaltho purchase will bo
made , and work begun on the same Immedi
ately , and nushod forward with all possible
speed , In order that the park may be dedi
cated in October with u big three days' trap
shooting tournament.
Jack WilUi'H nt Itolloruo.
The Ullmoro-Wilucs light comes oft at
South Omaha ono week from nozt Saturday ,
und will undoubtedly bo an exhibition of
Dolsarlu's famous movements calculated to
edify the most fastidious. Small gloves will
be used and the contest will io to a finish.
Wllko * bos oaanicd ; his training quartern
from Whlto Hear lake , Minno ota , to Bcllo
vuc , below the city , and Is rapidly putting
on the finishing touches. Ho ir.ay experience
some diniculty In getting down to weight ,
but will got there Just the same , nnd give r
good account of himself when ho doct nrrlvo ,
Qllmoro writes from Chicago that ho Is lit If
light tomorrow , and that ho hopes JncV
will occasion no wrangle or dispute on ac
count of weight. Of this Harry need borrow
no trouble , for Jack Is oven moro anxious
than ho that thu struggle for superiority will
come oft at the appointed time with out n
Annual Hlanijlilor ol' tlio Clilckn.
The prairlo chicken crop In this state this
Acason Is said to bo larger than for uny pre
vious year within the last ton. But this la
the same fairy tale told with each rocurrli'g
summer. Notwithstanding the unprecedented
rainfall , however , the birds have enjoyed n
most fruitful season of nldlllcation , uud all
the best known grounds In the north and
west are said to bo nllvo with the young
broods , many of which nro moro than half
grown and well able to tuko care of them
selves ii-wlng. It Is n sad commentary , how
ever , on the cfllcuov of Nebraska laws that
despite the fact that the open season docs not
commence for over a mouth yet ,
that tlio young birds nro being slaugh-
teicd dally in nil directions , nnd
by the time the legitimate- season does roll
round thov will have been pretty well ex
terminated. Old gunnersfond of a day In the
draws nnd stubble nud on the hllUldo over
a good dog , olTcr In extonuntton of nn indul
gence lu this unsportsmanlike pursuit , thnt
If they wait for t bo shooting season to open ,
that the market nnd pot hunters will have
done tholr work mid the most they can hope
for will bo n long nnd arduous tramp with nn
occasional crack nt snmo hardy old cock ,
whoso wai Incss alone has spared Mini from n
trip in n refrigerator car. But few gunners
deny themselves a day among the chickens
before tlio law Is up , nnd Und their excuse in
the Inxlly nnd Inndequacv of our game laws.
When II Is too Into , ns has been
the case In nil tlio older eastern stntcs ,
the legislature will awaken to the
necessities of the case , nnd then after the
birds are nil but extinct , they will lay down
n stringent cede of rules for their protection
and preservation. In the words of the old
saying , the stable will bo locked and barred
after the horse has been stolen.
He TI | ' . < H By lie Card.
In speaking of the vast amount of hustling
nnd the real hard work necessary to make
trotting sessions In the western cities a sue-
ccsss , a well known local horseman said to n
little knot of congenial spirits at the Mer
chant's hotel lust evening :
"Trotting will never become popular again
In Omnha or clsowhcro until the evcnu are
shortened. The bangtails are having tholr
dav , and the trotter Is u secondary considera
tion. Under the old trotting rules a race
was frequently almost interminable , and at a
recent session In central Ohio there wcro no
less than three unfinished events m OHO
afternoon , ono of these was stretched into
eleven heats another nlno and the third into
eight. At sonio courses now , horses that do
not take the llrst or second boat , go to the
stablo. It makes exciting races and all there
is in n horse will bo brought out from the
moment the word "go" is given. I have
even thought a series of milo dashes would
bo a great innovotiou. The people llko quick
action nnd it is the people racing men aio
catering to. And another thing jou can
depend on nnd thnt is the September session
nt Union park will bo the most satisfactory
over hold hero on account of the additional
running events' "
A Ilifi Unco lor October.
The Coliseum will be the theater of a big
professional six-day bicycle race about the
third week in October. Tom Eck , the griz
zled veteran of the wheel , will bo at the
head of the management on the track. Ho is
now In New York perfecting arrangements
for the great International blcyclo race , which
comes oil at Madison Snu.iro Garden tbo
present month. The fastest mou of this
country and Europe have already entered ,
and a quartette of cracks uro on route fiom
Australia to take a hand in the affair. Most
of these men will also enter for the big race
In this city , and the prospects are for ono of
the greatest wheel chases over run in Amer
The Iilly Talks to Jack.
Lily Williams , the champion female bykcr
of the world , occupies a half column in u recent -
cent Issue of the Minneapolis Tribune , in
reply to a challenge from Jack Prince in be
half of Lottlo Xolson. The Lily denounces
Jack as a professional bluller mid notifies him
very properly that nil legitimate challenges
nro nccompnnlod by n substantial forfeit.
Williams will do no racing until fall , but will
then bo 111 readiness to meet Jack Prince or
nny of his riders 5u any kind of 11 race , either
m Minneapolis or Omahc , for nny kind of a
stake , from n red npplo up to barrel nnd a
half of $20 golu pieces. Miss Nelson , however -
ever , is distinctly informed that she Isn't
in it.
Send In Your Amateur Notes.
The Bhi : wants all the crisp , readable and
authentic amateur baseball scores , news ,
notes nnd gossip of interest to young moil
and boys It can got hold of. Scores of games
full or by innings , however , must bo sent in
on tlio evening of the day cames nro played
to insure publication. No ovorwoiked stull
or stale scores are desired , but for real news
space will bo found for every line sent in.
Wiite on but ouo side of the fnpor , and make
the matter brief and simple , Addtess sport
ing department of the lie : : .
The Trap at Grand Island.
GuvN'ii ISLAM ) , Nob. , July ill. To the
Sporting Editor of TIIE BI.E : The Grand
Island gun club will glvo their annual tour
nament ; at Grand Island , August 2(1 ( , 27 nnd
2S. Inanimate targets , English sparrows uuci
live bird laces , twenty-nine events , op n to
the world. The now electric tinp pull will ha
used. J. E. Srourun , Sec.
uiKht oirtiio
What n shaklug-up there will bo In thu
Western association circuit next winter.
Tobias , that was Deacon Griftln's front
name , but ho never lot It out while with
The swelling In Dan Shannon's head , so
says the Wastilngtou Star , Is gradually sub
The resuscitated lambs will bo homo next
Tuesday for u sorlos of thrjo gamoi with
Whlto Wings Tob.iau's moimgerlo.
Wcll.t he bust up rid the public of Brandt ,
anyway , and moit people consider that com
pensation enough for tlio loss of the old team.
Billy Trallloy put up n game nt second
while In Milwaukee that would have turned
Dan Shannon red , white and blue with
Down nt Plttsburg they call little Shucnit
"Sweetness. " Out hero wo called him
"DIrtv. " All owing to how you're raised ,
jou Know.
Charley Hoover Is still treading the broad
road that loads to ruin. Ho tried to drive Ills
horse Into n saloon while drunk ut Qulncy.
111. , and was jailed.
Washington people mustn't overlook the
fact that their now manager , Dan Shannon ,
is out for the sluiT. Look out for u "hung
up" or "shako-down , " nny time.
Jimmlo Donnollv will not bo allowed to lie
In n comatose stnte for three or four days ut
n time In Columbus , His Wtmuors wilt
stand almost anything but drunkenness.
The momberj of the cloth raised n holy
howl against Sundn ) ball In Duluth , but the
mayor Is ono of the dead game , uud rofusud
to interfere so long as the club disturbs no
ono.Tho rejuvenated Omahai couldn't ' Hck n
Miami Valley league team. Times Star. ISO ,
but It is money to mud that thov could make
monkeys out of the Iteds or Kel'a Killers.
Eh I
The Cowboys have finally turned Dailt
Ouvs Coiuvny udilft. Manning should send
about two-thirds moro of the team after him ,
then he might win u game once u week any
The Western association race will ho a
walls-over for Mllwaukoo from this time out ,
and you might as well prepare yourself for
the old cry , "We'll be in tbo American next
year , "
Eddlo Eltoljorg is not setting the Potomac
on tiro. Ho was Knocked out of the box both
tlmos ho essayed to pitch , und U U likely lie
Is indulging iu some sad reductions about
this time.
About the only persons In favor of more
war are a few ruttlo-braincd scribes without
a coat at atako uud seine legal liuibj ot the
law who wax fat on'fces extracted from ell
onts In trouble.
Manager Loudlcwlk'nttcntlon It called U
the fact that both llllly Alvord of Washing
ton. and Count Kaomio of Columbus , an
foot looso. Either would make Omaha a gooi
guardian at third.
Kaunas City has trapped a couple of man
pitchers , whlcluswttlls tholr total to thirty
nlno for the season. The lns.t two unfortu
nates are. Piivno ofU'cona , and Uoach lali
with the Uowo family.
Dave Howe doosrtt-look much like qulttlnp
jet awhile. Every flay or so ho lets out at :
old UlT , but never falls' to have a good man
to 111 ! his place. Hit latest chance was Hug <
era for Paul Cook , Ulo catcher.
AH of Omaha's scheduled games during the
time of its death will go on record which as
p oUponod , and tlio enterprising papers In
slst on Including them as won mid lost In
tholr tables , might as well drop them llrst us
Wild Bill Wldner has been reinstated to
the amntovr ranks by the national board ol
wheelmen mon with wheels In tholr heads , !
mean and Is pitching watermelons for n
commission house on lower Vine street , Cln-
People out In Omaha have taken n big
tumble to Dan Shannon. His behavior toward -
ward thnt city was really contemptible.
They clnim thnt It wns his vile scheming
nlono thnt wrecked the club. New York
Sporting Times.
The Loulsvllles have n scheme whlch will
beat disbanding. There Is u hint thnt nil
but two or three of the present tcnm will bo
released nud the season ended with n local
nmntour team In their places. That would bo
n cheap way of saving the franchise.
"Dad" Clarke was thinking of his mamma
nt homo yesterdujHe was wilder than n
Coinancho Indian , and U the Buckeyes han't
faced , n snap In the person of Moekln , the
leaper , Columbus would have been drowned.
The ex-Omaha twirler ladled out ten bases
on balls 1 O. S. Journal.
Clark Grinith wns rclcnsed yesterday by
President Von dor A lie. Ho hns offers Irom
several clubs , but is In no hurry to sign.
Grilllitn is ugooii pitcher. Globo-Domocrat.
Yes , about as good ns the average lot that
has been drawing salaries on false pretenses
out this way this season.
The ex-Omaha players have all flnally been
ntichorcd : Baker , Trallloy and Walsh ; are
with the now local team ; Hnlllgan is with
the Cincinnati league team ; Twitchcll ,
Clarke and Donnelly with the Columbus
American association team , nnd Shannon ,
Grinin , McCaulov , Eitoljorg nud SutclilTo
with the \ \ nshingtons.
The Loup City ball club was entertained by
tlio St. Paul club Tuosduj' . The game \\as tbo
most exciting over plajcd on our grounds.
The clubs wcro evenly matched , ami at the
end of the ninth inning , the score stood 9 to
0. The tenth inning wns not played , as the
Loup oojs had to make the train for home ,
so the superiority of clubs Is as yet un
The Omaha syndicate offered Dan Shannon
$1,000 cnsh to got his team ready nnd tuko
them to Denver on their icgulnr trip n week
ago , but ho refused , saving lie was colling
moro out of McCormlck and Washington. If
the Omaha people had raised the precious
p ilr named , they would have caught Daniel
sure. Ho was simplj' up at auction. Now
York Sporting Timos.
Why is it that some baseball magnates
would rather prevaricate than tell the tiuthi
In no other sport is there so much wilful
prevarication practiced as there is in tuo
discussion of business Issues. Talk about
the plajcrs and'neqnino itself is generally
pretty straight. Times Star. It Is because ,
generally , they are u set of natural and irre
deemable liars to begin with.
No ono observed any mad rush of ex-
Omaha plaj-ers to Milwaukee after the late
"N. B. " order. The truth is the very .lohu
1. Kogerosquo performance in the "foiever
inoligiblo-liavmond snmorsjult" placed the
National board in thu department of freaks
in base ball's musouin. With the coming of
n now National agreement there would bo no
riot if the National hoard should bo quietly
chloroformed , ijo warbles Mr. Mulfoid.
Leonard Washburn took quite n fanej' to
"Tacks'1 Curtis , the old Denver fielder sold
to Cincinnati , nnd who recentlj' nlaycd with
the Reds nt Chicago. Ho said this of him :
"Mr. Cmtis is a medium sized man with a
comic-upern moustache and n mouth so full
of teeth that it looks llko the keyboard of n
piano. Handicapped ns ho Is in this wav.
the gifUio has of belting ttio bail is simply
marvelous. The game was tame enough , but
Mr. Curtis loomed up in it llko a charivari in
n countrj' grnvoymd. "
One week ago ( befoio ho hnd pitched n
ball ) D.ul Clarke \\as a hero up In Columbus ,
and there was some talk of moving out ono of
the ox-governors' portraits nnd nlncmg his
mug in oil in the state house irallerj' . Now
tney have an idea that "Dad" is n charter
member of the Omaha wheel club. Ho is
blamed for losiui : yesterday's gnmo to St.
Louis. Ken Mulford. If Campbell wants
to get snowed under eood nnd deep this fall
lei him ling Dad's mug in the race. It no
look- , though , don't It , as If Clarke was a
u-allj' has been ?
Ono day an umpire is a gentleman and a
scholar and the next ho is a son of u horse-
thief. Colonel Lou Knight was pursued by a
Denver mob \\oek a o and und the players
not formed a hollow square and piotoctod
him with their bats ho would nave boon a lit
subject lor a nice obltunrjnctico in the Ari
zona Kicker. It is claimed that Mr. Knight's
decisions were rotten and that ho roobed
Denver aim gave Kansas City a gumo. Cap
tain Tehran's boys were victims of a similar
job at Kansas Cltjr nt his hands , so they
claim , and memoiies of that probably led to
action on tnc Held.
The Washington management Ins shown a
vorj' peculiar form of judgment in the
changes they huvo made in the outlleld since
Grilln ! was signed. Slatterj * , who was
doing very well in center. Ins boon put In
loft , where ho is doing badlj * . Murphv had
been plaving the Held sutlsfactoiilv , and
probably better than Slattcry over wil1 , but
ho has boon put iu chargeof right Ilcld.whllo
Grifllii , who can piny cither position , has
taken Slattcr\'s place in center. The result
is that the nuttlphl instead of being
strengthened by tlio addition of Grinin , is
really \\eukor man boforo. says Bob Lamer.
"Whisperings ol' the AVIiocl.
Pcarco and Head arc great pace-makers.
Tno Tomists spend the day nt Cicsont
City , la. Start at 8 a.m. sharp.
Dr. Jones , Captain Townscnd nnd Dick
Belt nro ut present authority on the merits of
"Tuxedo. "
It is "Huron nnd Mrs. Eponettor" nt the
club house now when tuo of the Omaha
Wheel club's prominent members eulcr ,
Maltby , the croit trick rider , Is teaching
tbo voung Idea iiow to wheel in Chautuuqua ,
N. Y. Ho has sixty pupils at present.
Prof. Smith's seminary must bo close for
the summer vaeutiou , us the "nrotessor" has
naught to say concerning the progiess of his
"Dad" Mlttauor Is now nn nctlvo member
of the T. W. "Dad" swings 'round the elr-
elo ns of yore good natuicu , populnr nnd en
Fred C. Mathews fctill rides n good old
ordinary , and , stmupu to relate , that pesky
ordinary will speed'irway ' in the direction of
thu north polo.
The "Big Two" riding club is the latest
acquisition to the loi-nl wheeling fraternity.
It Is composed of live of Omaha's best and
lastcst riders.
The T. W. abandoned their Tuesday night
run to Courtlandt btforh on account of had
roads ) , substituting'Fort ) ' Omaha ana Syndi
cate park Instead.
Mho TourHt whcUlincn offer n gold modal to
thu member who suuceudj In piling up thu
best record of club runs for the season of
Ib'Jl ' , commencing August 1.
Those of the wheelmen who want dupli
cates of the York meet photos will kindly
leave tholr names with A. II. Porilgo so that
some estimate can bu mndo of the number
wanted horo.
Lieutenant Jack Couradt of the Omaha
wheel club Is home again fiom his trip
through Iowa , which ho accomplished by
\\hcol. Ilti Is much tuuncu by thu Hawkeye
winds nnd sun.
Humor says thnt Harry Nott nnd W. J.
Homer are to have u tuo-mllo bicycle race
soon to decide u bllilaid score. Bolting Is
about even. The schools will llkolj * close on
the day of th't raco.
A ludlcs' cycling club has been In organ-
bed In Denver i\lth a membership of
eighteen. It will he known us the Victoria
Cycling club. Thus Denver piccedos Omaha
in the race of progress.
The new catch song with bass drum ac
companiment cchoi K from garret to cellar at
the club house since thu last smoker. "Annie
Hooocy , " "McMannus ' and his clothes will
all have to tnko a buck scat now.
Chief Consul Porrigo U back at his place
ot buglucs * agalu wearing his customary
smile nnd a brand now solf-ndjtutliig thl <
summer's style yachting cap , which hu says
was vonr populnr t the Detroit meet ,
The Young Men's Chrlstlnn Asscatloi !
wheel club pedaled over to Council HiUffi
Monday night , and under the direction o
Captain Grunt and Lluitonant Wahlron re
turned with but few accidents borne tuolvi
or fourteen wheelmen were In lino.
Dr. Connors , ono of the Omaha Wheelmen
club's ' old stnndbys , has nbout given up tin
wheel ns a mode of conveyance , nnd puts It :
his leisure moments pasting a tennis ball
over the not nnd exclaiming : "Ono love , "
etc. "Doe" Is rapidly becoming an expert.
An OskoihVU. . . 1onlus Is the Inventor o
n canopy top which Is to bo llttcd to the ban
die bar of n safety to protect the rider fron
the sun's rays. An Englishman has Inven
ted a water-proof cloak which covers the
rldor from head to foot and protects liln :
from the wet weather. Now for some one tc
conceive n dust protector and spring It upon
n longfturfoilng rldlug public.
The "Tuxedo" theater paity nt the Clraud.
given under the auspices of ihoOinnlm Wheel
club , last Saturday night , was a great suc
cess. Komo Illty scats were taken bv thu club
nud their friends , and but for the blunders of
the ushers the occasion would have been de
void of the little unpleasantness which oc
curred later. As It was , only two or three of
the bo.vs secured their rightful scats , yet
every ono had a good view of the play and
enjoyed It Immensely. The Impromptu lunch
after the theater was ntillo a feature.
Edward Lytlc , moio ponulnrlj * known as
"Cyko" among the wheelmen , woais the
straps of n lieutenant now nnd assists the
captain of the T. W. on club runs "Cyko"
is a good , every -ln-the-w 'ek , nctlvo
whi'olman , nnd tno Tourists may congratu
late themselves upon having secured so pop
ular nn onicor. The staff of road ottlcors of
this hustling young organisation is now com
plete and consists nf the follow Ing ptominent
cyclists : II. K Smith , captain ; Walter J.
Morris nnd E. L. Lvtle , lieutenants ; R It.
Siofkcu nnd J. II. Knstmati , buglers ; S. J.
Humel , color beater.
Slowly but surely the blcyclo record np-
proachcs the tiottlng record. Each week erse
so some speedy man cuts off a slli-o of time
from the ono to tifty mlle records. The latest
perceptible cut was mnOo uv Osmond , the
English "crack , " who verv- recently lowered
the mile safety record to 2:1(1. : ( Ho Is endeav
oring to smash this record nil to pieces , and
will undoubtedly do so. Murphv holds the
American one- mile safety record , which is
2:2(11-3 : ( , made at Hartford. Hoylnnd Smith
holds the American two milo" record for
pneumatic tired safeties , which is 5:2t : : y-fi.
The English pay particular attention to their
tracks nnd build them for speedy riding ;
Americans stick to the Hat horse tracks , and
cnnscquentlj' are a few seconds slower.
When the American track Is built after the
English model American "cracks" will se
cure their share of the worlu's iccords ; not
Among llio Amateurs.
Willie Jnyiio is cnptnln of the Sittton Nob. ,
Infnnts , nnd wants to meet nny team in the
state that thinks thov can lick thorn.
The Soulh Omaha Alhlolio Juniors , tinder
the guidance of Captain W. Slater , aio put
ting up n nice clean game of ball.
Q A. good amateur pitcher can get n pnj-ing
job bj- calling at ! HH north sixtoontti s rjct.
Ho Is wanted to piny on a local team.
The Falconer Juniors of tills city nro icidy
nnd uirxious to meet any team of their heft
that can bo raked together in this neck
of woods.
A ball player can secure n Job at fair
wages nnd ba allowed to piny in all the games
played bj' the local team , bj- applying to
Uluirles C. Kemning , Dennison , Iowa.
Charles 11. Diy , cnptalii of Iho Omaha
Kids. 2710 Bristol street , would like to hear
from any or all teams In the eitj- under six
teen jcais of ago.
If the South Om-xha Athletics will pot
their scores into the Bn : olllco on the days
games nro plaj-cd , thov will receive prompt
attention. Scores n dny or U\o Inta mo not
The Blair team wont down to Fremont last
Wednesday and pot it in thu neck. Tlioj *
were accompanied by n score of cranks with
their Inside Doelcots bulging with the "lonir
green , " but they saved the bulk of their stuff ,
us the Fremont sports hadn't the sand to
take "cm up , so \ \ rites a Blair man. lie also
states that the umpiie , Pitcher Williams , of
the Crane team , gave the Washington countj1
pets n tough deal , and thnt they are layin'
for him.
The Nonpareil and Plnttsmouth teams play
the last of their series for the purse of $100
nnd gate receipts , nt the Nonpnioil pnrk Fif
teenth nnd Vinton todnjA good game bo can
looked for , ns the Plaits have defeated every
team th j- have met this season. Following
nro the positions :
PlnUhinoulu Nonpariel
Croighton c Lacj'
Ynpp n lelen
Dunn f Fl.vnu
Maysin s McAullilY
Pnterson ss Sbanahan
Miller t J. Mnhonoy
Shulf m Biadford
L'atcrsou 1 F. MahonOy
Vapor r Morieatj'
All of the cnergj' of the young idea iu Chicago
cage is nt pi cscnt directed to ward the ba o
l > nll Hold. Nenrlj' every vmwit space within
the city limits is utilised by the future
Alison's nnd Kclloy's nud their colleagues.
All the lending dnlllcs have found It nccca-
snrjto appoint editors whoso solo dutv It is
to make their journals ns jar ns possible the
organ of the amateurs and thus boom its cir
culation nmong these juvcvilo patious. Sun
day is the grentdnj' for the matches between
rival teams and thu sporting columns abound
with dolls llko this :
"Booker's would llko to hear from nnjr
uniformed club averaging sixteen years. "
"SuvcrTips claim a gumo fiom the Boo/.ers
' . "
'or non-appearance.
"Crystal Waves would llko to hoar from
nil clubs nvoriging sixteen years , the Hlirli-
lyer Juniors , the Ainoiicnn Fags or the
Reliable Juniors preferred. "
Miscellaneous 1/otial Spoi-tn.
Upland plover have made their appearance ,
n wcok or two iu ndvnnco of their usual fall
visit.MngL'ioll of the Millard billiard parlors , is
talking ol a three days' tournament for this
full.John A. McShano Is the owner of thu larg
est and ouo of the lincbi St. Bei nurd dogs in
the stnte.
Antclopo are reported In unusual numbers
ihts summer among the sand hills of Box
Bu ttu and Sheridan counties.
Harvey McGiow says the squirrels are so
thick in the timber around Uiver bioux that
the farmers nro catching them wiUi dip nuts.
Jack Davis is preparing Jack Wilkes for
its battle wiih Gllmore on the night of the
intb , and Is of thu opinion tluu he has a win
ner.Wood duck are said to have bred in unus
ual numbers in the sloughs nbout Horseshoe
nko this season. The season Is up Septem
ber 1.
Danny Daly nt his su bin bin saloon near
Bensonhas * received by express from a friend
in Denver , a couple of half grown cinnamon
lioar cubs.
A match game of balk line billiards for n
: iandsomo stake Is on the tupls butwocn Lluu-
; ennut Arrowsmlth and Frank Kuulstou , to
DO played at the Phoenix rooms.
I'atsej' Kirby and J. J. Bums will meet
Mlko Ancliows and U. Kilgailon in u match
series of handball games at Uuflco's coiut ,
South Omaha at it o'clock this afternoon.
Harry McCormlck , who Is spoudlni ; thu hot
spell nt Patrick's ranch In the Big Horn hu-
sin , killed the biggest bull oik scon In the
mountains this year , one week ago Thursday.
The Farnam nnd Twc'iity-fouith street
tennis courts are the scenes of Interesting
contests every pleasant evening. Some of
the ladles who inactive note utmost ilallv
ire developing Into stiung players , while
among the gentlemen there are a number of
ical cxpoitti.
Now that Dlxon won his IK-ht with Willis ,
.ho Austinllau , according to nrrangoinonts
mndo witn his manager , Tom O'ltounte ,
while here several weeks ago , Danny Duly
will bo his next opponent , that la if some club
will offer a suitable purso.
J. C. Mortlsou and son Mac , and II. B.
Kciiiit'dy put In several days the pistweok
with the line nnd ted among the lakes of
Cherry countj' . Mao Morrison m.ido the
biggest catch of the trip , a nmskaio.igo
wolgulntr twenty-three pounds.
Jlmmv Lindsay will challenge the winner
of tho' Wllkcs-Cillmer contest. Lindsay
wants It und'-Mtood tint tillmoro never
knock id him out , nml never will see the day
no Is able to , Jimmy also hints that thuro
was u "dark sldo" to his luile affair with
the Canadian. Let's have It , mo boy , If there
Is any news In It ,
QitCbtloiiH anil AIIHWCIH.
OMAHA , July Jl l'o tlio Smirtinu Kditor of
but w111 youplciuu pub-
TUB llui > Todvuldu u
Jumpty )
the wall.
_ _ on .
All ffye soaps h&ve a great fall
Tell jour drocrr < ? . / ;
jou iiuif lm\e
has cornetosky
N. I * . Corner 1 lh ( 2.1 , X Street ,
nnd rariiiiiii. ( her Saxc's.
Dlt. 3E1. L. BHiO WUE , Ofnco Eattblia-ocl Twnlvo YoaraT
i"1'0 ' . ' * ' ' n'Tnt icr-olved from Ohtcauo n iiow pain nlilrnilnr
OPERATING ) DEPARTMENT , TunV.'ifA'b'rV ' 111 um * ca" "ow " " tootl1 WITI"U1 | ?
Pil ing Miterial" . YOUR TEETH. frown a ul Bridge Work.
( oil. hllti-r , Hone , Annl- Arc your licit frlcmK 'ihon Wo iniiki ! n | ioclalty of
KTIII IVni 'lit , Alloy , ut low- why l.cnt thuin Imdl ) byiicn- Cold mill I'orcoliiln Crunnn
ust rntui. Ham nml IIiillcu Work.
WiMinxolttPlr onlnrcoil this ilcpirtmpnt. BEAD CAREFULLY.
nnotliur room , anil li iv. < put In n nau-r motor nail Wo Imvo rrrrnily pccurvil from lr ( Jnlllfon ol
cnn now irnikt- ct of U'i'tli In nun h leix tiino ItiMtnn , tlu > sol i : i lull t to tun lilt ruinous local nnoi-
uo'tlll iniikoii full set on licit rubber nml tliutlc for I'AINI.KSS IJM'U.UTION OK TIIIU'II.
too ntlt for flOl. Till * Miii4tlii'llc In ii | > | > lli ! I Ui tlio KIIIIIX ; I" i11 Hi'rent
\ \ uiilno m.iko tln < Morrli tliln f'nstlc ' pint > , thin at from coo ilno nnd ran tart llio operation entirely
card Lo.iril anil pli'.tiaiitcat to vu . unlnlens anil tlio ] i itlent reiniilm conscious
Ki.ME.MIliU LOCATIONS-OMAHA. llth and Kain im ; KOI'TII.OMAllA , WIJ N Street.
Open evi'iilncs until S .iu ; bunilms 10 toll. _ .
THE ORIGINAL AtlD GCNUII1E The only SnfV. Surr , mil r lfilIcI'lll for iMe.
I.iulli'11. a k IlruRcUt for CAicArifrf' A'mthA > i n < } h J llrainl In IttMl nil I ( Sol t mrullta
IKKH priili-d with blue rll bin TcLo nil olhcr Ulinl. Jttfute kulititutivn * uu ( ItititaH
All lll Inpiwebotrri taie * ( Ink wr | mirinriMliitir * nitin vuunlprfi II * . At ImiKffliu.or ttrti nff
< 3c. | In itftinH | fir t Hrtlculnn * tiPllniouUU. nn 1 "ICdli T lor l.fullvn. * * fn teltrr ! > ] ritu Mall.
KMHIO Itftlmnmil * A tm ? Miprr. CHICMEQTCH CHEMICAL Co , Mi.u..m Sgunrc ,
bold by all Lutul llrufficlnti. I'll I ) , AI ILM'lll.V. 1'A.
llsli In Pt'NiiAY1' . lint an answer to the follow
Iti : Did Miluuu vuu w n mnro uiiinos fion
OiiiEih i before the biliit-np. or Onialiii fron
Milwaukee'1'lo.iso stuto thu number wo :
and lost by o.ioli. subscriber
Aii3 Milwaukee won six and Omnha four ,
VAi.iAHMeo. Nub. , .Inly .11. To tlio Spot tin ;
Hdltorof 'I'm : Ilioi : : Should ain't nmdo on tin
position in hc.'li ! Omaha would llnlshbodu
elated oil slnt'otho old o'ub Ins illsb.uiilod
Cho ! usyimi opinion in fcuudiiy's Usnu. \ \ u-
lioo and Voile
Ans. They should.
Al MnrUs. West Point. Nob. : As stilted It
last STNIIA 'S ! : - : you count out In thoolc
Kanie of cnsiiio-lliat Is the pluvoi niaUlim tlic
noeessniy nitur 1 points llrst Is out. If It VMS
not itniliTstooU that you count out. the Kami !
Is deelded by the premier doluHtlitit Is cards
and sp.idos. bin and little casino an 1 ; icus. In
which ovi'nt Jc o wen However , loiivo the
question ouon no til next week nnd I will IIIIM
u full and iiiillioiltatlvodl-eusslon fet you
The problem Is i knotty ono , and itqtilips tin
fullest liuestimation. IMsi-ount eas no , whleli
is by fm tlio | iri'forabojiuue. ! ( Is played us fol
lows : riftci-ii the Ramo. If ono party nmke <
Hand the other V , subtract B from n whleli
li'ii\cs 7 , and so on until ciiio 01 the other has
made the not ussaiy l" > points.
OMAHA , July SiI'o the s-poitlnu Hdltoi o
' ttato in SUSIJAI s HEU
Tin : lint. : 1'lunso
\vheiliursntcliile played with thu tics Mulnes
team In Ksi. U. C O.
Ans. Yes.
Chare ) < W AshitiRor. ! tU3 Motor avenue ,
Minneapolis , Minn , yo-ir mail loft at this of-
lice forwarded Saturday , August 1 ,
ruiiMONT , July ai. I'o the Kportlns Editor
of Tins llii : : A m iKcs u Lot with n th it AH ,
K. Mill make a inn In the follov/liu diivs
Ciitnu , but n hen the Riimo Is culled Mi. K ,
having been dlsuliarued ftoiu
does not play ,
the elnb slnco tlio lot was in idu Doe-i H. win
t'u ' UMIV or Is it a draw ? Ulilyou Oloaso
decide In your Sunday L. J. O.
Ans. It is u draw.
T. A. Kav.waugh , Panama , Iowa Cannot
glvo you Cody's ' exact height or weight.
OMAHA. Noli. To tho.Sporttne Kditor of Tun
HKI : : 1'ie iso state In SUNDAY'S iit : how At
elier , the jockey , oiiino to his death , r. J. 1M-
Ans. Suicide.
J. IX McBride , Nehawka , Neb.Tun Biu :
hasn't sp ice to uovoto to a ball player's con-
tiacl. Write to J. S. McCormlci : , of this
city , and ho will send you n blank form.
OMUIA , Nob. , July S' ' ) . To the Snorting 1' < H-
tornf TUB Itlii : : I'leliho tinstti-r the following
questions In iioxtHuuday'h IHSUO of Tim lln :
1. A ami II and O and 1) ) are pliiyur ' hlsh live ,
they bclns puitneis ruipcotlxuly ; A dea'sanil
KUtssmcnUiitiip .tliodo'iuobalnx ' < m'oof llio .
hu discards It ; hi * opponent. C. holds the tin 10
spot.Vhofiotniow - . ' 1 ho ttbinostill lioliiK
pariiicrs , A Is Ueultni : and imil.cs thu trump ;
Ills partner. It , does not ili.iw uny cards on
llio second dlslilhiitlon , hi" object Is thnt his
irtnoi will hino s-o many mom to plol. ; fiom :
when the hand Is p ayulu > llnd that U held
only two truiiip- . . Dun B do thisJolt. .
Aiis , ( .1) ) The man that holds the troy
counts low of coiuv.0. Your question was an
swered last Suurtnv , when you had A' * , part
ner holding the truy , Instead of his opponent.
(2) ( ) As has , been state.l times Innnmor.iblo ,
' , ' high
thoio nro no authorufd ruli's irovcrnini
live , and points such as the one embodied In
yuur .second query , rmiht bu ngiecd upon bo-
foio stalling o play. At some tables u man Is
compelled to draw to his hand whichfunda
mentally speaking , Is corivct at others ho Is
allowed'to hold bli hand Intact , In order that
his partner , ns you MI.V , will Imvo moio cards
to iol ) from. Helming the deck , however , is
u poor gntno nt best.
OMAHA. Nob. . July'.0 To llio Hportliis Hdl-
torof Tun lUit : I'luiiso niiHwur tin following
In your Mimed question uml iin-
hworcolumn : Did Kioi-k and \\hllelieiid of
the nun Omaha tonin ovi'r pitclu If fo.Mhoro ?
Is Hulihy Totd , .Icjbu James1 slnyei , duaiu J *
Leopold , .
Ans.I ) Ktocic Is nn old pitcher nml JI.-M
clutn. Whitehead -
pitched In a score ot different
few m California in
head pitched a jriimos
Ibb7. (2) ( ) Kurd ttlll lives ,
. 27. To ihn Kdlu.r or
OMAHA , Ni > b..luly
Will vou II'OIIMI buttle a wnKor.
ll thit Kuiisas oontiiliiK are
. . .
dooh ? .
. mllOH than <
nuiMliorof sqii.iio
ro tui
VuiihUu. Who wins. IIS.OUTH ii'itli'ir ' tlosdlf-
furastodliiioiiHloiisunil atoiJ. . c. . n.
Ans. Mr. I' , wins Kansas has S..ObO and
Nebraska " .filo hquaro inlloi
LoCuo'3 Pjnodioal Pills.
Thli Iriiii'liicrai'ily uoi dlrccllr upoit tliuKonuri-
' ' . ibu iiifinui
Iliouwuiii * "ml mri'i tuipri'si'.iim of
tlireo for f ' . nn I c > ' " It" > dlO'l rthiniM not hj
. iliirhiK uroiiinn / lob IUM. ilriii il4tt mi I llio
public iipplli l by duoilimm Dnu to. . Out liln.
. isii'i't and I.ettnn'i'lioflt
curoii In sduvs by the 1 lunch Uumudy n-
tltlod the KINK. Hdib uvu-i | nKiilnft mill N
utjsorlii'il Into tint inlUmoJ parts. Will rotund
money if It < | OI > H nut 011111 r causei strictiiru.
liuntlumvn. huro ut u rcllabln art 010 , 1.1 a
pucka''u or 'i. for t" ' per mail yrtpaiil. 11 o-
Curwlck i. Luad ,
txcon V ara" l xpcrlt nca In the Treatment o
liinirrhion. ! | ( ilot. ) Strict in ) Syphllli I/oit Mun-
linoilnn lull Dliorit'J" of the SutunlOrrfini Skin
Ulsonsui iiriil I'Vmulo 1)1 HI 1101 liull'i tin ii 2 Ki I
only , Dr. McdtMW'ii Diiecofi In Ilia trofttiiiont of
rrliuto Disc isot hns novur boon cqiuilloj. Ilo ik
und clrojhin nilu. : Truitmunt by corrjjpondui 03.
Oltioo , 14t.i aul Fa-nam StJ. , Omaha , Neb
Untrunco on ultliur struct , - - . ,
For troublintr pilnn : In small of bncl
o Ino-o'H Tree of Life.
For C itnrrli Uho Mooro's Tree of JJfp. .
For Constipiitlon IHO Tree of Life.
The ureut llfo lomecl The Tree ol
Moore's Tree of Mfo n poiltlra rare tor KMnor
nml l.lrur luuitiltttt iml .ill u on lillnino , Dooilt '
pitlamiirur wliin roil oin uruIUr uiliu.Muuru'i
' 1'ruuof Ufa. tuulirutt l.lfJ HnmuW. '
Vfliaa I Kty euro I ilunutm inurolr toelup them
foratitno nml tliun have th in ritum ntaln. linuuna.
rvllcul UIIB. Iliavumulothn Ulnouu tit I'llB , IH'I-
LIU'SY cr I''Q KHKNiS.Sillfo-lonietuil/ ! :
M arrant my rfinndy to euro thu norat eaten , llncaun *
othenliavefiilUil li no ruasuri for not nownicolrliiic&
ctiru , H * nJ at fnci ( fur a tn Atltw anil a I'rco llnttluot
my Infallihlo n niuily ( llvo IhpruuH nnd ! Vf4 Ollicii.
II. ( i. HOOT. .11. C . I Hit I'nirl HI. . N. V.
A POSITIVc. andporminent CURE for alf
rJlsoaTeiollhsURiNAHY ORGANS. Cur
libers QlhortroatmonHalu.rulTdiroclioniwwiyacli
hoi lie. Prlco , one dollar. See tlgtalurool E. lc
SfAliL FOI Bolo O'J All
D UIIUAM , on M v < iui > IIKAI IIMKK.
-iiH % ifnn rimpltM , Irrck *
SI Hi I iu > lir * lUnhanJHkm
uiitl n\vty hhinUh uu
Ixuutjr , nua iltfli
idilkdluu. It h
tuoil tha tel ot < a
ini > , ami In no
iniliMui untell
bo uiij Itli tuup-
' nmile , Aiinl
imiiUrfilt ot
-or - ii llr.U
ir xilil lu
( DlullAUMOA n
1 - ' * ? > tu\
UMltlltll , v
Mill *
UUl'Kl.SS , i't uii'r , J Ui ( J LUI SU ,