14 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : STKDAX AUGUST 2. 1891-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PB01HL NOTICES. HOH THESK COt.I'MSS AnVKKTlBKMKNTS 11,30 p m for Hie rvc-nlnit nd until 8 COpm. for the morning or Sunday ( 'ill All rtrrrtlH'mfrtd In thpfo colnmni 2 cents n word flr t Insertion anil IK cent * ft t r < t thereafter , or'i ft line per month. No rtTorllKemenl taken forrr \ than 2S cents for tlio nr t Innertlon Tcrnn ca h In ml tancp. Initial * nonrmnymliol * . ctt'ciiclicoiintn it word. All mlvrrtlM-mi-nli munt run confccn tlrr-ly , Arttertloerii , hr rcqupMlntf numbered check , can have their an weni nddrcMPd to n "niim Icred letter In core of Tin : llrr An weri < on ml drcmed nlllbodcllvorcdonl ) on presentation of the check S-AWKIlTIHISn IOKTHKSK columnn wilt ho Inken on Hie above condition * t the following lmimi' | hon e , who arc author Urrt to lake special nntlce at the tame rates ns can tr had at the main office ! Ponlh OmiiJm llranch OfficeNo 2(33 ( N trect. Mi John W licit , I'hnrmnflM. Illli and Mnnon utreotn H II Varniiworth. 1'harmnclM smrnmlnK street W J HuRlim Phnrinnclft. ISIN llth street I1 i : Sntlcrllcld , Pharmacist , 1718 Lctirenworlb ilrrit. Himhr-iT Phnrmncy , Stth and Knrnnm .SITUATIONS AVAXTI-JI ) Ftfiwtrr , ( If. , tee tint nf trtl minimi nnltiit rnpr , AVANTKI rr > 0'-lT10N AS ( ! OVKKNNI > S ( lit ( Yeciinpanlnn , experienced In nil kinds of needle ' . . . _ ! ill 9 * * * nork Address V t& lice A AMKIIICAN WIDOW , 30 VKAH OU ) . NO IS Jiciimlirnnd1 llri-t dnss bnnix keeicr , wnnls n po sltlnu lift stub In hotel , whlimers or biicbelnrs hfime Is rfllncil nml iiropnsspsslinr ( nil < irnhlrn i Mrs Wlnthrop , IU17 H lltb street , llrst Hour , Oianlii " itim : 'iKitii : > \MKU.KSAU : r ntnll , nccnrntc , rnpld Aililress V 2 , HecM8I9 M8I9 3 T IN KASTKIIS I.ADV OF HisKMKST finishes n | io lllcin ns housekeeper wheresorvnnt l kept llelerences Klvcn and re'iulrecl Aililreis i ; { # Hi'Q 7832' _ _ A WANTCI ) . IIV A MIDDI.i : Airi ) Nt'lfM ! Vlihe enre of nn Infnnt or Invnlhl or cnroofilill dien woulil trntil for expiiikes AililruM II i > 2 111 f ( illloe 782 2" " \ A mi.Vli.KMAS WASTIMI Milt A PIIIIMA JVtHMit posltlnn must IIP prepnred to I euln nnrk nt ( line experlenre unni lessary. but fnriner siilei mini pri ferreil snlnrr fl' > weekly Apply lui'Mlnjr after 10 W T Mnrtluill , 12 Crelchton block 8IUJ' -\\ANTIM ) sniJA'IIOS" I OK ( iOOII ( Mltl.S , my nnltliiK ronint nro nlwnvs full from Iln in to Hp m fnimillnn Kmplujriiicnl olllcc , .1114 8 Titli 'leh'phonoSSI _ M A \MIIOW I.ADVSITII HVII YIIAIl K\ pcrleiue us iinitriin In puMIc Instltiilliins wnnt to iniike n rluince nml secure n posllloa In the west AdilnsKt lit , Bee olllce 'M "X \ \ A vTiTi7. sTTiTA'Fios" v I.A n v * nNOi : -/iriiplur , Kooil references Adilru Ml < ) _ llee -MIDDI.K Alil'll MAN. M'l'AK1 * KHIISni. ( iennnn mill KiiKllsh I- com ) iorre piinli'iit unit snlcMimn wniil work cif any iliMrlptlun.nnil nnts II bnil Aililn ss U 6.1 , lice M0 ; > 2' WANTKI ) POSITION l.V WIIOI.iSAI.iiUO : : ! eery or commission bv expciloneeil limn dm ktep books Addn s C ! U1 \ \ . J.lfu bldg. M-OS ( . AVAXTHD a J II KM' . For xiffc , ffc. . fee tuii ( if Jttl fdliinin nn thin \ m' T ) WANTIU ) , TUAVKI.IVO HAI.H MAN. TAN J'innkd l.'jOOU per week perinnnently , trnilc spe- clnlllet , ( icrmnn und iiiKll"h : 'Inbor , 177 Mniireu street ( lilcnun "iit-2 * i > WA.viTi7. : AS AI oniiMAS IIAKC.K coon I'lhtni ! fortliorlKlit mnn. Wrllo P. A C Stuvens A Co West ldo In 'VI 2 p WANTKI ) . KIIIST CIA S IIAUIII'lt NO 1'other need apply , l < 0 per cent , Kiiarantee flu Mont Mnnn , Fnlrbury Neb 7'.i-'i | * "I > WANTKI ) A COOI ) MAN IN KVKUY COf.STV I ln Nehrnskii and ailjolnhik ; states to represent a lending ; mniinfactnrliiK company Addnsi * for pnrth iilnrH , salary , etc , N C s. Co , llox 7-7 Cln cllinull O 7S7J- BVV ANTlHT INDI'SI'lllOt S IIOV ' ! ( ) TAKi : carenfborxennil bnviry MMI to mnke himself useful In nnd nbout the linux' Call N'nttvncvr Drill- More , l.lth anil .laiknon street * ! > ' ! 2 B -WANTKI ) A KlIWWIDi : AWAKC SAI.I'S men to hamlledur KIMHH | ui the retail urocor > trade In the country , h" > pt r lent uimmlMplun mav be handled as n Bide line Km b s ihi pays $ .1 IX ) Ad dri'HH ypenier , 1 II W Lake street , fhUajii " 1 2 * 1) ACIIN'ty WANTHI ) , J'i7 00 SAI.A11Y AND K\ I > pi'iiK's paid to bright , active , nlde nwakooiun. . ' men tenchem and students preferred Kmploy ment pleasant , retliilnu ami permanent No book peddling Our new plan takes Ilku wild lire Ad- dresH Nntlonnl Library association , 213 Wabiish avenue. Chkiiifo , III 771 2 * BWANTI ! ! ) , A MAN OP COOD CMAUACmiU must bo ni live. Industrious and nllllnu ; perma rent ami K ( > od pay for HiilUiMu man. iW Dee bulhl inc. W A Wclker 781 2- _ B WANTril ) AOI5NTS TO SUM , TIIK HKST manifold KOiidn made Cold to all business men Iho Kroate't snap on earth for agents. Commltslon & > U per week nnd snntpleH free Write at once. Ht. Joe.MannfadnrhiK Co , South Ilcnd , Ind 7SO-2 * i ) HAMSMAN : KNBiKiKTic AND INTKM.I- J * Kint mini to sell school suppile > . ( IM per > car. cxponsei and eomriHAlonH worth fVIO to $ I,2UU mi re Km lose written lestlmonlnls of yourself Address School Supply Manufacturers , ! ) J4 Dearborn street. Chicago , 111. 761 2 * T ) WANTIID. A KIIW OOOII SOMCI1OHS Jljiirno commission paid nt once Only nell rec ommcnded men need apply Aclilrcus USS. Dee ollleo M70U 0 _ T > - WKOKKKH AtSKSTS UK ! MONKV IN KACLU I'slvo territory Our new patent safes sell at eight In rlt ) or country. New agents llrst In Held lutually getting rich. Ono ngent In one. dny cleared f-NI , So can von Catalogue free Alplno Safe com pany , , UKl 71 Clark street , Cincinnati. O WANTI3II IIY ONI ! OK BiST : YOUSO DIIUC ; ghttsln Omnlm.n partner or backing to liny n pa ) Ing stock W til , llee. M7SO 8 -WANTKI ) , SKVnilAI.ROOniOII PHIN'llIHH : steady eniployment and union wages. Apply of flee of tlio Omnha llepubllcan Printing Company a i > -WASTKI A COIIIllISPONDIINT AT KACII I'postolllcu to furnish nx names to whom we can mall ( Irculars No canvassing nor collecting , lib era ! pit ) full particulars , 10 cunts Union Novell ) Co , liox ; J.I. > , Omaha , Neb 7M-.I' BWANTI : ! ) I\PIUIINCKD : : DIIV COODS snletiiiaii , nuiHt speak Kngllsh anil ( ierman Ian Kiniges fluently , also experienced sale iiian Apply with reference to T I * Ilnvlea \ Co , dry goods. York , Neb ; M7' 1 > - W A N T K DHKNiilAIAND8 : PI.CIAI. ACJIINTf. I'lo represent the Hdellty Mutual I.lfn Insurance compaii ) of I'hlladelphla Pa In Nebra < ka ami Co n lull Illulls. extra liberal Inducement to rtuht parties Call on 01 address state manager. 6.17 Pax ton bluck , Omaha , Neb > j ( > 2 1 > WANTT.I ) . 8AI.I > MKV"ON SAI.AItOH COM . ' mission to handle tint new patent chemical Ink erasing peiull , thi grfatest selling novelty evnr proiluieit , erases Ink thorough ! ) In tno seiomla no nbraslon of paper ; 2U ) to Ml per lent prollt. one nkcnt's sales amounted to Ju.t ) Inslxdajs another tU In two hours Wo want one general agent In eiith state ami terrltorj 1'or term * and full par titulars aililresi ) the Monroe llraser Mfg Co , I.n Crosse , WIs tM , I > -WANTID : , SAMNMKS IN IVIUY : : cot NTV 1 I75X ( ) per month and expenses Outllt samples , etc free ( , oods sold by samples Stead ) position to proper party No mperlenio necessary Mill particulars upon application sVnd stamps \\orcester ferrule and maniifactnrliiK eompaiiy 3i Herinon street , Worcester. Mann. MTU T > -WAN"nM > HAl.Ks\tiNT : PKIlMANiNT : PAY J'lni ! positions for IntolllKimt workers Write nt onie Illlwnnirer A. Harry , Jit llopo Nurseries llciihcstei.X Y Sill n.'l * 1MKN OP OOOD AI)1)USS ) | : MKTKOIH1LI- J'tan Mf'K Co. , 1O Howard or IJ7 N lith , Lincoln olOaat' 1) WANTni ) . MKN WITH ( ! 0l ) UDKIUl I'enceii to sell and collect III central and western Nebraska Prefer those having n team Advertiser will furnish wniion ( iood compensation paid to cnorKctlo reliable men AddresH statlni ; referenccH. HKUIIIHI experience llox 7JI , llaiitlnxs , Neb UJO-.I * 1 > SAL ! : < MANTOSiLLOOIS'IO.MKKCHAN : ! f * I'b ) sample , big pity for workers , new goods : per- niaiient situation chance to build a line trade Model Mfg Co , South lleiid , Ind 7'.i ' | nu * 1 > - WAN'lTD HALK Mi.N : ' 10 HANDLK AS A I'shlo Hut our ( olllns , caskets ami nmlertakers iiuiils on eiiminlssloii State line of goods > ou handle ami territory enverod P C Illddlu \ llro Casket Co St Louis Mo Mr ; > * \VAXTKI > -'KMALH 1 or niliv. f ( f. . w ( on nf n ft column nil tliti | xu ; > io TAKI : pAiif I"N 'operii , lOto lJe.am old Apply Monday at I .10 .MslU 2 - - LADIKHIIO WILL DO WHIT J\ng \ for me at theli own home , will uunrniiU'o coed vniKi'n. Address with self nddresned , stamped envelope. Miss KdnaU Smyth , Houtli lie-lid Ind proprietor of the famovia ( llorla Wuter for the Com plexlon 771 j * n WA.STKD , CIKI , KOIl ( iKNKKAL llOl'SlT vAvork SUItl st Mar ) ' * avenue MUU I * p WAN'ir.D. A YOl'Nd LADY M'KSOtWAl V'pher Call nt Pullman house , ll > 10 DodKe be tvveenVand 10 o'clock Monday. 811. T WANTKI ) . A COMPP.TKNT IIOltSKKKKPKH v Address , \\llh references , p o llox'71 7 7J HINT ; UOUIS. : lot I ( l ( < . ttt , ictoi > nf ttft column nntliln f > < tic , 1KOH HINT : -Kieginit bruuiuusu" . . Trrr ai oo i-'N'liii Illtlu cottaiu . SOW Mo HTO room Hat . . . It Ui Three room b i voiuent . . . . , . 4 ui . Now York Life building SW 2 TV VOlt Kim1. " NT ) l8inTtriTil ( { .ST r HANK AMo\Mlllams , III Paxtonbloik 7M < J KOH HKNT SIX UOOM CrrAti ) ] : lN" T ( > oT i b.il S UIU St , Knqulro onu duor noutbM773 M773 Droil UK.NT , KLKtl ANT 8 A U KOO51 1IOUSKS. modern run < t > nli > nie , perftet order , pined Itrevli , motor , and within tlvu mliiutei walk of post. t01i.it , hatlianbliKltuu , IOU I'aruaiu itr U M4 KOIl "H KOII HI'.NT , KI.KOAST. SUW 5 IIOOM COT- I /Inue on civhlc line , 7U/Jirnce street , US. Call nt 320 N ir.tli atrcct 779 1 _ -Hll ) KKST-HIX HOOM COTTAOK. CITY water , nenr car line. Jnqulru corner S9th nml I. kf. tllenn , MS/J a * -MOIIKII.V 10 IIOOM HOtj K , NO 2 l Tlt'HT trcct Apply next iloor wcU. Mr > 5 8' IXJWKK PAKT OK HOt'HK. KIVII KOON , furnished , nnd bathroom : rrnlrnlly located for rent Lndy nnd gentleman will lake board nspart pnyment Inqiilic 1(34 ( CnM t MSI8 8 H'HNIHHKI ) HOtJSK.n KOOMH ASD IIAKS fur rent W N Nnnun , chnmlicr commerce. commerce.M8I3 good surronmllng * . llth and Dorcns streets , cheap Kllkcnney \ Co , room IU , Continental blk , BAI a _ -i-KOOM H-AT , HltlCK , IWJ LKAYUNWOHTII. MS..O 8 * _ D-H.AT Kll HI'.NT OK B HOM > < , 21) HOOI l.lnton blutk : range , newly papurvd. John llamlln , IH7 S. llth st. 7i > .l Tj-Kt KK.VTMODCKN s IIOOM /nicely piipereil city water In house barn 120 UU per month H.ltid .Uii Blrect , Wlnilsorplnci- 2 * Droir iIi.s"TTT2 : IIOOM Tiot's i : , c KvmTM "v located with all modern Improvements liuiulrc at The lljrron Heed tuinpnny's olllce , 2IJ S llth st 71.72 * _ -IK YOU WISH TO HUNT A HOl'SU OH SToiTT : no II K I olc , Continental bloik ( < < & D-I-OK KK.ST. loTlOOM IIOI'ii : CP.NTKALLY located , modern Improvements , ' 12 N I''th ' ' l-Mi -HK HI'.ST. f. IIOOM COlTAUi : , CKNTHAL , 115 UO 6 room cottage nenr nidlor 11210 I room collage nenr motor. 110 00 'I rooms iinlnnil'lii d HOW ) And the IK st resldeniu Hats In HIP cltv 120 to t" : no storm 'I he Mind Inv I Co 112 llee illilg M.7 i7oi' > . ' ' . SOUTH" D-TWO rivi-iiooM : i. . 10.1-107 J8lli ttreet , IIOOJ l-ourroom house , soalhcait corner 28th nml Dodge , IS 00 lllngwalt Druthers , Darker block M73D 2' DlOK HUNT A"LAIICH HOt'sH OK 24 rooms sltnnteil nn paved street and Is suitable for a good boarding bou e ( Ity water closets , hot water hollers etc Mumnngh A I Itchett , real es tatungcnls , \\.cor of 15th anil Howard streets M74I 2 -H-AT , 7 HOOMS. HANlii : AWNINIiH AND nil conveniences , f.U ( ieorgu Clouscr , call at store , 701 S Ibtli st MM7 DKOH KINT , IH-KCANTIWO n.ooit HOUSI : , all modern Improvcmcntx , No 410 N VJd street Apply 1 IOU Karnam 71b2 DI-OK HUNT NiW : f , DOOM IIOf--i : H 17TII ST. . 1 block north of Vlnton Inquire In brlik house 717 J' ! DIOK HUNT , IIIUCIC STOKV AND A IIAL1' house , largo yard n c cjr ISth and WcbMcr Inquire C L ( Inmson 1M4 Knrnam M7U D POKHKST SPLINDIDNIWII : : HOOM IIOU'-K , JiU liougliii street best location In the city In quire cf Clobe Loan mil 'I rust Co , ! ( , th and Dodge sts , or A H ( ilitdstone , 1110 Douglas street. ( Ml D-I-OK HKNT , 7 IIOOM HOUSi : , 81 S. 25TH ST. 1 43 5 * -tl KOOM I LAT WITH ALL MODUKN CON- venlencos , 240. ' ) Leavenworth st fiOU a 7 * -HIK KINT-HOUSIS : : NOSv \ AND iti'jif ! , N 17th street , U rooms hath gas. etc , f . " 0 UO per month Apply I' \Voodrow , Neb Nut Hank bldg _ M.f-5 _ _ _ _ TVHK HKNT , R-HOOM COTTACiU , nN 7TII I'slrict { 10 ,1-rooin ( nttnge 2.1(1 nnd I'lirnnin. t2 ! U ) llecil A Selby room U. Hoard of Trade. U41 KOU UHXT KUIlXIStll-31) JIOOJIS. rll tcp.ctc. tec tofi of list toltimti on tilts id good board reason ible S w cor 2Jtb and Hamilton 017 2' 17 Kii KINT : CIIOICK OKi inni : : PLIA : ANT l Jrooms In new hrlek lesldence , contrail ) lo cated Aildress Vo , Die W7 3 * 1 -i'JOS CAPITAL AVi : . l M82U 8 * _ 1roil HUNT. DOWN STAIHS HIONT UOOM l < ln private house , $10 per month lill , Howard street. .MS-'J .1 * - -I-UKNISIIKD HOOM AND IIOAKI ) AT LOW JJrati WISe 17th avenue- MSI7 ,1 * l-PUKNlSIIii : ) UOOM , DAY HOAKD , 210 N Ild7th ( .17 5- E-1O11 HUNT , SICKLY KUKNISIini ) KHONT rooms , all modern conveniences , at , lilin North 15th street , flat C. Mber. 4 * E-FL'KNISIIKD KOOM , 2015 I-KAVENWOKTH street. 7'JS2 % -SICKLYKUHNISlini ) HOOMS , WITH OH -LJnlthout board 811 South 20tb street M814 4 * EON E NICP.LY t UKNISIIKO KOOM SOUTH KHN exposure. 624 South Il > th St. , Hat D. bOa-2 * TIIK ST CLAIK J1UKOPKAN HOTEL , COK 1 Ith and DodKC. will make low rates lor rooms by the week or month , with or without board lre.1l 1FUKNISIIKDKOOMS tOK KKNT. SINGLP-OK JtV-n eulte , 2lb N I'Jth at. 71.4 V EU'ltNIPIII ! ! ) HOOMS IN PHIVATi : KAMILY. Pleasant location lit ! South 2Mb st \I7I0.1 * T7I-I OH IliST : , SICKLY KUKNISIini ) COOL I-Jrooins at northeast corner Kith and Howard ; lawn mound liulklliiK ; from { 7OJ to fJO00 u month ua -JOK HUNT , rUUNIMIIi : ! ) HOOMS AT 424 N. 17th st. 7J42' -KUHNISIIIIDI'KONT KOOM , MODKKN CON- venlencca ( . 'lit i . lilth street M70u 2' E-SOUTH KOOM. 11)15 ) OAPl'IOL AVKNUK.M .M 175 , ) E VKIIV PLKASANT FHONT HOOM IN PHI- vato family for gentleman , b''i S"Jtli street. Sil KOOMS AND HO.VKH I'm tatcf , etc. , tee fop nf ft si column on tlilt pay , HOOMS . . . . _ i class board at Vii X 1'ith ' 401 aI4 * -HOOM AND IIOAKI ) , lf > i KAHNAM ST. 715 3 1 KK ) HUNT , IN TIIK PLKASANTI'Sl' PAKT of Omabii. tvvo rooms , comroitably tiindshed , one * tlilrd stor > front , fronting on Twentv sixth street , the other a north loom overlooking I arnam streit board It desired. ,114 S SOth st. IA7 3 _ . . . JN sum : OH slnido 1041 l.eori-lii avenue M770 4 * IT'-KI HS-slii | ) KOOM WITH HOAKD. UKI IH ! L cncus , . ' . ' 14 Karnam * , 'l li * -rUHNlSlIlID HOOMB AND HOAKD , SOX' : IIAK L ney 7J'ii 17-N'ICK NI'.WLY 1 UKN'lSllKD HOOMS , WITH L board 1707 DodKO street U J- , ) ' \f \ NICCIA FUKNISIIii : ) HOOMS WITH IIOAKI ) , LAW N 17th street Mltfl I IJ'-HOOMS AND DAY HOARD US SOUTH 17lh 1- .M fifili ,1' ] - ' TWO KIMINISIIKII SOUTH HOOMS WITH J board , 17JI Davenport- Wj y i:1 : Kilt HUNT , HOOM WITH IIOAKI ) 1 S DOIKSK J street yj4 KOR I KXT HOOMS UNKUIl . IS Foi fata , etc. . fectojiof 'rtt rntum l milhfj ji iy rj 1-OtTll UNKUHNISIIKI ) HOOMS bTI'sOUTH xJ 17th street fuSti J Cl 1011 HUNT , SUIT OK 3 UNKUKNIslini ) x i rooms with i It ) water , Ac. Apply S K. corner Klh and Cuss streets ( , . ' 3 HOARDING. Forrnfru , etc , teetnii nfftr t column nn tlitu ji ige -PULLMAN HOUsK | 110 DOIXiK srHIIKr. Kor good board , nice rooms , modern eonven fences rates and location , It cannot bo excelled Mrs Horn , Prop MU7AI1 * Kbit Itl-.XI'-STOKI SANDOKKIOKR. rorintcH , etc. , tec ton of fn' column on f/ih / ji < i/ ( I-OKKICKH KH ) KKNT SKCOND STOKY (11,0111 ( ! I building , H w corner IMIi nml Dodge sts Ulcgnnt location just opposite now postotllee. Cheap rent nla ( ilobo Loan and Trust Company 7555 1HW HUNT. Till ! 4 SIOKY IIKICK HUILDINC , Iwlth or without power , formerly occupied by 'the llee Publishing Co | iii | t arnam st The bulhl Ing hai a tlreproof cement basement lompleto bteain-heatlng lixtnres , water on nil the tloors , gas , etc Apply at theuillru of 'lUo Dee ais 1 KOH KKNT OH SAW ! , MY HUILDIM ! ON lJone > iit.bet 10thlltb tl.A.Lllllquhit,3ll S Illli 1,70 J-I.KASK 1-OHSALK AND ItTlTllK r7)ll"UKvF7 1 best locution In the city Call at 117 North lull Ml.11 a 1-KOKKKM' , AN KLKCJANT HUILDINi. ( HVW I Hoom and basement , - . ' 'il.n , at I.1 ! ! Howard strei t llest Jobbing location In Omaha Apply to Dr S I ) Mercer or the 11) ron Heed Co M7II' ' -poTi iTnT. r. TIIK SKCOND KLOOKOK ONK OK the piliulpnl dry goods mores lu Dmaha Suit able for ilolhlng , lints , caps , iroikery carpeU or turnltuie U III rent either the entlru Moor or part of It Addresii T Jl. llee Jilsl 1 Sl'0llis : KOH HUNT IN ( iKANT"TpT'Tu | I. 1Vu.'l ' % V11" ' " " " F J bultllito , , il ( Hr t National Hank building .vj HKN'irTin7TTKlCK "iH'CU- I - Kill ) HIHMKKIA - I pled b ) Alexander \ Smith In the Continental blink corner room , In perlect order , ircehinil , 1 oeniili Co M7jrj KOU IIU.NT For iiiilf j , tie , , tee too of frit column oil tint -KOK HKST OK BALK CIIKAP. A VIVfV IlAr. v r l roller mUl. A , CMt llur , liulr , M b. uia 10 \ \ ANTi-i : > TO ur.Nr. ' > " t'inof fir * ' fi Him ii 'in iftu titfi f IIAVK UKNTKK WIIO WANTS ti-itOOV honsci nlso renter for 7 room house Frci' ' Terry , room in Knmgo block - - TO HiTNr"iiY 7T\"s JVnnly , n nice llvo or six room coltAkto In good Io. cation State rent Address P O. llox K ( VII ( HIJNTAIi AOI3NOV. fur tntm , rtc. , rre tint nf tttl rniunm nil Hit * JAipcra house. M8.ll 81 * T - 11 if COI.i : uT'NTAIi AUENCY , CONTINKN j-jtnl hlock. U.S F-IIII.S'TAI , AdKNT ( IKO J PAUL , llW I'AK- IJntiiii street houses stores , etc Special ntten > tlon to manaiiemenl of rental property New lists llrst of each month. SIMS A2S T-CIIIIAP KKNT , LAIHIKST AND CIIIIAI'KST ljst | | In the cltyi II nnd upwards 0 K Hulls 2JO N 1.1th st , 2CiAI7 ( * K'i'OUACIK. i. etc , rtc tn i nf Ti > t coin nn on ( AH twigf. M OLIMW ciiKAlrKsirANT iYi : T si oil Ami , louse In elty Williams A Cross , 1211 HartleyC72 C72 M-n.KAX , IMV ASH 1'ltlVATK sTOKAOK OK furniture , Omnhn Steve Hepnlrorks , K'07 lloliiiln * IMI \ vTTKiiT't f'orrle * . etc. . tie Inn nt Hut tultimn nn/i ( / V-WA.NTKI ) TO 1ILTUACKACi : I' i > ' 'llth or 21th Must ho clicnp ( Jnners nililiess , I'tirchnsliii : Audit. 1' O IJOXT.'I. .Mblo.l * XT WIU. I'A'S l'A-lt Kill A TWO SKATCI ) 0H -I' rlnue n tup IIIIKK ) , a pliii'tiin , sot double nml tno set MliKlo harness Club Stnblus , IUJ7 ( .np incline BIS * AT A NIIAT COITAHK IIOMII SOUTH OP Nt'.W -I 'union depot Wnnt n hnrxnln. Owners only nniwor , Auent , I' . O but 762 _ 8.1ii 2 * AT HHIMTiritK IHll'dllT , SOl.O , fe'lOHi : ! ) , 1 > Wells 1111 Kariinin street. > i7 1 _ -\T wi : DKsimi'ioi'i uriiASK mitsrorrA'm I > enc two or three sections of Inml In Nehrnxkn , not mure than l.V ) lallcs nest of Oinahii ; must he nt a huiKidii prlic Allui A. Kurtt , 717 N. V Ufu building M70U _ Ar WA.STii : ) 'IO llt'V , A ( IfOII ) IIASKIMi HfS i' Inoss llox 0 , Shuiinndonh , limn. M7.15 5 % VioitcAsit , iiK ii > rsri : i.oro.v WK P SIDK ii nenr inulor. Must bun b.iruidn Address I' f > 8 Iliu 71'J ! . _ V WAM'ni ) , Kou CASH. SIOCK or 1 > u lire anil nlo03 AUclioss , Call llox , JC.I , Illulr , .N e b , UN 2 * _ " \T-WA.vni : > 10 iiuv HIOM i , 10 in ACIIIIH , 1 ' nctisslblo by motor curs Aililrues , KlvliiK tlo icrlption mill terms , O W Loomls lilC 4 * KOU SAMO rUK.N'I I UIII3. 1'or rates , rtc. , 'c tu nf tittl column on tlili ; IIIBC. " OU "HA"fliTMJVrsT ) ilKiKi/A / , " : ' ( rauli A KLMiuluu bnrKidu 1'iirty leavliitr ell ) Address US" , Hoe. M745 2 FOH SALK IIOISIS\VA : OXS.I-TC : t'nrteimictc. , tec tun nf flrnt rnliimn on Min mu' 1) hOlt SALi : PONCA INDIAN PONY , SOI ND J nnd Kcntle , 4 Ul Karnam street 714) ) 2 * IJ-FOIl > ALi : , SOI'ND , STYLISH AND ( JIINTLi : 1 driving horse , light top bunny and harness Horse well broken suitable for surrey or Intuit ) Lady can drive Address V 1 , Heo MSJO J * pKKALi : AT A IIAKOAIS PA.M1LY llOIP-n I and phaeton suitable lor lady to drive Address "UUi and will call and show the rln .MbOI4 p LADIES' DKIYiit : b YKAKS OLD ( IIINTLU I nnd pound , only SW > II. H. Cole , Continental block .M7SJS I y - KHSALi : KAYIIOKSP , HANDsOMII , STY L- Ish and Kood bolb In liarncss anil saddle , sound and In line condition , kind disposition nnd n per feet pet with ladles mil ehlhlien , bv whom he nan been used the past three } ears , \\lll be i.-lven on trial to responsible paitlea Address U 09 , Hie of Heo. M74U .1 * p-lIOKSi : , HUCtiY AND HAHNibS , IW.7 N Ifltli. L 727 a a < p-KOU ALi : CIIKAP OK WILL THADII I 'OK J- wood jonni ; team of males 2 4earold colts work -dilute or double and 1 bjearold mnru nnd sucklnif colt. Address U.M , , lice 72J2 * iKit ) SALI : CIIICAP roit CASH , A KIND 1 drlvhiK horsu nnd harness , with or without phaeton , at once Inquire Adolph Meer , 10th and I-amain. Ml > U ' . ' 1)-KK SALK , PAMILY CAKHIAi.i : , Lilt : , V J Nichols'stable , 2bth and Leavenworth 075 ciiKA iirtHT ( LA'SS HOCK- away and pooil piano box top buggy , both In good order Inquire at room 2Omnliu \ Nat. bank building. l > 7ti T > -KAMILY HOHSi : > OU SALK , SINOLE IHUV- * L era or carriage teams Can furnish any kind of horse desired CnllntC I ) Woodworth \ Co. , or address T J Fleming , Cnlhoun , Neb 1,77 p-LKJHTSSTOP HIKUJY , NUAHLY NUW. X . { top buggies 2 phaetons 2 ex top c irrlngcs canopy surrey , 2 top delivery wagons Drumniond. ISth St opp court house 231 nl" > FOlt SALE MISCKIjfjAN'KOUS. Forrdf < . e'c. , etc top of rrt column onits ( / Q-I-OH SALI : , w INCH KXPKKSS HICYCLK , bill licnrliiK all around ; used tno roisons ; will sell for fft cash Address , with slump , liox II. Oar rlson , Neb 8.1 ! 'J * - PUPP1KS tOK SALK. UOOM.WHAHKKH Q-PUO block M8US4 * -1-OK PALK CIIKAP ; M INCH COI.U.MIIIA IlKht roadster. Address U (3 ( , Heo MTHjj- Q-hXlll SALK , TKN TO T'IlTKiN THOUSAND tons food Ice , I o. b. cars , Sioux Clt ) , la. Jas i ; llooxe , * . Sons 257A1U f \ um SALK A SMALL COLLIICl'ION OK POS Vxtal stamps suitable lor a beginner. Address box lt > , Lincoln , Neb. 6'.b 1 * Q-KH s Mii : OK LIASK : TIII : FiNKvr NIWS : Vxpnperplint 111 the northwest ( jood pitrona e Address tl.Hi , Oinnlm Heo. .M570 aS' - SAW : OOOD AND coMPwn : ri\ Qi-oit tures of meat market , excellent location nml low rent M A Upton Co HOT rnnatff , rtc , fee ( ni nf trxt coliliiiii on thti Iimiitiire ( 'nil mill > ee It at Itoom li , N W lor ner Donulis and 14th Iroin.'toop m H. Hick man state iiKcnt for patentee MBi.lS * I ) I1ALJNI ) SS POSIIIVIIIA ( UKKDi NO .Mis IVtako about It : send foi descriptive circular Ad dress "Anll-llald , " box 1.1 Davenport , la RMASSACI : TKIATMINT. : : KLIICTKOTHIH" : mal baths , scalp and hair treatment , manicure iindehlropoillst Mrs Post.JIU'ii ' S 15th\\IUincll blk 871. R-PAVl'i-Ki : I OK IIOItsKS ANDMIILKSONLY KeasonalilecliarKeH , will call and deliver , Ml Puxtnn lililu Ti-lephono No It/.ll ( Jood shelter and niimliiK water M7IU j * s o STIVINNON : : , CAKPKNTIIK SHOP , 2s x , Leavenvvortb its L'ntlmalet made on all car pouter work Ml/HAoU 11 1)11 LON > < DALi8 : HPiCIKlC : MKDIClNKS JXfordlseases peculiar to women. 010 S ISth street h74 nun J * IJ-WANTID. : A ( JOODPHYSICIAN TO LOCATI : iviti small tovvn A uocid opening for the rliiht man Address , lock box No , 17 , Hampton , Neb RIINCKAVINC.IIKKHIAM CO .SOUTH MVUull OMAHA * I ) I-Oil SALK-CHU tCH IIUILDINti NOW I.O -licated on Harne ) st , near 'Mill , to bo inovc'd oil Apply to Samuel Kntz , (114 ( H IIIII st t'W ' \IIIVOVANTS. . rnrratt' , tit. , ftf In > of liiKt cnliiinn nit f/iti vane. " . 'revelations Challenges the world Mis , lr M I < cgra\o deail trnncoilidrvonlit nstrolngUt palmist nnd life reader tells your Hie from cradle to grave unites the separated causes marriage with the ono von love tells where yon will succeed and In what liiit-lncKH best adapted tor has the lelehrateil Kgptlan breastplate for huk ami to ilestro ) bad Inlliienres cures Ills. InlemperaiKo nnd all private lomphilnts with massagw ImthAnnd nlcohol treat nient Sendf. lock of hair name and date of birth and receive nu'imito life ihart , 2 icnts In stamps for circular gives Initials of one Jim will marr ) , aim pliolns of same. Olllen 1017 South llth stieet. hours , t * urn In u p m Coma one , ionic all , and beciinvliKcil of this wonderful orlclo M7U7 a * 0 MINI ) KUAIlT : It AND SKCOSII SHillT SIIIUI 1 ' I he great fortune teller In this ( Ity lias a snltu uf iiarlors at the Howard house southeast corner of li. ill and Howard stieets This pcciillarl ) rifted person has nmagle mirror In whhli yon caiv we I our future husband wife enemy or friend All InislnesM strlilly lonlldeiitlal Parlors so ar ranged ) on will meet no stranger The last week M.MS4 * _ Q juts NANNH : v WAHKIIN. CLAIHYOYANT. Olrancu sixaklng , writing and reliable busliiinH nii'illiim , four yearn In Omaha , 111) ) N Ililh L7H O -DIAGNOSIS OP DIhKASHS KIlliK , HUslMNS Oiommniile.illons tluo W. N ZVtliMreot MUUJ- HIS oitr'ALMISTvNMHlpsY UlllTL'NK lellei Tells past and future from lines or the liunil Kuu , tl UU. Indleti only Uli N 2Uh Up stairs 4SJ tu'i * nrASSA < JI ] . IIAT11H , KTO. or ifitfi" , ftc. , ne tnjt nf n l nil limn nnilitt i > tjc MX-M1S8 b'lOWK , MAbbKUSi : , ULKCTHICIAM. -i SU Itangu block VUninij * 'IV-MAbbAUU , SIAUAMB IJKJJ51E11 , ONKIl 010 H. forr If * tie , , nee li > / > 01r ' io/iimn / on IM < ) > gt ff AN IIONOIIAHrTfiVlAN OK b , IHtAWINO I7S I'month desires Iho uWiinlnlance of respectable lady bnv lint property vpcnsli nnd Inclined to nml rlmonyi ditto pnrtlcnl/nj Address V 7 , lice. S'llg U-LAWKS on fiKNiLV.MK.v IIKSIHINH CON > Rental eorreipondcnis will find It to their ndvnn' tune to mMroM with rtt'iiMp , Mtilunl Correspondence llurcrtii , Pox I'.ici. notion , Mns 771 2' Us l ITS o Tfr7oLi7ovviNilpiT'T oNs" ! , lnly'J7. C K llnil-lTiunn. 1101 N 2th. ball H , , Inlr2 , T i : Ilnrmnn , World Herald hall I .Inly Vi , C A llcntford Prtlitin stables ball 18 .Inly X > , 11 J Wells , 1808 N Titll aVc , bnll 31. Hnrr ) Drown. U-WANTKI ) 10 AtlOPT , A III.UB P.YKDIIAKV joy. Address U (17 ( l ec. 8l.i2 U-COKHKIPON l ) lOK AMUSKMl'NTOlT M AT- rlinony : lull pnrllculurs ( sealed ) 10 lenls , llux H2il. Omnhn , Neb irMA'i * _ .MUSIC , A I IT AND LAXOUAf.'lJ. _ 7'nr id'M. rtc , , * ff tno nt 'tut cnltnnn nil l/lf / | ftu < ; . A PIANO lixAMisi : TIM ; new scale Klmlnll piano. A Hospe.161 1 Douglas C7 ! ) SIONUVto I.OUV-HK vii nvrAii : . 1'nr nittfrtc. , tee Inj ) n > list column on Hit * | irtc. H MOK'IflACr.S ON SAKPY , 1hner CnmlngaiidSlantoii Co. lands for sale by II T Clarke , lu Hoard of tr'iile. 151 y -OA.SS.W M . \\r-ANTIIo.NV LOAN AND TllfT CO . .Us N Y ' ' Life , lend at low rales for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa arms , or Omaha ell ) propert ) \\r-iASTniis : MOVBY IO LOAN AT VIHY : ' low niton H | | irey , 20i ! N. Y Life 11 T\r MOHTIiAOl ! LOAN.S WANTKI ) , Mcl'Adl'f 'I Investment eompiny l > > 5 \\r-srcoND MOHT < i.\ni : i oAtfnio 'io tlOUlO Alex Mooie , 401 llee building. \ \ r-MO.Sin ' 10 LOAN ON OMAHA PKOPiniTY. 1 Idellt ) Trust toinpnii ) , IH14 Karnam. 17 " " \\r-1H'IWISU I.OA"NS"ii 'IO 7 Plllt CUNT. NO it additional diargcs forconiml'slonnrntlorne ) s fees W II Melkle Urst National hank bid g USSr " \\r- M ON I : T OS HAM ) TO LOAN 7TN IIKSP ' mortgage on Omaha city property Chas W llnlno ) . .IIAuinnlin Nut hank bldg M7I.I _ ' - CKNTUAL LOAN ANDTKUbl'CO lll'.i : IILDII 718 \\r-MOSIJY1O LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPHHTY 'I i : . Neb and hi fauns 1 ! P Klntfc-r , 1'iU Farm mi ) all " \V" R'lOPPAMSd UisT. : OWN A IIOMIJ Wi : > will buy or have one built for ) ou nn ) where , and let the rent | m ) for the property Kor Infer irntlon call or address North American avlncs As soclntlon Itoom 7VO , New York Lifebnlldlnt ; Oltieo open until" p m IMS .1 'J \V-.I L HICi : , INV'STJt'T SKCUKirrilN. ! I22 > > Life Hid Id 721 A 4 * vir-o i'iit CKNT i HIST M'Kii : LOANS men ' nrd C Patterson. W)7 ) N > Life. 418 MOXKV TO IjOAX OHTTKI.S. . n nttt " . flc.4 fcmo' ( i ' riiitimiuin ( hfi i iis. ; X MONIY : TO LOAN : to , w AND w DAYS ON furniture , etc DulT GreenII ' 'U.Contlncntnl blk 7) ) , . ' X-MONT.Y 'IO LOAN IIY II K MASl'I'ltS ON household goods pianos , organs , horses nutlet warehouse receipts etc. at the lowest pos lblc rales without pulilkltv or removal of propert ) lime arranged to suit bpi rower M ) loans nroa arranged th.it ) ou ran make n payment at any time anil reduce both the principal an ) Interest \ounllltlndlt to your ndvantigo to sec me If ) ou want n loan or If more convenient tall up telephone ephono llijl and ) our blislniiss can bo arranged at home Money always on hand ; no delay ; no public ! ! } . lowc lrnlc ( II K Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell hlock , 15th nnd llarney streets. CKJ V fHATTKMIAVK.JlinU lint , LOANS MOSK\ - von chattels or collateral nt reasonable rntis ( iS'J V ASOSI3Y IO LQAN ON IIOHSIIS WAdOSS. - < -furiiltiire plnnosnnd < ollntei l sicnrlly llnsl nessoontlilenttal IfrcUTerr ) , U HI UIUIIKO bl k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ III ! X MOMIY ON vtnsirniK. noitsns. r.'ic. Ke ) tone Mortgage-Co ,100111 203 Sbeel ) blk lttt \r MONT.Y IXJANKI ) , CIIATT13L SUCIHUTY. jVl uo to J100 OU 2115 < jnnilnK st M I.'U a3 ! , BUSIXIOS C3IIA-NCKS. , ] Tor rate * , rtc. , ret fop nf ml lolnmn on 1/tN / iwnie. "V A "swKDisii "K VITA'S ! ) Ait MMiciALisTrA J graduate from a I'nropean unlrorstly nnd the Maryland university. wMics to form | iartncrt > hlp or engage as assistant to n specialist In Omaha Ad dress Lock HOY J. , Marnthan , In M7I& 4 * Y PA U'l NKH WANTKI ) . linSTSOHHL WATIIlt power roller mill In Nebraska , nell locntetl , * . ' ( KXI to M 000 canh required , balance to suit T M. Warnc , Union , Neb , 77lt y V I HAVI3 A CLUAIl IOWA IMPIlOVi : ! ) N ) i acre farm to trade fora clean stock ot groceries Can put In cash A Sddller , Ida ( irove , In 7772 * WANTKI ) WII IIAVI3 A fOOD ! OPIIN'lN'll for n llrst class leweler Kor further particulars address , Qulnliill .1 Matthews , Ohlowa , Neb. SOI 2 V Hi'iiH is AN I\CILLKNT opp JL for anyone wishing to go Into the ilr ) goods business The stock of Wright , V ( Jregg of Kearney that was attached by J V hnrwell Co of Chliago , will be sold In bulk nt auction at Kearney , Neb , August. I. This Is an CMCptlnnnlly line stock of goods , valued at f 17,000 ami Inventoilul b ) I arwell at f I I.UOO 'Iho stock Is exclusive ! ) dry goods all new , and principally fall goods of best iimillt ) , such as Prltstl'H blink goods , etc 'll.estoik will be Hold at a bargain as few know of the sale and oar cltl/ens nre very desirous of having some good drv ( .oods man go Into this popular store M71HJ 2 * V'--'Olt 8\Li : OH UXCIIANOK IOU CHICAGO I real e < tntu a long established ( Uithlng , boots anil shoes ami gents' furnishing store , located for ton ye irs In a giod mnnnfacturliu town near wj rld's fair , JSOliO 10 J MO ) slock ; satisfactory reasons given for selling. Addiuss I. Lovlnklnd , Kensington , Chlc.igo , III. KI4-2- V W A STKIl OOOD MAN KH SMALL HIlANCIl 1 business f2i ! per month and uxponces and sliaru of piolltH. mn-t put JI.60) cish Into nierthamllse "Huslncss"caro NeUon , Chusnion \ Co. , Chlc.igo NKi-2 ( v-ot.i nsrAHLisiini ) uisrAiitANT : UOOM 1 for rent , cleared one } carSSOOJ , gland chance for right man Wrltu fin lull partlcnlar to Her polahelmer A. Co. , Lincoln Neb M7.U ,1 AT rOlt SALi : , SALOON , HOAHIIISK IlOl'T , 1 che.ip , WII 2iJ and M street , south Omaha M7II I Ar A ( . .OODHAKiilAMIdltOCKUY : I-OH HUNT 1 Halo or trade lor Dinah i or south Omaha prop crl ) , J. W Johnson , Albright. ? onth Um.iha Neb M.VSU , ! \ rOU | SAW : . CLIIAN ItlM'Alli STOCK OK ( , ll ( ) I ( cries In desirable location , Omaha , at sacilllic. Address I'oycke liroa All,1.1 A V-.STOI K OK Ditur.s. PHYSICIAN t > HIHI : 1 denco and practlie In llvo town lu central No hraska , all cheap Address II 4U. lice Ufi-A * v f * > " SAW : os'ioKTiiioLDi : : > T AND iinsr I grocery stores In the most eligible location In tliccliy. Answer quick , U4V HeoollUo b'Ml \r-Hm HUNT A II ) UOOM IIOTDL , I tniNISIini ) . 1 Tor particulars , address J A lluchanan. llurr , Neb MWSA2 * \r-toit un.s'T TinsicoND : : KLOOHOKONKOK the principal dry goods stores In Oinilm Suit able for clothing , hats e ips. ( .rockery , cirpets or furniture Will rent either the entliu Moor or part of It AililrtnsT.il. lleo MH7 V 1-OHSALK , ONH IILACKSMITIt SHOP AND 1 tools complete , easy terms 1'dnardn Loan Agency , II Darker blocW. 1,1'J KOlt I'nr rnten , etc , tee foVolml c.iliim-1 on tlili rma SALI : on TIIADK , WHOLP.-SALI : AND fJ relall baker ) ilolpu coed biislnesi , cnnd loin lion , k-nod reasons for t > cllli > v Addreas Y 8 , llee ' ' ML ! ! y i OH TK A in : , ' ' 'rt.iiAir TNsfiTi : T > MAIIA / property for lown 'fArm Address Y d , llee 1,1 M6.M .V Tirot ; HAviuooD upuniurPIANO\ou /Jwniit to evchange/or cleir lot worth f. > 00. nil IressT.'l , lleeolllie. IS7 yIIALlSUCTION IAND , , MIL ) ! AND A HALK /Jfrina llnrrolil South Dakota Will exth.ings for Imahnproportv or'miproved ' Western lena farm anil Write , W P } , Hel'arliine , room Mlci LliantB National bauk. I . bju2 * y-mil i\rii\sitc ; fT5xi Kunrv IN OMAHA tJ resldoiKo and * . ' , ' , il | or f- ' < ) ) cash for general merchandises Aililrc s I ek llox M , Council Illulls , Iowa rWi : IIAVH IUI ACHKSOK'IHH I INKS' ! ' LAM ) 'Jin l-all Hlvcr county , S L , teen hungefur horn-s inilcatthi land In ileur and under cultivation Mien A. Kuril 717 N. Y Llfo bnlldliiif M7UI. yIOK i\ciiA.sril : iiiU.si : vvTi'ii ONI : AcTtu ' of ground also grain clcvstur , lioth situated In -oulli Ile-nd , Ncb , value (1,500 , Imvlnua good rental indclcai Wnnt farm or other good property Ad Ireiil ) J. J O llrlun , P 0. box , 3'J7. ' Kama * ( "It ) . Mo M7.I7 : f/ \ \ IXI'K.HN NnilKASUV LAND Til I ! ( OMI.SIJ /J lionant.i " 1 umipiepared to oiler IU or more KiitloiiHof ibolco land In Western Nebraska foi minor for exilmngu fur deslrablu equlltlcH In Ini- iroved proport ) In Omnliu or elsewhere D ; Howard 4ttl'nxton blk . Omaha. Neb 7014 * TlKAKMS AND TlOllSKS TO KM HANOI ! Hill 'JOiunhu proper ! ) Call ut room 40J Drown building M.-JI-AU _ _ _ _ _ r/-KOK TIIADK Tlllim UKAtl'oK IIOIISIIH r fordr ) goods , clothing , boots und * hou : * , hatH inilcap.1 Mary Ncivntny , llurnull , Neb 5J7 tf , WAMKI ) TO THAIIl N BW fur a guod itruug boriu. Addrvis 1' uO , Hue- KOU SAMitnATi : n , ttf , , tee. tniinf frtt column on thlt Cio { men MIN : oKTn rsirnn STATUS. % p eren tenths of them , made Ihelr money nut of real cslalo or Inml speculation , Prnbnbly none nf ' them cvrr bnd nchanco to Iculathelr speculation , for lcs than (10 'I he opportunity will bo open to Jon nil this week to purchase n lot In Umnlm s latest nddltlon for (10 Ten dollar * Is full pnyment for n nleo level bnlhllng lot , entirely free and rlcnr from moitgngn or incnmbrance , warranty deed , Abstract ( if title nnd llthoKmphcd pint given with each lot sold no I tax due iin this n lilltlen until January I , I'M liny 1 n lot for TOUT child : try what yon can do with ono ! yourself In the way of n trade 'I hcsci lots haven I good future and will surprise you nil by getting Intel l somebody s way one cf these days 'I hen you will I all regret a lostnpporlnnlty to become a freeholder I ns well ns the owner of Omaha real estate when von lOUhl have purchased lots nt (10 each Sale nil this week nt ,110 South 14th street Send 2 cents postngo for pints nnd full Information Chns Heiijnraln , folengem tll-'i' ' : iT ? 1NCIDI ! WNIUI'S OKKKK- 1000 PlIUM property nn pived street for (4,200 only(7liO cn h Address V 4 Heo ins. . ! a * 1'on "AW : , TIII : MIWT PI.KAMAST ( OITAOK 1 home In llaiiscom Plnie nt ( t.WWIcss than mst ' 1 onus to Milt Address V " > . Hi'O K.s 2- 1-VIK SALK PAYINO 111(1 ( INTKKK'sT. IS III ) ! L property pa ) lug 10 yer cent on CWIIOUliusl ness propert ) palngllpur rent ond.ViO business chance lor a hidr or mail and wife pnlnga nUo Income. (1 000 Htrnltiiro of splendid rooming bliues that pay Wclslmns A. Co , ( Irand opern honso , near entrance 8.17 2 * ASPLKND1D S IIOOM IIOl S | ; IS' CAHTHAtJK , one of the best residence Im alltles In Omaha all nirpssnrv conveniences fronts cast Allen A. Klillr. 717 N Y. , Ille building M70.I 3 1'OK , ' Ol Til OMAHA PKOPHKTIK1 * . iTr JMissi 1 trackage or tosldcncii go to the Mailing real estate dealers In "outd omuhn , IM .lohnston , V Co corner Jilli nnd N ttreets u-.U 1'oit HAW : ciuiAP , IAS\- : pA\Mls-i- : < , m , I stor > new i , room house , with bath , cellar , etc. full lot N helton. III ! ! Kninnin rjl i oit SAW : noon wAituiiorsi : i.or , COKNIIK I paved streets trnckage 2 blocks from depot ver ) cheap N Shelton. H.U I'nrnam. I'JI i/o H ' ATiT ToT\iiTkTsrM is : ONLY ( sppon-T 1 tors need nut apply ) oil time or monthly pit ) ments. n neat cottage at less than actual value In side proiert ) . only one block to electric line In qulro ul room 202 , Omaha National bank building 1 lOl'scs I-OK SALIiON IIASY TIIKMI INH'MIS I I for rent Address Ccrmnii American savings bank. i'K , iMH ALKI mt r CLASISSIDI : TKACK ii -l lot 70\'il ( > 5oonij ( ) Part ) selling will lover en tire ground with warehouse nnd other buildings and lease back for 10) cars at f.l.ViO per ) cnr and im > all taxes and Is reliable hcond quc tlon Hoggs A. Hill. 140S 1 nrnnm st M7I2 J 1/OH SAW5 KASY TKHMS HOMI'.S Kilt (70J , 1 ( I 000 ( I 200. 51 IM and np ' 1 ako sin ill clear prop- ert ) as part paiuent d li Wallace , Hrown block , llth and Douglas 'tv i-'oii SALI : iuroor LOT WITH IIKICIC iirii-D 1 Ing. on Dodge near Utli , 14500 Address .1 H Sh.aw..r.'UN \ Life 4Jin4 * _ I AST MtOST&HOOM CniTAtli ; , LOT ft I .Nils' 1-Jgood burn and shrubbery , one mlle Irom P o , $ . ' 000 "iOOcasli New cottage and full corner lot , 4 blocks from motor WO I ens ) terms Choice acre on stnKil 10th ) st. (1.200 7 loom good house , full lot , near Hnnscom park , worth ( IMIO forf. ' VK ) Iliitelihivin A Wend 1524 Douglas. 051 2 "I7OH SALK IIIKlIi ; OOOD LOT > , ( iKAHI.i : , < . 1 Heachle ) 8 addition , Ileatrlic , Neb , will sell cheap or ctchango for Omaha piopert ) A K Kell ) South Om ilia M707 I ! I OH SU-H ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND very cheap u number of bouses In dlircrcnt purls of tint city , will trade equities for vacant lots 'IheO I' Davis Co 21,4 Alb I-O T. 1'nr intcirtc , , proton nf tint co nmil on Mifi unite. launder will tie llbcrnll ) row aided b ) returnlnit them to 70i , s Hah street 754 . ! roip-oi'HN HACK STIM : WINDINC. sn1:11 : Jwntih. Hockford movement Hetiirn to Kennedy & Hlickbiirn , I iUi Park ave , and net letrard. M71S 2 * T os r LA KOI : , i-INI : . MULKYSULK cow JJHnrter notlf ) i : S Jester , U48 S Ailli street , Omaha and vet reward Mill .I * IHiC.SS.MAKI.\J. : Fm rnfcc , etc , sec Inn nf tiixl column on tlitt l nnc. ' " * " - "iluulell Hinllllner ) store will beplenped to nice her patrons at her new dressmaking parlors III Chicago street lint I ) 77,1 2 : NOKKIS IS PLCASKD'IO INI OHM Hii : MMi patrons th it she lias reopened her dressmaking inrlorn and lias engaged the services cf ( - 1C Ko ! Ice , n Indies tailor former ! } with Worth Cordially Inviting Indies to call at Itoum III ! Hnmge blk 1-07 2 < 8TUAM KKATIIKR UKNOVATOK. 1'or rntfn , etc. , c ( oji of itxt totitmii on thl * jiatii' , KISTTciWANTT'lTLO ) era bought "Mull orders promptly tilled Work called for and delivered trnnkAiisonllst\l'rnnklln I > ATr.XTSOMCMTOKj. ! I'omtr * ftc. , rre ( op nf lirtt column nil fin f pioe. 7 > ATnNrr "i vi\Yl'iTs : iir7 HH'rTms ' 7r w 1 Sues \ Co . Dee building Omaha Neb llrnncli olllce nt WnshlnUon D C Consultation free l' < 8 MECHANICAL I > HAU II 1 S , v KM. I'm ititcn , etc. , fee ton nf tiint column on this IJATIJNT otfi : AND spciAi. iftMYiMis L urcpared by ( J W. Sues & Co .Omaha , Neb 177 PATTI3IINS AND 31ODULS. Foi > ntf > , etc , teetoi nf list column on ( Ate J51'l AND JACUSON o-il A 2J roil HinoTioN : or SOHOOI , hulldlujr. Dcp ittnunt of iho Intel lor. Ollleo of Indian Allulis. Washington. I ) C , July ' . ' 0 , Is'll. ' So.iled piopos.ils , undorsud. "I'rnpos lib for ore'cthm of School IlnililiiiKs , " and uddicsscd to the ( Jomimsslimui of Indlun AlV.i'rs ' , at Washington. 1) ) O . will ho rccolve-d ut this ollleo mull 1 o'clock of August IT. Ih'll ' , for thu orcctlon of ono luiio sumo. chool building on thu I'lpeslono Indian Hc.scrv.itlon In Southwestern .Mlnnesotli , In itccniil ine-o with piins and spcclllcatlons Hint may ho ex amined nt , the olllcos of the "Press nnd la- Uotuii , " VnnUton. S. 1) . , "Tho lloo"of Oiniiha. i > cl.nnd the "llnlldur's Hoard of Tr.itlu , " ( ornerTth und Codur streets St 1'.ml. Minn The hulldlne stone on the icsoi v iitlon Is to ho used In the election of thu building. I'or fnilhcr Infoiin.illon , as to lou.itlon of hulld- Ini : , niu.nih of Ir.insporlailon , luhoi , ote , ap ply to r. W 1'oitoi I'nlled Status Indian AKUIIU ( ireenwood. South DiiKotn. cr.Kl'l- i'll.I ) ClinuKS Hicli hid must ho uceom- p.inled liv a ccrtltle.l clieuU or draft upon ROIIIO I'nllcd St.itos dcpositoiy. 01 solvon Nalionul llinl > , In the vicinity of the bid ders place of ljuslnes , n ivuhlo to I ho order of the ( ( iintnlsslonur of Indian All'alrs. for at least llvo per cent of Iho amount of the pm- posul , which I'hcuU oi drufl shull ho forfoltod to the I'nltod Stutcs In ease any hi Idor or hlddors ruculvliiK an award sh.ill fall to ox- ocnto a lontr.ict with good nnd Hiilllelent Niiioties , otherwise to ho returned to tlio bid der. T. J. MOHOAN. roiiiinlbsloiiiT. July 1 oil. July 9.1m SO t. 1'roposalH for lly resolution of the City Council , passed .Inly SI , Wll. the Commlttoo on I'nhlli ) 1'iop- orly nml llnllilliu's vvuio Instructed to Invlto hldH foi furnlshlni ; the city hull of Omaha , Nulitusiiu. until ' 1 uesduy. AuKust ixih. lull. utAnVlook p in. i.ich : hldder to furnish tholr ovvnpluns , bpeclllcatlons ami dutullud druvv- Inus , to iiecompany hid , free of nil i-ost to thu city , and to furnish u curtltled chunk In the MUM of J.VIUOIHI , p.iyalilo to the city of Omuhn , to bo forfo ted In cuso piny fulls tofuuiHli the ru lulled hond which will ho In t ho sum of eipi.il to d itililo the umountof the uccoptod hid , foi llisfulthful iieifoimance of the con- Haul Hlds to bo udlies-.o 1 , murlfod "Piopo- MiKfor furnlluro for city hull.1 lotliot'om- mltteoon I'nhllo Pioperty und llulldln s , city Council of tJmih.i. oaiol'lty Uloik Thoeoun- cll lesoi ves the rUht to reject any or nil bids. IIHNItY IJirilUI'l' . ) L'oiiiiiilttooon THOMAS I' . TUTl'Li : M'nhllo ) Piopoit O bl'lX'll T , I und lulldlnu-H Jyiliiait I'ropits ilN for Vault l'M\t III-CH. Tlio nndoidlune-d Commltteoon I'nlillo 1'rop- oityand llnlldliiKB , will recolvo hldsnploA o'clock p m. Annst Itnh. IMll , for fnrnlshlnic complelo the vanli II vtnies In tlio city bull of Oinahii Illdduih to furnish plans , npoelllcu- Llims und detailed dr iwln s without ehar/o to ho city. H tch bid to ho uce-omjiunled vvlth u eortlllcd ehock In the HIIIII of * .i x > ( JJ , ami the hueci'M-fnl hldder to fniniHh u good nnd Htilll- elent liond In twice the amount of the accept- d bid for thu faithful pcifoiiuuncoof the con- AH lilds to ho marked "I'uipos ils for fur- nMilnKvaiill llxtiiius. " and to ho uddioisud to the commit lee ul the Cltj Cluik'H olllce. The I'oiinell rosurvun the rUht to rojoctnny or all lilds. lll'SKY OSTIIori' . ) Connnltteoon ruoMAh r. Turn-n , si'iihiioi'iop-rtv C. MTCUT. und llulldin.h. ' Public Sa'o of Oan ing and Vinegar Factory. Wo will on the TJnil daj of AuKUKt ISO ) , on the premises , sell ut public unction , on oat-y terms , out enllio plain atest Lincoln. Wo will neil llvo und one-hulf noun of Kidiind , ubilok vlnecui factoij. 40MU feel , c-uiiuolty ! .0 liairels pel day. now operuted unduru p ly- Inu lease lormlmihlo ut our option I'rumo c.innerj.liOxluo feet , capiclty 'J ,000 cans pur day. and all maehlnoiy und appllannccK con- talncd theicln Ulll Nell tiiK'etlier or bopcr- utuh tOhultinirehiiner l'orrosninluiiciitoll- ' | CltUll I-INCOI.N t ANMMI & . I'llOVIslON I O. , ' ' ' Llucolu Nuurubku. JylU-'viA.-J-lQ , MPHOVKJIESI lilt OKDEII of He ACE. FOR 15 YEARS Altu < er of TVITWUITKIW huvo foil tlio necessity of tholr boln Improved You will Mil.In : tlio m M . m Smmi- The latest nnd Lest. Wo claim : and Insure- tliin and Hint prove It , The Mn t Diiriihte In AlluiiiiieMt , lousiest Itnnnlng , nnd Most Silent All tyne cleaned In ton ecoiuls vlthout Eolllng the hands Send for catalogue. The Smith I'rcmlcr Tipe WillciCo. . U II AUMUManager. . NOU4 I'm mi n street , Oiniih-i , Neb. _ iitui > osAii ! rou nitnrnoNor sriioor , J bulldlllCS Hl.I'MlTMI.NT ( IK TIIK l.NTKIIIOII , OtKUKIII IMIIANtt 4IIIM. | | | , y Kltll. | si | | Sealed prnposnls. endorsed "I'rdtios ils for cri'etlim of school hnildln M , " -mil addressed to thoconiinlsslotiur of Indian altiilrVnsh - liiKton , D. ( ' , will in. recolM'd ut Ibis ollh-o until 1 o'clock of AiiKiist 10th , | su . for the erection of three lurn kulionl biillilliigs im the Shoshoiif Indian n < sur\atloii In Wyoming nt a point KI lie "Olectod by the Indian iwut. tlio miiln biilldttn ; to lie lli\4l.tlu < gli IV dormitory ! 4 1\ 1 1 , and the hoys' durniltiiry n\Sj ; also for j the erect Ion of the Toil tin. I hull in Indus- I tilal HChool iii'ir lllackfiiol. Idaho , a frumo dormltoiv bnlUIIng , n\4l. alt In accordance lth plunsund spocllleatlons th.it iniiv be e\- 1 ainlned ul tlio olllios of the "Itcpiibllcan" of Demur. Col ; "I'm : ltr.r."of Omaha , Neb ; i "Tillmne "of H.ut Lake I'lty ; the % ' | IM" of Cheyeiine. Wyo .und the "Journal" of llolonn , Mont ; also at the Shoshomi Agoiiey. Wyo. , an I the Tort Hall school. Idaho. Hlddi-rs ttlll bo i-cqulrccl to submit sop irnto bids for each building , and toM.iU * the loimth of tlmo proposed to bo consumed In their con- btrilCllon CKIIT1KIIEI ) ( III ( IvS. l.ach bid must be accoiiui in el by a certi fied check or draft UDOII some 1'nlted fatales depository or some sohent niitlonnl bank In the \ iclnlty of the bidder's place of business , n iviililf to the order of the commissioner of Indian a Ilu Irs , for at least r > per cent ( if the amount o. the proposal , \\hlch check or drift shall tie forfeited to the United States In ease any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to nmmptly execute acoiiliaPt with good and snlllelent sureties , otherwise , to bo re turned to the bidder. The right Is ros"r\ed to rolect any or all bids , or any part of any bid , it deemed for the best Interest of the surIce. . THOMAS J. MOUUAN. Commissioner. JjlMUMIm roil Eitionox or IM7. II. b. Indian School Servk-e , Uenoa Indian Industila ! School. Nob. Oonoi , Neb. , July " 0 , IS'll. Sealed ptuposals. endorsed "I'ro- posals for Erection of llulldliu , " an I ad- diessed to the undersigned atCiomm , Nebras- UM , u 111 be received ut this school until one o'clockp m. , of Monday , \iiss IT. 18'JI , for fur nishing the materials , , ind eioting , a dining- room , kitchen and nndltoiinm building at this school , lu accordance ulth plans and spe cific illuns that may be examined at the ollleo of the ' Bee , " of Omaha , Neb. , and at this school. Didders will stitc In their bids the length of time required In the construc tion of s ild building , The light Is usorved to i eject any or all bids , or any paitof any bid , It deeii'o 1 for the best Interest of thesoi- \.ce I'l.HTifii.i ) CIIKCKKaeh bid must he accompanied by a lortllled check or draft upon MIIIIO fulled St .Us lleposltuiy 01 sol \eiit Nation il Hank In the \ Iclulty of the I evi dence of tin1 bidder , made payable to the older of the I'ommlssloiiur of Indian All.Uis. foi at le isl HVK PKII IKNT. of HIM uuiount of the piopos.il. whlchehcek 01 draft will bo for feited to the 1'nlti ( I states In case any blddoi or bidders iciehlng an \\.ird shall fall to pi Muptl > oNO'iito a contract with good and siiftlcli'iit surollcs. otheiIso to be returned to the 1 1 ider. Illds accompanied by cash In lieu of a certified check ulll not be um-hleiel. 1'or fnrthoi Information apply to W I ) . HACK US. fcuperlnten lent. JyaidiiltM tUtln for I't-iiitinit. Illds lll bo ru ol\eil by the State Do ird of 1'r ntlng attheollieoof the Seorot.iry of State , on or bcfoie 'o clok p m , August dth. 1SU1 , for printing and binding In cloth , one thous and [ I , ( KJ ) ] copies of Vol. III. , of the Transac tions and Itcnorts of the Nehnsua ' tale Ills- tor , eil Society , to ho dellvoiod complete at thuoffko ot the secret irv of thn Society. In the State I'liHerslty llulldliiLincoln. . To contain Ml pages , more or less The sl/o of pa'o.clirht and quality of paper , style and quality of blndlm : . style of lettering on cover , and In all respects the nrk to lie the same as thesimnle to bo seen In the oflleo of the Sec retary of State The right to lojoct.my and nil bids Is ioscr\cd. jyirid.Otm JOHN C. At.i.B.v , iicerotary. AiliiilnlHti-iitor'H Auction Sale. Thursday , August ( ith , 10 a. m , sharp , > t 111 be sold at iiubllo silo the stock of groceries class and naid are , alsohoises.aons. . beds cash reg ster , show cases sheUIn ; and all other chattels belonging to the estate of It. Ilenorlokson at the store Ntt 1,0'nonwoith stieol. Omaha , Neb. Til TO Ol.HHN. u'JdU Administrator RH1LWRYTIMEGHRD Liavoi k I , S I' .1 * O II i Arrlvoi Omibi Dnpot Illtb in I MTIIII S > < Omi-i-v. I fl a mi Ivnn-in City Diy Txprets i 'i 'rt p in ' .U'i p in'K ' C Night i : p vlftU I * I'nns | I , II n m I eaves t'NION PACIHC I Arrlvejj Ornajii _ Depot lOlh nnd Man y ut I On ih i 10 10 t mi Kansas C'tty t5rp > osi ( ox Sun I 4 p rep 10 .11 a m . Diinvor KxproM. . . . p m 2 'iO p m . . . Overland Klyer. 30j p in 4 * J p lu drum ! Island ixp : ( a * Sun ) ll.W n m 7.AI _ p m . PaclMo Itxpraas . . . .J.Mpra " "Leavoi itMIU'AliO , Mllj. \ si' PAUL I rrlvj Oni ill i I U P ilii | il. an I Mtrj/S i I Oinahii G.W p ml . . .Chicago ixnruM : J.IS n ml . .l hlcngo Kxpresi I t 10 n TJaToMCIIKAinJTll 1 APAtiHT I ArriveT Omaha I IT P depot. 10th and Man y sts I Om ihn iTlU p in Nlcht Kxprcss . . .1 11.40 n m | i is a m . Atlantic Kxpruss | i , | J p m 4 40 p m Vestibule l.tinlfd . .111151 a m LeiviM SIOUX tll'YA PACIHC l Arrlvoi Omaha Depot lOt'i and Marcy St I Omaha 7 lVTT .Sioux ( Ity Passenger . . ilO'JUp m S.tt p m St Paul Kxpre I ID M a m LcavoT j blOU.X Ui'Yi PACIl'I' T Arrlvoi malm I Depot IJth and Webster hti I Omaha 55 pin I . . , bt , Paul Limited . I 1' ' 2j n m ? pf/\i ITIVP TUP piiinirp UUlAlhUt iilL MIAKKb , They Can No Longer Rob OlalmanU the Government. THE BEE'S GREAT BUREAU OF CLAIMS , It ItulYlcittlH Hpttleri , lntcincc % \Vliloun , OrplmtiH mill Soldiers mill It Comnicuilt'il by ( lie Authority. Min who liuvo had clnlms nffttlnit the eor crumciit niul employed professional agoaU to roprcsont them before the ilouarttncnts In Washington , toll strongo storlos of tdoks niul rascality to which they were subjoetoil at tlio hnniis of thoio morclloss crettures Thcro nro of course , some honest men among thuso nRonta ; but there are 10 many that nro notoriously corrupt , that It Is almost im possible for n claimant , unless ho bo illrcct- od by n woll-lnformoa Imlivlilual , to llnd ona in whom ho can plnco implicit confhlonco. Tut : HFE lu received lutmlroiU of complaints - plaints from soldiers and othon who had advanced nionov when so dustrcd and who waited for years and yet fullod to recolvo any Information ns regards what the sharks hail dona with either money or claim. Tin : Urn 1ms ulso been requested to rocom- mo i id reliable ngunts nml has , in this way served to protect the people from fraud and robbery. Hut that did no ( rood to tlio people who hnd fulluii Into the hands of uharlcs. As iiipldh ns the latter were shown up , now ones with now trlclcs and rascality took their places. There was but ono moans loft and that waste to establish a great bureau of claims This idea was suggested to a nuniDor of people but was put into practice llrst bv the San Proa- eiico lOxamlncr. With the Kxamlnor. Tun Uti : : hius co opera ted ! n the t i oat work of affording relief to \\oitiiv clninmnLs. 'J'ho Washington correspondent of the I2x nminer , Mr , lohnVcdilcrburn , who has also cted as ntivato secretary Jo Senator Iloarat , was detailed to organii'o and take charge of the bureau. His long service in Washington in both these capacities hud given him alarg6 aciiualntance with government ontclals anil ovcinincnt methods. Knowing the men nd the proper procedure to follow , ho was chosen as well nualitlcd to pusli claims through in the shortest tlmo if they were Justly duo. The best lawyers to bo had , were tnon em- paced and n fullcloiical force put Into the bureau. In every instance the men wcro chosen for their knowledge of the work to bo done. Congress was not loss anxious to protect claimants from robbery. The same kind of complaints mid coma to Tin. flm : nnd gene to the i.u-mbers of congress as well. The com- mittecs thnt had the Indian depredations bill under consideration investigated the opera tions of the claim ngonls and attorneys in connection with the Indian depredations claims. Thov found that the claim air bad dntnanded W % to 50 per cent from the men holding the claims , and in hundreds of cases hold con tracts at these llguies. While the bill was still in congioss , with little up- patent clmnco of passage , they were able , by metuods dangerously near the line of tnlso pretenses , to induce the claimants to sign the exorbitant di'in.iiHls. Thoiu appeared to bo only ono wav to pro tein the claimants. That was to cancel all contracts by law and limit tlio fees that nt- tornovs might Lollect. The claimants would thus be enabled to choose another agent if the ono they nad llrst engaged had attempted , to defraud them , and tno contracts could not demand more than the specilled rate. Tno ninth section 01 the uiu was thus drawn to annul "all sales , transfers or as signments of claims" and "all contracts here tofore made. " The maximum foe to bo al lowed was put at 15 per cent of tbo amount collected except in case of claims under WOOer or whoio unusual work had to bodouo , when 20 per cent might bo allowed. The amount of business received linmo- d lately after the opening of the bureau Is a proof of the conildenco in which the people hold it and of the distrust which the ordi nary claim agent has atouscd. In the six weeks , from April I to May IB , claims to the amount of fl.K)5t41.tk ) : iU wuio Hlod with th6 bureau on account of Indian depredation claims alone. Allthesogo to the court of claims under the act and are in various stages of preparation and prosecution. Be sides the claims under the Indian depreda tion act there had been lllcd at that data tieasury claims to the amount of $23JJ94 ( ; French spoliation claims to the amount of > S5bS : ' ; land claims. U80 , SO ; and patent nnd other claims to a largo amount. Slnco that date some ,000,000 of claims have been lilcd with the bureau , and it is now attending1 ever $5,000,000 of claims. The need for the bureau may well bo jB by the fact that It now has on hand more claims than all of the claim attorneys of Washington combined. The efforts of congress and the ostabllsh- I montof the bureau was not appreciated by * the claim agents. Thuy wanted to continue to thrive in their business of fleecing the needy claimant. They accordingly denounced the govern merit and the bureau. They hold that the former could not cancel the contracts they hud made with their victims. II nt I ho * cancellation was made in the inteiost and name of the people And it need not bo doubted thnt the eminent constitutional law- \oars who framei1 the uot in question did not do so without knowing what they were doing The threats of the sharks undoubtedly had a'i effect upon some men who desired to make no v contracts nnd secure the services of some other attorney , but this effect will soon bo destioyed and the emancipation of the claimant from the tyranny of the shark ; will bo comnlotp. The amount of money that will bo saved to the people by this woik of Tin , Ilu : Uum AU orCiAiMsmiiy not bo calculated , It will cer tainly bo very great. The work will bo dona as near actual cost as possible. Sumo of It will not cost moio than r > par cent , whlio much of It can be do-ie ulthln the 15 and 'M per cunt allowed by law. In some cases the U'O per cent may be roijuiicd. It is the Inten tion , however , to give the claimant the beuo- Jlt of the lowest charges that will cover the expenses of the service. Tin. liii : : Hfiiiuu will prosecute claims In the supreme court of the United States , the court of claims , the several courts of tlio Dis trict of Columbia , befoie the committees of congress and the oxeculivo departments. It will secure the payment of Just Indian dopro- nation claims , land claims , pension claims , mining pre-emption and homestead cases and obtain patents at minimum cost and the gioatest despatch. Thoio are thousands otwho ere entitled to pensions. These should write immedi ately to the biiioau. There are thousands Q/ heirs , widows , minor children , dependent mothers , fathers and minor dependents , biotluirs and slstois who ate entitled to pen sions ami should write to Till ! IJt'K bureau concerning them. Undi-r loi-ont legislation a libuial increase in pensions has boon allowed and those who are entitled to this should urito to TIIK I In : Jiinouu Claim association. Alt letters will bo piomplly nnsueied and all Information concerning form of applica tions for claims , terms , oto , will tie given witlms llttlo delay us practicable. No lotto * ill ho answered unless the sender encloses teqiilsito stamps for toply No Information concoining any particular claim will bo Im p-mod until the applicant ha > bccomo a morn * bur of Tin : iln : Bureau association , 1'artles dosiiinglnformutlonbhotihl nddioss Tin DKKlilirouu of Claims. ! > ) ( ) Dm : buildinir. Omaha , Neb. , the manager of which is 1M- ward I' . Hot-gen. UONDITIUN OK Tlio United States Lnn and Investment Oo , July i , ixui. As iis. : I.OIIIH and mortgaRos * O.f/18 f < J Ite.ilcHluUi MMW riiiiiiiuii ) : * w | A oiiind IntorcHl JUjj Mindry lueonnU . ' . ? ; } In-mianco and taxes. . . , . . . . , . "I fubb mi hand and In bank < H 13 Total tll.41100 I.IAIIII.IIIKH. lu-.tallinuiit stock Mi * CO l'n.p . ld HtooU -M W" " ts 09 'J\t III ) I ( XII ami ixr ' lieo iliilldliu , Omaha , Nuhriuk . u'-'d It V rpho business partnership between "win I'rci. V 1 tun ami ( Jeo. Hlcli irdMin. wholesale Hour dealers was dissolved Juno :0 , IbUI. William : Prciton contluuui the bunlinj.a ut 510 1'loro ; street.