THE OMAHA DAILY J3EJD : VVKDN PAT HAND TOOK THE POT , Thrco Bidders Drew But Didn't ' Help , and Away Went Their Substance , ELECTRICITY INSTEAD OF GASOLINE , /Beeper / H Iscd Ills Uld IP Ilo Didn't Anything Kino -Hollers Must IO Built According to Spec ifications. Four Jlrms were In the gnmo nt the coun cil ch imocr last night for thu citv Hunting Jnck pot. Thrco of them wont In with gitso- line bluffs , and didn't bailer thimsolves in thn draw. Mr. Wlloy of the New Omaho Thomson-Houston electric1 light company stood pat , and even on thu show down. Thu gamij was opened by Mr. Donnelly , who offered n resolution Instructing the clerk to return the bids for lighting nnd instruct ing the proper authorities to enter Into n contract with Mr. H. Soogcr for furnishing the city with 700 or moro gasollno lamps. This was promptly tabled nnd the clerk instructed to open the bids received from the comptroller's ofllco. There were four of these , ono from the Ohio street lighting company under the name of the Sun vapor company , one from Kobort Seeger , ono from the Missouri street gaslight company of St Louis , nnd ono from the Now Thomson-Houston electric light company. Mr. A. Soeger , whose first bid was $ lf > per lamp per annum and afterwards raised tb $ l5.iO ( , presented ono for Slli.81) ) per lamp per l I year , nnd Its reading caused n wtilstlo of sur- lirlso from nearly every mumbur of the council. Mr. Hell , the Omaha agent of the Ohio street lighting company , came up ns thu ngentof the Sun vapor IlithtiiiK company nnd presented n bid or SI5 BO for n fourteen- camllo power , $ Hi.50 for a sovonleon-candlo power lamp iind 518 for u ninctcun-cundlo I > owcr lamp. The Missouri street gas light company pro- nontcd u bid of ? l5.r > 0 for thirteen-candlo power , $ IU.f > 0 for sixtoon-cruidla power nnd for ninetuon-cnndlu power. What Wiley Held. Mr. Wiley's bid for the now Omnlm Thomson-Houston electric light company was offered. This compiny ngrood to lur- nish 700 or more incandescent electric lights of twenty-candle power , to bo placed at Inter vals of ouo block in thu suburbs nt points designated by the council , at $ . ' 0 per lump par annum. Mr. Tuttle nt once offered a motion to award the contract to the Thomson-Houston company. Mr. IJlumor wanted nn amendment to in clude the sun vapor oil for outskirts. Mr. Chaffoosaid : Wo know the electric light companv can furn'sh ' n twenty-candle power light. Wo don't know that nny gasoline com pany can furnish u sixtrcn-candlo power lamp. Wo do know wo haven't had a twelve- camllo power during the past year. " There was some question In the mii.ds of several of the council ns to whether or not the electric Ight company would go into the far suburbs with Its lamps. i Mr. Wiley was called for nnd said his company proposed to put on lamps In nny part of the city designated by the council. On n call of the roll the contract was awarded to the electric light company , Mr. Bruner alone voting in the negative , after making n speech. The checks of the other bidders were ordered returned nnd the o'ty attorney in- ntructcd to prepare a contract with the elec tric light company. "Better send the contract to the mayor , too , before it gets back to the council , " suggested Mr. Cooper. About Those Jtoilcrw. This .settled one quostlor. that has caused considerable contention and another one w < is sprung Instnnter. Mr. Coots presented n letter relative to the contract for boilers in the new city ball. Tin ; IJir. : yesterday con tained a statement of the situation showing that thu boilers ordered were not In accord ance with the requirements of the spccitl ca tions. Mr. Cools , In his communication , etutcd that the steel in thu boilers used was equally as good as that of the Otis steel called for in specifications. Bollnr Inspector Stnndovon was called for in reply to Mr. Coots , and stated that the steel in the boilers ordered was not such as was called for in the specifications. There -wus nu wiiy , uu sum , 10 ion wuatuur u was as good stool ns the Otis steel , which was called for by the specifications. Mr. Osthoff wanted three export boiler men appointed to investigate the boiler nnd test the steel In them. 'I for ono , " said Mr. Elsnsser , "shall de mand that none but the steel required by the epeclllcatlons bo allowed In the city hall boilers. It Is not our business to Iind out whether this steel Is ns good us IhuOtls steel or not. The only thing wo are required to do is to insist that nothing shnll bo used unless it U called for In the specifications and to bo natlstlud with nothing loss. " Mr. Chaffeo offered n resolution , which was adopted , instructing the superintendent of the city hall to have the boilers now on the ground removed and to nccept none that do not comply with the ron.uiroinoiits of the ipecltl cations. And they weren't through then. Smoke consumers came in for n few min- tltos consideration. Mr. Coats offered to put in tut CD Herbert consumers for$3tX ! ( ) . Air. Klsasscr wanted the consumers laid on the tablu. After n wordy cross-lire the matter was referred to the committee on public property nnd buildings. The Johnson heat regulating apparatus vns adopted for the now citv hall , und then the council got down to work aim trans acted a lot of routine business. Vetoes I" . The mayor's veto of n resolution Instruct ing the chief of police to nbato n nuisance at Porty-llfth and Cumlng was Mistniuud. The veto was on the ground that the property ) md not been declared a nuisance hv an ordl- Jiunco of the council , as required. Thu papers were referred to the Judiciary committee. The mayor nlso vetoed the contract with Hnyman & McDonald for the construction of n sewer in Uoiuis park , his honor Iruldlng that there were not fuuds available for the work nnd thnt the pay , or n part of It , would Imvo to co mo out of the judgment fund. ! Mr. Davis nnd Mr. Chaffoo stated thnt the contract In question culled for a sewer to cost 91. fil ( n foot , but that thov favored the approval of the contract because City Attor ney 1'oppioton had recommended and thu mayor approved n similar contract for n sewer In district is , costing U'U per foot , The contract wus approved , the veto of the nmvor to the contrary notwithstanding. J < lr. Hliitner nlono voted to sustain the veto , i The city attorney called attention to the decision of .ludgo Wnkoley giving uu Injunc tion ngaitirtt the paving of Dorcas street , be cause the proper gas and water mains had not boon laid. The city attorney stnted thnt in view ot Judga Wnkoloy's decision It would bo useless to order n street pavou without llrst requiring the laying of gas and water mains. Contractor Squires' street sweeping cstl- inato for Juno , amounting to & , lo-J.i5 ) : , was presented , nnd for a wonder , for the llrst time In years , was approved without u kick. I Quito n Popular Iileii. On n final trading estimate Mr. Chnffeo Asked for the certificate of the board of public Works that sidewalks taken up by tha con tractor had been replaced. Thuolark replied that no such ccrtlllcato was vUlblo to his nuilo eye , The chairman of thu board of publtu works thought the walks haa been replaced , but ho wasn't real sure of It. Mr. Chaffeo then announced that ho would oppose the approval of any final estimate to which the required certificate was not attached. This Idea seemed popular and the estimate was referred to the board of publlo worKs to sucuro the necessary cortltl- cato about the condition ot tbo sidewalks , Ten ior cent was hold out of Contractor Hum's estimate for sldcwalK construction liy the board of publlo works to cover any do- tlcluncles In the work. Some ot tbo councilmen - men wanted to know why any amount should bo held out If the work was properly done , pnd why any amount should bo allowed if the work had not beou proper ) v dono. This mat * ter was finally tattled by allowing tbo ro- curve mlnui the 10 par cent reserve , and ap- > olrtiiig Osthoff , UutdUh aud Uouuoll/ a committee to Investigate the matter in gen ornl. Lcavonworth street nnd Park nvcnuo came up with n demand for ropavlns , repairing or nnythme to got thorn In ft passable condi tion. The wholu matter was finally referred ton Joint committee ot llimnco and paving , curbing nnd guttering. The salary of A. Mnjon , Janitor at the police station , was Increased from f.VJ to ? U3 I > or month. Contrnctor Coots w.i Instructed to com- jiloto the council chamber In the now city hall nt ns early a dnto ns possible for the use of the council. nx-Counellmnn Knspar s claim for ? 110 for nn old grading hill on Mason street was referred to the committee on claims. Jacob Hnuck's claim ot ? " " > for detailed drawings of the design for Omaha' * coat of arms was referred to the finance committee. lie. Dlrncy curoi O'if.iri'n. F5jobluy. * N HV I'M III IIOL'.S K1. Tlioy Are About Completed niul Hunily for Kiiiilpment. The board of flro niul police commissioners nro making good use out of the bond fund voted by the people a year ago for the build- uu ; and cqjlpmcnt of engine houses , and are evidently determined that no dereliction on their part slmll bo nr. excuse for main taining ono of tlio model fire departments of ttio country. Six new cnplno houses bavo been com pleted , and these , with their equipments , cost something like > 'JXX ' ( ) . Four of these houses have been supplied with n now mid modern hose wagon , manufactured by Drummond of this city. They are superb vehicles. Knglno house No. 7 , Thirty-sixth nnd Jackson streets ; No. S , Orchard Hill : No. U , Klirhth nud Pierce ; No. 10 , Twenty-ninth nmlCreighton avenues , nil have new wagons , nnd No. II , Thirtieth nnd Chicago , n new combination hose nnd wagon. Tlioso wagons nro con structed on the patrol system , nud nro sub stantial and durable , weighing about twonty- ono hi.ndred pounds. They are tun feet long by four wide , with slut-bottom to let the water out. carrv 71V ) foot of hose , and cost m.each. . Chief uallignn pronounces them the best wagons of the kind in use. At the sides of these wagons are two chemical extinguishers of Uirtso gallons each , and the bottoms of the wagons nro so ar ranged thnt ono man can pull the whnlo line of hose off , whore formerly It required two , uud often three and four. Tno commissioners have nlso purchased n now wagon for the clilof engineer ; six house gongs , nnd Intend to purchase within the next Qinonth n hock nnd lander truck , and ono combination chemical nnd hose cart ; sixteen head of horses , six double set and ono single set of harness nnd other minor paraphernalia too numerous to onum- or.ito. Thebo Improvements nmito nn addi tion of thirty moii necessary to the depart ment , five to each company and six to the hook und ladder. Sixteen of the now men have already been appointed and the re mainder will bo selected by the time the houses are ready , which will bo about Sep tember 1. Kor Schlitz beer apply to K. XI. Urotte , 10JO Furnam. Capitalists Coming. Dr. Cluck received a letter from a Chicago gentleman last night stating thnt a party of thirty professional men and capitalists would nrrivo in the city on Sunday afternoon on n tour of the west. The party will visit Mon tana , Idaho and Colorado und the gentlemen have nn Intention of investing largely in farm lands in thu stales named. Dr. Uluck thinks if the gentlemen could bo induced to stop over in Omaha , they would Hud n bettor Hold hero for investment than any ether western state can offer. It is proposed to have the Keal Instate Owners' association use its Influence to induce the visitors to consider Omaha's ad vantages to capital. DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers ; only pill to cure sick headache und regulate thu be.sol Kiiloavor.s The Young 1'ooplo's Society of Christian Endeavor of Omului held n union meeting hist night at the Kountzo Memorial Luthorin church. The tonic upon which speeches were made was the great Interna tional convention nt Minneapolis. C. D. Hoissonfuttol rend u scripture lo sson nnd Hov. T. K. Cramblut , Hov. S. E. Wilcox , Miss ti. Myers and F. G. Jones delivered short and Interesting addresses. The church was well tilled and the mootIng - Ing closed with a soaion of consecrotion ex orcises led by M. L. Stono. DoWitt's LIttloEarlyHisors for the liver Death ol' a Ital > y. Ttio baby boy of Sands F. Woodbrldgo , city editor of the World-Herald , died yester day morning of whooping cough. The funeral will take place from the residence , SIMM Dav enport street , at 2:30 : o'clock this afternoon. C. O. Vannoss of Lincoln Is nt the Casey. J. M. Miller of Alnsworth Is at the Murray. Lieutenant U. L , Harzo Is nt the Dollouo. I1. S. Mnrkoll of Lincoln is at the Millurd. J. H. Hamilton of ICournoy is at the Pax- ton. George F. Wolz of Fremont , Nob. , Is in the city. city.P. P. II. Bender of Humphrey Is at the Casey. Mrs. Hlchnrds of Chndron Is n guest nt the Murray. Mrs , A. A. Woodward ot Lincoln is at the Millard. A. M. F. Bllilnglun of Toledo , O , , is in Omaha. H. 1. Hinman of North Pintle Is a guest at the Paxton. MissT-ii/zio ( iallatin has returned from her brlof eastern visit. II. P. Clnback nnd G. W. Jones of Grand Island nro nt the Casey. A H. Cowlos nnd A. n. StoiKyof Hynnnis nro guests at the Dellono. S. I Mosoraull , editor of the Alliance Boomerang of Crawford , Nob. , Is In the city. L. llartlott of St. Louis , master mechanic of the Missouri Pacific railroad , Is at thu Do- ! lono. lono.F. F. C. Palmorson. D. A. Casper nnd John Brntt , of North Plutto are guests at tno Murray. M. A. Warren of Jorsovvlllo , 111. , is in the city , the guest of his fathor-in-law , George C. uockroll. Mr. W. S. Garbor. chief of the bank do- p.irt.nent , stale auditor's oflcoLlncoln ) , called uKii | Tun Bin : yesterday. Dr. Armstrong of the Hontrlco Institute for feeble-minded youths wiu among the callers at Tim HUB olllcu yesterday. Mrs. D. IlmniHUirt ) und daughter of 1430 South Twenty-ninth street , loft j ostorday for a three months' visit toSalt Lnkonnd Ogdcn. Miss Ida B. Dav , formerly of this city , but now of Pittsburg , Pa. , stopped a few days In the city visiting friends. Miss Duylsoti a vacation trip to Denver , Colo. General Agent Phllllppl of the Missouri Pacillc. returned yesterday from a week's trip to Spirit Lake. Ho was very enthusias tic over the bnaiitlos of that resort uud its excellent llshing grounds. Charles B. Lottou of Falrbury , a genial nnd able member of the bar of that city , for four years county attorney , called upon TIIK BKK yostordny. Mr. Lotton comes from ono ot the true blue republican counties of the southern tier. Kov. T. J. Mackay , the now rector of AH Saints , has removed with his family to the rectory at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Howard. Kov. Mackay will remain in the city during the summer nnd will continue the morning service ns usual. The evening ser mon will bo discontinued during August. Very largo : ongrogations are uow attending All Saints nt every service. Dr. A. S. Illlltnas Is homo from n live months' trip through Mexico , California , Oregon , Washington and British Columbia , and as souvenirs has a very pretty lot of silver spoons that hu collected on his travels. Hu also has a fungus growth plcUed up near Victoria , B. O. , ou which appears a wood scene that Is said to Imvo boon photographed by nature on the sensitive fungus. The doc tor says ho has frequently soon similar work on rocks , although not so porfout in detail , and can readily believe that the trees and mountains that nro so dlstlutly outlined on the fungus were carved there by nature's unshino aud nbadow unaided by the hand of wan. ' ! SOUTH DAKOTA'S ENTERPRISE Popnlnr Subscriptions for World's ' Fair Funds Continuo in Circulation. NOT ONE OFTHE CORPORATION CREATURES HIMMVOI-'H DouMlon inCase CaseConinipmled Oinnlni Thereby Hlioulil Suoiirc Her Coiiiinct- DIIOH. CHICAOO OFFICB OK TUB DRB , I July 28. II I Ttio people of Yatikton , S. U. , nro agitating the plan of making an appropri ation Tor state exhibits nt ttio world's fnlr by r.ub.icrlptlon , the leglalatui-o having refused to ilo nnythniK In the matter , and toUny the director Kcnornl of the fair \vns In receipt of n lotitf sunos of rciolutions ndoptoJ by the city council nml mayor of Ynnktou , In which the efforts of the subscription committees are uphold and the cltlrons Yniiktun nro Implored to suhscrlbo freely to the fund. MK A ( Oltl'OIUTIOX TOOL. The Kvcnlnp I'osl saj's .Insllot' Hruwi-r'a durlslon In the Union I'arltlc-Kock Island case Is \\uicomu ru- Iluf to these critics who. at thu tlnio of the jiistlco's appolntmont hlnlod , [ .lalnly ( inotiKh , that I'rusldunl llarrlsnn eloMiluil a 'Voipor.itlon man" to iliosupinmo htMich. It Is trno that this was acasuhulwii'ii tun L'orpoiatlons. but , as a "corporation juilito" would not ha\ofallrd to iiurrolvu the couor.itlim : Intorostwas dl.stlnutiy Idontlftcd \\ltn tliosldo of that king of the voiporatu monopoly , .lay lioiild. The KoeU Island's was the popular ildo and Justice llrottur npliold the 1 toe It Island at ovurv point. It would of course ho monstrous to Inttmato that Justloo Itrowor Inllu- rncod hy this fact or by any ether considera tion than .in honest dcslro to luhnlnlitcr law , lint , l lii ill. I'lslnu Is nnvol tlinli > < l lilniLSlnif tn the larKii majority orItluns. ( . \ \ hat Is vastly moro impoitant Is that liy .IiistlL-o Iliowor's decision a lar ; o and thriving city is admitted to needed avenues of conmorce from which It lias loni ; broil di'biirred hy the sri'iid and ob stinacy of Jay ( lould ami that the facilities for navel and freight shipments are corre spondingly multiplied. It will not bo snr- pilsiiu If our friends tn St. Louis , on whom Air. ( joulil has so IOIIK played the Hamo Kamo sueeessfiillv , should loin ; for another Justlco llrowor to arise In thotr beh.ilf. TllfsT ONVIKE FCNCn. A morning paper says : The bip manufac turers of this country , after several sessions in this citv , litivo formed n trust combine which will bo known as the Columbia patent company , and their lirdt move will bo to ad- vaiao the i-oynlty on the manufacture of wire from $ \ to ? f per ton , nn nu vunco of SOU per cent on the present ratos. The headquar ters of the trust will bo in Chicago. The nominal capital Is $2,500,000. John Gates , the St. Louis wire manufacturer , who so persistently fought \Vashtmrn monopoly lor years and even yet 1ms suits pending in the United States courts , has joined hands In the now combine and has been elected presi dent of the company. WIIITK I.liAI ) TI1UST I1KOUOANI7.KI ) . A circular has been received by the wbito lead dealers of Chicago calling for a meeting of shareholders of the old wbito lend trust in Now York , August 13" , for the purpose of re organizing. The move is necessitated by the provisions of the now anti-trust luw. It is thought by the Chicago shareholders that the propositions contained in the circular will bo accepted unanimously , not only because the clnusiin the anti-trust bill relating to trust cortilicates u ill bo con formed to , but bee.iuso the proposition to scale down the capital from $ s',000,000 ' ) to $ yo)00,00n ( ) in preferred ana common stock will facilitate the business of the trust. CAM. FOR A WATCllMAKEKS1 U.VIO.V. The Elgin watchmakers have Issued a call for delegates to form n national watch makers' union. It Is addressed tn the watch makers of U'ulthnm , Springfield , Canton , Columbus , Kockford and Aurora. Many favorable responses have boon re ceived and a place for the convention will bo named shortly. WOllMl's PUli FKATUIIES. India is to beroprentod at the world's fair by a company of oOO nntlvo artisans and other typos of Indian civilization. The colony will make up an Indian village , in which the industries and arts of the country will bo Illustrated , and the display promises to bo among the mostuniijuo and interesting of tbo exposition. Governor J. V. Aycardi has tendered for the exhibition nt tbo warlu's fair a beautiful piece of carved marble , a bos relief repre senting the landing of Columbus , which was pro"ontod to the state of Panama nearly ninatv voai-s atro bv the Kmnross Joscnhlno. Hov. M. Harvey , secretary of the New foundland llshorios commission , has written to Chief Collins of the fisheries department that tbo commission is of the unanimous opinion that Newfoundland should bo ropie- scntcd at the exposition. A food and health exhibition , with lectures on the art of cooking .similar to that to bo hold in Boston In October , promises to boone of the features of the fair. cur GOSSIP. The weekly pay law Is to bo quietly Ignored by tbo city authorities , for the reason thai they claim It is inoperative , in that It is im possible for them to comply with it. There is not much plausibility in tbo rumor which says that the switchmen's strikoontho Uig Four system , now going on in Chicago , may extend westward. Sccrotarv Hall of the Hrotherhood of Switchman said yester day that none of the members of the associa tion weto included in thostrmo. Nina VuimuuU'.s young Italian husband , to whom she was married a few days ago , Is said to bo abusing her shamefully. The Ital ians nlso say ho does not belong to the old nnu aristocratic family of Sum Alaiuto , ns ho proto'ids , but Is the son of a policeman. Becuuso the mayor of Jollct last night re fused to entertain a matron appe.iltng from hU decision , a freo-for-all light onsucd in the .council chamber and the police had to be "called in. Plans are being completed for the exten sion of the lake shorn drive from Oak to Ohio .streets , a distance ol a mile , nt a cost of fooo.qoo. The advance guard of republican editors to attend the state political convention here has begun to arrive. President Ilarpor of the now Chicago uni versity will shortly sail for ICuropo to secure professors for that Institution. WKSTK1IN I'EOl'LK Iff CHICAGO. The following western pcoplo are In the city : At the Grand Pacific J. II. Shauor , Cedar Hupi ds. In , ; James Stephenson , K. L. Lo- max , W. G. McLcod , Omaha ; J. E. Oawson , Hutto , Mont. ; J. G. Oawson , Anaconda , Mont. ; J. U. Knstreiis , PIoux City , la. At the Auditorium F. E. Gage , Great Falls , Mont. ; William Flanuery , Dozcman , Mont. At the Wellington . F. Kummol. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Johnson , Omaha ; Peter Lugor , Knrgo , N. 1) . At the Palmer Mr. nnd Mrs. C. N. Doltz , Omaha ; Mrs. F. S. Stopuous. I'lnnlclnton. S. D. A Ciiro for Cramp * In thn Stomach. Albert Envln , editor of the Lonard , Tox. , Graphic , says : "Forthocuroof cramp * in the stomach Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Uiarrlura Heinedy is the best and most speedy I over used. " Many. others who uovo tried It entertain tbo same opinion. SOUTH OMAHA'S MKSS. An Attorney's Opinion on the Trouble niul IIH Itoinetly. Attorney E , W. SImoral has given the question of South Omaha's position under the revised statutes considerable attention. In rosponsa to thu request of u representa tive of TUB OKI : ho yesterday nmdo thU statement of the situation and the menus which the city may employ for roliuf from lit present ombarrasltig and unfortunate condition : "The complications arising by virtue of the amendment to section 1 of charters of cities of the tlrst class makes a change so as to pro vide that all cities having less than twenty- llvo thousand and moro than ton thousand in habitants shall bo known as cities of the llrst class , thereby changing the law us It hereto fore stood , wtilch provided that all cities having ! 25,000 and moro than eight thousand Inhabitants should bo cltloi of the first class , places South Oiimtm and perhaps otuor cities throughout tbo ntato in u somewhat peculiar condition , although I do not think that It Is so surious u was indicated lu lao urilclo In Tin- URI : In reference to the ImlobtodnOM of n city. 1 snniKMn tltj Ural nuo.stton that would nntiir.illy arlsotxvuuld bo the effect It would have upon to ) ) present city govrn- mt-nt and nnv futurd ai-ilon that they may take in ri'foroniM to ttliinidal nlTulrs. There I * no doulrf but what the loglsta- turn may niter , eh itigjj , ntnoml or wholly annul it city ehnrlor , or doprlvu a municipal ity of nil or nnv of Its powers This lias boon done u number uf times In the history of cities throughout the country , moro es pecially In ttio ca < 6 of the city of > icmphls , Tumi. , whorutn thu tfhitrior was ulMOltitcly tinnullud. Hut as rule this C-OIIMO Is tukon because of the bankruptcy of the city , although nny law that a Icglslaturo might pass affecllnir Its chnrtor.could not af fect nny pro-existing debts. I'ho practical question , though , would Immediately nriso bow those debts can bo collected. It must bo con co J oil that Judge Dillon In his valuable wont on municipal corporations admits that the authorities nro somewhat conlllctlug nnd the remedy soinowliut uncertain , although n niundamus might ho in order to compel n luvy of taxes for the purx | > so of paying nny Judgment that might bo had against the city , but it Is not to bo expected that nny such serious matter will occur in reference to South Omaha , as under articles , chapter 11 , South Omaha would have about all the powers that she has hitherto enjoyed as n city of the first class. The only ques tion arising Is to whether or not It Is neces sary to have the governor muko proclamation that South Omaha Is n city of the second class , but that section In refer ence to ttio proclamation bv the governor savs that will-never any city shall hereafter have attained a population of . " , OJO or loss than 25,0X ( ) , and such fact shall have been duly ascertained and cortlllod by the mayor nf such city to the governor , thu governor shall by proclamation so declare the city to bo a city of the second class and subject to the provisions of this act. "As it is a mail or of record prior to the piHsago of this act that South Omaha had over llvo thousand inhabitants a proclamation by the governor , perhaps , Is not uccossarv. "Tho most serious dlftlculty that nt Dvosoiit would stnro South Onmhn In the fneo Is In reference to Its taxes nnd the assessing and collection thereof , as an/ttfmi ' 1(1 * -\irilrW tlidt tlm nlti * ifitltiutt shall certify to the county clerk the amount of tax levy for city purposes nnd the county ooimiiloilonoi-s shall nmko the assessment. This applies ns wall to special assessments for improvements , otc. , ns to Roneral taxes. Hut the Usual year of a city of the second class ( JK3S not lic lu until the second Monday lu August , so that even these matters In reference to taxation hy following out the provisions of sections : t'j nnd10 may bo ad justed so that no ( jreat trouble will nfiso. "It Is to ho hoped for the Rood name of the city that the present complications In ref erence to this unexpected position in which the rity is placed will > ) o speedily sot straight. Undoubtedly the trouble has nnsen by Inad- vcrtenco upon the part of the legislature or these who had the matter in charge to look after such cities ns South Omaha. That thov have made a bull of the law there can bo no question , although us I said before it is to be hoped that the credit of the city will not auffcr. . "Tho principal kickers will probably bo the present olllcials ns under the Inw govern ing citius of the second class their salaries will bo cut down about throo-fourths. " Itrokc Ills IU'K. Peter Wolf , residing in Albright south of the cemetery , whllo crossing the railroad tracks Monday night , fell and brokohis right leg below the thigh. The unfortunate man lay helpless on the roadbed till 1 o'clock ' n. in. , when ho succeeded bv his calls for help in awakening J. G. Kico. Mr. Hire at once lout all possible assistance , removed the help less man and sent word to Mr. Wolf of Omaha , n brother of the injured man. The brother , reported well-to-do , later came , and after standing nround for a few minutes , heartlessly said that ho "could do nothing" nnd loft. The fracture had not boon reduced at last accounts. Sons of Veterans Social. Captain Prank E. Hart , Fred O. fitter and A. W. Fly mi hove been appointed n com mittee on arrangements for the Inwn social to bo given this evening at the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ettor , sr. , Twenty-third nnd M streets. The Daughters of Votornns of Council Bluffs and Camp No. 1 , Sons of Veterans , of Omaha will bo'presont. These having It lu chargd are expecting to glvo the most enjoyable lawn social over given in the city. Notes Aliout tin ; City. Frank Havolok has gouo to Wnnoo. James McCuon has gene to Chicago. Mrs. Joseph Tobln of Albright is lUlod among the sick. Mrs. Mnyneld , wife of E. O. Mayllold , Is listed among the sick. F. W. Uoodspoed of the packing houses of Swift & Co. is quite sick. John Manor has gene to Chicago for a month's visit with friends. Adolph Anderson , of the Omaha packing force , has ROIIO to Chicago. Monahan & O'Noll have a cornstalk In their windows eight feet high. Miss Anna Ryan , daughter of Themes Ryan , Is again on the sick list. Mrs. M. A. Mann has pone to Oakland , In. , for n two weeks' visit with friends. John Johnson , formerly of the Swift & Co. force , has gene to Helslngborg , Sweden. A daughter hns been born unto Mr. nnd Mrs. U'illiam Maddes , Twenty-fourth nud C strrots. Dr. A. U. Slmpsor. loft last evening for a ton days' business trip to his former homo , Corning , Ark. Colonel O. H. Phillips of Hoatrlco , ono of the republican wheel-horses , has boon visit ing the magic city. K. t ! . Stanley , the ofllciont nnd courteous auditor nt the Cuilahy packing company , has returned from Chicago. The venerable agriculturalist , Thomas Hynn says that ho has twenty ncros of the best corn that ho over saw. Editor A. U. Mayllolil of Elmwood on his way homo from the liluck Hills , S. D. , is vis iting his brother , E. O. Mavllold. Simon Cushinc and 1 homns Smith were run In to Judge King's court nml were flnod $5 each for Indecent exposure of their per sons. sons.Mrs. Mrs. McMIllon , wife of Hon. John McMll- lon , is seriously ill nt the homo of their son- in-law and dauchlor , Mr. and Mrs. W. G. HenUoy , Nebraska City. The Ladles1 Aid society of the PresbyterIan - Ian church will moot this evening nt the rosi donco of Mrs , Frances I. Gilbert , Twenty- llrst nnd J streets , to malto arrangements for the .social and entertainment Thursday even ing. ing.A A score of friends Invaded the pleasant homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Adams Monday evening , and tocothor with the welcome by Mr. and Mrs. Adams , an elegant lunch and general amusements , spent n delightful evening. The social by the Ladies' Aid society of tno Prosbyterinn church will bo given In the room occupied bv Reason & MaMlllon , "M N street , Hardy blocV , Thursday evening. The Indies will have snppor road v nt U o'clock nnd pronvlso to sot tha tliicst meal over given their friends. , , Are Von ItiturcNtoil 't The following frnnW statement from J. E. Hare of Trenton , Text , will bo of Interest to many of our citizens : "My uttlo boy was vurv bad off for two months with dlarrhum. Wo used various niedlMncs , nUo called in two doctors , but nothing ilono him nny good until wo used Chninbcrlainla Colic , Cholera nnd Dlarrhn > a Remedy , which gnvo Immediate relief one ] goon cured him. I conMJer It the best medicine made nnu can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a dlarrhoja or cello medicine. " , j > 1C lee tfil TriiHtnn ? . About a dozen members of the Mothers1 Homo Association mot yesterday afternoon at Young Men's Christian association rooms and proceeded to elect trustees. The following ludlos were elected ns a hoard of trustees ; Mrs. J. H. Levey , Mrs. II. C. Ualone , Mrs. J. N. RIggon , Mrs. A. R Phelps , Mrs. N. M. Dwvcr , Mr * . C. A. White. Mrs. K. 1) . Hughes. Miss Mary HM1 , Mrs. novorldgo , Mrs. S. H. Cordroy , Mrs. Hell , Mrs. Dr. Truman , Mrs. Rodes , Mrs. Clara Shlnn , Mrs. Mary McClovin and Mri. Colo. A Mollier'n ( iralltiulo. My son was in au almost helpless condition with ( lux when I commenced using Cham berlain's Cello , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Rem edy. It gave him Immodluto relief and I am Jure it saved hi * llfo. I take b-roal ploiunro in recommending It to all , Mm. M L. Joiisnov , Kvorott , Simpson Co. , Miss. 23 aud 5U cunt bottlw for sulo by druggists. CHEAPER FCEL FO.i OJIAIIA. Burlington Anxious to Raduoo Ooal Bates to Missouri Hivjr Points. COMMISSION CONSIDERING THE CHANGE. Mny Itcsult In n Rom-rnl Kevin- Ion of tlio Western I'Yeljjht 'Jnrlir Statement r the Cinrino , July 23. Ttio commissioners of thu Western Passenger association heard arguments today in thu caseof the L'hlc.iijo , Iturllngton & Qiilncy for authority to rodtico the rate on coal from Chicago to the Missouri river. Tho'nppllciktlon was made in dofor- cnco to the wishes of the dealers hero who forsomo tlmo have had to compete with coal from the east , shipping largo quantities by way of St. Louis nnd the Missouri Pa- c'llc. ' That all the coal from eastern points to Omaha and beyond should bo shipped by the rou to imlic.itod created the im- ptesslon that tbo Missouri Pacillo was cutting rntos. At the recent mooting of the Western Freight association the Hurllngton asked permission to reduce the rate from Chicago , but the privilege was not granted , nil the ether roads voted against it except the liock Island. The Burlington then exposed the case to the commissioners nnd at the hearing today tbo representative of that comp.uiv nmdo n a strong argument in which he practic.illy nccused the Missouri Pm-illo of cutting coal rates. This brought out an indignant rouly from Ctcncrai Freight Agent Parker and n stormy debate followed in which the Hock Islnnil rnnrnsnntfitlvo took nnrt In sunnort of the Burlington's position. The commis'ion- ors took the matter tinder ndvi omout. FINI.KV AXI ) THU ST. I'VtT. . Chairman Finloy of the Western Passenger association gave his decision today In the matter of complaints against the Chicago , Milwaukee tc St. Paul nnd the Wisconsin Central lines for making rates from St. Paul to Toronto by way of Milwaukee on the oc casion of the educational convention. Ilo held.that these roads violated a provision of thu agreement in failing to nut into effect the ruling made by tbo chairman at thu time , nut as no harm had boon dr > no to nuy other Him ho refrained from inflicting nny penalties The most Important part of thu decision Is that In which Mr. Fintcy takes thu position that those roads , under the agreement , have no right to use through fares via Milwaukee upon nny basis lower than the agreed through f.ires for the reason that there is no provision for them in any of the existing rule sheets. Ho excuses it in this instance be cause the roads nro privileged to meet out- sldo competition , and the See line had really made thu rate used by them , but hu insisted that there was no authority for using throuch excursion rntos via Milwaukee. General Passenirer Agent Heafford of the Milwaukee iSt. . Paul says ho will not sub mit to this decision , but will appeal to arbi tration. Xo ComtiinntioiiH. BOSTON- , July US. A director of ttio Boston & Maine nilroid today said : "There can bo no foundation for the reports connecting the Boston & Maine with anv other ro.ul except what there may bo found in increased busi ness of the Boston & Maine. Its territory Is pretty well defined and all attempts to ally its llnanccs with the Now York & Now Eng land on the south and the Canadian Paclllc or Grand Trunk on the north will bo found in the future as in the past to be schemes that have no basis in the Boston > t Maine management. The road will never go out of Now England. The trallio between the Ca nadian roads and the Boston > t Maine is , I believe , Increasing. Wo are building n short cut off. and nn elevator up by the Canadian border to facilitate this business. Mr Van Horn and Mr. Furber scorn to get along very well together in the mutual development of business , but as to the Boston As Maine going into nny grand transcontinental scheme , that is too absurd for contradiction. " Ilttrlinctoii .t CIIICAOO , .Inly 23. The statement of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy tor the month of Juno last , In comparison with that for the corresponding month last ycai-shows : Gross earnings , decrease , $1314 : ; expenses and charges , decrease , $319,038 ; not earnings. In crease. S187.704. For the six months ending .luno.iUtho statement shows : uross earn ings , decrease , $ ilJ7,4.'t ( : expenses and charges , docrcaso , $ ] ,4S3riG3 ; not earnings , decrease , $ ( W4,87G. KOOIjS HIS F ATM Kit. A Youii } * Man Whoso Actions Will Cause Him Troiilile. "Thero Is a young man living up In the northwest part of the city , " said a prominent member of the Second Presbj-torian church , yostordny , "who oughtto bo exposed. His father is one of tbo most respected and rospect- nblo old gentlemen in the city , but the young man is n tough. Oflatoho has been doing the neighborhood ami particularly thn mombora of the church to which his father belongs , borrowing money upon the strnncth of the father's credit nnd good iiuino. Ho camu to my house last Sunday and hu needed n .small bum of money for n fuw hours until his parents returned from church. 1 loaned him n dollar. I subsequently learned that he had boon to half a dozen of my neigh bors with the same story nnd had collected considerable money. Hu .spends all hu can got for liquor and leads a di oluta Ufa. Ills father is well nigh heartbroken over bis son's conduct but ho don't know about the fraudulent borrowing that the young man has recently uaoplcd us u mouns of getting money. " Dr. Blrnoy euros culnrrh , Hoe bUlg ; D1V1DI01) AVITIt Omiilm DiHtrlut of the Kullw.iy Mnl Service Cut in Two. Too general superintendent of the railway mall service has decided to cut tbo Onmha district In two and make a district headquar ters at Lincoln with about sixty men. The following mall routes will constitute thu Lincoln district ; Auburn and Lincoln , Aurora and Arcadia , Columbus and Kiinsas City , Fremont nnd Lincoln , Kansas City ana Oxford , Fairmount nnd Chester , Fremont , and Lincoln , Lincoln and Concnrdla , Lincoln and Superior. McCook Junction and Falrbury , Nebraska Citv and Cheyenne , Or leans nnd San Francis , Plattsmouth nnd Schuylor , Hod Oak and Lincoln , Knpuhlican Citv and Oborlln , Tnlmngo and Crete , Yallby nml Almo , Valparaiso and Beatrice. Mr. John M. Butler tins been appointed chief clerk of the now division nnd will talcu charge of the work on August 1. Postal Telegraph Co. have adopted th "Callgrapu" to the exclusion of all others. NATURAL FRUIT RAVORS. Vanilla - \ or porfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - of great etroncth. Almond -I EconomynthorU3 | | ° Rose etc.-rl Flavor as dollcatoly nnd dcilcJously ao tlio fresh fruit RAW AS BEEF-STEAK Baby's Po-irlul Suirorintr from Skin Dl ons > Co < for nx Entire Doily Oiuod by Outtcurn. My "ahv was tiki'ii very nick when ho was Ilirri * inoiitlit olil. itud in a few ilavs lioean hruuklnjt mil. WiM'mploitMl liolliof tht < IMIMIO ' " I'lors mill tlii-v to.ihl ilo tiiithtiiK for him. Thi'ii " Mi-iit for tin' I'Ktt do tur In I'.ntcm Mirli. and hu itool rcl him for two \vookt , mill ho jsot win so nil tin' tlmr ; tlion 1 tonk him to JacKsnn. lo u doctor WllO attends I'spo- ( lallv to skin ill'caM'S nml than hu cot wo MI' thnn r\t > r. I'lii'ii I told my liu"- t'uiiil M < > hail liotlrr try tlu > ITTUTUK ItKMr.t'ii s nny wa > : < llil nut him- tiny liloa tln-y would ilo iiny IJIMI | Inn In loss limn two months from tin * Mum bojjan Ktvlne thoni Inlilin lu wasi'iitltoly neil , and not u spnl on him. lilt h.ilr bi'tfan tir.iwIiiK rltfht oir. and wo thouulil In- would bo bahl-ln-atli'il There was not u spot on his nlmlii liody f iii'o , and hand , and only his IIOM- mid t > ye- < . hut what w IIH us law as boi'Mlo iU. S. > poor tht'ro was not am tlilnjt but bones , anil so \ > o..i > ho could raUo miilhiT li.iml nor ln nil. MIIH. I'KAMv IIAKUKTT.Vlnllold. . Mltili. Cuticura Resolvent The now blood and skin purlllcr and uroalmt of linmor romoilli'x , i-lo.insi's tin1 blood of nil ImpurUli'siind poNonons dements , anil thus ri'iiioM-s din CMIISIwlnlo 1'rTirtriu. tintfiotit sUIn oiuu , and I l TII t'n v So\i % an i"c < | iilsno skin lirautlllcr. olonr Ilio skin and si nip , unit n sioro the h ilr Thus tin1 Ci'Tiri'iiv Ki MI- : lill.x cunt tnory spin-It's of Itching , Inunlnir , scaly , pimply , .mil hloti'hy sum. si-.ilp , unit hlooJ ( iNu.isos , from plmplus to scrofula , from Infuiuy to iitfo , when the I est | iliy-clins ! fall Soldovorywhoro. I'rln1.rfTicfin.BOc ! Sou1 , W. ; ltt.soi.vKNT , tl. IMopiirod l > y thu 1'iirrKK Dllllll AND ClIKMir VI. ClIIII'DIIAI ION , HontOll. t < T"Huinl tor "How to Oiro llliKid Dlsf anes. " SRliiainl Scalp purlllodmid lioanllllcd liy UIHII i tiv MI vi * . Absolutely ptiro. " " HHEUMUIC PAINS. IN DM : MIM'TKTHK I't'Tii irn v ANTI- PAIN I'htsTiiii ri'llinrt rheumatic sol- atlca. liliU | < liii > \ . olii'sl. nnii imisuuliir i wrakni'ssi's I'r oi > . . ' "ic. UK. HoiriltiEts'iii'rciMiM nronclcntincnll ) niut Cftrefiillv prt'pnro * ! pri'Horlptlnns t iiiiil forinnny oars la prlam jirjitt leu with Hun ( .s < 4.ninl for DVIT ? hlrty jcarHinoutiy tliouoj | lo. I'.M-ry Fluplo t'l'O- ' ' cliliN n niK' euro for tno ilUonno imini ( I. 'llmso Npeclllcs euro nllhnin clruKKlnir , purit- Insnr n-cluc'Irm-tliu ( jstoin , unit nro la fart niul ( luuiltliOHiiruri'Iuii iTinrilii-MoI thuurlil. . usTor ritivcir-Ar. NOS. I I < V * crn , t'oiiKC'stlon. Inrtnniiontlon . .v.l \VorniH. . Worm FOMT , Worm Colle , 'iA : i Crylnir Collc.ortci'lliIiiKoMnfniiW , 'iH .f IlliirrTicn , ofl lillilrcnor AilnlU . . , ' 2X A ninrnturr , Clrlplnn , Illllom Collo. . . .V.T II Clioli-ru niorbiiN , VoniltliiK U5 7 CoiiKhH , Colil , llronrliltls -JS H Nournlurlii , Tootliiiclio. 1 nco.icno . .5 II IIi'iiiliiclifH , WoklUmlnclio. VirtlKO . 'J.t Jit ) | > | iHiii , lilllmw Moniiich. .ViS II MnijircNMi'dir-l'jilnriil I'crloilH. . * J5 IVt U'lillcM. too I'rofiuo 1'trloils . . 'i.T l.'l Cruiip , CoiiKli , Illlllciilt lln'MllilliK . . . 'J.'J 1 f "nil Itlicuin , UryhSju'las. rruptlons. .V8.T 1.1 Ithi-uiiinllHiii , Jllii'uninllol'oliis V5 ! III I < 'i < Ti > raiiil Aunr , llitlNJlnliirla. . . . "ill 17 i'ili-H , llllnilnrlllFPiUiiK O ] ! > ( 'uiiirrli , Iiilliirntfk , Colillutliollcmt .nil till Whouplnic Conuli , Violent Coiiclm. . .TO VC1ncrnl ; llclilllt ) .1'hyslcnMrcnkiiiiw .All J7 KI'InoylllHOiiNi- . . .All 2S .N T oo3 Dohllity 1.0(1 ( . ' 10 I'rlniiryVvnkncm , Wi-llliiRllcil. .All Uvt l lHciiHfNoriluill irtrali | > lmtlonl.lHI Soli ! by Drilgclits. or ( ii'nt postpaid on receipt of price. DH IIUMi'imr.vB' MANIJAI , ( Ml pnniw ) rlcnly bound In cloth nnd itold , innllrd rrvo. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO. , Cor. William and John Streola , Mow York. SPEC ! FB OS- LoDuo's Poriodicul Pills. Thlt rri-ncli remedy act ! illroctly upon tlio itonom- tlvu orx.iiis Mini cur in NiippruxHlou of tlio 111011101. For Ihri'o for $ . " > , anil c.ia lO niiHo I Should not bo iicit ilurlnu protfnnncy .Tobbori , ilrii itHtH itml tlio public iiipplloil by ( looiliimn Drug Co. , Onmlin. The Original and Genuine ( WORCEOTERSH1RE ) Imparts the moat delicious taste nnd zoat EXTRACT ofal.KT'mifrora ft MEDICAL (1EN. U RAVI US. TJ.KMAN at Mad. ns , to Jiln brother nt WOUGE8TEK. Hay. 185L COLD "Tell IEA to rEUItlNS- that tlietr nauco Is hluhly ostporaod In Iii'Jla , unit IH In my opinion , Uia most rnlatablo , as well IM tlio moflt whole- KAUKIIITH , Homo rauco that is juado. " B eofMitations ; see that you got Lea & Perrins1 Blg-nnturo on every bottloof Ortelunl & Ocimlno. JOHN HUNCA.VS I'O.NS , NLW YOKK. THE OMAHA MANUFACTURING CO , No. 108 , 110 & 112 N. Eleventh St. , 1'rutcctoil hy U. B. I'atonU. ] Manufacturers of Iron niul Slool Kill- lion , Yiir.l Lawn FCIHTS , also I'linii , Slock , 1'iirlc anil Coiunturj Fences. Aruhltuoturvl Iron V'asoi , Clulri , Sotti anil CrcstliiKH. .Solo ( .gouts for Huukthnrn ( ialvanlroil tfti-ol HlUhunlrus. . Teleuhono 1772. Samplon at Faot > r/ MVI : AOHNTS WANrr.D. INTEREST PAIDONDEP05ITS ATOMAHA10ANSTR05TCO. ' - 5C.CDR. IB CAPITAL'S IOO.OOO.OO DIRECTORS : A UWYMAN-C.W.NASH JHMIttARO CUr CDARTON C.D. LAKE. Jd.BROWN-THOS-L.KIMBALL. National Bank ( ' . S. DKI'OdlTOUY. ' - OMAHA NHII Cupltnl $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , bOO. 02.0OO ( inii'i'rA ii'Hl Illrpftumllonrr W Vntoi. I'rotldont , I. nili S Ilo ul. Vi.'U I'riKliloiit : Janiui W nuiuu W V Mono , lolin S Coini. , . It C. ( . 'milling , J .S. U I'ntrlrk. W. II S lluuhui , t'mlilur. Tirii IRON HANK. t'oriu'r I''tli unil Knriuiiii 6\it \ Uomral HanliliiK lluslnu s Tniiiurti > cl. OMAHA 'Sltiinlluiii ' pr * > ruro fur Kratld 1 Mlu- Write fur i In iIIIM HIIKIIWiinu Illins II'J Nuw V irk l.r TELEGRAPHY. ! o f if * . _ s- , , . , AUTYoi-PoLlSHri „ SAVING LADOR.TLEANUNESS. . DUHABIljrY&CHEAPNESS.UNEgtlALlED. _ No ODOH WHEN HEAIHH Parnam Streeli ThBater Toiinlit unil I'M < O rvi-nim ; this \VroK , r : KAJANKA 1 l'oMilar | I'rlt'tNI5c , iloi1 , Jl.'ic , . "iO l , 7 "ii' . Scats now on t il > > \\cilin-iliv intl Sutunlny Matlnoo. GH AHD Opera House \ViMlniMtliiy , July ai , GHORGH HRAXCIb HAI\ Will roi'ort ' IK tin' pcoploof ( liimlin oo IH5 ro * coin Trip Arnuiiil tlioorlil iiiutrlll ti lull ui ant Ktitijcct Huu c ttMl ti > lilni IO ( CMC < | > * ciiti < , ' * ) 3.i unil 23 coilta On Snla Wcilnc dti ) morning SAVE 10UK MIGH THE OPTICAL HOUSE OF TUB ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , Practical Opticians Anil brunrh of worlil ron-iwuiM - ojrttonl oUnMl h- mi'iitof A. d Moo A.'i ( > , St Lciiils Our niotlioit U puporlor to nil othon our Ion1 * ! ' * nro Htiporlor will nut wonry or tlru the eye : * . The Trnnioa proiuily | iul- juiitoil to the face Eyja TcStod Free of Chir ; o. Prices Lo\v \ for First-class Goods. THE ALOE & PENPOLD OO. , 114 S. 15fn St. , Next ti Post > llloo WOODS' . PENETRATING PLASTER. la ol H'K. Others in l AND THE ? coiiipnrUon nre plow or . - Jl I > KAI > . IfbUlTcrlnKtry . .DLADWOOD'S PLASTER. H I'oiii'lratux , lt . All lriiRil ) ; t * . HOTEI. . The Murray , cor. 14th nnd Harnoy , is the most substantially constructoJ hotel build ing ; in Omaha , Several heavy brick firewalls running from basement to roof. All coilhiga and floors lined w th Asbestos fira proof lin ing , making it impossib'o ' to burn quickFiro escapes and fire alarms throughout the build- ins ; . Steam heat , hot and cold water audsuu- shine in uvery room , Table unsurpassed any where. B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor. " HOTEL DELLONE. Cor. Mill nml Capitol Arc. Just completed , has 1OO rooms , throi 8tair\vaj-s , from tha top to the bottom , nil fine oluvator and dining room sorvloo , li flro proof throughout , line billiard room ? and the llnuH tollot rooms In the city. Largo sample rooms. Suites with bath , otc. Cor. 14th and Capitol Avo. Struut car Horvlojlu alldireotions. _ Unto ? , from $250 to S Vi BARKER HOTEL. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Onmn , luvo taken the Barker Hotel under their well known management. This hotel is the best two-dollar-a-day house in Omaha , all modern conveniences. Fire escapes and fire proof floors , Spec alrates for base ball aud theatrical companies. Table unsurpassed. UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner llth nml Munon Slroats : Half block wuH of Union 1'ac'llli. unit II ft At. tit-put * Now bullillnv. nnw furiilturo , inrry tiling llrat- olitss. cooloU liiiMtlim In Onnhiilunr of untlro. niirroiiiiillni ; country li.ilh clnrlrlu cull lii'll.i rtc ( titles , H.ltJ anil 1 M Kvnry line of c.ttflu un I iiiulor cars , P.MH within onn hlork o\o < pt hlipriitiu AVIMIIIU neil Itiiii'-cnni lliirk line I liluciu a ny unit you ima Iruiiooi lo llMiiu lfyi > i WHI | J STEEL GOLD MCDAi , "Arns PXPOSITION , 1QBO. THE M08Y tJhRFEGT OF PENS. , .3 AMU roLUil ( ! . " llllS Of TfiCllllOlDIF , f > l > A. .It I US. initiations n C'hlua o In elmrjo of I'rof ( ii'tilgo llnul.uul , at the Hoard uf I'M- ' ui'iitldn rooms , citv II ill , Juno i > uicl : . ' : ul II a in. , anil Hi M honm In oh-iiKo of Prof 1C II. I.HIIU' . iillleo of hnpt of Si-hniil'i t-'oventli and Choilmit strccu , Jnnui and M atUa. in. Catalogue free. . / . II. IIKM-K , .It : , JVrrri'/Mi-f/ . KES\iLWORTH \ ! HALL. " Mrs lliibrack'nKanllwiirtliSfliiml A ItannHngnwl HiivNthiKtlJurOirli. vlopi'n.Sr'f | | > fl'rii7. ' lull , nt /eiilliu-nlli.lll. / . CIS in 11 os nortli ol I lilt-nun on l.nko BMciro ) New nnd thorouvlur ( iiiilpiiwl btiilcllnk'i . urnotoilMoi.emllr for Hid jchool , lint tlircoinliiilliw wulk fromc mi railway million. yuoorlormlvnnlaKOJ anil bountiful locution. Knrclrroliim , nilitroo .MIW. MAIlVKUVKSllAllCOCK Kunllworlli. III. 3 M in uuiil'arli < iiearrhlcni.'o ) . Hoarding Ir' ; School foMllrln unil Vininv . > . rurli j cnlnliiirnniulilrrMll TIIAVIJU , J.I , Ii , * * Run 1'iirk , 111. , or 77 iludloon btruut , Clilcugo , III , PEMAuE ACADEMY ' ' /"v"1 ' ' " " c""rl" ' " ' 1"l | ° n"1 Hue Art iiTriii'i'Miui I AlsCi'ini''Jua'"oii'ii'ior.'ili ! ! ) ' ! ' < ! ' ' ' * ' ' ' ; ' ' ' NI.W VOUIC MIl.ITAltY ACAIinMV. ' Col.t'.I.Wltuiiir. IIJ4 .A M . Ouriiw.ill , N Y , MJKHJhS OK I.KMNUTO.N , MO. BAPTIST FEMALE COLIjEGE , l.fxlnieli > n , Aim4li ( ) iiiio | nf Srpt tolh , 15(11 ( 1 * mlly. l uralure l.jn i.4Kr , M4lln uutlcs , Seicwf , be4llliful Ituipllnffi criUtfcJ , tennvatrit n't f furuulinl i ttCAiu hcatc.1 Aiut 4h liitit. ; . < 1 r AUunrur ad Itti * W. AII.M > S , V V . I'r , . . , I.I A.I.MJI O.V , MO. f ENTRAU r > Pt-Jrg.lllg > lrt yr * ' liin ; * * - * | td inl > r l i Itr 'iilir Tim uU ( i 1(1 ( hilf lo ilcfr | c' Sj rti liiesfclu M An llmution * jjinii ium. free Ix-ttorc t tiuiic , eti il a tilui < ii > tin < U aut AuVll'l JIALlV A" JJKJKSiTvt jCi-XI.NU'l li.N * - . . , UU. A ClimtMn Home * h l tin 40 Vouna Ladlov i ivliMi lion Srj.l tu Nu ( njlili nliibil.oui 1 i nun Mu i < ! Art , % | cultlc , f m | Ule watetrr \ . , P „ auio ru Iddtc. . J. I ) . 111.AS HIS I'I I \ISI.J 0.MU , . . . ' * * III ' \Vr i i uu or Jt' i- s ! if * AfKi itftt antl t ifi ( CHRISTIAN Aluninio , over 4OO A lur K i IJliTnlum , Art HUIIO bjticrlalUU Oacrc * . . imuuiniri hut w t r. liefttinr t th ruoini , wairr rlo * t M l > rtt < ; ljouln < - A ( tiuiiHTIAN ( lll.l.iUK. : A.i . } i"\ . W. A. OLDIIAM , Proeldent , COLUMBIA , MO.