THE OMAHA DAILY * BEE : SITNDA\(1 ( JULY 10. 1801-TWELVE PAGES 8PBQIHL NOTICES. H'll TJIKSK COM'MNfl ADVKIITISKMKNTH 12 n nm for the prnnlnu nil nnttls MV m for the inornlnitor Sunday odl tlonn All nclTrrtl'rnprt : In lir o colnmnn 2 rent * n word flint Inncrllon nml IH cent * a wnnl IhPrMflrr , or n | > i > r linn ppr month No drerH'cmrnt In km fur loin tlinn 23 cenln for tlm Hrpt Insertion Iprnm ci h In nil Tuner Inll iiH , flmirm * yml'0 > rlccnch conning word. All iKHriltfiiniTiU mint run con-ecu lltely iilvi-rtl er , by irqnpullnif n numbered check cnn fmvo their nnuwprn fulilrenprd to n ' mini bernl kttrr In cnroof Till llrr AiiKwernno nil ilrenml IrllllodollTcrptloiilf on prc entatlon of the check BIIA.NCII OrMt'lM- AllPHTI8INO rolunmii will I f > tnkrn nil the nhoro ronilltlnnr t the follonlnK liiiflm ' tioiipn , who nro author ' lo ink i * tpcclnl nntlepn nt Iho nmo rates os can y'trt nt Ihn niMn on CH Fonlli nmnhn Ilmich Oihcp-No ! r3 N street , trrhlock Juhn W Hell , J'hnrrnnctM lltli nnrt Mnon Mrcr-tn P II KnrnntTOrtli. I'linrmnclM.Vir.Cumlnc street W I Hni-lir * , I'hnrmnrl't C2IN Ir.lh Mript Ororiro W 1'nrr , I'linrinnd't. 1718 Invcnworth trri i JliiKlioi Plinrnincjr. nth nml Knrnnm _ _ ' SITUATIONS WANTKI ) ror n < ttf > , etc. . ter top of fnt fiilnm i 1111 tint I ngf. " " -t pnrty nho will Kirn mo n ponltlon n a li.lnnt hookkm per or blllliiK.cUTk T 41. llco .IIP I'J * WANTKD , TIIK ( 'AUK OK AN INK AS 'I' , Oil Kovprnp n for chlldrrn nml Ilithl lionnework ( load rofprpiiccn Addrpst T 45 line W I'l * A rosmoN nv A iTioiiouoiit.r OOMPI- : tcnt ncconnUntV A Kelly , yu Ninr Vork 7.1 te 131 I9 _ WAS PKII HKT ( II HOOKH TO KHPP 1IVKV lnit liy ronipptnnl person Hrsl Urn" rcfor oncc Address , TM lint Mils 21 * Afll M'ri VAM'l.l ) AT 231 N UIH SI It I' HI * III U - , \OIJSI MAN. KKIM HOOKS , A-WAN1KD Uood slliintlon IBS .Sew York Itn I \ 1\VANTKD A I' OSI II. SI1 UATIOV 111 AS yiperlenced Ind ) stcnoKrnpher , cull keep books Address 1 . 1. 1 ! ) N 17th 1300 20 _ A 1OIIS I. \j V HI'LNOOHAI'IIKH V AS1S position anln y small Address TM , Hie > 5I 19' A-I'OSI'llON AS KM'MST Oil ItTl l 7l OK any kind Address 1' O llox IU , I'lallsinnnth LADY DESIItrs POSITION AS HIK.SOO A rntdi < r nnd typewriter Lxporlonced Address T 7 , llco ' Li1 ! . ' YoTl O MAVVisTihS SITUATION IN iiDleu or us clerk t nil or nddross2.'l7 Capitol nvonue ( , ood'references SU47 19 * A WANTKD , IIVAN I"VrKHllINCKI ) AM ) UK liable bookkeeper situation In nil otllco or with a business house , wholes ilo preferred Ad dress T 37 llco Ml'1721' VANTKD HITITA'IIO.SS 1 OH ( IOOD ( ,1111.9 ; m } wnltlmz rooms nro ulwnys full from U a m to Ct p m Cnnadlun Kmplo ) ment olllco , J14v ! S 15th Tclcphono 884 4UI For ratct , etc , tee t i > nf Hint coltixin on tM * "I-A ( . .KVTLKMA.NA.STKD KOH A I'FHMA- J' neul position , must bo prepared to bciiln work nt once , experience unnecessary , butfonmt sales- rnnn preferred. Hnlary Jl'i w < ekly Apply Tnesd ly after 10 W. T. Man-hall U Crelxhtoti block J7U IK- "IJ-WANrKD. 01.01 IH MJ SAI.KSMAN WK -l wnrit nn nvent or llrm In every county In the II. H to handle our line of merchant tailoring Hunter Mfit Go , Clmlnnntl , O Pants to order , 1100 Suits , HfiU ) nnd upwards Wrlto for snmile | nnd rules for self mi nsuremcnt : ; i.i 111' T > An.vrs ( : WAN'I i.i ) I'.iiYwniiuiii'OHoim : JOnew nrt KOOIH | No humbug No memey ro qnlrcit until sales are niiulu nml pnrtly ilillvered HampliHfrco Addruis N M. trlcelman A Co Mnr tlnsburir , Mo JI3 ID * "IIVA .NTKD , ilil'sTwOUTHVMAN OH .Dbrnnrh of larKO company ; monthly Hillary $210 nnrl share uf proiltH , nmnt invent $ .1000. "l.o Hoy' " rnru .N Chtsnmn , | UT > Homo Insurance bulhllni ; Chlcnuo .147 U * n-WANTHI1WO YOU.NO , KNKUIIKTIO MIN ! J'or women to work In thla city uncl country ; wanes tl OH n clay. Cnll at 4W Hoe blclK. 144 U * "n WAN run , LADY sriiNocitAPiiKit AND Jlypewrlter with it large corporation , innut have nt leant 1 years nctnnl buslnet s experience Sal ary (1100 per week. ( , ooil prnspcctn for advance ) room to ono thoroughly qualified Address T 42 , Jloo olllco J421U * T ) WAMKD. AOKMS F.VKKYWHKUIC TO SKLTj .U "Inillan Horrors , ' ' Mienniin's I.lfo , " "Harniun Hook , etc.olmndlo nil the N'ntl Pill ) K t'o ' llest commissions J , rcnch . _ 0 Omnha JOSIJ' n AOKNTS MAKK t 1 1'KH DAY SKLI.INO J > l'ortfollo of Life A work wanted In every homo Kxqulsltoly Illustrated Contains warning ! to boys and Klrls Aids | > nri nts In tralnlni ; children. Full page plntPs showing olfects of alcohol and clirari tto smoklm ? etc Address O W Close , 415 Wnunsli nvo , Chicago , III M 1,1,1 . ' 4 * -WANTKI ) , TUAVIII.I.SO SAT.KSMAN CAN muko $ .VJO ( per week permanently Trade spo clnltles Ocrmnn Tabor 177 Monroe at , Chicago. T > -\\iorn : < : ii AOKNI * IIK ; MONKY IN KXCI.II l > sl\e territory Our now patent safe's se-ll at alliht In city or country New aiu-nU tlrht In llohl initially gelling rh h One ngfnt In one clny i learott JMi Ho cnnj on Catalogue. frc'O Alpine Safe com | inny , Si. . 171 Clark ntrci t ' Inclnnntl O T > W A NTKD , AN KM' IIHIKNOKI ) SAI.P8MAN. JJAilclroBB , stating experience , T 43 , Hue olllee 891 M "TriTY SALKSMAN , OMAHA 8HIHT KACTOHY. JJ1.1H titrnam ntrcet M.'ll It ) Tj > -A \ OUNO MAN toll OM-ICK WOIIK , MUST JJlm a Rnoil penman , raphl nml accurate itt Hicnrei unit n ill-position to rnsllo Htitto salary of- pcctcd T 41 , llco otllco a,7 , It ) > -\VANTnn noon itAiuihit AllllllKS' * I10X ' | K | , Alimwortli , Nuh " 7WANTHl > , IIHOOM MAKKIl : MUST 111 : UltST .J'claim H K. Copaon , corner 15th ami Puclilc 85) ) li ) T > WAMKI ) , A PIANO PI.AVIHl 1.NQI1IU1' : 108 J N Dill ft. SOU t > WANTKIOiN7ilALAND : : SPITIAI. A(5r.v"re J'to roire | ont the Flili lit ) Miitinil I.lfii Insnrnnco cninpiiny of Phlhiilvliihlii Pn , In Nclirisku and Council Hliifls , extra illiiral lniliitenent tn rluht imrlles dill on or indirect atnto nmniiKer , M7 Pax ton hloek , Omaha , Noli 810 1 > .SAI.l SMAN"lOSPII..001)-'IOAliH'HAMS ( : t'h ] Hiimple , till ? pay for uorkors now KOOIH | per manent situation ; ihniuii to hnllel n line trailn Jloilnl.MfuCo , South Hi nil Iml 791 ad' T > - WANTl'.I ) SAT.KSMF.N ON RAI.A11V Oil ( OM l'mlK lon to hnmllc the new pati nt chemical Ink cranlni ; pencil , thn creati t m Illnu nntnlty ever prexliceil erases Ink tlioroiiBhly In t o tieconils no nhnixlon of piiper , 'Jell to H * ) pi r tent prollt ono nutnt'H talin ninonnteil to ttiO In rlx du > s. nnotlier Iil2ln t o hourse nnt ono cineial nptnt In fnch sliilo "nd tcrrllorv 1 or terms nnd loll par tlcnliim Idroea ; ho .Monroe Krasir .Mfu 0 La Cronse. \ \ ' 4'H T > WA.NTKI1 21X1 luM'OlirilS KllNOMLSC -1'nnil Miulli Dakota trie transportation Al bright I ahor Ai-ency ll.1l I arniini street MV8 \VAXTii > Ifl HUM' . I'or ate * , etc. . fee ton of fist column on tilts txmt. C\\A.STII : > , AN I\PIIUI.SL'.I : : : ! ) "COOK AI ply at HHJ DuiiKlnii sire e I .157 I'J' C-LA111 KB WHO \\ISII PLKASANT , PHOKIT- ablei employment In their own vie Inlty will ple-ano nihlrens with iiulf aililre mcil ntauipocl envelope , Lock lime WJ , Humluiri ; , la ,145 111 * WAVIKD-A ClIHI , OK GOOD ADDHI' 'IO ilo nuronil work Mnut romn well rpe-oinninmleil Apply In forenoon nt 414 North 1'Jth Btre'Ot MtllSO * WAMMIl ( HHL 1011 ( iTjNKHAI. I1OUSK- work tierniim or Dane preferred 11105 Capitol nTcinnei , .117 19 * C WAMKI ) LAIliS ) : WHO WILL OO Will TIM ! for meat their on n In i Will mnke food wince * AilclroM with naif aililrenRCMl ntampeil en - y1" ! " ' Dr J 0 Douglas ' oulli llenil , Ind SJl U CW A NTKD niltl.S 1-Olt .MACHINK BKWIMI Apply JlAlCumliiKKtreet .ItT ! C\S V N I HI ) , \\OMVN Ps8is- ) : ( : KM\\L whin of ph ) loloK > llooil salary Aihlress T. frl lle-e 8il HI' A \OII.NH Ollll. TO TAKB OAHK OP CHIL iln n ami help In homework ; need homo anil KOOd waken JUa 1) O Mchwnn , 1411 South -ilh n CW.VTKII ( IIHI. Mill ( iKNKHAL 1IOUSK work In mall family Mrs bllkworth , 40th ami Howanl ; i- , jn i' ou unvr IIOU KS. ' * ' ' raftteiee top nf first column imf/ili / IXIUB , TJ.-I OH , IIKNICIIKP Nl'NI ! IHHM IIOIISK , a'fiiriiUhcilor unrurnUhcd unit barn , lonvunlont location llolbrool , 4 llmlmlliilim MOT T ) KIIHNUHKI ) HOIISK | ) HKMS. ( ) rVH HUM' ] J-'W N Naaoii , chiitnlier commerce , 2SI ly KLKiANT3.H.lXll ) HOlfsK ALL MODIIHN J-'lmprovcuiuiits Apiy | | I.WJ b'arimm it > 'vl IJ 1 7ll HKNT , MY IlKsTllKNCi : , 4IJ .N 3IST J-'ilrcct. lle'nry ( illBon .M.u .1) ) i KH HKNT , A SIIOflM HOUHK , .1111 HIAN Jl 'cU street , with city H liter , wet ldo ef Hnntcoin park Mlid " ' " BKOIl UKNT 3 HKM HOuTKr 110."j'ttlloTls" Ii ! city anJcistern water Corner ISth nml Ptelrln "H ' HOONI HOIISK. CUV WATKH , IIS MONTlT J'Apply lima Uth st 'IJi Ii ) ' n 1-1)11 ) HKNT , HA.NDSOMK II HHM ( IKH'-sT ' ? . all modern roimnlrncin In perti ( t order pnve'd tri'nti , motor nml within 5inlnnti' walk of pout onice Nathan Shulton , 1M4 hurimm treot MUM l\ Hill HKN r IIOl'Si ' : NOS 1317 AND . . . - , . J'N llth Hren'tiU roomn hath iiai , etc , tJOU ) per . uiontu Apply f. \Vootlrow , Nub , Nat lluikbldir T-Hll ) IlKM1 , MIOOM HXITA1IK. Its N 17T II Jlriiol , flOj 3-room rMttsgi' . * UI end Karnnni , fIJW Uced A Bclby.rouiu IX Homrdof Tr Uu till I-'OIl - lin.NT IIOOSKH. tConiii ( fl,1 DFOItUK.ST-KloKaiitbrlfltliou.o . . . . IU OO Nlro little cott KO . . . . . ? ) 00 Nice nro-room list . . . It M T hree-room bnnenicnt . . . . . 4 Ul lllcks , N Y. I.lfo bulldlni : 379 , Iff D-fllKNT , HNKAimiKIIN , HKYKN UOOM liou'n , lawn nml shndo ; 42nd nnd Nicholas , Walnut HIM Inquire on premises u I , Krlrk nn .MSUU S0 TV HOUSKKoll HKNT I'M .N I8TH ; MODKH.N ' 'conveniences MStil D fl"iioTM"MODIIHNUHlrK HOISK , r.-0 I'KU month II K Cole , Continental bidic f-4'i30 D-Kll HKNT IIOUSKS 120 , IJ AND I2IS 2iTH si i desirable homes ; choice neighborhood , near lu business , low rent. Ames , nuent.lW hnrnnm i S2a _ -IK YOU WISHTO HKNT A HOUSK OH STOHK sco II K Cole Continental block _ 4JO -KOH HKNT 10 HOOM 11OUSK CK.S rilALI.Y located , modern Improvements 712 N luth 4. < l D-IOH HUM' , M\V ! \ 10UK HOTIII. ON WKH sti r street nml store's now People s Mammoth Installment House Imiulro of Sears. H UH .S V Life Msm fl _ _ D-HJIl HKNT , 7 HOOM HOI SK , SUZI IIAIl.NbV Inqulro A H Uludstono , 1310 DouKlns street. SIWo UK.ST , 5IIOOM torrAK ( ) , CK.STHA * , , f > room cottnKn near motor , 112 CX ) 4 room collate near motor flOOO i ) rooms unfurnished ! IOU ) And the lest ri'Udenie Mats In the city KO toK5 No stores I he Mead Inv t Co , 4U lieu Ilhlir OH -8 HOOM I1HICK HOI SK. ALT , COSVKNI D ences f.1' . Oil I. room brick house , IJ BOO H , K Cole , G ( ontlncntul Ml _ r .u. : i OH HL.ST ins ' . ' 4111 AVKNUK _ 11 HOI y S ALL KLSDS-T1 IHKK NICK . /V 1 I'll .J./nlslK .1 . Hundy Mo , loll I upltol itventt 'Mi T-J NK\V MODIHS : ASDio r DMIHAHLK IN 'tho city 1 or 4 room suites ( otnpleto for house keoplni : KUSAd street , ) \nollorn I M'Jii KAM IM.ATini MODKHN I LAT S 707AND Ibth slrttt K K lllnier lilll 1-itrnnm Ml 127 * tor 1 3tcn , etc , rri. ton nj i ist column on Hits ) > < ; . ] / DI'SI HA Hl : . I ill VI lloiiKlnit street > IO ' ' ltXntS MfTllKIIS ' IT'-HIHN'ISHKI ) ( COS'VKS J lences llonrd If desired ( O5 N Inth Mtli-Jl * _ 1-H HNISHKD ONK I IIO.N r TlOOM , I.10I1T 1 JhouickcepliiK , J-j per month 410 B I'l street , third lloor MUU-2J * lfHIONT PAHLOll KOH HKNT , 172J DAVKN j _ | iort street. _ , > 04 I'J' 171 VOH ill'Nl1 , I MJHNISHKD oil UNH H IJnlnhod looms for IlKht hou'elieeplng , nlso fur nlturo for sale cheap , WIN 20th street MlltiSO' 171011 HK.N P , 2 1 UHNIMlhl ) HOOMS , MODUHN JVcointnlcnecs JOM I nrnam , tint II .M1)4 ) JO' _ 1 ( 1 H'llMSIIIII ) HOOMB , SPI.Tl.NDII ) NKKJH IJliorhooiI , HOBouth J.ith street 1.1 tOH HKNT , I.AHI1K , MCKH UritNISHl' ! ) I 'front room Kround tloor , private rcsldenee 112 hontli street M)7I ) 20' I7KI.I > (1ANT ( , NIIWI.Y 1 UHNISIIKD 1 UO.NT 1-Jroom , new house , stennt heat hath ias e\er > way modern , private family , blub school one bloc k * KO North 2.1(1 JOS IU * E-HMIN1SIIKD Oil UHNISIIKD HOOMS 5JI 8 loth st tint D 2 % JO' THK ST CI.AIH 1'UHOPKAN HOTKI. COIl llth nnd Doilk'e will miiko low rntei for rooms by the week or month with or without board 1M VBIIY PLKASAN11 HIO.N r TlOOM IN PHI- vale fnmlly for tentlenmn , 8J5 8 . " ) th street. J-'l Kill HKNT HOOMH NKATI.V t UHNIMIKI ) . nt-Jll , South llth street. MI5A U * -MCKI.Y ! UHNISIIKD HOOMS. KINK I.OCA tlon Terms reasonable 5la N lUth st 21,819 -tOH HLNT , NICKLY HIItNISimi ) COOL rooms nt northeast corner loth and Howard Lawn around bulldlni ; trom J7CXI tof-tia month.J43 .J43 E NICKLY I-UHNISIIKD HOOMS , MODKHN onvonlences. lVO > i Capitol nvcMiue MSWJ.I 17 > HON1' PAHLOll' 110 .MON I'll. Hll > -Ijtnrnam. MIUi 'JO * FUltXISlllOI ) HOOfllS AM ) HOAlti ) . J"iiditi , rtc , fee top of fist column on tills pagi. Nicil I HOS I' HOM ( AND IIOAHII tOH TWO men In prhnte fiuclly at S.IJH Uth Bt , ! J1 U * TT'-PI.KASAN I' HOOMS , t UHNISIIKD OH UN- JL furnished , and Kood board , at 'IU. ) Douitlas 616 19 * -LAHCK , COOL , N1CKLY 1UHMSHKD HOOM. suitable for two , ovcollont hoard , modern con * vonlences , llrst class In every respect , private family , } Jj 00 per month each Address T 67. Heo olllco S.V ) UHNISIIKDUOOMS AND HOAKI ) , ( ,29 S I7TII ave , low rates 34 > J PJ' 1 > LAlKii : PLKAIANT KAST HIONT HOOM , Jl with or without board , modern conveniences fi2S 8 17th MMJ ) * l Kill HUNT , HOOM WUIl'lIOAIU ) 1723 DODC.n JL street. Ml IT-TWO PtMtNISlini ) SOUTH HOOMS WITH JT bonnl , 1721 Dtvenport. ftlj 20 * -CONVUNIKN 1"10 llUdlNKSS AT 172r 1)01)0K J 2.W 0' - AM ) IIOAIID 102,1 DODCK ST IHIKT. IP-HOOMS ' M270JyJ2' J3\T UXFUHX1SIH2I > JOOMS Forrateg. etc , teetop of J rst column onif ( / * 7) io ern conveniences , ,114 North 15th street 17119 * 110A1UHXG. I"oi rntex , etc , see top nf first column , > , t -"PULLMAN""iiousl Tiio Doi i l-or Kood board , nice rooms modern conten lences rntes nnd location , It cannot bo excelled Mrs Horn , Prop .M1S7A11' KOU UiXT : STOUKS AXI ) O PKIOKS. Cm mtr , etc. , sea ton of ills' column n > t I/ifc / , jmye T TTH iuNT7 Tniroi TICKS VOHMKHLY oc * IciipledbvDrs llrjant \ llurrell In Iliiberninnn s block , cor lltli und Douglas ats Imiulro at Jewelry store .M'iUi.JU 1-1 OH HKNT TIIKhKCOND PIOOHOK O.SK OK I the principal dry coeds stores In Omnhn Stilt able feir elothlnK lints caps croi kory enrpcts or furniture \ \ III rent cither the entire tloor or pnrt of It Address T , II , Heo .MM _ T SI OKI S 1 OH HPNr IN CHAM ) OPKHA 1 House building K J sntclllle 311 1 Irst National Hank bulhlliiK 20J T loiiHi'NT THI : omen t.oiiMiui4Y : occu I pled by Alexander \ Smith In the Continental block corner room. In perfect order trccland Loomls Co M7Bi I-hOH HKNT OH SALK , MY HUILDINK ON Jonemt , bet 10th A. llth U.A Llndqulst.JlO SLith 1 IOU HKNT TIIK 4STOHY HIIICK HUILDI.NC I with or without power , formerly occupied by the Heo Piibllshlntt Co , UP , Knrnum st The build InK has n tlrepoof cement basement , complete steniii lientlin ; tlftnres , wutor on nil the floors , KUS etc Apply nt the otllco of Tl o Heo 'JI5 KOU ItlIXT t'orrntr * etc. , fee tnp of first rnlKmn IDII/IH / V-NKW pfVvr oiT HKivr Tb 'YiKsi'ON 'party Addnvls TMIlloe .Mjs-j WAXTIJIl TO IlI'XT. for rtitti , etc. , * ee topnf first column on Hits pnaa - " \VANr " "TO i iiirVr'AxTriu o HOOM iiot'si : as nenr lith and turnnm streets ns possible with Kood ( lied barn A K Itlley , room 40 , llarker block , i5ii 2J T -CHKAI1 HKNT , LAIK.KsT AND CHKAPKST JJlUt In the city , tl and upwards ( i t > llutts J.I ) N 15th si JaiAI7' _ _ _ f n K COI.K IIKM'AI. AUINOCOMHSION" : IJIal block tu MW M IIUSHMAN , LOWl'Hr HATKN 1015 Mavcnworlh Mist ) i.ihsr , CHIAPK.VI' : AMI iusr : SIOHA.K housu la illyHllliuns i Cruis , l.'ll Hurii.iyM5U M5U MCLKAN DHYAND PHIVATU blOUAtlK OP fnrnlliiro Omaha Ejtexu Hepalr Works , IJ07 Donulai Mill \V iNTIJII-Tt ) 1HJV. V-AtO ) ll KAHl DltUI.NO lltlltSi : . WKH.Iir 1 > I.UHIor I.HU must bo safe und sound K t ) Hamilton U d of Kducntlon rooms Mil. ) T\T WASTKII TO HUY I OUIl dllCOND HAND i > pool nnd billiard tables , no faney price * It C lUrnard. Chadron Neb M37H W A' n 000 IN OAr.ll TO PUT I.STX ) A MCK UT- 11 tin home. It has kut to boa bnrKaln A K Hlloy , room 40 , Darker block Ar WANl'KD A < liyeneritl nivrcliiindlsn , ono of hnrdwuro audit prlntliiKotlleo Huvo for sama clear real estate and cash Owuemonly Lock box Jti , btuurt. Neb J1J21J3' _ AT WA.M'KD TO IIUY rOlt CASH Ci'lMKli ) , 1 ' furniture ) uf it roomliiK pluco 10 lu ,10 rooms pay Inn now , owners only uuiwur I' . 0 bo 7U Jt > J'J ) * TVWAN nitT'IirT'liwCHASK DUIK ! hTOUK J. > tl\ture Apply Oco , W. P Coutus , T lloartl of Trade btillillli ) | , M7i JO _ 4 TxT-HWMTUHK HOUUHT BOLD , bTOltii : ) . i > Wells , Illl titruaiu oU W'XIUn-TO BUY. [ Ctmnt ( ( ( M TSJ WANTKD TO IU1Y , (1OOII 11K3UIKXVK iJOt J. > or house and lot , or neveriil lots located so ns to make n seed bulldlnit elte. mint bo In first class residence pnrt of the cltr 1'arllcs nnswerlnff this should glvo full description of property , lowest price , terms , whether Incuuiberod , nnd If 10 how much O 19. llco Itl etc. , ttttop nf Urst column on thli 01-011 SAI.K. FlMtNlTUHK ALMOST N'KW. 111 "oath 81th street Onu iloor north fnrnam H7 < 13' _ _ -PAHP HOmKHOI.I ) rlTUNlfuilB hOtt HAI.K very cheap , of four roomeil milage' , within 4 Mocks of ronrt house , rcnl tow , by pnrty leaving town Address T SI , llco olllco MJ05 20 - ( ( riixiTuiiKOFA I.HUK WKLI , rtrsl clnss honrdlmt ImiMc , with prlUleuo of eon tinning lease AildressTAI. Heo XO lil * KO 1 1 H A rjTi msilsT'iv A < JO.\H , KTC /'or tn mn. r tc , K c toy nf flrtt : folunui on tlm I ) Kill AI K CHKAi' | [ .S'K HLAClir 1 horse deoruo II \ > nkctleld , Wli S .list street .Hi 13' _ J > Kll HALK. OVK 'I WO WHKKt. IIOA1) ) CAHT I price HI ) ( cushion bin k will hold tno person * ) One two wheel bulcher or milk ctrt , prlco f 10 , both In ironil repnlr nnd worth doulilo prleo nsked Citll In mornliiK hctneen 11 and 11 or address I' Hen Jamln , 110 H llth street .130 lU * T > -ltlt ) SAI.KA ( . KM 1,13 (1-AMILY ( ) HOItSK , perfntly souml i It-lit 11m ) pound' , nse live years broken for slutflo or double drlvlm : color , Hack n Indy i an feed , harness nnd drive him Price ! 2'n ish If tnken soon worth { flu ) Cnll In inornltiK between I ) nml U , or address r llcujnmln , 310 Ninth I Mh street. M IV p KOH S UK , ATA HAIUiALS ( IOOII KAMII.V I driving horse und biiKuy Imiulro nt 1MH Cull ornhi Wl 20' _ TV l.l.m ( ft 8 TOP HI'M.V MIAHl.Y .SUW J 1 lop liliKules 'phnitons 2 er top i arrlnws canopy surrey . ' top delivery wnitons _ Driinimond _ Isth Ht opp court linnsn _ 211 -KJH8AI.K HKAVTKA.M OK HOHSKS , I 1 I' 'Ulist p-i-oii SALK , KAMILY CAKIIIAOK IIK : x 1 Mchols st ible , 8th nnd Leavcnworth J1514 1IOH ALi : CHKAI' , i.K ! IIT ( ! LSS HOCK I nwn > nnd Eood | dnno box top bnvrfy both In Kood order Inquire nt room 2W , Omaha > nt Hank bulldlnr i.t ) 1 > III'AVY ' I'HINfJ WAC.ON toil SALK AT I 27U5Le venworth st Vbl "I J-I-AMn.Y 1IOHSKS tOHSAI.K SINOLK DHIV J ers or cnrrlnKO ttams Cnn furnish any kind of borne desired Cnll nt C D Woodnorth .t Co , or address ' ] I Memlnit C'allioun , .Neb 7til KOIl S I'or nitc * , c'c. , src top of fr < t column on thli j Q-i oir'sAi.K , & riiniir"AUC i to WA'KU. . plnlform springs Sarvon pat wheel' , be < t and handsomest inn s made , $7501) ) Address Carson Hros i Kearney , Noh M 177 11 * - ' . PKDKJHIIKI ) QMASriH-'PLPPIHSFOHSAI.K Aildress 1C. I. Marston , care Paclllc L'xpresH , Omuila M 110 11' I OH SALK LOT OK HIIISH MILK COS Q cheap Call aftc'rnuon at 943 N. Sbtli avenue K S Jester M7i > 20' - itMsuni ) i LAT i on SAI.I : wmiM.nN llrinan roomers , very cheap " 01 S Hith st , t Int C Ml IB JO * tOH SALK , TUN IO FIFTHHS 'I HOLLAND tons good Ice , f o , b. cars , Uloux City , la Jns K Hoogu \ Sons * j7Altl -ion SALH nooi ) AND COMPLI.IK n\ tnrcs of meat market , excellent location and low rent Jl A t'pton Co 'W r rra/i. / ' , rtc , * ee top uf flrtt coliiiiin on f/ij ( APHS , SATIN PINISII , lI , at Cowan a photo studio , 'l.'l Cumlng st li-LADIKS 1)11 K1HKWOODS PAT IIST All- Jvtlclo will BIVB nntolel anxiety , trouble and woiry ; satisfaction guaranteed or inonej rcfnnelcd. * < enil two cents for circular Lady agents wanted , lloyt lluhborCo , P O box/JT , Ues Mollies , laJIB JIB 19' -HALDS'KSS POSiriVHA CIMIKU. NO JI1S- tnkoahotit It ; send for descriptive circular. Ad dress "Antl-liald , " box 29,1 Davenport , In , - WANmi ) A ( IOOI ) LOCATION JOH DlllHJ store Address I I hert , Superior , Neb M274 ; . " WANT TO CONTIIACT 1X0 ACHl'ri ( i ItASS TO bn put up 'Iho Stnntuu llrecillng liirmCo. Creslon , Neb JOJ .1j T | } MASSAOK THlIATMK.Sr KI.KCTHO TIIKH -Ivmnl baths scnhi nnd hnlr treatment , mtnlcure und chiropodist .Mrs Post , J1 ! H S 15tb\Vltlincll blk Kr I-OH PALK-CIIUHCH IH ILDLSO NOW I.O cntcd on Harney st , nenr.'lth , to bo moved otr. Apply to Samuel Kali , 014 & llth st I'iT ' R IHl I.ONSDALI. 9 SIM CIHC MKDIClNKS for diseases peculiar to women. MO S Mth street. 1,74 mm. ! * R MUHTMNH KOIls , WHOLKSAI.H AND UK- ' tall J. J. McLaln , MJ bpenccr st , Omaha J'tt Jya. * CIjAlllVONYATS. I'or ratff , etc. , fee top of firs' column on this v FhOKrrat fortune teller In this cltj has n sulto of parlors nt the Ilounrd house , sonthenst cemior of loth and Howard btrcets This peculiarly Kilted person hns n tiniKlo minor in which you can see your future husband or wife1 , enemy or friend No massneo treatment or nny other questionable business Tbo be ttorchintfes nro Invited to call. All business tttrlctly conthlontlal. on will meet no strniiKcr. Hownro of those nho iiinko Krent claims .M J45 20 * _ S-MHS. NANNIKV WAltllKN , CI.AIUVOYANT , trance speaking , writing and rollablo business medium , four years tn Omahn. lit ) N , loth. 515 S MADAM KLDU1IH.K , CLAlllVOYANT. 2122 CumliiK st , over bnnk , SnndajH excepted 170 5 * HI/VSSAGi : , J1ATHS , KTC. /'or rae % etc , fee top nf flnt column oti tliti pane. rp-MADAMK SMiilVi b l II , 3D .OOIl 1 MJ78 25 isTOWr , MA'-SIIUSK , KI.KCl'HICIAN L Jl I ItniiKO block .M2llrJ1 < MI-MMK MACKOKCIIICACO ( SIVKS Ki.icruic : , 1 massaco treatments and alcoholic sulphiiilno baths 141J DodKO nt , front parlor. Ill 11' rp-MASSAOK , MADAMK DKL/.IUU , OVKIl f,10 b 1.13th 'MiaT I'KUSONAI.S. /'or rnlfi.f'c ' , sec ( oi nf fisl intuinn on tilts Urellncd whloner of about u8 Address T 41 , llee .110 1J -r.ADIUS Oil ( .IIMI.IMKS lPsIHINOCOr kcnlaleorrespondents will llnd It to their ml vantage to address with stamp Mnt CorrcKpond enco Hnreiin , llox 11)1) ) ) Hostun Mass M , J9 UMAHH\ II'\l ) WANTHt'SHANDOIl W1I K und ennupnlal correspondents wilto full partUu lurs ( sealed ) , 10 cents llox 7' , Omaha. Neb J---'ly COHHl-sPONl ) roil AMUSIIMl'ST OH MAT rlniony , lull particulars ( sealed ) IU cents llox , t.ii , Omaha , Neb P2U AJ * .MUSIC. AUT AND l < AXOyAGK. oi nidrn , ttc , * ee tup of first column on till * piiue. -Ko"K n7iTKMI UM 'i K AC Ilihl Ol"T i IK ' banjo , with llospe , 1'ilJ Douxlua JIJ ir IIHI-OHK HUUM , A PIANO i\AMIMJTHK : > now scale Klmball piano A Uospe.lM I DouglaB 611. Ar tllllTAIl AND HASH ) Ml sir SIMl'LiriKIl Pieces read nt glance No knowledge of miiHlc required bend for elr t.nltnr Music Co .Atlantic In UiJ At * PUPII.3 UHAMMAH A SPMCIAI/I v. hJj- Donglas JJJ Jy.'l- " \r-T\\ObKCOND-HAND 1'IAVOS AT A ( iltllAT I Imrguln , uprlchts P.U ( hlcngo st IMJylJ fllOtNKY TO IiOXX lUJATKST.VU : t'ni nitct , etc , stf top nf Hist rodimn OHi / ( < ) idj KIHS r A K , Hlloy room 40 llurkor bile Lib JOT \\T CVN PLACK bOMK ( , OOD U'PI.ICAT IOSS ' ' for loans A K Itlley room 40 llarker hlk JUi 20 _ \\r MOMCTO LOAN ON OM VIIA PllOPKHlY 'i K .Seb und la farms K lllngor , IJU Kar m \ \ T WAMKD hMALLLOVNSONUS'lMPHOVKI ) ' ' property Udollty T nut company 17 21 Ay-lluTLIH.Sd 10ANS IN , > > wanted Udellty Trust comp my 178 Jl \\r J U HICK. INY&I.MT SKCU1CKT1KS. * j Life Hill Id TV ) A 4' _ _ \\r it'AUAM'iKI : ) MOIllliAUKt CiN S VHPY ' Tlinjer CumliiK and > < tttnton Co hinds for ale by H T ClnrkB , U Hoard of Trade - IMI 11K.ST 0\\.S A IIOMK ViT : ' will buy or huvoonu built for you anywhere and let the rent pa ) for tbo property tor Inlor million cull or address North American Strings As noUutlon HoonirJO , New \ork l.lfobulldlui : oilico open until 7 P m pl5- 0 \ \ rvMoinA ( < us : WANTKD LONO OIIMIOIIT 'I time ( ioorKolulluce.J10J ! J Hrown build Ing , Hith and Doutilns IH _ _ - \ TO LOAN J I ) /1 11 I.K. illl.S' V 1.1 fa Ml \V-KAS i-KHS "MUNKV ix i.o\.v AT VKUV ' lowrutu * H II Ituy. .WX \ | . | fu. M5jA _ \ \ -CHKM' SK .SK\-PHII.A MOimUtiK AM ) ii 'IruitCu , vfants Kilt 1'ilno loam Coo W. P Coatm , reprciontatU e , 7 lloanl of Ira. . la i'u \\r-LoA.Nh. W.M.HAllllls.ll a7r UlC'S/Klt IILK ' fell MONIV : .TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -j. - ( Mritimtnl AV r-MOUTlIAUK LOANS WANTED , MU'AM'K InrestiiKMit compiiny Kt \\r-MONi5vno i.o.vttON OMAHA PIIOPKHTY. I ( Idellty Trust company , lull tnrnnin 621 * \\r-ANTHONY LOAN AND THINT CO SH N V ' Life , lend nt low rnto for cliolco security on Nebraska or lown fnrms , or Oiualut city property. , , f Mltt > _ _ A\r-SITONDMOHTdAfJK I.OANS ri7bM I.V f TO M fit ) ( XX ) Alei Moofu. 401 llee bulhlltig Midi \\r lUJll.DlNO I OAN | tf TO T I'KH CIJNTl SO > aitdltlonnl chnrKP fi > rromnil loniiraltornpr'i fe-c * W Molklc , HMti.Siitlonnl bunk blilit OJO \\r TIIH CK.vrilAIHI.O\.V AND TltllST CO. ' * has removed tit The lieu hull , HMK main Hour , nt rlitht ofcntrnnco tlty lonns nt lowest rntcn ( ' A Htnrr , manixer XnV TO n r ftttu , cle , , fc'tnpnf ftrtl column on l/ih / \r MOS'I'.Y TO IX ) AN llV II K MASTIIIH'tYN Ahouipliolil uoods , plnmu oritnn * ! IOMP , iiiuhM , niiri'hounn rftvlptn Ptc' nt the lowest po Mlilo rntci without puhllcltjr orromornlof propcrtr- Vlino iirrmiKed to null horroiror Sly loans nro so nrrnngiM that you pnn mnkn n pnrmpnt nt nny tltuu ami reduce both the prlnclpnl 'unit Intcrpnt lou will nnd It to your ndrnntnun to see mn If Ton want n loan or It moro touviMihMit cull tip telti phone ID''I nnd your biilm > M cun bo iirrunuod nt lllllllR Money nlwnys on Imndi no dolny , no puhlkltr , lowest rnti ! II K Mmlcrn , room 4 , Wlthnoll block , 1Mb nnd Hnrney streets fi.T V M iTsnv loxviii ) riiviTKfi 'tiHM airv , - Vfl Wto HWUO 'Jll'iCilliiInu st MUOnlS V MONKV TO I.OAS' OS' IIOimKWA < ION > jvfurnltnri ! pianos unit dillnteriil security llnsl nosicunlhliiiitlul 1 red lerry It 4CI llniiiuohlk 6.M V MOSKV ON miiMrritK iitfiisKme , - ' Koystouo .MortxiiKO Co , roomJUj bhiuly blk MViO _ - CIIA'l' : > i I. I'll I.OAS'S MOM'.V - onchnUuls i ortolliiterul nt reanonablo nitei MO X MONKV LOANKI ) o Ity irilNuw York Life It A Morris Ml Jy JS IIUSIXKSS OIIANCHM. Tor rtilw. rte. , fee top of first column on tilt * ) nor. " \r FOR QUICK SU.KOU KHAxJfK TllAVn L I.U4U icres rholi ii Innd well timbered with whlto nml red link , nsh hickory nnd red KIIIII , A C nnd ( ' Cooper pnrtahln saw mill with b > Inch ) In purfett rilnnliiKurdrr two nml one hnlf mllii to stntlonun Iron Mountnlnrnllrnuil with horses oxen , lunihor trntk wmtoim , dinlns , loKKlim toiiKue , emit hooki , lilutksnilth tools tram rund with train rnr , nil 111 iood order Cnn UI liinihi rfor ensh ns fnstiiH It Is sntvod 'I his Is n rpleiidhl level tract of hind "I'll locntud , tltlo perfi ct , KOOI ) fnrms nunr It located III drcen eoiiuty In the northern nnd best iiirt of Arknnins nnd lntHein two riitlrondi Thin innsiilendld ihnnro to KO Into the lumber business Cnn t help but do wull nnd mnke. money Ace nml wIshlnK to HO nut of huslniss reinon for Hetllnx Address K 11 Wnteriimn , I'unch Orchnrd , Arknnsns SI 174 f ! ' \T t OH SAI.K I.PASi : AM ) HJUM rtlllK OK2'i- 1 room hotel llurguln J S. Jordan , Council III mis M3M > . ' 1 V-fOll K.\CHAS'K ( ! nioiCK IlKSIDKNCi : LOT 1 11 , ' fiet , on piivod street on best residence street In Council lUurta. for stock goods tor rlxht kind of stock In Kooil town would put In say from Jl UUU to fl.UU cash. I C llonhnni , Louncll Jllutis SfW7 24 \r wAvrnu , PAiirxni. uour MANUKAC I turlriLoxpcrlenee iiiineti'sHiry : will uiinrniitco partner SI'iO protlt monthly , JoOU to $ iUX ( ) reiiilred | tddrosn T 4J , lioo "r ? 25 * AT Toit SAI.K , " 5MAM , STUAM IiAUNDHY , DO I Ing well , only ono In elty Hold chenp If tnken soon C W HrlKhnm , ork , > , ob Jii l'l V -Toit Tu7i-3Tiu > T' < I-A S SIOCKKIIOCUIUKS 1 ntn hnrifiln to ualvbuyer. Urst class location KM Lnriinin street , , KVIJI Ar HANK OP OHA1TION' FOR SAIiK. D01NO A I- wood business , KOOO re isons for selling Ad dress J.T , llluklcy , casnler.tJrnf ton , i Illmore coun ty , .Sob M.77 24 AT 1.OH SALK OH THADi : , AN Jl commission business.Hiat have von lo Address T 51 , llee. M3I2 , --PAHTNKH WANT15I ) I1KST 50 - - , HIIL WAT1IH power roller mill In Nebraska ; well located ; $ ! 000 to $ t WO cash required , balance to suit. T M Warne , Union , Neb 3.IJ 19 * V A MANUFACTUHINO CONCKHN WANTS A JL business manager who can Invent JRi 100 to extend n protltablu business Salary 12,000 to right man Hefcrences exchanged Address T A , p i . Co , 401 Chamber of Csimncrco building , Chicago .175 19 * V I OH SALK. ONi : ll'F 1 UK OLDKSl' SAI OOVS I Ii ) Omaha has hail it regnHr run of trailo forever over 2' > j ears , close to JJ P flhops. W 111 sell ground nml bnllillngs , license paid till 1SJ2 ; canro of ( telling , retiring from business ' Apply Mrs a. Hallow. 1014 Chicago st. M.'Wi 2,1 * \T MH SALi : , MKAT MAHKKT W I'l II ( iOOD J-cash trade ; must soil oa account of Sickness Cnll at 1.-03 Park nvu M24.J IJ' AT" KH SALK STOCK AM ) HXTITIIKS OP I IHST J cl iss bakery nnd leo cream parlor : nver > thlng complete and new , the onlybnkery In thoclty doing a good business ; owner must go to Koropo on ac count of his health. Address J. U. Decker , Crete , .Neb 24J11 v ton SALI : HALF INTKHFSTIN ONK OKI UK I best paj Ing grocery stores In Omaha An etc gtnt. clean stock ; centrally located am ! lining n tluii business Only these meaning business need answer Address T.Id lice J1.MS2 , ! * T'-IOHIIKNT THKSKCOM ) H OOH OPONI ! OF the principal ilry goods stores In Omaha Suit able for clothing , hats , caps , crockery , carpets or furniture Will rent cither the entire Moor or part of It Addre-BsTdl , Heo MI67 V I Oil SALK. STOCK OF HAHDWAHI ! AND I xtovcH Invoicing about f.1 'icXIOOnnil In llrst class condition. In one of the hest locations In Omaha No trash , but will arrange s itlsf icteiry terms with responsible purchaser. Address T 14 lice. 199 11 O.SK HI.ACKSMITH SHOP AND L tools complete ; easy torms. Kdwurd s Lonn AKcncy , I. Darker block 1.13 AT" Kilt SAI.K , .MIU.IS'KKV SIOHI ! , IN ( SOO1) I liuntlon IIrst class opening for a competent milliner. Address Milliners box JIG , Syracuse , Nth Mil * "V 1O11 SAI.K , I.AUNDIIV DOINO A HOOD 1 hiiHlnciii In David City A bnrgnln If taken soonl enqnlroof M i : Iriintt , Dn\ld City , .Seh 2U | j" Ar-ioil SAI.i : . IllXflnntor bonds of the city of I Missouri \ alloy In , for oxtenslonof waterworks system , bearlnt ! 'i per cent Interest nnd to run fort ) jenrs Intirtst pnyubloseml annuully. llldtilnsn Inly list IS'll Address nil bids nnd co nmilcn tloimtoO \\nlker , city clerk , .Mo Valley , lown J5S 'I V-K > H SAI.K A SMAM , COU.STHV HANK HKl.SO 1 thoonl ) bank In town nnd no other nllhln U mill's Ikst of re isons ulren for solllni : Cull nt or rddress room .New iork I.lfo bulhllnir , Oniiiha 4W- ! COAI , nnd feed business sldo track will sell low tor cash ( , nod reasons fur nclltiiK Call at N 21th slieet and hell line 751 ID * _ A7-v.iiiciiAsr : TAIIOU HU&IMISS i HANK isochor , Dnvld City , Seh U > . JyJl' roil IXOHANCK. : , etc , see t < t > > o/ fuel column on this jiauc , 'WCK OP fiBNKHArr llCHAMTlSi : .Nebraska to O.M hariL'e for KOOI ! Omulinprop ert , will iissiimo mot tK n'O Alex .Moore , 4U1 llee bulldlni ; M.i 20 _ _ r/ \\ lUAIlH SOLID I , OLD IllI.NTIMi CASK /-Jwattb for hafutjr hlcyclo or drlvlnit horse I N \\ntsoii , . 101 S lothstieot . 'J 111' ' / i.-o At HI : ' ' iiooi i. AND iNcusmit c'oit.s'rv , / .Neli , for sale or incluuiKo for inorchumllse Ad dress Lock lloxi < U , I'nrsons , Kan .i.'l I'J * 'rHHOOM dOODHOUSi : AND HAILS 1M MILKS /Jfrom I1 O torlund llntchlnson Aeiul 16.4 DoiiKhn .M 118 . ' 1 _ _ r1OH THADK M AI'IUIS COOI ) LAND Hi /Jmllcs from k'ood NLurnsku town , for iinlse tUnrs orpluuo T W , llio \IIHJl)1 ) r/ 10 i\riuNor : f A KAHM IN NKHIIASKA SJtor n stock of k'oods D M llermun , 1 ullerloii. .Seb i Ml I'J' _ r/ I HAVK A t.OOl ) 1 11OOM HOIISK WITH / Jsmall lot that will nlwiiys bo KOOd rental proper ty which 1 want to trndu , for vacant lots or liniiso nnd lot further from business Address T 47 , Hen nlllie . a > _ _ ' / WHAT HAVK lOP 10 'I HADK rOll A COlT /Jner lot In I Ulnrlew mldltlon eiaumbired to half value Address 41) ) . ' V Irxt .National blinkill \ IV * / SF.M.X H'LI. Lliff.S , ( ! OOD HKVKN HOOM ' uiltuke , frnlt trees well clutern , burn all foncoil Just outxhlnitty lliulti ) , Omaha , to nxclmrtuo fur no'iso ii nd lot ne.irer town. Alex .Mooro , 4UI Heo bhlrf JU40 1J _ ' / KAIIMS AM ) 1IOHS1 > S 'IO KXCIIAMiK Kill /-'Omahn ' property Cull nCroom4UillroiviihiilldliiK. > JLttl-AIS _ _ rfW \ ACHKs OK A-NO I LAND 'IO HI , 1,177)11 ) /Jirould etehnniiu for n KOod stock of Kenernl mdse , must buclonr stock. Address It A Ilirton Curtis .Seb III M / C110ICK HI S1DK.SCK IN COUNCIL 1II.U1' M /Jam ) eusli to luchunire for merchnndlso , hnrdwnro preferred Address r , . Ii llurtlctt , 741 llroudwny lounill Illims nt7U.I i u\\i \ s , M-JW H' i uTuT iioodstroiDi hur e Address ' 1 , lu , Il VIKCW HAVK A ( iOOD IIPHH.HT P1ANO\OU ' - Hriintto uxehnngo for clear lot worth fJJO , ad drum , ' 1 S4 , lleoollko 157 y-i > ivionNi > P\V.INO H'I-OCKS Toil noon ' farmlands or de'slrublu city property W.PO bu i < .MitO al / I Oil SALK. IIAIKUINS INU RAND 10 HOOM /JhouM.1 will take land or vacant loin n part puy W It llomaii ruoiiiHBand 10. truniur block 7 J0 r/ I Oil KNCHAMIK , SPI.l NDll ) ItKM'AI , PHoF- 'Denies fur vacant lol > unit landi W 11 lloinaii , rooms B and 10 , t reiuer block , 7hj jo V-KUt KACHANHK Kills I' CI.A S OMAHA ' pruperty , clear lumt nntt cash for 110,000 lo tMtvd tockof elry goueli W H lluuian , room Si lu Ireiuer block. FOK KXCIIANMIJ. r/ TWO KLI'OANT HOICKS , WITH LA ltd K A/piist front , lot 7SxVl | fpot , on nno of the finest re ldt > nro streets in this cltyi splendid neighbor. liOodi houcns hnvo nil modern ImprOTenuuits , rnrnni-n , bath , hot nnd cold water , elslern etc i I InritMiArn , with city water nnd sowar connection ) I ororylhlnif In llrst clnn rondltloni tirlce 17f < U ! I property wilt rent for II..VO per nnminu will sell i nml Inkonsmnll portion Inxood vucnnt property I urclnnrfnrmlntid i 75 fe-ot on Mirthn street ono block south of ll m com park : foursniAll iottnite , will rent for IV14 par yenr RIO ) Incumbrnnpo not yeirly Incotno fiili owner's equity M VI ) wnntcnod clmr lots llrlek ( xillnno with thirty Ihreo feet fronl ite'on Citpltid nranue' , nc r l'wonlylxth street ! prlro liUV Inc unlirance fJHWJ , equity ,7W ) , will trnilo farinniiifnrni $17 it' i block f lots wlthonly f30UO Incumbrtnoa for Inwn fnrm land * 51 tots near new fair ground * In WP't Omnhn , worth Jl I aw Incumhrnnrn t2 W equity , 110400. wilt trndu for Improved city property or n K'OOil lown or Nebrnskn fnrm send mo description of nny flr t class city or fnrm property you lmv to exch.inize Ueeirgo N llleks , llrst Hour N V I.lfp bulldlmr a73 HI _ T-'iTfi HAM ; itKAii ISTATI : ; . /"or ratet , ttf , , tre fojm/ flat eittumn tin t/i / ( | ior. C0-OMA1IATO { ! lAVK OOrjrjroPlJLATIlOV innd to ho the ( -rent dlstrlhiitlnv point betwe-en ( .IHcnKO nnd Snn trnncl co Ho snys ( hnnnce'y M. Depew Now Is the limn lo buy Omahn property If yon nro not n property owner n freeholder , It Is hlth tlmo yon wire Hero Is n urand ehnnce All this neeklnm KOlnirtn sell lots In Omuhu s latest nddlllon , llmt between Omnha nnd now rnrt Omnhn , nt flu inih 110 Is full pnvnienl fern n lot \\nrrnnlee deed nhstrnct nnd lltlmiiraplipd pint plvnn with ench lot sold 'this property Is clear of nnr morlk'nco mid mi taxes due tintll Jam tury. ls lluy ono of the o lots for your boy , It will sooner or Inter get Into somebody s t ny when you will rcnllra n hnndsome prollt h ery lot Kiiaranteid n nice te\el biilldliiK lot on iiriilii nnd o K snlo nil this week nt 110 ' null ! IMh sin et I'ncloso 'c lostniio for pint and full Inforinntlon Chnrlos lUnjnmln sole nin'iit J..i 1'J * lj > OH SAl7i : vTiTv : KHIllATiLK FAHM AlloiN 1 ln city of Hni > tlnis mnr striet rallnay , wits n ed for tnrden nnd nursery hns Inrue new luniso Kood outbnlldlnis tno nlmlmllls vor > Inr eon on hard stamlnrd sorts Just IxnrliiK teed stock nursery tre > es for fall nnd xprlnit tnule bent loenl Ity for truck irnrden nnd nursery In west cnn bo boiiKht virjelieap splendid Investment for nny body t nil particulars given by addressing box W.l llnstlnus. Neb .W I'J ' * iroii SALI : OM : on TIIHKI : LOIS mosrisu 1 on loth street , lot S block 211 , elty , 1018 s loth street Mill fi * _ 8UOOM. HILL \\O-VIOUY HOI SK IN. CAH tlniKO addition , enst front , two blocks from street enr linn , modern Improvements and well built I'rlce.flSOOlll sell onfilrinsh iia > ment nnd biUnnco to suit Allen A Kurtz , 717 N. \ Life Wl UP K. jisr coMri.KrKD , IN CAH tlniKO nddltlein , nil mecssury Improvements , sph mild nelKliborhood , south front , price tl 410 , ensy terms to good party Allen A. Kurtt , 717 New \ or k Life < iil 1W 1A111 AN IVVK8TMKXT 15 LOTd ON 30TH J. street , J1.7 ) 10 room hrtliso nil conveniences , 2 blocks from motor , > 4 COD \ ncant lot taken for part i > nyiiient 1 Inu shrubbery full enst front lot , llnn-com I'laco IthS room lottnte f.UKiO & room cottage food barn and lot , one mlle from I' O r.'OUO , fSOO cash Hutchlnson Aead IF > . > 4 DoiiKlns M.IIVJ1 1VHSALK , ) , MIAIHA M\V ( I HOOM CO1 1'At.K , JL now ly painted nnd papered elty wnter , cor lot , 45x111 , nturndo noddi d | > nved rtt , cle-ctrlc motor , 1 1 ( WOlll take f.ood horpe hiiixuy and harness as llrst paynu nt bnl $ ii permonth Keep > our eye on this Hamilton llros , builders , 414 S ISlli st 141 19 17011 SALH-KAsY 'I HUMS IIOMKS KH J700 , 1 51,000 M 5ix ) , ? l ( Ml and up 'lake small cle ir prop erty as part paimont (1 ( \Nallace , Hrown block , loth nml DouKlns ? H ) "IJOH &A1M UH K At' , A Ml A LI. 4 ItOlM III ) , 1 JL story bulldlni ; . 12 years old , at 1'ith nnd Cnpltol nvo ; cnn bo added to another bulldlni ; O S Wood , M D 234 AI OH SAI.K ON MONTHLY TAYMK.STS AND very cheap , n number of houses In different parts of thoclty , will traelo equities for vncnnt lots 1 ho O F.Davis Co > ! AllS O20 ACIIKS OK LAND > OH SAI.K Oil T HADK IN Olhomis county or Sheridan , Kansis Win T IlnKby , College hprliiKs , I'UKO county , lown f < l l'l ' > YITAN I'KD-TO M'LL OH HIN ! I' IrltOOM COT- v tiigo to good rollnblo painter nml take pay la work W H Human , rooms 8 nml 10,1 ronicr block 7S92J OH SALK CHKAI * , KASY PAMUM'S , f"T- story now R room house , with bath , cellar , etc , full lot. N Hholton , 11.11 Hiirnnm. 995 Oil SOUTH OMAHA IMIOIMSIU'IKS , lIUSIMfed trackage or residence , go to tliu leading rial ei tate dealers In South Omaha , Kd Johnston .V Co corner 24th and N'streets rPWO KLKGANT KASTHIOM' LOTSINWI'ST J CumliiKs addition finest plncn for n home In the city Must sell Clear Non reshh \VuntsotIer rlKlit uwny. A. K. Klloy , room 40 , llurkor block 100 21 DOOII WANT A HOMi : ? T1IIIN HKHK IS your chance A se enroom hoiiHe. two miles from postolllco , price , fA-0 ; terms , 1100 cash nnd JJ')00every three months This Is less than payliiK rent No trouble to show property. ( Jeorgc J. 1'nnl , IdOy tarnam street. .i51 a. * noIJ&Kb 1OH SALK ON" KASY TKHMS , I1OUSK9 for runt. Address lierman American buvliiKs Hank 153 HAHOALSS IN KOU.NT/K 1'LACK UOlISliS FOH see me. W. H Homnu , rooms 8 and 10. Jren/or block 76J M 17011 HAI.K. TO MOUKI.SIJMKN ONLY ( Sl'KCU- J lators need not npply ) on tlmo or monthly pay ments , u neat cottn e nt less than actual \alno In sldo property , nnl > ono block to electric line In quire at room 202 , Omaha .National bank bulldlni ; MM ! F1YK HOOM HOUSKS IN OHCHAltl ) HILL , tl 500 ench on .Monthly pajiuents 'llioiniis K. Hall , 111 1'nxton block. 5,11 Foil SAM : r.oon WAHKHOUSK LOT , COUNKII paved streets , trnckn e 1 blocks from depot , very chenp N. bhelton , H 14 tarnnm. 100 EJ MKHH1LL DKAI.Kll IN HKAI. KSTATK , Contractor and Ilnlhler , residence , Maker I'lneo Walnut Hill Cottnces for trade or nulo on month ly payments In DonekeiiN ndd Suundors A Hlmelmniih'H mid , ' Clifton Hill" nnd "linker Place , " all new and convenient to motor Prices way down Improved nml unimproved fnrms In .Merrlck Co , Neb 1 or snlo or tr ido Cash for lots 67iJy2U LOST. I trratrt , etc. , fee /up of tint column un tliti page Tos r - \ v Jurtltlcate I'll asu return to CluiB II bpates , 1IJJ7 1 itrnani strei t 41 HI' T OVl' A CIIAHM Wllll MASOSIC AMI K OP I1 ' 1 Jeinblem. Itcturn to Chns W. Kalteler , postolllco dep t IbS ! IIKXOVATOK. Innate * , etc. , e tup nf fit * t catmint nil tM * page , Drcks As ) i J'irsboiiKht Mall orih rs promptlv tilled Work called for und delivered 1 rank Alison , Hut A. hranklln M745 J'ATl.NT hOIilCITOUK. ] ) ATK.ST I.AWYKHS AND SOLICITOUS , ( J W 1 buesXCo Heo buUdlnK , Omaha Nebr llriinch olllco nt WnshliiKton , D ( Consultation free & . < . ' > I'or rates , etc. , tee too of llrtt rotuinu on thU payc. I/NCA.iMl-STaT ( : ( ) IK ) DHlISSMAKLSd 1NKAM 1-dllea solicited .Miss bturdy , J.1U llarney street M4Slly.J7 " " AM ) MODIIhS. 11' SANDICHSON ' , COUM5U lilll AND JACKSON" 0.1 Jy 2J1 1XiAMOAI < lJtAU .III.SViIOX. / ' ( ) > mtcf , etc. , tec top nf first culninn on this piwr. PA'U'NI o7TTl " 'Trsr l'CIAI. ' : DHAWLSt.S I prepared by ( i W htiet A. Co . Omaha Neb 177 IMPROVEMliNT the ORDER of llic AGE. FOR 15 YEARS All iisitr of TYI'EWHITRKS hnvo fnlt tlm eixalty of tliuir bultti I K ; linprovotl. Von will In lliu Smitli Fremicr Tlm latest and lest We elalmi anil Insmo- lion nnd trlxl ( iruve It The Mont Dnr ililo In Allunmont. Kuslesl UunnlliK , "ml Most silent. All I ) nu eleanod In tun Hiconds vlthiiut " ; the hands Send fur i ' ' Thu .Smith IVomlor Turn Urilcr Co. IL II MAYIIKM M.uia.-i'r IGOU'i r.iriuioi ntrcot , Oinulia , Nul > . o to I nm nropirot to furnUh promptly Hubble Hip- Uap Dluientlon Htono nnd Cnuhcd Hock of bust quality ut lowoit prloo. tot niiuruscallor addreij P U MONUOK. 430 Now York LUo Uullduif , Ouiaha , Nub. REPORT OP THE CONDITIONer or TIIH At Omttlin , In the Stale ; of N'pnruskn , at tlio oloso of business. July Ulh,1M > L ItlSOUUl'KS. Loans anil discounts M ( > \urtlrafti. , , Cjli70 W U M. boniU to secure olr- cnlallon tpar vnluo ) , , 60,000 00 It s1 bonds to seoiiro ilo- posILt ( par value ) I75.COO 00 V S , I oiuls on hniid ( liar value ) 75,000 00 Oilier stocks , bonds , imt C-13 61 Due frtim approved re serve a enlH $10,1,071 A Due from ollior n itloniil banks . tWM 13 Duo from state Ii inks anil bankers . . 181V.M 35Ml.rtin 01 Hanklmt luii i < . . . IMOOOW Dtlmr real estate . . . . 753 M Current expenses and taxes | i ild . . . (110 ( 00 Premiums | > ild . . . . 30.11 $ 75 Olieel.s and oilier cash Items . , 7VJM ( 21 r.xeli inues for cleat Im- liouso . . OJl-W 20 Hills of other banUs tUfiOOO rractlonal paper our- reuej , nickels and eeuU . W 41 Siri lu-itoltl and stiver iiilti . . . . " " Legal lender note < 10,000 OJ8JOfil7 3J Kedemptlou fund with I' ' s Pre.isurer ( . " > per cent of circulation ) . . 1'JM 00 'lotil . . M.Mtt,4JS 00 l.IAHILlTtlld. Capital stock paid In . . t 60000000 Surplus fund . 100,000 ( X ) Undivided tiiollls .'.i v. fiutlomil hank notes oulst iiulliiL' . 4'i,000 00 lndl\ deposits sub' Ject toeheek 4llfJ.I30 09 Domnnd cortllloiiti a of deposit T ? , " > ? 0 V ) Time cortlllcates of do- losll L'RI.71.1 fiO Certified cheeks I0.llStf I .ishlet si'hccks . . l.4 < i so United St.ites deposits HH.Ms SI Dopeisltsnf U S ellsbun- sliiu olllcers . 70 T'.J 03 Dim to other Nation il b.inliH 51T.I ' ) t5 Due to Ht.ito biul.s and bankers ri7J 51 ! I , 3I,4I % 07 Total } lGKi,4. ! . > CO STAIFOK Ni nii HKA , I a Ominiv of DOUR ! is , i " I. K II DivN cashier of Ilin aliovo-nametl bank , do solemnl > s earth il llioabove Hiilo- ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief I' II DAVIS , UnsTiler. Subscribed and sHoru to before me this IHth ilny of July , IMII. ( I. II slini'l'AIM ) 1'ubllo. Correct AI lest JOHN A. Ali'MIANr. , I lliN'HY : I'UNIir. Mlreclors. ) \V A 1'A.MON. ItlJI'OKT Ul' ' THli CONDITIONer or run 11 i n i / lilna i auuiitti uu / At South Om ilia In the State of Nebraska , nt tlm close of business , July I ) , 1SU1. ui.souuons. Loans .mil discounts t , Overdrafts 5.SJI 00 U. S. bonds tn secure cir culation 25,000 00 blocks , securities , cl.ilms , etc S.020 07 Due from approved 10- serve UKcnts . . . 101,818.11) Due from other national b.inKs 4,455.03 Due from state banks and binkers Hanking house , ftirnlturo and fixtures SI , WO 00 Premiums on U. S bonds. 11,50000 Chocks and other cash Items 30,118.70 Hills of other banks . . . J,00.00 1'r.iollonal paper cur rency , nickels and cents , . It J5 Specie 1J.OM100 Leptal tender notes . . V.500 00 01,81811 Itedcmptlon fund with U. S treasurer (5 ( percent of circulation 1,125 00 Total. 607,090 21 LTAIIIL1TILS. Capital stock u ild In . . . 100,000 00 Surplus fund 30,000 Od Undivided prollts 6.JJ307 National bank notes out- 22 500 00 IMIdoiids ttr.p till O.OUO.OOO ImlUldiial deposits sun- lei't to cheek . 2I3.0GI 0 Dem iml Lortlflcatcs of ele'poslt. . 1.17000 Time i ot tllle ties of de posit . 2,01' 69 O isblor's checks' out standing . . 80,74030 Duct to oilier national bulks . 71,10785 Due to state banks ami bankers . . ,01030 40MIW.14 Total S 6(17,090.21 ( B a County of Douglas , f f , II. O , Hostwlek , e.islilnr of tlio abovo- nnmed bank , do solemnly mveur that the above statement Is true to tlio best of my knowledge and belief. II. 0. 110STWIOK , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 18th day of July , 1M ) | . D H.WAUOII.NoUry Public. Correct Attest : UHAULI'.S H. KKOWN , I TltUMAN IHKMC , [ Directors.- , K&'OR'jrOl ? THlTUONbrj'ION or TIIK UNION NATIONAL BANK. At Omaha , In the stale of Npbi.iska. at the close of business , July u , IB'Jl. m -ouitu B. Loans and dlse'ounts $ .217,2 J7 87 Overdrafts , secure a and unsi'i'uied . 107 II U. S. bonds to secuio elii'tilatlon 2. > ,000 00 Slocks sieiiritlosLlalins. ( etc . . . . 13,010 00 Duo fiom nptiiovid 10- si-neiuouts . . . } 19,27341 Due from ether Na tional banks . . . 2,80303 Duo from sttte banks and bankers 402045 20,102 79 llaukltiK-hotiso , ftiini- Ittro nnd IU lines 7,000 00 Other n-al estate ami 8(1 ( 43 Current expenses and taxes paid 1.151 B8 Premiums on U. 9. bonds 5,231 25 Chicks and other cash Hems . . . 1,03572 I'xvhanxes for clourlnff house . . . 1,077 ( V ) Hills of other banks J.WO 00 I'raotlonal paper on rrun- cynickels and ( .cuts . 29.1 01 Specie . . . 4.W ) II I.exal lender notes . . . 10 'W 00 20,990 40 lEcdemptlon fund with U s. treasurer C < pot cent of circulation ) , 1,1 5 00 Total Will , 157 50 UAIIIMTICB. Capital Htock paid In . JIO000 00 Surplus fund 12 , ' OO 00 IJndMclcd prollts 1UI ( 42 .National liatiU notes oulhtanillnK 22V)0 ) 00 Dlvldnmls unpaid . . ISO 00 Individual deposits subject to ohoek , . $101,81175 Demand certlllcales of deposit . . 5,1(11 ( M Tlmo curlllleateb of ile- ( Hislt . . . 17/107 01 Cashier's checks oul- ' . " 'a O'j ' Due to ether national hanks . . : t2 W7 I'J Due tONlate banks und bankers . lO.OIrt 00 Noles nnd lillln redls- coiintcd . 12,000 0) ) . . . .1111,157 5U State of Nebr tska , I „ I'onnty of DoiirfhiH. f" I. Cnas. IX I ord , oashler of the above named bank , do solemnly that the above Htnten unt Is trim lo the best of my knowledge and belief. CIIAICIr..S I , roitl ) . Cashier Subscribed and .sworn lo before me this IHth day of July , 1MI ) _ Public Ha'o of Oanning and Vinegar Factory. We will on the 22ml day of AIIKUHI IMII , on the premUes , sell ut public auction , on easy terms our eiitlto plant at West Lincoln We will mill live and one-half aerns of Kronntl , a brick vlm'K'ar factoiy. lUx.W freil , eupnclty 20 barrels pei day , now operated under a pay- Intr. lease terminable at our option I'mme qinnt-ry , 00x100 fciil , capacity 2 , < )00 ) cans per uity , and all machinery and alipllunni'v'M e'oii- tafned tlierulu. NS'III sell tonetller or HO per- atelv to suit purchaser. OoriosponuencoHoll- eiluil. I.IM oi. N OANMNO < V I'IIDVISION Co. , -lO l.ltifolu , NubrukUu. OUOI'USALS KOH I ItJVTION OP fUlltOOti ' On it KII iMitt.N A UIK July 10th1 01 Healed proposals , emloi od "Proposiis for erection of school buildlncn , " nml nddronoa to the e-iimmUslnner of Inillan tilTnlritsh liiRlon , D. t' . , will Do roculveil at this olllcn until I o'clock of AiiKtiit 10th , IWJt , for thn rroi'tloti e ( three Inrgo school buildings on t i Shosliouo Indl in rcfturvatlun In Wyoming aiTi point toIw selected by the Indian niscni , thn main bulldlni : to bo 1 Irtxll.the girls' dormitory 4I\7I. ami Iho boys' dormitory .flx'U , also for the nree'tlon uf the Tort Hall Indl in Indus , trial vhool near HHckfoot , Idaho , a f 1:1100 : dormitory building nixll , all In accordance with plain anil spi'e'luYnllons that HUM be ux- iimlned at the ullkes of tltu l.epublloiin ' of Denver , Col i 'TliK HIT" of Onuilin Neb ! " 1 rlbiine" of Halt LnKoClty ! liio'Min" of ( 'hojonuo , \\yo.nnd thn "Journal" of Helena , .Mont i l o at thn Shothotii' Ajoiic'iyo , and thn I'ort Hall r > liiml. Idaho Illilders will be renulred to submit "fp.rnta bids for e icli building. , iml to l no the icouth of time proposed to be e'tmiumcd In their 'on * slruellon i nrriHKti 11111 KN. Knch bid must he ai'iomii in ml b > a certi fied check or dr itt upon oion United stales doposltorv or some solvent nation il hiuk lu thevu'lullv of ( he blddei s place of Imslnen. naval te to theonlor of the commission ! r tit Indian iitlalrs , for ut least * per cent of thn amount it ! thn propos il , which e heel , or drift nh ill bo ford'Ht d lo the United Stales in en in any bidder or bidders tei el v lux an awnid shall fall to promptly ovoeuto a contract with good ami sultleli'nt surelli-s , othorwU'j , lo be rn- tttrned to the bidder. The right Is rcs-r > orl to rolci't nny or all bids , or attv p irt of anv hid , If deemed for Iho best Inletest of the selvlee TlluM v > J MOIUIAN. Commlss , mer _ _ .bisd-Mlm I'm' IHsttle-t Ciinline li fin l'iirt t nntN iiini'i. " sourn OMtu , lin1 1 > , i e'il propos il will I e tee'elveu at Ibis if- until lul > ,1)1 h at l2oYln"k noon for tlm imu'lii e of the followlnu district KtndliiK bonds. Distil-t No I , nnO Dlstrli t No . ' . fl.KKIHO Dlitrltt No .1 * I.'HIIX ) , , < f thei'ils of South liiniili t snld lends me d ttid Inlj Nl , Is'H ' mil u I I ho due In III oni' two. three an i four yen's front tbi'lr iliittviui eiiial | ninouut beroniluj duo each jear. and bear Interest ftoiu their date nt the r itoof 7 per cent per nnnitio. p i\ able annual ! ) The pi IniMpIoiml Interest of said bonds shall bo p.yable nt the riseal auemj of the state of Nebraska In the ell v of New York Mi Id bonds ate USHIM'I under the c'h irter pouer of said city and will be delivered to purchaser on p i > ment therefor , al the city tie.tsurv lu south Om tha Illds will beadiliossed to the undeisUneil marked Propos ils for District dialing Itomls , " and must stale the full n line and ad dn ss of the bidder the tmoiint of s ild bonds desired , in equal amount due ene b > eat from one to four years.aml the price proposed to bo paid I'he bonds of aboM > dNtrlots will bo solder or colleclUely as desiri d , \\M M WOOD. Chatim tn 1'lnanee ( omiiilttce .lyisdlt Nutli'c to fonti'iu'1 oiH. Notlc'o Is bi-rebv tl\en III it bids will be ro- col\ed by the bo ird of public liiiidsnnd build ings at the olllco ofi credit ) of state until July 20 , IMII , at 1J o'clock , noon , for the erec tion and fonipletlon of t i Impel nnd ilorml- toiy for the Homo of the rrlendlcsa at l.'n- coin. Neb. I'l ins and spct'lllCTtlons may be seen at Iho olllco of the cominUslouei of public lands and bulldlmis al Lincoln [ Stth. Cuntraetois will bo rciiulred to eouform strictly to conditions of specllli .it Ions The bo ltd resorxcstbo right to reject any and all bids I ) ill d June 10 , ISO ) . JOHN O AI.M'N. A. It. IIl'MI'IlUr.V. faccrctarj of bl lie. I'tes'tof lloatd. Jldutin Hilts / I'fintlnu. Itlils will be n cehed by the Slate Ho ml of Printing nt the ollleo of the Sei-ret.iry of Stale , on or bcfore'J o olook p m , August tit h , Ih'H , for printing and binding In cloth , one thous and LI.OOO ] copies of Vol. Ill , of the Trans ic- llous and Hoporls of tlm Nebr.isi.ii Mate IIIs- loricil Soi'lcty , to tie dellveied complete at the olllco of the Secret irof the Society. In the State Unlterslly llulldlni ; . Lincoln I'o conttln .10) ) pa es , more or loss 'I ln > Hi/out PUP. wclirhl and quality of piper , style ami quality of blndlni : , style of lettering on cover , and In all respi its the work to be the same as the sample to be seen In tlie olllce of the Sec retary of Slain The right to reject any and nil bids Is reserved. j ) IdlJOtm JOHN 0. An EN , fcocret iry. RH1LWRY TIME GRRD l.cavei K I S P J .V O II I VrrUji Om iha Depot Illlli an I Mt nn Sts I Om I'l t. II io n nit KnlT"as t lly Dnjr Lxprnis i [ > 'M p iu IM.'i p inK | C-Nlcht K p via l > . P Trim I ( Hi u in ] MVOS UNION PACII 10 "yArrlvosj" Unmln Depot lUth and Mnryr Sts I Om ilia. 1010 a in Kansas I Ity rfxpresi ( ax Sun ) 4 , H p ra 0 U a in Deovor Kxpros 4 00 p in 2 5 j p m . . . . Overland Flyer , , DOi p m 4 TO p ra Grand Island Kip ( ox Him ) II V , n til 1U p m . . . . . . . . .Pacltlo ICxpros , , . , . . , .1 O p m LC.IVOI | CIIIOAO , M1K A hi' I'AUI * I Arrlra Onulit | U P ilnpot \I > roy SH I Onialm C.ipm | ChlciKO Kxiirun "fil V ) m ll l"ii > m | Chlciuto jKJi ) ArnvoT" Omaha III P depot IDtlijiiiil M ircy St < Omnha , liJJ p m , , , . .MlJiT Kipress U M n m ' 115 n in Atlantic l.xpren Ii 65 p m ' { a ) p ml . . . .Voslltinlo Ihull" I lO.S'i it m l.oivoi I SIOUX (11 ( Y.It I'ACIMIX i Arrirui Omaha I Dupot Utli nml Muri.y tit < I Om ill t 7 n it ml . . Slonx < Ity Pas enier . . . . ) -I ) p m ft Ci p ml St. Paid Kxpruii llur.'i a m Loire I I SJIOUV lli'V'.v I'ACU'l I Arrlvui maha. I Depot lit'i anil VVnlittur hti. | Omaha 4J > 5 pnil St Paiill.lmltel | | i > nni _ LetviH I Arnvoi Omaha JJ _ di'pnt lUlli ami Many st Onm'i ' t _ " " " " IMT a"m . . . ( hie tie Impress . b I. ) a in 410 p in , , Veitlbula l/linltoil. , . , ' ) I ) a m USJ P m lantern Hyer ' 1M a m S''O ii in _ l-oi al K ist Kx ( cicopt Monda ) ) l > .1) ) u in I , cave I Oil VII V , v SI' LOUIS \ rri vo" OninlivlU I * djpiit 10th an l\Urey _ o m ih t 0iini. : St. Louis I niiiion Hall 11-Mi p ra 1 cave I P , IS t Ml ) VAI.I.I'.v. I Arrlvn" Oimdia. ! Depot it' ' ) amiob.ttor Hti I Omaha uTxilt in" Iliaclt HUH i\prois : I ti M p lil tl U ) n m ( ISx Sal ) Wye l.\i | ( I'.t .Mini ) , ' ' p III 6 10 p m Wnhoo A , l.lniotn I'm ( Kx Sunill | Jk it m _ 6jyjim jirkt Norfolk ( l' Snmti LJII ti n m Tonui I L' ST P , VI &o I y\rrlves Omaha I Depot nth amiV. cbitnrSti I Onnilnt. Lcmve * It 'II' \OV ( SOU I'll tViCSTrillV I Vrrlvni 'I runner I Union Dnpit _ t ouoi'll DlnTi I I'rtnif o D 10 a m ChlniKo l"xpro < s 1 I. (10 ( p m 400 p m \oitlbillo Limited. K IJ a m ,0 00 p m l.aaturn Hyer 110 p m 801) p in Alliollo Mull , 10 a m 0. a ) p in lown Accommodation ( Sat only ) n 40 p m Li'aviM I DVI\ll\A.rU' LOIHH i Vr.'ivm 1 ranifo | IJiilon Ilo nit , Loam II Illiiifi 11 rannfer 40 inn I st lmiUi anon Hall | IJ n p m Lnnirni It IIICAH ) , IIIJU''N A gillV V I ArrUni ' 1 raniiferl tJnon Dnpot i mini II lllniTi llranifiir t ) It ) it ml ( hltauo Hxprititi t O p in 1000 p m Uduuu K pro.ia 4U a m 70 > p m | . . . IS n in IX3avoiTl HIOUX I ll'V .V PA- I I'J i I vrrlvuP 'Iriumerl Union D'liol i u i nl II i I fu 7 Ii it ml riloni I Ity Aicmaiuolatlun I II41) * 460 p nil St , Paul r nrn , IUDI p ni INTERESTPAIDONDEP05IT5 ATQMAHA10AN&TRU5TCO , 5ECDR CAPITAL'S 100.000.00 DinECTOnG'AUWVMAM-E.W.NASH drtMiaAHD GUY CDARTON GD.LAKC JJBROWN-THOS-L.KIMSAUL. When I uy euro I donotinuin nierulr toitup thorn ( or a tlinn itnd then h io thrm rut urn main , 1 lunan ruhcalcuiu. I biT mada thu dl u u ul I'll.S , l.l'I. LKI'SY cr PAI.LINO HIUKNKHH it llfa-lunic itudy [ warrant my ri > in dy to euro the wuntctset , ll cau a th nh > TOf < lliidl < no reason fur uut nuur r c lrlnK cum , h < .nil at onoa fur a trasUso itud a 1 nxt Ilottla o ( Hiylnftllll l rwm > dy. ( Ufa ripruixand l' tOIHcu. U. U. JtOOT , M. 11. . l U I'ciul HI. . N. V.