8 THE OMAHA DAILY /WEDNESDAY : / , JULY 20 , 1801. RESULTS OF THE DECISION , Justice Brewer's Ruling Gives Rise to Turther Railroad Oomplication , NO DEPOT ROOM FOR THE ROCK ISLAND. The Union Pnulllu tl\it no Depot to OIToi Attorncyu or the KoiulH Hold n Conference. An oniclnl of the Union depot company Jtntud yesterday that the decree ot the court In the brlilKO ciuo would not ndmit the Uock Island nnd Milwaukee roads Into the union ilnpot. The Union I'nclllo did not own the grounds now used hy the HurlitiHton i'nd the Union I'nclllc , nnd could not , therefore , nutlion/o the Kock Island nnd Mllwau- kco to enter thoao Krounds. All the I'lilon i'aclllo could do would ho to nllow these roads to enter Its yards and tracks. It might he liahlo for dumaces hv reason of its fniluro to "deliver the Koods , " hut , at the f aino tlnio , It was evident that this was en tirely beyond Its powers. When nsKcd what bearing this decision would have upon the cnso ho said ho did not sea what possible Inlluenco it could have , unless It nduht possibly hun moans of Indue- iiiK Messis. IIowo nnd Stuht to withdraw their injunction suit BRalnst the depot com pany. ( onlcrciieo of Attorni-yH Attorneys for the Hock Island nnd the Union i'acillc hold n. conference as HURKe ted by .lustico Urowor , with tlio idea of arriving nt nn ngru3iiont : on the terms of n decree to be made by the court in the bridge case. The parties agreed on nil the points except that of grunting a supswedons nnd an other point of minor Importance. On these two points their differences will bo submitted to the court anil by It adjusted. The Union 1'iieilic will make n formal application for a superseilcas and will nsk the court to llx the amount of tno bond to bn required In case the application is ur.intcd. If the amount is deemed lee largo the appli cation will not bo pushed. The ivock ( slnnd people feel confident tlmt the court will overrule the application for a Buperscdcsis nnd dcrrro the immediate per formance of the terms of the contract. W. I. Allen of ( JhicaKo , assistant general mnmmcr of the Hock Island , nnd Division Su- perindent IJurJoy of Topekn , nro in the city Jor the purpose of entcrinir into the work of making up a Joint train .schedule , ami Divi sion Supjriutcndunt C. A. Ooodnow , of the Milwaukee , Is In the city on the same er rand lor his road. President Cable stated yesterday that trains would bo run over tno bridge anil throiiL'h Omaha us soon as n schedule could bo arranged. Judfjo Thurston stated that the case was of such Importance that It wo lid bo taken to the now court of appeals Whichever party was defeated In that court would undoubtedly carry the case to the supreme court , as they would not feel Justified in dropping n case o'f such magnitude before reaching tno court of last resort. Uoports Irnm South Onmhn and the UlutTs to the effect that the Union I'neilio had blockaded the tracks at the points where Iho Kock Island made connections , were looked upon us ridiculous nt the Union I'acillc headquarters. It was positively stated that no orders of that sort had been Issued , and If anything of that kind had been dona It would bo a cause for immediate investigation. Superintendent Nichols was 'asked about the matter nnd stated that the report was absolutely without foundation. Speaking more particularly about thu South Omaha case , no said th.it three or four empty freight earn had uccn run onto the sidetracic with which the Hock Island intended to connect , nnd were de railed. This was done during the trouble several months ago and thn cars had not been removed slnco. Nothing had been done re cently to block the tracks nnd ho knew of no attempt on the part of the Hock Island to gam nn entrance upon the Union 1'ncltio tracks. There was no connection nt South Omaha with the Hock Island tracks , nnd no attempt hud been made to make any connections. President Cnblo was spoken to about thn matter , and snid no attempt had been mndo to nffcct an entrance upon the Union I'ncilic tracks. Ho said his people were not born fools and things were coming their way lib fast ns could bo expected. As soon as the decree of the court is en tered the Hock Island will bo begin a suit for dam.igps against the Union Pacific. 1 ho amount to bo sued for has not been decided lit on , but It is sale to say that the nmount will bo over $ TiOu , ( ) per day lor every day since the contract was abrogated. " 'ho Milwaukee will also commence a simi lar suit , nut for n somewhat loss amount , ns Its case Is slightly different from thut of Iho Kock Island. . Thnuly Ailvluu. Now Is the tiiuo to provide yourself nnd family with n reliable remndy for bowel complaints. It is almost certain to bo needed , nnd no family can afford to be without it. It costs but n trillo and may be the means of saving much suffering , if not life1 Tliero are many different remedies in use , but Uham- borlnln's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Heincdy is undoubtedly the best. 2. ) and fiO cent bottles for hale by druggists. AN AKUIOAN IN 'IM1 3 UOIfiit. ; Another .Muddlo OvorOnv ol'tlio City Mull Conlriiuts. Tliero nro somu indications that an African lurks about the new city hall and that ho has taken up tils temporary nbodo not fur Irom thu bailer rooms. Wtien John 1 < \ Coots secured the contract for the Interior finish of the building , the Etcam-hcuting , plumbing nnd furnishing of boilers was Included. Ills bond was ap proved , and In the specltlcatlons it was stated that lie was to furnish four boilers , constructed of whut Is known to the trade as "Otis" Mii'l. In duo Hum not lee was sent out to bidders to submit propositions on doing the work. Any number of bids cuino in , and hv Mr. Coots , the contract wns mvardod to liaker & Smith of Chicago , who bid on , nnd ngroed to furnish boilers constructed of Park Bothers' steel , although the spcclllcntlons plainly state thin "Oils" steel should he the material used. The boilers reached Omaha sma weeks ngo , but as yet they have not been set. Yesterday Mr. OstnoiT , chairman of the com mittee on publlo property and buildings , made the discovery that ( ho bollurs were not according to spocillcatlons. Mr. Coots was notttlcd nnd admitted thu fact , though ho Muted that Iho Park lirothurs' steel was equally us good us tlmt known as "Otis" steel , having n tensile strong Hi of tJO,000 pounds. He , however , offered no explana tion for not following the requlremonU of the specifications. Holler Inspector Standnvon has sren tlio boilers nnd refuses to pass thoin , stating that they nro not In accordance ) with the | Hcillcntlons , even If they are branded "tiO.OOO pounds tensile strength. " These four boilers weigh fifteen tons each , n total of r0OX ) pounds. The bids submitted gave prices on thu "Otis" steel , which , It Is claimed , coUs from I'M to : i cents more per pound than the i'nrlc Brothers' steel. Thu councllinon claim that the contract calls for the "Otis" steel , but that linker & Smith nro tuhitltntlngn cheaper grado. which makes n rnko-off of train f..UK ) to $ Mik)0. ) The council will Investigate nnd in the meantime nothing will bo done toward setting tlio boilers. The plan is to take n coupon from the boilers , sand it nway to bo tested , nnd if the test snows that the btc-cl does not come up to tno required standard of strength of the "Otis" steel , then the now boilers will KO Into the dump. Mr. iliifk , to the I'uhllc. 1 with to say to my friends and the nubile , that I rngurd Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Kumody as the bust prcpnra * tloti In use for Colic nnd Diarrhoea. U is the Jincst selling medicine 1 over handled , be- cuusu it always gives satisfaction. O. II. CIAKK , Ornnguvllle , Texas. flot Throe of the OUIIH. On Juno 13 and agalu on July 4 tbo North western railway company lost a case of gun s In transit. A Uotcctlvo WM put to work on the case nnd yesterday ho locAtoJ three of the stolen gun * at Sam Friedman's pawn shop on Dodge strcnt , The throe shooting Irons had been pawned for 113 , which amount was paid to the broker and the property released. The railway detective will leave tonight for Chicago cage with the stolen property. A very Mr.nll plfl , but a very good cno. DoWltt's Little Karly Hlscrs. Furniture. Visits. A. Orchard'BBpocinl en\o \ de partment , HH you nmy llnil just what you need iti the furniture line at very much reduced prices. Continental block. 15th and Do'jglua street. MISS IllUGOS UICCOVIOHING. A Corrput Statement of the Accident anil Her \arrii\v KHCI ; | > C. A reporter saw Dr. Oeorgo L. Miller last evening nnd submitted to hln nn account of the unfortunate accident which befell Miss Prances llriggs , clipped from the Kctchum ( Idaho ) Keystone. The doctor read it and said that the statement was n correct ono. Inasmuch as the Omaha papers have not yet published nil the facts connected with the accident It is reproduced : "A terrible accident which wo fear will terminate fatally , lmppen ° d hern last Thurs- na > evening. Dr. tJoorgo L. Miller's party of 'Omaha had arrived In town n' nbout noon of the day nnd repaired to the Hot. .Springs for a night's rest , but being invited to tlio h It to romu off that night , decided to attend. Ho about b o'clock Mr. George Met/lor dispatched n couple of carriages to the Springs to bring thorn to the ball Arriving in front of the nail at about U o'clock In the evening , after nil of the passengers having alighted except Miss Urlggs , wtio was being assisted out by Mr. Metzler , when some ono on the veranda overhead tapped on a bass drum. The sound of the drum frightened the loam , which sprang forward and knocked Mr. Mot/lor down , the carriage wheels run ning over his arm and lie. id , and , of course , his hold on the reins was bronen ami the affrighted team ran away with Miss Brlggs in the carriage. Had the lady retained her presence of mind nnd remained in tlio car- lingo all would have been well nnd no injury done to any except Mr. Mot/.lor , whoso hurts fortunately are not serious. But being frightened nnd not knowing or thinking what it was best to do , she did tlio worst thing she could have done , nnd when the team nnd gotten to n point opposite Circenhow .t Humsuy's store , she Jumped out of the living carriage , lightIng - Ing directly on the top of tier head on Iho hard street. The effect ol the fall was to produce concussion of the brain. Vomiting of blood succeeded , which symptoms led Dr. Brown , who was called from Hailey to attend tlio injuren woman , to fear internal injuries. Miss Briggs was Imme diately carried to Frank Stone's drug store where our people , ono mid nil , with that kindness of boat t lor which thuy nro distin guished , did all tney could to assist her friends In making her comfortable nnd ren dering any relief possiulo ; but when morning cnmi : and she wns carried to the depot and put aboard of their car Dr. Miller having telegraphed to Shoshone for an engine her condition wns extremely precarious. She , however , had become partially conscious , and there seemed n pos- ribllity of her recovery. The oncino arrived at 11 o'clock Friday morning and the comp'iny consisting of Dr. Ueorgo 1 . Miller , Miss Uriifgs , H. F. linger and Irmii Morley of Omaha , nnd Mrs. Brinkloy of Baltimore , took their departure at once f jr Omaha. In this connection it is proper to state that no blame attaches , or can attach to Mr , Mot/lor lor this deplorable accident. It was wholly unavoidable , and so regarded by Dr. Miller and his party. " The doctor said last evening that Miss Briggs' condition was favorable to complete recovery. For two years past the lady has made her home at the doctor's ' beautiful rcsl- deuce in beymour purl : . A .V.VO USVKMiS TS. The management of the Fnrnain Street theater will inaugurate n now feature nt the Wednesday matinee which will undoubtedly prove n winner from the beginning. lioservcd scats in all parts of the house will bo placed nt 25 cents. Heretofore the Wednesday mnti- nco has teen n dead letter in Omaba , but tlio management of the Farnam Street theater mean to make the \Vcdncsdny matinee a feature of the amusement life of 'the city nnd to this end have decided to inaugurate the departure. "Knjankn1 will bo the attraction today and although it has been unseasonable weather the p'liuomino has been making a pronounced hit. Mile. Bcrtolo from the Follies Bcrgcro , Paris , the Lincoln sisters from thu London concert halls , Misses Matnotto and Sennottc , nnd the French aero- hats l.avo been received with great favor , rounding out a very delightful midsummer pertoriminco. Do Witt's LIUlo 1 < , irly liisors ; best little pills fordyspcpsia , sour stomach , badbioath. St. I OIIIH null Itcturn. On July ! U , August 1 nnd 2 , the Mis souri I'ncillo riiilwny will .soil round trip tickets to SI. Louis' for Slli.oO. Tickets will bo good to return until August IS. For further information call at com pany's otlleo , northeast corner Thir teenth and Fnrnain , or Fifteenth and Webster streets. streets.THOMAS THOMAS S. Gonnmv , P. & T. A. J. O. Piui.i.H'lM , A. G. P. fi T. A. Him Ten. William Hiloy , colored , was tried in police court yesterday afternoon for assaulting his mistress , Ira Brown , with n knifo. At the conclusion of the testimony Judg ) Helsloy .sentenced Hiloy to twenty days in the county Jail on bread and water. When the prisoner wns being taken below ho spoke of the court In very uncomplimentary terms , nnd the judgocnllod out that ho would make the sen tence thirty days on bread and water. The I0colsioiSjiruiKH Company. This company manufactures the now cclo- bratoj Soturlan CJingor Ale which Is in gen eral use on account of its purity of quality and delicacy of llavor. Gold In the H\K \ Horn Mountains. Every day develops fresh evidences of the Biirprlbinp richness of the recent pold discoveries in tlio BigHorn moun tains. How to got there ? Why , take the lurlin ton Koulo to Moort-roft , Wyo. , tlioro connecting with the finest htnio line in the northwest , running to Shorldnn and UulTiilo , Wyo. , distribut ing nolnts for northern Wyoming , and bustling , wideawake towns lying almost within the shadow of the Big Horn range. Apply to agent Burlington Route for rates , time tables , etc. Ticket olllco , 1 ± M Farnam strewt , Omaha. J. FltANt'ts , Gen. Pass. Agt. Promptly It tiled. Fred. Iloniborg was tried In pollco court yesterday afternoon on the charge of mur dering Michael Foley on Juno IS. Thu same witnesses who gave evidence nt tbo coroner's Imiucst were called nnd tostllled. Judge ilelsloy held Hornborg for man slaughter and fixed hU bond nt .lHX ) . The Krug brewing company signed the documents and Hornborg was released until his case is called In the district court. Complexion powder Is nn nbsoluto necessi ty of the refined toilet in this climate. I'o/- zonl's combines every clement of beauty ami purity. Von Can ICeacli Saratoga 0:5-5 : a. m. . Now York 2:10 : p. in. , Boston ! tlO : p. in. , Portland 8:00 : p. in. , And Intermediate points at n corro- apondingly convenient hour the next day after leaving Chicago by taking the ' 'Boston and Now York Special , " leav ing Chicago dally at 10UO : a. in. via the L'.tUo Shore route. Five other bplctidld trains aUo leave at convenient hours. No other eastern luio ulTords an equal train service. Send for complete sched ule , also summer tourist folder. M. S. Gir.KS , T , P. A. , Chicago. C. K. WlLliuu , W. P. A. , Ohlcaso. CAME NEAR CROSSING OVER , Bibulous Boatman Have a Narrow Escape from Drowning in Out-Off. RESCUED BY NERVY RAILROAD MEN , Another Cliptor In If. II. Henderson' * Financial Hintory Mr * . Auton'H 1'rotcnt Saved liy Cliiinoo Oilier Jjouul NUWH. Frank Mclnlnpor , n clijnrmnkor working In Sixteenth street shop , and n friend who 1 llrcmun nt KI-UH'S brovvory , cninu very near catering the pcnrly gates vm tlio muddy wntcrd of Cut-olT luUo on Suiulny evening. These two convivial spirits imbibed enough of the extract of corn to ulovnto ttioni nbovo the clouds ami then boarded a Union I'aclllo engine nnd went to Cut-olT InKc. Here they hired n boat inul went llshlnir. In ufow tno- incuts thov booked something wbicti pulled liliu a whulc. Uotti men leaned on the line , but It was u emu of Mahomet going to the mountain. The boat unpilzcd mid both men touehed bottom. They Implied up serenely several times but neither could swim and thcio was n brilliant prospect that they hud gene llshing for the last limo. At tills point In the proceedings Engineer Tlionms Klniiey , of the Union 1'nclilc , who was on his etiKino near the leo house , saw the condition of alTalrs and sounded his whistle several tlinos. The sound attracted the attention of two men in a boat a short distance from the shore , but they were so befuddled that they rowed to shore. Three of the train crow , D.ivo Smith , Dave Mi-Kvoy nnd Oeorgc Ellis , Jumped Into the boat and rowed quickly to the spot. Meinmger was under tbo boat nnd nothing : could bo seen but his feet. These were seized nnd ho was turned right side up with his head out of water. Ilia companion was soi/.ed by the collar and the boat turned towards theshore. Itwas found that both men were nearly dead and It was with grunt dilll- eulty that they were resuscitated. They were put on the engine and taken down town , the water nnd whisky pouring out in n largo stream. lioth recovered sulllelontlv to walk nnd were none the worse for their dueklni , ' . n. n. iiuNDUKHJ.vs HAITI ; . ItVns Miiuli Imt'tfcr Thau Was at I'irsl I lioiixht. Yesterday's developments indicate that (1. ( II. Henderson , the head of the Henderson investment company , who loft town between two days , did not go away empty banded. Any number of small creditors who nro stuck In sums ranging from J50 to $100 con stantly besipjro the ollli-e of the company fondly hoping to got a gllnipjo of their money that went glimmering. It is now estimated that ho got away with not less than f.'i.UOU in cold cash. The fellow had two favonto methods of operating , both of which deserve to be copy- lighted. One plan was to go nmonir personal friends nnd make the statement that hu had a number ol gilt edged loans that he could make on personal property if ho only had the money. The friend would usually come to his relief , after which ho would take the cash and give his personal uotu duo in sixty or ninety days. Anotner f.ivorito plan was to dabble Iji real estate loans. In doing this Mr. Henderson hunted u straw man who made the npplica- tion. Of coin-Mi Henderson did not have the money to close up. so armed with the appli cation he would visit some capitalist , who , upon the promise of the loan when com pleted , would advance enough money to clear some liens and other incumbranues from the property. Last wool ; this peculiar way of handling the loan business was discovered by sotno of the creditors , and an order was issued tor Ilonuerson to explain or return the money. lie was not in n position to do either and consequently took a short cut for other and now Holds. Mrs. Henderson is still in the city and insists that her tiusb.iml will return and square up with his creditors , out they are of a uilTorent opinion. The Nebraska mortgage and loan company , of which J. II Van Closter is the president , mourns the loss or n large amount of money that v/as conllded to Henderson tor loaning purposes , but just how much is not known , as Mr. Van Closter refuses to glvo the figures. Ueforcdopirtinir for other fields Henderson caught the American National bank for a gocd-si/.ed sum. That bank now holds Henderson's promises to the extent of SI/J'JJ ' and is anxious to have him return from his vacation which ho com menced taking last Sunday. lu order to save what It can the bank has attached everything in sight , including the Georgia avenue mansion nna the olllco furni- tnroof the defunct Henderson Investment company. MUS. ACTON 011.1 KCTKD. SIio Wanted to Have Four Loads < > ! ' I ity I'avini ; liloulCH. Street Commissioner Flannory had his hired men skirmishing around the norm end of town yestord.xy looking up the paving blocks that were washed out nt Thirtieth and Spnuldlng streets. A general roundup of the woodsheds In that vicinity revealed where a greater part of the missing blocks were concealed , and when the matter was explained - plained to the parties who had gathered them up littlu opposition was offered to tbo city employes In recovering them. The blocks were loaded up and carried back to the Intersection where they had been originally laid , all except these found in A. Acton's shed , at iKUl Manderson street. Acton offered no resistance , but Mis. Acton did all the objecting that was necessary. She declared that no ono should have the four loads of blocks In her woodshed unless they paid for tham , nnd she thereupon loc-ue-l the door and put the key in her pocket. Sergeant Whnltm who was assisting the street commissioner , replied that ho would bo compelled to got a search warrant nnd tnko the property whether or no , hut Mrs. Acton replied that no oillcor with brass but tons could blnlT her and she whirled about and went into the house. A search warrant was socuroJ and the property was finally taken , but not without vociferous opposition from Mr.J. Acton , who was prepared to defend her blocks to thu last ditch if necessary , but Mio was out numbered as wull as outgeneraled by the enemy. SAVni ) 1 Y OIICK. . Kirn Dihcovrrcd In die Court House Imto at Night. It was by n meru accident that the court house was prevented from going up In ( lames Monday night. All thu afternoon parties who wont through thu corridor * of the building wore aware of burning wood In the vicinity. At times the Miioll of smoke was HO strong as to bo almost stilling. Investigations were made , but as nothing was found the conclu sion was reached that the smell came from the wood buing used in tliu Jail stovo. The building was Closed for the dav and all hands except the Janitor , Mike Leahyhint gene homo. Just nftur U o'clock ho was making the rounds of 1)10 ) building , nnd in going through the basement saw n tongue ol llamo shoot up from lUulloor ) f the west cor ridor. A pail of wntnr extinguished the ( lame * without anv great amount of damage The theory is Unit somu person had thrown n cigar stub Into thoi corner. The Ilghtoc end coming in consul with the lloor had slowlj burned nil day and had Unfitly enter n hole through tho'floor nnd was gradually running up the partition. A New KlnO of Insurance. For 25 cents you ; can Insure yoilrsoll und family ngalnsU any bad results fro it an Attack of bowel complaint durliif the summer. Ono or two doses of Cham bcrlnln's Colic , tlholora nnd D'arrhooi ' Remedy will cure , any ordinary ruso. II never falls nnd Is plunsant and safe to tnko No Ono can nITord to travel without It. Foi sale at 25 cents per bottle , by druggists. GIVIOV TO UNCliH SAM. HosiiH Detective Cuxrnii Turned Ovei to thu I'Vilernl Authorities Tho'bond of which Hogus Detectvo ! Cownr talked .so glibly was hoard trom Momlnv night. It Is for 310,000 ami Is signed by II. C. Illtt nnd Alexander Green. Whether ot not anyone was willing to assume thu re sponslblllly of accepting the bond is as yol unknown. Mr. Cowan Is evidently ill nt case as to the outcome of his case. During the trial Monday nftornoon ho leaned over toward the bench n couple of times nnd exclaimed In n stngo whisper , "Judge , If 1 only got out of this I will never bo n detective again. " A woman of the town , who was one of the witnesses ngalnst him , testified that Cowan visited her three months ago , and threatened to arrest her because stio refused to nllow him to become her "lover. " Avondel & Kelscr nro also on Cowan's trail for obtain ing goods under false protonsos. Ho had so-iio clothing clounod , but instead of paying for it ho Unshed his star , announced that ho was a United States detective , nnd said ho was "good ns gold. " At any rate , ho was good enough to subsequently grtn tie nnd pin at the same place without paying for them , and after making several promises to pay , none of which were kept , ho became highly Indignant when Mr. Koisor asked him for the money. In view of these circumstances nnd others which have since developed , the defrauded merchant concluded to tile n complaint iigainst Cowan. Yesterday the defense undo n re taliatory bluff shortly after court opened. Hilt entered the courtroom accom panied by Miss Shropshire , the younu woman on account of whoso alleged condition the druggist was induced to part with Will , and stated that she would Hie n criminal complaint against the drug man , but she finally left without doing so , and llittnn- nounccc' that none would be filed. Attorney tlitt visited Cownn in Jail shortly before noon and had a conference with him. Shor ly utter returning to bis cell Cowan was attacked with ono of his "fits , " nnd the city physician was summoned to attend him. " Ho"said that the man was siifTcrtni : from heart disease , nnd proscribed for him accord ingly. Cowan's weak pulse gradually grew stronger nnd it wasn't long until Uichard was himself again and sleeping soundly. It has been decided to turn Mr. Cownn over to the federal authorities , and he w'll ' bo dropped into the hands of the United Stntos marshal this morning. The olllcors of the government propose to teach him a lesson or two , ono of which will bo the fact that the name of this great and glorious country is altogether too good for a Jim Crow detective joint. Another person whohas a grievance against Cowan is a iriooer named Nelson , who has a store at lUlU Park * nvenue. Cowan worked him for $5 for u book that was supposed to toll the financial standing of everybody in the country , and was also to collect nil lib ba.t bills for him. Ho showed Jiis star and explained that it was to scare people ana bring them to time. Mr. Nelson gave up his 55 like a little man , but has not yet received anything in return. Ho has lilcd n complaint charging Cowan with obtaining money under false pretenses. If Mr. Cowan's popularity continues to in crease thusly ho will soon bo hnadod for the penitcntiarv on n tidal wave and burning the bridges behind him. There is danger in impure olood. There is safety in taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , the great blued purifier. 100 doses one dollar. AM ; WANT MOXKY. Creditors Invoice the Com-t'H Aid t\K inst Delinquent Debtors. Creditors are taking another whir ) nt the Howell lumber company in an attempt to collect debts that the company owed when it went to the wall a few weeks ago. Yester day four attachment suits were commenced in the district , court. Grandin Brothers have sued to recover < l'3,0.7i. ( The Fir-it National bank of Punxsutawnoy , Pa. , is after S4t.i3.H3 ! on n bill of exchange. The Commercial National bank of Fremont , Neb. , wants ? liJO , ( ) and the Lincoln National bank of Lincoln , III. , n trying to recover the stun of jittl.V-i ; duo on it bill of exchange drawn last. AI ay. The Homo investment company has brought attachment proceedings to re cover $1,200 due on n note executed by Ber nard Uiley and indorsed by Gustavo B. Hengon. The Mutual loan and trust company has sued Samuel A. Slonnn and C. H.Tonerav in nn attempt to recover the .sum of ? JKU. ( ) The plaintiff alleges that the notes were executed by Sloman and pavment guaranteed by Ton- cray. An attachment has issued against the propet ty of both defendants. Fred Mongudont has started after the Kimball-Champ investment company nnd has attached everything' in sight. For n cause of action ho alleges that In Council BlulTs , in March , IV.li ) , one A. J. Latory negotiated a loan of $ iOOOD , from the defend ant and secured the same by giving a mort gage on bomo Omaha property. When the loan was made it was understood that the money was to bo used In the erection of u building. The contract was let to the plain- tilt , but only $ ISluO of the cost price was overpaid , leaving n balance of $11,000 due. This balance , the plaintiff avers , is hold by the ICimball.Champ people , who rcftuo to turn it over. liil'oi-iiiitiion i-'rro. Do you know that any uld sere or cut can bo absolutely cured by tno intelligent use nf nailer's Barbed Wlro' Llnimont. Bo merci ful to your horsonnd try it. I'ormitn. The following permits were lssuo.1 by the superintendent of buildings yesterday : U. ( i. l.nnstry. nvo Mory frame und brick ilnelUngTnunty-nuth and llur- vny ( trouts . 17,503 L. IIti'ud , uno anil tine-half story frame ihvullmi ; , utuniciiiith and D.inton . I.MO N. A. Knhns , mm mid one-lmlf story fniniti dutilii | | , I I'iirty-Necond and l < nl u Mruots . 1,5)0 A. .lolil. one nnd one-half story brick dnellln.ThlrtyUlihU and Muplu streets . 1,000 I'onr minor put mils . 1'tM Total The U. S. government are using largo nuin bcisof the Improved lloivjio ilo-i . Bordun & Sellcck Co. , ngonU , Chlcairo , III. Mucuses. The following murUi'u llivmus were Issued - sued by Judge Shields yoitorJay : Niiniu and Addrem. AL-C' . I John W. NiiNnn , Omnlii. . . . : iO Ida VValenlior. . Uuiaha . Ill j lU-iiry 8. McDonald , Omiihti . IT ? 'atluTliiu A.Yliltn. . Uiiiiiha . ! M III K llnjto , S mill Onrili i . Ill I Myra I1 llruh .in. Siulh Omaha . ' . 'f > i Jusupli I * , llurowlck. I'nliiinliim . M i Agues lluruu rack , Umahu . I'j ' tlseJ in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard , SUCUIIKI ) A HKCKKI'AUY. John A. Olirr ol * Allmny \ \ III I.ool. A ft or Oinalni'H Y. Sf. O. A. Mr. Frank W. Obor of Albany , N. Y. , ba boon secured by the directors of the Omahi Young Men's Christian association to bjconu general secretary of the Onmhn association Mr. Obcr Is ono of the ablest men In tin Young Men's Christian association work IE America , Ho has been with thu Albany as socintion for n great many years and has itio with signal success. He Is n mar about thirty years old nnd Is si\U : to bo possessed of n wonderfu amount of push and energy. II If brother la cue of the foremost workers on the inter national comtnlttco and has been In Omahi ! several times. Mr. Oher will begin his work In Omaha about September 1. Mr. John M. Ha/olton , who has acted n secretary for more than a year , will dull the exclusive Young Men's Christian nssoclatlon work nnd go Into business ns the treasurer ol the Star loan and trust company. Do Witt's Little Early Klsow , b-jst pill. Gooruo Washburn , the noted safe blower who was arrested a tiny or so ago on suspi cion , was discharged In police court yesterday ' day afternoon. Judge Helsloy told 'Wash burn to strike out nt once for the other side of the river or ho would bo looked up ngnln. Too lomj deluded the unliappy victim of catarrh in the head. He's been told that it can't bo cured. Don't you believe it. It can be , and it is no matter how bad or of how long standing. It has been done for thousands by Dr. Sago's Ca tarrh Remedy. Other BO - called remedies may palliate for .1 time ; this cures for all time. By its mild , Eoothing , cleansing and healing properties , it conquers the woist cases. Its makers oiler , in good faith , a reward of 5500 for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. They are able to pay it. Are you able to take it ? The symptoms of catarrh arc , headache , obstruction of nose , dis charges falling into throat , Koine- times profuse , watery , and acrid , at others , thick , tenacious , mucous , purulent , bloody , putrid 'and offen sive ; eyes weak , ringing in cars , deafness ; offensive breath ; smell and taste impaired , and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to bo present at once. Thousands of cases termi nate in Consumption and end in the grave , without over having mani fested all these symptoms. Dr. Sage's Remedy euros the worst cases. 50 cents , by druggists. Mtciionsut.Bii ii KUADICATOU Curoi all , llieuin : bccau'O Itkllh tlni mlciotmur Kcrni. 1'ut up ami rutMlul In fj.j and ( J SI/UM , the litter i I2 I nalloin Hunt iiny- wlioro prui ; ilil otj rec'-Mpt of prlou orC.O I * . \ \ IMIO n uii'unntoo to euro. Tim uutilli % tr.iijo nnJ lobbvn . - < u : > illuil liy Ihu ( lee | iu.in Dnu I'o . M.J- Cormlck.l l.und , Oninhn ; u. A. Melchcr , lluwniil JMt'n mid 1) . .1. Soyknra , Smith Om.ili ; A. U. t'o a tcr und M I' . Kills. Council lllulTi. BLOOD I- Pimples on the Pace | \ Breaking Out | ! Bkla Tronbloai Ilttlo Seres ) H Bolls l Blotoacsi : Oold Boreal BadBroatai ; Sere Mouth or Lips | : If J > ill uniri-r from nnf of ; ificno } iiil > l < Jiiii > , tliUo . HffftFfEra3 $ ? : MEStMalfll W : ENGLISH : ! ! . , 4tl roil SALK ItKUIIN & CO. . Oiimlin. & & & uinketi 6 gal Ion 3. % $ & % * tpiiklinc. BI tl . Hold by oil l nler //7'uheauliful jtjtofe 1'aluro Itook nnd cartb iwnt tunny nnonddrpr-fy" " - U.K. miens x ct' . . ' I'll iladel phi- : DOCTOR Ilicso CVlclimUJ nNJl.l'II ; 1'lllanrcn 1'osliho Guru fur Sli-U ; Dl llc-utlnclic * . Illiluii nriti , and ! Coiiitl.iutlon. Rriall , pIcnK. ! s * nut ami n fmorllu nlth Ilir ! linlU-n. SolI In imlxiid : : for ! > . ; d. . In AincrlcA for UK ? . Out ; them from jour Driic Ieti , ur ; > end to1. . II. HiiOEI.ll i CO. , ; 40 Mot Urnilirar , Hex lork , * , Tor Sili'liy ; Kt'lIN t * CO. . Onmlin. OKTDOHDSBUY I THTA ! Stiles , ten million bottles anmml'y ' ! Largest water bottling plant in Amer ica. Will bo twii'o ns largo Sept 1st. "Tho Londonderry Lithlu Co. have ecnt out specifications for n now build ing to bo added to the west end of their present plant. This will gtvo them throe Doors 175x70 feet with ample storage oiusido. Tlio company will give employment to more than a hun dred men.1' NASHUA , N. II. DAILY TliUJllKAl'II. " r'orniilu by nil I lr t-'lisi ; DriiKKUta nnd ( irurora. ritTlnniullniiticr , DlnlrlbiitlnsA onls forOnulia. CHARLES B , PERKINS & GO , , 30KillyStr,2ot _ _ , _ Bj ton , Sala-'g ' Agouts COLD CLASPS llllfBRtiOR Tcothltlioit iiinti { , ri'inovabto \xirU- , " | ir. Tliio'Kirtiiiti'ii'H No iliiiiplii.lmvn | ( of nuilcn , lilto : yuii like , ii'i-tli rL-iiiiUii linn. 3 mi tlio Ililiu for inlnlsti'i * . lawytTMili'l iml'lli | iojkiT I'lli-o n little ninri ) lliiin nililior pi ill- . , within H-.II U of nil. Dr. I ! liu-v. li.-niixi. h.ii thn MI | ruht tiiOiuithii nnd limu'in ' O unity , ollleu Utl lUmr I'nxluii iilui'li. elm iliit Atr I VIM.'T'i Ait-nn u < n'll Itiu I'lnlui-t > > Ai > I \ \ 1 ' .riiiilion I.inu. llio only llnu over linunloillliiilliolili Hiui'otlio. wlllioul i > ln . u p r- Iccl uifOi , nutunl rec-'nllr Utiiuit. " " ! "Illy br nt""l I" irbuiu llio un-lusitu rmlil u ulvun on ru- folpt of ; 0ccnu o wlJI neinl "iinii'lo line 07 mall Uu clrciil.ir * price li t uii.l turnii lu nijont' eoiiru r.iiir lurrllurir at me Aa.lrcI'llri IM.NI.Kjj ' l.orilUd LINK CO. , H Uurmua St. , Worcoilor liuuu DP SHOE DEALERS , GAZE ON THESE CUTS. THE ROLLED EDGE GOODS Are what the People Will Ask For This Year Because 1 Shall ADVERTISETHEM Get your oriK-rs in now for celebrated Rolled Hdgc Rubber , Hoota Arctics , Uimbeiman , lixcludcrs , etc. Not only make the best heavy goods in the market , but their specialties cialties in Sandals , Alnskns , Fine Arctics , etc. , are pri-/.o winncts. No goods sold at retail , nor have I any connection with retail stores. Other Jobbers ol rubber goods in Omaha , stand up ! 1 am western atrent for the New Jersey Co. , and thall send lists and discounts to any shou dealer. OMAI-IA , NEB- FOR SAIrE BY ALL GROCERS. NO OUtiEi ! NO HAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Mnny yo r 'oxporlonco. A rvciilnr mutnalo In mcrtlclns A nipiuuini snntr. It ittll trontlns with tin Hurot > i8 , till NITVOIIH Clirnniv unit I'rlvnlo DNo I-IM A poiin.uimit curu uiminnti'rtl for C'atarrh. pi'tiimtorrhmi , IoU .Mnnlinml , Hi'nilnnlVc.iktion , NIfht I.O-H , Impulo n-jr , yiilulln. Stricture , MMC ! nil , ' . N H I ' f WJ fur uvt cn u 1 unilcrlnku and fnlt dti'antia of ln | Illontl hkln iunl I'rumry Oritui * h'uunin t > u ry Incurn. ( diminution fn-o Hook ' MvsU'rloi of I.lfu ) > iinl fiuu OlllaJ Uuurs 'J ' n. in to 8 p. m. Suniluf 10 n in. to IS in S ml itniup fur roylr- MOORE'S .For troubling jnlm In small of hack use Moo"o's Ti co df Ijifo. For Culai rli ' * -o Monro'H Tree of Life. For Const i pat i mi H-.D Tree of l/ift > . The yreat life remedy Tbo Tieo Lifo. M.ir. 'j Trea uf Mfo n pn.ltlrn ruro lor K'M-nf an < l I.Iver i om > l il < il and < tll u oj t < ln-i ( n , IMu t It liny to miiTor tviiuu you c in ur I 'ititui { Mcivi Truoxf I.lfu. tnuiJrjH I.lfu llmua IO TRUSS mTSSrunt urilvi > riIU ; flllio < 'lr. ) I'lin-CH il.ij.iieli'- l.lamlu Tniim UlrurunMtli'iiiitiiil * ) If . .u mtiliu IIKhT.oitillolMiiuiii | > ti'Tfrit ' | ' "V" ' MnciiMU1 KliiillQ TrilM 'o , , San I'l uirUru. < ul _ I aurrorlntf from tlio I'ltucU ( / _ _ - joulliful erro * early deonr. nwtlnft woiknrM , lout luaulnwl , etc. I will mii'l a valuuula truntl.o ( alnii i-imtiilnlnj fulliiartlr-ulart for homo euro , I'lUIls uf rlmrKU Aipl < uilU modlcul wojkri ibouiil Ui rc-nl by etf r | mnii who U ri'rrmn anil ilxlilllutfil. AilitriM i'rof. If , C. I'O\VL11JU , .lluudui , Coiiu DOCTOR J McGREW TIIK BIM Hltlean Vi'nri' Kziarn n 4 > In thu Treatment of STE ( Jonorrlin-i , dluit HlrK-turo HriiliHH Ixnt M n- liniiil.fiiicl nil IHionlum iif llio HmunlOr iini Hklu | ) | < I-IMUI iiii'l I iMiuilii Ul i'I.DI. liulloi fro ii i to I unly. Ur ML-liruw'i nucr.tn In tlio tri'Mmuilt of 1'rlvulw lltta"Ui luii no ur boun uriiutlo | < | . Jtuukl inul ilrciilun fidCK. Troiliiiont by vurrui | > unilunou. Ullic. ) . 1411 ; iu 1 K.iriiini St , . , Omaha , Nub Unlr.incu un olthjr ilruut. Clllrhritrr' * KiiflUh Illumviiil llrin * . 'ENNYROYAL PILLS Orffflnul and Only tirnutne. ftri ftl n rrll bl . IADIC * uh l > rUtf lil fur t'kltkHttrf Aiiclufc / ,0fijrunJ la | ( r < J U4 ljrll m.i. Mm tU > l ilili tint ilUM T le nuotlivr. Aui liii0.roi.iitibifilu * lo iltni * hi ttilUi.liu t ' Iol4 > ; LMU Vtub\t , lbll 4tt. | 1' .X