THE OMAHA DAILY BJSE : SJhlDAY , JlrJLY , 17 , 1891 , THE OMAHA. BEE. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. OFFICE : NO. 12PEAKL STKEET. rellvm-d by Carrier In uny port of the City. II. W. Tlf/i'ON MANAOEK. TELKPHONE3 ; JltlMliiCM Onicc , No. 43. Night Editor. No. 23. JUMHt MKATtOX. N. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , roal. _ . Craft's chattel loans , 2H ( Sapp block. If you want water lu your yard or house polo Blxhy'p , 'WJ Mcrrlam block. Mr. David S , Kerr nnd Miss Carrlo D , Campbell of this city wore united In mar riage last evening. Hov. O. W. Urofts oftlclat- Inp , The Happy Hours club of Omnhn will glvo n party ut Munnwn this evening. Invitations have been Issued to n largo number of young society people of this city and Omnbn. A force of men Is to bo started out this morning for the purpose of catchlntr all the cows and horses that may bo found running loose. The pcoplo In the outskirts of the city hnvo boon irroatly troubled by animals running ut large , ana the marshal proposes to put n stop to It. Work was commenced yesterday on thn re pairs which have been contemplated for some time past , on the dnm nttho south end of the luko. This darn has bcon outof hnpo for Homo time past , nnd nothing but the height of the water In the river has prevented thu water from leaving the lake. Now the water In the nvor Is commencing to go down , nnd with it that In the lake. Tno work will take ul/out three days to bo completed , but nt the r"iid of that lime the dnm will bo in such shape as to Hold the water , and Insure the bathing and rowing for the rest of the sum mer. I ! < Hliin store. Fotherlnghum , Whllohw & Co. ! offer great reduction In military oap3 > , blu/ler Jackets , etc , for this week. Military capos , assorted sizes nnd colors , former prlco fl.OO , reduced to $ J.5'J. Military capes , assorted sizes nnd colors , former prlco fi.OO , reduced to ? 1.00. Military capes , assorted M/os und colors , former prlco $7.5) ) , reduced to $ r .00. Militnry capes , ussorteir"sl/.m nnd colors , former price ? 1U.OO , reduce 1 to $7..V ) . French Iliinnul blazlers , light shades , former price $5.00 , reduced to f J.1I3. All wool tun blazlors reduced to ? 1.75. .Torsov Jackets from $ J.'J5 up. All our stock of beaded capes nt Just ono- hidf their former price. Purlnir the season v : wo claim to hnvo shown vnluo 25 to 50 per cent less than asked bv some other houses. BOSTON STOUK , Council BlulTs , In. Gasoline and oil ; coos , woon nnd coal prompt delivery. L. G. ICuotts , 127 Main tclcphom'J03. Try Duquette ft Co.'s Pomona fruitcough Lblnts. . Tliov 1 are ilntlnlnlis. VKltSOXA I , I'.t It.t < lll < \ I'HH. N Thomas Green has returned from a six months' trip in Florida. Hov. Father Malloy leaves today for Mis souri Vallov where ho will take charge of the Catholic church. The Misses Mary Duryea and Margaret Moore of Omaha nro visiting the Misses Ollvlr on Park nvenue. Miss Mitrgnrot Starr leaves todtir for Hart- Tett , Neb. , where she will spend n couple of weeks visiting relatives. Judge Muey of Harlan arrived In the city yesterday morning to attend the Ingnlls lec ture at the Chautauqua grounds. Ed Cogloy has accepted a position with the Little Nugget company und will com- mrnco his theatrical labors about Septem ber 1. Harry Bowman , F. A. Buckmnn , Charles Hammol , Harry Hnus nnd Bert Casud.v re turned yesterday from Spirit Lake , vhcro they attended the regatta. All Alioard IbrColfux. For health nnd recreation seek the waters nnd rest of Colfax Spring , Iowa. The Chi cngo & Hock Island is soiling round trip tickets from Council Buffs und return for $7.00. A. T. Elwcll , ticket ugont. No. 10 Pearl street. _ Picnic nt Manhattan bench , LakoMannwu' good llshlng , line bathing and banting ; plenty of shade ; best place for camping out parties. Hc.'ttliiuj the Account" . K. 13. Hart made his final report In district court yesterday as assignee of the ilrm of Thomas Green & Sons , According to his itomcnt the total amount of the claims filed with him was S77-l30.8-3. and the assets of the-IInil so fnr us they had coma into his hands had bcon $11,314.13. On u motion ho was allowed the sum of $3,000 for his services as assignee , and the law Ilrm of Fllnklnger Brothers was allowed$3,000 for in the caso. After thcso have been paid the assignee will bo discharged. The ChiuiiKo , Kouk iHlmul nnd Pacific Will run trains to the Clinutauqua grounds July Ito21. ! . inclusive , as follows : Lenvo Council Bluffs : 0:10 : n. in. , 7:50 : n. in. , 10:02 : n. m. , l:3J ( ) : a. in. , 1:30 : p. in. , 4:00 : p. in. , ( i:37 : p. m. , 7:30 : p. m. Leave Chautnuqua : 0:10 : o. m. , S'W : n. in. , 8:55 : n. m. , ll:30n. : m. , 2a : ) p. m. , 5:35 : p. m , 0:15 : p. m. , 10:15 : p. m. Special train Thursday Ingalls' day and Saturday traveling men's day at 1U:30 : noon. . Drs. Stewart and Patty , veterinary sur geons ; 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs , In. Slnsi Con volitions , The Independent voters of Council Bluffs will hold n mass convention at Peterson's hall , nt 1HS upper Broadway , on Saturday evening , July 1 , for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention , to bo hehl nt Avocn , July 125. All these who nro In favor of supporting thu principles as adopted in the national convention , May ID , nt Cincin nati , nre cordially Invited to attend. Gi'.omu ; HUNTBII , C. C. C. Hotel ( Jordon. most contr.dlv located first- class house in city ; straight * J a day. Drs. Stewart ft Patty , veterinary surgeons goons , 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs la. Swunson inuslo company , ! )35 ) Broadway. THIS IIKK AT The Suorot of This l rtpor'n Harly De livery In thu Ki > ithuVHt , Few people know of the expense Incurred byTin ; BII : to enable It to roach Us sub scribers nt the earliest hour passible In the morning. THE Due always tukos ndvuntnuo of the Ilrst trains which leave the city In the morning. Where the trains do not icuvo us curly as could DO aoalred , TUB BUB hires special. Forlnstnnco , the B. &M. ( Iyer'from "chl- cngo to Denver roaches the southwestern imrtof the stnto earlier thun any other truln. But It does not pass through Oinulin. I * does not como within 21 miles of tins city. TUB Dm : thoroloro moots that very important train nt I'luttsmoutii. It docs so with a special truln. This special loaves Uinnha nt it o'clock in the morning. It Is leaded with Hm's. : There nre thou sands of them , The train thunders down to 1'lutt.siiiouth , nt. which plnco the papers uro transferred to the B. t M. Flyer. Two min utes later the Flyer is rattling along nt a speed of forty-live miles per hour. At every station , the packages containing TUB UKF. nro thrown olT , landing nt the station door. It reaches Lincoln , the capital , 4.V5 : u.m. ; Fairmont , Gi'AI n.m. ; Hastings. 7:15 : n.m. ; Hohlix't'o , U:13 : a. in. ; McCook , 11:30 : nm ; Akron , 'Ji&U p.m. , nnd Denver , U1A ; p.m. This special nervlco of TUB HKK costs money , but Tun IHi : : mnlte.s no note of that. U pub lishes all the news und guarantors la deliver It In the same liberal und odleloia manner. If you want to road all the news und read It earliest , take Tin : BKC. Vou can make no mUtnko. -A VWV HiMW Drs. Woodburv , dentists , 33 I'oart street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone. U3. High Erode work u bjicclulty. Don't wear a heavy , lll-fltthig suit when you can get elegant suinmersulu and eastern prices at Uoltcr ! the tailor , 310 Broadway. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ex-Senator Ingnlls on ths oial Problem of the Ocntur/i CIIAUTAUQUA VISITORS ENTERTAINED. IJrllllnnt Aililrcnii of nn AMo Mnu Why the AVorht IH Poor A Htntcsiimn'H Iilon of Gould. The superb audience that greeted ox-Sena- lor Ingalls of Kansas yesterday at the Coun cil Bluffs and Omaha Chautauqua grounds was such as might make nny orator feel that ho was popular. It was the greatest day of the Chautauqua this year , and the assembly that lilled the splendid nmphllhcaler must have numbered nearly ten thousand pcoplo. The lecture by the eloquent ox-senator was announced to begin at 2:30 : , but in order to lot all the people who were on their way to the grounds hnvo ample time to get to the amphi theater before the lecture began the dis tinguished .speaker was not Introduced until ten minutes of 3 o'clock. The Interim was quito acceptably filled in by the Iowa stnto band. Thonntlclnttlon of the vast audience was poised on tip-too when ex-Senator Ingalls and I'rof. C. C. Case came upon the wldo stage. Ono glance at the fall , slender form , faultlessly "dressed In gray , the gray locks , the spectacles , the linn , dlgnlllod bearing of the man. told the uudicnco that ex-Senator Ingnlls was upon the stage and n prolonged burst of npplauso greeted the orator of the day. Mr. Ingalls acknowledged the greeting by a slight bow of the head and then took his sent to await the conclusion of the music. When the music ceased I'rof. Case stopped forward to introduce ex-Senator Ingnlls. As ho con cluded his brief remarks hognvetheatldlcnco the algnal for the Chautuuqila salute. Like 10.000 white pigeons darting from their hidden nests , like the Hash of 10.000 sabres springing from their scnbboards , the handkerchiefs held In the hands of that vast audicnco were .suddenly whirled into the air and for a moment the vast audlenco sec > mod to have become nn army with whlto plumes nnd banners. The atmosphere for an In stant was laden with n composite perfume nnd the scene was inspiring. Another round of applause followed like the roll of thunder following the gleam of the lightning nnd then the orator stopped to the front and began his address upon "The Social Problems of Our Second Centurv. " The distinguished spanker and statesman congratulated the Council Bluffs nnd Omaha Chautauqun mid the pcoplo present upon the fact that such a splendid building and such an occasion had been made possible In a coun try where but a few years before there wcro no homos or habitations excepting tboso of the hunter and tbo American Indian. 'But it was only ono of the numerous evidences of the marvelous energy and prosperity of the American people. Ho then spoke In glowlns terms of the achievements and the destiny of the Anglo Saxon race. "To our race , " ho said , "humanity is indebted for Its religion , Its literature , and its civilization. Its history shows n gonins for conquest , politics , juris prudence , and administration. Hero hove bcon found the fullest and most complete icalizatlon of its fundamental ideas of government and society and there can bo no doubt that in this arena Its most magnificent triumphs are to bo scored in tno future " Ho drew a vivid picture of the contrast be tween the soeial conditions ut the commence ment of the iirst cnntury nnd tho.'O of the present time. "Ono hundred years .ago. " slid the speaker , ' ! remember tny father , who kept a llttlo store In the cast , used to inako semi-annual pilgrimages from Boston to Now York , to buy goods , nnd to sell such of his stock as ho had loft over1. I remember ho used to make his will every lime just before fore ho stnrted out. Why , It was farther at that time from Boston to Now York , than It is now from Boston to San Francisco. Dis tance has decreased since then , and us dis tance decreased , society , and In fact all the features of our national life , have broadened. "Had the conditions remained as they were 100 years ago the government which wo now enjov would have been Impossible. Tno ap plication of s'toam to the locomotive and to the steamer , the cotton gin , electricity , the cylinder prc s , the sowing machine , pho tography nnd the myriad forms of now appli cations of science to health , to domestic comfort nnd to the arts of peace nnd of war , till these have nindo a domocratlo form of government possible. Machinery has doubled the laboring capacity of man. The workmen in the factories of Massacuksetts are enabled to do the work which , without the agency of machinery , It would take 100,000,000 men to do , and In this way the men themselves are enabled to glvo attention to higher pursuits. Under the new rcglmo farming has become a sedentary occupation. I had a friend that used to tell mo that If a man wanted exercise nowadays ho must become a lawyer or n politician. " Ho then proceeded to a consideration of the unequal distribution of the wealth of the country , "From IbliOto 189d , " ho said , "des pite the most , destructive war that ever oc curred upon this planet nnd the emancipation of $1,000,000,000 worth of slaves , this country had grown richer at the rate of 230,000 for every day and hour of those thirty years. There had been accumulated during this time $1,000,000,000 , enough to plvo every man , woman ami child beneath the Hag n compe tence , enough to secure to every family a comfortable home ; to educate nnd keep the wolf from the door of every household , and to guard against every misfortune , oxtremltv nnd calamity. And yet , " ho continued , with n dramatic uplifting of his hands , "there are 10,000,000 of pcoplo in this country out of 02- 000,000 that never got enough to eat from ono year's end to another. "To n great proportion of our citizens ceaseless toll yields no other result than nn old ago of helpless mendicancy. A majority of our laborers nnd agricultural people have n bitter struggle for existence , while n mi nority , by no means small , through no fault of their own , live and die in hopeless pov erty , A million mon walk the streets of our rjrent cities today willing and nblo to work , but hunting In vain for somo'.hing to do. On the other hand , multitudes have such a su perfluity of wealth thai they devote days and nights to the task of finding some now way of spending their fortunes , although never in their lives did they do mi honest day's work , I tell you , no ono who roHerts can. bo sur prised at the widespread and deep seated discontent among the laboring classes. The wonder Is that asocial structure resting on such iv busts as ours should endure so long us It has. "Many think that the days of monarchy of England are almost over , that Victoria is the last of her lino. And yet the dissatisfaction among the laboring classes In England Is not nearly s > o great us hero. In America the sub jects themselves are the rulers. But there Is need of great care , for when behind the bal lot there Is exasperation at real or fancied wrongs , one volume of that nation's history is closed and another Is opened. I attribute n large share of the existing discontent to the fact that our experiment of self-govern ment Is not altogether a success ; that the ballot Is not n panacea for all social evils ; that political equality has not resulted In social fraternity. The masses are commenc ing to turn with apprehension from a govern mentor Individual liberty. " The speaker tticn alluded to the fact that 100 years ago Usorgo Washington was the richest man in his country , and Unit his total wcnltti was but $1)00,000. ) Now there are mon whoie : nnnuul income exceeds $0,000,000 , and whll'i In Washington's time there was neither n tramp , a millionaire , or a pauper In the land , ut present over naif of nil the wealth In the country Is in the hands nf 31,000 men , "If this Is tliu case , " he exclaimed , "what is there to hinder ono man from getting posses sion of the whole of ill" Ho then ga > e the nock of the bird of free doin a twist , "What use Is there In talking about the freedom of the laboring classes so lone us they are obliged to IOOK to some one else for their broad and butter ) What use Is there in giving mo permission to go to Kuiopo when I haven't the monov to pa > my farol Ono of tbo problem's to bo solved during our second century will bo how to give the poor man an equal chance with the rich.1 But If things go on much longer as they have In the past we shall soon bo n strntllled race of nuperlluously rich and helpless poor. " The speaker caused a ripple of laughter that lasted several moments by tils com purl son of himself and Jay Uould. " \Y are about the same ago , " he sold. "Wo entered active life about the same tlm ' . He and his stock In trade , a patent mouse trap , Ho scthls mouse trap In wall street and hat como pretty near catching the earth with It. 1 started for Kansas at about the .same tlmo with my sheepskin and now I am a states man out of a Job. "Slnco my fellow citizens gave mo moro leisure tlmo for rejection , I have boon trying to find out what law there Is to prevent mo from getting $1,000,000. I hnvo aboutcomn to the conclusion that law has nothing whatever to do with the case , but the reason I haven't got $1,000,000 Is simply that I don't know how to get It. But after nil , suppose n statute wore passed dividing equally the wealth of the country among the citizens ; how long do you suppose It would bo until ono would bo rtdliiK over the country In n palace car. while another walked bv the sldo of the track with his effects pacUcd In n bandana trunK with n pin lock , looking for n dry cover for his draw ing rooml It would bo but a few years until woHhoiiid have leather lunged orators golnif nbout the country again , earning their bread by the perspiration of their Jaws and crylnc out tor another 'dlvy.1 " 1 hnvo no fears for the future , " said the speaker In conclusion. "I have nothing but condemnation for the measures which are now being presented , looking toward thocuringof all existing ills by legislation. The ultimata appeal will be to the conscience nnd the Intelligence of the pcoplo. nnd I have no doubt that our ctvllirntlnn will bo successful. Bud as our government may bo. It Is tha best on earth. It is the only ono where every man has nn equal chance for his life. It is the last lime the experiment of self government can bo tried , nnd It cannot fail. The path of the nation has always been onward , through the long groping * of history , nnd through the wlcKcdness nnd the vice that enveloped every hand , man has emerged from each era with greater liberties , and the advancement will cease until the Industrial Independence ) of the American pcoulo shall hnvo been attained. " The ad-lrcss was moro than nn hour In length and the eloquent speaker was fro- fluently Interrupted by applause. Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of Mnndcl & Klein , Council Bluffs. Prices very low ; freight prepaid to yourcity. _ 1'lanos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 530 B'way. of . holcr.t. C.uitc , July 10. The deaths from cholera In Mecca average llfty dally. A quarantine camp Is uclng formed nt Jcbcl Tor. 1HI3 UI-3K FbYtii : . It TrnvclH nt the Uitc : or Sixty .Mllo 1'cr Hour. Tin : OMIIIV BKC , on Sunday , In the west ern , northwestern , and many places in the southwestern part of the state , reaches Its readers from eight to twenty-four hours ahead of all Its competitors. In fact , when the latter reach their destination they nro like back numbers. They nro not used for reading , but for wrapping and carpet pad ding purposes. In each of these respects they are quite valuable. How l.s Tin : Bui : able to so distance Its competitors ! Because it has established a number of horse routes throughout the state ! Because it has Its own special train which makes n run to Grand Island , 151 miles dis tant from Omaha , in four hours ! Mailing allowance for the stops nt rail aoad crossings , this train travels ut thu re mark able snccd of sixty miles an hour. It stops at only two stations. Tin : Bnn , however , stops at ovor.v station. It is thrown from the train cs the latter Illos past each town In bundles and quantities of all the wav from live up to 500 copies. This Bun contains every line of news dis tributed to subscribers within the shadow of Tin : BIE buil-ling in Omaha. When the subscrib In this city is unfoldor Ing liis paper at breakfast , the subscriber in Grand Island Is doing the snmo thing , the great paper bclngplucod In his hands at 7:10 sharp. This enterprise costs money. It Is , however - over , npprocfatcd by Tun BUB'S readers. No otiicr paper in this section could stand the expense. No otnor paper could stand half the expense. Some of them have tried It and given it up. TUB Bin alone sends out a npocial train. This 1 $ something which is done bv no other paper Irv the country. This train leaves Omaha at 3 o'clock in the morning. It reaches the other stations on thu Union Pncllla as appears below. Cut out this time table nnd past It upon the wall. It will tell you when your Sunday paper Is duo. It will toll you also when to look from your door or window nnd see THE BBB Flyer rushing through your town with the swiftness of the wind : THE DEli K1YEK T1MB GAUD. At Grand Island Tin : UKG'S Fiver con nects with the early train on the St. Joseph add Grand Island road and BIIS : nro sent lly- ing in sacks to Uolvldoro , Davenport , Doniphun , Edtjar , Puirbury , Fuirflolu and Stcolo City. Tobias , McCool Junction and Mlllican are reached by freight on the Kan sas City & Omaha rnilroad. Hebron Is sup plied from Bclvidcro by horse route giving them the only Sunday pupurthoy ever had. At Columbus connection is nlso mndo with a train for Platte Centre , Humphrey , Madi son , Norfolk , Av uyno and Wahclield. At Grand Island nlso n fast freight Is caught which sunpllos Elm Creole , Gibbon , Ciothcnborg , ICcnrnov , Lexington , Shclton , Woou Hlver and North 1'latto. Tin : Hue reaches the lust mentioned place nt0 : p. in. Its would-be rivals tumble in there nt 0'J5 nt night , seven Hours Inter ! It is too late to read them then , nnU they uro accordingly de- Ivorod next morning , when they nro ubout twenty-eight hours old I At Silver Crook pnckngcs are thrown off for Stroms- burg nnd Osccolu which nro transferred by special wagon route , giving Stromsburg and Osccoln the only pa | > or they can got on day of publication. At Clark's ' n largo package Is loft forVullorton which Is earrlcn by horse route giving Fullerton the only paper they can get on Sunday. A Queer 1'et. The Blddoford , Mo. , Journal has found n Snco lady who has a very odd pot in a blf , ' crnrdon torn ! which 1ms for three yours passed his o.xlHtonco in the laily'tf front yard. No dor } ever know his master or" mistress bettor than this toad docs the ladyof the house. When shu ] > uts in appearance the toad invari ably comes out from under the flop to Croat her und blinks wisely and atten tively as she talks to him , but should any othoi1 parson or voloo intrude upon the bcotio , Mr. Toud quickly rotronts to his abode under the stops. During ono of the hot days the lady went out into the yard to water her plants and the toad promptly appeared , wearing an un mistakably oppressed aspect. Itseomca to the lady that ho was bogging for n shower bath and she gave him one. She says that the toad actually smiled his gratitude lo her and sang contentedly until she loft him. Upon warm days since the toad liasiomo in as regularly for Ills shower bath as the plants have for their sprinkling. An old solicitor used to say a man's requirements for going to law ware tsii tn'numbof. nnd he summed thorn up as follows : Firstly , plenty of money ; sec ondly , plenty of patience ; thirdly , a good case ; fourthly , n good bollcltor ; fifthly , plenty of money ; sixthly , ix good coun sel ; seventhly , a good witness ; eighthly , u good jury ; ninthly , v good judge ; tenthly , plenty of money. A day for toil , An hour for sport , Calsbacl Sprudel Salt in the morning , And your life will not be short. ClltCltflAHNC TllsSUARKS , They Can No Longer Rob'"plalnunta ( of tbo Government. THE BEE'S GREAT BUREAU OF CLAIMS , It ItefriemlH Settler , ; , Patentees , \VlilowH , OrplmiiH and Sold lorn niul Is CommciuloU by the Jllfliost Authority. Mtn who hnvo had claims against the gov ernment and employed professional agents to represent them before the dcn.irtmcnts In Washington , toll strange stories of tricks nnd rascality to which they were subjected at the hands of these merciless creatures , There nro of course , some honest mon among these agents ; hut there nre so many that are notoriously corrupt , that It Is almost Im possible for a claimant , unless ho bo direct ed by a well-informed Individual , to llnd ono in whom ho can place Implicit conlldmico. THU BKB has received hundreds of com plaints from soldiers and otheri who had advanced monov when so desired nnd who waited for years nnd yet failed to receive any Information as regards what the sharks' had done with either money or claim. Tm : Bnnhns also boon requested to recom mend reliable ngonts and has , In this way , served to protect the people from fraud nnd robbery. But that did no good to the pcoplo who had fallen Into the hands of uhnrks. As rapidly as the latter- wore shown up , now ones with now tricks nnd rascality took their places. There was but ono means loft nnd that waste to establish n great bureau of claims. This Idea was suggested to n number of people but was put into practice fim bv the Snn Fran cisco Examiner. With the Examiner , Tun linn has cooperated ted In the great work of affording relief to worthy claimants. The Washington correspondent of the Ex nnnncr , Mr. John VVcdderburn , who has also acted as private secroUry to Senator Ho.irst , was detailed to organize nnd tnke charge of the bureau. His long service m Washington in both those capacities had given him a largo acquaintance with government ofllclals and government methods. Knowing the men nnd the proper procedure to follow , ho was chosen ns well qualified to pusli claims through in the shortest time if they wcro justly duo. The best lawyers to bo had wore then cm- gaged and a full clerical force put into the bureau. In every instance the men were chosen for their knowledge of the work to bo done. Congress was not loss anxious to protect claimants from robbery. The same kind of complaints had come to THE BUK nnd gonn to the members of congress ns well. The com mittees that had the Indian depredations bill under consideration investigated tlio opera tions of the claim ngonts nnd attorneys in connection with the Indian denredations claims. They found that- the claim nccnts had demanded 93K to 50 ( per cent from the men holding the claims , and in hundreds ot cases held contracts at thesofigures. While the bill was still In congress , with llttlo ap parent chance of passage , thdy were able , by methods dangerously noar'tho ' line of false pretenses , to induce the claimants to sign the exorbitant demands. There appeared to be only ono wav to pro- tocttho claimants. That was to cancel all contracts by law nnd limit1 the fees that at torneys might collect. The claimants would thus be enabled to chooso' another agent If tlio one they had Ilrst engaged had attempted to defraud them , nnd tno contracts could not demand moro than the specified rate. Tno ninth section of the bill was thus drawn to annul "ail sales- , transfers or as signments of claims" and "all contracts here tofore made. " The maximum fee to bo al lowed was put at 15 per cent of the amount collected except In case of claims under $500 or where unusual work had to bo done , when 20 per cent might bo allowed. The amount of business received imme diately after the opening of the bureau is a proof of the confidence in which the people hold it und of the distrust which the ordi nary claim agent has nrouscd. In the six weeks , from April 1 to May 15 , claims to the amount of $ lW5,341.t5X ! wore filed with the Bureau on account of Indian depredation claims alone. All these go to the court of claims under the act nnd are in various stages of prcpaiMtion and prosecution. Besides - sides the claims miner the Indian depreda tion net there had been filed at that date treasury claims to the amount of S-33G04 ! : French spoil.itlon claims to ( ho amount of $ J8i,8S8 ! ; laud claims. $289,350 ; and patent and other claims to u largo amount , Since that date some SJ.000,000 of claims have boon filed with the bureau , und it Is now attending ovor5)00ooOof , ( ) claims. The ncoiJ for the bureau may well bo seen by the fact , that It now has on hand more claims than all of the claim attorneys of Washington combined. The efforts of congress and the establish ment of the bureau was not appreciated by the claim agents. They wanted to continue to thrive In their business of llccclng the needy claimant. They accordingly denounced the government and the bureau. Thev hold that the former could not cancel the contracts they hud made with their victims. But the cancellation was made in the interest and name of the pcoplo. And It need not bo doubted that the eminent constitutional law- years who framed the act in question did not do so without knowing what they wore doing. The throats of the sharks undoubtedly hud nn ollcet upon some men who desired to make notV contracts nnd secure the services of some other nttornoy , but this effect will soon bo destroyed nnd tbo emancipation of the claimant from the tyranny of the shark will bo complete1. The amount of raonov that will bo saved to the people by this work of TUB Bcu BI'ICHAU oi'Ci.MMmny not be calculated. It will cer tainly bo very great. The work will bo done ns near actual cost as possible. Some of it will not cost moro than 5 per cent , while much of It can bo done within the 15 and " 0 pbr cent nllowed by law. In some cases the JO per cent may bo required. It is the Inten tion , however , to glvo the claimant the bene fit of the lowest charges that will cover the expenses of the service. THE BUB BUIIIIAU will prosecute claims In the supreme court of the United Suites , the court of claims , thosoveral courts of the Dis trict of Columuln , before fie | committees of congress nnd the oxecutiyo departments. It will secure the payment ot Just Indian donro- dation claims , land claims , pension claims , mining pro-omplion and homestead cases und obtain patents nt minimum cost and the greatest despatch , , There nro thousands yijt who nro entitled to pensions. These sh&uld write immedi ately to the bureau , Theru are thousands of heirs , widows , minor children , dependent niothors , fathers and , minor dependents , brothers and sisters who.nro , entitled to pen sions nnd should write to Tun Br.u bureau concerning thorn. Undor'rocont legislation u liberal increase in pensions IMS been allowed and these who nro entitled to this should wrlto to Tin : UIK : Bureau Claim nssoclntlon. All letters will bo promptly answered nnd nil Information concerning , form of amillcu- tlons for claims , terms , eto , will DO given wlthns llttlo delay ns practicable. No letter will bo answered uulosh the sender encloses requisite stamps for rcplyi : No Information concerning nny particular claim will be 1m- parted until the applicant has become n mem ber of Tin : iJKE Buro.iu association. Parties desiring In formation should address TDK BBB Bureau of Clidms.iiOOBKB bulldinc , Omaha , Nob. , the manager of which is Edward - ward P. Hoggpn. H U'AGITY OK M-JUAIj KIIAUHH Hclld1 from ll FiirnlHlicil liy The not ) TinUK > I ItN Clnliu Iliii-fim. Thousands of people In the territory ro.ioh cd by TUB BEE have claims of seine kind ngnlimt the national government , claims for pensions , Indian depredations , lund or min ing , patent or postal claim * . It will bo gratifying news' to thcso appli cants to know that TUB BUB , over nllvu to the needs nnd wants of Us patrons , has per fected arrangements by wlilcu their claims can bo presented , through THE BKB , to the proper authorities ut Washington assured a M STHI N(1TIMMA ( ( K-'Uniip'ly united ln"tho Kalndln Komia on , In tlm presence of thousands of iHlrmrcr.i , All Hlrmutli and True Uriico. At homo \Vulr-Sluitfiirt Oi. . nflor June Int. for the result of this happy union look at this exquisitely bcaullfu now novelty , the Light , Umoofiit , Stronj. 8 4 4 With either grained body nnd gear or cnrmlno gear and black holy , solid panel undortho Boat leather orcl ) th fancy trimmings , long springs with heavy curves the whole ovcrcomlngabsolntoly the great objection to road wugons-tholr Heavy and ulumay appearance , and unit' I in : strength , beauty and grace. Send for for catalogue und description or the New Klco Celled Sprln ? Carriage , "Tho Drummer's Friend , " and other now nnd taklnx novel tics. Wo guarantee better values than any other honsu In the west , WEIR , SHUGART CO. , Council Bluffs , la speedy nnd Just adjustment with but a nomi nal cost to the applicant. A short time ngo a now aoparturo was Inaugurated by the San Francisco Ex aminer , now the leading paper on the Pacillc coast. Its proprietor , Mr. Hearst , sou of the late Senator Hearst of California , who has a very largo fortune ut his command , conceived thu Idcn of establishing n bureau of claims nt Washington , manned by the ablest lawyers and specialists conversant with the routine work In the various departments and bureaus of the government. The object of Mr. Hearst In this undertaking Is clearly sot forth In the prospectus publlshcdln Tin : BBU. When the announcement of this now de parture was made negotiations wore at once entered Into between TUB BBB and the pro prietor of the Examiner to Join hands and mutually shire In the "enterprise. These ar rangements now boon perfected nnd agreements entered Into by which TIIBBBB becomes comes a co-worker of the Exnminor In the territory where TUB BBB enjoys so extensive a subscription pntronago. Under this arrangement all applications for claims , cither for pensions , depreda tions , land or mining claims , postal claims In the states of Iowa , Kansas , South Dakota and Nebraska , will bo taken In hand by Tin : BBB Bureau of Claims in Omaha and through it forwarded to headquarters at \Vnshington where the Examiner bureau will prosecute them to a linul und speedy con clusion. Tin : Br.B takes pleasure In offering to all Its patrons and particularly to subscribers to Tun WEEKLY BBE , the services ot this now bureau which , wo nave no doubt , will prove of great ud vantage , to them , both in prose cuting now claims to a successful issue nnd In expediting all claims entrusted to Tin : BBI : bureau. The Term * . The terms under which claims will bo prosecuted will depend entirely upon the amount of service rendered in each case. U'o. can safely assure all patrons of the bureau that * the charges will bo very much lower than rates charged by the regular claims luwy and claims acronts at Washington It go without saying that the Examiner and TUB BBB nro in position conjointly to ex pedite business and do service ut more lib eral rates than any ether medium for the prosecution of claims. lu the matter of fees and charges TUB BEB desires only to clear expenses. The bureau Is Intended for the relief of the people from the rapacity of legal sharks. In many cases fee ) allowed attorneys ore Irrevocably fixed by law , nnd in such the question is decided. In other claims such a charge will bo made us suoms to cover the actual cxjxjnsoj involved in collection Wo mane no effort to solicit your patronage , us does the ordinary agent who seeks jour tlaim for n llnnncla consideration. Such Is not our pur pose. Wo offer to ono und all the services of a well equipped bureau , where- claim of nny nature can bo scut , or Information in regard thereto be obtained. If your claim is worth , less or illegitimate you will bo so notllln without fear or favor. If the claim is goo- uino it will receive prompt attention nnd ofllcicnt prosecution. If unsuccessful , no charge will bo made ; provided , however , that claimants must defray their own ox pcnsos In the preparation of nflidavits , depo sitions , nnd other evidence outside of Wash ington. Wo will furnish the necessary legal papers nnd boar the Washington expenses only In unsuccessful claims. When claims nro allowed , a reasonable foe will bo charged to covoructual cost. All letters will bo promptly answered nnd all Information concerning form of applica tions for claims , terms , otc. , will bo given with as llttlo delay us practicable. No loUor will bo answered unless the sender encloses requisite stamps for reply. No information concerning any particular claim will bo Im parted until thu applicant has become u' member of The Boo Claims Bureau ussou'a lion. lion.Address Address all letters relating to claims to MAXAUBK OMAHA BEB BUUEAU OK CI.VIMS , Omaha Neb To Keep liiHcot.s OfT ' 1 reoH. Tlio tying of a pieeo of wool round n trco stem to keep down tlio bu s and vermin is n poor idcn , bcuausu it IB based on the supposition that till thcso nuisances ascend from the ground , whorcas , in most instances , the eggs nro laid in the foliiigo above the sup posed guard. The only nutual provotit- ntlvo involves a dolluato operation , which , however , can bo successfully performed by a man with a steady hand. It consists in boring a mall liolo in the tree near the ground nnd filling it with sulphur. The sun carries this over the tree and there will bo few insucta suttlu or crawl on any part of it. Tlio spring- is the bust tlmo to do this , but with a btrong healthy tree it can be done now with perfect safety. 'I ho Dihiuul Swamp. A correspondent of the Now York Kvonlug I'ost , describing a trip to the The Turning * Point With many n man Is fomo trivia ) net , nml a mcro ricomnicnilntlim of MUIIO frlfiullo try ti , H. H. liaaftTul thollvraof ImmlrcdA. hptaklnK nK < m < l word for K. H. S. l natural , for \vlu-raver U IJIM Lcvu tried tlicre uuvu alway * Utu goHlrctulli. a ( CLOOD PoisoNisa , Srj r ! ; CiNCEHOKTIIEKltH , : . b. 0. for j , ALL ULCEHS BKIN AX DUCAIII. [ > BOIUI . A trcatlM ) on Hlood and Bkln UUeato mailed ruts uu ui | > llcailou. J > ni/yl ( < r * /i < f ( Jf. SWIFT SPECIFIC 00. , JJraww * 9 , AUuutnj ( Ja \ > if3 r n SEO Dismal Swamp of Virginia , says ono can look for miles down the canal which pa scs through it , and the scene sug gests the heart of Africa. A solid wall of verdure is on either side gum trees , wild magnolia , occasionally a juniper era a cypress and always the burning sun above and the stVango black water below. Now and then a shrill bird cry , now and then a water snake , always the most beautiful shadows and reflections. Negro cabins occasionally , and glimpses of wide cleai'ings , and at one of the locks a group of little darkies with great i < bunches of water lilies , making a most I j olTeelivp combination. Among them is an admirable young taUordcinalion , who has stuck on the side of his ragged hat a single magnilioeiit lily , whoso whiteness .shines , star.fiko , against the black back- yround of the woolly bond. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. WANTKD A neat appearing young man of Rood address ; u hustler to travel on road. Salary , commission and railroad furo paid. Call nt Kiel's hotel from 12 to 1 und S to U. Eugene McICurnan. WANTED In prlv.ito family , n nicely fnr- nlshud room for slnxlu Kcntloinan. Mimt bo facliu or noir Havllss p.irlt. Address 1' . O. box 4W , Council Ulna's. TT10U KENT A nlco 0-room house with -L liirgo yard to duslrablo pnrtv free of charge. J. W. Squire , 101 I'o.irl street. W ANTED Girl nt boardlna , 52 ! Seventh avenue , Council ItlulTs , HOKSK that can beat & . : , line bred. Will soil or trade. Addruss or null on 1) , Ilrown , 1V-J west Hrnndwuy , Council Illuirs , FOR SALE A line ploco of Harden nnd fruit laud , ut $ . " > 0 pur acre. Johnston & Viui- I'utten. CliAIUVOVANTand svcbomotric , or chur- ucter roilliiKs : ; ulso ( IbiKiiosIs of disease , noiul lock of 1ml ! for readliizn by letter. Sun- Says and ovcnmxs. Mrs. R Hooper. MJJ Ave- iluu E , near corner 13th street , Council llluflfr. Terms , 5Jo and il.OJ. MAGNIFICENT acre property In flve-uoro tracts located 'J'-4 miles fipm postolllco , for sale on reasonable terms Some line icsl- uciii'O property for rent bv Day & lloss. TTIOH JA.L/K or Itont GUnluu land , wltli homo * , Uf J , U. Itluo. IU < Mala it , OoiaauU Bluffs . tins ltiVn OH" $ ( . ) " ( ) and $1 ( > . ( ) ( ) . So'no ole''ant gas Htovos. Ga company's are asking $ . ' 0.00 to ifW.OJ : for similar goods. Don't fall to see 113 before buying u gas stove. The \V < m < liTl'iil Now I'rouosH Vapor stove. Thn BUS It uses costs only l.'i cunts per 1,000 fuut , The VictorHluyclo Wins all the races. Their uonOorful cushion tire mak-e.s the other fellows change thulr minds. They all tall ; cushion tire loud unuugh now. There Is iiognu sso or don't know about the Victor. Giiur.uitoud fioin Ilrst to lust. More Durable , Unnlor 1'ut on. thn fastest und easiest riding tlrouvor used. It Is patented and not used by uny other concern. Don't thlnl ; that everything rullud u cushion tire Is good becuusu tlm Vic tor cushion Is such u blvr HUUCUSS , Theiu are good und bud In till things. If you wuiUu wheel Investigate the Vlctur. Wo can 1111 all orders on Cs and Its now. CUhE & COIX. H Main street. The Columbia Hicyck- . Wo have the best cushion tire made. lint this is not thu only good feature of the old reliable and popular Columbia. Investigate Hhiitaomu unscrupulous doulurs huvo to say for their wheels. Tlio Columbia Is worth Its weight In gold , oven with ' 'freesilver. " . \\lthoiitii rtcfrlKcrntor. In lint woathcr It Is Impossible to do so und preserve your health and comfort. Food can not ho preserved without dangerous duterloiu- tlon. In u cooked or raw state , without refrlg oration. Yon will llnd It more Impossible ! than ever to do without this Important adjunct when you look at 'ho North Star und Inurn thu prices wo will imiKii for thu ne\t tlili ty days. fi'iiholluo Stoves , Ijiiwn MOWCI-H , And garden hose ut lower llgnros than you ever got before. Hvory nrllchisold Is the high est grade made. Screen doors nnd window Kiirceiis nt cost. Make your homes comforta ble ut llttlo expense. I > . C. DoVol , HOI KroiKlway. They Must fin at Cost. There Is no iisoof your enduuvor ng to got along und econuml/o by doing without iv re- frluerutor. Health nnd comfort cimr > t be muliiftlned In thu but summer weather and food proper y preserved without some means of preHurvliu eoul , dry atmosphere. I ho new ( luurnsey refrigerator Is thu world Imutor In every essential point , and from this time on wo propose to put them Into your bonnes ut absolute cost. Til's ' Is u limia ildu olTer that U wl.l pay yon to Investigate. Window Koretmn nnd Doom float tho9'imo price until our present l'ire ! block mexliniistu I. Thin U your opportunity to provide your humus with thcbj necessary comforts. All modern little Inbor xivln and comfort- pioduu nit novelties In the hur.lw.iru line for hummer use will bo dupoiodof In thu sumo manner. & MUM , No. 11 Main Nlroot , Coiiuull HIiilVH. Dr.M. H. CHAMBERLIM EyeEar , _ , Nosa and Tiimlt SURGEON ! Council HlulTs , In. Shiik'tirt-Hoiio H'U. Ituom 1. 0 to 112 in 7 iu > d 8 p. ui. NEWOGDEN HOTEL. Centrally located in the business portion of Council Bluffs , nil the street car lines in the city passing the door. Modern and conven ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 12O guest chambers. The best $2.a day house in the west. Board nnd room Irorn $3O per month up. Table board $ B pep week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr. Gas Heating Stoves. No Asncsl No .HMOKK. Just tbo thlii ) : for bath rooms , bed rooms , ota , Cull und see our lar e assortment. C. B. Gas and Eleotrio Ught Co. " 11 I'oart and 210 .Main Slrcot. ELECTRIC TRUSSES , BELT , cm : iiCTOfia , ETC. AGENTS WANTED. DR. C. B. JUDD , 606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la TELEPHONE 264. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK 8150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 225.000 : -I. \ . Mlllor , If. O Olouon , E. t i B. Hart. J , I ) . Edinundson. Ulmrlai It. llannan. Transact Konoral Uankliu bmi ne ยง L/ireit : capital and aurplui ot auy banicln SoullnYoatorn IO.TX INTERESTON TIM i DEPD3IT3 , First--National--Bank : - : - -Of OOtTNOII. BLUFFS , IOWA , Paid Up Cnpitiil , . . . . $100,009 Oldujt orK.uiUuil bank In Ilia cltr. Kuralicii anil doinoittc cxeli uuo : in 1 looil sjo irltlJl. Ui | > JJU iittuntlon p.iltl to ajll'jjllo-ii. ' AujMitiut InilUll mill , b iuki , tj.uikuraiuiJujrpor.UIj.i jjlloUj-L Jof ruiiioiiiluncu Invltuil. U1CO. I'SANKOIIN. . Trodilnnt. A. W. IUISIOIAN , C.ishlor A. T. HIGH. AMsliU t Ciunlor Lake Manawa Hotel , Attractions. Flno I'lsliliiz , Unuting , Hath- liik'nnl Kxi'ullunt Mineral Water. Onlv fifteen minutes ride fioin Council Itlnffd. Motor trains nvery half hour , direct to centers of Council llliilfn and Omaha. Most chillK htful und uccesslUu place fur lilcnlc uurtlas. TELEPHONE NO. 45. Sims & Saundcrs- Attorneys at law , I'rao- tlcu In the utato und federal conrIn. Uoiins It , 4 und 3 tihujfurt tlt'iio lilouk , Council HlulN. lu. HI fllllllllPrc. Attorney ut I < uw , No. 10 , J , thcHUM/lSi | street , over Hush- null's store. Telephone No. ' 'VL llnslnoaj hours. M u. in toU p. m , Uounull IIUlKs , In. 27 MAIN STUEBT. 0. II. Jucquemm ft Oo. , Jnwulry Sto THE ! QRAND , Council Dluffd , la. This Elegantly Appoints * Hotel la Now Opan , George T. Phelps , Manage *