Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Openicl Higher But Lost on Discour
aging Paris Oibloa.
London Cereals Weak In Sympathy
ivltli Conditions Klsowhoro-Onts
Quiet \vltli Kent tire I'rovl-
r Stocks.
CIIICAOO. July IS Wlioit opened a ihnila
higher thnn It closed yostordny In sympathy
with thoKlrongth In corn ; the appreciation was
title | ! < ly losl under the liifluonco of the bear
ish news of the day. The most polont plcco of
newsi was mi tinconflrmud I'arls cable which
limited wheat domor.illml nnd the oiulva- |
Icnt of 7'opur { bushel lower. The understanding -
standing on the hoard win that earlier In the
to.iHon when the outlook for the Trench whcnt
crop was nt 115 worst. Trench speculators had
loiidcd up with futures nt liUli prices so that
th)8iilHCuent ) | bettor outlook thura mid thu
ex ( dunces of u bountiful nnd duo
crop lu this country given by the
rccimt receipts of new who it. together
with the recent reduction of the Trench Im
port duty hud convinced thoio spuculatlvo
holders that their expect Ulnns of hi .ill prices
could not bo realtml , nml that thnv had thorc-
fore decided to accept their ; iuos und hud
thrown their holdings ovorboird.
The MvL'rponl nnd London markets
were wutik und lo"Uor , In sympathy with I'arls
ItcC'Ipls at all winter who it markets lu this
country wcro nnd good In iii | illty.
Chicago got''ii.1 ears of now u limit , ot which
III were of contract grndo Tin illy , the
no.itliur was f.ivnr.ihlu for harvustltu. All of
tills ( .011 Id hiivo only ono losult .1 decline in
values I'nrdrliL'c. Whlto , Mndblom an I
Itiildwln led thotohorts of seller * , nnd prices
gr.iduiillv receded under the load of olforltiiis.
Thora was onia reaction later on purch IBOS by
bhorts to tnko urullts. ' 1 his. though , was not u
substantial advance , nnd corn broke.
Later In Iho day another w.ivo of weakness
Bwuutovur the who it pit , o.irryli. " prices to
oven lower figures than 1 ofoio. Kstlmatos of
I'd carloads as duo to arrl\o tomorrow con-
trlbnttd to this recession.
December wheat opunid at VT'So. sold up to
BT'-ifcHTliC. spilt , gradually receded to W > ' c ,
rallied to H7 ! c. down to tiiiMc , und closed at
MJ c.
Corn opened sttune nnd higher , w'tli ' shorts
thoroughly alurinod and coxcrlng froely. The
receipts wcro nbout forty ears uhovo the ostl-
males , lint with the Unlit stocks hero and the *
supposed hlir short Inloiest , tlioro WHS sonio
excitement for a few minutes und an advance
of lo from last nluht's close. Later ,
howexor , the selling becainuury free
and thu most anxious buyers hailne cot
wh t tliov wanted and withdrawn , prices bo-
KIIII to soften. Thru came tlm brc il < In wheat
und an estimate of 504 cars for tomorrow and
there was a slump. September opened at
K'ie , ( .old up toSl' c , broke ntf > iXc.lliicluated
for n tlmo between that ami iU'.Q.Vilio.
dropped again near the close to 51'je and
closed at fi.'c.
Oats were quiet nnd without feature , fluc
tuations In the prlco of that grain belli ) ;
m iInly In symp ithy with these In corn.
I'rovlslonsopi'iied strong und hlgherowlng to
thu fact that the recelptof boas wore much be-
below uxpectat Ions ami prices IKSISo hlghor nt
stock yar Is. Later the break In grain , and
especially In corn , led to a decline , ! -uptomlur
pork opunod atllO.vr1 } . sold up to ilO.G\ broke
toJIO.fiJi ; null closed at that , an luUancoovur
yesterday's close of a Jo. Lurd Is unchanged
and rlbs.UfiA ) hlghor.
The lending futures ranged nsfollous :
\VnrAT-No 2
July , ( 68 6bT
August 84
Bcilc'inbor |
Co UN-Mo 2
juir ! 57
Hcptumhor , WU SIM 62
July Ji AS
September 28M Z7 * , , 27
Hciitember 10 K 10 52 H
October ID 70 10 00
September. , 45 0 40
September. 0 M CM n c ;
October. . . . , 6GU 6 < iO
Cash ( iiiotatloiiH were ns follows :
l''i. uu Dull and unchannod.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat , Rfl'io ; No. 3 ,
prlng wheat , 8ilo ! ! : No. 2 rod , 873ic.
Conv No. a. Me.
OATS No. 2 , : i54ci ! No. ! , white , ® Uc ;
No. : i , white , 'iiVBIlo.
UVE-No. ' . ' . 7itC. ( !
HAIII.KV No. a , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ; No.
4 , nominal.
l'l.AXSEKI > NO. 1 , (1.00.
TIMOTIIV SEED rrlme , II.2" > ai.0.
PoitK-Jless pork , per bnrrol , I1I.37K : lard ,
per cwt. , tfl.25 ; short ribs sides , ( loose ) .
( A ! 0 < 3fl.4n ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , JS..MO
62. : short olo-ir sides ( boxed ) , M fiOO'J.70.
WHISKY Dlstlllors1 llnlshod goods , per gal
lon. 11.10.
huoAitH Cut lonf , iinohanaed.
Hccolpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the produce u\clinnie today , tlm tiuttor
mnrlvotwui stoudy nnd iincliunjed. KKSS , Ida.
Now York Murkt'ts.
NEW YOIIK , July 15 Ki.oim Kocolpts , 10,707
nnckugos : exports , 1.215 burro Is ; 1,4 1 sucks ;
Iieiivv , moderately nctIvosales,2aJ50 ; barrels.
COIIN MPAti rirni , dull.
WHEAT Kecclpts , llH > 0 bushels : exports ,
U2.IS8 tiiiHliolH ! sales , 7,600,000 bushels of fu
tures ; 280,000 busliolHHpot. bpotmurket lowor.
fulrlv tiotlvo , fii'O sellers ; Ncx 2 red , 03J4ffi97o
In store rnd oloMitor : 074 < R09o ; U7JJ5J
Ctlrlo f o. b. ; uir.rr.idod rod , 07ijctl.OO ; No 1
northern to urmo , 8I.U5. No. 1 liurd to ur-
rl\o , JI.07 ; No. S Chloupo , * l.0xai.oo. (
Options iictho curly , docllued ie2)4o )
on lower cables , Him crop reports ,
houvy receipts nnd rumorx of tioublu
in I'lirlslOKCther wltli frou Bollliii ; tiy IOIIZH :
rencted } 5'iO nnd closed ivonlc nt
under yustunluy : No. 2 led , July ,
U7 e. clositiB , ttiyo ; August. Kf
closliu ; , 0.1 Jio : September , UUifdiiJc clos-
luc , KIS'e ; Octobur , Ol iiaiJ/c. oloslnir ,
Nox ember , closing , OlVio ; December ,
( > > } io , closing. WJJic ; Juiiutiry , closlni ; . 07 ? > oi
Muy , . . .
U\G-Qiilut , Hteady ; western , Sentombor do
lloiy , 7177c.
HAIII.KI Mult , quiet.
COIIN Uecelpts , 2J.400 bushels ; oxoorts.
8,101) ) Innliola : sales , 1,184,000 biibhelsof futures ,
01,000 liushols of spot. Bpot niiirket nulet ,
hli'her ; Hcareu ; No 2 , "K& ' a In elovutor ;
7 ! ! < ii74o iillonti uiu'r.idod mixed. C7i74o. ! Ot > -
tlous more uotUe , iidvuncod early U ® ' eon
'llKht ' rccoluts und frlrlitcnol ) shorts , renototl
nnd dcollncd"o on expected lar o receipts
nnd foi'owlni ' ; w heat closed liea > y ; July 117V
C8 c. closiuB , 07ye ; August. 03 > i
cUmlni : . Co ; September. COiJOI'iC , eloalnc ,
OIJc ) ; October SixaisoHc , olosln50o ; Docom-
bor. 6:05,10 : , oloslnir. 5'c.
OATS | { ocelpt .57oro bnsliols ; axports , ,11.000
liUHhels ; sales , IW.UOO bushels of futures ; 1 Ul.-
000 bushels of spot. Spot mtirkot moderately
nctlve , strong und lifcher. Options dull nnd
4l4JI7o : wlillo western. 4 ! < Iiaio ; No'a Clifu.tibV
HAQuiet. . Htoady ,
lloi'B-Oiili't nnd iMiKy ; st ito. common to
clioli'o. I8 < ii.'lo ; I'uc'lllo coast , INiJ Jo.
CoVrtK-Optlons opened steiuly und un-
rlian ud to ft poltitH up , closing steady rifi
20 points up ; Bales. I4.7M ) biiKs. Includlnir ;
Jiilv , Iinai ; Auisust , * in.iu : ll.4'i ( ; Hoiilumbor ,
J1V JIS.W ! Octohor. * l4,4oai4.GO ; Di'combur ,
Ha70filJ.80 ; spot. Klo. llrm. fair domund ; fair
curious , lUUe ; No. 7. 17io ,
buiiAit Uuw. llrm and In di miind |
sales. WO hogsheads muscovado. 60 test ,
to i'lillailelphiu , ut : io ; 2.COO liiiL-a
contriruKiils. wl test , : ? , und 1,080 bu s mo.
UKSUS siiKtir , 60 lest , nt 2 ll-IBo ; refined , firm
nmlacthot No. 8 , a IS-tdo ; No. 7 , a'.ot No. g.
Moi.ASBhrt-1'orolKn , nominal ; Now Orleans ,
steady and iiilet. )
UK K-.Sioiuly und fairly nctlvo ,
1'BTiioi.Kim ' Dull ; orudo lu barrels , I'ur-
koryKil : crude In bulk , U70 ; rcllnod Now
ork , M.S5O.7.M ; riill.idulphl . i nnd It.tltlmoro ,
IJ.80ft7.oo ; nulled elo > od nloS'.o for
btKi > oii.-ijufvt.
TAI.I.OM Uittot. llrm.
KO iN-liill. weak ; struluod common to
Rood. fl.a.Viil 40.
Tuiti'KNTiNK-tDull , easier ; M > 4'CT37'5e.
Enns-Qiiloi , wotki western , I0i | il7'joi ro-
roliits , 6,141 intekiiie .
Htiir.s Stonily , iinlot.
I'OIIK ' rirmer. fiilrdiimnnd ; old mcs.s , (10.23
OII.2.1 ; now ineHS , Ili'OOiitl-.SJ ,
CUT MEATS bcarce , firm ,
lMHt > - Slendy. fntr doiiuiiul ; sales , l.CUO
ttorcca ; July , ( fl.W usked ; August , closed , f.1.60
I ; Soptomhor. closed , W.O 410.05 : October ,
Closotl. HS.7. " AI | . 77.
MIDDLES 1'lriii ; short clear , 'September ,
, moderate demand ; part
Ik I ins. WKk- .
.JJnnKii yutpt , weak ; wettcru dairy ,
western creamery , HQlHci western factory ,
IKftllo : Elgin * , He.
I'td litON-Diilli American. H8XKJI8.a. ( !
Coi'pElt .Steady ; lake , July , t\1.1\ \
I.KAU ISomlnnlt domestic , f4.37i. !
TIN Ration stralU , t.fUO.
Milwaukee- Grain Market * .
Mir.wAUKRE , WIs , July 11.-IV.oun Qillot.
WnrT Weaker ; No. 2spring , on track , cash ,
B1c ; September. SP4c ; No 1 nortliorn. IMc.
Couv fairly active ; No. 3 , on track , cash ,
OAT8 UnuhnnRcd ! No. S white , nn track , 42c.
lUui.KV Dull ; Scptcmbur. r/Ju bid.
HVK-Htimdyt No. 1 , In more , S3c.
I'ltoviRtovs I'lriuor.
I'oiiK ' optembor. } iu : > 2' ' { .
IAlil ) September , M 4J'/ . .
ItKCEii-n-riour. a.830 birrolsj wheat , 8,303
harlov. a,100 liusliols.
- Clour. 6OJObtirrol9i wheat , nonoi
barley , 700 InnhcK
iN City 'Markets.
, Mo , July 15. i'f.ouit Dull ,
WIIPAT No. a hard , cnnh , und No. 2 red ,
cash , 780 bid ,
CoifN-HtroiiRcri No. 2 cash , R" > Uc nskodi
July. MUobld. , , . , , , ,
OATS-StroiiKor : No. 2 , cish , 35c ; July , Jl'Jo '
HAV Klrtn. uiichntiKcd.
IliJTTEii Stendy. iiuclmnRod.
i : os Wo.ik nt I0'5c.
I'lio VISIONS -Stoady , unchniucd.
Wool , Dull. iinchaiiKod.
Receipts nnd shlpiiiunts not reported.
I > lv
I , i VEiipooN July IS WHEAT Quiet , dcmnml
po-ir ; holdcri olTor niodoratoly ; Callfornl.i
Nn 1 , 7 Hd5t7s Ii'td ' pprcuiitnl ,
Cons I'lrni ; demand fiilrj uuw mixed west-
urn. 'm "lid pur
HACOV .Wald per cwt ( or IOIIR nnd short middles , uhout * v > Ibs , utidUlsCd ( or long
clear middles , nliout 4i 11)9.
St. Louis
ST. I.outs , Mo. July 15 WHEAT Weak ;
oiish. rlo ; September , Hl'ic. '
COIIN Hto idy ; cash , file ; September. SOc.
OAM-Odlot. cash , ! 7o ; August , UT'tc.
I'oiiKHtoidy uHUl7" > .
IAiii-Sl"idy ut $ .00
WIIHKV bteady uttl.10.
Duliith Wheat Mnrluit.
Di'i.UTM , Minn , July 15 Wheat-Held nrm
toduy , olds-Ing nt')7o. ) the same ns jostord.iy.
scptunilcr whs weaUur , closing at Hllicor lsc
lower. Receipts UITU l.r > cars ( 'ash wliuat
closed nt Ui > iu for \i ) . 1 hard : OBc for No. 1
northern , and HJc for No L' norlliern.
STOC'/i.S l\U JtU.MtS.
New YOIIK July lTho Rpeculntivo pon-
ditlum strung In the oppjsltu dlruutlon today
and the heaviness lu the stock rnai kut yustor-
d.iy w is Indiicoit lu n roit nicismu by the
rumors alloit lu regard la dissensions nt the
rnllro id nieutliiK was dlsul iced bv con Idoi.i-
blo strength , aldod by limited foroiu'ii pur
ch isos nnd the wo iknuss In exchange rites
The iibsunco of nny m it-jrlal ik'tii mil for r.ill- mort uiros. which Is rcRarded ns an indi
cation that large cupltallsts aie liidlllcrunt to
the attractions of such securities ns ln\est-
inont. Incited the trndlii ) ; element to attack
prlocs whenever the opportunity olfors.
The m irkot today showed no change from
Its dull nnd narrow condition , but the local
operators woiu moro Inclhiod to uu > nnd the
few purchases by foiolKu liouses caused a
marked Improvement In the temper of the
day's opo rations
Ohio IKO Ous hold bettor , nnd while Klch-
niond A , West 1'olnt took its pl.ioo as the weuk
spot In the list. Its loss was Inconsiderable.
Thu late reports of earnings kept nlivo the In
terests , but tlio rnmiilndoi were dull and hud
only n moderate sympathy with HID strength
lu the loaders. This Itself wus not in
uny manner prominent after the com
pletion of the early buying nnd In fact
prices settled nwuy slowlv because of iiothlnjr
but the general Indisposition to trade , the
dullness all through the afternoon \io.ns \
most opprcsslxe. The traders u 11,0 struck up
on Richmond ft. West 1'olnt and I.ou'HVllIo ' ns
objects of sped il attention nnd sold each
down a small fraction , the rest of t'io ' list
Hyinpathl/lni ; In n languid manner , but for no apparent ro isou drop-
olV from into UJ'i ' per cent. Thu muiUut
Sed closed extremely dull nnd rather
he ivv nt u shade under III fit prices us n rule
Theiiethe list shows no material chaiigo
for thu day , some stocks showing slight gains
and others uiiually as Insignificant losses.
Kallroml bonds woru onllvcnoil by homo buyIng -
Ing of the Atchlson Issues and the Incomes
wcro specially active under this stimulus ,
tbo H.ilcs uxleudlnis' to SIU.UOJ out of a total de-
Ihory business , on J7H.OOO. The business , how-
oxer , ruiitltLd In only slight appreciation In
values und wlillo the gunural market , vas
given a llrm tonu , the usual slight changes
only were noticeable.
Government bonds liavo been ( lull nnd firm.
State bonds liavo been dull and stoady.
The following are the closing quotations
for the loading stocks on the Now York stock
exohungotoday :
The totnl sales of MockH tod.iy wpro 01.58.1
shurcs , Including ; Atcnlson , 10.401 ; Clile.iKoQus ,
a.S75 ; Louisville & Nashville , b."iO ; Hlch-
monc & West l'olnt.V.111 ; St. t'aul 12,800.
I'1liianciiil Itcviow.
J uw YOIIK , July 11. Tim I'ost siivs : Tim
Intetest in the railroad presidents' moutliiK
wus not extensive und there was mUlilng
in the ninrknl Itself to nIToot prices except
the obvious disposition to liiiimouy noted
yestonlay which effectu.illy disposed of tlm
rumors that u grand fracas was on the cards.
Hut rillwuvn don't quarrel with heuvy Inial-
ness on liiind or In Immediate expectation.
The uinvuto dlsalpllno n few rate oiittliiB
frelKht inunuKora. coiiaorntnit wlititi reports
were current yostcrd iv. scorns not to
luvo been uttempted. Tlioro w is nrovoca-
tton , but tlm sinners In question did ample
ponnnco In advance pf olllclul InvestlKution
and were frlclitened bndly eiiouuh to make n
repetition of tlmlrolTonse Improbable.
Now York SIo icy 'Market.
NEW YOIIK. July 15. Mosnr ov OAM , Easy
raiiKlus ; from 'i to 2 per cent ; lust loan Hi per
cent , olosltiK offered at Hi pur tent.
1'ltlMK I'Ai'Kii Mitt" pur cent ,
STKMI.OI KXCIIA.NOB Dull but wo.ik attl.8.1
for sixty iliiy bills und $1,87 for demand.
Tlm following were tlm olosiiu prices on
bonds ;
Fliiitnolul Nott-H.
NEW YOIIK. July IS. Oloarliirfs ,
Datuiicni. JUill.UJV
ItOHTON , .Muss. . July 15. Olcurlncs. } | 5 , ? > . - > ,311i
lialiincos , Il.tWI.ICJI. Monoy. 4itHJ per eout ,
KvrhniiKo on Now York , lAu illscount.
I'llll.ADKi.l'iilA.Julyl . OionrlliKK. f
bnlunii'H. tl.UTO.TTO. MOIIUV , 4 per cunt.
lUi.Tivtoiie , Mil , . Julv if , . Olcarliitr , ,
717 : Imlhiioos , t.u\l'JO. MOIIUV. 0 i > ur coin ,
UIIICAOO. .July 15. Now York uxchtiiiRc.
Ktouiiy ut lillo ( flseoinit. Monuy , Htoiuiy nnd
uiiL'huiiitod. Hunk olourltus. tli,4l'J.uo-J : stor-
llnn uxohniiKO btciuly und uuchniucd. ut f.WJ )
( or sixty ( lay lillU and II b7' ( or Bt.-ht ilralts ,
KANSAS OITV , SIo. , July 15. Clearing. II-
Hank of KiiKlanil Miilllon.
LONDON , July 15. Amount or bullion with-
ilnuvii ( rim the Ilaukof Eugluiul on bulutiuo
toduy U i-U .uoo.
_ _
1'arU ItuntuH.
lUiits , July ] & . Three per cent rente * 03 r
15Jio for thu account ,
Honton Stock Market.
BOBTON , Mai * . , July 15-Tho following nero
the oloiln ? prloes oo stojk.i In the Iloiton
took ninrkct today.
Atchtson A Topeka . W ( Calumet A llccla..2M
lliKton A Albany . . .W ) Franklin
lloston A Maine. . .li > | i < lluror
London Slock Market.
r. July 15. Otoslnc at 4 p. m. :
Consols , money . .USlMi , Canadian I'nclllc. . . MU
Coniols , account.HiII 111 Illinois Central . . w't '
U. S d ll'J'f Moilcan onllnnry . 'tl
U. H ( ' < < I02W N , Y Central . . 120
N V 1 * . A O. Ists. . Mj llcadlnt ; IT
per ounce. Money Onorcutit.
The rite of discount In thu opou nmrkot for
both short und throu months bills , Ifi per cent.
DBtvut. Cole . July 13. Only moderate Inn-
lnt"it tr intnctod In milling Blocks toduy with
salosof ll.VJOsh iroi. rollowliu WPIO the otos-
Itiif iiiotntlotii | ! of the atouk oxu
Hull I-V.iiiolHCo .Itin I\K Quotntlo IIH.
SAN I'liAsrisco , July 15.-Thooillolil olosinj ?
fiuot itlonn for mining stocks today \\ota us
follons :
Altn Niivijo
Hal w or 2J Ophlr .i',0
lien ! A Itolchor . . I' J I'otojl '
llodlu Consolidated 1)Ml ) Savaifo 'li'i
( "hollar Ml Sierra Nevada .
Con Cal & Va . . .W ) Union Con . . .
Crown 1'olut . . ID ) IH.ll
( Jould A Curry VollowJacket .
Ilnlo A Norcruns ° -
Mi'Xlcau IT" . il { . . : . . . . : M
Mono . VJ
St. Louis Alining ( jtiotutiotis.
ST. Louis. Mo. , July IS There was vor >
little tr.tdlnz on the mlnlne oxeh IIIKO this
inornlnK and prices as a rnlo were low. 'Hie
following 1)1(1 ( h woromadoon call :
N ) iv York 3IfnliiK Quotations.
NEW VOIIK. July n The following are the
inlnliu stocU nuotat ona !
Allco l.y > Horn Silver < > U
Adnma IS'i Ontnrlo WJJ
Aspen .IJO Suvnuo 140
( un Cat , * c Vn . . . .r ) > sierraNuvndu. . . . 'MJ
Dundwood Ill ) Union Cun 175
Knrckn UK ) Yellow Jacket 140
Uoiucatnko IKK )
II .viiui : nr.ccts.
2.'i. ! '
biKiAit Holders too hUli for buyers : 2CJ
hoRshoads of muscov.iuo. fair to Koo.l relln-
IIIK. bJ to UJ'i devices pul iri/.itlon , sold at
? J. 75 ! void per itilntal ] , There ha\o bean
copious uilns recently.
New York Dry ( iomls Blanket.
NBW YOHK. July n. The prlnclp il fo itti reef
of the in irkot In dry BOO Is was tin activity
of pilces on o irly H ilos All ( Inscription of
cotton and woolen/ooJs partlclp iti-d In the
market. Trade In dry goods was llrm.
Ijoiu.lon Oil vurlcct.
LONDON , July 15 Stuitirs or TUIIPKNTINK
C'Ar.cUTTA L-NSITD Oir41s Cd per quarter :
'Jrmters' Talk.
NEW YOIIK , July in. The Commcrcl 1 Hul-
letln s.iys : Curruat. dovulopiuent alToctln
the business and llnan 'lal situation are do-
oldodly favorable , ami the mlddu | of the
month promises to find the cnuour.ijtln out
look for the uiitiitnn moro fully assured than
was to h.ivo boon oxpcctod , The monthly ro-
porior mo aEricuiiurai oupaiimcnc m
exceedingly fa\orablo showing und fully con-
Ilrms the provaillnj conlldonca In bountiful
crops ; while there Is added assurance of ! ario
foiolgn demand foi our surplus. 'Iho llnan-
Llal situation abroad continues to I in prove
and there Is a pronouncedly hotter fi'olmt ; In
regard to cold exports. 1'hero Is also moro
con'idcnco that the currency requirements of
the autumn will bo adequately mot ; the < le-
Llslon In regard to the 4'i ' per cent bonds con-
trlbutlnR materially to this result. Although
bus'.nsss ' and spocufatlon remain quiet tlioro
Isgenoral recognition of Improvement In Im
portant features of the situ itlon and outlook.
CiliCAflo , July n , 1' . G. Logan & ( Jo. to Ton-
era v & llryan : The wheat market still
pursues the m en tenor of Its \ \ ay to a lower
r.ingo. The fo i lures causliu thodecllno of the
past tuo days were Ip for o u aln today , vlr ;
weulconbles , line wnuthor , light tra'lo , prcs-
hiiroof cash , and the July option and ho ivy
selling again ear y by 1'urdrldge. I'arfs
cables repotting a sonsatlonal drop In prices
helped along our weakness , and the close was
\\e.ik. There aio as jot no car murks of a'dull
market apparent. Corn u Ivuncod shatply on
teed Koneral buying eatly , but uoakuncd olT
Inter on. L ITL'O estimates for tomorrow , and
roalllirby some of the buyers of yesterday.
The cash demand was good and the country
was again In the market tisa bnjer. Consid
ering the ncuknoss In olbor grains , corn
shows considerable strength .in 1 we continue
to feel bullish. Oats continue wo ik and
dragging on sales of long stuff. The tr.ido In
iiiovts onstoday xvasoiy light and feature
less until Just bufoio the oloso uholi an at
tempt by local lous to unload closed the
n.arkot.eak. .
CHICAGO , July 15. SchwartDupeeand Mc-
Cormlelf to 1' . U. SuarU & . Co. : lucre isod
uctUlly and market \\oaknoss huvo been the
promlnunt foituius of to lav's wheat market.
llci\y : receipts all aiound and promise of 4bi )
oars for tomorrow were too much for the
hulls , especially when It was reported that
I'arls had declined equal to So a bushel , This
report , houorcr. was not fully conflrnio I , al
though a decline In the prlco of Hour of UO
centimes i nmo olT jrstordav. It sioms cer
tain that something neatly , appro.ichlng a
panic Is at present contra llnz the I'arls mnr-
Ket. The oloiu of tlm mailcot uas wo ik
with Indications of lower pilces tomotrow.
Chatters today , l'i' > 0,000 bushels of wheat.
There was quiet a Hurry lu the corn market at
the opening caused by the covering of two or
three Inigo lines ot.Julj anil August , probably
Induced by the veiy light receipts for thu clay.
The advance In July c irrled boptomber with
it but the lilt tor soon llattcnod out when the
estimates of .WO cars for tomorrow were re
ceived. Thopartlch nhncovorcd the July and
August were sild to IIUNO put their short
lines on the advance. Ohaiters for UI8OUU
bushels. Kocolpts of hogs filvu ) under thu os-
llm to and the niar-ut lOftllo higher. This re
sulted | n a higher opening for all kinds of
proUshms The market wuserydull with
natron limits , the oloso being very tamo.
OniUAno , July is Kmmott , Hopkins & Co.
to S. A. MeWhortur : Wliuut Bt.u ted olt with a
little show of strength , but u demoralising
cable from I'arls quickly turned the tldo the
other way. and estimated receipts of 4Scars )
tomorrow quickened the p ice Into a fool r.ico
to get out of limgstuh" . The market closed
weak at the bottom and at about lo bo ow
jostorday. Thu long Interest has liquidated
quite freely , but It Is oxpoctoil that the bro il (
will bring country belling ordt'is In the morn
ing. It Is also feared that the weakness In
1'urlsmny extend to London and Liverpool.
\\hllu It ls > admitted by all that
Kuropo will need a great deal of
wheat , possibly our ontlio surplus. It
Is financially embarrassed and may llnd It
h ird to pay utonio for the huge quantltlis
nowatloit. ItoDorlH fiom threshers ludlcutu
that the crop U turning out a very hlg one.
and some rather consei vatl\estatlstlolaiiHiiru
brglnnln ; todlscuss theposslbllltyof aWW.OO > , -
IKHihnshoi ctop. Advlios from neatly ail direc
tions are of a bearish n itliru and thu specula
tion booms to ho set strongly In that direc
tion Undur the clicumstiinces louur prices
temporal lly , nt luast , bconi probable , Karly
In the session lorn khous era Miry
nervous and tutored freely , reculvln : houses
supplying the bulK of the demand. The dan
ger of kcltuig this gn In short ultn-ho siiiull
htooks In ntiiru Is an expression froiiuently
luvird , The lust \lslblo shows moro torn in
Lh'cago ' than , hut no ono scorns to ha\u
thought wheat btouks light. It Is trim the.
corn crop Is away oir. The way old corn Is
coming In encourtiics : the belief that thu sup *
piy will held out until new corn IH available.
It will bo fed to stouk In buptomber ami this
will greatly lesson the demand for od corn
oven If the now cannot bo dollvurntl on con-
truotx until much later. I'rovislons were
Urnipratlho start on light arrivals tit the
yards , but packers hud pli > nty on Hilouhen-
ever bids were at all Inviting. The trade Is
very dull , the consumptive demand dlsconr-
nghiB and thu outlook HCOHIS to favor lower
prices unless our stocks diminish mure rap-
NBW VOHK , July 1IConnott , Hopkins * .
Co. , to B. A , Mc\\horter : The murkut has been
dull und fontiiralesi with a number of 1111-
UHiiully active stocks not CHI o led with u slnglo
trade. The opening wax fairly strong unuer
the Inlluenco ot somewhat liUlmr nrlcns In
London and a llttlo buying of til. 1'uul for
London account , but these orders were teen
executed und thoronfti-r till thu close thu
markutwai dull und drooping. The weakest
tlmo wu Just ut the close when the lowest
price * ol the Uujr wore current , The
rnltrmi ! mrot ns tl 6 the Windsor
hotel had fidjcmrnqilrylno d a und tlm
best of fcelliu i saTd''to hive prevailed.
It U cnoiiirh to R iv thntJtho rcoultof the meet
ing does not nil the nnf/nHo / he'd Out hufon-
co in eiiod. The failure to ndopt the Joint
nproncy propoiltlon wliVfli wi s the most Im
portant matter ilmlor vonttldor.itloii , deprived
tlm meeting of IU oxpcutvd Inlliiciu'o. The
went. ness of the market-In the last hour can't
ho accounted for unlrWItho that current
rumors that the Illinois Central would either
reduce Its dlxldend ntto or pass It entirely ,
made traders luolliied IS dell. The Illinois
' . 'ontrnl dlrotors. . It Is SiUd. nro In session to-
day. Klchmond Tonnliial hits boon dealt In
tnoro largely than iiMinl. and the prlco Is
heavy. Whether true dr not , tticto are rumors
constantly in clrctlliithtni that the financial
condition of this company Is not good , and
today these rumors ha\oovcn taken the form
of a possible recehcrshlp , but tlioy are not of
such at inglblocharactcrus to merit credence.
nurdo they como from an v reliable source' ! .
Htorllng la weak. Kates hare again been ro-
dnced.and this scorns to prnclildu the likelihood
of any gold bolng shipped this week , A largo
amount of gold , nearly jUI.OOO.OOc , nas wltn-
drawn today from the Hank of Lngland for
shipment to Kussla nnd rr.inco , and consols
were slU'htly lower. Money here Is In bolter
demand on call , and tlmo loans firmer.
.i tn i ;
UKIAIIA , July r > . 1811.
OATTi.n-Olllolal rocolnta of cuttle. I.-U3
ns compared with u'.Ikll yesterday und CGO
SVcdni'sdav of lust week. The market was
actl\o and steady on doslrublo grades of
bicncs and slow and stc uly on others.
llntcher stock was active and stronger. Teed-
ors were nun Ing at steady prices.
lloos ( Jlllolal receipts of hozi , 4,7.1. ' , ns
compared with " .out josterday and S.fiul VVed-
nesday of lust week. The market was hl.'her.
( Jood nlilpplng hogs uerc active and TH : to lOc
hlglior , closing act ho and strong. Other
grades were sto idy. fho r ingo of the prices
paid was tt.nnA.UI. the bulk selling at if I ID ®
4.U5. The quality was hotter and the sites
show a lOc advance 1'ortlnfirst tlmo since
April il the tnitket reached the $ iUJ lino.
Light. { l.'jftl.W ) ; heavy. tl.OUOSOu ; mixed ,
} I.UUil in. Ttiu aserago of the prices paid
WIHW > | . ' | | | } asL'ompated wltliM.&ii yesterday
and fl.ftl'i ' Wednesd.iv of 1 ist ueok.
SllfKl' l'luro we 10 no fresh receipts of
slieeu. The market was nominally Him on a
good ( lotmind. Natives , JJ..VflW 0 > : westerns ,
t..fiOft.' ' ; good CO to TU-lh. Iambs , Jo.OCi2i 'Jo.
ItcccliitH a id Dlspoiltlo'i of Htoulc. rccolots ind dlspoittlon of stoalc is
shown by the hoo'cs ' of tlm Union stockyards
Loiiiinny for tlm twi'tity-four hours ending at
5 o'clock p. m , July lf > . IS'Jl ' :
ituprcscntiuivo Sales.
No.Av. Pr No Av. I'r. No Av. I'r.
2. 1 00 $4 00 77 1 lib J3 15 2) Kdl 540
.VS. 1 > 8u 4 n .T ) I HI 5 .H ) U .1 SI 540
12. UK ! 4 50 5J llSlt 0 35
700 1 2" 0. , ioc.i 2 no
071 1 . .0 1 IIJO 2.0
IKM I M 4. 017 2.W
' 1 75 18. 1020 M
41 , 8.7 S lo
J 80 10 , Ofil 2a >
1 S- . 4
KVJ 200 18 . IU ) 240
7d. > 2 00 11) . .1DIH 24'i
7UJ 2 00 14 . 8-D 250
O' > 0 2 00 12 . 10 > 2 KO
Ilir.'O 2 00 .lO.'O 205
sr > 2 10 745 2 75
SM 2 10 .1020 275
. ' 140 2 50 1.40 -4 OJ . 100 400
: no 2 75 1 2llr ) 4 00 . 2.0 ! 4 03
5UO U 00 2t& ) 4 OJ
HUM 81
2. 1410 1 SO 1..UM I 00 .1VW 105
1 OJ ,1420 , 1U5
l.'W i DO
.790 2 40. . 1087 > H .10' 32. . 007
.815 2 00 11. . SJO aU5. , I.- U40
. 7JO 3 UO ' ' *
HrAG3. ' '
, 730 1 75
, C23 3 15
Ijlvo Stock .Mnrkut.
OIUCAOO , July 11 [ Spoolnl Telegram to THE
HEX. ] Tlm expectations of cattle Lmyoi.s were
reull/od toduy : tlm receipts were lur e nnd
they wcro in a position to supply their wants
on rather hotter terms than wus possible on
Tiiis'lay. That , at least , was the case us re-
ir.irds common und medium nutlves and KHISS
Texans , of which descriptions , unfortunately ,
the receipts largely consisted. Cows nnd bulls
\\ero slow at25Uo oil fro n last week's liUh-
est prices , nnd tlm decline in Texas entile
blnco lust 1'rtdav N fully 20c pur lOi pounds.
The shrinkage In Rood to extra guides
Is less und mar lad nt nbout . ' * ifl
lOc. Tlm simply In tlm y.irdri toduy wus made
upot nbout 0.000 natives and westerns and
7.030 Texuns The Rula * were on a busts of
I.2.1U 25 for tlm formiT , with $ ' .0002.75 for
cows nnd bulls nnd 14.50(8.1 ( ( , u for steers , tlio
raniru nt which mostofrtm tr.idlnt ; was done.
I xtru cows and ImlfeWtold around JI V ) nnd
there wore n number -o/s lies of old "slmlls"
nt Kl.lOiai.'ft Texas Vifttlo were < iuotod at
Ji. ' SS.5t ) for cows and JJ.7.VS4 00 for Br.i s
hteers. { lO.
t'ommon Rrudos ot hozs "cunm to tlm front"
toduy. 1'or home tlmo pisttlmy liavo sold
liiidly out of nil proportion to tlm prices paid
for prime qualities but Winy thov were In do-
mandi t un uduiiicouf L.4t-u ) per lou pounds ,
while tlm npptecliitlon'Jli values of good to
best sorts scarcely exceed lOe. 1'ow of the
olTcrliiKS woroso poornSjiot to bo salable nt
JYOO or better , while the 'choicest lots on snlo
werunol wanted at tRor f.1 J..1.40. 'lliern
was very f rue buying , ' ' uoth by hhlppers und
pacKers ilnd the 18.UUJ hois wliluh consiltiitod
the dav's supply word | nearly nil out of sali-s-
men's hands before lU'bVilock , tlm bulk golux
ntniMi.l.U. ( !
Tlm I.\ciiliu JourniU reports : OATTI.I : llo-
celpts , IU.UUU ; shipments.J.OOO. .Market IrrnKU-
lur ; tmtUes itoaciv uvSifToiiu : Tu\itin loner :
jirlmu nath es , f.l.lAKtfi..iO ; good to choice. ( .1.1 ( A
'i.8J ; othnis , $180 5.25 ; Texuns , t-1 OOiuJ.Sj ;
cows , J2.7V < t , VJ.
Iliiiis Kecelpts. 10,000 ; shipments , U.OOO.
Market aetUo und lue blither , closing htronK ;
rou Ii nnd common , tI.7X&1,00 ( | puckers , and
mixed M IMCVJO ; pi line heavy und butcher
weUhts. M.S.HW40I llcht. I10MW.4I. (
HiiKbf Kecelpts 8,000 : shipments , a 000.
Market stoudy ; nut ho owes. SIVX34 (15 ( ;
mixed und wethers. H bii'l5 ( ) ; mutton Texan- . ,
tl Wtil M ; westerns , fl.5CXSI.Wi lumbu , iU,2.1is
ICuiiHiiH City Ijivo it ulc Market.
KAMHAH OITV , Mo. July 15. OATTI.R Ko-
celpts. 2,030 ; ehlpmeiits. .1. 40 ; market , htroiif
to hlKhor ; ituuM. HomUlO ) ; oowj , , 11 ivCW.50 ;
Htockem nnd feeders.UM4l.5. .
lions Uecelpls,5.UJ ( ; Hliipmunts , 1,400 ; mar
ket 5o to I lie hlKhur ; bulk , ll.soai.W ; all
Kr.ides. f 10 ( Til 0.1.
HiihKi' Kocolpts , 1.2.0 ; nhlpmonts , 1,770j mar
ket steady ,
New York Mvo Htook SInrkot.
NEW YqitK , July 15. HKBVKS Itccolpts , Ii83
oirs , Including 105cars fur sale. Market dull.
15e lower ; Mauve Kteora. ll.IXKiil.IO ; Texuns and
Uo'orado. U.dVQl.00 ; bulu anil cows , lW > SJ.75.
DKKHHEII lUKf-btoady utHUa'JHo. '
XOUJLY l.iTd bccvon aud 3,180
nnnrtcrsof beefs tomorrow , 701 bcoves nml
CAI.VIM Kocolnt.2 , < 41 head ; marketd'
veal , Koonnss ; buttermilk ernes * 2./0 ( < aao\
StiF.Kf Uccolptn. 8,710 hcndi xhcop steady :
Inmbs. ( lull , uncliatiKcd ; sheep , fl.257t.lfOj
Inmlm. fl.wtC 40.
DKKXSKII Murrov-Stenily ntrXatOc ; droned
lambs lower iitDTJlOc' .
Hods lieeelpts. 8,787 head , IncliidliiK 1 cnr
for f-aturdiiy , IIW.
ll'liSTiitX IMCK/.YiV iXTKltr.STfi.
Kaiisns _ City VtolilH Scuotul I'liico lo
Oinnlm at Intst.
CINCINNATI. O. , July 15. [ Special Tolo-
Brain to TIIR lUc. | Tomorrow's 1'rlco ( Jur-
rent will cnvesturn : luickltiK opcratipns
nro on n smiill scale compared with it year
nao. The week's returns ohow 10..iioo noes
compared \\Itb DIO.OOO lust > oar , inakliiK' 400,000
since .March 1 uiralnst 511,000 n no.
Avurnzu weight conllnnvs largely bo'ow last
year I'roinlnent places comparu us follow :
C1TIKS. 1801. KM.
Chlcnxo I.IIS DUO
Omnhn . . . . < J7 DUO 4USOUO
Kaiisia City. . . 77SUUO
St lxiil IWIWO 2111 UOO
Indianapolis . . 10,1 , ( KKI ) 1. ( H )
Mllnaukco . . . 1 11 IKK. ' 1WUU
Cincinnati 101 ( XX ) I270DU
Cedar Kaplds. , 1ZIUIX ) 1SIOOO
HlouxClty 117 ( XW 1C. ' ( WO
Nebraska City 117 UUO
\\lchltn . . . . . . 78 DUD 12JUUU
0.11.111,1 WIIOI.ES.11.K JlAltli.l.'JCS.
Fresh KritllH.
The receipts of bet rles nro becoming more
liberal und emu tire predicting low prices.
IVnturmeloiis nrocrv plenty
OANT\toL'l'lJ3 1'or cruto of 1'J ' to 2 do/en ,
W on.
1'i.UMH bouthcrn cases , 52.00 ; Cullfornln ,
CiihitniKS Oreiron , tl ' .031.7.1 ; home grown ,
$ . ( © y > per ' { liiiultoi basket ,
Ai'i'i.LSi'er 'j biithoi box , green. 50GOc :
red , 75c. perbbl. , $ .u < ic.lr0.
Ill\CKIH.IIIIII s ( .nod Missouri stock , t..2. ®
2 50 pur . ' 4 ill. ense.s.
llt.A ( K KAM'iii.itlilE" J1.75 per lf > qt. cases.
Ki.n lUsi'MCKIUKS 1'er 24 qt. c.iscb , iJ.75 ®
OitANtlFS l.os Angeles , per lox , $ J.7iV3l,00.
tilt I.ONS--lllppllIK S'OClC , Utt'-flC.
I.l.Mrs ) I'er bov. M r > ( Ht7 00
HAN * N\H I'er bunch , J.'tWitJM for good
shipping stock ,
Ai'i'iticois-l'or box , $1 75.
Vcjiot ililCH.
The following quotations represent the
prices ut which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless othorn Iso state t :
Ntw I OTATOCS ( Jood stock sold In small 7 c , but dc.ilcis lire not enconr iglng
slilpmcnls. us It U tlm general opinion thu
market must soon go lower.
HUANS Nuvt. Si21J8250 per bil.
TOMATOES I'er bov , one-third bu. , 007ac.
CUCUMUI.IIS Per doz. , aoc.
Ccr.riiv ,15c per do/
NBW IlbETS I'er Int. , il.OO.
O.MO s c illfornln , 2'4c per It ) .
OAIHIAOE Homegrown , 2e pot Ib ,
C < tintry I'nidiiue.
There wns no chaiiRO lu the ninrkot yester-
dny , und the quotations of tlm day before
would cover the gtonnd. The most of the sales reported nt
Oc und the market not o\orly strong nt that
Eons Majority of the ogjrs eolng nt lie , but
a few round lots reported sold nt Mil' .
1'out/rm Supply light und the muikct firm.
Old fowls , M754.00 ; spring chickens. $ . ' .50
© 450.
Omnlii milling comp my. Hollunco. I'utrnt
f-'S ; Invincible I'.ilont , t..TO ; Lone , bu-
purlatl\c. $ . ' . < ! ) ; bnowllako , f..OJ ; Kancr riiin-
11 v. II.UO
H. T Dnvls milling compiny. lllih PHtont.
No I und Cieain , SJ..XJ : lllim 1) . , full patent ,
} JGO ; li.iwl.fyc. half p itent , $ . ' . ! 0 ; bpouKI
itoyul. I'utent No. 10. ? I.UU ; .Minnesota p itent ,
$2. 0 ; ICuns is Il.ird Who it. patent.'b.'i ; Ne
braska Spring Who it , patent , $ . ' . .00.
K's Cold Medal , JJ.80 ; Snow
White. $ . " > J : Siiowllaka , iJ.10 ; low isr.ide , $1 01 ;
Queen of tlm I'nntrv , S-SO ; brnn , til.00 ;
chopped feed , J21.UJ ; Minnesota Superl.itho ,
* , ' 8a
P. . L Welch iS. Co , Host , * 2.M ; Crown Prince ,
IJ.70 ; Minnesota Ohlef. $ . ' .4U : Splendid ramlly ,
$2.10btr.ilirht ; , 8I.OJ.
McShane & Condon ,
300 S. 13th St. First National Bank Building -
ing , Omaha , Neb
Dcil In stocks , bonds , securities , commercial pa *
per , otc Negotiate loans on Improved Om iha real
estate , tihort time loans , with bunk stock , oren all
pprovcd collator uleccurltr.
Property Owners Will ProtcBt Against
a Heavy Assessment.
There Is a question as to whether or not
the sewer In district 18 will bo paid for with
out a law suit. It is proposed to construct
this sewer In the alloy between Howard nnd
Jackson streets , from Ninth to Sixteenth
street. The contract was lot to F. L.
Rcovcs & Co. some time ngo and the con
tract and bond was approved Tuesday night.
Koovos1 contract price was $3 00 per lineal
foot. According to a Ion ) ; established cus
tom ! It has been the practice to assess the
abutting property at the rate of § 1 per front
foot for the construction of the sau'crt , and
take the balance out of the sewer conbtruc-
tlonfund. , In this case thfs can not bo done
as tno balance in the sewer funr1 Is on the
wrong Side of the lodger. Should the ma.vor
apptovo the contract , then there is n chance
that an injunction will follow , ns the prop
erty owners to pet their sewer would bo
compelled to pay M.SO per lineal foot on each
side of the sower.
Some time ago Citv Attorney Popploton de
cided that ntnx in excess of ? 1 per foot was
not advisable. Later nnd on June fi.ho . wrote-
a letter to Comptroller Goodrich upon this
question in which he said , rofetring to the
jnckson nnd Howard street sower. "This is
not n case of a main , or a main nnd Intoial
sower. It is In the business portion of the
city nnd for the bonctit of tlm business
houses. I do not think it can bo said Unit
any lot in this district fs not benefited nioio
than fl per front foot. If nn nssossmont will
not.excoed 41 CO or S3 per front foot , I urn in
clined to utlvlsa that all of the expense bo
assessed agnitist the abutting property. "
The council acted upon tills advice , but
raised the limit and instead of lixing the
prlco at$1.CO or § J per ftont foot , the body
made it WOl , or ? l.SO per front foot on each
sidoof the propose J sou or.
Sparkling and DollcIoiiH
In ptuity of quality and delicacy of flavor
Snlcrmn Ginger Ale has no equal either for
eign or domestic. Bottled nt Excelsior
Springs , Mo. _
Indicted Murderer Stil 'Idew.
CHATTANOOGA , Tetiii , , July IB. Judge
Warden , under indictment for the murder of
his son-in-law , Banker Simpson Fuyctto ,
committed suicide lust night at ills residence
on Lookout Mountain by blowing out his
A bald headed woman Is something unu
sual before she is forty , but ( 'ray half is com
mon with then ) onilier , Ti.ildnebs and irrav-
ncss may bo prevented by using Hall' ' Hair
Stiloldo at Cellar Haplils.
CmiAUllu'iDS , la. , July 1G.-C. K. Thlias
from Cincinnati , O , , suicided last night by
shooting , at u hotel. No cause is Known.
Small in sire , great In results : IJoWltt's
Llttlo ICarly Risers. Bt-st pill for constipa
tion , best lor sli'U headuchc , best for sour
with your
Blood ,
Delay Is ilatiKiroiu In HK.
s ! Itliekintlallv hniardnui
lu duoosta ut the liloo.1. Cor
ruption hrrrili corruption und
Into lucurablo chioulo Ui -
n Isaiare.ipctd ) nnrt
So \ sum euro for nil
Oi U ° " " aKloii . I'h'Hl '
onlnB. Inlarlw.
oil Scrofula , rikln Vriiptloni ,
and Imi curtd tbmuauds of
utmof CiilHir ,
Jl Is a iionirful tonla for ilell-
cam iK-rnoni , let Ii harmlrii
anil Incaralild of Injuring Iho
uiost it nsltlvo system.
A Ironllio nn llloo < l ami Skin
Dlxrasn niallett rnu on appli
Druggist * Soil It.
firuwcr 3f Alauln > Co *
Omaha Tent & Awn
ing Co-
Kla s , Hammock * , Oil Hint
HiililiorCiollilnir. Send lor
Catalogue. Ill ) Knrnmu.
A. Hi Porrigo&Oo. Mi 0. Daxon ,
11)1 Ikxlito Street. Illcrclos Sold on Montlilr
Bend for nur Cntnlouuo
nml 7'4 Knrnntn St , Omiha
Omaha Republican Printing Oo. ,
Law briefs , bank inpplloi , nml oror/tuln * In the
printing lino.
10th nml Dounl u utrooti.
Ackormanu Bros. & Hointzo ,
Printers binders , clectrntrpcri , blank book manu
facturer" ,
Illttllowirl street , Omilix
Eagle Oornico Works F. Ruempin *
Manufacturers offJalvnn- Galvanized Iron cornices ,
Ized Iron Cornlco. Dormer window * , door
Wlnrtowcun.mctalleikr- capi , tin lali etc. Tin
light * otc 1110 and 1IU Iron and Mite roofer.
DodiroSt. 811 larimra St
J , J , Johasoa & Oo. ,
J1S3.13th Jtrux
Omaha , NoS.
Parlin , Orendorff & T. G. Northwall ,
Martin Oo. , Qoneral woitcrn aconl
Corner Jones und SHh sti Hkamlla" 1'tow Co ,
Oumha , Neb 134J-11 * ! bhorniau avo.
Schneider & Loornis , J. T. Bobiiwoa
Oo. ,
Jobbers and Importers of
GontV fimtlthlnt Koili
notions and furuUlihu m'f'ii colobntul brml
"liutkskln' ov or alii ,
ptnt * . hlrt4. co-it ! eta.
1111 Howard street. Cor. lit limit HowirdsU.
Konnard Glass and J , A. & Oj ; ,
Paint Oo. ,
Omtha Onmhik
Oumininga , Blaka , Bruoa& Oj
ClTuudCW South ICth Bt.
Omaha , Neb Omaha , Nob.
Paxtou & Qallagaar , iloyer& Raapka ,
7UJ-7II a 10th stri'tt , KUJ-IWi Ilaruo/itrjjt ,
Omaha , N'eb. Omaha , Neb.
D. M. Stoela & Oo. , Sloan , John'on & Oo ,
ll-ISOJ , vtli and ( .eavonwurtu
ulri'uti ,
Omahi , Nat ) . " Ouiaha , Neb.
Allen Bro : . , MoOord , Brady & Oj ,
1114 Hu ior ktruot , I3th nnrt Leavonnorlh
Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Nobranka.
Hugh 0. OUrk.
( ionl Western A/ont u'
I > upoiit' Hportlnif dun-
ponder , Athu hlgn
Uf , lllmtlnKC pifui
iUo U
Tonoray &Brynn , I S. A. MoWhortor
tlrokorn , ( train , prorlsloni Sit l t Null Hank , Broken
nd ftoUi HIS a. llth 1'rlrata wlret to N *
tit. TrlTAtdwIro to Chi- York , Chicago and SU
KISt. . I A > u 11 anil Now h cratu
York mariott
Oookroll Bros. ' F. 0. Smirtz & Oo ,
nrokcrt. 1'rlrato wires Hrokrn > , ( lralnl'roTl8lon
to Nflw York , CMcago A etc I'rlrnte wire to HI.
m. Ioiil . SpocUl atten IIS ! and Chloino , onto *
tion Rlrni to track bids In in Null llnnkOm h .
onirraln. Itt Nat'llUnk. Kxchitiiro bld'K , 8. Om h
Rector & Wilholiny Oo Loo-Olark-Antlroosoii
Cor 10th and Jackson ti Hardv7.\ra Oo.
103-1110 llarnar atroat ,
Omahi. Omaha Noli.
Paxton & Viorlinj OninLa Pafo & Iron
Iron Works , Works
Wroiutht and cast Iron ,
bulldlnit work , onitlnm. Manuf'r * flro and burglar
bra < work , ( tonoral proof nafei , rault * , Jail
foundry , machine anl work , Iron Miutlcri
Mack > nilth work. U.V nro escapes ( } . An-
lljr. and 17th drccn.llthAJ'acksonstl
Wilson & Drake ,
M'fg tubular flues , riri >
box boilers , tanki , old.
Plorco ami 10th ntreats
MaxMeyor < & Bro. Oo. A , Eospo , Jr. ,
M'f'K Jeweler * . ttonlora lu lanix Ork'nni. Arttsti'
musical Instrument * ,
etc , Mntcrlaln , Kto ,
Fnrnnni nnd IGth. 151I Douctni Stroot.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo.
ncflnod nnd lubrloitlni
oils , axle Kroa o , ot3.
It. II Until , Manvcar.
Emonon 830 ! Oj. ,
Seed Krowori , cloilon H
Harden. ur ID , ur.iln.llt
trco teejH ,
4.M-4JI Houth inth
HKivo repair ! of all
DufTyTrjwbridjj kind * . Cuoks and Hoa-
tova Minufao' J > tera for aslo
( anufactur'it storm ill James Hn ho ? ,
ntoro plp >
2I1-I.M5 Lcnvoimorth st , (07 ( S llth St ,
tf. A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bohu Saah & Door Oa
lanufncturon of saih , MauufiutiiroM of niou
doors , bllnili and liut , blinds , d lorn ,
.MoillJliiK' llranc'i of eto , old I
flco , Kth aad UarJ Nti 16th and Clark streets.
I. S. Wind Engine & A , L. String & Soil ,
Pump Oo. ,
Halllday wind mills. Ois 10J2-1W1 Purnam i
nnd 9M .loiim it. ( } V
Itoss , nctlni ; manizor. Omaha , Nob.
Company ,
1414 and 1(10 ( Harnoy it.
Oiuaha. Neb
II. Hardy & Co. , The Rninawiok-Balk
' 0711 , dolls , albumsfanaf " Collonder Oo.
Koods , hoimu furnlshlnz Illlirl nur > ll l Us * .
goods , children's car- HalnonDsturil
407 ( ( WH UtlistrujU
rluiios UI'J riirnnnut. Omaha
A. D. Boyer 4 ; Oo Hunter & Green ,
UullJInj , 50 Kschanito llulUlnj
Bo nth Omaha. boulh Oiujlix.
I nm oirorlne Htao'-t In n Kood sound com-
piny tint will pay , i 20 pjr cent illvlUyiiJ.
$100 uliarou for $80 Wrlto for prospectus
ficom 0 , Oer. Ain. B'k ' Bld , , Et. Josaph , Mo ,
Bufferlnz from
th effects ol
joutliful rron Si >
carlr Uocay , waitlntr woaknru , lojt miuiliuud , etc.
I wfll xnil a alu blo Ucutliu ( > calrd ) coatalnlo |
full l irtloulan for home cur * . I'll U I' of cuargn
A splendid m dtcal > Torlct thoulu b r a4 by ver ]
mm who Is nnrvous n < l d'bllltaud. Addretj
1'rof. V. C. VOVTtilUI , nooaiu , COBU.