Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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JTovol Newspaper Experiment to Bo Under
taken by a Syndicate.
ffuin Cities' UnslncH * Sorloiisly Inter
rupted by tlio UmtHiuU Interest
MnnlfcRtcd In ttio I lull-Fitz-
i iilnunona Coining Mill.
CHIC-AOO , July 15. I
An evening paper says that arrangements
Imvo bcon made ( or the sale ot the Chicago
Times to li. 11.11. drcon. son of the fatuous
mid rich Hetty Qroon , and a ttlo of promin
ent newspaper mon. The details of the
tnothod of conducting the paper will bo
formed at n mooting to bo hold In thu city
nc'xt Saturday.
An Interesting story In connection with this
matter Is that Joseph Pulitzer U to have a
liaro in the now enterprise. Mr. Pulitzer
bos baa wonderful success In building up his
St. Louis nnd Now York dallies , anil it has
boon known that for a long tune ho has cast
longing eyes on tbo Chicago Held.
The now paper Is to bo culled the Times-
World. Mr. Green , when soon by a re
porter , wns not averse to talking about the
deal. "Two of my associates In this ven
ture , " said Mr. Oreon , "aro nt the heads of
powerful Now York dallies , while the third
Is occupying a responsible position on a Chicago
cage papor. Wo probably shall purchase the
Chicago Times.and transform It Into a trlplo
city paper. Thnt Is , wo shnll Uovolo ono
page to Now York news , telegraphed ver
batim from ono of the principal metropolitan
papers , probably the New York World , and
ono page to Boston news , obtained by tclo-
trraph In the snmo manner. There Is un
doubtedly n demand for Now York nnd Bos
ton news In Chicago , n thopuporsdovotobut
little attention to either of these cities' doIng -
Ing * . Wo shall build up the subscription of
thn paper by aid of the easterners who visit
Chicago during the world's exposition nnd by
the tlmo the fair is over wo shall bo upon u
Bolld and substantial ba < ls. "
Colonel Illnskamp , president of the Times
company , when seen this evening denied that
there was any such dcul on loot.
CKsauur.s nvnimionr.
The council investigating committee on the
passage of the Northern 1'aclilo ordinance
ended its labors this morning by drawing up
n report to bo submitted to the council at. the
mooting tomorrow nlpht. After two days of
wrangling the committee agreed upon a
unanimous report and consequently no mi
nority report will bo mado.
The committee's ' report censured the rail
road authorities , the city authorities , and
Alderman Cullorton for the manner In which
the ordinance got through. It did not. how
ever , call for Cullorton's expulsion. The re
port stated that inasmuch as It believed the
repealing ordinance to bo valid , nothing fur
ther about the matter need bo done as the
company could not , take advantage ot the
emugglod in ordinance.
Thomas Parnoll of Sidney , Australia , who
Is registered at the Palmer , says : "It Is
costing the government .tl,000 ! a day to pro-
ecrvo law and order in Queensland. In the
other colonies the labor war Is ready to
break out nnv tlmo. Immigration is inter
fered with nnd capitalists refuse to place
tnonov under such precarious circumstances.
In fact I"wouldn't bo surprised If before
long a civil war would result. "
Hon. Patrick Kelly of St. Puul says busi
ness In The twin cities Is seriously Inter
rupted by the prevailing Interest In the com
ing Hall-Fltzslmmons light and that the lo
cal sporting fraternity are putting up their
money ou Fitzslramons.
Nina VnnZandt , relict of the Into August
Epics , is to bo married noxfr Thursday to
Btofnn.s S. Main to , a young Italian Journalist
or Chicago. At the time ot her marriage to
Bplos It wns generally supposed she was
desperately in love with him. She says now ,
however , that iho marriage was made under
pressure from her parents nnd by the advice
of Spies' attornovs. They thought the wed
ding would thrpw an atmosphere of romance
about the condemned man and secure execu
tive clemency for him and save his life. The
girl wns then but seventeen years old. As
every ono knows , the sacrifice was made in
Captain Black and Moses Solomon , Spies' '
nttornoys In the anarchist trial , are very in
dignant ever the statement made by Nina
ViuiZamU that she was Induced by thorn to
marry Spies with a view of working sym
pathy for him. They say Nina was heels
.over head in love with their client ooforo
know anything about It ,
Ono of the most daring robberies which
bus taken place In Chicago for some tlmo
Occurred on a Wabasb avenue car last oven-
Ing. Mrs. E. H. ' Lincoln , proprietress of a
restaurant , was going homo carrying a
satchel containing money nnd jewelry to the
amount of ? SOrf. When the car was between
Twentieth and Twenty-first streets a man
rushed In , slozod the satchel and IIoil , fol
lowed by another man who had sat bosldo
Mrs. Lincoln all the way out. An ofllcor
went in pursuit und raptured the man who
bait bcon sitting in the cnr , but his confeder
ate escaped with the plunder. The prisoner ,
who ciivo the name of George Butler , refused
to talk.
FUI.l.RIl FOK Till' I'llnslPP.NCr ,
The Dally News says : "Back of the nego
tiations now going on to unite the local
democracy of Chicago Is a well formulated
plan to present the name of Chief Justice
Melville W. Fuller for the presidency when
the opportune moment arrives. " The News
Article argues that Hill und Gray may
destroy Cleveland , but in such an event the
choice will fall to another man than either
the Now Yorkoror the ludlanluu , .
Contracts have boon awarded for the con-
tructton of the administration building of
the world's fair. Tbo total cost of the build
ing will bo $278,49 : ) .
Among the western pcoplo In Chicago to
day are the following :
At the Auditorium Mr. nnd Mr * . O. B.
Caldwell. Omaha ; George F. Henry , Des
Slolnoi , ( a.
At the Wellington F. B. Tiffany , Omaha.
At the Palmer Mr , and Mrs. Mason
Gregg , Lincoln ; Miss C. Walker , George S.
Smith , Omaha ; E. Mead. Frank Williams ,
John MrConmcK , Cheyenne , Wyo. ; C. M.
JDuhl , . Bismarck , N. D.
At the Sherman N. D. Parkhurst , Cedar
Rapids. la. ; J , E. Burton , Dos Molnos , la.i
Miss Alan , Omaha. F. A.
Information I'roc.
Do yon know that any bid nero or cut can
bo absolutely cured by the intelligent use of
Jlnller'.s Barbed Wire Liniment ? Bo merci
ful to your horse and try It ,
Onmliii KxpoHltioii.
Deeds were tiled yesterday transforrlng to
the Now Coliseum association ull the Inter
ests of Boll and Hocdor nnd also of the stock
holders of the old Coliseum Building asso
ciation , In the property on North Twentieth
ptroot Tbls'fmts everything In good shape
nnd vests the title In the building and appur
tenances In the now association.
The now organization bos gene to work lu
earnest to tnuku the fall exposition a success
nnd all thu plans are rapidly maturing , M.
B. Lindsay , who has been appointed a com
mittee of ono to wait on thn banks ana mer
cantile houses , started out yesterday and re
ports llattorini ; success. Ho Is calling upon
thcso Institutions -luul oxklug subscriptions
for tlckois to the exposition.
The date hits boon llxod und the exposition
will bo In full blast from September 1 to 'M.
Tbo prospect Is Haltering for n great oxhlbl-
DoWltt's Llttlo hurly Hlsors ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
Pour IIonrtH Mnilo Happy.
Judge Shields oftlclntod at a double wedding -
ding yesterday and made happy the hearts of
ourof tha young pooploof Grotna. Frank N.
liyberg and Miss Mary Doyle , George M ,
Lone and Ml lilanoho Harley arrived on
Iho early train. They nt once proceeded to
Judge Shields' ofllco , whom they wore mur-
titxl in duo nnd solemn form.
[ CONTINUBU rilOM rllt3T PAdR. ]
never yet mot defeat lion. Jamci il Camp-
null. [ Cheers.1
I ninplM'll llcnomlnntcd.
Campbell was ronomlnatod on the first bal
lot , which resulted as follows :
Campbell 503 7-lft
Ncal 1M ! IMO
Kline M
Johnson. 1
When the result was finally announced ,
showing Campbell's nomination , there was
another repetition of the wild scenes of en
thusiasm of the day. While the delegates
cheered nnd waved tholr handkerchiefs nnd
tdsscd their hats the band lu the gallery
struck up "Tho Campbells nro Coming. "
There was dissent only from tha Hamilton
county delegation. * While the others were
cheering the Clnctnnntlans hissed vigorously
nnd refused to bo quieted.
On a motion to make the nomination .of
Campbell unanimous there was a division ,
but It was declared carried. Ho was then
escorted to the hall , where ho waj enthusi
astically received ,
On being called on for n speech Governor
Campbell responded as follows !
While ( tratufiilly ueeoptlrut a second nomi
nation from tliu democratic party of Ohio ,
my Uiouithm naturally revert to the uuinoyo-
muiits of thut party Hlnco thu inoiniirablo day
of tlio Day ion convention. Victorious In I ho
unsiiliiK cifcctlon. the Ohio democracy hits leg
islated for the state and tins administered Hi
airalrM for twelve months. In that short
period It lias di'slroyud uvury vostlRo of tlio
iliiMKuroiiscuiitr.tllratloii which hud tiiudu tin1
olllcu of governor a menace to the liberties of
the people. It has rt'sloml to seventeen
cities the control of their elections , It has
provided now and better forum of government
In conformity to popular desire for several of
thu larger cities. It has devoted time and
euro to the poi feotlon of law so-jurlng Nucrcoy
of tlio ballot , tlmruby assuring an unbiased
and mihoiiRlit verdict of thu pcoplo ut the
polls. Tills essential reform wus frustrated ut
the llrst session of the general assembly by
the unanimous vote of the senators belonging
to u political party which recently gathered
In convention nt Columbus anil prated with
.hollow mockery , of free ballot and u fair
' 1 ho democratic party hns done what lay In
Its power to rectify our Inequitable lawn and
to provide for their Improvement through an
amendment to the'constitution. It bus de
creased taxation moru than KJOJ.OOu per year
by the repeal of the sinking fund levy. It
found n deficiency In thu treasury of moro
thun S'.KW.OOO. ' which wns subsequently slightly
decreased by us. The timely receipt from
thu federal government of thu direct tux
refund was ail that prevented thu startling
spectacle of an empty treasury u direct
le/acy from former administrations. It bus
been charged that our appropriation ! ) have
o.xoepdpil thosu of our procit'cussors.
Without stopping for detailed explanation ,
muruly stilting that wo liuvu not rxeoeUcd our
Income. lut us Inquire which of thu now ap-
'utlons our onnmles would curtail. I
luivo already named the expenditures lu be
half of agriculture nnd education. Do they
ntlaek these ? The largest now Hum of our
appropriations was the sum of J-OJU)0 ) for thu
soldiers'ami sailors'orphans homo. Do they
ilony the propriety of this ? When wo came
into power the helpless orphans of niun who
had given all to tholr country were dying ut
H rate which shocked and alarmed the public.
Thu administration of that Institution had
been one of thu most personal and partisan
In thostulu , lllgh-mlndpd trustees hud boi'n
strlcUtm by the chief executive Iwauso ho
did not prefer his Interests to these of tholr
dead comrades' children. To rostoru thu
henltli and save the lives of these orphans , we
wcru glud to inn'nU unprecedented appropri
ations ; and If there bo one bpnt In Ohio where
a cltl/en of the rttnto will feel a mingled Jov
and prlrie. It Is there In the midst of the 1)JO )
happy and healthy children for whom a dem
ocratic admlnlstiatlon has freely expended
ItH money. Wo liuvu built sumo now and
roomy cottages at the soldiers' and sailors'
homo. Do our republican brethren hogrmluo
thu aid veterans this additional comfort ? Wo
liuvu made largo appropriations for complet
ing thu now reformatory in the hope of re-
elalmlng young convicts before age and bud
associations have hardened them uoyond re
dumption. Does the renubllcan u.irty criti
cise thooxpendl'iire of monuv for thu preven
tion of urlmo ? Wu have provided for an epi
leptic asylum and liuvu added to tlio capacity
of the Insane asylums and toother benevolent
and penal Institutions. Wo are proud of them
nil. Tholr management Is economical , kind ,
lirm and utllolunt. Wu Invltu from the tax
payer and the humanitarians searching In
vestigation and thoughtful comparison.
The electors of Ohio huvo other reason for
voting with us this year besldo such us solely
air cot this state. Thu buttle before us Is os-
spntlully a national one. Not only Is this true
bucaiise thu result must seriously oll'ect next
year's federal elections , but because the re
publicans of Ohio liuvu unreservedly Identl-
llod themselves with every phase of the Ini
quitous legislation accompllshedor attempted
by the li'Ifty-llrHtconross. In their platform
I hey have rralllrmud tholr adherence to the
famous force bill the republican lost ouiiso
n measure NO obviously designed to destroy
frco elections that republicans who uro un
willing to violate tholr consciences nnd tholr
oaths retimed to Inlllut It upon the country.
The republican paity appears us the defender
of the ( Ilsrogunlor of minority rights which
disgraced thu lust house of rcnrobentatlves.
It upholds the fraudulent unseating of law
fully elecled tnombois. the steal of Montana
by tlio semite , nnd ull thu other high-handed
outrages by which that p my has sought to
perpetuate its power uualnst , tbo wishes of the
people. It defends thu reckless o\tr < ivagunco
and astounding prolllRucy which huvo dissi
pated the splendid democratic surplus , forced
the extimslon of national bonds , and com-
inillod an Ohio Hucrctary of the treasury to re
sort tn tricks of bookkeeping nnd subterfuges
unworthy of his otllco In onlor to conceal a
dollclt and deceive the people. Also does thu
republican leader lu Ohio , with his high char
acter and conspicuous career , but emphasize
this advocacy of bad legislation , stand for
the pernicious tar I It luousuru which was re
jected nt the polls lust your by the pcoplo of
the entire country ; n measure Identified with
his name , saturated with his Ideas nnd
wrought by his bunds ; u measure designed ,
ns has bcon well said , In the Interest of
monopoly , by monopoly , nnd for monopoly ; "
u measure which Is bringing about the
worst of nil contrullzitlons the centrali
sation of wealth with Its debasing and de
structive results ; n measure which has al
ready. In many eases , mudo less work and
lower wages for productive labor : n measure
which has foieoil thu f.irmorof Ohio to sell his
wool In some Instances us low us 20 cents n
pound , and that , too , In n market where ho
JIUVH moru. dourly for hundreds of necessary
articles which are but Insulllclently sweet
ened with the humbug of bounty produced
sugar ; n measure which forces from the labor
of the country J 11,000,00J ouch year for thu
benefit of prospective tin mines , ownud by
capitalists whollvu In Knglund , and prospec
tive tin plate works to bu operated by labor
Imported fiom Wales ; u measure which , us It
came from the bunds of Its author , dlu not. In
the opinion of an eminent republican , "open u
market for another pound of pork or another
barrel of Hour ; " n measure wfdch could not
bu torccd down the throat of u reluctant sen
ate until sugar coated with the other dema
gogic doctrine of reciprocity , u doutrluo
finally Ihoitgh ftxihly embodied In thu bill In
HUllo of opposition from thu grout Ohio pro
tectionist. In his recentBpoech of acceptance
this Hamo champion of high protection "aid ;
"Wu follow the tnrlll tonohlngs of Washing
ton and Hamilton , of Olay nnd Wohstur , of
Lincoln and Oarlleld , " let us see how wide
of thu mark the statement Is. Thu tariff on
tahacco la at the rntoof DTK percent ; thotnrllT
of Washington was 7i ! per cent : the protec
tion souirht by Olay was for thu benefit of "In
fant" Industries. The tariff toduy Increases
protection upon Industries which huvo been
coddled tor moro than ninety years ; the pro
tection of ( iarlhsld wus , to quote his own
uoids , "That kind of protection which loads
to ultimate frco trade. " Lot the republicans
of Ohio who huvo not gene mad on protection
coiiiu ever this your and start with us upon
thu backward march toward the turlff of
Washington , or , hotter yet , unroll themselves
undur a banner Inscribed with those burning
words of Uarflold. I.ut the wull-mor.ntng men
who train under the names of the "farmer's
alliance" or of the people's party , and who
seek to remedy real grievances brought about
by republican legislation , remember that no
third party can succeed ; but that with us ,
and us part of us. Uiuy cuu help to swell thu
Joyous hosannu that will punl to heaven from
thu tux burdened poopluof thoontlro country
when the great tidings go forth next Novem
ber that wo uro yet In possession of the old
republican citadel now the democratic buok-
eye stnte.
Completion or tlio Tlokct.
W. V. Marquis , the present Incumbent ,
was renomlnatod for lloutonaut governor ,
by acclamation ,
The rest of the tlcuot was completed as
follows :
For Auditor of State Hon. T. E. Pcokln-
biuigh of Wayne county.
For Attorney General John P. Bnlloy of
Putnam county.
For Stuto Treasurer C. F. Aokorman of
For Judge of the Supreme Court Gus-
tnvus H. Wnld uf Hamilton county.
For Commissioner of Common Schools
Charles C. Miller of Erlo county.
For Member Hoard of Publlo Works-
John MoNnmara Ot Summit county.
For Member Food nnd Dairy Commission
II. S , Trumbo of Lawrence county.
Then , after passing the usual vote of than Us
to the olllcora , the convention 'at 5 * p. m. ad
journed aluo die.
A very small pill , but a very good ono.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Ulson.
< .
At Chautnuqua ,
Council niulfd ,
Thursday , 2 p , at ,
OmaUa's ' Police Force Enjoyed it Day of
Unalloyed Pleasure.
Kvcry Prize Well Knrncil A Fnklr
' ' lint
UounccU 'loin OrniHby's
Trouble Details of a
Great Day.
All dfty Tuesday and during the night the
patrolmen watched the sin to of the weather
with unusual Interest. When the ilrst streaks
of sunlight appeared over the eastern hills
they rejoiced exceedingly.
It was the day set for the annual poltco
picnic mid line weather above all things was
As early as 5:30 : o'clock a patrolman rang
the bull at , Judga Helsloy's house mid re
quested that official to hasten to police head
quarters. At 0 o'clock the judge sat upon
the bench and dispensed Justice to the horde
of drunks and suspicious characters who bad
been tnkon Into custody the night before.
Asn rule the regular offenders received light
sentences in honor of the day , but on account
of the low state of the Judge's personal
finances the reporters were lined $3 and costs
on general principles and were requested to
put up tbo prlco at once or go to Jail and miss
the picnic.
By n quarter to 7 half a hundred patrolmen
were gathered about the station and the line
of march toward the depot taken up. .
Judge Holsloy romaruod as ho took his
place In front of the baud In lieu of a drum
major , that ho wn > in it and right In front.
When the procession arrived at the Web
ster street depot ton coaches were already
lillod and waiting.
Chief Scavoy called "all aboard , " and the
first section started for Arlington. This
truin carried 7UO passengers. Half on hour
later the second section pulled out , having on
board -130 people.
Upon tbo arrival of the second train nt tbo
grounds both train loads collected around the
grand stand to listen to the speeches.
Hon. William Badson , mayor of Arlington ,
made the address of welcome and gave tbo
town over for the day to the police ofllccrs
and their guests.
Police Commissioner Coburn , wbo acted
as master of ceremonies In tbo nbsonco of
Chief Soavoy , introduced Kdward Alonarty ,
who responded to the welcoming address as
tha representative of Mayor Gushing.
At tbo conclusion of the addresses the day's
sport commenced. The 1,500 pcoplo on tbo
grounds scattered about under the shade
trees and proceeded to unjoy themselves.
On the regular passenger train which
followed there was a large delegation from
the city who had missed the picnic trains.
Commissioners Gilbert and Hartman , be
sides a number of other city olllcials came
out on this train to see the boys enjoy the
only day lu the year that they are absolutely
oil duty.
The llrst call on the programme was the
shooting match for policemen only. Tboro
wcro twenty-nino entries. Ofllcor Bloom
scored thirty-eight and toolc llrst prize , a
silver plated carving sot. Detective Ellis
made twenty-soven points and drew the
policeman's club and nippers ,
A froo-for-all contest followed. iFrod Ful
ler won the first and Detective Kills tbo second
end prizo.
About this tlmo Captain Cormaclc discov
ered a "shell" man and a keg of beer over In
the woods near the south boundary of the
grounds. Tbo man , shell apparatus and boor
wcro promptly thrown over the fence by tbo
marshal or tbo day and the sport wont on.
A half dozen tubs were thrown Into Horso-
slioo lake , and anamusing tub race took
placo. Several of the contestants upset , and
all got n pretty thorough wotting. Albert
Woodruff won tbo llrst prize , a Stetson hot ,
and Goorco Llttlo took the policeman's club
as second best.
When the san stood at high noon every
body \vos hungry and the lunch baskets were
brought forth. After a hearty picnic dinner
the sports were resumed.
The fat men's racoj open to nil over 240
pounds , attracted considerable attention , and
a largo crowd was drawn to the race track to
see some of tbo heavy weights of the poltco
force try to got a move 011 themselves. Ofll
cor Boyle captured the first prize , a gold
watch chain , though Clark pushed him bard
and drew second. "Doc" Dlbborn started ,
much to the amusement of the crowu , but
when half way over the course pulled out and
asked for a cab to take him back.
Onicnr O'Gonnan took the suit of clothes
gUon as a reward to the winner of the 100-
yard policemen's race. Boyle came under the
wire second and walked away with the silyor
About this stage of the game "Prof. "
William Wells got out in the center of the
dancing floor and. lot the "coppers" break
clubs and bond bars of Iron by strlklng.hlm
ever the bead. The iron-skulled man proved
a great attraction and did all that ho was ad
vertised to do. The concluding act of this
performance was too bmaking of a chair
over the head or the professor. The blow
was enough to kill half a dozen men , but the
Iron skulled man never felt It and walked
away smiling.
Everybody that could got around the
grand stand got there when the
club-swinging contest was announced.
Tbirteon-yoar-old Bortio Shannon was
the tlrst to Juggle with the In
dian clubs. Ho bad the sympathy of the
crowd , and was greeted with loud applause.
Ed. Connor , n professional , came next mid
then Ofllcor Poole was announced. The po-
llcoman started In with a show which fairly
took the breath from the spectators.
When his seven minutes was up"a
dozen or so of "tho finest" made
a rush for the stand and carried their cham
pion away on tholr shoulders. "Prof. " Du-
fore gave a good exhibition of club swinging ,
but the Judges awarded the llrst prize to
Ofllcor Poolo.
Mrs. Soavoy , Miss Stiles , Mrs. Holsloy
and Mrs. Klecknor were entered for the
ladies shooting match. Five shots npleco
were allowed and Miss Stiles , daughter of
Oftlcor Stiles , won the first prize by making
thirty-two counts. Mrs. Soavoy made tucn-
ty-slx , winning the second , and Mrs. Holslov.
who won third , raado twelve.
Blanch Kennedy won the blue rock prize
shoot while Edward Paulson of Arlington
was second.
Just before sunset the groused pig was
turned loose and gave the multitude a great
chase. The pig was finally caught by Samuel
Notznor ana carried away in triumph.
Sergeant Ormsby appeared upon the
grounds in n black silk shirt and n whlto
straw hat. His friends objected to the hat
and took It away from him. When Topi got
his hat back there was nothing loft but the
rim. a'hroo times during the day
the sergeant went to Arlington
In a hack to buy n now hat. Each tlmo the
now purchase was taken away from him and
tramped up. Finally Ormsby gave It up and
started homo without a remnant of the three
straw hats bo had purchased.
Mlko Whalon had to toll everybody about
"tho hole In the bottom of the sea , " and by
the tlmo thu tired out picnickers started
homo everybody was singing ' ' ! hero's a hole
In the bottom of the soa. "
Take It altogether the piculo was a fraud
success. Not ; n slnglo accident occurod nor
anything to mar the pleasures of the day.
Two thousand flvo hundred tickets were sold
and the proceeds will not a neat sum for tbo
Police Kcliof association ,
Talk about foreign champagnes , try Cook's
Extra Dry ; it is superior to two-thirds of the
Imported wines. _
flarrlcnu'H liono Ilaiiil.
Mr. P. O. Hoafoy Indignantly denies that
Corouar Harrtgan ordered the body of
( Jeorgo Bradbury tattoo from M. O. Maul's to
his placo. It seems that Mr. Harrigan was
going It on Ms own hook when bo told Mr.
Muni that ho would Imvo the body removed
to Heafoy's , and that Hoafoy know nothing ,
whatever , about the disgraceful affair.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early lllsors for the liver.
New Horsu Company.
The Elkhorn land and hone company filed
articles of Incorporation in the ofllco of the
county olork yostoniuy. Ths capital stock
Is placed at W5.000 and the business to bo
carried on Is that of raising thoroughbred
uono4 ntKlkUora ,
It X < "nvor8 The nee With Very Plann
ing Hern-hade.
The Iowa state band gave n delightful afternoon -
tornoon serenadeIn tl/o / 'court of TIIR Ben
building beginning nVSVftO o'clock and last
Ing about nit hour. ' '
This excellent organization of musicians
has boon furnishing n largo part of
the inuslo for Jliq , Council BluiTa
Cbautnuijuunnd the concert given yesterday
was Intended us M'l'hpolcal ' compliment
to Tun HUB and for the benefit of the Omaha
pcoplo In general. ,
Prof. Fred Phlnnoy Is the capable dlrootor
and some of tbo moro talented soloists nro
John Solmon , cornet ; Prank Kendall , bar- !
tone ; Frnnx Badollot , lluto. The band con
tains about thirty pieces and every part is
well taken. _
HOVTJI 031.Ill A.
Fell From a Scaffold.
Louis Wloroza , employed at work on II. E.
Uohorts' now block , Twenty-fourth and J
streets , yostordar morning fell from the
scaffold. The unfortunate man foil fourteen
fcot , striking on a piece of timber , nnd
several rlns on his loll sldo were fractured
and other Injuries received. Mr. Wloroza
was removed to his homo In Brown park
whcro u surgeon dressed his Injuries.
Cliaplaln'H Fare-well Sermon.
Hov. Dean Whltmnrsh , chaplain of the
brleado. Uniform Knnk , ICnlghU of Pythias ,
will preach his farewell sormou to the brig-
ndoon the expiration of his term , next Sun
day afternoon In St. Martin's church , Twen
ty-third and F streets. Lily Division , No. 8.
Uniform Itank , 'KnJghts of Pythias , will
meet at the Castle hall Sunday afternoon nt
! iiO : ; o'clock and will Join the Second regi
ment nt Syndicate park at 3 o'clock. ' The
line will bo formed In the park and the
brigade will inarch to the church.
Epworth LaflKiio ICntortaiiiincnt.
Epworth league will glvo another of Its
successful entertainments In the Methodist
church this evening. Ice cream nnd lunch
will bo served and visitors will bo well on-
Notes About the City.
Fred Post has returned from Scribner.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. G. Hunt's daughter Is sick.
The Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joseph
Kelly is very sick.
A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Kalinoy is slclc.
Michael I'opp of Wright & Baldwin has returned -
turned from Hnrlan , la.
H. M. Plorson , who has boon spending a
week nt Dedhara , la. , has roturned.
Philip Kern Is circulating a petition against
changing the established grade of Twenty-
ninth street in grading district No. 1.
The Honey Croon fishing party has returned -
turned from Jowa , ladon-wlth fish and tn nucd
by the sun.
Thomas F. KInsolla , * formerly of the Cud-
nhy force nnd champion ham sewer of the
citv , will return Irom Chicago to go to work
Daniel Condon wishes corrected the state
ment that ho nnd othpr members of the fam
ily had fallen holf to rf fortune in Now York
city. James Linonnn , a brother of the deceased -
ceased , will got oil the intestate's fortune ,
and none of it will fall to members of the
Condon family. nf-
Owlnp to the non-arrival of the costumes
for the Japanese wedding and entertainment
arranged for last night by the young people's
society of tbo First Baptist church , the en
tertainment was postponed.
Mrs. S. A. Bennett , 'Miss Margaret Wood
and Mr. C. A. Bennett of Ponca are the
guests of Uov. Mr ; "and Mrs. Robert L.
" "l
The Women Chrisflpb Temperance union
will meet at the horaabr Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
T. Fonnor , Twenty-first nnd J streets , this
South Omaha lodgxt No. 143 , Indqpondout
Order of Odd Follows , will go to Arlington
today to attend the dedication of the now Odd
Fellows' haH. y -
Mrs. Taggort , wife , .of veterinary surgeon ,
W. A. Tacgort , has returned from Galveston ,
Tox. , and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
James C. Carloy. "
The young dadghtor of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hoover , for some days at the point of death ,
has turned for tba batter and nor Ufa is no
lonzor despaired of. ' "
Harry Huvorly , with his brldo , has re
turned after his wedding trip to Denver and
Salt Lake , and is receiving tbo congratula
tions of many friends.
Citizens residing along Thirteenth street ,
Missouri avenue and Twentieth street are In
great hopes of having the first paving laid
connecting the two cities.
One of the big gray horses used In the de
livery business by the G. H. Hammond com
pany was struck by a locomotive yesterday
afternoon nnd had n leg broken.
A roprosnntatiou from the police force and
a delegation of citizens went to Arlington
yesterday to attend the piculo given by the
, Omaha Policemen's Hollof association.
John Subort of th'o Omaha packing com
pany's force wants It understood that ho Is
not the man John Subort who pleaded guilty
to stealing Samuel G. Wright's plpo and
was sent to Jail.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fitch wish to return
thanks through TUB BEB to friends and
neighbors in South Omaha and good pcoplo
in LaPlatto , for kindnesses shown thorn in
their bereavement when tholr son Harry
was drowned.
Building Inspector D. F. Bay less has
Issued a permit to Nathan Gordon for u ? 900
cottngo on Missouri avenue , between Seven
teenth nnd Eighteenth streets. Tbreo other
minor permits were Issued.
The soft glow of the tea rose Is acquired by
Indies wbo use Pozzonl's Complexion Powder.
Try it.
_ _
Ex-Sonittor Ingnllu lectures nt the
Council Bluffs nnd Omnlm Clmutauqun.
tissombly , Thursday nftornoon tit 2
_ _
A. F. Lewis of Lincoln Is at the Paxton.
Samuel Shears of Lincoln Is nt the Murray.
J. Williams of Hastings Ms at the Dellono.
D. W. Aldndgo of Schuylor Is at the Mil-
F. F. Armstrong of Beatrice Is nt the Mu-
William Stephenson of Kearney Is nt tbo
George C. Truman of Fremont Is at the
Herbert HolcombVont to Now York
Tuesday , , . . . ,
John M. Jacobson ofiHastings Is a guest at
the Murray. Toc
Augustus Frank ojjf.onrnoy is u guest nt
the Paxtou. „ . . , ,
George C. Thompson of Grand Island is at
the Dellono. u-
Dr. W. H. Mellvllo , , apd II. S. Packard of
Washington , D. C. , the Paxton.
Lor mi Clark of Ajluon , president of tbo
lumber dealers' assQclUtlou , Is la tlio citv on
business. ywl
Mrs. H. W. Niorh'aflT Miss NIoman nnd
Master NIoman and MISi Irish , of Schuylor ,
are at the Mlllard , if.J i
W. E. Whltcotnb itmi wife. Mrs. D. Kop-
ford , and Mra. E. AjjlWUl'o of Ponder uro
guests at the \Vlllard. , no
Mr. and Mrs. H. WNelman , Mlsi Wo
man , Master NIoman . nnd Miss Irish of
Schuyler are at the Mlllard.
1C. C. MorohousofHfi and boy. are at tha
Hotel St. Louis , Mlnnoioiilca , Minn. Ho Is
intending tbo northwestern freight associa
tion nice tl op.
Agnto hearing scales , cofloo mills with foot
power , grcoors rofrigorotors , butter coolers ,
Catalogue of Borden & Sollock Co. , Chicago.
KoHcc * of Jive ( m&tnr lest under ttttshcul , flftu
cents ; wch < i < MIUoiml lint ten ant * .
O'UHJ.KY-lIrldKot'O'llilloy ' , used 10 months.
daughter of I'olur O'lUlloy , Thirtieth and T
streoth. died at U o'clock vostorduy utter-
noon 11 nd will bo biirlu.t In tit. Mary s ceinu-
tury at 2 o'clock thlx uf tornoou.
JFUXljilAl , XO'IJVK ,
Kotlee of flvc line * or let ) uwltr IMt head , fljtu
cent * ; each mUKtoiuil line ten cent * .
ThQ mum burs of Division No. 1 , A. U. M. are
roiiuusled to niuol ut tlio hull uf tbo V. M , 1. ,
JUh unil DousUs htrueta. lu full regalia to at-
toml tbo funural of John Kennedy , at 1 o'clock
blmrp. All ( itier divisions uro ourncntly In
vited to promptly attend , lly order of prosl-
doiit iNo. I. ill ,
Reorganization Fully Oomplotod and New
Directors Elected.
Grnln Men oa the Itonnl New Com-
nilttccH Nnnicil Some HtiKRCHtlotia
Jtliulo Concerning tlio Mon
tana K.xcurslon.
The board of directors of the board of trndo
hold an adjourned meeting yesterday nftor
noon to further consider tbo admission to
membership of several grain men nnd other
matters. All the directors were present ex
cept James Stophonson.
The following grain men were elected to
full membership : Alex O. Knnpp , A. D.
Jnqulth , Uornnrd Fowler , ClinrlosII. Fowler ,
E. I' . Pock , F. C. SwartC. . T. Drown.
Jnmoa Walsh , nnd Joseph A. Connor. TradIng -
Ing privileges were voted to the following
grain men : C. H. Toncrny , E. E. Elliott ,
George E. Cockorall , David B. Trial.
E. S. Oatch of Gatch & Laumiin submitted
n proposition to the directors bearing on the
proposed excursion to Montana , which was
referred to the committee appointed hereto
fore. Mr. Gatch suggested that an Industrial
train , to consist of ten or twelve cars , ho
gotten up by the Jobbers or the city nnd sent
to Helena nnd other western points. Ho said
the managers of thu South Omaha packing
houses offered to contribute the cars free of
charge , and Mr. Gatch suggested that the
cars bo sultnbly trimmed up by the different
houses In the city nnd made attractive on the
outside. Ho ngreed to bear n part of the
necessary expense , nnd thought the other
jobbing houses would do the samn.
The committee appointed nt the nicotine
Monday night to consider nnd report upon
the suggestion of Mr. D. Fowler that the
grain men of the state bo Invited to como to
Omaha nnd moot with the board of trade ,
mndo the following report through It chair
man , Mr. L. D. Fowler :
Mr. President : Your committee appointed
to report on the advisability of giving n re
ception and banquet to the grain men of the
statuon the occasion of opening our board of
trade for the handling of produce and pro
visions on an open exchange bog leave to make
thu following rupert :
1. Wu find thut thngruln men nnd the busi
ness muii of thu city who huvo boon consulted
uro unanimously In favor of this proposition ,
believing It to be the proper thing to do ut
this tlmo.
L' . from the expressions received from the
different railroad iMJinpuule.s on the mutter of
tr.insportatloii. vo think they uru In hearty
sympathy with this movement nnd will bu
glad to furnish transportation to nil shippers
who may desire to paielpltato In this enter
, ' ! . \Vu would recommend that the Union
stockyards exchange nnd thu packers of South
Omaha bo reinitiated to join us In giving this
reception and banmiut , nnd thnt the live stock
shippers us well ns the grain men ol the .state ,
bu Invited to participate. Our exchange Is In
tended to cover provisions ns well ns grain ,
and wo feel thut the proper thing to do ut this
time Is to IKIMJ thu live stock Interests , the
packing Interests and thu grain Interests of
thu state united , nnd there will bo no hotter
opportunity nor tlmo to join bunds than on
tbo occasion under discussion.
4. On Investigation wo find that It will bo
necessary to provldu entertainment undur u
joint arrangement for from throu to flvo hun
dred shippers.
5. The amount , of money nocossury to pro
vide for this entertainment In Keeping with
the occasion , will roipilru from four to flvo
thousand dollars.
0. The nrruncainonts necessary to
provide for an entertainment In keeping with
tbo demands of such an occasion will require
nt ( oust four weeks of active , earnest work
embracing n largo amount of detail work In
preparing for the proper entertainment ; also
to h.ivo our exchange room properly frescoed
and wires placed connecting our oxchungu
with ull thu Important markets. We would
recommend Thursday , August 20 , as the time.
This report was adopted and the committee
authorized to recommend the various com-
mlttoos needed to successfully carry out the
proposed plan.
The resignations of C. O. Lobock and
Thomas Kllpatrick as members of the board
of directors were presented nnd accepted nnd
the secretary directed to express to the re
tiring members the thanks of the directors
for their unselfish action in surrendlng tholr
ofllcos for the purposes of furthering the In
terests of the board.
Messrs. C. H. Fowler and J. A. Connor
were elected directors to succeed Messrs.
Lobock and Ktlpatriok.
A now committee , that on appeals , was
created by tbo appointment of the following
gentlemen : E. P. Pock , J. A. Connor , C. T.
Brown , Charles Harris and C. H. Fowler.
The committee on arbitration was recon
structed nnd the following members now
constitute the committee : James Walsh , A.
B. Jacqulth , B. B. Bryan ; F. C. Bwartz. and
J. B. Christian.
The committee on grain was treated in the
same nidnner and now stands as follows :
A. B. Jnqulth , F. C. Swurtz , C. H. Fowler ,
F. E. Wbito nnd S. A. MoWbortor.
The secretary was instructed to write to
Governor Thnyer requesting the npnolntment
of L. B. Shepherd of Arlington ns state inspector
specter of grain. Mr. Shepherd Is the man
who has bcon indorsed by the gram men
throughout the stato. nnd it was stated at
the mooting yesterday that ho was satisfac
tory to all the grain men , being a practical
grain man.
A special meeting will bo hold Saturday
nftornoon to receive" the report of the com
mittees on the Montana trip and the ontor-
t.ilnmunt of the grain and live stock man of
the stato.
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrn. Boo bldjj
The following marrlago licenses were Issued - ,
sued by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name ana Address ,
I Ilort E. Kay , Omaha 10
I Lenu Drown , Omaha 1 ?
I A. W. Holland , bernlnolo Nation 'M
| Irene TulllriRor , Klkhorn 2iJ
j Lonla Jjai'lvlere. Omaha 'ji :
1 ilarirurotta St. 1'otcr , Omaha " 3
I John Lclhle. Omaha : iO
) Carolina Hanson , Omaha Ill
j ( icurgo M. Lou ! ! , Grotna 27
I lllunchu V. Hurley , Urulna 3
j'Krnnk N. Hyborir , Grotna . - . 21
| Jlury J. Doyle , Orotuu ' "J
i O , I ) . Dull , Houth Omaha 23
) Lulu li. Cathor , Bonth Omaha is )
lr. ) Blrnoy euros cutiirrn , Boo bldp.
Iltilldliif , ' Penults.
The following permits wore Issued yester
day by the superintendent of buildings :
The lloston Store , addition lo sloro 8lx-
tedilth and DoilKlas.streets ( 2,000
GeorRu N. Illcks , two htorv fiamo nnd
brlok residence , Thlrly-IIrat und I'a-
olilOHtreots 4,500
Two tulnor purmlls 7 -I'-'j
Total $ 0,02.1
AIII liuild a HoriHO.
Suporlntoiulont of BuiUIngs George C.
Whltlock Is n'aklng preparations to erect an
elegant und costly residence on his property
at Twenty-ninth and Hurnoy streets.
Vanilla j Of porfoot purity.
Lemon - Of sraat atrongth.
Almond I
Rose etC.T Flavor na dolloatoly
and dcllclously no the fresh fruit *
Why vrltl people attempt tilings for whloh
licy nro entlroly unsnltcd ?
Why do women worry , cry nnd fret when
they should bo pleasant anil happy most of
their I line ?
Why uro men bluo. despondent , melancholy ,
Molln.Hoiifton. when they should bo strong ,
hopeful onterprlslnu ; and vigorous ?
Why Nbonld any intin cndnniler hit hrultli ,
poviibly his life , when u little euro will pro-
> out It ?
Why li the present joisonof the yi > nrso dp-
pressing. onorvutltiK Iho very ulr Illled will )
mnlurluand malarial Inllnenecs ?
Why will people permit IheM ) dnnpors , lck-
IICHS and troubles o ( tblsscnson tu ntrect tholr
health ntul untlormlno their life when they
can easily bo counteracted by the lldu of pure
whiskey and wnter ?
Who will people persist In tnklnK Impure
ndnllerntod. Injurious tthl key , whi-n so iniro
a whiskey cun unsecured us Duffy's Mult ?
Why will unscrupulous dnmclHt ! ) .seek .to
palm off Inferior nnd Injurious whiskeys ? llo-
ciiuso they can make ninch moro money out
of the cheap und Itnpuri than Ihey can ( rom
the sale of the nennlno unit \ aluublu.
For Snlo by KUI1N & CO. . Omnlm.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tbo most wldi'ly nnd favorably known spcc-
Inllsts In the United Stnlns. Tholr long ex
perience. romnrkuhlo skill nnd universal suc
cess In the treatment und cure of Nervous.
Chronic nnd Surgical Diseases , cntltlci these
eminent physicians to the full confidence ot
the nflllctcu ovurvwhuro. Thny guarantee :
the awful effect s of curly vlcu and the numer
ous nvlls thnt follow In Its train.
apecdllv , completely and permanently ouroil.
ORDERS yield readily to tholr skillful troat-
Ktmrnntood cured without pulu or detention
from business.
nuntly nnd successfully eurrd In every cnsr.
nmtorrlujoa. Scinliml Weaknos" , Lost Manhood ,
NUht Emissions. Docnyod Faculties , Female
Weakness nnd all delicate disorders peculiar
to either fiox positively cured , us well as nil
functional disorders that result from youth
ful follies or tlio excess of mature yours.
TFMf'TIlPF Guaranteed periiiiinr-ntly
O 1 IvlOl U Ixli cured , removal complete ,
without nuttlngi oaustlo. or dilatation. Cure
effected at homo by putlout without u mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A PTTPIJ The awful effects of
bUKL early vice whluh brings
orgnnlo weakness , destroying both mind und
body , with all Us dreaded Ills , permanently
HT ? RTITT Address these who haVe
.U1YO. UL.1 1 > J impaired themselves by Itn-
proper Indulgence nnd solitary hahltn , which
ruin both mind und body , unfitting them for
business study or murrlugo.
MARRIED MEN or tlmso entering on tlmt
bnppy life , uwnro of physical Uoblllty.
quickly assisted.
Is based upon fuels. First I'ractloal exporl-
enco. Hooond Every ouso Is specially studied ,
thus starting right. Third Modlolnos are
prepared In our Inborutory oxnotly to ult
oachcuso , thus effecting cures without liij ury
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Pimples on the Face | i
Breaking Oat |
Skin Troubles ) . :
Llttlo Bores I HotBkla | i
Boilil Blototej | :
Cold Boro5 | Bad Breath | j
Sore Month or Lips ) :
If you MCriT from nnr of ;
thc.e ymptunn , luke .
enable tlio dynpeptlo to oat wlmrrvpr lia
tvlHlinn. They raun tlio food toiixHlmilntn
nnd nourish the body , give niipotlte , uml
Office , 39 & 41 Park Place , Now York.
Inmost , oldest , richest , tented oitlilbltlon In the
whole world. 1,3)1) ) ) men anil hurst ) * . Will exhibit
afternoon niidnlKtit , ntVnnd 8 o'clock p. mnt
Flrsl aemson In Amnrloaof Coi , , llnoNK inul
irrA , ihu world1 * most accoiupllshod und
oil lion tamers anil trainers.
LotLooso Lha KING.
llxlilbllotl liut ( onion 1M times In 1'iirli , .01 In
l.oiilou. | Thar nro tha wo ml or nnd iidiiilrntlou of
thu world. Mrnl uppoiruncu iinilur ruiivnt of thu
most llhistroiiB of nil .iirhillsts tha liicoiupnrahla
ITciiilnn Vnl'npj ' ' " ' ' " ' ' tniiiHim "IM\I > for
ilQlllUll lUl.uli ] Life.-D fee'In iilLilr \ * < in the
tnt'iiylni ; ( iiifZf. VMM rlfiiti/o Mm' * .
.1 times the Krt'iitoBt inaimKurla over nddliltoil In
Aniorlui nnd iinlj runllntlo mid reconntruiluct Wild
Wet Kihllililcml I.VI Hi'onls , r'arnitos ' nnd Hoi-
illernl Ctpt. A. II. lloKirdim ami nlinrinliootiTH.
llonlcr llfo In nil lt plmraa Incuillni ; lliu wild nnd
weird < ; ilOT ItAM ! ! : !
All tlio ontlro and mipjrb I'nrln Illppodrnmo H mil )
truck , OTorjr kind of race > . Kri'imh fonnlo clinrlut-
uo , Artnia KoropuiiKli'i only nnd nutuundlnu
Irnlncd nnlmul uxhlbltlun , InoluilliiK
l.'iO.CKM Kind trnlnnd horne * , 100 iirtlnu nnlnrili ,
Dnlljr oxpcnuoi KM. unpllnl M. ( UHJII , M cun , <
trains. Thudiinptuuui und aluponduui.
Of the uilKhlr comulno tnkni pluru nt ID n , m , dolly
unfoMhiK tn thu publlo vluir , froiiii the nlrtnovrry-
hotly , nil tliuilnxilluic , uulipio , plcturi ' | ue , hUlorl-
oi\l anil BUiii | > tiiim pnifL'.ilonal romiureon uf tlio
Min tor Diiul OrKnnliulloii.
Adinliilim u uiual. thciin Hound Trip Kxcur.
loin mi all llno of trnrol. Heo Ix > cal Aiiunls for
Two anhlliUlona ilnlly nt uiiml hour * . For tha no-
cunimadntlou < if > lha publlo who would uvuld tha
crowd * on Iho grounds , rururvad Bcuti ( al rtKulAr
prhoiland admlmiKm tickets , ot uiunl ullitlit nd-
TAIICU cnn lie ivcurcd nt
lha day of uxlillltlou only.
/y > , i.i ; yoititi'.iiifjti'
nl Auurttiitttoit in the fttilu ( iwnt filiuw
loinliiu lift" ' ' ' letmnt.
J. / - ' . t'OIU'KH , I'roii.
1 cinftU U n , th nion powtlful , ( ein l K
. , . dumplfol
( . tlluU.t < , AJJ..1. Ll6N IJKUO CO. , UuHlla. W. V ,
It'orSulo by Goodmuu Druic Co , Ouiuhu , NoU
To the Citizens of Omaha and
Vicinity :
Dr. O. Ono Wo li n rcKiilnr erniluatfl o (
tnudloliia frtitn Ohlnii , huvlnir tnUun n thor-
oiiRh coitrsu of Htiuly , uxtoiulltiK over
yrnrs In § 01110 nf Iho hoit Uhltioio col
llooirom nil sorvletH to nil Ihoso mil
from ( IhonsiM of nny IIntl. nnd fcoM eonllilont
thut In uvury cnso no umlortnUi'i ho cuu do
you Kood.
Most of the liiRrpillcnts ho uios In JiU ninio-
dies nro uotnnlcul iiilistniicon from Ulilnn ,
tunny of thoni unknown ontshUi of thut conn-
HuchnrKiM nothingroroxuinliiixtlonconsnl-
tullon or mlvleo. You cun cull nnd huvo i
frlundly uhnt with him. nnd ho will frankly
stnto vrlint ho run do for yon , Ills roii'tiilta-
tlons und pommnnluutlnni conducted In the
utu osl privacy und strictest confidence.
Illi ronicillpi urn I'nsy to tnkound norfivtly
Imrmlcss. The most of IhiMii net on tlio hlooil ,
pnrlfyliiK It und doatroyliiR the microbes or
1'urhnpsyoii nro snlTorlnu from aomo ols-
ontuof lonjr slumllns und huvo trlod tilinost
ovorv remedy known wllhoitt suucoss Would
It not ho uoll to Iry Iho Chinese modn of
trcutnient now , or ut nny rnto cull nnd lut
Dr. 0. tlcoVo exiunlno thu 0111.0 ntul lull you
wliut ho cun do ?
Dr. U. duo Wo hnsthonsnmlsof tostlnionluls
tn his possession , nniong which uro the fol
lowing :
II. H. YOUNG. 2715 North THontv-fonrth
streol , Omuhn. Giirwl severe cold und run-
Idly novnlopliig consiiinptlon ; wns told could
not lust six months ; cured wholly with Uhl-
nosu romcilles
DMKS. II. IUGE. 1B03 Fifth strcot.-HnlTorod
with sick houdncho nnd Konorul dohlllty ; hud
tried ull kinds of medicines und doctors. Now
rohtiot und hoiiltny.
M. V. VAN WlMMEK. 1717 Third stroot.
Council llltiiTM. dohlllty und puln In
chest ; fu\v wooi > s Iroulmunl ; never fult unltor
than nt present.
MKS. T. G. U10C , Ponth Omnlm. ( AlbrlRht ) .
After iryiuir other remedies tor olsht your *
bond Dr. Ooo Wn's troatniuiit ; now completely
CIJOHN II. HAMMHTT. South Omuhn. ( West
AlDrlRht ) . lU-nrt dlseuso und n.iln In chest ;
hhort course of Ircntmont ; now ulinost cured.
MUB. W. A. N1OI1OI.S-ON , ! K)7 ) KlKhteonth
street.-Ithuninutlsin , then hpmmorrnco of
thn nines und finally hoarl dlseusu ; complete
wreck ; went to Knroponnd tried ovorytlilnit :
now iMitlrolv cured hv Dr. Gee o.
MKS. J. B YA'I'IIS. aiW Q irooU South
Oiniihn. Komnlo wenkncss nnd sick hnud-
ncho ; coiilditot no relief till Dr. ( lee Wo cured
mo. Will glndly recommend him for these
For the benefit of these who cniinot son tbo
doctor ho has prepared the following eight
remedies for the moat prevalent diseases :
Thr o troubles cnn ouslly bo dlnRnosoil and
tbo proper remedies proonrod. For nil oilier
troulilcs nrlte. enclosing stiunp for question
hlunk nnd hoolc , us the doctor uses a spealul
remedy for each disease.
5I9 ? North 16th Strojl ,
Office Hours from 9 a. m. to
m. , Every Day.
U I IR/tT Morphine Ilnlill
6J .IMaLcur.dln KltoaOclnyi.
d.PK.J BTEPUENaL btni.n,0.
Morotlmn 13 yean ocporlonou tn tin truu.n-n ) f
Acuro RUuranteed In 3 to5 days , without tioluiiut
un hour's lluia.
The mo t complete nnd iihfloluto euro for gloot nni ]
iillniinoylntMllschnrBoi ovur known la Ilia modloil
prufooluu. t'ormnnunlly curud In froiuj tu IJ dur
Or pain In rollovln ? the blntldor cured without pain
or limtruiuonts , no culling , no dll.'itliu. The moil
rcmnrknblo remedy known la nioduru nolonoo.
Cured In SO to HI dura Dr. McOroir'i treatment for
Dili larrlblo bloodillioiMUhni buon pronounced lha for tlii * nt > -
elute euro of Ilia dlioaiu. Ull inocoil wllli Hill
dliraao hai never boon vquallod. A. uumplota our *
neB > , a1l woakno oi of It o lexual orxani , norrout.
And timidity nnd deipondonoy nbjolutoly curul.
Th'oroll > f l liuinudlaiv and coiuplutd.
nnd nil dlioixioi of thu blood , llror , kldnori , anl
bludder purinniionlly curod.
Tliodoclor "llon.o Tronlnionl" for lartloi li pro.
nonncod by nil whn huvo imod U to bu Ihu moHcum.
pluUiaiul convpiilonl roinuUy aver odorod for Ilia
treatment of fomnlu < llioaioj. lilt truly n wonderful
remedy , llouri for ladle * , from't to 4 only.
Mnrrellous auccnii In tlm treatment of prlvato dl .
eu oi lm > wim for him n reputation whlcli li trull )
national In diameter , nnd his urent nriny ul pnttonti
rvncbei from the Allantle lo Ilia I'arlllo , The doctor
Is n uraduiito of "regular" mcdlclnu and has hay
lonit and caraful oxparl'tncn In liotollil prnctlou ,
nnd li claimed nmoiiK Ilia leading ; iochuUti In mod *
crn sclonco. Truntmant by corraipondunco. Wrlli )
for circular * about ouch ot tlio uboro illiOiioi , froa.
Olllco Mth mid Knrnim Btraoti , Oraalu
Neb. Entranoo on olthur utroot.
icJiv * . lUuliaiut bit I u
1 overblimUti ou
Uauty , UUj rUlf4 (
tltUitluii. U Im *
iU > tHl ( ho tdiC ot iU
nil v. atul I u
tirtjr inailts Aii'ti't
no counterfeit uf
tlmtlur nantu. J > rI
A. bujtr Mt < l tu a
lotUt ) llHttlAUt-tOII
( & patletill "A you
' ' .
, , . .jil'iL'if iu'Jll
Fli-iulhainttul utuU
the rkin prfimru *
tluiin. " frortuiuby
Alt llrui/tflot * nu
francy ( Juodil f
enlnthttUiiUMlHMf ( < . CAnaitiiRml K imp * . . . , . ,
ITKUU.T. noi'KINa.l'ruD'r.siUrwiiJuHMSt-K.Y
A POSITIVE andptrmintnt CURE for-all
din.u.oTifceUrTlNARY ORGANS. Cut * *
bolllo. filet , on * dollir , See ilgnature ol E. I
FP-J Bale Dy All Drugulstc.