THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SAT JULY 18 , 1801-TWELVE PAGES. INTENDING FOR CONTRACTS , Bidders Eager to Secure a , Share of Omaha's ' Prf jeoted Pii.blio Works , V BEREA STONE AND BARBER ASPHALT , Two Artlolo * Tlmt Are In Disfavor nt 1'roHcnt Klfjiirrn .Submitted to llio Hoard Illtulics Conn ; Up. The mooting of the board of public works liold yesterday afternoon was of more than usual Importance , as blda were opened for curbing and paving a largo number of the streets of the city. The streets to bo Improved are divided Into the following dhtrlcU : District No. .Til , Cutmtiff , from Fortieth to Forty-second street ; No. 853 , Hamilton , from Fortieth Btroot to Military avenue ; No. STi ? , Fortieth , from Hamilton to Kuw.ird street ; No. ; , Seward , from Thirty-eighth to Fortieth Btroot ; No. ll."i , Charles , from Thirty-eighth to Fortieth street ; No. CM , Twenty-first , from California to I/ard street ; No. Ilfi7 , Lathrop street , from Sherman avenue to Nineteenth street ; No. IBS , Davenport , from Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth street ; NiT. IITt ) , Dodge street from Thirty-eighth avenue to Thirty-ninth Btroot ; No. ! I70 , Pacific from Twenty-ninth Btroot to Twonty-nlnth avenue ; No. ! )75 ) , alloy between Twentieth and Twenty-first street , north of Uraco ; No. 'J7 , Tnlr'.oonth ' street to the north line of Paddock place ; No. .ITU , CJraco street from llio Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis it Omaha railroad right of way to the east line of Paddock placo. Tim bids for curbing were as follows : Hod Colorado samUtono : Hugh Murphy , d.stricts 351 , 852 , 370 and : i 9 , W cents per lineal footdistricts8.M5 : , : t.7 andC : > S , Cl cents ; districts U7" and ! ! 7i ) , 1)1 ) cents. Thoma.t Ham- lln , districts . ' 151 , IC.t and : J7U. &IH cents. C. 1) . Wood worth , districts : t.VJ , : if > : ) , ; ) . > ! , 'l.Vi , U50 , ! I57 , : KW , .TO ) , JI7-I. UTi7r. : . nndimi , M cents. Duron sandstoneThomas : Hnmlin , districts . - ) ( ) , I ! . " , It. . * , 1)72 ) , 873 , : i7.-i , ; i7l ( and 8711 , ( WJtf cents. Mnhonoy & Furnas , districts 351 , Xa. U53 , Jlftl. iCw , 350 , 357 , 35S1 , 37'J , 373 , U75 , iJTO nnd IIT'.I , Ol1 coats. Thomas Hainlln , dis tricts : i,0 , 8.17,858 , 872 , 873. 875 , 370 and 8TU , K\y \ cents. \vlil to Colorado sand stone , C. D. Wood- worth , district 851 , fill cents ; distdcLs 8.VJ . , C5i : , ! )5l ) , I 55 , 850 , 857 , 85b , 37L' , 373 and 370 , 01 cont-s. \Voodworth wai given the contract for red Colorado sandstone In districts 370 , 35'J , 8511 , U5-I and 855 at 01 cents. Ilamhu captured districts 351 , 350 , 357 , 35S nnd 8.V. ) nt 08 > ; conta. Murphy got3J nnd 378 at 01 cents. The bid of Mahoney & Furnas on Borea eandstonc was rejected , notwithstanding the fact Unit it was \\yt \ \ cents per foot lower than the lowest. Major Furay moved the rejection and each member voted "ayo" upon the proposi tion. tion.Last Last spring when thn board adopted llio Bpecillcatlons It was decided to ask for bids for Uerea , Colorado , red and white stone for jmvlng. Heretofore the Boroa stone has been used In the prominent buildings and for curbing purposes , but In his motion to reject , Major Furay rcmarltod that the stone is not good for curb. A prominent stone contractor who was present stated that the boaul did not intend 10 use Burun stone , out that bids were invited Bimply for the purpose of using the agent as n catspaw to keep t.ho jinco of rod Colorado fitone down to a reasonable figure. This will inako trouble , as the agent for the Dcrea Btono docs not propose to submit. Last night n man who represents him and is in a position to speak , said : "Tho whole scheme is a most damnable nchomo upon the part of the members.Vo were the lowest bidders on all of this work nnd now wo do not propose to bo swindled out of our contract. " The members of the board bavo nothing to Bay upon the sublect , asldo from tno fact that the stone is not as pretty and docs not look as well when sot , owing to its color. The end Is notyot , as the Korea people will npj'ly to the court for an injunction restrain ing etio board from entering into n contract with the Colorado stone contractors. There were four bidders for the paving. The Bnrbor asphalt company bid J'J.OS per yard for form "B. " Hugh Murphy bid as follows : Uod Colo- rado sandstone , districts tlliI , 353 , 353 , 351 nnd ! 155 , $3.15 per ynrd ; districts 350 , ! ! 57 , 353 nnd 37l > , $3.04 ; district 37i ( , $3.15 ; districts 1172 mm 373 , $3 ; district 375. $3.30 ; brick , ihrado 't.ll , 353. 354 , 355 , 373 nnd 375 , S3 ; ih districts 35(1 ( , 35S mid ! ! 51 > , $1.05. ,1. B. Smith bit ! only on brick. Ills prices jvoro : Districts 351 to 359 Inclusive , $1.83 : 858 , 373 , 373 and 270 , $1.87. C. IX Wood worth had in n bid on Sioux jTalls granite , red and white Colorado sand- Btouo. For the Sioux Falls stone his bid WHS : Districts 351 to ! t5S , $3.35 ; districts 1173 , 373 , $3.0 ! ! ; district , 375 , $3.40 ; districts D7t ( nml : i l > , ? 3.t5. ! His bid on the rod stone was $3.15 for districts 351 to 358 ; $3.0 ! ) for districts 37 : ) nnd 373 ; $3.35 for district 375 nnd ? 3.17 for district 3711. On white stone . ho bid $3.o : : for district 373 , nnd on 373 ho bid J'J.OD ; district 375 , $3.35 ; district 370 , $3.1 ! ) Uiul37U , $3.18. The brick contract \vns awarded to Smith nnd the award of tlio stone will bo made at n apodal mooting to bo hold this afternoon. Major Furay moved that tlio asphalt con tract bo awarded to tno Harbor company. Chairman Btrkhnusor said "No , wo will re- ndvortlso. The price is excessive nnd form "ll"tlmt provided for in the bid , Is the poor est quality known to the trade. There is no competition in this matter , us there is only ono bid. Asphalt costs less than stone , anil the prlco charged Is hlRhorthnn that charged for any stone In the miirkot. " Major Furay rciiinrucd : "Lot us reason to gether. The question Is , how can wo oxor- cho our ( liscrntioii In this matter and reject the bid ! Tno company has made Its bid , put up Its certified check anil the people petition tor the paving. If thov are willing to pay the prlco , I don't see how wo are to prevent them from having what they want. " Major nirklmusor did not'seo things In that light. Ho replied : "This board sits here the same ns though each member was doing business for himself. " "That Is not true. " cooly responded Major Furay. "U'o nro sitting here to glvo notlco to the nubile nnd the publlu selects the ma terial to bo used , nnd further than this wo Jiavo nothing to say. If wo rendvortiso for the period of llftoon days the tlmo for select ing the material will hnvo tiassod and this company will bo debarred from entering into liny contract. " -i'Whoso fault Is that ! " retorted the chair- tnan. "Tho prlco of the material could bo reduced at least $1 per yard nnd would ba If thuro was competition I" Further consideration of this matter wtis deferred until the mooting that Is to bo held this afternoon. Bids for constructing sewers In districts 143 , 141 and 145 were opened nnd the con tracts awarded as follows : District 143 , Twenty-third street from Loavouworth to Pacific , Uumann& McDonald , 15-Inch sewer , l.'jn per lineal foot ; S-luoli , NS cents ; man holes , $3.75 ; catch basins , | 3.75 ; Hush tanks , | S per vertical foot. District 141 , Twenty-fourth street from koavonworth south , Mct.nvock & Dally , Ifi- Ineh sewer , $1.33 ; 8-Inch , S5 cents ; " man holes , { . ' 1.00 : catch basins , 1.00 ; Hush tank * , fS. District 145 , Thirty-eighth nvenuo , from pnvunnort to Dodge street , McUavock t Wally , S-lnch sewer , 7 ! ) cents ; man holes , (3.00 ; Hush tanks , fS. Colonel Patrick entered n protest against filling mi lot.s that ho owns In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Lulto streets. Ho denied that thu lots nro n nuisance , stating that the Water complained of is n clour running stream that Hews into the North Omaha sowor. The board will investigate. Lr. ) Dlrnoy euros uaiurrn , Dee bid"1 , Klvcr NOWH. The stenmnr Cnpltolu Butt arrived at the Vrtarf last evening having la tow two barges loaded with goods for local IIrun , After dropping her tow here the steamer kept on up tlio river to Sioux C'lty , where she bo- taiga. The tow boat ami her consorts were 'toaQtMl at St. Joseph and the Butt brothers s report having had u ploiuaut voyage so fur , J Do\VUt' Llttlo ICarly Hlson for the llvor. t \ SOUTH 031. Ill A. t Iroin thn A gentleman who is greatly interested In the stock business nt the South Oinnhn yards , nnd has boon traveling through the "Pan- handle district" of Texas and the tarrltorlo. ' . of Now Mexico nnd Arizona , has written n letter to n friend hero giving most encour aging reports of the condition of stocit nnd the fnvor.iblo opinion hold by stock raisers of these sections o South Omaha. From ono point ho writes that l.SOO cars will bo required to ship the cattle. Ho thinks that ull Soutl Oinnhn wants Is a good southwest conncctlot and this market will soon move Into secant plnco a * a stork market. For $ ? ( ) ( ) to n Articles hnvo been signed by Harry Gilmore moro and John Wllks to light In Blum's opera house Saturday evening , August 15 , for $700 n side nnd the entlro gate receipts. Harrj Gllmoro Is the man who defeated Jimmy Llndsoy lost spring , nnd hns n score of vic tories to his credit. John Wllks Is the man who hni won every hnttlo ho has fought in South Omnh'i and lately gained such n roc- cord in the oast. Both men have lots ol friends hero , ns both nro perfectly fair , manly and scientific lighters. The liRht wll draw the biggest crowd over nt a prlzo light In South Omaha. People who want to see a mulch In which science nnd not bru tality is tlio governing rule , and professlonn Honor and not nnything-to-wln the spirit o thu contestants , should attend this contest. About tlio City. Charles Brown has gone to Stromsburg. John Frov has removed to Twonty-sixtt and N streets. lUchnrd Daniel , the Gllmoro fine stock raiser , was in the city. Captain Patrick J. Mo.Muhon of the pollco force Is on the sick list. George Ivuolino of Council Bluffs was over on business with Persons ft Berry. Lee N. Trnitt is over from Ked Oak shak ing hands with friends ut the yards. Mrs. Conloy , wife of James Conloy , First ward , Is dangerously low with consumption. Barney Kelly came down from Sioux City , la. , with a fancy dog nnd is looking for com petitors. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Hedges , after visits with friends in WInterset nud DCS Monica , In. , have returned. W. C. ChrUtenson of Cut-off lake was down with Thomas W. Whittlosoy of the G. H. Hammond company. Jnmos McDermott , formerly of the Cudnhy packing force , now of Lincoln , Is visiting with fricnJs In ( he city. A game of ball will bo played Sunday fore noon nt 10i)0 : ) at the Shooloy grounds between the Shoe-leys nud the Browns of this city. John Hostio of Auburn , ono of the veteran nnd largest stock shippers to the yards , , topped the market with n bunch of jo.liO hogs. The commission linn of Smith & Coltrin hns dissolved , L. Coltrin retiring. The business will be continued by Smith , Carey &Co. Dunning was represented nt the yards by II. O. Clifford , ono of the largo ranch owners. Mr. Clifford made his Hrst trip to this mar ket nnd expressed himself well pleased with his sales. Philip Kern is getting signers to n petition to have the established gratlo retained on Twenty-Hrjt street In the fourth grading dis trict and not on Twenty-ninth street , as published. The grand lodge , United Order of Trou- buud , will moot Sunday morning at 10 o'clock ' in Knights of Pythias hall , Douglas street , Omaha. The delegates from this city nro Jacob Josknlcl : , John Frey und Kudolph llartz. . - The entertainment given in the Methodist church last evening by the Epworth league , was ono of the mot succo.isful socials yet clvon by the league , The attendance was largo , the patromigo liberal and the social a success. Major John B. Furay of Omcha was at the yards with a load of hogs from his Elkhorn ranch. Major Furay owns the largest ranch In Douglas county and reports that wolves Imvo killed 100 hogs for him this year ou that ono ranch. Thcro will bo u special meeting of the ex change Saturday , July 18 , at 1 p. in. , to con sider the matter pertaining to the board of .rado of Omaha. Tnis Is n matter of great ntcrcst to the members and it is desired that there bo a good attendance. Spurlflini ; nnd Delicious. In purity of quality and delicacy of flavor Sntorinn Ginger ale ' has no oqual"cithor for eign or domestic. Bottled at Excelsior Suring ! < , Mo. GO TO THIS OHAUTAUQUA. Omalm Traveling Men nnd Tlioir Krlonds Will lie There. This Is the traveling men's day nt the Council Bluffs and Oinnhn Ctmutauqua. It goes without saying that "tho boys" will nnko It onoof the best days of the entire session. They hnvo prepared an attractive irogrammo nnd will undoubtedly entertain all who go In a delightful and profitable nauner. The traveling men of Omaha nnd all who happen to bo stopping in tUo city nro equestod to meet nt the Cnsoy hotel nt 10:30 : iiul will proceed to the Clmutnuqun grounds. J'lio programme proper will begin at - p. m. After n prelude by the Jowa Stnto band Mr. W. J. Davenport of Council BlulTs , president of the day , will deliver nn address. Uov. T , I. Mackay of Omaha , Mr. W. F. Mitchell , iresidont of the Iowa Stuto Traveling Men's issoelntlon , 1 { . M. Simons of Lincoln , II. S. illnu of Council BlulTs , J. J. Stoadiiinn of Council Bluffs and W. C. Brown , general manager of Kansas City , St. Joseph t Council BlulTs railroad , will deliver short uldrossos. There will nl&o bo vocal musio and elocutionary selections interspersed. liilbriniition Free. Do you know that any old sere or cut can ) o absolutely cured by the intelligent use of Hullcr'.s ' Barbed Wire Liniment. 13e merci ful to your horse and try it. Doctors Will KeHolvo. A number of Oninlir. physicians mot last night nt the Puxton hotel for the ourposo of taking steps toward the passing of suitable resolutions by thomodlcal fraternity of the city with regard to the death of the Into Dr. Uichard II. Darrow. Dr. Bacon was ctioson chairman of the mcottiiL' nnd the following commlttco was up- polutcd to report resolutions nt a meeting to bo hold on the evening of July Ul nt Dr. Pea- body's oftlco. Drs. Ponbodv , Tilde , n und Unlph. Use Holler's German Pills , the great con stlpatlou and liver regulator. M'iitiO.\.lll I'.llt.Hllt.l I'ltS. J. M. Grimth of Wahoo Is nt the Mlllnra , Tom M. Cooke of Lincoln Is ut the Mlllnrd. J. B. Doty of Davia City Is nt the PAX ton. John J. Hooho of .Noligh Is nt the Pnxton. G. G. Brown of Columbus is nt thu Pnxtou. H. H. Tomson of Lincoln Is nt the Dollono. M. T. Elsemoro of Hastings is nt the Mil. lard. lard.L. L. P. Glllett of Boatrlco is n guest nt the Pnxtou , John Bradford of Grotna is a guest at the Dollono. Thomas C. Gallagher of Fremont is at the Dellouo. W. D. Mnthows of O'Neill Is a guest ut the Millurd. C. W. Broatoh and wife of Norfolk are nt the Paxton. T. E. Broadway of Chudrou Is n guest nt the Dollono. Hoburt B. Wlndham of Plnttamoiith U at the Murray. lion. Thomas Benton , stnto auditor , called upon Tun BIM : yesterday morning. Mr. P. A. O'Farroll of Oregon is in the city , the guest of Hon. John A. McShuno. Both gontlomou culled upon Tan BKK yes terday morning. J. W. Johnson , ono of the overworked sec- rotnries of thu board of transportation , stole enough tlmo to como up to Omaha yostordny. lie left the car ut tbo 11. & M. headquarters. Mr. Humphrey Moynihan , Judge Scales and John J. llcaly of Chicago uro In tbo city. They nro on u pleasure Jaunt through to the Puclllo coast. Mr. Moynihnn was formerly n resident of Omaha. He U now chief ballllt lit the county court ot Cook county , over which Judge Scale * provides. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK , Bright Prospects of Winter Wheat Enliven Trade in General. i GREAT INCREASE IN IRON PRODUCTION , Improvement In the Clothing nml Slioo Trtultt HnooiirnKlitf ; Outlook fop All Northwestern PohitH Col- lupso In Wheat Speculation. NF.W YOHK , July 17. U. O. Dun's Woottly Knviow of Trndo snys : Business clcnriy grows sotuowliat inoro nctivo , though mid summer ilullncMS U still the rule. At eastern citloj thora Is noticed nioro domain ! for man ufactured goods with larger solos for mater ials In the west. Trade Is enlivened by the largo yield of winter wheat nlroauy har vested and by the very bright outlook for other crop ? . At the south , however , the crop nilvlcos arc favorable. No Improvement appears In business , which Is duller than tisunl nnu at some points Is pronounced unsatisfactory. The general confidence is strengthened by the financial MOWS from Ktiropo , which Indi cates that disturbance of the money markets from that quarter need not now bo feared , and by the change In the foreign trade of this country , which points tea a material reduction of balances payable abroad in specie. Imports at Now York hnvo sharply doclinnd , July 1 amounting Jto about SI.HOO.uou or 18 per cent less than for the same weolcs last year. On the other hand , exports of domestic products at this point show an Increase thus far in this mouth of & 'tW ; 1,000 , or nearly U3 per cent , In compari son with the same wi'olts last year. Thuro is an Increased production of pig Iron almost to the unprecedented figures of last yonr. The sudden incronso In production is not in all ro- snonts n fjivornblo svtniitoin. No corrosnoml- ing improvement iu the demand for manufac tured products is yet seen and the stocks un sold at only a part of the furnaces are now recorded as amounting to about -IbO.OOO tons , showing a very largo Increase , particularly in COKO Iron. Unless the demand rapidly improves , the market must soon weaken so lar us to test severely the ability of some of the concerns to continue production. Already there is a poicoptlulo weakness in the market , at Phila delphia and some concessions iu price are noted for pig iron and for plates , while the market lor structural iron Is oxtromolv dull. As usual of late , the demand for rails is scanty , the market for railroad bonds being still dull and disappointing. Koports from oilier cities are generally hopeful. Some improvement in the demand for goods is soon at lioston. . Prospects are considered brighter at Philadelphia. In splto of the usual dullness of the season , an Improving tendency Is seen at Iluffalo and Irtko ship ping rovivoi at Cleveland with a larger de mand than a year ago. Orders for clothing are good at Cincinnati and the retail trade in dry goods Is brisk. At Detroit nmnufac. turors move very fnlrlj * and at Milwaukee trade Is helped by improving crop prospects. Receipts of wheat , dressed beef , wool and hides at Chicago show a great increase and now wheat , comes in liberally , S3 per cent of it grading No. ! 2. The clothing and shoo trades show a largo increase over last year , though in dry goods the trade shrinks a llttlo. At St. Paul trade Is back ward , but prospects are good and for Min neapolis especially bright. Bank clearings at St. Louis exceed last year's by 7 per cent and money is moving out to move crops with freedom while the general trade in all lines is of fair volume. At other northwest points without exception , the excellent crop pros- [ iects are noted as promising improvement , uul at Nashville trade Is fair , but dull at Memphis , unsatisfactory at Little Hock , fall ing off at Savannah and sluggish at Now Orleans though a better demand Is seen for cotton. At Jacksonville trade is better with crops in good condition. The coliapso In wheat speculation has como with a fall of 8 cents during the past week , jut corn Is scarce and Ayt cents higher , while oats have declined about 1 cent. Pork and log products nro higher ; coffee has risen a quarter and oil the sarno , but cotton is un changed and the general course of prices has ) oen downward as is natural nt this season , the fall during the past week having aver aged hourly % of 1 percent. The money market has generally been In 'air shape and collections fair for the season. The business failures occurring throughout ihe country during the last sovcn days num ber lr-l ! as compared with a total of'JIT last vcok. For the corresponding week of last year the ilguros wore " 07. Humphreys' Specific No. 1O Cures dyspepsia , indigestion , billiousness and constipation , for poor appetite , weak tomai-h , sluggish liver , feeble kidneys , do- iresscd strength , want of vigor , and as an uitl-bilious and unti-malarial protective and cure it has no equal. Thousands are cured > y it. Sold by dealers. The Wuhoo roller mills at Wahoo , Xob. , will bo sold July 27 , ' 91 , nt hot-ill's sulo. This will bo n fjood year or milling' , us wheat crop is good. I'lNK lIlIjhIAUl ) 1'IjAYING. May bo "Witnessed Kvory Xinlit at tlio niilliird Itilliiird Itoomri. Mr. Frank MnpffioH has talcon the minngomont of the Millurd hotel foil- inrd hull. Mr. Muggioll is nn export lilliiti'dist iitul hits defeated stioh well cnown hillinrdists as Ivos and Curtor. The Millurd hotel billiard hull will bo > ut in first , cliisa nhnpo mid iniido the uost iittraotivo of any billiard hall in lie city. Mr. MngKinll will fjlvo an ox- libUiou of fancy allots every evening. JtJC.l UTIES. Many People lOnjoyliiK tlio Delights of the l.luok HlllH KeHort. HoTSi'inxnc , S. D. , July 17. ( Special to 'HK BKI : . ! The days contlnuocool and pleas ant , followed by delightful moonlight ovon- ngs. Visitors are arriving dally and the notola are rapidly tilling up. Sunday last was u rod letter day here vhon fully 1,000 poophi ciimo m on excursion rains from neighboring Hills cities to wit- icss the baseball tournament in which the lot Springs , Load City and Dcadwood nines tartlcfpatotl. The I Lot Springs and the Lead Jitys were scheduled to play in the morning , uul the winning team was to play the Dead- vooils in the nltornoon. The grand land and bloachor.1 were crowded vitli spectators and excitement ran ligh all through the games. A great deal of letting was done on both nines. The morn- ng piitno was won by the Hot Springs , in vhich they defeated their opponents by a core of 8 to it. This was the lirst time the .end City nine has boon beaten this season , Jwing to the pltchorof the Hot Springs nine being somewhat tired from his morning's vork ho did not show up so well in the after- eon , when the team was beaten by JUoad- vood , 12 to 7 People uro very enthusiastic ver baseball in this section of the country ud the gainoi are well patronized. Next cason will probably witness the organiza- ion of a iilack Hills league. Yoitorday the B. & M. road completed Us telegraph line to tliU city. O.V. . Holdrcge , general manager , accompanied by Mr. and Mi's. Thomas L. ICiuibull , oamo in ou a spe cial caryojlerday. The man so brutally assaulted the night King & Franklin's circus was here is begin ning to recover , it successful surgical opera tion having been performed by Dr. 11. D. Jennings of this place , In which a plueo of fractured skull was removed from the brain. The perpetrators of thh deed were captured at Iluffalo ( iap and nro now lodged In Jail nore. pending their victim's recovery. J. M. Handlln , residing about liftcen miles north of this city , who has been prospecting lor tin and gold for the last throe months , struck a silver lead ono day last week , sain- pies of which were sent to Omaha to bo as- saved. The ere assayed a llttlo over f J.UOO to the ton. Ho will try and got Omaha cap- ItalUU interested and organize a stock com pany. Tiiu prohibition question acorns to bo agi tating a number of the citizens of this resort , the majority of thoin proton Ing licensed sa- looui to the present method of disposing of To be Advanced Au OR WITHDRAWN FROM SALE AND ADVANCED TO PAR. ; f't An Investment That Will Double in Twelve Months. i Paying Semi-Annual Dividends April and October , Stock dl the Georgia-Alabama Investment and Development Co , Capital Stock , $4,800,000. Shares , $1O onch , par value , full pnid and Subject to no Assessments. ( 'en. I1EN.T. F. DUTLKIt , of .Ilimicluisrlts , I'rosliloiit. Hon. JAMKS > V. HYATT , Lntu Trcniiircr of t' . S. Tronsiircj DIRECTORS. ADVISORY BOARD. fen. ! tlenj. P. Untlor , of Masiuohusfltts , Hon. . .Tas.V. . Hyatt. ov-Treax. of IT , S. of Conn. Hon. John IJ. Gordon ox-Oovornoro Henry I'lMirhlwniizor , Mi'inlior N. V. Slo-k Kx Hon. I.osan II. Itoots ' , of Arkansas. Oeo C. Si'hiilleld , I'ri'.s. N' . V. Con , I'o. of N. V. Hon. Kieli. II. llrltht of Washlnuton , D. C. . . . . . . K . -I. \rk , J. W. Oiisoldlno , O'ashior Moichants.t Minors' Tim * . r.Smllh.l'roi. 17th Ward Hunk llrooklvn. I I'.V.HoliiTtMin.rriM.r Nut. llani > , Kourni v.Nut Dank , Tallapooaa , Ua. L. M. Sanford. I'n-t. Hunk of New Oastlcof fvy. Him. l > . C. Soovllli' , of .Now'VorU'oitJ. > \ . SUFFOLK TRUST GOMPflNY , Transfer Hgsniis , Exohange Building , Boston , JVlass , THE PROPERTY OF THE COMPANY CONSISTS OF orBnnlz pnny i iroUUTII. . ThoTallapnovi ' Purnaro , UN tliu llnu of tlio Oeuruln-l'acllli ;'lronil , In llio city of Tiillapoo < n , ( In. the tnlil furnace t'Olni : of 'Otntii capacity , tunimfncturiiiis llio liUhnitKriulo of colil and hot blnsl cliur coal car-whool Iron. l'ro ont vnlii'1 ' ) . KltTII. . ' TliP rioilnidiit . illn i Wurks. sltuntoil on the line of tlio ( ivorKln-l'nclttc llallronil , In tlio city of Tullnpoo ii , ( ! . i until plnnt t'lilnu 12-put furnnro cnpnclly , nml iiinimfiicturliiK Hint itlnsi ilnakt nnd ( iriMriip. . tlon wnre. l're ont vnluo. $ IijOitiu. ) SI.XTII. 'I'lro Tnllniuioiii llccllnlnirCh.ilr Knctory on tlio line of tliolionrirla-l'nclllo Itallroml 111 llio city of Tnllnpjntn , ( Jn , ninniifnrtiirliiit lininniiirk , rocllnn nml other clinlM. l'ro < i < iu vtiliu1 , fsiVltO , Hhli.S rll. Sundry Intpri-M l > i'irliiK : tinniN , niilo" , niortunepM. IMIIIIK , rlorh * . olo. . nriiiln | > il lnco tlio orKniilzatlun of couip.iii ) III Bi'omtliK tliu luciitUin on It' pioporlv of nuw ni.innfiictiirliiK InilllnlrU" nml fr < m sales of Us city Iot < and cnsli In bank , rucnlvoil from thu nnlo uf trcatnry stork for IniproronuMit * not ri't InvtMtoil. r There l < nlri'ady loralcd nn llio property of the cmnp.iny , In the city nf Tnllnpmivi. friini J.M.U In illtO Inhabllnntu , tlirvo-iiimrlCTX of whom nro Northern ppnplp , who havii sellli-d tlipnt wllhln Dili lust tlirpp vonr nliniit ,00 lionsps. ID IHi'lncii hoium unit block" , public 11 irk < , fri'i < pnhllp Ki'hni | . churclios , ImtpK wntprwurk tolcctrlp Iliihts. J7"i.lO | ) hotel , nnw bulldlni ; , to ho open In Octnlipr. Slrivt nillwny nnd 13 now mnmiriiriui In * Inilustrlus uudur t'untrnct nnd bull.Hun . that will umploy fully l.UUU aihlltlonnl oppratlvus , roiilrlnn | WJ nuw dtvcltlnK Iioiisii , nnd Incro.uo thu pruicnt pupn iitUni ot thu city from 3,600 lo MmO. THE IK COME OF THE COMPANY. 4 ADVANTAGES OP THE3 STOCK AS AN INVESTMENT. I derlvort principally from lx nourcos : KIHST. iiriiliiKii ; ; of Us inaiiufUL'lurlni ; cstabtlshmonts , now In onerntlon nml to bo built ( now I'HINCH'AIjnbiohitpljr scciiro under nny clrcuni'tnncP1" , the property bc'lni ; pnlil for In full. f7fl,2BOIyi'iirly ) . BKCONO. 1 ! . 'Minis of H > f'irmliiL' IIUI.IH nnd sales of Hinhor In "ntnmpaKo" ( estlnmlo.l(3.0i . ( ( ) yearly ) . DJ , to Incluilo carnlnis nnd all receipts from sale of city lotspaid rCKiilarl ) Aprlland Oct"t > el Til I It II. SnlO'df city lull In Tallaponxn. ( In. , for mid In . ' . ' . ) Improvement ta tmcnt ( ostlninto.U'.6'J.IXO yearly I'll ! ) HA HIM TV of n larte Increase In each Hcml-nuimal dividend by Increased earnings nnd snlos. KOUUT1I.VurkliiKuf iu inlnea mid ijuiiir'cn ' , by thenuolvc's or on "roynltlca" ( estimated JIO.UiO yearly ) . CKHTA1NTV of n rapid Increase monthly In the Intrinsic valiio nnd si'llliiK prlcn of the .Hook Itsulf. FHII. . 1'rollta on mineral , timber nnd town site line of . . 111. . It. . options on ( in. , To mi. & U. ( cstlmittod Total cstlnmtcd yearly Income of rompnny nfter eonstructloii of railroad , fvri.VI.LOI. ( > rly ) St.Vi'll. earnings of stock of ( ieorRln , Tennessee * Illinois It. U. ( estimated $ IP , IOS yearly ) . estimated ycnrly Income of company prior to construction of railroad , ( U'.i.'JVi.Ul. UNTIL AUGUST 1 PER SHARE The Company olfer to the Pub'io. ' until Auguq ; 1 , a spoci'il roglstered issue of FULL PAID SHARES oflts Capital Stoclc , forever unassosslblo , at PRICE OF STOCK TO BE ADVANCED SATURDAY , AUGUST 1 , TO $4.00 PER SHARE. Bight roaorvod to Withdraw Stock from tmlo without Notioo nftor August 1 , or ndvanoo prlco to pnr. ThP Dlrcnlorsof tlioOKOHfilA-AF.AIIAMA I.VVKSTMKNT AN'II DKVKI.OI'.MKNT COMl'ANV have ilncldvil to oltor In the public until Saturday , Ant : . 1 , n llmltod niniliint of thu full-paid capital -lock of llio com pany nt lll.iVI per Hhnru ( par vnlunilUO Ii. nml after that ilalo to either withilraw thn stock entire from snlo or ailvanco the prlcu tn $1 'JU per share. If lak"ii in rapl lly n wai tin , Juno Usuu , thu stock will bu wltlnrawn from sale after AIIJJ. I , und price advanced to , ns only enough will bo ollorcd to complete HID oUonilvu dovolopiuantt Inaimnratud oil the company's property nt Tnllapno < a. The stock IK full paid , and snhloet to no futtiro assessments under any clrcumstnncoi. ( Ino million dnlhrsof thefVOMMH ) capital stock was placed In the treasury of the company for the development n fits properties , and the enhancement nnd protection of the Interests of the stnckhnldcrs , * Under the plnn of the orwanUatlon of the company nil receipts Irnm the saloof the Treasury Utock of the company are expended at once for Improving ; nnd developing the properly of the comp.iny , Increasing Its niseis to the extent of the nimninl received. Thcentlrn proportion of the company helm ; paid for In full , nil the receipts from the sale of city lots coat once to the dividend fund of the company. In addition to the earnings of Its m.iniifactnrlnK ostiiMMimnnli In operation and Its Incomn from othrr sources. The slock of the compnny will not only earn pratlfylnc dividends for llio Investor , hut will Increase rapidly In thu market vnhie , with the development of the company's property. The stock will shortly he listed on the Now Vork , Chicago , IMtlladelphhi and lo ! < ton consolidated stock exchanges. Orders for slocks will ho IIlied as received. In nnjr amount from nnohurt ) upnnrd , ns It Is desired to have as many email holders III nil sections of the country ns possible , who will , by their Interest tn the company Intlueiicu ImuiIteration to Titllapousu and advance thu Inlorosts of the company. The Company Guarantee Purchasers Immediate Gash for Stock Bought. At an Advance of 5 cents per share per month ( or f/4 ] per cent per annum ? ) Atnny tlmo ( after the inonth following nurolnseltlny doslro to sell nrlor to its being listed ou the exchanges in Ootobor , or will socttro a purchaser for the stoclc nt tholr own price loss 2 per cent commission for mailing the transfer as the stockholder may elect. Stook purchased now nnd held until alter th payment of thf October dividend ( probably 20c per share ) will not the purchaser an advance equivalent fo 40 per oont per annum Stoclc purchased ot th s company during Mayor Juno at S3.50 per shcir3 will b > cashed l > v the syndlu.itt if d slrod immodiatuly after August , 1st at $ . ' 1.55 pir sha o. and stock pur- j chasoit during lulj * ( also stoclc purchased In May and Juno ) will bo cashed after Sept. 1st at $3.00 or sold for $3.02 par ; liaro on commission a * the stooltlioklur may oleo t. UNTIL , SATURDAY AUGUST 1 , 1891. Purchase $ Checks for the April dividend , which Purchase included earnings of the manufacturing Purchase establishments owned .by the Company , Purchase anil receipts from the sale of City Lots , Purchase for the first six months of busiiicsswcro Purchase mailed April 15. andchccks for the Octo Purchase ber dividend ( probably 20c per share ) Purchase will be mailed to stockholders by the Purchase Suffolk Trust Company , Transfer Agents , OUDEKS MAILhD AKTElt AUG. 1 WILL UK FILLKI ) AT M.IW PEIt SHARE ONLY , OK MONKV URTUKNKO TO SUNDER. Oct. 15. No orders will bo received at the present pj-ice of $3.00 per sharoafter 12 o'clorlc midnight Aug. 1 , and all orders for stoclc should be mailed as soon as posslblo , anil in uo event later than several days prior to that date to insure delivery at present price of $3.00 persharo. ADDRESS ALL OKDKHS FOR STOCKS AND PROSPECTUSES , AND MAKE CHECKS DRAFTS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO TURNER Gcn'l Wn Manager Room 313 , Stock Exchange Building , , , 167 Dearborn-st. , Chicago , 111. SOUTHERN OKKIOES. Tallapoosn. Harrison County , fin. NEW YORK on-'IOES , 11 Wall-st. . UOOIIH M , t 'tt. HOSTON OlM'MOES , 241 iViishlnctoii-st , , Roonm R. 9 iitul 10. I'IIII.AI > EL- I'HIA 01 . ' , Room ! ) 4 Drexel llullillns. I'RUVIOKNOE OKFIOB. Room I. Itiltlor E\uhaif'o. ) -'IIOAOO ! OKKIOE. Room 3111. Stoolt Kxehanifu HulltHns. IIAI/LMMORE Ol-TIUK , Room J , Hunk of J Iliiltlmoru ) ; UulItlliiR. I'OUKION OKl'IOES. No. - ' Tulconhuuso llulldliu-.sLondon , KIIB. tS EiKhty-pagoIlluKtrnted Prospectus of Tallapoosa. Stoclc Prospectus of Company nnd Flat of City with Price-List of Building Lots , Mineral Maps of the section , Engineers' Ro orts , Particulars of the Syndicate's Plan of Purchasing Stoclc , etc. , miilsd free ou application to any of th-3 above-named olllcos of the company. P liquor. A mooting was hold the ether oven- inn In which n number of sonslhlo speeches were maclo favoring high license. The Sioux City club house Is now com pleted nnd will bo very popular ninoiiK vis itors this summer. It is pleasantly situated on n high hill overlooking the entlro town and surrounding country. Another popular place for Kontlomon will bo the Mlnnoltahta club rooms , which nro being handsomely furnished. They are situ ated In the third story of the now Minno- katita stone block which has just boon com pleted. Hero strangers will bo cordially welcomed nnd maclo acquainted with the members of the club. In this block is also situated the now opera house which is about completed nnd will bo a llttlo nil Its .ippointmonts , No expense has boor spared jn making it neat nnd attractive and complete - ploto in every rospoct. Already several plays are bookc'l for next season , and no doubt will bo well patronized. The power house of the Hot Spring electric - tric light oompany Is nearly llnhhed and the town will soon bo lighted in metropolitan stylo. This company will also operate an olectrlo motor line , and the equipment has already been contracted for , The Short sys tem will bo used. The line will bo about two miles in length. Wednesday evening Miss Evans gave a moonlight piunlo on Lookout mountain. A inoro favorable night could not have been selected , as the moon shone in full splendor and not a cloutl wus to bo seen. The payiUlon was well lighted up with lanterns and every thing essential to n good tlmo employed. Thoio who participated were : The Misses Clough of Yonkton , S. IX ; the Misses Cook , Sioux City , the Missus Camp , Lincoln ; Miss Kdlth Vnnlvuran , Clinton , In. j Miss lilnlio VanlCuran. Omaha ; Miss Bartholomew , His- marck ; Miss Margaret Uook , Miss Hnwloy , Omaha ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Helm , Lincoln ; Mr. Cturk , Dr. Yutzy , Colonel Thorn by , Mr. Hamilton , John Kvnn.i , Frank Evans , Mr. King of Deadwood , Mr. Marsh of Omaha' , Wallace Swim of Sioux City , Mrs. C. M. Swan of Sioux City oj\J ; \ Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Evans , Jr. Mrs. Fred T. Evans1 btivo a 0 o'clock tea Wednesday afternoon 'to Mrs. WV. . Marsh of Omaha. Mrs. S. D. ' Uook and Mrs. J. H. Swan , Sioux City. Next week a party of ladles and gentlemen will louvo for Custur QHy to .spend a couple of days in looking over iio ) country nnd visit Hurnuy Peak , ono of tno'hlghcstot the Ulack Hills. Among recent nrrlvaUnro : W. McP. Ful ler , ,1. H. Reynolds , MY. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kiinhall nnd Mr. Hoklrotro , Omaha ; I. S. I' . Weeks , chief onglnoor'lCifc ' M. , Lincoln ; J. H. I'liolaii , auDorintondunt Wyoming division 15. it M. , Alliance ; Mlnsi/Montgomery , A II. Marihall , Omaha ; F. S Iaaioy , Sioux City ; J. M , Morissoy , H. F. lincoii , Qeorgo S. Powell , Omaha ; F. M1. torsoy , Sioux City ; John I ) . Hawlov anu-'daughter , Ben. ii. Bryan , Omaha ; W. H. Goodsoll , Now York ; Mrs. II. D. Uoogo , Stoux City ; Mrs. J. I' . Christy , ICookuk , la. ; Mrs , .lamoi ( J. Miller , Sioux City ; Ueo. F. Conovnii anil wife , Yonc , Nub. ; F. E. McMulloii , Omaha ; A. E. Upton , Sownril , Nob. : W. J. Fischer , Omaha ; E. M. Wojtcrvolt , Lincoln : Ueo. Hichmond , Council Ululls , F. M. Marsh , Omaha ; I' . M. Sago. Council Bluffs ; Walt ( ! . Sheldon , Omaha ; Hay Nye and wife , Fremont ; Mrs. Alice Nicodemus and daughter , Fre mont ; D. S. Slutz. Mrs. W. W. Mawh , Charles Marsh , Omaha ; W. U. I ) . Gray , Yankton , S. 1) . ; E. M. Htlcknoy. Omaha : Mrs. I. S. George , Mrs. I ) . G. Uogon and Miss Blanche Rogers , Milwaukee ; L. Koson- thal and mother , West Point , Nob. ; C. W. Walker , Choyouno ; Mrs. Anmml.i Armtlcld , St. Louis ; B. C. Pennlngton nnd wife , Bur lington , la. ; M. J. Grooloy nnd wife , Omaha ; \ \ . S. Pugsley nnd family , Powder Klvar , Wyo. ; A. M. Clarke. Omaha ; U. H. Oakley , J. M. Raymond , C. E. Yutes and sou , C. Thompson , J. U. Strode , Lincoln ; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Swan , .Sioux City ; Dr. D. U. Glbbi and wife , Chadi-onjJ. F. Shooloy , Omaha , IJOUNI ) TO KICK. Pinii Ward Poiplu Hnvo Tlioir Tjittlo Say Out. Thirteen taxpayers of the Fifth ward mot in Erlllng's hall last evening to discuss municipal matters. Among these present were Messrs. Erlllng , Ojthoff , Birmingham , Couusman , Schnako , Redmond and Jenkins. Addresses were made by several and the different departments of the city and county governments severely roasted. Councilman Osthoff was kept busy nnswor- in ? questions and making explanations. Mr. Redmond said that lie was satisfied with the work of Mr. Osthotl in the coun cil , nut thought Mr. Con way showed n lai'k of interest mid that some thing should bo done to stir up matters in thu Fifth. Ho said the ward was In bail shape In regard to getting the recognition duo it , and ho was willing to Join hands witli any ono to bolter the condition of the ward anil the city. ' 'Thoro are too many ofllcos , " continued the speaker , "usporlaily In these hard tiitios. Let us go In for retrenchment nt the next election nml usk the other wards to help us. There is n great complaint that the taxes nro burdensome. Look at the tax list to which the county commissioners Just nildcd I mills for a general fund' . That I call thu stealing fund. I want to see the city pay roll cut clown. The citizens don't show enough interest in municipal affairs , but let the politicians and the gang run the whole j thing. " I Mr. OstholT was called on to toll wnat Im I know about the smoke consumer for thu city bull. Some of these present evidently thought thuro was n Job Iu that. Messrs. Counsmnn nnd Osthoff had a llttlo tilt about the city hall contracts , hut ttio dis cussion was shut oil und poaca reigned once more. The county commissioners , Dr. Gnpon nnd Coroner Hnrrigan nil came in fora roasting and then resolutions wnra passed demanding that the nominating committee nominate honest men for the ticket at the next elec tion. JtKATIIS. KutlceH nf lireIP ( ( / * or lt * wiilcr thli Itaid , flfly centciich ; tuMlttniMl line ( en ccnli. MEURIAM Viola Frieda. Infant daughter of Harry Mi'rrliiin mud Frieda M. Mcrrliini , re cently ( U'uoaii'ili , I'rlduy , July 17th. at 'J o'uioek u. in. Ago 1 month and " 3 days. I'unorut this at ( > rnoon , July IMII , at 'J o'clock from roshlent'i > , S KM'lurk struct. Interment - torment I'ort'si Lauu eumotury. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - Of porfoot purity. LemonI Lemon - Of great strength. Almond Uf Economy In tholr uao Rose etc.TJ Favo | * na dolloatoly and dollclouslyao the fresh frulti Ii. if P. Bs Nebraska Lodge No. 1 vs. Triune Lodge No , 56. AT TIIK Nonpareil Ball Park , Cor. lf > th nnil Vinton Sts. Saturday Afternoon , July iS. Givino called nt 3 p. in. 10th street motor runs within ono block of the grounds. Admission UOo. Liulius froo. HOTEL. The Murray , cor. 14th ami Harnoy , is the most substantially cons'ructocl hotal build ing in Omaha. Several heavy brick firewalls running from basement ti roof. All ceilings and floors lined with Asbestos fire proof lin ing , making it impossib'o to bum quick. Fire escapes and fire alarms throughout the build- in ? . Steam heat , hot and cold water and sun shine in every room. Table unsurpassed any- whpro. _ B. SILLOWAY , Proprietor. UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Cornur IHIi nml MIHOII Stroi'ti : Hnlf hlock wait of fnlnii I'ni'lllu nun II \ M. DcpiilK. Now tilill'lliix. noir furiilliiro. ovi'ry tlilnu llmt- cliiHH. conloit locution In Onuilii , vlow of untlro. Biirrotindinx t'ttniitry , nn * . Imtli ulortrlo iMill Itollit itc. ItiitUH. fl.iUiuiil ( I ! / > lOvury line uf cnlilo nlul iiintur CUM , IKHS wlUnn nun blm'ko ) | il Slioriiiiui Avoiiua nml llmiicuin I'lirk llnu. I liluuki nwajr unfl you can truiuful to tlmtu If you uUh. TONDONDERKY Fresh and pure always ! Only water that will cure RHEUMATISM an < > GRAVEL ! Removes Uric Acid ! A delicious table water ! Various imitations , but Everybody calls for LONDONDERRY ! For Halo hr all Klrnt-Clau DtiiKiilita unit ( irorert. raxton.V ( liillnxliur , Illitrlbutlnx Auoiun forUnuilia. OHAELBS B. PERKINS & CO. , 30 Kilby Street , Boston , Soiling Agents. ' FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE andpirminenl CURE for all dlseai. oTtheUmNARY ORGANS. Cut tthtrtothtrtreitmontlalli.rulTdireclionsMllhaach bottle. Price , one dollir. See ilgniturtol E , l- 8IAHL FVI Unlo Oy All OTEL V ContnUly II All the Latest tt\l \ Located a ImiirovouicntH. I JhL JuJ IIroii < Iwn.v & ,11st St. , TVc\v Vork. K'N A- ' 55MM5L55y 9i'L , " i Mile of TuciilBff , Mt < H'l X , .f/-l.S.S' . Kiitranepi'xamlnatlons In Chicago In I'luu'iro of I'rof. ( ii'orsn llowlaud , nt thn Hoard of Kil- iiratlcm rooms , City Hull , .Inno ' - ' . " > unit -'I ' nt II n. in. . HUM ill HI. I.IIIIIH In eliaiKi' of I'M if. 1C II , l.oii' ' , ollloi * of Hupt. of Schools. Sovunth anil ( 'linitniit Ntrci'ts , Juno ' < ami M lit U a.m. L'.ituloxiic fri'U. . / . ft. JI-\CI { , .fr. , Hffl'l'tlll'H. Education Health Hornu For YOJTXISVOatlSN nml tiUtl.y. i C itUiloxne teuton application , j from all parlrtol Amen , ' ! ! . Nitnilirrfv ci-iv < 'diiMiiii , > l , t'onilui'U'd panics Ii . .vc.Nnv York , ( JlnrlnnaUl'lilRaiiaiidiilhir p < ilni-irlh" | , < 'olleKK IllUept. lt > v ) , N.I NHI.I. > II.M. A.l'rli.1iuU | | JONIIN ) ) , ( INT A It 10 , CANADA. HAIJOIN LADIES COLLRGElOHrhooK 1 :1'r. . ANDM01A8T COMStR ' A VAT08I , f MEXICO WO KENBLWORTH HALL. Mrs. llahcock't KenllirorttiHch'iol. A Himriltnoiiiul Jni/.Sfn / i/iirHirlj ( , will open tttiilttnlierZI , Iflt , nl KeiMworth , III. , (15 ( mlles north in ( hlciinc ) nn I.nko hlioro. ) N w und Ihuroiithiy ciiulppuil bnlhlliiKS. erected espi-nnllr for tlm nchiinl. out thrpninlniitua walk from Iho rail way rtntlnn. Hiirn-rlor ail vaiitnccn oml houutirnl loRHllon. For circular ) , mlilrom MIW. MAUV KI'iViM IIADCOCK. Konllworth , III. t sue i , * ' - ii m anit N < > ii n 01 , . 17'1-HI ' li < : irbiirii Avo. , Clili-iiKu , III , autPunth year IM-UIIIH Hupt. IMh llnar'lliiK ' nml iliiy nclioul lor VOUIIK l.mlli' * mill Clillilrun I nil rtmr-ui uf Btii'iy Ini'linlinK prupiiriitliiii lorcuIk'KU llxt'i'llunt liniiiioi tlmroiiKhly Ilituil up t'onililrtcU ) .Mill Itubi-rc'iiH lth'i > . A M , I hy .MIHH Murry 1 ! llooilv A M , HICflGQFMtg COLLEG M in fun I'urkncar'hlcni'iK ( Ilonnl Inc f Holui > l fnrdlrla anil Vnuni : I. miles. Vet ciituloiniuiulilniHHO. TIIAVHIl , J.Ti. II . * &IorRikiU'urlllll.ur7TMiullduiiblruut , Ctilca ILLINOIS CONSERVATORY J Ik t Inttnirtlon in til ilr | > rt- llnciit of Mil > li'ulHlnily llnu Ait , Ktu Mnntt | ( < iiilini > < iliui year. AJJrcs.ii : I' . ] ltLlJ lllBiii ) > t. Jwkiuiivlllv , III , Illlnntc nrk , III. IlllllUn ' . i 'iiiui.niiii furC'olU'Utiorllii iiiL' . l'or c uu apply t KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE nc'iir KiiANKroiiT , Kv. OPKN THHOUHHOIJT TUB YKAlt. Tliu KL'unnil lurni ol till * ncuiluinln noclnj llrat Momlay In July nml oloiui third Woilnuiilny In llocunili > r nuxt Col. . U.K. IIHVI ) . Nupt I'utt-ollli'u , FAIOIIIAI t , Kr. OK I.KXIStiTiiN , MO. PPTISTJEMALECOLLEGE = : * Z > W A. WlLauN , I'rcoiaoul. CENTRAL COLLEGE HMTOW ELK , AUIL FEMALE SEMINARY - Iw J I > ilt/.NTON. I'iilJont IflfENIVORTH MILITARY ACADEMY " U HBI.I.K1IM , Biip rlnli > mont ! LE FRANCES. Krenrli Munllilr Mfitfa'liv. An invtilunlilo liel-i to KruiirliituUumi ami lunclii-rpi. ( TIIII .ituiplu ' ' "Pf . .V CO. , W MaUuuii aiNuw | Vulk