THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : VEBiX E8DAY , JULY 29 , 1891 , 3 THE OMAHA. .BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. lCfi : No. 121'KAItL STREET. by Carrier In any part of the City. II. U. TILTON - - - MAKAUKIt. TKLKPI1ONES ; nusiiiess nnicc , No. 13. Nil-lit Editor. No. 2U. . i.u.iiii N. Y. P. Co. Pay your water rent hoforo July 81. Council liluffs Lumber Co. , coal. C raffs chattel loans , 204 Hnpp block. A incetlntof the school board will be held this owning. There will ho a bond concert at Fall-mount jiarlt tomorrow evening. If you want v/ntor In your yard or house fc toUlxhy's. : ) B Mori-lam block. Isnnc Urook nnd Joseph I.lnsklo were nr- re.strd yewtorday tnnrnlni ; , charged with pcddlliiK lly paper without a license. Tl.e funeral services of the late C. C. Horn will ho hold this afternoon at II o'clock at the liiiniiy re.-ddenco , M7 Fifth avenue , l-'rlends of the family tire Invited to attend. Augustus Uresoo dod | Monday at the Women's Christian Association hospital aped M' . , of consumption. Ho leaves two daugh ters and two sous. Notice of the funeral will bo Klven Inter. A silver watch bclonfrlng to A. D. Pllnpol. a workman In John I' . Weaver's brick yard , va.ssto'f-n ' day before yesterday from the owner's vest , which ho had loft htiunInK out doors while ho went to dinner. The insane commissioners held n session yesterday , at which nn examination was KJVCII ono Hamilton f'oy , who was UrouK'it ' from Crescent City charged with insanity. IIu was ordered ti.ltin to the asylum. Uouert Khodes , the Avocu pugilist , is expected to nrrivo in fie city today to make nrrntiL'iMneiils for u glove contest with Uafus C'houto Mynstcr ot ttiis city. It is to tuKo pluco sombliino during September , for ? -UO a side. side.Mrs. Mrs. Katherine Green died yesterday after noon atI : ! . " o'clock aged thirtv-soven years ut the family residence , 1000 Eighth avenue. ( She Icnves two married daughters nnd ono son. Tim funeral will tulto place from St. Francis Xavlor's Catholic church tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock. 1) . K. Shrcevcs wns nrrosled yesterday upon nn information filed by 15. 15. Schnr/ , churging him with the larceny of six horses belonging to Schura , by virtue of u chattel mortgage executed in his favor by Shreevcs. Ills bond wns fixed nt & ) , ( Ko ) , uud Ills hearing sot for this afternoon at a o'clock. The camp flro to ho given this evening by the Union Veteran Legion nt the ICnlchts of Py thins hall over 1U ( Main street promises to be un elnboruto ufTuir. A number of Oinuhu veterans will bo present. Kx-Aluyor Droatch , Colonel Kheridun und others will make ud- drcsses. All old soldiers nro Invited to ho present. James Murray was arraigned in police court yertci day morning on the charge of robbing u house on A venue C between Thirty- illth and Thirty-sixth streets night before last.V. . J. Dempsey , who captured him nt the point of a revolver , was on bund to tes tify , but ho wns not needed , us Murray wr.ived examination und wns bound over to nwnit the notion of the grand Jury , next Sep tember. Ho wns unable to furnish bull and wns sent to jidl. F.i. \ . Speck , wno has been serving out n seven day sentence In the county Jail for the larceny of some furniture nt the Western house , was released yesterday morning. Ho wns Immediately rearrested on an informa tion filed in the superior court by the pro prietor of the hotel charting him with beat ing u board bill. It is claimed that ho In duced the landlord to lot him stay several davs by telling him that ho had n lot o f horses ut ttio driving park. Ho will have a hearing this morning before Judge MeGeo. A man with corns and another man with a gun mndo things rather lively on u motor coming from Omaha last evening ut about ( li.'lt ) o'clock. The man with the corns hud them stepped on by another man as ho was entering the ear. Several bits of highly dee- orated profanity were scattered about i'n the nit- and n light was imminent , when the man who had done tlio destructive work on tlio corns pulled a gun and Jm-ed tbo other to do his worst. Tie changed his mind suddenly on sceinc the gun nnd loft the cur hurriedly , after which the other passengers breathed easier. Tlio fmtoHt Conundrum. Why is Huller s Sarsaparilla and Burdock llko the most populir soap of the dnvl " Hoeauso they both cleanse the "skin and leave it soft and velvety. Tlio Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will bo closed from 1 p. in. today , making preparations for the GKKAT COST SALI2 which starts tomorrow at ! ) a. tn. sharp. Til 13 BOSTON STOKK , FOTIIKUIXOIIAM , WlIlTKLAW & C'O. Lost Friday evening , on Sixth strcot , between Fifth avenue and \V ray's land- In , Like : Miuiawa , lady's black fur capo. Leave at Kink barn , Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 539 Broadway. Di-8. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur geons , -15 Fourth Htroot , Council HI tilt's , la. x * i / , i-.i te.u ; n. t i > us. D.V. . Archer has gor.o to Chicago. Jacob Sims started yesterday afternoon for Oshkosh. It. E. Ingrnham has returned from a visit to Mount I'lousunt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cartwrlght of I3urlinzton nro visiting their daughter , Mrs. L. M. Shubort. Miss Alllo Spurcn of Nelson , Neb. , is the guest of Miss 15thol Uarclav , Hess street. John L. Tomploton leaves next week for the convention of national firemen at Detroit. MNs LIIlio Keys of Creston is tlio guest of her sister , Miss K Utlo ICoys , Ola Fourth av enue. enue.Miss Miss Mary G. Duncan left Monday for Suit Lake City , whore she will spend her vu- cutlon. \V. F. Ciamor and wife of Sioux City nro the guests of Prof , uud Mrs. James Mo- Naughton. George S. Hess of Chicago arrived In the city yesterday and has taken the position of head clerk at the Grand. Mrs , Dr. Dcotkou , Mrs. John Mcrgeu and daughter. Miss Anna , left lust evening for a a trip to Denver and other western cities. Miss Stella Sutton , formerly a member of thu corps of instructors of the dcuf and dumb "Institute in this city , now occupying a simi lar situation in Philadelphia is in the city tlio guest of the family of W. A. Strong on Gien avenue. Small In sl/.o , grout In results ; DoU'ltt's Little Early Klsers. Ilest pill for constipa tion , best for ioU. ho.iJueho , bjtt for so ur fitonmch. Swniibon mtislo company , 3io ; Broad way. All Aboard or ( oll'ux. For health and re-creation seek the waUu-s and rest of Col fax Springs , la. Tlio Chicago & Hoclc Island is selling round trip tickets from Council BluiTs and return for $7.00. A. T. Khvell ' ticket agent , No. 16 Pofirl street. Council Illiinw VM I'niilllloii , It has been decided positively thnt the pnmo of ball between the Council HlufTs ni\A \ Pupllllon lawyers will tnUo place next Friday afternoon at tbo Manawa ball pane. Game will bo called at 2:30 : oulock. A great Ucal of Interest Is being taken by thu public In the gainu und tlio prospect U there will bo n largo audience. The nd mission will bo free. The following is a list of the players with their positions : Council HlulTn , 1'osltlnnB , 1'apllllon. K t > churz . ditcher . Allen Askwltli . I'llchcr . iirtivo Wl-kt. . Klrst busy . Salisbury ( i \\rlKht . t-'econd base . Iliibsutt > rtiin ! . Third baku . Hover 11. ik'hurz . Shortstop . Morrison t-luia. . . . ItlKhttlulil . l.niiHdon V 1' . Wright . CentorUold . Howard HuwMin . Lvftllold . llursen 1'ho L'umo will bo umpired by Judvo W. I , Smith provided ho has time to stuuv upon tno national rules by Friday , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , PottavTftttomie County Visited by an Unusually Heavy Rain. PROPERTY DAMAGED IN THE LOW LANDS , Kent * Kntrrtnliird that the Hxtcnt ol' I lie ; Flood In Kvutt & null ( Ji enter 'IlKUiut I'rcMcnt Known. A Uilnnlsh , lazy looking cloud , indolentl } touting In the iiorthrasloru sky n few degrees below the /enllh , nrid n stnoxy scud ulinlossly drifting around In tbeopposito quarter of the heavens tit about the sumo nltitudo wns a , combination that failed to attract tlio atten lion of iiny but the most acute observer of tlic wciithur phenomena at 0 : ! ! ( ) lust evening. Yet the two formed the commencement of one of the heaviest ruin storms Unit IMS oc curred In the vicinity of Council lUtifTi smco the ( front HooU of l M. The lirst Intimation that oven n little shower was imininont was the dlschnrgu of n tcrrillo oleetrlo bolt from the southern cloud into the other , followed by a crash of thunder that shook the foundations of the city. In n fo'.v moments a clenso muss of cloud had formei on each side of the city and tno intervening clour space was con tinuously cleft by llory bolts. The two clouds were approaching each other ap parently on the samu piano. The meeting point wns n few miles northeast of town. The warring forces seemed to produce n genuine cyclone. Those who were watching the result saw a cylindrical mass of densely lilnclc cloud drop towiird the earth. It re sembled n monster elephant1 ! ) trunk. The lower end switched backward niul forward with great violence , but the point did not seem to roach the earth. In n few moments it was drawn up and disappeared in the cloud , adding to its density mid spreading over a wide oxpnnso. Hut little rain foil In the city , scarcely suf- llcient to cause the water to How in the gut ters. The torrtllc roaring , however , indicated that a fearful rain \vus falling a short dis- taneo north and east of the city. Tno lirst intimation of its severity was given the resi dents of Harrison street when a Hood ciiino tcurlne down , tilling the street and overflowing - ing the curb after the rain had entirely ceased in the city. The next intimation wns a rise of Indian creek at thu ratis of four feet in fifteen minutes. IJy 7iiO : o'clock u Hood eight feet deep was touring down the creek , and by S o'clock it had incrcasoit to fourteen feet , overflowing the bunks from Seventh street to the river , inflicting serious ilunmgo to property. No damage at all was done in the upper part of the city , but Judging from the mass of debris that came tearing down the creek heavy dam- ngo WHS inflicted east of town. A grocery store apparently boon emptied Into the tor rent. Kgg cases half filled with eggs , chicken coops full of drowned fowls , barrels , boxes , sardinecases , mingled with scores of drowned chickens , covered the surface of the ground where it was not overspread with the wreck age from barnyards and farms. The storm lasted only about half an hour , and bolero 7:15 : the sun was shining brightly , with scarcely n cloud in sight. The rapid nso of the crock attracted general attention and the whole town turned out to sco the water over spread the banks and invade the streets. The crook loft its banks nnd cut across to Broadway on Seventh street , and liroudway from Eighth street to Sixteenth was covered from one to two feet deep. It was not until after tlio water subsided that the extent of the damage cauld bo approximated. All along Lower Broadway could bo seen sicns of the destructive Hood. Tlio under taking establishment of H. Morgan between Seventh and Eighth streets suffered worse than any of the other business houses. The Hoods entered by the back door and rapidly tilled the cellar. The services of a number of neighbor ? were ntonco secured nnd such of the goods in the cellar as could bo moved were taken out by the stairway. Leo Wit ter , who was among ttiose assisting , had a nurrow escape from being plunged in sixteen feet of water. The water already in the cellar was about live feet deep , and ho had been walking across bridges made of cofllns , and In this waj- passing , out a lot of mnltrestes to Mor gan. In some way the lamp was tipped over , and ho had to Imivo the cellar. Just us ho reached solid floor above there was a crash , and the whole cast wall of the foundation succumbed to the waters in the buliuinir , nnd a Hood which hud gathered in a vacant cellar next door rushed in. Had ho been a moment lute In making Ids exit from the cellar ho must have been drowned. The damage to the building and the stock is estimated at about $ yi)0 ) , none of which was insured against water. Tlio grocery of Ctisrles Unccr , Just across from the Northwestern depot on U roadway , was also badly damaged , thoentire ( rant wall of the collar being wiished away and a largo amount of merchandise being ruined. At the Northwestern depot the yards were filled with water , whicli at tlrstWas over a foot deep. During the evening it receded , but the trucks were unsettled so that the company wns afraid to start out Its trams on schedule timo. All the sidewalks in the vi cinity were torn up. The worst part of the damage was done to the property in the vicinity of the transfer. Families by the dozen were compelled to lleo for their lives to higher ground , many of them delaying their departure until friends had to go after them in boats. In many places where the country for whole blocks has not been brought up to grade , the water stood fifteen foot deep. H was impossible to innku one's way over this part of the cttv , nnd the whole amount of the damage will not bo known today or until the waters re cede enough so tis to allow nn examination to bo mudo. North of Broadway as fur as Avenue D the Hood committed its dcpralnlions. The axe bundle factory at the corner of Avenue B and Thirteenth street was badly water soaked. The damage , however , is 'thought to bo nominal. The foundation of Ciilinsky's feed store and [ his residence between Avenue A nnd Broadway , below the Northwestern depot , was also washed out. Kor about two hours the water was so deep along West Broad way and Avenue A that the motor trains stopnod running nnd all commu nication between this city and Omaha was abut off. All the rip rapping at the North First street bridge over Indian creek which the city has been putting in for several weeks past , was washed out. A family living back of the coal yard of A. T. Thatcher & Co. were driven out of their homo and had to stand on top of their house all night. The Boston Htoro's grout cost sale previous to Inventory starts Thursday , when ovorythlntr In the store will bo oll'orod lit nutunl cost price for ton dnys. Boston Storo. Council HluITu , la. , Foth- oringlmin , V/hltolaw it Co. Union Park rnoos , Onmha und Coun cil HlutTs , September 8-11 , $ ( ! ,500 ; Oe- tobor Si-22 ( ) , $1,000. For programmes address Nut Urown , Merchants hotel. Omaha. _ Hotel Gordon , most centrally located , first class house in city ; straight $2.1)0 ) a day. _ Gasoline and oil ; cobs , wood and coal ; prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , 27 Main ; telephone " 03. Aliti-l'rnliihitlnnlstH. A call is being circulated by George H. Kichmond for u meettne of nntl-prohlbl- tlonl&t ? , regardless of party tloa , to bo held next Friday evening In the superior court room at the county court house , for the pur pose of devising clans to secure the repeal of the prohibitory liquor law by the coining legislature. The cull Invites ail who bavo become convinced that the prohibitory law has been a failure to come out and help get U repealed , The originators of the scheme state that the result of the meeting will in all probability bo the forming of a club for the .llssoininntion of ami-prohibition Ideas among the citizens at largo. The move has awakened a great deal of excitement ttmouj ; loyal republicans. Al though the circulation of the call has been done with considerable secrecy , none being approached unless known to have nntl-pro hibltlon sentiments about him , still the affair has bivomo known and has caused constcrna tlon among the party leaders. They consider the move to have been sot on foo.t by the democrats originally , In the hope that the unpopularity of the present liquor law might bo ii'iidc ' to divide the republicans , and thus make the victory of the democrats moro easily secured. The fact that nothing wu' done towards organizing a club of the kind tinder consideration until after the parties had met and had formulated their platforms Is thought by many to lend color to the theory. Lasl'ovenltig about fifty signatures to the paper hud been secured. Do Witt's Little Early HIscH. Best little pill ever made. Cure cor.itipatian every time. None equal. Use them now. Will It Pity You to InvcHtlunto Thin ? What Sargent , the shoe man , Is doing to make room for fall goods and keep us btiby during the dull season : A HONA FIIK lo PtJH CUNT CUT ON ALL SI10KS for the next 20 days. That makes all of Wright & 1'otor's cloth tops , patent tips , fancy lace and All * > . ( ! ( ) slices M.'i'i ' per pair. .lohn Kelly's turned $100 shoes. $ ; MO. John ICelly's Him i.l.I'j shoes , * i..S. ! ) John Kelly's line SU.OO shoos , li' Everybody knows shoes. This cut makes our line dongola cloth top , patent tip and half Oxford lace and button $ ; ? . / > ( ) shoes W.II8. Our hand turned eloth top , patent tip , etc. , $ U shoos $ J.oj. Our boys' school shoos # 2."A now $2.1'i. Our $ i.7" > line of school shoes , the best shoo made and a shoo that we bell 100 p.ilr.s a month , $1.55. All of Kilwin C. Hurt's W.OO , $0.00 and $7.00 shoes now ! ? . ' ! .75. Think this over. It will interest you. This cut is on everything that geiitlo- mcn , as well as ladies ana children , wear. Keep us busy arid we will give you the prices for cash.n. . n. M. Sargent , Tlio Old Phillips Shoo Store. A lot of men's shoes , turns , Hurt & Menrs' button , $0.00 , $7.00 and * S.OO , now for $ ; t.IO. ( Mail orders promptly attended to and holicited. Or. null I a Contractor. The particulars have Just come to light of a neat little confidence game that was played on Contractor J. A. Murphy a tow days ago. A limn by tbo iitimo of Funk , with his head * quarters at Helena , Mont. , introduced him- silf to Mr. Murphy as a representative of the National Loan nnd Savings union , ot Helena , und talked the loan business to him with all his might. He was armed with a lot of circulars in which the methods of busi ness of his concern were explained tit length , and ulso with a circular letter purporting to have been prepared and signed by some of the most prominent citizens of Helena , in which they highly recommended the officers of the savings union. This circular was shown to Mnruhy , and ho found a number of the men who had endorsed the company were well known to him. In this way funk secured Murphy's appli cation for the loan of $ . " > ,000. In order to have the loan , Murphy was told that ho would have to take stock In the concern , and the amount of the llwt payment on the stock wulch he was induced to subscribe for , amounted to ? T 1. This payment had to bo mndo in advance , and as u result of Funk's blandishments the 11101103' was naid over. A few days ago u friend of Murphy's and acquaintance of Funk's mot tbo latter while travelling , and from niii learned that Mur phy hud been the victim of u trick. Funk ad mitted that ho had been discharged from the company for rascality of various Kinds , and that the only reason that ho played Murphy for a sucker was that be found himself in Council Bluffs without money , and ho hud to realize something on his nerve , slnco ho had nothing else of a marketable value to nut up. Since that time it bus also been learned that tin ) National Loun nnd Savings Union is a wild cat concern , nnd the alleged recom mendations were secured by false pretences , the men who indorsed the company having sent out circulars stating that when they signed tlio recommendations they did not know for what purpose tbo union was organized. Murphy put a detective on tUo trail , und tried to locate Funk by means of a vnliso which wns to bo sent to this city for him. It was learned , when too late , that the vnliso had been sent to the nnmo , H. Adams , and under this alias Funk succeeded in getting his property and skipping the country , in company with Murphy'j $51. Use Hallcr's Uorman Pills , the great con stipntion and liver regulator. DnHiy's Free Hand Concert. Fail-mount Park , Thursday evening , 7 to 10 p. in. , Dulby's band will give the Sunday program , which was deferred on account of the rain. O. Younkorman & Co. , food and com mission , 108 Broadway , Council BluiTs. Tol. 77. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of Mnndol it Klein , ojin .Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to your city. Don't wear n heavy , ill-fitting suit when you can got elegant summer suits at eastern prices at Holler's , tbo tailor , 310 Broadway. Took Ijc-f * Mall. Constable Austin arrested Hobort Phillips and Mrs. Julia Uofrees yesterday morning and took them to the ofllco of Justice Cones , whore they were to have a hearing on tbo charge of adultery made against them by Mrs. Bnrbnru Phillips , the wife of one of the defendants. When the party reached the Justice's ofllco Austin stepped Inside the door to speak to Cones , while Phillips stayed outside waiting for Austin , who wns to go to tlio olllco of an at torney with him. A moment later Austin went , to the door , but the bird had flown. The constable spent the greater part of yes terday hunting for his orbtwhilo prisoner , but failed to find him. Mrs. Defroos gave bul : for her appearance this morning , and if Roberts can bo recaptured , the hearing will como off. But IJoberts has probably put BOV- cral miles between him nnd the constable bv this time , and the probability is that the jus tice will never bo called upon to decide the case. case.Wo Wo are often deceived m the ngo of people having bountiful and luxuriant hair , not knowing that they use Hall's Hair Uenowcr to keep gray hairs away. The Trinity Sunbonnm will give an entertainment and social at the church Friday evening , July III. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , will bo closed from 1 p , m. today , making preparations for the OK 13 AT COST SALIC which starts tomorrow all ) a , m. sharp. TilK BOSTON STOHH. FOTIIKlilNUllAM , WlUTKL.YW & Co. Drfl. Woodbury , dentists , 80 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone M5. High grade work u specialty The greatest sale ever witnessed In the dry goods business will start Thurs day first at the Boston store , Council BluiTs , when everything in tlio store will bo olTored at actual cost price lor ton days. Homombor Thurbday first. See dally papers for prices. Boston Store , Council Hlulls , la. , Fothoringhnm. Whltolaw & Co. Plcnio at Manhattan beach. Round trip tickets from Omaha , including boat I'ide , ode ; on sale at news stands at Millard - lard and Murray hotels , Try Duquette & Co. 's Pomona fruit cough tablets. They are delicious. Ameer lion Alt ItomclicH Auburn. Ai-nnix , N. Y. , July 23 , Ameer Ben All , alias Frcnchy No. 1 , the murderer of old barrio Brown , arrived at Auburn prison .oduy with a gang of tifty Sing Sing trans- fen. He gave bis name us George Franks , oud answered the usual questions in French. CHECKMATING THE SHARKS , They Can No Longer Rob' ' Claimants of the Government , i THE BEE'S GREAT BUREAU OF CLAIMS , It HclViciulM Settler * , Patentees , WldowH , Orphans mul Soldiers nnd IH Coinmeiulrtl by the Highest Authority. Mtn who have had claims against the gov eminent nnd employed professional agents to represent them before the den.irtmenls In Washington , toll strungo stories of tricks nnd ruspullty to which they were subjected at the hands of thoao merciless croatun-s There are of course , some honest men among these ngents ; but there nro so many that are notoriously corrupt , that it Is almost Im possible for a claimant , unless he bo direct ed by u well-informed individual , to find ono In whom ho can plnco Implicit confidence. Tin : BnK has received hundreds of com plaints from soldiers and otheri who had advanced money when so desired and who waited for yours and yet failed to rec.'lvo any Information as regards what the sharks bud done with either money or claim. Tin : Bnrchtis ulso been rnpjUJtod to recom mend reliable ngents and has , in this way , served to protect the people from fraud und robbery. But that did no good to the people who tied fnllon Into the hands of sharks. i\s rapidly as the latter were shown up , now ones with now tricks and rascality took their places. There was but ono means left nnd that waste to establish n great bureau of claims. Tills idea was suggested to a unmoor of people but was put into practice first bv the Sun Fran cisco Examiner. With tlio lOxamlner , Tin : l5ii : : bus cooperated ted i n the great work of ntfordlng relief to worthy claimants. The Washington correspondent of the Ex nmincr , Mr. John \Vcdclerburn , who has also noted as nrivato secretary to Senator Hearst , WHS detailed to organize and take charge of the bureau. Ills long service in Washington in both these capacities bad given him u largo acquaintance with government officials and government methods. Knowing the men nnd the proper procedure to follow , ho was chosen us well qualified to pusn claims through in the shortest time if they were Justly duo. The best lawyers to be bnd were then em- gaged and a full clerical force put into the bureau. In every instance the men were chosen for their knowledge of tlio work to bo dono. Congress wns not less anxious to protect claimants from robbery. The sumo kind of complaints nud come to Tin : Bun nnd gonn to tbo members of congress us well. The com mittees that had the Indian depredations bill under consideration investigated the opera tions of the claim agents nud attorneys in connection with the Indian depredations claims. They found that the claim agents hud dnmnnded 'i.1'ij' to .50 per cent from the men holding the claims , nnd In hundreds of cases held contracts at these figures. WUilo the bill was still In congress , with little up- purent chance of passage , they were nblo , by metnods dangerously near the line of false pretenses , to Induce the claimants to sign the exorbitant demands. There appeared to be only ono way to pro- toeitho claimants. That was to cancel nil contracts by law nnd limit the fees that at torneys might collect. The claimants would thus bo enabled to choose another agent if tbo ono they bad first engaged hud attempted to dofruud them , and tlio contracts could not demand moro than the specified rate. Tno ninth section of the bill was thus drawn to annul "all sales , transfers or as signments of claims" and "all contracts here tofore made. " The maximum fco to bo al lowed wns put at 15 per cent of the amount collected except in case of claims under ? 500 or where unusual work hud to bo done , when 20 per cent might bo allowed. The amount of business received imme diately after the opening of the bureau is a proof of the confidence in which tbo people hold it und of the distrust which the ordi nary claim agent has iirouscd. In the six weeks , from April 1 to May 115 , claims to the amount of $4UU5ill.U : ! % wore filed with the ourcau on account of Indian depredation claims alone. All these go to the court of claims under the act and are in various stages of preparation and prosecution. Besides - sides the claims under the Indian depreda tion net there hud been filed at that date treasury claims to the amount of3yiM ! ( ! ; French spoliation claims to the amount of $ ' 28i,8SU ! ; land claims , $3S'Ji. : > 0 ; and patent and other claims to u large amount. Slnco that date some ? J,000)00 ( ) of claims have boon filed with the bureau , und it is now attending ovorSj.OOOjOOOof claims. The need for the bureau may well bo seen by ttio fact , that it now bus on bund more claims than all of the claim attorneys of Washington combined. The offorlsof congress and the establish ment of the bureau wns not appreciated by the claim ngents. They wanted to continue to thrive In their business of flcocing tlio needy claimant. They accordingly denounced the government and the bureau. They held that the former could not cancel the contracts they hud mudo with their victims. But the cancellation was made in the interest nnd name of the people. And it need not bo doubted that the eminent constitutional law- years who frumoi1 the act in ( juestion did not do so without knowing what they were doing. The threats of the sharks undoubtedly hud an effect upon some men who desired to imiko novv contracts uud secure the services of some other attorney , but this effect will soon bo destroyed nnd the emancipation of the claimant from the tyranny of the shurk will bo complete. The amount of money that will bo saved to tlio people by tills work of Tin : Br.i ; BntcAU ot'Cl , not Denticulated. It will VIMS , may . cer tainly bo very grout. Tlio work will bo done as near uatual cost us possible. Some of it will not cost , moro than 5 per cent , while much of It can bo done within the lii nnd0 per cent allowed by law. In some cases the JO per cent may bo required. It is the inten tion , however , to give the claimant the bene fit of the lowest cnarscs that will cover the expenses of the service. TUB BIK : BritKAU will prosecute claims in thu supreme court of the United States , the court of claims , the several courts of the Dis trict of Columbia , before the committees of congress nnd the executive departments. It will secure the payment ol Just Indian donro- nation claims , land claims , panslon claims , mining pro-ompllon nnd hoinostoad cnsos und obtain patents at minimum cost und the greatest despatch , There nro thousands yet who nro entitled to pensions. should write immedi ately to the bureau , Thoronro thousands of lieirs , widows , minor1 children , dependent inotnoRi , fnthers and minor dependents , brothers und sisters who nro entitled to pen sions und should wrltt ) to Tin : Br.i : bureau concerning them. Under recent legislation a liberal increase in pensions has been allowed and who nro entitled to this should write to Tin : Hii : : Bureau Claim association. All letters will bo pjsmplly answered and all Information concerning form of applica tions for claims , terms , oto , will uo given wlthns lltllo delay as r-.ictlcablo. No loiter will bo answered uidckH the sender encloses requisite stampi for reply. No Information concerning any pnrixjulur claim will bo Im- imrtod until the tippllcnuthas bccomo a mem- uar of Tin : Hr.i : Bureau Dissociation. Pnrllo3 desiring Information should address TUB DKuHnrouu of Cliilnw.tUO BtB building. Jinalin , Neb , , the manager of which Is Edward - ward I * . Koggon. Kim on the Itauk Stopped. S.\s FiiAXt-iiio , Cal. , July ! > S.-Fcw appli cations for withdrawal of funds were made ly the depositors of the Peoples Homo Savings , on which a run wns mndo yesterday. Tne onicow of the bunk nxprots LEARN FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS Knuh man cnn lo.irn tjomotliiiii , ' from lis noighor , nt least ho cun lonrn this : 'or coiistlpiitlon , Htotnm.'hiu niul llvuf aiseusuH , the genuine Curlhbml Hpruilol Suit is without cqiml. It is Nnturo's remedy. Ohtiiiti the gonulno nrticlo only , which have the signature of "Kin- nor und Mondolson Co. , Agents , Now 1'ork , " on o very bottle. the opinion thnt the run is ended. The bnnk corainls'loncrs Imvo finished tliclr InvcitlKii- tlor.s of the nank's ntTnlrs , Cotninlaslonor CicbiordliiR states tlmt ns tar ni thuy Imvo proceeded nothing has boon found to impeach the bank's credit FATAL C.ITl'l.i : W.S/.M.Sf , ' . lown l''iirinoi'H Ijmlii ( < ; Iinr c Numbers < f 1 lii'lr lliM'dn. DK * MOINKI. In. , July ' 'S. | Spodnl Tclo- Kriini to TIIK Usn. | The governor this morn ing received another telcpr.imconcornlnK the mysterious nnd futnl cuttle disease thnt Is carrying off the bovlnos In 1'ulo Alto county Ir. such largo numbow. dnys ago nn olllelal stutemenl of the presence of the dls- cnso was filed with the povcrnor nnd ho sent the deputy velerlnnry sirgeon ut Algonu to 1 no spread of the dlsoa o continues , how ever , ami tnls morning the governor In structed thestuto votei'lnurinti , I'rof. Htnlker , to Invcstiguto the trouble. The dlsenso hat become an epidemic. It Is verv contagious and Is currrlng oiT the unimals In that part of tlio state iu great numbers , at Itciuictt. Cniun U\I > II > H , In. , July ' 'S. [ Special Telegram - gram toTni : lJii : : . | A pocullur disease has broken out among the milch cows In the vicinity of Hcnnott. The llrst symptoms of the disease is noticed by n drying up of the milk , which H followed by n stiffening of the limbs , sore mouth und nose , with the result thnt the iinlmal is un- ublo to out or swuilow ana death ensues shortly. A lurgo number of cows In the neighborhood are nfTected. I ml c | ic ml cm Con yen I Ion. Mi-worm V.\t.i.iv : , la. , July ' 'S. [ Special Telegram to Tin : liu. : ] The rcoplo's Inde pendent party today hold a county conven tion and nominated candidates ) . Tiio con vention was n Inrge nnd enthusiastic one. Sumiiel Ilnrtholomow wns nominated for the loirl&laluro on tlio third br.llot. L. II. ( inf- flth of Atlantic , state lecturer for the fann ers' alliance , wns present und addressed the convention. Also Kdltor Ooltry of Arling ton. ' 1 ry to l''H"mio. Oin : MoiNr. ! > , In. , July 2 $ . ( Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . | About midnight lust night three prisoners in the county juil mndo nn attempt to escape by moans of n ease knife converted into n saw. They sawed the iron door to their cell sufllclent to give them egress to the corridor. U hen the night watch came they grappled with him und attempted to got the keys , but his cries invoke the juller anil the uttenipt wu > frustrated. Killed liy UK ; Sweep. Missorui VAUIY : , In. , July liS. [ Special Telegram to Tin : IUi : : . ) Chauncoy Hyel , a ten-year-old son of C. U' . Hyel , was killed nt Sullivan's brick-yard today. While playing around the brick press his head was cuticht by the sweep , mushing his s > kull before the machine could be stopped. No blame can bo attached to any of the workmen , ns the lad was not known' to bo in n dangerous position. An inquest is being bold tonight. After the MuttitilH. DCS MOINEO , la. , July 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BIK. ; | State Auditor Lyons in after the agents of a Mutual Ono Year Bene fit association of Boston , Mass. , who h.-u-o been working in I'ottawnttnmio county with out obtaining n stuto certificate. The state law provides for a heavy line ngulnst insur ance agents so working in Iowa. of Dr.s MOINKS , la. , July 2S. Newton 1C. Carleton , ugod nineteen , committed suicide last uleht at the homo of his sister , Airs. ( Jibson , onVest Thirtieth street. lie bad been unsuccessful in obtaining employment nnd was very despondent. He loft a note suyiiiK ho was tired of living und woulu end Ills life , lie took poison. loiv.'i Kcunfon. MAI.VF.KX , la. , July 2S. [ Special to Tun BiR.J There will bo n reunion of the sur vivors of the Twenty-ninth regiment Iowa infantry at , Glonwood , In. , on the last Tues day nnd Wednesday of August , IS'.M. ' A largo attendance and an enjoyable time is in anticipation. Grasshoppers Doinir niiniifo. WATEHI.OO , In. , July 28. Grasshoppers nro damaging the oats crop in this section of the state. It is estimated that they will lessen ; ho yield by ten bushel nor acre , They are of the common native species. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the best of all remedies for children teething. 23 cents a bottle. Canadian UHluial TnlccH OTTAWA , Out. , July 23. J. H. Arnold , chief mechanical engineer of the puolic works department , admitted before the pub ic accounts committee today thnt ho had onted n survey steamer and store house to the eovornmont in other persons' names. His excuse wns that ho wished to avoid nowspu- lor notoriety. Ho ulso admitted rcccivinir Bribes from n couple of Montreal llrms doing n lurgo government business. For st Klres In Ciilifornln. Soxou * , Cal. , 28.Forest fires in this vicinity have destroyed n number of ranches ind other property. Men Imvo been sent 'roin nero to help light the flames. The own of Columbia was saved from the flames iy back firing. Tlio fire is rushing up the Stanislaus river and there is of no hope s > av- iij ( the American camp. for a Now Trial. MKMIMIIH , Teim. , July 28. The hearing of the motion for n now trial in tbo King murder case wns concluded this morning. All the evidence und briefs will bo submitted tomor row. There wus no oral argument , but coun sel Will submit tlio case in brief , to bo u.utdoil u tomorrow or next day. I'roocdurn in the l avU Will disc. BUTTK , Mont. , July US. In the Davis will case today the time wns taken up in arguing n procedure. Tlio court decided to give tno opening and closing to the proponents , giving the contestants the burden of proof. Hit ; Mull. At Dunedin , FIi. : , n few diiys ngo , fiunos Hiirnos ana Billy Mnraton suu- ; oedod in landing u fish culled tlio nui'bu , vhicli was CHtiinntod to weigh ever hroo hundred pounds. Traveling ; In the ICarly Days. Hannibal Ilumlin's first trip to Wnsli- ngton was lllloil with vurloty. From CANCERS , SCROFULA , SAH.T RHEUM , RHEUMATISM , BLOOD POISON. tr.e. ) nnd every kindred disease arising from Impure blood Buccewifiilly treated by thnt nc.iT-fuiliui ; anductt of all tonics and medicines , Docks on Illood und Skin Discusx'sfjtc. Printed Uttlmcnlub bunt ua application. Address oSwift Specific Go , , ATLANTA. GA. THR QRAND , Council Bluin , Iti. This Elegantly Appointed Hotal is Now Opan. N , A , Taylor , Manager his homo ho traveled to Portland by ' stajjo coach. From I'ootliuul ho won't to iJoston bv bout , then to Norwich by rnil , from the Inttor nlnco ho crossed the found to Groonport , from there ho took the Lonji Ifltiuul railroad to Xow York , from the latter plneo ho annin took the rr.llwuy for I'hliadt'lphla , from that point ho made the host of his way by boat and stiijjo couch to Unltlmoro , and from the Monumental City at last reached the capital bv rail. Arriving nt Washington after tills tedious journey ho found it to be u HtriiL'L'liuc , dilupf- dated and overgrown villngo of liva than 20,000 inhabitants' ' . The streets of magnllicnnt hou oa which now accom- modnto the two hundred and odd thous- nnd residents of the pluco were then used as cow pastures. The Majority Of sivcaui'd cough-ciirrs do little mwi' than Impair the dlgcstlu' functions nud cioato bill1. Aycr's Clirny IVotoral , on the con- truly , while It cine * the couch , dors not Inlet - let fere with the functions of either stomacher or liver. No other medicine Is so safe und enicueloiiJ In discuses of the lluout und lungs. "Four years ape 1 1. U a seven1 cold , which was followed h > u terrible tMingli. I was crJ sick , and euiiflnrd to my tied about four months. I employed a physician most of the time , wild finally said I was In consump tion , nnd that lie could not help me. One of my nelghbnis advised mo to try AycrM Cherry Pectoral. I did „ . ! . and , before I had finished taking the first bottle was able to sit up all the time , and to go out. lly the time I had finished the bottle ' was well , and have remained soever since. " I , . 1 > . lilxliy , llartonsvllle , Vt. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , i nv DH. J. 0. AYEll & CO. , Lowell , Maes. Hold by nil l > rutL'tii. 1'rlcofr nil bullU > v5. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Iylti3 and Cleaning done In tin lIlKhestSlyloof the Art , Pudulund Stiilno.l l-'ulirics mido : to look as coed U3 now. Ho. I I'uuthers ( 'loaned lly Stiiuni , In h'lrst , Cas4 : Manner. Wurlc promptly diino atrl dollroru.l In ult pirti : of the country So ml for prluj list. O. A. MAO I IAN , I'rjp. 101J uroadwav. Near North wustoru COUNCIL llLUFPd. IA. Gas Heating Stoves. No Asucsl No SMOKR. Just thn thliiK for liath rooms , lied rooms , eta. Call und sco our lir.0 ; abSUftinuiiU C. B. Gas anl Elestrii Ujii' Co. "II Pearl und 210 Main Struct. C. A , HAMMER , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Ol'KlOE 41. % llnvidway. Council IlIulTs , In SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \ \ / ANTED I'unilslied house of four or llvu T rooms for two months or loni-or. Hest references. Address.I. II. . Hue olllce. trade good residence lot , clear , for family horse ami carriage. Apply at KiO rankllii iiveiine. . "IJ10II SALR-Oood farm. 10 miles from Jell IllulV.s , with very laruo oivhard , Mi ner nerc , Kl hty uCnt funn , near railroad stittlon. ntlf:7.r : > 0 per acre. Johnston & Van fatten , Council HIiilTs. KENT A nlco 0-rooin house with K largo yard to dcslniblo party free of J.V. . Squire , lul 1'earl Htroot. OljAIHVOYANTaml sychninotrlu. or chsir- ucter readings ; also dliiKiiosIs of dlseuso. ncnd lock of hair for readings by letter. Sun- Suys and ovotiiir i. Sirs K. Hooper. I42J Avo- duo K. near corner IJth street , Cotiuell ItlulT . Terms , G'Je und $ l. UJ. MAGNIl-'ICKNT aero property In five-aero tracts located 2' tulles from postollleo , forsalo on reasonable terms t-onie line roal- clenco property for rent by Day As Hoss. . A houiu * , or J- ItU103. . W Hila it. , OounoU Bluff * A Summer Lake Manawa HotBl , Attraction * : Pine I'Nhlns , ll'Utlni ? , Hath" Inu tni'l ' K\fi'IU'nt Mluorul Wnli'r. Only flftoon mlnutm rldo from founoll lllnlN. Motor traliH nvory hulf hour , direct to ccntri" > of I'ouncll lllulTs nnd Umalin. Most dell g hi ful nnd nccomlluu pbico iot picnic tiarttcA , TELEPHONE NO. 45. TUUS3'5S. UKM'S , CHEST PUOTvCTOHS. , 1CTO. AC. KXTSVANTKiI3. . DR. C7B JCJDD , oOo Hroathvav , Council Mluffs , la TELEPHONE 204. CITIZENS STATE BAM Of Couiioti Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . SI50.000 . SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . 225.000 OiM I. A Mlllor , IP ( ) nio.non , E. It. K. K. H iru J 1) Kilmiindsoii. Ulnrlai It. lUtinan Truii.iJt luiikiu : busi ness Lirnit : : vupiut anil uurpliu ot a Lnnidii Son ill WOJ torn IJITX iNlh.Kc.jruM TIMiOEPlS Pi U7 MAIN STUKI3T. Over C. II. Jncijuomln & Oo.'s Jewelry Store. Xr c Attorneys ut law. I'ruo- IX S tleo i- , ! , , , Hl.lto llmi federal courts. Knims ; i , 4 and 3 Slulgart llcno block , Council ItlulTd. la , HI rilllllhnrc Attorney at f.air , No. 19 . J , VjlhllllULli , i > 0lr : | strucl , ever llnsh- msll's .store. Tutoplumo No.VI. . ItiiBlnusi hours , b u. in. to J p. in. Council Illults , Ix DY.1. H7CHAMBERLf ! Eye , Ear , Ness and Tliroai SUHGEON , Council 131ulTs , la. Shugtirt-Uono B'lc. Hooiu 1. i ) to 1" in 7 nnd S p. in. First--National--Bank : : OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I'nid Up Capital , . . . . $10D , < )93 ) Oldest urK"iiUiM b ink In the city. 1'VirotiCn anil cloniouio ovrhaiiiTO an I si)0.iritli. Un > ioU attention colljsiluiu. AOOJ i-itj of H.luit imM. l > : i ks. litnkir.i.ii.lcorporation. : : * iMMiL Jj ; rusiiomlncolnvltail. GKO. 1' . SA.N'KOItl ) . Protlilont. A. W. HIKICMAN , Unihtor A , T. UIUIC. Aisiitn c rmhlor NEWOGDEN HOTEL. Centrally located in the business portion of Council Bluffs , nil the street cat * lines in the city passing the door. Modern and conven ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 12O guest chambers. The best $2 a day house in the west. Board and room from $8O pet * month up. Table board $0 pep week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr. HENRY H. VAN BRUNT , O 'W * k O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Busies , Spring Wagons , Carts and Road Wagons. Guarantees better value and more satisfactory gools than any other housejjij.hej\lissouri \ Valley. General western repository for the Hamilton Grade Vehicles and Columbia Carriage Go's busies , surrics and phaetons. Bonanza busies and phaetons All styles spring wagons , Van Brunt anl ' \ Michigan road anl farm wagons , - ) carts and harness in variety. Corre p mdence solicited. Catalog ues and price Hits on application. H. VAN BUXTNT , 12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St. , - Council Bluffs , Iowa. < MW 0a eAST :