THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .JTHTJESDAY. JULY 10. 1801. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. FOll THX8KCOLUMNS ADVKHT1HKMKNTH IliSO p.m. for thn evening nd until 8:0) : p.m. ( or llio mtynlng or Sunday cdl- tlonn , All urtirrtlirmrrdi In thr o column * 2 crnin it word first Insertion nnit m ctnn n word thereafter , or 12 per line per month. No advertisement taken for | I > M tlmn 25 cent * for Ihn first Inncrtlon. Trrtnn cash In iul * Tinro. Initials-ileutes , symbols , rte. , rachcounlaa word. All nilTprtlncmrnm nitmt run ronorcti- tUcly , Advertt'ers , by ir < | itriillng n numbered check , rnn ham their answers addressed M n"num > bored letter In csroof Tlir llrr , Anawersiio nd- drcMPd lll bo delivered only on presentation of the check. ilANCltTlKFICKH-ADYKUTIHlNn FOUTIIKHK columns will tic Inkrn on Iho above romllllnnn at the following biiplnes huiiH'ii , who are author- tie rt to tpkn rprclal notices fat llio sumo rales n can If had al the mnln onicn : eoiith ( raiha llrancli No. 2(33 ( N itrrct , Lis ter Work. John \V Dell. Pharmacist , Illli nnd Mason streets. H. II. Knrnsworth. PharmnclM,211ft Turning street W..I. Iliiuhm , Pharmacist , 134 N. IKlli street. OcorBO W , 1'arr , 1'linrninclst , 1718 Lcavenworlb Irect. Hughes'Pharmacy , 24th nnd Knrnam. HITUATIOXH WANTKI ) _ For ( inter , tie , , trc top of ftrft.cnlumn on I/in ptfj' . A"LA ! > Y DKsiKs POSITION 'AS HTKNOO- rnp hcr and typewriter. Kxporlcnced Address T7 , H oc. UST III * n-WANTKD , noon SALKSMKN TO HKM. AH- J'vortlslnKCard * nnd novelties on commission ill- reel from manufacturer. You cnn uinko ISO per week. Address , Advertising Specialty Co. , llutTnln , ' WANTK1) . IIYAN K.XPKHIKNCKD AND UK- liable bookkeeper. situation In an Dillon or with n business house , wholoimlo preferred. Address T 27 llco. . M1U7 31 * -WANTKD. A PAHTV WITH TKN YKAHS experience In llio lonn nnd rent estate bus- Infill In Nebraska nnd lown desires n situation with Bomiiresiioniillilo loan company ; bent of references. Address T2ii , lleo. M1U3 17 _ -Nt'HHINil-MUH. t' . KKLLY , W7 ! SOUTH 17TII street , wants n child to nurin nt her homo. Mlfil 18 * _ A PHAOTICALMILLKll WANTS A PLACK IN nmlll. Address T 17. Hee , 138 15' _ - WANTKD SITUATIONS FOll ( JOOD OIIILH ; A- waiting rooms nro always full from 9 a. m. to dp. m. Canadian Kniployment office , 314H 8. 15th. Telephone NM. 4W WANTKI ) MAhK IIKIji\ For rate * , etc. , itr top of fiist column on ( hto yage. JJ resident of city preferred , permanent and good pay forsultnblo man. Call after 9 a. in. , 40U Heo building. M227 ID * -WANTKD TWO SHOKMAKKHS,1020 CAPITOL avenue. 1IJM-I7 * -CUTTKIl WANTKD. AUK YOU A CUTTKH ? If so do you use Iho A. 1) . ruda now method of cutting ? MI8.1 IB' 'T > WANTKI ) SALKSMKN IN KVKHY COUNTY. 4 JtTS 00 per month nnd expenses. Outfit , samples , etc. , free , ( ioods sold by samples. Steady position to proper party. No experience necessary. Full particulars upon application. Send stamps. Worcester fcrruliinnd manufacturing company. .12 Ilormon street , Woreeslcr , Mass. MI'.U T > WKOFFKH AOKNTS IIIO MONKY IN HXCLU JJslvo territory. Our new patent safes sell nt sight In city pr country. Now agents first In field actually getting rich. One agent In ono day cleared fwi. So can you. Catalogue free. Alpine Safu com- pany. : u > l-il : Clark street. Cincinnati. O. B ; WANTI'.I ) , A PIANO PLAYHIt. INQUIHK 1H ( N. ! > tb st. 200 > -WANTKI ) PANTArXKN MAKKUS AT ONCK > nt the Continental Clothing Houso.IKIS 13 WANTKI ) , A FIHHT-OI.ASS UAIIIIIACR tilacksmltli nt I2U W. llrondwuy , Council Illuirs. IK 10 B-DHUOmST WANTKD. A HAHK OPPOHTUN- Ity for n druggist In Omaha ; rent-very low. loca tion tlno. 'Apply to Oco. W. P. Coates , 7 Hoard Trado. Hit m B-WANTKD , YOUNtt MAN. IIKCKIVHINSTHUC- llons. keep books ; Immodlaloly. J. I ) . Smllhl room.OTi. N , V. Life building. ' 207-15' -WANTKD.OKNKHALAND SPKCIAL AOKNTS lo represent the Fhlellty Mutual Llfo Insurance company of Philadelphia , Pa. , In Nebraska and Council lllufls ; extra liberal Inducement to right parties. Call on or address stale manager , 637 Paxton - ton block , Omaha , Nob. ' " 840 -SALF.SMANTOSKLLiOOD5tTOMKIlCHAM'S JJby Mimnln ; big pay for workers ; now goods ; per manent situation ; chance to build a tlno trade. Model Mf'g Co. , South Ileml , Ind. 7'JI till' ] } WANTKD SALKSMKN ONSALAHY Oil COM- -I 'mission "to bundle. Iho new patent chemical Ink , crnslng pencil ; the greatest selling novelty eycr produced"era9.c& ; hik thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; "SCO to f.GO pereent profll ; ono agent's rules ii'mounled to H50 in MX days , another f32 In two hours. Wo want ann general agent In each Btato'"jl territory. For terms and full par ticulars Idress .ho Monroe ICrascr Mfg. Co. , La Crosse. W ' 484 -WANTKD , 500 LAHOHKHS FOll WYOMINO and South Dakota. Free transportation. Al bright Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam street. M5US MKNOF OOOD ADDIIKSS. MKTHOPOL1TAN M'fc Co. , ItXW Howard Omaha , or 137 N. 12th Lin- coin. 125-JylS * WANTKD FEMAIjlS IIKLl' . For rales , f ic. , fee ton nf first column on tills jxipr. C-A FF.W NO. 1 (11HLS ( WANT PLACKS AT THK new employment agency , bank building , directly opposlto llnyilons' . 221 15 * -COMI'KTKNT OIIIL FOll CIKNKIIAL HOUSK work. Mrs. Tbos. F. HaH , law Sherman avenue : s 221 C-OIHL FOHOKNKHALHOUSKWOHK , FAMILY oflhreo , Call 813 Park live. 21015 * - WANTKI ) , niltL" FOll IIKNKHAL 1IOUSK- w ork , . 1'Jth flt. 2IIMU pi WANTKI ) , A GlItL FOll OKNKItAL IIOUSK- v work , family of 2 ; German preferred , S41 Park. nvenuo. 174.10 p-OOOI ) lilUL AT 2423 BT. MAHY'S AVKNUK v . M1C4- _ _ Koil'ltKN'T I1OUSI3S. For rattf. etc. , fee tap of ftnt column on thin 7 > < i0e. D-FOIl UKNT HU8KS ( 1 < OS ? H47 , N. 17tl street ; U rooms , bath , gas , etc ; (20.UO per month. M22S , - , l A- els street , with city water , west olctu of Hnm-eom park , MltiS _ -FOlt IlKNT , IIANDSOMK 11-UOOM IIOUSK. all modern conveniences , In perfect order ; pnvcd treots : motor nnil within S minutes walk of post- office. Nathan Hliolton , lull Knrnam nil-eel. MUM SKVKN UOOM CO'ri'AGK , 11 IILOCHS KHO.M P. o. to party that will buy furniture used but a Biiort tlino. t > ell r will take furnished room If do- slreil. Aildrc T , aa lleo. 201-lii" D -S-HOO.M MODHItN IllllCK 11OUBK , PKlt month. U. K. Cole , Continental bldg. D4J20 4-llOO'jl FLAT , WITH PIUVILKOH OF 3 more ; rent J15. Furnltiiro JIW. No cash re quired If futurity Is good. Co-operative. Land nnd Lot Co. . JU5N. llitlist. 204-17 -FLAT KOIl HKNT , il HOOM8 . , LIHTON . . IILOCJC . . , newly papered , range ; Kti p'or 'nioiilh."John llnnilln , UI7 H. I3lh. 1)13 ) D-TWKLVK-UOOM IIOUSK WITH MOI1KUN 1M- proveminits , on corner lot , central location. Will Icnsti furnished or partly fiirntshrct If desired. Apply to The Hyron Heed Co.,2128. 14th St. . or Irfiwls S. Heed , Nubraska Nat'l , bank. S01M5 * TTJ-FOH HKNT. tVIIOOM COTTAtlK , 1.13 N. .S7TH J-'strcet , f0 | ; 3-room coltiiiic , TM and Farnunii 113.50. lieed A Solby. room . Hoard ot Trade. Vll D I-TOifllKXT. COHNKH FLAT. ALL OUTS1DK rooms. Wright and Lnsberry , 1C01 Howard.MJM MJM , -IF YOU WISH TO IlKNT A HOUSK OK STOHK / co It. K. Cole , Continental block. I''J 1) - FOlt HKNT UMIOOM IIOUSK CKNTHALLY locatedmodern Improvements. 711 N. 1'Jth. 4'.HI 1)BFOH B--FOH IlKNT. NKW YO11K HOTKL ON WKIL stor slreet and ilores now 1'eoiilo's Maiiimoth Installment House. Inquire of Bears , li. tas. .N. V. Ufe. M8IC2J B--F011 HKNT. 7-HOOM IIOUSK , 202S IIAIlNEi' . Inquire A. U. Gladstone , 1310 Douulai street. street.MiOS HKNT , i-HOOM COTTAOK , 6-room collage , near motor. 112.00. 4-room cotlago near motor , f 10.00. il rooms iinf uriilshrd , f 10 Ul. And the. best residence flats In llio city. KO to f2i No Morctt. Thu Mead Inv't. Co. , 41 } lloo llldg. tilti FOlT IlKNT. 4 HOOM Cm-TAtil ! "wTTH TVVO liirgoeltnetsat the rear nf 601 So : oth st. tli.SO per mouth. Knqulro of F. U. Salmon. Vth and Jones. 741 B-R-HOOM HHICK HOUSK , ALL CONVKN encus. (20.00 ; Groom brick bouse , 12000 U.K. Cole. 0 Continental , tot JA-COTTAUK VQtt UKNT 441 8.J4T1J AVKNUK. T\-Hlll HKNT CHBAP. NiNK HOOM HOt'SK , 'furnlihcd or unfurnished and barn , convenient location , llolbrook,4 Heobulldlnif. T V HUI'SKS. ALL KINDS THIIKK NICH j Y KUlt- JJ nlthed. Hundy A Co. . liill Capitol aveuu U TI \ XKW MODKHN AN.MOST DKSIHAHLK IN I 'the city. 3 or 4 room suite * . Complete fur house- keeping. 6188 aid street , 'K. U Van IKirn. MM I TKOH HKNT.MIOOM COTTAOK , KA8T KHO.V1\ .l-'Sherman avo. . near Clark ; 1 0. WrUht A I s- bury , lull Howatd. _ [ Ml 1\ 8TKAM IIKATKD MODKHN FLATS. W7 AND J-/ JVJ U 1Mb street , li. K. Iltnsur , lilU Furusm. _ l-'li" r > UO.OMS. tr rittt. A , tee ton of fint column on thlt paac. houw , iteara beat , bath , KU and lubd in conveniences , to gtutlcrntm ouly. SSI North > 3U stteot. - Fen URNT FunNisunn _ [ Conttn\u \ < l.\ \ " T7-THK BT. CLAlIt nUHOPKAN IIOTKI. Jj3th | and Dodee , will make low rates for rooms by tha week or month with or without board. 200 E-VKIIY PLKASANT FHONT HOOM IN Pill" vato family for iienllcmsn.82.1S glh ) street 331 P-KUHNISUKD HOO.M , IJII JACKSON BT. < ] ? NIOBLV KUHNISIIKI ) KHONT HOOMS , Ml H. - < IiHli street , 2nd floor.- 218 1C * T > KOIt HKNT. HOOMS NKATLY FUHNINHKD. - lnt 310 Honth IMli street. MIM W _ 1Voil HKNT. NICKLY KI'ltNISIIKD COOL I-Jroomaat northeast corner . and Howard. Lawn around linlldlnir , Kroni 17.00 to (20 n month. S43 _ _ E-K1IHNISIIKD HOO.MH ; ( IAS ANI ) HATH. 1023 HI. Mary's avenue. _ Mia IB' V-LAHIJK KHONT ItOOM.ITOl CAPITOL AVKNUK .III Mil _ lp-4 NICK KUHNI8HKD HOO.M8 , MODHHN IM- J-jprovcinciita : prices f J , 10 , 112. IU13 Douiilns st. 87 l 1 * l-ttU HUNT. PLKAHANT FUIINI81IKD HOOMS , for Iliiht housekeeping COI N. Kill si. ir-KllONT PAHLOH1 110 PKH MONTH. Ifllrt i Knrnani. _ ? NICKLY FUHNISHKD HOOMS. MODKHN j pnvunlencfs. 1WI Capitol avenue. M8M II oiniobMH Jv7JI ) HOAItl ) . For rates , etc. , fee top nf ftnt column ontMip-ige. KUHNisTiKD IIOOMSDAY ; lloTilDKltS' ' F llcllcd. nil .North 18th. MICO 17' _ -411 NOHTII IBTH. HOOMS WITH HOAHD fortM.UU. M 109 13 * _ 17-TWO KUHNI9HKI ) 8OUTII IIOOMS WITH I board , 1721 Davenport. 8. 20 * KOIl IlKNT , UOOM WITH I1OAHD. 1722 DODOK slrcct. 201 17-FUONT HOOM WITH HOAHD , 1011 DOIK1LAS 1. strcot. UM 17' _ _ 17 KUHNISHKI ) HOOMS WITH 11OAHD. UKFKIl- i 'once * . ! K14 Knrimm. UU 17 * 1 ? HOOMS ANI ) HOAHD. ItOl DODUK STHKKT. i : M270.lyM _ _ -HOO.MS ANI ) HOAHD AT YOUNU WO.MKN'S home. 100S 17th street. TOO-lylD * I-'OHItKNT HOOMS UNFUltMHIIKI ) Forratts , etc. , seetop of first column ont/iu / pace. KomiN.iooiiisjMTcsTii and Paclflc ; > 00 per month. KS-lii * KOAllDINO. , tec top of fyrtt column nn this IIOUSK , i.vo DODOK Kor Rood board , nlco rooms , modern conven iences , rnlos and location , It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , Prop. M127A11 * FOll HUNT STOUKH AND OFFIOKS. For rates , etc. , see top of firs' rottinw on Oiti jxifje 1-KOH HKNT.THK SKCOND KLOOHOK ONK OK -I the principal ilry goods stores In Omaha * Suit * nhlu for clotiiliiK. hats , caps , crockery carpets or furniture. Will rent cither Iho enllru floor or part of It. AddrcsaTai , lice. MISG 1 FOll IlKNT , TlIK OFKICK KOllMKHLY OCCU- Jpled by Alexander & Smith In the Continental block , corner room , In perfect order. Kreeland. Loomls Co. M7B3 1 roil HKNT OH 8ALH. MY HU1LDINO ON Jones St. , bet. 10th & Hth. U.A. LIndqulst,31U S IJth. fXB I-KOIt HKNT , TUB 3-STOHY HHICK IIUILDING , IIIO DoiiKlas strecl , snltnblo for wholesale pur poses , HJO per month. Chas. Kaufman. I'M ! UUUK- las street. Ufi "I KOIt HKNT niK 4-8TOHY HHICK HUILDINO Jwlth or without power , formerly occupied by the Heo Publishing Co. , iilfi Karnam st. Thu build ing has a tlropoof cement basement , complete stcani'lieatlng fixtures , water on nil thu noors , gas etc. Apply at the olllco of The Heo. VIS FOll HKNTMISOKhANIiOUS. . Forrtttet , tis. , see top of first column on this page. T-PABTUiiK-i""HAVK : NKW PAsfuTiK JUST ' fenced fgr horses and colts , 223 ncresa of tame nnd wild grass ; will call for nnd deliver ; charges reasonable. Inquire Evans , 031 Paxton block , or address Ueorgo U. Cans , South Omaha. Mill , lyl8 * AVANTKI ) TO III5N1' . Forratej. cl , , seetop of I rst cnfum'i on thl * j > trje. jr LAlir COMLNO OjiAnXTOKUCATK ; IVson , wishes funilshed or unfurnished house and board owner or family In .part payment of rent. Host of reference given and required. Add - d re sTHllleu. ! yiU 17 * _ WANTKI ) TO IlKNT , 6 HOOM COTTAJK CON- vonlent to car lines. Address T2V , lice.M188 M188 1I K WANTKD , HOOM AND I1OAKO NOHTII OF Capllal avenue by genllcman and wife ; refer ence given. Address , P.O. Hox3SU. ISO 1G * AGENCY. For tatnetc. , tec top of first column on tlite jwiae. -i" K COLK lKNTAi , " AQ KNC Y , cNTlNI5N- tal block. 490 STO11AOI3. For rates etc. , tee top of first column on tilts page. MTllUSIIMAN , LOWKST HATlS , To5 Lcavenworth. Ml 81 M -OLDK8T. CHKAPKST ANI ) BKST 8TOIIAGK house In city. Williams & Cross , 1214 Hurnor.MS12 MS12 M-CLKAN , DHYAND PIUVATK STOHAtiK OF furniture Omaha Steve Hepalr Works , 1207 Douglas. . SIM I ) TO BUY. TV FUIINITUIIK HOUO11T , SOLD , 8TOHKD. 1 > Wells , Hit Fnrnam st. 511 \T-WANTKD TO HUY. GOOD IIKSIDKNCK I < OT l > or house and lot , or several lots loculed so ns to umka a good building site , must bo In first , class residence part of the city. Parties answering this should Klvo full description of property , lowest price , terms , whether Incumbered , and If so how much , O 11) , lice. IrU KOIl SALK KUItNITUUE 13X0. -FUHN1TURK OF SKVKN HOOM8 U8KD HUT n short time , cheap. Address T , A5 lleo. 200-15 * -OFFICK FUUNITUHK FOll SALK CHKAP. folding desk , table u ml elm Irs. T I' ) , llco. 147 15 * FOHSAIjIO HOKSKH.WAGONH.HTO For term * , etr , , tee top of first column ; < m Win 1F01l SALI FAMILY . X Nichols' stable , 28th and Leavonwortli. M514 -2 GOOD IIOHSKS FOR SALB , 1150 BHKHMAN avenue. IbV It ! * I > FOll SALK CHKAP , LIGHT GLASS ROCK- away and good piano box top buggy , both In good ordur. Inquire at room .V. , Omaha Nat. Hank building. DSO I-IIKAVY SPUING WAGON FOll SALK AT 27U5Lcavenwortu st. WI p-FAMILY HOHSKrt FOK9ALK. SINOLK Dill Y. J. ers or carriage teams. Can furnish any kind of liorso desired. Call at C. I ) . Woodworth li Co. , or address , T. J , Fleming , Calhoun , Neb. 7UI FOR SATJi MlaCKtjLAyKOUS. For mt < * . etc. , tee top of fint column on tliln page. Q FUi siniD LATy6irrrAinrwrnTtrKN. tleumii roomers i very cheap. 701 S. Itith St. , Flat C. MIO ? 20 * _ Q -GASOLINK STOYK CHKAP. 1231 N , 1DTH BT. 211 lli _ Q-KOIl SALK GOOD ANI ) COMPLKTK FIX- turws of meat market ; excellent location and low runt. M. A. Upton Co. HJ7 QXIISALKAOJOOOOCKLKHY PI-VNTS OHKAP , tl.&Oper thousand In quantities of 5,000 or moro. for 10 days only. J. T. Comstock , 1100 Mitchell st. . Milwaukee.VI . 113 fur riitet , etc. , fee top of first column on il\tt \ litako about It ; send for descriptive circular. Address - dross "Antl-llald , " box 2UI. Davenport , la , 1 J WANT TO CONTRACT US ) AOHKS GIIASS TO L\bo put up. The btatuou Ureodliitf Farm Co. , Crcston , Nob. 308-20 _ 1 > NOTICK. 1 IIKIIKIIY NOTIFY ALL STORKS -IV that 1 will not pay any debts contracted by my wife , Mrs. aheu. Wordrlg. Mr , Theo. Wordrlg. MIDI 1C' _ _ _ R-FOIl SALK CIIKAP , TO AVOID MOVING , about S.UM pressed brick. Welshaus A Gibson , 2UHK N. Y. Life building. SUB-IT THKATJIKNT. KLKCTllO-TIIKR- al baths , scalp and hair treatment , manlcuro and.chlropodl9t. Mrs. Poit.SlVH S 15th , Wlthncll blk. _ _ _ _ _ BjtJ 1J-KOH 8ALK-C1IUHCH IIUILDING NOW IX- -Ivemledoii Htriiey st. . near J4th , to be moved otr. Apply to bmmuul Kali , 014 H. Hth st. W7 1J-DH. LONSDALK'S SPKCIFIO MKDIClNKS Avror diseases peculiar to women. 010 b. Uth strvat. 674 -LIGHTNING RODS. WHOLKSALK AND RE- UU. J. J. McLaln , XM Hpeuvur St. . Omaha. OIA111VONYATS. For rate * ttf.tKe top tf ftnt column on thlt MII/S. S-MH8. NANNIK V , WARREN , ClJMHVo'vANT , trance speaking , writing and reliable business medium , four years lo Omaha. Ill N. 16th. MS C MADAM 5LDRI IXI K Ofumlng st. , ovtir tiauk ; bundayi executed. 170 Ji' CTjAIHVOY.VNTfl. C-ARRIVAL K.TTRAORDINARY. ArtTONISHINO OrpTfllatlons : challenges the world ; 1 > r. II. Elmer Hall , Into of New York , thoprlnco trnnceiclalrvoy. ant , astrologer , prlmlst and dead trance medium , Scor of past , present and fntnrai born with toll , and power from birth of revealing every hidden mystery. Positively nn Imposition. Advice on business , love , marrlagn , speculation , divorce and nil attaint of Mfd. Kvcry hidden mystery revealed ! helps all who are In trouble : never falls ! gives nd- lco on all points of Intbrrst , biislnrsa transactions , love attaint , family troubles , Block speculations , law suits , absent friends : cures witchery , nt , drunkenness , nplum habit , rheumatism , fcmalo and mysterious diseases troubles and all long-standing eases ; lucky days ; Interprets dreams : locates dis ease , hidden treasure * and stolen goods ! restores lost affect Ions , brings the separated together.makea spwdy ami happy marriages with the onn you lore by proix-r advice ; tells If thn ono you love Is truuor fal ni gives lurky Roman-Kgyptlan talismans to help all out of trouble ; truth guaranteed. Dr. Halt Is thn greatest living natural clairvoyant on earth. Ho rends your secret nnd open llfowlth as much ease ns though In ordinary conversation. Residence , 514 North IMh street , Omaha , Nob. Of- lire hours , 10 a. in , to 8 p. in. , strlrt. P , S. letters with stamp answered. Pond stamp for largo Illustrated circular. N. H. This la the doctor's ' first visit. Cut this out and preserve It , as It will not appear every day. 217 lii * MASHAOK , ItATHS , KTO. For rate * , etc. , tee top nf ftnt column nn tlitt OIVKH r massage treatments nnd alcoholic snlphurlno baths. 14111 Dodge st. , front parlor. 21 ] 21 * rp M ASSAOK HATHS AT MADAMK SMITHS. 3D -1 lloor , 420 B. IMIi street. Mini 18 U-MASSAGK.MADAMK DKLZIKR , OVKH IIIO S. .1 1.11(1. ( VOO 07 * For rtite > , etc , , see top of frst column on Hits puiie. WANTKIIi AUj PAHTHw'wnO iXui ) Mlis [ Dr. Hall , the clairvoyant money to send full particulars to TI7 : , llco and have same relumed. -COHIIKSPOND FOll AMU8K.MI1NT OH MAT- rlinony ; full parllciilurV ( sealed ) 10coins. Hex 321) ) , Omaha. Neb. U l All * MUSIC , AUT ANI ) \XOUAO13. . For mint , etc. , see top nf Urst column mi tills pant. Vr-flKO ? F. OKM.lSfHKCK , TKACIIKfl OF TlIK ' banjo : wllh Hospc , 1513 Douglas. 21'j r HKFOHIHllYING : A PIANO KXAMINK TlIK new scale Kluiball piano. A. Hospol&13 Douglas. \r-GUlTAIl ANDHANJO MUSIO SIMPLIFIKD. > Pieces read at glancn. No knowledge of music required. Send for clr. Guitar Musla Co.AtlantlcIn. t52 ! Al r PUPILS , GHAMMAIl A SPECIALTY. 1C07 Douglas. 239-Jy2l * TWOSBCONM-IIANIM'IA.VOS AT A GItKAT V bargain : uprights. Hill ChlcaKO st. l.VIJrl'J HIONKV TO LOAN KKAIj 13STATK. For rat t. < , etc. , see top of first column on thli K. Neb. and la. farms. K. F. Hlnger , 151'J Far'm. r WANTKI ) . SMALL LOANS ON UN1MPHOVKD properly. Fidelity.Trusl . company. 178 21 \\r HUILD1NO LOANS IN SUMS OFfSOOTOfl.fiOO. wanted. Fidelity Trust company. 179 21 11fI. L. HICK , INV'STM'T SECUHKTIKS , 923 V > LlfoHufld. 7MA4' -OUAHANTKKO MOHTOAOKS ON SAKPY. Thiiyor , Ciimlng and Stnnton Co. lands for sale by H. T. Clarke , 111 Hoard ot Trade. JIW -STOP PAYINO HKNT , OWN A IIOMK. WK will buy or hnvo ono built for you anywhere , nnd lei Iho rent pay for the property. For Information mation call or address North American Savings As sociation. Hooiii720 , Now York Llfo building. Olllcn open until 7 p.m. tU5-a 9 \ir MOIlTJAOK8 WANTKI ) . UN ( ! OH SHOUT 'I time , ( ieorgeli. Wallace , 810 J. J. Ilrown build ing , llitb and liouglns. SIS \7I l > ulI'1 > 1Nnu > ANSIi TO I > KU CKNT : NO 'T additional charKi'sforcomnilsslonorattorney'ii fees. W. U. .Melklo , First National bank blclg. 020 TI T" 1'HIVATK SIONKY TO LOAN. J. U. 2ITTIK , 'V flUN. Y. Life. 5W 'VIf If MOriTOAOK LOANS WANTKD , MCCAOUK i Invcslment company. 523 y MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKHTY. ' Fidelity Trust company , 1U14 Farnnm. 524 -KASTKHN MONKY TO IXAN AT VKRY low rales. H. B. Irey , MM N. Y. Llfo. M523 TIT" CHKAP MONKY PHILA. MOUTOAOK AND Trust Co. . wants gllt-edgo loans. , ( } co. W. P. Conies , rcprescnlnllve , 7 Hoard of Trade. Kl'i - .f . 11" 20.FHKN/.KHHLIC K14 -ANTHONY JXUN ANI ) THUST CO. , 318 N. Y. Llfo , lend nt low rate for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omaha city property. M029 \ir-jrSKCONl ) MOKTOAGK LOANS FROM fMO TO V flO.UUO. AlcxMooro , 401 IKio bulldlug. M 84 \\r-THK CKNTHAL LOAN AND TRUST CO. V i has removed to The llco bulMIng , main floor , at right of entrance. City loans at lowest-rules. C. A. Starr , manager. "IS2 Jyl'J MONEY TO IjOAN-OHATTKIjS. For rnttJS , elf. , st' top offirxl colnnui on Uitu -MON Y TO LO AN 11 Y t. . M ASTKK8 ON household goods , pianos. , organs , horses , mules , warohousn receipts , etc. , nt the lowest possible rates without publicity or ri'inovnl'ot , property. Time arranged to suit borrower. My loans are so arranged that you can m'ako' payment nt any time and reduce both the principal and Interest. , Yon will find It to your advantage to nco Jno If you want n loan , or If moro convenient en 11 'up telephone - phone 1021 ! and your business can bo arranged at home. Money always on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthncll block , 15th and Harnoy streets. D27 MONKY TO LOAN ON IIOHSKS , WAGONS , furniture , pianos and collateral security. Ilusl- ness confidential. Fred Terry , H. 433 Ramgoblk. Ki MONKY ON FUUNITUHK , HOHSUS. KTC. Keystone Mortgage Co. , room 20s ) tjhcely blk. M52 ! ) _ V CIIATTKI. HANK. 319 S. 15TII , IXAN8 MONKY -iVon chattels or collateral at reasonable ) rates. 630 X SIONKY LOANKI ) ON ALL KINDS OF SKCOIl Ity. ! B3 Now York Llfo. H. A. Morris. KM jy-23' 1JU8INKSS CIIANCIOS. For rates , etc. , gee lop of first column on t/ifs JMUC. " V II AUIUCio Fos ALK , F1HSTCL ASS -L established trade. Address 1'alnco barbershop , Col fa T , la. Ml'Ji lu < V FOll HKNT. TUB BKCONI ) flJOOn OFONK OF J. the principal dry goods stores In Omaha. Suit- nblo for clothing , bats , caps , crockery , carpets or furniture. Will rent either the entire lloor or part of It. Address T.II. . lleo. M1S7 _ FOll SALK , STOCK OF HAUIHVAHK ANI ) staves Invoicing about M.fiOO.OO and In Mrst'cUss comlltlon , In ono of Iho host locations In Omaha * . No trash , but will arrange satisfactory terms with responsible purchaser. Add rcssT III lleo. l'JU-21 V FOll HALK--THK WKLL-PAYING LIV15HY i staMo of the late Waller L. Clark , In York , Nab. : will bo sold for cash or for good security on easy terms ; possession can bo given Immediately : Invoice. f2W ) . I ) , J. Colling , administrator , Nork , Neb. MI2I 18 _ Y1NTKHKHT IN GOOD HUSINKS8 WITH POHI- tlon ; HXX ( ) to J4.UUO cash required. Address T20 , Heo. 141 15 _ _ T FOll SALK , ONK HLACKSMITII SHOP ANI ) tools complete ; easy terms. Kdward'n Lonn Agency , 12 Darker block. irj ; V KOH HALK7"MIAT MAIIKKT WKLL KSTAH 1 llshed trade ; tlno tlxturss and In n good , llvo town , Good reasons for Bulling. Address I.ouls Holler , I1IU Jackson street. l l li ) V-ONK-HALF INTKHK8T IN PAVING HOTKL J-ln town of 3 , UK ) to exclmngo for stock of mer chandise or Improved land. Address T S , lleo. Y-FOll SALK A SMALL COUNTRY HANK.HKING tha only bank In town and no other within 12 miles. Host of reasons given for selling , Call at or address room CIS , Nuw York I.lfu building , Omaha , Neb. Neb.V V WANTKI ) TO SKLL OH LKA8K. A NKW -L fifty-barrel roller steam mill , located In good wheat country , In Northwestern Kansas. Largo wheat crop now bolng harvested. For terms ad dress , Anselmo 11. Smith , drawer IW. , Lincoln , Neb. WJ-18 V W" riALK WKLL KSTAIII.ISHl'.l ) COAL 1 and feed business sldo truck will sell low for cash Good reasons for selling. Call at N. 24th Blrect and belt lino. 751 rj V XKUCIIANT TA1UJH HUSINKSd. FHANK J. Sochor , David City , Nob. uoil-jyjt * 'von KXOMANoia. Forrnttt , tie. , scs top of jlnl column im.tMt vaat- HoTlS KS 6 kxCHA.NG'K FOR property. Call at room 403 Hrunii building. Omaha. r/-MO | ACUKS OF A-NO. I LAND TO HULL , OH /-/would exchanga for a good stock ot general radse.i must bo clear stock. Address 11. A. llarlon , Curtli , Nob. 17) ) 20 KXCHANGK. STOCK OK M.OUJ i'l.NK CL -ttvtt. small Incuiubrancy , for real estate uf equal valuu aoywhura ; sample * furnished. M. a. U > inn , real estate audit , Dayton , Ohio. 213 U V WANTKD TO TItADU , KOUITYN 1IOUSI ! ' -/and lot for acre property or clear lots. Address TIKI , lleoonlco. J14-1U * y-CIlOPIIOU8KHKASONAULKlNEXCJiANCBi /Juprlnht piano , furniture , things suitable to take west. Address TMileo. M1W 17 * ZWE WANT MOOD OMAHA PHOPKHTYt ItKS- Ideoceor builnvsi , vacant ur Improved , cleat or enouaibered. In exchange for cash and good clear property. Will lnve tlzste verylhlng attend. Alx Moore , tul U o bulldlo . MI9UU POH EXCHANOE. [ Canttnueil , ] fi'fw T IN couNcn /Jand cash In xxchanu- J r merchandise ; hanlwaro profcrred. Address " llattlett , 741 llrosdwar , Council Ilium. m78.1 _ y-WANTKD TO TRAOK , NKW KUHN1TUUK /Jfor n good strong Irurto. Address T SO , lice. _ I" , 'J _ M184 I/-1F YOU HAVK A IJW1) UIMIIOIIT PIANO YOU /Jwant to itxchango fpj lear lot worth toUO , ail- dressT2 < , Ileoofllco. . i ) , , 187 /-DIVIDKNI ) PAVfArt STOCKS FOll GOOD AJfarni lands or iloslrnMo city property. W. , P. O. box f < a. _ * ' ] ; _ Mlttt nl y-KOIl BALK , ItAnWAlNS IN B. SAND 10-HOOM /JlioiiKes ; will take lamMir vacant lots as part pay , W. 11. llonian. rooms fi nd IU , Frenior block. 7tfJ 20 y-Foit ixciiANii : ( : . SPLKNDID IIKNTALPROP. AJertlen for vacant lots nnd lands. W. H. Homan , rooms B and 10 , Frcntor block , _ TRI a ) -WANTKI ) . CIiBAIl UNIMPROVKH tXJTS / t anywhere within two mlle limit taken In in- changu ns payment towards somn very line cottage homo. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Farnam street. _ _ iyKOH KXCIIANGK FIRST CLASS OMAHA A/property. / clear land and cash for ( IO.UX ) to $20.tMJ stock of dry goods.Mt.Humun , rooui 8.V 10 Fren > er block. l"-W 2.1 POll HAIiK ItHAIi KHTATIg. J'or rcUtd , etc. , see ( upoftnt col limit nn thtt pnu' . 170U iJALKT NKAJlLY NT.W ft-IlOOM COTTAOK- JL newly painted nnd papered , city water , ror. lot. 4Jxlt.r > , at grade , sodded , pared St. , clectrlo motor , flra : ) . Will take gond-horse , buggy and as first payment ; bal.r-'A per month. ICi < opyour cyo on this. Hamilton Hros. , builders , 414 S. iJlh st.U'J U'J ' 1 \\rANTKD-TO HKI.Ij Oil HKNT IMIOOM COTtage - ' tago to good reliable painter and takapayln work. W. It. Homan , rooms a and 10 , Frciuer block WIVi 17OH SOUTH OMAHA PHOl'KHTIKS , HUSINKSS , X trackage or resilience , go to the leading real es tate dealers In South Omaha , Kd Johnston A Co. , corner 2tth nnd N streets. BAIU1AINH-YOUH CIIOICKOF ,1 FINK LOTS M xllOon California street , 11 $ miles from P. O. near motor , fl.i'OO. f.V > l cash : south front WilSO on Ames nvo. , two blocks to motor , line vlow , only JHOO tlM cash. 82xlfiO , 9 room house , largo barn , hard nnd soft water. In A 1 order. M..MW , will tnko somn trade. Von Huron. Douglas anil Hth slreets. ! HG 17 ITOIl SALK , Hl'A'KHAL OF TUB FINKST COT- 1. Ingo houses In llieclly on ca ylorms , Will take clear lot ns first payment- Fidelity Trust company 11114 Farnam street. aitli'3 ' 17 fPWO KLKCANT KAST FHONT LOTS IN WKST JL Ciimlugs addition ; finest plucu for u homo In the city. Must sell. Clear. Non-resldenl. Wanlsoftor right away. A. K. Kllcy , room 40 , Darker block. OH SALK CHIIAP. KA8Y PAYMKNTS , Itf. story now C-roiim house , with bath , collar , etc. ; full lot. N. Shclton , IliU Farnaiu. 91S OUSKS FOll SALP ON KASY THUMB : HOUSES for rent. Address German American Savings Bank. 153 Oil HAHOA1NS IN ICOUNT/,15 PLACK HOUSES see mo. W. 11. Homau , rooms 8 and 10 , Freiuer block. 781 SO I foil SALK , TO WOUICINtLMKN ONLY ( SPKCU- lulors need nol apply ) , on lime or monthly pay- menls , a neat cottngo at loss tlnui aclunl value. In- slilo property , only ono block to electric line. In quire nt room 20- , Omaha National bank building.M5.14 M5.14 17IVK-HOOM IIOUSKS IN OIlCHAIll ) HILL , ft.MO X1 each on Moulhly paymcnla. Thomas F. Hall , : tll Pnxlon block. 5:13 : FOR SALK GOOD WAHKHOUSK LOT. COHNKIl paved atrcetn , trackage. 2 blocks from depot ; very cheap. N , Shclton , itiU I'arnam. 400 . O. MKIUULL DKALKll IN HKAL IWTATK , Contractor and Hulblor. residence , llaker Place Walnut Hill. Cottngcrfuf'trade or saloon month ly payments In Donekchsndd. Snunders & Hlmchantili's add. . "Clifton Hill" nnd "linker Place , " all newi-nlld convenient to motor. Prices way down. Imptlnved ami unimproved fnrnis In Mcrrlck Co. , Neb. IToi unle or trade. Cash for lots. 0' ' STKAM FKATIIKK UKNOVATOlt. T- t - / "or rates , etc. , ne- top iif first column nit this paye , KDsTriCKS ANI ) PILLOWS WAS1IK1) . FKATH- or bought. Malt orders promptly tilled Work called for and dellvered'FrankAiison ' ,31st As Franklin ' ' M745 Fnrratts , etc. , fee top ofjjirsl column onits ( / M lllos solicited. Mlsj Sturdy , 2t10 ! Hartley street. il45IJy27' PATI'.NT SOMCITOUS. 1 > ATKNT'iAVYKlf ; 'A'ND ' SMaClTOHSr O. W. .1- Sues , V Co. , Boo building , Omaha. Ni'br. Brunch ofllco at Washington , IKC. Consullullon free. & ! 5 PATTI311NS AND MODELS. SANDKIISON , COHNKIl I4TI1 AND JACKSON. MKOMANIOALi DHAUGlll'SSlKN. Forrates , eto. , see top of first column on this pane. ' prepared by U. W. Sues k Co. , Omaha. Nob. 177 WHAT TYPEWRITER TO BUY , -Are you-pen to conviction ? If so , con-ldor can didly qur machine. Don't repeat to yourself what Is told you. Investigate und your own opUilon will bo of some value. If you wUh oxpcrt opinion do no consult Interested competitors Soul Tor illustrated riitulognc giving full description of the Smith Premier Typnvritr. ( The Smith Premier Typewriter Co , B. H. MAYHBW , Manapor. 1009 $ Pnrn.ain Street , Omaha , Neb. BICYCLESSOLD O lOiNTIILY PAYMENTS ' M. O. . > AXON , ' ' 10o'7i' FARNAN ST. Tol. 1182. - % " . - Onuihti. Neb Notice Notice Is lioroby envt that bids will be ro- colvud by llio oiird.qt iiubllo InnUHuiul bulltl- I nits at the olllco of.Ularutary or atittu until July SO , Ibui , at 12 o'clock , , tiniin , for tliocruo- tlon and coniplutlo" a uliajiu l anil dormi tory for llio lloiuu dfitlio ' iidloss at lilii- coin , Nob. „ . . Plans mid spcclflc.'UlQnH may bo seen nt llio ofllcnof f.ho coiiitnUiMiior of piibllu lands and buildings nt Lincoln , Nub. C'antraulors wilt bo required to confuciiLstrlctly to conditions of Hpoclfloatlons. > > ir The board resorvfis'lllo rlKbt to reject nny and all bids. ' .J , . ' llatud.lnniiU ) . 1601. 'r JOHN O. AliIiKN. A. B. HUMI'HUEY. Seorolnry of Htnto , Prca'tof ilonid , .Jlil Otiu for I'rlntlni/ . lllda will bo rofolvi-d by the r < tate Hoard of I'rlntlni ! tittlinolllcoot thoHciirutiiry of State , on or before Uo'ulouk p. in. , August nth , IMH , for prliitliiK und blndlntf In clotii , one tlious- nnil [ 1,000 ] coplus of "Vol. III. , of tin ) Transac tions mid Itoports of tlio NubniBKu titalo Ilia- torlonl Hoc Inly , to bu Uullvoroil uoiuploto ut tbuolllco of thn Secretary of thn Soofoty , In the Stuti ) Ilnlveralty IliillillnK. Llnculn. To contain MJ pant's , moro or lueB. Tlio &lzo of IMIKO. wulubtand itiulty | | of pnpur , style and ijuallly of blndliiB. style of luiturlnj ; oncovor , and In all rc.spccts the work to bo tha sumo us the sample to bo soeu lu tlinollluoof thoiJuo- rotary of Stato. The right to rsjoot uuy and ull bids is reserved , Jyl&iaum JOHN 0. AI.I.EK. Secretary. Notlco to Contractor.- ) . I am nt pared to furnl h promptly llubblD Rip. lisp DlmcntloiiHlono and Crushed Hock of txtst quality at luKMt prtc * . Fur fltiure * cnll or addr s P. U MONHOK. K6 N w York Ufa Qulldlng. Oaiaha , Nob. Both the method und rcsulta when Syrup of Figs is tnlcen ; it is pleasunt and refreshing to the tnsto , nnd nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd .Bowels , cleanses the sys tem colds headaches effectually , dispels , aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto and ac ceptably to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agrccablo substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup .of Figs is for sale in GOo and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL , ( auisyiue. KIT. NEW.YORK. N.V A Written Guarantee lo CURE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is ptnn ncnt anil not a iiatclilng up. Cases treated nvo jrcnr ago have never seen aarmplom Inco. Jlydcicrlblngi-aso fully wo can treat you by mall , and v/o ilvo the tame slroiiRKuarnntcoto euro or rcfun J nil money. Tliono who prefer to coino hero for treatment cnn ilo BO anil wo will pay railroad faro both wayg and liotel bills whllo hero If wo fall to cure. We challenge the world f or ft cnso that our JIAOIO KP.MEDY will not euro. Wrlto for full particulars nnd pot Iho evidence. Wo know that you nro skeptical , Justly no , too , ns the most eminent physicians have novcr been nMo to Biro moro than temporarytrelief. . In our nvo years' practlco v Ith the MAfllO UEJH.UY It has been most difficult to ovcreomn the prejudices OROlniit nil so-called Biwcincs. But under our strong pu.irantco you hhouhl not hesitate to try this remedy. You taVe no chance of losing your money. Wo Ruar- nnlco to euro or refund every dollar , nnd ns wo have a reputation to protect , also llnanclal backing ot 300 , . 000 , It is perfectly safe to all who will try Iho treat ment , lleretoforoyouhavobecnputtlngup nnd paying out j oar money for different treatments and although youaronotyctcured noonohns paid backyour mon ey. Ponotvastoanymoromoncyuntllyou tryus. Old chronic , deep ocated caws cured In 30 to 00 day . Jn- Ycstlffsto our financial Etandlnf , our reputation M businessmen. Wrlto us for names nnd addresses of the o wo have cured who have given pcrmlsilon lo ro- fertothem. It costs jou only poslaeo to dothlsilt will Bavo } ou a world of BUtfcrlni ? from mental strain , nnd It jou nro married what may your oa prlnn suffer tin ounh your own negligence. If your symptoms nro Boru throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nnd Joints , hair falllnir out , eruptions on nny partof the body , fueling of general depression , pains In header bones , you have no tluio to waste. These who are constantly taking mercury nnd potash Bhould discontinue It. Constant use ot these drugs will HI rely bring Gores nncl oallng ulccrsln the end. Ppn'tfall to write. All correspondence pentfealcdrn plain envel opes. Wo Invlto thomostrlgld Investigation nnd will do all In our power to aid you In It. Address , COUIl JlKMKDf CO. , Omaha , ytbraska. OHco ] 13th und Fnrnnin , second floor , entrance 13th El MAGIC CURE $600 for a onso of Lost or Falllns Manliooa , Genorat or Nervous Debility , woultucss of boilv or mind , the olTccts of errors or excesses In old orj"iiiiig thut wo cannot euro. Wopim- runtco every ease or ref und every dollar. Klvo days trial treatment $1 ; full course S5. 1'er- ccptlb'.o lienollts realized m three days. Ily inall , securely naokod from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , OMAHA. NEB. D LADIES ONLY MAR IP FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe and luHUIll Certain to a day or money refunded. 1'rloo by mall J2. Sealed from observation. COOK REMEDY CO. , Omaha , Nob. DON'T BE BUNCOED by dealers who try to sell' you worthless pprous pUg. tore which pay fliem more profit than the genuine ilEXSON'S , which nro In. dorscd by the voluntary v testimonials of over 5,001 \ pharmacists nnd pliysl- ' i claim ns the best. Take I uotliiDR but RR1LWRYT1ME CHRP Leave * { CHICAGO. IIUHLINCTON A Q.l Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot IQtli ami Mimui ats. | Omaha. 4.30 p m . .Chicago Vestibule. S.UU n m MM a m . .Chicago Kxirus3. | . 1U.O.I n in U.20 p m .Chicago Hl U.2U p m K.SO p in Chlcnuo A Iowa Local' . 8.l.'i a m Leaves IHUHLINliTO.N It .MO. HtV'Kll. Arrives Omaha. Depot 10th and Mason Mti. Oinaliu I < cave < I 1C. C. , ST. ,1. A U. II. i . . . . . . u. Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason Sli. | Omint. 9X1 n ml..Kansas City Day Kxnrn . . . .i S.M p in 9.45 p mK. | C. Night Kxp. via II. P. Trans. I g m I.rave * I UNION PACIFIC. ArrU"OJl Omaha. Depot 10th and Marcy Sta. | Omaha. 10.10 a m .Kansas City rtipron ( ox Sun. ) , 4.35 p m 0.20 a m . . . .Denver Kxpross. 4.00 p m 2.50 p m .Overland Flvor. . 0.05 p rn 4.30 p m . .Grand Island Kxp. ( ox. Sun ) . . 11.65 a in p m Pacific Kxprosa 3.iO : p.m I .envoi 01IIUAGO , MfU & BT. PAUL I Arrlvj Omaha. I U.'P. ilopot. an I Mirer Su. I Oiiiaha (1.20 ( P ml Chicago Kxnroii ftVj m 9.15 a ml Lhlcago Kxprosi tl.10 11 Leavoi I CHICAGO , II. 1. A PACIFIC. I Arrlvoi Omaha. | U. P. doiiiit. IQtli mil .Murcy Sty Omaha. tf.21) ) p m , Night Kxprcs , | 1 U.50 a m" 0.15 a ml Atlantic Uxprois 11.55 p m 4.30 p ml Vestibule Limited ,110.55 , a m Leavei I SIOUX CITY * PACIFIC. I Afrivei ( Jnialia. ! Depot 10th nnd Marcy Hti. I Omaha. 7.15 n nil . . . , Sioux City I'lmonxur 110.20 p m A.lli p ml St. Paul Kxproia ilU.S.'i a m Ioivii I SIOUX CITY * PACIFIC. I Arrlvoi maha. I Depot IJtti nndVoUstor Sti. I Omaha. 4 as pml St. Paul Limited I H.2i it m Lonvoi , 'HICAo ( ; A NORTH WKWKItN. i Arrivui Omaha. J. P. depot , 10th and Mnrey Stt. I Oiiialui. ( ) .15n m ChlcntoHxpren. , M.l.i n m 4.30 p m .Voitlbulo Llmltod. . U.30 ii m VM p m . . . . . . . . . .Kastorn Flyer 2.W a m ( .20 u ui Local Kail Kx. ( except Monday ) U.a ) iim _ Lcavo I O11AIIA * til' . lAIIJIi i A rn vo" Omaha I U , P. depot. 10th an 1 .MaroySH.I O m u ha 4.UO ninl St , l.iillh t.nnndn Hall ll'lM p m F. . K. & MO. VALLKY. Arrive Omaha. I Depot 15th and Webster Sis. I Om lalm. 11.00 n m Illnck Hllli r.tprom I 6.20 p m J.OO a m ( Kr. Hal ) Wyo , Mxp. ( Kx. Monl. 620 p m 5.10 p m Wahoo.t Lincoln Pai. ( Kx. Himll ) | : n m 6.10 p m . .York A Norfolk ( I'v. SuiidnyllH ) | n m Ixiavei Arrives Omaha. I Depot IMIiand Wi'liitnr Hti. Omaha. 8.10 u m . . .Sioux City Accommodation , . . . ) p m 1.00 p m Sioux City Kxpre s ( Kx. Sunday ) 12 40 p m (6.43 p 111 Ht. Paul Limited b.2i n in 5.11 u m llancroft Pasaongor ( Kx Sunday ) H.43 a in Leaves I MISSOURI PAUKIU. Arrive ) Omaha. I Dopiit Hlh and Welmor Hti. I Om in a IOJIO a | lMH\t \ A. K , C. Kxpron. . . I O.a : a m. tut ) p m ! . . , . .St. Ixiuls .V K. 0. Kxpro s. . . 14.20 ' p m ! K. < : . , ST. JOK & u. n. i Arrives. Transfer ! Union Depot.Council Hindi. I'l'm infer 10.00 a m.KuHiHi | City Day Kxprus < r. . . . 6.41 p m IQ.Ii p mK.iinni ! City Nlnht Kxpreu. . . u m i.eavoj CHICAliO , U. I. & PACIKKJ , Tranfer I _ Unhni DepotCoiincll _ Illulti. niO p iiI | Nltiht Kxprosi | V.'JI n m D..VI a ml Allantlu Kxpross & .f > 5 p m 6.00 p ni | Yeitlbula Limited i 10.30 a m _ _ I .envoi | t"fICAUO.NOllt'HWKSl'KllN Truniferl Union Dapot. Council Dluili. U.40 n ui ClilcaKO lixprats. 5 00 p in . . . . . . .Vesllbulo l.licltud 10.00 p m . . . . . . . . , .Kastern Klyer. . . , 8.00 p m * . . . * . . .Atlantic .V"all. . . . . . . . . . . fl.30 p m Iowa Accommodation ( Sat. only ) I.UHVHI i OMAIIA&ST , I.OUIS. Transfe < | Union Depot , Council Illugs. 4.40 p inl . .Sl7 NUlt'i _ ion _ Mall . . .T "Leavoi jii i fiJTu oTTiuTi T7'N"5 g u i { ( ? Transfer ! Union Dupot. Council Uluff * . 0.40 a m Chicago Kxpruss 10.00 p m . .Chicago Kxpross. . , , . . . 7.05 p m Lronon Ixjcat Leaves j HIOUX CITY A PACIFIC' . Transerl Union Datot. Council Illuff. a ml .SlouxClty Accommodation , , I U.4I ) i.M p in I , , . .ftit. ! ' ' K nru , 110.00 V Ui WITHIN PARLIAMENT HOUSE , Description of the House of the English Legislature. WHERE ALBION'S ' LAWS ARE NOW MADE , of Kxterlor Ai > t > onr- nnco Offset ljIntorlor ) OOT nosH 1'cop nt Cointuona AVtillc In ScHsfon. Losnox. July r > . ( Spoclnl Correspondence of THE UKE. ] The American tourist brought fnco to ( nco with the sent of legislature hi Hnglaiul , ciinuot help but contrast the par liament buildings lit London with the capital of his own country nt Washington ns soon from the I'otomao rlvor. As you enter London on a railroad train the parliament houses with their vnrlc < Kntod tow ers , como Into vlow. But the llrst vlow Bhowlufrtho building at full longttt nnd ntlts greatest altltudo .as It rises lllto the background - ground to the Thames , Is too Mattering and most likely to lead to disappointment. It is only as thus soon from the opposite bank of the rlvor , that it can deeply Impress the sense for architectural beauty and it scorns to bo for this reason that almost all the pic tures of the parllamnnt houses have been taken from thlsstdo. The structure has been locatca upon ground too low to afford n propoiaralntoctural bearing. There Is no yard or campus. The Heavy Gotlilo IMIo appears thus doubly overweighted in contra distinction to the solid classic column of ttio American capital crowning the tor- raoo of a moderate hill. West minster bridge , nt its side , has n further tendency to lower its effect. Tha exterior of our wbtto tnnrblo capital Is sim plicity Itself when compared with the homo of parliament. The luttor has boon con structed with all the ornamentation of the richest Gotnlc style sot off with stone pendants - dants , line carving' ' and nrtistlosculpturo. The weight of the structure is not carried to the center by a single massive dome , but is distributed in three uneven towers , ono of which displays a hnmlsomo gilt clock. The material is n sort of .sand stone , but is already gray and dingy nnd in some places beginning to crutnblo. The Intorlor of the parliament houses only Increases the gorgeous splendor. But the intorio'r is not freely open to Inspec tion by the democratic mob. Certain hours of Saturday of each weak nro set apart to allow the public to view the buildings , nnd oven then tlckots of admission must bo ap plied for at the entrance. Tno placa bristles with policemen whether parliament Is In ses sion or not , and they have no scruples in ex pelling every person who cannot show good cause for being inside. To obtain admission to the JjCKlslntivc Halls Is still more difllcult for the British govern ment does not concede the publlo any neces sary right to know how its legislation Is being conducted. The building is divided Into two parta by the largo central hall situated under the mid dle tower. The portion to the right ns ono enters is devoted to the lords ; the commons occupy the quarters to the loft. This hall , octngonal in shape and qulto highcorresponds to the rotunda of our capital , but U finished in a much inoro elaborate fashion. It Is lighted and ventilated by moans of stained- plats windows. In the evening , daylight is replaced by gaslight electricity has not yet been introduced throughout. The colling tapers up to a point , , the stone vaulting be tween the gilded ribsIs profusely inlaid with mosaics of many colors nnd rests upon the capitals of eight lofty stone columns. Hero , as throughout the ontlro building , the Uothio architecture has been amplified by the Intro duction of historic emblems. The mosaics , the portals , the windows , the columns nro all replete with heraldic representations , the thlstlo , the rose , the shamrock and the harp. Everywhere are Statues of English Sovereigns , shields of English carls and lords. A rich historic background is portrayed- , which the unpretentious plainness of our republic does not allow. Such crontlvo architecture has Indeed boon attempted in our publlo build ings , but with llttlo success. In the now state department buildings the frequent Intermixture of the American shield and eagle nearly roaches the grotesque. I know of but ono place where such work is ovou architecturally passable and that U in an out-of-tho-way spot ( n the capital. A light well near the entrance to the supreme court gave the designer of the old building an opportunity to cap the supporting columns with an original piece of work and ho made use ol the chance by constructing a number of capitals made up of representatives of tobacco leaves and stalks of Indian corn. The British isrchltoct Is not restricted to such simple natural objects ns his models And the architecture of the parliament houses attests'tho richness of the Held upon which ho has to draw. HOUHO of I'oKrs. The lords' wing of the structure is con veniently arranged If not luxuriouuly fur- nlsncd. The house of peers proper is reached through n corridor and lobby , each of mod erate size and riclily frescoed. Thorn is a robing room , but the inviting cloak rooms of our senuto are replaced by jilmplo coat hooks and umbrella stands bearing the names of the various poors. The houto itself Is com paratively small but elegantly decorated In line Gothic stylo. There are no desks. The inombors are ranged along each side of the oblont ; hall upon upholstered -red-leather benches. At the south end of the center rises tliicanopiu Ihroucd of the ijupon , Hanked by a smaller throne at each sldo ono for thu prince o f. , Wales the other for the royal consort. In front ox- tendH the woolsack of the brd chancellor , a low rod-cushioned ottoman upon which the presiding ofllcor sits. Thu gallorloa nbovo are very small. The peer * are in session but u short tnno each day and as yet 1 have bean unabla to sro that body In its parliamentary work. Connected with the house of peers are apartments for the royal family. The queen's robing room , like the president's room of our capital , Is seldom used , hut is nevertheless gorgeously decorated with handsome - some frcscooi , The prince's chamber U scarcely loss elaborate , although nouiawhat smaller , The remainder of the wing con sists mulnly of committee , library and re freshment rooms , IIOUHI ! ( irCollIIIIOIIH. The commons' sldo of the bnlldlnrr U entered - torod from the contra ! hall by n corridor sim itar to that on the opposite side. Those corridors riders are lined with frescoes of hUtorla In cidents and among the nubjocts ono ropro- sonU the pilgrim fathers embarking to found another England In the now world. Tha plo- turoi deal cbielly with the revolutionary times , but are works of real artistic merit In cpnlra-dlstliikitlon to thn horrible historical representations to bo found in the famous ro tunda at Washington. Tno rnomhors of the house of commons are also supplied with coat- hooks and In lieu of desks for their private papers , have access to a locker In the corridor. The hall of the house la oven smaller than that of the peers and would leave almost two hundred members unpro vided with scats If all wore in attendance at oao time. It UnUhod In oak and fairly lighted in the daytlmo by 1U stained glas windows. During evening sessions it Is only a dim Illumination that falls through tha glass-paneled celling. The ventilation is poor , and whllo the commons have not ac quired from ruombora of congress the bad habit of smoking and eating ovary where and anywhere , the atmosphere of the homo \\M \ achieved the highest reputation for bolng alt that Is bad nnd unwholesome , The arrangement of the homo of commons has boon with n vlow to oxpedlto parlia mentary work. The galleries are oxccoit- Ingiy small and the nmllonco nciwumoilntod affords no Incentive to sproad-oaglo elocu tion. The sppochos nro made In an oarncsl conversational tone , nnd nt least give the Im pression that ono or moro votes may bo turned by moans of convincing nr umant. The parties nro distinctly divided ; the oppo sition Is nlwnys opposite nnd oven within tha party ; the moderator loento thonuolvo.i on the aoats nearest tha speaker , whllo tha ultra-radtcaU got ns far nway from that dig nitary as possible. Tim Spnnknr occupies n canopied chair at the con tor of the north end of the hall. Ho has nolthor tnblo nor gavel tieforo him , nnd the onrs of the auditor are relieved of the Inoosiaat , deafen ing pounding hoard In tha lower homo of our congress. In case of extraordinary disorder , the sargoitut-nUirius Is called upoa to quell the excitement by authority of the mace , but order Is usually maintained by a simple call of the speaker. Tno speaker , when proild- Ing , assumes his robe nnd wool wig , whleh fnntaitlocostumo U aMo worn by the clerks , who sit at the desk In front. The iiiaeo U n largo piece of gilded metal-work , lying upon Its side upon the cktrk's table. It is sur mounted by nn ornamental crown and boars only the faintest romblnico to the mnca used in our homo of representatives , where the latter In form still traces doicont from the bundle berne by the Konmn Ilutor. The bar of the house is not merely n nnmo , but o.Mislsts of u sliding rod at the further and of the hall which is supposed to mark the lormlnus of. the house proper. Wmir Hutu la Alootliijj. It Is perfectly allowable for the mombjrs to wear their hats during session , but yet many remove them upon entering the _ _ hall. Hats are generally rcmovod when spoaklng. As far as can bo Judged from n cursory vliit , the lovcl of oratory Is.somowlmtabove that in our house of representatives. Spuochos nro sel dom rand from prepared papow ; the sen tences nro grammatically constructed ; the How of language smoother than woula bo ox- poctod. Fair attention U given by members on onch sldo of the house ; few road during dobntc , while the nwkwtirdnois of u.sins writing tablets in one's lap falls to Invlto lat ter-writing at much a ) the ilosks In the hulls of congress. Electric bells call the members to division when each passes through a stllo In the lobby to the right or loft and is counted by four toilers soloctnd from both aides. A division Impose. ! moro offortupon the individ ual members than our method of roll-call , but it seems to bo moro expeditious nnd to an swer tbosamo purpose In alt oases where publicity of individual votes is not required. There are no pages and but few messengers' holattornrouttirodlnovonliijr.lMH and wJir the British coat-of-nrms In cildod motat sus pended by a chain around the nook. Tha doorkeepers nro policeman In the role of con stables , able-bodied men filling an oflloo not disposed of by members to palitlcnl barnacles whoso only recommendation lies solely In electioneering Intrigue. The olUclal reporters are located in the gallery backof the speaker , iienlnd this are seats for ladles , who , tnough never allowed within the hall , are graciously permitted to Peep nt the I'roceedlnKs from behind nn Iron Inttlco-work. The ro- malnlng galleries nro open to the mala publla upon special order from the speaker or from some mombor. The house is not devoid of ether conven iences. In tinglnnd every one drinks tea , and of course the commons have a to.i roam In close proximity to the legislative ball. There are also two refreshment rooms ; ono strictly private , the other open to momborj and their friends , There is none , however , for the hungry horde of outsiders who have no member to Introduce thorn. In the baso- tnont , moreover , Is a room in which cigars , and HquU refreshments may bo obtained , nnd this opens upon the torraca stretching along the rlvor bink the ontlro langth of the build- in cr. Here , in flno woatbor , the members and their frlonds may promenade , enjoy the breeze and elegant view , nbiolutoly so. euro from the Intrusion of the ontsldo world. The rojt of the win ? Is dovotcd to libraries nnd work room ? , except thosn portions as- slgnod as roildoncni to the speaker and ser geant at arms. Ono ether Interesting room Ii connected with the parliament house , and that Is AVenUnliiHter Hull. It Is an immense structure with bare walls and oaken roof , und much oluor than tha sur rounding odlflco. Llko the old house of rep resentatives at Washington , this , .too , was formerly used as the mooting place of the na tional legislature and rich In historic associa tions , has been turned Into a statuary hull by parliament transferring Itself to moro con venient quarters. Along ono sldo are ranged the statues of various sovereigns of England , That of William III. represents the last do- Roasod monarch. There scorns to bo no doubt that representations of other monarchs - archs will gradually take their place busldo these most probably Queen Victoria , already handsomely commemorated In ether parts ol the building will form tno subject for the next great m arblo lorm. VlCTOH UOIHWATHII. Pnrenln Head Thin. July nnd August nro anxious montns for mothers who carefully watch over their llttlo ones. Hot days und frequent changes of temperature nro liable to produce cholera moriius. How satisfactory It should bo for parents to know that Hallor's Pain 1'nrnlyzcr is both a pleasant and offnctlvo remedy for all summer complaints. It soothes nnd re lieves all pain and griping and always offeuts ! . 3 , TI1K 1113 MA Kit 1ST. TNSTRUMBNTd piano I on ro era July 15. X 1491. WAHIIVNI'V IIRKIH , J V lloyil mid wlfo to J A Doe. lot 8 , blk I. lloyd'tt add to Smith Ounilia $ l.rQO K 0 Uonnur nnd wlfn to V 1C Darling , lot il. blk 7 , llimWMn I'luco 'J,5:0 : Qldooii KrltlM ot ul to JIIIIIIH Clival , lolt I. ' . ' and : > . blk Hi. South Uiiiaba 2.G00 Kiiiina n. llowoll anil hiiMlmnd to .Mluliuul Kolisun , H li of n 75 fi-ut lot t , blkil , .lotlor'tt add to Siiith Omaha. . . . 1.13 L W Illll to Anthony .McUlnty. lot 2r , blkll , Onmliii Vlow BO ) S it llowoll auit wlfo to K ! 'liiiwriuiPi * , n 40 roils lot In J-I.1-1) ) ( oxcnpL rnll- roiiil laud ! . 150,000 O Do K llotlo and wlfu to O W l < yiuan , lot r.1. blk 1:1. : ( 'uiitMl I'iirit 150 H A MoWliorturnnd wlfo to 1'iitnr ' Ivnr- Min ot al , lot IU , blk II. llrown i'ar ! < . . . . POD rrank I'ctolka to.I A Dou , lot : i. blk III , .South Otiiaba 11,000 QUIT Cf.AIM IIKK.IH. 0.1 Hell toM l.ltoodor , all Interest In leasehold and bnlldliiKH known nu the M I/liooilur to mm ColH | < minHunc ; 1 I < lzzlu IKIUC.S ut al to John Itiub , lots ; i und 4 , lilk ID , Isiinca .V Hiildun's 1 A K MoKoiiuto llayiuan Uhapnmn , w J lot' ' , blk KO.Soull. Omaha . . ' 4.000 Owen .McUiilTruy HIII ! wlfu lo llilgli Mo- C'ulfroy. aiil-lot 1A of lotH : iml n.W fuot ot sub-lot : ) In lots , Uapltol mid 1 A ii Ituoil to Maria Joliiison , lot 3 , blk It , llulvediire add , . . . . , . . . 3 J I Itedluk und wlfi ) to ichnol district No. U , XMOO of uu acru In Table Land add 1 IIKED.S. Jonathan Humpotl ot al to Haviuon L ( UiDUiiiun , w lot S , blk b'J ' , South Oiaalia , 1,300 Total amouutof iiauifort ,1101,707