Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1891, Part II, Page 11, Image 12

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"Substantial Evidence of Aggressive Develop
ment in the Great North-west.
Results of Irrigation In Utah Detailed by the Census Office
Montana and Wyoming Preparing for the Dig Fair San
Francisco's Industrial and Taxable Wealth A Variety
of News From the Storehouse of the Nation.
fhe Itlnck Mills.
"In my Interview , published in Tnu Hsr. , '
Bald Major Simmons lo a BIB reporter , "it
apcaklng of the great resources of the Hlnct
Hills , I mentioned Uio Hoincstnko mine as i
world healer fet n continuous gold producer
nnd stated distinctly thai Jit had disbut set
to its stockholders its 151th consecutive
monthly dividend , aggregating $1,705.75' ) . Ir
your printed roporl jou substituted n flruit
II for I , thus reducing the ninounl
$1,000,000 " The major demanded an cxplana.
tion , stating ho had been nccusod of misropro-
eenlncion , and wan ted to bo exonerated and
to bnvo the responsibility for the error placed
Whore It ptoperlj belonged ' 1 ho ropoi tor ex
plained lhat It was an unttntlonal ivpograph-
leal en or. "Ah , I see , " said Iho major , "the
compositor , llml neccssarj ndjuncl of n well
regulated printing olllco , on whom to hunp
the responsibility for the mistakes andeirors
of the whole outlll another outrage to be
charged up to bis long lisl of delinquencies. "
That point being setlled lo Iho satisfaction
of the major , ho wont on to unfold Iho beau
ties of the Black Hills us the coming summer
resort of the northwest "It is the neatest
point to Iho mountains. " ho continued , "fot
the western nnd middle states , where dry
nnd pure mountain air and majcslic scenery
were to bo found The Hills wore Inter-
Bpontod with innumerable lev el v mountain
vnlcs and parks , shaded with pine forests
mid carpeted vvub. n dense gioon veuluio ,
nromntiu shrubs nnd a multiplicity of moun
tain ( lowers. Those cli.uming parks mill
basins abounded with springs and picturosqut
rivulou. of pure mountain water. Olhei
portions of the landscape were covered witli
a succession of ridges and peaks , witli
s Btreams cut deep into the tocks , forming
" feT perpendicular cliffs and datk , winding canyons -
: " yens , presenting n panorama if miles upon
inilos of grand , rugged atiij picluiosquo
IIVUNM Y rru .
The grand old weatherworn sentinel , the
lilghost oleviilion of the Hills , was nn Illus
tration on n grand scale of Natuio's plan of
forming n mountain her latent forces
by projecting an immense sccllon of the bottom
tom and bedrock stralum of luo earth's crust
to the suifiico Hero the granitio moss
was obtiudod Inlo Iho clouds lo an olevalion
of 8,000 feel abov o sen level From Its sum
mit , which could bo neatly i cached from ono
direction by n bridle pith , a ginnd view
could bo obtained of Nobiaska nnd the sur
rounding states The peak was flanked by
towering vllffs , cings and pinnacles , iis aides
rcnl and gashed deep willi inlei veiling can
yons. Nnluio had hoio done her level best
to produce Inequiility and confusion by pro-
scnllng a simple of her handlwoik fashioned
Inlo all sorts of fanUisllo contortions. For
what purpose was not clearly understood , ex
cept H bo as a Mecca for the dwellers of the
plains thoto to receive inspiiation and reverence -
once for Ua-no Natuic by the grandeur of
this object lesson of hot handicraft. The
view from the summit of Hnrnov peak of the
Missouri valley states and the Uocltv moun
tains \vas said bjf sconorj' nmuleuri to bo
worth n tup to the rotrion
"Outside of their natural resources
nnd business possibilities , " continued thu
niajor , "tho Hills were becoming a gicat
summer U'sort which was destined to bo a
most important , nltraetlvo anil charming
feature in luo prospoilty of Iho region.
Since the advent of railroads this fea
ture was bung developed. The
Mlnneknhta hot springs would tivnl
those of Alkansas Hcio weio tlio
medicinal waters combined with altiludo-
scenery and n delightful Invigorating cli-
inalc. Unsurpassed bulling facilities had
bcon piovidcd and hotel accommodations
weio ( list class. The oonsiiucilon of n now
nnd commodious hotel even season was not
Biifllciont to accommodilo thu increasing pat
ron ago.
: urrnt ii\i'ii >
was promoted by a number of wealth } Ken
tucky gentlemen who weio in search of n
* . BUinmor tosort combining altitude , healthful
x. clnmito , mountain sconeiy and a lakein
aboil , n charming mountain lotroat whole.
the tnrolled air and consequent cool nights
would pievail against tlio debilitating sultri
ness of tlio lowlands in mid-slimmer. They
found it all but the lake , and thai Ihoy pro
ceeded to manufacture to outer
Joined by u low spititcd till/ens of Rapid
City , these gentlemen last your purchased
a.OOO ncies of land at a point whore Uupid
river deb inches from the mountains four
inilos nbovo the city. Hero n substantial
dam was thrown ni'toss the river at a cost of
fJO,000 , raising the \vntor to a height of eight
een feet. A lock w ailed basin of the Rapid
vnlled , comprising an men or 100 acies ,
was tmnstotined Into n charming mountain
lake , imagined by tutrgcd mountain siunuiy ,
wilh n Heel of plcasmo craft already floating
upon its unripplcd bosom. An electric motor
line was consliucted thence to Hnpid Cilj- ,
the powei toopotatothe same being taken
from thd dam , nnd ou n plateau overlooking
the lake a " 50 room hotel was being con-
rtructed "
The Upper Unpld company was piomoted
nnd backed \iy \ iiiUlli cnt and substantial
people ; It was planned on a gt and scale and
would bo hoard of thiougiiout the whole
country in the dear futiito
"Tho capital now bIng attracted to the
IHlls , " ( ontinued the major , "by ic.ason of
tholr wondeiful mlneial discoveries and for
the development of her usouices , was also
developing her most nttrncllvo characler as
mountain summei lusoil. "
Iho energy and inilroiid butldlngdlsphiycd
In Iho "Duivorof Iho Hills" ( llapld Clly ) ,
have caused Omahans la take a hand. A
transaction has booncloied in which a num
ber of piominent citizens Invest f-"i,0X ) In
1(0 ( aeros in the suburbs of that town. Other
and more important deals are being nego
In Utah.
' A census olllco bulletin of the series de
voted to lulgatlon dvoi dolailod slnlistlcs of
the ptouress of ugtictlllure in Utah by means
of nrtillihil moisturo. Thoie are 10,757 fiiims
In the teriitory , of which i,7J4 ( me iirlgntod.
Thu average size of the Irrigated farms , cr ,
Btiimly speaking , the poitlons irrigated , is
twonlj-seven acres. The nverngo first cosl
of vvntnr right is ? 10 S'i | ior aero nnd the
n\urnge losl of piuparlng tbo soil for cultiva
tion , including the purchase p.-ice of land , is
lit ! 10 per acre. The average present pi ice of
Irrigated land in the teriitory , including
buildings , die , Is reported as fM ffli , showing
nn appaicnl protlt. less cost of buildings , of
Ki" (10 per ucio The nvouigo anniial cost of
\vnturislil cents per acre , which , deducted
from the uvutagu atiuunl value of products
ior uciv , leaves an avot ago annual return of
111 12 per Hero.
In Utah crops were inlsed irilgntlon In
the census jear ended Juno ! ! 0 , Ih'.X ) on 20,1-
47 ! ! ncros , orHl.lto square miles , n trltlo over
f-10 of l per cent of the cntiio aiea of thu ter
ritory The aggregate number of fauns was
10,7"i7 , mid of thcso 0,7' . ' ! , or about in no-
tenths , depended upon irrigation , the re
maining tenth being either stock innchcs or
farms In the noittiuin end ot the territory ,
where the climate Is less mid , or situated so
hluli in thu mountains thai crops cnn bo
inlsod by whnt is kno vn ns "dry fanning "
Utah occupies the central | iosltloii In the
nrid legton , and therefore the details of In I-
Kiilion in this territory possess more than or-
Ulnntj Interest from Iho fact that they rep-
rt'soiit conditions iulurmedlHto between those
of thn north nnd south , thu east nnd west ,
lloildcs this , the lulk'uUon methods nnd sys
tems have been developed by men of Kugluh-
I'cnUlng ' origin , v\ho , unaided by capital or
previous experience , have introduced methods
ods of tholr own. and taught by repeated
failures , finally achieved success
'Iho use of flowing wells for the irrigation
of gnrdctu , orchards and vineyards Is a umt-
tcr of intcrcit nnd importance , und , thoro-
lore at the time of making the agricultural
census tbu enumerators obtained the number
of artesian wells owned by each fnrmor. The
totnl number of thcso is Ur > ' .M Of the number -
bor , facts concerning Ilia depth , cost , How
nnd otlior matters ot interest huvo been ob
tained frotn the owners regarding S70 wells.
The averapo depth of these is 11 > "il fcut , ilnd
the nverngo cost Is $77 U ) per well , the aver-
ngc cost per foot In depth being 5 t cents The
diunictorof thcso wells ranged fiom I"4 to I
inches , or , in a few cases , too Inches or moro ,
the nvorngo being fiom 1 % to 'J1 Inches.
'I ho average ntnount of water discharged by
thcso wells was M ' 17 gallons per mlnulo ,
equivalent too OVI cubic feet per second , ot
second feet , as Is the common teim
Tnxiililo Wrutlli ol'inti IVnn t'lHi'o.
The assessment roll of San Ptanclsco for
the now llscal jear taxable
wealth of S.HI.iril.yn , of which $107,211,730
is upon land 877 , II\10" > on improvements.
The increase in the total assessment over
that ot last year Is $ ' . ) , J'H'J1T ) , ofshlch only
f.M'JO ' , UJ represents tno growth in land
valuta , while ? 7,0'.l'J ss , " > shows the increase
in the value of the impiovomonts Adding
in the Increase for the jcir In tlio per onal
assessment , $1U\70J : , gives a total audition
S10,024OUO to the taxable property of the city
and county , the figures showing the total
assessment on leal and personal proportj for
the piesent jonr being fJ12,003'J ( > 0 as aiainst
? . ' ! ( ) l.l'S,010 ! for IS'JO. '
Ttie total amount .assessed to Individuals
and corpoiations on account of mortgages
held ns seem Itj for loans on citv estate
is stated atUt1l/iiil ( , iig.iInstWrill'h7 for
lust jear , showing an increase of $ t.V > rtOU. ,
The total oxrcnso of for salaiios of the as
sessor's ' ofllco utew $1,000 , the dopu-
lics , fJ"J50 and the extra deputies $5',231 ! fi'i
Altnched to the assessoi's rcpcrt is a sum
mary of the manufacturing interests of the
clt\ , the number of factories , men emplojod ,
value of product and capital icpiesonted , as
Artificial stone factories , 21 , omplojes ,
2r > 0 , value of pioduct , 51,000,000
His factories , I , emplovos , 100 ; product ,
$ (
Banol factories , 21 , employe * ; , . " 75 , product
? t ,
Bedding and upholstoi lug factories , lSom-
plo\cs , 300 , product , & 00,0i)0. )
Hoot and shoo factoiics , Id. ) , white om-
ploxos , 1,100 , Chinese , 000 ; product , $1-
liox factories , 8 , employes , 40 ! ; product
$ ionooo ,
Breweries , 21 ; omplovcs - , 3"iO ; pioduct , ? ( , -
Carriage and wacon fnctoiies , r)0 ; employes ,
500 , product , 81,000,000.
Plgiu factories , : iiv white employes , G70 ;
Chinese , 11,000 , pioduct , S.1,700,000.
Clothing factories , ; emplojos , 2SOO ;
product , ? i ! , 100,000
ColToo , spice and j oist pow dor factories ,
11 , omplo\os , HO ; product , SJ.000,000.
Crackei lactoiies , 3 , employes , 275 ; pro
duct , $1,100,000. ,
riour and feed mills , IT ; cmploves , 275 ;
product , $0,000,000.
roundiics , machine shops , etc. , 4S ; em-
plo\ns , lr.OO , product , Jli.000,000.
Ftuit-picsorving factories , 0 ; employes ,
M)0. ) pioilnct , S..ObO.O'K ' ) .
ruinituro fnctoues , 21 ; employes , 0 > 0 ;
pioduct , $ ! , - > 10,000
Glass-staining , cutting nnd bending works ,
a.omplojes , SO , product , ( ) ir > ,0lO (
Glove factories , 18 : employes , 850 ; pro
duct , fTOO.OOO.
Hatness factoiles , " 3 ; product , $1,37 , " 000. factories. > < > , pioduct , $ * , bOOOOJ ,
Sash , door nnd blind factories , 13 ; pioduct ,
$ . 1,0(10,000. (
Sugar icfinerics , 2 , pioduct , S12,20,000. > , .
A Marvelous liter Power.
It is customaiy to rotor lo Niagai a Falls
as the maximum water power of the United
Stateswith St Antuou > Falls ucloso second.
As a matter of fact the water power of Great
Falls , Montana , exceeds both combined and
leaves a respectable suiphis. Compared
with the largest , walcr powers in luueisl
and that of Minneapolis , Minn , the Gtonl
Fulls power stands as follows :
Holyoke , JI iss I.,2i6 (
Ijiiwnncp , Muss 10M ! < )
Lowell , Miss 11.BI1
Manchester , N. II limn
Minneapolis , Minn fu',000
Average for twelve rnontlu
developed mill undeveloped. 09,104
l.iicut. 1 alls developed horso-
fiownr 32e57
Great Calls undeveloped horse
power . . KUSXS
Total Croat Tails power , do-
eloped nnd undeveloped ,
iiM < rivu for twelve mouths SOS.lOi2 ( > 3,102 1'nlls evuess of power r-
tnorall of above compared
wuterpowors tfiS onj
The proposed development of Niagata Falls
water power by moans of tunnel , as claimed ,
will rnull/o 120,000 horse power.
The nhovQ-imined water povvcis aggre
gate i > ) 101
MUK un Tails water power uKKroKntc's . U'OO 0
Total for Minneapolis , eastern powers
and Mueiuii 2If > ,101
t'otnl for Gro it Tails. . . ' 01,10.
Grtwt Tails esc-ossov cr all o ( the abo\ -
iiicntluiicd puvvors . , 48,003
\Vj ninlni * and theN grid's Pair.
The Wjomlng board of lair commissioners
oiennlzed nt n loceiil mooting In Chojonno ,
by electing John S Harper of Cook county ,
as president , l > iof lUwood Mead , state en
gineer , us secretary , nnd State Senator John
S. lUcCormick , of Sheridan , as tionsuior.
The commission decided to erect a state
building on the giounds , designed for the ex-
hloii cf state products , a Imicau of informa
tion with tlels of all state papersIn fact to
make a convenient and creditable headquar
ters for Wjoming people duiing the fair
The atato exhibit will bo divided into six
1 On ores of all kinds , cool oil , and oll-
beariug substances and all mineral sub
stances except building stone and building
matoilal ; mlnoiiil and aroatod waters , miu-
ing machinery and appliances for placer min
ing and glass , sand soda.
J. Agricultuio , grains , seeds , domestic ani
mals , poultry , forage , plants and native
glasses , agricultural Implements , litigation
nnd it rigation appliances , fish and fUh cul
ture , vegetables uiul vegotoblo products
; ) . State building and building materials ,
to include stone , granite , marble , slate , ala
baster , gypsum , forostiy and fount products.
4 Hoitlciilturo , florlculturo , to Include the Mowers.
f > Kducutlon , liberal , fine nnd dccoratlvn
( i Game , Indian exhibits , ethnology , sconio
The commissioners Intend to ask the qunr-
rvinou of the stnto to send to thorn samples
of their stone so selection can bo made to
bo used in the erection of the state building
A rommltteo of four from the board Is now
In Chlcaeo conforrlnp with the architects of
the fair , and also making amuigomouts iu
regard to space
PuWlo Ianils \\iinliliiKlmi. .
The report of the commissioner of the gen
eral land ofllco for the j ear ondlng last September -
tombor shows that In the atato of Washing
ton W0.010 acres of land was transferred
from govorntnont ownership to individual
ownership and that In compensation thorcfor
1.0aS,135 was paid Into the United btates
treasury. The business was trau aetod at
the several land ofllccs as follows :
. , . . , . Acre . Amount
JioMh Yaklmn . HI.MI I hi.-.Tti
boattlo . < 8IU13 C&.I.XH .
t-pukune. - . iss,1OO.CJI
J uneoujer . . 1J3.BI8 roi.888
n alia U alia . 66,318 D8.1J3
Total . , . SCIMIO l.OB35 !
The pocketlag of thU vast sum by the con-
crol government is denounced by the Seattle
I'ost-Intolllgonccr M "n monstrous Injustice , "
tmd It continues In this strain
"In the part of WashlrRton woatof the
Ciucado mountains the lands nro bountifully
endowed by nature. Timber , conl and min
erals abound. In the eastern section much of
the land is olovntod and valueless for thd
\vnntof wntor. Hut the mountains that Ho
between these divisions nto vast storehouses -
houses of water , holding n supply equal to
any possible ncccssltv of the dry district.
Vast woiks are required to reserve this
water and to carry It to tin dry region , ana
Its now barren wastes may blossom and become -
come the seats of largo Industry nnd larpo
population There Is n suggestion from n high
source that thcso dry lands bo given over to
the stnto ; but why stop herel Why not give
the good lands Aith the bad to the Cud that
the rich endowment of the ono class may no
made to provide moans to develop the othorl
"Government ownership of unappropriated
lands In this and other new states is ono of
the things that has gone without question ;
but It Is supported bj no good reason ; thora
Is no equity jn H. It is n hardship to the
state , and a monstrous Injustice. "
The Kodak nnd die Indian.
The other day n number of Pluto Indians
wcro In town , snvs the Salt Lake Tribune. A
tourist kodait fiend happened near thorn , nnd
at once piopaicd to get an Instnntiinooua on
the film , but ho was not quick enough In get
ting the "Held " No sooner had ho turned
his Instrument towards the "Lo" family than
they started on n dead run mound the corner
and down the alley.
Tenderfoot not to ho outdone , so ho
followed up The two bucks \\cio soon far
awa\ , while the squaw , loaded down with n
papoose , was soon fagged out , and tinning
back , confronted the kodak man with "Von
no catcheo pictur. Heap good squaw hid
picturmado , she die ; nocatchcm mo ; don't
wnntoo die ; " and she showed such distress In
her countenance at having her picture taken
that the kodak fiend failed to "touch the but
ton , " and thus lost a cbauco of getting n pic
ture of the dirtiest squaw nnd papoose nnd
rnggedcst blanket over seen on an Indian in
this city.
This incident lotnlndn the wrltor of anoth
er Indian. SVhllo living In Omaha , over
tweiiK ; > oais .uo , ublirl'nwnoo buc.i came
into a grocery store where the writer spent
much time I'ho piopiiotor had just opened
a barrel of icllncd sugar , pirt of which was
in lumps. "Tho Indian made his wants
know n by saMng"Sugar heap good ; give
some. " Ho was handed a largo lump , and It
was a pleasuio to sco the lelish wltn which
it was devoured.
A few diijs aftoiwnid the same buck
made his appearance in the store again , and
where the sugar birrol had stood before n
nowh opened barrel of salt was stHiding.
The Indian went thiough the snmo gio-
tesquo motions as on the oilier occasions and
Dodged fet moro suear lie was handed a
lump of salt , about ono pound. Ho drew his
tongue oti'i it , and thai was enough to find
that ho was sold on the sweet proposition.
Ho saw that the llvo or six men in the
stoic wens all watching his movements verv
closely nnd weio icidy to laugh at his being
sold , but ho was too resolute to give us u
chance. Without a single ginnaco or
change of muscle In his faro , ho stood and
ate tnat whole lump of silt and then In Iced
bis hand * as if ho enjojpd it , and then tromir
to the door ho stood for some seconds watch
ing toseo if his would-bo toimcntots woio
enjoying his discomfott.
It was ten d i\s before ho was soon again ,
nh n ho appeared in fiont of the store and
for several daj s walked post it many times ,
looking in to see If the mm who gave him
the sal' , was around. For montlis that in in
was in great fear of losinc bis scilp , and so
he Kept as far away from the Pawnee camp
In the "bottoms" as possible. This example
of stoitKm by that Indian was a marked one ,
and jot It was only an example of a trait
common to all Indians.
O lonl/lnic I' UMiiiin 11 mis.
A syndicate of Denver capitalists propose
to form several ngncultuial colonies on l-.ara-
mio plains. The only question as to its prac
ticability , sajs the Laramie Republican , Is
that of bunging the land under wator. If
that can bo done by moans of a high line
ditch , and eminent engineers say it can , there
is no particle of doubt thai ovciy foot of soil
will respond to the effoits ot the ucricultu-
rist. It lus been suggested that the wntor
from the big Laramie liver , from which tt is
proposed to take out the hlsrh line ditch , has
alicadv been almost entirely appiopr.ated.
Even if this is ttuo , it is well known that
duiing the months of Juno and July "bfoTory
\cai , light now , water enough can bo saved
in stoiace reservoirs to irrigate twice 100,003
acres , while the ciops are beiui : nlantci ] ,
tended nnd haivested , untie water for do
mestic purposes can bo obtained fiom arte
sian wells nnywheio on the plains. Just ns it
is hoio in Laiamio. In the "Big Basin"
alone , water enouuh could bo stoicd in ono
season to last two 01 tlueo jcais , and distrib
uted as it is needed.
The cunimous < tops of wheat , oats , barley
and vcgctaulos that have boon rilscd on the
ranches In the valleys , and on the Tiabig
cxpt'iimontal tarm , under the Pioneer flitch ,
merely illustrate what might be done on the
divide itself. Get wntor on the soil anv-
where and plant the seed nnd nature will do
the test.
Ceil I lied Chinamen.
At the last session of the California logis-
latuio n law was passed inquiring "every
Chinese ptuson within the limits of the state ,
within ono jear ufter the passage of this act ,
to apply for a certificate of rosMonco to the
commissioner of the labor bureau and to ha\o
it recorded by the county clerk of the county
m which ho resides , " nnd says further that a
lofusal to comply with the provisions of the
act shall subject the offending person to a
trial bv i couit , and gives a long list of pen-
allies which may bo Imposed on the culprit.
Besides thU , every Chinese nppljlng for a
coitlllcalo is required to pav $ .1 for the priv
ilege of bolnc logistorcd and must fuuilsli a
photograph of himself
The Inw wont Into elTocl on July 1 , and the
btite boaul of labor statistics made all neces
sary nirangoments to accommodate an P\-
pectoil lush Aitistlcally designed certifi
cates , printed on pauhmont , wore sccuied.
In Iho cenlorof each surrounded by wreaths
In bliiclc and white , was a niche for the
owner's photoginph The whole airangomont
was a woik of art bound In morocco and well
w01 th any Mongol's $ T But the rush failed
to matoualUo The Chinese denounced the
law as absuid , and the Chinamen of San
Francisco quietly ignored the law Tn
nobbv certificates remain unused and tbo
labor bureau is not troubled with a surplus of
fo plccoi.
An Idalio Court SeiiHution.
ThotiinlofC H Kryo and others at Blackfoot -
foot , Idaho , hud so\eial sensational features ,
The indictments against Fryo wcro found
last January bj the grand Juiy of Binghnm
county , when Fryo nnd Bruhn , his partner ,
wore iu Soattlo. Fryo and Bruhn mo cattle
dealers on a largo scaio and hayo boon close
bu ) ors In Idaho , whore , It appeared from Mr.
Koch's account , they had Incurred the 111 will
ol some men engaged in the cattle business by
the closeness of their transactions.
Tno evidence developed the existence of a
glguntlo conspiracy on the pirt of a certain
gang of cattlemen to carry on stealing by the
wholesale themselves. They had It In for
Frja and Bruhn and fixed up a scheme to got
hold of a train load of cattle they shipped last
December The full extent of the conspira
cy was exposed nt the trial and the result was
that Fro and Bruhn and the other defend
ants were promptly exonerated.
But the sensation of the day was created
when the Jury in the cnso had retired to the
Jury room Judge W D. btandrod said m
open court ; " 1 understand that an effort waite
to have been made by persons concocted with
the prosecution on the outsldo to roach the
Judge. I shall Investigate the matter as
fully as possible soon. " Later the Judge
said : "Heretofore juries have been fixed
with Impunity , mm I am determined to pun
ish any attempt to obstruct the v , heels ot
Justice. I shall tomorrow In onon court hold
an investigation and will punish all offenders
it guilty. "
From Miner to Millionaire.
H hasn't boon ton years since Marcus
Daly worKed in overalls , with a pick , in
the Anaconda , a coppor-sllvor mine Dutto ,
Mont , , says John A Cookerill. Ho is now ,
since the death of George Hearst , and the
sale of the Haggln stublo , perhaps the moat
eminent figure on the turf from the west.
His Anaconda uiluea have been sold to an
HnglUh syndicate for rJS.OOO.OOO , which l !
$12,000,000 more than Mr. Daly nnd his
partners , Hearst and Tovis , nro said to hnvc
spent on the mine in the way of Improve
in cuts since they bousht It ten years ego fo :
W.OOO.OOO Ho ts n big , quiet blomloH\vlth i
good deal of that dignified reserve whlcl
chnraetcrl/os John \V. Mnckay , and whlcl
in such men ns ho and Daly means n great
deal Daly Is seldom scon in the east tit pub
lie , but bo is becoming more nnd more (
power In the rncini ? world It is nrodictei
In some quarters that % 'ackny and Daly an
going to bo the powers on the Pacllle con *
for the next ton or fifteen years. They nrt
types of men whom money does not seem t <
spoil , ns simple and unaffected in their taste ;
now ashen they worked at the miner's pel
diem of jo , devoted to their families am
faithful in nil the relations of lllo.
lrrli ntlim Project.
A company of heavy capitalists Is boinf
formed to build andoporatolnlgntlngdltcho !
In the valley of the Stltlklntrwator
The capital ol the coinpany Is placed nl
$ ioon,000 , a-id the Irrigation of at least one-
half million nciiH of land Is contemplated.
The ditch , or rather canal system , concerned -
corned will have Its souieos and reservoir- !
at the heads ot the brnnqhos of the Stinking
water riyer a stream which has nu immense
and permanent tributary \\atcr supply
The line to bo Irrlgat6d wilt include that
of the many mountain ynlloys and basins 01
the Stinkingwator. and of the first and second
end bench neil which constitutes the vnlloj
piopor of tboStinklngwitor
The lands of this vnllby are very fet tile ,
and the f ivor iblo cllmto Insure a varied
and profltablo production
The Stinkini : water tow doiUds Its name
from the not to pleasant fumes which con
stnntly iu iso from a series of medicinal hoi
springs on its banks , nnd located at ttio uppei
end of Iho valley It is whispered that the
Irrigating syndicate will also fstalillah n big
watering place at these hot spilngs , whose
cuuithc qualities me womlctful.
' 1 lie Ballon Hot Hat li.
Take a thounometer to the bathroom , snj i
the San Francisco Uvinilnor , and regulate
the water in the tub until it teaches n torn-
peratmo of 102 = and you will find that jou
have a hot bath. That was the temperature
of ttio new lake at Salton at last accounts
Such a bath Is not tepid , but actually hot If
the water of Iho Gulf of Callfoinla should
icillj cioato n permanent arm of the sea in
the Colorado desert , ono of the mostremaik-
able rosotts in the United States > vould grow
up b.It . Visitors to Santa Monica claim that
the water is cold , oven in the suinmer The
bay in the desert would bo warm in winter ,
mid In summer it would bo almost scalding
hot It would bo so shallow that the s'lti
would bo nblo to strike thioush it to the bottom
tom 'I heio would bo no danger oflamps ,
but the bathers would enjoy line spoil dodg
ing shatk- , . The Gulf of Callfoinia has conio
of the most famous man-eaters in the world ,
nnd once across the b ir ttiov would luxuriate
in the hot pool and nrobibly grov loan un-
heaul of sbo.
iMontanu mill the I'air.
Goxcinor Toolo announces that i mooting
of ttio Montana commissioners to the world's
fair will be ho held on August . ) , at Helena ,
and lie has undo appointments to fill vacan
cies iu the bo ird , so that its memberjhlp is
now co iipleto.
The me ° tliig will bo the first practical stop
in Iho way of pieparmg foi Iho proper to-
presentation of Montana at the fair to bo
bold in Chicago It will no lonmmbored that
when the legisl ituio was in session on npprr-
priation of $ T > 0,000 w as voted for the fail.
This action received genoril ar/ptovo
thtougout the state The sum eortainly as
not extrava int It is quite probable that
if the outlook for a Rood display brightens
as tlio time for holding the fair anmoachos ,
Iho legislature imirbt ilnd itsulf disposed to
incioaso the amourt if in the judgment of the
commissioners an added appropriation is
needed. _
Declining Oliiniuloni.
The enforcement of the Chinese exclusion
law , supplemented by tno energetic action
taken by the police authorities of San Fran
cisco. in demolishing the headquarters of the
highbinder societies anclsuporossing lottery
game * , has had a demoralizing inlluonco on
the trade of Mongolian firms. The San
Francisco Chronicle states that the ominous
' To Kent" sign now pi icards numerous
stnio * in the Chinese quarter that only a few
months ago woio occlipied by prospcious
business establishments.
The pollco cl Urn that the population of
Chinatown has decreased fully four thous
and durin-r the past sl months Thociowds
of Mongolians that formoily thiongcd the
ttioroushfaroj of the Chinese quarter and
well nigh rendered the sidewalk impassable ,
hue greatly diminished. Bankruptcy has
had many victims amen the Mongolian firms
hinco Annl 1 , and of latu failures of lending
merchants uio of fiequont occurrence.
Seat He's
The annual report of the comptroller of Se
attle furuishos a clear insight Into the finan
cial condition of the loading city on Puget
sound. Accoidlni ; to tno census of 181)0 ) Se
attle has n population of 1JS , ) 17. The assessed
valuation of city property for the cuiront
fiscal year is $00,000,000 , three times the as
sessed valuation of Omaha , with a popula
tion , in round numbers , of 110.00J. Iho
bonded debt of the city amounts to $075,000 ;
floatine debt , 810.100.24 ; special improve
ment fund. $100 , V ) ( ! 7(1 ( ; unpaid intoipst on
bonds , SJO.'iU ! M ; duo state , $1OSO n totnl of
, ' ,2lOsOl..l ( ( . Deducting cash in treasury ,
the actual indebtedness of the city is 3l,7ir > , -
180.24. The estimated cost of running the
city for the current llscal year is $ "i,703 ! ) , ex
clusive of the vmtorwoiks , owned by the
city , which cost last jear , fl'1,053.
Cattle Queens.
A western cattle rancher sajs it is becom
ing un o\ory-doy occurrence to see women
out west dealing in cattle and hoiscs. The
loneliness and hiudshlps of the great piairics
do not seem to deter energetic women fiom
the purpose of conductlnir a profitable bust-
ness. A few daj sago a caltlo queen from
Idaho sold two carloads of line horses nt
Onmha at n much better tiguro thnn uny man
co , i hi have obtained
The storv that n young English lady on a
lanch In Montana subdued the rage of a
he ud of wild bulls , who were about to goio
her , bj walking boldly up to thorn singing
the soldier's chorus from "Faust" is incom
plete. The narrator foigot to add that upon
recognixing the air the intelligent animals
immediately Joined in , playing it beautifully
upon their hoins.
Promos * ol' Irrigation.
Colonel H. J. Illntonoftho lirigation survey
voy branch of the department of ngricultuio ,
sajs great progress bus boon made in Irriga
tion matters east of the Hocky Mountains ,
On the plains capital has boon largely in
vested by pi ivato companies , mm the result
of investigations is satisfactory to the extent
that water may bo obtained from wells , by
drainage , through gravitation , or suifaco ir
rigation sufficient for n portion of every
quarter section , nnd enough to insure crops
and to support u family Having examined
the irrigation system of northern Now Mexi
co , ho declares that by it an area of f > 0,000ooo ,
acres of land will bo aaded to the arable
lands of the United States at altitudes tilth-
01 to considered out of range.
it IjDokn to Ilnatoi'n Kyos.
Lnto crop reports fiom the Dakotas , Min
nesota nnd Montana , says the Philadelphia
Press , presage n prosperous year for the for
mers of those states. There has been moro
rain out there this season than usual , the
meadows and pastures nro In bettor condition
than they have boon for years , and wages
range from $3 to.W ) a , day , including board.
The western farmers yho nro so deeply Im
mersed in advocating their chimerical econ
omic schemes should give these few facts a
square look In the face , and then nsk thorn-
solves whether , nftor all , ono acre in Middle
sex isn't worth n principality in Utopia.
Prohibition In koulli Dakota.
In n recent case in South Dakota , for sellIng -
Ing liquors In violation ot , the state prohibi
tory law , the dofendnfn demurred on the
ground that the law was unconstitutional ,
because it embraced nfare than ono subject
not named in the title. The court sustained
the demurrer. If tne upper courts take the
tame view ot the tnuttor , the stuto will be
loft without n prohibitory law or nny law restraining -
straining and regulating the liquor trnfllo
until n now ono cnn bo onrvctod.
The itiotiof.tof All.
Three Important discoveries nro reported
on the Lnrnmlo sldo of the rnngo. The local
ity of the ilnd Is nix mUes from Hock Creek
canyon. Quantities of th'o ere w ere brought
to Larnmlo by Stockton Smith , n well-known
ranchman , nnd assays showed : Gold , (7 03 ,
silver , $ - < , copper , 3J H per cent ; totnl value
per ton , $104.57. It will bo seen that It is n
copper ere , carrying gold mid silver.
\ \ j online.
ThoCatbon nnd Saratoga roads nro now
open Into Gold Hill.
The Carlson Jail was destroyed by fire nnd
ono inmate Incinerated.
Arrangements nro being mndo for nn ex
cursion to Gold Hill on August 10
A qunrtctto of Cheyenne citizens have been
glxon quarters In the state penitentiary.
The Lander papers report n now find of
coking coal near the U. A ranch on Wind
Lnratnlo has organised n street railway
company ntid petitioned the council for a
O'l'ho Denver nnd Wyoming oil pipe line
coinpany has been given a franchise by the
Lnramie city council.
Negotiations nro progressing fnvornbly for
the location of colonies of Russians and Ger
mans in Weston county.
Portions of Chovonno county nro said to bo
ovcirun with grasshoppers. As jot little
damage has boon dono.
The Laramie common council passed n Sun
day closing ordinance nnd ordered the city
rrsonoir required Immcdlntoly.
The Graphic , foimorly published nt Glen-
rock , has been moved to Douglas and the
( list number was Issued at that place last
Saturdaj *
Thirty-live thousand voting brook trout
from the slate hatchery have boon turned
lee > o in the streams alone the Chojetino &
The Union Pacific has ordered S.OOO tons of
70-pound rails from the Colorado conl and
lion compmv of Pueblo for use on the Wy
oming division
Two bundled head of cattle were diownod
in ttio Hello Fouicho mor , near Sundance ,
in attempting to cross during n heavy storm
or cloud burst.
Nonr Uockdnlo on thn Laramie road to
Gold Hill , they have traced a twenty-foot
\oin of rich copper quart/J,000 foot. Theio
Is n coal band neni by.
Ground was bioken in Cheyenne last
wcolc for the hall of Iho Chovonno Tuin
Veicln Fho building will bo a two story
brick nnd cost about $ l,00l ! ! )
A prospector from the San Juan countiy
wilh n surplus of cash nnd n moderate appu-
tite , exchanged $ S of the former for sufficient
giub to fill inactivity. Ho was allvo at lasl
During the boason now closed here there
has been shinpod and dtivon throuirh Lusk
110 000 head of cattle , 50,000 shipped nnd
liO.OOOiltlven , all of which cnmo from Texas.
Arizona and Now Mexico.
The city council of K-iwlIns have decided
that under ttio constitution they have no
light to grant an exclusive fumchiso to any
company for the nurposo of operating n
s stem of electric lights or the like.
W O Owen , who is making a losurvoj'in
Converse countv , discovers lhat some sel-
tlers are living on lands in many instances
npa\ly n milo from the tracts called for by
thi'li filings narly surveys woic faulty.
Hvanstanltos and Ogdcnites no lonccr pass
the time o'day. The Hvanston Kogislorsajs
thn reception accorded Hie hose team at
Ogden is not likely to bo soon fotsotten. "It
was downright shabby. The members were
nl.iyod for suck cis. "
During the spring and summer Prof. Mead
has selected for Iho state in Larnmio , Albany ,
Coin erse and Natrona counties I0 > , ( )00 ) acres
of Iho most deslriblo land. Of the lot there
ato70,0)0 ( ) in thoChovenno district nnd : r > ,000
to be entered at the Douglas land ofllco.
There are about 2,000 acios under cultiva
tion in Weston county besides from 2.000 to
; t)0) ( ) ) acres of litigated hnj lands Newcastle -
tlo paities aio in correspondence with Hus-
smns and Get mans with a view lo locating n
colony of agriculturalists in Weston county.
Surveyor General Kichards and paity woio
cnutrht In a cloudburst about two miles noith
of Foit Wnslmkio. Ono wagon and team belonging -
longing to Captain Nickeison of Lander was
unhou down n gulch. The wagon was com-
plotclj * demolished , the contents all losl and
one horse killed.
The Wyoming plan of catching prairie
dogs is to take a bnirol , knock both ends out
and sel It over the buirow. Then fill the
bairel one-third lull with nice sand. When
the praitio dog digs out of his hole ho can
never dig bick in again. You will find him
sitting in the banol waiting for j'ou as nieo
as j ou please1.
Southein cattle for noithorn langes mo
passing through Cheyenne in huge numbois
eveiydny. Up to the beginning of the week
( iOSO"i bead have passed thiough bj- mil ,
which is about half of the numbei expected
for the whole season. They have been com
ing nt the late of about 10,0,10head per week ,
and will pinbably nruve In the same numbers
until along in the latlcr pail of August.
A singular toport comes from the Bald
mountain gold fields. It is said ono of the
peaks m the vicinity is a column of lire. The
phenomena was noticed a shoit time ago , nnd
was supposed to bo n ( ho kindled by human
ngoncy Investigation soon proved this
thcoiv false , as the llio Itself was of n pe
culiar appearance , and the place of its loca
tion was supposed to bo inaccessible to human
The body of George Swan , a carpenter
who mysteriously disappeared last winter
fiom the Cnmorio mines , was found In a
canon on Iho east side of Salt cieek , aboul
one milo from Schuh's plnc . Tnoro was no
evidence of violence about the remains ,
which were decomposed , nnd the coroner's
votdlct was that ho perished bj' oxpnsuio
His rillo lay bv his sldo and there were ashes
of a llro that ho had evidently built to keep
wnim bj. His relatives llvo at Arcadia ,
Xrb , and have been notihed of the dis-
covorj- .
Calll'oi nla.
Shasta has n baseball club called The
Wild Men from Borneo
Thoio Is n deficit In Oakland's annual ac
counting ot between $7,001) ) and $10,000
It has been II mi red up that Oakland con
sumes 1,000 gallons of boor daily during the
hot weather
A recent decision of the stnto president Is
that an atheist Is not eligible to membership
in the Farmers' Alliance.
The police have dotormlnml to stamn out
Iho Chinese hishbindois , Recently Ihoy do-
stiovcd nil their nondqunrteis.
San Diego has nearly $150,000 of the JJOO-
000 substdj necosSaiy to piocnro tlio erection
tlioio of the proposed iron works.
The assessor of Alnmoda counly estimates
the propoi ly vnluallon of that county at
$60,000,000 against $711,000,000 last year.
A California man is already taking stops
to erect n hotel on the shore of the now lake
which has appeared in southern California.
There Is talk In Santn Barbara of building
nn electric- railway to the hot springs , n dis
tance of six miles with n rlso of over aOO foot.
About $ MIKK ) ) is estimated ns the probable
cost of such n road ,
The Southern Pacific has decided to aban
don the system of tioln ticket agents which
went into effect n tow months ago Hcto-
nftur conductors will bo paid higher wages
and will bo icqulrod to give heavy bonds.
The state reform school was opened nt
Whittler , Los Angeles county last week. It
has provision for both sexes Tha main
building is surrounded by cottages , in each
of which will llvo a family of fifty bojs ,
under charge of n man and his wife nnd one
Moio than twonly fires occuirod In San
Francisco on the Foui Ih , occasioned bv tlio
explosion of ilioworks The moat serious
ono caused the destruction of the Centenary
Methodist episcopal church , valued nt $ . ) * > { ) , -
000 , and adjacent buildings , which swelled
the total loss to about $1,000,000.
Growers of early fruit in California this
year leaped a bonanza Karly cherries ,
poaches , pears and apricots v\ ere shipped
east and brought largo prices. It is singular
that some ot the earliest poaches sent to the
east came from around Mnryvlllo , n region
formerly given over entirely to wheat.
Fifteen combined harvesters are cutting
the Immense crop en the Glen ranch in Colu-
sa county. A strip of wheat twenty two
miles wide nnd twenty-six miles long U being
harvested and the crop averages fifteen bushels -
ols to the ncro. Thai gives Ul'J square miles
and embraces IW.tteO acres which nt fifteen
bushels per ncro would KleJ,005loO busliols
Mrs Jesse Bcnton Fremont , her daughter
ClUubath ana bor ion , Lieutenant Fremont ,
nnd the luttor's family nro now domiciled In
the beautiful homo secured for the \ndotv ol
the "Pathfinder , " by n number of energetic
ladles of Los Angeles , nnd which has Just
boon completed. The value of the house nnd
lot is $5.000. The location is sightly , nnd the
mountain pass mndo famous by n memorable
detour ot the bo seen by the
widow from the window of her sitting-room.
Two years ngo Dr L B. Lawrence ol
Sonoma became convinced that n subtorrnti'
can river flowed beneath the town site , nnd
acting on his convictions ho bored n well with
the result that at less thnn two hundred feet
n flow of half n million gallons in twctitj-
four hours was obtained. Two other parties
In the vicinity then followed his example
with llko success , nnd now three wells j leld
between two and thieo million gallons every
twenty-four hours.
After nineteen years the government
steamer has Hasslor has completed the survey -
voy of the Cnllfoinla and Oregon coasts The
Hasslor was built spoolallj for this work in
1 71 , and on on her maiden trip around Capo
Horn Prof Agassi ? vvns a passenger , nnd
mndo n series of deep en drcdglngs along
the coast of North nnd So.Ali America , with
valuable results to science The most Inter
esting fiu-t developed In the recent survcvs
is that the coast line of Southern California
is morn nbiupt than that of any part of the
Atlantic or other million of tlio Paclllo.
The San Francisco citv treasury is strug
gling under a deficit of $ .200,000.
The now /cod / hotel at Ogden Is In opera
A now school bouse Is to bo erected nt
The potato crop In Cache county .this your
w ill bo a failure.
S ill Lake policemen hayo petitioned for n
change of bosses.
A mot Ic in Fork began the month bv open
ing its ( list bank.
The Masons of Sail Lake are piepuring to
Invest $ so ooo in a toinnle
Kiev en can of machinery for the sugar fac-
toiv al Lchi hau < anived.
The business of the Salt Lake postofllco
shows an Incicnso of 8 poiccut.
It is estimated that Iho wool cion of Box
nidei county this season is worlh 0,000
Tlio survey of the Suit Like > \c Hot Springs
rnllinad has bcon completed to Ituuntiful
Twelve hundred head of stock wnro
shipped by ono firm ut Mill foul to South
i'ho Anhouser-Busch brewing company
have decided lo orocla 55JJ.OOJ browoiy in
A blasl In the Utah limo nnd coniont com-
panv's quarry nt Hot Springs dislocated
JO.OX ( ) tons of limestone.
Gurnsoy & Bridges , contractor ! In Salt
Lnko , have collapsed flminciiiUy , having a
laigo assoilmontof liabilities
The volunteer flionion of Osden , neatly
caned Mr O Hosor. ono of tholr number , on
the occasion of Ills thlrtj'-lifth anniversary
Theio is a movement on loot at Lehi to
have the snoots lighted with oloctiicitv fur
nished by the plant at the sugar company
w on < s
Two gentlemen fiom the east have .ulived
at American Fork and me going to com
mence opotations in quairjine nmiblo.which
is said to be of the finest quality and oasj1 of
A ropoited ilch mineral strike in Amciiean
Fork mnj on has cieatod n gtcat sensation
among the mining fraternitj nt Lolii , nnd a
numbei ot them have been up lo see and re
port an the Ilnd.
The annu il icpoil of tht > Sail Lake board
of education shows a deficiency of &i'i , I'JO '
The receipts foi the year woio $ r > 'iss,7 ,
' 1 hero S.'ilS childton of school ago In the citj' ,
( i , ! t)3 enrolled in the public schools and 2,0st )
in pi ivato schools
The cotton mills In southern Utah are said
to bo in a flourishing condition and the prom-
isj for a superior ciop and a largo yield was
never boiler. Iho balls on the shiub nro
just beginning to form. Tlio cotton will not
bo read v to harvest before Septemboi. Six
hundred pounds lo tlio acre is auout the usual
crop which generally sells for from 1 j to n
cents n pound.
Kich countv is In the tlnocs of a big min
ing excitement faome Colorado minors have
been piospectinc thiough thoto and If to-
poits nro founded on fact some of the liuhcst
mines in the wotld huvo been discovered
theio. Back of Swan creek a cnnpor nilna
has been discoveicd where tlio assays aio Si
percent copper. Back of Gaulfan City n sil
ver mine also been discovered whore the
silver ossaj-s 00 per cent.
South Dakota.
Hughes county assessment roll foots up
f 7,100,000
The Iron ilill mine is shipping ere to the
Omaha smelting woiks.
The total assessed value of Cedar county
piopoity is almost $ J,000,000
A convention of state teal estate dealers
was hold at Mitchell last Wednesday.
II W White of Yanlcton has invented a
motor lo uliluo Iho power of artesian wells.
A Mitchell tramp dem tnded a meal nt the
ilist stopping , nnd was \\niinly hustled to
The Spokane distiictls loominc up In grenl
shape. Development woik is piogiosslug en-
Grounu vvns broken on July 7 , for the con-
ccntrnlini ; plant 01 the Hninoy Peak tin coin
pany at Hill City.
Sioux Falls is oneigoticnllv preparing for
the stale fair Ono of the foatuios of Iho
ground is a klo shaped track.
The first elenn-up of the Barlow & , Wilson
mill at Centinl City , losullcd in two hand
some retorts of the value of $ ) , SOO
The total assessed valuation of Ynnkton
county , as returned by the county assessor ,
is $ . ( , 11)4,530 , an Increase of $ .170,71 ! ) ever last
A ( ompanj'of homo talonl minstrelsy is
blooming in Lead , and neighbuung towns
are devising vvajs nnd means to prevent an
When the bills aio all in It is expected the
cost ot Iho itials iriowing out of Few Tails'
taking off will roach fo.OJO Good Indians
cost money
The crops f the Hills countiy are now bo-
vend the icach of dtoulh and wilh Iho excep
tion of a few small dlstilcls which have not
secuiod their share of rain good crops uro as-
The lecont vlsll of Milwaukee railroad offi
cials to C'hambuilain , Iho let minus of tlio
load , strengthens ttio belief that work will
soon begin on the extension of the load to the
Black Hills.
Among oies recently found in the Black
Hills lias been that rnro and valued mineral
uianlum Although it has only appealed in
ono place , slluiUod in the Bald mountain dls-
Iricl , tl is found llioio in mich large quanll-
warrant the mnstmct of nurlv .
t.tns lo nrn.
us IU vtlkltt.llb I IIU / * Ifl lvwb Ul U-
LIU3 ( Ullilytl \
ducllon of uranium salts , as well as the
mental uranium , In the United Statoi At
present uranium mining Is carried on
only In two Places in the woild , nameh at
Annnborg , Saxonj' , and Koimith , Cornwall ,
and the sciucily of the mineral has been the
cause of its not being usd for n voiy Im
portant purpose , the imtnufactuio of steel
Washington ,
A man at Port Angeles U raising figs suc
The murlclpal salary of Tncoma amounts
to ? .UO,000 per nnnuin
Tnconm has acquired an nlr of antiquity
bv adding nn Ugyptian mummy to its MOCK
of curios
Spokane will have nn industrial exposition
this jear , beginning October I nnd lasting
twenty days.
Considerable excitement prevails nt Blnlno
over the nirivnl of tvventy-sovon Chinese to
woik In n salmon cannuiy.
The pnplor macho model of Port Townsend -
send nnd hnibor exhibited at KpoKnnc last
jear will bo acnl to the world's fair
Pnlouso C ilv , Onkosdulo , Gat field , Mos
cow and Colfax nro building new school
houses Pullman la to follow wilh n f5,000 ,
A Cowlltz baby was nltackod by boos the
other day nnd so hndly stung that its
recovery Is doubtful. Fifty stings were ex
tracted from ita fnco and head
The health department of hpokann has ex
amined the river along the bunks , from
which Spounno derives her \vnter , and pro
nounces tt poisonous and unhealthy.
A party of six gentlemen have Just left \V hat-
comb to ascend Mount linker. A few vveelo
ngo n party from Hiaino ascended the moun
tain 0,000 fuel and located some mineral
A three-year-old boy at Pornotoy fell Into
a well 01 o day last wccic , but had aensn
enough to cling to the well buekut and tall
for aid He was draw n up badly scnicd but
not hurt.
In buniilc recently a man vvns found with
lits throat cut , and the intelligent phystrlnn ,
ftttor making H thorough cxnminntloudoclde4
Hint death vvr.s caused by fntty degeneration
of the heart ,
According to n census bulletin the stnto of
Washington ranks fifteenth ns a producer
of limestone. The output of the eight quar
ries In 1SIH ) was valued nt $ ill'S7. Two
hundred and live persons were employed nt
the quarries and their witgos amounted to
? l.U'ir. , .
Probably no other region In the world pro
duces such a wealth of the laro blossom ol
the native rhododendron ns thn region In
KlUsnp county known ns the Btnck Hills ,
hing north of Port Oichnrd bnv and eon
tlguoiis to thonnvv yard slto Thousands ol
ncies were covered with the delicate pink
blossoms this spring
There were 17 , 100 sheep shorn In Mlssouli
county this sc.vson.
Moro than UOO.OOO pounds of wool liovo
been marketed In Client Fulls to dnto
Never bofoio In the history of Hullo has so
much development work been done on small
mines as Is being done this summer.
The Gernmnln mlno , about a quarter of n
milo from Iho 1'aslov , Is giving up over $10 ,
000 a month In prollts to its lucky owner.
The commissioners of Mtssouln county
have generously nppropilnted tlio sum elf
f 1,000 to aid hi the construction of a wagon
road to Hill
A Roitlamnn who paid n visit Sundav to
the Blue Cloud dlstrlcl. about lift eon miles
from Helena , sajs them Is every prospeot of
the mines in thai section turning out lots of
ate this season.
The assessment of Silver How count ) this
jonr will run ov 01 $ . ' 0,000,000 , which Is alaign
Incioaso over foi mor years Tlio assessment
Is being made under the now law on the single
glo tax piineiplo
James It Dilwotlh , avell known cattle
owner living nl Ked l.odite , P.uko cotintj ,
was shol and Instanlly killed by n tango
lidor , Godfioy Dowers , In a quariol over u
piece of land Thn homicide gav o hinisolf up
A Billings dispatch states that owing to the
continuous ninlall sheep Ing has lioen
gteatly letarded and glow ors have IHHMI un
able to btlng in their wool to any gieitex
lent on account of the condition of the nitds ,
which mo lined with ftcight outfits laden
with wool
The Unite Minor has reason to believe that
the Anaconda shut-down will come to an end
in the neai tiiluie , but as to August I being
the date upon which Iho men will bo pot
milted toretnin to work Ihoio Is no dell n lie
or reliable Infoimallon Ceitnin it is that nil
signs point lo a losumption
Dining Iho pasi six weeks Helena has ox
pei lonced half n do/on fin inns tain stoims ,
pnttaklng of the natuto of cloud-bunts and
in each r.iso accompanied by n Ihrillim'
oleclilual dlsplav , such dlsplavs being un
usual In lhat section 'Iho seveiilj of those
experienced lately has boon the tntiso of
much alarm and astonishment Thu Hashes
weio blinding in tholr intensity and followed
in uipid sucicssion
The Not them Pacllle pi oposes to dispense
with the miles of ticstlos In the vieinily ol
Pott land
Poitlnm ! wants the annual eiic.iinpinPiit of
Iho G A K in is1).1 ) , and VMll make a snong
pull lo gel U
Poi Hand is building a now nnd fast bonl
for Iho Sound soivico It is oxpeded to
casilj dislanco nnj of Iho boils in present
H. Ncsom , a Noiweglan , aged . ! " > , commit
ted suicide at Astoria in a novel manner Ilu
tied ono end of n bailing lope mound his
nock and the other end to a dooi knob and
then pulled b ink until ho choked to death
HailioulsaiiKclobrated lor Iheir inpiil 10
pairs 1 he Union I'.iulle ttostlo Inidgo ,
near Dallas , ItJTi feet long , was loeontlj ie
built in twenty-four hours after being buiued.
A number of hogs have died within the
post lew davs at Pondloton of nmystciloii
disease The animals cough and sneo/e , inn
at the nose , and soon die , oisllv.somi
nppiicntly in great agony. Ailthorilios con
flict as to what the dlseaso may bo
Ilillsboro Is not "onto" the Intost'.fiul and
the Ilillsboro Imtapondenl s us Three Poii-
land damsels mused u sensation in Hill--
boio list Sntuidnv by riding inlo town "man
fashion " II may bu all itghl , bill wo nro not
used lo it out aeio in the "rhubatbs" an 1
would tuofer it if traveling female equpstu-
onncs visaing our village would keopbolb
limbs on the snino side of the hoi so
Over 5,000,000 pounds of wool will bo
shipped from The Dalles Ihls season Oregon
gen vvool Over fi , 000,000 ( ans of salmon will
bo shipped fiom Asloria ibis season Oicgon
salmon Ovei 5,000,000 bushels of who it will
bo shipped from the slate this season Oio
gen wheat. Thcso aio only n few Theio
aio also Oiogon fi tills , Oregon gold , Oiogon
silver , Oregon timber , and a host of otbot
Oiogon pioducts of Ib'll. '
The Lake Cholan Haihoad and Navigation
compaiu has tiled 111 tides of Incorpoialion
Hoboit Law , supoiintendont of the Chicago
Itatlw ay Tianslor association. Is piasldonPof
Iho companj , which is oiignmtcd by Clueago ,
Omaha and bpokano capilallsts The pin-
pose of tlio company is to open a line of ti ans
portiition to the rich mines lecontlv dis < ov
eiod neat the summit of the Cascade moun
tains. _
Net adii.
The dumping ot saivdusl Into the Truckoo
river has been slopped
Bolvvoen three and five of Iho arrivals per
month nt the Nevada stale pilsnn are men
who have boon convicted of soiling whisky
to Indians.
M. lj Kyun nnd J. Murphv recently
cleaned up amalgam and quicksilver noin
Iho sewer in Main slrcot , Austin , nnd
obtained about $ l"iJ for their month's woik
I'm ties from Gold mountain , Tnlo canyon
nnd Pnlmotto , icport that thoio Is consider
nblo mining KOlng on in that Kculion of the
country , nnd the oulioo'c Is vcij' pioinKIng
It is { claimed thai covoto scalps aio btlng
Itiipoi ted fiom Nevada by onteipilslnc nin
sons lo salhfj Ihe doinnnd cieatod foi them
bv Uio ? r > bountj' reccnUj established in this
Soveial farmers In Lovelocks have coin
bined to build nn litigation canal to B g
Meadows Thu t anul will tap the bed of Iho
Humboldl near Ore , urn and dispense wilh
dams altogether.
During the past quarter the Comstork
mines pioduced 1 1'l'U tons of 010 , giving a
gross yield of f riJ,7.J ! The cost of extinction
tion was $1111,7)1 ) , nnd of leduction ami
Itansportalion f.'dl.UTI , or u tolol cost of
fiV-fi" over Iho yield. The lax was M.I7J
The pinmlum list of the sin en Hi nnnii il
fair of Iho Nevada slalo ngriculluial sneiely
has been issued from the state printing olllco
nt Carson , and Is now roidv for distribution
The fair begins Monday , September Jl , and
will continue during the week The proml
urns nnd purses nirgiognto over 5IO.OJO
There is no doubt but that the leelamitlnn
of Nevada by surface and underground S'IP
plies can over huge areas bo rotdlly alTec-ted
The valleys ot the streams and vvatot comsos
that take tholr ttoad in the bieira Iscvadi
will al proper points supply n largo amount
of underflow water an amount suflleti-nt to
do seivloo for iiulto conalduriihlo local ncio
auo Such Is the opinion of Colonel Hintoii ,
n man who has given the subject cuioful con-
A voln of tnlo tins bcon discovered in I vnh
Tno ntlunipt lo organise n fnrmeis1 niilm o
party in Lntah county bus failed.
Boise City has sold ? OJ.OOO worth f
ivvonty- > oar bonds diavvlng (1 ( per cent f r
Twolj'-llvo tons of queen of Hie wosl ere
worked al Ueesei'n mill yielded u fr.u u u
over $10 pei ion In gold ,
Ctopplngi of the Peacock voln , in tie ,
Seven Devils district , Hhow carbonate of < , / -
per , HUlphidos of copper in quurlg uu 11
socintod with biovvn garnets pnrfectlj n > s-
Tlio Hnlloy unmplcr is kept running to iti
utmost Ciipncliy , bundling nboul tlftj tons n
dnv It has been running ovoiUme , and if
the ere Increases In quantity n night htn
will become necessary. Tim output of uio at
present is greater thnn over bofoio.
In a cross cut In Iho Gold Hill coni > iit'i
pioneer lodge al fjuartzburg n vein c.f ere
running t > lo Iho pan has been tcaitx > 1 ' 11 n
Is ttio ruhost 010 jel dlsuivoifd In the ireui
mlnu , and was found nt ( .uftlUoni di ptn to
piovo the pnrinaiioncv of the rlinto.
The vicinity of llelk'vuu vvns visited bv a
hail storm ou the 7th , thu equal of wh , > It H
not remembered It lusted for thlrt ) mm
ulos and Iho ha'istonoH came with 'imistml
force Thn strcalH wore full of hai'sioncs ' f
clear uo that measured foui' and uhe luuf
Inches in circumference Iho cms * wui
beaten to the ground , the fraf s'rii ped from
the trees nud tbuciopof Jimi. uotrics do-