8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 18 , 1801--TWELVE PAGES. CHAS S. KEMPER , H. M. HUNDLEY , D. MCDONALD , JOHN P SWEENY , President. Vice-President , Treasurer. Secretary. LEADING IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF- ING G AND MANUFACTURERS OF- Jeans Pants , Cotton and Wool Shirts , Lined Duck Goods , Overalls , Etc 112-114-116 North 4th Street , SI , Joseph , Mo , NEW YOUK OFFICE , 56 WOUTH STREET. Mtention to \ - s * xk Special \ _ ' . " , _ - ; ! & - - > > Me- - = "J- 5 i jSTJV &l3E - - - - the Following , PP PP PP P P P v < , -.J . , ? , - ' * k - * * - * - V " - ! 'W' - ' - * ' . - . - -v.--J. v,1 * TENTION j P OUR LINE ! OKDRESS a To our IMMENSE stoc/t of NO TIONS DRESS GOODS and FURNISHING GOODS. Our OUR LINE ! OR PLAIN M/OOL FLANNELS p foyers in these lines have worked hardand i OUR LINK OK 3 as a result can show the most Attractive TWILLED WOOL FLANNELS , 5 5 and Saleable liie shoivn in the . ) ever west. OUR LINE1 OK 5i CANTON FLANNEL S. i i OUR LINEX OK L OKBLANKETS i We have greatly enlarged and improved OUR LINK OK i i our force of traveling men. They are BED COMFORTS. t i noiv in the fold with full lines of samples OUR LINKx OK WASH FABRICS. I k ples , and will call on you. Look over their THE ABO VELINES HA VE BEEN SELECTED Q Q lines carefully ; it will cost you nothing WITH GREAT CARE BY EXPERIENCED Q AND TA S TEFUL B UYER S. IT WILL PA Y \k and will save you money. YOU TO LOOK AT THEM. We are Now Our line is almost En- and will be found to be We urge all good merchants to give our stock a thorough look when visiting the market. With the recent changes made in .our . officers , we have adopted a More Vigorous Policy. We keep a. large and well selected stock in all our departments. WE MAKE CLOSE PRICES AND LIBERAL TERMS. We will make it interesting to all Close Buyers who visit this market , to call enC C c/ us , they will make money by so doing. All direct orders sent in to us will have our Close and Prompt Attention. imclley alker Dry Goods Company ST. JOSEPH , MISSOURI. lilt