Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1891, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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No Especially Interesting Features De
veloped in the Money Market.
Trntlo ( | tilet IIH Usual nl Tills Time of
llio Vonr lint. A lion t Up to
tin1 A vrrngc of 1'rov IOUH
The jinst weclf has wllnoiscd very little
( hanirt1 In financial or business affairs In
Omaha. AH noted before , the usual mid
summer dullness Is now on imd until trauo
experiences the reviving Inlluoneos of the no-
prouctiliitf fall there Is not likely to bo much
change In llio situation.
It U still too early In this stale for the
money market to feel the effects of Iho move
ment of crops , as harvest H not yet com
pleted , but farther south this movement of
money westward hn.s already sot m to quite
nn extent.
Tiir : wiiot.iisAi.i : TKADR
of Omaha is fair for the season and while In
Homo lines it rn.iy no a llttlo less , ( 'onprally
npeaklng tno volume oftnislticm Is about up
to the nveniKO of previous seasons.
In hardware there Is not mueh activi
ty mid prices ruinuln practically
tim-hniiRpd. Denlors KSiicrully arc
aiiticii.itm | ; : a good fall trailo. As against
the rlosoof last week there Is no chanfio of a
noioivort by character apparent on tlio gen
eral : i < nrkot al. eastern points. Demand IH
moderately active ; some onorators think it
ha n leink'iicy to increase , but finds till the
nrvoir.mudalion required in matter of stock
niid assortment , and Kent-rally at about.
former cost. Tlicro Is frequent , reference to
c'lrtaiMnunt ' of trade Imlldura' hardware ,
eopecmllv on local account. Kxport orders
are ucciLsloinilly fair. Ntiils moot with about
usual demand of lalu [ irovaillng , and develop
tn > rcAll.v now or important foature.s. Htocks
arc held so as not to appear oblruslvo , but
\\ouldeometotliofrontmorofreely If there
was u place for thcrti.
Omaha ( 'rocers rei ort no inarlted change
In values in any line and the general trade Is
inclined to bo quiet. Nov.Vonr jobbers in
groceries claim that It has boon a Urst rate
month Ihus far with anpnrcnt
chunccs for ci nllnuar.on , but operator * con
tend that even should trade fall away they
can stand it very woil after the .success o'f
l.'ito secured. 1 'nitty m.ieli every parcel of
Block moved has gene into actual consump
tion , or at least started in tlmt direction mill
what , is left can he taken euro of without
ulrain or tionblo , especially as no important
or iinuoj Ing amounts are expected to follow.
Certain speculative contingencies it is
thought may force the cost of coffco to a
trlllo higher "lovol , but there is an impros-
hltui that ruling rates are now full onouijh to
make some contraction of consump
tion , and bore and there may ho noted n ten-
„ / denoy to meet all legitimate calls promptly.
> Other staple articles rarely conns
under serious complaint on account of cost ,
n-nt when buyers withdraw it Is only be
cause they have secured a supply for present
wants , and propose to wait until now neccs-
Mti"s ai iso.
There is very little to say about the local
Irade In dry ioods excepting in a K ucriil
vav. Trade is quiet but perhaps
no inoro so than was lo bo anticipated
for the summer months. Tlio Now Yoru
Uulletin notes that the situation in tlio dry
goods trade presents the anomalous features
of urgency on the part of buyers for goods
nlready purchased and nn unusually slow
opening of the fall demand for lendinirstaplos.
'This cannot bo explained bv " any recent ac
tivity on the part ol buyers , as the imirkm
has been of a dragging nature for a considor-
ublo lime past , nor bv unfavorable full pros
pects. In the southern states trade Is imlif-
feioiit , but In the west and northwest every
thing is of a highly promising character. The
present situation seems to imply a change in
the policy of tin1 trade , for this season at all
ovunls , us there Is an unmistakable disposi
tion to meet reoiilreinonts only as thov arise ,
Business may not , therefore , tie so active just
jio-.v as In previous years , but It Is moro likeli ?
1o bo well sustained during usually quiet
mouths. This change ought not to bo dis
agreeable to either manufacturers , agents or
jobbers , as it means n return to a sounder
trading- basis , and the probable diminution of
the "extra dating" and other evils which are
n fruitful cause of complaint.
The produce market hns been comparauvo-
1. ' even during the six days under review.
rj'jp ' most noticeable change has been in tlie
poultry market which broke toward the lat
ter part ot the week under the inlluenco of
largely increased receipts. 'Tho irain in re
ceipts was mostly from near bv points , huck
ster" . bringing in a largo amount of poultry
which wns sold direct to the retail trade thus
It lorferiiig with the sale of the regular ar- from shippers. Dcalors in most cases
found It slow worn to move consignments
niid they were forced to offer stocks at loss
money as an inducement to buy.
The butter market also weakened thodoclino
amounting to > < , c. A verv considerable
jiroportlon of the country butter arriving at
the present time goes through the hands of
the packers , ivhoro it Is reworked and put In
slmpo for llio ciy trndo.
Kpes have sold all the week right around
1-'c. The icceipts Imvo not been heavy , but
nhoiit equal to the demand.
The potato market has been lint. The
amount of homo grown thrown upon tbo mar
ket by local product rs 1ms wo-ikenod prices
until there Is Umost no demand for round
lots shipped in from the country.
OJt.4 .l / , ! / ; .
OMAHA. July S.isoi. .
P ATI I.B Official receipts or entile , .
as comuiircd with l.ttii , yesterday and ! . : ?
Saturday of last week. Tlie mat Uet win slow
mid weal ; . I'rlmc Loo\c4 would soil at about
hlendy nrhos. ( food beeves were slow at tlio
rei cut decline of Ifle toVic , and ' , ' . " 10 to Joe on
fairly good ones , lluteln-rs stock' was active
mid II rm at a : iiu to hoc denllno from ln&t weuk.
1'eedeis were slow and null with little iloln ; .
' 1 he tecolpls during the week were | : 'JU. ) as
compared wllh . " .Hi I the week prior. Of re
ceipts 7,107 were Hlaiighteied In local paeklm ;
lions Olllclal recoluts of IIOZB , 4,11.1 , as
compared with rcti1) ) yesterdnv and li.u.'ili
baiiirdny of | asl noon , The fnarUet was
blow and steady on light luv-'s , LIU ) weal , and to
to.'ic loworon he.ivy hogs. Nearly all were sold.
U he range of the prices paid was t.VIOft.Vs'O.
llio bulk fOillnat. . f.\ light , S-i.lU , A
fioO ; heavy. J.\lf J.Vn ; ; ml.xed , W.airrt.\i.1. ! The
iiNornge of the prices paid was { j..M1. , as com
pared wllh * . ' > . ! . ' . yesterday and M.1i Satur
day of last week. The receipts of ho s were
K > . \l.ll \ as compared wltli ST.KU the neeU prior.
Of receipts u'jia ) nero slaughtered In local
iiicklng : houses.
VIIRKI * Ollli-liil receipts of sliccp 1,91' . ' , as
ruiiipariMl wltli I2fiyesterday nnd 1,11 Saturday
of last weeli. Tlio inarl.i't wasai-tlve nnd llrm ,
with good mutton liiiluiii.uid. Nallyns. tl.- " '
( J.1.00 : wi'hteins , iN.UKiS 1.7.1 ; i-oiiiniou nnd
craters. fc..i < 4&iiii { ) cgniMt iw to 70-1 it. Inmbi ,
I .NXifi'i.73. The receipts iliirlin ; tlie wi-ek were
ff.711 us i-nmnarnt witli 771 HID v > ei > U or. Uf
ri-l-elpts lu3 ; were siiuiliteieil In iov.,1 puuk-
lllK llOUhl'S.
Olliolal Toiluv. Ulllelu' YeMerlay.
Cars Ilinid Cms Head
Piittln -2 lIKS Cattio (12 ( l.52 ;
4,44.1 llosi. 70 5"i
bhcop 6 l.UM Slieep 1 12,1
llisos ) 3 C4
Highest an , I n.Hvo-it Si IM of llot ,
Today. Yestenlav.
II uhust . 1,1. JO Hl'jliest . , rJi )
Lowest . .1.10 liowust . 5u )
A\erago of tlio prices paid y < ! sturdny..f.1.aT.
Average of thojira-esijji lil today . JilllU.
' ' I'i'il'iH
I'l'cvallliltr on Cattle.
The following U a table ot prices p-iUl on
thlsm f ir Ilia 'rixda of slojlj moatlonud :
Fancy steers. HIM to I Ml liis . J.VIW 4\ S
1'rime steers. liV ) to Il7."i Ibs . 6.5
HIHMI steers , USO to ttii ; U a . M JA. 10
lUil , hiTs'stecrs. 10Vto lilJilbi. . . 4.1M
1' . . rsteers , Ml to 11.1' ' IDs . a.W
Pi'uimon steers. BJJU ) JWO | hs . L',7.1
Kulrto TiHid cows . , . 1,50
tiood to choice. ' 'OW * . . . . . . . . S.7.1
riiiiii-uto fanl-y uuvvs . . . . 8,73
He feis . . . . * 2.01
L1.nners l.OJ
llullh t.7,1
Oxon , , j.7a
flnw-s I.50
JUalvi'H , IJQ
wenlorni'ornfej uteors 2.W
Wcstorn stueiu 1.W i.SO
Vif torn cows j.OJ
ol' 1'rlouit 1'ulil for Hog * .
The following ubl ihuwa tlio raugo of
tli nrlcoi paid for ho , ? * on the nnya mill-
catod :
Wcdncvlny , July I 430 ® M
riinrsilay , .Inly 2 430 CJ4 ,17'i
I'rldny. July 3 4 40 l 57 M
Hiilui-rlay. Jiily4 44.1 aim
Monday , July (1 ( 4 55 ® l (11 (
Tiiciday , July 7 4 .11 < ? 44 75
Wi-dnesdiiy , July 8 4 M HI 75
Thursday , July U 451 a I 7.1
I'rlday , July 10 4 57' ' } " ! 7.1
Haturdftv. July II 4 tA < ! U M -
Monday , July 13 4 70 ( TV.4 M
Tuesday , Jnl v 14 4 7 © I O.'Vi
WiMlnmiMy. July 1.1 47.1 W co
Thursday. July 13 4 hi ft. , to
I'rlduy , July 17 4 00 W > 20
Hiiluidny. July 18 500 ift.1 2.1
Monday. Julv 20 5 0.1
Tuesday. July 21 fi I )
Wedm-ulny. July Si 525
Th u ml n vl uly si ' BSD ftl,14 !
I'rliliiy. Julv2 500 a.1 40
balnrday , July 2.1 . . . . . 510 SB 40
HlKlicMt Mill H tl * H of Hotel.
Thu following fen ILMHIX ! table show * tha
lilnln'.sl : iiul lowiMt < : iliH iin.l hlglioqt and low-
eslavoia-tonf thu s'lloof IIO.M aii'l thn ( Into *
nt lliN iiiiirlciil In oauh inontli during the
nionllis stated :
\m. \
March 11 jjlT" " " ID
April I W f , 3 B3 4 IR'i1 ' .1 U.UK
'nt * < t fK * I
Mny I 0.1 I 014
Jiinu 21' ' ,1 Mir 3 HO 3 Ml 3 37 '
.Inly 3 ; 3 [ ) 3
August . . . ? ir 3S7W I 4 3 U
HiMitniiihorlU 4 60 3 70 4 37 | I' ' 4 dim
Uduliur. . . 2 I ilJ 3 40 4 21 ! 20' ' 3 Mt4
4 15 t 73 . ( S'.l ! 13 , 3 211
Dccemiiur. j I 3 73 t K 3 )7
Jnnunry. . . 1 3 75 3 67l | 31 i .1 31
- * i luiij i if 3 ( > > > 3 4J 121 3 2 ( '
.Mnroh (71 ( 4 40 J j3 | 4 37
April .110 ) ! 5 13 4 ft ! i 4 W
Mny ' 11 I I1J 4 m 4 ta 4 15
Juno | li | , 4 4 ( JO 4 4m : ii < il' ' <
July ! 5 55 4 30 5 M. II II'O
Itiinue of I'l'ioes ol'
Tin-following table shows the prices paid
forshcop :
Prime sheep M O'l ® 1 DO
rood ! fut Kheen H 50 CM 23
I'minnon to 1:10.Hum : sheep 223 < ff.i : : V )
Westerns 210 SW 00
Good uu lo7J II ) . lambs 4 73 4411 OJ
Avorntio I'riuu of lloiin.
Showing the uvor.uo nrico p-iid for loads
of hoifon the days iudio.itoJ. in ISiS , ISs'J ,
IbUOmul IS'Jl.
HccciptH mid Shipment .
Showing the olllelal receipts and shipments
of cattle , lio.'s and sheep on tlie dales Indi
cated !
Uvoclpta a id lisjO3ltiou of Stook.
Olllclal reualntri 'in ' 1 dlspo ltloa of stool ; as
shown by tlrj boiks of the Union stookvards
BOi.ipany for tliu t\f tiitv-foiir hours ending t
fto'ulook p. m. , July 23 , is'Jl :
KecelplHiuul linosi , ( inn I'nr tlio \\'ii-c. ! !
OtHulal rogolpts and disposition of stocU as
shown by llio books of the Union sto-kyanli
company for the week 5 o'clock p.
m. Saturday , July 23. iv.ll.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . U70 Ill M 22..I2U $ .130 70..1300 * 5 M
53. I'Jj'i 4 80 , ' 1'J 1,151 5 VJ
1..11,10 .110
3..J1.VI 310
13. ICO 3 15
1..10UO 3 23
24..1077 323
22. . 1005 340
No. Av. Pr
? . - ; 20
ihiiiiioi 223
21. . O.'O 2 2.1
IS. , fa1 ! ? 225
21. . K > I 225
1..I1.VI 2'JO
1. . 11.0 ' . ' il.1
21. . Mti . 2 40
i..r.GO- 30J
10. . 112.1 2 10
1. 1430 223
1 , . 110 2M
1. . 150 300
24. . 7W.I 2 05
No Av. Pr.
20 WyominKKriissors 01 1415
1C luinlis 4-i 4 7.
imtlves. tnl.totl Tl 4 15
3 bucUs 150 a 00
Clilonjjo hive .Stock Mni'kot.
CIIICAOO. July 2.1. [ fiuoclnl Toloitruin.ta Tils
llRn.l l'nfortuniiti.'lv for the sellers the fresh
iL'i-i'lpts of oiittlodm nut comprlso the Uuy's
supply. I'IMIS were fiilrlv well lltli'il will ) the
luiivliiKsof llio d.iy bufuro. wliluli Included
not only u Itiriio iiimtitily of rubbish , " but
iiuiiiy KUUI ! ivtlllo. Musi outlets weru chulxMl
Ui | und ( t few rutllo weru wituluil , ( 'ou-io-
< | iumtly the soili-rs nuru anulu at
the mercy of thy buyer1 * . Valum were Kroiilly
uiiM'llli-,1 mill tinstu'urtliy qnot itlons were
out of the iiuntliii. | Nominally prices were
H.-VWUK ) fur Inferior ti rlinloe eons , buffers
anil bulls ! il.7.Y3.4U | for Muukois and fecilurs-i
< il. l'iii.25 ( . fur coniiiion to r.uiuy .shipping steers.
anil il.-'iiti.'J.I for ttni-it TUMIIIS.
Vnul ciilvcs woio In demand at $2.00VOO.
A uoiiipurlMin of today's urloes with tiiose
mimic nl the close of last week shows a
tluliiKago In values ranging from 15
uml'He in ulniice to extra Kiwli-it to
Mi and 75f In pour to ( rood qualities.
Tor this ilmiio ) there was no other reason
than that of Incie , iso In receipts. Tliero nits
iinlte an nnusiml demand fioni illlVureni
sources. Cxnoi tors unit e.istein local buyuis
weio nil operatlni ; on a mine oi1 less liberal
scale , but the leirltiiuato demand was
lnailcuate | tolhuabsornllon of such enormous
nuinliers as wi-iu dnmpeil Into the yards and
llio prices had to sulTer. The dcellno
fell must heaviiy upon Texas cattln and that
class of nalUes I hat must soil In computlt'on
with them. Uf Texas cattle alone there were
> , ! > i , and a very iuiiu portion of the natives
were equally coni'iion.
1'erhaps never before certainly not at this
time of the year were so many half-fulled
cattle | int on the markel within Iho jpaeo of
one weelt. lluyers weio llu-reforo In a posl-
lion to niaUe prices. They availed themselves
of the opportunity , and with disastrous 10-
sults to .sellers , the. loss of not a few
of whom wuio tippallin , There was not
an oversnpply of choice beeves , but they felt
the depress. on In the lower grades and eased
oil' l.Y&'uu in nympatliy. Of ? > .0ou head on sale.
there wore not more ihan 'uU head sold above
$ . " ) . , ; \tioii ] li uxtra grades \vere saleable at $ li.GU
( Tsi.-5. ; Dressed beef men lilled llioir storo-
lioiiMjs largely at $ J. . " > Uil)0 : ) for Texas and at
W.-.ViiJ.OU for natives , while canncrs and local
butchers loaded up prlne. pally at tl ? .Yi2. l.
Ills doubtful that they will ajrnln forsunio
years to come bo able to supply their wants at
as low an average price. As a result of the
present week's decline , really decreased
receipts for next week may Bafely be counted
itlion , and the recovery of prices must bo
slow , IIH thu ehannels of consumption are
lilled to repletion.
Today's lie market was without a
quotable eluiiu'e. Ciood iinalltles , of
no matter what weight , commanded
Friday's prices , and the punier
grades , wlilio stl 1 weak and unsettled , wern
not to l > c had at any appreciable decline. The
olVi'i'.iitis wuro eoinpar.itlvely fuw and they
found buyers at if 1.7054 " > .50 for heavy weights.
$ l.7. 't5.i. ( i for medium and at t.1.'H. ' ' < 85.7u for
lltilit. fulls and common plus sold anywhere
from $ . ' .50 to 1-1.5(1 ( , and thciu weie
salM of fancy light around f.'i.M ' .
The "IMIOIII" Is out of the hos mttrket
teiiiornrily | at least. Tliero were no sinus of
a icactlonary tendency until Wednesday , but
sin e t bun the weakness has been most pro-
ni.nnct-d. The highest prices of tliesu.ison
were lo.ichoil on Tuesday , when cliolco heavy
and medium wo'ghts touched J'l.'IS'Ol.l.hO and
ftiiu-y II.lit oil : o.l lo$5.hU4ifi.v ! > . On Wednes
day prices started downward and have sagged
stead. ly and r.ipldiy In that direction
since the decllnn of the last four
days amounting to 2.V&40C per 1 10 Ibs In heavy
and medium weights and to IMt.'t'c ' In ordi
nary light Advance In "ringers" ( fancy sorts
weighing from I" , ; ) to Ui3 Ibs ) Iris been well sus
tained , demand having exceeded supply.
That paitlcular grade now commands a
piomlum , as i onip.ired with best heavy hogs.
of 2.VTJ300 per 101 Ibs. The principal cause of
Iho break In pi lees was thu market curtail
ment of eastern orders The decline In pro
visions was a lesnlt rather than a canseot tuo
shrinkage In the value of live animals.
The Evening Journal reports : UATTLKKU -
eolpts , 1,500 ; shipments , SH ) . Market steady : "to extra natives , $3.70Wi20 ( ; good to
choice. J33U < iJ5.73i others , * . ' ) .73ffi5.1U : Texans ,
$ ' .74.0U : cows imd helfurs W.u'.ViM.riO.
HOGS Itecelpls , U.OUO ; slilnments , fi.OiO ;
Market steady ; rough and common , $4.504.flo ;
mixed an < l puckers , * 5 ( XKtil.2,1 ; prime lieavv
and butcher weights , r .Xi < a.1.43 ; light , (5.25 ®
3.7.1.SHKBi' Itccolpts2,000 : shipments , .100. Market
steady ; wothars. Sl.7.'i33.25 ; yonrllngs , f.l.20j&
f..40 : mixed il,15@I.MTexins. ; J3.C03l.7o ; lambs ,
$5.l > lXtfl.S.UO.
Kaunas City Idvo st icic Market.
KANSAH Cn-v , Mo. Julv " . " > . CATTLK ito-
cclpts. ,180 ; shipments , l.X'J ; marlcel dull and
steady to lower ; steers. < ft.W& : > Mi\ \ cows , il.SU
4i : > .fiO : stockeiH and feeders , W.riOiCX'.U.
lions Keeoluts. 4.00J ; shipments , l.'J40 ;
market dull and lower ; bulk , J5.UO- ; all
grades , S-l.V.Kii ; > . . ' .0.
SiniiHecoipta : : , 1,140 ; shipments , 'J50 ; market -
kot steady.
St. Ijoiiln Ijivo Stouk
ST. Louis. Mo. , July r > . t'ATTi.K-Koi'elpts.
1.00(1 ( ; shipments , I ! , ! ! 0. Market stoadv ;
fair to choice natives , iJ.OwQ'i.mi Texan and
Indian Bleers , W.lDtttJ.Ol ) .
llixis Heuu'pts. l , : i' ' : shipments , 2ifO : ;
market slow ; heavy , { 5.5.@j.G'j ) ' ; mixed ; ligiit , i : > .4 a : > .G' ' ,
There wore just three fiunilios in the
"futui-o grout city" of Dakota , says M.
Quiul , ana each liuil u shanty. Oil the
one ouuiiiod | ) by the founder of the .town
was iwiiitoil , in largo loiters : "Ono
million dollars to loan on bond and
mortswgo. " This struck mo as rather
odd and [ asked the man for an explana
"Well , you sco it's for the looks of
the tiling , to help the town nlonjy , " ho
replied ,
" 13nt suppose some ono should as.k for
a loanV"
"Can't bo tlono ; only three of us hero ,
you seo. Ono of 'em couldn't put up a
bond for 3 cents , and the other hasn't
{ jut n blamed thing to mortyayo ! "
"Can any ono toll mo the ttiorapouti-
cal value of fasting spittloV asked a
qutot man.l'l know that old wives , as
the saying is , take great block in it for
\vurt3 , birthmarks , corns , bruises and
even small cuts. Indeed old nurses
seem to believe that their saliva in the
morning before taking food is a panacea
for every land of skin complaint. Hut
did you over hoar of the nap of an old
beaver or silk hat being used as a styp
tic ? You will 11 ml it u capital one , a'nd
for burns or scalds , if placed over the
wound in hufllcient quantity to keep out
the air. it will draw out the heat rap
idly , as many hat maker.- * will vouoh. "
"Wo uro getting oil the track , " bald
ono , "when wo talk of fasting spittlo1
deonsea fishermen and llshmongorM gen
erally hold that nothing is bolter than a
piece of lish bkin. Kol sUlns are com
monly iihcd * to euro rhounvitism , and
are considered infallible by some. A
negro minsirol once told mo that noth
ing stopped bleeding and assisted mi-
Inro's liealing work so well as burnt
cork. Thus every trndo and profession
has its own emergency remedies , as the
doctor called them just now , and doubt-
; the list inijjht bo oxtondcd to every
tnulo liiiown , ' '
DoWitt's Llttlo K'U'lv ' Uiser * ; only pill to
euro sluU lioudiiclio and ro uiato tUu Ix'--sol
A 1'al'n Ituuiird.
Mr. William Ilustor-of Spi'lop Hill , in
Pomihylvimlti , htia 11 uurrlor but. In
otlior wordei , ho hus trnlnutl n common
but to boir : tnoijsiigos in tlio nmnnci1 of
homltif , ' pigeons. Ita \ mild , though not
for nn instant do wo put flilth in the ns-
sortlon , hlsllittormouso llo\v n mlto
tlio ether ilny in lo s than twonty-ciyht
Koconda , The proudod Writ that overtook
took \vlug uovor made such time us that.
Wheat Receipts Largely Below tbo Estimatis
With Encouragiag Oablos.
Continued Cool Woathur ami Uumor.s
ol' 1'rost Cause JlitUl
In Corn StockH and
CIIICAIIO , July 2S. Wheat showed a good
deal of strength during the early part of the
session , thu now * having a decidedly bullish
coloring. The receipts of No. 'i were largely
below tlio estimate and cables gmiornlly re
ported a better tone abroad. A private dis
patch from Antwerp said "Iho market Is
stronger on Incessant rains"
Huln was also reported throughout the
northwest. Coutisclman had a dispatch from
New York saying that all olTers of wheat yes
terday were accepted by foreigners and that
110 boat loads were sold for export by the out-
ports yesterday. Minneapolis reported largo
sales of Hour for export ami llradst reel's ro-
uorled the wheat and Hour exports from both
coasts last week atMCW.IOJ bushels , against
1,1011,1100 bushels for llio same week last year.
There wns also some talk of probable frosts In
the northwest which also helped to develop
A cable from Liverpool brought llio corn
Ir.ule news estimate of the supply and ro-
iiuliements of Iho world for the en
suing season , m.iklni ; the wanls 4'0-
UO',0'0 ' bushels and the supply , al
lowing l.V..oOO.OJO bushels from America , at3 < S-
UO'i.COO bushels , leaving adellclcncy of , tt,010,000
bushels. Tin ) shortage In the HiHslan rye crop
Is estlnialed atL'fil.O 0,0,10 bushels , and thai of
( iermaiiy 7.\0 0 , ' 03 short. All of these gave a
strong tutu to prices , and with light offerings
and a good shoit demand , December
sold from baliQ'-f' e to bU'ie. ' It held
aiimnd t-'o ' for H time , when theio
was free selling by Logan , Il.iy.len and White.
This eho-'ked the adv.inoe and then came the
esllmato of S'iO ears for Mnu.iuy , when the
weakness sot In and Iho price wenl oil' to M'jC
and closed athi' c. At Ml to Ni'o I'rrdrldgo
bouuhta little wheat oiieniy , but it was gen
erally Ihoiuht Ihal he was selling heavily
thron-rli brokers. At any rate ho was a very
good buyer on the snlHeiinMit | brualc ,
Corn was sliong , chlelly on the roiilfnucd
cold weather and talk of frost ; Ihere was a
a little freeze last night at t. Cloud. Minn. ,
but without , plumage. Sh.irls were nervous
and wlillc olferliiL's wcie lU'l.t prices \\uio bid
nil from llio start. .Si ptemlmr opened at MiiC ,
sold up Irregnlarto 5j'C , thru on the cslimato
of . " > 1U cars for Monday broke to .V > ' c and
elosiM at .V > 'ii' . Cash coin was In sharp de
mand and higher , shippers pay Ing 01'/c for No.2
and lite for No , ' . ' yellow , and everything was
sold readily , ( lately llrolhci * bought a gooil
deal of corn. Ilaldwln & I'arnum were also
buyers , and I'ardrldgo was credited with cov-
erlnir a good line of .shorts through Ilrosscau.
Oats wuro iiulet but generally i-asy with
very narrow uuntuittloiis , llogproducts weio
aliong and higher , l.lvo hogs lecelpts , S.OUO.
The htrenKth In com strenglhcncd provis
ions. The Anglo-American packing company
Jjouglil Inrd , wlille Wrlglit and Uyiu ; bought
rliis. Tlie general crowd also seemed on the
buying side , piobably co\01 in shoit sales ,
Heptemher pork started al } ll.4. > , touched
ill.10 , advanced to sll.O'i , lluctiialed within
lhaf , range and elo cd nt fll.4'i.
The leading fulures ranged as follows :
Oash quotations wore as follows : '
l'i.mi Steady , niichaiiKod ; winter , pat
ents , J4.fiJ4.H ! ) ; spi'lns , patents , $4,7"i.1.10 ,
WIIHAT No. a bin-in ; ; wheat , 8Do ; No. 3
spring wheat , S'lJa'c ; No. 2 red , 8'Jo.
Con.v No. " , Olic. !
OATS-NO. ' . > , : BV5ii.1Jo : ; No. 2 , white , ilSffi
: iSie ! : So. 3 , white , 'Ma.
KYE No 2. OOc.
llAitr.KY No. - ' , nominal ; No. 3 February ,
5lle ; No. 4 , nominal.
1'I.AXSEKI ) No. i , } | . ' 'Ui ' < & ) .03.
TuioTiir SEKD Pilme , JI.21.C4. ; !
Point Mess pork , per barrel , lll.iTK : > Lard ,
per cwt. , f4i'J. ! Short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
0.01 ; dry salted shoulders ( boved ) , 15.70S3.7.1.
Short clear sides ihoxpdi. { 7.10't7.'J. !
WIIISKV Distillers' llnlshod goods , per gal. ,
$ (
SildAus Unchanged. i i
Receipts and shipments today were as fol
io \vs \ ;
On the prodnco exchanuo today , the butter
market win easier ; fancy creamery. 15'S@
Ifi'ic ; line wostoru , 14I3' . ' ; line dairy , la&iUe.
N'oW Yurie . .
NKW VOUK , July 25.t 1,01:11 Uoceipts , 8,2.vj
pnukiiKus ; uxpoits , I.h23 Imrruli. II.74U sacks ;
sales , HU'H ) barrels ; low o.\tra , f3.75-iil.33 : fall-
to faney , S4.l04D-l.Ui ; patimts , H.M'tfa.M ; winter
wheat low grades. J..73l.33 ! ; patents , il.i'.u ®
.1.2.1 ; patents straights $ I..V.ftj. 1.1 ; rye mix
tures , ? l.i.1fCl.7.1 : : line , fci.UuQ l. j ,
CHUN MiiAij Dull ; yellow western , 13.25 ©
WIIISAT Receipts , 1CS.GGO busliels ; exports ,
21ii,71l bushels ; .ilos , SJS.OUU bushels of fu-
Inres ; 7ti,0K ( ) biibhols spot.pot ! market
dull and htroiwiNo. ; . 2 red. tM.Vfttl.OO
In store nnd olovatur ; IKHicttfl.Ul allont ;
i > UltU ( > t..OI % f. o. b. ; uii'-'nuted red , Us'4C
( TcSI.U.'i'j ' ; No. 1 northern to arrive ,
Jl.o'.l ; No. 1 hard to arrive. 11.12 ; No. 2 Uhloairu.
fl.OI. Options dull and ' /i'tf'ac hl'lieron better
uiililes , eloblnK steady ; ir-idlin : local ; No.
2 red. July , ! * } > ' . > i' ' e. i-loMn : : . lU'0e ; Anunst ,
Hl'i'3jiXD. ' ) : ' closini ; , Ul'.fi Supi iiinbcr , 93 13-1044
H.'ie. elosliii ; , WBI Oolohur , ! H ! ? < rt')7e ) , elosln1- .
7o ; Novi'nibur , i1 osini ; , uu ; Ueceinber. Urt'J ®
IM'ti1 ' , eloHlin ; , OU'ne ; Jaiiuarv , U'.i'uefofl.UO' . ! ,
olosini ; , < lUUli : May , ll.03Jii1.041S , clitbliiK.
Kvu ( julut : llrm ; western , Senleiiiber ilo-
llverv. 7il ! ( ii7Ue.
HAIII.I.V .MAI.T i'ull ; Canada country made ,
Jl.dO'l l.i)5 ) ; elty iiiiiiliS * l.U.Vil.U ) .
L'oiiN Kecelpu , ,01,2.11 . biuhels ; exuorls , fi.1-
141 bushels ; sulet. t.-'J.UOj biihholn of futun-H ,
13 , ( ) U liiiMliuIn of spot. .Sput niailict dill ;
Hteudy ; No. 2.7u't40ilo Inelovator ; 71 'te nlloal ;
uiij'nuluil mixed. 7 > 'i > 71e ; options iiulet , l > u
Tin up ; utionu ; moder.itely aelivo ; lU'hl ollur-
IIIRS ; July "OffiiJ'jC. ' uliihii | | > , 70'4c ; An nsl. CO
® fitiJ4e , elosin. ' , ( Jil4o ; : ? opiomhor , ( l-l'i'tiiil'ne ' ,
oiosiii , 0.1'ji ; : Outoiier , li'44flii244C , olosln- ,
U2'/r ' ; Derember. elosliiK til'ie. '
lTH-ltei'ulitF ) ) , H7SliO bushels ; nxpoits , 314
bushels ; hales , 2.1,1 uu bushels of futures ; 33.-
wo bushels of Miiot. Hpot miirkel dull ,
oasy. Upl.ons dull , wuatsuri July eldslnit 4lo :
Aiitfiist , 34'i' ' .U 'lie ' , elosin- ; , 3ite | ; September ,
: i4Vii3l Ve , elosln , . ' ! 4'ie ' ; .spot No. { while ,
47'ft44hi > : miMul wcMlorn , 3ll'i/5iio / : ; white
wiisturn. 4S'i/Mei ! ) No 2Uiuiiso ( , 4-"ie.
lUv yulot. steady ; uliltiplni ; , U'JOlD ; good
to eliolec. 7ytd-.iO.
lloiM WouU. milet.
UIH-TEI ; tiptlons barely stnady , opened 5 to
2u | io ins down , elo-o 1 iinct | steady , 5 to 15
niilnlsilowii ; sales. 1.10'JOah's. Inclii.l.nn . : July ,
JlM.1 ; AiiKiisl. fil.43 ) > i | iL5i : ; tfoptuinla-r.JI3.45 ;
tleto : er. 414,13 ; ileconiUor , tl3.5. ) ; spot
Klo. djill , nominal : fairfarn'oos , IU > 4u ; No. 7 ,
MMIAI'I lluw. dull , nuuiiiml ; fair n-llnini : ,
2Tiu ; i-i-iiiiifujralB , 'M ti > i. ; pci refined ilull ,
easy ; No. 0 , . .liiNo. ; . 7 , 31-IBo ; No. H , .liio ;
No l ) , ! i 11-ICo ; No. 1U , 3U-1CV ! .No. II. 3'ic ; No ,
12. : . ' . ; eoir ; A,4 f ' , mould ; A , 4'io ' ; sliindaid
A , 4 .i-Hio ; c-infi'flloii'.rs1A ( , < ! " ! cut loaf , .I'li'j
i-riisbed , ,1'ae ' ; tiimdon-d , Jcj uranulaled , 4-'t '
< & l'ic ; eiibcs. 4ji' .
AloiA.-Kis I oioi n , .nominal ; Or.enns ,
Ko.i'l dumuinl ; eommon to fancy , u5.l.o.
Uti'B l-'alr , demaiKl llr > n ; dome llc , fair to
o.xlra , .VSi'i7i' : Japan , . .Vji.i.ii > .
I'KTitiii.KUM Qulut , stea Iv ; united closed at
C7'iO ' for Au.'iist : rellued Now Voik , ? ll.KV(7Oi ;
Philadulphla Kiiil llalllmoro. f'iH i,7.iO ; I'hlla-
dolnbla and llaillmoro In bulk. H,43 < KI..10.
lorroN biKi : > tiii.-tjult-t. htoady ; urndo , of-
ferinn 2V' < .2e ! ) : yellow , off grade .Sli air.
TAI.I.OW I'irm , ipiiut ; city , ifj for ptiok-
agt-si. l U-liXtii'je ; oountry. 4 © ' , as to
KOSIN Kasy , ( | iilL-ti ntr.ilnod coiiiinon to
eood , ii.t.iii.40. ; ,
Tuiii-uSTi.sK Dull , weak ; liViQlXic ,
Kdos-yulut anil to idyi western. iOUio ! ;
receipts , ,1.IM pai.-kai.'e.s.
IIIH..S-Dull .UK ! slo dy ; wet halted Now
Orleans -uleClud. 4.1 to 73 ponmH 04i.ii.-j Tu.xas
sclouti-il , V ) to ( ii Ibs , > iVc.
I'oitK Kinii and s.ik > s , 'jco mrroNi
uxtia Driiiie , * iu..1 < ' . ) .
„ f'tiT .MKATS-l'Irm anilipilutj inukieil liclllos ,
JlimiLKS-Qiilct iiinllirin , blicrt uloar , Sep.
toiuhtir HU2S. !
I AHD l''uiniiuthewestern slo.'nn f'l.Si , iiom-
Inuli sales , 43o tlurcci , j(1.7'rit ( ' .hJ ; opilou-i
talca 2,700 tiercu * ; July , iC.bO , closiu iO.&Oi
Sl CloSllIB , tV'll.Sl ' ! ! S
bcr , W-si to. ! ! ; ) , oloslu * . j\ ' . .li October. elo lng .
t7.ivi ; Uecembor. IM.i , closltnj. 7.2V
llViTr.n Qiiltit , eholco about steady , west
ern dairy , llftUci we.stern creamery , HitISc ;
western factory , IKilHo ; Klglns. He.
(1iiKiisii--jui ( < t , easy ; part skims. .
I'll ) liton Dull ; American ,
City 3fnr > kct * > .
Quiet but stronger ; No. "hard , ciish , no bids ;
July. 7Schld ; Niv 2 red , cash , 7l'to bid. H ! i
Crtiis Ptronscr ; No. 2 , cash , M'io bid ;
July , KlVr.
OATs-Weakor ; No.2 cash , 2SJo ! bid ; July ,
: l.c bid.
HAV Weak , uncliangodi fancy , } 5.3) .
l''l.oi'll Dull and unchanged.
HuiTr.itSteady and utiehati-'od.
Cuiiisi--Stciiily : and unchanged ,
Koos Weak at lOc.
PuovlMoN3--st' ady and unehnnged ,
Wool , --Dill and unchanged.
ItKCKII'T.s I7..0U ; corn , fd.OV ) .
Sllll'.MKNTS--Whcat , 2,000 ; corn , 2 , . ' > ! Oats ,
Ltvcitt'oor , July 23. WHEAT I'lrm. demand
poor , holders offer sparingly ; California No.
I. ! * tt ! | s per cental ; red western , spriiig. 7s
7'id.COH.V '
COH.V I'lrm , demand fair ; new mixed west
ern. fs liul percental.
LAIIII 'Ki.sJId percwt for prime wcslorn.
IlfTTKtt * fq pvrewt for t'nlted States llncst
and 74s for 1'iiited States good.
TAt.t.ow 2'is percwt for line American.
FT. I/oirtsi , Mo. . Julv 2.1 WIIKAT I'lrmer ,
lileher ; No. 2 , i.'ush and SeptenibiM * , M'tc ,
COIIN Lower : No. 2. cash , 6S > (0 ( : Septomlicr ,
M'ie. '
OATS-Steady ; No. 2 , eash , 29Uo ; Soptemtior ,
SC' ic.
I'OIIK Steady ; JI1.6'J. !
I.Alltifl.2,1. .
WIII.SKV ll.lfl.
Toledo Grain llurkct.
TOI.KDO , O , , July 23 WHEAT Kasler ; cash
and July , NIC.
COIIN Steady ; cash. C'Jc.
OA1Sjulet , cash , 41c.
CINCINNATI , O. , July 25. WIIKAT Stroiig ;
No. 2 red. ( lie.
COIIN SI longer ; No. " nilvod , GOffiO'c.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 mlxuil , 3J.J.
WHISKY il.10.
Milwaukee ( .rain > : : ir'ot.
MiLWAtncRB , Wis. , July -WIIKAT Higher ;
No.'Jsprlir , ' , cash , uti'tc ' ; September , Si'iC. :
Coiix Stronger : No. l' . cash , fiJc.
OA-IS Steady ; No. 2 white , 4e. !
STHVHN .1X1) It < t\3)S.
NKW VOIIK. July 2.1. The stock market to
day was active ami weak during the first hour ,
dull and stagnant for the remainder of
the session , but closed at the lowest prices of
the day and In many cnscs ot the week. The
opening was steady and dull , but the bear
manipulation in Iliirliiigton was renewed Im
mediately and in the most open manner , mid
that stock was soon elf a material amount.
Pressuio was afterward brought on Iho lilch-
'jiond & We-,1 Point securities , and the com
mon Moo < and the bonds Mill'ered severe. y ,
while the preferred stock which has not been
dealt In during tin.1 week sold down over S pel-
cent from Its last previous salo.
In addition to dee.ines Jersey Central
was also unaccountably weak , losing ' . ' per
cent , which alTccled Ihe rest of tlio list unfa
vorably , .ml small losses weio sust.iined all
along the line.
The hank .statement , however , unexpectedly
showed a material gain In the surplus reserve
and the downward movement was checked ex
cept In the stock most directly all'cctcd by Iho
manipulations Aside from that the llnal deal
ings were devoid of feature orlntoiest. Thn
market clo.scd dull and barely steady for the
general list , but In most cases at tlie lowest
pi lees of the day. The linal changes weio
generally Ins.cnllleant losses , bnl Jer-oy Con- Is down I'jC ' , Iturlliihton l. ' c. and Richmond
mend .t Wesl Point PHI ! .
Ilnllrond bonds displayed the usual dull
ness , the sales for tlie session amounting lo
* : . ' ( > 1 , 1 1)0. ) but the tone was weak , and while the
active bonds , were only slightly changed lisa
rule this Richmond & West Point lost ( i'gc.
The following are the ciosng : quotations
for the loading stocks on the Now Vork stock
exchange today ;
Atrldaon . 3I ? ( ' ilo preferred . 132
Ailam Kxprum . 117 IN. V. Cuntrnl . ' . 'J
Alton. I Turro llauto. 2il N. V. Cldc. .V Ht. I , . . . 10
iloproforri.'il . 125 do prefi-no'l . r.5
Aini'rionn I2.tpr03s. . IUI Ohio Mlj < ljjlipl | . 17'X
The total sales of stocks toiler were Kj.riU ?
shares , InuludlitR Atuhlson , .I..H5 ; ( 'hlu.sjo
lias , 4.00S ; Dolawar , ' , l.aukawanna .t Western ,
4n."ii ; Louisville & Nashville , : ' ,1UO ; Norlliorn
Pai-llli ! piofurred. 2,11'1 ' ! Uiuhmond .t West
Point , li,4IO ; St. Paul , 3S 0 ; Union Paeillc.
Financial KovliMV.
Nnw VOIIK. July 25. The Post says : Hur-
lliiloii ; .t ijnln y was thu only conspicuous
Mouli on tlio list Hits in trnlirj and ll so'd oil
rapidlv under tlie hammering of tlio liear
cllipiii by a eoniblnatlon iiniisually well or-
Kiinl/uil and managed by one of the
most adroit t.oar manipulators In Wall
Mtreei. It will not bo to stati.
frankly thu legitimate arguments employed
iiKalusi this stock. l''lrst. the company own-
a heavy load of bonds Issued lai"-'ely on ex
tensions which lust now yield llulo or no
prolll. So'-oml ' , tlio corn crop , on whloh ll 10-
lles lo reooupo Hself for sneh losses , will be
late this year , and , conseiinenlly. to sonic e.\-
teul impi-rllle I by Iho eliauces of unfavorable
woalber. llnd this year's crop failed In the
face of the present reluct-ince of In
vestors to take new bonds thu outlook would
have been dlsnal. | Hut the crop v. til nut , ho
a fiiiluic , nor will the new e-tteiislons whi-n
Iho company's manuKors have luu. lime to
complete their plans. Some Interest was
amused by the decline of Louisville durliu
ll-u mornlin ; lielow Ihe price , , i which tin : new
stock Is otfrioil to slinrolioluoiH for subscrip
tion. It need mil be inferred , however , that
the $4MHH ) ( ) stock will not bo subscribed for
at 7o pur cent.
A little more than a month ao. In coin-
inuiit im on llio sains of Louisville by Ion-
( iiin lionsoi , it was uiiK esled In tills
column that tlio solleis were markel u
their own holdInits of stock to rover in Juiy
by the now l.oulsvlilo stock taken mi-lcr mib-
scrlptlon. Th's SIM-II.S to be uMiclly what ha- ,
happened. The price of Louisville at tlmt
tlmo was 73e , so Hint Iheiu ha * : l. ° un i fair
prolll In the irans lelioii. Mui'li of wbul was
hold was shipped from l.oiiilun to this country
for delivery and Its arrival In this conntrv
has been noted slnco tnat time.
Of coin-so tlio question romalnuil how
to obtain tlio new stix-k which
i an be ai'iiilrod | on'.v ' in tlio proportion of leper
per cent toitIllil holdings. Hut this h IH
been easily solved by the purchase of the
"rights" lu op MI mui-Uet. Today , for Instance ,
a privilege to subscribe . ten shares of New
l.oiiMvllli ! stock at 70 per cent brought (3.1' ) ,
whereas Its intrinsic value wllh j.oulsv.llo
sol I in-- below 70 per cent on Iho inu-Kot Is of
I'uurm' nolhliiK al all. The quuli'd nrl-'es slm-
plv ro'iie.siiutH ' tlni bid of the "Insider- , " who
hold l.ou.svlllo lust Month to obtain llio priv
ilege Of SIlllSL-llpllOII.
Now York "ilo oy .t.nrkot.
NliW Vninc.Jiily 21. MO.NEV ON UAi.t , Rasy.
with call loans ut Hi per cent ; closing ollorcil
at : ! i per Cent ,
PIIIMK MKIICANTII.K PAi'Eit3'iU7 pur cent.
STKMt.tri KxciiANOic-Uulot and steady at
fl.K4'4 for sixty day bills and tt.bil'i for d -
Tnh followliu wuro the clinln ; prlco-i on
bonds :
tT.'H" 4Trrujrt7lral.lfifril | , 1C. A T. til , . ; W
i ; . i. fi , i-oiiimn-i 11 ; \iiitiini ' Union c < tui
t1 ! ! * , tuKhturua tiuV. ( . J. Cent Int Cort..lO ! (
4Wi , coiiion | ) tniNurthcrn ( P.m. lots..IIS
I'arlHp. ( kuf "JJ 110 tloWi 112
I. < iul-il ui'i St-iiiip 4 < . l .ViirtliwoU' ccui ul . .lnii
ToiiMoaiti : N , S. ii.IU ) iluilvbantiiri ) 3i
do & 1 Wjuroiun | AiTraii ( ) . , . * a
ilo Jt O.I til. I. A I. .M. Hun. Sn.lDJi
Cnnaila Suulhuni .Mi 'J7 St. U A 8. r' . ( Jon. M . 12 , '
fentrul 1'iiuirto UU..IU.1H St. I'nul conioli. . . . . lim ,
II. IHJ lilt ! t 1 * . 0. A I * . l t . . . . tU
do H . T. P. l < .0. Tr. Itcts. . : )
1) . A It. 11. Wi.-st Ittn . . . . T. P. It. ( i. 'ft. llct . .lHl (
' ' ' " "
M.'K.'AT.iiin'i'ii ( . . ; 70 ivvint"uiioriT"
NotOH ,
Pilli.AUKM'lllA. July 23. Ciaarln.'s. JU.771-
Wlj buluuuc.1 , llXJI&bli ( cluurlu * fur the
Hiivo optined in their clientt ) NK\V STQtiK In the
At 000 nnd ilOOS [ 'annuii Struct ,
Saturday Morning , July 18th.
The most I'omploto line of Stnplo , fancy and Impni'toil ( Jrot'orlon , topothor with 5
full iiasortinoiit of the llnost I'Vesli Fruits , VcKi'lnhlos anil Mt < lon to I'o 'ouud ' In
any inarkot. Hrtncinl'or wo makoa spccialy of line Toon. Hitfh O ado and 1'ow-
dorud I'olTcKs that will oli-aso an opii'iirinn tnito. Are solo n onls for the F.lpln
Croaniory Hultor , the finest to bo had In thn city.
\Vo widooursolves tin ( nil1 Mooro's Suporiatlvl1 Flour and thosu * who .isoit arc u ?
enthusiastic in tholr praises. Try MooroV Itukitio ; 1'owdor. atI0o a pound , nnd
you will want no olhor. Uuch lovely rolls ami bisciiiK With our hotter facill-
tioa to display our floods and attend to the tniiiiy wants of our constantly inorons-
inj trado. wo hope to tnorit a continuance of your ti.itrcna o and nolii'lt a viHlt
from these who are stnnifjovs to us anil hope by fair dealing and close attention
to business lo please you. With our ini roat-oil faoilities tinilor inuoh loss expense ,
wo assure our natrons they will bo furniihcd the best on the market at the lowest
market price ; and all goods fjuarntiU'oil as roprowi-ntod. Telephone your orders
and they "ill receive careful atteution and prompt deli verv.
TIiLlil'HOXli 229. 20 % and 2008 FAR NAM STRliliT
week. f.1K : . .W ! balances , } IO,7iliU : : : money , 4
llos-ro.v , Muss..July -Clonrlni : * . f Itl.sW.ntl ;
haliinces , | lMi,0-4i | n.onpy , ' "id' t peri out ;
oschnnge on New York , liv dloi'oiiiit to par.
1'or the week deal-lints weio } , sl,07lt,7iill ;
ances , , * l,7r. i'.iil. Tor the same week last voiir
clearings were f'.in.Tl.MI ' | ; balances , tl i.i. : > I..Vs1.
HAI.TIMOIIK , Md. . Julv Ti. Cleirln.' , -
Sfll ; baliiiii'es. l.ll. ' . iH ; moiiev , 6 per cent.
Nnw VOIIK. July 24. inearlnns , j7l.fi7l.fW ! :
balances. n : > > r > .11411. Tor the week clear.ngs .
woiel5l7t'.l7H."l7 ; balances. f'.VI'.N ' OI.
CillCAdo. July 21.New York exchange , 7.1
© Slle discount. Money unchanged. I'limrhiRs ,
- , ' . ? . " ' , o. ftterllng oxclianaii unchanged.
Hostdii Stool ; .Market.
HOSTOS. Ma s. . Julv as. Thu following worn
tliecloilng prices on the Itoston stock maiket.
Atclilon'I'upukx. . . ilPl 'Ciiliiiitrl ' A llccla . ' . ' 15
HoHtun , ' ; Albany 3IM I'innkMn . ! ' <
HostiMi A Maine Hit Union . W
Cli. . Hurl. A Wuliicy . Kcarsarue . l1
Kaslorn It. It. ( in idKCUUltl . III !
I'ltclilinru It. It Oiilncy . IUI
Flint A I'erepld. . . J-iintn Ko Cottpcr . . 'ill
K. C. , St. ,1. Atl'.ll. 7s Tuiniirnrk . IMI
.Man . Contrnl Annlnlon l.aml Co . . 40
.Mox. C-on. otnii Sun Dlcijo hiiinl Co . . IH
N V. \ .V. KIIJI W."t Knil I. anil Co. . HHH
.V. V A N. Kit ) . ' . 78. . . . 113 Illoll Toli'iiluinc . I7S
Hntliinil , ctiniinun. . . 3' ( l.ainaon f-Kiru S . IS'v
do pftl lill Watorl'oner . 2-l (
Win. Ten. coin C. M . 14'4
Alluuei.MlnCo ( ne\Tl
Atlantic II. A II. C 14Hi
lloston A. Muiitnna. .
Tiomlo i Moolc .Marker.
TJONDO.V. Julv 23. The following are the
London slock quotullons closing al 4 p. m. :
C < m olfl , niDiioy . WciiKl-le'Jnils . lui
Coiunli. uccotint . I''iHillllnolc Central . ! KI
II. S. 4s . llllin.Mevlciin. ordlnnry . . .l H
II. S. 4'iis . llUVSI.I'aiil.uiimiiion . . . r | ' <
N V. I' . , \ O. Isla . . . . 2'm.Mi'.v. | t't'llt. . nuw 4a. . . 7I' <
HAH Sii.vr.u 43 lIOd l per ounce.
MoMir ( Jiilet.
Itato of discount in tlie open market for both
Hhoiland three months' bill" ! Is IJi to Pi per
Iiiitilc nl' lOiighmd Kiilliiin.
Ijnxno.v , Julv 2.1. The amount of bullion
go > io Into tlio Hank of ICngland on balance
today Is LtX'i,00\
PARIS , July 23. Throu per cent routes u.lf
ilOc for Hie account.
Dnnvtir . .
DKNVKII. Colo. . July S3. f/ght and foaturn-
le s business was done In minim. slocks loday.
Sales 2'ltK)0 ! ) shines. The following were Iho
closing iiuolalions on mining o\ehange :
Hun r'ruiiclHoo .Min n < ; ( jiiotntions.
SAN KIUNOI.SCO , July 23. The olllelal closing
Now Vorlc .Miiini ; ; Qi
Nr.w VOIIK. July ' < . The following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
St. Iiouls .Iliiiln Quotations.
ST. I.otns. Mo. , July V.I--1 he mining mnikot
was Inactive today and prices wuro generally
Tlie following bids were madeon eiill ;
AHUM lean 25 Silver AIHI ' . ' 7'ii
( iranllo .M 2iV ) I'lll/tilictl ) 1 5
MiiiitniM ) 71 Vuina 40
.M. llruen 47'u '
Havana m
HAVA.NNA. July 2' . . Today was Imlldav here.
I'urliiK ' llio week little hii-lnoss was done In
susar , holders belli-/ ( ) ' , ' for bnvort. . The
market elo-o I last ni lil quint and utoady.
Tlio quotations \M-III .is follows :
MilA KisKUAU : ] Kemilar to - ooil , polarl/a-
tlon , f'I'.i'tj.'t'i : ) Rold per quintal : Mus
covado fair toeoii.l rellnln. . .S.i to ill deKieus ,
* . ' . ' , ' ( . . , ? : centrlfn-'als , ! U to DO degrees
| iolarl/.itlon , f..HI' ' it'lOi'J.
Stock lu wall-houses al llavanna and Ma-
l.'in/as 2 boxes , l.l ' /'Oi ' ba fl and -'JUU ho-
Kspurlsdiirlii'- wei-k 20 bo.xei , 3ijvo ba-'B
and 1.20) ) bo lii-als , of whlcli 20 boxen , : r.fK ) '
IIIIKS and all the lii ( siii ) ! : < lrt to the United
II U'ONl 1.75 Kold per cental.
Hl"n-iii-'il.0.i : until pi-rqulnlul.
Jr.itlCKii HKKIfl'.O.j ' ( -old poquintal. . Hams
Amerloun sii'iar i-nrod. ? I7.0 Kold pur ( ] iilntil :
for norllii-rn , and Wl for sou thorn. 1aid In
ueis , M . . ' , n cihl poriuiiinl | ; ; In llns , $14.75 ,
Pi/rATor.s-Aiiieriean , f.i..Vold ) ( per barrel.
IrMlir.itNotnlnal. . Si.inls ! , nominal ,
WIIITK NAVY IlKANd MTiulil | ; purqulutul.
HODI-S Nominal.
rilKIUIITsNominal. .
KxciiA.Ndi ; Weak.
Hl'ANlHii iioi.ii'C'U'J-U. '
Now Vork ( Jold I'.xport.q.
Niw : YOIIK , July " 5.-Tho uvportn of Bpoclo
from Iheportof New Vork this woolc amnunleil
lo fi.u.\ ; , of which v , .su''j was In u-Dld and
tls7,3u7Hllvor ,
The Imports of Hpeelo iiniounti-d to ! 7IK,72fl ) ,
of ulilch tTD''ilh ' was liiKold and f ! i. 178 Nllver
The shipments of gold to the West , I ml Irs
ilnrlui : llio ueoli wuro as fnllown : I'er "Ar-
" Matun/.as ? l')1l'i."i ) ( "Karaloan"
si no" to / , ; pur to
Havana fi23.CV ) , and p r " ( Jily of w.ishln K-
ton" to Havana { lllHi5 ) ,
Tl-lllliT.-1 Tillc. ;
ST. I.otJfrtMo..luly25. lansoiibnr Drothurs
toUocUrell llnithnrs : The following wab Iho
r. 1111:0 of pr.ces . for llio leading oplloiH nn thlH
niaiiviit loilay :
coMMoiilfvlTiiien. I Illu'li I lovr. I Clmu , | Vuat.
Whu it -
AiiKiisl. . . . SIM
t-a\il \ 62) ) ( 52) ) {
JtHr no 2'J
Cnic.Mio , July 31. Soluvnrtx , Dupoo k Mc-
I'ormlek to ! . C. SwarU . Co. : Today's
\v is a short session nnd was not ovorurow-iled
with business. Wheat , howovur , Wits sleady.
The reeolpls , iVW ears , wore nearly 20) ) under
the expiiutatlons. Tliat was a bull faetotj
Ihon lliu enormous export bunliifbi roporteil
Irom tlio seubn.ird , an aceompllsliod I'rlday ,
was another help , t'abhts Wuro neither one
thin : nor the other. The fioit prim-
IHO for Wisconsin did not matorlul-
l/e , L/ertaln promlni < nt lei < ! shorts
nero Inclined to cover. They furnhlied
tlm liuylng Hiiiiiinit. Monday's wheat lecolpls
were uupceted to pi.ieli ui cars. Tim sr- -
boal'd eloir : uicM neru large aialn , abunl
2.ViiiO ) ) inihliids of whuat alone. Wltli nothinu
In the wuuthor to croatu iilarni an the scorn of
spring and wllh ne\l week's roulpts
as largo a * they am tj\p rted , It Is exnocled
to yield further. Cum vsaj Una , partly lu
McShanc & Condon ,
300 S. 13th M , , First National U.iult Uuild-
tng , Unmlia , Nob.
Donl In Mockbi > iuN , necarltlo % , Cdinnii rclnl pn
per , etc NVkuthito IOIIIH on Iniprovoil O n.'di-i
c-tiiti' . Slum llinc. l.iniM. nn atiick , ur on nil
iiiirnriHl | | c.'lluli'nil Futurity.
sympathy with wheat , partly In covering
of shorts an ! partly on lighter receipts than
expected Tlio fuluio Is almost alto other
dependent on the weather. Oats Here steady
within an c.xcocillngly narrow M 11.10 Local
scalpers In pnu ision.s toint u < U ant me of the
small maiKet and of thu llrninoss In grain to
jump the prl/o. .
NinvYonu. July 25. Kennotl. lloi-ktns.VOo.
to S. A. Mi-Whorler : The itock market has
bi-eii heavy with further evidences of liquida
tion of clih'aco , Iliirliiigton & Ojilncy ami
Itlchmond Terminal. ! ) f the latter II U said , a.
proinliieiit house told ( in to a law line of
.speculativo holdings. This Ulclimund Ter
minal bonds and preferred stock an- weak at
tlie decline of 2 < iji percent today. The soiling
ofl'hieago , Iturllngtoii A : ( Julney M'cms to tin
of the same nature IIH for some da ] s past , and
It is unnoted that , the company is .n need of
money , and Uniting Itself unable to sell bonds.
Is a borrower. Dolowaro. I nckuuanna &
Western has been pressed for snlo
today. It Is reported tlmt all coal trndo
Is ut a stamlsllll as far as new
Iraiisactions are concerned since It wua
dl.-u-oM-rcd thu Delaware. I.ackatt.inna ft
Western was cutting prices , buyers having
witl.dr.iwn from the nnirkol. No attempt la
being made to Ket Ihe July circular prices for
coal. The bank statement was heller than
oxpcctcd. The Inciuaso In Iho reserve of Jl-
220.110) ) was occasioned by Ihe deeroaso in ilo-
tioits of J2.iM)0ooo ) and uneMiected In cash
J7iim0. ( ( The fealuro of thu statement Is tlio
dem-aso In loans of $ lS ruOU. 'Ihe stock mar
kel closed ( ; . Total sales. ( i3.00. '
rincuin , .Inly 20. Konnetl , llopUns , v Co ,
lo H. A. .McU hortcr : I.argo engagements for
o.xporl , lighter local ii-celptH than expected ,
lit m li in-of foieign advices nnd a frost , sc.uo
lu the niirtlincst Wetu llio basis of today'a
stiongth in wheat. The early llrmin-ss might ,
not have held so well If I'liruiliUo had not
been a liberal buyer at almost the top prices.
This checked Iho olVcrlius. but I he cunul wan
hoarinh and pieilh-t lower prices M.unlay If
Ihe lu rm1 lo ! estimates are roali/.eil. Thoap-
piclieiis on of f i us ! , had much to do with
ted ly's mlVMieo In corn' A Rood
many traders are tailing on nfler
a conjectiiicd deal In September. Some day.s
ago il W.IM ulvon out thai It. was centered In
Wall street , and now the duuo ol .Marlbnrough
aiul h s l'ngll-h friends are In It according tea
a London special. Speculation m.iy put prlce.s
hi her leinpoiarlly , but It IH believed theio
Is plenty of old com In tlio country and It
m < y I'D worked as old oats. At one tlmo this the latter weio sold nt Ct'c ' to mrlvo and
now they't be sold at half that price to
arrive. PicM-nl sellers had the onls when C.Oo .
WHS bid and would not let thorn
go. Of the 210 cars reci-lved to
day 147 ' .M-IO old oats and delU cries
ftom the old cioii will doubtless hcfieiifor
some wi-oKi ! while the markets aio being
Hooded with now oats below 2sc. History of
this kind repeats Itself wllh OMisperallng
frequency , l-ut. Iho fanners seldom profit bj
It. They MO now holding on to corn , for
which they are bid tola prices , and the chances
an-tlmt they will llnally soli at about two-
thirds of what tliuy are now oll'eieil , union
KOII.O disaster overtakes llio growing crop ,
PiovlKlons were llrm In sympathy with corn
and estimates of only 00,100 no s next week.
Illhs weio ospocl illy atron/ loading packur
buying them freely. The bulls are certainly
managing their camp-ilgn wllh moat shruwd-
ness. considering tlio enormous stocks which
at ono tlmo were thought to ho an ull'ecliial
bar lo an advance In prices for some months.
C'incAii ) , Inly 2.1. I.OK-IIU , t Go. to Touoray
& llr.yan : Ilioporls of the growliu spring crop
are on the whole favorable , but two weeks
later than lust soasou. Receipts of winter
wlu-at contlnno heavy. The demand , howev
er , is good. Olio healthy fuatuie Is frok'hl cn-
pagomonls from this port have been made for
thirty days ahead and the demand forton-
nauo is si.lll cood. Cables are linn. Ono or
two of our heaviest shorls were buyers today.
Until the gfiiwin- ; crop of spring Is secured wo
favor buy lu : on uoak markets. Darn strong.
< -'rop reports are less favorable , this , wltli
light receipts and n good demand for cash at
( i ccn.s over Hoplombor opt Ion m.ikes . soil-
In ? it short Im/.ardoiis until i-ondllhiiischango ,
\Veii-i-omiiiend l-uylng It. Oats slr.idy with
high priced corn .mil prospects of . < p iororop ,
SopiiMiibor looks cheap. Hog products llrm.
especially lard and ribs. Wo bullevu ribs will
sell higher.
pl.iooJ on raoor.1 July 25 ,
WAIIH\.s-rr or.uiH.
Albert AltendorlTand wife to WM Uoeh-
foid et al ! < ! ! , : " , Mlllard & C'o.'sad . { 10,000 ,
( ! K llauer and tvlfo to W II lloluomb o'i '
lot ( laud li blk IllPi Omaha 20,000
I'Mdellty ' Ti usl l..i lo W W Jotrorson Iot7
llniisnl , t Stoblien'ssub 2,000
C C ( ieorgit to L It ( leorgu lot Ki Idk 0
I'olter .x : ( ieor uOo..s ad to K Omaha . KO
W H llolcomb and wlfo to Anulu llarker
s'-ilnUI ) WOmalm W.,003
M I' IliipUIn-- and husband to Jacob Will-
lams lot ib and B'/I lot I'J ' blk IH Han-
si'oiu pie , 0,000
A II Jol.usim to J A WaUcllold , lot ' 2 ,
I'elh nn I'l.iou , WO
J L Miles to Mrs llellna Conklln et u 1 ,
lot r > . blk Id. Orchard mil MO
C.l Iti'iul Mill wife to K W lioed , lots 1
and 2. blk' . ' , WehlUumliig add 2,000
South Omaha land company to A O
Wri.hl. hit - ' . blu 2.1 , Smith Omaha. . . . 010
Toneiy Nelson tol'II ' tax
lot l ; In w ' , ' , sw IO-I5-1 ; ) 7,000
{ J II Ti nor y mid wlfo to ( i W K Domuy.
same nnd lot I , Ink 1 , Pope Place 4,000
J (1 ( Wlll.s nnd wlfn to It 1C Johnson , lot
4 , hlU3. Will's ' Park Pl.ieo 700
C ( i Wallace and wlfn to O I Hume , lot
U , blk II. Oliflon Hill 600
Jacob Williams and wife to M K Hop
kins , lot 5. till , 2 , Mlllard Plaeo 17,000
Anna M Viitcsto I. A W Tinman , lots2u
and' > , blU U , and lots f > and G. blk 7 ,
lli-lggs I'laco 8,000
A It llooclc to O ( i Hooolc , lots' ' to .1 ,
s. II. HI , blk I. lot .I to H , b.l(2 ,
H.o-kV siiband lot ? , blk 6 , Uc-a
t-iilu add 1
Htangu l''n.oit and wlfo lo Hc'.aim
Alltiildr.r. w IU\Kjfj ) feut lot W 1
Mllliild .V C's IK a
IK-S. | | )
J ! ' lluyil , slu-rlir. lo fJ A HOUR-
laud , lot nblU ,1 , ( Juntral Park 17
Kamito li T Ho iir'nml ' , n W feel , lot
10and II , Ml' 10 , I'lvtrluk'a huuond add , K3I
Total amount of transferS t39.4l'i !
Cli'ii'li'j.Itn'oi'Mon IIH ii Ijlf'o Kiivi'r.
Ono divy thin weolc , unyu a nonvspoiul.
enl of tlio Boston ( Hobo ; Mr. Clinrleh I ) .
.lolforson , itldiut KOM of "Kip Yun
Winlilo , " did nn lioroiound most timely
net. Two .vuuiitf ludlcH , ( juusts at the
, | illoi-Hon villa , were in bathing nt Hut-
tormllk liy. Ono of the lailiob L'ot ojt
beyontl her depth , and went down , not
being n Hvvminor. Her coinpuninii at
tempted to H'i to her as.slHt.'i'ii'o , li'it ' sliu
in turn onduni'orod hoi * life in deep
wiUor , with wriliili HIO ) WIM not familiar.
The Ilrst yoiiiiff lady uunk u tfocon.l time
hefoio aHsihtuiieoytin attraeted to her ,
nnd tihovn.s about to ( ; o down for Iho
liisl Uinij when Mr. JolToruon dove in and
( jra-ijiud hor. After druwiiiff bur to land
ho nidud tlio soeond youni ; lady ashore.
U"8torntivi.8 were uppllod to llio lady
who had narrowly uscaned drowning ,
and bho waa tjnuliinlly brought to.
No gripping , nn nuiuea. nfi pnm whea
JuWili'H ) l.iUlu iO.irly Kuofi lauuu.
bumll uili. batu mlU Boat