8 THE OMAHA DAILY BE.E : : WEDNESDAY , JULY 22 , 1801. It Will Next Year Bring Hundred Com panies to Omaha. THE WORK. OF THE OMAHA GUARDS , I < lst and AulilnvcnicntH of Homo oftlio OrKiuilznlloiiH of National Ucputa- tlon AVhloh Will lie In At- tciulancu. The National Competitive Drill association , nt the tneotlcg held at Indianapolis on July 0 , unanimously decided to bald the next an nual encampment In this city In 18i)2. ) At this meeting Captain II. 11. Mulford of the Omaha guards was elected president tvid John 12 , Altchlson of Omaha secretary of the associa tion. tion.For For the purpoic1 ! of moro easily organizing the association the United State * was dl- vldi-d Into three divisions. All that portion of the United States east of the .Mississippi river ami south of the Ohio river Is to bo known ns the southeastern. East of the Mis sissippi and north of the Ohio river Is to bo known as the northeastern , nnd all that portion tion of the United States west of the MbsU- sippi is to bo known at the western division , The executive committee consists of twelve membera six captains of Infantry , three cap tains of zouavo companies and three captains of artillery. The president of the association is , cx-olTlcIo , chairman of the executive committee - mitteo ; the members of which areas follows : Southeastern Division Chairman , Captain Harry Allen , Chlekaiuw guards , Memphis , Tcnn. ; Captain Hoff Sirnms. Southern cauets , Mucon , Ga. ; Captain Kit DufTrby , Memphis zouaves , Memphis , Tcnn. ; Captain llcnhnm , Ilattcrv U , Now Orleans , La. Northeastern Division Chairman , Captr.ln J. 11. Curtis , Indianapolis light artillery , In- dianapollif.lnd. : G. A. IlurdAurora zouaves , Aurora , 111. ; Captain F. Al. Jovco , Avon rifles. Cincinnati , Ohio ; Captain C. S. Doiner , national fenclble.t , Washington , D. C. Western division Chairman. Captain Wil liam Iloyman. Walsh zouaves , St. LouisMo. ; Captain C. A. Sinclair , Ilranch guards , St. Louis , Mo. ; Captain < \ . P. Woi/.enVraft , Dal- 1ns artillery , Dallas , Tex , ; Captain Robert B. Green , Belknup rllles , San Antonio , Tox. The chairmen of thcso divisions constitute n committee on by-laws , rules , etc. , which arc to be submitted to the association nt the meeting in Omaha in Ib'Jti. ' All correspond ence relative to the association or to the en campment of IS'.I'J ' is to bo carried on through President Mulford and Secretary Aitchl- son , who already have a great deal to per form. These gentlemen are working harden on the 1803 encampment , and are trying to decide un the best tlmo of the year in which to hold the encampment. They are looking about for the most desirable grounds on which to locate the same. Captain Mulford says , "this will bo the first national encampment that Omaha has over had , and it will undoubtedly bo the largest encampment of the kind ever held in the United States. We expect to have at the least ono hundred of the crack military companies of the states hero , any us many of thcao companies are now drilling up for the Omaha encampment , some bcautilul drills may bo expected. " Snmo of the companies that have ex pressed a desire to bo in Omaha in Ibili. and that the Omaha guards met on bloodless flcld-i at Indianapolis , have quite a record as prlzo-vtlnners , nnd a few words about them may bo found of in terest. The Ilranch guards of St. Louis , Captain C. A , Sinclair were organized in June , 1S77 , ns Company G. Flrs > t regiment Missouri na tional guards , and have attended regimental or brigade cntni ) each year. They 'have won first prizes In Hoodhouso , III. , In 1885. Jack sonville , III. , in ISSli , Louisville , Ivy. , in 1W4 , nt Jacksonville , 111. , In ISS'.l ' , at St. Louis in 18T3 , 1871" " , IbSt and 18S8 , and the first prize ana Galvcston cup nt Indianapolis. Ind. , in 1891. They took second money at Dubuque , lu , , in 188 : . ' , nt Indianapolis , Ind. , In 183 : ) , and second interstate at Kansas City in IS'.K ) . They were awarded third place at Uubuu.ua in IbSI , at Philadelphia in 1SS3 , and at Kan sas City in the maiden class iu 1SUO , and got the fourth place at St. Louis in ISb' ' , und at Galveston In 18M ) . The Hclkimp Ullles of San Antonio , Texas , company U , Thirtieth regiment Texas volun teers , Captain Hobort B. Green were organ ized In Si-plumber 1881. Tbiscompanv ruprc- sontatcd the state of Texas ut the Centennial celebration nt Now York in 18SO. They have attended state encampments each year and in addition have won first place at San An tonio in October 18Nr , at Galveston in July 18S ! > , second money at Lampasas , Tox. , la Juno ISo. ) , at Galveston In Juno 18SO , nt Aus tin , Tux. , In IShS , nnd at Indianapolis , Ind. , In July 18(11. ( Tlu-y also took third prize ut Washington , D. C. , in Juno 1SS7. The Sealoy Ullles of Galvcston , Tox. , com pany C. First regiment .Texas volunteers , Captain Worthy Iloyd are hut n few months older than the lielkimp Killus , having been organized in May 18SI. Their prize list reads ns follows : First at Houston , Ti-xni , , In 1S85 , first at Lampasas , Tex , , In IbSO , second atsnmo place in 1887 , second at Galvcston in 188H , third In 188S , second lu 18SO nt the sumo place , second nt Purls , Tex. , in 1887 , second state and third interstate at Austin. Tex. , in 188'J , nnd third money at Indianapolis , Ind , , In 1801. < The Southern Cadets of Mncon , Oa. , Com- I mny F , ' Second Georgia regiment , Captain loft Slnims , organized May 1" , lSSr > , and from that time down to the present have been hustling after the first money at all prize drills. They wanted everything In sight at Indianapolis this year , and a great many thought they would gut it , too , but they didn't take n thing back to Georgia with them except fourth place nnd u determina tion to lake the Galvuston cup nway from the Branch guards In Omnha In 1SUJ. Their list of prizes is n credit to any military com- puiy. At Mncon , Ga. , In 18S7 , they got second place , swond ut Nii'hvlllo , Tenn. , In 1888 , first in Augusta , Ga. , in ISs'J , two first prizes nt Columbus in ISS'.I. ' first place at Jackson ville , Fin. , in 1890 , and nt Mucon , Ga , , in the same year. At Atlanta , Ga. , they did them selves proud and walked away wltlt the first interstate , first state , first captain and first t > ( ] mul prizes. The National Fenclblcs of Washington , D. C. , Captain C. S. Doiner , have taken first place at all drills un thnlr nome grounds , second place at Kansas City In Ib'.Kl ' and fifth place at Indianapolis In IS'Jl. The McCarthy Light guard of Little Hock , Ark , , Company A , First regiment , Arkansas national guards , were sworn Into the service of their state in January , 1SS7 , and since then linvo ench year attended encampments. Under the leadership of Captain J. M. Dun- gnu they have tnkon third placeRt Galveston , Tex , , lu IbS' ' ) , second place lit Atlanta , Oil. , in 18W ) , and sixth place at Indianapolis , Ind. , In 18J1 ' * * The Chlcknsaw guards of Memphis , Tenn. , Company A , Si'cond regiment , muiomil guards of the state of Tennessee , Cnntuin Harry Allen , have the distinction of being the originators of prize or competitive drills. The "Chics" were organized in Julv , ISM , nud soon after that tlmo , owing to the friend ly rivalry between the cities of Memphis and Nnsiivlllo and the frequent boasts of the mil itary companies of the two cities , Captain Allen's command arranged for n scries of drills for the sake of the prizes nnd of deter mining as to which city hold the bettor com- Jinny. Since that ttmothoChickiisaw guards iinvo been adding some new prize to their list till now It baa assumed such glL'antlo proportions tions that It h too long for publication. Cap- tnlu Allen says the "Chics" will bo in Omaha next year nnd that there will be another first prize added to their bolt when he re-turns. Unfortunately , the Chlckasaws came In for Bovcnlh place nt ludlnnnpolls , and our own Omaha guards pushing them hard for that place , but obtaining place No. S tn the call- inatlon of the Judges of the drills. The Fletcher illlca of Little Hook , Ark. , Captain John A. Mitchell , u private military organization , organl/od in June , Ib'.K ' ) , and tinned , uniformed nnd supported by the Hon. J. G , Fletcher whoso name thev most proudly nssumo. Indianapolis was their first experi ence in camp llfo nnd they were the huppv winners of ninth place In the froo-for-nll class and took second money iu the mntdcu drill , The Devlin cadets of Jncksnn , Mich. , Cap- tnln II. O. Devlin , wna organized in Fobru- nry , 1887 , und U composed of young men at- tciidlug the Devlin business college at that plnco. This company took second ulaco at the state drill nt Detroit , Mich. , the Jackson guards taklni ; first placo. At the drill at Iu- dlannpolU they captured first money In th malitoti clnis and will enter tn the inters tut class In Omaha In Ihirl. I The Flovd rifles of Mncon , On. , company C ' Second rcplmetit , Georgia voluntoon , Cap tnln J. L. ilardcmnn , Is ono of tha oldcs military companies In the United Stales. I was organized over llfty years ngo nnrl \ vaIn In actlvo service for the confederate govern ment through the Into war , Inking part 11 many of the battles. The hhtory of till company would fill volumes r.ii'l would maki cholco reading for soldiers both old nm young , Of lute years Iho nlles have nttondci cnciimpmonts nt Cumberland , St. Simons' Mucon and Chlcninnuga , Gu. They took thi second place at St. Simons' In 18S8 and thin In the maiden drill at Indianapolis , Ind. , li 18M. ! 18M.Tho 1'uch vldottes of Columnus , O. , Com puny A , Fourteenth regiment Ohio nailoim guards , Captain K. O. Halley , were organize ! In 18T7 , and have attended the yearly stiti cncuinpmcnt. They bad never attended an ; | Intor-stuto ortmtlonul encampment until thoj went to Indianapolis , Ind. , In 1S01 , when they entered the maiden class and won awarded fourth plmo. The Aroti rlllos of Cincinnati , O. , Captan F. M. Joyce , were organized as n zouave coin pany In 1HSS and changed Into an Infntitri company In Miiy , 1S01. This company nm their largo drum and buplo corps nro coin posed of the college and society hoys of Cln clnnntl , und nro the prldo of their city. As they hud never been in n prize drill they en to rod In the maiden class at Indianapolis li 1SHI , where , by the excellence of their drill they won for themselves fifth nlaco. The Lima City guards of Lima City. O. Company C , Second regiment Ohio nntiomi guards , Captain F. M. IJoll , have seen tnon of actual scrvico than pd/.o drills and en cauipmcnts , as they have been called out re peiiU'dly to [ irotccf the interests of citizen ! of their state. Their regiment , the Second Ohio , national guards , took first regimental prize at the centennial encampment at Plula dolphin in ISTtf. In addition to the regulni stale encampments , this company has tit tended national encampments In Now York Washington and Cleveland , nnd , in tnelrfirsi contest fora prize in the maiden class In In dianapolls , Ind. , In IS'Jl , they were set dowr for the sixth place. Governor's guards nt Indianapolis , Ind. Company K , Second regiment , Indiana Le gion , Captain M. V. Scott , organized March 17 , 18VJ , titivc attended state encampments al Iiidlamipolis , South Demi and Fort Wayne , Ind. . and , so far disposed the Judge * of the maiden drill at the national encampment al Indianapolis in ISb'J ns to bo given seventh place. Company A , Second , rcgimr-nt , Indian Lo- clou , Captain John Prince , were organized In IbSU and have captured prizes as follows : First at Mobile , Ala. , In 133-1 ; second at At lanta , Ga. , in 1SSO , and third at Evansville , Ind. , in IbST , but were unaolo to cntor the drill at Indianapolis this ynar as their former captain had resigned shortly bcforo the tlmo of the drill. The Atiror.i zouaves of Aurora , 111. , Cap tain G. A. Ilurd , wcru organized in Septem ber , 1837 , and Is composed of representative business men of that city. They have taken money at each place they have entered the competition , having got third money at Kan sas City in 1S9J , first at Chicago lu 1890 , and first at Indianapolis , Ind. , in ISOI , Their genial captain is looking for fresh laurels , und is now working bis "drill team , " hoping to take first place in the zouavo class In Omaha in l&.t' ' . Walsh zouaves of St. Louis , Mo. , Captain William Iloyman , were .organized in Juno , ISSli , are named after their patron , Kov. Father Walsh , priest of St. Urideet's church , St. Louis. They have taken first prizes at Austin , Tex. , in 1SSS , at Galvcston , Tox. , in 18s'J ! , and second place at. Kansas City In Is'JJ and Indianapolis , Ind. , in 1801. The Dallas light artillery of Dallas , Tex. , Captain A. P. Walzencraft ; the Hockvillo light artillery , of Uoekvillp , Ind.Captain F. E. Stevenson ; the Uickason light artillery of Danville , III. , Cantain Yncger , and Battery A of St. Louis , Captain F. M. Kumbnld , the winners of the first , second , third and fourth unzos respectively at Indianapolis in lbll ! , and the famous Indianapolis light artillory. Captain James B. Curtis , under whoso auspices the National encampment was given at Indianapolis this year , have all won prizes nt state and national drills and will un doubtedly attend the ISlfcJ encampment in this city. Those companies , together with the other crack companies that will bo in Omaha next year , will assure an encampment that will bo a credit to Omaha and an attraction which will bring thousands of visitors to the city , all of whom will leave pleased witn what they have seen and with none but words of pralso for Omaha. Mrs. Window's ' Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething gives quiet , helpful rest. 25 cents a bottle. How Can TinDo It ? 1 Soil Indies' shoes und Oxford tics worth $2.00 to ij3.00 for OUo pair. Hut they do , the bankrupt shoo sale. Must close out in 20 dnys , nnd to save expense of mov- inf * will pell shoes und slippers at n sue' rilico. 'Don't miss tho'salo Thursday. Bankrupt sale of shoos anU slippers , 11-1 South 10th street. CONCI3UXIXG 4MKIIi.Ijl3.7OIN. AVliat n Townsman of the Great Con troller Says of Him I'eivo.-ially. Chttuncoy Wiltso of Fullerton , Nanco county , wus in the city last nicht. Speaking of Senator Molklcjohn as 11 candidate for supreme Judge , ho bald : "Mr. Meiklojohn will not accept the nom ination for supreme judge. Ho doesn't want it. Nolthnr doas ho want the nomination for governor. Ho doesn't waut the nomination for any ofllco except that of congressman. 1 had n talk with him the other day and ho told mo that If ho couldn't got the nomina tion to coi.gross ho wouldn't accept any. Meiklojohn is financially a poor man. Ho wants to go to congress. I don't thinlc there is money in any oillco unless you know how to steal. And Moiklojohn is not a man of that Ulnd. " "How was his name mentioned first in con nexion with this ollicol" "When the central committee mot In Liu- coin several weeks ago , they east about to sco whom it was possible to elect to the supreme premo bench. They cnmo to the conclusion that It would bo u man who could poll a num ber of democratic votes nuU they thought that Melklojohn could do that because of his ruling at the oponlnir of the last lugislnturo. lint It's all folly to talk of electing n supreme Judge by the republicans or democrats this tall. The independents are going to elect whomsoever they put up. They nro as a rock now. Last fall they were not so. Thuy were considerably divided , In the county conventions there may bo some discord. There are u number of candidates where only ono may ho elected. In such case there may bo some elements introduced which may cause them to break to u certain dogreo. " "How did Melklojohn's name become men tioned with the gubernatorial position i" "I don't know. The people out our way never considered him in connection with that otllco. Why , the alliance people Just halo Melklelohn nnd would bo just glad of an opportunity to show how they appreciated his services to them at the last legislature. "The crops in Nance county nro In excel lent condition. I don't know when wo had u hotter prospect. The corn is very line , In deed. "Tho people out our way nro grateful to Tin ! Bui : for Its Into publication of the resources - sources and wealth of our county. It has done us good us It also done good to the state. " The ImtCNt C'oiiiiiiilriiin. Why Is Hnller s Sarsnparltla and Burdock llli ) the most popular soap of the day ( Ueciiusu they both cleanse the skin nnd eave It sofU'.i.lvdhM ty. TrmilmiKl Grand The Nebraska grand lodge of the United Order of Treubuud is holding Us semi-annual session nt 1210 Douglas street , In the hall of Planet lodge , Ivnlghts of Pythias. There are about llfty delegates present , representing lodges nt Sioux City , Dennlson , la. , Council IllutTs. Phittsmouth , South Omaha and throe lodges In this city. The session opened nt 10 o'clock yesterday morn- I in.- . The present officers nro August Shroedor , Omaha , president ; Claus Thompson. PUtls- mouth , vice-president ; August Schirbueh , Omuha , secretary ; Hudolnh Ilnrtz , South Omaha , treasurer ; John Fry , South Omaha , marshal i Fritz Mltlnueht , Omaha , guard. De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best little pill over made. Cure constipation every lime. None equal. Use them now. J OMAHA'S ' NATIONAL BANKS , Oompiloi Statement of the Condition of Their A flairs. PREVIOUS STATEMENTS COMPARED. Omnha'H Financial ItiHtltntlniiH Make n Very Satisfactory Showing Almost Nineteen Million * * or Dollars on Deposit. The national hanks have published n state ment of the condition of business on July 0 , pursuant to the call Issued By the comptroller of United States currency. The compilation of the statement nrcsoiitcd below will give n very good Idea of the actual condition of the Omaha banking Institutions. As the amount of money held on deposit by the banks Is n pretty good Indication of the condition of business It is only natural to cull attention to this Item first. A glance nt the table below will show the total deposits of the national banks to bo SirvUU.lhM.hO , or a gain since February SO , the date of the previous statement , of over $ .YJOWX ) . The deposits , however , still full short of the amount held by the banks In October , IS'.K ' ) . but the money Is coming back gradually nnd It can bo u question of onlv a few months when the loss caused by tiic depression of last winter and spring will bo wiped out. Taking the figures of the last statement mode by the state banks on Juno ! H ) it will be seen that the total donosits held bv the Omaha banks are 8IfW2,8M.87. ( Anothornotlcoable feature In the statement Is the heavy decrease in the rediscounts. In last October there were no rediscounts re ported , but In December the total was over a half million dollars , showing that the banks wore compelled to borrow quite freely. In February this amount had been cut down over one-half and the urosont statement shows only 87,000. In the matter of loans and discounts there has been nn expansion of $518,101.10 as com pared with the February statement. A careful studj of the figures will bring out a number of Interesting facU. The following Is n statement of the coudl- tlon of the national banks on July 0 , 1801 : t O'-iCi * : IM 1-1 O c a es s : i p rei ' 'e& fs-s-gi E = ; ! ' -22a 5iT * 3 " o2tr = -/3 ; : 2g S8 S Ssr . S = . 3.I ' = * 0 SM ft _ a * _ S ? P ? .ffia ; s 5 15 'illii ' 1 . V. 'Sg : : S ge- : : . " i:5s ' ' : a 3 Pi : S | = c : : : ? : Ilg lei * ! I ii u ii g &j * * M c o o i ; ji &j C p & < [ U O | a M 1" 5SrjgS3. a 1 S . . i - to ' V V ! < : Mtr.2i.SS * i i H i gaass s * . - ' S o oo.itimo.- ) . " : : P ? jo JIUDU i feStii 1 u u o 11 . " co i | II II O | 1 " .M I P 'j ti m til o - --p-i , II U O I 1 -DM uoun | 2 yUBsiiiiss II1D | JO III V SSSSSS..S K i . - . - C e = I ? 10 t ; O M ssstss a Siggif.SS I' V. XJBIU 0.191 . ' ( II jo < | iu oa .0(1 ' 81U10.I , l KisSeSS oo 's Dlvldriul.s nnpnlil. IliicluUc-'s cauli un liund nnd In banks. Tlio Talk ol1 tlio Town. The bankrupt , shoo sale olTors wonderful - ful bargains Thurt > d y. Mon'a patent Icuthor coiifiross , $2.50 pair. Ladies' Hlioo und blippor siilo ut DOc ptilr , worth 52.00 to nol ) . Dankrupt Shoo Sale , 114 South 10th Htreot. I'criullH. Tlio following permits worn issiioct yostcr- dny ly- the superintendent of buildings : M. Martin , tliri'o-story ' lirluk anil stouo riMlilunvo , 110 North Ninth street . tU',003 Josiiiti | Skrujn , two-story ( riiinu ihvull- ln > % Kiftuontli nml Wlfllnms strcutB. . 2,000 T. J. Itoxors. two-story frumu ilwulllni ; . Twuiity-nlnth iivonnu anil 1'aulllu struut-i . 8,010 Bninu , finino liarn . 1 WU ThiL'o minor nurniiu . W Total The evils rosultlns from habitual costlvo- ness are miiny uiitt sorioua ; out thu usa of linrsb , tlrnstlo purffiitlvcs Is quite as dimmer- ous. In Ayor's I'ills , howoror , the patient hus n nilUl hut offucttvo uporlnnt , superior to nil others , espoclally for family use. HKATIIS. Kntltet / Hi" Untonr leu imlertltti total , A/tj aiMttlnntil line ten cenU. VOI//i-l'rank Yolz. iiRod four years and three months son of .Mr. and Mrs. Ktufun Volr , Htivuntuentli and O streets , tiled nt 11 o'cl < ok Monday evening and was burled Tuesday afternoon ut i ! o'clock In St. Mary's cuino- lery , I'OWir.I.rUTHerman Powlllolt , aged olcht nuintlis und twunty diiy.s , NOII of .Mr. and Mis. l-'red I'owilielt , Twunty-llrst and Ij Ktreuts , I died ut II o'i'luok Mnnilay and was biuleil ut I 2 o'clock TucMlay afturnoon , I I 111 NO. InfhiHry nnil Gutnlry Soon to Coin jictc nt tlirt Hollovuo lIuiiKO. The eleventh nninml rlllo compotltlon ol the tlcpiirtment of tic Plntto takes place al Uellovuo rlllo ramropcomracncine August 17 , It will ho under ) the direction of Majoi Uanlo W. Bciilmmf Seventh infantry , In- ix3ctor small nrmsspractice doinrtmont | ol the 1'latto. Tlio other ofllccrs will bo ns follows i Camp commander" Cnptaln Charloj A , Coolldgc , Seventh infantry1 adjutant anil signal ofllccr , Lloiltonnnt S. M. Hackney , Sixteenth infantry ; fiuiirtormintcr nnd ordi nance 'bniccr , Lieutenant II. KWilkln.o , Second Infantry ; commissary nnd canteen ofllcer , Lloutcnatit C. D. Vnnco , Slxteentti Infantry ; statistical officers , Captain John F. Otillfoylo , Tlnth cavalrv ; Lieutenant K. V , Uookmlllor , Second Infantry ; medical officer , Cnptaln . O. Spencer , nssistnnt surgeon. linnga odlcors : Lloutcnatit HohertV. . Dowdy , Soventconth Infantry ; lieutenant Muiiry Nlchoh , Fourteenth Infantry , Lieu tenant C.H. Alulr , Seventeenth infantry ; Lieutenant E. W. MeCiiskoy , Twonty-lh-st Infantry ; Lloulennnt S. Scny , Jr. , Twenty- first Infantry ; Lieutenant Alonzo Urity , Sixth cavalry j Lieutenant UobcrtL. IIowzo , Sixth cavalry , The senior range ofllcor will have general charge of rntiRo onicura , scorers , markers nnd range party nuu will be responsible for tholr Instruction In their regular duties. Competitors are to report , lufy 'Jr. I'nni.iMiN.vitv 1'iiumci : . Thursday , .fuly ! IO. forenoon ICnown dis tance lirlngs , ' 'oo and yoo yards ; afternoon , known distance firings. fil)0 ) nnd ( iUO yards. Friday , forenoon Skirmish firings ; after noon , known distance firings , UU and , ' ! OJ yards. Saturday Forenoon. Skirmish firings ; nfturnoon , known distance llrings.GOQ nnd COD yards. COMPETITION. Monday , August n , Forenoon. ICnown < lls- tiinco firings00 ' and UOO ynrds ; afternoon , known distance firings , 500 and ( iOO yards. Tuesday Forenoon. SUirmlsh firings ; nf- noon , skirmish firings , Wednesday Forenoon. Known distance firings , " 00 and IJOU yards ; afternoon , known distance firings , .100 and 1500 yards. Thursday Forenoon , Skirmish firings ; afternoon , skirmish firings. The hours of practice will commence nt S a. tn. and U p. m. Assembly , fifteen minutes before each. Trains on the B. it M. road stop at Bellevue - vuo range station on request or by being llueged us follows : from Omaha , 90 : ! ! n. in. , 0:40 : p. ui. ; from Bollcvuc , Ti-IO a. m. and 0:01 : p. m. Tickets must bo bought before getting on the cars. At camp they can oo purchased from the camp quar termaster. Fare , ono way , 23 cents ; round trip , ! )5 ) cents. CAVAI.UV COMPETITION . The third annual cavalry competition for the Departments ot thu East , the Platte and California will tnko place at the same range , commencing Monday , August 1" , thouch the preliminary prncllca will communed Thurs day , Augtut K ) . The oflleers in charge nnd range ofllcers are the same ns above given. The features nnd programme of the preliminary and the first and sec- Mid day of the competition will DO the same as nbovo given with the excep tion that the carbine will bo used instead of the rifle. On Friday nnd Saturday , August 21 and 22 , the last day of the cavalry coiupution , will bo devoted to revolver-firing , in the morning , lismountcd firings at twcnty-fivo yards , nnu n the afternoon nt lift-yards , will take place , while on Saturday , the 22d , there will bo nounted firings to the right nnd left , preceded - ceded by firings by each trooper of ten blank cartridges. The snmo will bo undergone in the afternoon. Don't bo discouraged about that eczema till you hnvo given Ayor's Sarsaparilla a purstst- mt trial. Six bottles of this medicine cured ho complaint for George S. Thomas of Ada , Ohio , when ull other remedies failed to afford nn3f relief. Ole Miuc Sale And what it menus. . On Thursday wo are going to huvo ii sulo. ' No use going hiirofooted. Vycaregoing to sell Ladies' Oxford ties nt99c , worth $2.25. Ladies' line grain donfrolii kid hutton boots , 09c pair , worth 82.50 to $ ; ! .CO. Men's working shoes , lc ) ! ) , worth $2.00. Missus' kid o.nd goat button boots , ! )0c ) pair , worth $2.00. Men's velvet slippers , 99c , worth $2.00. Bankrupt sale of shoes and slippers , 114 South Sixteenth street. Look for the number. IX THE SHOPS. Union Pacific Workmen Cnu H\ve : \ J i ht Hours by Asking. The attention of Mr. T. II. Daily , chief clerk In the oftlco of the superintendent of motive power at the Union Pacific shops , was called to the remarks mndo by John Qulnn , chairman of the mcetlne hold in the Intcrcbtof the eight-hourlnw Monday night , to the effect that n notice had boon posted in the shops directing nil mon who wanted to work eight hours to apply to tneir foremen. Mr. Qulnn also remarked that this meant dis charge for any man bravo enough to speak for the now movement. Mr. Daily was asked what truth , If any , was contained tn Mr. Qultm's ' statement. "Such n notice was posted , " replied Mr. Daily , "as wo wanted to know Just what the men wanted. It makes no difference to the company whether the mon work eight hours or nlno nnd one-half. They are all paid by the -hour and have boon for EOIIIO tlmo. If they want to work eight hours there would bo no objection made. Not a single man has made application to hnvo the hours cut down. Even the men who were down nt Lincoln last winter lobbying iu the interest of this law hnvo not applied to have their hours reduced. This eight hour business is all line theory , but when it touches the man's ' pocketbooks It Is another thing altogether. "Tho shops were run eight hours hist sura- mar , " continued Mr. Dally , "and the men were kicking nil the tnno. Wo have been running nine nnd one-half hours this summer and I have not heard of anyone kicking because - cause the hours are too long. "Our machinery Is running nil thotimoand two shifts of mon are worked In order to got out the material ahead of the workmen. The company would bo perfectly willing to put on three gangs Of men and let them work eight hours each , but I will vcnturo to any there would bo a tremendous howl go up if such a thing was done. "Tho chances are that wo shall kcop right on nt before , runningniiioiimlonc-hnlf hours , and I don't believe there will bo any com plaint. " _ Am prepared to place largo loans , first mortgage , no commissions , no dolnv. ItlCHA'KI ) C. I-A'ITKKSON , 5)07 ) N. Y. Life. County 'Court CIIHCS. In the , county court B. II , Hoblnson has brought Milt to recover the suni'ot WG9.II ) , duo on n promlssncy note executed by Hlch- nrds & Co. , the contractors who recently failed In business. < " ! . A. Litidqulst has sued Stephen Vnltz of South Omaha , Air f IIT.O'J duo on account. Llssauer Sondhelrm have brou/ht suit against Walter Sams to recover the sum of being for Jewnlrv sold and delivered. li'itrilltiiru. Visit S. A. Orchnrd's special sale do- par t mon t , na you may Und just what you nuiul i'l tlio fiiriiituro line nt very liiuuli reduced prices. Coiitinuatal hlouk , loth nnd Duii l is street. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , IIUVINO NI\V : HOSI : , What , the Klro Itotirtt Lonrnoil Almu I'lifolinsliiK Supplies. The opening of bids for furnishing 0,00 feet of lire hose was what called the mon : bcrs of the tire nnd police commission U gcthcr In special session ycstcrmty nftoi noon. All of the commissioners were present , am n half dozen anxious rubber mon formed deeply Interesting lobby. There were thirteen bids submitted , nm they were read by Mr. Smith , niter whlcl the ngonts of the various companies were al lowed to cxpatlato on the merits of thcl respective goo-Is nnd the demerits of those sent In by co'iipctltorj. The bids were ns follows : Kovcro rubber company of Chicago nm Beaten : Kovcro rubber hose , si cents American packet hose , fit ! cents. Hoth guar untecd for four years against a 5UO poum prosMiro. Omaha rubber company ; Kuroka , 00 cents Paragon , SO cents ; Shield Victory , 115 cents Ilorseshoo packet , 7(1 ( rents ; Arm and Hummer mor , (10 ( cents ; F.lk's Head , r > 0 cents. Mineralized rubber company : St. Andrew's Cross , ( IS cents : Anchor brand , 71 cents Hoth guaranteed for three years ngninst101 pounds pressure. { .Jutla I'crclm nnd rubber mnnufnrturlnf : company : Maltese Cross ( tubb'/r ) , St.UOj IJakcr Fabric , bO cents ; AJax packet , 71 cunts. Bach guaranteed for three years against -100 pounds pressure. Fabric fh'o hojo company : Wax Keystone , SO cents , ( iunrnntecd ngaltut > I5U pounds pressure for six years. Chicago Hro hose company : National Jacket , SO cents ; lion brand ( rubber ) , bt cents. Guaranteed four years against 401) ) . pound pressure. Home rubber company : Trenton , 00 cents. Uuarantccd against -100 pounds lot live years , Cornelius Cnlhihnn company : Callahan Jacket , guaranteed lor llvo years ; 1,000 to H.OUO fcut , IK ) cents ; entire order of 0,000 , feet , 51 cents. llo.-iton woven hose company : Volunteer ( rubber ) , tn cents , four years , 40 ! ) pounds pressure ; Fire Jacket , M ) cents , four years , 000 pounds ; Tiger Jacket , TO cents , three ana one-half years , -l.'iU pounds. Eureka lira hose company : Cnrbollzcd fire hose , 90 cents. Guaranteed for three j'ears against 400 pounds pressure ; Eureka carboll/.cd , ( KJ cents ; I'araaoti , 60 cents. Akron Uubbor Works White Anchor ( rub ber ) , $1 ; y.OOO . feet , 'J7 ' > j' coats ; 0,000 feet , U5 cents. . The bid of the Morse dry gooJs company arrived after the polls had closed , nnd owing to the now Australian ballot law in this state It couldn't go iu and was ordered returned unopened. A. L. Strnng & Sous , lioston belting com pany's llro hose , S. > cents. Guaranteed for four years against-NX. " pounds pressure. The ambitious agents were then excluded from the room , nnd were admitted ono at n time to sine their lit- .lo songs. Each bad his piece well earned , and they told the commissioners enough 'ibout ' making hose to enable thorn to start a factory if tbov so deslrod. Air. Hartman - man provided throiitrhout at the dissecting iablo and performed clover post mortems on each sample piece of hose passed up for in spection. At last In ) cut his finger and passed the cleaver over to Chief Galligan. After deciding that they did not know how nuch fabric hose they wanted , and that they ivould probably buy moro or less of rubber , ; ho board adjourned until 1 ! o'clock this nftor- loon. The agents cussed mildly under their " breaths ut the delay and then "put on smiles "hat were supposed to bu good for another wcnty-four hours. ji Use Hallpr's Gorman Pills , the great con illpation and liver regulator. Men's Kaniroo Shoes , $1.1)8 ) , Worth S-I.OO , for Thursday , and till the 'Jurt's kungiu-oo go at iKJ.OO. Gents , don't fail to attend tlio bankrupt shoo ; ; ilo Thursday , 114 south 10th stroet. Alt-dais for IJivive Firemen. W. C. Fnyo has written Chief Galligan ifCoring to present u gold medal to tbo fire man who shows the greatest bravery ana : ourago in saving life or property between ho present tlmo and March 1 , IStfJ. The iiwnrd will bo made by a committee , consist- 'ng of Chief Gulllgan , Mayor dishing and ho captain of a"company in which there islet lot a contestant for thu medal. In case there s no company without a contestant , the .bird member of the committee will bo named jy Mr. Fnye. A very small pill , but , n very good cr.o. DeWitt's Little Early Kisors. "Tho West Sicio hotel nt Spirit Lake , In. , i ? now open for summer guests ; sit uated f uiilo west of Ilotol Orleans. " Still After the CiamlilerN. Out of scores of arrests and dozens of pro secutions for gambling the police have yet to secure the first conviction , but they keep pegging nway Just the same. Sergeant Whalmi has filed n complaint charging Dan Geiser with setting up gambling appliances and runninir games of chance. T. o confis cated apparatus is stored in ono corner of the police court room along with n lot of other stuff that is hauled iu and taken out puriodi- TORTURING ECZEMA Edi or Iowa P'a'n Dea'or Ourod of I isuffsrablo Itch ng an-i Fala by the Outicuru Rotnod'os. No Le j Than Five Phys'o'ans Con sulted. Their Combined W.s- domPo\owod hout T onoflt. r.m lxty-8lx ypirn : old. In Auizu t , 18S9 , 'a-i ttoublo.l wlih lao peculiar hkln clltua u to winch lu'uplucif my IIKU nru Niib.'U't ' , known iiiunni ; incill- cnt ntun at ec/tiiutt. Iti tlrt appotirnncu WUH uu.if the iiiikius. It r.ipldly u.vtutMluiltnur Din limor ( ? x- truinotluiiinlU mjr Icvi WITH no.irly ono riw norci trom ! L'I.M ilio tronl'lo ext niluil ncicsw ilio lilpx. HlunililLTi iiiitl the onilro ItMi t * ! of th iinn < , ttio It'irti mul MI IIM uri'iitly Hwolluli wMli an ! ! clil it , ' , biirii'ni ; pull ) , without L-uixalliin. Although the | ju t un dlcnl nilvk'o attalnahlc was mi iliiyuil. 1111 km than llvu , iliy.-h I HHOl tlio pMiMiiiM.it : rim ! ili'il ! nii'l the pio- icrlptloiH hulni ; the loinlt nf Ihoti' c imMnuil wNdnin , ni ; tiio Klinplo tin.I pl.'iln In trurtloiiH ulvon wltii the IMKIIIIS. : : nnil In four noJki fniui'l ' nivnclf neil , \\UlinkliiHiiftaiiituatnnillnuolor. llui It'hliu ami pain ontlioly rolli-vcil. \V K. MI-IAD. KMllor Iowa 1'lnln Dualor , C'ruicu , la , Cubic ura Resolvent Tim now Illooil n-nl SUIa I'nrlllur , nml uroatoat of Humor Itiiini'illoi. Inlornally. ( to cloinno the Ulnnil ul all hiiinirllk'n anil pol.iuno'.i uloinuiits , anil Hula roitiovu Iho t'auso ) . and ( Tncrii v , the ur at SKIn Curo. unit CiMirim.v SDAP , anil OMIIII to Skin 1'lirltlcr anil lluinUlier : , uxtcrnally ( to clo.ir t iu akin nml acatp. nml ro toro the hat ) . rtpootlllv cuio ovi > ry liniiioraiHl dUuiiMo oftho akin , j * < alii nni ) bluud , ulth lijs-i < if luitr. wliuthor llohlni ; . oiirnlnt. , HC-aly. pimply , MIII liliitchy. wlu'thcr Kcruliiliiiiii , livroJIln y urcdii- tailuii3 ! wlion plivulc'lans uml .ill utliu ruiiiuillua lull , Fo'il ovnry where. 1'rU-o. Ci'TIt uiA. Mo ; fn\l * . ! . ' . : UUHIIIVINT. : * l. I'ropuruil liy llu I Dlirn AMI CIIKJIICAI. riiuruHTKIV. . lluntii for "Mow to Cn oSkln Dhuiuji. " ni\iri ! \ > KS. UiifU-hu.uH , cliappoilnrul ullya'.dn cured II 111 hy curicriiA .Mti'K ATIII ; * \ Jll 'N O\K Mi.s'ri'E TUB Crru'ruA \ f S , AATil'AiI'I.AMKII ri'llovus rhuti- I * fe iniitU' , L-I I | ( ' , hip. kiilni-y. flimt , uml inuicular p-iln. ami oi m. ' o . The llrst nnd only paln-kiMIni : plu ii-r. _ m ) GOLD CLASPS. CLASPS.IniiBRtion , Ti't'th without lilMtcs. ri'innvalilo Ijrldgo work , "I > r. Thru'liiuuiti'n's patent" No dn.uiilirMlotvn of | iiatc > < . , i'itmotliiu yu like , ivftli r.'iiuiiii linn. Just ttia ihuu f"f miiiUiLTH , liiwyt-rixniil p l > l < " iii''l > "r ! * I'noo a liltU ) iniiro than ntl > l < ur imiti's. wtlnu iou. n nf ull Orllulioy. . DfittiHt. lias tnu 4ulo riiiut to Uniuha und DouiUs Uxiinly , ultko id Ouur 1'uxtuu block , Uiuuhu. I - v * Shoe dealers will be interested to know that they can find' ' fine assortment of tennis shoes at Four Ones , Harncy Street , I also give them notice that the Have been greatly improved and will be verv extensively ad vertised the coming- fall and winter. My trade on the New Jersey Goods this season is "out of sight. " Take my advice and place your orders now for fall and win ter. I do not retail any goods , nor am 1 interested in any retail stores. Get your Rubber Boots , Shoes , Felt Boots , and German SON at headquarters and save money. Z. T. LINDSKY. . . . . Omaha , Neb.r FOR THE FOLLOWING GOOD REASONS : Because MIDLAND is the BEST Package Coffee in the market. _ _ SEXGON : rx Because MIDLAND being composed of such highly flavored Coffee it needs less quantity to make a good cup of coffee than. other brands. Each purchaser of MIDLAND COFFEE has an equal chance in sharing in the $1,000 PSyESBSTUM to be distributed September ist. For further particulars SEli NOTICE in ouch paukugo of Coffco. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR MIDLAND COFFEE ! AND TAKE NO OTHER. NO GXJREl ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. 10 n m. to 1'J in. Sunil manip for roplj- , MOORE'S For Disnascs of the Liver uao Mooro's Tree of Life. For the lilood , use Mooro's Tree of Life. Life.For For Culiu'rh use MOOPO'B Tree of Lifo Catnrrli Cure , Slooru' Tree of I.lfa n potUUa rura lor Kllnir nml l.lvur Cirn.il . tint nii'l ' nil u 01 1 ilH j no , . I ) ml1. per to .n'ur w ion you cm lira I 'if mini Mo jrj'j Tri'uuf l.lfu. tnuilruit l.lf < i Itunialir' I lm OMil III and. ENNYROYAL PSLLS iT . InoulliiT. /i/ilIanjtrc.u . lullill * , f la mrt tot > " * ! " ieiliat"0 U u4 r < lnr tr n.ii. iiyiooitiiiinnuii ' " I" " ! " ' rlll h .t cl'/iwlc / H . , Mudlinl qu rr , j/uiui'tu"- rkiujfc , r * BOCTO35 , ! : McGREW i ( icon Yearn' I"x t n in tliu Trimtinent of ( imiiirrlMi'ii. ( .Ion HMct.iro . Mnihllli. I < o l .Mnn- liiiiiil. nml nil liliurilum > ! tlio Sox mil Orxnn ) . Hklu llit > , iiu.i uml tvitmln DKU.KUI I.iullui fruin''lo 4 only , lir Mc'irtnv ' I IIIVIKH In Iliu IroMinont ot j'rlviito liltun U4 Inn no.ur licon uriinlloil. | Hoik ( nnd ilioulura riiur. frunliiic'iit tir coiri > * iunitonoa. ) cu , Ml i an 1 Kirn.un St. . , Omaha , No III KIUMIICO oi > ultliur ilrvct , I fyfEvmCHtMiNl Co In rurmmuauitlue U Ut VoMMMicuurij ilil tty ItruicKli J'lUtlK 81OO. jBltuntlon * prncurcd far OMAHA I nlut. Wrltu fur circular ) . SCHOOL O Hiinuwooi ) IIIIOH. , rj TELEGRAPHY.