8 TJ-Ufl OMATTA DAILY BJfiE : SUNDAY , JUJA' 11) ) , 1891-TWELVE PAGES. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. An Extraordinary Array of Mld-2ummor Bargains. SHOE DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. Special ImluoiMiioiitH In AVimli HI1UH , French < lialllH and Hntconw , Or- lcH , Imilorwonr , NnltiHook , COIMMH , liluzcrx , $ .0. . SILKS. 21 Inch wash silks , roKulnr price $1.00 nnd $1.10 , rocduced to 7Uo. All of our IliKi 21 inch printed China Bilks woith from $1.00 to$1.2 : > reduced to Ode. Hlaclc Japanese hilk , regular price 81.00 , reduced to 76c. French all wool ohallls , worth 70c ; reduced - duced tooOe. Half wool ohnllls , regular price 20c ; reduced to 16o. French sateens , regular We quality , reduced to loc. Tufsnh cloth , worth 20c ; reduced to I6e. outIHc qual- Uhiek Htrlpod organdy , out- liy ; reduced to 12jc. Faille batiste , just the thing for sum mer dresses , worth Ifie ; reduced to lOe. Extra quality challiB , regular prieo Hie nnd 12Je ; reduced to fie. TiMiua pongee , reduced from 15cto lOe BLACK SATEEN , 20e. 10 piecen extra line henrietta. fast hlnck Hateon , regular value 30c , reduced to 2e. ( ) Half wool honriottn , 27 Inches wide , in crays , drabs , blue nnd greens , worth Me , ualo price loo. Hoys' llannolctto shirt waists , regular price 8-C , reduced to ( > 2e. } Our ladioa' fast black cotton nose , regular COe quality , reduced to 'We. ' For 25e you can'buy our regular 33c Indies' fast black cotton hoso. Fine Swiss ribbed vests in cent and while , well worth 4oc , reduced to 2"e. . Fine lisle vests in blaert , cream , while , pink and blue , Ce ! ) , reduced from fcflc and * 1.00. 100 do/en extra largo , heavy Turkish bath towels , extra value , 2"c each. 2doon / full blenched , extra largo Turkish bath towels , regular price , -IUc ; reduced to 30c. 60 do/en Turkish bath towel" , good value at 20e ; sale price , 16o. CO dozen ! ! ! bleached damask napUins , genuine water twist , $1.87j ; good value at $2.60. 60 do/.cn 3-1 blenched damask napkins , extra boft linish , worth JIf.fiO ; now $2.75. BLEACIIEu DAMASK. V "o have just opened and will place on sale Monday n largo purchase of 02 and 70-inch genuine water twist bleached damask , in choice patterns , at the ex tremely low price of 80o and $1.00 per yard. "Wo will soil you , Monday , a pure linen huck towel , extra quality , size 22x21 , at "lc each. Regular 2 c quality. WHITE NAINSOOK , 8c. fid pieces white nainsook , in a largo assortment of checks , regular price 11 je , reduced to He. LADIES' WAISTS. Ladies' fast blacic sateen waists , plaited back nnd front , turned collars and cuffs , at the low price of $1.00. A GENUINE BARGAIN. All of our ladies' fancy silk striped nnd plain flannel waists , worth from $2.50 to $3.76 , reduced to $1.05. CORSETS. Wo carry a complete stock of the fol lowing celebrated makes in corsets , viz : C. P. P. D. , Thompson's glove lilting , Dr. Warner's , Dr. Ball's. Royal Worces ter , W. C. C. , all at popular prices. SPECIAL. fiO dozen fine zephyr corsets for sum mer wear , regular value 7oc , our price for this sale 480. 480.GOWNS GOWNS 50c. fiO dozen ladles' line muslin night gowns , tucked , yoke nnd rulllo , 50c each. BLAZERS $2.1)5. ) All of our line lluniiol blazers that wo have been soiling at $3.60 , $1.60 and $5.00 , reduced to $2.05. ENTIRE STOCK OF 48-inch black , all silk DRAPING NETS regardless of cost. 11-inch all bilk SASH RIBBON , regular $1.35 and $1.50 qualities , ro- cluced to 75e a yard. A few remnants of S.ASII R1BHONS , regular 7 < ie and $1.00 qualities , reduced to Me a yard. Two bin-trains in ladies' embroidered UANbKKUCHIEFS nt SJc and llo ) each , reduced from 15c and ; i c. c.KELLKY , STIGKR & Co. , Farnam and l/5th / Sis. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Extraordinary low prices in ladies' , mlbsos and children's shoes the coming \vook. Ladies' tan tennis , 7fic worth $1 2o. Ladies dongola tip Oxfords , $1.20 ; regular price $1.60. Ladies' dongola easy low-button Ox fords , $1.20 ; regular price $1.50. Ladies' dongola turned button Newport - port common sense , $2.r > 0 : old price $ : t.)0. Lndtes' * ! t.riO hhocs and O.xfords , $2.)0. ! ) All $ : i.flO bhoos and Oxfords $2.00. All $2.25 shoes and Oxfords $2.00. $2.00 shoes of all kinds $1.70. 81. 50 high and low shoes $1. ISO. 81.26 shoos of itll kinds $1.00. Como and see us if you want shoos. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Corner Furnmu and Fifteenth street. 31 IKS Alice IsaacH , S. Tomorrow , Monday , only , wo will sell any trimmed hat in stock for $11.08. It is not necessary lo quolo our former prices on thcso hats , as every lady knows the clat-s of millinery carried by us. ! ! l)7 ) S. Kith st. , between Farnam nnd llarnoy tts. New I'lnntiH KoiHour. . A. IIosuo , jr. , 16it : noughts street. Read "A S trim go Story" on page 9 in this issue. DUTTHIt HOW X AtJ A IN . At llayileii Urns. \Vo soil good butter for lOc ; the finest country butter at I''ic ; fancy Iowa croamei-y at 17jo. Roinomborour butter is llrst-eiass , and prices lower than anv store In the cltv. , Grocers. Vfi-y Stimmor tourist rates are olTored by the Chicago & Northwestern railway. Full Information nt their city ticket olllco 1401 Farnam street. < ! o Knst , YOIUIK Sinn , Oo Knut. Reverse Horace ( irooloy's famous ad- vlconnd go oiibt. Go for a change lo llsh , to climb mountains , to loiter in shady lanes , tdsauntor by old ocean , to revisit the scenes of your boyhood , but go ami go by the "llURLlNGTON ROUTE. ' Three dally trains leave Omaha at 0:50 : a m. , 4:30 : p. m. and 0:20 : p. m. , for Chicago cage , making close connections in the latter city with all express trains to Hos- ton , Now York , Philadelphia and all points in the cat > t and southeast.V. . R Vaill , city ticket tifont , 1223 Farnam THE BOSFON STORE , Bays from Shariff of Now York tbo Entire Dry Goods Stock * KRENDER , KLINE d KRENDER , 706 B'WAY. Finest Retail Slnuk of Dry OonilH on all Ilroiulway Sold by ilolin < l. Gorman , .Sheriff , IJCHH Hum Onul < 'ourtli Value. HOW THE SHERIFF SOLD THESE GOODS. Not by the yard , piece , or do/.en but whole shnlvesful at a clatter. A whole side , or ontlro department in bulk , were put up and bid in at so much fur the entire lot. As for example , when the cloaks wore put up wo bid in the whole lot without knowing what was th re for $ , ' 1,100. Now when wo unpack them wo find there nro over 2,000 cloaks in the , lot and wo are enabled to almost give thorn away. Although this is not the season for them , it will pay you to Investigate those goods. CLOAKS AND JACKETS. Wool cheviot , tinsel and braided jackets that sold for $4.(0 ( go in one lot at OSc. Ladies' nil wool stockinette jackets , the newest thing for this fall , that are worth from $5.00 to $10.00 each , go in three lots at $ l.)8 ! ) , $2.1)8 ) , 83.-19. All the ladies' cloth nowmarkots from the failure in stripes , plaids , plain blacks and browns , worth from $5.00 to $7.00 , go at $2.00. All the $10 and $15 tailor inado new- markets , satin face , with capos and trimmed with astrachan , go at $5.00 each. All the $25.00 newmarkots in this lot , made for the finest trade , in all wool beaver , satin lined , invisible stripes in plaids and broadcloth ; choice of the lot , $ S.OO. MISSES'AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS All the newest styles for the fall trade sold formerly at from $5.00 to $7.00 , go at $2.00 each. All the highest priced novelties in misses' and children's cloaks that sold up to $15.00 , go in ono lot at $5.00. LADIES' PLUSH CLOAKS AND JACKETS. The finest line you over laid eyes on , all at ona-fourth their actual value. Any of these garments can bo secured by making a deposit on them. 1C. . 1C & K.'S DRESS GOODS. Wo bought ono entire tier of shelving dross goods which wo will sell to-morrow as follows : All the black silk brocaded grenadines go at 15o. All the wool chnllios in plain colors that they sold at Hoc go at 15c. All tlioir 50c figured china silks go at lic. ) All tlioir 75o all silk surah silks go at 20c Their hlnck and colored dress goods go in ' . ! lots as follows : Fine black and colored honrioUns , fancy plaids , silk finished mohairs , Jamestown novelties and black silk grenadines all at 2e. ! ) Their all wool , silk finished hcnriot- tas , silk mohair , brilliantines , imported plaid and silk striped French serges , all wool 75c quality albatross and black jaconettcH go at ! ! 8c a yard. Your choice of all the best quality , till silk black grenadines in plain and fancy bilk stripes , all $1.00 and $1.25 hlcrh grade dress goods , go at 50o a yard. Remember tomorrow , is the last day of the great lire bale of furniture. What ever is not sold by night will bo closed out in n bulk to a dealer. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglus. 1 Cent IdiiliCH1 Kelt Hats. Wonder of the age. An elegant hat at 5o each. A $ ! ! .OU but for lOc while they last storage sale. W. R. BENNETT CO. , 1608 to 1-1 Capital avenue. o The Elkhorn line is now running re clining chair cars daily between Oinaha and Dead wood , So. Dnk. , free to holders of first class transportation. City olllco M01 Farnnm street , depot 15th and Webster. . J. R. BUCHANAN , General Passenger Agent. G. A. It. Ijxuursioii. To Detroit. On July 31 , August 1 and.2 the Wabash - bash will soil tickets to Detroit tvt ono faro for the round trip. For tickets ana further information call at Wabash of fice , 1502 Fnrmim street or write to G. N. CLAYTON , Northwestern Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb. Fine carriages , Seaman's repository. 'Ilio Chicago , Koulc Island nnd Pacific Will run trains to the Chautauqua grounds July 12 to 21 , inclusive , as fol lows : Leave Council Bluffs : 0:10 : a. in. , 7:50 : n. in. , 10:02 : a. m , 10HO : a. m. , 1.30 p. m. , 4:00 : ] ) . in. , 0:37 : p. m. , 7-30 p. in. Leave. Chautauqua : 0:40 : n. in , . 8:20 : n. m. , 8:55 a. in. , 11:30a. in. , 2:20 : p. m. , 5:35 : ] > . m. , 0:15 : p. m. , lu:15 : p. m. Ilolin ft , Thompson , tailors and men's furnishers , 1012 Farnnm. Summer styles. f - J. EJ Diotrick.nrehiteet , 003 N.V.Lifo. 1 , ( ) ( ) ( ) .MilcrilVom the Sou. AtGarliold Beach. The famous health resort , Garficld Beach , on Great Salt Lake , eighteen miles from Salt Lake Clty.ls reached via the Union Paollc. "Tho Overland Route , " and is now open. Tills is tlio only real sand bench on Great Salt Luke , and is ono of the finest bathing and pleasure resorts in the west. For complete description of Garllold Beach add Great SuH Lake , send to E. L. Lomax , gon'l pass , and ticket agent , Omaha , for copies of "Sights and Scenes In Utah , " or "A Glimpse of Great Salt LnUo. " _ Bothcbda ft Collnx mineral water , Sherman & McConnoU's pharmacy. Gasoline stoves repaired. Omaha Stove Repair WorUs , 1207 Douglas. Utnli Hot Located nine miles north of Ogden , on the Union Pacific , at the foot of tlio Wnhsatoh range , are the Utah hot springs. They have an elevation of about 4,500 foot above sea level , and are far biiporior to the celebrated hot spiiifiH of Arkansas. The How is about lod.OOO gallons of water nor duv. which is conducted into the hotel from the springs lu pipes , for private bathing and for the great open buth. The bracing air of the Wuhsntoh range , mingling with the saline breezes of the great Salt lake , with the pure water of thosu thermalbalsamic springs , nowhere oxcullod for drinking or bath ing purposes , product ) a natural combi nation of marvelous curative properties , and many cases of rheumatism have boon cured here whim other remedies have failed. Roaehf-d only by the Union Pacific E. I * Lomax , Gon'l Pass , and Tk't agent , Omaha , Nob. THE BOSTON STORE , All the Greatest Bargains Bought from the Siuriff of Now York , ON SALE IN OUR BASEMENT , Host Slilrtltif ; Calicos Flutii'nil TJIIWIIH Kino nitillH Mosquito Not , " l-"o a Yard Host Indluo Illtie Calicos , 4e n Vard. All the bleached and unbloiehod mus- llns , line sateens , chnllis , and other wash goods , bought from the sherllY and worth ui ) lo l-3c ! , go at oc a yard. Tlio Ililost grades of summer outing llannels , ginghams , French chnmbrays , white goods , black wash goods , etc. , go at ( ic a yard. The linest quality of Imported black French sateens and figured sateens , worth Hoc , go at 12Jo a yard. Hod-f.pi . cads , ii'ic. All the Too bed-apreiuls froin this sher iffs sale go at 2c. . All their $1.50 bed-spreads go at "fie. All thnir finest trrades of bed-spreads from the 1C. , K. & K. stock go at S1.U5. 0 Klcgant sateen comforts , worth $ H , for $1.25. Fine white blankets , 7oc a pair. LACKS FROM Tllli 1C. 1C. iC.STOCIC. Torchon lace , Spnnish laces , valon- ciennoH lace , gulpuro laces , black silk laces , in fact all kinds of laces from the sheriff's old bankrupt stock , go at lc , 2Je , : tje , 5c , So , Me , worth from 2oo to $1.00 a.yard. EMBROIDERIES FROM 1C K. 1C. STOCK At 3c , Co , 7c , ! ) c , loc , from six inches to ono yard wide , worth up to Too a yard. FINE HANDKERCHIEFS in dainty hand embroidered and fancy colored borders at lc , 2c , 'ic. lc and oc WORTH FROM CC TO 2oC. All the cut steel buttons in this stock go at oo a do/.en. MEN'S BLUE WORKING SHIRTS 15C EACH. Men's fine outing flannel shirts 2oc. Mons , boys and childrcns' straw hats , 2c each. The finest grndo of mcns and boys straw hats loc each. MILLINERY FROM THE K. 1C. 1C. , STOCK. All the finest imported French flowers worth from $1.00 to $ : i TO go nt iioo a bunch. This is the greatest millinery bargain over offered in the city. All the line K. 1C. 1C. hats'that were sold on Broadway from 31.00 to $3.00 go at lee oaUi in our basement. LINENS FROM THE BROADWAY STOCK. Stamped linen tidies tit 2c ; sold in New York for lo. ! ) Stamped pillow shams , wide hammed , large fringed tidies , splashers , etc. , at 2'c ; sold in New York for OSc. _ All the fine tray cloth table runners , tidies , dresser scarf , etc. , that are marked as high as $2.oO go at fiOo. Vou will boar in mind that tomorrow is the last day of the great iiro sale of furniture. Whatever is not sold by to morrow night will bo closed out iu lump to a dealer. it's your last chance. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. corner 10th and Dougl'as. No Shoes Alter OiO. : : The clerks of the following retail shoe stores desire to express" their thanks to their employers for closing their places of business at GHO : every night , Satur day's excepted , thereby giving us a chance to got some recreation and fresh air. air.Our Our friends and patrons will please re member this and buy their shoos before GHO. GHO.Very Rosp'y , clerks at IlAYWAKO BROS. Nonius & Wn.cox. .1. W. StlOKM'LY. Douglas btreot. Dr.S\votnamN E.cor. 10th A , Douglas. Itcnnctt'H liirialii Counter On sidewalk in frtjnt of store Is a wonder to all. Ladies' folt. hats , lc each. Bettor grade , r o each. Still bolter , lOo each. Book and stationery sale now going on. Bottom all out. Toilet soup , Uc each. Parlor matched , lc for 200. Largo market baskets , Ho each. Makn a special trip to our store : you will not bo disappointed. W. II. BENNETT CO. For Family niul Medicinal UHO. The family wine and liquor house , 010 North Kith street , have the choicest stock of California wines , especially selected for family use. Retailed in any quantity at wholesale prices , warranted pure and delivered at your door. Henry " "lor , Ksmontl hotel block. Tel. 1TS4. Samuel Burns writes from the Staf- forilshlro potteries and Bohemia that goods wore never so cheap and ho is buying an unusual quantity , and in con sequence writ'is his house in order to make room for now importations to offer 10 pot- cent olT on everything until Au gust 1st. Call and bo convinced. 11118 Fnrnam street. K\oiirslon to Dotioit. July 31 , August 1 and 2 , the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Pnul railway will sell round trip ticuots to Detroit and return for O.N'E FARE. For further Informa tion apply to F. A. NASH , J. li I'HUSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Agent. 1601 Farnam Street , Omaha. Kiirn.lt ur.o Visit S. A. Orchard's special sale do- pnrtmont , as you may llnd just what you need In the furniture .lino at very much reduced prices. Continental block , 15th and Douglas strcot. Now Sealo Klmlinll IMnno. Sold on easy payments. A. IIopso , jr. 1513 Douglas street W. T. Seaman , wagons and carriages. IT'H COO I , Tin-Mil- : . < I,1..H I-'oot Above tlio Sun Ijuvnl. Sevonty-throo miles south of Denver , almost under the shadows of that "Prince of the Uuiige , " I'iko's Peak , in the presence of the most Impressive punoran.ia in the Rocky Mountains , lies Colorado Springs. It is essentially a homo mid health re sort. Hero Is concentrated great wealth , and more people have biiinmor homos here than In nny of thn other frequented places In Colorado , which Is duo to the fact th it it is ono of the most attractive , as well as most healthful cities in the country. Pleasant days , cool nights , health- giving springs , good hotels nnd the quietness of this beautiful city combine to make it a desirable place for tourists and ono of the greatest ro&orts in the west. Remember that it is located on the Union Paellle. E. L. Lomax. Gon'l Pass , nnd Tk't Agent , Omulm , Web. THE BOS FON STORE'S LEMONS. Boyd , Sheriff of Douglas Co. , Soils Rosso's Bankrupt Stick of Lomoni , WE SELL THEM TOMORROW A CENT EACH , tO'JOOO liiMiiotiN Very Finest Or ' .do l-jvi'r lliMiinlit tto Tills Market Will Hi ; Given Awny to Our Customer * Tomorrow. AT ONE CENT EACH Wo sell you the choice of thn finest and largest lemons selected from this immense purchase. AT 5C A DOZEN Wo will sell you any quantity of sound nnd perfect lemons just as they run In the box , but if you pick out the largest ones wo will charge * vou lo apiece. HOSIERY FROM SHERIFF GOR MAN , NEW YORK. Thousand pair children's fast black derby ribbed hose , 3o a pair , worth 15c. Ladies' warranted fast black , extra long hoiOf Oe a pair. All the very best brands of seamless black imported hose , that wore 35c , go at 1'Je. LADIES' CORSETS 15C. All the 35c anU 60c corsets bought from the shorllT's sale ( first class , well wearing goods ) , go at 15c. All the line 75c satecon stripe corsets , long waists , line fitting goods , 30c. All the French form and very bast brands summer corsets that sold up to $1.00 go nt-JOc. LADIES'AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR 4c. All the ladies' and children's Jersey nnd Swiss ribbed underwear from this stock goes at lc. All the ladies' gauze underwear , lace trimmed , was 50c , goes now at 15c. All the finest grades of ladies' lisle thread underwear , 25u. Children's white aprons (4 ( to 12.years ) , satin striped nnins ok and India lltion. trimmed with embroidery and lace , worth 75e and $1.00 , go at 20c. Hundreds of pieces hemstitched sk'rt- tng length embroidery at the ridicu lously low price of 25c. LACE MITTS , 2c. All the 10c lace mitts from this stock go nt 2c a pair. All the 25c black silk lace mitts go at lOc. lOc.All All the 50o pure silk Jersey mitts go at 25c. Remember this is positively the last ( lay of the furniture sale. All not sold at retail by Monday night will bo sold in ono lump to a dealer. Remember this is your last chance. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. Corner 10th and Douglas. At tlio Cnmp Mooting. The people of tlio African Methodist Epis copal church opened a camp meeting In Syn dicate park last , night. The meetings will beheld held every afternoonsmd evening during the week. The special feature this afternoon will bo the production of the great , drama of "Hu man Life , " by Va Key Chamberlain and his company of urofessionnl artists. This is fi blbio drama in two nets , and furnishes the moans by which every man can learn some thing of his destiny. , A pretty summer to.i gown is of pray In dia cashmere and crocus yellow crepon. Tilt : NKW POOhiHOOMS. Opened Ycstofdiiy Hy Cooper , Itllili & Co. Tlio New Turrij\uhiin c. The "sporty" ' people will find the now Turf Exchange , 114 and 116 S. Thir teenth street , opposite Millnrd hotel , that opened yesterday , ono of t ho finest appointed pool rooms in the west. It also has an entrance through the Turf Exchange saloon on Douglas street. No expense has been spared to lit it up in n first-class manner , and it will bo very apt to find favor with tlio sports from its opening. Books are made on all sporting events , including combinations. Baseball is given up to ono room by itself , the games being received by tel egraph by innings. Liberal odds are given on all events in the sportinir world. The rooms are the coolest to bo found and the public will here find every con venience and comfort in trading and watching the progress of sports. Road "A Strnngo Story" on page 9 in this issue. Mrs. Gorvaiso Graham's famous Cu cumber and Elder Flower Cream and other ' 'aids to beauty" at Mrs. Julia M * Crissoy's drug store , corner 21th and Lake streets. Call nnd got Mrs. Grn- liam's little book "How to Bo Beauti ful" and receive instructions on using lior preparations. All street car lines bring you to the door. Teachers' Hxuurmnn t. ) Toronto. The Chicago & Northwestern railway lias made a half faro rate to Toronto and return in July for the annual meeting of , \\o \ \ National Educational Association. This rate is open to the public. The railroads east of Toronto have named tourist rales to all the prinoip il eastern points from there. For further informa tion apply at city ticket ollico , 1101 Far nnm street. R. R. RlTCim : , G. F. WIST : , Gon'l Agt. C. T. & P. A. Hamilton Warren , M. D. , cclootio and magnetic physician and surgeon. Spa- ciulty , diseases of women and children , 110 N. 10th street. Telephone 14HS. DeolHion In KUYUIol' tin .Milwiuikeo & St. Punt Hy. The now nalaca sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hy. , with electric llghta in every berth , will continue to leave tlio Union depot , Omaha , .it 0:20 : p. m. . daily. Paisonj.roi-s talcing this train avoid transfer at Coun cil Blulls , and nrrivo in Chicago at 0:30 : i. m. , in ample Uiuo lo urn ice all custom connections. Tidcot oillco , 1501 Fnrnam street. F. A. NASH , E. J. PIIKSTOX , General Agent. City Passenger Agnnt The Wahoo roller mills at Wal'oo , Nob. , will bo riold July 27 , ' 1)1 ) , at bhorlll'h sale. This will bo a good year 'or ' milling , as wheat crop is good. On 1 1 Torn in \uiirnloiiH. . Pullman tourist . looping car excur sions lo California and Pacific coast mint.louvo Chicago every Thumday , Cnnsns City every Friday via the Santa A ) route. TioUot rate from Chicago ? 47.50 , from Sioux City , Oin.ihu , Lincoln H'Knnvis City $ ' 15 , bleeping car rate 'roin ' Chicago ? l pur double berth , fiom Kansas City $ , l per double berth. Every- .lung furiiUhod o.xcopt meals. Tlioso oxcuroions are personally conducted by experienced excursion managers who iccompany parties lo destination. For 'xcursion folder containing full purlieu- ars and map foldur nnd time table of Santa Fo route and reserving of bleeping ; ar berths , add row E. L , Pnlmur , Passougor ngont , A , T. & S. F. railroad , 111 N. Y. LlfoBldg. , Omaha , Nebraska. JIAYI1KN HHOa. Srttlo the I'rloos on Iiotnonn. Wo bought the bankrupt stock o Kosso Brothers and will so.l extra llm lemons for "Jo per dozen. This Is a gram opportunity to buy lemons. 3-pound cai best yellow table peaches , 15c ; pun fruil jolly , 05c per nail ; best par lor matches , lc ; best mixed seed or foot 60 : dovlled ham. oc ; potted ham. fie potted ox tongue , 60 ; full cream cheese lOc ; brick cheese , lOc : young Amoricai clieeao , lOc ; very fine evaporated rasp berries , 2lc ( ; very line evaporated Call fornin apricots , 17jc ; very fine ovnp ottiled blackberries , fie ; gallon can bos Now York apples , 25call ; kinds of wash ing powder , 3jc per package ; washint soda , Ijo per po'ind. ' FLOUR. FLOUR FLOUR Snow Flake. Il5c. Contial mill's best superlative , $1.09 Hayden tiros.'host superior , 81.113. DHUt ! DEPARTMENT. LlebigJcof ) extract , ! Wc Armour beef extract , 35c. Ginger ale , lee per bottle. Persian Insect powder , 25c per Ib. Mothino balls , 7jc per box. Persian inject powder , 25e per Ib. Ammonia , largo bottle , lOc ; small , Co , Vaseline , fie per bottle. Glycerine , 4 ounce bottle , I fie. Tlio Now York gold paint , I Oc per box , Paris gold paint , 15c per box. Variety gold paint containing 0 differ out shades , lc ! ) per box. Star gold paint. 25cpor box. Eagle liquid gold paint , 15 per box Persian insect powder , 2oo per pound , IIAYDEN BROS. LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. Safety pins lo do/ . , hooks and eyes lido do3 papers hair pins fie. The Bornhardt hair pins 5o , wortl : lOc. lOc.Full Full count pins lc paper , best EnL'lisli pins fie. White knitting cotton 5c ball , Mar- cram" crochet thread in all colors 3 foi 25c. Ladies'hoso supporters with boltl2c worth 25c. , children's do lOo worth 20c. Brooks' threat 3 spools for 5c , B-ir- hours linen thread 3o spool , King's 500 yard spool 6c. 6-hook corset stool 5c , worth lOe. ART NEEDLE WORK MATERIAL. Plush balls in nil colors lOepordo/ ! . ; ombipidory sllkoc per dox. spools ; plush and tinsel cord ( ic. per yard. STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. 1,700 books from Joplin's bankrupt stock nt less than half Joplin's prices. 1,000 Webster's Unabridged diction aries , 75c each. 800 pounds pure Irish linen paper , 25c per pound ; worth 50e. 11 ! ) reams commercial note paper , ISc for quarter ream. 6 eases line white envelopes at 2o for bunch of ' 25. Juvenile books in endless variety at prices to closo. LADIES'HANDKERCHIEFS. Fancy border hem stitched at 2c , 3o and fio.'cost 5c up to lo ( ) to import. Special sale laces , embroideries , ribbons bens and dross trimmings. I1AYDEN BROS. Per niomtay Only. Tomorrow , Monday , only , wo will soli nny trimmed hat in stock'for $3.S. ! ) It is not necessary to quote our former prices on these hats , as every lady knows the ulass of millinery carried by us. MISS ALICE ISAACS , 307 S. 10th St. , between Farniuu and Harney. Harney.'J 'J IK ; Ijntost Improved sleepers , as well as elegant free parlor cars on the Chicago & North western railway vostibuled trains , leav ing direct from the Union P.icific depot. Omaha , at 4:30 p. m. and ! ) : ! ( ) p. m. for th6 cast daily. City olllco 1401 Farnam slroet. Fire nnd Police Matters. Laundr.vmtm Hop Leo preferred charges igainst Ofilcor Hussell for assault and the : aso was hoard nt the meeting of the flro and : ) olico commissioners last evening. Both sides of the case wore ho.ird and the board lecided tnat the ofllcor was not guilty. Eli Garrett wns appointed n special police- nan for service with the health department ind W. R Bradley n special for duty on iTnrmtm and Dodge streets , botwcon Twenty- ifth and Twenty-seventh streets. Joseph Vandorford , driver of chemical iSo. ! , resigned to go into business. Accepted. Chief Gulllgaa sent In a request Unit the jo.xrd authorize his buggy to bo ropulntoJ. jranted. The rehearing of the Rltor liquor case was : ontmuod until the next meeting. Sw.inson & Hoist were granted a trans- 'er of their liquor license from ! MU2 to " 0" > 3 Cumins street. 'J IK ; tlnpliii Stock 3f books , all kinds of stationery , inks , nueilngos. etc. , in fact everything that s sold in a first class book store will bo > n snlo at our store Monday morning. A'o purchased this from Mr. Xnbriskio , igont for the mortgagees , at lois than 10 cents on the dollar. 50o books for 15c , 75o books for 25c. flOc books for 35c. $1.25 books for 50o. $2.00 books for 75c. Ink , lc a bottle ; mucilage , 50o a bottlo. Lot of stationery writing paper in > oxcs ; 25c ; worth and cost 75o to im- > ort. ort.Lot Lot of stationery in boxes , 50c ; cost il.OO to $1.25 to import. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. UK'S i IIOKI ; . Mr. ltallltts ) COIIIOH to Omalia In Sale Fiiinnoiul Condition. William Itanbitts , Jr. , nrriveu in the city aat night without n cent. It might seem u llttio cruel to thus parade tlr. Habbltts' financial condition to an tin- ymp.Uhotlo world wnre it not for tlio fact hat ho had u method in visiting Onmtiu with in empty purse. Ills inonoy caused him roublu thu last time lo : w.is Mure. Il was ibont a year ago when ho came in ono Satur- lay night with & > 00 in bright crl p bills lu its insUlo pocket and slopped at the Mlllard iund.ty morning ho saw a. pair of shoes in a leighboring shop window nnd offered ono of ils now bills in payment. The shoo dealer vns shocked at the Mro of Mr. Habbitts' roll , crimed to sell Utm the shooi and reported ilm to thn pollfc as a counterfeiter. .lust us Mr. UabDiltH readied his hotel a mtrol wncon with four husky policemen mot ilia and look him to thu central station , vbt.ro ho was hold for vnvoral hours before 10 established his own chaiactor and Unit of lis cash. Helms been llgbting.sliy of Omaha ivei MMci' , but finally decided it would be ; afo to visit the city without mutiny onuvnjh n astoabb any one. Mr. Halitiltls rcpieMmts Spruit's hit. I.on- loa and Now York firm ot nmnultutiurori if do1 , ' bisuuls and animal food and inedt- lues. Tln Joplln Slock Of books , nil kinds of stationery , .nl mucilages , etc. , in fact everything thn is sold In n first elnsi book store will b on sale at our store Monday morning Wo purchased this from Mr. Xubrlsklc agent for the mortgagees , at loss thai 50 cents on the dollar. 50c book's for loo. 75c books for 25c. DOc books for 35c. $1.25 books foroOo. $2.00 books for 7oc. Ink , Ita bottle ; mucllago , fie a bottle Lot of stationery writing paper it boxes , 25c ; worth and cost 75c to im port. port.Lot Lot of xtntlonury in boxes , 50c ; cos $1.00 to $1.25 lo import. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. .Mnnlloii , ( "ol. "Before the foot of whlto man had trod till sacred valley of the west The savngo took the gift from God ant iinmcd 't ' Alauitoti the blest , " Nestling nt the base of tlio bare , wilt Rockies is the little village of Manitot and here , year" after year , como thous anils of summer wanderers in search o health and pleasure , and no resort it the country contains the facilities foi enjoyment that Manitou and its environs virons are noted for. Ute Ptihs , the old Indian trail to Lead' vlllo and western Colorado , north and south Clioyonno canons and many hundred feet above the canon oil Clioyonno mountain is the lonely resting place of "lloloti Hunt" to whoso torn ! ; every visitor pays a pilgrimage and adds ono more slono to the monument thai marks her grave. Then Pikes Peak with it's over snow crowned summits , to which in tin present day the traveler lakes a Pikes Peak and Manitou railway car and in n few hours lands upon the highest point , the ever distsmt land mark of early pioneers. The Garden of the Gods , in its fantas tic red and white granduro draws the touribt with its weird charms. Crystal Park , Tlio Cave of the Winds , Grand Caverns , and the several mineral springs and always some now beauty tu greet the eye in every drive and walk. In order to fully understand and appre ciate tlio gramluro and beauty of thin region it must bo seep , for it is ono of the indiscrlbablo retreats of the "Great Divide. " When visiting Manitou stop nt the Hotel Ruxton , midway botwcon Soda and Iron springs. Fifth aniiunl bossion Long Pine , Nob. , August 1 to U > . One faro for round trip from Oinaha , Nob. Tickets on sale July 31 and August 1. Excellent grounds , abundant springs , dclighttul shade and iho best of talent engaged to carry out an instructive pro gramme. Third annual session Black Hills Chautauqua assembly , Hot Springs , S. D. , August 11 to 20. Round trip rate of $25.00 from Omaha , Neb. Tickets on sale every day. Located at IhoM ) famous springs vliltors can enjoy both the Chautauqua entertainments and the at tractions of a health and pleasure ro- sort. J. 11. UUCHANAN , G. P. A. , F. E. & M. V. R. R Y .MAIR'S DOWNFALL. Ilo Collected Cash Tor Hto Employers nnd Skipped Out. JJIlly Mulr Is another good man gone wrong. Malr is well known In this city and until the present time has had a reputa tion that was unblemished. To his many acquaintances the sudden announcement that various firms wnro after him for the embezzlement of nearly $1,000 , will como as a startling surnrise. For the past sixteen months , Mair has sold flour nnd food for Neat & Conrad , of this city , and Page , Norton & ( Jo's mills at Tokoka. It now transpires that ho has shipped , ntul with him S'JTCi that bo had collected for Ncal & Conrad and ? T > 00 belonging to Page , Norton Mair loft Sunday morning two wcclcs ago , saying that ho was going to Topeka to com plain of a shipment nf Hour , and on the pro- ieding Friday evening opened a sack at Keal & Conrad's , from which ho looic some Hour lo take .with him. lie was last seen at the Missouri Pacific lepot , but instead of taking ttia train be ; > ; ts.scd through the depot anil disappeared. It s supposed he wont to the liluiTs mid took a train lor the east. Mr. No.il savs bis books are all right up to : \ic \ Stn of last month , and hu believes that Mair Intended to return the tnonoy , but bo- : atno susiiicious tnat ho was being watched ind lied. Mair did not show up nt Topeka and a man , vas sent here to look up his accounts , finding ; he short ago above mentioned. It lo believed that Mair has returned to bis > ld homo In Scotland , where ho has a wife uid child. II" has worked for various linns icro , nnd was at ono time a lloor walnur for 3. P. Morse .t Co. Rend "A Strange Story" on page ! ) in .Ills bssued. aim uif.\i/i'Y rNSrilUMKNTS pliiuol 0:1 : rouorJ July ih. L 13JI. WAIII\VTV ! DKKIH. lletirv Arnold to Ni'Isoii Toncniy , lot C. l > IUi. : I'niMi I'nrk . $ uoOO I Mllni-k nnd wife to Julia tiHllln. Int 4 , Mimnilt Hill . GUI ) I U llarmtclu and wire toV U Mathls , O.lxii4 : fi-i't In MI part lot 4 ! . ( ilses . . . 1.0,10 Di'iiiits t'limiliulmm anil wife lo Mis l > I ) D.tvis Ints III anil li , Auburn lllll. 1,1 ) SU lU'tiiu ti and wlfo tu A \ , licniiutt , lilts I to I , bik I'M , bimtli Onmlm . IT.OiW ; I ) KYIIIIS : unl wlfu to I. I ) hinltb , " 0.9 itetcs In mi uorni'r sw lt-lti-IO. ; . . fi''T ? ] ' . I'rcmi'li anilvlfu to Lucy Hamilton , lot I. blk III. I'enlr.tl Park . l.JOO ! M Illtcboock and wlfn to W II Norils , lot ii. : nlU 7. llilulti-oek'hllrit . 41,0 John lilclurlo.l V \Valluue.luta.blkril. -outh U i.iiha . . I0' ' JhrNt .liuit/cn to 1' I. Maulsby , lot ; il , hlU IL Oiubard Ilill . 4,000 . line lo sunn' , lot II , blU 14 , sumo . 5"nU 'ranDlcson to ( lirlst Jant/en , lot : il , nil. li.Uri'hitrt lllll . : i , : > uO ID rsofJuiob Slitill lo I.N Vales , lot "U , blU 14. ftltuli'h st-ioiid uilil . 1.MUU I N > ellnu nnd wife to T I'crson , n ! i lot ii : , blk 4 , WiMliuui I'urk . 'i'M "ninu huatuk and \vlfu to Julin .Jamlior , s > , ' lot II , IdU T , Komi/it's fourth . 70) ) I II Thompson to 10 S llrtnvstiir , lot riainl U , bllv 1 , AlllllUWntV llt'llnOll's add . H..tO II Iilckoy fiV .1 KIIOV , lot H , hll , 4 , llulvldi > ru . 60 : M HiuUs to % 1 > K I'lTbim , n ' , lot IL' , blU \\i-hllii\rn \ Dull ; . 1 > \Viiyiniillur I" Itii mii1'ottir.nii. . lot J uiidtv blk lu , Uifilit I'onuliirudd . . . . l.0i IIMiOX t I' t'ouhrini spupliil inifitor , to II. A. lliiion , lots I'1. ' " " and -I. nlk s , lli'iivm il'i | ' iiiniii to ssiini' . lot in. blk 10. lliluK't I'liicu 'Jlt'i \ \ llvans , hiiiuo. to liV l.oumls ot al , nw tin anil a Ir.u't In mi nn I- . 'i-lil . . . i-M'trj ' II MniMiCs inu > . to\V o lioodale , lot 10 , Sulhy lli'i.-ltis . Ktu jnlti'ii M.iti" > HI.I > rui ins su.iu,0-IA- lj. I'.tti nt. Total UNI. unit uf tr insfors . { "i,71i ! Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard THE TRUTH AT LAST. I'liero nro a few things which every grown person , not only In the city of Oinaha , but also In Iho region ac largo , is anxious to Iciirn If they only know Where to inqulro. A soi-rot oa > ; li person wishes to lonrn is told in this artiolo , if yon will road It through lo the end , and you muy not limrn the secret until you carefully road every word. _ * During the recoil t rainy soiison most of tlio Indies , and gonN also , hnvo asked tlii'lr friends a qui'-ition which fcomo could answer and sotno could not , and for the purpose of helping the o who wish to know , wo will toll them some fin-Is before telling ihi-ni the secret. on have asked WIIKRK can 1 goto , garniont which wilt not only KKKl' Mir. DRY but will also bo of such KINIC AI'l'KARANCK that I shall bo PROUD of being sjon wilh It on.Ve oan easily atiswot that question by saving : Visit tlio now and olognnt htoro of the OMAHA RUMUKR CO. , lo'JO b'arnam street , in the I'uxton ltl > i-k , nnd there vou will llnd u LAROK VAUIKTY of just sui-h goods , so that anyone with the most I-'ASTIDIOUS laste will bo suited in HVKRV RliSI'KCT. They are the only linn in the state which makes n Sl'KCIALTV of strictly FIRST CLASS goods , and they have lately put in a largo stock of mackintoshes , cut In all the very lateststyles and using n variety " " " " of woolen cloths In stripes , pltilds and ' plain colors , so as to suit the tnsto of every ono. It is impossible for ono to got nn idea of the shapes or appear ance of these garments bv a cut lilco the following , but if you will stop into their commodious store at 1620 Farnam street , the genial clerks will bo pleased tohow each and every one of the garments - ' monts to you whether you wish to buyer or not. In these garments the old ob jection , that they are rubber coats , is entirely removed , for there is no sign of rubber about them. < ind they nro so line and dressy in nnpearam-o that anyone ono can use thorn in place of a cloak or overcoat , as they are cut in the Intost fashion. Another thing you hnvo nskoi\ is where to got a PERFECT FITTING and light weight rubber shoe to keep your foot dry. Why they also are hero and the lincst line of goods made. They are rightly named tbo "GLOVE FIT TING" for thi\v lit like a glove and are as light as n feather. Tlioir utoro is fitted up nicely with velvet cat-put , set tees , &c.-for the convenience of the ladies , when they come in to look at mackintoshes , rubbers combs , hair brushes , tooth brushes , syringes , hot water bottles , Ac. . iSrc. . ovOry article of which they soil AT RETAIL us well us wholesale to the dealers. 15o sure you buy maldntoshos of this lirm , for then you will not got the foreign made goods which so soon grow hard in this country , and omit an odor so thoroughly disgusting. Tlioso are icid and sun ctirod. Every garment the Dmnha Rubber Co hells is properly jurcd with STEAM heat AFTER they ire ALL MADE UP , which ensures lilt-ability and pliability , and nny gar- nent made any other way soon becomes jail if not entirely wotthlcss. ' LoDuo' } Parlodioal Fills. v Tlili Krcnch rommly nc'.s illruclly upon thu ( fonorn- Ivu o'liiuni anil CUIOH Mippri'HHlon of tliu inunsea. ' or throe tor I "i , anil Gin hit m tlleil .ShonlJ not tia ifcil ilnrliiK iiri'Kinim'y. .Inhiiort , < trui , ! ht * nntl tlio Mibllc Mt.pplluit by tjoutliiiiin llrtik' Co. , Oniiiha. Mro. M. D. RILEA'S BUNION PROTECTOR ; Curoil n rnin of :0 : jronr ' Ktiiinllni ; . It c.in tin worn li tlio B.IIIIU l o slioiSllis | on anil oil wllli Ihu tockHpf IIMin ait < < nliir : cil Joint , unit Kill" lit- tiuitrulluf. In tltruu lru < * I'll-uiia cunlH. \ir mi'o liy .1 A I'lillcr \ Co , Klnilor'n Drill ; nro , M ( Connlck \ l.iiml mill t'ook'n tihui > tituru 'iictory titSU Sherman atrcut , ClihM o. UiKXDINIC MICIlomCKII.l.tCIt li KIDD'S OKIl.M KHAim.'ATOU ( Jnriu nil ilUuinoi bcc.vino ItkllU thu iiilcrulHitirKoini l-iitiiii ninl rut.tiliKl In ti. fa nun ( J aliui , tlio lattur j I - ' . ' uulliini Hont nny- wlicro | irouiil | on rucelpt ut | ilcu orlo 1 > . Wu IfBiiti Uk'unrMiiti-u to oiire Tliu uuhllc , trnilD nn < l tiiliht'M miplilluil liy Ihu lioniliMiui Driii ; Co , Mo- Curnituk.V l.tinil. Oinnliif , I' . A. .Molcliur , Ilovritri ) M t > rHiinil K .1 Suyknni , Siniili Oinalii A. I ) . Fui ( IT unit .M 1 * Kllli , Coiim-ll llhill" . I'KOl-I.K write for : faiirly paper on opcratluim . .on llunoiH , tlftnlu , pllniurl - coci'li > , hclrottlyliraic : , appir en for ilufonnllleHi nUo conll- cnllal IxioK for men , eiplalnlnu wh . . jDitnila ratiuut i't iMircil of tperlal , prl- tiin' . ilirunlcdUriiM.H. - bcinlnal wi'akiU'BH\u \ t . . . jiiiiihnoil , Klci't. "il'lilH" ' . nniiuliiral Inwi-i , and . rrsulm of aliiiHo or rxrcmii' ) ! which nnlll all fur inur. rliiu-o. liupi'liiL'K ' or lift ! ' * iluili'H l > r. I.lclilK' Monilcrnil ( Ji-rmuii Invlunruliir rnri' nil. In pnnii 118 im-rllH , l Irlnl Ixiitlu fcitt frrc. Dr. J.li-hlir . ! < - < > . , , l W Ninth ttrcct , Kaniiui CJiiy. M" . urban KiunrUio. Cat. IIDD'H gUICK TOOTH \ IIIJADAfllK CACIIKTS IM tliu only rumuily that rHh'tot toohnfho , head- I'htanil iiMirnliln It U thu ilu-apoit , 24 ilonri fo Jr u pai kauit Ni'HlKT piiml T ll'iulil ' , pill nor Ion- IIKO II li tliu most luirriMlilu to litko Wo wur- tnl tlili ri'ini'ily to Klvii Milhrnill' n Can Im nmlloil I'lull of Limllo X l.vallo nml ( im.iliiian llrnu Co , Oiu DOCTOR * + McGBEW In nurrliiBii. lileit Htrictuni. Hrplillll. Ixnt Man. M | iiti'l All lil untor of Ihu SuiualOrntni , Ukla l i'uii ! und Kfinalo Dlnuaiui iJtillci Iiom a tot ly lir Mi'dnm' * iuc''uii In tliu treatment or "vain lilioni'i h i nuvor Leon equalled , Iluok4 nl iiculari ritcic , TruBluienlij \ toiruipODdtiLou. th > , i-ltli and Farnnm Sts. , Omaha. Nub. Kutranceou tlthcr ilrttl.