10 TEE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY7 , JULY 2 i , LSOl-SlXTEttX J'ACJIGS. THE PLATTE SHARPSHOOTERS They Astcmblo This Week for the Annual 11 fle Oompctitioui PREPARING THE RANGE FOR THE EVENT , The Days Of UK ; RrltiK and How A\vanlH ari ! to lie Made Mown from Department I'OstH. Tomorrow nt Ilcllovuo rifle rnnRO tlioro will assnmblu thn picked shots from the army in the depirtinont of the I'latto. Tlioy come to t lo imrt in the eleventh annual rillo competition - petition of the department nnd rutirosutit the following poaU ; Fort Douglas , Fort Du- ctiuinc , Utah ; Unmp Pilot IJuttu , Fort Me- Klnuoy , Fort Wmhaltlo , Fort 1) . A. Uussoll , Wyo. ; Fort N'lobrara , Fort Omaha , Fort Koblnson , Fort Kidney , Nob. ; Fort Kamlall , B. U. ; Fort I-oiran unU Fort Lewis , Col. These rcprescntalivo'J will comprise llft.v- oljrht Infantrymen , live of whom are olllcors. The regiments tn thu department will bo represented us follows : Second , 8 ; Seventh , 7 ; Highlit , 3 ; Totith , 1 ; Sixteenth , 8 ; Seven- tconth , 8 , nnd Twoiity-lltst , 8. These mmi hiivo been solcctcd by thulr commnmliiiK ofllccr.1 to represent thuir com mands In the competition and are Kcnerall.y considered the boat shots In the icniinciit. This estimate lit based upon tlio record made by thorn in ttio rlllo pr.ictice on tlioir rospee- live ranges. At HOIIIO of the posts , however , the target practice hiis not yet boon brought lo u close but It has progressed milllciontly to doter-nlno whom it would bo advisable to so- Icct to olitain tlm best roprcsoiiiullvo. ' 1 Ho competition ut Uollevuo range which , In n certain manner opens tomorrow is to do- UTiiiliio who slmll constitute the department team of ten sharpshooters. When fcOlocted , this team ulll go to Chicago and compotu with the department teams from other see- tloni of the country. From among those teams will bo selected the best ten shots , and these wilt bo known as the army team or the representative ? shots of the army. Until the abolition of the division in the nrmy , a division competition obtained be tween that of the department nnd that of the nrmy , in which a division team was formed. The present sjstem is consequently less in volved nnd more agreeable to ovurybody in terested. At the close of the department competition hero , army pri/.eswill bo awarded as follows ; A heavy gold modal to the competitor malting the highest aggregate score dnrini ; the com petition Urine ; a silver medal to each of the next thrco in order of mnnt , nnd n bron/o ineual lo each of the remaining members of the team. These medals will bo presented to the lat ter at the close of tlm compotilion by General lirooko , department commander. This presentation is an oceislon of both in terest and Importance to the soldiers. Ttio competitors nro drawn up in lino. Thny and the ofilccrsof the camparoin fulldross. The BOldiers who tmvo earned the inodnls are called by iinmo nnd ordered to advance u certain number of paces from the lino. Thus distinguished , from tlioir comr.iuos , the tro phies they huvo won are pinned upon tlioir breasts. The commanding general then de livers u short address upon the vaiuo of iiccnralo II ring of the nrmy. Ho commends tliu worlc of the competitors bocausolt generally deserves commendation nnd congratulates ttio men upon the manner In which they have do- inclined themselves as gentlemen and sol diers. These presentations have long been occas ions of social gatherings nt the range unit have never fulled to repay viaitors lor their nUendance. AH n rule , however , they have been elfectcd through the leadeisliiu of some well known social gentleman. When at homo , Senator Alumlorion experienced great , pleasure in taking the load , both out of com pliment to tlio general and olllcers in com- nmnd ns also the men whoso reputation had been made. This year the presentation , weather per mitting , will bo made the occasion of pr.tnd fcoclnl visits to the range , nnd tlio matter is now being discussed in social circles tliroub'n- out the city. In a social sense , this competition will dif fer in some roipeels from these of other years. During the days or active tiring on the rnngo the work will bo witnessed by u number of ladies nnd gentlemen from this city. Cars on the H. it M. leave at ! ) : , iO a.m. nnd return In the evening at 0:01 : o'clock. This will enable visitors to observe tlio meth ods employed by Uncle Sam to reach vulner able place.t in tlio persons of au Imaginary cnemv. Uonides , there Is nn excellent drlyo through Syndicate park. South Omaha and Uellovue to tlio rnngo , which oiTors charms which can not bo enjoyed by rail. The range and everything connected with the coiu | > oiltloii is in readiness , the former and Miriouiidlnp.i presenting an appearance which Is absolutely ch.irmlng. Tnoso who have visited this bcautltul spot can readily uppieciato this fact. Those , however , who have never been thoio little know of the nnt- ur.il beauty which lies almost at their door. The r.ingo proper is an ' 'opening" level as a table , ' , ' 00 yards in width and ( JOJ yams in length. At the northern extremity rUe ab ruptly from the plain a series ot terraces out lined against the dark foliage of thu woods behind. The.so nro denominated the bulLs. Above the crest of these appear eight broad targets. Toward these targets are directed the shots of thu soldiers at distances varying from s > 0u to ( KX ) yards. Unbind the butts , out of sight of both m.irlis- inon nnd spoctnlon , nro tlm simple machinery by which tlio targets are made to revolve after each shot ; ns nlso the markers , between whom nnd the bullets Is a good log wall with n breastwork of a do/en feet of earth. The duties of these markor-s ami ito- tnlts of ttio tiring , the recording nnd other features pertaining to the business will be described in detail at another timo. Tim range is newly mown mid presents n surface as smooth as velvet. It is surround ed witli trees in luxuriant foliage llenoath thorn the heat of the sun is not experienced. \ \ ithln their recedes the odor * of wild Mow ers nnd fragrant woods prevail. They nro especially beautiful on thu western border winch gradually rises into a gentle acclivity. On either side of the rnngo Is a number of flng.staffs on which , during thu llring are hung brilliant crimson streamers to show in which direction the wind is moving. This is nn important element in rillo ilring nnd Is alw'iys ' taken Into consideration by the marksman. Midway between thu C O-yard line and ttio butts and on ttio east side of the range Is un opening of three ncros. On either .side of this are ranged the tents of the ofllcors nnd nt the custom extremity are located the headquarters of the comiimndlnij olllcor. In the latter place is loc.itod the gallant Captain Charles A Coolidge , Seventh in fantry who has charge of the camp. The cap- tntn has spent several seasons on t lie range nnd for the past two years hud command of the department teams whlcji shot nt Fort IJoug- Ins , Wls. . nnd Fort Leavenwortli , Kan. The oinor officers nro us follows : Adju- unit at'd ' signal olllcor , Second Lieutenant Stephen M. Hackney , Sixteenth infantry : quartermaster mid ordnance oftlcor , Second Lieutenant Hurry 10. Wllkins , Second in- funtry ; commissary and cnnteen oUlcnr , Sou- end Lieutenant Capers \ > . Vance , Sixteenth Infantry ; statlstlc.il olllcers , Captain .lohn F. ( jilllfoylo. Ninth cavalry , Second Lieutenant Kdwln V. rtookinlllor , Second inlantry ; medical ofllccr , Cuptain William U. Spencer , nssistnnt burgeon , U. S. A. ; rnngo ullicers , First Lieutenant Robert W. Dowdy , Seven teenth infantry : First Lieutenant Muitry Nichols , Fourteenth Infantry ; Second Lieu- tennnl Charles II. Alulr , Seventoenlh in- fnntry ; hecond Lieutenant Kdward W. Mo- Cuskoy , Twenty first infantrv ; Second Lieu- tenunt Sumuol Soay , Jr. , Twenty-first in- funtry ; .Second Lieutenant Alon/o Cirav , Sixlti cavalry ; Second Lieutenant Robert L. Ho\\/.c , blxth cavalry. These are courteous gentlemen and ex cellent soldiers and will inako n visit to the mime n source of exceeding pleasure. The competition will bo In charge of Major Daniel W. llenhnni , Seventh InfantryInspec tor of small arms practice , department of the J'lntte. who has devoted to the work n great deal of tlmo during the present year. Ho nlso had charge of the competition last yo.ir and the showing was a credit both to the inspec tor and men. Ttio prt'llmtnary practice will commence on Thursday next. Cotnp ! Utlvo llrliiif , howev er , will not open till August it. This will continue till the ufteruoou of the following Thursday. Au Auguit 10 , preliminary practice for tbo cavalry compotilion will take place. Tnl * will continue tln-eo duys whun tlio competi tion will begin nnn continue four days. In this competition there will bo about for ty cavalrymen who will use both carblno nnd revolver. Thcv will cnmo from the depart ments of the I'lntto. California nnd the onst. ns fur away in Virginia. The oflleers lu fthnrRo of the competition will bs tho.in who have nlrondv been enumerated In connection with the competition. I'ort A. Illood. Jr. , was nwurdod the contract for supplying ifiKX ( ) pounds of new potatoes nt 'J cenw per pound , a saving of ! J cents upon former prices. The cavalry pistol prnctlco commenced Tuesday. Dress pirndo every ovtmtng nnd Inrgo fatlgui ; p.irtlm every day would lend one to think that "there uro no lllo " on our cnvnlry men. Lloiitcnant McAnnny , Eighth cavalry , recently promoted from second nontenant , Ninth cavalry , Is on n visit to ttio post from I'lno Ridge ugoney , wnero ho has been on duty the past three month with Indian scouts. Ho gets n four months' ' leave , after winch lie goes to L troop ( Indian ) , Eighth cavalry. Mr. .lowott , the contractor , has broken ground for the foundation of the now guard house , It will bo on the sanio plan at that at Fort Omaha and is to bo completed Docem- bcr SO , l jUI. Last Monday ttm foundation was laid for nn addition to ttio club houso. It will bo 111) ) feet long by I'j wide , with an L 'J-JfiO , nnd ono-storv high. It will bo used ns n moss hnll for the olllcera nnd In un emergency for ofllcors' families. As u sample of swift military Justlco under the now or lor of summary courts let mo clto an instance said to have occurred horo. A cavalryman Is galloping along. Summary courtolllcor hails him : "Hollol is your name Smith ! " "Yes , sir. " "Wcro you absent from cheek roll call last nlgntf" "Yes , sir. " "Threo dollars. " "Yes , sir , " tlio soldier keeping right along nt n gallop. Our troop horses have boon In the habit of stampeding from the herding grounds , with out anv apparent olfort on the part of the herderi to stop them , yesterday Lieutenant Hutcheson , adjutant Ninth cavalry , read the riot act to the non-commlssloned olllcers in ehnrgo of herding partiei , and today the hordes alt came in nt n wain. Monday n four-mulo team took it into its ho.ul to accompany the stampeding herd fora quarter of a nulo , when one of them foil , uncnorin < ; tlio otbcrs. Mr. W. ( ! . Hunt of Detroit , Mich. , son-in- law of Captain John H. Loud , Ninth cavalry , is on n visit to tlio latter. Mrs. Hunt has been spending the summer with her parents. Mrs. Captain Loud and nor mother and sister are making u tour of the mountain resorts of Colorado. Colonel Line , United States army , retired , and MIM. L'ino are visiti.ig tholr daughter , Mrs. Captain ( iurrard. Lieutenant Hubert's horse got away from Ids hitching post , ehanroJ around both girri- bens and was uapturo 1 by the mounted patrol iruards. Harness and buggy were consider ably used up. livery afternoon at stable call a few of the men march up and down tlu picket line , dis- enarging blank crrtridgos from their pistols. Most of the horses pay little attention to the shootinsr. A fuw of the young hor-sos do not quite Hue it yet. Ttio following ofllcors anil their families took n Hying tiip to the hot springs of IJ.i- ko'a over tlio U. & M. railroad : Colonel Smith , C. O. ; Dr. Ad.iir , Captains Lonu , Uar- rard , Day n'ld Lynch , and Lieutenant Hiug- luiin. Tuoy took th train ut Crawford nt 1 a. in. Tuesday and returned at U p. in. the same day. Lieutenant Ladd. , A. A. Q M , is in Chicago cage on ollicial bu-dnesi. Liujtonant Iluteh- eson , adjutant Ninth cavalry , has temporary charge of ( juart'-rm uter dill ics in addition to his work ns adjutant. Koi-l Milney. Sergeant Oliver , Company E , and I'rlvato Campbell , Company U , Twenty-first Infantry , loft for Fort Omaha , Nob. , on ttio 17th , In charge of military convicts , MeUibbon nnd Hasnoy. After turning these convicts over to the commanding olllcer at the latter place tlioy will proceed to the department rillo camp nt Uellovue , Nob. , the former for duty as bcorcr and thu tatter us marker during the rillo contest. Wo were \lsited by a terrible hailstorm at 1 o'clock on the afternoon of tlio Alih. It InJured - Jurod ( lower gardens gro.Uly , but fortunately did but little damage to the vegetables. Onion tops were , however , so bndly bruised that tlio perfumoi ( ) of that frajjrant plant lias tilled ttio air over sinco. Private Michael ( Colly , Company C , Two ? ty-Ilr.it , has boon appointed luuci ! corporal. Lieutenants Sunriol Soay and ICdmund L. Hutts are our guests for n day. Tbe. o con- tlomon are en routn fiom Fort Douglas , Utah , to the department rillo eamp. uur greaiosi social event inus summnras the return on the ' 'Oth of Miss .luliu 10. ninneluird , daughter of ITon. Cicorgo F. Ulunchiml , register of the land ofileo in Sid ney , from a thrca months' vi.iit in Omaha nnil K.ipid City , S. D. Miss Blanchard is n lovely girl , both in person and intellectually , and is a great favorite with all of us. A Mtisloim. : Uir.piir.Tii. No ! ) . , Julv ! < ) . To the Editor nt I'm : liu ! : : Wld you poise state In Tin : llr.i ; whi 10 I can gut Inform at Ion In te aid ID JoinIng - Ing a iiilllt try band at a fort ? Hy doln so you will gioatly oblUo ynui-i lespeutfiilly , ) i.t < y. An . Write" to tne regimental adjutant nt Fort Omaha or nt any other post whore a military band is located. First Notirnslui Infantry. OMUU. Nob. , July 20. To the Editor of Tin : UKI : : Will you kindly answer in next SuNMivv'sBm : : 1st. What battles of the Into war did tlio First Nebraska infantry take part in I 2d. W lint wcro tlioir losses , killed and wounded ! ; ul. How long did it sjrvol Tno\ui Uiaci : . Ans. The roslmontloft for the seat of war July III ) , isiil. From Sontombor H till 15 of tlio siiiiiu year , they scouted nftor busli- whackers. On the latter date they marched , under ticnerul I'ope , to u point near War- rensburg , Mo. , on ttio'JTtti tliov wont to Milford - ford , Mo. , on the Hlnckwator. participating in n number of hard m iruhc-t and skirmishes winch resulted in tint capture ol about 111'- teen hundred iv'jois ' who worn on tlieir way to Join Cionernl I'rico. On Febr lary II , l iii , tliey took p'itt in tlio utt'vck on Fort Donald son. April 7 , they wer ) engaged in 1'itts- burg L inding. where tlioir bravery was com mended liy Unncrul Lew Wullaee. In tills engagement the regiment lost botwcun twenty nnd thirty men. They were also en- gaged'at Coiintti , and on April -M. ut Cupo Cllrardcau , when the rebels , under Cioneral Marmadiiko xvero repulsed. On October 11 , of the sumo year , t no togimont was mounted nnd became known as the First Nebraska cavalry. On January is , isiti , It assisted in the capture of u squad of robela on Hliick River , Arkansas. On the I'.ah ' they ctuuved Into thu town of Jucksoaport , Aru. , killing a number of rebels , among whom was one captain. On the ' 'IUI adotuchment under C'olonel llaunier. at Sycamore mountains , after throe days' lighting , scattered nnd whipped a squad of uibois wlilch had been located there. The rebels lost Jl killed , 10 prisoners and n train of six wagons. April Ib , while In camp at Jacksonnort , Ark. , they were attacked by rebels. Recovering from the surprise , they bi. > ut the roods h ick , corn- polling them to IIv across Village creek to join tlm main body. At Clarendon , Mo. , .luno 27 , they eiiiinjjo.l the rebels and kilted DO , the First lo > lng a men. During ttio In- torvaU between tlio dates mmitluneit above , tlio regiment engaged In u number of scouts and skirmishes. ' „ ' , Adjutant tionoral John R. Patrick , In his report in isil.s.nn that "tlio records ol tlm ontco nro so intomiiloto that the number of killed , wounded nnd tukcn prisoner in the diuVront engagements in which the roglmont participated cannot bo given. " II. Companion .V and H were mustered into torvlcoJune 11 , l.siil , The other compnnle.H uero miHterod in later , the lust being sworn in July 'J',1 of the same year. A part of tbo regiment was mustered out of the service in this city In I Ml I and another p-irt was ajut to Fort Kearney nganut tlio Indians. I'nroillH Ueiul Tills. July nnd August are nnxlous months for niothcri who carefully watch over tlioir little ones. Hot days and froiiuonl ch tngos of tempdraturo uro llabla to produce cholera martins. How satisfactory it should bo for pan-nUtoknovv ttiat Hitler's 1'uln l'uraty/i > r is both a pleasant and effective itimcdy for all Bummer complaints. It soothes and ro- lloves nil pain and triptui ; ; uud ulivuya uilouU a complete cure. Pt Tbo St.ilo Authorilios Declare Wtir on Asso ciate ; ! Swindl.tt. THE BUILDING AND LOAff LAW. A Vigorous f-InroroiMiiiMit of I H Pro- vUlDim A nlimt tlio XiitloiiiiU A Ninv York Coiicorii Ulllulilty HoiiHtod A So.itlilii c Letter. One of the most ttnportnnt laws passed by tlm lust legislature wni the act regulating building nnd loan associations and providing for freq tent examinations of tholr affairs. The enforcement of the law was vested in the state banking board , which U now dili gent I v disposing of the wont before It. Tlio following letter shows how the board proposes to enforce the law and protect the people of the state from dlsbonejt foreign associations : LINCOLN , Nob. , July 17. H. C. Oorhnm , csq. , Franklin , Nob. Dear Sir : I nm di rected by the board to reply to your recent letter of Inquiry regarding thu national AIu- tunl Building nnd Loan association of New York. Tills association tiled papers as required and applied lor a cortllicato of approval , authorizing It to transact business in tills state. The application was doulod. Because of your statement that you wcro delayed in the completion of u loan , awaiting the Issue of a certificate , the association claiming to have fulfilled nil requirements of the act of April-I , IS'JI , the board feels that you nro entitled to n full explanation of the reasons upon which is based the refusal to permit the association to operate in Nebraska , and directs mo to write you nccordlnirly. In passing upon applications from foreign association for authority to transuct business In the state , the board will examine : I. Ttio laws of the state under which the applicant Is incorporated. " . The articles of association and by-laws of the association. 'A , The llnancial statements of the associa tion ; and in tlio event ot objectionable fea tures being met with in the Jlrst two In stances of sufllcient weight to satisfy the bouid that the Interests of the association's members nro not afforded as ample protec tion as is afforded by the laws of this stnio to members of associations incorporating under the act of April I , Ih'.ll. ' the board will , without proceeding to an investigation of the associatiun'ii iinnncca , decline to issue a cor tilicnto. The papers lllcd by the National Mutual Building and Loan association wcro pro ceeded with in the manner stated. It was found that the articles of the association con tained objectionable provision- respect to withdrawals , lines and forfeitures , repay ment of loans before maturity , and , greater than all else , is the objection to the provision of tlie nrticlo entitled "Expense Fund. " The capital of this associnton Is divided into .shares of a maturity value of $100 each , paya ble in installments of 00 cents per month. Ar ticle 17 provides for nn ovpenso fund consist ing "of 10 cents per sharn of the mouthy dues ; " that Is. 10 cents of every ( ii ) cents paid to the association is confiscated for expenses and goes to pay fat salaries to a host of o 11- cers. Tliore are seven directors , and there are seven oflicos to parcel out among tliem- solvo-t ; there is the olllcc of pro-ddent , lirst vice-prosident , second vice-president , mana ger , gonor.il attorney , secretary and treas urer. Article . " > , section 1 , is , in part : "The olllcois shall bo selected from the board of di- rectois , " nnd inter on in tlio .section ; 'Tho board of directors shall llx the salaries of all otHcors. " You see it is a nice little family matter. Twentv-livo shareholders , poiv > on- nlty present , constitute a quorum for the nn nual election held in the city of Now York. The association is organ i/od in New York , but operates principally in other states. It is n very simple mutter for the cotori'j of or- gunl/ors to perpetuate themselves in otllco from year to year. The laws of Now York do not provide for an pflicial public examin ation of these associations ; however , the ar ticles of the association in question provide for an "examining finance committee. " The committee is appointed by the piesiilent. The proportion of the monthly stock in stallments confiscated for expense may not appear to you in true proportion. In reality it is taking li- ( , ( per cent of every dollar paid in on stock , and in the aggregate Is nn enor mous amount and out of ail proportion to tno usual commissions Charged by responsibly trust companies with capital to guarantee their transactions , for the investment , and care or lunds. The statements accompanying tlio applica tion show I'.l.biO shares outstanding nt the close of the year Ih'.IO. The January , 1S1IO , installments on these shares would amount to6-,9. ) ' : ! , add of this amount $ Uiva is taken In advnrco to remunerate the huanciorj nt the head of aftnlrs in Now York City for tuo investment of the remainder ( $11,0H ) nnd the subsequent Incomn therefrom. Thn olU- rors report investments made during the year IbHO as § (1 ( ,571. During the same period tlioy disbur-ed for expenses Kil.hi-l.'JO. ' Don't think they rjport this us balurios paid. "Sala ries" come in for only a part ot U In the pub lished statements. "O.hor nxpensos and dis bursements" have to carry $ , te,7.l.l8 ! of the amount. In Inco of all this enormous expenditure you have doubtless boon told that If you will pay in ( > 0 cents each month for ninety months at the end of that time you will got from the association $100.00. Fifty seven dollars and 00 cents will be the amount paid In ; of this "oxponso" will como in for $0.iOt ( leaving $ KOO ns the amount of investment capital. The average time the management would have lor inventing this sum is forty-eight months. In other words tlioy propose that you give thoin $ } s.i ( ) ) for investment , pay in advance a commission of z'JM , allow them nn average tlmo ot four years for operations , nnd vou will , "according to conservative cal culation , " get JlOO.oi ) lor your faith. If the olllcers were men of largo capital nnd were legally guarantors of tlio proposition you mignt bo juitillod , in view of the larg gain in prospect , ot investing Just once. Tne association is new and might not , possibly , exhaust the guarantee capil.il until after the Ill-it term , There is no guarantee howovor. The association is mutual in its liabilities. In the foregoing calculation I neglected testate state that sou would bo expected to contri bute $1.00 for the sukt > of initiation , ( the us- .socialion reports ; ! "iiila .shaios isaued in la'JJ ' ; there Is an initiation feu of one dollar par share. The n.nonnt thus obtained not in cluded in the statement of , receipts for the year and is an udditionul expenditure to the f.11till IK ) expense disbursement mentioned above ) . Should you low nerve before the expiration of the maturity period and find some one moro during to take the deal off your bundi you would be called upon to put up unothor dollar for the privilege of putting it onto the other follow. 'You see you can not have It nil your own way ; If you obtmn benefits and privilege * you have to pay for them. Considerable pressure has been brought to bear to blind the board as to the true char acter of the association , mid thereby to so- euro authority to operate hero. The governor was appealed to early in June , by an agent of the association writing from .some town in the Republican valley. Ho implored the governor , "on behalf of his known generosity to the poor nnd needy to please see that this noble work is not unjustly shut out of our state. " I'ho "noblo work" was defined in the letter In these words " : "They dho asso ciation In question ) are engaged In n lauda ble work , viz loaning money In towns of our stnto to poor people on eight years' tlmo at six per ce.nl intotest which ti jy uro to nay back in monthly Installments. Lot us see if the "noble work' ' will stand iho llijht of In vestigation. Article I'.1 , of Its articles ot as sociation , Is In part ns follows : " 1.0Ns. . " "Tho loan fund of the aisoclatlon shall consist of 50 cents of the monthly duos paid In ou cacti share , Interest , premium , lines nnd forfeitures , and the proms derived therefrom , and shall bo loaned to the direct ors upon approved applications. "Interest at the rate of six par cent per anii'im will tie charged upon all loans , which Interest must bo paid mei.tlily with thu monthly dues mull Uu < ma turity of ttie pledged shares , and u premium uf . " > o cents | Kir month will bo otnm ed on each Jiuo norrowi-d. " The premium was not mentioned in the lotlcr to the governor Fifty cents per month on ouch $10J borrj.vod is l par cent per annum , and added to the tn'orost rate of I ) per ccut , uiakos a ruto of 13 uor cout per 1409 Douglas St. , i - Nelo. OIW1CB HOUttS From 8 n. in. to 8 p , m. ; Sundays , 10 a. in. to 1 p. in. SPECIALISTS IN CHRONIC , NERVOUS , SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Consultation til ofllco or by mall frco. Moilh'inus sent by until or express , securely - curoly packed. frco from observation. Guaranteed to euro quickly , snfolv and pornmnonUy. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Spormatorrhcn , seminal looses , night otnisalotiH , physical decay arising from indiscretion , excess or indulyeiH'd , pro ducing sleeplessnessdosnondonuy , pim ples on tlio faro , aversion to toei ty , easily discouraged , luck ol confidence , dullunlit for study or bu.sliicssiind finds life a burden , safely , permanently and privately cured. Consult Dr. Belts & Bolts , 1 KID Duiiu'las direct. BLOOD AND SKIN DISKASKS. Syphilis , a discaio most horrib o in its rosuKs. completely eradicated witli- oul the aid of mercury ; scrofula erysi pelas , fever tores , blotches , ulcers , p.iuis in the head and bones , syphilitic sore throut , mouth and touirue , catarrh , etc , pcrmaiiontly cured where others have failed. KIDNFA' , URTXAUV ANDBLADDKU Complaints , painful , dillicit't ' , too fre quent , buriiiuir or bloody urine , urine hicrli I'o'orod ' or with milky -odimoaton standing , weal ; back , gonorrhoeagluit , eysUtcs. promptly and safely cured. Charges reasonable. DRS. BKTTS & BEITS' case book shows that they Imvo been consulted by 8,01- persons , residents in Denver and adjoining towns and states , during tlio past twelve months , 7,7SiJ of whom took treatment ; o-lil ( have reported them selves cntod , L' , SI have been greatly bcnollllcd and are now under treat ment , 2 > ropoit no improvement , ? claim to bo worse , and fi out of tlio 7,782 are dead. This is the record of Drs. Bctts & Bells' practice for the last twelve months in Denver- locurd of which they have just cause to bo proud. MIDDLE-AGfil ) MKN Do you loolc out on lifo's highway iind see a scared and tuinoil paat , forward lei i future aimlcbs and oofooblod , and lo llio silent tomb your Imppy roleii o ? Are your Kidneys , Stomach , Urinury Organs , Live:1 : or Blood in a disordered coiulitionV Have you carried marital rclat ous lo excess , leaving1 you wualc , nervous and douililntodV OH , MEN1 [ f you need hoi ] ) , delay no longer. "Ilo who husilatos is lost. " Now ia Iho gold en moment to * eec ! for health. Speedy , satisfactory , safe and pcriniinont cured juaranteod. Address DRS. DlilTS & BUTTS , 1409 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. annum. So that upon each ? 100 borrowed , : ho borrower shall pay monthly : Dues on stock ? . (50 ( Interest " 0 I'romium BO Total $1.0U And these amounts snail bo paid until such time as the .10 cents par mouth duos on stock (10 ( cents of tholio cents is confiscated for expanse ) , tosjoltier with profits , equal Slot ) . Lot the borrower meet with mis fortune aim bo nnablo lo meet the monthly li.iymuatb , ho will ba usbosacil H ) cents ; that is , ho bhidl pay inlerest at the rate ot r , " ) per cent per annum on all sums in arrears , and If misfortune's hand is not Lifted for tbreo months , it shall bo the duty of the general ittornoy to proceed without itoluy to enforce the payment of the lull indebtedness. " I quote froai the articles of association. Now then , tins monthly payment of Jl.liO per month foreiuh 8100 borroweu can only cease upon the nmtutity of Ihosharapledged dotiK with the mortsau'o upon iho property ns security for the loan. Vou have , doubt" ess , been led to believe , by c.uitlutisly guarded expressions , that sdnras will mature in olihtears with -slione prospect of an earlier maturity. It , is misrepresentation , but Is , probibly , so icnardodly done that no ono financially responsible can be hold liable. I'lio shares could not mature in that period , assessed ns they are s > o enormously for ox- IKMISOS , If every investment made was sound ind safe. And now as to the investments of those national associations. The security , -ou offer is doub'.um ample for the loan you iesiru to obtaiii. Yon liono.slly intend to pay your interest and premium charges , and the iruicipal ot the loan necoi'd'un lo iho plan u-oposed , and in iho main iho same is true of ubor applicants for loans In Nebra.slta. Mobrasku burruwers stand ready to secure ho p.i.v monl of overv dollar tnoy wish to borrow Hut is It universally luiol And , U ' : lot , what are the safeguard- , against the I mposltioa of swindlers adopted by these I lationalsl The association repertA as oporI | I iluitf In ulghioon dlfforent htatci , largely In he sonthoiT. status. Their business Is doao ) > agents solicillnu' mombur hlp at so much ' \ hharo placed. If they are able to piaco .wonty . buuriii bv secnrini ; for the taker a ! oan to the full limitof thu shares aubscnUod , hey have no other interest or incentive thane o so represent thasuourttios olTuroa that the ipplicallon for the loan will be nocoplod by ho oflluin-s la Ne\v York. It is not tlm iKonts loss If Ihe loan lurns out bad , noiluor s It tlio loss of tlio Jllor.s. ) The sUe ot tlm 'expense fund" is measured by the number ) f aliarei Ibsuod aiul'p lid upon ; the pain * of the a 'uni are measuri'd by the sh.iros ho can sell , and neither is ro poiHiblo for the outcome.Vhu.so loss is 111 It falls ipun tao honest member who strives vllh riL'id I'conomvT lo save enough from nonthly wa os to'nnoettho Uuo3. Intoiesl. mil premium ; and hut a .small per canln o of baa loans h siilllcloiit to prolong induituiiely the mainritv of his. shares , -ind extensive osses would lend to wiM | out nil tie had pai I la for VCIIM in expectation of I'lu.inni ; hl-s ho.no , and yet thu mortiraKo would renrim ' for iho full Indebtedness , to bo forei < looil | I when tlio llnal orash came with an expose of the insid aft'air.s of the association. As to Uiu.ie asaoclullononiis'lnn In castI I orn capital , there is nnUiintf in H. It Is Mfo I to assort that every dollar loaned nn prop- I urty In Nebrasua bv a natiu , nl building' and and loan association ts collected from sham ! I I hoidjis in No. rasia. It cullects from o.io i man to loan to another and in tlio inimfur ' tlio nnli lit put' cent fur handltni ; Iho deal. I In every Insiiuico I have had to iavuntiirato I their opuralions 11 Ii conclusivolv shown that tlioy have taXuh out much uuro la inlaliatinn fcuj , duos , loan fo s. lines , lnuiro i and premium luan is Jisbur ed in thu slatu. They uro parasitical , they take much and conlnUutu notmiiK. In o le Instiuuo iho r ouolts of a bank lu an tniir.'ir cilv of iho | stale showed local recjiiits ot a National us- suciallon lo boon from fVw lo J iOJ pur month j for upwards of tUroo years. Nut ouo-tuiril of I Medical and Surgical Institute , 1409 Douglas Street , - - Omaha , Neb. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Cliroiiic , lorvons , Special and Surgical DISRASR © > AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. Drs. Bctts As Bolts ure the oldest , most experienced nod widely known specialists in tlio United S ntos in th ' iroutrnent oT Chronic nnd Surgical Diseases. Our Extensive American nnd European Hospital , military and private experience , should entitle us to your confidence as the most skilllul Specialists in the country. tftflnclose a stamp in all letters asking questions and desiring nn answer. This Is no little item to us nt the end of n your , consider ing tlint thousands of letters have to be answered every month. Our success In ihese specialties is universally acknowloded , and our diplomas can be seen at our ofl'ice at nil times. DRS. BIiTTS & BEITS , Hj9 , Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. A Cine Onnriinti'ed In ALL all east's ' of Private and Skin Diseases 01' ' ' All cllsoidurs of the Men and Woii2i ! ! Sue- H/K / ll Treated. l/ots .Manhood , Nerv ous 'ind I'liviral llo'ill- ' CUBED Itv. K\liansieil Vitality , 1'r. . nritiiic I ) ee I I n e , And Viuiliood and Kn- \\Vultiiess In Women , and all funrliun.il ile- i aiu'enicnibat ( le ult from youthful follies or CONSULTATION FKM excess In nfu-r y < aiN. All eoinnuin c.illons and con1 eis alous ; > a- eiodly confidential. A Fiimlly : Talk Costs ii av-w TDIP'P ' " . a A SURE CURE Gipiraiiti'i1 > pciin.'in- I'lit , icinovnl dire COMI- The aw ui ofTenf,3 of Enrlr Vice , jilulr. Wjtliiitit cul tin , : . I'austlu or illl.itiit.on. whioi br nR3 organ \vonkiosd , Ciin-s ulhli'd al homo do jtTyingr both nd and body in , by iiuliint. uilhoiil u PILES \\lti all its dreadful ills , psrrna- itnicnt' p.Lln or : tn- nont'.y ' cured. noyan ( . A uomli-i ful ii'iiu'Jy \vhlcli in-vi'i * fiiN : , unit : iNo I'liirs : iil Fistula anlllcclal : Ul DRS. BETTS lliin. i'h.ir.'t s and ln.Ui- cers Cured. Address the o who have impaired . t.iomeolvas by i > npr per imiul- We Successfully Tie it No icnlfo used. No pain cfoncoa a'd s lit ry ' nbits , whic > or dulL'til IUH from nnsl- ruin both bo.1y and mi , d , t.nfl tinjj Woiiiiiu anl Her noii. Ctuu Ktiiir.i thorn 'or bu inoss , study a-id m r- Consultation fiuo. I'MRO. Diseases. MARRIED MEN cr the = o ont ° r- rivcry I'onipl'ilnt Inc'l- g O i that happllfo , aware of dcnt to fi'innli'S at tin ) If IVPCUII nototiioyon physical uob llty , quickly assisted dawning of uoiiianhooil. o Hill fr.uiMy lull the a'U oT maternity , yuu OUR SUCCESS ami L'lian 'o ot life , fu- malu wcakm s. prolap sus uli'ri , nlcc'ial Inn , Is ba od upon fact . First Frno i- lo iciiirlicr'.i. alh'i lions al oxporionoSooond Every > f niul lir t and liladdur , BYDROCELG AND OIPO i-i ospcciallstu iiocl , thu = Dalns fnl or In lhc > hai'lc. sol p.iln- siippit mens star ins nr.ght. Tliird MoJicincs ? trua 11 < > n. Ticatmcnt VARIC02ELE ire p-oparo 1 in our la eatery \\arianltd to pi-oilueu \iL'oti'd | lusu ts. Ad- to ouit ch exactly or cas0 , thus of- \ U'o fice. uuatiUtiutlal PriimiiLMiily cuiod. rocting cuivs without njuiy. uul lell.ililu. ADDRESS OR CALL ON Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 1O a. m. to 1 p. m. that inonoy 1ms boon disbursed In loans la thu locality. After about two yours from tlio beglnnnifr of opcr.itions , InloroUoil pir- tius boKl" : un investigation of thu plan of the association nnd ns n rosull ltie.ru is not twenty shares of its stock loft In the city to day , riio mombor.s got out the best ihoy cuulil , look little or nothing nnd baluncud llicir account with oxporlonco. Coiibldorablo nnfavorablo comment bas oc- curreil iiinoni : the mtuiostcd .iKunit > of Ihoso associations boc.uioo of the delay in p.issins upon application * lllcu by nationals for cor tillcatos of approval , The law under which Iho boards nets was npprovoii April -I , Iblll , with an oinoiveiiiiv clause. Fully n score ot nationals from all ovur the country came clamoring for admis sion. Many illud tlioir papers as rccinired by the act , hut gave no hcud to tin ) .section re quiring ; the suspension of busino < s until It became the holder of n valid certlllc.ito of approval , Consluoralilo Indiguailnii has bean' expressed whenever tliov liavo been admonished ished by the citation of section I'.l of the net which pruisrltMM a heavy line ami im- prisoninont for sollrliliiir without a cortitl- cato. The business was onliroly new to Iho members of Iho board. They hesitated tenet net upon applications until such time as a full investigation of tbo purples and ob- jccta ot these associations would enable them to intelligently pass upon the merits of the various plans and moibuds us shown by tlio applications of itinerant associations. The labor of investigation has at last , hiillU'ieiUly progressed to unable disposition of the appli cations of the forolgn associations in the order in which they were Illlod with furlher delay , nnd aiunts will be held to a strict ac counting with the law. That this foroKolnu statoinonts may not bo interpreted and applied to building and loan associations In gununil , 1 ask your further altuiitinii lo a lew remarks In rafortmco to associations orijani/.ed locally and restrioieil In their operations to single localities. In huppy contrast , is the conclusions reached , nlltir prolonged Invoslignllon , us to the inurlts of this cl iss of assocatlons us compared with the nationals. Associations organi/.ed In conformity with the lalo act and conllning tljoir op'rations to bo'iio localltios will unijiieillonably result In great bcnellt to communitlo- liumusoiiUoM , noa-inunthly , wages and to small investors. To secure from the board authority to op.-r- u to , the plan must be a purely mutual one ; there must bj no con stitutional or by-law provision for forfeiture of u member's share in the nssels of lliu association under any cirunmstuncas , uflor having paid his duos for llireo months. If misfortune overtakes the meuilior and lie gets in arrears , for a pe-iod not U'si tlmii three months nor moro limn twelve , the amount paid late Iho association plus somu rate of interest and minus line * linpoiud sh ill bo placed on tlio luolu of the association to tlio credit of the iii'imuur subject to tils order No greater rates of llnoi stnll no liiipo < od tor oeliiuiuant prtymunts than Is approximately Hinlleient to riiiinbiiisi ) the association for thu IIHS of inco no bccauso of the dues , ole , of tbo diillnipiont member not bolng promptly furnlshotl lur iii/oiiment lurnnrotlt. If the . | member bo borrower wluuu Individual In- rO'iuiro tlio lilting of Ills uobts bufuro I thu maturity of his shares the organic Inwj ! of HIP associaiion must contain provisions j i I for the rnpaymunt of the loan , the orotlitins : linn-eon of' the withdrawal vitiuo of his pledged shams and the rob.itliu' of Iho un- onrnod premium llit for iho limn. In fact It shall tD the aim of the dopartmonl to admin- Isicr thu law to the i-iul that all local associa- Mans within its jurisdiction nball oiiultnbly provide for all o'assos ' of inonibtjr.s. Tlio bis- itof Is to - prevalent that the benullts to bo derived from these associations do and should accrue to the monioers who may with It to tno in itnittv of their shares ; that tha mem ber who withdraws before that limo should bu .xiiiiielled | to surrnnder apart or tto whole of his ur her piu rata iharu of mo ussuriniiou assets 11 will Oo Iho offurl uf tlio Uo < < url- mi'ui lo exc-m lo all such features frum me law of ussocmUous sooUing auiUurit to oper ate under Iho act of April I last. The co , a i- tiition nnd hv-luws ol bnllduig and loan a.s < - cintlons should bo framed to lavi'o ' tlio sux- ings deposits of wngo wornors with Ihe i'- suranco that tlioy can bo wtlidrawii uithlii certain limits and upon proper no ; co , and that the proportion of pn His earned by Iheir capital while in tlio association will bo paid to them in on withdrawal. In our larger cities these asso ciations sliOiild bu In opjrallon up m a .scale anil scope resembling co-operalivu banks. If carefully and economically muaage I and the interests of thu as lactation guarded by ovur.v member HI his way , the.ro Is no oilier inruiis so secure and profitable for Iho .saving and Investment of smalt lixod sums periodically , and certainly there is no belter wa.lor . iho salaried man to aciuire [ a homestead than to bacumo a borrower from bis bom" associa tion. Its affaiis < ire open to inspection nnd of the s.ifoty of Its Invcslmunls any one is enabled to judgu fur himself by making nn examination of Iho mortgaged properties. Thu expense of managnmenl is the minimum. It should never exceed I ! pur cent per annum of the active capital , and tlio m.ijoritv of as- soci ilions uro oper.ilud ut an expense con siderably 1'jis th in this. Tlio stitu depart monl of binking will annually mi or Iho law make an exhaustive examination of the accounts o' ' all state associations , oxumino critically all ovpendltnres , and report in writlng'to Iho ttirectora , and tliroiili ! them to all members of thu us loehilion nil matters tonnd not to be in strict .UN ord with the mu tual interests of member ) . Yours truly , \V. S. ( lAiinru , examiner. PRIVATE DISEASES. li m.irrhiDi..Ill . ' r HtilKurt' HyiilillM l.nil M in IHIIM ! un I nil In- r I ! . > ! tlio Sm.i il'i.i ' ; n < M > | II 'UI-l'i l- Illll I III'llIU Illll' KIM I II II ' ( fill II J I I I unly Ur \i'.ri | w' mii'i'iini la Itr * irt.tiiiiitnt ur I'rlvuto IH oti i tiai nuvur hi'iui iiiiitil | > l II i > u nnil tiliculnr * ruKB 1'roat nf'nl b ) i < ur i i'"ii ' limcii Olnue , I'll . au 4 l''aruiin * it < . , Oiaalia , Nub Unirunro'in ' oltlui truet. Lo Ji.o'i PorioUloftl PillH. This I r 'in i lent > 'lt itcta ilimi tl ) Un | n Hid ci'iiMrn tlruiirHins nm } i uri'4 uiu | | * Inn of ( hi * liiinn * IJ"il'n.'i r > i in I c-ni l/ in ' I" I ili.nil'l not 119 U l"l llllll I- Illi' llill > I' ' b u 1 ill ItVllK Hill UlU p itillu upp t'"l I' } * t ' iitiiiliil llriu ' u > ' " 1 lH ( | lOMr nvn \V nnl On nmr i I'IK Pri'iii li fl li. IM..I ) CALTHO3 ft , an I a f | I .1 tu trtinK1' ' 'hat' ' AI N K will M III * lllM-hurcr * A I nil liin , < I Itt Hp , rniiil.irrliuurlruitto iiu.t III.s HI If I l 4t MCur. / / / u t fav i/ < -at * / . l i , . . yCN MOHUCO. , 1409 Douglas St. On.ia.liaL , Nob. PTTrriPppiMTr T v frnP A rP fcv SUCCESSUJLLYfREAi Nervous Disoasss , - Sexual Diseases , URINARY TROUBLES , and Liver Diseases , Head and Tliroal Troubles -AND- CATARRH Treated With Success. Prii/ate / Diseases , It is tlio duty of every honorable i > hyaji iuian to do till ho can to relieve human yulTurinrmidwhilo ; sucli diseases exist , wo ( loutn it our duty to minister lo their alleviation and euro without qitoslion- iny : tlio degree of doj.favity which has brought on the trouble. Many mou and women of uuio nnniln , who have never parted from Iho paths of virluo. have iiiiuoiioiously contrauled diseases wliicli , booner or later , will sap tlio springs of life or lay the foim-lation for a miserable old ago , iinlosi chet'kod and cured. Ifaving had a largo cxpurioiico in tills class of diseases , wo can , In till sincerity , assure the alllieted Hint under our method of trratmonl rapid cures are ulTcctod in Iho worst conceivable cnsos in u short time and at n rouson- a ilo oxponso. Uoinonibcr that the only danger comes from neglect or attempt ing lo cure yournolfliy using prescrip tions that have piovud successful in cui ing your friends. Do nol , therefore , wiifato time and complicate the dill'culty ' nor lot false modesty deter yon from at once applying lo us , either in person or by letler. . Slriet conlhluiico will bo ob- nerved iind exposure \\ill never como at our hands. _ j MOORE'S X For Diseases of tlio Liver UBO Mooro'fl Tree of Ijlfo. i' ' or Iho UIood , use Moore's Tree of Lifo. For C'atarrli use Mooro's Trco of Lifo Cattirrli ( 'uro. Mooru's Trou Of lilfo , it poiltlvo cum tot Klitn r nn I IUor < airi.il lint uti't nil l > 011 'llcnin. . lee < II pity to su fur wliun yuu cm uro I / uiliu Mouru'J Tiuouf Iif. ) . InuUroit l.lfj Itu iiulr' c. ' / . rm.ix I.DI K u i ) ' i oimviAi , ( IIKAM , tilt IIACK'VI , lllillllllll : , II , 1 nil ) l * , l-l- * ! ( n ri lift * liufrliiuiil skill i 1 ot ry hi , tulafi ou . l uiil > , clia ! > ' ' ( , [ . „ .il - of 19 ml la no rf u. . . .nl.H lu lu.ui U | | in- ( lllj n.n.lu . Ai.r.l | no r < Hnl < ifi II uf tllniliu n n u. 1'r ' IM A. bmyfcr luilil lu a , Ihlilll II .I'KINH , I'M i'r 17Hi il ijiintlt NY . ; .cc'Ull . f , i _ _ . low nun. nj tn , , itbi j i iu . r lieltani ! fcglial ity TiikLYMsCHlWirn To in ri" unimeoUlnis U lu ? > llO l' ' " " ' " ' ' " inn tli..an . ult uf ou < ut llin notlt kin J tint iillona vtanil Kli4 < iotKi.ncurui ) , luilMMlHrittrunnItiayfattU in LI. BIS. > < jr , Hut I will unit TWO liOTTLn ruzr.nUli V\I I Alll.l' TUKA'IIHIJ on ttni dl i > atonriuf. lcr r uuHilli uilmalb lrI. iire | * od I'.U , adilrou , T. A. blucum , fll. V. , 181 I'curl Ut. , N , V.