Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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    THJE OMAHA DArJUX BE&S , FKTUAY , JUI/Y 17 , 1891.
Wheat Opened with Every Condition in
Favor of Bears.
Jlnplil Advance of Corn In New York
with IlccciptH Ilclnw the Aver-
C Onts Qitlpt/-Actlvlty
In IloiulH.
CliiCAno , July IB. Wlinnt opined wltli til-
moHtuvory condition In favor cif tlio bonrs ,
peed Munttior , liberal rerolntd and wi-ak
cnblcR nil led to dhcoiiraRCiiioiit on tlio pirt :
of holders nnd there was n BtrotiR jolilns
prcKsiiro for nn hour or BO uftcr the opening ,
which carried tliu prices off ? ia from last
nU'ht'aclosuand It looked fora tlniona tnotiKh
fltlll loner prices worn Inevitable , but thlswns
prevented by purehaHes to protuut puts. The
weakest foatiiro purlmps , was thu fioo Iliiulda-
tlon of July wheat which has been held In
anticipation of f > iuoivu [ In that
month , With this hope Rene It
was linns on the market rceklessly
nntl fell from Hj'io early to 8l o and o'trrlcd '
Dccumber down with It from Brt'io early to
KiJic. After the July IOIIRS had liquidated
and scllliiK presiuro was removed them was a
( liilck recovery and July sold back to SJiio nnd
DcL-umljiT to 8fi ? o ,
t'nblus were poinowhnt corilllctliij ; . Coun-
Dolman A. Day had n illHpateh say'.nK . " 1'arls
opened cas cr. but brcamo stron and recov
ered all the decline. " On tlie other hand
Ilatoly Hiothers'cable quoted Paris , London
nnd Antwerp demoralised. I'ardrldBO.Cudnhy
nnd a number of other blp shorts took ad-
rniit.-iRoiif tlm break to cover a blj ; line of
nhoit wheat. This bnylnu' became hO sharp
that thu hcalpers , who liiiil sold short so frcolj- ,
bet-amo alarmed nnd be an to buy In.
The advance In corn about the sumo
time helpc'd to Klvo strength to wheat. The
market continued strona after the noon hour ,
iHilwItliHtmiillnit nnfavorablo cablps. The
board of trade's dispatch ( | Uotrd I'arls and
Ilerlln as both lower , but this was lost sliiht of
In view of the sharp upturn In corn and the
advance In pork. Shorts covered freely anil
December sold up to Mj ; c , anil at 1 o'ciock was
about MJ'ie. 1'ardrldRO begun to put out a
short line and the advance was chceUed , but
another rally carried the price to 87c , and the
clofo wi B "Jo under that.
Corn started at about yeslorlays close.
Krow weak und fold oir some but the demand
boon | IICKIIHM ; | null Now Vork belim hiKher ,
e.spt'elally for July , the market hero strenjith-
cnod and there wns a rapid advance. The re
ceipts \\erc about seventy c'ire below the esti
mates , nnd tomorrow only 4'J ' I ears are ox potod.
Tlieso ears ere factors In the streiiKth which
continued. There was also a sharp demand
for cash , No. liselllmr up to liicnnd No. 1 ! yel
low to lili1. The talent was not scared anil
hulpod alotiK the lmlji > by covurlnK their
sales , foptemboropencil at r > 17e , sold oil' to
filitc. then milled to.V.e { anil rlo-ii-d atflU'.e.
Oats weto rather uulet , weaker and prices
ranucil lower and closed with a net loss of He
on July , IBC on August and steady on Seutom-
ber. \voiuiiospeclalfeaturesdovelopod ,
few orders helne on the market. Provisions
opened hl heron smaller receipts of ho s than
was expected , and an advance of lOe In prices
lit the vards. and a strnun feeling was devel
oped , especially in pork and rll ) .
The story that I'rjinco was about to remove
thoenibiircoon hov products started It , and
with every advance shorts eome'ln to cover.
Itciini and I'nnlrlilgo lioualit freely , and there
was a steady advance In September pork to
{ 11,10. This was followed by a recession to
ho.h7'5. but the close was at JIOHTii , against
JIO..r,4 at the close yesterday. Suptemberlard
Bhows a Knln of l"c and ribs oft'e. ' .
The leadlni ; futures ranged as follows :
ii Canli iiiotntlons | worn us follows :
Kr. tut Oulot anil unclinn--uil.
WllUAT No. 2 sprltu wheat , 8fl'io : No. 3 ,
prlirwliuat , tOBS iio : No. 2 rod , Sic.
CORN No. 2. due.
OATH No. 2 , 3.Vfl35soi No. 2 , whlto. 40i ! ®
4icNo. : t , white , :
IlYK No. . 7hC.
HAHLKV No. 2 , noinlnnl ; No. 3 , nominal ; No.
4 , noinlnnl.
I'r.AXSKKD No. 1 , $ I.05V { .
TIMIITIIV SHED PrlniL' , 41.2531.2(1. (
I'OIIK Moss pork , ucr liurrol , JO.SO : Inrd ,
pcrc-wt. , } a4uS ; .421'i ! sliort ribs slclus , ( loose ) .
* fl.50@i1.)5 ! ; dry snlUMl sliouldor-i ( boxed ) , t5.33 ®
6.35 ; short oloir : sides ( uoxcdl , K.HOIi.11.93.
WIIIHKV Ulstlllors' flnlshod goods , tier nal-
lon , JI.IO.
BuflAiis Cut loaf , nnclmnvoil.
Kecolpts nnd shipments today were as fol
lows ;
On the produce oxehnngo today , the butter
market was llrm und unchanged. EBBS , * 15JJ
© lc. ( !
Now York markets.
NKW YOIIIC , July Ki.-Ki.ouit Receipts , 1S.I1KJ
packages ; ovpoits , it.7.V ; > hniicls ; 2,51,0 sucks ;
Iioaxy , unsettled , moderately nctlvo ; sales ,
SJ.WJ ) bnriols.
COUN MIAI , I'irni , fnlr doinnnd.
WHEAT Itocolpts , H4i : 0 bushels ; exports.
158,077 bushels ; sales , li',002OOU biikhels of fu
tures ; SJIH.OO ) Imshuls spot. Spot market ac
tive , unsettled , lower ; No. 2 red , O.M < 3r ! > ' .io
In Htoru i-nd uluvator : DIUfiOfi'jc allont : HI1 ! ®
GlXi'io f o.b. ; ungraded led , OIUe4iJI.04 ; iNu. 1
northern to arrive. 11.04 ; No. 1 hard to ar
rive , Jl.u.V I\o , a ( Jhloiigo , Wic. Options du-
ollned iitt'JJiu on largo receipts , nasy cables ,
line crop n oatlier and favoraulo crop reports ,
rallied Mi'aO on oxpi rt doinnnd and covering
by shorts hcio and at the west , closing llrm at
the best prices of the ( lav. or 'nftl'ie ' below
S't-storday ; No , ' ' led , July , Olla ( ii0.1iio. closing ,
li ! < - : AiiKiist. ItiHttKliir. closing , 0.1.1,0 ; Hep-
tembor. 027-lUTtOll4e , closing , 0.1'4i' ' ! October ,
KWSOIHc. closlmr , Ullto ; November , Dl'iW '
DfiJie. Closing , 01nSo : Decemhor. OSJiS'.iG o ,
closing. IKiJuci .Innunry , orsffi'-i' ' c , closing.
B7fo ; May , fl.Ofl'afjil.Olfi , closing , tl.ul * . ,
Kin-Steady , < iulot.
llAiu.KV Quiet ; malt. dull.
1'OIIN llocelpts , aO.OUO bushels' oxnorts. 102 ,
GM ) bUHhels ; miles. lill,00u : ( bushels of futures ,
27ono bushels of spot. Spot market hl.-her ;
dull ; scarce ; No. 2. i.Hio In elevator ;
7UiSi740 ! ntlout ; uni'radod mixed. 71ttMc ) ; No.
1 , white , . H.'c. Options optmed UHOHo down
with whent. advanced lU < 32liu on local cov
ering , full fnSIl'SO ' on rcall/.lng and closed
steady lit Uftl'io over ycsterdny ; July (17J ( (
B70e , closdig , ( .87o ; August. U tUWiiC ,
clostntr. 6l\u ; Septembur , ( .mKill-Sic , closing ,
Sliio * October sS Jiii.lO c. oloslng , & 0ic ; Decem
ber , r > : ! W.-'iO , closing , 52ic.
OATS Hecolpts. 08,000 busholsi oxports. 4SS
bushels ; snles , 110,000 bushels of futures ; 1U-
UOO bniilieU of spot. Spot mnrket stronger ;
unsettled. Opt.ons sternly aim dull ;
July , IMc , closing nt aMic ; yontomber ,
32Sc. closing , U2SOJ No. 2. white , July. 48o ;
ipot. No. 2 whljc , 5.'lo : iiilxcd western.
4lffil7e : whlto western. 4s4tOIc ; No 2 Chicago ,
I\AV \ uiilct. stonily.
lloi'tt Knsy , quiet ; state , common to
choice , lKi--'o ; I'aclllu coast , IhA22e.
Cort-KB uptlons opened mundy nnd un-
chungod to 10 points up , closing steady un
changed to 10 points up : Rales , 211HJO bags , in
cluding : July. fH.'Mbl7.Uj ! ; August. * ID. < U ;
hoptombcr. il.V4Ktil5.r > 0 ; October. tl4.W.ani.H ( ;
November. { U.OMSII..O : li-comberia73V ) ia.bO ;
March , fl.l.55 ; spot , Itlo , llrm , ijulet ; fair
cargoes , lOKiu ; No. 7,17ic.
SUOAH Haw llrmur , fairly notlvo ; fnlr
rcllnlng. 2 l5-icx3yu ; centrifugal , 1)0 ) test , U 7-akj ;
Bales , 22.MXI liags centrifugals. OJ test , ut
! ! 7-lua ; 4,7:12bugs : molaiisessu ar at20-ltiofor
b7 test nnd 2 1-ltlo for & > test ! 4,503 tons domes-
tlo mulai-ses siuar at 2 l-so ; rullnod active ,
llnniiri No. D , U U-lilui No. 7 , U'.o ; No. M ,
II l.-10o ! No. u , y u ; No. 10. IISo ; No. II. iliio ;
No. 12 , ; i > > eoirA ; , I l-UVSl : i-lCo ; inoulil A ,
40-lt'o ; htiuulard A , 4Sir confcutlonors A ,
45-lt ) ; cut loaf , 5'ic ; crnsbpd , 5\ic \ ; powdered ,
4 11-lCo ; graniilatod , 4 7-ii4illici cubes. 4 7-ltio.
Mii.A"Ms ) : roielgn , nominal ; New Orluntis ,
quiet and stimdy ,
KICK-ID fair demand und llrm ,
I'KTiioi.t.UM-Qulot , I'ut steady ) united
closed ut l > 4V > for August.
l on ON MKII : OH. Quiet.
TALUMV l-'irin , quiet.
Timi-K.STiNh Moio active , but lower , COliO
S7Uc , Sales 400 bancU
Kiis- ; ( Dull ; western , 17)Q18o ) ( | receipts ,
ISO.'I ) packages.
lliuus btundy.
I'OIIK I'lrm , fnlr dcmnnd ; old mess , (10,23
OII.25 : now mi'ss , * r.MXiitl2.5J. )
CUT MUATH-Qulot. llrmer ; pickled bollloi ,
7c ; pick eel shou.dcrH , tXuOKio ; plcUlcd haum ,
\iinin.V.s-I'lriuer , quiet ; short clear , Sep
tember , W.7J , , ,
IMHU Kalr demand nnd firmer : Vfestorn
itcum , ( iXOAt tulcK. 4.000 tlerccsi July , ift.3 ,
closlutr , | fl. lV .Otfi uijujt , WiW oj j ti BU'iu-
brr. M. ! KM.ft2 , closing. M.80i Octobflr. fo.88 ®
0.80. closing , Ifl.M ) ; Doccml or , cloilnr , 17.06.
HUTTEII ynlot , cany : wcitern dairy , U4tI4o !
wrstorn creamery , IfUlbci western factory
ll 14cj Elglni , 18o.
CIIEERE Active , ( Irm : imrt skims. ? ( lKc.
I'm IHON Quiet , uncbungodt American ,
. . . Dull , weak ; Inko , July , 117.70 ,
I-KAl ) Nominal ! domestic. 14.45.
Tin-Quint , llriii ; utralts , 120.45.
KntisnB City Mnrkctn.
KANSAS Oirr , JIo. , July 10. KLoun Wonk
nnd unclmiiRcd.
\VIIKAT l.nwor ; No. 2 linrd , cnali , and No.
2 led , cauli , 7Ro bid j July , 75'4U bid.
Conn Lower ; No. 2 , cusn , & 3ic ; July , KIHo
OATS Lower ; No. 2cnib , 3lc bid ) July , 30c !
llxr rirm , unchanged.
HUTTKII atcitdy , uncliungod ,
KnOB Weak ntlOc.
UIIRUHK Stondy , iinclmnscd.
Wool/ Dull , unchanged.
llKir.iirrt : Wheat , IMKHJ ; corn , 7,00 ( > .
Smi'ME.NTB Wheat. 1U.SOO ; corn , 7,300.
St. Ijotils JVlnrkutn.
BT. T.oum. Mo. , July IB. WHEAT firmer !
caili , Nlf i > bid ; September , KJUc.
COUN Higher ; cash. f > 7'5c ' ; s-ep onibcr , 60Jc.
OATS Wi'nk ; cash. 3V3JCc ; Julf , 3tc.
route Higher ; flo.87'i. '
I.AIID l-'lrnicr all .10.
I.tvEiiroou July IB. WHEAT Dull , dcmnnd
poor ; holders nlTor moderately.
COUN Steady , demand poor.
UACON , f. ' < per uwt for long clear middles ,
about 43 Ibd
. > larkctfl.
, WIs. , July 18. WHEAT rirm ;
No. 2 spring , cash , fvMv September , fcllii.- .
CoitM Stronger ; No. 3. cash , SOc
DATs Easier ) No. 2 \\hite , 41'ic.
Gliicliinutl MarketH.
CINCINNATI , O. , July 1C. WHEAT Lower
to sell ; No. 2 red , USTe.
COUN Strong ; No. 2 mixed. ClftGSc.
OATS Strung ; No. 2 mixed , 41JJC.
WHISKY Stu.'idy. _
Toledo Grain .Market.
TOLEDO , O. , July 111. WHEAT 1'lrmer ; cash ,
July and August , Mlljo.
COUN l-'lrin ; cash , 0 c.
OATS- Quiet ; No. 2. white 43c ; No. 2 , August ,
2Sc. ! _
MlnncapollH l lour Out pur.
MiNNBAi'or.H , Minn , July -1G. The North
western Miller says : A"s a result of more of
the mills being In motion the Hour output
showed an Increiiho of 35,000 barrels for last
week. The sixteen mills running ground nl-
togelhcr 13',2C ) > .r > barrels , against 101.720 barrels
Iho previous week , L'.MOJ ' barrels for the eur-
reipondlng time In IS'Jti , and 112'JIO ' barrels In
ltl. * ! .
There Is omo Improvcniunt In the Hour
market. Some of tlio mills have the past
week sold thulr output , but It was \ory.Iow
prices as compared with tlio cost of wheat.
Millers are disposed to hold their customers at
all events. Atoro or less patents are disposed
rf for export ,
The foreign demand for bakers Is much loss
active thana few months back , whllo com-
paintlvely little Is being done In low grade" .
as our mills nro understood to bo unwilling to
hell. Krulght rates continue quite fuvor.iLle.
All through rates nio understood to bo In the
market at I0c per 1UO pounds to l/ondon and
2&iO ! to Liverpool and tHasgow. The Soollno
Is also making an all rail nun of 'iOc to Now
England points und 17e to Montioal.
The oxpoit shipments from Minneapolis
Inst week ucro 32b40 barrels , against 4H30
barrels the preceding week. London quota
tions for 2So potindi are : 1'ateiits , 3Us Cd ;
bakers' , 2tis ( il < a'-7s ( id ; low irradcs , Ids.
NKWVoiiK July la TliOBcnoral Indisposi
tion tooucrato In the stock market has grown
to such pioportlons that oven the traders are
complaining that the UuutuaUons are -insuni-
clent to alt'oid a chance of prodt on olthcisdo !
und the oiitsldn public arc out entirely. BO
that the commls-ilon busliics- , transacted Is
almost nothin ? . Notwithstanding this theio
Is a general confidence In the future and no
Inclination to pirt with tliolr holdlnrs Is de
tected on the pint of the ureietit owners of
American Mcunrltlcs , and the bear manipula
tion seems to have for Its object ilioro the
making of opportunities to pick up stocks
than to coor to short contracts ,
The advices from abroad go to show that
there Is a much hotter feeling on the other
sldo of the ocean and that American securi
ties are looked upon with great fivor. The
Into purchases for foreign oven though thov
mo limited have an Influence to create confi
dence hore. The beginning of the movement
of now cropland the woukur tone to the for
eign exchanges have done away cntlroiy with
the gold export scare and nothing Is now
heard of It on the street.
The dullness und sta-'iintlou In the market
toUuy were eiitlul to unythinghcon of Into and
the trading was n > ere barren of feature than
for months The only Important movement
was the doiillno In Cordage while no anima
tion was shown In any thing else traded In.
The Invitation jt the postmaster general
for bids for carrying the malls helped 1'aoiflc
Mall ut tlio opening , but Its Inllucnco wns
boon lost , though thcro wns : i final gain o ( the
stock of n small fraction. llurUii-toii showed
evidence of moro Interest thin any other
stock on the regular list , though St. I'aii1. as
usiml , was moro active , but In neither wns the
extreme lluctuutlon for the day for more than
u fraction. The general market opened firm
under the influence of u few forcln buying
orders , but became heavy Immediately , losing
almost all the advantage , and while presentIng -
Ing u firm front during the afternoon the
changes In quotations were so Insignificant
that the final changes were for the smallest
fractions only , nxeopt In Cordage , which Is
down Ui percent.
The close was dull and steady at the figures.
Hallroad bonds weio equally as dull and
lifeless i.s stocks today though u little i-har-
aotor was given to the trading by the activity
and stiength In Atchlson Incomes which ,
however , rose only u binall fraction. The
sales reached 10H.OOO out of a total of only
} 57'COO Cor the dav. A firm tone resulted In
gcnor.illy higher llgnics , but the gains are In
nil eases Insignificant.
Government bonds uorodull nnd firm.
State bonds dull and steady.
The following are the closing quotations
for the loading stocks on tne New York stock
oxrhangotoday ;
The total sales of Mocks today were 5.1.404
shares. Inolnilliig Atchlson , 4,120 ; Chicago Uas ,
a,510 | St. I'atil MOOi Union I'aclllc , 2lJU. )
YOIIK , July 1ft. The Test ys : If any
body Is still nnensy over tint chances of slirlit
money later on In the year the present policy
of the city hunks ought to roassuio him ,
These Institutions nro husbanding their re
sources with u carefulness wry unusual. One
of them Is showing no dt-slio to put money
Into commercial transactions and In thu mar
kot. l-'or tlmo loans only the very best
borrowers , backed by dividend paying collat
eral , uro receiving accomodatlon ut regular
The result Is that merchants are forced to
ralso money from out of town banks and bor
rowers In uenoral do it hand to mouth busi
ness In thu loan market , which Is u strong In
ducement to them to keep out of aetlvo spoo-
ulntton In stocks.
Uf course this fcmwluulows nn unusually
largo supply of money which will bo uval-iblu
for tlmo lonns tutor on , when the hanks regu
lar customers conio Into thu market , u supply
which wlll.for Inntuncc. promptly nccommo-
duto thiicull for money from thejlnterlorcltlcs.
Thu b inks ut thi'.e points uro poor. Monov is
already beginning to How buck toward Chicago
cage nnd the not gains of our banks from this
Interior movement have probably already
ceased. No doubt this means higher call
money rates u month or two hence , but It
means also that nokquvozi ) In money uucd bo
anticipated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now York .Monoy Mnrkot.
NEW YOIIK , July 10. Mo.Nisr ( ! N OALL Easy
ranging from Hi to 2 percent ; lust loan 2 per
cunt , closing offered at t per cent.
I'IUUB MKUOANTII.B I'Ai'iu 5HQ7 percent
Bjii jjia Kxgui m-yuiy uua ntflauviU
14.84V for ilxtr day bllli and ttMU tor de
The following rroro tlio closing price * or
bonds :
U. H. 4i , ; < M. K. AT. 6t , . . . . . . .
U. 8.4 > , coupon iinW MuttiRl Union As. . . . 101h
4Ht , r lilcrod..IOoU N. J. Cent Int Cart. . 10.1
| . rouponi ICWJt Northern l' c. liti. , us
rnciiio , e > of 'Pi 110 do2di. . , . . . , 112
I.oul lnn Stump ( . . M Northnast' i-oniols. . I3S
Tennessee N. 8. Cs..101 dodebenlnre 5i. . . , 11)1 )
do i W St. I A I. M. ( Jen. ( s , 87
do .Is r } > 4 HU U AS. K. Men. M. 101
CimndfiHouthorn 2di 7H St. I'Mil consols '
t'cntrnl I'ncino tits..105 Ht. I * . C. A I' . lit . . . 111'
I ) . All.0.1st 1IIH T. I' , T O. Tr. llctn. . f9
ito tn 7BX T. I' . II. fJ. Tr. llcls. .
Den. .T U. O , W. l ts. . 7O | Union I'nclfloliti , . . , -1W.W
Krle2i1s 117,14 , West Shore. . . , .iwh
M. K. AT. ncn'IBs. . . 7(1 ( 1
HoHton Stock Market.
NORTON. Jinn. , July 10. The following were
the oloilnpprlces on the lloiton stock market
Denver Mining Stocltn.
nexvEit. Colo. . July 18.- Very coed busltiesi
In nilnlnt ; ntouks toduy with -7,100 slinrc
sold. Kill low InK are tlio closing guotnttons o (
tiiu stock oxcliutiRo :
San I''rnilhco 3tln UK Quotations.
SAN KIIAXCISCO. July 10.-The olllclnl closini ;
onotatlons for inlntug stocks today wore us
follows :
Altn ia Ophlr 27 : .
llulwcr SO I'otosl -"Ji
lift A Helcbor 170 KavnKO 110
llodlo Consolidated. . M Sierra .Vevnda 'J)5
Cnulliir 14U Union Con 175
Con Cnl. , V Vii 52'i lltnh K
Crown Point 'M Yellow Jacket 140
( Jould i. Curry 110 Coin 4.F >
Hnlo.V Norcross. . . .15.1 N. Q 15
.Mexican iia II. I W
Now York Mining Quotations.
NEwYoiiK. July 10. The followln ; nro the
closing mining stock quotnt ons :
Alice i.w Ontario . 3800
Adams ISO lymouth . 17ft
Atipiin vyo
Con Cnl , V Vn . ' . blerru Novudn . 200
Ilnlu A Norcrons. . . . HO Standard . 100
llomc'Ktnku 1100 Union Con . 175
Hum Silver 3.15 Yellow Jacket . 140
.Mexican 175
[ joiido i block Market.
.f. July IK. Closing nt4 p. m. :
Consols , money. . . . ! i57.ii | Krlo 2'H 100' ' $
Consoln , account. . . 'J5li Hi llllnolH Central. . . .
U. S.4s. Meilcnn onllnnry. .
U. S t'is ' JSt. I'nul common. .
N. V. I' . A O. Ists. . M > XN. | Y. Central 102 ( < j
Cnnndlnn 1'nclllu. . . SIX Uondlntf 1471
ItAliSlLVEH 48'icl ' per ounce. Unto of dis
count , three months , 1V&percent. .
St. Ijonia Minim ; Quotations.
ST. Louis. Mo. , July K ! . There wns not
much trad 1111 : on the mining exchange this
morning and prices were Kcnorally unchanged.
The following hids weremadeon cad :
AdnniH I'.O Kll/abeth 172) )
( intnltu fountain..1200 Vilinii It )
.MiintroBo syi
FiniMiclal .Noti.-H.
NEW YOKK. July 16. C'lcarlnss , fC9,430,2S4 :
tinlnnccs. M.701,283.
HO.-TO.N , .Mass. . July li. ( Clearines , J15il2.C49 : ;
balances. ? 1,005,0.17. Monov. HWlii per cent ,
I'HH.Amu.i'iiIA. July Ki-Clcarliigs. J12,408,4'J8 ;
balances. tl.O .IHO. Money. 4 per cent.
IlAt.Tiuoiti : , JUl. . July 10. clearings , $2.174-
402 : balances , $250.1K3. Money. 0 per cent.
CIIICAOO , July 10. Now York exchange ,
125o ! premium. Money , steady nnd un
changed. Sterling exchange sternly und un
changed , ut f4.S5'forslxty day bills und R87i !
for sight drafts. L1lo.irlius..l,77lt'OJ. |
KANSAS Crrv , Mo. , July lG.-Cloarings , ! . -
OINCINNATI. O. , July 10. .Money easy ; 520
percent : Now York exchange , 4u cents dis
count. Clearings , $2,1 7,100.
Rank : of ICn laiiil liullion.
IiOKDON , July 10. The bullion In the Hank
of England decreased ill,150,000 during the
past weok. The proportion of the Hank of
Lngl.-ind's reserve to liability which last week
was 40.24 per cent Is now 48.0 per cent.
' 1 ho amount of bullion cone Into the Hank
of England on balance today ( si'f.OOO.
London Oil .Market.
per gal.
ANTWEIIP , July 10. I'KTIIOLKUM Fine lOf ,
\SlYtO \ cntlmcs paid und sellers.
Paris Hank ilcport.
PAIUS , July in. Tlio weekly statement of
the Hank of Kr.incu shows an Ineruaso of
12.'J75lvOO francs In gold und u decrease of
2,1)30,000 ) francs hi silver.
1'arlH Konti.-H.
I'AUIS , July 10. Three per cent rentes Ojf
for the account.
New York Dry ( iooils Sfnrkot.
NEW YOIIK. July 10. lluslncss In dry goods
presents Increasing Interest causing more
activity all along the lino. ( Jood western buy
ers am In the market and bought principally
In staple cottons- . Agents uiu shipping goods
on haok orders with energy. There was noth
ing new to elleet pilces In the tone of "tho
TradLTH' Talk.
ST. Lotus. July Ki. r.angenliur Hiothors to
Coukroll Druthers : The following was the
rniigti of prices on this market , today :
( JHICACO , July IB. Schwnrt7 , Dupco and Mc-
Uorniluk to K. U. Hwnrtz it Oo. : The wheat
innrkot hns been very aetlvo todny , opening
% ory wealc and closing very strong. The gen
eral expectation wnsthnteontlnoiital markets
\xnild bo panicky todny , and on this Idea the
free rolling crowd sold short nt the opening ,
l.ntorcables , however , showed that tlu-ro was
mi Hiieh doiiiornllzatlon In foreign markets
and private ndvlc-es stated that the grain re
ceipts would ho nlilu to take euro of all con
tracts. The result was larao buying for both
short and long account. . Coin iceeipts were
under the estimates , but did not dolor thu
Itenrn from liaiiiinerliig the mnikot at tlio
openlug. Thoiidvanco was caused by a very
Inrgo eiish doinnnd from thu east , Haul to ho
toulovort-hortH for July In Jsow York. l'io-
vlslons furulshi-d the sensational curd for the
day. The steady advance In the price of lie : s
during the pant week hns caused great un-
cu lne 3 among the shorts In provisions , nmny
of whom covered today. A thu nmrkot nil-
vanced stop oiduis to cover shorts weio
reached unit nddod to the excitement , render
ing dllllcult. The oilvaneo In hous Is
the key to the situation and If prices are
maintained It will hooxtremo'y dltllonlt to
break the price of provisions , In splto of largo
stoi-kx. Tlio market closAs with u slight rc-
nctlim from thu advance \\lth a firm under
t'llIOAno. .Tilly 16. R G. T/ognn ft Co. toTon-
crny & llrynni The wheat market closed
ut about thu highest point of the day. In-
cieased receipts at all thu winter markets ex
pected for next weak , weak nnd lower cables
with the settled noathor In the northwest nnd
with the great prospects of quantltr nnd
quality of the northwest crops , cnconr.igoj
t nn believer * In lower keep soiling.
December wheat at this price appears low In
dependent of our largo ciop ] and wo believe
It a Mifo Investment. Kuropoan wunts are
largo , nnd wo hellovo they will bo free buyers
of our crop. The price Is relntlvoly lower
than any other foreign whonu The Beplem-
beroptlon on corn looks high with the Im-
iroved piohi.oets of the growing crop , but
.Ight receipts nnd good demund mny force
prices higher In the near futuic. Not much
doing In oats with lluht lluctuattons. Hog
products firm , closing ut thu bent prices of the
day. Ueielpts uro rather lighter than looked
for. Shorts were free buyurs , which packers
met In a moderate wny. We think on sharp
declines they uro u safe purchase.
OIIICAOO. July 10 Ki'imott , Hopkins & Co.
to H. A. MoWhortur : Wheat was low enough
today to ho attractive even to shorts , und n-s
must of them had good urollts It WHS docldi-d
to transfer to thulr bank accounts. This
fchous why there wusa rally of lli from thu
bottom. It Is true receipts were under estl-
muti'S , cables were not as weak nsoxpecti-d
and there were larger takings for export , but
this hiisnot been enough to hold the market
heretofore and probubly hud llttlo ulTect WUR the \ ol u ino of short covering
that caused the rally nnd which withdraws
that much support from the market. There
was a sharp Hurry among corn shorts In Now
Yorx which turned our market and Induced
much covering by the timid traders. Advice *
from tboiouth und Kouthwcatspouk In most
favorable teriun of thy nroipects of tbo now
CIOD , it U reported at MuiuyhU thut corn Upi
three weeks curlier thnn U t yonr. tn Tcxfts
It Is also fur advnmMn. The crop nliio It
Illinois nnd Indlnna Is-ncll ulon ? . Uonbtlns *
thcso report ! aro" " true nnd It vrll
result In IcsHonlni ? tHP.tirtnnnd for old corn
It U bollovod that tlfb' nUxk ) of old corn It
nmplo for ull rt-oulrrniontr. but UR the now
crop In sonioFcctlonnlias hccniinlto bnekwnn
holders hnvo thu * farirlccllncd to cell untl
assured that the now crop will turn nut nl
rUht.Vo nro now npproachlne the tlmo
when thin nolnt will be sett , ed to tholr nntl -
fncllon and wo look for Increased receipts
BOOM. Outs have ftovotopod no features
tti. Interest nnd tlift demand for In-
ytTntmcnt from . ucculators Is sinall.
1or some dnys the ruaof hogs has been light
horn nnd cfsowhciA' 'mid symptoms Of an
nxTnlicnlng domestic .consumptlvo domain ]
Imvo been mnnlfcst. Toduy this wns especi
ally marked nnd In addition u circular was
received from an Kngtlnh house stating that
stocks of light cut mc.iti ubroad have been
materially reduced recently and It would
soon bo necessary to replenish tbo same. A
few local scalpers took udvnntngoof thcso
circumstances nnd put the prices up nnd they
soon had the local short Interest , which hns
boon ntilto Inrgi1 , on the run. 1'ncklng re
turns showed a shoitngo In the west of aver
l.uoo.uoo hogs for thu summer lonson to dale ,
compared with Inst year.
NKW YOIIK. .Inly lo. ICennett , Hopkins .t
Co. to f. A. MoWhbrtor : The stock market remains -
mains In the muno featureless way which hns
Jieen characteristic for some few days. St.
1'uiil alone showing animation , nnd this was
duo tonomo limited orders from London to
buy. The street says thcro Is n small pool
formed nmongst trader. * to advance this
stock , hut it docs not Indicate mich a move.
The grantors are nil strong excepting
J/nlon / 1'nclllc , which Is depressed
by the May statement of earnings , which
for some reason Is a largo decrease compara
tively. The action of the Delaware. Lnckii-
wutuin . .tVi torn company In offering to sell
coal to Its customers nt May prices notwith
standing circular r.itvs niavo been advanced
lfUo ) a ton Is causing n great deal of com
ment. It seems to Imply tlmtovor production
so far this year bus glutted tlie market. The
pioductlon Is200coouooin excess of last year.
stocks nt tide water do not show
this Increase , but lurito storage places
have boon placed nt Interior points. The
money market nhows a trifle hardening and
wns nt thu close fi per cent for four months
tlmo money. Sterling Is weak with long c.x-
change quoted lower , nnd gold shipments
seem to ho out of the question. The mnrket
closed dull , steady and featureless. Total
sales w ore 50,8i : > .
.i TT777Ts7 n CK.
A. July 10. tsni.
CATTr.E Oniolal rocolots of cattle. Wl
ns eomunrcd with l.aia yesterday nnd 1,7J1 (
Thursday of last week. The nmrkot wus
stendv. Thcieworono good beeves , but the
mnrket would hn\o been strong. Common
grades of steers wcro steady , llutcher stock
was fairly uctlvo and stcndy. Llttlo wnstlo-
Iiu tn feeders , Prices were unchanacd. A
bunch of feeders sold at JI.IIO.
lloos Olllclal rccoluts of hoes , 4.7f > 0 , ns
comuared with I.TII. yostcrday nnd O.UII Tiiurs-
day of Inst week. The market was active ami
0 to lOo higher on good hogs of all wolglfts.
Tuckers' hogs sold at steady prices. All were
sold early. The quality of the hogs was about
the - n's ' . Thu
s-imo yesterday's receipts. range
of the prices paid wus $4.80T > . 'U. the bulk
Milne at $4.00 < 3 , " ) 00. Mclit. $1.8 ® o.OO ; heavy.
15.0046.- : mixed , tlMdtt.W. The n erillo : of
the prices paid was $1.0154. as compared with
? 4.0Ii yesterday und SI.C4H Thursday of last
SiiKEi * Ofllclnl receipts of shsop. 270 , as
compared with none yesterday and 140 Thurs
day of last weok. Tlio market was active
and firm. The receipts of good muttons do
not meet the demand. Natives , J'.7."i.05 :
westerns , K.5oa.r > .CO ; good CO to 70-Ib. lambs ,
Receipts and Disposition of Stook.
Ofllelal rBi-olntH and dlspodtion of stoolc as
shown by the books df the Union stock yards
company for tlio twenty-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. m. , July 15. 1801 :
Hciu'CBcntntlve Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
i. . U4o I ro , aa. 1005 (3 85 67..1168 JI63
1..I120 3 50
t. . 750 1 00 1. . 10:10 : 200 36. . 898 230
J. . 9JO 1 00 0. . 731 2 OJ 17. . 701 230
S..10IO 1 M 7 . C75 2 05 27. . fcOO 230
1. . MO 1 00 15. . 878 2 15 4 i. . 1010 245
1. . 750 1 Ga JO. . 870 2 10 20. . 11107 245
7. . 714 1 73 11. . 8S3 2 20 1. . 7CC 200
3. . 8C(1 ( 1 75 22. . IKtl 2 20 12 . ! )71 ) ! 2 CO
2. . S70 ] 83 7. . 042 220 21. . un 2fl >
8. . 701 1 83 7. . ir.'l 2 20 22 . 032 2 S5
1..112U 1 05 8..KH2 Z 25 fi.,1014 II OJ
3. .1133 2 00 1..1J30 2 2S 4. . 1)70 ) 315
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
5..4.14 $ ; . > 40 4. M7 ta 8.1 8 , . t87 J300
30. . CM 2 50 3. . lw 2 85 cs. . w-i : ioj
1 MO 2 00 6. . llt'O 3 00 22. . OCa 3M
37..C.4.1 . 2 70 1. . 11,00 3 00 G..1040 370
8..980 75
2..300 2 80 ] . . 120 3 23 1. . 1110 401) )
13. . 181 300 y. . lot ! : i 53 1. . 200 425
4..11)3 3 00 i. . 300 4 to
2.1330 1 OT 1..1470 2 10 1. . 7fO 215
1.1310 2 00 1. . 1130 2 15 1..160J 205
1 cow nnil oalf 3001
1 springer. ' . 'OHO
1 cow and calf 22 til )
I inllUur. . ' . 1800
No. Av. Pr.
4llMPors ; 1270 81 2"
Toliln llrotliurs & Co.
aisti : < urs. liuy-fo.-l 109J 4 CO
Hay fat.ito Lattlo Ca
llinll 1310 2 CO
4COHS h2 ! 225
1 foudiT 770 ! l 15
Mcalvos 20U 3 75
Sli. Pr.
1'40 It ! ) >
120 41H
210 Jltt
80 4 II. )
KO 4 1C )
IN I 4V )
HI 4 ll'i
; oo 4 it.1)
_ r
Chloa o Ijtyti Stook 'Market.
CIIIOAOO , July 10.-4f > 'iioolal Telegram to Tun
lli-.f.l No moro sultuhn ] shipping cattle were
oirorod than the ( lomnnd called for , but -of
common binII there wiis at-iiln an over hiipply.
CoiiHeiiucntly , hlli ! > the former \\ero cuhUy
moved out at Wednesday's iiuotatlons , thu
hitter remained In u weak and unsettled htatn.
The condition of the market for tluco-yoar-
oldcoHswim especially unsatlnfaetory , The
market hns been fairly clnttod with ihom this
wcnk , nnd thcgruutor part of the advance bc-
uurcd during the llrst ten dnyhiif thU month
has now been lost , flood to choice cows sold
fairly well , bomo of the best of tlio offer
ings being taken ut { .L50.75. : The o
llguroi wuro nUu paid In a few Instances for
extra hulls. Htockorsund feeders mot with
some attention , hut they are not fetching lust
week's prices. Onlvei were In demand ut the
decline , noted eurllorJn thu week , or ut t..ftXTB
5.00 for poor coarse , heavy to choice , light und
medium uuluhts.
Texan eitttloero about steady. There were
5.000 of them , the lurgou purt of which
changed hunds at J.LOvcii.7V ; Of western rungo
oattlo thuruwns 2Hcar loads arrived.
About fto wns added to prices ot hogs this
mornliix , but the ndvanr-o WUN lost Inter , the
market cloning dull with JJ.40 luouUldeiiuotu-
There was no upparcntcauiofar the change
In the tone ot the market. It wa simply u
natural rouut'on from the extreme buoyancy
of thu preceding halt dozen dayu. lluyem
operated less greedily and the movement wusi
slack ot W.U. © 5.41 for common to extra qiiull-
Uc * . There wuro not muuy sulva at butter
than t5.35 , from tvVIVM.30 bolnR the prcTallln
figure ? . The few RrasH-fod luu offared wer
not ronillly oliitcd out nt2Mj5o oil from th
Iiricwnild for corn-fed.
The Krenltip Joiirnul rcportil OATTI. Re
oelpts , 15,000 ; shlpinrntn , 4,000. Mnrkot Rtcail ;
to strona : prlmo to oxtrn natlvo < > . , ' ) .8.VJtn.w :
ono lot , 19.40 ; others. ! 4.\ > iti.W : Texnns. rae
& .X7A ; Uockors , Z5 Oa.BJ : coCTRt3.7Mil.7. > .
.11009 Hceolptu , 1K.OOO ! Bhlpmonta. 10,000
Mnrkot opened litfihor , closed wonk nnd loner
rotuh nnd common , JI.7H.OO | mixed niu
packers , t : , I07AM [ prlmn hcnvy nnd butcho
WClRhts. $ VSr > ffA4S | llKht.ll.BOaA.AO.
HiiKKf ItecelptB 7,000 ; shlpmnnts , 2.AOO
Alurkot atoady on mutton grades ; othxr
weak to lower : natlvo OWCH , ( J.Snot4.TS
mixed and wethers. f4. ? . * > < nr .2A : Texuns , ( I.I'JU
WC3teriis , H. 103.1. 73 : Inmbs , fi.7ViO.i.x. ;
Now Yoric Iilvo Stock Alnrkct.
NEW YOHK , July 10. IIKCVER Hocclpu. I.MI
liend. nil for export nnd sliuiiMitcrlnir. N (
trailing : fci'llne firm ; droasod boofstundy n
8J4 < aiHio ; Hhlpmciitt tortny 708 beeves nnd IW
snoop ; tomorrow ( W bonvcs.
OATTI.K JUrkotstroni : .
SliBKi1 Hecclpts , 7Ai)0 ) head ; Mioop stcndy
lambs. io lower ; nhcep , Sl.noitl : i" ! Inmlm
M.70SIG.01 ; mutton steady nt fcl'Jc ; dreisct
lambs. OJllO'so.
lions Uec'Dlpts. 2,4Mbofiil , consigned direct
nomtnnlly steady lit f4.toaA.45. :
Oily Mvo St > olc ntnrkot ,
colpts. ' . ' . . ' .CO : shlpmonts , 1,103 ; mnrket , stondyi
steers , W.ooiio.tu ; cows. JLAOO-'IAO ; stoekcrt
nnd focdois. t3.40iil.SA.
Iloos Itecoipts. n.nto ; Klilpments , 1.0'X ) ;
kct excited nnd lOo to 2.V- higher ; built ,
A,1 ( ) ; nil grades $4,0 ftfi 15.
. f iiKKi'-Kecelpts , 5bO ; slilpmcnts , 670 ; mnr.
SI. IjotilH Ijlvo S'took 'Mni-Uot ,
PT. I.otri.a. Mo , July Id. CATTt.n Hocelpts ,
3.100 ; Hlilpini-nlir , : i 0 ; innrkot stendy ; fair t (
expert natlvo tcers , J.1.75O.UO ; Te.\nns nnd
Indians , * J.L'.VT.I.W. (
lions Kt'co'pts. ' 2,700 : slilpnuints , O'O ; mnr-
kot lilchur ; hcnvy. JO.a'tti.M ; mixed * 4.70i !
A.20 ; llglit , -
I'l'Osli I rttltn.
OANTAroui-ns 1'or crnto of III to 2 do rn ,
I' Soutliern cnses. $2.00 ; Cullfornln ,
ES Orraon , f 1. 5031.75 ; liotno grown ,
J1.MX3I.-J5 per * i uii'-hel DusUet.
Ari'i.Es l'er ! j hu.shol box , green , AOaCOo :
red , 7Sc : per bbl.Ul'i3i.r.O. ' :
Hi.AUKiiKitiin-8 Good Missouri stock , $ . ' .2' , < 2
2.A' ) per 24 of. oases.
HI.ACK UAHi'liKltlliElr 11.75 per 10 nt. cases.
KKO UA'si'UKiiuics rer 24 ( it. cases , 4U.7.V3
4.00.OitANnns Los Angelco , per lox : , $ J.75I.OO.
MKI.ONS Shipping s'ocU. lASU'Oo.
I.KMONS I'i'r bov , tC.AO@7.oo.
llANANAH-l'er Duneli , IJ.OJSi.M for good
shipping HtocU.
Ai'lMtlcOTS-Tcr box , S1.7A.
The following quotations ronrc'ont tlio
prices at which i-liolco Htoek Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise stntoil :
QN'KW I'OTATOKS The innrliot Is weak. Local
producers have been boiling thorn on thu
htreets as low us C'KftO'c.
UKANS Navy. $ i2 > a2. . " > 3 per bu.
TOMATOES IVr box , one-third bu. , C07oo.
( 'UCUMIIKIIS Per doIUc. .
( 'Ei.uitr : iAc per doA
NKW HKIT.S : I'orlin. , $1.00.
ONIONS O.illfornln. 2140 per Ib.
( jAiniAOU Homo grown , 2o per Ib ,
Cc iintry lfiilnco.
Tlioro wns no change In the market yester
day. nnd the ( ( notationof the day before
would cover tlio iiroun I ,
IlDTTKit The most of the sales reported at
lc ) and the market not overly strong ut that
Koos Majority of the OSES going nt 12c , but
n few round lots repotted soli ! at l.'ic.
I'out/riiY Supply light and the mnrket firm.
Old fowls , JJ..VS4.00spring ; ehlokens. $2,50
© 4.50. _
Onialia milling coinp-iny. Ilollunco. Patent
$2.b ; Invincllilo I'atent , 82.70 ; Star , Su
perlative , ; Snowllake , * 2,0) ) ; Fancy t-'am-
ilv. JI.UO.
K. T. I ) , ivls milling company , lliili I'atont.
No. I and ( Jroam , { J.5U ; Illuo I ) , , full patent ,
JS.Bi ; Mawkcye. half patent , sfJ.HO ; ypoelal
Itoynl. I'ateut No. 10. $ .l.uj ; Mlnno.sota patent ,
$2. ( i ; Kansas Hard \Vho-tt. patent , $2.63 ; Ne
braska Spring Wheat , patent , & . ' .U ) .
S. V. Oilman's Gold. Medul. Ji.M ; Snow
\Vhllo. ? 2.5i ; Snowllnkc , ? 2.1l ( : low erudo , $1.0) ) ;
Qucon of the I'untry. $2.80 ; bran , $11.00 ;
chopped feed , 521. OJ ; Minnesota Superlative ,
i : . L. Welch & Co. , Ilest , Si-M ; Crown I'rlnne ,
$ ' .70 ; Minnesota ( Jhtof. J2.40 : Splendid l-'amlly ,
12.10 : Stralirht , $1.83.
tjjli on Mr. iloril in.
That story of the nrrost of two men who
tried to bluff P. A. Dodge by representing
themselves as policemen on Tuesday nicht
caused trouble all urouml. Ono of the men
arrested u-oro n uniform with brass buttons
and iravo his name'as W. C. Jordan , a Union
i'aclilo Crnkemnn. This would have been.all
ripht hnd it been true. Tt turnt out , how
ever , ttmt Mr. Jordan was not in tno city at
thu tlmo of the trouble and did not j-'dt in
until 11 o'clock that night and ho naturally
feels pretty badly cut up over the affair. The
man arrested wns W. C. Jonos. a mail cleric
on the Union Piicillc , nnd when some man nt
the police station called him Jordan ho lot it
KO utt but and got his friend the brakcmnn
Into trouble accordingly.
As thcro is no royal road to learning , ao
there is nu magical cure for disease. Thu
effect , however , of Inking Ayer's Sursnpu-
rilla for olood disorders comes as near mugio
as can bo expected of any mcro human
agency. This is duo to its purity and strength.
Con fnllntjlicr Wnmi't In It.
Mr. Con Gallagher's name was used in a
court I torn the other any in connection with
n decision in Judge Wakoioy's court In the
case of A. A. Bicklcs & Sons against War-
run Duii-hor and others. It was stated that
Mr. Uallauhut- was ono of the defendants.
Phis was an error as it was another Golla-
jhcr altogether.
A bald hoadcd woman is something unu
sual before she is forty , hut gn.y huhis com-
neil with thorn onrllur. Baldness and L-ray-
less may bo prevented by using Hall1 Hair
Stivcil Two Yenrs in Ton.
Edmund Henry Meyer , nn old-tlmor who
\ns been enjoying1. , a forced sojourn In the
icnitentiary at Lincoln , will ho liberated
uext month.
Meyer resided in South Omaha , nnil May
20 , IbSI , In a drunken row \io \ killed OHO Mike
Piggott. The grand Jury returned nn indict-
nuntof murder in the ilrstdogreo , hut the
trial Jury reduced the crime to manslaughter.
Meyer wns sentenced hy Judge Neville to a
en years' term , tint on account of good conduct -
duct ho gains two years and will soon bo rc-
Dr. Blrncy euros cut-urn. Duo bld > .
Cowhoyn In Trouble.
Joe Lucas and Charles Humpgitrd , a couple
of Wyoming cattlemen , arrived hero yostor-
Jay morning und proceeded to 1111 up on rod
Iquor. When Lucas had a pretty good load
its partner tried to rob him. Complaint was
nado to the police and Iluinpjjanl was ar
rested. Lucas was also hold us a witness.
DoWitt's Llttlo litu-ly Hlsors ; host little
tills for dyspepsia , sour utoinach , bad breath.
Motor tor Tlili-toontli Stroot.
The street railway company has begun work
an tno Thirteenth street line , and a force of
non is replacing the o'd ' flat rails with girder
ron. Work was commenced at the tracks nt
ilurcy street , and is continuing northward.
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th ht. , First National Bank Build-
in ; ; , Omaha , Nob.
Dcnl In ntnckii , h milK. tojurlllet , commercial pn-
ior. utu Nexolhile Inuiu un luiiirovoil O.imlm real
atnte , Short tlniti IOUIIH. on bunk mock , or on all
ipprovoil collulerul reciirlty.
ToUl Uiuoi of CITIES.
Corri-spondi-nco nollcitvil.
H.W.HflnniS &COfr1PANYBankers.
101. ( OS Dearborn Glreot , CHICAGO.
15 Wa'l Otroot. NEW YOIIK-
70 Ktata St. , 8OSTOH- .
* A.fc * * M u O.V ! * ( . ' If tji
lvr.'ini ; rcmoux lor all tti
nnnatuir1 illailiaiKi' ana
private ilUoatv * 01 rt.'ii A
cerula cnn- fur Iliiilililll -
talliigv akni > iiucullar
o i > min.
In nrcmmiivudloc It W
1'T UruK
1'IUCE tfl.OU. _
> ' and Jote'
Omaha Tout & Awn-1
ing Co. |
ri . Olnmim > cki , Oil unit I
Ilnt.lirrciotlilnir. HoiuUnr
C tnloino. 111,1 Knrnnin ,
. y Koos. no
coeds , notion i. fnrnlihln.r
Cor. llth and Howard nts. Corner lltli and ll.irnoy
Wolf Electrical Oo. Electrio Motors
Illustrated Catido ua nnd DUIUIKM , Cutnliuni )
fico. frt'O. H. A. Klnnayion I
1614 Capitol Avpnuo. A t. RJ2-3.V.V.Ilfu llld'K.
Purlin , Orondoi'if & T. G. Nort'jwall ,
Martin Oo. , General western agon'
Corner Jonus and 'Jth sts. Sknndla 1'low Co ,
Oinah.i , Nub. 1.1I1M3J1 Shormin am.
E. L. Welch & Oo , , E. T. Davii Mill Co. ,
1013 N. 10th stroot. C.(3. Undorw-031 ,
J. K. McCray. .Man.iaor. Manager atOnnhi.
llllnt Henderson , .Minn. Cor. Sth an I Jackson sts.
S. F. Oilman , Oinalia Milliug Co , ,
Mcrchiint .Millars ,
101 IN. Kith stroot.
OlUto and Mill 111 I .Noith
C. K. Ilncfc ! - Mnn.uor. ICth Street.
Boebo & Runyan Fnr-
) awoy & Btona Fur
niture QJ. , nitnro Oo ,
Successors to C. A. llceba
Kurnlturo and carpets , '
& < 'o
1116-111' ) rarnain etrout , nmcound Utli Sts.
chnoidor & Loomis , J. T. Robitnon Notioa
Oo , ,
oulienand ImportoMof dents' fnrnlslilnt Roils
nutlons and furnUhln ; ra'f'K colobrit'Jl ' hrinl
lioocU , "HncUikln" ovorullv
p.tnts. Bhlrti , co its. ute
till Howard strooU Cor. Utli nnd llotr.irJsti.
Kenuard Glass and J , A. Fuller &
Paint Oo. ,
Ii03-U12 Hurnoy > traJU
Onialii. , Neb. OinnhL
William Ouramins ? , Blaka , Brno3& Oo
Wi-'JOJ lAdTomrurt'i C.
17 and 019 Uouth llilh St. ,
Oninlio. Nob. Oninti-i. Nob.
'axtou & Gallagher , Meyer & Iliapkj ,
705-711 & 10th Btruiit , IWl-HOi llarnayitrudS ,
Oinuha , Neb. Oinnlia , Nub.
D. M. Steele & Oo. , Sloan , Johnson & Oo.
1201.I3U Jouoi ttroot , Vth and Iiotvuuwurta
itruuti ,
Omaha , Nub. Oinuha , Nub.
Alien Bros. , MoOord , Brady & Oo.
111 ! Homer ( trout , 13th and UrnTOnnorlta
Omaha , Nob. Omaha , Nebraska.
0. Olark ,
OenlVostern A tntot
Iluponl's Hportlne tlun-
imnilor , Athts lilnh otplo-
Iro.lllkstlng ci\psfns
1219 Hartley nlruoL
Tonoray & Bryan , S. A. MoWhortor
llriikrrn , crnln , provision *
ndMockn. HIS S. 14th I'rlt.Mo nlrus to No ,
NU I'rlvutorlro to Chi- York , Cldcitiro anil 96
KKO. Ht. Umh nnd Now I IA > US. | Until itrMU
York. I uoiDthlfor nil market * *
Oookroll Bros. ' r"b. A Oo
. , . Swnrtz ; ,
nrokorn. 1'rlTiito nlroi llriikprMlrnlnJ'rorMnni
to .Now York , Chlcnico A do I'rlvnle wlro to St.
St. l.onlv Sppclnl Htton- lx > nU nntl ChlCAKo. Otllo <
lion Klrcn to truck liMl In I't.Nntl lli\nkOmnhn.
on nrnln. lit Mut'l Hank. " ' aniio btilV , t . Umahs !
Rector & Wilholmy Oo lark-Androoua
Cor. 10th nmt Juoxion Jli ' , , } Oo.
IOS-I1U ll.irnnjr < lri)3t ,
' 'inn tin. '
Oin-ih i N'n ) . . .
Paxton ft ViorliuCnnha ; ! fnfn" & Iro1k
T"ri V/ir'c * , i Wor'
Winitel.t mill oi t Init
hiillclliiirwor'i , i-nalu u , Mnnnfrs tire mil Inirulil
l.iavirorli , KM * nor il ITiinf viili-4 , vaults. Jull
Iniinilri. inni-lilna mil mirk , Iron - > hutter.i
hliick-onllli nork. U. 1 * . tlio - cipo ( J. , \n
llr. anil nth tt. drccn.lUll.VJ.icVsoiuU
Wilson & Drake ,
M'f'K flnoi , lira
hot boilers , tnnlci , ulJ.
I'lorre nnil 10th lrccH.
Her & Oo. , Wilh un
I.lqnnr Mcrahtntk Wlnus , l.-nn.ri and Cl *
IIU Itarnoit"jl. .
Mannfaotiir'M If DTIIJ ty' t
East India Hilton. lilt I K.irnam St. .
L. Kirscht & Co. , Friok & Herberts
Wholesale Uijuor Doalort Wholcnaln MquorDcal Itf
40lO1. ) South 10th Ht. ffll-KW9. lOthSt. t.
E. E. Grotto ,
Importer nnd Jobber of
Whins nnd Mnuori.
1020 nuil 1ITM Karnnin HL
1'rlco lists on nppllcatloa.
G. W. Douslasn & 03 John A. Wakefield ,
luiportedAmerlrnn.r ot
riardirood Lumber , Innd CcnicnlMliniiiikc <
Iljdrnullo Cement und.
1310 North ICth Stroat. QnlncrVhlta I.lino.
Oharlos R. LBO , \Vyatt-Bullard \ Lumber
Hnrdirood lumber , wool
carpets nnd parquet ber Oo.
lloorlnir. 0th andltard Streets ,
Oth and DouKlos.
Gaily & , Gray , Louis Bradford ,
Mme , cement , etc. , e-to Lumber , Mme , comonttit9
cor , 9th nnd Douglas 023 Douclm slroot.
0. A. Stonohill , I. Oberfolder & Oo.r
Millinery , Notions Importers and Jobbers la
Cloiks , ISto Millinery.
203,210and 212 South Ittll
110-113 S.lRth St. , Omaha ftrcet.
Max May or & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
Sl'f'Bjewolnrs , dealers In Pianos , Organs , Artists
miKlcal Inxlrumcnts ,
olc. , Materials , 1C to. ,
Farnara nnd ICth. 1513 DoiiKlas Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
Refined nnd lubrltnttnr
oils , nxlo eranso , all.
It. II Itutli , .Mnnitar.
Eibbel & Smith , Bchroadar & Oo , ,
Dcnlcr. In country prod Cash Iniyon butter ant
uce , fruits , vegetables , caws , an 1 Konor.vl CDJX *
etc. nilsslon mnretmnti ,
12U7 Howard stroot. i..l South llth slroot.
Eobart Purvis , E. B. Branch & Oo. ,
1217 Howard straat. ' .
I'roduco , frultt or.ill
Wrlto for prlooi on b li kinds , oysters ,
ter , c vs Kamo. , poultry and 13th & Harnoy utroot.
Kirschbrauu & Sons , Jos. A , Olark & Oo.
Dutter , cheosa ,
Cutter CBBS hnd poultry poultry nnd Kama ,
1209 Howard street. 000 South 13th street
Bates & Oo. , Williami & Oro33 ,
Country producernltt ' ' , Product ) nnd fruits
Tenetnhloi , grooori'
tpccialtlci. toas. iplaai ,
etc. 417-ll'JS. lithHt. 1211 Harnoy "trsjS.
L RandazM & Son ,
211 South ISUi Street.
i \Dnmestlo ICrnlts
Fruits , llr.incl , houno , 7
N. 1'otc-rj St , Now Orl'ni
Carpenter Paper Oo. , Omaha Rubber Oo , ,
Carry n full stock of Mannfacturlni anl JJ'J
printing , wmpplnx an 1 bureau kind , rubOu ?
wrltlnx ptpor , c.irJ ji.i- uoodi.
per , otc. I.'i20 P.irn mi stri)3t.
Emerson Sjo.l Oj. ,
Seed urowors , da Uori 11
Kurden. irr.isi , ifr.iln n I
tree sue 11 ,
4'.M-42IHouth litli.
- Steve repairs of all
klndi. Conk * and Hua- *
Mitm'io' ' 3j ters for mlo ,
Manufactur'i ; itoroi tnl James Hushes
HtOVO PlJ. | ,
1213-1215 -aveimortli st , tor H. mil at.
M. A. Diabrow & Oo. , Bohn Bash & Door 06
Manufacturers of Bash , .Mnniifiictnrors of mou
doors , b 11 mil nnd , blinds ,
.Mouldiius. llrancli of otu. , otJI
Uce , Uti ! and Unrl. nil ItHli anil Chirk itrooti.
U. S. Wind Engiuo & A , L. String & Soai/
Puma Oo , ,
Hallldiy wind mills. 91) lWMOt ( Farnam stroll ,
and ' . ' -'I .liinoi su O. If.
HUSH , uclln- Omaha , Neb.
Oousolidatod OofTob
Company ,
1411 and IIIO Harnoy it.
Oinolia. Nob.
A. D , Boyer & Oo Hunter & Qraou ,
68-09 KxUuntfO llullJUu , 10 l.'ictiungo llulljln/
Hontli Omahik Houth Omanu.
I diu oir ilnts HtooU In : l coed Hound oomw
pany tint will pay a UO par cent dividend. S >
SlOO u.iareu lor $80. Wrlto for prospootus
Room 0 , Qer , Am. B'k ' Bldg.Bt. , Joaopb ,