8 THE OMAHA DAILY BE.E : ! TUESDAY , JULY 21 , 1891. WHEN LITERATURE PAYS , Making Bcoka for a Great Hallway Corporation. MODERN METHOD OF ADVERTISING AGENTS Tlic Union Piiolllo'H Now HerlcH of Tourists' I'liinlilitcln JiiHt Is- felted by the I'li Department. IMtornturo has neon pronounced n peed JtnfT but n bad crutch fascinating , cheering and enlivening , tending to promote llfo , health and an equabln mind In tnoso who pursue It for pleasure , but woo to ttioso who are dependent upon their brains for dally bread thrice woo If others nro dependent upon them , Coleridge advised novcr pursue literature as a trade. Hawthorne wrote : "Oo'd keep mo from over being really a writer for bread. " Lamb exclaims , in a letter to IJnr- ton : "Whatl Throw yoursulf on the world without any nitlonat plan of support bovond what the chance of employment of nook- sellers would afford you I Throw yourself , rather , my dear sir , from the steep Tarpclan rock slap-dash , headlong upon iron spikes. I have known many authors wntit bread ; some repining , others enjoying the sweet security of n spunglng house ; nil agreeing they had rather have been tailors , weavers , what not , rather than the things they wuro ! * * * to drudge your brains for pots of ale and breasts of mutton ; to change your free thoughts unct voluntary numbers for un gracious taskwork ! The booksellers hate us. " At literary dinners the health of isapolcon , who shot a publisher , will over bo n standing toust ; and leponds will continue to bo re peated as to the existence of a precious edi tion of the blblo In which the misprint occurs "publishers anil sinners. " This only by way of Introduction. While It is admittedly true "of making books there u no end , " and authors ; nro lost every day lii the whirlpool of oblivion , s.tlll there Is u certain class of writers who , by the very nature of their vocation , give to the world under the Ktilso of "advertisement" ccrtnin works each year , which if freed from the touch of business would bo gems in their way quite worthy of a place alonesldo our Chaucer , our Homer , our Spenser , the minor poems of Milton , the "Arabian Nights , " and such old Rood-tiaturcd speculations as Plu tarch's "Morals. " And those writers who do not look to the publishers for an existence , who are beyond the fads and fancies of the reading public , who do not tremble at the Judgment of the critics but receive their monthly checks with . the eiisy assurance of having earned them , if not by the sweat of their face at least by their capacity for rustling , us a class may bo denominated under the general head of "rail road advertising agents. " And these potential factors in the suc cess of a corporation lovb sum mer with an Intinlto tenderness , for It brings about a change in their dally lives , a letting up in the manufacture of now words nnd line phrases which are woven into the story of how to reach the mountains of Nid- nod , or the lakes of IJest via the Great In terdenominational Trunk railway , the overland route to the Golden Onto. Tun boolts.of travel , "Guides to Tourists , " nro Issued in leafy Juno or turgid July , nnd the weary literary lights of tliu crout railWay - Way systems join their families by "Moorlund , brake or fall , " to listen to the diapasons ot the universe until the harvest moon warns them that cnothcr season of work has commenced , the Winter of their discontent. . But In alt the wide range of railroad lltor- nturo Issued this ycar.tho recent publications of the Union Pacltlo system deserve more than a mere mention en passant. Comprising n round dozen pamphlets they show an indi viduality that is delightfully refreshing. The eye which has detected the beauties of the country traversed by the Union Pacific system , nud the brain which has placed tlio pictures graphically before the render , hero nnd there giving touciics of 'description worthy on Irving or LJuinns , bcloiiK to the chief of the literary department of the Union Pucllle , Hen H. Harrows. Ho has brought to his work an analytical mind , trained In the channels of nnwspa- pcr llfo with n discriminating scrso sur mounting all , rare oven In these tin do sleclo days. A close observer , a student in the broad domain of literature , and ono of the most companionable of men , ho has done a work for the road , whoso servant ho Is , which cannot fail to win the appreciation of his su porlors. And in railroading , as well us In every other tradoond profession , it Is the recognition n man receives for honest worlc that counts. The series complete , which deserve n place In our libraries , for tnoro Is much that is ex cellent , readable and instructive In them , nro , "Alaska , " "Orojjon aiut "Washington , " "Utah , " "Idaho nnd Montana,11 "California" nnd "Colorado , " all upon the sniiio general plan as to sUe nnd shape , making a soxotto of companion hooks that will bo in great demand now that they nro ready for distribution. "A dlmpio of the great Salt Luke" Is larger than the other books mentioned , tilled with excellent readIng - Ing matter nnd illustrated profusely , a well told story of a yachting cruise on the mys terious inland son , the drawings having boon made by the well known artist , "Mr. Alfred Lnnibourneof Salt Lake City. "From Suin- merland to the American Alps" Is the title of an Inviting sketch setting forth the delights - lights of the Texas Panhandle Houto , nnd the result of Mr. Harrows' visit to the southern country last fall , where ho gath ered , material for this story of the south hind. "Western Hesortf. " is the most volumnlnous book of thole Issued by the compauv and gives In a condensed form , handsomely Illustrated , the points of Interest , the routes , nnd nil the information , the traveler requires of the won derful country touched by the Union Pacific. Many readers of TUB Urn : will recall with n great deal of genuine pleasure , the column which Mr. Bar rows , uscd to edit In the old Hopublican days under the pleasing caption of "Driftwood. " Hero onn was always sure of finding something that would take the sting Irom llfo , something that would temper the "canting cares" of this work-a-day world of ours , Breezy In his descriptions , using his pen at times as the Italian uses bis stiletto , hitting hero and puncturlnc the bubble thoro. About that weekly column there was n delicious fascination. Although removed from the surroundings of the past , Mr. Harrows still has the vivid power of making word pictures as vou will readily discern in the following description of the Mulr glacier , which Is only one of countless excellent bits In the now books and Which the author felicitously calls A UKMOtlV VICTUIIK. It Is the experience of those who have wan dered uver many hinds , that In the mtlet ot homo , when 01111 has resumed liU place once inorj nmldrit famlltur surrounding * , thorn ro- nmliia one particularly delightful memory yome onu pooullur spot or suono wlileh stand * I brlKhtly nntln the wlndlnc story of travel , nnd so Hii'dos n precious possession forevur. Ami this Alimkan voyauo ban niven vou ono memory you ciin never part with.Vo ruinuin- bor 1'iiKut sound , onuof the nolilest Hlieeis of water wu liuvo , nnroiimnf buauty ; Victoria , quaint , KnxllMi ii Devonshire town set ilowu next door < u feverish Huattlo : ( IcorKla milf ; the fnmoiH Cionvlllo channul ; u bit of tlio iimji'Hly of the PiielHo iieross DIxnn'H un- traiu'c ; the tortuous winding * of Wrungol channel ! llaranoir ( slum ! mul iiuulnt , liullun- ostUi | > , drowsy , niinip S.tUa ; Junuau tlio sturdy , the only gllmpso of American trailo unit irnnioi Tort Wrangul , nqimthl. filthy , dirty , ileprehsisl ; nil these und mnru iimko a memory picture when wo siiy Alitsltal Hut above all und btiyond all tluire ruimUim ono vision. Them always will bo ono Intituling plot nro which lingers , ono itray patch of color which still KOHS | longnftvr the journey U accomplished , und ono Is back tu ovury-day slt-'htH and scours mm faces. And this vUlon IH of n bay. rimmed In by mountain heights , void of vtuetuiloii , tinpros- lvo In Its dreariness , lonely nsdetith. TUMO | two wltl e of komlier color nro closed In thu Immedluto foreground by it drop eurtulu of overpowerlnu majesty , A solid wall of lee nvurn mile across und -JO fuut high uplifts Itself from the wutor ; there are plnnuclu * and domes and fulry duties and dellcato tracery , the Ice njveiuiiiK over ehlftint , vary ing tints , from the loveliest ucivu nmrino to thu imroNt whlto. On the oxtrouio verse of olthcr wing U a frlnuu of morulno Ice , on the rlKltt a muddy aubtorranuau rlvor hunts forth near the base at the Bluolort ovorheud a tmllen Ujr. .This inudo a picture at once beuu- tlful and uvosomo. The ice In the middle of the iilaolur , at it * buio and In many places across ) t untlro frontage. Is of deep , translu cent blue at thu water line , und above It for perhaps two hundred feuti above that chalky White , cruaiu color , dellcato abadci ot gray , pMchcs of brown dobrU and solemn bnelt ! ntono lionlilors iiilnulo In magnificent confii- fdon. WonlH ciinnot d > < * r.bo thu wonderful eddylnz shades of llaht and color which play across the niiirblo fiieo of Ill's ' frozen splon- dnr. Hut thH "fro/en Niagara , " at It has been called , haft Its fenrful and appallliiRsldo. It I * not n Rlcopliiir , dreaming picture of pilt- mallo color ! H Is nllvo , moving , lorrlblo In utrrimtli und majesty , awful In heart-shaulng discharges of thunderous art'llcry. ' \Vo nto anchoro I fully a mile from this torn- pcnuoefl lovollncsi. and yrt It seemi but a few yardB , HO colossal nro the majcst.o pro portions of tliu irrcat ice wall. Suddenly , sharp and clear , comes a report like a rlllo shot , and then another ; the smaller supports around n nobtu dome of stool blue Ice tire toppllm ; , tliu lingo tuiiHScrnMiei Into tlo ; b.iy-- unil an Icohcrtt Is bo nil There la a thunder ous I o Jin , louder thnn heavy artil lery , a vast volume of water thrown high In nlr , and a great crested wave rushes shoreward , i oaring along the beach und rocking thu sturdy vessel Ilko a er.idle. The Iceberg gets her hoarlius. RWlngs Into the ciiriont und sails majestic ill v down pnsl the desolate shori's. unit so out to sou on the bosom of the broad I'aelnV. Again nnd axuln this was repented , the teverber.i- tlons vnrvlng In viilumu from tlm cracc ! of Binobaby hcrg of llftocn tons to the heavy Hold gun of a thousand tonner. On deck ut midnight , which wus u palo uiicortuln twilight , listen UK to those wlerd. mvslorloim voices which pruclulmcd the mighty and Irres istible force of nature , was un experience never to ho foigottcn. And all thalnlKhtof summer Iliht wo hoard the solemn booming of those fro/en guns. I'rof. Ocorco I'rcdcrlok Wrlsht. who hris a world-wide fume on account of his investiga tions of undent , clachil action , devoted con siderable study to the Mulr glacier , und made BOIIIU intcroHtln ; ; oxporlinoiits to determine Its rapidity of motion. Tim main body of the L'laclcr , says I'rof Wrlnlit , oecuplus u vast amphitheater , with diameters ranging from thirty to forty miles , Nine main streams of Ice unlto to form the grand tiunk of the glacier. Thcso branches eome from every di rection north of the ( i.isl and west line across the mouth of the glacier : and no losthm ; seventeen snb-branchoscan bo seen comlni : In to Join the main streams fioin the mount-ilns near the rim of the amphitheater , m.iKlni ; tweiily-Hlt In all. The width of the Ice where the gluclnr Inoaks through between the moun tains Is lO.GCil feet ; hut thowator front , as pre viously rem.irko i , Is only u mile wide. The central part of the mass moves more rapidly than the H de , and Is projected about u quar ter of a mlle beyond tlm corners. I ho depth of the water ! ) ) . ) yards south of the Icofiont , uecordlnz t-.i Captain Hunt r , Is SKI foot no'ir the middle of tlio channel. I'rof. Wright's measurements showed tlio front to bo.0 . fool hlKh at the extremity of the projecting nii' le. Grout musses of nuwly-born Iceborei limit about the bay. the sport of wind und tldo. Their Hl/.oounbo tinaulnod when one reflects that It la usually estimated that sovon-elKhthsof the hulk of an leebciv ro bunciith thu water. As to the rapidity of the glacial movement , observations made upon different sections of the Mulr glacier led 1'iof. Urlcht to conclude that astio.im of Ice nro- sentliu a cross section of ab.mt live million sijiiuro fcol , that Is5.o.0 feet wiilo by l.OOJ feet deep Is enteiln or faltliis Into Glacier buy at an uvoruKO rite of forty foot per day. The movement Is about seventy foot near the center und ton fcot near the maraliu This would Klvo about tuo hundred million feet of Ice per day fallln ? oil during the warmest months of the year. But there are many other gems Just as en ticing , just as captivating , and they will to- pay a perusal. The passenger department of the Union Pacific is to bo congratulated In issuing so charming a series of summer books. For sale ; first-dugs saloon nnd restaur- anti 1410 Fiu-ntim sti-oot , Ed Wottig , proprietor. G. A. It. Kxuiu-sloii. To Detroit. On July 31 , August 1 and 2 the Wa- bnsh will sell tickets to Detroit at ono faro for the round trip. For tickets and further information cull at Wabnsh of fice , 1502 Fiiriuim street or write to G. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nob. I1KI3T SUGAU , Tlio Superior Advantages of Oinnha For n Factory. It should not and will not bo cllfllcult for Omaha to secure u beet sugar factory , says tno Grand Island Beet Sugar Enterprise , If only an oifort Is mndo lu that direction. Omaha not only enjoys the distinction of be ing the largest city in Nebraska , but is also the "Gato City" to the great northwest. It has many advantages over small towns In point of advantage for a beet-sugar factory. It should not be difficult to sccuro fully 5,000 , acres of land In close proximity to the city upon which to grow boats , and as it will re quire fully ten dollars an aero of hand labor to grow nnd harvest the beets ready for thu factory , this vast amount of help could bo se cured In the city of Omaha alone , requiring the distribution of fully ? : > 0OUO principally durlnc tno seamen of school vacation , thus affording an opportunity for hundreds of school-bovs to earn from Jlfty cents to a dollar lar n day during the season of thinning out the beets , ns H Is the custom of paying boys all thev can earn , without regard to ago or sizo. Some boys here nt Grand Island nro on the men's list. Such boys as show a dis position to bo industrious nnd perform their woru well are found to bo very desirable for this kind of work. If Omaha would make an effort In this direction it certainly would be attended with success , as Omaha always secures what she undertakes to get. Again Omaha is just the place for n largo refinery , whore the raw sugar from fully twenty-five factories coula be refined at a much less expense than can bo done In the factory. The sugar then Is In the natural trade center for distribution. This Is the custom as curried on now In both Prance .Uul Germany , whcro many of the raw fac tories work from" 300 to COO tons of beets every twenty-four hours nnd some even moro.Vo hope to sea an effort made In ' Omaha to secure a' beet sugar factory , nnd with the effort secure ono. This will on- cour.igo other towns , not only In Nebraska , but also in Dakota and Iowa to secure raw beet sugar factories , nnd thus enable Omaha to add a refinery to Its many other Industries and bccomo the ' distributing point for sugar. 1'iircntn Kead Tills. July nnd August nro anxious months for mothers who carefully w > Uch ever their Jittlo ones. Hot days nnd frequent changes of temperature are liable to produce cholera morhus. How satisfactory It should bo for parents toknow that Hallur's Pain Paralyzcr is both a pleasant and effective remedy for all summer complaints. It soothes nnd reMoves - Moves all pain nnd griping and always effects a complete cure. IC.\ < ! tir.slon to Detroit. July 31 , August 1 and 2 , tlio Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets to Detroit and return for ONE FARE. For further informa tion apmy to F. A. NASH , J. 11 PHKSTON , General Agent. City Passenger ; Agent. 1601 Farnam Street , Omaha. Another Hot l Oanoy. James Casey , proprietor of the Hotel Casey of this city , returned Sunday nlcht from Deadwood - wood , S. D. , where hq had just concluded negotiations for the erection of a largo hotel lu that city , The building is to bo of brlok and stone , live stories In height nnd will bo 150x100 fcot in dimensions. There will bo a street on each of the four sides of the house , which will bo supplied with all modern ap pliances for hotel comfort. The citizens of Doudwood have given n cash bonus of $20,000 towards thu hotel , which Is to bo completed and In operation in ono year. Mr. Casey bus ulvcn bonds that the house shall cost ut ( east (100,000 and the contracts for Its erection wuro completed before ho loft Ueadwood , The house Is to bo known as the Hotel Casey nnd will probably bo under the direct super vision of Mr. Casey himself. Viiu Can Hoauh , Saratoga 0:55 : a. in. , ' Now York 2:10 : p. m.- Ooston HMD p. in. , Portland 8:00 : p. in. , And intormodluto points at a corre spondingly convenient hourthonext day alter leaving Chicago by taking the "Hoston and Now York Special , " leav ing Chicago daily at 10:30 : a. in. via the Lake Shore route. Flvo ottior upload hi trains also leave at convenient hours. No other eastern line affords an equal train service. Sotul for complete sched ule , also summer tourist folder. M. S. GILES. T , P. A. , Chicago. 0. K , WlWiUil , W. P , A. , Ohlcago. WJII3I112 T1II3 MONEY OOKS. Treasurer Snydor'H Hoport on tlio Din- poHltlon of County Funds. The semi-annual rofortof County Treas urer tinyder , filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners last Saturday fur nishes considerable food for reflection. This report Is for the six months ending July 1 , and shows the financial condition of Douglas county on that date. It also shows the amount on hand January 1 , 18'I ) , from what sources money received since then has comu aud thu debts that have been liquidat ed , together with the balance ? on hand In the several funds. During the su mouths thu receipts wore ns follows : On hand January I , Ib'Jl $10.,711.87 Taxes collected 833.W1.2r School lands , principal U 5.IK ) School lauds , Interest OI'.Mi'J Miscellaneous collections 11KM.'I Miscellaneous fees 1,71(1.15 ( Omaha city tax collected 8,041.81 Hospital building fund , principal. . ir.ri5 lloipllnl building fund , Interest. . . 1)3.11 ) Hccolved from state for collection o. ' state taxes 8,47J.S5 , Hecelvcd from state for collection of school apportionment Ul,2)8.10 : ) Redemption money GIltl.'J ! Total $ OJS.il.iH : ( ) ) Of coursa this money did not all romaln In the treasury , as the following disburse ments will show : Warrants redeemed $181,010.33 Hospital warrants redeemed 7aii".7 ( ! Paid state treasurer 70b.VJ.-i : ) Paid school districts 8.-I17.77 Paid school apportionment 38,0'JU.uO ' Paid bonds nnd coupons l.lil'J.S'J Paid village treasurers filO.OJ Paid city of Omaha IS.S'.M.Sy Paid city of South Omaha l.ayr.iil Paid city of Florence- l.US'J.UO Paid citv ot Florence sidewalk tax. 155.31 Paid redemption money. . . . . . . . . . . G7UOI.'J3 Paid salaries -1,050.00 Supervisors' receipts redeemed. . . . liM7.50 Mileage to and from Lincoln 11.00 Total 177,755 43 The ubovo mentioned sums wore paid out during the six months nnd still there is a bal ince of $ > 2 < iO,5K.8S ( ) on hand , which Is cred ited us follows : State fund 8 9SoS5 81 County general fund 41,001(80 ( Special school fund 13,0507(5 ( School apportionment fund 378 01 School bond fund 3,817(51 ( Railroad sinking fund 7,03041 , Ho.id fund 89,903 ( iO Bridcc fund 8 , 99 71 Hospital building fund till 97 Poor farm fund 03,591 33 Soldiers' relief fund L ,5'JO 00 Cityof Omaha fund 1,1170(5 ( City of South Omalia fund 100 (57 ( City of Florence fund 8(59 ( 13 City of Florcnceaidowalk fund. . . . 121 1(5 ( Village of Valley fund 03 U9 Village of Waterloo fund 0738 Village of Millard fund 10123 Village of Elkhorn .fund 42 RoJcmption monov 10,391 01 Fee fund 4,059 04 Total $200,603 88 Since the above statement was made up , some of the funds are not lu as good shape as on that dato. Owing to the heavy court expenses the county fund is about exhausted , and. war rants will tie stamped , "Not paid for want of funds. " When so stamped they will bo reg istered and draw interest at the rate of 7 poi- cent per annum until paid. The road tuna is also in a somewhat depleted condition as the payment of $10,000 has made a bigholo in the surplus that was on hand. The bridge fund shows a balance of $3,299.71 on band , but tbero will not be so largo u bal ance after p.ivmont has been made for the construction of the $ (5,000 ( culvert over Mill creek ai , Florence , the contract for which is now in the hands of tno county commission ers. ers.i'ho county treasurer does not view thh financial condition with any degree of alarm , out Instead takes rather a hopeful view of tlio situation , though ho Is of the opinion that the county will have to run rather close until after the delinquent tax bale. The leavy for " the year amounted to $181- 2S3.70 , and It" is estimated that about ono- huU of the amount has been collected. Of that remaining duo and delinquent , compar ing this with former years , 4 per cent wjll bo collected before the salo. The sale will bring in a good round sum , and it Is thought that the amount will run the county through until the now levy is available. If it should not , the county would pay tlio seven per cent interest on the warrants "not taken up. UcgurU'ng the warrants Issued now nnd not paid , all of the county ofilclals regard them as a good financial investment for the county , as they draw only saven per cent nn- nual interest , and that from the date when presented to the treasurer for payment , while the taxes that art ) delinquent and unpaid draw ton per cent. o The evils resulting from habitual costlvo- ncss arc many and serious ; out the use of harsh , drastic purgatives is quite as danger ous. In Aycr's Pills , however , the patient has n mild hut eficctlvo aperient , superior to all others , especially for family use. /IT'S 1'IjAXS Til BY WANT. Price Cuts no Fi m-j in the City II ill Furniture. ' The council committee on buildings and property will report in favor of another cost ly experiment at the meeting of the council tonight , and there will bo o row bigger than the ono kicked up ever the report in favor of purchasing a few high priced smoke consumers unknown to fame for the city hull. This time the promised trouble arises ever the committee's peculiar method ot getting plans and bids for furnishing the now city hull. Some tlmo ago the committee , which is composed of Ostnoff , Tuttle nnd Spncht , pub lished a c-ill for plans and bids for furnish ing the now city hall. That's all there was to It. Parties wishing to band In the furnish ings were required to visit the city , make their own sketches of the building and llx up a plan of their own for fitting it up. Two bids have been received , Ono of thorn Is from the Andrews company of Chicago , nnd the other Is by Mr. Hnkoman who has an ofltco in this city. No ono knows what these bids nro nnd it would not make any difference If they did. The plans nro doubtless very different so that the prlco cuts no figure. It Is a competition of plans nnd not of prices. There will bo n kick when these bids are reported to the council. Some of the mem bers will insist tluit the plans for the fur nishing tie decided upon and that all of the bidders ho required to name their figures for ono ! < lnd of work. This , they claim , is the only way to got any show of competition , There are a number of firms in the city who want to bid on the work but don't feel Ilko spending several hundred dollars In prepar ing sketches nnd nlans without any ussur- anco that they will be considered at all. Cheap AVatohcs. Two complaints have boon tiled against Sam Snyder and M. Golden , the prop'rlotors of the lower Farnam street auction joint. In both Instances the complaining witnesses are victims. James Gladwln alleges that ho was Induced to elvu 215 for a ladles' gold watch and chnlu that was " ( runrantoou" to bo strictly first- class , hut that was really brass of the poor est quality. Ho was assured that a lady had paid f 150 for the property , but was compelled to leave It there to be sold. Peter Hartvik gave ? 15 for n gentlemen's gold watch and chain and n pair ot cuff but tons , Ho was told that the property hud costlS < p > . and was left there to bo sold at auction. To the admirer n ( an extra dry wine , Cook's Sparkling Imperial recommends itself. Its boquct Is line ; It's naturally fermented. Funornl of Daniel Mccarty. The funeral of Daniel ftogarty took place at 0 o'clock yesterday morning from the resi dence , 1123 North EtgUtponUi street to the church of the Holy Family. The ancient order of Hibernians and Kmmott monumqnt associ ation , of both of which organisations the deceased Ima ooeu an honored member , wore present in a body. The services were vpj-y largely attended , 113 the deceased had boon a resident of Omaha for many years , and had' a wide circle ot both social and business ac quaintance. Interment was made in the cemetery of the Holy Sopulchcr , No gripping , no nausea , no pain when DoWlU'a Little Early Riser * are UUea. Small pllt Sato pill. Beat pill. SO .JIICD imifOUT OF 10W.V. A lluttcr Makcr'mAlnrin Over n Hove- line Sldti'a Visit. Andrew L. Wlggta * ; deputy collector of in- tcrnnl revenue , is not/ft n Apollo , but no ono has suspected that lio'was homely enough to scare people put of bmn. It appears , how ever , that Mr. Wlgpms has actually accom plished the feat of : trlghtcDing a citizen out of the city. The man In question was engaged In "but ter making" at his 'placo near Thirty-third and Jackson streets. ' Ho claimed to inako the butter out of cow's ' milk , but thn revenue department bccnmo suspicious 6t the product , and Mr. Wiggins , accompanied by another Inspector , dropped in on Mr. Wnrron at his butter shop ono evening and took charge of about live pounds of the alleged buttor. Mr. Warren asked them what they meant , nnd Mr. Wig gins Informed him that ho was lu the employ of the United States revenue department. "Do you want mo to go nlong with you to see the butter tested I" inked the butter maker. "When wo got ready for you wo will como and get you , " was the significant reply. This is the storv as told by Warren - ron to his neighbor Just before leaving the city. That evening ho disap peared and has not returned since. His family waited a counlo of weeks in vain for his return but finally came to the conclusion that ho had gone to stay. The wife and children have gene to Council Bluffs to live with friends. "I think It was a mean trick In Wiggins to scare my tenant out of town , " said Mr. Thomas Gray , who owns the house where Wnrrcn lived. "Ho was my only , good tenant , nnd an honest man. " "Did you oversee him make butter ! " "Yes , I saw him there at work. " "Did ho make the butter out of milk ! " "Ho made several dlflerentgradesor buttor. I thiiiK the best butter ha made was mndo from milk. The poorer butter , I guess , had some lard mixed with it , but ho sold it very cheap. It was pure. It intent have been made of skim-mtllc and lard , but it was pure butter all the samo. And then ho sold It so cheap. Whoso business was It Hit was made of lard just so It was clean and he sold It cheap ! WIgclns hud no business to scare my tenant out of towu. " GIJUM.AN DAY. It Will He Observed in Omulm with 'Great Pomp. Delegates of the various German societies mot Sunday afternoon to muko arrange ments for the celebration qf Gorman day. The delegates present were : Llodcricranz , John Hocschmann , J. Krlcsol , George Schrol- bsr ; Mannorchor , Ed Dworzak , Charles Kreller , G Schoenlg ; Arioit singing society , Henry Kutsor ; PladduotschcrGcsang veroin , Louis Krone , C. Ruraohr , Henry Schrocder ; Pluttduetseher veroin , Peter Kulser , Peter Schroc'lor , John Baumor ; Turner soclotv , Henry Haubcns ; Schwahon verein , August Griob. Chris Spocht , C. Vogel ; Saxonla Vcrcin. Atig Boehm , B. Sachsso , Charles Doerllinircr ; Bayern Veroin , Jos , Wisner , Fritz Thomas. John Schmidroth ; Lr.ndwchr Verein , Fritz Knudt , F. Mitt- nacht , H. Waller : Frcibund , No. M , Joe Kutitli , /.immermann , A. Fricit ; Frcibund. No. 51 , Aug Schroeder , Peter Rciiner , John II. Wcsolo ; Froibund No. 47. Julius Holt- iniinn ; Concordlu , George Helmrod , T. Sin- hold , B. Struthmann ; Schweizor Verein , Fred Blumor , F. iiUchsinger , E. Gradig ; Schuctzcn Vcraiii , Henry Soldier , Ad Meyer , William F. Stocckor ; Massenchor , J. H. Bohnstran ; South Omaha Plittdcutscher veroin , Ernest Kanncrs , D. II. Kirachncr , John Fricdt. The followingonTcor were elected : Pres ident , A. Schreoder ; vice president , C. Rumour : treasurer , ! Peter C. Shroodnr ; financial secretary'F. Mittnacht : recording secretary , John H. Woselo ; committee on finance , George Heimrod , C. Specut , Fred Blumor , Joseph Wisnor , J. H. Bohnstran. October 4 , the anniversary of the first land ing of Gormaus In this country in 1031 , falls this year on Sunday nnd the committee dccidcdvta hold the celebration this year on Tuesday ; October * ! ! . There will ba a paradaln which" " ull the-Qurmun societies of the city will participate , and a grand ball will bo given in the evening. At the meeting yesterday a committee con- sistlnd of J. II. Wesolo , D. H. Kiorsohner and W. F. Stoecker , was appointed to invite the business houses of the city to jola in the parade. For SniiHtrokc Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. A. L. Zurkor , Molrose. 'Minn. ' , savs : "It produced n gratuying und remarkable re , generating effect In a casu of sunstroke. " Western i'ons oiis. WASHINGTON- , July 20. [ Special Telegram toTnc BISE.J The following list of pensions granted is reported by Tin : BEG and Exam iner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Peter Yethom , Rob ert H. McGinnis , Minor A. Davison , David C. Blair , Timothy Gray , Selwyn L. Conger , James Leslie , William P Pease , James Gray , Oliver Hall , Lemuel Cross , Logan Garrison risen , John F. Conger. James R. Swim , Frederick H. Holso , Jesse Williams , Wilson H. Combs , James C. Jav , Richard U. Hclnrlck , Jo opSchlotman , Ephralm Louver , William Lugoubecl. Gcorgu Vnunoss. James Clark , John W. Ervin , John S. Gleason , Charles E. Hlnos , William J. Emory , Charles Dreyor , Abraham F. Rouse , Myron H. Felt , George S. Cook. Additional Alva L. Pitch , Samuel Hewlett. Restoration and increase - William II. Scip. Iowa orinliial : Charles N. Sawyer , John T. McGulro , James B. Chamberlain , Wonzcl Czorwoucy , Philander Stevens. William Flauirh , Horace P. Kirk , Amen L. O < fir. Samuel L. Lyons , William D. Mills , John G. Roller , James H. Hough , Charles E. Dur ham , Henry Doyle , Joseph Tinker , Anton Kuspor , Benjamin F. Brown , Christian Jnpp , J. W. B. Cole , Albert Charles , Samuel Inman. John C. Fcrrlngton. John M. Brown , Sylvanus Baughman , William C. Grimm , Thomas II. Mlllor , Jacob F. Kopp , Samuel McKee , William Pratt , Bush Algernon , N. Pratt , Amaslah Phillips , Charles E. Colonoy , Morris Jowett , Moses II. Guernsey , Gott fried Ott , William O. Evans. Franklin Rich ards , Alsou H. Bradlov , William C. Hunt , James Byrne , Lewis Tucker , Russell Free man , John H. Payne , James 11. VaiiWlnklo , George W. HIgglns. Additional James Uonovan , Jeremiah A. Bancroft , John Honn , George W. Crawford , William F. Wilcoxon , Puwhuttun N. Murphy , Renewal and Increase David Copclaud. Increase James H. Firman , Lewis Owens , Henry Mark. Reissue John G. Flss , Isaiah M. Haggott , Newton H. Nichols , John Woosson. Rolssuo and increase George H. Stone. Original wlrlows-f-Dlanu E. Cox , Ann Lar- mand , Isabel CoUlttr , Nancy Mugrudur , Nancy II. Updikc , ! LVdla A. Putnam. DeWUt's Little'Harly Risers. Oestllttlo pill over made. Core constipation every timo. None equal , Use them now. \Vonilinnu Will I'lonlo. The Modern Woodmen of America will have a grand basket plcnlo this after noon In Luke Forest ; park , near the corner of Sherman avenue wad Lake street. There will bo a baseball game botwccn two crack nines selected from among the best players In the order. Thero- will also bo a dance platform on the g-BOtinds nnd nil those who wish to Indulge In ! the poetry of motion us exemplified in the mazy whirl will have that opportunity. The Liill gan.o ivill be culled at 3 o'clock. Over 450,000 Howe scales nave boon sold- nnd the demand increasing continually. Bor , den iSiSclleok Co. , Chicago , III. GOT THAT HAT , , If you meet one of your intimate friends on the street with a nobby light derby hat set jauntily on his head , and a satisfied "I've saved a dollar" sort of a smile on his faceyou can wager your saccharine exist ence on the fact that "here's where he got that hat. " We have taken all our light derbys that have sold at two fifty , two seventy-five and three dollars , put them all in one grand lot , and you can take your choice for * That means that you can buy as good a hat of us this week , for a dollar and a half , as you can buy of the regular hatters for four dollars. LOOK A. ' THEM SHOES. YOUR Shoes , we mean. Those old , slip-shod , run-down-at-the- heel shoes that you've worn so long. About time you had a new pair , isn't it ? We have just received the first shipment of two of our leading shoes for the fall. The first one at si.ae PAIR Is much bettor thnn In former seasons. It is n good , solid worklngmnn's shoo , with solid solo leather insoics and counters. It comes In either congroas or lace , In narrow , medium or wldo , In any style of last or toe , and Is worth one seventy-five. S1.6S is the price of a shoe which wo introduce for the first time this fall. It's a dandy. It's a casco calf. Comes in lace or congress , in any style of too or last , in any width , and in any size. You'll see shoes In shoe stores sold at two fifty that are no better. VtTB CLOSE AT 6:30 : P.M. SATURDAYS , 10 O'CLOCK. UNION PACIFIC PIOXEBUS. Their AHSoulatlnii U III Hold Itn Six teenth Annual Picnic. The Pioneer association of Union Pacific railway employes will celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the organization sometime next month by holdluc a picnic at Fremont. The date has not yet been dolln'toly llxed , but will proD.ibly bo the 23id. An Invitation will bo extended to all of the employes in the shops and olllccs and the company will fur nish n special train for the occasion. Tno Pioneer association was organized In August , 1S75 , at a meeting held In the gen eral ofllces of the company. At that meeting there wore present S. II , II. Clurlc , A. M. Collett , George E. Strut man , Thomas II. Dailey , John Gordon , William Dwyer , C. B. Havens , John Curtis und several others. The association was duly organized and the purposes of the association wore declared to be to unite perpetually all employes of the Union Pacific railway company who were of good moral character who had been in the employ of the company ten years or moro ; to give all moral 'and material aid in its power to members ; to cultivate friendly and social relations bjtwecn members , for his torical or any other purpose which cumu within the scope and meaning of the associa tion. tion.The The society became a strong factor In Union Pacific affairs uud was given every recognition by the ofllciaK Picnics aud en tertainments" nil kinds without number wore given , and durinc its curlier years the society flourished and its membership in creased rapidly. It was regarded an honor to bo a member of the association , und men looked forward to the time when they would have completed their tenth year in the ser vice of the company nnd bccomo eligible to membership. The admission fee und dues were pluced at a merely nominal figure , bat them was always enough money In the treas ury to foot the bills when any entertainment was decided upon. When ono of the members took unto him self a 'life partner the rest of the members did their level best to give him a good send- off. When death seized upon n member the remaining members paid him thu lust tribute of respect. During recent years , however , the associa tion has fullon into innocuous desuetude and all interest seemed to have died out. Some of the older members decided that it would never do to lot the old ussociation die out , nnd a meeting was held last Monday at which the organization was rejuvenated and put upon a solid basis again. Now ofllccrs wore elected , and the sixteenth anniversary will bo celebrated In fitting stylo. The now ofllcers nro us follows : Georco E. Strutmnn , president ; A. A. Gibson , vice president ; James Trail , secretary ; John Rico , treasurer. To overcome the marks of age , all who have grav beards should use Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers , the best and cleanest dye made for coloring brown or black. Military Muttcra Colonel Stun ton has been informed that the Indian scouts still In the sorvlco at Pine Ridge will all ba discharged by a muster out order on thn 25th lust , and that the govern ment will then ewe the scouts about $3J each , Captain Bailey , with Company D , of the Eighth infantry , will then bo relieved from duty at Pine Ridge , the scouts will all bo paid and will go back to their tepees and ponies. "Tho war will then b ? over , " said Colonel Stanton , "nnd Pine Ridge nnd Rosebud will- bo Just the same then as before the Indian uneasiness broke out last fall. " Captain Bailey has baon made major of the Fourteenth Infantry and will proceo.1 to Fort Robinson where his now iwt of duty Is now located. Comnnnv D of the Eighth , now nt Pine Ridge , will also go to Fort Robinson. Lieutenant Edgar Hubert of the Eighth Infantry , now at Fort Robinson , has been ordered to report without delay at Pine Ridge ngencv for duty. Captain John F. Guilfollo tnd Lieutenant McCoskoy arrived ycstcraay from Niobrura and will report for'duty today at Bollovuo. Alter Ijii Grlppo restore strength by using the tonic Regent Forro-Miuiganoso waters of Excchlor Springs , Mo. _ Cor Fire Ilosn. The bids for furnishing the city with 0,000 feet of fire hose are coming In ut u lively rate. Already twelve competitors are In the llelJ. with moro to follow. The bids will bo opened ns soon as Commissioner Harlmau returns from his Hot Springs trip. ' , Gesjlor'sMaglclieadacno Wafon. Cures all headaches In " 0 minutes. At all druggists. Will Hoar Judge Ferguson will ba on the bench Wednesday for the purpose of hearing argu ments on motions for now trials in cases that have been before him during the present term of court. _ _ Constipation poisons the blood ; Do Witt's Llttlo harly Risers euro constipation. The cause removed , the dlscasols gone , owder Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , NO GLJR.EU NO 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Many years' experience. A roculnr urmlunto In medicine i > niriumnn anow. It ( till treating nlth th rrentcst Huccesi , nil Nervous , Cltronlo nnd 1'rlvnto Dlvoimo1 * A pornmnont euro KUtirnntvcil for Cntarrh. bperuiMorrlioj.i. l.o.it Manhood. Seminal VVunkncsn , Nlulit lam B , Initu | icy , SyjilillH. Stricture , nncl nil dltoHscs of tlio lllooil , Skill nin ) Urlmry O rid in. N II. I Kunrnnleo JiUJ for ovury case t unilerlnko anil fall tocuro , Cnn ultntlon freo. nook Olvatcrlcn of Llfo ) aunt Iroo. Olllcj hours 'J u. in. to 8 p , m. Hunday 10 a m. to 12m. Send itamp for roply. FOR MOSQUITO BITES , SORE FEET , from OVER- EXERTIOM. FOR P1LE3 , CHAFina , To Bathe FACE and HAM&fT wh < m Heated etc. DO/IT / FORGET when -itartinp on vacation tbtahe jr" with you Vov arc iurc. "to need it" ; perhaps VERY ttVCM indeed , 3UB5TITOTE5 probably worthless Accept EXTRACT only. . Extract Co. , /lew YorK and London. : DOCTOR Them Uululimtul I'iila nro a I'otl'.h o Cure fur hlcl : lAGKEH'S llcaduchr , HlllouvncM , and ! Coiiftllputlaii. hinull , plrni. ! ant and u futurllo ttllli ( lie ; llu. Sold In tnglnml for ! . ; 'l. , In America for S.-.r. Ocl ; i PINK tUim from your DrussUts , or ; send to W. 11. HUllKEax (0. , : i PILLS. n ttf.l HroUitay , > c < r lorl. t I'or Sale by KUIIN & CO. , Omaha. FALSE ASSEHTIOnS are ma'hi by unscrupulous mmiilaflmern and dealers In porous phistern rcimnl Ins tlielr cuiatlvopottiTK IIUNSON'S I'IASTKUS are the only ones Imlort-ed by over 6,000 physicians , and pharmacists , iluwurc of IniltY.lona uiul tutoj. Wo K > ml tlm innrrptnuii I'michl , Kcrm.l ) CALTIIOS f ! . anil a" Ircnl cuuraiiteo Unit CI TIIOS 111 STOP nix-lmrcru .t r.iiilmlun * , I < 'Ifllr' HiMTRi l rrhru.urlructlo uud UKH'HIUK IA..I Vljor. Use it anil fay i/iatisfieil , AdJrtiiVCN MOIILCO. , StU iiurrloo iffaU , IlitiuBiU , Illilo. BNBeam is Vit/Bauaia a mtfot LOST or FAILING MANHOOD , afteieralindNERVODSUEBILITY ; and . i , MIEliiiWTlOeneral tfKTamSfl JlWeakneia I nf nEKVuuoui.uii.jt Body and Mind , * ILlUUiUlJorErroriorEi M a la Old or Vounr. tbbukl. Jkotilr IliMIIMIII full * Itrtlorrd. llow lo fttrtr \ ! BlrfVlkr ; . . f"l.l"l'kVM.IlI'HI , . . . lllU\Sinillii. ( ! IIOUr - ! - , , . . . . . , . il.ul.lfI/ onUllfn * IIIIMK TIIKailbM-Ur..ni. I. ! & ftj , . ' ' " " ' ' " " ' ' . ' * ' ' ' Hf a If HlfT'r. " > ' | M ? , 'V JJ' > llr > crli > lli > Ilixil , nilio | llunui.ll-r - ur.m IltJ ( > rilflrrct. ) i r.if EfilE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALON.Y. W"EAK"WOMEN Vinir-ehi" ! . Kr.rvn IU'un > Klllouruwonk bicle , tnko awnr tlmt Bloomy , Urn I fi'dlnir. that nvrviiuiioxlmuitliin , putro.m In > ' ur chiM'i.1. brlulili'ii your e > ex , Klvu you HOY llfii. niniil lion npi''llti' . ninku you tenrol.l niuru iitlruotlvn AlKolillelr llurmlo'i. Hun > , II n lioi po lnll | I'unipliletfreo. NKIIVK KA.N UO. , Hullalu N I ) t-nlil liy ( inodmiui Driift Co. , 1110 Kurinuii SI Oinnlia "FREMCOPECIFIC. A POSITIVE andperminent CURE lor all dlioimeTtholJRINARy ORGANS. . C f tthoroolhortrostmontlilll.FulTdirectioniHllhoach Louie. Prlc , one dollir , See ilgnitureol E , I , SIAIIL FOUOlo Dy All i uutanTrtUv la * " vonl TAMII Injures cvm < BfarUl ! * il < pt 1 el enrtf ' ' " " " " " < > > 1- -1 Hlrtal tmnru t\i nail ikir/ical. 1'rlM. (0 eti and H Vl.OO , of Droirjlm or tr mill. Strapli yIU K for jitlSp. Pit. lisonrVrMAKW , Bt.r uUMlnn. DOCTOH , McGREW hlxtcon Years' I'x.icrU u o In thw Treatment of PRIVftT ( iunorrlici'ii , Clojl. Strictire. Syplillli , Lost Jlim- litKid mul till Dlaunljrn of tliu SoxuntOrfti ni. Skin > -TI Diseases anil Fmimtu DltcatU' * . Liidh-'B .from 2 to 4 r-0r only. Dr. .Mcrow' ( ! KIIPCOIH In thif trontmcnt of I'llvmo DIsu.uM lm < iiu\or > > < 'cn oiiimlluil. llool ) . * unit tltc.ilnrs I'iiKK. TruMtmcnt by cuirojpomlctx'j mo e , l < Hi an I Farnam Sti. , Omaha , No Kiilrnnccon clllur street. MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE For Discuses of the Liver use Mooro'i Trco of Life. For the Blood , use Mooro's Trco ol Llfo. For Cutnrrh use Mooro's Trco of Llfo Catarrh Ctiro. _ - Jlooro's Troonf Ufa. a poiltlro euro tor Klilnor nod I.Ivor Com ! > l > Mt nil I nil Ij oml illiui'Dv llooilt imy ! ; > minor wliun yuuoin uraliir uilru Muoro'J 'Ireuot Ufa , tlio lira it l-lfj Itomolrf HeWs Nerve Tonic Tills OuroImoinoDlaMenouanml 1'hjil- / ealUuimitf , Vital KiUauitlan.l'aln / / in tlit Hack , t'ol.l . Hands or I'e tUad II Circulation , llluo Mae * under tbo II Ej , l'lraplo , umlalU > tiorNfrroua ! U Of llluoj L'Ucaioj la Illttier Bex. \ \ Hobb'o Nerve Tonio Pillo WAKES NEW HEALTHY BLOOD AUD RESTORES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM They lirliurthorony tlutof Iloultli to tlia allow clieolc. If younruiiullorlna from I ) * . ranKomontof the NerveImpure Illood or l'u t Urroru , yon "bnuU at onoo take r , llolibs' Ncrvo 'i'onle i'llln , tbo ° ren" Llfo Hcno\vorr.Ktbpy will enrich your JJlooa ami iilrvDKUioarour Kerron. 1'ilco , 60 cents a Tl 4 i'or ealo by iVrucnlita or nut by wall. HOBQ'S IY1EDIOINE CO. - BAH riUNOIBOO. OAt. OHIOAOO. IVMtMT JOLD CIA3P3- CIA3P3Inuention , Tci-tli without plates , removable hri so work , "Dr. Tliruckmurtun'H ptitunt" NVJb. dropping down of piatosi , blto nuythlnit you V liku. tenth rumaln linn. Just tliu tldiiic for * iiiliilsterH. lawyers anil publluapuukurH. 1'rlca a Illllo hiiirii ; than rubber plat . within rouolv ut nil , Or , Ilultuy , Duntlat , hut ) tbo nolo rlifhb hi Uiiinlia und DoiiKlas Oounty , offlco a l Uooi 1'rixtou block , Omuha ,