Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1891, Part 2, Page 13, Image 13

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irogrammo ? of the Twenty-fifth National
Encampment at Detroit.
Two Humble Veterans KcHponil to tlio
Ijnflt Holt Citll Hulolile In llnttto
InoldenlH of Uio FliMt
Hull Uiin NotcM.
The thirteenth annum ruunlonof the Grand
Army of tbo Republic for the department of
Nobraaua will bo hold nt Uamp Slicnnan ,
Grand Island , Nob. , bnglnntng Monday Au-
Kintni and ending Suptombar 5 , 1891. The
Woman's Hcllcf Corps , the Sons of Veterans ,
the Daughters of Votoruns nnd nil old sol-
tllor * and tholr friends from Nebraska nnd
from overywUoro are most corJlnlly Invited
to attend.
Two regiments of the Nebrnsltn national
guards and Captain Murdock's battery po
Into cnmp also and will materially nid In giv
ing a military aspect to the scene , and remind
ing veterans of the days when as younger
men they maruhcd to the front to save the
life of our nation.
No effort will bo spirod by the committee
and the people having the matter In charge
to malto the camp arrangement. * the most
perfect , and the entire programme the most
Interesting over witnessed at any reunion of
old veterans anywhere since the close of the
There wilt bo a half rate on all Nebraska
railroads nnd uniformed regularly organized
coriiot bands will bo furnished free transpor
The committee is now at work to seeuro
the attendance of a grand galaxy of eamp-
flro speakers , to the onu that the camptlro
feature may eclipse all former efforts in that
line nnd remain a pleasiiut memory.
The following programme has boon out
lined for the rminioii by the committee , nnd
additions will bo made thereto , as the coin-
nil ttco Is able to bo certain of the additional
attractions It hopes and will strive to pro-
oat :
Sunrise guns by Captain Corbin's ' battery.
Arrival and reception of comrades ,
Women's Relief corps , Sons and Daughters
of Veterans and friends , arid ussigrinont of
quarters In camp.
2 p. m. Drill uy Cuptaln Murdock's bat
0 p. m. Patriotic address from grand stand
ad formal turning over of Camp Sherman
by the committee to the department com
5 p. in. Dress parade by two regiments of
Nebraska national guards.
7 p. m. Campflrcs at the two crand stands.
Bunrlso guns. Breakfast.
tin.m. Ouard mountby Nebraska national
9tOn.m. : ! Mooting of state organizations
of veterans at their respective headquarters.
10 a.m. Drill by the two regiments of
Nebraska national guards.
12 m. Dinnnor.
2 p.m Battery drill by Captain MurdocU's
4 p.m Patriotic address from grand stand
by Homo speaker of national prominence , to
bo named later by supplemental programme.
4 p.m. Meeting of state organizations of
Veterans , Women's ' Holief Corps and Sons
and Daughters of Veterans.
4JU : ! p.m. Competitive contest for a prlzo ,
by drum corps.
5 p.m.Dress parade by Nebraska national
6 p.m. Supper.
7IK : ) p.m. Cnmptlros at grand stand.
Sunrise guns by Captain Corbin's battery
0 a.m. Guard mount by Nebraska national
'guards. '
O.'UOn. m. Crand parndo in cnmp by na
tional guards , veterans by state organiza
tions , Sons of Veterans , Women's Hchof
Corps and Daughters of Veterans.
12 m. Dinner.
3 p. Compotitlvo drill for prize banner
by companies of national guards.
C4 p. m. Battery drill by Captain Mur
dock's battery.
5 p. m. Dress parade by Nebraska nation
al guards.
0 p. m. Supper. -
7iO : ! p. m. Camufircs at grand stands.
Midnight Parade by Myatlu Shrine in full
uniform In city , with grand display of tiro-
works , presenting a most novel and pleasing
pectaclo ( hour subject to change ) . The
Snrluo will number about 11 vo hundred.
Sunrise guns by Captain Corbin's battery.
9 n. m. Guard mount by Nebraska na
tional guards.
10 a. m Mooting of state organizations of
Veterans , Sons of Veterans , Women's Uoliof
Corns and Daughters of Veterans.
10:40 : a. m. Drill by Nebraska national
12 m. Dinner.
1:30 : p. m. Compotltivo drill by Sons of
Veterans for handsome prize banner.
8 p.m. Election o ( olllcers by state organi
4 p.m. Sham battle participated in by
national guards , old veterans , Sons of Vet
erans nnd two batteries.
C p.m. Dress parade nnd review by nation
al guards Grand Army of the Kopubllc , by
tate organizations and Sons of Veterans.
0 p.m. Slipper.
7:110 p.m. Campllros at Grand stands.
mum" , sKpriiMiiinc 4.
Sunrise guns by Captain Corbin's battery.
0 a.m. Guard Mount by national guards.
10 a.m. Drill by national guards ,
11 a.m. Meeting of state organizations.
12 in. Dinner.
1 p.m. Grand cornet band contest for cash
prizes of $150 ,
3 p.m. Grand general parade by national
guards , veterans , Sons of Veterans and other
organizations , conbtltuting a feature not to
bo forgotten.
0 p.m. Supper.
7:110 : p.m. "Cannon concert" by batteries
with ' 'musketry chorus" by national guards
and Sous of Veterans.
8:80 : p.m. Grand closing campllres by
bcavy and light artillery. A free for nil
general engagement , under the direction of a
competent commander ,
SATUJUUr , SKl'TEMllBll 5.
Grand farewell snluto by massed battorios.
Breaking up of camp , good bye , parting grip.
The committed assures ttio veterans of Ne
braska , the Sons of Veterans , the Women's
Relief Corps , the Daughters of Veterans and
all friends of either , of a hearty welcoinu ,
and such a spread of good things as will
surely cause their tioarta to rejoice nnd feul
clad , and it urges everybody to come to tha
( east.
Huunlon Commit too Working.
The reunion committee met in the city hall
st Grand Island pursuant to call , nud the fol
lowing members wore present , viz : Tlmyer ,
Alice , Cook , Moagher , Mobloy , Moore , Dean ,
Harrison , Caldwell , Bontlcy and Hynn.
The location nnd arrangement of Camp
Sherman as shown in the diagram was ap
proved ,
The railroads were requested to furnish
free transportation for the wood required for
the usu of the camp and do a moro liberal
amount of advertising.
Comrade Moore nnd Mr. Connor were ap
pointed a committee to personally urga such
tatlon on the part of the railroads.
A special Invitation was extended to the
Women's Holief corps , Sons of Voters , jnd
Daughters of Veterans to nttond the reunion
Governor Tliayor win appointed as a
ipoclal commltti-o to Invite Commander Vca-
toy , Mrs MoIIonry , It. A. Algcrand the In
coming commander In chief to attend ttio re
Cuptaln W. C. Henry wai appointed a
ipociat committee to tiivltn Colonel dough of
South Dakota lo attend the reunion.
A special invitation was uxtontod to Cor
poral James Tanner to deliver an address on
punslous ,
Governor Thnyor and Comrade Caldwell
were requested to extend an invitation to the
following named person * to attend and each
of thum deliver an address ; Senator \Vol-
cott , Governor John L. Uoutt , Denver , Col. ;
lionorul J. I ) , Weaver , DCS Mouos ! , lit. ; J. J.
Inffnlls , Atoblson , Kan. ; Governor Kirk wood
ft lowi ox-Uovoruor Dick OgfiMiby of 1111-
tiols , General Bragg of Wisconsin , and the
senators nnd congressmen of Nebraska.
It was ordered that the railroads bo fur
nished with a programme comprising the
leading features and attractions of the forth
coming reunion and asked them to Incorpor
ate them In their bills and posters.
Gunner Corbln was Instructed tj prepare
150 cartridges for the use of tbo Grand Island
The following prizes wcro ottered for the
best bands ; JIOO as llrst prlzo , fM second
nnd 125 third , and under the snmo conditions
nnd restrictions ns prevailed.
It was moved that a suitable silk banner
bo offered as a prl/o to the best Jrlllcd com
pany of the national guards nnd also a Ilko
banner to the best drilled camp of the Sons of
Veterans. Carried.
Tim National ICiirainpnirnt.
All roads load to Detroit this week.
The national encampment of the Grand
Army of the Uopubllc opens Monday , August
! id , anu will continue flvo days. The citi
zens of Detroit have subscribed a fund of
$100,000 , an amount sunlciout to cnsuro the
success of the meeting , and the entertain
ment of visitors.
The committee on transportation has Issued
a circular calling attention to the bagsago
question , and seeking to Impress on all the
necessity of leaving at homo all personal belongings -
longings which cannot bo carried In the
hand. Tents , camp equipage , etc. , should bo
checked as It will bo impossible to loc.Uo
and deliver during the ouuampmaut such as
Is not checked.
Una thousand and nlnoty.two double-deck
bunks will be placed In the main half of the
exposition building to accommodate eight
men each. Bunks of this kind will bo placed
In the art building , barns and other struct
ures on the exposition grounds. Tents will
bo pitched outside. Fifteen thousand will
be cared for hero. Camp Sherman will ac
commodate 15,000 : Camp Walker , 4,000 : the
Globe tobacco bulldlne , 2,000 ; the Michigan
oxchantte , 81)0 ; the Blddlo house , 1'JUO ;
Bcechor's ' watehouso , 1.000 ; and the camtis
and buildings mitnou will glvu accommoda
tions to 27,000 veterans.
The committee on entertainments have
perfected a program for the wcekas follows :
Monday , August ! 1 Reception of visitors
and assignment lo quarters.
Tuesday Grand parade of veterans and
Sons of Veterans. Eight o'clock p. in. , at
the rink , a grand reception to the Grand
Army Of the Republic , Women's Relief
Corps , Sons ot Veterans , nnd Naval A oter-
H113. Camollres ut exposition grounds and
other points.
Wednesday 10:1)0 : ) a. m. , meeting of nation
al encampment , Grand Army of the Republic
in 2"ith.annual session ; 10:30 : a. m. , meeting
of national convention , Women's Relief
Corps , In ninth annual session : 8 p. m. ,
camptlros at rink , exposition and other
Thursday 10:30 a. m' , 23th annual en
campment , Grand Army of the Republic ,
continued ; 1 : liO a. m. , ninth annual conven
tion , Women's Relief Corps , continued ; 8 p.
m , , banquet at rink to national delegates ; 8
p. in. , camptlros.
Friday Boat excursions and visits to var
ious points.
Tlio Grnml I'uriulc.
The grand parade of the veterans will take
place Tuesday. Illinois will take the right
line immediately after the commandor-in-
chief nnd staff , mid departments will inarch
in the following order , as announced in
general order :
Illinois , Wisconsin , Pennsylvania. Ohio ,
Now York , Connecticut. Massachusetts ,
Now Jersey , Maine , California , Rhode
Island , Now Hampshire , Vermont , Potomac ,
Virginia , Maryland , Nebraska , Iowa ,
Indiana' , Colorado nnd Wyoming , Kansas ,
Delaware , Minnesota , Missouri , Orocon ,
Kentucky , West Virginia , South Dakota ,
Washington and Alaska , Arkansas , Now
Mexico , Utah , Tennessee , Louisiana nnd
Mississippi , Florida , Montana , Texas. Idaho ,
Arizona , Georgia , Alabama. North Dakota ,
Oklahoma , Indian Territory , Michigan ,
Naval Veterans , Sons of Veterans. The
junction of Woodward and Adaits avenues
will bo the starting point , the column mov
ing promptly at 10:30 : n. m.
The great feature of the parade will bo the
umbrella parade , representing a monster
national Jlag , and concerning which the fol
lowing lines have been contributed by Mrs.
S. A. Gamble of Illinois :
A living Hag I O , veterans gray ,
You'vo taught a wholesome truth today
To careless patriots hero and there ,
Who for our banner have no caro.
You have said to lawless anarchy ,
' This is the Hag of destiny ;
No ofhor onsien o'er shall wave
Over the homes we'd dlo to savo. "
O , living flag ? Our pulses thrill 1
Hopes brighter grow , our fears are still ,
When heroes covered o'er with scars
Weave into life the "stripes and stars. "
O. flog , thou 11 vest I if os , I truce
Life's Joys and sorrows on thy face.
Not deeper than the life-drops shed
To glvo thco birth , thy stripes of red I
Not fairer than the martyred brow
That died for theo. thy waves of snowl
The broadened Held of heavenly blue
Mirrors n spirit strong and true.
O , veterans , may the day ne'or como
When our dear Hag , all cold and dumb ,
A thing Inanimate shall lie ,
Dusttrailcd , , the jest of passers-by.
Long life to thee , O heroes bold ;
This thought of thino to young and old
An inspiration blest will bo ,
O , "living Hag 1" Long life tothool
Invitations to the war governors , ex-prosl-
dents ot the United Slates , to tbo president
and his cabinet , to the general in command
of the United States army , and to all noted
living generals of the union army have boon
extended nnd in most cases hnvo boon nc-
coptod. The decorations of the city during
the reunion will bo somothlm ; remarkable ,
both In extent and quality , ns all the citizens
have gone into the affair with a spontaneity
and patriotic fervor unexcelled , ns though to
make the silver encampment the banner
event In the history ol the Grand Army of
the Republic.
There will BO n reunion of the old "Mower
Second Brigade , " composed of the Forty-
seventh Illinois infantry , Elchtli " Wisconsin
Infantry , Eleventh Missouri" Infantry , Fifth
and Ninth Minnesota infantry regiments and
Second Iowa battery , to take place during
the national encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic at Detroit , Augusta , 1801.
The meeting will take place In the city hall
unless otherwise ordered. It is expected
that Generals Hubbnrd nnd A. J. Smith will
bo present.
The Department of Kansas has issued
orders notifying the veterans who attend
from that state to meat at Kansas headquar
ters , Hotel Normaudlo , room 0. ut 0 o'clock p.
m. , August ! ! , for consultation nnd organiza
tion. The commander makes the following
suggestions to comrades attending the en
campment about bagcago : Do not carry any
unnecessary baggage. If a trunk Is shipped ,
pack It closely and seeuro well by straps and
muko the directions clear and pla'ln. Do not
chock valises , but carry them with YOU on
the train. Attach a tag securely to each
piece of baggage on the outside , giving the
name nud roslctonco of the owner. If thosa
directions are carefully followed mucti loss of
baggage will bo avoided.
Special preparations have been made by
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
to carry delegates and Grand Army veterans
from the departments of Iowa , Nebraska ,
Wisconsin nud Minnesota. A rate of 0110 faro
for the round trip has been made , and the
Grand Army trains on this road will bo
scheduled to iirrivo in Chicago Aueust 1 and
2 In ample time ) to make connections with all
trains lor Detroit.
Biiluiilo In lUttlo.
A group of old soldiers gathered in the ro
tunda of the Klmball house , jays the Atlanta
Constitution , were telling stories of field and
camt ) during the war , whan ono of the num
ber gave the following graphic account of
the suicide of n federal o 111 cor on the Held ut
Gettysburg :
"It was there , " said ho , "I saw n federal
ofllcor , chagrined because nothing would stay
tbo retreat of his man , ralso bis pistol to his
head nnd blow out his brains. It happened
on the second day's tight. General Long-
street had just rome up with part of his
corns from Chamborsburg , Pa. , nnd vigor
ously assailed Sickles' corns , whlcl ) ha was
driving bacK ! 'i great dUordor , Sickles
halted and formed Ills men in line /to receive
Longstroct's onslaught. }
It wss ono of the few times JJovor saw
corns commanders at the front IIIIOA Sickles ,
with is stuff , was riding among Mils men ,
cucourayluj ; them to withstand 0 o confoder-
nto fusnult , whllo Longstrcot , with his staff ,
nnd Colonel Frccmantlo , an English ofllcor
and correspondent of the London Times ,
were cheering our boys to the charge.
"Wo advanced and gave the federal * a tcr-
rlllc volley nt close ran go. They staggered
under the galling lire , when Longstrcot or
dered us to glvo them the bayonets. As the
men wavered and broke to run , an ofllcor
ntoppcd to the front , and with his sword sig
nalled them to como back. Again and again
ho waved to his men , but by this tlmo they
were In full run , ami the ofllecr , In his angry
mortification , raised a pistol to hi * head ami
fired. When General Longstreot and Colonel
Frcomantlo rode up they looked down at the
bravo union ofllcer , but the tldo of battle
swept ns on. "
Two Humble Veterans Gone.
Two humble union soldiers have Just died
whoso cnreors were not ordinary. Alexander
Gourly , who died at the soldiers' homo nt
L avonworth , Knn. , nt the nso of eighty-
iiino , served throughout the war of 1812 , the
war with Mexico and the war between the
states , not to mention a number ot Indian
wars on the frontier. Gourly seems to have
made n business ot military service In a
country which duringhls llfooffercd rare nnd
extraordinary Inducements for men to follow
the paths of poacO. The other ease Is that of
John Abel of Now Castle , Pu. Abel's regi
ment at Frederlcksburg had Just retreated
across the river , the story goo , when the
colonel noticed that the Ilucr had been loft be
hind. It w.vs Abel who volunteered to return
nnd save the colors. IJo crossed the bridge
of boats and entered the town already full of
confederates. Making his wnv to the wurc-
house where the Hair remained ho secured it
unseen ami then coolly picked out bis knap
sack from the pile stacked on the warehouse
lloor. Ho was hotly pursued on the return
and had to wade partly across the river. The
feat made Abel a sergeant.
Th I'l-ocossloii.
Walter Storm Ula'loie ,
There I Iconics :
Hark ! The llfcs' uncanny cry ,
Line an cairlo's from the sky ;
And , beneath , the heavy roll
( How It thrills my very soul I )
Of the drums.
Through the trees ,
Glance a row of bayonets brlcht ,
In the shimmorlnit "summer light ,
Shining bolts on coats of blue ,
There a Hag Is Hying , too ,
In the brcczo.
In the van ,
( While I wait beside the wav ) ,
Battalions pass in bravo array ;
Ranks as true as rifle shot ,
Shoulder-knot to shoulder-knot ,
Man to man.
At the roar ,
In the pluco of honor there ,
Who are those with whitened halrl
Theirs is not a line so true ;
Theirs arc coats of faded blue ,
Heroes , hero.
Hangs n ragged battle sheet ;
Trembling lips that symbol greet ,
Of the remnant hero today ,
Ah the host that inarched awayl
They are dead.
A Hot
New York Sun : "Was It a hot day ! " said
a Bull Run graduate in reply to a question
put by his son. "It was a scorcher , that same
July 21 , 1801. But wo were all young follows
and didn't fool it. I belonged to n Mulno
regiment that had two ofllcors killed nnd forty
oail men killed and wounded that day , and
you can bet It was hot where wo woro. At
4 o'clock In the morning I sat un my horse
with my regiment drawn up each side of the
road to lot another brigade pass by between.
Pretty soon I heard my name called , and
Johnny Simonson , Clove Wlnslow , nnd a
dozen other boys from Statcn Island came up
and shook hands with mo. They belonged to
the Seventy-first regiment and wo had been
boys together. Somohours afterward I stood
upon a caisson of Ayor's battery
in the center of the field and watched
the Sovonty-lirst deploy In line of battle and
engage the enemy. They never paraded
more handsomely on Broad way.nnd as n Now
Yorker I wanted to take oft my hat and cheer.
The flro was terrible but the boys never
flinched , and in view of the fact tnat the
term 01 tholr enlistment had already ended ,
tholr performance on that day was magnltl-
cent. Yes , it was a hot day. but nobody on
that Hold asked whether it was hot enough. "
Camp-Fire Talk.
A 510,000 banquet will bo ono of the feat
ures of the national encampment. But only
000 out of the 10,000 In attendance will bo
called to the feast.
"Thirty years ago today , " ( July 21) ) said a
veteran soldier who is also a newspaper man ,
"I was wounded nnd captured at Bull Run.
It happened that I was taken to a Hut in the
woods nnd was not reported lor several days.
Missing and supposed to bo dead , my obituary
was written in half a dozen newspapers , and
1 had the satisfaction of reading several that
were sent to mo at Llbby prison. It Is not
every man who survives his obituaries by
thirty years. "
Tbo Fifth Iowa will hold its reunion at
Marshalltown , August 27-8 ; the Eighth Iowa
at Wupello , August 10-20 , and the Twenty-
Hrst Iowa at Mason City , September 8-l > .
The Sixth Kansas cavalry will hold a re
union nt Ploasanton , September 10-17.
Washington wants the next national en
campment and has put up a guarantee of
It is estimated at Detroit that 200,000
strangers will visit that city durlnor the week
of the Grand Army encampment.
The mayor of Watcrvillo , Mo. , has forbid
den rollirious services on the poorfarm on the
ground that it excites the paupers.
Parson Have you something to send to
the heathen , Mr. Trotter ) Mr , Trotter
( mopping his brow ) Yes ; I will send them
my winter overcoat.
"Wo must try Deacon Dcnbury for
heresy. " "Why , what's the matter with
him } " "Ho says ho knows what family of
plants the burning bush which Moses saw
belongs to. " "What does ho say It was I"
"An electric light 'plant. ' "
An Ill-paid minister wont to his deacon nnd
asked for an increase of salary. "Salaryl"
said the deacon , "I thought you worked for
souls , " "So I do , " said the minister , "but I
cannot ant souls , and If I could it would take
n good many of your size to make n dish. "
"Tho wicked wntchoth the righteous nnd
Acekcth to slay Him , " quoth the preacher In
the course of his sermon , nnd the small boy
In the back pow whispered n * ho squared
around : "Hit , Johnnie , lot up. His nibs is
onto us. nnd we'll git slewed If wo ain't moro
porticklor in meetlu' . "
A gentleman informs us that ho went Into
a churcti In Georgia where u negro was
preaching. Nothing romarkublo was said till
the preacher cried out : "Ah , my brethren ,
ttiu Lord sometimes uses very faublo means
to bring men to Christ. Thora was Peter ,
tlio Hshorman , and Paul , the tontmakcr , and
( putting his hand on his own head ) Andrew
Marshall , the drayman. "
Luclla sat on the third step of the piazza
cutting dandelion "radishes" for dinner.
"Mamma " said she after of
, , a spall profound
thoughtfulness , "whore Is hotH" "What do
you ineaiU" exclaimed the astonished mother.
"Why , " said Lucllo , "I hoard u man down
here by the church toll another very dirty old
man to go to hell , and is It toward grandma's ,
or do they have to take tbo cars ! "
A minister's little daughter , who had boon
to church for the tirst time and heard her
father preach , was questioned by him on
reaching home as to how she likedhls , sor-
ir.on. Tuoro was an embarrassed slloace ;
then the little maid , tired out with the long
strain of "being good , " and yet anxious not
to offend , made answer , with n long-drawn
breath of patient resignation : "You preached
awful long , pupa ; but I beared it. "
"Tha Youth's , tolls
Companion of a church
near Boston , which recently guvo an enter
tainment for tbo benefit of ono of its numer
ous charities , and nt the end of the evening
ono of the gentlemen In chnrgo was paying
several people for their services in connection
with the afTuir. Finally , ho approached the
boy who bad blown tbo organ and said ;
"Woll , Willie , how much do wo ewe you for
your work this evening ! " The bov looked at
him in genulno surprise. "Why , Mr , W. ,
said ho , "don't tbo test of the talent give
their services 1"
Many years ago a rich , wicked and parsl-
niluouh Dutchman lived In one of tha towns
in tbo Monawlt valley , says Kato Field's
Washington latter. A subscription was start
ed to urocura a llyhtnlntj-rod for the village
Drs. Boti
1409 Douglas St. .
aifi - Nefo.
HI1) 'I
OFFICE HOUj From 8 u. in.
to 8 p. in. ; Sundays ,
10 n. in , to 1 p. ui.
Consultation txt olllco or by irmil freo.
Medicines sent by mull or express , securely -
curoly pnukod. free from obsorvivtion.
Guaranteed to euro quickly , snfulv and
Sporniutorrhon , seminal losso.s , night
omissions , physical decay arising from
indiscretion , excess or in'tlulgonco , pro
ducing sleeplessness , dosnondoticy , Dim
ples on the faco. aversion to feoci'Jty ,
easily discouraged , laelc of conlldonco ,
dullunlit for study or busltius.s.nnd llnda
life n burden , safely , permanently and
privately cured. Consult Dr. Bolts &
Bolts , 140 ! ) Douglas street.
Syphilis , a disease most horrible in
its results , completely eradicated with
out the aid of mercury ; scrofula erysi
pelas , fever sores , blotches , ulcers ,
pains in the head and bones , syphilitic
sore throat , mouth and toncruo , catarrh ,
etc. , permanently cured where others
have failed.
Complaints , painful , dilllcuU , too fre
quent , burning or bloody urine , urine
hierh colored or with milky sediment on
standing , weak back , gonorrhoeagloot ,
cystitos , promptly and safely curod.
Charges reasonable.
DRS. BETTS & 13ETTS' case book
shows that they have been consulted by
8,012 persons , residents in Denver and
adjoining towns oua states , during the
past twelve months , 7,782 of whom took
treatment ; 5,401 have reported them
selves cured , 2,284 have boon greatly
bonofittod and are now under treat
ment , 25 report nd improvoineut,7 claim
to bo worse , and 5 out of the 7,782 are
dead. This is the" record of Drs. Bolts
& Botts' practice , for the hist twelve
mouths in Denver a record of which
they have just cause to bo proud.
Do you look out on _ life's highway and
see a seared and ruined past , forward tea
a future aimless and enfeebled , and to
the silent tomb your happy release ?
Are your Kidneys , Stomach , Urinary
Organs , Liver or'Blood in a disordered
conditionV Ilavo" you carried marital
relations to excess , leaving you weak ,
nervous and debilitated ?
If you need help , delay no longer. "Ho
who hesitates is lost. " Now is the gold
en moment to 3eok for health. Speedy ,
satisfactory , safe and permanent cures
guaranteed. Address
church , and the Dutchman was visited by
tbo committee. Ho heard the request for a
contribution , and scratched his head.
"Whoso house Is dot , you sayl" queried
mynheer. "It Is the church the Lord's
house. " "Veil , if dor Lord wants to dundor
down His own house , ho can shoost duuder
it oop agin 1 I gifs nodings. "
1'aronts Head This.
July and August are anxious montns for
mothers' who carefully watch over their little
ones. Hot days and frequent changes of
temperature are liable to produce cholera
morhus. How satisfactory It should bo for
parents to know that Haller's Pain Paralyziu-
is both a pleasant and offdctlvo remedy for
all summer complaints. It .soothes and re
lieves all pain and griping and always effects
a complete euro. _
The GorgcouM Home of the American
Itonanzii Woman.
The London mansion of which Mrs.
John A. Maokiiy , the American million
airess , has just taken possession is ono of
the most remarkable in every way of
those that cover the site of the histori
cal Carlton house , and ia described thus
by a London paper : It wan built origin
ally by the third duke of Loinstor , and
the present owner of the title sold It ,
shortly after his succession , to Mr. C. II.
Sanford , a millionaire , whoso ambition
it was to possess the finest house In all
London. Mr. Sanford gave carlo blanche
alike to architects and decorators. Forever
over two years the works wont slowly on
and just when their completion seemed
at last to bo in view the Baring compli
cations Intervened and Mr. Sanford
found himself compelled to surrender
the toy for which ho had paid BO dearly.
The negotiations did not take twenty-
four hours , and Mr. and Mrs. John ,
Mackay , Instead of'Mr. Sanford , became
the neighbors of Mr * Pamnuro Gordon
and Lord PombrolfOc
Tim entrance hall contains some of
the finest decorative , work over soon in
England. The first has a colling of
blue and gold , whil'tt' , ho walls are paneled -
olod with slabs of lJnk } Soudanese mar-
bl o divided by atullyiry pilasters , and
broken only by n fifteen century Italian
chimney piece. Tbo bnliM traded stair
case of white marble In the inner hall
mono cost a small fortune. All the details -
tails of the ItaUiitr fifteenth century
carving are perfect ! " and the walls are
covered with grc'dh and gold brocade
and line old tape y. The doors are
inlaid with rich Ituarsta work , and the
stairways , of whlto slhtuary marble , dis
play the most Rajmaolosquo designs.
Nothing could ho more elTectlvo than
the colTorcd colling , each "colter" being
filled with a star-snapod ( lower , the
potulu of which are composed of pearl
The Henry II dining room Is deeply
papered with mahogany , tha margins of
the lower panels being inlaid with satin
wood. The coffered colling is decorated
with finely modeled figures In Ivory
color on a gold ground. The elaborately -
ly carved IIreplace roaches to the cell
ing. The ball room and drawing room
are on the first lloor. The ceilings of
the former has Us panels filled with
paintings , whllo of the walls are
occupied by enormous pieces of Gobelins
tapestry , mgnod CoKotto , and roprehont-
ing episodes in the career of Don
Qulxoto after Cuyp.
A great use has boon made of cloisonne
Medical and Surgical Institute ,
1409 Douglas Street , - - Omaha , Neb.
inn i ftOPVI , | VUu , Special and Surgical
Drs. Belts & Belts nro the oldest , most experienced nnd widely
known specialists In tlio United S'.ntos in thf > treatment of Chronic
nnd Surgical Diseases. Our Extensive American and European
Hospital , military and private experience , should entitle us to your
confidence ns the most skllllul Specialists in the country.
tSTlnclose n stamp In all letters asking questions and desiring an
answer. This is no little item to us nt the end of a year , consider
ing that thousands of letters have to be answered every month.
Oursuccessln these specialties Is universally acknowleded , and
our diplomas can be soon nt our office at nil times.
DRS. BUTTS & BUTTS , 1409 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
A Cuio Oimrnnteotl I" ALL
nil cusL'3 ot
Private and Skin
All disorders of tlio
lien and Women Suc
ml Dips cessfully Treated ,
Lots Mnnliood , Norv-
OIIH mid Physloal Debil
CUBED ity , KxImiiMi'd Vltnlily ,
I'ri'in.itum I ) of I I n o ,
Weiikni'ss In Woinoii ,
And Mnnlinod and Kn-
and all fuiuMlotml clc-
restored. raiiKi'iMi'iils Unit n-siilt
from youthful follies or
CONSULTATION FREE o.xui'is In uflcryenr-t.
All I'oiiiiiiunluiitloiis
and conversations su-
uiudly confidential.
A Friendly Talk Costs
Notliing. A SURE CURE Guaranteed pornian-
eiilctiro , lemoval com
The awful effects of Early Vice , plete , without cutting ,
caustic or dilatation.
which brings organ c weakness , ( Jnrcs effected at liomu
destroying1 both mind and body , by patient , without a
PILES with all its dreadful ills , permanently noyance. liniment's A pain wonderful or an
nently cured. remedy which never
falls , and also eure.s nil
DRS. BETTS discharges and Irilta-
Fistula and Rectal Ulcers tlon.
Address thofo who have impaired
cers . themselves by improper indul We Successfully Treat
gences and solitary habits , which
No kulfu iisod. No pnln
ordtituiitloii from busi ruin both body and mind , unfitting Woman and Ucr
ness. Cure KUiirunteeU. them lor business , study and mar
Consultation fico. riage. Diseases.
MARRIED MEN these entering
or Every complaint Inci
ing on that happy life , aware of dent to fcmalca at the
If wo can not euro you physical debility , quickly assisted. dawnlni ; of uomanhood ,
the ape of maternity ,
wo . will frunkly toll you OUR SUCCESS and chance of life , fe
30. male \VL ; prolap
sus uteri , tilcoratlon ,
Is ba'ed upon fact3. First Practi loncorrlxca , all'uctlona
cal experience. Second Every ot urethr.i and hladder ,
la studied pains In the back , pain
HYDROCELE AND ease especially , thus ful or suppressed mens
starting nright. Third Medicines truation. Treatment
VARICOCELE are prepared in our laboratory warranted to produce
exactly to suit oaoh case , thus ef expected vlco freo. results. oonlldentlal Ad-
Prnianontly curod. fecting1 cures without injury. nnd reliable.
Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 1O a. m. to 1 p. m.
enamel , especially for the production of
two ideal bathrooms the ono Pom
poiinn , the other Japanese with ap-
pronriato fruits and flowers on the
walls. Electric light only is used. The
house contains some of the choicest
works of art in Europe.
The Gobelins Don Quixote tapestries
are continued in the drawing room. In
addition to the several statutes In the
hall there is a largo strip of Boaiivais
tapestry , representing "Agriculture , "
and four moro Gobelins panels devoted
to the "Seasons. " The lieauvais hang
ings on the staircase have for their sub
jects the life of Christopher Columbus , a
very appropriate subject for an Ameri
can household. All the chairs and hofas
in the dining-i'oom are covered with
genuine Louis XVI needlework. The
cabinets contain a priceless collec
tion of bibelots , Sevres , miniatures ,
snull-boxes , etc. , and the pictured ( many
of them masterpieces ) are by Rubens ,
"VVouvormann , Toniors. Gerard Downfall
Steen , Cabanol , Meissonior and 13onat.
The ballroom measures fifty feet by
twenty-live , and both It and the adjoin
ing saloons are treated in the Paladin
style of the Italian sixteenth century.
The IjntCHi Conundrum.
Why is Ilnller s Sarsnptirllln and Burdock
Him tlio most popular soap of ttio day I
Uucauso they both cleanse the skin nnd
leave it soft mid volvuty.
KUAIMCATOll-Curua all illioaioj liociuuo Itklllj
thu uilurubu or Korui. 1'ut up ami rotullud In tl. $3
mm (5 nliei , tlio latter 2 1-3 vulluni Hunt any-
wliciro prop.ilit on rocelpt of prlcu orO. o 1) . Wo
Issue aifimmmra to euro. Tlio nulillu , trailo nnil
lobburt sii'tplluit by the Uoodimm Drug Ou . .Me *
Cnrmlck & l.und , Oninhiii U A. Mulchur , llowiinl
.Myum nmt H. J Hoykura , Houtli Oniutii A. U , I'u a
tur and M 1 * . Kill ) , Council iilulK
leac'm ? rmnttiiy for all tb i
unniuum' illichuiKes ami
IirlvnUiUliflatoaDfr.h .1
curuinrtirH fur tlie dflilll-
tallug akne jiecullur
to women.
J prencrlboltondfeelsuffl
In recnmmeixllui ; It Ui
> ! < ( by DrtiKicli
Krvtt l'l\iCl. 81.IM ) .
I hare a poilUte ruinedor tlm tliovu dlsf aso i bj Itf
USH thousands of cm9S of the wont kind &uil of lur.j
( landing hare h m currJ. ImlunJ KI itrmitf 11 my fa.tU
m Hsejfiocj , ttiil I will wnil TWO ucmLKa ruKK.wUli TItKATISI' on till * ilbeaiu toanjsuf.
feror who will m-iiJ ma tbalr Utprxu mil I'.O. atl.lnmt ,
T. A. bloi-iiui , ill. C. | 181 1'carl til. , N. Y.
1409 Douglas St.
, - Nob.
Nervous Diseases , .
Sexual Diseases ,
Kit floy and Liver 1) )
mid Throat T
Treated With Success.
Private Diseases.
It is tlio duty of every honorn bio nhyj
ioinu to do sill ho can to relieve human
suffering , aiid\vliilo such dlnonsos exist ,
wo deem it our duty to minister to their
alleviation and euro without question
ing the degree ot depravity which htia
brought on the trouble. Many won
nnd women of puio minds , who have
never parted from the jwths of virtue ,
have unconciously contracted diseases
which , sooner or later , will sap the
springs of life or lay the foundation for
a miserable old age , unless checked and
cured. Having had a largo experience
in this class of diseases , wo can. In all
sincerity , assure the alllictcd that under
our method of trnatmont rapid cures
are oircclod in the worst conceivable
cases in a short time and at a reason
able expense. Uomombor that the only
danger comes from neglect or attempt
ing to euro yourself by using prescrip
tions that have proved successful 111
curing your friends. Do not , therefore ,
waste time and ooniplimto the dill'eulty '
nor lot false modesty deter you from at
once applying to us , either in person or
by letter. Strict conlldonco will bo ob
served and exposure will never como at
our hands.
Associated with The San Francisco Examiner
For the States of Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas and
South Dakota , for the collection of all leofiti-
mate claims before the various Depart
ments of the Government.
EDWARD P. ROGGEN , Manager ,
Room 600 , B89 Building , OMAHA , NEB
Will practi cc in the SUPREME COURT OF 711
UNITED STATES , the Court of Claims , the several Courts
of the District of Columbia , before Committees of Congress ,
Indian Depredation Claims.
We Obtain Pensions and Patents.
All Classes of Land Claims.
Mining , Pre-emption and Homestead Cases
Prosecuted before the Land Ollico , Department of the Interior , and
the Supreme Court.
Thousands yet entitled. Write for information.
Widows , Minor Children , Dependent Mothers , Fathers , and
* Minor Dependents Brothers and Sisters entitled.
Pension laws are now moro liberal than formerly , and many are
entitled to better rales. Apply at once for Hat of question * ) to
determine right to higher rates.
All letters will be promptly answered and all
information concerning form ol'applications for
claims terms , etc. , will be given with as little
delay as practicable. No letter will be an
swered unless the sender encloses requisite
stamps for reply. No information concerning
any particular claim will be imparted until the
applicant has become a member of The Bee
Claims Bureau association ,
Address all letters relating to claims to
Bureau of ( ilaims