Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Bather 8p.vmotlio , Being Active
and Dnll by Turns.
Mvcly FocnmIIIOIIR tlio Hulls nncl
lirnrH on 'ClmtiKO CiinsltliTablo
HcilKliiK Acc'omjillslieil
Btouku mid Bonds.
CttiCAOO , July 2H The wheat market todav
wan nilher spasmodic , boliiK nutlvo unil ( lull
by limn , I'rleo eh in os were frequent , but
dlirliiR most of tlioilny kept wltlilu a r.uiiio of
about I'Sc ' with the aver IRO Jirlco lower than
yesterday's close. Tlio news was not very In-
fliicntlal ulllicr way ; tlio receipts ubont 100
earn In excess of tlio estimate , but cables wore
lilKlicr ; there was a Rood deal of who-il for
sale , however , at tli3 start , Vflth only a
moderate demand and llist s lies wuro lower
at S'J'iftMlVo ' for December. Tlio weakness ,
however , started n peed doil of covcrliiK by
shorts p irtlr to rc.illro profits on sales nndo
yosterduy , nn I this buying , with tin' ovolto-
nient which ruli d In o its .mil tlio ndvunco In
corn , quickly turned tlio market upward A
private cablu about tlio H HMO tin o reported
bad weather In I'raiicu and Paris. Solivv.irl/-
Dupco , Mllmlhe , llodnian , l.o/an & . CO. nml
Coilnsulman .V D.iy nero Kood buyers for a
time nnd tliero was nn upward rush , Pccotn-
ber touching tu'ie. ' Then there was a BO.IHOII
of Inborcd loill/lnR by u irly buyers ! corn and
oats boiran lo break , hurvestliiK was reported
BslmvInK be tin In Ninth Ii ) ! > ol i and another
Paris cabin reported a doellno tliero with
weakness In Liverpool and prices took a sharp
drop December sclllntroll' tnfh'lc.
Unilahyliniiiurcil a bli ? line yesterday ,
commenced piitlliiK It out ted ly at Wound
WIIH mi imtrresslvu ( utter for a time , and the
market broke as mueh from this as any other
cause I'ardrldee nppirently wan doliiR
notlilir. The market was fairly steady aftnr
the noon hour , after having sold off toi-8J o
for Decembei. chlolly on the heavy reall/lm ;
by longs mid the esthii ilo of 700 ears foi to
morrow I hero was a rc.icllon lo Wl'jc. ' but
another break followed toM'ii1 ' and the mar
ket closed ste idy at HS'ic.
Corn was strong early and for a time tbo
market was led liv oils , and September
Bold from 5'n e to f > r V ! then there was
a IU ) lire.ili nhcMioits tel lapse I.
The lending futures ranged an follows :
oi'LV iiinn low Close
July . . . . 68K
AtlKIIKt 8I <
Heplrinbui , 8IK ,
Dd'iinbor .
Coiiv .No i
AllKIIHl , , ,
6,1 '
OA rs-No 2
July 41
AllL'llHt , . , 2-1
MKSS I'I ( lilt
HnptiMiiber . . II ro II 70 II 40 II 45
October . . . . II (6 ( 11 45 II0
L A HI i
NeplninbiT. . . fi 72't r.T'i triit
O ( lobor . . . . fiK , I , Si b 75 B75
Hi'ploinbcr . fi M f , Ml 7IK 6 SO
October . . . 1 01 7 Oi I , ' !
Cn h iiiiotiitlons were us follows :
I M tin Stonily , unchanged : winter , pat
ents. HM4 'HI ; spring , patents. tl.7n-i 10.
WIIKAT No 2 spring wheat. tMo ; No. 3
sprlti" wheat. Ho : No. 2 red , 8S ; c.
Conv No 2 , rXJ'ie. '
OATS No. 2 , .i. ' , , < iM7c ; No. ? , white , 30 < 241c ;
No .1 , white. JA'ytijae. '
Kl F Na 2. 71c.
IIAIIUV No 4. flic.
' ' '
TI'MIIIHV Sr'ui-'l'iime. II 2TI.2I.
I'nitK MOSR pork , er barrel , Jll TI1.T > .
Lard , per cwt. , JH..1V. Short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
TO 7Xiln.7 ( . Dry salted shoulder * ( boxed ) , f57J4i
B 71 Short clear sides ( boxed ) , } 7.1Xi7.2n. (
WllISKl Dlstlllnrs' IliiLshnd ( 'oods , per gal ,
Itecelpts and shipments ted ly were as fol
lows :
On the produce exchange today , the bnttor
market was qulot anil unchanged. KBITS ,
Now York
NEW YoitK , July 23. 1 ioim Kcccipts , 13,800
packaKPs : Otports. 3/D hiurols. 9d 2 s.iolvs ;
fairly aotl\o unil iionor illy steady curly , hut
clnsca dull and oiislor ; snips , .IMOO barrels.
TDIIN JlKAl , Dull , unc-hiiiiKcd.
WIIKAT Hccolnts. 18 1. WO bushels : exports ,
27U77 hn hulNi aalo . 8,0 8.000 bushels of fn-
tnrcs : ICS.OOI ) bnsholB spot , fapot iniirkot
iinnrttlcil nnd lower , but fairly active ; chiefly
exports ; No. 2 red. OiWDI'Jo In store nml
elevator ; OSVcfJil.OO alloit ; ( WJJcOJI.OJ'i f
o. h. ; nnurauc-d rod , O'cIWI.OOU ; No I north
ern to arrive , tl.u7l3l.07U : No 1 hard to airlvo.
ll.09l.WUi ( No SUhloiiKO. JI.O.IU © ! OJ'Op
tions advanced ourly W&l'toon ( Inner cables ,
stormy her at the wi'st ; coierlnc and
forolun buying , reacted and declined I a@i'o
on roill7lii4 : and \\cnkcr cables , closliiK heavy
at SiTclc below joslorday ; No 2 rod. July , l)7'4 )
G'WMf ' , closlinr. ! )7'S ) ; August. 1)5 ) J-lfi)7c. ) clos-
In ) . ' , U.'i'hiC ! Suptonibor , 9"i'B'J7c. oloslnir , a5 4c :
October , < ) ( i'i1a,9714C ( , I'loslnn. flO'ic ' ; Noiembur.
07' , < aOMc ; , oioslnn , D'Vio ; Dcci'inber. IS l-10c ®
f I DO , i' lost UK , DS'jo : .I.innarv , IW'icJJfl ' 00 , olos-
IIIL' , IKlijc ; May , tl avSl.oi't , uloslnir. * I 01' , .
H K-Qiilet ; linn ; western , { September de-
Ihory , 7.i(37Uc. (
IUnti\ MALT null ; Canndn country made ,
* il,05 ; city miido.
UOIIN Hocclpls , fO.uM bushels ; exnorts , : i- |
107 blishcls ; salts. 2,181,00(1 bushels of futures ,
27,000 bushels of | iut. Spot market hl-'her ,
very dull ; No 2 , 70'i7lo ' In elevator ; 7H'a7.'c (
alloiit ; iinprndeul inlxi'il. 707lc. Uptlons ad
vanced llioi'jo on covering hero and west , re
acted with who itU < M'4o and closed vvo.ilc _ and
F s ; iwjaai'if , closing ( iVio ; riep'temhorT
ti2tHe ! } , closing , O''e ; October . ' © ! , olos-
Inc , niTtoi Decomhor. M'idJSI'Jc. ' closing M'ic '
OATS ltecelptn,2'4roObushels ; oxports,2.r'l7 ' ;
salon , I8\ooi ) bushels of futures ; 1)70.000 ) bushels
of spot. Spot market higher. Options fairly
. . . . . . . . . , , .
M. J TI-HV 'V im. . iiit wiiiic , i ri
mixed wcstorii.f4l'Jo ) : vvhlto western , 4' ' ) ®
BOi" No 2 Chicago. 4'4J c ,
JlA ( Julot , flteudy.
, ' * " ; . ' ' ' ? ? Mulct : state , common to choice ,
IFffi'JIej ruclllo coast , ISQ''le.
COFCIT Options opened stonily , unchanged
to 11 points up , olo'-o I steady.- II points up ;
sales , , ' ,7r.Obugs. Including : July , f ir.'JOQl ? ;
August , $ mra10.70 : September. ? r.G.ViJir > 73 ;
Oetobur. JI4.7tiiH.8 ; November , III PS ; Decem
ber , mwoi I.HS : spot , Klo. linn , quiet ; fair
cargoes , ls' o ; No 7,17" c.
RufUH Knw. dull , noiulnully lower : fairro-
flnliiB. . " ® J I1-lioi ( centrifugals. 00 test. J'jo ;
sales , 0i ) o busi 1'ernamhuco at breakwater to
riilladelnlilah' ' ) test , 2'so : rollned , oulot : low
grudei , , 1 l-K/rili o lower : No. 6 , J So : No. 7.
! lll-16o : No. 8 , JVo ; No 0 , ; i ll-lfo ! : No. 10.3
D-ifios No. nno : : NO. i2,3Uoiiir ; A , 444 ; i-inc.
loi.As F8 1 oroun , nominal ; Orlonns ,
active , llrm.
Kit K Good demand , firm ,
I'Mimi Kim-Opened ilriu. but nttor a slight
ndvuiicobcciimo dull and remained so until
the close. 1'ennsylvanla oil , August option
sules , iii.uoo barrels : opening , 07Tsc ; highest.
67Vn lowest , 07V , elosln : , 071 c.
c"TT , < l ! t'EKI > Oll < Steady , quiet : crude , off
grade , a7ft2 ( | > e : off grade .UKit We.
lAi.iovv-nrm : elty , if. , for packages , )
4 J-IOc ; unintry , 4 > 4Ae : sales , 40nno pounds.
ltnsiNl.asy , dull ; M rained. $ l a.vai.40.
TUHi'ENTlNK ' Dull to lower : L1UJ'UC ' ,
I'lios Qiitot , steady ; western , IMiltjV.o : ro-
celnls , 54H1 packiiges.
CUT MtHTi < - , pickled bellies ,
i e ; plculed shuulders. li'iWii'Jo ' ; middles ;
vnfilerquiet : bliortclear , iiepteiiilor , IO.M ) .
VA , " " 11 , " " ' w11" loners western steam.
4. ' ; biilei , , SOO tierces ; option sales. 0,1 o
tlurcv : July close I. $ , .70 ; August. M71 ®
. ' .closing. (4l7.'On.74i t-etitombor , lUSvaoui
iiibor eloseil , t7.17 ,
n Kit Quiet , unchanged ; wcitcru dalr v , 11
( tlllc ; western eroainoiy , UiilCc. wcalorn fao-
tory , llOHc ; Elglns. ICc ,
CMKK8J bieudy ; part skims. CQO'io ; Ohio
flat , 5)jit7e ) ( ,
I'm InoN-Dull : Amerlrnn , ,
f'ot'l'Klt-Dull , Luke , July , * 125n Au
LV.A'D Steady ; domestle , f4 37 ! , .
Ti.N-rirm , straits , t 10.
City .MnrketH.
Dull nnd Blunt No. 8 hard , cash , 7tio bid ; July.
77c ; Nik 8 red.cush. 77o bid.
OOUN Ai'tlvoiuul higher ; No. S , cnsti , 53 ?
Mill Julv. Mic.
OATS WVnk anil lower ; No. 8 cash ,
bid ; July , 2ti ) .
Ttn-hicuily and unchaiiRod ,
s Wouk ut I0c.
> Weak and lower ; fancy , H.M.
tii'i T-NVhuut , l.wwj corn.M1 \ oats ,
none ,
biiirurMn-Wliont , 3,0)0 ; corn , 1J.WX ) ; oats ,
iiollH Whont Alarkct.
H. Minn. . July 23. WitKs T De
mand for No. 1 northern fair ; Ion grades x >
tromoly dull. Koculpts , 110 cars : khlpincnts ,
td cart. CloiluKt no. l harU , July , ll.Wli ;
on track , H.01 ; No 1 northern , July. 07o ; on
triiok , WVcNo. ; ' 2 nurtnorn , Jnljr , Olu ; on
track , Bllt We.
Mlnncnpollis Flour Output. , Minn. July 2,1 Tlio North-
vrestern Mlilor says ! Tliero wai not rulto | in
mncli Hour proiind last w ok as the week bo-
foro. The aBRrcRiito output of the sixteen
mills running Fs I tlnw barrols. averaulnp 22-
32. burrols dally , nciiliut I ) .3fi. ' barrels the
prcccodlnB wcnk , iri.80i barruls for the correv
pondlnit tftno In 1 'JO. nnd 11D.270 barrels In
Isso. oroorlus' ) tlmo wns lost durlnB tlio
week by sovn-al of the mills , There were
unrenlcpn mills In motion Wednesday and
they were KrlndliiK at the into ot about 23,000
tin rrels dally ,
Hlncuqarly last week tlio water power ha ?
bceiMory good , Ihoiifih nl times Ir , shows n
tendency to go down. If there were any more
mill * runnlni ; nn actual shortage of water
would bo developed , . . .
The closing down of the Crown roller mill
from damiiuu by llro doubtless saved the 011-
forcemcntof water regulations
There Is some Improu'tnunt In Iho nuirket ,
thn moit of It Is In the p ist two days slnco
wheat iidi uncoil. On the whole the output for
a week buck has probibly been disposed ol
by fresh sales. More Interest Is Shown from
abroad thin at home.
Makers' Is In KOOJ demand for export , ar ;
thoiiKh the prleesoircrul are pretty low. a good
deal has been booked oven for in Into xhlpincnts
ns'eptombcr. Iow crudes Mro In less request ,
wlillu the trade In pitents Is rttlll conllnid to
rather small limits. The hlu-li llsuro at which
cash wheat Is kept here Is still complained of ,
but a dlllViont state of tlilnss Is looaoil for
next month. , , ,
The ndviuitauo tint the Dultitli millers by this I'lrcuniRtaiico Is gro it , as local
iiilllurmisuil th it tliu competltliiii for the
/.onlth city Is Iho most ajjuressUo that ther
Inn ole meet Home of the Mlnnoipolls mlllH
nroiiiitlint | lower prices th in u iveek iir'O , but
thu lilghiT cost of wheat will doubtless force
them to mark thiim up again
The export shipments for the week uro lil-Sli
barrels , against .U.MO Uiuruls the week before ,
London ( inot itlons for 2SJ Ib patents.
.tisfl-lls ; bakers , 2us 0l- ' " > s ; low grades , 10s ! ) d
® ! 7s4d. _
Iliiviinii .inrlcoti.
MSN-ANA. July 2:1 : SPANISH OOMI ? 2.405iiJ (
rACiiANnc-Dull ; on London. I8'i per cent
huoAlt Qnlel ; 770 lues iciitrlfu-als Ri't '
piilinl/atloii , so d on speculation ut $107 gold
pur <
St. IiOiilH MurkctH
FT Lottis. Mo , Julv 2.1 Cereals opened
stionc , ( Idsod ucuk to loner
U'IIBAT CiiFh. S'I'HC ; fceptumbcr. 84'ic.
C'nitM C ish.WHic ; September , SP4o.
OATS Cash. , ii , c. ijeptemtier , 20'ic.
I'OIIK l.nuci : tll.'iO.
I.All ) Htcady , I .23.
WlllSKV $1.11) )
Ciiioimiiitl Slnrkotfl.
ClNCiNVATr , O , July 23 WHEAT Easier ,
No. 2 red. 8'ic.
Coii.v-sirong : No 2 mixed. Ofl'JS07c. '
OATS I'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , ,17'ic.
Tolnlo Cr.iln Market.
TOI.KDO , O. , July 2,1. WHEAT Lower ; cash ,
69eCOUN Inactive : cash. Olc.
OAIS Qulot : mixed. 4lc.
. WlH. July -WHEAT Weak :
Nn 2sprln _ ' . cash , OOc ; September. B.'J.c.
COIIN StronR r ; No. 3. cash , fll'ic.
OArs bteiidy ; No 2 while. 40 c.
Ijlvorpool MnrKots.
LivEiipnou July 23 WIIKAT I'lrm ; demand
poor ; holders olTorsp.iritulv.
JJsOd per cwt foi prime western.
S / OCliS AM * 1H . \ OS.
July 2.1 Thu stock marUet to
day was OMiii moro btaznant than those of a
few preceding dajs. and rom ilnoil from open
ing to cloio almost entirely dovo'd of to i-
turo , whllo no Important ch ingo In % aloes oc
curred In any stock. The two parties In the
market maintain the s.imo attitudes , and un
til either one or the other receives additions
from outsldo sources or something of a posi
tive nut uro Is developed to have a material
Influence iiuon v ilu < " 5. the dullness and stag
nation Is likely to continue bt. I'.iul , Itur-
llngton , Loulsvil.o & Nabhvlllo and Hock Ikl-
and were the only stocks showing any anima
tion whatever , and gave to the m irkot what
llttlo character It possessed during the morn
ing hours , Louisville and Rock Island be lux
most prominent on tlio decline. After a par
tial rally the mostiutcnsodullncsso\orspio id
the market and utter stagnation marked the
Some llttlo buying of Western Union was re
garded as slgnlllcant but did not assume lar o
proportions and failed to move the stock moro
than U l > or cent. 'I ho pressure was Increased
In l.onlsvlllo In the afternoon and Its loss was
brought UP to about 1 per cent and In the last
hour there was aso > cro drlvo at Iliirllngton
under the old story of an Incre.iso lu Its se
curities , and Its net loss wasmado lamer than
The market closed dull and heavy to weak
at the lowest prices of the day The Until
changes uro generally for small fractional
losses but nurllngton Is down Hi pur cent ,
Loiilsvlllo l' per cent and Wheeling & LrxUo
Krlo preferred 1 percent. Railroad bonds wore
oven loss Interesting th in usn tl of Into and
on a voluiiiQ of business ic'.ichliig only $ r > 2,000
the changes weru less significant whllo us
usual of Into no decided tendency In prices
was seen. The few Import imnemeats among
the Inactive Issues , honulcr , show u majority
of losses.
Government bonds have been dull and
bt.itebonds bino been entirely neglected.
The following uro the closing quotations
for the loading stocks on tne Now York stock
exchange today :
, .
Norfolk A West pW. . 4H l.ond'lnut
Norlhurn I'nclllc Suunr Trust
dupruforreil . , C.l ) Southern 1'ncltlc . , ! iO
U , I' . IjoiiTtr AUulf ITj OrcwmS I , A t' ' N . 24
The total silos of Htockh today were W. 119
shares. Including Atchlson , 4OJO : I.oulsvlllu
.V Nashville , 10,0,1) ) ; Richmond A , West Point ,
2,810i at. Puiil , 10,0V ) ; Union PacKlc , 2,700.
I'Miiiinciliil ICcvli'W.
NhvvVoitK , July KI. The Postsiys : The
feutuio 'n HID situation vvhl.'h iHllkoiy to plav
an IntorestliiK pirton approachliu tin mcliil
developments is tne westward movement of
currency. This turn In the tide ins IK on
foreshadowed during nil of the pust fort
night hy the li ilanelnc of the Chlo.ico
oxchiuiKO. Yesterday and today the scales
have topped emphatically to Chicago's side
and the hanks join with the United states
treasury In reporting an active of
money westward It Is not easy to estimate
the probable volume of this Interior
movement ,
The western batiks have shipped money
eastward lu exceptionally lurt'o quantities
filuco the Rold exports of I'OI lien-aii , lint on
the other hand the government has been dls-
hursliiK heavily and till ) government pay
ments nave been pruttv widely distributed
throughout tlio count TV. Ills not , therefore ,
to fee supposed that .Now Vork will hu coin-
lie led to return to the Interior cities all the
funds that It received fromthusumo uiiarters
dnrltiu- the season of cold export. That the
beulniilnu' of the movement had been felt In
thu time money market was tdinwn by an
Immediate hurJcnltu Hi rates , all of which
were marked up tod.i j one-half pur cent more.
Ntatmiient of tlio Ilnnk ol' Prniiuo.
I'Aitm , July 2-1. The weekly statement of
the Hank ot 1 ranee shows an Increase of
5.2IK ) , 0 francs In irold and a decrease of l.CjO-
000 f runes In silver.
Flnniiciliil NOICH.
Ntvv YOIIK. July 23.-01oarlnss 183,08.1,740 ;
b ilances , tl,5/,5Ufl. !
IlosTON , Mnss..Iuly SV-OlcntliiKa.fll.673.gOJ :
bulimvcs. tl.Mr..UJiIi rutu for money , lilt to 3 per
cent ; uxcliiinyo on Now Vork , 1 2 } Jo discount
to par.
I'liit.AiiEi.i'iiiA. July n-CloirltiTS. IJO/iSO-
7Ul baluuce * . * i'.M,7lJ ; money , 4 per cent.
IlALTlMolili , Md..Jnlv2.l.-OloarlnBs. t2,303-
57 ; buluncci , HIS.U15 ; money , ! ) per cant. *
Cuuucio , July23.-Now Vork uiohauge , M
O60o discount , Iliito § for money stcaily nm !
unrlmnRcd. Glonrlngt were tl3,2VSOOO. ( Sterllns
cxcIiniiRO ntnidy nnd unchanged atl 8ti ; foi
nitty-liar bills and ll.h'ii for night drafts.
Now York Bloiioy Sforkot.
NEVT YOUR , July 21. Mover 01 OAt.iEnsy ,
rnn liiR front Hi to 2 per cents last loaned , IK
per centi closed at Ilj'percent ,
I'lllMB MRUCAfTtl.B l'AI'Bit-5 percent.
BTRMI.IV1 ICXCIIAsnB-yulot At (1.84'i ' foi
ilxtyday bills and Jl 87m for demand.
The following wore the closing prices on
bondu :
Denver 'MiningH'ooUs. '
Cole , July 2l.-Thero was Ihely
buslniws on the mlnlnj ; exchange today , 1)11- )
inond H bolinc tlio foiituio. Miles , W > SJObhares ,
1'ollowliiKaro thocloslnit iuotitlons | :
Kt. Ijouis Mlnliii ; ( Quotation * ) .
ST. Lnuts Mo.Tuly 2.1 It would have re
quired n derrick toduy to raise inlnlnc stocks
from the slouch of dullness Into which they
The following bids woronndoon oil ! :
nm . . I'M l.lttlo Allicrl . . . - '
Amerlcin Nettle. . . . 2 > Montrosc 1'lnccr. . . . 70
lllniL'tnlllc S6UO M llrtcn 4v
Ceiitrnl silver 1U Silver A e HO
iil/nlicth : 17' > Yiinia 5J (
( iranlto Jl 32 > 0
New Vork alining Quotations.
NrwVoHK. July 2. ) The followliu are the
oloilngmining htook iiuotat ons :
Alice lie Iron * llvur llfl
AilumsLon ISO Ontario ftO )
pc'n l u 140
Duulnouil. ' 1.10 I'lymontli . ls.1
Ilomestaka 1IOJ Slorra .Nuuln . - ' !
Horn Silver AS > \clow Jiukot . HO
Stock Murker.
July 2 ; ! The following are the
London stogie quotations elosliu at 4 p. m. :
Consols , ruonoy. . . 'HHIh Cnnndlim facltlc. . . 8m
Contoli , account.U5 11 Ib Krlu I'M
U. 8 4 < IJO Mexican Ordlnnry. R.1
U. H 44 101 bt. 1'itiil common. . T5U
N Y. I' . AO I sti . . M Mov. Cunt 4s 'i
ItAii 4G'8d per ounce.
Unto of discount in the open in irl > ct for both
short and three mouths' bills Is 2 per cent.
Rank of Kii ; liinil Bullion.
LONOON , July 2,1. The bullion In the Flank
of Knxluml Increased 1,0.0,001 during t'io
piist week. The proportion of the Hank of
England's resor\o liability , \\hlchlastwcek
was.19"'I percent. Is now4J01 Dcreont. 'the
amount Rene Into the Hank of England on
balance toduy Is ilO-.OOO.
Ontc ao. July Jt Keniiett , llopkniii
to b. A. Mchorter : 1'lno weather , largo
receipts and none too encouraging foreign
udvlcus oponol the market weak and the
execution of numerous buying orders quickly
absoibed all oHorlngs and forced prices
hUhor thin those vostcrdav. It was soon
evident that longshid utlll/ed the rally to
roall/ooii. Shorts had covered ficuly but a
prominent boar operator who took In his
wheat yesterday Is ciodltcd with h ivliu sold
half a million ut OOo foi December. Huilv
reports from the sen boaid Indlcatid
llttlo tminiiy for expert and tradois
gonur.illy felt there hud been no
adequate response abroad to the 4'5c '
advance ; not only hail the advance checked
thoo\poit business but It had stimulated
country shipments and a largo Incronxa In the
v Islblo seemed prnh iblo. Reports of h irvest-
Ing In South Dakota were received from'-ev
er.11 sources , producing a weak fi cling , which
was quite pronounced. It Is thought by most
traders that loner prices will piovull foi a
day 01 two. Thostiucoio In July oats showed
considerable energy at the opjnln1 , ' , and this
sioined to glvo toun to both corn and oats.
Tlieru was active covering for a tlmo
but as soon as this doiiianil was
stopped weakness set In and prlus
sagged the lost of the day. burnt ! stocks
roifdcr It posslb o to manlpulatu corn , but
coiiHurvatlvo coiiimlsslon men look for much
loner prices In the end. The Weather livery
fa\orihly atrcctlng the growing crop ,
Receipts of > n\\i oats were near.y three
times as mrgo IIH my forinur day and the
superior grading shows the ciop to bo of
evjellcnt quality. If today's iiiovoment Is
Indicative of what Is to follow July will soon
soil much noarur the prlco for August. 1'ni-
vlslons followed other markets and were
devoid of any speolul foaturo. 1'res.slnir high
lirlces n av bo expected to bring out larger
iilTcrings of hogs at moro moderate prices
under which a material docllno In piovislons
M emu probable. The market has ruled strong
forhomo time aim ought toll ivo a reaction.
Cnu'AK ( ) , July 8' . bchwnrtDupee A , Me-
Cormlck to P. 0 , bwartz , V ( Jo. : I'ho wheat
market has been very active , presenting the
somewhat unusual cusoof touching call prices
and uftci winds sclllin ; below puts. The tradIng -
Ing has been largo and general. Kurty Liver
pool cables were linn , and a sons itlonal ro-
liurt came f rom I'laneo an to very unfuv-
iirublo weather unil consequent largo buying
In that market. The r.isult was an active and
stronger marko. there The turn la tet came from
the estimate of receipts tomoriovv ut 700 curs ,
and from late cables quoting all continental
markets wo ik i.nd lower , the result luting that
several largo lines bought josterday and
early toduy were thtowii upon the market
from which the short Interest hud boon gon-
eriilly eliminated. 1 hero was a .voak eluslii-
at about bottom prices. Receipts at
olovitn primary points were I.IUI,0)0 ) bushels ;
shipments , IKOJO. ; Uar lots sold at
U c , but closed weak ut BOc , Olcariiiicus
from four potts wuro.117,000 bushels of wheat
and Ki.0 x ) pucka.scs of Hour , There were some
reports of the cutting of wheat In Bontll Da
kota , but It Is too early for tills to amount to
much. Corn , llko wheat , was very stroni : early
and weak later , thu uarlv btiength comliu
from largo buying to cover shorts Induced
largely by Iho very great strength In the oat
market. Receipts for tomorrow ware In-
creiiM'd , being cstlmiitnd at 400 cars , which
with the weaknesH lu wheat was rosponslblo
for thu into drop In the market. The oat deal
furnished thu bons.itlon ot thodav , largo pur
chases being made at the opening to cover
hhorts'n July. There were numerous orders
In the market for that option mid there
seemed to bu but few sellers until It reached
4V ; ut vhlcli llgu rot ho loading as very large ,
afterwards a quick drop of 7 or Ho took place
The ho.-market wus lower and rcullrlng on
provisions was very free , one or two largo
lines of lard and rib * boliu pulon the market.
Indications uro tint the shorts are well cov
ered and there was a noticeable luck toduy of
buying for Ion ; account. Market closed tunic.
Uliicuin , July 81. Logan & t'o. tb Toncray
X Dry an. Wheat opened uctlvo at Mi'ic , sold
uptoUO'iu and closed ut hs'4o. Cables from
Liverpool were llrm , from I'arls higher on un
favorable wutithor , Uoiiorts from the north-
wutt uru lei > s favorable , complaints of rust
and Insect Hfo doing damage. Heavier re
ceipts today and some Increase for tomorrow ,
along with an easier fooling abroad , caused
loiuu free roallzlug and lelllug by i'ariltldgo
r > nd his followers. Thn close Is at the lowest
point of thn day , TnKJItllo rea tlon WHS ti
bo looked for after thphtirli pressure of the
p-ist tv o days , Wo s/ffl / consider wheat a pur
chase on all break.lAid ' will bo no until re
sults of the crop ufe"1kiio 'li. Corn oponoi
strong. The prluo liiwdilr near future will de
pend on receipts. Wo tavornolllngboptoniber
nn all bulges for qulok stums. The oat mar
ket Is aetlvo for Jnlr' ' with lltietiiitlons ot
from Co to 7o. lion pruduct-i are dull.
A report of the tlnpfiTtment of agriculture
at vViKhtngton says : Rye In Kuropo Is a
cereal second in imunrtancu to wheat only
In many countries li.Js the staple broadstuiT
Its use making posHtulu a larger oxportntloi
of when from exporting countries mid up-
plcmcntliig the higher priced cereal In Im
porting countries. In nustorn Europe the pro
duct Is larger than thu who it crop In Austria ,
permuny and Russlirr-Tho crop In Russia Is
lurirer than any ccronl Ciop grown lu any
country of the world nxcopt corn In ours Thu
fact that rye < o lur uly siipploments wheat In
the Luropeaii dietary niukcs the prospect for
the crop this > ear of unusual Interest , In view
of the serious shortaito of wheat , I'ho Kuril- agent of thu department , after u earefu
Investlgutlon. sends the following eablo cov-
crliu prospc'ds up to Julv 7 : "Wunthur Improved -
proved Russia , greatest producer , at least
So. possibly 40 per cunt short : Germany. 8.1 ;
Hungary , Holland. Trance , Roumanta unil
Denmark. 13 "
NKHoiiic , July 23. Kennott , Hopkins , t
Co toH A MoWhortcr : The stock marUot has
been In many respects n icpclltlon of other
davs. London has not contributed anvthlng
to the business of the dav. The London mar
ket Is In about the same sce-s iw conditions
that this Is In It rallies.ind fulls back within
fractional limits This m irkct Is waiting for
the situation In Kuropo to clear up either by
becoming worse 01 better. The public Is outof
the market and profess unal traders are lee
timid to take any great Interest. Thu outlook
In this country , b irrlng a possible stringency
In money , could not well bo brighter. Ral-
vvny earnings are alruiidy showing up hand
somely. Thn Northwestern company tor the
month of Juno increase I $11)1,1 ) OOiuid the Penn
sylvania company for Juno increased J175.00U
net. Atpiosent , however , mere iiitllo busi
ness Is poor , the Iron nnd coil trades being
especially dull. There ( abut llttlo pios-uro to
sell iron , at the s.imo tlmo Ho duin ind Is
small ' 1 ho co il companiesaroconsliintly ex
ceeding their allotment of production and
actual prices are below circular rate" 'Iho
inarki't closed dull and lifeless with a ten
dency to lo\ver \ prices.
ojitHA i.i , / ; , s / OCK.
OVIMIA. July 2.1 13U
CATTnr rocoluH of cuttle. . ' .Ml.
us c'omuurcd with 2,4 l yesterday and Nil
Tlittridnvof 1 ist week The ni'iiUet was slow
ami .ilioul btc idy on the licst 'r.ides of hcoves
and ivouk and | 0c lo\voi on othoi grades.
Itiitcher stock \viis slovVuml 5 and lOc lower
renders were slow and weak , fully- loner this time last week. Ihcrc vveio no good
ciittlo.imonK the receipts.
lions Olllclal rcceluts of hoes. Mil. us
compurcd with 4M > . vcstcrday and 4.IJ1
riiiir-iduyof lust \veok. Tlio market vvas ac
tive and 5c to lOc lovvci. All sold ourly. The
iiiullty | onlv fulr , . The i.inioof the prlies
p ild $ 'i:0fc. : > 4- > 1. the bnlUso.lliU nt J1 0
ffl > 40 : llcht. $3 w40 ; tic.ity. ti.lWMJ'i ' :
mixed , $ . " > I ffl5.40 I'lio uvor.iKe of tlio piiccs
p ild vvus J5 15M. as comp ired with $ \IO'i ves-
tcrnav and ft ( iV4 Thursday of last vvcolc.
SIIKI.I' Olllclul receipts of slicop 1-0 , us
comp ired with none jesterday and . ' 70 Tliurs-
d.iv of lust week. The inurUet was uctlv o and
llrm on dem.uids In excess of the icceipls.
N.ithcs. fZ7V2i")00 ; westerns , $ . ' jO5.0J ; good
GO to 70-11) . lambs. $ .1000 23
Ilouolpts a-itl lls ; > . > -iuc ! > .i ol' Stock.
O iccoluts in 1 disposition of stock as
shorfiiby the hjjksof tha Union stockyards
comp my for the tivniity-fiiur hours ondliiK at
5o'clock p. in .July 23 1SOI :
Rcproscntativo Sales.
i. 1J40 2 23
U. 148J 2 25
4. . 212 3 05
ring AND notion.
1 . . . vx > - i 71 s . 100 - 400
1 . . 100 2 CO
No Av. I'r.
120 native , corn ixnd grass fed . . . . 00 465
o Ijlvo Stock Mnrkct.
Ciucutio. July 2.1 JSpoolul Telegram to Tits
IIFK.I Today s iw a further snKrfiiift lu prices
foruattlo. the Honeral market belli ) ; n , lVo !
tower than yostordav. This makes n deutlno
slneo last 1'rlday of 1 ft Til Jo In peed to cliolco
grades , and of ICiOoOo In anything ( trading below -
low Rood Cows nro off to fl.25ft.UX ) for poor
to choleo iiualltlos , ami eommon to cholco
steers are ( | tioted at J. ) 4 a * > 7. > , vvlilto Tovas
Brass eattlo are down to $1 r > txS.l.n. I ho average -
ago iiiallty | of offerings was very common ,
and at least tbrco-fourtlis of the day's trans
act Ions were at prices below f I.'O.
The prevalllns prices for cows were $ l.7. * > 16
27" > , and for Texas call oIV3I.OO. . Tbo day's
receipts consisted of about H.uOO nathes , 4,000
rexnns and 2.0JO western ratiuo eattlo. In-
eluding eattlo left o\er from Wednt'sday tliero
were not loss ihaii IS.UO' In the yards 11 was
found Imp'isslblo to dispose of that number ,
enotuh stoek holtif left unsold to make Itile-
cldedl > Improbihlo tint tomorrow will aoo
more sitlsfaelory markets than was experl-
encul lod'iy
It was \ory much S'leh n hoj market as was
exporleneed yesterda > The shlppliu < Iom ind
lac > ed the streu.'th thiil has hitherto ehaiac-
torl/iMl It and as looil p lekers were not sharp
competitors , salesmen were obliged to yield
another point. The axerano of the prices was
about I0e lower than for Uednusilav or lVJ12' > c
lower thin for Tno day The deellno has
fallen prllu'lp.i'lv ' upon hoaxy and medium
wok'hts. the former showlnc the creatost
shrinkage t.Uht Inus if prime quality are
not more than Hi lowot than Tuesday The
miles run from W VKM.SJ for culls toltfi'i for
fanev asMirled llclit weights The top
for he.ivy heirs is } " > fl' ' ; and
for medium weights J"i 70. ' 1 ho trail-
ln as prlnclpillv t * ' < ' ( iMO for a\ernt-es
of fiom''lUto.Dl pounds and at 1 > . Of - > 7'i for welu-hliiK lesth in 23 1 pounds The
Kot closed < | iilto weak , with seine hogs left
Tbo nriMilne Journal reports ! OATTin--Ko-
celpts , ; shipments , 4000. Market slow ,
lower , pr mo natives. * . " > 'OflAlU ; iroo 1 to
eholie , J' > V > as RSi others. &l8V&i2fl ; Tox.iris ,
$ ' . 'pnffji2"i , stookors , S..2j.l " . " > ! butchers cows ,
* . ' 7W.1 7\
Ilixis ItccelpK IP.OOO ; shluments , P.010 ;
M.uUotsteadv at yesterday's clo > lim prices ;
roti h , JCrtlBI'M ' ; mixed pickers , ? > OtWW 7 1 ;
pi linn heivvand butcher weights , Jl VfifiKn
IlL'ht. JMOtt.1-- ) .
SiiHKr Uecolpts n.OO ) ; shipments , 8ma
Market weakand lower ; natl\i < owes. $ fiKii
4 r > 0. mlved and wethers. Jl 7" > 'ii ' > 2'i , Tex ins ,
J-lOvai/ri ; westerns. Jl.Tiis lambs , 1,1 "Vft'itiO.
New Voric l.ivu Stook Af nrlcot.
NPMYoitK. . July 21 ! Ili'i'.vits Kocolpts. Ml ; all fore\itirt ) ; no tr.ido ; feolliitt steady ;
diessed beef linn at 81 , ZU'4e.
C'Ai.Vfs-Iiecelpts , ( , )7 ) bead ; market MO
lower : veals , j : > . oai'-'o ; buttermilk cahes ,
$ .MKtMJO. (
" itn'i1 Ifecelpts : i.O."iO head ; market firm :
sheep 8l.-VTjr > II ; lambs. $ ' > OT'J70J ( ; drtsstd
muttons steady , 8IOo ; dressed lambs linn ,
ll'jfiillC. '
Unas Hecelpts. 2.0H bond , consigned di
rect ; market nominally steady , i5.1txii" > UO.
Kansas City Ijlvo "it u-k Market.
ICANSAS CITV. Mo. July 21 CATTrr Ko-
celpf.1,110 ; shipments. 4.170 ; choice , steady ;
olht'is we ik and loner ; steers , $ .1 ( I0 ® " > T > ; cows ,
Jl f > ) ® . ( , ' . " > : stockem and fucdtirs. JJ uoiW 71.
lions Kpcolnts 5,0)1 ) ; ahlpinonts , 2.U80 ;
marUet finp hlKhor ; bulk. J5)jo4.J ) ! ; all
sradeit n ( I'lV ) .
hiu.Li' Ketulpts , 1,820 ; market steady.
York lrj Uoods ninrket.
NcwVoiiK , July 21 Stiplo cottons were In
modeiato demand tlioujh sblrtnmk-
ers are Imylnc a llttlo more freely and there
waseonMdorablo ( loliiu In ulotnliif ; woolens
The Iiqii3 < tof jobbeis Is notovpoctod to show
uaitUu n Interest this month , but the man
ner in which tne urompt dnlh cry of Roods Is
ordered by estein bnjers Indicates aery
fnxorablc condition of thlius In this relation.
'I he market was uiiLliniiKud and prkos ruled
Hi in.
ign Oil Slurkot.
I/ONDOV , July J.I. LIM.I I.D On , 20s 1'Jda
E 27s 3d per cwt.
The follow In , ; qitot itlons represent the
prices at which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless othoi wNo stated :
NbH I'OTATOIS The mar et Is very weak
and pretty fair stock has been ollcred as low
ii8lYtliic , producers arn snpiilylnK the
demand to such nn extent that shipments
from a dlstineo would mete % ory readily.
NKW ItrKis I'oi bu , fV@.Ue. (
HIIA.NS Nuvy. J-2."i2 " > 0 per bushel.
ToM\ioLs l'obox , ono-thlrd bushul , OOc ®
CucilMlK lis Per doMe. .
Ch 1,1in .IVTMlic per do/ .
OMONS-C illfointn , 2'iC ' per Ib.
OAUiiAdt Homo KIOWII , 2o pei Ib.
frebli Krmt.s.
1'e-irs nrebecomlii ! ; qintu plenty , and Cali
fornia H.utlut peirs are expected In next
oek. Some fancy Nobriska iieathca are
iirrivinK fiom the southe istorn Lountles
W itermelons are lurKerand better than the
oflerliiK1' of a week or ten days ago , and are
bilnRlnK more money.
Ai'i' per 'j bushel box , Rrcon , 40c ; rea ,
fnTaiiOc ; per bbl. , JU'WU-SO ,
OUAMH s-Ios AnKoles are practlc illy out
of the m irket ; Hlvorsldo and Mediterranean
sweets. Jl 75-Ifi - 01 ; Hodl , Jd r > 0 ; Sorrento , $ > CO.
WAT ? inihr.oNs blilpplna stock. 2ixii. > 'iu.
l'K\CH8 Callfornlii , per box. $1 Vlf2 > l,75 ;
choke Nobr.isKa stock , 7)8. > c per basket.
I'r.UMS bonthern cases. i.'tO per 24 quirt
cast s. Callfoi nta. J. ' ( KKtS.2i
Cltnilili's OreKon. $1.50 ; homo srown , $1,25
per ' , bushel basket.
IHNTAtoui'l-S I'or erate. $1 7) ) ® ! . 75.
Al'llitOTS 1'er box. fl.7Vft2.00.
HiCKiiEiiuihh Good .Missouri btool ; . J 00
per 24 qiuirt eases.
iv MONS I'or iiox , W 2V3n % n.
KAUNAS I'or bunch , JJ.OOB2.30 for Rood
shipping atock. _
Country llro luce.
Enos The receipts of ess ( ha\o not been
quite so he iy for a few days and the market
can bo quoted at 12 ® 2'/Se.
Iti'TTMl I'ho maikot Is iiboitt steady at 8'ic '
for the bulk of tbo country produce.
I'OJI.TKV Tli6 receipts h ivo been Inorois-
iv n ml thomiirket Is weak. Old fowls.
fl DO , with only \ery fancy stork itoliiR at the
top price. The bull : of the sptliu chlokons
nirlvliiK BOOS t 1 1,0) ) , but some very fancy
aruo te icli JI.OO , and small one * go as low as
$ . ' .Sj2 50. _
Onuili i mllllns company. Hellanco , Patent ,
$ . ' 80 ; Inline ble I'.itont , l..7il ; Lone Star , hu-
icrlallve , i-MO ; bnowllake , fj.00 ; 1'aney ram-
y. fl W
U , T. Davis milling com pan v. IllRh Patent.
\o. 1 and Cream , S..V ) : Illuo I ) . , full p ituut.
; M > ; llawkeye. half pitont. f. ( J ; bpcelal , Patent No. 10 ij.1,00 ; Mlnntsota patent ,
2IW ; Kansas II" nl Who it , p itnnt , J .05 ; o-
br.ihkablirlng Who it , patent , JJOO.
S , T Oilman's ( iold Medal , J..SO ; Snow
White. J.V > 0 ; hnowllake. f.MO : low cr.ulo. fl.10 ;
Queen of the Pantry. Jf f > 0 ; Minnesota Huper-
atlve , i..BO ; bran , til DO : chopped feed. J.'I.OO.
i ; L Welch JL Co , llest. J'.7f. ; Orown Prlnco.
JJ.ri ( ) ; Minnesota Ohio , J..20 ; bplondld I'aially ,
. . ' .00 ;
Tlio TJ itcst ConiiiiitiMiiii.
Whv is llaller s Sursaparlllii and Uurdock
Iko the most popular soup of the day I
Qocutibo tboy both clcauso the skin mid
eave it soft and velvety.
N I. tICS AM > HTitll'KV
\ Said nikoepcr'H InniilL to Our
EL P\so , Tex , July 2.1. A number of
vouiiK'inou uoro enjovin a banquet served at
ho restaurant La Franco on July 1 1 , in
lonorof the fall of the liastllo. The party
embraced Americans , Mexicans , Kioiiclimun
mid Ocrmuns. An excellent menu was fur-
ilslicd , the clmmpairno was brought in nnd
ho feasters commenced to toast the Ha of
ho different \\lilclMsoroplai-oain tlio
muds of tlio bauquottors by Mr. DCS Holdos.
When tbo lint ; of the United States was
iroiiKht out a VOUIIK man named Sctuilonbon ;
snutchod the IliiK' from tbo hands of n gontlo-
nan , urd witu Insulting remarks nnd nations
hrow It to the lloor. The rent lumen present
nroso from the tunlo find the party broito tip.
SchulcnborK wai invited to upologl/o public-
y. which ho did.
Polcr Wcndel , a Gorman saloonkccpor In
Juarez , In biioakliiK of tlio tnuttur jostord ave
o u party of Americans in his saloon , said
jchulenborK was li 'lit , ami began to uurso
lie American HUK- This aroused the blood
of tbo Americans prosotit , uho piocodod to
lomolish bis saloon. Not n window or dnor
vas lott in ttio building There were no ar
rests ,
Inform. ition I run.
Do you know that any uld sere or out vian
bo absolutely cured by tlio Intelligent use of
lullcr'H Huibod Wlro Liniment. Ho moral-
ul to your horse and trIt ,
McShane & Condon ,
300 B. 13th fct , First National Bank Build
ing , Omaha , Neb ,
Dot la itock , bomU , loourlllot , commercial pa
per , ato. Nuxutlate Iqaai on Improrol U unlia rual
slsto. Short tlruu loam , on bank itvck , ur ua till
' and
Omaha Tout & Awu-
ing Co-
KUiM , Hummock * . Oil ami
Itubborciothlnir. Send for
Cntitlouiio. 1113 tiirnnm
B > mis' ' Omaha Bag Oo.
Importers nml tnnnufnc-
Flour Sncks , llurhps nnd
'I nine.
A. Hi Porrigo&Oo. M , 0.nlt
14 DodxoStreet. < nlt on Monthlr
1'a ) incuts.
Send for our Cntnlogiio
nuil IC07VJ Kiimiin St , Omthiv
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
I.HTT btlofs , bulk .oiippllai , nn I over/lain , : In till )
printing line
lOthnnil DoiulH utroeti
Ackcrmaun Bros , & Hointza ,
Printers tuition , ilo'tnitrport , blink boo * innim-
fiutiirvri ,
HIHIlOKiirl * trft , Oini'ii.
Charles A. Ooo & ( b. , | KirkendallJonoJ & 0j
Manufacturers oaJ Job- j Wholes ilo Mnniifictur'i
bers for HuMnn Hub-
lirxhoa Co , 110. 1101 ,
HCnilow mlstrsot. nml IIUO llnrn < ! > St
Williams , Van Aor- W. V. Morse & Oo. ,
nnm & Harto , phoo Victory , ( "nrnor 11th
AMI ! I ) tuyln nt . O n i-
] 2121Inrnoy Hroat , tm MrreliMiM Invlto I
Omntia , N'cb. toe ill an 1 ox iraln
John L. Wilkio , Lenis Holler ,
Omnlinpnporbox factor ? Ilutchcr ' nnrt I'ickorV
Tooli V Suppling Hoof ,
1117-11U DaiKlii
lioir A * hct p cnlnzi
Ordcr9 promptlT lllls I UK.IIIlinkon > U
W. T. Seaman ,
Oraalia'a I/iruost Varlotf
Omaha Oarpot Oo. , Gilmore & Kuhl.
Carpcti , ol ! clot'ii , rait- 51inufict > iror t Wliola-
tlnit9curtain ijoo U , JtJ mlo Ololtilori
lill Doiulai 'troll. 1101 IHriior St.
Q. Olark.
( lealV torn Ajenlof
Dupont'9 Hportln * tjiin-
pOmlcr , Atlnt hUh iplo-
lire , HlnMInk' cip , fii !
UIS llnrnor ntrpeU
_ _
Toncray &
llrokor , main , provision * JlllstNMIIUnk , llrokori
and ; locki i\t \ , s lllh 1'rlrata Hires to Ni
ft , I'rlratnnlro to Chi- Vork , Chicago and tit.
a no St. Louis nd New houli. Cash cmlu
buiixht for all market *
Oookroll Bros , ' F. 0. Swartj & Oo ,
nrolicM. I'rlfnto wlr Hroki < riiriilnrrOTtilani ( )
to .Sow Viirk , ChlriiKO * '
do 1'rlrM * wlro to 8U
HI Louis Hi'oolnl iMtcn- l.ouls nml Clilcmo. Cnio
ll < m Blvcii to tmck III l t Null llitnk.OmMiit.
on iirnlu li Ktclmmio bid K , 8. ( Jui h
Ecotor&WilholmyOo Cjeo-llftrk-Amlreosoa
Cor. IDth i\nil Juok on sti Hnrdwxrj Oo.
103-1110 Hirnpf strooi ,
Omnhn N h
Paiton & Viorlinr Onmha Eafo & Iron
Iron Work * , Works
Wrouuht nml ciit Iron ,
biilMlnB work , onulnoi Mnmif'rs IIro And buriilnr
lirni < work , iranor-\l prodf mfpi , vnulti , J.iii
founilry , miolilnj ant i > ork , Iron nhuttora
hlnoktmllli work. O I' flre cxcipei U An-
du onInliA Jackson > t i
Wilson & Drake ,
M'fB tubular nil01 dm
buv bailers , tnnki , ata.
ricKonnil loth ttrcoti
Her & Co. , William Dirat ,
Mnuor Moroliinti vv. lnoi , I.liniors and Cl-
111. lltriuitr ' .
Mnnnrntttir rs ICin i > l/'i
Knst India Illltori lin Knrmm St. ,
L , Kirsoht& Co. , 1'iiok & HerberW
holcanlo I.lquor Doilon WbolosnloMquorDcaljri
< 07 ll/USoiitli 10th St < fll . TO 8 10th St.
H. R. Grotto ,
Importer nnd Inbbir of
\ \ Int nn 1 tl < inorf
1070 nml lu.'j 1'nrii i n St.
I'rleo llsti on nppllctUon
Q. W. Douglas & 03 John A. Wakefield ,
Inipnrtrd , American , Tor
Hnrdwood r.umbor. Irvml Cciiient.Mllwaukoa
lljdrniillo f cmont nuJ
1310 North inth Street Qnlncy Wliltu I.lmo
Oharles R , Loa , Wyatt-Bullard Lum
lanlwoful cnrpotn nnd liiintior parquet , wood bar Oo.
flooring JOtli andltartl Strcoti ,
9tli nnd DouKlns.
Cady k Gray , Louis BradforJ ,
I.lmo cement , etc. , oto Lumber , IlinocomQntoti
cor , Utli and Douglns /J'l Douglas 'troot.
0. A. Stonohill , I. Ohorfoltler & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notion ? Importcrnand Jobbcri la
Cloiki , ICto .Millinery.
i.'ij south nth
llfi-llss K.tliSt , Omali % ctreet.
MaxMeyor & Bro. Oo , A. Hospo , Jr. ,
MTic jowolon , dpilori In I'lano * OrEitni Artliti *
inualcal Initri'munU
clc , M ilcrlnlj , Elo ,
Farniui nnd ICth. 1.1II Dnniil-vi Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Urflned nnd lubrloitlni
nil1 * , axle Kroa o , eta
II 11 llulh , Maiintar.
Kibbel & Sm tb , Sohroadar & Oo. ,
Dealers In country prod Cn h burerj buttar nl
uce , fruits , TOKutablui , c id iml Ronoriluau-
etc nil'tlon niorohiati
li071Iownrditroot 4il Sou 111 llth utroat.
Eobirt Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Ilownrrtstrout.
Produce , fruits of
Write for prlcoi on b it- kinds , oysters ,
tcr , OKKH , poultry and
' . Uth > V llurnoy ( treat.
Kirschbraun & Sons , Jas , A , Olark & Oo.
Ilutter , clicoso , o ,
Butter nnd poultry
CBK9 ,
poultry nnd Kama ,
1293 Itownrd street. OCi South 13lh itreot. '
I * Ranclazzo & Son ,
211 South 12tli Street ,
Iori'lk'nliirnostlc Fruit )
} lorliln Oraiu-os , t Sicily
rrnlti llrnncli lioiinc , 7
N. retcr48t , NowOrlnt
Oarpentor Paper Oo , , Omaha Kubbar Oa. ,
Carry i full stock of Mnnufncturln/ Jo
printing , vvrnpplnv and ber.t ill kin li rubber
writing p ipor , ctir.l pi
per , etc I WO Knriuui stroot.
EinorsonSiol Oj , ,
Seed urowors , doilorl li
tnidun vriis , uruln nl
trco si o li
4'I-I.M South nth
- Btovo repairs of all
DufTy-Trowbridjj kind * Cooks and Hea
Stovj ters for iilo.
Manufacture storui in I James
ntovo pip J
1211-1216 Ixmvonn-orth si , C07 9 llth Hb.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo. , Bohn Sash & Door Oo
Manufacturers of lasli Mannfnctnrors of mou
clours , bll nil i and IIIKS , bllndi , d lord ,
.Mouldlnifi llrann'i of oto , run
Mc , Utli and Izirl ti irth nnd Clark itroots.
U. S. Wind Engine & A. L. Stranj & Son ,
Pumu Oo , ,
Hnllldny wind mills on lO'J.-IOOl furimm Hrait.
nnd if.'J lonoi ut. II V
llan , octhu ui inujior. Omaha , Neb.
Company ,
UUandllia llarnsyit.
Onlaba Neb ,
II. Hardy & Oo. , The Brnnswiok-Ihik
royn.dolli , albums , finer " Colloildor Oo.
iiooiU , lioiiHefurnlililiu illlir t iniruii lln
KOIS ! , children' * car- Hiloonniturji
407 409 S IQUntroJL
rliuo III'J b'urnamit. Oinuli4
A. D. Boyer & Oo Huuturit Qroon ,
W-W Ki"lianua MulWIru , 1U Kiclian e llulljlux
South Oni lliv Mmtli Oin Hi' , ,
I am ollorinii stoOit In a tiood sound coni >
p.iny th t will pay a 20 par cent dividend.
$100 aaareu for $86 , Wrlto lor proupuctua
Room 0 , Qor , Am , B'k ' Bldg.Bt , , Joseph , Mo.