THE OMAHA DAILY BEES WEDNESDAY , JULY 22 , 1801 , his answer this morning. Over thrco hun dred men nnd women were at bis ofllco to urge action by him. Thomas Cocnrnno opened with a statement that the law tons about to bo violated , that ( ho clllrons wcro unable to prevent Itf violation and they called on the povcrnor to sco to Us enforcement. Arch bishop Ireland , ox-Chief JuM.leoS. B. 'Mc Millan and Dr. Noyos followed with further nrKUH.cnU CJovcrnorMorrlnm said that con. iiultatlon with tilt local advisor bad shown tlmt he hnd no ntithorlty to Interfere in the matter , but ho would do what wns In Ills power. Bctnjr Informed by Attorney Gen eral Clapp that ho could Issue n proclamation the governor promised to Instio ono Immudl- ntcly , nnd this afternoon the following document - ment wns Riven out : STATK OK IT A , Kxr.ctmvE DKPAHT- nr.NT. It having been called to my attention by numerous citizens of tills stnto and pub- Ifilicd notlro that tint followInz ir.rooim-nt had bi'i'H ' ( 'iilori'd Into , to wit. : rt ho unifies of iiarurimmt nnd the text of I'linjitcr 12 of tbn pcniirnl Uwsof IbTBurnhori'iiimliiil In fulliund thn proclamation continue * : Anil uliiritiMiiltii- bor of rltlrciiHof tlii'Htnto having expressed pravo apprehension that the nouossary luifnl slfps would nnt lie tuKen to proMMit snlrt ran- tenant ! to punish the violator * of Hiild law , now , therefore. It IB expressly cnjiilnul upon all ofllentK , whoso duty by law 1-oliilon to tbn prevention < if the commission of siild oircujw nnd tbn iiiinlslinii'iit of u vloliiHun of mild law , to faithfully o.MHHilo tlie iniiii > ucrordlnu to the toner thereof hi obrdlciiro to tliolr of- fli'liil oaths , and It li further oxpro-isly un joined upon nil oIllciiM Imvlnc local author ity HO to do In apprelimul any por-.on onim-ircd In the violation of said law. The neglect of any odlcelto perform any iluty Imposed upon him liy Inw of this utatu will bo dealt with 110- eordlnit to the provisions of the statutes of Minnesota. W. It. MnutiAM. I' . I1. IlitowN , Secretary of State. Wullo the conference was In progress Frame Shaw was at the Twin City Joclcny club onico offering to bet $10,000 to $300 tlmt the fight would coniu elf as arranged. He found no takers When the mayor came to his ofllco this tnnrttlfitr lin fnitrirl n rn < * nnt1nri ! nnnn Ilia iltmlt from the St. 1'aul board of trade asltinp that the municipal authorities do not/ Interfere with the fight. The governor's proclamation really bears on the sheriff tnoro tlian It dons the city oftl- clals , the latter nut being subject to suspen sion by the governor. Sheriff Jlean this afternoon was in consul tation with Attorney Walter II. Sanborn , and ho says that u hat his laxvyer tells him is bi.s iluty ho will do. There has been appointed by tlio nntl-fipht mass meeting a committee of fifteen to engineer the opposition to the light , nnu this committee will call on tlio sheriff In the morning to sco what ho proposes to do. Ttob FltHsimmons and hH two trainers , Smith and Carroll , for whom warrants were sworn out yesterday , were found and placed under arrest this afternoon t > y Chief Clark of the St. Paul police force. They were immediately brought before .ludso Corey in the inunlripnl court. Fitzsimmons was placed under $ . )00 bond to keep the peace nail each of the others ! ? ( )0 ) nnd tlio examina tion has boon sot for Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Jim Hull arrived this morning and he hns beer around town all day , but was not arrested , as hns been rumored Ho was out driving unil did not show himself in court when his lengthy opponent's ' case was called. Notwithstanding the organized and strong opposition to the fight it seems certain that it will come off as announced. Nearly every seat has been sold nnd all but four of the forty-eight boxes liavo been taken. The ar rangements for ushers and polled : ire perfect. In every detail and it U confidently expected that the cnn fusion usually attendant upon n gathering of this sort will be notieeabio for its absence. The Dotting on the contestants wavers. Hall's partisans and Fitzslmmons' partisans may bo found at every corner , but with few exceptions odds arc not given on cither man. Kasily MIXNUAITIM * , Minn. , July SI. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] The Twin City club room was crowded with a motley iissomblnpo of sports , business , professional nnd society men this evening to witness the middleweight fight between Martin Harris , the "Black Pearl" of Minneapolis , and Joe Kllinps- worth of Astoria , Ore. , for u purse of 81.500 and the championship. Of course the Pearl was the favorite nt $50 to0 ! ! , and u consid erable sum was laid on the result. Among the many prominent men , representing most all of the principal cities of the country. Onmtia was well cared for in the persons of United States Marshal Brnd Slaughter , County Commissioner UicK Berlin , Will Wyman , Frank Hamilton , .loo Garnonu , Jr. , Lieutenants Arrasmlth nnd Hobmson , T. J. Foley , Edward Hothory , Totn Bitierson nnd Albert Ciibn. The premier event of the evenIng - Ing was preceded bv several lively pre liminary set-tos. Jim Corbett of 'Frisco in u neatly fittini : Prlnoo Albert , silk tile nnd proper stick entered tlio hull , under the escort of Prof. Donaldson , at 10 o'clock und was greeted with uproarous cJieors , which continued until ho was led within the ring by the professors and Introduced totbo shoutlcg throng. Hatidsoma.Tim tendered his thanks nnd ro- tlrod. Immediately after came the Blnok Pearl and with him his esquires , Jimmy Porter nnd Beverly Klzor , and Elllngsworth with his handlers Tina McCarthy und Al Quln n , the wrestler. Stnrtln ; * a Good Fljjht , Both men looked as fine as It Is possible for men to bo drawn , and the big crowd settled for n gory feast. Hank Sclco. the cluo's official referee , stated the terms of the fight , and at exactly 10:10 : the men were ordered to shako hands. lilllngsworth started right after the black. There wai no tlmo lost * A little fiddling and Elllngsivorth planted n sockdollagor in the Pearl's w'nd , nnd It bccamo evident tlmt this would bo his target. After thrco or four in effectual exchanges the gong sounded. The second round was a hot one , Klllngs- worth still the aggressor. Ho landed once , twice and thrice upon thu bullet shaped head without apparent advantage , hut in the sav- ngo nihh which closed the round the Pearl had somewhat the best of It. The third wns a sluggine match , the Pearl landing left nnd right nt will , knocking Llllngsworlh down three times and punish ing him horribly. The fourth round wns another of the same kind. Ellinpsworth was knocked down four times in rapid succession , but gamely strug gled to his fcut each time and continued Iho fight , but it wns plain to all that ho was beaten. Last Hound und Out. The pong saved him for ono moro round. Ho came up groggy and besmeared with blood , and his feeble attempts wcro no barrier to the savage black's onslaught , nnd ho was knocked down as fast as ho could got up , and soring that nil hope wns gene Qulnn , his second end , threw M > the sponge. JMndo It a Drnw. ST. , Minn. , July 21. The sports who arc here lor tomorrow's fight pncicod the Olympic < onight to sco a twelve round fight between Keimuock und Murphy fpr$40U. U wns n lively set-to In which both men did SQIIIO very food work. Murphy was vcrv qulok unit would tuivo won thu fight Imd ho bcou stronger. As it was ho held bis own und tbo light was decided n draw. Great In I t-rost nl Now OHcniiN. NBW OIII.IAN : * , Ln. , Juno m. The Olympic club of this city will hnvo every round wired from tbo Fltzsltumous.Hnll ring with a apcchil operator und wlro from its promises , nnd over five thousnud will bo on hand to hour the uows. Now Vork'H ClilnpHo I.epor. Nisw YOIIK , July 21. rim health board today - day Ut'ddeil to place the Chineau lupor , Chin Hop , out of rnngo of Ills wash tubs nnd In a hospital , whuro his cnso will bo studied nnd future action dotonnluud UJKJU. Hop Is a horrible ipociaclo. His toes are ul most ready to fall olT ami the disease has already put in no uppourunoo bouvoen his tiugor * . Two Km i l PiTTsntmn , Pn. , July 31. Fatal mistakes were made last night by Mrs. Mary McCaf frey and Mrs , Fnrls.euch giving tholr Infants carbolic acid lu mlstako for cough medicine. Mrs. McUuffroy's baby died in about two hour * . The other little otto U still living , but is In a very critical condition. The motuora arc almost cruzod ovur tholr afllictloa. Kiiiliozzlcr Jujicd In Mexico. CITV or Miaico , July 21 , W. II. Pope , Vuo Louljvlllo ombozilcr , hut boon arroti d In tnis city and Is bold to await ttio noUtu of tun nutUorHh'i. DENVER BEAT THE FARMERS. Whlto Wings' ' Terrors Trounced the Youug Men From Lincoln. CORN IIUSKERS ARE STILL SAILING. Mlnnonpolls Foils n Victim to tlio I2x- cltccl Youns Men Krom Sioux City Oilier liasohall Cainua. DK.vvr.n , Colo. , July 21. [ Special Toio- prnm to TUB BKE.J At but ono tinio today did It appear that the Lincoln's had n clmnco to win , and tlmt was In the fifth Inning , when tliov succocdcd In getting four men over the pinto. Ulllllnnd pltchoil lor Denver and was rather vi lid , save at critical points. With men on basoi ha was steady and cool , and BUccccdcd In twice striking out the man at bat when two were out and two wore on bases. Denver stsrted to score In the firstBcard's two-bagger nud Koat's error giving ono. hi tlio third hits by OUIIIand , Toboau mid Beard , an error by Heat and a sacrllleo by O'Connor netted three. Hovvo was presented first In the fifth , Burkctt made n hit and Flanagan was re warded n base for his peed oyo. Burltott pot ciiupht , however , so Stafford's life and n hit by Koat nnd a two-bapgor by Khrot gave tboin four runs. An error , sacrifice by Wilson , Ollliland's tbreo bagger , an error by Heat and Beard's I III Lt * U. r . - . - . _ . Koats' veer throw in the sox'cnth nllowed O'Connor a llfo which ho ulillzcd by making a run on two stolen bases nnd n bit to center. Lincoln's ' runs in the sixth and sovonlh wcro on ClInu'R three bapgcr and liurkott's bit , Stafford's two bufurur mid Cilno's sacrifice. Uun gelling stopped In the eighth , when Pi-beau was hit by Ehrot , Burns made a hit , O'Connor a two bagger and Werrick a sacri fice. Score : Sf.MMAUV. Karneil runs : Di-nvcr , t ; LincolnU. Tno-lmrn hits : Hoard , 2 ; O'Connor. Stiillm-il , llliret. Throo- liiito hits' lilllllriiid , Unlit , Cllno. llotttilo plnyw : Hums nnd O'Connnr ; lUvwo ( unnssl teil ) . Klr&t bnnii on bulls : ( III ( illlllainl , 8 ; Khret , 1. lilt by pitched bull : Tul > i > : iu , Struck out : Hy ( illMliiml , 6 ; Khrut , B. I'ntsL'rt biillsi Wlli-on , 1 ; Wilson. 1. Time : Two hours unU ton minutes. Umpire : KnlKht , MlllcrH"\Vo 'o Hnltlcrs. MixSR < , Minn. , July 21. Mitchell wns poorly supported and Iho gnmo wns lost to thu locals by ono run. Score : * llengle out , running out of line. hi.DUE IIV l.VN'IXOS. Mlnnenpnlla 2 0000200 0 4 31oti.x City 2 200100U' D KUMMAIiV. KnrniMl runn : IlnneupnlU , 2. Two-tnso lilts : ( enliio. Unrip. Stolen Imtu'.i : Wnrrt , 2 ; llnrllni ; , WnlKli. Van Dylcu. Diiulilu plnysVnlsli : to HcnKlu to Wuril , HviiKlo to W l li. Klrst lii o on 1 > 1I : Hy Mlti'licll , 4 ; liy llnrt. ,1. Struck ( nit : Hy Mltclicll. li : by Unit,4. PasMiMl hulls : llaillnK. 1 , Tlmii : Ono hour unil foity-ltvo mlnntei * . Uiuplrc : ( iiiltnuy. Ivainod OuU Diti.trro ; , Minn. , July -21. Duluth-Mil- waukeo gnmo postponed on account of ruin. 1 It PiTTsntnm , Pn. , July 21. Bald\vln was nn easy mack for his old associates today. They pounded his delivery unmercifully nnd won as tboy pleased. Gum bo ft pitched a fine game for Chicago. Both teams fielded ad mirably. Score : I'lttsbnrg 200000101-1 Ohluuqo -7 lilts : I'lttshurg , 2 ; Chicago , 11. Errors : I'lttslinre. - ' : Chlcaco. 1. lluttorlos : Ilald- wln and llrr or. Humbert , und Kittrld go. Earned runs : 1'lttslmrg , 1 ; Chicago , 4. TIM KKEFK AT MIIKUTY. NEW YOIIK , July 21. Today's game be tween the Brooklyn and Now York teams was won by the Bridegrooms nftor n poorly contested mulch. The Now York club released - leased ICcufo today , or rather gnvo him the len days' nollco of release. Score : Now York 0 2003000 4-0 Urooklyn 10 ' , 2 10 lilts : Now York , 8 : Urooklyn. 0. Krrors : Now York , 3 ; Urooklyn , 4. llnttnrlos : .1. F.w- Ing nnd Clark ; Oarruthurs nnd ICInslow , Katned runs : Now York , 1 ; Brooklyn , 3. IKHTOX'S HIT.S wnitl ! IIUNCIIKII. BOSTON , Mass. , July 21. Staloy pitched good ball today , and although bis support was nigged nt times , the homo team bunched its hits in the second nud sixlh innings and won the gnmo. Seoro : Huston 2 n I'hlhidelphla 1 01 U 0 0 0 0 0 2 lilts : llo-ston. 8 : Philadelphia. 6. Errors : lloslon , . " ; I'hll'idolphln , 3. llntturlos : Staloy and Itonnott ; Thornton and Gray. KarnoU runs : Boston , 4 , National Lit : I'lnycd. Won f.ost , I'or C't. Chlcaco. . 74 4.1 31 . " .SI Now Yorkffi ) 4(1 ( 29 ASO lloston 73 41) ) Kl AM Cleveland 7fi : iH 33 'HO I'lilliiilolphla 73 15 Urooklyn 7:1 : : : H J7U Cincinnati 74 31 .410 I'lttsbur ; 72 39 42 . .lHtitlt'.t.AaSOVI.l TIOX. Umpire ilom-s Wonliln't Staiiil the Playors' AIniKC. Piui.ADRi.i'iiu , July 21. The Athlotlc- Baltlmoro guuio oudcd after the ninth inning with a tie score , because Umpire Joues left the Hold saying ha would not stand tbo abuse of tha players. As the clubs could not ngroo on a new umpire they decided to cull It n draw gnmo. Score : Athletics 0 5 iiniiiinora o o o u o u u i i n Kits : Athletics , 5 ; itnltlmoro. 11 , Krrors : Athlotlos , 1 ; llaltlinoro , , \ llattorleu : Sunders and Mlllbaiii Madden and ItobliiMin. Knruod runs : Athletics , 2 ; llulthnorc , 4. roitu.MAN COULDN'T HOLD OUT , WSIII.VOTOX , July 27. Wn&hlnton bunched her hits lu the second Inning nud look the lead with four runs , but was beaten In tlio seventh and eighth InniiiL's by Iho weaken ing of Koremau. Score : Washington U 40000000 4 ItoMon 0 U 0 0 0 0 4 2 11 lilts : WtiKhtncton. 8 ; lloston , 10. Krmrs : Washington,41 : lloston. ll llntterlos : 1'oro- inun and .Mi'UuIro ; Iliuldouk nnd Murphy. Kurnud runs : Washington , 3 : lloston , 4. JOXE3 I'KOMI'TI.T ItKl.EASKl ) . CINCINNATI , O. , July 21. President Lawfs Crumor ot the American association of base ball rluh.s gives olllcial notlco thnt ho hns today appointed XI. J. MaUonoy uuiplro In- stendy of C. W , Jones , released. Ainerlaun Asnocintiiii Stniullni ; . I'lnveJ. Won. Ix > gu I'or Ct , llOHtoa 70 ftj 25 St. Louis S-i Kl 29 Ualtiuioro 7ft 41 31 Athletics , 77 US 31UO JIU Columbus 81 311 43 .481 OinolmiHll ,78 33 45M .421 Loulivlllo Bl 21) ) M WuthliiEton 70 ' . ' 1 51 Disappointed Crnitka. PLATTHMOUTH , Neb. , July 21. fSneclal to Tnu niE. : ] A blf crowd of base ball enthu siasts gathered In this rlty today to wltuOAs the advertised game Inrtwccn the rcsurroctdJ Otnnhn Icngua club nnd thoBurllngtons , and a more disgruntled lot of cranks could not posslblv bo found , bwlnff to the noil-appear- anco of the Omaha team. Yesterday nftor noon a tne.iiugo wns received from Omaha stilting that the club would surely bo down. The boys got out big po tors , nnd this morn ing the town was pliutered nil over with tno bills nnnounclhfr the gntno , This mornin ? the trains came in from Omaha , but no ball players arrived , nnd Inter on n letlcr was re ceived stating thnt the clut ) ns reorganized wns not permitted to Icavo Oinutiu. This was n great disappointment to the hoys ns they were nnxlous to show the league nud publio In genernl what they could really do. Fully Koorjiiiiilr.cil. Another day of deliberation nnd hard work on the part of the Western association man- ngors wns productive of dcllnlto results so far M the reorganization of the Omnhn loam wns concerned. The now organization was successfully effected , nnd under tbo now order of things the oiilcon will bo us follows : Hal ftlcCord , president ; lj. C. KrautholT , vico-jircsidont. Prod Smith of the old organ ization will retain his position as treasurer. Major General nuckonborger of the Sioux Citys will not , however , occupy the position of manager. That Important position has been delegated lo Hob Lcndloy of Iho Cleveland league team , und ho will 1111 it in n manner that will causa nil memory of Dunfc ! Shannon , csi ] . , to go galloping madly alter Mr. Shannon himself down deep into the sea of oblivion. Orders have been issued for Iho players to report nt Mllwnuicco on Friday to bo in rend * iness to open the series there Saturday. The Oiimhus have missed Uir o series , ihosowitb Denver , Lincoln nnd Kansas City , and they are ndded to the list of postponed games that nro to bo played laler In the season. ROIIRV.I Won n Grout Ruino. GEN-KVA , Nub. , July 21. [ Special Telegram lo Tin : Uin.J : The Gcnovn boys gnvo Ohlowa u little surprise party lodny in the shape of n dofent by n score of 4 to 'J. The game wn ? hotly contested from stnrt to finish , and only for some rank errors by Obiown would hnvo boon different. Ohlowndld notsccre until Iho eighlh Inning , when they got in two runs. Uonovn did nil her worlc in the This wns without doubt the best game of ball over played in Geneva. Following Is the score : Ohlown . 0 0000001 1 2 Geneva . 4 00000000 4 Ituns earned : Ohlown. 0 ; Oenova , 2. Errors : Ohlown , " > ; Geneva , 0 , Hattnrles : Ohluwu , Soott and Adams : Gcnovn , Stevenson nnd Dolun. Umpire : Nolmwku Won It. NCIIAWKA , NOD. , July 21. ( Special to Trtn Bin. : ] Quito nn interesting game of ball was played here yeslerday botwocn the Nobawkn and Weeping Wulcr Valleys , restilllng In u victory for Nohiuvkn. The visitors could not iind Winder , only securing two huso hits. The score : Nohiiwka . . ' . .0 1020 4 7 Wceplnir Water Valley . 0 00100-1 Earned runs : Xclmwkn , fi. Valleys , 0. llaso on bulls : nir Winder , 1 ; elf Hlialfer , 4. Errors : Nehawka. 2 : Valleys , 4 , lilt by pitched hull : By Slialfcr , Motheraead , Huldwln , Glllmun. Struck out : Hy JVIndor. 8 ; by Shaffer , 4 , llat- terlus : I'or Nohawkn , Winder nnd Hall ; for Valleys , UhalVcr nntl Cook. Tlmo of game : One hour nnd ten in mites. Umpire : I'nui/ . Another game will bo played hero Wednes day , July U'J , with xVcepins : Water. Quito it lima Is expected and n good game is assured. "Will 'Mcot on thu Oroon. The passenger departments of the B. & M. and tbo Union Pacific will have n "go" nt ono another on the ball Hold next Saturday afternoon. The game will bo culled nt 'I0 : : ! o'clock nnd Dan Honin hns been retnined , nt great expense , to net ns umpire. The contest will take place at McCormicIc park and tbo players will ho as follows : B. & M. Position. U. P. F. C. Mnthowscatcher. . . D. J. Trull C. F. Wilson . pitcher . Julo Oiborno C. H. Davidson. . . first base . C. McKcnzio S. B. Reynolds. . second bnso.-.J. C. Poor Ed. Mullen . third base . I. Thompson K. Etingor . shortstop. , F. U. Ellsworth W. G. Davidson. . . loft Held . J. Durham Jack Dowlmg . rlirht Held . ' J. Ueed J. E. Bucklhh-tinm..mlddltr ; . . . . . . .E. Suttlo cu City Shut Out. xT , Nob. , July 21.iSpoclal Tolo- grara to TIIK BUR. Fremont nud Nebraska City mot at the ball park this afternoon and the visitors were pudding in the bands of the homo toam. Nebraska City had Miller , the colored phenomenon in tbo box. but the homo sluggers batted him freely and played the game without a solitary error. 1'ho game ended in a score of 12 to 0 for Fremont. Score by innings : Fremont . 1 0000050 0 12 Nebraska City. . 0 00000000 0 Batteries : Klminel anil I'almer ; Miller nud Kudko. Onnio nt llio I'ort. Ycstordny the Fort Omaha team mot nnd vanquished a picked nine. Tbo feature of the game was a difllcult running catch , made with ono hand by Goodroo , captain of the FortOmahns. Coady , who pitched for Fort Omah , is credited with twenty-four strike outs. The score ! Fort Omaha . 0 0 12 1'loked Nine . 0 4 GcrinniXowii Won. HAMILTON , Ont , , July 21. The cricket match between Germantown , Pa. , nnd Ham ilton clubs , which began yesterday , was finished today. The Germantown team was victorious by an inning and four runs. Ono Star Difl'ers Jroin Another Star. WP.ST POINT , Nob. , July 21. [ Special to TUB Bui.l For the second time this season the Hod ( 'loud Stars have boon quenched bj- the Bluu Stars. First it was 3 to 20. Next it was 2'J to 11. \Vhcn the laon AVns Democrat : The enilest thing in baseball now is to take n punio from the dis banded Omahas. Nine man nnd tbo umpiru go out lo the ball grounds , the pitchur sends n ball over tlio homo pinto , nnd us the Omnium are not there tbo gumo Is decided in favor of the other club by a score of ( I to 0. There was a time when the jackass kicked Iho lion , but it was after the lion wns dead. Lincoln Journal : IfColonoI Davis Howe wants to assist the Western association in gottlnz down en its narrow bones before the people of Omaha to implore them to It ecu n team in the Hold , it is perhaps his privilege so long ns ho does not sucrlliua any of Lin coln's Interests. But the local management has lost from 51,000 to 81,500 within u week on account of Iho bad faith of Ornnha , nud iu the roorgaulzutlon that is lo follow tha wreck up thooo some return ought to bo given for that siicrlllccf. If Mr. Kowonas boon looking after these points with his usurl keenness , all well und good. If not , there nro bomo iiooplo in Lincoln who have n light to know it. Sioux City Journal : Mr. Mulcahy snid : "Spoils of Kansas Clly got up in tno mooting and wanted to know what wo wcro going to do to help out Omaha. I told the mooting in reply that I was there to Hud out what tnu association was going to do for Sioux City. Spuas replied , 'Do for Sioux City ! Why , wo don't have to help Sioux City. You fellows have got n town of hustlers up tliuru thnt never lot nnytbmr drop when Ihoy talco hold of it. Sioux City can Inko cr > ra of herself. Wo uru here to take euro of Omaha bocnuso wo know that the people cnn't ralso tha money to keen the cluo. Wo will pass n roso- luliou of contidonco In Sioux Clly.1 " Mr. Mulcnhy tried to urge upon thorn tbo necessity of doing something for Sioux City , but tboy would not listen to it. til'JSKIi Jll\l. Seine Oootl ( lot Wonthnr Itnciiip ; nt ODIOIIIO Park Trnolc. JCIIOMK PAIIK , N. J. , July 21. A crowd of about Jt.ftOO persons mndo the journey here to day nud they saw some good racing. Thu weather was a trillo too warm for comfort , but it suited the horses to perfection , aud the cense < | uenco was that form manifested itself and favorites were In front , The track was In capital shapa aud every ruco was run in fair tlmo. Tbo feature of the card was the Dnrnogat stakes , hut it was robbea of inott of Its interest by tbo withdrawn ! of Montana. First ruco , handicap sweepstake * , six fur- loiui. 1'lve bturters. Correction und Urauuuso were tha quickest to move and Ihoy showed tbo others thu way until thu head of the strotuh was rimcbed , C'lu'supouko , lMSto.M. ( Iu u brilliant llnUh won by u short head from urii tiese , Ul | 3 to II , who wrim a length before IWC-U to ll. Tlmo : 1:18. fret end ruce , Ucuun stukus , for two-year-old nlllc * . t.X > each'lth , tl.SJO ndclcd. penalties nnd nlluwnncot/Vft fiirloir i. Povon starter ! ) ! Trill lUly. I0) < 7'tb.nn ' , won very easily by two Icngthi from lilrruo , I'M ' ( A to 1) ) , who bent MiiRcotto , KWfiUi Ml , n head for the placo. Time : UlTIi , 10 > n Third ritt'e. llnriii'aat tnke , for tlireB-yonr- olds , S.VJeuvli , WltU' ' | ) nddod , pennltliM nnd nllowitniTs , iulliiiid ) ono-linlf , Three stnrt- i-rs : I'otntnnc , | iilto ft ) , cot on OVRII tcrini at the olffhth polutiini from th'iro ' homu ho took Itoailly , wliinlnilw n bond from Kcckon , li" (3 ( to I ) , who OixtF'PalHiMin , 10 ? (4 ( to 1) ) , twent y Icngtlio. Time : 2rll'i. ' Foiiith rni'i' , Immllcnp .iwcopstnke * . mlle and oiK'-Hlxtei'iith. Throe starters : I.on . danre , III ut to IM , Aiii'iiril up n enji of two loiutlm from Wmfiihcutfr. whli'h ho held to tbo end , Ix-ntlni : J'iaknloker. IIO t to ! > ] . who was n head before1 Wostchcstur , tut ) (4 ( to I ) . Time : I : " > ' | ij. NJ' ' t Fifth race , HWneiii > tnnA ! for two-year-olds , six furlong * . Six Kturtcr * : As soon ni they Htrnlghtoned out. .hilla i-nnio through nii'l looked an eiisy winner , but Arnold and Wll- eox Joined him In the last sl.xti-untli nnd Inn furious llnl.ih Julio , 10S ( 'i to li , Arnold , 104 (7 ( to " > , nnd Ir ) Wllcox , 10.1 ( I to " > ) , finished as mimed , nosL'M npnrl. Time : IIH' : ' < . Hlxth rnci' . tlio Klbcron stakes , a welter weight handicap , with jl.UJO iid.f < l. sovnn fur- IOIIKS. Might slarliT-i : A wlilliplntt llnlsh re- Nttltod In n hoiid victory for Esquimau , ini : ( il to r > ) . whllo Silver i'rlnco , Iw i. * > to I ) , beut Woodcut tor , 125i ( > toll , a nook for the place. Time : 1:32 : , Mr. HnwUln'N Itat-'os. CHICAGO , July m. Gut-Hold park trade today wns fast. Flr.-tt rneo , tbroo qunrtori of n ntllo : Onlay Hist , I.iml Loii'idnlu suconi' . Ilosa third. Tlmo : 1:15. : Second race , one mile and suvunty yards : Stinnv llrook won. Florence 1Slaughter second , Plok ITp third , Tlmo : l4si ; . Third nice , one mlle : Tom lingers won , Aslson second , Cliliucs third. Tlmo : lilSM. Fourth nice , OUR and otie-sl.xteonth miles : Aloha won , Churchill Clark second , My Fol low third. Tlmo : l:4S. : Fifth race , .one-half mlle : Sunbeam won , MnntovlMo second. Uocoll third. Tlmo : 4 ! ) , Sixth race , oni-linlr mlle : UlR I'aslno won , Don UiiHtni second. Oovoruor Porter third , Tlmo : iSH * Gooil Tlimnt Dntroit. DETUOIT , Mich. . July 21. Fully 10,000 people plo were present nt the races today. The track was lu excellent condition nnd tbo slow tlmo was effected ns n strong head wind was blowing In the strotch. The programme consisted - sistod of 2:11) ) pacing aud the 510,000 trot , 2:2 : 1 class gunrnnteod slnko. Mngglo K. won Iho pace nnd Temple Bar Iho IroU 2ilpnco : , purse $2P03 divided : Maggie It. first , Monkey Kotl.x soL-ond , I'lcknwny third , Hlmmlo fourth. Host time : 2:19. : V:2I ! : trot , purse SIO.OOJ divided , merchants' anil manufacturers' Kuaruntecd stake : Teni- plo Ilnr Hist , Prodigal sooond , 1'lckpanla tblrc , Honest George fourth , llest tlmu : 2:17i. : ! Colonel's Knees. CIIICAOO , July 21 , Hawthorne track fair. First race , ono mlle : Ella Illackbura first. Liz/Jo II second , Joe Carter third. Time : 1:4.H. ) Second race , Hve-olshths of n mlle : Julius Sax won , Julia May second , Onyoso third. Time : 1:03. : Third rnee , Frceland Imndlcap , $1,500 nddcd , ono mlle and tliroo-slxtoonths : ICxporleneo won , Attlcus second , llrookwood third. Time : Fourth race , selling , three-fourths of a mlle : Renounce won , lion Air second , MeOlnty third. Tlmo : IMS . Fifth raeo , selllnt ; . ono mlle and one-six teenth : Ilooksey won , 1'ntrlck second , liy ly third. Tlmu : 1:51. : _ Driving at Itfllwaukcc. MILWAUKEE , WU. , July 21. The first day's rnces at Gold Sprl'iij ? driving park were well attended. ' 2 Trotting , 2:23 : clas't , purse ? . " > 00 : Prince llrst , Juror second. J.tioy J { third , Sir Joe third. Host time : 2:27'4. : Kaclir. ' , 2:2Jclhss'' : ; ' WJO : Deacon first , Henry S second , Uharlei M third , Hulmont fourth. Hesttlinpf 2:20JJ. Faols of 1S.S7 , purse WU ) : Knto Phnllaniont first. Forrnlno seeiind , Itollo Grunco third , licst tlmo : 2ci.j. : ; ! ' Kieos. : Buur.i.voTON" , la. , July 21. The Iowa nnd Missouri racing 6lrcuit opened today. 2:29 : trot : ModrfloVu won In Jiw. : : Three-year-old trot : Won by lloltor Skoltor in2:4fi. : . > . , L . llalf-mllo rciwnt/ running : Postponed on nccoti lntere , > jtJn [ A good sized cppwjf , composed largely of club men , .occupied , ull-the uvailnblo room in tlio spa'cidus billf/ird / parlors at the Millnrd Inst evening to w'l tacts' the oxhibitlon gnmo between Frank Alaggloli , the expert bllllnrdlst who has recently lakon charpo of the rooms , and Frank Kcnlston , a well know and very clover local manipulator of the cuo. Notwithstanding the uncomfortable tern- peraturo and the fact that Mr. Kcniston was overmatched , the game was an interesting ono , and claimed thu undivided attention ot the spectators until its close. Maggloll con ceded Kouiston 100 points in a 300 point gamo. The game was three bull , straight rail , which by the way , is Macgloll'sf favorite. Ho led with a run of ] ! , arid scored in the succeeding twelve innings as follows : 0 , 1 , 1. 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 i 0 , 2 , 139 , B , 0 , HO. Average , 2IU-18. Konlston's hiijhostrun was 17 , rnado in the first Inning. Ho scored ns follows : 17,2,5 , 11 , 15. IB , 10 , 0 2 , 13 , 0 , 3. Total , 09. Average , SJi. Mr. Muggiollalso cave an exhibition of fancy shots , some of which were now uud extremely - tromoly difllcult , and his work was loudly applauded. "Omaha hns n surprisingly largo number of good billiard players , oven for n city as largo as this , " said Mr. Maggioli after the game , "ana nil tboy need is to bo told n few things about tnolr piny to mnko thorn really fine bllliardists. I ntn hero to stay and 1 wanttobnvoan ; oppor tunity to Instruct ihem. I will glvo thorn the benefit of what I know about the gnmo , nnd won't charge them n cent for it cither. I propose to got up some tournaments ns soon as the weather gets cool. Ono will bo for Iho slalo championship , and others for amateurs with such classes as may bo needed. I want to nrouso a little enthusiasm among Iho bil liard players if it can bo done , nnd I think I can do It. " I own Shippers "Will Hue the Chicago Si NorthwuHturn. Sioux CITV , la. , July 21. ( Special Tola- gram to THE BEK. I Forty shippers of llvo stock nnd grain from polnls on the lines of the Chlengo & Northwestern railway In northwestern Iowa held a mooting here to night to provide for flllng suits against that company to rocot-or overcharges on freight during the last four or fi vo years. The ship pers organized six months ngo and employed C. C. Nourse of Oes Moiucs as tholr attorney for two years. When the ralo on cnlllo to Chicago from western Iowa points wns 500 to ? 70 pur car the Chicago & Northwosiorn charging ns low ns fwU from Nobrnskn points. The shippers huvp n cart lend of evidence anil the federal courts lately established the precedent. In noKlnvostorn Iowa nlouo prob ably over $ .VK,000 ) will bo recovered from thu Chicago & Norllnvtytorn. The shippers lo- night ordered tile'sMts to begun ut onco. O.SKALOOSA , IaI : ' ( fuly 21. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Buriju-noprcsentnllves of Iho Eight Temple. * > < of Iho Pylhliin Sisters ro- cetitly orgnulzedlnfown | mot huro today nnd established n gmud lodge. The supreme mistress of records and corrospondoiu-o , Mrs. Wood of Kansas City , wns prosunt. There were fortytovundologntos iirosout and fol- lowlng uro the oftjctfyj ulocicd : Mrs. Jounlo Garrlolt , ICIiloil ; 'past grand chief ; Mrs. Carrie Kohworth.y/j'erry , grand chief ; MHs Pentecost , I'annra.icruml senior chlof ; Mr.v Bella Dubnoy , liloojutluld , griiud junior ohluf ; Mrs. W. A. Urcor , Ojkaloosa , grand malinger of Iho temple ; MtsU1 Delia Phillips , Eldon , grand mistress lU'llnunco ' ; Mra , Turner , Col- fax , grand proUiclOr of the temple ; Mrs. CSId B. MeFall , Oskalamn , representative to the supreme lodge , to ha held In Kansas In Ib'JJ. ' A iu t her ( iiiHollne Steve Vlutlin , WATUIU.OO , In. , July 21. Mrs. F. U. Davis wns fatally burnud Inst evening by her clothes catching tire from a bln/lng gasoline stove , hho run out In the yard and n neigh bor's wife and Iwo children , In endeavoring to extinguish the llamcj , received tor rl bio burns. N'nthlnjC linpfirtant TraiiHtiutoil , ST. Lotus , Mo , , July 21. No business of importance was transacted at to-day's tncot- lug of the Southern Railroad nnd Steamship association. The association will bo iu AOS- ilon about ton days. Kxpollcil IVoni Iho Turners. CuiCAno , July 31. The Norm Side tumor tocioty has hoeu uxpollod a second tlmo from the aisoclation for refusal to reinstate Jumet Vnltrkh , the anarchist. TO GEN , STONEWALL JACKSON , The Monument to His Memory Unveiled b' Ex-Oonfctleratca at Lexington , BULL RUN'S ' THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY , An IMstorlu Dnto Selected by Ills Old Contriuli-H to Mio\v Their Veneration - oration Tor tlio Dead CollllllMlllll'f. ' LEXINOTONVn. . , July 21. This Is the thirtieth nnnlvoraiiry of the first battle o Mmmssns , and Lexington , the quiet , ngrlcul tural vllhigo In which was spout the llfotlnm of Stonewall Jncl : son , the most picturesque flpuro of the southern confederacy , Is brilliant with llfo and color , whtlo IOtHXl , strangers are assembled within Its environs to participate In the exercises incident to the unveiling ol the monument symbolic of the esteem nnt ! veneration fell for the great soldlor. The weather Is superb , n fresh cool brcc/.o tempering the rays of the sun. The streets and buildings uvo appropriately dec orated. Thrco beautiful arches ex tend over lUiilu.street. . . Banners with the name of Jackson's dllToront Dailies printed on them swing within a 100 yards of each other across the line of march , On ono appears Jackson's noted telegram nfter thobnttloof McDowell : "God blessed our arms with victory nt McDowell yesterday. " Long streamer * , confederate Hugs anO Itnttln Ililian nnt fff VlfltVl ( llrt ttotlrttinl * n1rt > * Q f * * > . decorate the houses. Leo's mausoleum Is covered with evergreens and cut llowers. The statue of Jackson stands or nn omlncnco In the center of the city cemetery on Main strout , well r.ot- off witli giant trees. The sculptor Is n Vir- glnlr.n , Edward V. Valentino , who designed tbo Leo monument. The stntuo is of bronze , heroio in size , and portrays Jack son with uncovered head leauint ; on his swbrd nnd loft leg , nnd looking out upon the field of battle. In his right hand at his sldo Is n field glass. The figure is clad in the full uniform of n confederate lieutenant general. The scab- b.ird of the sword boars the letters "U. S. , " an historical fact , as it was modeled from Jackson's own sword. The statue proper measure * olcht feet and surmounts a granite pcdeatal ten and a half feet high. Tbo old soldiers who followed Jackson during the war are pleased with the stntuo. The parade formed on the grounds of the Virginian military institute , headed by Gen eral James A. Walltcr , the only surviving commander of tbo Stonowull brigade , nnd staff , followed by the Hockbrldgo bnttory and the guns used nt the first battle of Manassas. Then came the survivors of the Sionowall brigade , con federate veterans from Maryland , various confederate camps , carriages containing Gen eral Jubnl A. Early , oratory of the day. Gen eral Wade Hampton , who presided , and others. The procession moved to the campus of Washington and Lee university. It was 1J ! o'clock when the procession ar rived at tlio campus. General Wade Hamp torn at that hour introduced Uov. H. C. llop- kins , the chaplain of the Stonewall brigade , who led in a Uvo minutes' prayer. Gen. Hamilton then Introduced Colonel T. M. Semmes of the Virginia military Insti tute , who recited the three pooma , "Stono- wnll Jackson's ' Wnv " , " "Over the Hiver , " uud "Slnln in Battlo. " General Jubal A. Early , tbo orator of the occasion , was next Intioduccd. General Early appeared in good health , but showed painfully the signs of old age. The orntlon was a history of the llfo of General Jackson. Beginning with his birth ho traced his ca reer to the military academy nt West Point , bearing hard on bis powerful tenacity nud pluck and bringing out fully his obstinacy in the fnco of difficulties. IIo reviewed briclly Jnckson's career in tbo Mexican army lead inp up to his life at tbo Virginia military In- stituo uud his infiucnco on tbo young soldiers trained at that school by him. IIo then mudo n historic sketch of the army record of the great leader , bringing out forcibly the opinion of him by his opponents , remarking , "Thoy thought they would huvo great trouble In finding the faces of Jack- sou's men , but they learned afterwards it was caused by their own faces being turned the wrong way. " He dwelt forcibly on the Jaclcson campaign in the valley , going into dales nnd figures to show that ho fought always nijalnst larger numbers and was always the victor. His roforcuco to tbo manner in which Jackson obtained his name of "Sionowall" riieilod from the immense crowd of Ifi.OOO people tremendous applause. Ho said : "But Jackson was not n stonewall nlono as bo stood up behind ttioso Virginians , but a military hurricane , and bis enemies will testify to the truth. " His speech throughout was mild and full of argument , being little moro or less than a eulogistic sketch of .lacksou's lifo. He ended his speech as follows : "Lot mo conclude by allying- , and lot every honest hearted confed erate who fought bravely In Iho war say , 'If t should over apologize for any part or acllou tukou by mo in Iho war , may tbe lightning of a righteous heaven blast mo from the earth nnd may I bo considered a spawn of the earth by all honest men.1 " ' 'Tho oration was received with close atten tion and great enthusiasm. A touching Inci dent on the stand was when Mrs , Jackson mot her little grandchildren , whom she had not been permitted to sco for n long tlmo. Siio embraced them warmly and appeared much nffectod , holding little 'ihompson in her urms during the oration. Julia sat alone. After the oration thoparado was continued to the cemetery , forming in the rear of It at 'J o'clock. At 2:15 : Mrs. Sloiioivnll Jackson nnd horlwo little grandchildren Julia Jackson Christian nnd Thompson JncHsou Christinu ascended the stand , accompanied by Captain John Carmichuul. Two minutes nflorwards , amid tbo firing of cannon by the Hock Brldgo artillery , the cord was pulled by little Julia nnd the veil foil , exposing to view the statuo. The militnry und civic organizations then [ mssoJ iu view of the siuluo Ihroiigh the L'oinetory. dropping out of line as theyreaehou their quurtors. The stand for the oration was located on the cduo of tlio spacious Washington and Lee university camp ground , upon which were hundreds of seals. General Early sat In the editor of the stand , while oil his right and loft sat Generals T. L. Kossor , I Km ton , Pltzhugh Leo , Scott Shitip , A. K. L.iwlon , W. Anderson , T. T. Lomax , B. B. Munford , Sculptor Valentino , Dr. Morrison , Mrs. lackson's brother , lion. W. A. An derson , Uov. Dr. McBryde , Kov. Dr. Taylor , Kov. Dr. A. C. Hopkins , Colonel0. T. O'Ofurall. Colonel F. M. Sommes nnd Major Hunter. Mrs. Jucltson sat In the rcnr of Gencnil Knrly. while near her wuro Miss Marv Curtis Leo. a daughter of Clou- " oral U. E."Lee , Miss Lucy B. Hill , daughter of General A. P. Hill , nnd Miss Hampton , daughter of Genera1 Wade Hampton. After the unvellinir a mad rush was made for the stand on which stood Mrs. Jnclcson nnd the children nnd In a few moments not u vostlgo of nnythlnc was luft of ll that could bo carried nwny by the relio hunters. IT'S A GO. "Tuxedo" Given Its Klrwt Dross llo- Iicarwn ! SneocHHl'iilly. The evolution of the fnroo comedy is sur rounded with uluioJt as much mystery us that which prevails in the transition of tnc buttorlly from its original stnlo. And tlio fnrco comedy nnd thu buttorlly are very lilco , except that the latter is u creature of tlio sunshlno nnd the summer , whllo Its irwro ambitious sistar strive * to exist throughout all the seasons , Its llfo depending entirely upon the success it makes in the world. In the dim , uncertainly-lit which came from a Jot near the entrance of the Grand oxru | house last evening , u farce coiiwiy was born , which. If all sluns donot fall , will marl : n now era in modern nnnstrolsy. It win tha first dross rohoarsol of "Tuxedo , " nnd although crude In guvo trio small nudlonco nil opportunity to Judge of the merits of this latest mndldnto for publio honor. Throughout the ro- iioa sal wont with snap , the people In tbo cast , which numbers many of the bright lights both in minstrelsy and fnrco comedy , tailing the iltiiallons with excellent Judg ment , giving abundant promUo of "being In it , " to use tbo Hluiig of the strett. To Mr , William Hams , who nervously I whittles n slick during Iho rehearsal , the ox- cvlloucoof the pi'rforinnuco was very appar ent , whllo John F. Huller , tlio general prim representative , Mnmtver Suyow , iitid ' the gonllumcn luaovlnioil In the new comedy , congratulated themselves on the lumpy rt'sull uif.ilmul , "Tuxedo" ! s crowded with jmd things , now Idens , whllo the costuming will excel that of iiny comedy on the road. Of course tlio pruning utilfc will huvo to bo moil with n VITV nromiumvd effect , but the fnico Is so prolific of bright and clover thoughts ttinl n now comedy could cmlly bo made out of the material which will bo discarded for want of room. George Thatcher , Hughey Pouch- orty , Euccno O'Uourki ! , fcd Mnrblo , Hayinon Muorc , have strong character studies which will bring to them nn nddcd meusuro of fnmo. Llz/lo Porlous Paly. Miss ( Jllroy , MI.HH Fltzhugh. have boon Judiciously , the former particularly showing n versatility which rntinot help but win her the praUo of the critics nnd the public. Of course the people were nervous , whoever over heard of n dross rehearsal when tliov were not nervous. With Julian Mitchell , the stage manager , hovering between the front of the hou u and tbo stnuo , changing podllons hero , strengthening situations there , the tendency to become rallied is very pro , uouucud , but oven with these llttlo'draw- backs , which are n part of the professional's llfo , the rehearsal was In ovorv way n mic- i-ess nnd "Tuxedo " 'known , when made nt Grand on Saturday evening , will meet with n reception quito in keeping with with the past excellent reputation of Klco & Harris. nnioiiR the leading amusement mniinger.i of the country , n firm which has yet to score a failure in its ventures. KILLKI ) IIV A KICIC. Hack Driver McFarland Grin u Fatal Injury From a Morse. William McFarland was employed by C. 11. Wnlworth to drive coupe 00. The driver kept his horse at the Club s'-ublos on C.ipltol . . .wi.uu. , , nun IUUUIIIK mo animal last night the horse becmnu frightened In some way nnd kicked McKurlaud , knocking him sense - less to tha floor. In n moment or Iwo Iho driver regained consciousness , and placing a handkerchief over the wound , which wns bleeding freely , ho walked to a Sixteenth street drug store. Officer Lou Godoln saw the man as ho en tered the dispensary , and niter a look at the wound , called for the patrol wapon nnd had the Injured man removed to police head- quarlors. Captain Mostyn at once telephoned for Dr. Lord. The physician examined Iho wound and found n deep gash fully two and n half Inches lonir on Iho right side of Iho forehead. Further examination revealed the fact that the skull was fractured. McFnrlnnd , who had up to this tlmo shown wonderful nerve , fainted. Dr. Lord dressed the wound temporarily nnd gave It as his opinion that the man could not live. McParlund Is a single man but has n brother whn is an engineer on the 13. & M. system , who will be notified of the accident. The injured man died while on the way lo tbo hospital. An inquest will bo hold. f'ofj'ir ' - is Not Discouraged. Robert Socpar , the gasoline contractor , will probably return to SI. Paul today , but ho will bo buck again. Last night bo attend ed the council meeting and witnessed Iho fate of his contract with the city. To n re porter ho said : "Tho hand of the Ohio com pany is visible , but I nm not out of the fignt. I will bo on hand again with another bid. though I doubt If I would got the contract if 1 Did $ r per lamp , as there , scums to bo n scheme on foot to keep tbo conlract in the hands of the Ohio people. " XKH'N < * ! ' Gold cloiod at 37 per cent premium In Itnotios Ayres. A dinner was given to the Clilvaso fair com missioners In HID hoiiiu of commons. No trouble wns experienced at Iu ) Qiiosnc , I'a. The non-union men went to work. Dom I'cdro , ox-onip'-rornf llru/.il , who has been 111 at VIoliy , I'riinua , Is now Improving. Near Knlrpmy , Colo. , two miners were smothered to duiith , n lire near tins breast of tbo tunnel In which tliov were employed drlvnls tlio air Into tins workings. JL iiiiiiurnti iriuiiuii inu jtiiniiuc , v i/anvujo read collided in a deep cut half u mile of Itoydtown , Vii. , with a hand car. I lirco laborers were killed and four badly Injured. At Indianapolis. 1ml. , I'rof. A. M. l.ovo , the ptiraeliuto leaper. foil a distance ofTO feet , owing to the disarrangement of his para chute. NO bones were broken , but , lie was terribly bruised , Al Vienna , Austria , u house In which wed ding festivities were gains on WHS struck by lightning and destroyed. Two of the parlv were killed anil ubeiir eight moro or le severely -overoly Injured. Tbo Clitlzons1 bank of JelTvrjon. Tox. . hns assigned to ucnro depositors. The reeunt timbarrassmont of sonio of Its heaviest cus tomers Is tin ; cause. The assets are largely In KXeessof liabilities. The manuscript letters of Goctbo to Fran Vonijtoln ire : offered for mile by ( Jootho's grandson , who usUs SIT.fOJ forihnm. Kn llsh and American blddeis arv competing with thu Uerinan government to secure tlio letters. Intense distress prevails In Itnenos Ayres among the poor. I'rlcos am ndvanclnit rnp- Idly. A barrel of Hour ban within n month risen from $18 In pnpor to KHM. Men are fre quently seonplcklii food from ull'ul lieaps. At I.OIIKUO I'olnt , Quo. . ( Jn.ston 1'oberts. the iilovnn-yuar-old son of A. Itoberts , u woaltliy merchant of , while pluvliig on-a wharf foil Into thu river. Agnus lialnxo , a maid of the family , jumped In and attempted to rescue him , but both were drowned. Tbo post-mortem on the remains of .Innies Mi'llenry , the Krlo railway litigant , .vlioao life was sahl to havu lieun heavily insurca and who wns supposed to liavu dlud from poison- HK In London , shows tlmt there was no ground for the suspicion that ho had been lolsoned. At Springfield , G. , the entire force of yard switchmen , night and d.iy nion , on the HI'- 'our , llfty-thri'O In number , wont out on a strike. 1 ho strlUo Is oueasloned by Iho le- fnsal of tliiisiiporlntondont of the OlnrlunaU division to udvanuu the waos to thu Clucln- latl scale , A change will bo made In the olllco of chief olerk of Hit ) treasury department September . on whlab date the Inuiimhcnl. Mr. l'rt < d truokelt , will bo transferred to another purl ) f the service , lla : suci'os-or not been niiiK'dlbnt : It Is said Mr. Cn'irles llodgos of ndlumftvlll roeulvo the appolnlmont , Mlulmt-1 Holler of the Urm of Heller & llnll- nun , Hi. I.o ills , ebalr niuiinfartiiriirs , swore nit n warrant for the arrest of Herman K. II. Cehr. a former bookkeeper of the firm , who Is 'barged with the otnlHV./.lunii'nl of a small imoiint. It Is luarn.'d that Hits Is u mere formality , us the alleged siirlao ! ( ; will be used solely . ' , s information In obtalnlni ; n tlon for the arrest and return of Kuhrvlio Is stipposod to bo In Ucorgl'i. The situation at Steelton , I'u. . Is one of sus- x'nso. What today will bring forth noUrly iii ' .vs. Itoth sides are determlnud to stand ly their colors. Tlio AmalirnnmtoJ iissoela- tlon is eiinHdont and llio I'unnsylvanla stcol nnipany declarest Its unaltnrub'u ' detcrinlnn- lon to bar out any labor organization from larlleip.itlon In Its iiianagiimeiit , .Mi'iutters of ho Amalgamated association deny that llieru vill bu any vloleiic'o iisntl In prminiliiu men rom going to wuru. Thuiit will bo an i-ll'oit. towever , to dlssiiiulu men from snliii , ' to WurU mill an agreement Is reached. HE MADE HIS ANNUAL REPORT , Senator Shormm A'Jilroases tlio Ciaolnimti . Olmmbar of Coiinnorcc. ] COLD CONSOLATION FOR CROAKERS , Crops Tlmt CSIvo tlio Llo to Itlen Who Slii'lok Ahoitt tlio Iliilo Tlmt Tliiciucnn Tilly Co u n try. CIXC-INNMTI , O. , July ! > ! . ThU nftornoon nt the close of 'change hours Vlco President Urown and Sam ,1. ilnll of the board of direc tors of thu chamber of commerce escorted Senator Sherman into the chain Dor , Ho was nt once called on for n speech nmtd lusty applause. Vice PreMdont Urown made n brlof speech announcing the sonntor , who responded ns follows , Gentlemen nud Fellow Members U scorns thnt when I eomo to Cincinnati to report , us is my custom once n year , thnt it is It'cum- bent upon me , nt least your oflleorj thuiK It Is , lo eomo upon HIL lloor of thu oxchnuco , of which you have kindly nmdo mo u member , ami pay my respects to you. Xow 1 sun not engaged In iiuy legltlmnto bus iness , as lire you , gantlcuion flnughterj , but I huvo a report to make , nu d n favorable one , that I know will interest you all. As J huvo been about I have noticed shoclts and stalks and Iho barns bursting wilh grain. Many have had to build now burns. Why , I've got n now barn [ "Meed you have , " said n voice. Liuightorl , so llioro is going to bo n line grtiiu crop. All the cereals will bo good. The prospects for corn nro excellent , 1 want to suy to you that all the issues of the day are business Issues. I nnt not going to talk politics , but there are issues that appeal to the business man , whether ho be democral or republican. The mode of levying taxes will always cause dif ferences of opinion nnd parties will always divide upon the question of how shnll money bo raised to support Iho government , and -so the mode of levying luxes inlercsUs vou all. Now , the question is , Is the way that wo bavodono it n wisu onol Tatto Iho question of the development and protection of sugar. We nro experimenting with the production of sugar by means of the beut ni well ns with onno. There Is the question of tin. U'o hear n good dciil about tin horns nnd Iho like. Wo consume about six hundred thousnud tons of tin. Now , Iho tin of commerce is about ! Ci per cent Iron nnd the question late to produce our own tin , nnd so wo nro exper imenting to that end. Another is Iho ques tion of reciprocity with nations n special nr- i-angement by which wo can get nrliclos In free which wo don't produce ourselves by re ciprocity with other nations on something which they cannot produce. Kcclproclty has been adopted. There is also the question of silver issue , which touches the pocket of all business men. " Senator Sherman had no conference with his special political friends tonight. Instead of that ho is visitini : nt the house of Mr. Wil- bore , his brother's sou-in-lnw , in Clifton. Ho received numerous callers nil day at his room in the Gibson house nnd wns industri ously pliou by reporters for his views on OUio politics. His replies to ques tions by reporters were froaly given. The substance , of them wns hopeful - ness for success in Ohio this full based on V what ho regarded ' -X as Melvinloy's positive merits and on fatal mistakes In tbo demo cratic platform. The senator will spend to morrow with relatives In Glcndnlo , Cilinol ( IMulloy May Itcsl n. Is'rw VOKI ; . .Inly SI. \Vashingtonspccial lo Ibo Mail nnd Express says : "His stated hero today on reliable authority that. Colonel Dudley will probably resign as treasurer of Iho republican national committee unrlnc the incotlntr In I'liltn'Jr.lnhtii nn 1,1m y'lth inst ' . ' Ollicc Decision. \V.isiiiN TON , .Inly ! il. ( Special Telegram to Tun Hr.R.J The decision ot the fconeral land oulcor nllirmed in the cnso of Mnry McShnuo versus ICdgar Huttor , whoao contest - test against Kuttor's timber culture entry covering lots 1 nnd L' , nnd tlio south > 'j of I no northeast K of section L' , township Jll north , range 47 west , Chadron , Nob. , wns dis missed. Kzra P. Wheeler made n tlmbor culluro entry in 1S8-I of the southeast quarter of seu- lion JO township 1-1 north , rnnco 2(1 ( west , Grnntl island , Js'ub. , nnd In 18S7 Alfred Cox lllod n contest agninit said entry , upon which n hearing \vns ordered and tno local ofiicors found in favor of contestant and recfH > * mended the cancellation , which decision was nftlrmca by the gonornl land onion. Ulnir it Campbell us attorneys lor Wheeler ap pealed. The assistant secretary linds thnt , it not appearing ttiat said Wheeler left heirs surviving him , or that there wns a legal rep resentative nlthotimcof tiling snid appeal , it must thoruforo bo dismissed , but Messrs. Hlnlr .t Campbell are to bo nolillod that they will bo nllowed sixty days iu which to show that Wheeler left hulrx. Dr. Birncy cures e.'itiiri'li. ' nuo bldj' . Sold iMoi'ljf'iK01' ' 1'iopiM'ty. Charles narthnlcs , a milk ptddlor , Is in serious trouble. Home tlmo ngo he mort gaged his crop of corn on his small farm for $1)0 ) to Ir.i Tryon. Later on ho p.ild a note to another party by giving ; n mortgage on the snmo prapertv. A warrant was sworn out lorlJurthalos' arrest. O 111 cor Ivoysor louml his man puddling milk on South Thirteenth street last evening , and the whole outfit , man , rig , mill : and all worn talcon to the city juil. The prisoner is n ( iirman and evidently did not understand that ho was doing wrong when ho executed the second paper. CJosaler'sMngloUoadncno Wnfor-i. Cures nil hcuduchos In J tnlnuUM. At ull druggls in. JiHlcpciidcnt Clnli. A meeting of the indonuiidunt club wns cnllod for last ovcnlng , but owing to the bout and Doing the rogulnr moot ing night of sev eral aisombllos there wns only n small num ber pro.-iont. Dr. Terry nnd Chris I'ottur wcro uookod 10 address the mcuting. Mr. Potter win dotalnod by ll.a-ss and Dr. ' ! fry mndo only a few remarks on the eight hour law and the meeting ndjournod. U the next aisoinbly two vvoolci honoa it holiod that thurovill bo n larger irathiM-lnjfr. Mr K K. iJulcer of Sioux Uity will deliver an iiddross whli'h will bo of considerable in terest to labor advocates. Is prepared from S.irs.iparllln , Dandelion , Is the best blond purifier before the public. Mandrake , I > ork , 1'lpsls.sewa , .limlpor llor- U eradicates every Impurity , and cures Scrof rics , and other well-known mid vnlunblo vegetable - ula , Salt lllicum , llolls , rirnples , all Ituinor-i , table remedies. The combination , propoitlmi Dyspcjisin , Hlllousncss , Sick Headache , Indi and preparation are peculiar to Hood's Sarsa- gestion , General Debility , Catarrh , ithctmia- parllla , giving It curative power not possessed tlmn , JCldnoy and I.lver CoinplalntR. It overcomes - by other medicines. It ellects rcinarkablo comes that extreme tired fuellug , and builds cures whcie others fall. up the system , " I consider Hood's Saraaparllla llio best " Hood's Sarsapiullla was a ( Jod-si'nd to mo , nipdlclno I ever used. Itglvcsnioanappetlto for It cured mo of dyspepsia and liver com OR'l refreshing sleep , and keeps the cold out. " plaint with which I had Buffered 20 yours. " J. fi. Koao , 100 Spruce Street , Portland , JIu. J. II. IIoitXiiKi'K , South 1'ullsburu , N. Y. " Wien I bought Hood's Sarsapai Ilia I made " Hood's Sarsaparilla takes less tlmo and ft good Investment of ono dollar In medicine quantity to show Its effect than any other pi uj > - for the first time. It has driven off rheuma anitlon. " lilts. C.A. Hi.-iiUAiiiiN.CIilllN.Y. tism nnd Improved my appetite so much that "My wlfo liad very poor hcallh for a loni ; my boarding nilstrt-ss tuys I miibt kuep It tlmo , Buffering from Indigestion , poor uppo- locked up or she will ho obliged to raise my tll o , and constant hcadacho. Shu ti led every hoard with fivery other boarder that takes thing wo could hear of , but found no relief till Hood's Samparllla , " Tiioaua DITKHKI.I- , she tried Hood's Sarsaparllla. Shu IH now 63 Tlllary Street , Urooklyn , N. V. Inking the third bottle , and never fjslt hotter " I find Hood's Harsaparllla the bent remedy In her life. We feel It our duty to recommend forliniitiru blood I orer used. " M. II. IUXTCH , It to uvcry one we know. " Gr.oitui ! SOMEU- ticket agent , T. & . ltd. , Ilouinrllrook , N. J. VII.I.K , Morulund , Couk County , 111. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla Bald by nil dniEBliti. Bl.iUforfJ , Sold t > / all utmelit * . fit U for 33 , ] 'r i > are < 1 by C. 1 , 1IOO1) .t CO. , Apotlioearle * . Ijiwoll. M.m. bjC. I. llKJD < lCI..A ( | ) tl.ecurlnJ.owoll , > Itti . IOO Doses Ono Dollar IOO Doses Ono Dollar