Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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\ Perlit m i by Carrier In any part of the City.
11. \ -m-TON MANAUEK.
fluslui" . ' , Oftlcr , No. 13.
Mght Editor. No. 23.
.M JAM It .11 i.V7M OX ,
r , N. Y P Co.
' Council Hluffs I.uinbprCo. , coal.
t raffs rhatlcl loans , Cftl Sapp block.
] f you want water In your yard or house
ppto Hlxby'H. ! w Merriam block.
M ( . ' Pllr/anl wns nrrostod yesterday on
n charge of drunkenness nnd disturbing the
I'eter Neary , a section hand in the employ
of the Mthvauiico , was arrested yesterday
morning on the charge of disturbing the
peace on lower Main street.
On account of the rain Dnlboy's band con-
cnrt , which was to hnvo boon given In Fair-
mount park , bail to bo postponed until next
JS nda\ , after ono selection had boon played.
A game of ball was p'.nycil yesterday after
noon between tlio Twin City Steam dye
works and the Lena Stars. At tbo end of
Hit' ninth Inning Iho score stood 10 to a In
favor of tha Dye works nine.
Aila Mary , daughter of Mr. and Alri. L.
M Kliuliort , died nt t ! p. in. Sunday , nfior n
brief Him ss. aged twelve yours. The funeral
Mill take place on Tuesday lit 'J p. tn. from
the family resldonro , No. ! ! Avcnuo H.
A citi/ens'meeting Is nilvnrttscd for this
evening in the cu | jriiir , court room of the
county vourt house , for the purpose of taking
further action with reference lo Ilia holding
of tlipirand ( Army encampment In this city
no\t year.
Dr W Cc. IJryson was to have had n hear
ing be fore Justice Swcaringon last Saturday
on'he charge ) of conspiracy , but by agree
ment of ali the parties u continuance was
grunted until this morning nt 10 o'clock.
KevVilllnin M. Unmet died at ll10 : !
o i lock yesterday morning , at the ace of
eightvninu veais. at the rcslilcnco of Ids
diuightir. Mis. S. L. Evnns , 1720 Hovonth.
nv-enuo The remains will probably bo taken
to the cast for burial.
\V Towasok wns arrested yesterday mornIng -
Ing on suspicion of being connected with the
numerous burglaries ot last Saturday. Ho
hud n check for $0."i , whlc'i Is supposed to bo
bogus , and had been representing himself ns
n poor and distressed wayfarer on Ids way
back east , thus getting money from charit
able persons.
Korepuugh's Indians struck last Saturday
afternoon on account of the dally toil they
had to perform In getting ready for parades
uiul performances. Tbolr baggage wns taken
to Onmliii yesterday morning nnd they fol
lowed In the afternoon. Thoj will go Ijrick
to I'lno Hiilgo nfioney , where life's duties are
not so arduous for Poor Lo.
At the Congregational church last night n
report of the recent International convention
of the Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor was made by the delegates who at
tended from this city. The proceedings weio
described in detail , and llio audience was
given the ndvantrge , .so far as possible , of
what took place dnriii } . ' the convention. Tlio
speakers of the evening wore Misses Emily
C'ully nnd Dora Cirass , nnd Messrs. E. U.
Stacy and C. S. Law-ion. The exercises wcro
listened to very attentively bv n oed sired
audience. Music was furnished by a chorus
Lost Friday availing , on Sixth street ,
boiwiMin Fifth ! ivoiiiio mill WMI.V'H tiinil-
iiitf. IviUo Mnniwii , ludy'a black fur
wipe. Losivo : it Hink burn.
Twelve hundred parasols : iml sun urn-
hrcllns nt ixetunl cost for Monday only ,
at The Hohton Store , Couuuil fHullY , , In.
I'iunoH , C. 1 ? . Musk' Co. , 5H1) )
Irs. Stow.'irt < fe Putty , veterinary sur
geons , -15 Fourth Ht root , Council BUiITs , In.
IVi'siinnl I "nr.'i graphs.
I'Vatik Trlmblo loft yesterday for Chicago.
W U. Elinor , who has buen visiting friends
In Oavonport the past week , returned bomu
Miss May WINon , ono of Sioux City's most
popular society ladies , Is for a few days tbo
guest of Miss "Martin , at Mr. Uuckloy's.
Miss Sophia Anderson of Uo.itrico , and
Miss Mary Pitziritrlok of Omaha , have been
the guests of Miss Myr.i ( Jrane , on Park
avenue , for the past weok.
SwmiHon music company , 335 Broad
'Pry Duquette & Co. 's Pomona fruit
cotili { tablets. They are delicious.
All Aboard VOP Col In v.
For health and recreation seek tliu
waters and rest of Colfnx Spriiiffs , la.
Tlio Chicago & Rock Island is selling
round trip tiilcutn ; from Council HlulTs
mnl return for $7.00. A. T. HI well ,
ticket agent , No.15 Pearl street.
Younjr MOII IJoinji ( Intliereil Into tbo
V M. r. A. lly Iho lo/.en.
Recent reports from the Young Man's
Christian association iudicato that the value
of the general privileges to wblcli member
ship in the association entitles the holder i
now being appreciated nioro than nt any
previous tlino. At the last meeting of tbo
exoctlvo board , which took place last Satur
day evening , tburo were forty-livo nnjnos
added to tbo roll. Of those forty-one were
non-church members , ana this is regarded as
a good sli'ii , as Indicating the increased in
terest that is being felt in the asboci.itlon by
young men who make no prutentlons to being
what are commonly known as "Sunday school
young men. " The total number of additions
during the past four months has been 101 ,
and it Is thought the number would hnvo
been greater than tins had it not been for the
extreme dullness of thotimusand the scarcity
of nionoy.
At the present rate of mcroastt , the man
agement fear that the bath rooms and the
reading room will soon become too small for
tbo needs of the association , and It Is tholr
Intention to comuienco to agitate the project
of eroding a line building as soon as money
manors brighten up a llttlo. The work of
advancing tlio interests of the association Is
being pushed forward vigorously by Secre
tary 1) ) . Chapiimu and bis assistant , C.V. .
, [ . .Schwartz , and all their efforts are heartily
seconded by Provident 1C , M. Hunker and the
other ofltccrs.
I'lcnie at Manhattan beach. Hound
trip tu-lifts from Omaha , Including boat
ride , oUc ; on sale at news stands at Millard -
lard mid Murray hotels.
More Itui'K.lurlos.
At a lalo hour Saturday night n burglar
entered the rooir.s of Charles 11. Udmoro ,
who lives at tbo corner of Main street and
Fifth avenue. All of the family Unit gone to
the circus , leaving Mrs. J. p. Norlliii. , a rel-
ntlio of the family , in cliargo of the house ,
Mrs. Noi'ling left the place for u bhort tlmo
uiid when slio roturncd tdiu found the outMclo
door open. She thought that Mrs , tilimore
h.ul ruinnied hon.e , uiul called out to her.
She was answered by iv man's volui and u
moment later tbo owner of the voice up. at the door. lie struck Mrs. Norllng
a h ml blow , nearly knocking bur down ,
and riiHbed past hur out of ilio
door. Tbo mains In which Mr. ( ill-
moro and his family live were formurlv
occupied by Mrs. Francis Murphy , and , i lot
o : Mrs. Murphy's household goods are still
there They ere rimsacKcd aud thrown
nbuut tbo lloor , u'ut nothing has as yet been
nu bi-d
Two oilier burglaries wcro reported at Iho
oflU-o.of tlie cltv marshal yesterday ta > the re
sult of circus day. Tim robldcnco of n man
mi mod I'latteibtick , who lives InKtrcetsvllle ,
was ontcivd and a gold watun and cimin were
taucn. The resilience of Dugau Payne , at
the corner of Twenty-third street and avenue -
nuo A , was nlso entered , but nothing was
Drs. Wootlbury , dentists , 30 Pearl
frtroot. nest to Cirtuul hotel. Telephone
1 IS. High irudo work u specially.
An Iowa Citizen Describes an Indiana
light Ho Witnossad.
Were Quite Anxious to
Hlilc lleiieutli Cur SeatH Until
tin : I'linlllade WHH
No More.
J. O. Lemon returned last Prldny from
Greenville , S. C. , wliero be went to ot four
children who wcro to bo kept In the Christian
home. Whllo on board a train going from
Chicago to Louisville ho bad a chance to
view tbo practical operations of a real , live
Indiana feud , and ho can't say that bo Is par
tlcular about making a closer acquaintance
with the animal. Mr. Lemon's account of
tbo affair Is a voty graphic ono :
"I wns riding along , peaceably enough , In
a chair car , " ssdd bo. "when suddenly the
door opancd and a lot of passengers came
rushing In with fright depleted on tholr
fares.V'o learned that a couple of warring *
families had boarded tbo train and bad com
menced a pitched battle In the car In front of
vs. There were four on a side. A distiller
named Hass , about llfty years of ago , and a
younger man named Tcdd , who bad married
a daughter of Mass' against tbo Inttcr's
wishes , were tbo two cential llguros. Tbo
weildlng , It seems , bad rosulto.l in a deadly
hatred between the distiller and his son-in-
law which , as each bud boasted , could only
bo wiped out by blood.
"Tbo trouble was not diminished any by
tbo fact that Mrs. Hn s loft her husband
aud wont to live with tbo daughter and
her husband. Todil had subsequently
furnished information which led to the old.
man bclni * tried on a cliargo of 'moon
shining. '
"On tbo Kith , which was tbo day when
the bad feeling ro.iched its climax , Todd , his
wife , Mrs. Hass , and a neluhbor named
Turner , boarded tbo train to take a trip ,
.lust as the train was about to start , Bass ,
two of bis brothers and a friend cnteied the
car whore Todd and liK party wcro seated.
As soon as Hass noticed his son-ii.-huy , ho
drew a gun and lli 'd at him. Uv actual count ,
tbcro wcro seventeen shots exchanged , aud
as you may suppose , by the tlmo the two
men had finished their" friendly encounter
their audience had largely left them. That
accounted for tbo sudden increase of tbo
population of the car where I was. None of
tlio trainmen dared to put their noses insldo
tbo door , lor fear of getting hit , and the Uass-
Todd combination ran things their own way.
"Suddenly our door opened again , and
Mrs. llass rushed In. her hair disheveled ,
her face as palo us death , crying out , 'my
husband will kill mo because I loft him ' In
less time than it takes to tell it ,
every passenger in tbo car was
unilor the in front of him , in
the expectation that Mrs. Hass would bo
immediately followed bv her husband , who
had showed such a reckless disregard of tbo
skins of the passengers who bad been In the
other ear. A bright notion suddenly passed
through my betid I seized Mrs. Hass and
shoved her into a toilet room , tcl'mg ' tier to
lock tbo door. In an Instant the door opened
airain and the Uass party rushed In with
pistols , on tbo warpath for the lleelng M s.
Hass. Tliov wunt through the cur , but forgot
to look in the toilet room , and Mrs. Hass was
passed by. If she had been found in tl.ocar
with us I suppose that half of the passengers
in our would have been perforated , and
very likely the Christian homo would have
had to get n new manager.
"As it was. Turner was knocked otT the
train while It was , going at full speed , re
ceiving a ghastly cut on the siclo of bis head ,
about ten inches long , find receiving internal
injuries that resulted in his speedy death ;
To.ld was shot in tbo back ; ono of tbo Hass
family was shot In tbo back of the head and
it wns thought ho would die. and another was
shot in tbo hand ; Mrs. Todd received a shot
in the hand accidentally from her husband' *
' And ns thoiich nil this wasn't enougb ,
within three botirs after nil the excitement
took nlaco wo ran ever n drunken man
aim killed him Tbo next evening , while on
the same train , wo had u collision with a .sec
tion hand who was driving a balky mule , and
both man and mule were killed Instantly. I
made up my mind that I bail as much oxcltc-
inout as was good for my health , and when I
was ready to leave Grconvillo 1 took another
route home. "
For .Moiuluy nt tlio Itoxtou Store ,
Council I'luffo , In.
The following tfonuino bargains will
bo on our counters Mondny , besides
nmny others not mentioned hero. Fo'l-
low the crowd nnd tfot a share of them
while they lust. Kxtra help hired for
Saturdays and Mondays , so that everyone
ono can got promptly and properly
waited on.
100 doon ; : ladies' ribbed vests worth
llije for oe.
CO ilo/.en ladies' ribbed vests worth 15o
for Klc.
00 do/.on ladies' ribbed vests worth lOo
for lUlc.
100 do/.en ladies' fancy solid colors and
black hosiery , l"io and lou goods , for
GO do/.on children's seamless ribbed
fast black ho o , lilc goods , for 1-ic.
100 pieces yard wiilo cliallios worth
ISJc. ! for > .
7o pieces , ISO-inch plaid snitingsjorinor
price liije , for Oc.
l"c , lllo and iiiio plain black lawns and
cheeked organdies in ono lot for loo.
100 do/on of our ( iilc guaranteed sum
mer cor.-ots for < 50c.
oOO do/.on ladies' black silk mitts
which will bo put on sale at the follow
ing special prices : lc ! ) , li'io , ! ilo ) and . " > 0e.
1-00 parsols ana sun umbrellas , all at
actual cost , for Saturday anil Monday ,
.July 25 anil U7.
KoTiiiEixiiiAMWiiiTir\\v ] : : & Co. ,
C'oimcll lilulls , la.
Will It I'ny You to Investigate This ?
What Sargont , the slice man , Is doing
to make room for fall goods and keep us
btioy during the dull season : A HONA
SIIOKS for Iho next 20 days That
makes ail of Wright & Motor's cloth
tops , patent tips , fancy lace ami
All * r > .Ul ) slices mri per pair.
John Ivolly'b turned $ l.ct ) shoes , S.VIO.
John Kelly's line iU.fil ) shoes , $ ' MS. )
John Kolly's line .M.OO shoi-H , fl'.OS.
Everybody knows tho-u shoes.
This cut makes our line dongola cloth
top , patent tip and half Oxford inco and
button * . ! . . " > 0 shoes W.'iS.
Our hand turned cloth top , patent Jlp ,
etc. . &l shoos $ J..V > .
Our boys' school she s fJioO. now $2. li ) .
Our $1.75 line of bchool shoes , the best
hhoo made and a shoo that wo
sell 100 pairs a month , $1.
All of Edwin i' . Hurt's $ .r > .00 , $ il.OO
and $7.00 shoos now ? ; i.7" > .
Think this over. It will Interest you.
This cut is on everything that gentlemen -
men , us well as ladies and children ,
wear. Iveoij us busy anil we will give
you the prices for cash.R .
R M. Sargont ,
The Old Phillips Shoo Store.
A lot of men's shoes , turns , IJurl &
Moan. ' button , 5(1.00 ( , $7.00 and $8.01) ) ,
now for $ 'UiO.
Mall orders promptly attuiulod to ami
bill ( cited.
Hov. L. .
A. Hull preached yesterday morn-
tnguttho First Iluptist church , oil iho sub
ject , "Wnitt Saves a MniH" The cnurcb
was well tilled , n largo number of members
of other denominations being present In addi
tion to the members of hU own church.
"Thcolegy changes , " said the speaker ,
men's needs do not change. Human nature
has been tbo same flora the beginning of
i hutnuu wcauuossos are ibo tame today
us a thousand years ago. The moans of I
sntUf.ving .some of thotto need * have changed
to a certain extent , although In general the
mode U the same now M it has always been.
Thosnmorulo prevails In religion. Thcro
have boon ologlos ami isms by the doren ,
yet man's salvation hos In the fact that
Christ dlod for sinners , slnnora of all kinds :
the man who doesn't know enough to hide
his wickedness under the cloaK of apparent
respectability , and tbo dude who sins with
bis kid gloves on. Tno polished gentleman
who knows how to sin without transgress
ing the Inws of otiuuottc Is the more danger
ous of the two.
"Sin never changes. It has many mani
festations , but they all resolve themselves
Into plain , unvarnlshod sin. All those mani
festations are leaves stripped from the tree
of sin. Reformers climb the tree and care
fully trim oil the leavo1) . The trco goes right
on growing , until God strikes at trio root and
the tree falls.
"No ecclesiastical rules can do away with
sin. The only romoJy Is evcilastlng life. A
man may bo the greatest schemar in town
and yet bo dead. Life comes with Jesus ;
without Him It is only cxistunco. You never
heard of a trco taking up the nourishment
from the ground without life power which
hfo gives It ; you never heard ol a sinner re
ceiving the holy spirit without help from
above. .
"When a man fasts ho comes Into closer
connection with God. When a man attends
urayer meeting hU spirit Is revived. Consequently
quently many fast nnd attimd prayer meeting
In order to rome in closer communion with
( oil Hut they commence at the wrong end.
Ttio reason why a man fasts Is tUat ho already
has In his soul the germ of everlasting life.
You can never mnko a man good by getting
him into the church or by giving him the po
sition a good imtn should have. A man
should bo led to join the church by the dovel-
opoment of the germ of life that was Im
planted In him by dlvlno agency.
" 1 don't care whether a man believes in a
heaven or a hell , in sprinkling or Immersion ,
Just so bo has eternal l fn. I don't say that
beliefs are unimportant ; ' I do say that there
are those , who in heathen daritncss have
found the true light , while In civill/ed
countries there are many who arc depending
for salvation on what Is merely ono of the
wheels of the machinery of salvation. On
judgment day the question won't be , wlun
position did you have in the church , but ,
have you light ! "
"When wo see n man or n woman trying to
satisfy his loticings on the husks of tbo
world , wo ought to icjoicc , for it shows
merely that tuoy are seeking after C5od. Tbo
covetous man , \\lio approaches the uravo
with his back stooping under the weight of
years , whoso wife has been deprived of all
tbo blessings of life in order that her hus
band may noar.l bis monoy. that man is seek
ing after Ciod. Ilo will d"io with the bag full
of money , but bo will not die
satisfied. Bternal life Is what ho
wants. Christ offers you this llfo this
morning. It moans continual ups nnd downs.
Hut look at a .ship making Its own way across
tbo ocean ; it goes ilrst In ono direction , and
then in another. At almost no tlmo it is
point : In the exact direction of Its destina
tion. And yet , viewed as a whole , tbo direc
tion of the Journey is almost in a straight
lino. There's life in the eneines of the boat
nnd she goes on buttling with the waves and
the winds.
"I've no sympathy with the sanctified
Christianity which is dead to sin , dead to the
world and dead to humanity.Vvo got
thousands of that kinds of Christians in the
grave yards. I like a Christian that has llfo
enough to scratch around. Unless n church
has lifn there will bo no spirit. And unless
there Is spirit there will bo no friction and
the church will go to the wall. Go into tbo
Sunday school , the workshop ; go every
where , and bring in sinners. Go drink of
the water of life , got on board a largo stork
of surplui energy , and you will bo surprised
how much more easllv your work will move
along. Got life , and you are all right. "
Union Park races , Omaha and Coun
cil BlulTs , September S-ll , $0oOO ; Oc
tober 20-22 , $1,000. Kor nrograinmos
nildrohS Nat Urown , Merchants hotel ,
Hotel Gordon , most centrally located ,
first class house in city ; straight S2.00 a
day. _
Gasoline and oil ; cobs , wood anil coal ;
prompt delivery. L. G. Knotts , 27 Main ;
telephone 203.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves
and household goods of Mandol & Klein ,
o'jiu .BlulTs. Prices very low ; freight
prepaid to your city.
Don't wear a heavy , ill-fitting suit
when you can got elegant summer suits
at oiibtern prices at Roller's , the tailor ,
1510 Broadway.
SOUTH OM.lll.l.
IICK I'roknn.
While at the ball game at the Brown Park
Grounds yesterday .lames' Daey , residing at
Nineteenth and O streets , was hit with a bat
and his loft knee was badly cut open and tbo
bones fractured. The young man was re
moved homo and a surgeon was called who'
dressed his wound.
Milan T'Mnnlc > ' < ii crlttinmiMit.
The ladies of Lilian Tcmplo , No. 1 , Knights
of Pythias will give a social and reception in
Knights of Pythias hall. McGinnis block , H
street , Thursday evening to brother knicbls.
Mesdames It. A . Carpenter and S.V Laur
and AJUs Mary Fisher Have been unpointed u
committee to ta'o charge of tbo affair.
XotcM About tinCity. .
Edward Corey has gene to Hoston , Mass.
Lee H. Trultt arrived from lied Oak yg-
10. E. Lyman has returned from Dun-
lap , la.
Miss Annie Hyan , daughter of Thomas'
Hyau , Is s'ok. '
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gibbon have returned
from Cheboygan.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Cornish spout Sun
day at Tekamah.
The city council will hold an adjourned
session this evening.
Henry Jones , Union Pacific night car
inspector , has returned from St..Louis.
Mrs. Ella H Christ nnd son Eddie will go
to Cheyenne to malto a visit on the ranch.
Nltscho it G-mllnor have rnmovod their
billiard room from the condemned rimvloy
block to the Oolomi ho iso.
Harry L. Kelly , of tbo postoftlco force , who
has been In Tipton , Is. , attending the militia
oncainpmout , has returned.
Mossrs. n. A. IVarco , Thomas O. Murphy
and Dr. W. A. \ Vileonftor a successful
fishing visit to Ilouoy Crook , la. , have
Lllv division No. S. uniform rank , Knights
of Pythias , is ni'ikintr ' nrranironionts to go to
Beatrice , August IT , tonttond the live days'
A scnro nf 21 to IS was the defeat sufforol
by the Falconer. , jr. of Oiimlin.ntilio bauds
of the Athletics on Iho Third ward grounds
yesterday afternoon.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Pros by.
terinn church will men ! at the rosldonco of
Mr and Mrs. Ctnrlos M. IJich , Twenty-fifth
and J streets , thl evening.
Misses Jo sln Carpenter of Chicago and
Amelia IVirlicit of Herman. In. , nro tlio
guests of Mr n-iit Mrs. 11. F. Carpenter ,
Twenty-fifth nnd F streets.
Frr-d Post , of Madison. WIs. is visiting
with William Schmellnnr. M , . . posj hiis been
out to Serlhner. wh iv he found a brother
who bad been lost seventeen yenr ? .
Hnrlov Hoskln. of ( ! > uneron Cltv , Mo. ,
who has been vlsltlnv hU undo and aunt ,
Mr. and Mis L. J. C.irponter , h.-s gene to
Council niufTs , where ho will enter an ofllco
r.ti'l read law.
The Maroons dofevod the Du Pout Stars
bv a si-ore of 17 to 0 on the Third ward
grounds yesterdav foren on This Is ihn
second tlmo the Mnroons have defeated the
Stars this se.i'on.
'Ibo congregation of tbo First Prosiivterlau
church has been Invited to attend the dedi
catory seivlcos of Iho Castellar Pie hvterlan
church , Omntia. i oxl Sunday afternoon lit li
o'clock , tin.I has accepted the invitation
DoWltt's Llttlo F.nrlv Itlsois for the liver.
.Mary In nil DoinouratH.
The democratic ctato convention of
Maryland will be held July 80 , when
candidates for covornor ,
tornoy general , nnd n clerk of the court
of appeals are to bo selected.
They Can No Loagar 'Rftb OlalniiinU of
the Go7ernm6iit.
It ItpfViPiKtM Srttl6r ,
Willows , Oritlmiifl itlnl Soldiers
nnil N Conimemlctl hy the
HlKlicjt Authority.
Mtn who have had claims against tbo pov
eminent and employed professional agents to
represent them before the deoartnionts In
Washington , toll strange stories of tricks
nnd rascality to which they were subjected
nt the hands of these merciless .creatures
There are of course , some honest men among
these agents ; but there are so many that are
notoriously corrupt , that It Is almost im
possible for a claimant , unless ho bo direct
ed by n well-Informed Individual , to llnd ono
in whom ho can place Implicit conlldenco.
Tun HIE has received hundreds of com
plaints from soldiers and other * who had
advanced money when so desired and who
waited for years nnd yet failed to receive any
information as regards what the sharks had
done with either money or claim.
Tun IU.RUIXS also been requested to recom
mend reliable ngonts nnd has , In this way ,
served to protect the people from fraud and
robbery. Hut that did no eood to the people
who had fallen Into the hands of sharks. As
rapidly as the latter were shown up , now
ones with new Iricks and rascality took their
There was but ono means loft and that waste
to establish n great bureau of claims. This
idea was suggested to n numuor of people but
was put Into practice ) flrst by the San Fran-
cico Examiner.
With the Examiner , Tun ltiilms : cooperated
ted 1 n the great work of alfordlng relief to
worthy claimants.
The Washington correspondent of the Ex
iiminer , Mr. John VVcddcrburn , who has nlso
acted as private secretary to Senator Hearst ,
was detailed to organize and take charge of
the bureau. His long service in Washington
in both these capacities had given bun a largo
acquaintance with government ofllclals and
government methods. Knowing the men
and the proper procedure to follow , ho was
chosen as well quallllcd to pusli claims
through in tbo shortest time If they wore
Justly duo.
The best lawyers to bo had were then em-
traced and a full clerical force put into the
bureau. In every Instance the men wcro
chosen for their knowledge of the work to bo
Congress was not los < anxious to protect
claimants from robbery. The snino kind of
complaints had como to Tin : fir.i : and gene to
the members of congress as well. The com
mittees that had the Indian depreciations bill
under consideration investigated the opera
tions of the claim agents and attorneys In
connection with the Indian depredations
eluiins. They fouud that the claim aircnts
had demanded : ! : ! ' ( , to 50 per cent from the
men holding the claims , mid in hundred * of
cases held contracts at tbeso ligures. While
the bill was still in congress , with llttlo np-
patent chance of pjssngo , they were able , by
metnods dangerously near the line of false
pretenses , to induce the claimants to sign the
exorbitant demands.
There appeared to be only ono way to pro
tect the claimants. That was to cancel all
contracts by law and limit the fees that at
torneys might collect. The claimants would
thus be enabled to cheese another agent if
tlio one they nad lirst engaged had attempted
to defraud thorn , and ttio contracts could not
demand moro than the specified rate.
Tno ninth section of. the bill was thus
drawn to annul "all sales , transfers or as
signments of claims" and "all contracts here
tofore mado. " The maximum fco to bo al
lowed was put at 15 per cent of ttio amount
collected except in case of claims under KQO
or where unusual work had to bo done , when
20 per cent might b < j allowed.
The amount of business received imme
diately after the opening of the bureau is a
proof of the confidence In which the people
bold It and of the distrust which the ordi
nary claim agent lias aroused. In the six
weeks , front April 1 to May 15 , claims to the
amount of $4J' > .r > , : ui.li5J < ! were filed with the
uurcau on account of Indian depredation
claims alono. All these go to the court of
claims under the act and are in various
stages of preparation and prosecution. He-
sides the claims unuur the Indian dcprcda-
tion act thcro had boon Hied at that date
treasury claims to the amount of $ J'I)4 : ! ( ! ! ) ;
French spoliation claims to the amount of
$ > . > S > , S < 33 : laud claims , $ JS9UO : ; and patent
and other claims to a largo amount. Since
that date some j > J,000OUO of claims have been
filed with the bureau , and It is now attending
overOUOOOOof claims.
The need for the bureau may well bo seen
by the fact that it now has on hand moro
claims than all of the claim attorneys of
Washington combined.
Tlio efforts of congress and the establish
ment of the bureau was not appreciated by
the claim agents. They wanted to continue
to thrive in their business of lleocbiR tlio
needy claimant. They accordingly denounced
the government niul the bureau. They hold
that the former could not cancel the contracts
they hull made with their victims. Hut the
cancellation was imido In tbo interest and
name of the pcop'o. And it need not bo
doubted that the eminent constitutional law-
> oars who framoi1 the act in question did not
do so without knowing what they were
doing The threats of the sharks undoubtedly
hud n > i olfect upon some men who desired to
make now contracts and secure the services
of some other nt tornoy , hut this effect will
soon bo destroyed and the emancipation of
tlio claimant from the tyranny of the shark
will bo complete.
The amount of raonov that will bo saved to
the people by this work of Tin : Hiu : Hi KUAU
or Ci.UMS.may not bo calculated. It will cor-
tuiuly bo very great. Tlio work will bo done
as near n.'tu d cost as possible. Some of it
will not cost moro than 5 per cent , while
much of It can bo done within the 1.1 and 'JO
per cent allowed by law. In some cases the
JO per cent may bo required. It is the Inten
tion , however , to give the claimant the betio-
lit of the lowest charges that will cover the
expenses of the .service.
Tin : Dm : Ik iu.uf : will prosecute claims In
the supreme court of the United States , the
court of claims , thosovoral courts of the Dis
trict of Columbia , before the committees of
congress nnd the executive departments. U
will sccuio the piymontof just. Indian dopro-
datlou claims , land claims , pension claims ,
mining pru-emptlon and homestead eases and
obtain patents at minimum cost and the
greatest despatch.
There nro thousands yut who are entitled
to pensions These , should write immedi
ately to the bureau. There are thousands of
heirs , widows , minor children , dojumdont
mothers , fathers and minor dependents ,
brothers mid sisters who are entitled to pen
sions and should write .to Tin : HIK : bureau
concerning them. Uudnr recent legislation a
liberal incivasoin petitions has been allowed
and Ilio-io who are ( infilled to this should
write to Tin : Urn Hurean Claim association.
All loiters will bo promptly answered nnd
all inlormution concerning lorm of npplica
lions for claims , terms ; to , will bo given
wit tins lutlo Jelay as practicable. No letter
will bo answered unless , the sender encloses
requisite stamp. : ) for rouly. No Information
concerning any-particular claim will bo Im
parted until the applicant has bocotuo a mem
ber of Tin : HKK I in roan association.
Partlo > dcsinnglnfonnuiioushould address
Tin Iliillnivuii : of Clalms.lDJ U : K h'tlldiag.
Omahn , Nob. , the manager of which Is Ud-
A Oolilen U .of.
Throe thousand dollar& for an old" tin
"oof would bo a pretty bleep price , bays
the Philadelphia Record , but the man
who gets tlio haltered roof from the old
Tabernacle ohtircii at llroad btreot and
"No norf.o lo-iano ) nbsolato
TV aeomo Impur ty doth r.ot pol-
luto. "
INoCnrNlmd Hpnulel Suit for all Impurities
of thu Illnod. It l Nuturu'sovn ruinuily , llu-
vruro of Imitations , tlto genuine Imported
article iiiiiHl have thu nL'nituionf "liUnur Si
MemloUuit Co. Agents Nuw VurW , " ut uvury
South Penn square , which Is now being
torn away , for that sum will ho in great
luck. Somoyovrs ago the paint was
ecrnpod the old roof nml yielded W.OOO
In line pold. It h almost , certain to yield
M much this tlmo. The gold comes
from thy Mint.
When gold Is being coined a consider
able qiiiuitlt.v of it volatlll/ua with the
smoke through the chimney , anil as soon
iw it falls on the air it fulls. Much of It
Htrlko * the roof Of the mint ; so much of
It thal'tho otllclals save oven the water
that fulls unon It during a shower. All
the drains from the roof nro connected
with largo vats In the cellar of the mint.
ISoforo the water finally gets to the
sewer It Is ( drained through many blank
ets and stoves , which retain the gold.
Notwithstanding all tbeso precautions ,
the gold that Is annually wished Into
the Delaware from the mint is worth
thousands of dollars. Every particle of
dirt swept up about the mint is carefully
stored away with the washings from thereof
roof , ami once every year It Is sold to the
highest bidder , r.s It cannot be used at
the mint !
'Mn jo r "Mclvlnlcy anil UN Domestic
Ijll'c A Happy Homo.
"Fow public men hnvo as much to im
pel them as Major MeKinley , who is
Ohio's republican candidate for gov
ernor , ' ( said a woman to a reporter of
the Hallimoro Amotican. "If the people
ple only knew as much about Major
McKinloy's domestic life ah I do , ' ' con
tinued tlio woman , "they would admire
Hie man moro. On , hut how Mrs. Me
Kinley does love her husband and
inspire him in his win-k ! Slio is an
invalid of many years' snlVering , but she
is the most patient , Hwoot-tL'tnpcreil
woman you over saw. You know Major
and Mr ? . McICinley have lived hoi out
lliis hotel twelve or llfteon years , and
wo who have lived here , too , during
that time have s-eon something of the
devotion between the wife and Iho
author of Iho now larill law.
"Most mon win ) hnvo so many atten
tions shown them by the public , who
are invited out every day and night lo
homo dinner , lunch , supper , caucus , con
ference , political or other mooting ,
would , nfter a number o' years at least ,
bo forgetful of their wives , especially if
tlio wives were invalids , and would
seldom bo found at homo of mghls. lint
it is not so with Mayor Mckinley. I In
would always prefer to sit down hero in
his littto parlor , just oil from their bedroom -
room , and spend an evening with his
wife , than attend the grandest banquet
and receive the applause of tlio people.
"Mrs. Mclvinloy can never hnvo too
much other husband's presence , " con
tinued tlio woman , who had
known these two persons for very many
years. "Sho invariably sits at tlio
window where she can see her husband
depart in the morning and got the lirst
possible glance of him when ho returns
for lunch or dinner , and you can see her
eyes dull with pain or light witli happi
ness as ho leaves or disappears around
the corner , and then reappears upon his
return. Her husband is everything to
her for she cannot walk without hU sup
port , and never goes out without her
husband. She lias trouble with lior
spine , poor , sweet woman , and looks as
delicate as a lily. She always has his
photograph in her lap when ho doee
any needlework , of which she is fond ,
anil her maid can tell at a glance in her
eyes if she is thinking of tlio
absent husband , for she looks hap
piest then. Never a word of coin-
plaint escapes her lips. No pain , anxi
ety or suspense shows itself if ho is
about. They are like two sweethearts
indeed. Such devotion between man
and wife after a married life of well , I
suppose It must ho about twenty years
I haven ever soon.
"When Major and Mrs. McKinley
were leaving the hotel , and wo had all
s.iid good-by , one lady remarked that
'the next time you come back , Mrs. Me-
Kinley , it will be to live at the white
house. ' 'No , ' was the reply , 'I hope
not. ' When asked whv she would netlike
like to bo in tlio white house , whore
every woman wanted to live , she said :
'I hnvo seen so little of Major McKin
ley at times .hero that I hope wo may
never return to Washington.1 And I
know she meant it. Mrs. MeKin oy is
tlio most sincere woman you could find.
There is nolhinir affected by her. You
can toll it all in her at a glance.
"And she helps her husband so much
in his work. Not by suggesting to him
what ho should or should not do , but by
giving him bolf-rolianco. I doubt if she
lias much of an idea what ho Is going to
say in a hlll-or speeeli or report. Shy'
tolls him that ho will bay just the right
thing ; that ho is strong and good and
wise , and that if ho only tries ho can do
anything , My ! hut she fairly forces into
him conildenco. Tlio man who said ho
would rallior hnvo confidence than capi
tal must litivo known of Mrs. McKinloy's
confidence in her husband.
AWrillcn Guarantee to
Our euro li iiunmm nt ami not a luitclnnK up. Cnn-i
trrateil live yi-uis nii > lnv > nuvir uccit a yni | > iom
Blnru. lly ilc irililnicajo fully wo can trrat > cm by
mallami woBUolhunaino M OUK KU iruntvo to euro
orrefunilcllinc'iipy. lliiuovho pri'fer lo como IKro
for treatment c.mdn so nrulwowlll juy rallroail fnro
botliwajsimclhoUIMllswliUolicroif wo fall tu cure.
Wo clullenfTO tlio wi.rM for a euio tlmtoui'MAl.IO
Iil.SII.UY willnotcurc. Wrltuforfu I particulars ami
pet the cvlili lice. Wo know tlmt } "U nro skeptical ,
Justly BO , too , at tlio m > st eminent pliyiiclansha\o
nu\ r tic en utlo to fc-lro moro than temporary n llcf.
Ill our Hvoyears' piacllc-o llh tlio MAnlO HH1I.PV It
lias liccn inoft dlClcult to overcome the picju < lc"s !
nBalnstill oinlleiUpf < .inc . Hut under our Ktrons
cuaiantio j o 11 houlil not liosltato to try thin remedy.
You lake no i ham o of luMnit your money , Wuuar -
anteo to culo or refund c\ cry dollar , and aa wo hate a
reputation to jiruloct , also f.nanelat liacUnitof 3CO-
000 , itlapoifoetly nafoto all who will try thotrtat-
mcnt. Heretofore you have been puttlnifuinnil | | > > Ing
outojr mom y fur ilttTercnt treatnif nls and although
youaronotjctcureilnoonohaa paid Laikyour mon
ey. Ho not wailo any moio money until jou try us. Old
chronicdeipeeateilcasecuicdin 30 to 00 day . In-
TetlUatoour financial MandlnB , o"r reputation a >
nuHlmiss men. Wrlto u for names and addrtisis of
thuau wo liavocured who hate trtKmpormlefclontoro-
fcrtothrni. Itci. UOiiunly | ion' io to ilollilnit
will jtat uou a world of iiuirtrlnB from rncnt tlttraln ,
and If ) ou nro married what may your offspring nuf ir
tin ou-li j our ow u ni-BllC'iu o. If your tj inptuin * nro
> ere , mm nut i > atlun lu mouth , rhmim. ti m
In lion s anil joint" , lialr fulllnit out , eruptions on any
partof the bodyfvcliiigot K neral diimsilon , tia.n <
Inliondorti'inm , ) oiilm > ono tlmo to waito. Ihono
whonrocimitanlly til liiKimrcu yan l | > t h8iouM !
ril-iconttnuolt. Corstaut ufouf tl.okod u J willnirt./ !
trlnn wi i s and itlm ; uli in In tlm od. . l' < "i' t f a' ' 1 to
write * Alleorn p * nileiu-o i > ntrenlnl In plaincuvl-
opud. Vo livito the mo tr i ; d Invti-tn ; lUounud w 11
do nit In our t'n" ( > r to nl4 you lu It. Ad < liii * ,
CtHIll Jti:3UiH' CO. , tlmalut , Mlirtiiltii.
Ofllco JJth and I amnni. eccond flour , entrance lltutt
$60)jo , t c jii of L. > > - > u tail nu . i.i IP.KI 1 ,
Uonur.U or Nurvoua i obil ty , wjilae < of
bo yo mm t , 11 o Ic.s I of iirr > r or ux-
c H us lu ciltl or vouti ; th itva niimoi cur > ,
Wu guarantee every cusu or r-tu i.l evir/
doll i r. F vu dnrfi trial treat'itmt $1 , full
coursj $6 i ro-ntibi' In a nt.rjdi d in
threodnvs. Uy imrl. H curuly p.ic.tud Iro-n
lilnUlU Curta n to ad.iy > r moiiny rtfu ul d.
Pie - ii > mi 1 S3. oa e 1 from o > i-rvttiu i
CoO.v KKMEDY CO. , Omihu : , N h
CeniP-illv localsd in tlio
jiortion of Council Blulfa , nil tiia
street car lines in the city pn bino
tiio door. Modern nnd conven
ient ; thoroughly fire projf ; 1 > O
fluesl chambers. T no best $ li a
any house In the west.
Board nnd room from $ MO per
month up. Table botird $3 per
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
| QRAN.D ,
Council DUtffd , In.
This EleonnUy Appolnto-l Hotel
Is Now Open ,
N , A. Taylor , Mmgcr
Medical ami Sunrical Institute
Cbronlo discuses nf all kinds and deform
ities xpeelatliiM. Nos. 'Mil and MM llro.idway ,
Council IIUilTs. l\ : .
OITIOK UMIrnnilw.iy. Ceuiicll lUitlN , la
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just tbo thing for bath rooms , bed roivm , oil
Call and see our mrxo assortmunu
C. B. Gns an.l Eloatrl Lljh * . GJ.
U I'o.irl anil10 Main Struot.
. , ETC.
' / / / , wii ffi&i
? & JPyy S
K ? 6c icar ? 5 5S2. ri
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
606 H roadway , Council Bluffs , la
i' ' Attorneys at law. I'r.ip-
ft. .
OillllldU !
) lk.0 i/ , the stitn : mil
tVduriil conns. Itoiins : i , 4 and 3 Slm .irt
HIMIO block , Council HiiitT , lit.
H 1 ril1lllllnr < ; Attorney at Law , No. ia
II. J. UlillllUllb . .
, | .uar | srt.uti mm. | llH | , .
nulls store. Telephone No.Jil. . Iliislnosi
liouib. s u. in. to'J ' p. in , Council lilulls , 1 1.
FirstNational : - : - Bank
I'nid Up CiKillal , . . . . $1IOI ) | ) ) )
Oldi'it rk"inUecl hink In the city l-oniUa nn 1
( Ioino--tn : oxi'li.iluu and lo.-il lacirltUi. Kiu \ > \ \
uttuntlnn p.ilil t j c Jllj "I jii * , Vc3 > iii4 of I'l 11/11
unli bank * * , binkt'ri.ifiit cjrur itljiK jjlUU > 1. Jj. *
rotpomlunco Inv Ito 1.
GliO. I' . &AM-XWH. I'ro.Munt.
A.V. . UIKKMAN , Ca < hl3r
A. T. IllCIJ. AiiUta t Cmtilar
lilOK farm , 10 mlir * from Conn *
Joil ItliiuN , with very largo on-hnrd , MS no *
nere. Kliihty nero fixrm , near rnllnmd million ,
nttlTM ) per aeio. Johnston > V Van 1'nttou ,
Council lilulTs ,
Iti'NTA tilen
IjlOlt - 0-rootn homo with
* - InrKC yard to dcslrahlK purty fro * of
charge. J. W. Squire , 101 t'oirl street ,
CliAIItVOVANTumt nyfhoimitrtc. or chat-
not IT ro minus : also ilhiKnosIs of dlscuso.
Mend look of hair for nmillnm by loiter Hun-
S.iy ami oviMUmjs. Mrs M Hooper. HIJ Av
due u niMr rormir 13th slrout , Coutn-d llluff' .
Terms , Me and Ji OJ.
MAUMI'lrKXT nrrp property In live-aero
tracts , located ' .ni miles from postonioo ,
for sale on reaimimhlo terms Sum' line ro l-
( lenco property for rout by Day A IU s
"B10USA.L.E or Uoiit-JUnlon land , wild
Jkouioi , ur J. ItUloo. . Ul iUln ib , OounoU
Tlio oltitnliln Illcycle.
We have the ln < H cushion tire in ide. Hut
this is not the niily ooil feat nro of the uld
rellablo aii'l popular Coiutniil i. ImostltMtn
whut sonio iinxcriipiilous dealers limo to say
for their wheel * .
The Columbia Isoith Its weight in gold ,
ou'ii with "freoIher. . "
Do U Itliout a Ut'l'rliionitor.
In hot weather It Is Impassible to do so ami
preserve ynur lie ilth and uomfurt I'mul can
not bo presorted without d iiuoriiiisiliitcrlora-
tlon. In a cooked or r.ur st ili > . without refrig
eration. Von will llnd It morn lnip. " > -jhliv than
over to do u II linn I this Import 'in I ( iilioii.-t when
you look at 'ho North St ir : ind Ixaru the
prices wo will maUo foi Iho novt thirty d iys.
( iasolliii * Sto'i ,
And kiuili'U IHHO at Inner Ilk'nir" Ihiin you
y\ei cot before. I.M'iy arlloloHold sihi < hub-
i'sl uin lo in. i > h ) . SiToen iloori . .uiduittoT
serei-iiH at i'o t M.iUi' your liomrciiinforta -
blc at little ovpoiiHi' .
r. C. DrVol , HOI Mi-oacluay.
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
At tract loin : I'lno I'lsliln : , Itnatliiij , ll.ith-
I Hi : mi I r.M'cllrnt Mlni'iMlVilcr. .
Only flfti'iMi nilniiliM rlilo fm-n Coinu'll
lilulTs. Mnioi tin us t-vrry IniK liniir , ulreob
to routers of I'IMIIUM ! Illtill * itiitl t'ii.ili i.
Must ilrlln Infill ; i ml tu'CoviUuu pl.i-'O for
pk'iik' p.irtlus.
Of Counou Bluffa.
CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000
s I. A. Mlltnr , I' O aioinsii , B. f
Bhu nrt K. K. It.irUJ I ) EdiuiiiuMoti. Uh irlai
It. llannan Tr.niHiot Konoril liiiiikliu Otiit-
nes > oil capltkt autl surplui ot inj
tanlcln HjulhwjUimi IO.T.X
is th. ®
G. A. ScnoocUnok , Propt'lotop , Olficos 621 Broaclwny , Counoll
Bluffs ancl 1521 Fni-nani St. , Omahn. Dye , clean nnd roCinlsh gooJs
of every description. PnoUnQes i-eceivecl nt eitliep olfico OP nt , tlio
\Vorks , CorAvo. . A nnd 28th St. Council Bluffs. Send fop ppico list.
Morclmntfovlio liuvo .sliop-woi-n or hoilod fnbnos of uny ohnriictor can hnvo
them ri-dyod uiul llnihlied cqtnil to now.
Intost mid most nuprovod innuliinory , at less eo'it tlitin you ever paid bufura.
Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Busies , Spi ing Wagons , Carts and
Road Wagons.
Guarantees better value and more satisfactory goo Is than any
other house in the Missouri Valley , General western repository lor
l'lc ' Hamilton Grade Vehicles an-l -
Columbia Carriage Go's busies ,
surries and phaetons. Monan/.i
buggies and phaetons. All styles
spring wagons , Van Brunt an I
Michigan roa I an 1 farm wagons ,
carts and harness in greit vincty.
Correspondence solicited. Catal ig-
ues and price lists on application.
12 , 14 and 16 , Fourth St , , - - Council Bluffs ,