THE OMAHA BEE. JOUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : NO. 12PKAHLSTUEET. Delivered by Carrier in any part of the City. II. W. TIL.TON - MA.NAGKK. TKI.KPHONES. Business Onlcc , No.13. . N'lpht Killtor. No. 23. K. Y. 1' . Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans , 204 Kapp blouK. * . Jf you want v/utur In your ynra or hotno rote Hlxby'c. ixri Merrlutn block. Frnnk Carroll will have it hearing tomor row morning In police court on the charge of being nn inmate of n colored house of pros titution. Another case of diphtheria was reported at thuofllcoof the city clerk. An in fun I child of Christ Johnson , living nt 1007 South Eighth street , wai the victim. Marrlngo licenses WITO issued yesterday to M. C. Broslus and Delia Morrison , both of Omaha , and to William T. Heft of Council HlufTs nnd Kittle A. Doyle of Neola. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Strelght of Plaits- mouth. Nob. , Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Me- Cook , Nob. , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs , W. J. Mnnloy of this city , spent Saturday at Manawa. There will boa yatch ruco tomorrow after noon ut Mnnnwn , between the "J. C. Bixby , " owned by Plnttu Ovcrton , nnd the "Lottie , " of Dr. V' T. Soybcrt. It will be for * 50 a side. side.Tho The poll tax collector states thnt ho ex pects to start a number of suits against delinquents within the nuxt few days. Ho linn prosecuted six already , and more nro to lollow , The young people's society of the Borcan Baptist church will glvo nn entertainment this evening. Supper will bo served from OiBO to 8 o'clock , when a musical nnd literary programme will bo rendered. A night blooming curous was on exhibition last evening nt the residence-of G. 11. Jones , 7Uy My nster street. There were two hueh blos soms bu the plant , whoso fragrance lllled tno nir all nround. The attraction drew qulto a crowd. Dennis K. Gleason of this city and Mrs. K. N. Whlttlcsoy , who formerly lived hero , were married n day or two ago nt the resi dence of friends of the briuo In Chicago. They left for Seattle , Wush. , where they uro now. A telephone message wns received yester day morning nt the olllco of the city marshal , from Glenwood , asking that a watch bo kept for a boy who had escaped from the asylum for fccblo minded children at that place and had started toward this city with a horse and buggy. The following hardware mon of Councl Bluffs have agreed to close their stores nt 7 o'clock every evening during the warm weather , excepting Saturdays and Mondays' Cole & Cole , P. C. Uovol , Charles Swain , II. F. Field , Oacll & , Peterson , It. D. Amy , Shuggnrt & _ bon. Yora Pauline , the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Matlocli , died of cholera in- * * 'fan turn last Saturday , aged four months nnd eighteen days. The four-months-old son of Gcorpo K. Hirtcs and wife died yesterday of tbo same disease. The funerals of the two children'will take place this afternoon at a o'clock. Mnrtha L. Clnybrook died yesterday after , noon at a o'clock ' at the residence of Mrs- Sarah Key , on South Seventh street , where she had been visiting for some time past. She wns llfty years of age. The funeral ser- > ! lcca will bo conducted this morning by Rev. T. J. Mnckny , nnd the remains will bo taken to Kearney , Mo. , for interment. The Commercial Pilgrims of America hnvo found It necessary to lit up an ofilco in order to accommodate the swnrins of dele gates that como In from outside towns to too about Instituting lodges of the order. Thev have secured a tlnely located room In the Shugart Bcno block , overlooking Buyllss park , nnd have furnished it neatly , The Bryson conspiracy case was continued yesterday morning by agreement until next Saturday morning at 10 o'c ork. The bail bond was reduced again from ff > ( ! 0 to $100 by agreement of the uV.ornoys for the prosecu tion. A warrant has been issued in Justice Hammer's court for Bryson on the charge of making malicious threats , and in case ho suc ceeds in gettlne bail it is probable ho wilt bo rcnrrestcd on the new charge. Judge Dcemer rendered decisions yester day In district court in a number of cases which were tried nt the last term of court , lit each of the cases Georco Munroo wns the dclcndnnt , nnd the plaintiffs wern as follows : A. Hospnburjr. Chicago lumber company , A. C. Raymcr , Woolboy & Long , B.' and Wickhnm brothers. In each case the Judg ment , was for the plaintiff. A decision wns nlso given for the plaintiff In the case of AVk'Khnm against Mi's. Sulllo Stlllinan. t'wenty-six prisoners broke out of the city jail last evening. They were all of the canine Biiccicb nnd represented the results of two days' work of the city dog catchers , It was expected that a grand drowning bee would take place yesterday morning under the supervision of the marshal , but owing to the dlsnppenrnnco of the intended victims it wns decided to postpone the entertainment. Someone ono succeeded In opening the door to the pen where tlio dogs were kept , and in this way tb'oy mndo their escape. It is supposed that tl.o dog catchers themselves nro the guilty ones , and it is darkly hinted that the snnfo dogs will becoming back ouo by ono in the next few days. The funeral of Michael Glonson occurred from the St. Kranels Xnvler's Catholls church ycstcTdny morning at Oo'ciock , The services included the full ritual of the church on sol emn occasions nnd were very Impressive. The attendance wns very large. Mr. Glca son Wits ono of the older residents of the city , nnd during his many years horoho had won the love and respect of all with whom ho oamo Into contact. He was horn In Maim , Ttpporary county , Ireland , January 7 , 1&33 , and c'amo to America when ho wns fourteen years of age. The droater part of his active llfo was spent in railroad work. Ho helped to build the ilrst Uock Island track west of Chicago. In August , 1655. ho was united in mnrrliigo to Miss Ellen Usiiils of LnSnllo , 111. There worn ten children In the family that grew up around them , llvo ot whom nro dead. Ho wns a model father and husband , always having a kind word and a pleasant smllu for his children. PU'nlo nt Manhattan bench. Hound trip tickets from Omaha including boat ride. GOc , on sale at news stands at Mlllard and Mur ray hotels. All Aboard forColfUx. For health nnd recreation seek the waters and rest of Colfas Spring , lown. The Chi- fl Ott Hock Island Is selling round trip ncic&ts from Council Buffs and return for J7.1X ) . A. T. Elwell , ticket agent. No. 10 Pearl street. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of Mandol & Klein , Council Bluffs. Prices very lowi frolirht prepaid to yourclty. 1'IiitNO\.l t , 1M It.IG ll.t I'HN. D. W. Archer has returned from n trip to Chicago , J. E. Cotisignoy and wlfo of Avoca nro at the Grand. Fremont Benjamin of Avoca was la the city yostorday. Hov. R L. Hnydcn of Marno mndo a flyinir trip to the Bluffs yesterday. Mrs. John N. Baldwin mid children loft Sunday night for Chicago. John Shlokotanz leaves tomorrow for Texas , where ho will spend the summer. Prof. O , D. Hnkostrmv of Nebraska City was In the city yesterday , the guest of the Grand. Harry Jackson , who has been Union Padllu ticket agent at Sioux City for some months , hoi returned to this city to tuko treatment for his oycs. Ilaby wan tick , we gsre aet tora ! , When die wtui * , CliUd , she cried for CiutorU , Bh become UU , the clung to Ciutorlo , n the had CulVltMU , th gata thorn Ciutoria , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ohautauqna Vi-i ors Treated to a Very Entertaining rebate , SHAKESPEARE'S ' PLAYS WERE USCUSSED , Donnelly nnd I'rof. 0. O. Freeman Kn n e In nn Anlinntcil Controversy Coiiccriiliij ; tlio Cutcbrntud I'rotltiotluns. 'I'ho debate between Ignatius Donnelly nnd I'rof. J. U. Krcotnnn attracted n good crowd to the ( Jhautauiim | nssoinbiy grounds yestur- day afternoon. Ucnh speakers were In their fU'htliiK trim , nnd tlio itcbuto was very inter- e.sting. Most of thi ) nudlenco hud been born nnil brought up In the belief that Shakes * poftt-o had written Hamlet , Macbeth nnd the othur plays which nro eoininnnly attributed to tilm , and they wcro accordingly slightly dlspojed to resent nny trilling with their early belief. It must bo admitted , however , thai when Mr. Donnelly had ilnlshed his first speech , that tno nudlenco hiid como to the conclusion that perhaps ho was right. The main ground upon which Shakespeare's ripht to the credit for Having written the plays was his Illiteracy. The character of Shakespeare , the strolling actor , the pi-elll- gate man of the world , nnd the too often victim of the town whipping post , was thoroughly tllsctmcd , and the idea of sucli n man writing nlnvs which liuvo stood alone In the history of lingllsh literature as master pieces of style , was ridiculed. When Air. Donnelly's forty minutes were up , ho was called to time by n tap of the bell , and Prof. Freeman was given tlio door , tlo took the ground that the Shakespeare plays were written by tin illiterate man , and ho quoted many passsages from them which ho claimed showed that If JJiicun had been wielding the pen they would uavo been very different. Each speaker was also given fifteen min utes In which to answer his opponent. At the close of two hours n truce was called until this afternoon at 2 o'clock , when the clubnto will be reopened. This morning Mr. Donnelly will make an address on the "Funnels' Alliance Movement. " Tills eve ning President Hopkins of the Firat Omaha National bank will address the audlenco on the silver question. Music will be furnished by Miss licrtba Buyllss and I. M. Treynor , and Prof. Uyronv. . King will deliver a number of recitations. Prof. Case left for the cast last evening. The Chicago , Itock Inland ami Pacific Will run trains to the Chautauqua grounds July 12 to 21 , Inclusive , as follows : Leave Council Bluffs : (5:10 ( : a. m. , 7:50 : n. in. , 10:02 : a. in. , 10:1)0 : ) u. m. , liO : ; p. in. , 4:0(1 : ( p. m. , HiUT p. m. , 7IU : ! p. in , Leave Chautauqua : 0:40 : a. m. , S:20 : a. m. , 8:55 : a. in. , 11 : .iO n. in. , 2:20 : p. m. , 5:33 : p. sn. , li:15p. m. , 10:15 p. m. City Council Proceedings * The council mot last evening with the mayor and a full board of aldermen present. M. A. Moore was allowed Sl,4i7..So ) and $ ' . (4.00 ( for special grading , in full settlement of the city's account with him. Tlio cotnmittoo on streets and alleys re ported on a petition from property owners near the corner of Twenty-first avenue and Ninth street asking for sidewalks. In their report they stated that they hunted in vain for anybody in that part , of the city who had signed the petition , and recommended that It be not granted. The report was adopted. Tlio petition for the extension of the paving , curbing and sewerage on Lincoln avenue was granted. Petition for the grading of Avenue E was granted. The plat of Mynster's Upper Broadway addition was adopted. The petition of Peter Thall for lichts on Ninth street nnd Eighth nvciiuo , and Twelfth street and Eighth avenue was granted. Petition of U. J. Hutchison for lights at the corner of Tenth avenue and High street was granted. After u long nnd monotonous round of pav ing nnd grading resolutions nn ordinance , suddenly flashed into view , prohibiting the disturbance of the peace in certain places. In effect the ordinance was as follows : "It shall bo unlawful for nny proprietor , owner , or any ono having charge of any store , hotel , tavern , or other place of business , to allow any snoutlnc1 , profanity or obscenity in his establishment , or any" unlawful tran sactions , or to nllow any ono to loiter around it lu idleness. Any one violating this ordl- nanco shall bo subject to a flno of not less than $ . " > nor more than $100. " This was plainly intended as n blow nt several popular resorts where hilarhy has occussloiiully been on tap of late , and it created something of n stir. Pace thought the city had law enough already if it were enforced , but the twentieth rule was suspended and the ordinance ) was passed. Attention was called to the vast r mount of men and labor it took to do a very little work on the streets , and on motion tno street supervisor wcs authorised to appoint a fore man for every gang of men , whoso duty it should bo to give the lazy ones a "jacking up" whenever they might need It. The petition of property owners for the paving of Frank street , Morning Sloe avenue and Elm street with brica was granted. Drs. Stewart nnd Patty , veterinary sur geons ; 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs' , In. Drs. Wood bury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 143. High grade work a specialty. Gasollno and oil ; CODS , \voou nnd coal prompt delivery. L. G. Kuotts , 27 Main lelcphoni 203. Will llullu a Motor Line , There was a mooting of the Chautnuqua executive committee yesterday morning in the ofllco of Mayno & Hazclton. The com mittee was fully represented and the utmost enthusiasm apparently prevailed. Most of the discussion was on the subject of a motor line and the members of the committco had evidently como to the sumo conclusion that the general public came to como time ago , viz : That the only way to make the assembly a success is to have some bettor way of getting to the ground has yet been devised. After the innttor had been fully discussed it was decided unanimously to build n motor line between tnii city nnd tbo nssoinbiy grounds. An ef fort will bo made to induce some company to take the matter In hand , uut if this falls'th committco itself will take up the worko With this end in view tl\u members themselves - , solves wuro asked for subscriptions , nnd before the meeting adjourned $0,000 had been satsed. A committco was then appointed , consist- hie of F. H. Hill nnd 11. P. O. Glcason , to circulate a subscription list among the citi zens , and the work of raising subscriptions will bo commenced In earnest lu a few days. Try Duquotto & Co.'s Pomona fruitcough tabluts. Tnov are delicious. Hotel Gordon , moat centrally located first- class house in city ; straight $ . u day , , DmiKlitci'H ol' VoteriinH. Miss Lllllo 13. Davis has returned from Iveokuk , whcro she went to attend tlio an nual meeting of the lown state department Daughters of Veterans , as delegate from Mrs , Phil Sheridan tent , No. 8 , of this city. While there she succeeded m having Council Bluffs selected as the place for the holding of the next btuto encampment of the Daughters of Veterans , a thing which" the members of the camp , as well as the citizens in funeral , will bo glad to hoar. Miss Davis was also elected senior vice prcaldcut of the state de partment , Miss llalllo Spern , president of tno Mrs. Phil Sheridan tent , is another Council Bluffs young lady who was honored at the same convention. She was elected secretary of the Iowa state department , and was chosen delegate from the Iowa depart * meiit to attend the national convention to bo held at MaJbUon , O. , a week from today. Uuiitpeil lu the Oltuli. City Auditor J , C. LSIIRO and wlfo teen a trip to Mannwa lost Sunday night , That Is , they started for that place , but on tbo way f they met with nn accident that disgusted them with summer reports on general prin ciples , A young son ol Mr. Lnr.g was driv ing. Ho attempted to drive around a bad place In the road and in so doing ho struck a worse place In the cutter. There proved to bo a sleep place at the sldo of the road nnd the buggy went In u sidling fashion down thU , shilling at the bottom upside down. Ono of the roar wheels was broken and the whole fiiinllv dumped out In a heap In the ditch. They were all considerably bruised , but wcro not otherwise hurt. The only dam age that was done was the breaking of Mr. Lango's buggy wheel nnd the loss of Mr. Lange's temper. _ Sumlny'H Grist. In police court yesterday morning U , O. Uank was brought up for n trial on the charge of threatening to kill Charles Noonan for making love to his wife. He was dis charged. Adolph Antonio , charged with hitting Al Lovl's Jaw with n huge lump of coal , was nlso discharged , as Lovl , on iniuuro delibera tion , decided that ho was unable to say whether It was Antonio or some one else that did the hitting. F. L. Speck wns charged with beating n board bill when ho was arrested , but the charge was afterward changed to that of larceny , as it was claimed that ho had taken n comb , brush nnd towel from L. Sherwootl's boarding house near the Broadway Methodist church. Ho was found guilty and sentenced to spend seven dnys in the county jail. Speck went to Dr Plnney's house Saturday night , snying ho had boon sent there by Bert , whom ho spoke of very familiarly , for n suit of clothes. Ho was regarded with some suspicion , and his request was not granted. It was found later that he had r.dded lying to his other accomplishments. Ho is thought to bo some thing of a coulldonco man in an amateurish way. S. J. Smith , the phonograph man who was nrrostcd for giving n street exhibition with out a license , wns discharged upon his agreeing to talto out n license. Pnddo Hunt was trlvcn seven days In jail for drunkenness. Drs. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur geons , 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs la. Swanson music company , 335 Broadway. Don't wenr a heavy , ill-fitting suit when you can got elegant summer suits nnd eastern prices at Heller's the tailor , 310 Broadway. And tlio Vllllan Still Pursued Her. Chnrles Jones , a young negro who has achieved a largo sized local reputation as a politician , was arrested yesterday morning on an Information filed in Justice Swcar- tngcn's court , charging him with kidnapping. The Information was tiled by Birdie Allen , a mulatto who has been living with him for some time past. She took a notion last Sat urday night shnt she would leave Jones and go to Ked Ouk , where she had a situation more to h > r. liking. She laid all her plans to go , but at the last moment Jones grabbed thaplcanninny nnd made for the door. She sought tbo assistance of Justice Swcnrinpcn , anil while she was in his ofllcc Jones came in with the child. Swcariniron advised him to give up the child to its mother , which he did. The woman then started for the depot in a hack. As she alighted from the hack Jones sprang out of n dark corner nnd seizing the baby out of her amis ran off with it acain. She decided not to go at once , but to stop nnd prosoctito her dusky lover. Jones will have a hearing Ibis morning at9 o'clock. Pianos , organs , C. B. Music Co.,530 B'way. O. Younkcrman & Co , , feed and commis sion , 10S Broadway , Council Bluffs. Tel. 77. Mrs. It.V. Itnin. Isabella E. , wife of Robert F. Rain , died yesterday noon of congestion of the brain alter a year's illness. She was born in Glas gow , Scotland , September 23 , 1845 , and came to this city with her parents in 1851. In 1S01 she was married to her husband , who still survives her. She leaves six children lo mourn her loss. She also leaves two sister ? , Mrs , S. G. Underwood and Mrs , A. Gullbert , and thrco brothers , J. H. McPherson of this city , Kobert McPherson of Huiclcr , Neb. , and Adam MoPhorson of Central City , Nob. The announcement of tbo funeral will be made later. " SOUTH OMAHA'S COUNC1U. Much Business of Interest Iookca After ut a Special Sousion. The South Omaha council mot In adiourned sesssion last evening. Mayor Sloano pre sided nnd Councilinen Rowley , Wood , Daugherty , Haley , Bowloy , O'Uourko , Con- ley and Wallers were In their scats. The ilconso committee recommended that licenses bo granted to the following persons to sell liquors : Thomas Rock , Bruno Strnth- mann , Fred Bolelt , Daniel Raffcrty , Anton Kostal , Joseph Kuijtz , Lsmberg & Hager- down , T. E. "Langmore , and Charless Durr. The application of Thomas Healy was laid over until the next meeting and licenses were ordered issued to the remainder of the appli cants. Ordinance No. 295 was introduced and passed providing for the levy tff a tax for general purposes. ' The levy is as follows : General fund , 10 'mills ; interest fund , 10 mills ; police fund , 5 mills ; flro nnd wnter fund , U mills ; judgment , 3 mills ; totnl , 31 mills. Ordinance No. 200. ordering n sidewalk laid on the south side of O strcel from Twenty- second to Twenty-third street , was acted. A protest against the established grade on North Twenty-third street was referred to the street committee. A petition | from property owners asking that the grade on Twenty-first street , from G to K stvcots , bo changed wns referred to tbo street committoo. John Holick asked to bo appointed to the flro department. His application was referred to the mayor. The city engineer made approximate esti mates of tlio following : For storm water sewer on N , from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth street. $ .1,700. For paving Missouri avenue from Thirteenth to Twentieth street , Twen tieth street , from Missouri avenue lo Lstreut nnd L street from Twentieth to Twenty- fourth street , with brick , property 14,211 square yards , $15f > 7'.t.80. Intersections 5,43 $ square yards , fl,7SS.40. ) Total , 10,04 ! ) square yards , J , iiS.0. : ! For paving N streetwith brick from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth streets , property 4,720 yards , $ $ ,4W. Inter sections , a07 ' square yards , S4,0O.GO. , Total , 0lb7 ! square yards , * 12,57ti.OO. W. Burncss sent in a communication that ho had completed the flro house nt Thirty- first and R streets and aKcd that the coun cil accent the samo. The committee on pub lic buildings will Investigate. ) A communication from the G. H. Hammond mend packing company was read giving per mission for the erection of a stairway to the O strout viaduct by packing house employes. The council instructed the city engineer and committco op streets to oversee the work. The mayor approved or the bonds of J. R. Ragan , grading ; Cash Brothers , grading , nnd L. B. Stanley , sewer construction. The question of who the now team be longed lo which has been furnishing excite ment for the llro boys In breaking in , wns' brought up and Chief Smith stated that they were presented by the Cudahy packing com pany. Rowley moved that "a committee of three tie appointed to drive the team over to Mr. Cudahy nnd sno if ho ho thlnus it will defer for u tire loam. " Tbo motion prevailed , and Rowley , Bowloy and Wallers were ap pointed. A motion by Haley to create a paving dis trict of Missouri avenue from Thirteenth to Twentieth street , Twentieth street to L strcol , and L slreot to Twenty-fourth street , was defeated , Daugheriy from the committee to Investi gate the advisability of accepting the plans for the frame city hall which were presented by Councilman Walters , reported adversely nnd submitted plans and specifications drawn by Architect Ballou for u two-story brick structure. The matter was referred to the committee of the wholo. On motion of Walters the council wont Into executive session ut 0:55 : anil remained until 11:05 : o'clock. The council then went into committee of tbo whole. On motion a coinmltleo wtts appointed to look up iho question of dispos ing of district paving bonds. On motion of Daugherty a committco of three wns appointed to receive propositions for the erection ol a city hall , the plans submitted by Architect IJullou being accented , Councllrnen Wood , Duughorty and Haley uro the committco. Tbo board of equalization made Its report and tbo sumo was accepted , Haley moved that the South Omaha Tribune bo declared the ouMclut'y'apor tot- the ensuing year. The UiscusslorvivbrouRht out thn fact that tbo letting of > tlio contract , In that way would bo Illegal , ixevdlds must be advertised for. The motion ivn lost , O'Uourko moved that tbd'Ivonimlttce on printing ndvertlso for bids. ' i A motion prevailed that tWt'rmuicIl ' sit as n board of equalization July 28 n'ml 20 for the purpose of equalizing the nssessmenti upon the property In paving distrl6l"No. 4 , A grading district was created of Twenti eth street from Q to Armour all-cut. An adjournment wai taUcu until next Monday evening. > , ; jMo.v/ii1 roil A tallow cnndlo may light np ns much hap piness as a lamp of gold. Bridesmaids' HoWcr bonnets nro simply crownless toques of flowers. It wns , pernaps , of the ostrich plume thnt the expression "In high feather" was first Used. An odd bonnet Is of two largo black wiugii studded with turquoise , black tilgreUo and turquoise velvet , Grnvs , Instead of being on the decline , grow in-favor with tbo advance of thoseasou. White Is also popular. The forehanded woman buys her sealskins now. The restricted seal catch will certainly have the effect of boosting prices. The garters of Phlladelohla cost ? I)0,003 ( ) n year , n sum suniclont to support 00 fumlllo.i of tlvo persons each for a whole year. The style of dross decoration which re quires a braid up the back nnd over oneh shoulder gives a girl the effect of wearing suspenders. A fashion wrltor who Is bold enough to predict next winter's fashions says the short jacket will continue to bold the dead cinch on feminine fancy. Accordion plaltlngs seem likely to bo fash- lonablo again , for the very latest style of costume - tumo Is that mndo entirely lu accordion plaits of very line woolen. First-mourning dresses for wldo'vs mnV bo entirely of crape , if tbo wearer desires. Mostlodios. however , prefer a dross of very flno medium-weight. Ho You told mo before wo were married that you could llvo on lovo. and now you touch mo for a $ it ) bonnet. She Yes , dear ; but it is a love of a bonnet. Collars continue to grow In height. , In the back they often roach to within an Inch of the crown of the hat , leaving barely space for the Phsycho knot to poop forta. Silver as n handle for umbrella ? and para sols is declining somewhat In favor. In Its place tboro is the dainty Dresden china , which can bo obtained in all tints. A pretty costume for seaside wear is a vieux-bluo woolen stuff , with an open bodlco nnd basque edged with black vclvot ribbon. The slcovcs were of black spotted tullo. The new gloves In suede kid , of the tint called Egyptian pink , are very fashionably worn with carriage and evening toilets. The shade is much like the color of nu ovor-ripo raspberry. Wtuto China silk Is a favorite material for these summer afternoon carriage dresses , and with them go all the the dainty white accessories series that could possibly bo combined in anyone ono toilet. The very sheer woollens and wash sillts for blouses for the house , for traveling , and for tennis have fancy stripes doitod with contrasting color or narrow irregular stripes forming broad oi\oi. The newest brocades have largo conven tional patterns of scrolls and foliage , zig-zair and curved stripes , interlaced cables and ribbons bens , and largo designs ol fan palms with n thick cord-llkooutline. The costliest drosso In the world nro worn by Iho women of Sumatoa. 'They are made of pure gold und silvnr. After the metal is mined and .smelted it is formed into ilno wire , which is woven into cloth , and after wards made into a dress. Some of the prettiest dresses worn at church during the warm days are of sheer homespun or light cheviot in mixed colors , or narrow stripes invisibly blending in a soft harmony of shades. The bodlco mnyi bo of the shot taffeta silK , fnillo or satin suruh. A bridesmaid's pin that Is In favor is a long , slender cold band , oil which are sot in diamonds the figures-of the year when the marriage took place , 18U1. wrought out in small rose diamonds forming a very brilliant ornament , that can bo used for a hucklo at the waist as well as for the throat pin. A ravishing "robo do null" tuat went to make up the trousseau of one ot our Juno brides was made of soft mullo. The yoke was shirred , making a frill at the neck , a wiae hem around the bottom of the gown nnd wide hems to finish the Hawing bell-shaped sleeves. Ono of the curious sights at summer hotels and seaside cuttagcs it the bedroom windows in which whlto canvas and kid slippers are hung to dry. Those shoes being reckoned among fashon's whims at the moment , they absorb no small amount of time nnd attention in being kept cloan. A novel bathing dross is made of coarse meshed laco. The material Is the same as that used for canopies , , draperies , and the HXo. Several thicknesses of lace are placed together , the result being an opaqua material through which Water passes with perfect ease and which does not become heavy when wot. wot.Shirt Shirt , fronts are multiplying , and are made of iisher's not , polka-dotted silks , bright red surah , plain or dotted with black or white ; also on dressy toilets they nro made of satin- striped chlflon , ilowor-pdntod silk muslin , crepe do china and English crape in tints of damaslc rose , sea-shell pink , Persian lilac , sulphur and chartreuse green. The smartest ball dross soon this season is an old rose chiffon , made with skirt of danc ing length and n hodico of vclvot exactly the color of thp lighter material ; about the skirt , in rows arranged to represent stiff bows and ends , is feather trimming of the rose shade carefully applioued on ; the necit is outlined with pink feathers , a pink feather algrotto is worn in the hair , a pink feather fan is car ried , and the long undressed kid gloves are 'pitik. ' The most pictucesquo sleov'O of today , and yet the ono which seems to have found the fewest number of admirers m this countryis the perfect Valois alcove. Sarah Bernhardt appreciates its beauty ; so does Lnngtry. It is slightly full on'jugh raised a very little ; shanos In at the elbow ; tits the arm quito closely , butouslb1 ; comes down in a point over the band , the end of the point being usually Just where the dimples aro. There are worn this season among the younger mom bars of Now York's 400 omo exceedingly pretty India muslins In silky , openwork designs , und of the soft , neutral gray of undyed linen. The textiles are striped In innuro. yellow- tan , clel blue , and rose color. They are made up over surah and trimmed with wide ecru embroideries , the trimmings usually including a Swiss girdle , rounding Spanish Jacket and deep cuff. cuff.When the yountr womanfgpcs to the seashore - shore she will tauo off tho.tailor bat and replace - place it with n middy's peaked cap of striped blue and whlto. And for gloves she will wear wash-leather guantlcts or whlto Tyrol outing gloves , An anchor u 111 fastpn the neck of her gown and n broad canvas : strap will con fine the slender outline of' ' her waist. The yellow parasol will bo laidMendurly away for later use nnd the dagger hi ( the buck hair will bo replaced by four little mido comb ? , war ranted to hold the Psycho i. knot In pluco through the vicissitudes of- rushing winds and dampening spray , .it' At Helena. Mont. , llghtrifhg shattered n loaded Winchester rifle stHlidtng In u house , but not a cartridge was exploded. Belfast. Mo. , has a iuiinuo chum to no toriety. The Ago says Jth t not n single hand-organ man has vlsltod , the city this your. A Michigan grocer has a mouse thnt catches flics. Ho keeps it in his show win dow , where It does butter work than a squuro yard of fly paper. Twelve oranges , which grew on a twig six inches long lu George Stone's grove , near Do Land , Flu. , completely filled a peek measure ana weighed thirty-five pounds. Swarms of big files swooped down on East- port , Mo. , iho other afternoon , making Ufa there miserable for the time they remained. Whorolhoy came from U u mystery. A very curious coincidence happened at Kawandn Falls , Pa. , on trie Fourth , Five men , all strangers , met , and on Mag Intro duced each was found to be John A. Llbson. An iron last was made at Spencc , Baggs it Co.'s foundry at Martin's Ferry for John Farnhouso of Charlotte , N. 0. The lust was 201.1 inches long and 7' ; Inches wide. The colored preacher who own the but foot is U feet 10 Inches high and weighs 410 pounds. A citizen of Chestnut Ridge , Pa. , owns a tame crow Ihat.U remarkably Intelligent. Last summer ho spill the bird's tongue nnd taught him to talk. The crow delights In calling the cows , nnd will laugh Immodor- ( ntely when ho succeeds lit fooling the dog and cat. cat.The The oldest frcnk In Connecticut this season 's ' a double-headed duckling belonging to n resident of the Connecticut river village of Essex , that lua old duck hatched on Sunday morning. Tile young duck Is ono of n largo brood nnd quite as halo and frisky ns the rest of the young ones , The heads are united nt the base of the liillo duck's neck. Ho can oat twlco as fast ns tlin other ducklings nnd can "look two ways for Sunday" or nny other day.A . A strange metamorphosis In the heavens was visible nt Wassntuonotn , O. , the other evening. An Immense cylinder cloud , over looking from west to enst nnd traveling with great rapidity , piUi'od over the town in the same direction. It wns black and gray In color and as It revolved Its colors changed. What It was no ono seems to know , but It attracted lituuln ilslntotho siroeta nnd house tops , who watched It until it disappeared in the western heaven * .Mine oil Flro. Mich. , July 20. Flro broke out in No. 5 shaft of the Great Republic iron mines In this county nt 1 o'c'ocit tula morn ing. The surfnco lire wns extinguished , but not before it had communi cated to the timbering of No. 5 nnd 0 shafts , which nro now burning fiercely. The llro Is spreading underground. Part of No. 5 shaft hanging wall has already caved In and the direct nnd indirect loss will bo great. The night men escaped by another shaft. The Republic employs nearly 1,000 men. Police .Vo < ; i. George Harper the noted harness thief is once inoro behind the bars. An oftlcor found Hnrpor ( touting around out on Cumlng street with n bridle , lines and lap robe and sent him down to a cell for safe keeping. Pat Ford , jr. , was sentenced lo thirty ti ays in thn county Jail yesterday afternoon for ciUting A. L. Siowart in a saloon tight last Friday night. CriiHlied to a Jelly. BIU.MINOIIAM , Ala. , July'JO. At Plnetucky , n Clobnrno county gold mine , today T. R- Blnko , bos , and thrco minors wore caught by the caving in of n shaft. They wore burled under n mass of stone nnd dirt for an hour before being rescued. Tom Roundtreo was crushed to n jelly and two other minors wcro terribly bruised. Blake escaped un hurt. Ordered to Prosecute TruntN. ST. Louis , July 20. United States Attor ney Reynolds is in receipt of a letter from Attorney General Miller instructing him to vigorously prosecute all trusts located In the state of Missouri in conformity with the anti-trust low passed by the last congress. They Foiiplit Over a Sawmill. LOUISVII.LI : , Ivy. , July 20. Near Camp- bellsvlllo yesterday. Jack Fisher mortally wounded John Kirtloy. They had n dispute over a sawmill and Kirtloy attacked Fisher with a knife , whereupon Fisher shot him. Fisher surrendered himself. American Lonii and Trust Debts. NeivYoKK , July 20. The report of the receiver of the American loan and trust company shows that there nro claims nggre- | gating $700,40S.IS on which ho has money to ' pay n 35 per cent dividend. The unsecured claims swell the debts to a total of fc.Y'93,512. Endymion Diminjr-d in Mid-Ocean. New YOUKJuly S20. The steamer Endymion , which sailed for this port from Barrow , Eng. , on Juuo 27 , was spoken on July 14 by the White Star steamer Taurus in mid-ocean. The Endymion then had her crank broken nnd she wns laying to for repairs. An offer of assistance by the Taurus'was declined. Architect Itall'N Appointment. CIIICAOO , July 20. Architect M. E. Bell , superintendent of construction of the govern ment building , has received an appointment from Secretary Foster placing him in charge of the construction of the federal world's fair exhibit building. Captured After a I. OUR rhnse. WASHINGTON- , July 20. Lorin B. Loomis. at one time a member of a large land claim in Chicago , was captured today after a chase of 10,000 miles for the embezzlement of 538,000 of the firm's money some months ago. lom Pedro III. P.nis , July 20. Dom Pedro , ox-emporor of Brazil , Is very ill at Vichy. Ho recently met with an accident , sustaining nn injury to ono of his feet , which was followed by gangrene. Nc < * otintliii for flight ol'IVay. BAI.TI.MOHE , Md. , July 20. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad company is negotlaling for right of way into Chicago by which the com pany can run its irains direct to the exposition grounds. PniRBlan Governor * ) Appointed. BIKMX : , JUly 20.Tho Cologne Gazotlo an nounces that Herr Von Gessle has been ap pointed governor of West Prussia and Count Von Stoborger Wernigrodo governor of East Prussia. n Growing AVonkcr. LONDON , July 20. Spurgeon passed a rest ess night , and this morning has again grown weaker. El'jln I'littcr Market. EI.OIN , III. , July 20. Butter firm ; sales , 30,000 pounds at 17 cents. Holensed From Custody. Niw : YOIIK , July 20. William McNear , a Boston seaman , recently of Iho yacht Volun teer , was released from the United Stales MS EUPULOTJJ IMITATORS hivvo sought to profit by the high reputation of Joliiuin Holt's Mnlt Kxtruet. Bownroof them. I [ Look for the signature of i Jolmnn IIolT" on the neck of , every bottlo. Eisner & Mon- Sf $ ilolsori Co. , 6 Burul.iy Streets , Now York , agonts. warship Ohlenjjo.'nftcr a week's conllnciucnt on the charge nf being n di'sertor from the United Stntos nnvy. Ho wns ml Ulcntlllcd on nny of the war vessels from which ho wns supposed to have deserted while Iho Mjund * ron was In Boston recently ana when re leased started for Host-in , when ) ho was ar rested nnd whore ho savn ho will bring null for wrongful arrest and detention. It Worked Boston Transcript : Buss Thnt wns n most retnnrknblo tiling that liiujponuil to Jones. Cnss Wlmt was Hint ? Hiss : Why , ho was as gray ns a badger - gor , you Unow , nnil sooltig the advortlso- inont of sotuo hair restorer or other , ho bought a bottle , and In n month's time ho hadn't a gray hnlr In his head. Cuss You don't moan It. Lloninrknhio euro thnt. Buss No , sir , not a gray hntr in his head. Uo wns perfectly bald. CAWOERS , SCROFULA , SALT RHEUM , RHEUMATISM , SLOOD POISON. nnd every kindred diseneo arising from iuiptiro blood successful ! } ' treated by that never-falling and best of nil tonics and medicines , Books on Hlood nnd Skin Diseases free. Printed tcbtlmoulnls sent on application. Address Tno Swift Specific Co , , ATLANTA. CA. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOHSAIjB An Improved 20 uoro garden , W.tvO : Rood ( 'union nnil fruit land. SH'i pur ncro ; ' 00 ncre farm near the city at n bin tmr- iriiln If tiikon at oiicii. Call nnd , ? ot partlcu- Inrs. Johnston & VunPatlon , Council ItlnlT.s , Iowa. \\7ANTKIV-A cnachmnn by Pr. W. II. ' Hnnuhntt , K.1 I'lno street , Omaha. Kef- crencoa roi FOK SALE MX bond of horses , throe mnlns. wiiuons. harness , plows nnd hcrUpora. Hla fmrznln to tr.ilek purchaser. Inqulru ut Kiel's hotel , I'oiincll HiulTs. / * > UM wanted 113 Cllon Avenuo. V\7 ANTED In private family , a nlculy fur- TT nlshed room for slirtlo gentleman. Must bo fnoln ; or no ir llavllss park. Address I' . U. bov 4'i2 , Council HlulTs. TJ1OH HUNT A nlco G-room house with - * - largo vard to dcslrabln party free of charge. JV. . pqiilro , 01 t'oarl street. \\7ANTRn-airI nt boardlnsj hotisp , 5.1 IT Savunth avenue. Council I HOKSKilmt can bonl Sift , line bred. Will mil or trade. Address or call on I ) . Itrown , 1 2 : went llroul\viy. : : Council lllnll's. I'OIl SALE A flno niece of Burden and fruit land , at $ . " > 0 pur acre. John.stcm At Vun- I'lttten. CLiAlItVOYANTund syuhoinolrlc , or char- acU'r roaclliiRs : ulscrtlliiKiiosls of disease , neiul look of hilr : for ruiullncs by letter. Sun- Says and evenings. Mrs. E. Hooper. 1122 A ve il no 13 , near corner 13th btrvot , Council ItlnllH , Terms , 5)o ) and * ; . ( ) ) . MAdNTl'MCENT ' aero uroporty In llve-npro tracts , located 'JVJ miles from poituflluo. for snln on reasonable tunns Koine line rusl- clenco property for runt bv Oay.t lluss. FOIO.VtiE nr HanV 3irdoa land , with houaet. ot J. It lUao. Wl .Mala U. . OouaaU Bluff * ? from the effects ol youthful errori early decay , wnMluK weakness , lost nmnliood , etc. I will send n valuable treottue ( waled ) contalnlnj full particulars for home cure , FUUli or chanto Aprilcnilld medical work | should be read by even man who Is nfrvotn ftnrt debilitated. Adarcrt t'rof. F. C. FOWLER. OToodUB. Couil SANDAI-WOOD CAI > SUIUS nro the b Jt nnd only cupnulus piuicrlhud bv j-p iiiur phy lclani for the euro of Gonorrhrc.i nnd dUcharue-f from thu urinary or ana Inherited or acquired , 11.50 per bux. All clruuk'lsta CITIZENS STATE BAffi Or Council Bluffe. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . . . 225.000 DliiECTOiiu I. A. . Mlllor , F. O. QlBason , E. U BhUKart. B. E. Hart. J. U. Edmundsoti , Unarloi 1C. Iliuman. Tr.imaot Uankltu bmi- ness Lar.-ost and surpliu et any banlcln Buuthwoitorn Iowa INTtiRESroN TIM DEMOS'T > Gas Heating Stores. No ASHES ! No SMOKE. Just the thins for bath rooms , lied rnorns , oti Call and hue our lar o ussui-tmmit. C. B. Gas nnd Elootrla Light Co. Sit 1'uarl HH.I ' . ' 10 Main Street. NEWOGDEN HOTEL. Centrally located in the business portion of Council Bluffs , all the street cat * lines In the city passing the doot' . Modern and conven ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 12O guest chambers. The best $2 a day house in the west. Board and room from $3O per month up. Table board $3 per week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr. ft Summer Lake Manawa Hotel , Attraction * ) : I'lno Flahlnz. floating , Bath- * Inp and Kxcelleut Mineral Wntor. Only Illtcon mliiuto * rlilo from Con neil 11 In IT s. Motor trains every half hour , dlrcot to center.of Council ItlttlTi and Umalm , Most di'llg htful and accosslblu uluoo for plcnlo nartlcs. TELEPHONE NO. 45. Di'.M. H. CHAMBERS Eye , Ear , Nose and Throat SURGEON , .Council niulTs , In , Slit.rnrt-Hcno ( H'lc. llooni 1. 1) ) lo 12 m 7 nnd 8 p. in. 27 MAIN STUEET. Over O. D. Jiicnuomln & Co. , Jewelry Sto FirstNational : - : - Bank -UK COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 1'nld Up Cnutdil , . . . . $100,003 UUIait orrf.inlzctl In the cltr. Korean nnj tlomcUic uu'liunxu nnd local auoiirltld * . IJuucli nUfiitlim pn''l lu iMllocllont , .VuOJIilUof Intuit uuli. iMinki , b.tnkiirtundojrpdr.itluiiA JOlljitJt. Jo. ru-tpoiulonco Invliotl. GKO. t1. bANKOltlt. I'ro ltont A. W. IU 1C KM AN , Cashlar A. T. IUU1S , Aa'Ut- Cnshlor QR.AMD . , Council Bluffs , In. This Eleguntly Appointed Hotel is Now Open. George T. Phelps , Manager RR1LWRY TIME GflRD Lea TIM IClllUACJO. lliniMNUTU.V A O..I Arrives Omaha. J Depot IQtli anil Ma.on St * . . | Ouinlin. 4. : > o P ni . ( . 'hlcaito Voitllmlo. H.OO n m VM a in MM a m I'-iM ' p m . ( lilcngo . ti.y > p m ( t.f-0 p ill . Chlc.vjo & luwii Ldcnl 8.15 n m J.onvos | IIUUl.lNliTON , t MO. IllVICIt. i Arrives Oinulin. I Depot lUtli nnd MM-oil Sti. i Onuilm ! i.W : n ' | . . . . > n4 City liny KxiinHi. . . . ! S.65 p m D.I5 P m 11C. C. Night I'ixp. vl U. 1' . Train. I li.45 am J.CIITC.I L'NION 1'AOlKia I Arrive * . ! O in aim. Depot lOlh nnd M.ircr 8U. I Omaha. 10.10 * : n .Kaniiu Ultr rtrprosi ( ot Sun. ) . 4.35 p m 0.13 a in Denver Kxpresi 4.00 ! > m 2.03 ) ) ui Ovorlnnil Myur 0.05 p m 4.3) p m . . ( iraml Islam ! Hip. ( o * . Sun ) . . 11.5 a m 7.JJ p in . .t'iidtlo Kxprosi a.110 p m Leave * CTlICAlH ) . Mil A ST. I'AUli. ' Arrive Jiii.ihj U. , iluput , nil I Miro.1:1 , I Omaha C..M p m ; TciilciiKO Kxurcsi I .6U TO ' .1.15 amj , < .hlcax Kxprcsi I 11.10 m lA'IUOl t CIlll'AIJO. U. 1. & I'ACIHO. I Arnvoi Omahn. I U. 1' . tlupot. IQtli nnil Mnrey rit . I Oinulia. Tii'.lTp iii T.N'Inht Hi prom ! ! i.W"t. m I'.l.'i in Atlantic Kxproii U..U p nl Vostllmlo J.lmlleil M0.65 a m SIOUX ClTV.t I'AUIKIU Arrives Omaha. Depot 10ti ! and Murcy SU Omnlm. 7.15 a nil .Sioux City Passenger . 10.20 p m b.11.1 p in I f t. I'aul Kxpreis . I0.5J a lit Leivai I SlOtX ; U1T\-A 1'AUII'1U. I Arrlroi nrtlia. I IJupot l.'itli antl WolHtar Sti. | Omaha , 4 Mpml _ _ _ . _ . . , . . .St. I'aul Limited I I'.ij ' n m io-iv67TTfUCAliO X NOIITIIWKSTKIIN. I Arrival Oiiiah.i. I J. I * , ilupot , 10th anilMiiroy Stt , I Omaha. liUIIVO . O\t VU.V fc SI' . LOaid A rri TO Onnilm.lU , 1' . depot , 10th ant Mirer St * . O in aha l.l/J p ml SI , lnil.i ( .nniKin Hall | l'ii ; p m Leave F. . 1C. * MO. VAU.KY. Onuilm. Depot 15th and Wouilor St * . Omaha. 1.CUVO1 u. . ST. r. , M. &o. Arrives Omaha. Depot 15th and Webster Htn. Omahn. . . . . . , MlSdOUItl 1'ALIFIU. Arrival Oni'iU.i. ' I Depot 15th inul V.'uhitcT Stt. I Omaha lO.'M n in . . . . . loiil.4 iV K. O. Kxprnsa. . . H.U ! ) a m. IU10 p . . . . . LuulB \ K. U. IQxpruiH. . . S.gQ p in. l.cnvui I K. ( * . , ST. JOK A C. II , I Arrives. Transfer ! Union Depot , Council IllunX ITranafcr " 10.0,1 a in.KnliMH | ( 'Ity Day I5xpre-u , . . . . | 6.43 p m 10,15 p iii.Kanaa | * . City NlKht Kiprum. , . | U.'JJ a m icavei titiOAio ; ( , u. i. .v rAuiKit ; . Arrive o Tinnfor Union Diliint , Council MlilIH. Transfer C.KI : p m ) NUlit KxpniHK. . . . U.o.i a m tlo ICxprai * . . . , 6.UO p m | Vlittlliiilo Ijlniltprt. T cimiT I ' . "HTSTlO < i NOIU'lTWiiCd I'l'JHN. Trnni r | tJnliiu l > uiit | , Council Dluir * . ll.V ) a'm . Chlcnzo 'j. ( l p m .Vontlliulu I.lmltol. , O.UO p m .ICmtorn Kljor. . . H.w p m .Athiiitlc .Mull C..7J p m luwa Accommodation ( Sat. only ) O.MA1IA , VriT. 1.1'UIS. ' Tran roi | Unliin liaput , Council mult . 4T4U pTaj'.rr..9t.'r. < iiil < Caiion'Uail. . . " p m " " " " " I.ottvoi It fflOAfiO , HUllf.rN"A""yUlN'V" ' ) Arrival Trnn f irl Union Depot , Council HIiilN , Triunfer ti.10 m 77.'lilcaKO Kziro.iii | il.lW p m 10.00 p in Chlciun Kxpn 9 40 a m JMJJ p in Lronlun 1/uoiil IS a m Leaven I SIOUX CITY A 1'ACIKII ) . Trarmurl Union Do.ot , Co inisll ISIilT. 7.45 a ill , . . Sioux City Accommodation. . . Utf p m | . St. I'aul )2xuro9 ) . . . . . STIlKNCJTIl-CltACK-Haiip'ly united In the bulmllu Kund Wii on , In the pruionuu ot thonsaiuls of mlm.rurs , All Stron.'tli ami Trno llnico. At hoiuu with Wulr-Shuf.ut ufu-r.liuiL' 1st , Kpr the result of tilts hajipy union loolt ut this exquisitely bo.'iutlfii now novolty. the lW\l \ , Oraooful , Strong 8 4 With either grained hody nnd cear or onrmlnoKoar nnil hliiok hotly , solid panel undortho loutliur orcl Hh fancy trimming , j Hprlii s with heavy uui'vcs the whole ovurcoiniiiguhiolutely tnu KrcUtohJuctlon to road Wiia'oin thulr heavy anil alniimyupiuarant'0. | and unit * lnur struiutli , beauty nnd gnico. Hend for for catalogue and clusorlptlon of the Nuw Hlco Celled Sprlii't Carriage , "Tho Driiiiinicr's Trlund , " und other now and * taking novel tics. WoKiiurunti'u nutter vuluea than any other house In the west , WEIR SHUGART CO. . , Council Bluffs , la