10 THE OMAHA DAILY JSEE ; SATURDAY , JULY 18. ISOl-TWELYE PAGIto , STATE SUBURBAN SOCIETY , Midsummer Movements of Well Known People. FASHIONABLE FRIVOLTIES IN FUTURO , Wlicro tlio l-'ollowcrH of Ihu Until u Will 1'asn tin ; llcutlllu Jnys or July mid All HHt. City. Miss Nicholson U liomo from Dunbar. Mrs. Or. Dally Is visiting nt Fnirmount. Miss ICato Cnssmly Is visiting In Denver. Mrs. Ur. Watson Is visiting In Knnsai L'lty.W. . W. A. Gallon and family nro rusticating In Colorado. Mrs. A. I1. Stafford gnvo a MK\I \ flvo party Monday night. Miss Ilattlo Hershey Is homo on a visit with her parcnls. Mtnntrcu Cntronand hrldo nro homo from Ihclr wuddln r tour. Mrs. M. M. Duff and daiiKhtcr are visiting roIntlvcH nt Syracuse. Miss L. Lovl and Miss Goldberg nro visit ing friends in Lincoln. Dr. Schwnrt/ , the dentist , spoilt Sunday wlllitns | mother in St. Jou. Miss Florence Hawli'y of Lincoln Is tno guest of Mrs. Uichnrd Clove. MHs Punrl Mln'lck of Lincoln Is visiting Mr. A. D. Hurltlns and family. Mrs. Thomas Hvan , who has boon qulto lick for seine woolcs pa4t , Is Improving. Mrs. J. It. Souslov and daughter , Miss Hello , are visiting at Warronsburp , Mo. Miss Millie Tomplln loft Thursday for a two-weeks' visit with her brother nt I'lorro. B. IX Henry , Mlnnto and Amanda Itodcnbrock lolt for Howard , Nob. . Monday morning on a visit. visit.Miss Miss GiWtflana Dunn and sister loft for Syracmu Monday mornlni ; to visit their parents. Mrs. Leslie UilTondorft of Drownvillc , Is In the city visiting her father , Mr. J.V. . Walclsmlth. Mrs. Satn Golborjr , who h s boon at Den ver visit intf for the past three weeks , arrived homo Monday. Mrs. .1. M.Tanner entertained a small com pany of frlnnds at progressive high llvo Tuesday evening. Mrs. R Scllhorn of Talrnairo , who has been In the city visiting for some tlmo past , returned homo Monday. Mrs. E. A. Watson , mother of Hon. John C.Watson , on Saturday celebrated her sov- ontyolirhth birthday anniversary. Mrs. N. Isf. Khnivnll mid nhllilrnn rnturnnil homo Monday from Elmwood , Nob. , where they have boon for a couple of weeks. Miss Sadlo Hawley , who has boon in the city visitltic for the east two months , left for Kdgar , Neb. , Wednesday , to visit her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram DuBols and daughter , Miss Ettio , of Unaiilllii , who have been the Kiiosts of Mrs. W. 11. Doughty , loft for Union Monday. Dr. T. I. Mi-rryman anil wife toft Tuesday for University pinco , Lincoln , where the doc tor will follow his profession mid make that his futurO home. Mr. and Mrs. Kearney and daughter who Imvo been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 13. Zook and family , left Monday evening for their homo in iloniulsvlllo , N. Y. During their stay In this city the have mauo many ( rlonus. Miss Mamlo Itusscl. who has boon tne pue t of her undo and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Caltron , loft for her homo Thursday morn ing in Lexington , Mo , She ruculvud word that her mother and sister were both quite III , Miss Mamie has boenquito a fa\ onto here and will bo greatly missed. Dwight Heed , the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Heed , entertained a number of his young friends at the delightful homo of hU parents Tuesday ovodlng. The occasion was participated In hoartlly by the guests and the evening was happily spent. A delightful fan social was given OK Tues flay evening at the homo of Miss Mlnnah Hawko for lllO bOlinllt of Mm T.llHmrnn church. "Lilac " . Lodge" was beautifully Illuminated with Chinese lanterns and the tables attended by handsome young ladies. Miss Mintmh Hawko , assisted by her sisters , Mrs. Hector of Omaha and Mrs. Spencer of Kansas City entertained royally. The sing ing of llttlo Vivian Hector was'tho crowning event of the evening. Miss Mlnnlo Wilhelmy ivas given the fan by being voted thu most popular young lady present. I'lnttmiumtli. Mrs. H , J. Franklin has been visiting friends in Omaha. Captain J. T. A. Hoover of Louisville was In town Wednesday. Mrs. J. D. M. Bucknor returned from a nslt to Mllford Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell of Lincoln , ivero visiting in town over Sunday. Miss Sellers of Central City , Is vlsltlnc with the Misses Georgia and Magirio Oliver. Miss Modora Smith returned to her homo In Lincoln Tuesday after a visit In this city. Miss Cora Hill of Chicago , is visiting in this city , the guest of her cousin , Miss Janet Livingston. Aliss Harry Grant departed Monday mornIng - Ing for her old homo In Guolpli , Canada , to bo gone some six weeks. Miss Janet Livingston rot urn nil from Cen tral City Tuosdny evening , In which city she has boon p.tying a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morrlssoy , after n visit with relatives ( n this cltv , returned to their homo lu Lincolu , on Wednesday. ' Miss Ida Hnnnell of Lincoln , who has boon the guest of the family of II. .1. Strclght , the past two would , has returned to her homo. Mrs. O. R Johnson returned homo Thurs day after n short visit In Nebraska City. Her mother , Mrs. J. Klopior , returned with her. Mrs. Arohron of Aurora , 111. , who has boon the guest of Mrs. J. A. Gutscho , whllo in the city , departed for Lincoln Wednesday morn ing. Franco Ilallnnco with his sister Nettle , no- compauled by Miss Hose McCmiloy , departed for Michigan City , Mich. , Thursday for a short vacation. Miss Laura Ilobbs of Lusk , Wyo. , arrived In the city Tuesday evening and will make a prolonged visit with her sister , Mrs. JohuL. Minor and friends lu town. Certain young ladles In town nro arranging for a party , exrluslvoly for the uontlor sax , one feature of which will Include n now game called "progrosslvo hammock. " The girls oay the young men cannot bo in It , "whllo the "lords of creation" express wcndor and doubt as to any iirraniromont ' with a ham mock being progressive 'without n uiMo par ticipant. On Wednesday , the eve of the departure of Franco Hallanco on his oistorn visit , n imall party was hold In his honor nt the pie- turoaiuui homo of Will Coolldgo in South Park. The evening was ono of thorough en joyment to the participants. Croquet mid the fascinations of high live dtilmtut the at tention of tlio guests. These present wore Franco Hallanco and LouollaSimpson , Hntllo Johnson and Kdlth Patterson , Hert Holmes and Mollle Iliillnuco. SVundell Foster and Tllllo Vallery , Gus Ilyors nud sister Hose , Will Cooltdgo and Mattlo Smith. , ItontrlflO. Ahion Iligby of Hod Cloud was In the city Wednesday. J. A. Cooper of Hnyss Center , Nob.was In the city Wednesday. Mlsa Ma Monholmor of Denver Is visiting ; ber sister , Mrs. S. Uoutsch , for the mi minor. Hon. D. H , Croiwoy of Fulrbury was visit- lug frloiuU In tbo city during the past nreok. Mr. and Mrs. J. L , Carson of Lincoln wore rUItlntr frlondi lu the city during the past rveok. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dodge loft Tuesday tor a vlilt of Mvornl weeks with relative * lu Denver. E. E. CHppl'iKcr ' of Omaha was visiting friends mm relatives lu this city during the pajt week. MM. S. E Kirk of Muskoiron. Mich. , Is risking her sutor , Mrs. S. lilvons , for auv- iral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Johnston of Norrli , III. , are in the city vlsitlug Mr. Johnston's mother for a favv days. Mrs. C. A. Osborn ha * rolurnod from an extended visit with friend * and relatives nt Wichita , Kan. Mr and MM. C. F. Reynolds have returned to HciUrlco from a prolonged visit with frloml.1 at Toledo. O. Alri. K. M. Underwood of Ullca , N. Y. . Is vliltini ? her nUtor , Mrs. H. F. Davis , of Ihls city for n few wcoid. Mr. and Mrs , Clarence MIIoi have rcturnnd from an t'xtendod visit with friends and rela tives In Jersoyvllle , 111. Mrs. It. II. Flddick and daughters , Mnudo and ( ionic , of Galena , III. , are visiting friends and relatives In the city. Mrs. N. Maxwell of this city Is enjoying the pleasure ) of it visit from her slstorMrs. L. Cooper , of Parkersburg , W. Va. Miss Allio Ucckloy and Miss Spoonor have gonoto Chicago to attend n lo.iding muslc.il Institute there for tno summer. Stanley Wicks , day clerk nl the Paddock , who has boon under the weather for several days , Is abto to bo about again. J. M. Jones Is homo again from n business venture at SprlngMold , Mo. Mr. Jones Is .satisfied wltti Nebraska for the future. Mr. and MM. Harry Woodsworth nro en joying n visit from Mrs. M. A. Woodsworth of Kansas City , mother of Mr. Woodsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Lewis and daughter of Jorsu.vvlllo , 111. , nro In the city with n view of passing a greater n.irt of thosummor here. Senator Paddock is expected homo this week. Mrt. Paddock and daughter , Mrs. Collman , nro also oxpoeled homo In u few d-iys. diys.Mrs. Mrs. II. H. Moles and two children have KOIIO to Pawtucket , H. I. , with a view of passing the summer there with friends and relatives. Mrs. W. H. Hobbius and daughters , the Misses Nellie and Jessie , and Masters Itort and Earnest are visiting friends and relatives In Illinois. V. S. Whlttcmoro , ono of the old pioneers of this section , has gone to Illinois to revisit old friends and old scones for the llrst tirno for tlnrly-ono years. Mr. M. A. Hrown of the Kearney Hub has been visiting friends in the city for the past week. Mrs. Drown rejoined him here Tues day ovpunig for a brief visit with her mother , Mrs. C. J. Schmidt. Kciirm-y. J. H. Lathrcp went to Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Urowu went to Beatrice Tues day.F. . F. Y. Hobortaon went to Chicago Wedno-j- day.Mrs. Mrs. 10. E. Hunter loft for Uoscobol , Wis. , Tuesday. Colonel W. W. Paterson wont to Minneap olis Tuesday , ClaroniM Davis loft lor his homo in Lowell , Mass. , Monday. Mr. W. H. Hunt and family nro rusticating nt Carthage , Mo. Hon. It. 1C. Potter of Elm Crook attended court here this week. A. A. Martin and wlfo left for their hnmo In Fullcrton , Monday. Miss Lillie Nichols went to Hastings Mon day to visit relatives. Attorney G. W. Tibbetts of Hastings at tended court here this week. ( ! . H. Miller nnd family loft for their new homo in Uoiso City , Idaho , Thursday. M. A. Nye of Crostou , la. , returned to tils homo nftor a short visit with his brother hero. hero.H. H. Fulton and wife of Grand Island were the guests of It. H. Eaton and family the past week. F. P. Updike of Chicago has boon looking nftcr his llnnncial Interests in this city the past week. Mrs. J. H. Irving has wturnod from Kan sas City where she has been visiting her daughters. D. L. Smtyh returned to his homo at St. Paul Monday , after a short visit with his son in this city. Mrs. W. A. Downing has gone to La Porte , Ind. , to visit her daughter. Mrs. F. II. Morrison. Mr. G. M. Burch , who attended hU son's funeral hero last week , loft for his home in Indiana last week. Mr. J. A. Arnold and wlfo have gone to Piedmont In the BlacK Hills country to spend the summer wltti their son. g Mr. David Halo of Springfield , Mass. . treasurer of the Kearney cotton mill com pany , and F. L. O'liilny of Woonsockot , ft. I. , were in Kearney this wook. Alex Stewart of Wausau , Wis. , and John Ktntvnrr. nf KMnnnM Til m n m I , rt ° u nf l. . * 1,1 H. Gilchrist Lumber company , have been in- sporting their yards at Kearney and other places on the Kearney & Black Hills road. SllttlMl. Miss Ilnttio Moore 13 with friends In Gr.ifton this wook. Misses Myni Clarl : and Bertha Carnoy wont to Grafton Thursday. Misses Hancock and Avorlll attended a social at harvard this week. Mr. Bert Fuller of Clay Center Is here vis iting hU friend , Mr. Theodore Wontz. Molllo Brown and Master Willies Hocirgor returned from Lincoln on Saturday last. Miss Outhwnlt of Cedar Haplds , Nob. , Is In Sutton visiting her sister , Mrs. Tolando. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer , sister of Mrs. Dr. M. Clark , Is hero visiting for a short tiiuo , from Strong. Mr. Theodora Wontz Is here visiting from Ohio. Ho is tbo ncphow of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fredericks. Miss Lucy Itoya of Grand Island , who ro- sidctd here for n number of years , died nt her home last Thursday. Mrs. E. P. Burnotto lira returned to her homo at Kearney after n few weeks' visit with her sister , Mrs. T. Wood. Miss Soloman of Geneva is here , the guest of Miss Belle Wittenberg. She uttouds the Sacred Heart convent of St. Joo. Mabol Brobst who has visited with rela tives many tiuios In Sutton , and was quite well known here , died ut her homo lu Omaha last wcuk. A purse was raised in Sutton last week for the purpose of defraying the expenses con nected with the burial of John Wall , killed on the Fourth of July. Four young people of Sutton wont to Geneva last Sunday to visit nt the homo of Mrs. Dwarek. Thov wore Miss Edlo Drlutsch nnd Miss Armstrong , Messrs. Brlat-sch and Dwork. The only party of the week was the ono given oy .Mi's. Fredericks , nnd Mrs. Hoorgor , at the homo of Mrs. Frederick's , on Wodnes- dayulght. High live was the ntnusomont of the evening , nnd was much enjoyed. The following woii ) present : Mr. nnd Mrs. Mat- tison , Mr. nnd Mrs. It. G. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. J. j. Bonocampor , Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Sodurborjr , Dr , nnd Mrs. Birkner , Mr. nnd MM. J. C. Merrill Dr. nnd Mrs. Vrndenborg , Dr. and Mrs. Johnson , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Woodruff , Mr. and Mrs. F. Kollnr , Miss Benard , Mrs. I. N. Clark , Mr. It. Fuller and Mr. T. Wentz. Hefreshments were served. ( KIIOVII. Mrs. H. A. Athorton H 111. Miss Maude CouTor ( of Aurora Is the guest of Mrs. L. S. Flogonbaum. Mr. F. J. Miller returned Tuesday from mi extended visit In Chicago. Miss Bertio Schncldor Is here from Syra cuse visiting her sister , .Mrs. H. F. Mohrman. A Salvation army composed exclusively of women U holding meetings on the West aldo , MM. G. W. Do Wolf and daughters , MUsoi Bertha and Vie , have returned from n visit in Illinois. Hon. John Steen of Wnhoo Is in town superintending the erection of the girls' in dustrial school. Prof. William Lighten gave n piano recital at the Jameson Monday night. Miss Koto Fisher also rendered a very line solo. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ong of Geneva were at the Pacillo house , Fairmont , when It burned Saturday night , and narrowly escaped from the building. Prof. Valentino of McCook , and Instructor In the Institute closed yestarday , gave mi In * torestlng leoturo at the Methodist Episcopal church Monday night. HU subject was "Bad Bovs. " Messrs. W. E. Kirk , L. E. Troycr , J. L , Marshall , N. B. Burr and W. E. Hoed , mem bers of the Young Man's Christian associa tion , Lincoln , spout the week la the city on- gaped in ovaugellstlo work. Auburn. F W. Samuolsou of Hum bold t was la Au burn Tuosdny. Miss Lulu Wilkinson has gone to Huraboldt for n two weeks' visit. Miss btolla Slopbfmson of Lincoln U vUIt- Ing her many friends In Auburn for n f w days.W. . W. A. Codln lnn has returned from a thirty-day trip to California. Hov. Prusson and wife have returned to their former homo at Friend. Neb. Mtss Bertha Homlleld Is enjoying n Visit from Miss Helen Hoover of Brownvllle. Mrs. G , B. Bovcridpo accompanied her mother. Mn. It. D. Williams , Wednesday , to Wlrilleld , Kan. , when- they will visit rela tives the remainder of the summer. Superintendent Plorson has loft the educa tional intcivsts or Neinalm countv in charge of Miss Sullle Hlddle while ho is in attend ance at the touchers' ' convention at Toronto. Miss hlla McGinnK Hie popular clerk in J. E. Thomas' store , left on Wednesday of thli week for her homo In Dlxon , 111. She has not been homo hi llvo years , and looks forward with Impatience to n happy meeting with parents , brothers ana sisters. She will probably return In the fall , though sbo has not positively decided to do so. UnSundiy evening , July ; 1' ' , nt the rost- donco of the hrldo'H sister , Mrs. Joel Culwoll , Mr. Joe F. Nichols and Miss Mary Cole , were married ; both of Auburn. Tno core- moiiv was performed by llov. vV'hltmorof the Methodist Episcopal church , In the presence ofn few rela'lvo-j and friends. The groom Is n popular yo. ng man , a monibor of the linn of Thomas A Nichols , unrbors. nnd the brldo a Indy wall known nnd esteemed In Auburn. Itlnli- . Mr. nnd Mrs. George Wlllsoy spent Sunday nt Kennard. Miss Anna Hungato of Omaha is up visit ing Grandma Cook. Charles Barrow of Boono. la. , Is visiting with his son-in-law , W. H. H. Davis. Miss Julia Edgorlon Of Ctovolnnil , O. , is visiting with her sister , Mrs. F. J. Milestone. Mrs. B. F. Fuller , who has boon In poor health for the past year , left for Boston and Now Hampshire on n visit via Toronto Sun day evening. Prof. Hughes of Schuylcr , Nob. , superin tendent of the schools there , was in town Wednesday , the puost of J. W. Henderson , county superintendent. J. W. No well nnd daughter Lutle , left Sun day night on the excursion to Toronto. Alter the institute is over thi'v will go to old Mass achusetts for a short visit. F. H. Claudvo und wlfo , W. A. Bennett , Friu Cameron and Miss Foda Cnstottar nro over at the Blair .summer rosort.Noblo'a lake , on tlio Iowa side of the Missouri. Fritz Cameron , formorlv of Blair , but lately of PitUburg , Pa. , is In Blair visiting his many friends. August 1 bo goes to Chicago cage as paying teller of a new bunk just or ganised. 'IVknmuli. Miss Jennie Bayer has roturuod from Fro- mont. Mrs. John Nosblt has returned from Hot Springs. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Adams loft for Califor nia on Thursday. On Friday evening n so'ect ' party of young people indulged in a social hop at Thomas' Mr. William Chapman nnd Mr3. George Douglas nro delegates to the Epworth league convention ut Kearney. DMiss Lena Kusscll of Herman nnd Miss Li//io Lawtou of Omaha nro visiting with Miss Mary MoLuughlln. Miss Clara Thomas has been elected vice president of the Young People's Christian association vice J. It. Force resigned. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wallace , Mr. ntd Mrs. C. W. Hmsdnlo , MM. J. P. Latta , Mrs.W.W. Lnttnand M > s. C. W. Colliding have gone to Hat Springs , S. D. . Hen. E. W. Peterson and wife , together with a select party of youim i'rionds includ ing Miss Alia Breed , Burt Day , Frank Cam eron , Miss Lucy Smith and Mr. Neal Har rington of Wayne , vill rusticate at Storm Lake , lu. , for a few weeks. Crelfiliton. Mr. nnd Mr ? . Charles Marsh loft this week for Toronto , Canada , for a two monthb' sum mer outing. Prof. It. L. HolT , principal of the graded schools here , is in HumboUlt assisting in in stitute work. J. B , Gal us ha and wife ol Monroe , Wis. , are visiting his brother-in-law , E , Porrino , of the First National bank. The musical young people of Crjighton nro preparing to proiunt the coinio opuraThe Haymakers" to the local public. Thomas March of the News received a tel egram this week that his sister at Hot Springs was dying , and started for her at ouco. A second talogram announcing her di > ! tfh nrHvuil lmrtlv nftnr h < * hnil Mtrtrln/l. The school board at the mooting this week selected the following corps of teachers tote to manage our schools for the coming year : Principal , It. L. 11 off ; grammar. Miss Anna Gardner ; intermediary , Mm Emma Kitten- house ; first primary , Miss Lillian Hartley ; second primary , Miss Nellie Class. Fulln City. Miss Nellie Holt Is the guest of relatives lu Lincoln. Miss Minnie Scott of Dallas , Tex. , visited H. L. Handnll'.s family last woolt. Isaac Boyer of Los Anpolos , Cal. , is the guest of his brother , John Boyer nnd family. C. S. Abbey , a member of the Duluth baseball - ball club is with his parents in this city , hav ing sprained his knee which necessitated a rest. rest.A A tennis tournament is in progress hero this week. E. H. and John Towlo won the championship in gents' doubles nnd Miss Nnomio Everts and John Towlo In.ladios' and gents' doubles. The following Falls City people start for Denver nnd the mountains on n pleasure trip today : Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Powell , Mr. und Mrs. George Doltsch , Miss Myrta Abbey and Grant Southard. CO.V.Vbill.11,1TfKS. Animal's king has . " ( i'J ' wives. Marriages were proportionately fewer dur ing the last decade In England and Wales than over before. A good national flower for. some of the for eign gentlemen who roach this country would bo the marry-gold. Because ho refused to marry her , Mrs. Annlo Lure , assisted by her daiichtor Cath arine , horsewhipped Phillip Schneider of Brooklyn. A Pittsburg doctor paid the foes to secure n divorce for a woman whom ho Intended marrying , but when she was frou she fled witn another. The Itaciuo county man who went rrazj' because the Widow Jones , who had buried ton husbands , Jilted him , is said to have been Insane long before that tlmo. Colonel Tom Ochlltroo is credited with matrimonial designs upon the daughter of Colonel North , the nltruto king , who has $3,500,000 in her own right. Fancy tuu return of that rich man's daugh ter who eloped with a crook. "Bless yo , my children , " falters poor pater ; "and yet would that my son-in-law had boon u coachman at least ! " A Chlmimnn In San Francisco has Intro duced something now In the credit lino. Ho bought n wlfo on tlmo , ana has noiv got him self Into trouble because of his failure to pay the dobt. A marrlagoablo follow In Philadelphia spent many years in looking for n woman with an Independent fortuim , but ho made u mistake and got an Independent woman wi'hout ' a fortune. The engagement of Miss Edith Cltft nnd the Marquis do Montbrun is announced. Edith Is n fair young American girl with money , and the niarkeo well , everybody knows whnt n murkoo I. " . "Nothing , " said Mr. Tozor , sadly , "equals thu skepticism of married womon. " "You're mUiikcn , my dear , " answered Mrs. Tozer , "thoro Is ouo thing. " "What is III" "Tho credulity of tun unmarried onus. " At n wedding breakfast hot-house grapes or some rare fruit U used In placa of oysters orciams , and soup Is served In cups. In summer a second course or fruit Is ofTorod nt tbo end ot tbo rotmst. The ahsenco of clams \ytiMi flaby wu tick , w g ro h r Cutorto , When Bhewtu A ChilJ , 1)10 erlod forCutori * , When kho became Maa , ihe clung to Cmtori * , l ChiUr a nnd Ices malcos the dlfTorinco between breakfast nnd n luncheon. Widower ( to his llttto daughter , nged ton Dora , dn you know that Susnnno , out housekeeper. Is going to bo married f Dora O. I am so glad wo nro getting rlu of the old pollcnn. Won't It bo Jolly' But who is go ing to tnnrry her ! FnthorWell , I nm. AH aeronaut of Ansonla. Conn. , offers to marry any youn ? lady who will make an nsconslon witn him , "other things being sat isfactory. " Under the si.ving clause ho enumerates that tbo young woman shall beef of pleasing nppoaranco , of roipeotablo fam ily , intelligent , and n pool housewife. Undurtnkor Joseph H. Caidwcll , the rich Birmingham ( Conn. ) widower who announced himself ready to marry the young womnn who will go up lu n balloon with him on Au gust 15. is likely to have his challenge accepted. Ho IUH Just received n mls.-lvo from n Baltimore ) girl offering tonrcompany him skywnrd. The ongngomo'ut Is announced of Mils Laura Buchanatl nnd J. May hew Wain- vril'ht. Miss Buchanan is tno daughter or James A. Buchailiin of Baltimore and n de scendant of the first mayor of that cltv. Mr Wainwright is n so.n of John How..rd Wnln- wrlylit , a grandson ot Bishop Wniiuvright of Now ork state. ' .V commercial traveler by mistake tmndoJ n merchant , unoil whom ho called , n purirnli of Ills betrothed Instead of his business nud. saying ho rrpro q'tilod that establishment. The merchant examined It oirofully , re marked that It was a line establishment and expressed the hope to the blushing and n - tonished traveler that ho would soon bo ad mitted Into luitnershlp. Both the method mid results when Syrup of Fitfg ia taken ; it is plciisnut and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cflbcttmlly , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnstc and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. JOU1SVILLE KY. NFW VnPX H V A Written Guarantee to CURE EVERY CASE or _ . _ MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro In pcmum nt and not a patching up. Oiuos trratod llvo yearn nye have never neon a Brmptom ulnco. lly desrriblnijcaso fully wo can treat j-ou by mall , anila KVO ! the fiaulo ctroniy cuvranteo to euro or refund ull money. Thonovho pnifcr locomohiro for treatment can ilo so nnd wo will pay ral'roml faro both ways nnd hotel bills whllo hero If wo fall to cure. Wo chullcnKO the world for a cao that our M.U.IG KiMiDY : : lllnotcuro. Wrlto for full particulars aiU Ket Iho evidence. Wo know that ymi ere F'.eptleal , justly so , too , ns tiio mont eminent pity Iciandlmo never been nblo to cl\o moro thin ti'inporjry rcilcf. In our llvo years' prarllco wllh the JIAdlC 1IKMI.DY It hm been Hunt dlf.lctilt to overcome the prejud.ccs against all no-tailed Upocinc * . lint tinder our ptrong Kuanuttfo > on tdiouM hot ho llHto to try thH remedy. You take no tham'o of Joslng your money. Wu rntar- Aiiteo to euro or n funjo\ery dollar , and na wo hnre a reputation to protect , also financial backinof [ 33CO , . 000 , It U perfectly a.xfoto all \tlio will try the treat ment. HeretoforoyoitllftvobeonpuUInff upnn I paying out year money fur different treatments and although youaronotyLtcnrr nnono liai pild bae y ur mon- oy. I > onotwat > to anymoiomoncy until joti tilu. . Old chronic , deep ecate 1 trfso * cured in 33 to t > 0 day * , lit- vcullpito our financial standing , our reputation n.3 businessmen. Writousfor imniea and ndJrrgam of tho&o wo have cured v > ho have fl > en permission to ro- fertothcm. ItcosUjouonly p3s'ato to dotlihtlt wlllffiTcjou a w 01 Id of fcufTerlnff fn m menti 1st rain , and If you uri > mirrlrd what nwy your olNprlnfr puffer tin ouKh your own novllgcnro. If joursymptdinonro sore throat , mucous pi tlu1 * lu mouth , ihcnmitl.m In boncannd Joint * , Ji'iir filling out , or ipti nson nny part of tlto bod/jfecllnjf of c nenl dt pre Mun , pain ) in header ! > om > 9 , 51 u have no tl'iio to wa to. The o whonrocnn'.tanily ti ! 'nj ? m reniy in I pt t wn should discontinue It. C'onv. mttiat C thoiodruji v.i'lt.u-1 ' ly brlnii.oii3andoillntuier ! < lnth cnd. Don't full to urlta. AllcoT * pen Icm-o fMttnnlMl In plain PIIVI I opes. V.'o Invlto tu : > mo.trliul IrivLi.tl .iUojinml will do all In our p w < r to nil you In It. COOIt iVfi > r CO. , Omalm , Onuo 13th and Farn im , second Hour , citlronco 13thtft ONLY. S600 for a cnao of Lost or Fatlius Manlo } i , ( Jenerul or Nervous Debility , weakness of bodv or mind , the olTuot.s of errors or oxuosios InoliI or youiiK thut wo cannot euro. Wueuti- rnntoonvnryciiM. ' or refund every dollar. 11 vo duys trial tncitmi'iit $1 , full cotirsn So , " 1'or- cutllu ] ) ! heiioflts rotilUnil in thrru days. Ity mull , spcnrelv nuokrd from obsurv.itlon COOK RKMIi.br CO , OMA.H < \ NEa D LADIES ONLY MAHIP FKMALE REGULATOR , H.ifo and IllnUlU Curtain ton diiy < iriiioni > y n-fuiiilud. I'rloo by niitll 02. Soak1 I from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. . Omtihn. Nob. _ 1'ia tlcti Llmltud to- ( or 1'rlvatiO Anil Norvons Diseases of tha Reproductive Organs , including j > crmiiorf/ut'u iin < < J.uit Manhood. Patient * nuncrsqfully trontfil by < ! orre ponil- * iid > . Wrltu for nuc-stlon li < t. Oillcn. firn < > r Dth nJ Kurnam * trcuu , ( over U. I * Tli-kdt Ufllco ) Oinalia , Neb Best Pill On Eui-tlit Dr. llolili'n Llttlo VOKetahlo I'llU act Koutly yet iiromiitljr on thu laVKIi , KID. NliVSaiHjJIOWHI.S , I'livem uud clonntlug tbo syeteiu Ilior- ouKlily nnd thuy cura Imbltnal oonetlimtloa. They nro BURnr contod , do not erlpo , very onin'li ' cosy to tnko , ono pill n doeo , nnU nro purely veRolalilc. 4S rills In encli vlnl. 1'cr- ( ock dlKiiftlon fnllnws tbrlr 11911. Tlioy A I1SO HJTliLV OlJIIU SIOTk IIISAI > . \ < JIIC , indaro Itccoiiiniendcd ! > } l < oatttiir ( B'liy- llclan-4. Poreitloby clru nliU or root by mill , JO tents u vial or B lor 81.00. Addrosi iionu's MLDICIM : co. , props. Jia Francisco , Cal. Chicago , III TOlNVESTORS : I am ollorlnc u'oclc in a good sound com pany that will pay a SO par cent divklttnd. $100 sharus for $ U5. Wrlto for prospectus H BRY KEENB , Eoom 0 , Ger. AJnB'k ' Bldg.St. Joseph , Mo. W \ XTrPTnM-K § ? ' > " < ° e" " " > I'lnlen II Vi > 1.1.11'-UutluM Line. Hie oulr llnuomr mvented Hint holdi tlio c'oiliui Kithnutulni. n par- feet nuocuti p.tteuC yvccntlr Isiucil , > ld unly br rfcnu. tuvrhuinlhapxclunlvi > rmUi u niiwn un re- rulpt of tOcvnH no wllUund auiplu Jhio b ; mail oliu circular * uric * ll t uod lormi to niianu , trauro your terrltorr nt "oce AitJrrnTI1K I'INI.KSS CIXJTIIKd LINK CO. II Utrtaia SU , n I CANCERS , - SCROFULA , SALT RHEUM , RHEUMATISM , BLOOD POISON. tnctio nnd every kindred dlonso Arising from hiiuro | ) l > lood Bilcccsafully treated by that nowr-falllne nud bvst of nil tonics nnd uiodlclncs , Hooka on Blood nud Skin Dfjcapoa free. IVIntcd testimonials font on application. Address 8 Swift Specific Co , , ATLANTA. CA. mmlilo tlio dyspeptic ' wifthi- * . Tlii-'y riiuxii tlio 1 nnd iiniirNh the liixly , Rive npprtlto , and DEVELOP FLESH. Office , 39 & 41 Park Place , Now York. Vi'o mnkn moro poi-oni plasters tlian all other milkers In this country oomtiliiPil , IH'CIUI"O Hid npprrrlnte tlio ini'r > ttlial i < Tl t9in our frou , 4 IIKNSON'S 13 tint only n v dlolnul planter for liousc- liolil iifli' , nil otlicrs buhiK weak Imitations , ( let the Genuine. BOCTOS , T'THl-l Sl K Mtleon Vcnri" V.iperltn i > In tlm Treatment of ( iunurrlucn , ( ilo't Strlctnro. tfyidillli , I.ott Man luiud. nnd nil IIHnnlura ( if the luxunl ) ! n i Skin Nl crMC * * ninl I'Vinalo . ljidlL5 Dlscji o.-f ) fiom 2 to 4 only. Dr Me < iru\v's Hiit'coj1 * In llio treatment or rrlvati'Dliu.itm luis nuxer lieen cqiinlloil Hooks und i lioul.-irn vlll.K. Treatincnl by u > irj < | > omlcnc3. tlico , 14th an I Faruam StJ. , Omaha , Nob. Knlranct ! on oltlier troot. H fl P M T A" SAN "AI.\VMTiTrAT'sUCks ( nro tim IJ IS IIII I A t)2t ninl only C.IHIIM | | proicrltx'tt br uuwu i n rmuilr phy-nchuu for tlio euro of tionorrluui nnil ilhiiiruofrom ] the urinary orKun , Inherlti'd or iuMtilre | < l , $ 'f\ \ i > or DOT. All ilrtiKKl tii. Wo Bend thn marx'lniin Frencli f Kcmnly CALTHOS frrt ; anil a f Uv.il cuarantcn tli.it C'ALTIIUJI will , 4'1 b.irrmuliirrhf | > urlpucelo , und UF.sroiti : l.o t Vlfor. I ' / / anil fay ifsatiiffil. AJlrm VCN MOHLCO. , 8ul9 .IniiTlran i roU , ClurianBU , Ohio. Gchifiinann'o Asthia noTer/uifotoclvo t.u.'inr'K / in tn wont s ; lnsurcl com * ofTceta OUTQ3 . ctborjfail. A tru I foncinres tfts jnott iLtptical. I'rlco. 50 cti , nJ Cl.CO. of DnujWi or > > r mail. S nrla , FREE for fjitunp. DR. R. SCHrFPTltAKIi'.St.LPanl.aiinn. FOR THE FOLLOWING GOOD REASONS : Because MIDLAND is the BEST Package Coffee in the market. SE1GONP. Because MIDLAND being composed of such highly flavored Coffee it needs less quantity to make a good cup of coffee than other brands. THIRD. Each purchaser of MIDLAND COFFEE lias an equal chance in sharing in the $1,000 PREMIUM to be distributed September' ist. For further luu-ticulnrs SKK NOTICE in ouch piii'knpo of ColToo. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR MIDLAND COFFEE ! AND TAKE NO OTHER. Du. T. rr.M.x i > nitAr * OUIINTAI : UUKAM , Olt JIAUIOAI. HKAMIMIIK. * , I'Jmpitf * , Fn ck- ,1 jd Sfct A. I * " * ' Moth rjitclii" * , KAilinnilKkln 'D M n C -\jft liaeuw , aiiii o\iiry bU-nuah on L1" % ! ! fcVvi * ' * " Xj-xlnttUtr , RDlt ( llflt1 * ! Uili-vtlon. It hat ttuixi the tci > t of 10 u- * . and t it so rn.lt'Mn uutett trt haplll ltl'4iinj > - crly nmite. Ai-ivit | no cuunti'ifi'lt ot efnillnr n itmt. Dr.L. A. Snjtr fiilit to a Judy of thutmiit-ton ( /ijmtlt'nt ) "A iou /litulhiumful / of all ' the pkln pirjMtiA * llon . ' * For nk'liy nil ] ) iru'k'l I.H niitl Kittcy OooiU U al- era In fho .rnl.0'1 ' Plntcd , ( 'Anft.l.ifi nn < I Knrupi- Jt'KHU.T. noi'Kl.NS.rroD'r.g/difatJoui'sSt. . X. Y fflorpliinr * Iltiltlt cur [ tiri lOtoliodfcyi Nopartlllcnrtd. DR J 6TEFUCNB Ltbanin O FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE and permanent CURE for all dlseaaeiottho URINARY ORGANS. Cure * where othortrcatment ( ails. Full directions with each holtlo. Price , ona dollar. See signature of E. L STAHL FO'Oalo By All Cnolly , Quickly , Pormnnontly Restored. " \Veitkiivn * , JV > rvoiiPinc Iluttlltty * nnd nit tlio trnln of evils from early crrorsorlatcr excewiGi , the roaults of overwork , Plckncss , worry , etc. Ktill etrcngth , dovelopnicnt , anO tone ctvon tu every oiyan and portion of the tmdy. Htinplo , untural methods. ImniedlAto Inipntvenicnt wen. Fnlliira Intpos iblo .MNHJ rcfcrenceit. Hook , oxplaunttona nncj proofa innllcd ( scaled ) froo. A < ldrev.s ERIC MEDICAL. CO. , BUFFALO. N. Y itchcftUrV Klifll h Plumond Ilfpnd. Orfgtnnl ami Onlj Genuine. * * rC , ftlWSJl rtliftblC. LADICB Mk : iit for Ciekt t rt Rtiatti d //rmttl In lied and ( JoU n x * * . B fal o l with blue ribbon Take o uthcr * Krfittt itangtrom < tt&ifiu * orn anU imitation * At Drueni ti , or irnit 4f > . In Umpi f > r p rilciiUri , ti-itlmonUU &u4 'KcHcf for Rille , "in * < r ( r , by return Mall. 1O.UOO 'nnlmouUlV.im * I'aytr. , . ' loM > j all Local Drugjlil. . 1'hllftdiv. . O G § 0G 0T. Catarrh QQ M in a vtry ihoit Q ( T. d tin , F v r from thrvc to five U ) days , Eiriohs instlntly ; SOo per Bottle. ALLAN LINE , KOVAL .MAIL STI'AMSIlU'o' , MONTREAL and QUEBEC To DERUY iiucl LIVERPOOL CA1I1N , J.W to Rill. Acrunlliiff to Steamer unil locution of Htutoroom. IntonniMllulu ninl Stoi'rnK" ) at low rutoi. NO UATTI.K CAIllllii : ) . G rp n WE * I siiiivtOK OK 3 JL Jti. JL Jj L JVIUlkAN UIJiQ LINK. STEAMSHII'S. NKW YORK nnd QL \ - > OO\V. vlrt Loiitloiulorry , nvory Fortnight. 2.1nl Jiily.STATi : OK CKOIIOIA , 11 A M AUKIialCth , 8TATK Ol * NKVADA. 10 A. M. AIII ? . U th. Sl'ATK OK NnilUAMCA , ! ! A. M CAIIIN. M5 ii | > . Itutiirn , > " ' < SlooniKii il Apply to AT.TiAN .V CO. . Chlcnifo. 11.1C. MOOUUS. Wnbnsh Ticket Onioo. \V. f. VAIL , HurllUKloii Tloiut Olllou 1 einale lleanslhe most powerful fcinalerr iiliitnr 1'er * fectly fs. Never fat ) . $7. iioitpalil. bendac ( ttampoi ) particulars. Aildreii LION DRUG CO. , llultalo. N. Y. KorSnlo by Ouudninn Iriil' ( < > . Omnlin , Not ) Only Exclusive Special Newspaper Train West of the Lakes. SIXTY MILES AN HOUR. Making all Union Pacific and Connecting Points Right to Twenty-four Hours A/iead of all Competitors , Residents of Interior Points Want to Read a. Sunday Daily on Sunday , They Must Have The Bee. All A ciosdealers Sell It , THE HbllS FJ YISK TIMIil OA.UID : GILMOBB , 3:20 : a.m BENTON 6:17 : a.m PAHLLION 0:27 : ii.m WARRAOIC 6:23 : u. m R1ILLARD 3:37 : a.m COLUMBUS 6:3O : n.rn 1HURSTON 3:42 : a.m OAYUGA 5:38 : n.m BLKHORN 3-AQ n.m IJUNOAN 6:45 : a.m WATERLOO ' . 3:62 : a.m GARDNER 6:6O : a.m VALLEY 4OO : n.m SILVER GREEK 5fa : ? n.m MERGER 4:10 : w.m HAVENS 0:05 : a.m FREMONT 4:10 : n.m CL A F < KS O:13 : n.m SANDBERG 4:23 : n.m THUMMEL O:23 : n.m AMEi 4:30 : n.m CENTRAL CITY 6:35 : n.m NORTfl DEND 4:4O : n.m PADDOCK 0:40 : turn BAY STATE 4:45 : n.m GIIAPMANS O6O ; a. in ROGERS 4:56 : n.m DOOKWOOD 6:5O : ti.m SOHUYLER 6O6 : a.m GRAND ISLAND 7:1O : n.m LAMBERT 5:11 : a.m At Qraud Island THK JJKE'S Flyer connects with the early tr.itn on the St. Jos. ipH ( tnd Grand road and BOOH nro HeutflylnijluHaolci to Hulvicloru , D.ivMuport.-Duiitiilcui , Edyar , K.ilrbury , Fair , fluid , and Stuulo City , MoCool Junotlon , & Mtllig in , H carried from K.ilrhury by frnlcht train on K.C.Ac O , H. U. ; IKbron ia wuppHed from Holvide.-o by liorsii route , n dlitancti of 14 miUi. At Cjlumbus connection Is made with a train for PHttu Center , Humphrey , Madison , NorfulU , NVayno and Wakefleld , At Urand Island also a fast freight Is o.iufht whiohsuppltns Elm C'roolc , Gibbon , Qnthnnburi ; , Kunr. ney , Luxiiigtoii , Shel-on , Wood Uivur uid North Platto. THK HEE reaches the last mantlonud plaoaat 2:80 p in. ItavouUbo rivals tumbl i In their nt 0:26 : at night , sovsn hours latsr. It la ton latu to road th Tn th-maud th y .irmx-cordlnKlv ilt livur id n xt monuu { , wh-m th y arealiuiit twmity-eiBht hour' ol I A' ' .l" . r i'r. "U lir > pacUi - f THE I Kf. ir.Uimwit x'l 1 T 8 rum .burg and < sou'1,1 ' , which ara Cjiiv y < J utr i - > i miry a 1 e'aii ' i I twunty-uvo mi > by ilIK IJ ' K' * Waion rnuto til in i > -i | > ) ; tlio only Hand iy j p-r re hm ( ; tnt'iii jn th' d iy of jiubti > it.vii Kit . .t-rtun r uupnliecl by hurso route from Cla irrj , adlsr mo > ' f lUteeix milcj , wlu"ii clve thj peipte there t > u uu.y bunday paper they uvur had on thu d iy of public jt i < u.