Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1891, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Vhere La D.'TII Finds Rest Par from the
\v Madding Crowd.
bralg-y-Noi nnd Its Beauties to nn Ameri
can's ' Eyest
taia Wonders of a Lyric Artiste's ' Matchless
f.on Pictures of tlio Country Sur
rounding the ADodn of tlio
AVorld's Or on I Queen
of Song.
* Ciuto-v-No1) ) CASTI.B , Ystnulgyulals , South
% Vales , Juno 27 , 1891. fSptclnl Correspond-
cncoof Tin : BEE. ] Hoyal Albert ball nrc-
entod a magnlflcont nppearanco Saturday.
Its 8,000 so.tts rising tier upon tier , balcony
over uiilrony , round and round its circular
walls , were filled to overflowing with Lon
don's ' most fashionable people attracted to-
the place by the anticipation of hearing the
world'sgrcateatprimadonnnln a matinee con
cert. This Is the empire of the Queen of
Bong. As soon as Puttl presented herself
Upon the platform the fluttering fans ceased
to move. A storm of tumultuous applausu
greeted her Ilrst number. As encore after
cncoro was graciously responded to tha audi
ence wont wild with enthusiasm. Other par
ticipants In the concert received duo recogni
tion , but no sooner was the encore to Patti's '
lost rendition completed , than half this vase
concouroo of London's lovers of music ,
already satisfied , loft their seals In their do-
Biro to retain the final impression of their
- favorite , buch an ovallon on occasion of her
- <
Bccond nppo.irancu In the metropolis and at
the close of the season affords striking proof
that the diva now , moro than over , retains
the pro-omlnont position which she has so
long hold In the operatic wftrld. Pattl is
growing old but she is the youngest singer on
tha statre , always vivacious , sprichtly mid
oupplo. She talks freely aoout her forty-eight
yean but points triumphantly to the
fact that she is thu only woman
In the world who commands JKs < ) ' )
( $ -1,000) ) for slnglrtg three or four operatic
elections at a inatlnoa concert In London.
Pattl Off tlio sta o
Is no loss entertaining , attractive , fascinat
ing. In England as in America , she Is ac
customed to travel In her own palatial style ,
and with the consent of the prlnco of Wales
the railway management places the prince's
apoclnl car at her disposal. An invitation to
visit Craig-y-Nos Is not to bo lightlyrojocted ;
ndcl to that a request to accompany its fair
owner on her Journey to London , it becomes
uimply a queen's command. Wlion , shortly
nftor U ) o'clock Monday morning , Madnmo
Pattl reached the station , she was immedi
ately surrounded by n host of frionjs who
had assembled to bid her good-byo. There
Was much embracing , ro-ombracing and
handshaking. Ono faro well apleco will never
Buflico. At lost It Is nil ovnr and the train
utarta. The party settles down for an all-
day rldo ; It.comprlsos besides Madame Patti
nnd her thrco attendants , a Miss Woodford
nnd her brother , my father and myself. I
must nut forgot Patti's Mexican dog and her
latest acquisition , a bullfinch that pipes
whole tunes and molodles to perfection. The
car U eicgant and comfortable , upholstered
with morocco-cushioned seats la well ar
ranged compartments. Wo should never call
It luxurious nor venture to tender its use to
the prlnco of Wales should ho condescend to
travel In America
Patti could scarcely have boon In bettor
humor. The delightful expectation of soon
.reaching . homo that homo of which she
thinks whenever she sings her famous song
seemed to put her In thn best of spirits.
Bho chats , hums , slugs , pots her dog by
turns. And U Is not all classical music. How
\roll I remember the amusement
I derived from nearlng Pattl
Ron slug the ditty , "Oh. Caroline ! Oh ,
Carolinol Meet Mo Hound the Corner , " etc.
"What thou was my surprlso to hear the same
Bong hummed by the dl vine Patti , to see her
l > ob up her head nnd perform the whole ac
companying pantomime I How did Pattl
liosn obtain the name ? "O , she took it , " says
Madame Puttl , "because the cost was cncap. "
But that marvelous voice must not bo en
dangered. I' ' irst ono window is raised , closed ,
tha opposite ono opened and shut. The ven
tilators must bo turned now this way , now
thai. No currents of air can possibly bo tolerated
erated In the car.
"Homo Sweet llouip. "
And now wo are approaching Wales. The
landscape becomes more variegated and hilly.
At last wo reach the Severn tunnel , from
which wo emerge after live inlnutus' rapid
locomotion , and then wo are In Wales Itself.
Madame Pattl Is all excitement and ccslacy ;
nho Is again upon familiar ground , again in
> n the country of her choice. The horizon is
hommcd In by mountains covered hero and
there wltn vorda.nt wouiU. The arable land
Is bright green and divided Into small
palches by moans of the darker lines of
hedges. At Ncath wo are clvon n special
locomotlvo and pass hurriedly up the sloop
grade. Now begins the craning of nocks and
straining of oyos. KveryOody gazes engorly"
out of thu window to catch the Ilrst gltmpo
rjf Cralg-y-Nos. At last it comas Into sight !
'Ihoro It Is , nestling hi u chimp of follago ,
halfway up ilia mountnln slop'o ; from thu
lofly flagstaff over the center tower duller' )
America's starry banner--most welcome sight
In a foreign land anil at Us side Iho British
standard. Cralg-y-Nos , the rod : of the night ,
seemingly stands out In somber huu from its
green background to w Icomo us. It Is not
the only welcome. Mr. Nicolint U In wait
ing with the carriages. As wo alight ,
Madame Potll utters n cry of surprise ;
this U not the Nlcollnl whom she loft but a
few days before with a line full baord , It Is a
handsome , robust man with blue oyos. brown
hair nnd moustache the board has vanished.
Desplio repealed exclamations , "Is this my
husband I" Pattl seems to have already ac
customed herself to the change and rather
seems to like It.
From the station n sorpoutino paved
roadway leads down and around the moun
tain to tbo galas of the wallua enclosure.
CriiiK-y-No-4 t'uHtlo
has undergone many alterations nnd exten
sions slnco it cnmo Into the po-i ossiou of
Madame Puttl olaven years ago. Vast sums
have boon spent annually hi embellishing ,
modernizing and enlarging It until at present ,
It represents an Investment of over a million
dollars. The castle Is an Imposing , oblong
structure with Its main frontage towards
the rising sun overlooking terrace , Inlco ,
ralloy and mountain. The tur-
rtotod south _ wlng with Its narrow
windows and Norman crest was
built some eighty years ago. Tbo rest hits
linen boon aJJod. Us masjlva walls of sand-
Fourth Week of Great Cash Clearing Sale $250,000 $ , Worth of Goods Still Left to Select From.
All goods marked down. We mentiona few of the tid-bits , particulars underneath. Ginghams at 4 l-2c , was 8 l-3c. Double fold Challis
at 5c , was 12 l-2c. Suitings 5c , was 15c. Domestic Sateens 5c , was lOc. Barbour's Linen Thread 2 l-2c per spool. Brooks' Soft Finish
Cotton Ic a spool. Corsets 69c , was $1.65 ; 95c , was $3.25 , and all the remnants that we have accumulated during this great sale in Dress Goods ,
Silks , Embroideries , Ribbons , Laces and Domestics at prices that are practically giving them away , also all the Sunshades and Parasols put up
in lots to close them out. In Cloak Department we offer the whole of our White India Linen Waists at a great reduction , and a lot of Plush
Sacques at $13.00 , the price of these was $27.50.
Coat price cuts no figure In this salo.
Our object is to clean up and you know
what that means.
To fncilitatfc the sale of thcso rem
nants wo place- thorn in sovou lots , as
follows :
Lot 1 ivt 20c each remnant.
Lot 2 at 5o ! ) each remnant.
Lot 3 at 9Sc each remnant.
Lot 4 at 81.C ! ) each remnant.
Lot 5 at $2.25 each remnant.
Lot G at $3.25 each remnant.
Lot 7 at 35.25 each remnant.
This moans iv saving- you of 03 per
cunt , mid that is n consideration these
hard times.
At the same time your choice of 95
Pattern Suits for $9.95 ; not one of them
worth less than J20. See them.
This will bo your last chance to get a
12-inch All Wool Cheviot for 42 Je per
Examine the Camel's Hair Cheviot ,
French Do Beige. Albatross. Flannel
Plaids , Check Suitings and Scotch
Tweeds wo have thrown on our counters
to close thorn out , only 39c.
Mohair Drilliantino , in all the now
and desirable shades for summer wear ,
choice of the entire line for fi9e.
Pure Brilliantine which sells every
where today for SI.25 , for this week 89e.
The now feather-weight Sublime
Cloth is taking the load. Lighter in
weight than silk and very durable.
Asic to see it
This season has been exceptionally
good in this department , and wo have
in consequence accumulated quite a
number of remnants. Silk remnants
are always good as they can be used so
muoh for combination. They run from
half a yard lip to ten yards , and are in
all kinds and qualities of Silk. Satins ,
Surahs. Failles , China's , \Viwh Silk and
Gros Grain.
Lot 1 49c , former remnant price SI.00.
Lot 2 $1.23 , former remnant price $2.00
Lot3 $1.00 , former remnant price $3.00
Lot - t$2 89 , former remnant price $4.00
Lot 5 $3.09 , former remnant price $5.00
LotO$4.33 , former remnant price $5.73
Lot7$5.26 , former remnant price 80.75
Lot 8$0.3 ( ) , former remnant price 37,75
Lot 0$7.35 , former remnant price $8.50
Lot 10 $8.25. former remnant price $12.
Lot 11 $10 , former remnant price $15.
Lot 12 $13.50 , former remnant price
stone , now gray and nnllquatod In appear
ance , nro surmounted by a castellated cornice
sot off at each end by bastion-lino towers
rising above the three-storied castlo. Hocont
extensions and additions have been In har
mony with the original design. The now
center tower is embellished by n clock
which strikes the hours exactly like the fa
mous Victoria clock in Westminister.
The principal entrance open * In a largo
airy hall from which n wide convenient stair
way loads to the stories auovo which nro de
voted to chambers and sleeping apartments.
It pees without snyinc that these rooms nro
superbly furnished and equipped with all
modern conveniences including electrical call
Madame Pattl'H Koudoir
Is moro elaborately yet unostentatiously ar
ranged. The most noticeable pleco of fur-
nlturo is a largo safe In which the diva's
princely Jewels and valuables nro securely
kept. The chambers nro handsomely decor
ated , not overdone ; the elder ones are
finished with palntod woodwork , these Just
completed in the now addition with beauti
ful natural wood.
On the ground floor to the north of the en
trance hall is n cosy little reception room , in
which is displayed a number of tha great
singer's ' trophies. Letters from the crowned
heads of Europe and eminent composers ,
pictures of dear friends bearing autograph
Inscriptions , among which that of Mrs. '
Cleveland attracts the eye of the American
visitor ; cbnplots of gold and silver and
precious stones , and other tokens of admira
tion mid esteem present the story of the ca
reer of tbo most famous songstress of our
ago. The drawing-room on the opposite sldo
of the hall is larger and perhaps a little moro
elaborately furuUhcd. An adjoining alcove
'contains a
Parian Marhlo Itust of Pattl.
A smaller plaster model of the prlma donna
In her youth , placed In the hall above , gives
material for an Interesting comparison. Portraits
traits and photographs of the same subject
ut different periods of her career are by no
means lacking , but as they are well distrib
uted throughout the various rooms , their
profusion does not obtrude Itself on the eye.
Thu library Is commodious and iitteu with
every convenience for writiut ? . Along the
walls is arranged u small collection of well
selected literary works in English , French
and Uorman. Many treat of musical toplas ,
but there are also editions of tha leading
poets ns well as a tiumoerof standard novels.
Among thorn I notice Longfellow's poems ,
' John Halifax , Gentleman , " Daniel Do-
rondo , "History of Music , " by Clement , the
National Encyclopedia , Oulda's works ,
"Songs of Waloi , " works of Bvron , Burns
and Sh'ikespaaro. On the tables are many
finely Illustrated books , basldos numerous
photographic albums , Rlvlufr views of differ
ent places In thu many lands which Pattl
has vlsltad.
The dining-room Is a largo square hall , the
walls mid paneled colling most handsomely
decorated. The sideboard Is loaded down
with rare porcelain and stiver. During tbo
winter It U In constant use , but in the sum
mer time the meals are served In a dining-
room specially com true ted for convenience
during the warmer months. The latter U
A IJOIIK CoiiNorviitory
built entirely of class , resting upon an Iron
Short lengths of White Gooods nt
half prico.
All our Remnants from 30c to 60c , at
19c piece.
All our Romnan Is from 45c to 75c , at
3oc piece.
All our Remnants fron 85c to Sl.OO , at
68c pioco.
All our Remnants from $1.00 to $1.50 ,
at 7Rc piece.
All our Remnants from $1.75 to $2.00 ,
nt 95o piece.
All our Remnants from $2.25 to $2.50 ,
nt $1.45.
All our Remnants from $2.50 to $1.00 ,
at $2.15 piece.
Among the above romn.ints will bo
found some very suitable lengths in
black , lawns and organdies.
Odd dozen in Napkins , very cheap.
Odd lengths in Damask very cheap.
Odd lengths in Crash very cheap.
Our Towels at ICjc and 19c nru fast
molting away. Secure some of them
A few more of those Table Cloths loft
at $3.985.75 , $8.75.
In connection with the above will bo
found a quantity of Muslins and Sheet
ings that wo have marked down below
cost to close them out.
Monday wo make still deeper cuts in
our already oxcoedinqly low prices in
wash Dross Goods.
8jc and lOc Ginghams redacod toHe. .
12Jc Challis double fold , roducea to 5c.
15c Armenian Suitings , reduced to 5c.
lOc Sateens , reduced to 5c.
loc Batistes , reduced to 9c.
25cOriental Crepes , reduced to 13c.
40c and 50c Crepes , reduced , to 25c.
40o French Sateens , black and white
and black , with colored figures , 19c.
40c colored figure Molanois , 19c.
35o wash Henriettas , 19c.
40c Organdies , 25c.
Remnants of Wash Goods at half
frame. Exquisite flowers , tropical plants ,
rippling fountains , parrots , cockatoos , aovas ,
canaries these are the backgrounds ; In front
lies a panorama , a landscape palctcd by na
ture of which the eye never wearlos. A long
terrace dotted with flowering shrubs , crav-
olcd walks and clumps of trees , leads , step by
step , to the foot of the valley beneath , whore
a splashing mountain-stream flows merrily
onward over cataract and boulders. Beyond
rise the mountains on either sldo , hero cov
ered with wood or grassy pastures , marked
by dark green hedges , there exposing rocky
strata , behind which every now and then
pulTs of srnoko from passing locomotives can
bo seen. The birds Hit from tree to tree and
the rabbits show themselves unabashed.
Nature and Art Have United
to outdo themselves. It is hero that Madame
Patti is to bo soon about 11 o'clock every fair
morning taking her dally walk , In which she
h often Joined by her guests. That Is the
hour when she descends from hor.ipartmonl ;
everyone has his morning to himself , break
fast being served in his room. Lunch at noon
gives the Ilrst opportunity for using the
lovely dining-room. .Hut It Is at dinner , us
ually served at ; ! ! 0 p.m.that this crystal pal
ace , Illuminated by olectrlo lights , shines In
all Its glory. Madame Patti presides at the
bond of ibo lable , while Mr. Nicolinl occupies
the seat ut the opposite onu. The hostess ap
pears in evening dross , and each evening iu
a different gown. And such gowns t Such
jewels I My lady friends may perhaps bo in
terested In knowing exactly what
CoHtuuics Pattl Wore
at dinner during the five days of our visit.
On Monday she appeared in a white satin
docollotlo gown Irimmod with pearls ; n pearl
necklace , pearl earrings , diamond bracelets
and a diamond brooch on her breast. On
Tuesday , a pink gown of gros grain sllit , the
whole front covered with India gold and sil
ver , precious sionos and pearls ; a roviored
collar with sixteen diamonds , as largo as
hazel nuts , costing ? 15,000 , with diamond car-
rings , bracelets and rings to nmte'a. Wednes
day oronln ? , a dross of blue dnumsk , high In
the back , but with heart-shaped cut in
front , the skirt and bodice embroidered with
rosebuds on pink crepe do chine ; the neck
lace and earrings were of pearls , the diamond
bracelets had cost 30,000 francs. On Thurs
day Madame Pattl was clad In a peach-col
ored velvet gown with brocade of precious
stones and spangles , garnishment ot tlowois
of Oster ; this was sot off by a magnificent sot
of Jewelry consisting of necklace , earrings
and bracelets ot largo turquoise sot In diamonds
mends and worth $50,000. Friday evening , n
striking balldross on tralno , of orange colored
satin , the front apron embroidered with
PenrlH , DiitmoiiilM and HpaitKlt'R ,
whllo tbo bottom was garnished with roses ;
around the nock a necklace of rectangular-
cut emeralds framed iu diamonds , with our-
rings , bracelets and broach to match. This
emerald sot represents an outlay of ? 30,000.
If so disposed , Madame Patil could
clothe herself daily in a different dress
for n period of two months , livery costume
nas iU own fun and Is perfection itself. Al
most the same can ba said of her sots of
Jewelry. Those ornaments represent hun
dreds of thousands of dollars.
"Too much Jewelry niakos mo look over
weighted , " says Pattl. "Hut I have so
many sola that I must wear thttni even If I
Ncgligo Shirting In all makes.
Madras , in strl pcs and plaids , reduced
to 15c , from 25c.
Madras , in stripes and plaids , reduced
to 35c , from 55c.
All other makes In proportion.
Our All Wool Suitings , 21 inches
wide , from 40c to 12Jc. The greatest
sacrifice of all. *
Summer weights , in all colors.
Choose Cloth'and.Silkaloen . from 32
to $2.75.
Ribbon Remnants at 7c , worth up to
Ribbon Remnants at 19o , worth up to
Ribbon Romnatuij at 33c , worth up to
50c. , .
Remnants of Ribbons , worth up to 70c
allat43c each. * < "
All remnants of 'fine Hamburg Edg
ing and Skirting will bo put up In average -
ago lota. ' * / '
Remnants 8c , 9c and lOc , all at 7c.
Remnants from 13& to 20c , all at 13o.
Remnants at 23c , worth up to 30o.
Remnants fromi35c to 40c , for 33c. .
And so on all ttirouprh' the stock. The
lots will be placed on ono counter and
marked in plain figures.
There will bo some exceptional bar
gains among them , as the goods are ail
of this fcoason's importation.
do look like the jeweled virgins in some
Catholic shrinos. It Is on account of these
jeweled images that the churches are often
robbed. "
"Hobbors hnvo no respect for madonnas , "
remarked ono of the company.
"No more have they for prima donnas , "
came the sharp retort from Pattl.
It Is not only on the operatic stage that
Madame Pattl has nchiovod celebrity. She
has bccomo
Famous In Other Fields
and that of salad-drcssin ? Is ono In which
she takes especial prldo. At each dinner
she personally must dross the salad. It Is
needless to say that she has good grounds fur
pride nnd is not to bo blamed for the sails-
faction she takes in a handsoma gold decora
tion presented to her by some of her iuttmato
[ friends as n substantial testimonial for
I artistic salad-drossinsr.
On tno south , the summer dining room
pens on a pas sasjo which leads to the winter
garden , a larco , high conservatory onllroly
of glass and iron. Us erection alone cost
over $20,000. The lofty dome makes room
for lingo palms ; ( lowering vines , hanging
baskets , bright blossoms , fragrant perfumes
roplnco in winter or In bad weather the beau
tiful walks along the Icrraca. All is lighted
by electricity , heated by steam. Grapes ,
poaches and olhcr fruits are raised in sep
arate hot-houses.
Tlioro Are nirttH TCvorywhero.
Pattl calls them her children. Having
no little folks of her own , she lav
ishes all her maternal affection
upon her birds and dogs nnd they ara treated
right royally. Ulcci , the small Mexican dog
with slipped cars and , sleek , yellow-brown
hair , presented by Mrs , President IMaIs
her special favorite 'and Is carried along on
all her tours. The \Vp\ch \ ponies which Patti
herself drives como in for their share of pet
ting , but she feels for1'nil animals. She will
allow uono to bo killed upon the immediate
promises. , . ,
After dlnnor the evenings are devoted to
various entertainments. The billiard rooms
are located In the .new wing on the north ,
There are two largo 'hulls ' , ono containing an
American table , 11)6' ) , 'other a table with
pockets for English. tplayers. In the first
room Is fi- '
A Grand'Or"aheBtrIou ,
made to order In Switzerland and Imported
at a coit of 100,000 francs. It is operated by
moans of an oloctrio , } ptor. All tha favorite
operas as well as classical symphonies and
lighter dance music ara rendered in nn artis
tic manner by this wonderful piece of
mechanism. Pattl never tires of Us music ,
( t plays several selections , particularly a
waltz of tier own composition , which glvo
her an opportunity to accompany the orches
trion with her caatanots. This she docs with
great skill nnd marvelous grnca and Is some
times carried away by the rhythmic mttslo to
datico about whllo she plays.
"Isn't this nicol" aho exclaimed as she
flitted alone.
"Assnnnll.r ; hut so lonely , " I replied.
"Como along : ! " and along 1 went without
waiting for u set-ond Invitation. And no mist
In her teens could possibly waltz moro easily ,
gracefully , lightly than he. On tbu walls of
the room , moreover , are hung suvoraUulls of
stage armour iu which Patti and Nicolint
have uppoarecl.
Tim Kii-lUli lltlllaril Itonni
contains an organ and a grand piano besides
Lot 1 at 25c White Coaching Para
Lot 2 nt 79c Colored Parasols , worth
Lot 3 at ? 1.95 Colored Silk Parasols ,
worth & 1.00.
Lot 4 at $ ! . Silk Parasols , black and
colored , worth $0 and $ S.
Lot 1 , 13c Children's Colored Para
Lot 2 , 55c Children's Colored Para-
Bols , worth 8oc.
Lot 3 , H3o Children's Colored Para
sols , worth $ l..r ! > .
Lot 4 , $1 Children's Colored Para
sols , worth $1.05.
Grgnt closing out sale of Corsets. The
tremendous slaughter wo have made in
prices will and must wipe out tlio entire
stock in the few days that are left.
Lot 1. 3c ! ) 18 do/en OorSols which wo
have always retailed at 75c and $1 ,
Hizos 18 , 19 , 120 , SI , 122 , 23 , 24 , 25. 20 , 27 ,
28 , 30 , Monday's price I9o. !
Lot 2 , ( io ! ) In this lot will bo found
Corsets which wo have sold at $ l.2o ,
SI.50 and $1.05 , sixes 18. 1' ) , 20,21,22 ,
2 : ! , 24 , 25 , 20 , 27 , 28 , 20 , 30 ; price for
Monday GOc.
Lot. ! , 95c In this lot ylll bo found
some of the finest Corsets in the house ,
sold at $2 , S2./50 and $3.25 , sizes 18 , 19 ,
20 , 21 , 22 , 23. 24 , 25 , 20 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 ,
32 , 33 ; closing out price 95c.
Lot 4 , $2 Cont-iins C. P. and G. B.
Satin Corsets , sold at $4.50 and $0.50 ,
sizes 18 , 19 , 20 , 22 , 23 , 2-1 , 25 ; Monday's
price $2.
Ladies' 50c Gowns , Monday 35c.
Ladies' Corset Covers 25c. Monday
Ladies' Vul. lace trimmed Drawers
$1.38 , Monday 75c.
Ladies' Embroidered Drawers 81.25 ,
Monday 09c.
Ladies' Vnl. lace trimmed Skirts ,
SI.50 , Monday $1.
Aprons , 25o and 30c , Monday 19c.
Children's Dresses , 75c and 90c , Mon
day oOc.
Children's and Infants' Bonnets , 25
per cent oil on the $1.
French Woven , P. D. , C. P. , I. C. ,
Good Luck and Sunrise , 50 cents off on
the dollar.
the tables. Billiards form ono of the chief
recreations for Mr. Nicollni , who is quite ( in
expert at the gamo. His wife , too , is said tote
to DO a by no means unskilled player. Nico-
llnl has also had a new acquisition placed in
this room a game of Dutch * top played on a
handsome table with metallic ornaments in
three compartments In which the top , when
spun , Is to pvorturn the pins or ring a small
bell each of which counts a certain number
of points. The game Is ono In which chance
has almost as great a part as skill but Nice
linl plays with a vim and Interest that is most
amusing. If athls'turn the top roaches the
third compartment , ho dances about and
shouts with delight ; if It spins on ono spot
ho cries In a despairing tone , "It sleom ! it
sloops ! " Again when the top Is about to
spin Itself out , his exclamation is "Cochon
vat" ( Go away you pig ) a phrase which ,
after teaching to his parrot , ho himself has
unwittingly continued to use.
Pattl'H Pain ins Tlinntcr.
As if all this did not furnish sufficient
moans of entertaining and amusing her
guests , Madame Patti has had a small thea
ter built quite to her own do-ilro. It is a
real Hijou with ono gnllary and plush cover
ed choirs for ! ! OJ persons. The ceiling is
supported on each side by rows of llutod col
umns surmounted by Ionic capitals. The
whole inlorior Is Mulshed In whllo with
glided slucco work and frescoed pannols.
Smaller pannols along the cornice boar the
names of different composers whllo the three
favorites , Verdi , Rossini and Mozart uro
given the place ot honor Immediately above
the singe. Shakespeare alone of all Iho dra
matists Is rocognUod by a similar tablet. A
handsome curtain of blue plush , when pulled
nsldo , dlsclofos beneath Its gracefully draped
folds , a drop-curtain upon which Somlramis
in a golden chariot drawn by snowy steeds ,
is portrayed. The stugo Is of moderate size ,
the scenery tasteful and well mndo.
The whole theater Is equipped with
nil the latest appliances and lighted
by electricity. The orchestra floor Is laid on
quite tin'incline but can bo raised to the level
of the stage , enabling the whole space to bo
converted into a b4H room. The theater was
flwt used last summer. What a merry tlmo
the participants must have had I I have heard
Mr. Spanieling , who took a loading part iu
tableaux , toll how no rigged himself to repre
sent MophlHtopholes ; how ho borrowed n
lady's mantle , painted his eyebrows and
moustache , and then finished his coslumo by
putting on.although with considerable difficul
ty , a pair of rod slocking * which Pattl had
worn as Hoslna , In the "Harbor of Seville. "
Ho has also told how , as Hluuboard , by put-
tine holes in n ploco of canvas ho arranged
thu chambermaids of tbu castle into n row of
ghostly \
Hond * Dripping In Mlond ,
as nn unexpected surprise for Madame Pattl
when she should open the fatal closot. And
tha merriment did not cease here. On Christ
inas Pattl received a portion of the blue board
as a present and reciprocated the compliment
by sending the donor ono of the bloody keys
used In the tableaux.
It was on this same Christmas last year
the first that Madamu Pattl had spent nt her
castle In the eleven years that sha had owned
it , that 4,000 children of tha neighborhood
were entertained at n Christmas dlnnor and
In thn evening all the tenants and servants of
ttio citato assembled iu thU same theater ,
Gents' fancy striped Lisle Throat ;
Hose , different grades , originally noli !
at f > 0c to 05c , now 39o pair. .
Gents' odd sizes of oxford mixed and
cotton Ilalf-IIoso at 12o } a pair.
Gonts' fani'y trimmed Night Shirts ,
for 18e each.
To oloso out a line of odd sixes of Boys
Waists , wo will olTer them at 3"5c each ,
worth OOe.
A largo full line of sizes in whllo tin-
laundered Boys' Waists for 50e , worth
75o to 85c.
Boys' French Percale Latindrod
Waists , all sizes , at 95c o'ach , always
sold at SI.50.
A few dozen odd sizes of Ladles' Ribbed -
bed Lisle Vests , at llljc , regular price
L'ulios' fancy striped Lisle Hrno , sev
eral different styles at ISc , well worth
A few dozen neat patterns of gray
and tan striped cotton Hose , at 39o a
Black Lisle Thread , fast dyo. at 19c.
B'irbour's Linen Thread at 2c } per
Brook's Soft Cotton Thread at Ic per
Best Coralino Slays , at fie in yard
Tubular Bono Casing , at 15o per bolt.
A nice assortment of Tennis Bolls at
lOc and I5c.
The U. B. Skirt Protector at 20c ,
in black , browns and grays.
Fancy color bordered anil white hem
stitched all linen Handkerchiefs at 12Jc ,
worth 2)0.
White hemstitched , embroidered and
scalloped edge fine Linen Handker
chiefs at 25c , worth 50o.
Wo will place on sale Monday ,
July 20th , all our trimmed Hats arid
Bonnets in Three Lots.
Lot No. 1 , your choice at $5.00.
Lot No. 2 , your choice at $3.50.
Lot No. 3 , vour choice at $1.95.
Ladies' and Children's colored Milans
and fancy Braids ; vour choice for $1.00 ,
former price $2 00 , $2.25 , $2.50.
Ladies' and Childron'H Black Leg
horn Flats , your choice for $1.00 , regu
lar price $2.00.
where a tree laden with costly presents was
stripped as the number of each present was
drawn by some member "of the audience. It
closed with a ball opened by Pattl and her
bntlor. Right hero It will not bo out of plaoo
to soy that
The DIva'H Hront Popularity
among all classes of people In the Swansea
valley Is largely duo to the liberality which
shohas displayed In extending individual aid
to the needy and in contributing to churches
and charitaolo and benevolent enterprises.
The theater is not in constant use , but
some entertainment is given every little
while. A magic lantern Ihrows dissolving
views upon the canvas , n minstrel bhow , n
farce for miscellaneous concert Is carried out
by amateurs or somi-profeisional players
brought up from Swansea. To classics or
comedies Madame Patti gives tlio sainu po-
llto attention , applauds heartily nnd oven
loads the ontlro audience in Joining In tlio
chorusof "Annie Uoonoy , " whllo Nicolinl var
lei the text nnd gives piquancy to tlio sonc
by chiming In "And Adelina is my sweet
heart. " The gallery U always sot aside for
the farmers and employes of the place who
show by their countenances their Intense enjoyment -
joymont of the privilege. There U to bo a
regular season of
ThontrlualH Tliln Summoi-
Hcglunlng August 12 , when I'.iUl herself
will take part together with a largo number
of celebrated professionals whom she has
at . On this
invited as guests Craig-y-Nos.
occasion nulto a number of Paul's admirers
and friends Including many of the Hritlsh no
bility will bo entertained ; among them
Prlnco Pierre do Vnllory , the son of Count
do Chatnbord , Count and Countess do Hen-
tor , the Onponholmors , the great bankers ,
and the Count and Countess Castrono. .The
castle Is In fact
A Mlnatura Hotel.
About forty servants are required oil the
tlmo to keep up the household. Their qunr-
lors , the dining rooms , are always Inviting In
appearance. Two kitchens are maintained ,
ono for English , the other for French cooU-
Ing. Tha wlno collar , containing moro than
10,000 bottles of the choicest vintage , is the
pride of Mr. Nicollni and has boon stocked
under his personal caro. The stables are
commodious and well filled , hut on account of
their proximity to the castle are soon t o bo
replaced by asotof handsome now buildings
of brick and stone , moru rumoto from the
res I don co and now nearly completed.
TliH iHacliinory Itiilldlni ;
Is extremely interesting. A Jifty-hono
power stnam engine furnishes the motive
force by which the dynamo Is operated. The
incandescent lights are not worked by direct
current , hut receive their supply from a
largo storage battery. This gives a moro
sloady Illumination and obviates the neces
sity of running the angina at night , An adJoining -
Joining room contains a machlnu for making
lea by the other process , whllo near by are
tha furnaces for manufacturing tras , the gas
purifier * and gas holders. In another build
ing Is a fully equipped steam laundry , whcro
thn washing of the entire establishment can
bo quickly dono. All the electric and gas
machinery arc duplicated to provide against
possibleaccidents. . The inner grounds are
completely surrounded by blgb stonu walls ,
the gatoM are solid oak , thu bridge across the
Tawo is closed by a spiked grating. Nor Is
this alii * watchman makes hU nightly
"Romnunt" prices on Hooks and Sta
tionery. A few moru Uneyolopa'dlaa at
81.18 , worth $2.oO.
A line of $1.50 12 mo. Hooks 23o.
A line of 2"C Novels , 4 for 2oc.
A line of 50o Novots for ! Wo. '
50o Music Folios for30u to lihno.
25o Music Kollos for 15o to close
lOo Shoot Music , 3 for lOc to clow.
25 per cent discount on Baxter ami
Oxford liiblos.
50c per oont discount on Family
Bibles , Prayer Books and Hymnals ,
single or in sots.
ttl discounts on everything in this
Lndios' Vassar Shirts , slightly soiled ,
only 25u each.
Ladies' Colored Shirt Waists , only 33o
each .
Ladies * Spring Jackets , only $1 oiioh ,
Children's Hoady-mado Giniflnni
Suits , only 2"c. .
Wo have 29 Plusli S i' ff > j that wo do
not cam to movu into our now annex.
Wo will olTor them at such a price
that will sell them till right.
Plush S.vcquos , full 10 inoho'i long ,
made of a genuine- seal plush , full seal or
naments , and first'OlasH lining , g nrnionts
that we have sold at $27.59 during the
winter , wo ( liter them for this &nlo at
$13 each. Bjy ono and lay it aside for
next winter.
Ladies' White India Linen Waists ,
handsomely omb roidoiod , at 7oc , 81 ,
S1.2 > , SI..VB2 ) , $2.50.
Wo have just roi'.oiv od the celebrated
Carinouuita W aisl , made of line linen
rte India , trimniod with Van Dyke om-
broulory , only S2.75 each.
Consisting of Silk W.irp Henriettas ,
All Wool llourtettns , el's ITair
BriUiantlnos , Wool Surges , Nun's Veil
ings , Cashmeres , etc. , etc. , in lengths
of from 1 to 10 yards , nrice for each
longlh 25c , 75c , $1B1.3J , 92 , $2 9" , $3 50 ,
$4.50 , $1.9) and $0.25. Amongst them
will bo found some of our uhoieost goods.
rounds and i.otes his visits at various points
by means of a time rogislor. Electric burglar
alarms are also provided us a protecllvo
against housebreakers.
The Wlipln Kstiito
contains about 8,000 acres , of which some 700
surrounding the castle are within the walls.
The greater portion of Iho land is let out to
farmers nnd returns a small interest on the
Investment. The railway station ut
Penwyllt , about a mlle distant , is located on
tbu estate. In this vast domain Nicollni re
tains the right to hunt and fish , nnd the
ruddy color of his face attests the healthfulness -
ness of his fnvnrita sport. Ho is quite an
angler mid brings homo whole loads of trout.
Some are caught , nlivo and placed In a
pond where they ara kept protected
by a wire netting until wanted ,
lioth thu lake and stream abound in
trout , which may bo scon swimming about
nt all times , while another stream not far
distant alTords good salmon. Moreover , a
Hold within the enclosure has bqen arnifgod
to protect young pheasants ( hatched by hens )
until they are strong enough to taUo care of
themselves. They then fly off lo Iho woods ,
whore they afford the huntsman as flno Bport
as ho could doslro. Nlcollnl has figured that
by this process ovury pheasant he shoots
'costs him $3. Pattl liai not the heart to Join
him Iu hunting , but she has on exhibition
some line specimens of Ilsli which she has
How did Pattl como to select this spot In
Wales as her homo ? This question has prob
ably boon ashed by every visitor at Cralg-y-
Nos , and Madame Pntli Is not reticent In re
"When I Ilrst saw the nluce , I was Immedi
ately struck by its beauty. 1 thought It
Tlio .Most < Imrmfiit ; Spot
1 had over seen. Then , too , I heard such
clear , sweet voices among the Wi'lsh peasan
try , that I snid : "I'dIs Is the country for mo.
1 want to prnsorvo my voice. ' " Beautiful us
It must then have been , each year has added
to Us chnrm until now the term "my pnr.i-
diso" cannot ho considered misapplied. N'o
wonder that Pattl adorns the place and that
strong Inducements are necessary to duuv
her from it. Monov , when earned bv hard
labor , is nnver unwelcome , and so Madame
Patti continues to singus longas hcrsorvlcu *
are in demand at her own figures. KIio will
make n concert tour In the United States ttiu
coming winter , and will probably rnnch
Omaha in tlmo to see the hlnr birds , of which
she always speaks ; but thorn is nn attraction
like Craig-y-Nos ! To Cralg-y-Nos HIO will re
turn ; for here alone eim shu find that scrcnu
and happy life which she desires.
The DcnIcrH Did thn 'trust.
The American watch association whi'-h
collapsed a few days ago , was ono of tlio
largest combines o/or organized In ttio
United States. They had u cnpitnl of
$ . ' 0,000,000 and controlled the output of all of
the wutch factories nnd tno tnido of nil inu
large Jobbers in this country and Canada ,
Hut In spite of their largo capital nnd perfect ,
organization they wore forced to the wall by
tlio patient persistent efforts nf four largo
retail homes In the United Stiitof. Thcsi )
houses nllhouuh severely boycotted bv the
watch trust i mummed to sucuro watrho.of
their inamif.ietnni which they dlinuiod uf l < >
their customers li such quantities mid ut
prices BO far below those uf the poll as iq
forcu thu concern to suspend Thuau plucky
flrniH were Ido.ited In New York city , Wash-
ingUni , D. ( ' . , Chicago mid Omaha , the
Oman firm being Hayden lirothors. This
signal success of demolishing trusts proves
that they are not so formidable when n
determine ! effort cau bo .uourcd to over
throw chora ,