Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Another Boom in Wheat and Advarce
Prices Scored ,
Corn Wns StrotiKcr Most of tlio
Way nutl Hot ; Products Wcio
In Sympnthy Stock *
O. July 2S. Tlirro wan nnothcr boom
In wht'ut toduv niul ntiotlic-r advance In prices
was scored. ' ] ho curly IIOWH win nil of a bul
lish rhnrarti'r. A fatul/ti crop authority KHVO
mi rstiiiiiito of the world's \Uioat crop which
made the totnl yield M 000.000 bushels short
of I he coimumptlvo dunmtid. I'rtrls t.iblGS re
ported untiilvaiicr In prlcoof 1 franu an
and 1'i ' francs on Hour , linsulon the'Kusi'iiii '
advlcts nnd the fact that the I'lfiiuh crop Is
liirnliiK out worse thuii oxpcctod. l.Horuool
WHS linn.
Unlninnd warm ttcuthcr In the northwest
canned fours of d-itn IRO frnni nut and finally
thc > receipts were 110 C.IM under the estimates.
About tliu only Icirldh piece of nous and
It l > itd 1 ttlo or no effect wilt ii ,
cable K'vy iu thnt pi lees hud fiillcn
four ii nrls In Ilerlln hecntiso of the collapse
of the July comer there anil that thoclliiuu
wore holilnj ; with the short ? The marKut
opened rjiilut nnd for the ( list ( Iftccti minutes
trade was dull and the foclliu seemed inclined
to weakness. Tor it time the buying was slow
and cautloiis ind the Moiling ritlier free ,
llryant Ijclnu the kudcr on the belling side
and p'lttin otit a Inrcc line. Tor some time
IHccimiur hold liotiYOL'ii hS'4C ' and S.i'iU and
showed no doc did Hind In elthei dlirction.
Then thu bull nnus , tire.idy received Includ
ing u riimiii that Uimnla h id piohlhlud lliuux-
port of btf.idsiuii. came hei\y bnyln eiders
fldln Non Vork nnd M Inils nnd the nnrtli-
virxl .ilsn 1 ( 'Kim to take a peed deal ofvh ( at.
Shot IH tonU alarm ntid under the he.n y bin -
In , ' the idvuiuo was remarkably raiild , lr- )
Lemni r s < Mine toS'l'ic ' ' In a few nilnulis and
with inmh ( Mitement. dllfoid , I.oiiKan ,
Mhlle mil U ( ' Mooru were peed buyers on
the , ulunco Aftei touching Hi'Jc ' ru ill/liiB
hales sent It batk toHi'nf ' , It renetud to b'l'ju
and lei edcd iiK.iln to Hi' ' e. The erond
anxiously watching I'urdrUlKO ind there was
a pcncral exiiuttatlon that lie \vould run In
on his slioris , but ho sloe I his K'uuii'J ' and
bill.U 0(1 ( ll.'llt.
After the noon houi the m.trKet WTS unset
tled and .ilternatoh' nc.iltind stronr. De
cember sold nptoHI'jr , biick tofS'jiO , then up
excitedly to ! * > ' | C 'I ho last sh.ui )
ndvitnin wns on a report that I'uidt ! < ! „ ( ' and
Hryanthad siirieiuleied and had lii'-'iiii to
co\or their shorts The feeling tonnid the
c ( ise si r\ net vnusaiul fnvei Kb , advances
be I n i ; seemed tnoie easily Hum declines. The
close WHS at M > V , aKulnst , tH'eC ' at the close
Coin was strong most of the day. There
i re a few weak spots but they did not last
IOIIK. r < lioiIs stcmed disposed to tovor while
there \\iis not much for sale. Aftcra time the
Hh irp adance In wheat Kau much strength
to coin Itecelpta were llfjhtor th.iu expected
and only ! . ! C.IM were estimated for
tomoircMv. As the day ndvaiiced
the market ctntlnncd to develop
stiuiiRlh. 'I ho shoits toxerod freely , thi'ro
% vas an active demand for the cash article , and
this stirred iiu the shorts In July who excit
edly bid thai month up toduKc at the elus1 ! .
f-eptember Ht.irted at n.l9ic , sold up to ! > 'ie ,
rallltd to "il uc , brolto to WiC. then the
close boomud lofu e and closed , it . ' > . " > ' , ,0. , Me-
t'ormlck A , Co and Il.ildwln and i'arnum
woio liber il bujcrs.
Oits wore stronK and hluher ; July showing
the moststren III on thosiu.ill tecelpts of new
oats , live eais liohi-r in today. Thatfutuie
closed aHlc nKnlnst Sim at the olosu 3 ester-
el ly whllo beptembei closed at 27' , nKiilnst
\Lsteidav. .
Ho , ? products were higher In sympathy with
wheat though hogs weio lower Shorts In
pm lc I cc.ime alaimcd and proceeded to cover
their ti.uks nmld consldoi.iblo .inxlety. The
bulls were assisted by higher jrlces ) abroad.
September pork opened at 111.4.2' ' . , broke to
fIMG. sold up with some , fluctuations to &I1.70 ,
receded loII.V > tallied to 111.83 and olo-od at
8ll.7l"i aculiist fll 47' > at the close vesluiday.
I. ird closed with an advance of IMilU e and
ribs weio.MiWio hluher.
The lending futures ninsed as follows :
WmAT-No i
July g" W ) ' f
AllKtlU f > 74 *
Hcptcnibcr TOf
December fcS'i
AiiKiiit 67K
froptimlicr . . . .
July 41
Anciirt 273 f 4128TJ 271 <
Hcptcnibcr , 87 28 27
September 11 42'-6 ' II fti 11 40
October 11 U ) 11 10 II 00
LA mi
heptembcr flr,2 065 e roe
Uetobur 075 UU5 o 72
September 0 SO f. 03 680
October . . CIK ) 0 ( * )
Cash quotntloiiB weru na follows :
I'M tin hteiidy , iinchniiKcdi winter , pat
ents , N 004 ( Kl : sprlnir , patents. if-l.7 S. > 10.
\S'iihAT No. 2 Hprlnj ; whent. fi'/5ffib03io ) ' ; No.
n sin IIIK whuiit , Mic : No. 2 red , SO'iv.
COKN No. 2 , B ( | > , C.
OAlii No. 2 , 41e : No. 9white , S'iG-lIo ; No. 3 ,
white. .lT.10c.
IHB No. ' . ' . CTJ4c.
HAIII.KV No.2 , nominal : No.U , nominal ; No
4 , nominal.
TI'MHTIH bcbii i'lline , * . ( ) © , .
I'OIIK JleKS pork , uer buiiel , ; il.0ll.S\
Laid , per cwt. , iffl.WfSU.WJ. fahort rihs sides
( loose ) , Dry salted Hlionldursloxed ( ) ) ,
l5.7lli8.V7f > , Short cleiir sides ( boxed ) , KT.20A7.3J.
\\niSK\-Distillers'llnlshed Koods , porgul ,
SlKUliS ITncliiiiiKcd
Hecelpts and slilpinuntb today wore as fol
lows :
On the produce exchange today , the butter
market was steady tin I unchanged. Csjs ,
York ninrkets ,
NEW VOIIK , July 22.ri.otlit Receipts , 11,143
packiiKex ; expotts , 8.M.5 b.utels , M-0 sackb ;
llrm , falrlj rctlvo ; sales , ' , i,5,0 ) ( barrels.
I'ou.s MKAI , Quiet , unchiuiKod.
WIIIAT Heceliits. 51.4 0 busholH ; exports.
0(1,500 ( bunhels ; hnles , ll.IO..OOO biuhels of fn-
tnicN ; 1111,000 biihhelH spot , bpot maiket
nhilior , llrm , moderately active ; No , 2 roil.
iwaoti'no In 8loro and elovatoi ; IH'iviMl.OO'U
atloat : dS'jiOJi.ol'u ' f o. b. ; uiuiadcd red ,
Itt cStl.OC ; o 1 northern to arrive , } I.07y
{ tl.lN No. 1 haid to arrive , Jl.dOliCil.lO ; No 8
C'hleiiu-o , fl.OI. Otlons | ) advanced l\ffl.'o
on lurht retolpts , foreign tmyliiK. tinner
cabli'H , and bhorls coverlni ; ami reports that
Hii'-ala had prohibited grain
exportation , re
acted 'M' u on rcall2 UK and cloned weaK at
-SCilSeoverjeslcrday ; No. 2 red. July.07't ®
U7 % i > , closlntr. O7'.e ; August , mW V' , closiiiL' ,
05'Be ; September. ! )5i44ttKl ) , o , eloslni ; , Me : ( ) u-
tober , WKi < 80r 11-tCe. elosln , ' . UTe ; November ,
OT'tWUMiC , eiosliiK , | ) so ; December , Ito Quu u ,
ehiBliiB , Wl'so ; .laniinrv , 1001 WY , oloslnit ,
11.10'ti May , * I.O.i4 | l.li4.oloslnu. . $1.0ii | ,
K\h Uiiloti helil higher ; western , beptem-
lier delivery. 75T o
llAiti.KV MALI Dull ; Canada country made ,
tl.iKCoi.uft ! city made.
Uoi Itetelpts. ftl.ux ) biiNliuIst oxnorts , 0.-
R5I hushclri ; Hull's. HU8,000 bnsliulh of futures ,
211,000 Imsheli , of spot. Spot market Ihmer ,
dull ; No. 8 , U < ! ,7Uo In elevator ; Tl'iiiTlu '
allout ; nnifraded mixed , li'l'ic. ' Options moio
iicll\e. lISu hlifhur on shoiis coveilnt ; anil
IlKht oiroriiu's : July ( UUui v. uhmliiK , ( i9itui
Autrust. Ol > 4@fi5 < i ( . > , closlnUi'io : .September ,
t > .4tt.lhe , olosliiK , O.'c ' , October W'iQuSe , elos-
InOHJoj December , MliQMiio , olushiK 5Ii4c.
-ltcieipls4'vOO bushels ; tupoits , ( > ! . ' ;
tales , 11)5,000 ) tmshelsof futurt-st 47.000 bushels
of spot , bpot market dull , Irregular , closing
llrm. Options iiilelstronirer | ; July , 40iffiiic.
closing .U * oi Anpnst , : u' , < alii4e , closing , 31e ;
fceptemler , illU .I lie. closlni' , .XJiiu ; No 2
white , July. 4ic ( ; Nu 2. spot white , 4e ; ml\id
western , : sil4o ; white wenturn , 4s4i50c ; No 8
Chicago , 4'e.
HAV Hleady , ( inlet ,
Hoi'h Quiet , easy ; state , common to choice ,
Ud(2le ; 1'aeltle const , 1HI-2IC.
COHKB Optlunsopencdllrm and unchanged
to 10 imlntH up , clo-e I steady. 5 to 8 points up ;
Bales , as , 750 bags. Including : July , * 17.0. iil7 10 ;
Aliqust , (101 111.11.5 ; beptember , * l.5 VwTlM ; > 0 ;
Octoler , Jll.U Dll.lM ; December , tl.tWdCI 1.7,5 ;
Janunry. fiift.5 ; March. JI.l.50 : spot. Ulo. linn ;
Biiod di'iuand ; fair cargoes , ll > ' 4o ; No 7. 17' c.
hunAit Haw , dull , nominally lower ; fair re
lining , 2 15-liei centrifugals , UO test , 3\e ;
sales , 32(1 ( bass centiltugals Ik ) tcfu , J'.e ; rc-
llned ; iiulei , euslei ; oirerlngs uir A , 4 I-H49
4 3-lfiei mould A , l'ic ; standard A. 4 5-0 | < < ; con
fectioners' A , lUc ; cut loaf , 51,0 ; ornshed , ft'io ;
powdered , 4'ic ; granulated , 4a tjl4a ) ; oubis ,
4a c.
c.MOWBKS rorolgn , iKiinliuil ; Orleans ,
firm , good demand
HICK - I'nlr demand , ntcady.
i'Klitoi.EUMDevolopcdn , s ml den sprtsm of
activity today which was more nutlceablo In
Lima oil which advanced lo ISe In thu early
tiaili'lng but Inter declined to I.e. The trading
WHS generally abcrlbid to manipulation by
heavy holders ; Pennsylvania , oil opened
steady , declined Uo uiid oloseit Heady ; suet
oiienlng. tiTHei IilRliVkt. 07Sioi lo i' . "He ,
, OT c. Ausust. opened. C7Ho ; hl hest ,
lowcit , C7jCi closW , 07Mc. Lima oil ,
opening , 14c ; hlRhest , I5ci lowest I4o | closing ,
Hi1. Total sales ( ,7.0l hnrrolo.
oorrof * SEKD OnQnlot. . steady ! crude , off
grade , ! olT grade i .OftMc. .
TAtt.ow-Ilriti , ( | iilct : rity , ( K , for pnck-
atei)4 ) ci country : 4 IMMtflonq tontiallty.
HPl.s-lull. ( ) ) w.-alf ! ( .trained , Jl.WaUO.
Ttnii'KNTiNr Dull , e.isiur : Jir/a.v.'tc.
Kcws Qnlet. weaKi western , ! WSI' ' Oi ro-
celptR , 7'irt'i imi'kagrs. , _ . . . .
I'ortKI'lrm. . ( | iilpt ! old ttosi. JII.2.V5H5.2.1 !
new incss.1IS.7.VJll.'Ot ' extra prime. tlO.fiOitl 1.0' .
CL-T MKATS-l'Irmer. nulet : ploklcd bolllei ,
TVc ; plculed shoulders nuaO'it * .
\linni.KS-Qulet , tirmi short clear , Soptom-
Irr , SO.'OJidO''SJ.
IiAttiQuiet , nonilnnlt western steam , ! 1 tt
C S.5 ; options , snlr , 4,760 tierces ; July. 8i.WHt
7.03 : closing. Jfi.'Vli ' October , nomlnnl. 10 M {
September , J.i8yt > ,7,02 , closing , Jrt 0.5 ; October ,
IOUV(67.I. ' , eloslnif , 17.05 ; December , 17.20 , elos-
Ing , 17.24. ,
fiuTTrit Quiet , Irrcuular ; wojtcrn dairy. 11
< SI4c : western creamery , UttlCc. western fac
tory , Itai4c | ; rigltll l . . .
CIIEESC- Quiet , llrm ; part skims. (3.COQC.SS ;
Ohio lint. i.5. < jc27 00.
Pid IMO.N- Quiet , unchanu'cd.
( 'oi'i'rit Dull , heavy unchanged.
I.K.ADNornlnnl ; domestic , 14 J , ' ,4.
iireguhir.Ualts , t.'l' ' . .0.
City .
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. , July 22-WiiEAT-
No. 2 hard , cash and July , T7o bid ; Nx 2 rod ,
cash , TSo hid. . _ , ,
COIIN strong and higher ; No. 2 , casn , & 314
5.Tie , .Inly , MUtf. . , „ , .
OMB ftrotiLMind hlshor ; No. 2 cash , 33 } o
bid : Jul } , "rfifr'--liic.
HUTTUIIbluntly and unchanged.
HAV btcad } and unchanged , fancy prairie ,
$ 01.
I ( ll Plrrn nt l"c.
Pitov ISIONS htoady and nnch ingo 1.
A\ooif Dull and nnclrinvo I.
I'lot u Dull and incliungi'd.
Kiccil' , 17.800 ; coin , 1 = , IDO ; o.its ,
'r'llll'MCNTS \Vhe-it. 3.0JO : coin , 1J.IOO ; oats ,
0.0 ! 1. _
Ijivorpuol "MarkotH ,
Livnni'ooi , , July 2.Will - .T rirm ; demand
fnlleh oir , holders olTer sp irnuly.
COIIN I Irm ; demand fair ; now mixed west
ern , 5s ' , d per cental.
Poiik Vs uei biiri'jl : prime r.e'-s weslern
bacon , J.N per ewt for Ion , ; and short
middles about 55 His
LAUD .Us per cwt for prime western
llL'rrmtSis per cwt for L'nlted States finest
.Minneapolis' \Vlicat Market.
MlNNr.Ai'Ot.i" . Minn. Jnlv S' . WIIB T
No. I northern idcool No 2 wheat In bet
ter demand ; low grtldes dull. Receipts ISO
ears ; shipment" . 15 CHS Closing : No I
hard , July , * l CO , on track , Sl.Od'i ' , No 1 north
ern , July , 'isc ' ; on tr u'lc. IKIP , No. 2noitn-
ern , July , 0.1'Se ' ; ontiaeK.OI 'il'JS'iC. '
ST. LotMK , Mo. Julv 22 WIIKAT rirtn !
cash , SO'ie ; boptomhui , 'ge.
L'OUN I'lrm : c.ish.Olc : bopti'tnbor , 5Jc.
OArs-Htiong : c ish. 3J1c ( ; bcutuinUcr , 2 < ! ic.
PouK-III.'her : Jtt.f > 2'S. '
IAHii-lli-liei ,
WHISKY fl lo.
Milwaukee .Mill-sets.
' , Wis. July 22.-WliE.T rirni ;
No .Isprlng , c ish , OO'ic ' ; heptembei , olc.
L'Olt.NStrong : No I , cash. dOc.
OATS Higher : No. 2 white , U0j40o. {
PoiiK beptember , tll.75.
Cinclniinti Markets.
CiNCiMxATt , O , July 2. . WHEAT Stronger ;
No. 2 red , B.5c.
CoilM-Htrong ; No 2 mixed , C > "o.
OAT-I Stirm ! No 2 mixed , J7c.
WlllSKl Jl 10
Tole'tlo Grniit Market.
Tor.Kiio. O. , July 2. . WHEW Cash , 01 > < o.
Cons Dull , cnsli. ( * > ! c.
OAIS Quiet , mixed. 4lc.
STOCVlW A.M > lltt.\tS.
NEW YOIIK July 2i The dcillngs in the
stock markettod.iy were m irked Dy even less
feature than those of the preceding day's ,
though the general tendency of prices under
the Inlluenco of the cov crlng of shoi ts by the
trading element was upward. Theiowas no
real strciiQtn In the market hmover , ind the
fluctuations wore on the sumo limited sr.iio
us usnal of lute and possessed little slgnlll-
cance. Al the higher prices 'a few stocks
showed material gains over last evening's
figures the one itro it exception bom , ; Sugar ,
which was allowed to drop away ovorl per
cent by the manlpul itors The course of tills
stock had not the slightest lutlucncc upon the
railroad lists , nor even upon the other Indus
The market today was helped bv foreign
purchases and us usual when this Is detected
there was adoslio to cover shorts shown by
the tr.ulois and the buying by these two Inter
ests served to keep prices from tumbling
throughout the gro iter portion of the day.
Union Paclllo and St. Paul were especially
prominent for strength hut the advances on
the others , including llnrllngton. were con-
lined to fractional amounts In all cases.
A htroni ? opening was followed hy
further gains of lur o fractions In
the railroad list , thotiL-h Ilnrllngton
was kept down bv the rumors of
further bond Issues and the Industil.ils were
r.ithet boavy with decided weakness In sugar
aftoi the early advance. The stocks with an
International market under the circumstan
ces n iturally took the load In the upward
movement and Union Paclllo and St. Paul
cored the largest gains , the otheis being con
tent with fiactlonal ehangesonly. The down
ward movement in Surar was rover o 1 in the
lalo trading and nearly all the loss was re
covered. Cordage at the same time showed
moio animation without material ehnngo.
Them rkot held Its early advances well ,
though the upward mov uncut culminated
toward I p. m. and finally closed dull , but firm
at about the beat pi Ices of the day. The
changes are almost Invailably small frac
tional advances , but Union Paclllu shows a
gain ot 1 per cent , being alone In that respect ,
Hallroad bonds weie dull as usual , and
failed to respond to the bettor feeling In the
share list , but they displayed n steady to llrm
tone with only slight changes among the
active Issues There weio a few Important ons , however , and Now Yoik o.ovated
ilrst l"a pur cunt. Tno business amounted to
only JM)3 ) , 00 with no special animation lu nny-
Oov eminent bonds have been dull and
heavy ,
Mate lionan have boon entirely neglected.
Tht following tire the closing quotations
for the loading stocks on tne Now Vork Block
exchange today :
Atchlnon , Nirth\vo torn 101' '
Ailnnii K.xprmi . Ml" do prcfurrcil 1i 1 \
Alton , V Terra lliiute. .10 N Y Central > W14
< lu preferred . . . 127 N Y Clilo A St. L. 111
American ICxprois. IN > do proforunl , d.5
II C U AN . . . . JO Ohio Ml > l lijil | . . . . I7W
Cnnnillnn I'nclUc b-h tie preforrcii . 85
Caundlnn Southern . 43j Ontnrlo \ Western . 10
Central 1'nclllo . IUU Oii'Kon IniproTcmunt it
CliCK A Ohio . 1M { Ort'Eon Nnv bj
do 1st profi'rreil . 40 Oregon Irnni . . . . H
iluSnil pruforroil. . 37 I'ncltlc Mull .U'f
ChlcHRO A Alton. . . . 126 I'corlu Dec It Kvnn 17
C. 11 AQ . W1 * llltsbnric IW
C C. O. AHt I. I'ullnmn I'ltUce . . . 177
Delaware .t H ml son 117 Ilioaillnu S8
Del I. AW WJfiilloeit Inland . . ,1
II A U ( i prcferrad 41VM Ii .V H K let | ifd ( N'tf '
Ka t rcnn 6'i'St ' ' I'nul OJ > J
do lit preferred dupreferrcd . . . Ill
dol'nd profemd . 1IVH I'aul.MIn.Mau.lUl
Erlo 13fci tit I'anlAt Onialin . , 22H
thiprefcrrod * ' > I doprefvrrcd . , , ( a
Fort Wayne 1"0 iTcnn Coal .V Iron , , fOVi
Clil , V ICait 111 . . . . C4'4' ' 'luiaii I'aclflo . . . Uf
Hot-Unit Valley . . . 2' I'lol A. O Cen pfd. . . . TO
llomton \ Tenl. . . . HUnion | I'acltto 4.JJS
llllnoli Central . . . M U 8 Kxpreii Ail
SI Tallin llulutli. . . . JW > tit I. . A I' . 10H
KaniatA Teiai . . . ) ( doprurerred V.I
l.akeKrleAW . . . . ! { Wulli-tarKO Kx. . 140
duprofarred W' lWenlorn Union 7UM
Iitkobhoro IGSijiAm Cotton Oil. . . 21
loul rllleA Nash . . 7156Colorado [ Coal . , . 31
Louisville A N A . VOhilllomestaku 12
.Memphis A Cliar . 81 Iron Mlver 100
Michigan Central 67 Ontailo b'J
Mil IH AW . . . . ,0 'yukktllvcr ' 4' ' <
du preferred . . 10" do preferred , . W )
Minn A. HI I , . . . UigiSutro . . . . 6
ilo preferred . . Hi , llulner 3j
MUiourl racltie . W.K llloli X W 1' Tor LSI
Mobile A Ohio . . .I7V WUcuniln I onlral lli'i
NnihTlllo Cuatt , M . ( iitiit Ncrthuin pfd tM
N J Central IIOH i hlciitu ( . . 4 i
Norfolk A Won pfd 4UV ILiinii rrii > t , . . . . . mi
Nortlicrn 1'ncllle . ' . ' 'si Huifar 'Irmt V > H
do preferred e41JiSniitlierii I'nclHo . fiuli
U I' Denver A Unit 17 lOreuon S I. .V U N Ij
The total b.ileb of htocks today wore Hft.'LVJ
Rliiues , InohidlnK Atcnlsnn , 4 owj I.onlBvlllu
\ tNiishUllo , 5,0Kj ( ) ht , I'.iul , 18,000 ; Union Pn-
ellle , 5.IUO.
I'Miiniioliil Itovlaw.
NKW VOIIK , July 22.--The 1'ost Miys : Tlio
fuMHublu eh.uiKu In the temper of the I.on-
dunerN was probably duo In n i leumiro to the
lurKQ receipts of gold In Unit city today nnd
tlmconseiiunt | ! strcntrtlionlim1 of the ll-inx of
KnKlnnd'b piiMUIun. It was attributed gener
ally here to leiiMsiirlnK lu\\ | ! > from the sns-
pcnded Uher I'lnttu biuilc. parttculitily a
curious Intlin illou from tlm bunk's
branch at Montu\ldeo. that It was bolvent
nnd rendy to pay nil debts , No doubt a
MilM'nt brancli In unotlier ArKentlnu city
won (1 help matters lo a more ready settle
ment In Duellos A ) res. but It Is not stated In
London advices that any clnitiKO has tiUen
place In tlio general Institution plans for
lluiildntlon ,
No Kretit tddilllcnncc lina been attached to
thu iiuwnnf which the Ucivrs IHIMI endeavored
to iiiiiko u sunsatlon that lliuM. I'aulcompany
IniN been borrowing on Its treusury assets be
tween $ IIX MKXJ and i-.ooj.coo. The transaction
Is hlinply a plain llUibtintlon of the embar
rassment to ulilcli nil the wcbtern rnlhuiys
are bolni ; mihjcelrd by the present Impossl-
billty of doins anytlilne In the bond market.
The M. I'aul IH not the only company
which lm to meet expenditures for now
construction unil other outlay by lnurenln , ;
IU HoatliiK deltt. At IO.IHI tvioor three other
luiportunt companies liuvo In thu miirUet
either their own notes or the notes of their
olUcor * uuil chief general backer * , All of
them are counting upon a heavy movement of
produce later on to reimburse them In full.
As for the dividend question on which the ! surilulcnt to
ay that upwards of two months will lapse
before decision will bo nosessary and It Is at
leist possible that In the meantime condition * )
will be changed materially.
Nr.w YOIIK. July Si-Clearings , KOT50S7as
balances. J.1,09 ' ,707.
HAi.TiMuiiR , Mil. . , ) ulv2J. OlPirlnss , J2.170.-
MO ; balances , ( JI3C7S ; rate. 0 per cent.
I'liti.ADiti.i'iiiA. July 2. ' . Oloiirln's. f'j.C2.i-
OJ'i ; I ) . linnets Jl.ftJ'i.Ht ) ; money , 4 percent.
Oi.NCiXNATt , O , . July 22. Money. MIU I'or '
cent ; .New Vork oxch ingo , 4 > ii" > 3c discount ;
clearings , SI,0 < IW3.
ItOSTON , MiiKS..Iuy | 21-ClcarlnBSltlI02,307 :
balnnccj , II. ! 8 , " > ,8ir , ! money , 2'5to.'l percent !
exchuiigu on Now York , l. > o discount to par.
Now York Mo toy Market.
Nr.vr YOIIK , July 2. ' . MONBV < ) < CAt.rEasy. .
ranging from 14 ! to 2 per cent ; last loaned , Hi
per cent : close offered at 2 percent.
PIIIWK MEiiOAVTli.r. PAi'Eii M&7S4 per cent
bTKMi.iy i KxciiANdE-Qulot and llrm nt
tl.'IU for sixty day bills and JI,3U for ( lu-
The following wore the closing prices on
bonds :
IJ. S 4s , rc'xIUoroil 117 M K A P. Ji .18
U S 4s , coupons . 117 Mutual Union (1 ( < lot
N J Cent Int Cert . lOS'f
449 * , coupons W4 > \ Northern I'nc Ists . 1I4W
I'acltlp , 6 of "Jj . . . .101 !
Louisiana Stamp la 88 Northwest" comols 1.14
'lennemeo N S In 100 ( Indebenture54 . .lt > %
do 5 * . . . . VM U I , A I M Con 6' M
do it . . . ( ,7'tj ' si I * AS ! ' ( len M.I02l < i
Canada Southern Sds % ' < St Paul console. . . . . \l\n \ \
Central Pnclllc l U | O.V st I' . C A I' . l t .111
I ) Alt ( ) 1st ! .1114 T P. I * ( Tr llcls. . Si > M
do 45. . . . . . 7Si $ I' P It O I'r. Itcts . .10
I ) A It U West Inti 74U I nlon PnclrtcHts . .107
ICrlotd ! . . . . 7l5 Won Shore 100J6
M. K AT. ( len'lm 7dj6
Itostou Stoclc 'Mtiikot.
HOSTOV M.ISS. , Julv "J. The following were
the closing prices on th j Huston stock market.
AUhlioii A TopolTii iTjrs Ui ( ton .1 MTMitniiu JT
Ito'lon \ Alhnii ) . .1)1 ) ( aliiiuet A llccla . .2V )
Huston V Maine. Ilo rrnnklln ID
( , II A ( J IloKW : Huron
l.'nstcrn It It lit I.-O 12
I Itrlihnn. II U 71 . ' .
Hint V IVropfd 7. gtilncy 110
K C > t I AC II 7 111. j"nntn Ke Copper. . . . 45
Mms ( Vnlrnl . . . . Ui'j ' Iimmrick Kil
Mcx Ccn coin , Hi lAnnlston Land Co Sll
N V A N Knx. . . MM I1" in lli''o ) Land Co 1 ' <
do 7s I la UVon Knd Land Co a1 *
Old I olony 1,4 I'cll 'lolephnne
llntland pfd 17 LinnonMorj H. .
\ \ H. ( 'en com . I7's ' Water Power
AlloiicMlnlo ( new ) -'I'l ' C M . . . .
Atlantic Ib .N J3 T . . .
London Mock
LONDOV. July ! . Tlio foliowlns are the
London stock ( imitations closing at 4 p. in. :
Consols , money ifillliilKrlo J'K . . . . 100
Con oK account Ki 1 ! Hi Illinois Central . ' .IT
U S 4n . , IJOitiMoilcnn Drdlnary.
t ; s < > < < III ! Nt 1'nul common
N } P AO | pta ViJu.lU'iiilInK . . .
Canadian 1'nclllc . | % Mot. Cjnt ncw4s. .
irlo : IV
'Jd per ounce.
MoMiv-Qulct at UlS'i pur cent. Kate of
discount In the open m.u ket for both short and
three months' bill1 ? Is'J1 , to'J1 , percent.
15 ink of lOn.ulniKl Itnlllon.
LONDON , JulySJ The amount of bullion
Rene Into the Hank of Kn Uml on balance
today Is AG10.0JO.
I'nrln ICciitcM.
I'AHis. July -I. Three per cent rente" 93f
40c for the account.
Denver MiningStoolcs.
DRNVEK. Colo. July W. There was fairly
Bond business on mining , with total sales of
SI.SUO shares 1'ollowlngaro thecloslni ; tjuota-
tlons :
San Kranolsco 3Ilnn > j Quotations.
SAN KitANtisco , July SJ. The ofltclul closins
? notations , for mining stocks today wore us
ollows :
Now York Mining Quotations.
NcwVoiiK. July 21. The following are the
closing mlnln ; stock quotat ons :
Alice IV ) Homosta'tu 1100
Adams Con UA Horn Hlhcr . ! - " )
Aapen 'i 0 Iron Silver i. . 1IW
Chollar Iu5 Ontario IfOi
Cronn 1'olnt 10" > 'ljmoutli 150
Con Cala A. Vu 600 ava e 1U
DcHdtvood 110 Sierra Nevada 250
KiireknCon K50 Union con 1UO
( Jonld A Curry li" > Velow Jacket 140
llalo.V Noitros' * . , . . IM
St. Tjonls
ST. Louis , Mo. , July 2 Though but few
stocks wete trailed In on the mlnliiK e\chan.'e
toii.iy. the nmrket was active and sales itDovo
the uvci.i-u In uniount.
The following bids woromndeon call :
Adams UK ) \I lire en . 40
lllmctnlllc M'I ABO. 110
Montrobo M' <
New York Dry GooilH MnrUot.
New YORK , July 22 There wasllttlo chanpo
In thu dry ioods situation Demands Here
moderate , unl chtolly by mall and \\lro ,
though there uns an IncrcnsInK Inqnliy on the
snot for staple cottons Loth as topuctisand
pnssilj'u dell\erle .
The market all throiu'h continued In need
shape with a steady monurato ti.idu under
uhU'h pioductlon a cms to bo fairly well
cared for ,
Havana. AlarlcotH.
© ' - ' I0'4.
fctioAii ( Juloti centrlfiiKals last ween , lfl.000
liaiss. 1(1 ( to IKi i degrees i > olarUaton , sold at
JJ.1J2. ) SJVi KOld peninlntal.
KorolK i Oil Bl.irkct.
per quarter
A.sT nii' , July 22 I'KinoLtUM American ,
10t an'i Mo paid and sellers.
Traders' Tnllc.
ST. LouiS.Mo , July 22 , Lansonhur ; Ilrothors
toCocUicll llrothersi The follow Ini ? was the
ranxo of prices paid at this point today !
COMMlTlTfin | Open I Illyh I Lovr. I Clusu | Veal.
> . July 20. I.osiin & Oo. to Toncray
\ . lliyanMieatopenedat ; lliolo ( " = t prices
of the dav The general buylni ; continues and
is well bcatteieu. Commission houses doliiK a
country trade taKlnit an acthu hand In ( U
Theio lias been soinobuyliu by local shorts.
1'ardihlKO doliu n little towards the clone.
All Intoimillion i > oha\e rexiirdlni ; the move
ment of winter wheat IH thnt It " 111 fall oil as
farmers ate stacking The demand for thu now
No 2 led l Rood at h'iWl'.io ' , all
of which Is taken for shipment
complaints o ? rust and dainiuu by rain to thu
Brow ,111 : sprint ; ei op. This nit h the better do-
maud for Hour favored the advance. Cables
f i inn Trance say that thu weather Is unfaMir-
abloforirops with hlKher prices for wheat.
The advance ofto vesterday nnd today Is
KOln It pretty hard , lint our prices have been
too lo\\ and still aru If wo aioto boon a parttv
with other exporting I'oiuililcs Coin In sym
pathy ullli u ho it , was stroiu. but on lltfht
receipts for tomorrow the advano" of
P. c on Scptemboi was easily ebtabltshcd
ItocelntH are too lUht and the demand too
L-ood tor slilninenl to admit of inueh decline
In the near futuie , altliouuh wu look Uion |
kipteml > cr us too hi h. Oats with the condi
tions of . 'ot n , nreloMiit SUhu 'or September ,
llo product closes at thu bust price of thu
day Ilo : iccelpts It m mjio'ted will be
much li'Klier should sustain thu advunco If
It proves MI.
NKW VOIIK. Julv 22. Kennett , Hopkins A ,
Co. toK A. Mo\Miorter : The bullish cnortry
Imp irted to wheat yosterdny by a combina
tion of stlmuliitliiR circumstances spread to-
dav to every other product tr.ided In. and this
dlil more to g e wheat u further mo\o. Hulls
were disappointed at the tone of thu cables
Kcnornlly. 1'urln was thu only forolun market
showing pronounced Hlrcncth.wlilto Liverpool ,
London and Ilerlln were practically un
changed Thu openliiK was rather strong on
few bnyln ? orders from tliocoiintry , when tlio
market eased orf until New Vork slioris hcKiin
to cover , This sent thu prlco up lc , folloned
by another spell of dullness and weakness !
then corn , oath and provision ! ) bucun to
movu up Htendlly amid considerable ex
citement which iiavo wheat another upward
whir ! of n cent thouKh moru than half of this
last advance was lost nt the close. If thu
Knitllsb markets which have been stasnunt
for some time and have thus fur shown littlu
animation should now turn strong , us they
are llkoiy todo , this and the general strength
exhibited hero , will muko It u bull market It
possible. Kstlmate of a largo fdroljn dcll-
elenev over binb.ihiif-toBpllcs ; rom nlluurcc *
ate agnln In cllculaBl.lhT These h'Ul no uirect
when the Me boari JW 'n control hut are
now receiving thoughtful consideration It
Isgencially aglcod t\jtt wheat \\lllscll hUlior
on the next i rnii than the lust
if IIUWM of ciop ( Innuigo In substantially
correct , and vrllh tlitl < lut iirinv aru aikln , '
themselves If i rlcetfTiiro nut low enough lo
liny n little now SciOlirn were ficesellcrs sit
thu close and will Miplnmcr the market to
morrow with .1 fiivori'A.o out ook. but will bo
urgent lin.vers on afiy Miovv of itrcimlh.
Pardrldgc was a se W today , but limy turn
bujer If thuNltuatlimvlKHlliriook Hitlllelcntly
strong to him , Corn wftsev > Htioni > all day
exiopt for brief InitirVals. There was ap
parently little to ntflnint for strength but
the blllgo In wheat has nut shorts Inn moo.l
for covering , ami thVTiullfl did the best lo
nrike their antiigonlsl < j pay top prices , suc
ceeding surprls'ngly well. Now oats have
not been coming In us fast as expected ,
causing an uneasiness In July shorts who wnro
sev oiely squeezed In trying to cover , the prlco
n'lvuicliigTofrom the low point touched on
Monday. Thondvanco Is likely to stimulate
shipments the rpmalniUr of fho month and
causu a colliipsu In the prlcu In a few days.
Hecelptsof ho.'s wore orjual to estimates and
prices tit the yaids were easier , but the bull
fever was so pronounced In other pits It also
set the ii ic In provisions nnd thoio was
anothorsli irp advance when tr.iders gener
ally looked foi a decline. It looks as If shorts
would hive tolliiuidato In hogs as well as In
other products. Short selling has been the
fashionable fad diirliu the day.
ClllCUlo. July 2.-vcwlru | , , , Dnnco & Mc-
Cormlck to I' , t Swart.f I'ho who it
market has been nctlvo with a strong nnder-
tone and considerable excitement. The news
wasdoeldeilly bullish. A cable was received
stating that In consequence of the very bad
wheatand iyu crop the Unsilnit gONoriiment
had prohibited exports of grain : In addition
to these an estimate claimed to bo nride from
olllclal sour os gave the requirements of
Importing countries < .s foity million In excess
of oportln ; count lies. Kecolpts. 100 o'us
under estimate The demand was good
and car lots showed an adv nice of 'e.
selling as high as h'l'jc. ' ' The icsult of this
bull nons active covering of shoits
and good buying for long luconnts. 'I he
liny Ing orders are coming from all directions.
1 ho receipts at eleven prlmaiy points were
I,14" > , OOU ; shipments , ( > ! 7OiO. The receipts of
corn were small ami cash ( Ionian I very active
Shoits were active buyers'and the bull side
has galnul friends by the uintluncd premium
on cash corn , operators boltu afraid Sep
tember will not br n 1 irsor receipts or
smaller cash doni ind than the present month.
Oats were active and strong , the pilco nil
Mincing sh irply on covering by shorts. Pio-
v Islons were stion. ? nnd veiy nut he , shorts
being lau'u bn > ers I'he streiuth In the ho , !
market was again the Lull feature.
MvYonic. : . July 22 Kennett , Hopkins &
Co to is. A. JlcWhor or & Co : The stock mar
ket at the opening received IU Insplrat on
fiom the stroii'th of I ondon , cspecl illy the
advance In the prlco of consols In London
which Indicated a better" llnnnclal fielliu
there. Traders who had sold stocks freely
yesterday siw they were on the wrong side
and were the chief buvcM at tbo opening.
This was the ease In St Paul and ill s class of
dealings has formed a percentage of all
transactions 'Iho cause of the Impioved
tone In Lon Ion became known later when It
was ascertained that Iho bank of Knglnnd
had gained 710,000 gold on bal-
amo. There been no gold en
gaged hero today for shipment
but sterling e\ch.i"ge rates mo firm and It Is
Generally o\pectcd some gold will go out by
Sattnday's steamer , i\cliiini-c : at western
points Is getting to bo against Now York. At
Chlp'igo today It Is Cue discount and during
the p ist two days there has been JsOOUOO of
currency deposited with the subtre.isuior In
this city for shipment to the west. This move
ment Is llkelv to Inciense rapidly as there Is
wheat at western points to bo moved. The
Chlcaco , lluilliuton & , Qnlncy olllelals deny
thut they have been euttln/iateson wool and
also that other 10 ids h.ivo been authorl/ed to
meet the cut , and they say the whole story Is
a fabrication. Priios of western stocks have
Improved ' 8@4 ! per cent , but prices have not
been itilmtited and the .close Is dull.
refineries were weak declining W pur cent ,
but later on some covering by shorts recov
ered part of the loss \Joney Is easy on call.
Oialn meichants of ilialtlmore , sas the
American Hanker , have so far this year le-
celv cd Trench orders for w heat to thn amount
of 2:1.000.00. Two-thlrdK of those ord'rshavo
btun received In the las't three mouths. This
me.ins sh ptnuntv from this port to Trance
alone of about i > , OOJ,0U husho'.s. The shoit igo
of the grain crops In Russia and Ouimany Is
also beiiehttlng the H.iltlmoro shippers and
alieady many largo orders from IJnssIa have
been iccelvcd. The blgtgraln houseof Haiti-
more oxpcot this to botjio greatest year lu the
history of the gialn trafloof this port.
OVIAIIA , July 23. 1801.
CATTF.C Official rocoluts of cattle. 2.47J.
( is compared with : jon yesterday and 1..I4.I
Wednesday of last week. The market was ac-
tlv o and sto.idy on desirable beov es , all other
guides were weak to lOo lower , Iliitchurstook
were slow anJ vvealc. Tecders woiodull.
Hoes Olllclnl rocoluts of boas , 4,2.G. af
comnaied with 15.723 yesteidsty and 4,7.12
Wednesday of last wuok. The market was ex
cited and 10 to 20c lil-'hor. Some sales were
made 20 to .lOo higher th in yesterday.
The lan.'o of prices p ild vus2.VR. . " > ttt. the
bulk soilliu at tAoTKOAso. All sold eaily.
Light. t > i,2.Vffi:0 , he-ivy. fUVS'i.'Vi ' : mixed ,
* 'i.40 ( rftTi r > 0. The average of the pilces paid
was JJ.40S us comp ired with * ? .V4 yesterday
and $1 014 Wednesday of last week.
SiiKhi' There wore no fresh receipts of
sheep. The mil ket was nominally steady.
Natives. $27V3'50 > : westerns , 82.riOfi5j.03 ; good
00 to70-lb. lambs , $300@J.2 ( : >
Kecolpts a id DiBposltio of Stock.
Olllclal rouolDtsand disposition of stock as
shown by t'io ' boo'cs ' of the Union stookyards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at
5o'clock p. m. , July 22.1301 :
lluycrs , bhcop.
Oin ilia I'ucklnu Co . . . . 4SS
ThoC. II. Ilaiumonil Co. . . J'll
Swift Ale
' 1 lie Cndahy 1'ackliiK Co. . 7S4
J 1' quires 1,0.1 , '
llrlttaln. . . 748
KltiKin A. Son 748Wl
.NuNon .Morris
U , llcckor K , DeKun IW7
Lolniiann .s llaaH
Shippers and fuuilun 710
Lultuvcr 573
Total. 4,700
No. Av , Prv No Av I'r , No. Av. I'r ,
21 102(1 ( 20. 107C 4 80 40 12dS 54."J
2. HIJ 'I 75 2 ll.r , r > oo 10 1118 5.50
17 1081 4 lr > 15 11.13 6 15 41 1110 550
21 1150 4 5J 05 5.10 34..1IGG 57,5
LO. 111.1 4 b7',4 10. a 33
C 2 cows ;
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 l.ioo 20. ( Ka ) a o"i J 1140 225
2 1021 1 75 : i. tin 2 ir , IIJ 0)1 ) 223Q
18 70 1 80 878 2 10 7 5 2 "
1 85 fiW ! 2 10 2io ?
15 1310 1 IK ) 10 807 2 10 8f > 2.10
20 810 1 00 1 II10 2 10 OM5 2.V
0 1120 1 00 8 Dn7 2 10 OTO 2.1.5
4 01J 1 IKI 0 , a 2 10 IM 2 : iA
II ! 8.14 1 00 IS 8.50 2 15 R18
817 1 IK ) 7 074 2 15 O'K ) 2L5 :
1010 1 00 4 IIOJ n UOO 240
20 7 7 1 05 1(1 ( 1114 2 17 10
15. . 617 2 CO \ 8 ? ) 2 20 10N5 2 M
24 017 200 U IHi 2 20 21021 250
21 ! ' ) . ' .I 880 2 20 2 1P40 275
20 000 2 05 24 , law 2. 1295 425
a 40:1 : 2 oo a. . : KHJ' 2 7.5 10. 010 305
4 100 2 U5 1 831' ' 2 73 : i. . 8io .110
15 7Jl ! 2 75 2J to ! . ' II 00 8..1003 350
1) ) 3M ) 2 75 2 S.W 3 03
1 OTO 1 75 1. 1U50 , 1 03 1 1JRO 200
1 1.570 1 85 l iif > n > i no 1 1100 200
1 13 W 1 110 1. Ulff'2 00 1..15.1) ) 210
1 HjO 1 UO
1 { 1.50 2 00 2.u > u < .iioo 3. , 14(1 ( 400
1 200 3 00 L.IlOiM 00 2..210 400
1 1.170 2 20 1.I40"'J | 25 2.1055 250
1 1220 2 23 2.10/2iU : 6.1453 IOQ
2.177.5 2 51 5 12.52oil 00 4.1G07 425
1.1580 200 3.1417-4 25
No > Av. I'r.
NoWyiitt iS. IlopUlns. * *
lOOHleers ; 1102 M 75
2Sstoers 'J..V U'S4 4 00
J. U. Illakcsleo. i i
2.5COW8 817 1 01
2Jstcurs list 3 15
11) ) HtlM'ttt ' " 10U ' 4 50
iilrldgo : , I'aKo A. f'o.
' . ' 1 Utahsteeis , tuillii.-s lia'l 2 00
21 I tali steers , tailings , 74U 2 M
2uU I'tnli feeders UJU 30)
Kiiiltiiller. | and S. company ,
4 cowsi , . . , line 1 75
47eows IMO 2 15
10 cows 010 2 20
15 cows k'jS ' 2 20
No , Av. Sh Pr. No. Av. Sh. Vt
4 . . 230 80 * 5 SO 81 . SH 240 $54) )
2 . . 21,0 5 15 U5 . 2)3 24J 540
70 . . . . ml : no 5 2.5 0. ' . . . 210 80WJ 540
01 . . 151 1GO fi i- ? ! } W , 211 WJ 540
( U . . . 221 2)0 ) fi 27' { 74 . . .aw 120 5-10
75 . . . 210 240 5 IM " . 224 200 540
74 . . 217 80 610 f,7 . IWi 4' ' ) 540
75 , . . . .Ml 210 5 110 . . 21J 540
2 : rS ! 531 75 . . . IKI 80 510
77. . . 105 323 5 OJii 81 . . . . .IKS 120 540
52 . .211 80 5U21J " ' . . .2M 20J fi 42li
5 . , , .210 40 5 1.5 . . . .325 20) 543
CO . . . . 207 UlK ) 5 Wi W , .2U ! 40 545
W 227 210 55 ! 70 . 10.1 120 545-3
( t 257 410 & 3J . . .2J7 V)9 64J
TO , C2I 240 f M M . . 805 40 S 45
10 . . . 2111 & ; i1 n.1 2(1 | ( hi ) S45
Tl . IT. ' ) 40 fills 58.2I9 800 C 15
01 , 1"O 120 r.33 48 . . . .Ml 80 545
IH . . .in/ fi .15 M . . 24(5 ( 80 545
T , 21.1 ? KM 5 ; i5 c4 an 40 545
M . . . 2V5 8J 5 1S5 61 . . .2.11 40 545
TO . SOi ) 41) ) 5.15 T4..2U 240 545
71 ,2.l | SMO f , IH 12(1 ( . .875 - fi 45
75 .801 111) ) f , .13 M . . .210 40 f > V )
81 . 820 210 ft .15 CD , . .2sj | 2J 550
4H 2-0 2-0 53.5 40. . . . ' .T5 ft 60
( V . 812 120 5 37K 44 . . illl - ft M
r.5. . , . ' . ' ( ! 8lU 540 M..274 4J 553
d ! . .SIH IflJ fi 40 71 . . . . 820 fi M
81 . . .ail 120 543 51 . . . . ! CS fi M
TO . . .215 IOJ 540 TO . . . , 22T 120 fi M
( VI . .214 80 540 IV ) 244 40 5 50
68. . . .24" 800 fi 40 C2 . . .27.1 4J fi M
74 . . . . 21.1 40 549 57 . . 2JO M 5 M
1TO 40 543 6.5 301 BJ 5 53
I'ins AND notion.
4 . . . . M 300 1 . . . . ICO - 4 23
1 UO 200 2 173 - 423
3 110 - 4 (0
Chlon/jo / hive Stool ; .Market.
OIIICAIIO. July 2.-Speclal [ Telegram to TIIK
lir.t'.l The tattle tr.ulo was more actho than
on Tuesday , but In no other particular was
the situation Impioved , us was the case ) cs-
terday. and the day hefoio there were com
paratively few ripe shipping steers amonp the
olTcrltiKs. Thnt class , therefore , remained
llrm , while Ti-Mins ( of wh'ch ' fresh receipts
were about C.OuO ) and piMir to fair native entile
sold iiilte | as mis itlsfaclorlly as on Tuesday.
lor the week the decline In To MIS eattlo
amounts to 2Var > c , and the shrlnkace In
common cows nnd hulls .mil lOHRh prass * .tei'ri
Is HCarce'y ' less marked. The tradliiK In na
tives was on a basis of il 25ft IM foi Infoilor to
choice cows heifers and bulls ; u' . < IQI75 for
sloi'licrs and feedeis , * .tA < ffi40 ( \ for common to
fancy shipping and drossud beef "leers , * l 5XjJ
8 fid for Tevus cows , and ! 2.40tJl. 0 foi common
to choice Texas stems
Veal calves continue ) active at $ . ' orffji 75 for
poor la ehohe iiu.illty , with cieeatiuinlly
J500 for honiL'thlnt ! evti i. Dealers piedlet
for the rein i ndrr of this week moderate lu-
celpts and ste.idkr prices for CM t tie.
Asldo from pr me light wolKhls the prices
for hoes were lowei today Tto , hljther ttm-
peratnro and lii'-io ised arrU.ils hnth had a
depiesslnjt ulToct on the v.iluos I'm hei\v
nnd nudliim welshts the maiket was olT any
where fiom r/i4l5c per 100 ! b . CO.IIM * he ivy
nnd "urassy" lots snlleicd the most. The lat
ter weie not read 11 } saleable at n icdiictlon of
15 tents ; Indeed , Mirno salesmen wore Inclined
to iiuoto that c'l.iss2i ® . " > c lower than jos-
tenl.iy iiioriilntc I'rom V > S5 for f.incv assorted
lliihtsiles sti.iKVli'il all the w.iy down to il 75
( S" > iO for poor , and to JJ 5 ® 4fO foi culls Any-
th UK lit to send to market , howevei , sale
able at letter than $ , ilil ( , and tne lai est putt
of the olVennss were taken at 45 W tr > > .
Iiuiuiry wna almost whollj fl11 lUht nnd
medium vvehrhl to the uttct netrlectof aver
ages of over 87.5 Ibs. Thuro\ > aHa dull and
weak llnlsli.
NCMV Vork l.ivoStoulc SInrkol.
Nnw VoiiK.Jiily 2J. IIEKVKS Receipts. ntl4
head. Including 1-1 for sale ; m irket slow but
steady ; native steers , JU ) > ® ii.I ! ; Coloridos ,
94.ft@-l.05 : bulls nnd diy cows , $ . ' . ' 0(24.2.5 ( ;
diessid beef steidy , "H 'O'ic ' per pound ;
shipments today , 1,00.5 beeves and 2,183 quar
to ! s of beef.
l'AiKS KccolHts 'I T7J head. Vo.ils 'ie per
pound lower : bullet m Ilk cahos , ste.idv ; ve ils ,
If5UftSfl.7.5 per cwt. ; buttormlllc calves , $ J.i.Oi4
4.IK ) .
Siipri' Kecolpts o.'ll bend ; market steady ;
liimhsii shnilo Ilrmor ; hheep , J4.2VJn.52) ) I'er
ewt. ; lambs , } ( ; dressed multors
steady , saiOc per pound ; drcsso I lambs , O1 i ®
Hoas Hncelpts.r ,12.S ho id , conslKned di
rect ; nominally llrm , j,5.10@.5K ! ) per owl.
KansiiH City Ijivo ht ick Mnrlcot.
ICA.VHAM OITV. Mo. . July 2. ' . Ovrrr.t | { o
cclpts , 7,010 : shipments , J.a ( ; oholco fat ,
stead v ; all others we.ik to lOo lovvui ; steers.
SI ( .0.51)5 ) ; cows. S150IU-U5 : stockeia and
feedurs. J2llXipl75. (
Hoes Uocolpts. ; shipments. 4.070 ;
m.u ket opened steady , closed 2' c higher ;
bnlk.f58t5 ( 10 ; all grades J4.o5l , .
biinsi > Hocelpts , illO ; sh pments , IVJO ; m-irket
St. Tjoiiis Ijlvo Stock Afnrkot.
PT. Loris , Mo. July 2i. OATTI.I : Hccolpts ,
4.'WO ; shlpmints , l.l 0. The market was
about steidv ; oidlntiv to chouo natives ,
? IOjdO ( ; 'ieMin and Indian steers , JJ.0044
3 7' , .
lions Ueco'pts. ,1,203 ; shipments 710 ; the
marltet opened stionirer. closed lower ; lieav\ ,
85C5.75 ( ) ; mixed r > 15S5CO : Hs'it ' , .53u@3.k5 (
DccronRO in IIoj Out nut Still the
Marked Kcaturo.
CINCINKATI , .O , July 2J - [ Special Tolo-
Bram to THE Hi K. | Tomorrow's Price Cur
rent will say : Packing optiatlons In the west
are greatly reduced , only 14C.OOO Jio s behiK
packco during the past week np.ilnsti2),000 ;
last year , makln ; a total 4-00.000 blnce Match
1 , against 15.44 > , OiX ) a v o ir ago. Prominent
places compare as follows :
The following quotations represent * the
prices at hlch choice stojk IB billeu out on
ordois unles * otherwise stated :
NBW POTTers The market Is very weak
and piettv fair stoeK been olTcred as low
nsJI'ic. Lee il producers are supplvlnu thu de
mand to such an extent that shipments fiom
a ( list , inco would not niovueiy readily ,
Ni.vv HLKTS I'oi bu"i © ( We.
HBANS Nn'r. f-.2' > 'B2 JO per liushol.
TOMATOBS Put box , ono-thlid buahel , OOc ®
CircuMiir.iis Per do ? . , Me.
OKM u\ wiic ( ( iior doz.
ONIONS C.illforu a , 2'e ' per Ib.
Home Krown , 2c pci Ib.
Frcsli l ruils.
'oi box. ? 1 " > t ) < iiil 7r > .
I'l.UMS fcou thorn e i .e ' 3-.MO per 24 quart
oasts. O illform.i , tiWtia ,
OiiKintu.s OreKoii , tl.OO ; homo srown , J1.S3
per 't ' bushel basket.
Ari'M s per ' 4 bushel boRieon , 40u ; icd ,
MaiiOej per bbl. , * , . ( ) -it. 0 ,
OIIAMII s-los , \n eles are pr.ictlcilly out
of the mnrliiit : Itlveisde and .Mediterranean
unuots , MnutiiUOJ : Itoill , JdM : t-orronto , fiCO.
CAM Ar.oui'hs Per crate , $ l.r > & 7" > .
WAII.IIMKI.ONS hhliipliu sleek , 15-0c.
Ai'ilitoih Per box. il 7Vtf'o > .
Ill ACkiiGiiitiKS Good .Missouri stock. J-.OO
per ' . ' 4 ( iniirt o.iscs.
Ll MONS Per I o\ ' , ? ( i 2VS1 10.
HANANAS Per bunch , UJ.OOS-.50 for ccod
shljiplui ; stock. _
Country I'ro luce.
Tons A uood many oeus are L-oliij ; at 12o.
but omo h.ilos am rei.iirtid at 12' ' > e.
lliri-iru As predicted | i week acolho huttor
market has dioppod > > eind the bulk of tins
countrv ai rivals went at h'ac ' .
Pour.ritv spiluTchlcl > i'ns , small. ? ; .00-IO ) ;
fair , RU &J.j ; fanor , Jl tOl 73. old fowls.
U7S1.0 . _
Omaha mlllln ! ; company Hellance , Patent.
JSWli Invlno ble Patent , l.7l ( : Lone hu-
perlatlve , W.40 ; r-nonrlUko , J-'OO ; 1'ancy I'.im-
ily. tl.Wi.
\i \ T Davis mllllne companv. IIiKh Patent.
No. 1 and C'roiun. * - " > fl : Hlno 1) ) , full pitenl.
J2I.O : llitvskeyo , half pitont. $ - ' . . ! ( ) ; Speclrtl
Itoyal , Patent No 10. $ .1,00 ; Mlnni'sutn patent ,
42.10 : Jvansas Kurd Wheat , pitent , * , b5 ; u-
hr.isKaHlirlnK Wheat , patent $ -00.
S. T. Ollmnn'H ( Jold .Medal , l-.t-O : Snow
Wlilto , , Smiwfhikn. f..lfl : low urade. JI.IOj
Qui'on nf the I'untry. WM ) , Mlnuosot.i bupor-
latlvc , i.-O ! bran , ill till , chopped feed. $ . ' 1.00.
K I < Welch .VCo. Hist. ? ' Tii ! ( Jro\vn \ Prince.
i : li ; Minnesota Chle , K'.JO ; bplendlu I'.uiilly.
DoWitt's Llttlo Kiirlv nisors ; host Httlo
pills for dyspepsia , sour atomach , bad breath.
Poiibionotl Alti-r Doatli.
In tlio. repoit of pensions granted vostor-
day the ) Nobr.isUa list la headed by the nnmo
of Hlehanl Melady of Stunit , Holt county.
In this case the pension eomcb too Into to beef
of tiny bcncllt to the man who earned it by
suffering for his country on the battle fluid.
Moliuly was the mail \vhoso death in the
Omaha medical Institute led to the oftlulal
investigation of thut plnco nnd tbo nrrest of
Its managers early last inontn. A brother of
the dece.isoa Is n member of tbu city council
at St. 1'aul , Alinn.
! ' . r SniiHtioku
Use Jloi-sford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. A. L. Xurkor , Molroso. Minn. , savs :
"It prodtaed a Biiuiiyint ; and lomarknblo regenerating
generating cffucl In a casu of sur.stroko , "
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th fct. , Flr&t National Dank BuildIng -
Ing , Omaha , Neb
Ikal In lock , liJiidn locurltloi coruinorrlnl pa
per , ulu Nu otlato lean * un Impruvud Umalm real
tiliort tlmo loaas , on bank ituck , 01 ou all
collateral iccurltr ,
im ii ) (
KlUUIlUlo ( I
Omaha font & Awn
ing "o.
Klne . Iliunmocki. Oil and
Htibberciotlilnir. Send tor
CntnloKtio. IIHKnrnuai
_ _
Bsinis' Omaha Bay Co-
Importers nm1 manufac
turers ,
Flour Hnrk , llnrlnps niul
A. II , Perrigo&Oo. M , 0. Daxou ,
IIJ'I Doiliso Street. Illcrclo Sold ( in Montlil/
Sonil fur our
nnd I'rlcoi | M ) ? } { rirnimSt , Ortntn
Omaha Ilopublioan Printing Oo. ,
Law bilof , Irink siipplloi , nnl cvor/t iliu In Ilia
prlntlni : Una
lOtli nnd Ooiulti trtmt
Acktrnijum Bros. & Heintzj ,
Printer" , Llndor < , do. trotriicrj , blitu btfo'i ninmi-
fnrtiuori ,
tlliltlnntrl stro't O m'li.
Charles A. Ooo & Oj. , Kirkendalljoiicn & 0j
Manufacturers nnJ Job- Wliolonta Mimifictnr' (
ben ti ) for HoMim Hub-
rMioo Co , I III.1. . 1IUI
1101 Howard strot ,
il llOi llarnct SI
Williams , Van Aor-
nain & Harta , Fhnp rnotory , ' orni-r lltb
nn I DiHitil 11 * t ( > u i
1212 llnrney atrjot , In Me > "i > lmnis Invltol
Oiunba , Sob. toe ill nnl etimlni
John L. Wilkia , Loub Ilollor ,
Omaha p tpor box factory HntrlinrV and IMckorV
1317-ltI'l Ilitulii 'Joolt A''ii'iplltH ' Hoof.
lioc.V lnM-p enlnii
Onlori promptly tlllo 1. 111(1-1113 ( J.trkinn bt
213H. l
S1ES. 13th
Omah-i ,
Dry poodi ,
E. L. Wcloh & Oo , , E. T. Dr.vh Mill Co. ,
101. N luhatroot. C O Umlonvo , ) ! ,
J K. McCr.i ) , Mnnieur. Minauor
Mill at Henderson Minn Cor 8th an ! Jickum U.
: ' . F. Oilman , Omaha Milling Co , ,
Merchant \llllori ,
1014 N. 10th strojt.
Olllcoand Mill 1IU North
C.K. Ill-icU Jlani r. llth Street.
Dewey & Stone Furniture - > Bcobo & Runyaa Furniture -
nituro Oa. , nituro Oo.
and Succo or * to ( ' .A , lleoba
Furniture iirpots , .VCo
1110-lll'J ' Hirn.vir Btreot , Graconnd l.llh MJ.
Huirh 0. Olark.
Ocnl ( VeMfrrn Agonl o'
uponV" fiporlln * ( lun
Atln uluhotplu-
UIS Hnrnvy stroot.
Tonoray k Bryan , F S , A , MoWhortor
nrokori KMln , | > rovMon < JI3 lnt.Vatl lUnk. llrokor *
andtnU < siiTs. Tith I'rlTRto nlrei to No
at. I'rtVBtpwlru to Clil Vork. etilcmco anil HI.
nitii.St. l.oul nnd .Vow I.OUI5. dull KrMu
buuiilit fcr nil uiarkoU
Ooo'troll ' Bros.1 F. 0. Swarta & Co ,
Broken 1'rlrato wlrot nroki'Mmlil'rorliloni
to .Now Vork IhlenKu A etc I'rUnlo wlro to it.
HI Loiili Speilul atten I.ouli niul t'lilcigo. on lea
tion klvoli l trick liMi Ih I't N'all llank.OmnliA.
on ( train 1st Nat'l Hunk '
Rector &Wilholuiy Co Icn-Olark-AmlrdtMaa
Cor. lOlh ami Jnukson Jti Harilw\rj Oo.
103-IIIJ llarnor itrojt ,
Paxton & Vierlinj Omaha Safe & Iron
Iron Work Works
nmneht unl rut Iron ,
building work , pnglnoi , .Mnnnf'r tire and buruHr
hrw work , conornl proof nafciiuilt J ul
foiindrj , mtrhliio an I wnrK , lion ihutt , r
bhekiinltli work. U. l > nrt1 cc ipo (1 An *
lly n drccn,14tliA.lnck9onUl ,
Wihon & Drake ,
M'fc Inbnhr ilnoi nrj
box bollor.i , Uink < , o'.a.
1'lcrconnl lltli treeti
Ilor & Oo. , Willhm
Mqiinr Moreliinti XMniH , Lbiuori and > 1-
111. Him w ttrus.
Miinuftctur rjivo i ul/'i
ICnstln Hi lllttun 1111 Pinnni St. ,
L. Kirsoht & Co. , Piick & Herbert ?
Wlioloa ilo l.lqitorDo'vlcri Wlioloialo Utiorlc | Ur
< 07-4l9Sinitli I0th St. 0l - 0H lOthSt.
B. E. Grotto ,
Importer an I Innbir ot
U lno < 'ind 1,1 | iiop4
1050 and 11KJ Parnnin St.
1'rlco Ihti on appllcitloi
G. W. Douglass & QJ John A. Wakofiold ,
Imported Amorlcan lor
Hardwood Ijiimbor , land Ci'liicnl\Illvvnukoo
lljdiiulllc ( cnicnt anil
1310 North Kth Strojt. ( , 'ulmybltu ' 1 line
Olnrlo3 R. Lao , Wyatt - Bullard Lum
Hardwood lumber , woo ! bar Oo ,
cnrpcti pirquot
lloorltu 20th nndlzard Strcoti ,
8th anil
Cady & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
I Imo , ccmnnt , rte , oto Lumber , llnio , coraoiit.ota
cor , 'Jtli and Dou la li xtruot.
0. A. Stonohill , f Oborfelder & Oo , ,
Millinery , Notion * Importer * mil .lobben In
Cloiki , lito Millinery
WS.IHIniur.MJ bouth llth
1IC-1I8S. Kith St. , Omiln [ licet
Oonsolidated Tank
Line Oo.
llcflnod and lubrloatln ;
oiln , axle ffrot o , ota
It II Until , Manvtnr.
Kirsolibraun & Sons , Jas. A , Olark & Oo ,
nutter , cheoio , ,
Iluttor and poultry
aeKi poultry and uitno , * S
1200 Howard atroot Wi South I3th atreot. '
Oarpontor Paper Os. , Omaha Eubbar Oa. ,
Carry n full stock of Manufacturing nnl J' )
prlnllnu , wrapping an I bornall kin lirubbjr
wrllliu | i uiur , card pi
per , etc 1120 Kirn im itraat.
Emerson Sao 1 Oj. ,
Seoil erntroM , doilon U
Kardcn uriM , xriln 111
trvu stall ,
4.M-12I Soutll nth
U. S. Wind Engiuo & A. L. String & SO.TJ.
Punn Oo , ,
Ilalllday win.I . mllli DM IWM'JiJI ' Kanmia nrjj > ,
niul ' / ' ) IOIUH t. ( ! K
Hot ! , acthii' inana er. Omaha , Neb.
Oonsolidated Ooffdit
( bmpany ,
1411 nnd 1)10 ) Ilarnoyis.
Omiilm Neb
A. D , Boyar & Oo Huntor& Qroou ,
UI-W Kxcbanua llulldliu , KJ Uiclmniu llulUUu
bonth Oainhn. Huulh Oiniitm ,
I am jlfiiilnBBtoolc In a good sound coi
pany thu will pay a 20 p r cent Ulvlden
$100 uharus lor $86. Wrlto for probpootua
Rcoia 0 , Ger , Am , JJ'k Bldg , , St , Joseph , Ho.