THE OMAHA DAILY BB TUBSDAY , JUTAr 21 , 1891 FITZPATR1CB WAS CHOSEN , Omaha HOB Now a Now Superintendent for Her Public Schools. JAMES MEN WERE EASILY OUTVOTED , Elplit AVnnt to the Knusns City Cnmll- clam on tlic Vint Hnllnt Work of Hi.-School Hotml. As predicted yostordny nftornoon by Tun Uei : the board of education mat night nnd elected 1'rof. Prank t'itrpatrlck ns superintendent of the Onmhn schools. The vote stood 8 for Mr. Fit/patrick , 5 for Mr. James and 3.for Mr. Uliink. The members who had boon BO earnest In talking for i'rof. Schnnlllor of Now York , had evidently glvnn up nit hope of electing their cbolco and swung over to Prof. Fitzpatnck. Every member of the board sold "here" when Secretary Conoyer called the roll. There win a largo and deeply lutorrsted lobby outaldo the railing that surrounds the Intellectual circle. Superintendent .lames was present and In dulged In earnest conversation with several mombeis of the board prior to the call to order. TnoklcMl Koiitlnn Work. The bond of nd. O. Hamilton , superintend ent of buildings , was presented mid nppioved , A petition was received from the patrons of thu Central Park school asking for a cnnnec of principal. The ootUlon was signed by over two hundred parents ol children , v/ho attend there , and thov requested that Prof. James L. Alvln , of'tho West Sldo school , be selected ( is principal of the Central Pork school. A second petition was nlso presented , Itrwhlch a chnngo was rcn.uc.stcd , nnd the signers declared that they would not Bond their children to the Central Park school again If Miss EBIo Hoed should bo retained as principal. A third petition numurously signed requested that Miss Keed bo ro-clcctcd as principal. The whole matter , after a long , wrangling discussion was re- fonod to the committed on teachers. Homo Hank Statements. In response to a request from the board the Globe loan nd trust , company submitted a statement ot the business done by the sav ings bank department of the publlu tchools. The number of accounts opened by the school children and now hold at the bank In question is 8.8S3. The nmount deposited by school children In 50,071.05. Ttio statement , further sots forth that the Ulobo loan nud trust com pany has deposited securities with the Com mercial National bank amounting to ? 0,5U9.5 : > . Kofcrrcd to the commlttoo on Judiciary. A lengthy discussion took place with re gard to the placing of the Johnson electric system in the Kolloin school. It was stated that the Smoad company had indicated that it would bu unsatisfactory to tbo company , and to the board In the end to permit the Johnson company to place Its dampers on the Smoad system of ventilators. A representa tive of the Johnson electric service company was present and explained that the placing of tbo dampers upon the Smoad ventilators could not interfere in any way with tno proper working of thu Suicad ventilating system. The bond of the Johnson company was Dually approved. Building Kopnirs DIscunHCil. Superintendent Hamilton recommended ftorao repairs at the Omaha View school. He- ferrod to committee- buildings and prop erty.A . A good deal of tlmo was snent In discuss ing a proposition to put an Iron ratling about the high school boiler house and an Iron fence oroun-J the Lake and Park schools. Mr. Morrison wanted the board to adver tise for the bids on a wooden as well as an iron fence for the two school houses men tioned. Mr. Wohrer thought the fence should bo high enough to keep out couples that woru out "jarklng" in the moonlight. The secretory was Instructed to advertise for bids on iron and wooden fence four.foot high.Upon Upon recommendation of the committee on builrllncs and property contracts were awarded as follows : Sewer connections at the Omaha Ylow school , $ 'J37 ; plumbing at Omaha Vlow , $703.80 ; plumbing at Long school , $1,201.25 ; all to Hobort D. Duncan. Election of Principals. The selection of principals for the Omaha View and the Saratoga schools carne up on report of the committed on teachers. The commit tee recommended that Mr. J. H. Farrls bo selected us principal of the Saratoga - . toga school and Miss Surau E. Thompson for the Omaha View school. Mr. Morrison , Mr. Wohror nnd others were in favoc of electing Miss Efllo Ueed at the same time as principal of the Central Park school In spite of thu fact that a protest signed by nearly two hundred patrons of the school had boon presented to the board. They bold that a majority of the patrons of tbo Omaha View school were favorable to Miss Kbed. Air. Babcock , Mr. Smytho nnd others wcro in favor of transferring Miss Reed to some ether school fO as to avoid Inevitable discord. Mr. Morrison's amendment was lost and the report of the committee was placed on fllo to bo taken up by the board in regular order upon call for the election of teachers. Miss Simonds was allowed $3r > as extra salary for acting principal of the Cass school. Alter "Private" Tutors. When the resolution call went round Mr. Rccs offered a resolution calling upon all the principals In the schools of Omaha to furnish to the board the names of nil teachers who bad given private leasous to bchool children after school lours , and hud charged for the same. In support of his resolution Mr. Kcos said that ho had learned that some of the teachers had been In thu habit of notifying parents that their children would not pass , nnd that It would bo necessary for them to have special instruction. They then sent In bills for their lofvlccs in giving those extra lessons. Ho was opposed to that sort of business. The resolution WAS carried. Only Ono Itallot Needed. On motion of Mr. Coryell the board tbou proceeded to the olnctlon of superintendent of schools. The pres ident appointed Mr. Poppleton and Mr. Coryoll as tellers. The first ballot ended the hoarUicho. The ballot stood : ITitzpatrick , 8 ; James , fi ; blank , 2. President Goodman then announced the election of Mr. Fltzpatrick. Mr. Suiytho then offered tbo following resolution : Hosolvril , That the provident and secretary bo authorized to enter Into u contract wlih Mr. Frank Kltipatrlak for tbo turin ot throe yearn tit n salary of W.UX ) per year. Mr. Morris Morrison opposed the resolu tion.Mr. Mr. McConnell made a strong speech ncninst the resolution. Ho bad bcon an earnest supporter of Mr. James , nnd ho was not ashamed to say so. Ho thought the opposition went too far In attempting to imll down n contract for tbrco years with n man who was I'ructlcallv unknown to the citizens of Omaha. Mr. Morrison made a ringing speech ngaliibl thq tbreo-ynar contract and was heartily applauded by the lobby. Thu npponrnneo se med to scare some of the Fltzpatrlck men , for when Dr. Spaldlng offered an amendment to make the contract for ouo year It was carried bv a vote of 1) ) toO. Mr. Smith nnd Mr. Coryoll were noticeably disappointed in the effort to elect for tbrco years. Superintendent James looked on complacently. The board then proceeded to cloot princi pals for several schools that bad not boon provided for , The following were elected : Saratoga , Mr. James Karris ; Omaha View , Miss Sarah E. Thompson ; Davenport , Miss Lottie ( JiiHsott. A vote was taken on the Caj.i school , but tboro was no election. Jlo Will Leave Oiiinhii. In a conversation with Mr. James otter tbo meeting ho said : "I shall tiow take a much needed rest. Forever over thirty years lluivo been In constant cm- plovmcnt. I need a year at least of ubio- lute freedom from work and I shall take It now. This bos not been a surprise to mo. I have anticipated It for some ttuio , and am not disappointed In the action of tbo bourd tonight , " "Do you expect to remain In Omalial" "Oh , no , 1 aboil leave Omaha , 1 shall in ill probability go to California. " The Now Hujior nteniloui. Cccrotary Conoyor sent a telegram to Prof. Pltrpatnck last night In Toronto , Ont. , In forming him of his election. Prof. Frank FJtspatrlok is n man about forty years old , nnd comes with very hlsrh recommendations from some of the loading educator * of the country. The members ol the board who elected him fool confident that they have secured n rann who will keep the schools of Omaha at the very fora front ol educational progress. Lr. IJIrncy euros ciUtirrn , Boo bltlp. HJiOT ny .1 While IiookliiK I'or Prowlers n Chi- unK < > Man Is Hurt , CHICAGO OrrtCR OP Tnn HISR , I Cmcuoo. July 20. f fiarlr yesterday morning Jacob Uurgour was awnKoncu by a nolao , got up , pir Tally dressed , nnd armed with lib lovolver wont down stairs. As ho reached the basement bo stumbled over a man with whom ho grap pled. Boforn ho could use bis revolver the burclar wrested It from him and shot him In the breast , Inflicting a serious wound. The burglar then escaped through an open win dow. OEIIMAN coNstJr. ) . Baron Nordonflycht , Gorman consul for the Chicago district , has boon recalled. The former Gorman consul at Port-au-Prlnro , 1C. Iuii7 , has been appointed to succeed htm and Will- soon arrive In this city. Baron Nordonllycht Is now engaged as counsellor In the homo department of foreign affairs at Berlin. TIB puovr. Tin : WHITE itoiisn. Interest In the Crnnln murder has bcon revived - vivod here by tbo story sent out last night from Now York In regard to Peter Dean , the man who , the story said , drove the famous white horse. Peter Dean Is no myth nud the Now Yorlc story Is true In Its more Important details. The Chicago police made vigorous search for Deannnd onlv gave up the hunt when they were dually convinced that Dean had sought refuge In some other land , or that ho had ocen conveniently "suppressed" by the men who foarcd him for tbo Information ho bad. The police nro of the full belief that It wus Dean and no ether who drove the whlto hcjrso which carried Dr , Cronin to his doom. OMAIU sron-M KNEW HIM. A St. Paul dispatch says that Jim McCor- mluk , who was reported to have been killed In a prl/o light at Crystal Lake , Mich. , was not killed until after thu fight was all over. Daniels nnd McCormlck fought at the Crystal Lake opera house , the latter ucing knocked senseless In tbo seventh round. Later the men had a quarrel over the division of the receipts and Daniels followed McCormlck to hit ; room. Brouloltoand D.inloy were Daniels' seconds nnd assisted Daniels in whipping McCormlck In nls room. McCormicK died from his punishment. McCormlck was well known In Omaha sporting circles , and broke the Jaw of Marx , the Texas cowboy , In n light In the exposition building there four ye.irs ago. AVIS : > TIUX : rnori.K IN cmovoo. CHIOAOO , July 20. The following western people are in tbo City : At the Grand Pacific Hon. John A. Mc- Shane , George J. Stornsdorff , Omaha ; Judge George T. Wricht , Council Bluffs. At the Auditorium . B. Douglas. Cedar Haplds , la. ; Governor F. E. Warion , Wyom ing : Wudo C roy , Council Bluffs ; Benjamin E. King , Helena , Mont. At the Wellington Mr. and Mrs. Oliver , Hastings : Joseph G.micau. Jr. , Omaha. At the Palmer L. J. Willnor , Cedar Rap ids , la. ; A. P. Stafford , Nebraska City ; J. B. Douglas , Council Bluffs , Miss Klttlu Hol land , Omaha ; S. Bloom , Deadwood , S. D. At the Tremont W. G. Haven , Helena , Mont. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Wells , Omaha ; J. W. Hathaway. Sioux City , la. At the Sherman G. F. Culmor , Salt Lake , Utah ; \V. A. Judkins , Nebraska. F. A. DoWttt's Little fcarly Risers ; best llttlo pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath. THOUGHT UK HAlt A MtlVOHVE. David Bryant Marries Again nnd is Arrested Tor Digamy. INDHNAI-OMS , Ind. , July 20. An Intorost- Intr nnd sensational case Is that of David C. Bryant , an Indianapolis photographer , who Is under arrest for bigamy with the woman who has passed as his lawful wlfo for fifteen years. Bryant's accuser is Marietta Bryant , who lives at No. 81 West Georgia street. She married Bryant in Wisconsin twonty-ono years ago , and five years afterward they separated. Ho wont to Terre Hnuto nnd on April 8 , 1870 , applied for n divorce. Ho says ho was informed by Iho attorney that the decree - creo had been cranted. Ho afterward mot Mrs. Foster , daughter of Mr. Morris of this city , and they were married in Paris , III. They moved here some twelve or thirteen years ago. When arrested Bryant was at a loss to un derstand the charjro , but learning the name of his accuser went to Terre Haute , where an examination of the records showed that ho had never boon divorced. The coso bad been filed and regularly docketed , but had been sot nsldo and did not como to trial. Bryant stoutly disclaims any Intention of wrong doing. Marietta Bryant nas resided in this city for four or five yoirs and has bad no knowledge of her husband's living with an other woman all this timo. Stio says she is going to fight for her rights. She has em ployed counsel to push the proaooutlon. Brv- ant's Terre Haute attorney , who Is alleged to have Involved him in all this trouble , died several years ago. A very small pill , but a very good oi o. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers. ji.ix xx T/iovnir. . Simon Ijoncrjjaii or Broken Iio\v Ohnrsed with Fraud. LKAVBNWOHTII , Kan. , July 20. The briefs in an intricate case In which a Chicago man is plaintiff and a Nebraska man the defend ant , have bcon prepared and will bo submit ted to the court bore today. Thomas Lonor- gan of Chicago brings suit asralnst bis nephew , Simon J. Lonerg.m of Broken Bow , Nob. , to recover S.17 , . > 00 on broach of con tract The Lonorgans were half-owners In a big ranch In Utah managed by the defend ant , who had an option on the plaintiff's ' In terest. The defendant received telegraphic Instructions to soil the fourth Interest of the plaintiff for * ( ' > 7,0 < K ) . but the plaintiff claims that after an investigation it was found that tbo vnluo of the property has been mlsropro- sented and that defendant received over § 100,000 inoro than ho reported. Suit is brought to recover plaintiff's ' share of the amount. _ _ Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething gives quiet , bolpful rest. i cents a bottlo. Cobbled hy the Standard. FINDLAY , O. , July 20. Negotiations bavo boon closed whereby the Northwestern nat ural gas company , of which Charles Foster , secretary of the treasury , Is president , obtains possession of all the wells , territory and con tracts of the Marlon natural gas company , the only Independent gas organization in this part of the country which has heretofore re mained outside of the Standard company's Inlluouco. This purchase gives the North western , which Is n Standard corporation , absolute control of all the natural gas Holds In this section with thu exception of thojo owned by the municipal plants of Toledo and l-'iudny. ! The amount of consideration is with held. For SchllU beer appiyto R. R. Grott 10 JJ Farnum. Drowned Hot-self and Child. Piiu.AiBi.riiiA , July 20. The body of Mrs. Sarah Kramer , aged tblrty-flvo years , of 10 Crelt street , was found Moating In the Dela ware rlvor yesterday. Attached to tbo waist of the dead woman by means of a stout rope was the body of her tlvo-months-old son. The woman was the mother of IIvo ether children. Her last horn had a club loot. The child's deformity had the effect of making the mother at times depressed and it Is bo- llovtd that wnllo in that condition sl.n took liar deformed child , attached It to her waist mill Jumped into the rlvor. DoWUt's Llttlo Uarly Ulsow for the llvor. People's Party of NOIITII YAKIMA , Wash. , July 30 , A con- rention composed of delegates from the farm ers' alliance , Knights of Labor , Good Tom- [ > lan anil trades unions met bore and organ ized the "People's partrof thostntoot Wash Ington. " The platform declares in favor of the eight-hour system , the sub-treasury schema and the abolition of national banks. Congregational Council. LONDON , July 20. Mr. Little of Dorchos tor , Mass. , rend n paper before the councl today , in which ho contended that the ro- llgtous observance of tbo Sabbath concornec the highest dutlos of the state. Ho said that the dutlos of the church regarding Sumluy observance were threefold , The first duty was for the church to load In the matter The second dutv was to furnish right tnach Ing on the subject , for there was a wldo difference of opinion , and the reason for keeping tbo Sabbath holy ought to bo given and vigorously maintained. The third duty of the church was to bo right In Its practice. Some of the greatest obstacles to the correct observance of the day were the thoughtless habits of Christian pooplo. After n short discussion Mr. Capon o Gloucester , Mass. , moved the resolutions summoning another council In ISM ) In the United States. There was discussion re garding the year sot , It being represented that a presidential election occurred In 18SKI , nnd It was finally ntrroed to leave that matter In the hands of a committee. The resolution was adopted. _ Itlotntn NKOSIIO , Mo , July 20. Dur.lmr n religious meeting at Tiff City , McDonald county , last night n number of roughs attempted to break up the meeting. The minuter commanded them to bo qulot , whereupon ono of the roughs knocked him down with n club. The Justice of tlio peace with young Hopkins , n son of Postmaster Hopkins , and several others attempted to arrest the roughs. They met with resistance , clubs and rocks being used against thu ofllccrs. Young Hopkins then llrcd upon them , kllllnc John Cook and shooting thu left hand off of one of the riot ers. Hopkins surrendered to tbo sheriff. Moro trouble Is expected. Assailants ol'Hallor.s Arraigned. Six DIEGO , Cal. , July 20. The men hold by the coroner's Jury for the nssnult on United States sailors were arraigned In a Jus tice court this morning and instructed as to their rights. The attorneys for the dofcnso will uoinand a separ.xto trial for each of the six prisoners and this point will bo argued tomorrow. Captain Romy of the cruiser Charleston today authoritatively announced that the vessel would leave for Redonda Wednesday , staying tboro two days , and then proccod to San Francisco. Trouble nt IloHsciner Works. PiTTsnt'iio , Pa. , July 20. Sorlous 'trouble Is reported at the works of the Bessemer steel company at Duquesne. Four hundred steel workers from McKooaportBraddock and other points arrived there this morning and refused to allow scab workmen to cutur or leave the shop. The sherlll is unable to con trol the rrowrt. Five men are rouortod to have been seriously hurt. Killed by n Hired Man. BitAxroiii ) , Fla. , July 20. A report has been received of a murder near Mundin's Point. W. H. Braden , a contractor , has a lumber camp near there. The men became dissatisfied on account of short provisions and ono of them , named Illggcnbothon , yes terday shot Braden , killing him Instantly. Oowlsh Persecution. Kolaxod. ST. Pr.TRitsnuno , July 20. The persecution of the Jews has boon somewhat relaxed. The decrco for the expulsion of Jewish artisans has bcon indollnitoly postponed nnd renewed orders have been sent to tbo press to refrain from publishing articles likely to oxclto ani mosity against the Jews. Collision in Nevada. Ruxo , Nov. , July 20. An east-bound pas senger train collided with n passenger , west bound , at Piuo's station , twenty miles cast of Reno. Three cnelncs and a mall car were badly wrecked nnd a tramp beating bis way west was killed. The ulr brakes of the eastbound - bound train ref sod to work. Directors Choson. At the annual meeting of stockholders of the Omaha stove manufacturing company of Omaha , Walter C. Hulott. Marc A. Upton , Ar thur S. Potter , C. U. Hulett. F. I. Payne , C. I. Plattonburc and W. Buriscb were elected as directors for the coming year. o Do Witt's Little Early Risers , best pill. Militia tn Guard Convicts. NASIIVII.LK , Tenn. , July 20. Governor Buchanar. has ordered the entire state mil itia to Bricovlllo , Tenn. , to protect tlio con victs at work in the mines. It is stated that 2,000 miners nro marching to tbo scat of war. To the vounK face Poz/.onl's Complexion Powder gives fresher charms , to the old re newed youth. Try It. French Senate Must Ratify. PAIIIS. July 20. The senate must ratify the bill removing the restrictions upon the tbo importation of American pork before it can become a law. It Is feared It will not bo accomplished without difficulty. DoWHt's Little Early Risers ; only pil ) to euro sick headucho and regulate the bi-.cael Collapse of MID ParlH Strike. PAHIS July 20. The strike of the railway employes of this city has > collapsed. The most of the men have already resumed work , though some of the workshops are guarded ov troops. * I'KK H OXAlj 11 U.I Git A / / / . C. H. May of Fremont is at the Murray. C. A. Atkinson of Lincoln , is In the city. F. H. Gllcrost of Kearney Is at the Paxton. J. C. Tairgart of Fremont Is at the Dollono. N. D. Jackson of Nollgh Is nt the Dollono. H. J. Stodmau of Kearney , is nt tbo Pnx- ton. Clarence Abbott of Schuylor is nt the Mil- lard. J. O. West of Grand island is nt the Mil- Inrd. Inrd.C. C. E. Brundy of Fullerton is nt the Mil- Inrd. J , A. Johnson of Cheyenne Is a guest at the Paxton. D. Rathborn , Jr. , of Davenport is at Iho Paxton. H. D. Reed and wlfo are registered nt. tbo Mlttard. O. J. Showers and wlfo of Long Pine are nt the Murray. ' A. M. Pinto nnd wlfo started for Florence , Wis. , via the Northwestern Sunday night , Truman Buck nnd family started for Bos ton via the Milwaukee yesterday afternoon. H , C. Crumb of tbo United States customs oftlco has returned from a trip to his old lomo. MUs Belle Goldthwalta nnd Miss Jennlo somers of Holvoko , Muss. , are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Towno ot"ill ! Fnrnam , Samuel Hamilton who has bcon visiting his Family nt their country homo iu Now Wash ington , O. , slnco July 1 , returned homo bun- day. day.Judge Judge Leo Estollo loft last night for Eldorado , Kan , , whore ho will remain two weeks , bunting , fishing nnd visiting friends nnd relatives. Frank E. Mooros , clerk of tha district : ourt Is preparing to make a trip to Detroit .o attend tbo national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. City Clerk John Groves returned Sun day irom bis eastern trip. Ho reports a royal time. While ubsont bo visited Wash- neton , bathed at Kocknway and elbowed the millionaires at Coney Island. Councilman Spocbt returned Sunday from hU outing nt Wntorloo. In. Ho was sickduring a greater portion of the tlmo that 10 wus ubscnt , but notwithstanding thin fact ho succeeded In landing iWJ pounds of lab. lab.O. O. W. Stivers , editor of the Herald of liberty , Ind. , U In the city accompanied bv ' its wife. Mr. Stivers u making a tour o'f ho west with a view of locating somewhere n this section. Ho and his wlfo were callers at Tin : BKK oftlco yesterday. Governor Tbnyor was In tbo city yesterday on his return from Doyil county \vhoro ho wont to arbitrate a llttlo troubla botwecu two contending cities for the countv scat. Ills Incision in the matter will bo known when he ISKUOJ his proclamation In a few days opciiluif Boyu county. His excellency visited TUB BUE building while lu tbo city , THEY ARE § TJLL AFTER HIM , n j _ nil Chicago & Alton Pcoplo Dotormhnd to Have Pint's ' Eoilp , EASTERN PASSEfjGER RATES DISTURBED , Startling Dlscavriry Made In a llrok- cr's Olllco ttlckcts of heading Lines on Halo at Ho- duccd UntcH. CHICAGO , July DO. The action of the West ern Passo.iger association hi acting upon n rate for a number of slate fairs , expositions and other gatherings has called out another sharp letter from General Passenger ARont Chtirlton of the Alton road , ( Invlug been officially notified of tha establishment of these rates at the mooting last Friday Mr. Charlton replied to Chairman Flnloy today as follows : "Wo have yours of the IStb lust. advising us of rains for various expositions , fairs , etc. Your association has passed on these questions without consultation with us and without obtaining our vote , regardless of our wishes nud Interests. In all cases In which you take action without pormtttln'p us to have n voice In the decision wo must dcclluo to bo bound by your action. Wo don't propose acting Independently of our competitors , but that involves that our competitors shall not act Independently of ug. Wo don't intend that you or your associa tions shall dictate to us. Wo must hnvo an equal voice with you. Now , and hereafter , when you ndvIbO of us of action that you hnvo uxken independently of the Chicago & Alton you must not expect any reply. It Is not purpose to take orders from you or your association as to what our rates nnd arrange ments shall be. Wo expect to be treated with courtesy and on a perfect footlug of equality , otherwise wo shall make rates and nrrangomcntu to suit ourselves independent ly of you or your association. " I'AsscNonn IIATKS nisTimnnn. At a special meeting of the cast-bound commlttoo of tbo Central Traffic association today a rather serious stnto of affair ? was developed. Last Thursday the Erie laid before Chairman Donald n statement showIng - Ing that tickets arc on sale In the brokers' ofllco hero to eastern points nt from $1 to W below tariff. Agents were sent out to test the matter , the result being tbo pur chase of eight tickets of tbo Boston & Mnlno Issue , Chicago to Boston , six of tbo Plttsburg Issue , Chlcacro to Boston nnd ono ouch of the BalUmoro&Ohio nnd the Lackawanna , ChicsKO to Now \ork. Today the Erie furnished another statement of live Boston & Maine and four Plttsburg tickets and Informed the chairman that un less something was done very promptly to stop the sale of those manipulated tickets the Erie would moot the scalpers' rates. It is alleged that the Now England roads hnvo been keeping the brokers supplied with ticKets - ots for some time. Chairman Donald will take immediate stops to avert the threatened demoralization of east bound rates. CUT TI1I0IT COMPETITION. ( As usual at this time of the year a good deal of trouble la being caused bv excursion ' rates. The Chtcaerffand Ohio R'iver Trafllo association is greatly disturbed because the Lake Erie & Western , an outside compet itor , has announced an excursion rate of S. ) from Indianapolis toChicago and return. At the meeting in Cincinnati last week the Big 1 < our was authorized to meet the rate , and It is now expected that the Lake Erie & Western will make a further cut. The Lake Snore , the Nickel Plato and the Big Four bavo announced a rote of $7.50 from Peorla to Nlasrara Fulls and return August. 15 , but the raid does not apply bv the way of Chicago cage and consequently a howl has been raised by certain roads that uro thus prevented from sharing in thp.businoss. . Grand Army rates ore almost certain tp go to pieces. Some ofjthe lines in'tho territory of the Ohio River Traffic association have already given It out that they will make a rate of 1 cent per mile and it will bo strange if this does not load to a general abandonment of the rates. The enstbound shipments of dead freight by roil last week aggregated 45fio3 , tons while tbo lake lines show a record of 78,451 tons. This shipment of Hour , grain and provisions from Chicago to tbo seaboard by tbo roads In the Central trafllc association aggregated - gated 15,499 tons , against 12,751 for the week previous and against 24,4117 for the corresponding spending woelclast year. The Vanderbilt lines curried 1(1 ( per cent of the business , tlio Pennsylvania 2'J ' per cent , Chicago & Grand Trunk 12 per cent , and tbo Baltimore & Ohio 13 per cent. The Chicago , Minneapolis & St. Paul and tbo Wisconsin roads will bo given an oppor tunity tomorrow to show cause why tboy should not bo disciplined for violation of their agreement. The offense consists in ticketing delegates to the national educa tional convention at Toronto from the north west by way of Milwaukee , after tbo ad visory board of the blind passenger pool had ruled that that business should bo routed over the St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha road by way of Chicago. yo IIOTKI , OFflCPS. The Monon has yielded to the pressure brought to bear upon it by tbo ether Chicago roads and has agreed to withdraw its , tickets from the hotel ofllce. Today. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July 20. The rumor that President Finney of the Saulto Sto Marie & South Shore road would resign at the annual meeting tomorrow Is confirmed. Knllror.d Pc General Manager S , H. II. Clark will ar- rlvo In the city today. Captain W. F. Tobbotts , tbo veteran trav eling representative of the Denver & Rio Grande , Is in the city. Mr. Gardiner M. Lane , vlco president of the Union Pacific , has resigned that position. President Sidney Dillon will assume the duties formerly attended to by Mr. Lano. E. A. Dawson , western superintendent of the Pennsylvania lines , and Charles W. Ran dall , nssistnnt ceuoral western freight agent of the Plttsburg , Fort Woyno & Chicago road , nro expected In the city today , and will bo the guests of J. G. Lumbard , general ngont of the Pennsylvania Hues. UNTIED A TIE. Hoard of Piililic AVorlCM Divided Some Now PavltiR Contracts. Contrary to the uwdi custom the meeting of the board of puulr6 'works hold yesterday afternoon was as iiti ot and peaceful as the calm before tbo storm. The meeting was mid for tbo purpoio" deciding the tto bo- .wcon HughMurpbyjand O. D. Woodworth n tbo matter of paving certain streets , Iho bids for which wcW' opened last Tuesday. Neither of tbo contractors wcro present , and is n result the boara ; divided the work. Murphy ge'.s districts 351 , 3.W nnd 370 , which nro : Cumliiif strdotft'om ' Fortloth to Forty- second , Hamilton jj from Fortloth street to Military nvonucMid Dodgu street from Thirty-eighth aven , to Thirty-ninth streot. Woodworth was given districts 333 , 351 nnd J55 , Fortieth strod"tjfrom Hamilton to Sc- ivard , Seward from Thirty-eighth to Fortieth , ind Charles from Thirty-eighth to Fortieth. The material to baupud will bo rod Colorado rado sundbtono nud the contract pnco f-.MS > or square yard. Ernest Stadht appeared In the interest of ho Ilylund , Kan. , stone and asked thatjjo bo illowod to use It Inttuad of thu red Colorado itono for curbing. The prlco is 1 cent . hcaper on each lineal foot. Thu nonrd did lot take to the Idea , faying that the Colorado itono Is much inoro preferable. However , Mr. Stndht's application wiw referred the uayor and the council. Cold 'I rail. Burglars nntcrcd Dalzoll's catering oitnb- Uhment , on North Sixteenth street , Sunday sight , by forcing n ronr window , and secured iljotit & In small change that had boon left In ho catti drawer. They tilled up on ice cream , nul necessarily loft n cold trail for the police o work upon. _ Got Oir JiiNt an Hnsy. Young Conk uud Brown will not bo'takcn ) ark : to Ogden to answer to the r argo ot Qbocry. A telegram received Uerday from the United Btato * marshal orders tholt reloiuii from custody. In view of the fac that the bov. < admitted their pullt nnd confessed fossod to rolling n drunk for ! 1X > the nrdoi created some surprise. Conk said ho know that they would not bo taken back , as the man from whom they stole the money was a falter anil had stolen it hltmolf from nnothoi man only a short tlmo previous , and they bat no feats of hU golut ; Into court to claim own ership of It nnd prosecute them. The police nro Inclined to think that cither this is the or the money was stolen somewhere elso. The telegraphic account o the Ogden job says that a Chinaman was robbed of $1S. " > and tbo denomination of the money doc.s not tally with that found on Young Conk , who had over SUX ) on his per son. Unlots ether counties nro heard trom the young crooks will go free. Dr. Blrnoy euros ctiturrh , tioo bldg. * SUUTJl OJIAHA. An Oriental Wedding. The postponed entertainment by the young people of the First Baptist church will be given In this dvcnlng In the First Baptist church , Twenty-seventh street between M nnd N streets. The entertainment will bo a Japanese wedding In costume. Tlio cos tumes have arrived and the arrangements have boon completed. The publlo Is cor dially Invited. . . . . p i. i i ii Court Skandlu Installation , General Deputy Nols A. Lundgron of the Foresters Saturday night installed the oftl- cors-oioct of Court Skandla No. 220. Inde pendent Order of Foresters. The ofllcora nro : Chnrlos W. Eklund , C. It. ; Lnns John son , V. C. R. ; Edward Olson , R. S. ; Edward Petersen , F. S. : Jacob Strlthberir , tronsuror | Gus Fornboln , S. W. ; Gus Johnson , J. W. : C. E. Johnson , S. B. ; Nuls Uasnnmen , J. B. ; Swan Larson , chaplain ; Nols W. Peterson , marshal. PlattmlontHheii Ycrocn. Messrs. John Friedt , Diodrlock Klrsch- uerand nnd Ernest Karnotz , representing South Omaha Plattdotitshon voroon , at tended the meeting InGcrmanln hall , Omaha , of delegates from twenty-two voreons , to make arrangements fora grand parade nud reunion to bo held Thursday , OctolKir 0. The arrangements will bo concluded nt n future mooting , wbnn It will bo decided whether or not to nmlto It a national affair. NotcH About the City. Annlo , daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Bruno Eehtomoycr , Is sick. Miss Mollie Condon has gene to Columbus to visit relatives and friends. Yesterday forenoon the Browns defeated the Shelley ball club by n score of 15 to 4. Harry Kelley of the postofllco employes , has bled himself over to Iowa on a short Visit. Architect .Tamos W. Bolloau has pinparod plans for n10,000 school building for Crcs- ton. la. A daughter has boon born unto Mr. and Mrs. John McCunc , Twonty-sixth nnd Q streets. , The letter carriers sailed on Balthns Jot- tor's Inko lost evening nnd enjoyed a pisca torial sail. The Albright ball club made 22 runs yes terday afternoon while a picked uluo was making 18. Mrs. Scott , wlfo of T. B. Scott , after visitIng - Ing friends In Vllllsca , Indlanola and Mur ray , In. , has returned. A dog which bad attacked and bitten a child in the Third ward , was killed , to the delight of many persons. Misses Alpha and Lulu Hunt of Malvorn , la. , are visiting thotr sister nnd brothor-m- law , Mr. nnd Mrs. Jncob Baty. Alfred A. Gary has gene to Chicago on a business trip. J. C. Monahun will till Mr. Gary's place with Henry Mies. The grand lodco United Order Troubund will moot In Knights ot Pythias hall , Doug las street Tuesday forenoon nt 10 o'clock. Lilian Temple No. 1 , Knights of Pythias , will meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon lu Knights of Pythias hall , McGinnls block. Tbo Ladles Aid society of the Presbyterian church will moot Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Car- lev. lev.Mrs. Mrs. Van Buskirk , wlfo of J. W. Van Bus- kirk , and daughter. Miss Mattlo , nud son Bert , have gene to Wayne , where Mr. Van Buskirk has removed. William Crawford , of the G. H. Hammond company , lust Thursday broke all his sheep skinning records and drossoJ a sheep In 2 minutes and 29 seconds. A mooting will bo held this evening nt the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles N. C. Rich , M)9 Twonty-nfth street , to nrrango fern n Projbyterlnn Sunday school picnic. James O'lirlen ' , ono of the electric light linemen , has accepted a position with the electric light company to bo stationed on the Brooklyn bridge and has loft for his now location. George A. Bourn , of the commission firm of George Burke & Frazler , wont to Malvorn , la. , yesterday on receipt of a telegram In forming him of tbo serious illness of his brother. Citizens Alliance No. 11 will moot In Knights of Pythias hall this evening. Evorv member should bo present , ns several candi dates will bo Initiated and Important business will bo transacted. \V. S. Dewey , Misses Winnie Dewey nnd Ella Deliver of Galesburg , 111. , Miss Sadie Dowov of Chicago , and Fred Lathrop of ICansas City , were the Sunday guests of E. II. Dewey of the Missouri Pacific. Superintendent C. L. Schaifer of the Omaha cooperage works , who has been In raillnir health for some tlmo past , will leave for n visit nt his old homo In Burlington. In. , nnd from there will go to Spirit Lake , for a visit. visit.M. M. J. Dowllng , passenger agent of the Burlington , was In the city visiting Agent W. B. Check and seeing about Ironsportlne members of the uniform rank Knights of Pythliis to Beatrice to attend the encamp , mont. The llvo stock cxchango will hold n special meeting nt 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon to icar the report of the commlttoo appointed , o moot the Omaha board of trade In regard to the opening banquet of the board nnd tbo excursion to Montana. A delegation from , ho board of trade will bo present. ( Use Haller's ' Gorman Pills , the great con stlputlon and liver regulator. NOT 1'OPUIjA.n. \roiulay Night Committee Don't Draw with the Connuilmon. Monday night council committed meetings ire no more popular than were the Saturday light meetings. Ono week ago , by n vote of the council , the night was changed from Sat urday to Monday , with tbo hopes that the city legislators would attend. Tno move ment was not prolific of good results as the gathering last night proved. Sovcn member * were present , but as that lumber did not constitute a quorum no olll- cial business was transacted. Whllo waiting the members entered Into an animated discussion over the subject of imolto consumers. The patent appliance that s going In-to the new city hall at a cost of U.ilOl ) was championed by Messrs. Davis nnd L'uttlo while Mr. Elsnsior denounced the at- air as worthless , t'osldos being a reckless expenditure of puollo money. The question of vacating the board of trade room nud n unanimous sentiment to tit up and move Into the city clerk's ofllco In the low city hall prevailed. Owing to tbo fact that a largo amount of vork Is to bo done In the board of trade ooina , cominltteo for a few weeks will bo ictil in the city clerk's ofllco hi the basement of the court bouse. I'oiltlvoly r.urcd l > yr thcsu Llttlu Fills. TUov also rclleyo Ils- | tress Irom Dyspepsia , Indigestion - ! digestion nnd Too Heart ? " KatlDf. A perfect rum- [ cdy ( orDUuJiiosa , Nausea , ! DrowBliiC'a.'j , Dad Taste ? In tlio MouUi , Coatodc TJIT1C. ( 1'alll tn UlO SIdO,6 TOIH'ID LIVER , Tlioy | rcgulato tbo Dowels. IMirely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PR1CE4 IN TJIK COlTltXS. Dou lns Street Hoiictlt.t Donlod liy Fnrimin Btrcnt 1'conlo. Suit liai boon commoncoil by Oeorpo U'nrron Smith , The Urn IHlllilIng company , Tlio Now York LiTo Instirniieo company , Mtiry 0. Uenlse , Anna C. Mcrldotli , ( Icorgt D. Oolllor , Ooorso H. T/sctiUclt , Kmlly J. UrlKin nuil Anna Cnmpboll , to onjolti tlio city from collootliif ? benolH.i from tliolr pro perty , to pay tlio ( laiiiugos that ariao from ttio unuUug ot Douplas and lutorsoctln streets. Tlio petitioners sot out that tliolr properties ai-u situated upon I'linuim nnil DodRO st roots and nro not liable for assessments to pay benefits ns Ui > vu boon ns > scssoil. Upon thu showing > luiliu U'nkeloy Inst evening Issued n temporary Injunction restraining tlio city from oolloothiR tlio tux. The hearing for tlio apullcatlon ot n perma nent Injunction will como before Judge Wnkoloy noxtSntunlny niornliivr. Just now Ur. George L. Miller Is having n lawsuit over his lake lu Seymour park , situ- utod n few miles southwest of the city. Ho Is suing Urn Crystal Ice company for J-l.tWO. In his petition tie avers that on January 15 , IMU , ho contr.iiito.l with the ilcjonuant , nntl by the tonns of the con tract the defendant ngreod to tmlld nnd Ucop In good condition ! nro u ml a certain tract ot ground , n portion of thu park , nn embankment of earth , not less than MX fcut. In helghtti , nnd to inaltiUiln the omb.inknient for n porlud of twenty ye.iri , inside of which thuro was to have boon nn nrtlllclal laiio llvo feet In depth , with nn Inllow uiul an outflow. Tills embankment was to have Ooen com pleted by Juno I , 1801. In consideration of this the ilefendunt was to have the Ice crop of the lake during the term nbove men tioned. Tlio lake has not boon built , atut ns a consequence - sequence the suit has been brought. Wilkinson ISHIIOS a Clreul.'u- tlio l.atc 'I'rotililcn. BUFFALO , N. Y. , July -U S. E. Wilkinson , grand master , nnd W. A. Shoohnn , grand secretary of the Urothortiood of Ualhvny Trainmen , have Just Issued n circular to the members of the association giving the inside historv of tlio trouble between It nnd the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association , which culminated in tlio discharge of all the switch men on the Chicago it Northwestern road. Mr. Wilkinson proceeds tit considerable length to give the details of ttio negotiations arising during the controversy , imcl concludes with this .statement : "On thu part of the switchmen it Is a record hlnclc with persecu tion , dellnnco of the law nnd envy of the suc cess of the trainmen. On our part there has been foroearanco ami sacrllico , oven to humiliation. I am willing to be judged In this matter. I have no apology to otfor. " Anot Her illnok Sun Fli-et. ST. PKTKitsnuua , July 20. Another navnl corps has bcon added to the Black Sea Hoot. The building of four vessels for this corps will bo expedited. sng E8se equals Aycr's 1'llls for stimulating a toipld iivcr , stieiisthenliiR digestion , and regu lating the action of the bowels. They con tain no calomel , nor any other Injurious druf , hut are composed of the active princi ples of the best vegetable cathartics. " I was a sulfcrer for years from dyspepsia nnd liver troubles , and found t o permanent relief until I commenced Liking Ayci's rills. They have effected a complete euro. " George Mooney , Walla Walla , W. T. " \VhcnovcrI am tioubled with constipa tion , or suffer from loss of appetite , Ayer's Pills set mo right again. " A. J. Klscr , Jr. , itock House , Va. "For the cure of headache , Aycr's Ca thartic Pills are the most effective medicine I over used. " U , K. James , Dorchester , Mass. "Two boxes of Avers rills cured mo ol severe hc.idarhc , f loin which I was longa suf- fercr. " Emma Keycs , Hubbardston.Coun. Ayer's Pills , rnKPAiiED BV oitt. J. 0. AYEB & CO. , Lowell , Masg. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. FOR O B AND YOUNG. Tutt'sl.lvpr Pills not us Iclixlly on the child , tli < lellcul fimialtt or infirm old npre , us upon the vigorous limn. glvo tone mid fitrrt > itli to Ilin vrnk stoui- ncii , Imwclrt , Itlilnujaiiml Iiludtler. most po wet fa 1 female regulator l'r fectty safe , Iteverfoil. li. poitnaid. Sentlac ( stamp ) lot particulars. Adtlresi LION DRUG CO. , Uuffalo. N , Y. For Snlo by Goodman Drug Co , Omaha. NoU LxINEl IIOYAL MAIL STEAJISllll'3 , MONTREAL ani QUEBEC To DEiUlY and LIVERPOOL CAlltN , 150 to W ) . AccordlnK to Stoamar nnil loc itlon of Eiliiturooiu. Intormudlntu nnd Stoeniuu nt low rntoj. NO OATTI.IC OAltKIKI ) . STATEL AI.LbllvAlBii'i ) LINE. I STEAMrillll'S. NKW YORK and QLAiQJ\V. vln Lioiulnndurry , every Kortnlnht. 23rd July , STATl ) OF (1KO1U11A , H A M. AuRiialCtli , STATi : OK NKVAIIA. 10 A M. Aug.Mth. STAl'EOli1 NKHUASlCA.l ) A. M. CA1IIN , K5 ! up. Itoturn , ( ii. > . SUior.iKO II Apply to AIJiAN&CO. , ChlciiKO. U. 15. MOOIIIJS. Wnbiwli Tlcknt Onico. W K VAtlj , llnrllnutoiiTIOfJl Olllco The Murray , cor. 14th aud Hnrnoy , is the most substantially conslructocl hotel build ing in Omaha. Several heavy brick firewalls running from boseinout ta roof , All ceilings and floors lined with Asbestos fire projf lin ing , making it impossible to burn quick. Piro escapes and fire alarms throughout the build ing. Steam heat , hot and cold water andsuu- filiino in every room , Table unsurpassed any- whore. B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor. UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner lllli mid Minim 8troHii Ilnlf block woit of Union 1'nclllo ailil II. & M , DopuU. Now Inillillnu , now furnlturo , orcry tiling llrtt- cliinn , coolait locttlon III Onmlia , vloir nf ontlro. nurrounitlni ; country , KHI , lutli cloclrln cull bells ute Kntca , fl.lllnnil II.SO I5vorr llnu of cnlilu anil motor curt , prMi wtthln uno block , oxojpt Hhorinnti Avenue nnd llitnfcom Pnrk llnu , 4 Uloulu uwny and yuu can Iranifoi to UHMO If you wUli All the Latest ImprovomciiUi. " Urnitdwny Jts - m St. , NPW York. \MiitIAN ; AND | TuV l'r : N ' / National Bank u. B. nni'osrrouv. - OMAHA. NKII Capital . $4OOO'JO Surplus Jan. 1st , i80O. 02.DOO Olltcora mid IHroctonillo.irjr \V Vnto , I'rualdont , jiwli H. lluid , Vl i I'rvthlvnt , JamuaV rlxvnuii W V Momx. Jnbii H. CMIIIni. II. C C'uiblnif , J. .S.II atrlrk Vf , II. d. llnubui. I'nililur THIS 11 ION HANK. Cnrni'r r.'tb nnd Karnnin rim Ovnoriil Hanking llnslncsi Truiiinctod. OVTATTA Hllunllon pniL-urod for itradu UIVlAii/i. uiov. Wrltuforclriulart siiMitwooii IIIHW. , 4iu NOW Vorll | jlfu 1M(1V ( , , milia > Nou , TELEGRAPHY. Omaha and Dr. P. dco Wo Is a roRuliir pridu.itn of inedlolnn from China , h.ivlnit taken u tlmr- inmhcmiriu of study , o < ctondln over uUht ycaf < . In some of thu hint Uhinoso oolinKot. He OIUMH nls scrvlciH 10 all thtwu sulTorliu from dlsu.mos of any kind , uud fcols eoiillilent that In ovcry ease no umlurlnKos ho can do you good. Most of tno Ingredient * ho IIMM In Ills reme dies inn HiihHlnncoH front ( . 'him , many ot Ilium unknown onlsldo of that coun try. try.Ho Ho charges nothing for c-vjiiilnntltw , consul tation nr mlvlto. \ on can call mid ha\o < \ filrndiy oh , it with Mini , and he will frankly Klatu what liot'an dti for you. His i-ontiiilii- tlon < i anil roiiimunli'iitlons eimdiirtod In llio iitn nsl prlviuiy amlitileii'st rdiilldemv. lilt romrilli's are 'aiy to Hike anil yorfoutty hnrmiosi. Tlio most of llu'in not on the bloo f. iiiinfyliiK Itand dustioylng the microbes or uactarin , 1'erliapsyoii are suirorlm from nome dls- Ciisoof lonzMnmllutf and have tried utmost every roinody known without SIIIWM Would It not lo well to try the t'lilncsi < mo In ol treatment nmv , or nt tiny rate cull nnd lol Dr. O. lice Uo examine the cnio and toll you Mlrnt , no run do ? Dr. C. Goo WiihiiMthoiiMandsof tnstlmnnlali In his possession , among wnloli aio tbo fol lowing : II. II. VOU.NO. wn North Twontv-fourth struct , Omalm. Cured snvuio i-old anil r.ip- Idly iluMilotJln consumption ; loul could not licit sl\ months ; enicd wholly \\itli I'M- I1H1H IIMIIIMllUS QMKS II. M'CIK. 1MB fifth ntrout.-Sutrerod Mlth sick lui'idai'lie anil Roin'ral dnhlllty ; hail tiluil all kinds of imidlulnos anil doHors. N'ow robust ntiil hi > iltnv. M. V VAX WCMMnU. 1717 Third street , Council niiitrs. lienoral debility .mil pain In chest ; \\ooKstiunlmiMit ; nuvor full iiottor than atpicsont- . JIHS. h (5. ( U1OE , South Onmlii. ( Albrlsht ) . Afli'r trviusr other loinudlos for send Jr. Gee Wo's Uc.itiaeiit ; now eomiifoioly en i on. JOHN II. II AMMHTT. South Omaha. ( West Albright ) . Heart dlsoasn and naln In Hunt ; short course of treatment ; tm\r \ almost cured. MltSW. . A. NIOIIOI.SON , IKJ7 l-.lKlllfonlli stioot. Itlinunintlsm , then lu'initiniT.iKO of the liitiKsnnd Ilirilly hoait illsoase ; rompioto nrocK ; nontto Kuroiioiind tried uvoryllihijt now mitlrol v cured liv Dr. Oun Wo. MUS. .7. U VATis. : ) V ) ( J street. South Omiilm. fi'inalu weakness and sick head ache ; could cot no relief till Dr.dou Wo cm oil inc. Will gladly recommend him for thuso doubles. For the honoflt oflhosn who cannot si < e tin ) doctor ho h is piup.ired the follouln ; eight remedies for thu most prevalent diseases : BLOOD PURIFIER , RHEUMATISM CURE , CATARRH CURE , INDIGESTION AND DYS PEPSIA CURE , SICK HEADACHE CURE , LOST MANHOOD CURE , rEMALE WEAKNESS CURE , AND KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. Those troubles oin easily tin dlasnosj'l ami the proper romodlos pio.Mirod' for all otnur troubles write. unuKHlns st imp for question liliuil ; and lionk , as the doctor uses a .suoolal remedy for each dlsuuso. DR. C. GEE WO , 5I9J * North ! 6ti ! Stroat Office Hours from O n. m. to O p. _ m. , Every Day. _ 21111 YKAU OK l.ariu" t , oMost. rlchoit , tcnlod exhibition In the whole world I SH inon nnd homus Will exhibit nfloinnon nnil night , : il2nnd 3 o'eloc'/c p m , nt OMAHA , NED. , FRIDAY , JULY 24. Klntaonion In America of Coin HoUNK nnd Miss CAlu.oirA , Iho world's most 'iccomiilUhud nuj Lr.ivcst lion turners und trainurs. E LIONS InLet CIRCUS Lot Loose Uie RING. Kililhlterl Inst season 131 times In I'nrls , 'JIJ In r.nndun. They nro tliu niindur ni.d adnilrnllun of UiBHorld rlrnt nppo.inmco iinlnr e.umis of tlio most llluHlrous of nil .Vrlnlltti tlio tnciiniiirnblo Ilanlnn Vnl'nrn ' " lllflr " " " ' ' ( / "iMi1 for llalilUlrVUl Uli l.tfe"4)frcttnmlil. ) < ilr mi tha iiviytrawie. | ( . tltHtIrculu Sliirn 'I times the Krentust mon.iKcrlu uvcr nvhllilteil In Amorlen nnd mil ) ronllstlo nnd recDniiriictml Wild Watt Hililldtlonl15U hioiiln , Mivnxut nnd Hul- dlcrnlOiit | A. II lliiKirdm anI , linr | > iliinitorB llordcr llfolnnll Itii phn'on Incndliv tliu wild nnd wolnl ( 'HOST I > AMit All tlio onllro nnd sniurli I'nrls Hippodrome ! ( mil ) track , ovury kinI ut rauoi French fomnlo clmrhit- CVTI. Adnm I'orc'pniiuli'H only nnd ustunnillnii Irnlnednnlmil evlilblllon , h ' " 90 WONDERFUL IiLlil'IIANTS - and WISK CftflOO fltuil trained lior ni. 111) ) ni HIIK nnlnrili Dnll } nxpcntioiM ) , uipltul 1.1,010'WJ ' , M enr . 4 trnlns. Ttio Hiiniptnous nnil BtnpendoiiH , - ; - < ! .ll.l-l > A V I'AltlltK : Of Iho mlifhty eoniblno tn'tui ' plneo nt 10 n. ri dnlly unfolding to thu pillule vloiv , fioinHllioiilrtoorury- liodjr , nil thodalln ! { . iinliiuo. ulctiirc'iiuo , Idxtorl- enl nnd enmiittioiiH ruwmce * of tha .MoiiHtnr DIM ! OriMitlzntl jn AdniKalon nn IIKUU ! I lienp lloiind Trip Kxrnr- Hlnnsmin I llnoi of tr.'ivul. boo Iucal AKOIUS fur pi rtlenlarn Two oililhltlcns dally nt t'Biml hours For tlio no- coiniiindiitlon of thu puhllu > vlio would nvold tlio etonds on tlio m jnnds , tosorvud nri 14 ( tit ruxul'ir ' prhoinnd .ulmlsiiloii tleUut : } , nl usual alight ad- vnncu ( .nn bu Hocurcd nt OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY , thu ilny of exhibition only. A W.I .M FIHtKI' t I'C II'S Crtulllitl , fuMi d < i ( Aiiurttintliiu < a the < lnlu tlreiit Nhoiv otttlnu Ittre thli xinin. SOHOOL3 AND OOLLEGnS. MormiMl'iu-klnenrOhlcatfo ) . IoarillMKl ! < i hrbiMil fnrdlrln nnd Younu I.nilloa. Forfcb cntiiloBionddro | aJ. ' 1'IIA VKIl. J.I , . ) . , * llorcual > iri < , Ill.or77MadlBouSiructC'lilcuno , lit. HAtlDIH LADIES COLLECE lOSrhooK 14l > r . ANDMOIABT COHSU A V.UOBr , n.ior luthjcur. MEXICO JLilCa i .1 ratronjlnisaiatc. . NIO. u Zhrttf&IW Mram heat , flcctrlo llchla i cbartrrt'd by Iale. ( Diit Cullogo la jtliu Weil. dMERICANCONSERVATORY.GHICAGoT . CIMCHklllM ] Mill , UA1ILSII AVF. A JtrkhOI NT. Ill lirmichei c/f Muile , ItrAiiiJllo Art , Ieli4il ) * , ftMlifn'Trtln. , ttf Rchoul Uniur | ' we l atlrautiri" * t ni'MltriU ri t C U * . u ll l lie. . i. J , lUIThTil.lir , Illr.tUr. CONSERVAT ORY. J Ilmt Inttnirllan In nil ilrpni t- IntrntH uf MllflealNtud ) l-lnu Alt , Uo. I2M" attPlldamii hut r. Addruu K. I' . HULlaiU ) , BUM. Jiukjonvlllo , KL Pni-k , in. | iiviuui > tii > n fur CulU-tfu or lliulmnn. For i-atnlvKUo npply to I'l liicl | > d < KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE n-nr FiiANKtour , KY OPKN T . .OdLTH JJi' Ufa Y3AU. Tlio m'cuiul tiinn of lliH nr.idoiilo T < "r O'lxlni lint londay III July nnd elemi llilrcl Wodnundiy lu ) et umber nuxt L'UI. l > K IIDVI ) Hllpl. rotl-O.IIOn. K.MIMIIAI.U. KV OK | , i\INUTON : , MO , BAPTISTFEMALECOLLEBE : * * W A WiLoUN , 1'resiJcat. CENTRAL COLLEGE K WAffa LIZ , u LLAKTOH , rrraid < nt MILITARY ACADEMY HBI-LKIIIS llupi > rlnlgndrnt ion Ofik'i1i - ' < u c > v jaai3. French Monl'ily ' llntfnilno. An Inrnluablu noli t > 'runclnluilenu nnd tum'hurn. Kruu ninilu |