Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Drllvrred by Carrier In any part of the City.
fiusliicss Office , No. 43.
Night Editor. No. 23.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp bloctt. ,
1 f you xvant xvator lu your yara or house
polo Blxby' * , 'WJ Morrlam block.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoist of
North First street , a son , yesterday morning.
Txvo children died at the Christian homo
yctterday. Their funeral will take place this
afternoon nt 4 : ' 10 o'clock. *
John T. Haxvrfcs and Ella Oleason , both of
Cass county , Nebraska , wcro married yester
day by Justice Sxvcaringcn. .
The enrollment at the teacher's Institute
yesterday numbered "US , an increase of forty
over that of the fl t day of the term.
Joseph Shackclford nnd Llzzlo L. Taylor ,
both of Fayottcvlllo , Mo. , were married by
Justice Hammer yesterday afternoon.
Superior court convened yesterday mornIng -
Ing , but as them worn no cases roadv for
trial an adjournment xvas taken until Satur
day morning.
The Salvation army xvill move Its barracks
to Its old stand In Dohany's hall , nnd xvill
open there tomorroxv evening xvlth an Ice
cream festival.
A marriage Hconso xvas Issued yesterday to
David S. ICcrr nnd Carrlo D. Campbell , ooth
of this city. Mr. K'orr Is a member of the
firm of Koir ft Gray , .
Unity guild xvill meet In regular session
tomorroxv afternoon at 2:30 : xvlth Mrs. .T. Bry
ant , corner of Plorcc and H tuts in an streets.
Visitors cordially Invited.
The UnIouVcter.m Loidon has moved Its
headquarters from the Grand Army of the
Kcpuolla ball to that of the Knights of
Pythias , ever 102 Main street.
Harmony chapter , No. 2. > . Order of the
Knstorn Star , xvill meet In regular session
this evening In Masonic hall. Visiting mem
bers of the order cordially welcome.
Tbo trial of John Madden on the charge of
having stolen Dan Carrlgg's horse and
buggy xvas hold yesterday In Justice Hum-
mer' ! > court , and Madden xvus discharged.
George Haven xvas unrolled yesterday
morning charged xvlth obstructing the alley
south of Broadway botxvoen Main and Pear
streets. His hearing will take place today.
A peach and Ice ctcain festival xvill bo held
V this evening m thn parlors of the Fifth
Aveauo Methodist church by the Ladies' Aid
society. A music il and literary programme
has been prepared.
Invitations ore out for the mnrrlago of
Itcv. Charles W Hroxver , of the Fifth Avenue
Methodist , church , and Miss Amanda E. Bul
lock next Wednesday evening , at the rest-
donco of Mr * . J. 13. Ollx'cr In Omaha. Mr.
and Mrs. Broxvor xvill bo nt homo after
August 10 , at Mil ) Eighth avonuo.
A. M. Blair had leplevln papers Issued In
Justice ) Hammer's court for the possession of
Hi ( i gambling outfit which xvas sclrod in
William Probttolo's saloon on upper Broad
way several days ago. Ho alleges that Prob-
fctelo had no Interest In the establishment ,
excepting that ho owned the building.
An Improvement Is to bo made In Fair-
mount park In the matter of lights. The city
bus putun arc light nt the entrance on Gra
ham avenue , and the park commissioners
iavo placed thrco about thu pavilion at the
'end qf the motor Hue , txvo inside and ono on
the roof. All the lights xvill bo put In opera
tion this evening.
The noxv fountains xvhlch wcro ordered
some time ngo by the city council for street
use , arrived yesterday and xvill be put in
placu today. The old fountains xvill bo re
moved and replaced by the noxv , xvhich are
very nice In appearance. Txvo extras have
been bought , xvhlch xvill bo placed ou Upper
Broadway and In Stroetsvillo.
Mrs. Stack , xvho lives ou Seventh street ,
filed an information in Justice Sxvoarlngen's
court yesterday against A. J. McClaron , poll
tax collector , ctaargiug him xvitli assault. She
claims that ho called upon her xvlth a vioxv to
colloclng her"son's poll tax , ana that when
BIO refused to settle ho became abusive ana
droxv n gun on her. McClaren was not ar
rested last evening.
The lire department xvas called out yester
day afternoon by an alarm from box . ' 15 nt the
Chicago , Burlington it Qulncy switch toxvor.
Five minutes after thn alarm xvas given the
bell tapDfd "ilro out , " and It xvus learned
nftorxvnids that the ringing of the bell bad
been caused by Electrician James Bradley
striking ono of the xvlres ns ho xvus climbing
around on the poles In search of exercise.
Attorney A. C. McGulgan became ongaced
In a tariff discussion last evening In front of
Alio Boston store , xvlth n friend of his. The
irrscusslon xvaxed somoxvhat warm , and Just
ns the txvo xvero about to como to bloxvs Or-
IIcoiCluar happened along and McGulgan
spent the rest oftho night lu the city Jail ,
with the charge of using loud and profane
language ou the street entered against him.
E E. Sauborn , thonxvnerof the iOt ut the
noithxvcst corner of Hroadxvay and Bryant
street , xvill present u petition at the meeting
of the council next Monday evening , for the
vacation of n couple of strips or laud , about a
foot xvldo , running along the sldo and the
front of bis building. Ho claims that the
land xvas appropriated by the city for street
purposes , aud ho xvill enforce his elalm to it.
Edxvard H. Butler had a hearing In super
ior court yesterday .on the charge of horse
stealing. It xvas claimed that ho took n
horse and buggy which Peter Hanson loft
standing in front of Peterson's hull xvhllo a
dunce xvas In progress , und drove off xvlth It.
Hanson happened to sco him as ho xvns driv
ing axvny aud xvont after him , overhauling
him near the Methodist church. Butler xvas
bound ever to axvalt the action of the grand
jury , nnd in default of ball bo was sent to too
county jail.
J , Jouos xvas arrested yesterday on n charge
uf assault and battery , preferred against him
by J. T. Llndloy , a winter nt the Council
Bluffs chop house at 15 South Main street.
According to the story told by Lludloy , Jones
nnd several companions entered the chop
house early yesterday morning and culled for
a meal. Alter they had oaten they gave him
n ? ! i bill In payment , Llndloy xvont out to get
the bill chnnpcd , and when ho returned Jones
was making off with some of the tublo lluon.
Ho remonstrated , whereupon Jones laid him
out on the Moor and sat upon him. The case
xvill bo aired lu police court this morning.
J > JK S' OX A L , I'A It A O It A I'HH.
Lucius Wells has returned from a xvostorn
S. Parnsxvorth has returned from a six
l/Aiiths * visit In the xvost.
D. A. Parrell Is homo from a several
mouths' vUlt to Salt Luko.
Mrs. Joseph Lyniun loaves today for a visit
to her mother In Olnoy , 111.
J , G. Lemon of the Christian homo loft yes
terday afternoon for South Carolina on busi
ness.Mrs. . J. H. Deltrlch and children returned
lust evening from a visit xvith friends In
Buttc , Mont.
Mrs. C. B. Sxvan nnd daughter. Ethel , of
Promont , Nob. , nio visiting Mrs. H , W. Til-
ton xvhllo Mr. Sxvnn and Mr , Tiltou are en-
joyint ! a foxv days nt Colfax.
Contractor M. A , Moore leaves this morn-
lug fur u trip of sovorul days durutlon in the
eolith. Ho xvill visit St. Louis , Louisville
nnd other cities xvhero paving brick nro
tieliiR successfully manufactured. The object
of his trip U to learn the secrets of the pro-
eoss , If there nro any , mid to Incornoruto the
idcus lu a similar plant lu Council Bluff * . At
the present ttmo the combined output ot ull
the brick yurds in the city Is not niiltlclont to
la-op the contractor at work on the streets
ordered puvod , nnd the necessity of establishing -
ing a plant that xvlli turn nut ut least 50,000
paving brick a day I * painfully apparent to
the contractors and the city.
VThni IUby van ilcV , wt ) guro her Cutoria ,
\7ben Jie vru a Child , slio crloj for OutorU ,
\Vhrn he liecAina ML * , ilie clung to CastorU ,
Wlum I'M Ua4 ChlUraa , tha savd thuui CutorU ,
Another Chapter in the Oalebntfid Schurz-
Koblouz Damngo Case.
Indue Doomcr ItcndcrH n Number of
Important DcolsloiiH Tlireo
OlnlintuitH fi > r a Worthier
Grip Dny at Clmutatiiin.
As stated some tlmo ngo In Tun BBF , there
u to bo nnothcr chapter In tbo Schurz-Kob-
loiu trouble , consisting of a damage suit , nnd
tills chapter Is to bo elvcn to the public In
the courii\of a day or two In tbo shape of ft
liotlllon nojv being prepared' In the onleo of
Attorney Ware , who Is handling the case for
Koblenz. In the suit Air. nnd Mrs. J. H.
Koblenz arc the plaintiffs und N. Schurz * Is
inudo defendant. The amount claimed Is
The trouble' out of which the present suit
grfnv took place lust winter when Schurz
nlt.icliul the property of Koblenz , n tenant
of his , for rent , which , according to the term
of the lease , would not cotno duo for several
months. A motion to quasli tbo attachment
was made some tlnui ngo , on the ground that
the household good ; worn not llnblo for rent
not yet due , and this view of the case was
sustained by Judge MeGoo , who charged up
ttio costs of the attachment to Schurz
Tlio attorneys for Schurz reopened the
case on a motion to rotax the costs , which
wnro a dollar or two too much , and by .so
doing allowed Koblenz's attorney to lutro-
iduuo a motion to tux up nn attorney's fee of
$100 for himself. This motion was also sus
tained , and in that wav the costs of the suit
were Increased from ? ' . ) to $109. Since that
time nothing has , been heard of the matter
until now.
In the present suit It Is alleged by the
plaintiffs that Mrs. Koblenz nns oo fright
ened by the serving of the attachment papers ,
that she loft the bouso and went the same
mcht to the house of a friend in Omaha ,
taking nothing with her. A day or two later
she gave birth to a dond child , and the nfll-
davit of a physician Is nt hand to the effect
that the death was duo to the fright she sus-
taincit ttiat night.
The llr-tt of the story as given in tno peti
tion corresponds with the above account.
Schurz' bondsmen nro coupled with him as
dufcndants In the damage suit to tlio amount
of $ .200 , which Is one-sixth of the bond given
by him at the tlmo the writ of attachment
xvus Issued. The rest of the claim Is upon
Shurz himself.
The IjntCHt Conundrum.
Why is Hnllcr s Sarsaparllla and Burdock
like ) the most popular soap of the day I
Because they both cleanse the skin nnd
leave it soft and velvety.
Drs. Woodbury. dentists , 30 I'oarl street ,
next to Grand hotel. Telephone 143. High
Btudo work u specialty.
iManos , organs , C. B. Music Co. , 530 B'way.
Don't wear a heavy , lll-lltting suit when
you can get elegant summcrsults nnd eastern
prices at Ueiter's the tailor , 810 Broadway.
Famous OIKO UculfliMl.
Judge Dcomer held a session of district
court yesterday nt which ho transacted con
siderable business. A number of decisions
were rendered. Among tbo cases which bo
decided were several In which Mrs. Salllo
Stlllman was defendant , and which were
brought for the purpose of foreclosing mo-
chanici' Hens on a dwelling which Is now oc
cupied by Mrs. Stlflman. The following nro
the names of the plaintiffs in the suits :
A. Hosonbtirg , A. C. Kurmond , Chicago
lumber company , Woolsoy it Long , B. Urahl
nntl Wickham Brothers. In each of the cases
a decision was rendered against the defend
ant for the amount of the claim , together
With the costs.
In the case of Peter Wind against John
Wagoner ot nl. , a judgment was rendered for
the plaintiff for 104.
Mrs. Sarah D. Way , whoso suit for a
divorce from her husband , J. L. Way , was
tried a few days ago , was granted the divorce
as , prayed.
A decision was also rendered by Judge
Thornoll in the almost famous case of Wood
ward against Beach. This case Was tried at
the January term of district court. It was
brought to set aside tlio will irade by the old
man Woodward shortly before his death , in
which ho bequeathed all his property
to Mrs. A. E. Beach , shutting
his heirs , M. P. Woodward , D. T. Woodward ,
Perils W. Woodward , Calvin Woodward ,
Lorona Householder and William Woodward ,
out In the cold. It attracted considerable
attention at the time of the trial , by reason
of tbo raoy testimony which was Introduced
by the attorneys for the plaintiff to show
that s > omo of Mrs. Beach's actions toward the
old man Lad been such as" to lead to the
opinion that she was working him for his
money. Judge Thorncll evidently was not
impressed with this testimony as much as
tlio court , room spectators wure ( for In his
decision ho dismissed the petition of the
p'minlltT and ordered the costs of the suit
taxed up to the plalntltTs.
Fur SiiiiHtroUo
TTso Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. A. L. Burlier , Melrose , Minn. , savs :
"It produced n gratifying anil remarkable ro *
generating effect In a case of sunstroke. "
Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruitcough
tablets. Thov are delicious.
Hotel Gordon , most centrally located first-
class house in city ; straight $ J a day.
Drs. Stewart & Patty , veterinary sur
geons , 15 Fourth street , Council Bluftsj la.
The Cliion o , llouk Inland ami I'nciflo
Will run trains to the Chnutauqua grounds
July It ! to 21 inclusive , as follows ; .
Leave Council Bluff * : I ) : 10 a. m. , 7:50 n.
in. , 10:02 : n. m. , 10)0 : ! ) a. m. , 1 : 'M p. m. , 4:0 : ! > p.
in. , 0I7 : ! p. m. , 70 ; ! o. in.
Leave Ctmutauqua : 0:10 : a. m. , 80 : n. m. ,
8 : : > T. n. m. . 11 : ' ) a. m. , B'JO : p. ra. , 5:1)3 : ) p. m. ,
(1:15 ( : p. m. , 10:15 : p. in.
Special train Thursday Ingnlls' day and
Saturday traveling men's day nt 12:30 :
Will Oloso Tfiolr Store * .
Wo , the undersigned , agree to close our
places of business from noon until live o'clock
on Thursday , July 10. for the purpose of
attending trio lecture to be given by the Hon.
John J. In galls.
Citizens State bank , Council Bluffs Sav
ings bank , First .National bank , Ofllcor &
Pusy , State Savings bank , Klmball & Camp ,
Cattlemen's hurtle , Brncst K. Hart , J. W.
Squire , Odoll Investment company , Union
Abstract company , ft. P. Dodge & company ,
Kovstono Manufacturing company , Murse-
lllas Manufacturing comnany , Wlor Khugart
company , Henry II. Van Brunt , ICmpklo
Hard wnro compiiny.Grouwog&SchorntL'ron ,
Stuw.irt Bros. , Cole & Cole , Per ) ho.v &
Moore , Hurl Haas & company , Shuijart &
Son , P. H , Kvans , C. B. Carpet company ,
Motcalf Bros. , W. A. Mauser , C. C. fully ,
L. Kiriuohnn , Mautiel fc Klein , S. S. Keller ,
James llnrvorstocl ; , Goo. Motcalf assignee ,
Mlllus is compiny , 13. L. Sniidsborir. Du-
qnetto & company , P. C. Duval , S. T , Me-
Alto , P. W. Spotnun ft Bros. , H. D. Amy As
company , V. Baddout.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Ulsors iiro tnitoii.
Small pill. Safe pill. Host pill.
Swnns&u Musio company , 1)33 ) Broadway ,
Gasoline and oil : cobs , wooa and coal
prompt delivery. L. G. Kuotu , 27 Malu
tolephom liix ) .
Thr. o IliuulH t3 n Grip.
A foxy uioiiionts bofora 7 o'clock last even
ing Constable Charles Nicholson , Deputy
Marshal "Ueddy" Pultzaud Marshal Temple-
ton afforded entertainment for a" miscellan
eous audioiico of about two hundred people
and onoupu xvugons , carts and carriages to
block up Bryant street for half an hour In
trout of the city Jail. A battered old grip
was the hone of contention. It sat In the
street Immediately In front of the city jail.
Sitting astride ana holding ou with both
uanus , Constable Nicholson xvas en
deavoring to rotalu pomsilou ot it
Dnputy Marshal Pultz and Marshal Temple
ton had grim but determined sldo holds
and It was a matter of Intense satisfaction to
the crowd to watch the trial of strength ,
skill and endurance of the thrco claimants.
Nicholson linn the advantage , having twined
his arms , lops and body around the property
nnd could not bo dislodged. Whoa the In
terest of the croxvd was wrought up to the
highest pitch nnd it was two to one In favor
of Nick a temporary compromise xvas
nffcctcd nnd the grip with the thrco hands
still clutching It xvas taken Into tbo marshal's
ofllco , xvlicro Attorney Gcorgo Holmes had
been summoned to assist In settling the
The grip was supposed to bo the property
of ono .fames Wheeler , a street cano fakir ,
who xvas arrested n few days ago. It xvas
supposed to contain some gambling tools , a
wheel , etc. Yesterday afternoon Prank Car
roll sued out a writ of replevin In Justloa
Hammer's court , claiming the grip xvns hfs
property nnd had been stolen from him In
Missouri Valley , The papcw wcro served
upon Tomplcton , but lie refused to obey the
order of the Justice court and relinquish
the property. Nicholson , In obodlonco to his
orders , seized It and had reached the street
when ho xvas compelled to como to n tetnpor-
nrv halt or carry the marshal and his deputy
off bodily.
The case bids fair to bo of some Importance
as defining the poxveri of the mawbal , nnd
the prerogatives of the justices' courts. It
has not been settled.
DoWltt's Llttlo Early Ulsors , best pill.
IlOHlcin Store.
Pothorlngham , Whltolnxv & Co. offer great
reduction in military cupc5 , blnzicr jackets ,
etc. , for this xveek.
Military capes , assorted sizes and colors ,
former prlco f 1.00 , reduced to SJ.50.
Military capes , assorted sizes nnd colors ,
former prlco S3.03 , reduced to fj.00.
Military capes , assorted sl/oi and colors ,
former prlco 37.50 , reduced to fS.OO.
Military capes , assorted sizes nnd colors ,
former prlco S12.00 , reduced to ? 7.50.
French flannel bluzlcrs , light shades ,
former price $5.00 , reduced to $2.OS.
All xvool tan blazlers reduced to $ .1.75.
Jersey Jackets from $2.25 up.
All our stock of boadcd capes at one-
half their former prlco. During the season
xvo c'alm ' to have shoxvn value 25 to 50 per
cent less than asked bv soma other houses.
Council Bluffs , la.
Mrs. Wlnsloxx-'s Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething softens tbo gums ana allays
all pain. 2. ) cents a bottle.
Buy your furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of Mundel & Klein , Council
Bluffs. Prices very loxv ; freight prepaid to
yourclty. "
Senator J. J. Ingalls of Kansas , Is ono of
the linest orators in the countrxHe xvill
Iccturo an "Tho Problems of Our Second
Century" toinorroxv afternoon at Chautau-
Picnic at Manhattan bench , LnkoManaxva-
good lishlng , line bathing and boating ; plenty
ofshado ; best place for camping out parties.
Try it. _
Drs. Stexvart and Patty , veterinary sur
geons ; 45 Pourth street , Council Bluffs , la.
All Aliourd forColfux.
For health and recreation seek the xvators
nnd rest of Colfax Spring , loxva. The Chicago
cage iSc Hock Island Is selling round trip
tickets from Council Buffs and return for
$7.90. A. T. Elxvell , ticket agent. No. 10
Pearl street.
Council Bluffs soux'cnir spoons at Burl , jrn's
Union Park races , Omaha nnd Counci
Bluffs , September 8-11 , $0 , . " > 00 ; October 20-22
? 1,000. For programmes address Nat Broxvn
Merchants hotel , Omnha.
M. E. Wcthorbco xvill run a carry-all line
and xvill connect every thirty minutes xvlth
motor line on Upper Broadxvny for Cbautuu-
qun grounds each day from 9 n. in. to 11 p.m.
Hound trip 25 cents.
O. Younkerman & Co. , feed nnd commis
sion , 103 Broadxvay , Council Bluffs. Tol. 77.
Close of a Two Days' Mcetlnjr of the
Association ut Dunlap.
DUNLAIla. . , July 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BKE. ] The Western loxva Veterans'
association closed a txvo days' meeting hero
this evening which xvas xvoll attended , over
txvo hundred veterans appearing in the pa
rade. The city xvas finely decorated nnd the
"boys" have had a rousing time.
During the exercises addresses xvero inado
by Colonel J. J. Steadmau of Council Bluffs ,
George L.Vrlght of Donison , Rov. Crofts of
Council Bluffs , Colonel D. B. Dailoy of Coun
cil Bluffs , Commander C. L. Davidson of
Hull , Attorney General Stone of Glenxvood
und others.
Harvest MucliincH Scorce.
POUT DOUOE , la. , July 15. [ Special Tolo-
gr.un to Tun BIE. J Harvesting has begun in
this vicinity nnd It Is predicted that by the
time the oats are ripe harvesting machines
will be selling at a premium. Nearly all
of the leading companies have 'noti
fied their agents to tnko no moro
orders for now machines as- they cannot bo
lillcd. Local agents are Itopt busy hunting
up all old or unsold machines in their terri
tory and disposing of them.
A wejl posted harvester man suggests that
the various companies nro milking u desperate
effort to sell oil all old stock xvith a vioxv to
reorganizing the mammoth trust next fall
and mniiufacturlug only ono kind of har
C.ittlo Disease.
BUIILINOTON- . , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Til B BBE.J Much uneasiness is oc
casioned among the farmers of this vicinity
by the breaking out of a foot and mouth
disease among cattlo. The disease comes on
suddenly and consists lu ulcerated mouth
and jaxvs und swollen leot. Death often
follows in n day or txvo.
Tln > dUenso is extremely contagious nnd
every effort U being inndu'to ( tuarnntluo the
present numerous cases. Pears are ex
pressed that the disease will become general
throughout this part of the county.
I oliucd 11 Prohibition Joint.
Missouiti VAI.UY , la. , July 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEB | Last night the
saloon xvhlch had boon run by Hurry Winters
xvas broken open und a supply of the wet
goods taken. James Harvur nnd a partv
named Eagan xvoro arrested today for the
theft. Harver pleaded guilty nnd xvas lined
$100 or thirty days in jail , taking the latter.
Eagan xvus given twelve hours to vamooso.
MavorKogor is making it xvarm for this
class of people.
Horribly Mangled.
Dns MOIXES , July 15. [ Special Telegram
to TUB But : . ] The body of a stranger , horribly
ribly mangled , xvas picked up on the Hock
Ishmd railway tracks In East Dos Moluos
oaily this morning. The only clue to his
Identity xvas u small memoranda book xvlth
the nauio J. H. Kelly , UJil Laurel stroll ,
Chicago , xvi Itton in it. Ho xvas about thirty
years old und poorly drassed ,
Hold lor .Mimler.
DK& MOIXES , la. , July 15. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Buc.J Tbo preliminary hearing
of ox-Constable Prank Pierce for the murder
of E. H. Wlstmrt , June III ) , xvns concluded to
day before Justice Uoilson , The dufouso of
fered no testimony. Plorco xvu-s hold to the
grand jury without ball on the charge of
uiuider In the lint dcgrca.
.Must Pay the Hill.
MIHSOUIII V.XI.I.KV , la. . July 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tun But1. | Harry Winters , xvho
created the disturbance In the city yester
day , xvalvod examination In Justice Hay-
mond's court todav und xvus hold In default
of (1,000 bond for the action of the grand
jurv , Ho xvus taken to the couuty jail.
Oo Witt's Little Eurly Klsors. Beatllttlo
pill over made. Cura constipation every
tune. None equal. Use them now.
Poisoned n Wliolo Family.
Loi'isvu.i.L' , Ky. , July 15. Near Kussoll-
vlllo yesterday , { ho family of J. H. Cornelius ,
a farmer xvas , poisoned ut. supper. Bernard
Cornelius , u uuphoxv , died , and Jlvo others
are dangerously 111. The poUtou U supposed
to have becu la the tnlllc.
1 ! y. ( if
Central Asscciut'on's .8&taii Ooncltulcd
Without the FornmtiiM'bf a Pool ,
q 10
il or
* " " " " " " "
> v i i
iWcstcrn Huslnes-4 OriJ&l-ed Divested
ton Single Mnc iLjilny Cause
Trouble IJtiRlndh * for
the .Mnplo
CWICAOO , July IG. Tho-frclght department
of the Central Tradlc association closed Its
meeting today. The question of devising a
plan for a legal division of competitive
tnilllc , or , In other xvords , formlntr a blind
pool , xvns discussed at considerable length ,
but xvas llnally referred to the managers of
tbo lines for consideration and action.
Correspondence relating to a meeting to beheld
hold In Memphis toinorroxv with a vloxv to
advancing the rates on cotton xvis
road , nnd resolutions xvero passed on
dorsint : the objects of the meeting and.
pledging the cu-oporatlon of the lines In the
Central association In any action that maybe
bo taken looking to th c advancement and
maintenance of cotton rates from Mississippi
valley territory.
A number of uppllcatlons for reduced rates
on oil xvoro submitted but 110110 of thorn con
tained arguments strong enough to convlilco
the tniflle managers th\it there xx'as any nec
essity for a chungo in the published tariffs.
The fact that nothing xvas accomplished nt
the meeting of the advisory board of the
Western Trafllc association In Nexv York
causes no surprise in railroad circles hero.
The president's agreement , Is still looked
upon as a makeshift to tide over a crisis In
railroad affairs , nnd ns the crisis is supposed
to bo virtually passed , it is believed that the
orKimlzatlon xvill bo permitted to gradually
sink out of sight.
It Is suld Unit the disposition mndp of Jay
Gould's pot scheme for the establishment of
Joint agencies xvas premeditated. Those xvho
xvoro opposed to the scheme did not xvnnt to
uutngonizojQould openly and so hit upon the
plan of postponing the consideration of it
from tlmo to tlmo and thus defeating the pro
ject without killing It suddenly.
No doubt the secret of this opposition is a
distrust of anything proposed by Gould.
The recent rate cutting performance of the
Missouri Pacillo has apparently convinced
the managers of western roads that Gould
Is looking after Gould's Interests exclu
sively and they are prepared to bollovo
that If joint agencies xvero established the
wizard xvould 11 nil means to soon manipulate
them so that Gould's Interests xvould bo taken
care of at the cost of thosa of any other
roads that might be in the xvay.
Another reason given by many railroad
men lor predicting the early downfall of the
Western Tronic association is the failure of
every effort to bring the Alton , the Chicago ,
St. Paul & Kansas City aud other important
roads into the combine.
The advisory board of ( ho Northxx-estorn
blind passenger pool Issued an order April 20
to the effect that all xvest bound emigrant
business handled on split Orders draxvn on
Chicago by A. E. Johnson ft Co. , destined to
or through St. P iul or Minneapolis , sl-oul.l
be diverted In equal proportions to the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Northern und tbo Hock
Island. Chairman Pinlcy hu : > noxv Issued n
ncxv order directing the pool lines to turn
over nil this business to < the Chicago , Bur
lington & Northern. Ho has also addressed
.1 letter to the trafllo manager of the Wiscon
sin Central reminding that bfliciul that no
statement has been made 'by ' liim of any di
version of the emigrant business under the
order of April 20. 1 < I '
Ononf , the .questions toj bo considered at
the meeting of the Western Passenger asso
ciation tomorrow Is thb ro-ostublishmont of
ticket oftices in the leading hotels. Tbo
Illinois Central bus applied to Chairman
Finley for relief because tbo Monon and
Chicago. EvansvlKo < & Indianapolis have
placed their tickets on sale in the Auditorium
hotel. If relief Is granted there Is not much
doubt that the agreement offered over a year
ugo to sell no tickets through hotel agencies
xvill bo dissolved.
The Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City has
been designated us tbo line officially author
ized to handle the excursion to St. Paul on
the occasion of the HuU-Fltzslmmons ath
letic exhibition , July 22. The rate will bo a
fare and one-thlrdtor the round trip.
Important Itallroad Invention.
IxniANAi'OLis , Ind. , July IB. What Is pro
nounced by leading railroad men the most
important invention during the last txvonty-
ilvo years applied to railroad business , was
exhibited for * the first tirao In Indianapolis
today. It is a car scale , and Is a simple plcco
of mechanism winch can bo attached to any
car , the weight of xvhich and its contents is
shoxvn xvith perfect accuracy. Thexvolcbing
of cars heretofore , .xvlicro given any attention
at all , has been chiclly a mutter of guessing
nnd the consequent leases ol the railroad com
panies from overloading have boon enormous.
By this uoxv Invention.Vhich Is controlled
by the Wunnmakcr car scale company , the
xxVighing device Is permanently attached to
the cur xvithout necessitating any change In
the present construction , and it requires but
u moment to ascertain Uio weight *
Sarcastic ) Flin H nt Finlcy.
ST. PAUI , Minn. , July 15.P. . 1. Whitney ,
general passenger ugent of the Grout North
ern road , has xvritton Chairman Plnloy a sar
castic letter , In xvhlch he contrasts tbo
promptness xvith which the Western Pusson-
ior association granted reduced rates for the
Hall-PiUslminon light and the delay of the
association In grunting the application for re
duced rat-js for laborers to xx ork In the har
vest Holds of Minnesota and t ho Dakotus.
Mr. Whitney intimates that the roads in the
northwest xvill bo forced to take Independent
action aud makes such rates as their Inter
ests demand ,
Father HoofTur tlio Now Prcsi lent ol *
GrolKliton College.
Putter James Hoeffor , recently of St.
Louis , xvas Installed as president of Crolgh-
tou college yesterday at nogn.
The caremony xvas vorjv pimple nnd brief.
It consisted of rending thbfooroo by xvhtch
Father Hooffor xvas appou\lp $ or transferred
from St. Louis. There were but a dozen
present at the Installation , ' ' '
Father Fitzgerald , xvho has , berfij president
ot the college for txvo tyoars , und sovorul
members of the faculty , , ) Vjro ( present and
xvolcomcd Father Houffemilo his noxv posi
tion. * ' ' '
Puthcr Hooffor a a' bout forty years
old , but looks younger , olio- appears to bo u
man ol great onortjy onU''K'tt ' scholarly and
rollned gentleman. Ilo.JJlyip n clusslu faca
and U bloated with g uyc/ul und manlv
physique , although he Is hot large. HU voicb
Is clear , strong and plcusniit , and It is said
than ho Is a very line 'imlpii orntor. His
xvork in tlio educational lleldUias boon marked
by very pronounced success nt evorv stop ,
aud in addition to his xvdfW'ut St. Louis in
the college ho became the founder of tbo xvcll
known Murquoita club , xvblch has noxv a
membership of 500 , composed very largely of
prominent business and professional imm of
the city.
Father Flt7jcr.ld was In Chicago last
xvcok und > va < Installed as president of St.
Ignatius co.logc. The college is a very Im
portant ono , and the cal'ihp of Pother FiU-
Koruld to Its presidency U looked upon aj
quite a compliment to his ability , tie has
Is the best nutritive tonic In
ciucs of dyBopaInfor ] the weak
iitul dobmtuted , and iluriii ( |
convulusuoiiue. Alxvuys uslc for
the t'cnuino "Joliuni ) IIolT'a , * '
xvhlch must lluvu the Bljjntituro
o ( "Johauu IIolI" ou the neck
ot every bottlo-
boon nt Crelghlon collcRO about txx-o
yenn nnd hixs met xvlth excellent
AUCCCS4 In building up the school. Speaking
of the cello 'o yostordiiy , father Fll/corald
said : "I hnvo groixt hotx ) for the future
croxvth nnd prosperity of UroiRhton collogo.
It 1 dc.'llnod to bocomp ono of ttio foremost
collcKOi Hint xra shall hnx'o In this country.
The fact that the tuition U free to nil
students xvho enter from Omnhn , xvithout re
gard to their religious belief , bus nmdo
Crclfihton college n groixt mnny friends. Lust
yenr xx'o had txventy-tlvo protestixnt boys In
school And they xvoro nil xvoll pleusoj xvlth
tbo Instruction they roceh'cd.
Testimony on ( lie CJuostlou ofJuris-
diction In Kast Omnhn.
The contest between Douglas county , No-
bnislta , and Pottnxvattntmo county , loxva , for
possession and Jurisdiction ever a largo portion
tion ot * xvhat Is uoxv known as Cast Omaha U
ncnrlng a close.
The taking of testimony to bo presented at
the argument of the case before the supreme
court , at xVnshlngton nt the' October term
xvill bo commenced today before com
missioners appointed by the suprono court.
These * commissioners nro Hoxvard 11. Smith
for Omaha and T. C. Daxvson for Council
Bluffs. J. M. Wooixvorth and C. J. Clroen
xvill look after Douglas county's interest In
the case and Attorney General John Y.
Stone and . ' . J. Stewart will perform the
snino duty for the other side.
The question Involved Is nn old ono but It
Is ono xvhlch Is not Konornlly understood.
In IWl the United States government
surveyed loxx'a and established the
western boundary of the state along
the Missouri river. In 1S.W thn
gox'etnnient surveyed Nebraska nnd located
tbo eastern boundary of the state along the
river , but during the llvo years xvhlch had in
tervened the i Ivor had changed Us uouriio
somoxvhut , so that the Nebraska line Inter
sected the Iowa line nt n point east Of xvhat
Is noxv Cut-Oil hike.
Discussions ns to the jurisdiction of the
txvo states over tbo small parcel of land bo-
txvecn the Intersecting lines arose , and have
been going on aver since. In the moantlmo
the bed of the river kept changing until It
had uddcd n largo slice of land to the Ne-
br.iska sldo at ono point nnd another some
xvhat smaller piece to Iowa at anotheV point.
The latter parcel of land xvas that lying di
rectly south of xvhat Is known as Cut-Oft
luke , and the former xvas that lying botxvoen
the river bed xvhero It Is noxv. cast of Kast
Oinahn , and a line draxvn almost directly
south from the cast end of the lake until it
intersects the rivor. This xvas tbo situation
In 1877 , and It xvai generally conceded that
Cut-Off Island , as It xvas known , xvus In the
Jurisdiction of loxva , nnd the land directly
cast of It belonged to Nohrasua. During the
high xvator of Ih77 , hoxvevor , the river liroko
ttirough the narrow neck of land connecting
"tho Island" xvith the Iowa shore and thus
suddenly transferred a largo tract of laud to
tbo Nebraska sldo of the river.
The ( inestlon of Jurisdiction then assumed
a more serious aspect , it being held bv many
able people that the boundary line botxvccn
the states changed xvlth the channel of the
river , xvhllo ns able minus hold the opposite.
As Improvements groxv on the disputed terri
tory this question assumed a very Important
phase and xvas taken into the courts for ad
It Is claimed by the representatives of the
Nebraska side of the case that thu boundary
line botxvcon the txvo st-Ue * , having been
flxea by congress In the middle of the river ,
changed xvith the gradual change In thu
channel , such us took place during the years
previous to 1S77 , but did not chance xvltti the
sudden breaking through of the river xvhlch
occurcd durintr that year , hcnco the boun
dary line is tield to bo In the middle of the
channel of 1877 , before the cut-off. Thii xvould
place the old Island under the Jurisdiction of
loxva and xvould glvo Nebraska jurisdiction
over the land xvhercon nro located the fac
tories , etc. , lu East Omaha.
The loxva sldo of the case , hoxvovor , holds
that the changes between 1S51 and 1877 xvero
sudden and considerable at times , so that the
doctrine of accretion , or gradual change in
the channel , does not apply. Therefore , the
boundary line is located exactly xvboro It xvas
originally established by the acts of congress
creating loxva ana Nebraska.
If this doctrine Is good , hoxvcvor , the com-
mouwcalth of Nebraska xvill lose Jurisdiction
ever Kast Omaha , but It will acquire Juris
diction and control ever a largo tract of land
along the river front on the Council Bluffs
side , including both the Union Pacific and
Douglas street bridges and a largo portion of
the Iowa "bottoms. " It Is thought by people
ple familiar with the matter that the loxva
authorities will bo xvllling to concede their
claim over Kast Omaha provided the claim of
Nebrasua to tbo lands ou the bottoms Is not
Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitt's
Llttlo Karly Risers euro constipation. The
causO removed , the disease Is gone.
Street Cur Strike at Toledo.
TOLEDO. O. , July 15. All the street rail
way employes in the city , numbering 483 ,
struck this morning for un advance from
$ t.M to $2 per day. The company attempted
to run a car early in the morning , but xvas
prevented by the strikers. Since then trafilo
has been entirely suspended.
Positively cured l y |
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dls-l
tresa from Dyspepsia , In-l
digestion and Too Hearty jj
Eating. A perfect rcm-
edy for Dizziness , Nausea , !
Drowsiness , Bad TastcS
In the Mouth , Coated P
Tongue , Fain in the Sldo.j
regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable.
V\7 ANTEIl In private fiimlly. a nicely fur-
T > nlslied room for Hlnulu Reiitluiiiun. Must
bo faoln ; or no ir lluvllss park. Address 1' .
O. box 4 2 , Uonnell Uluirn. _
ANTFUi Iri at boardini ? house , s5
t-o\ until iivcnno. Oonnell HlnirH.
OUSK tlnTtcnn bout SiIB , II no tired. WU1
sell or tr.ulu. Address or cull on I ) .
Ilroxx n , 1 ' - . ' xvobt llioadxvuy , Ciinnell ItlulTs.
"T'OU SAI-E A line nleco of Kiirdon and
fruit land , ut iM pur uore. Johnston & Vun-
1'utten. _ _
/r\ii A 1 H V O Y A NT und Bycliomotrlf. or clmr-
\J netur roartliiKu : also dliiKiuisIs of .
ncnil lock of hulr for rouilluus by letter. Hnn-
buya and ovonuisH. Mrs 11 Hooper , H''i Avo-
clue In near corner 13th btrcot , Uonnoll HlulN.
Terms , Bio and tl.O ) .
_ _ _ _ _
AQNiriOKNT IUTO property In tlx-u-aoro
tracts , loeatud 'J mlles from po tolllcu ,
for Rivlo on reasonable terms Home line lusl-
( Jenco property for rent liv Iuy& ) Ilosa.
. or " Ian T. "wltiT
houtoi. or Jr U > Ittoa. Mala it. , Oouaotl
Eye , Ear , NOSB and Thmt
Council UlulTs , la.
Shugurt-Uono H'lc.
Room 1. 0 to 1'2 m
7 mill 8 p. in.
Council Bluffs , la.
This Elegnntly Appoints : ! Hotal
Is Now Op3n.
George T. Phelps , Manager
Medical anil Surgical Institute
nu& iiui
Clironlodisouics of ull kinds und deform
ities upeclaltius. No * . 'Ml uud * SM Uroadxruy ,
CouuvU lllulla , lit.
well satisfied Itat
Isilje BEST LAUNDRYSoAPir-lrje World
1 use it in aJI my Wksfiir &nd
Any > se/z3//pJi .7tefl.
The Cheapest and Hcst Medicine for Family Use in the World.
In lnntly tops ( ho mo't ovcruclntln ? pilm nu\oi falls to to tlio MilTercr. a few application !
net llko imitflc , cnilMnix the pulit to Imtnntl ) utop.
A Cure for all Bowel Complaints.
Intornnllr tnVcn In rte oi of frum tlilrty to ulity ilropi In half n tumtiror of wntnr will euro In n few rain ,
utes Crnmi > , Spnsnn Sour Stnmncli , Colic , flatulence , Ilc.irlliiirn , l.tmuuur , Knlntlng Spt-lls , CllJI.ICll < \
II I M O AIIIIIIOi : | iX SI N'l K1IV , Hick McMdni lie Nnurcn , VuiiilllnuNorvoimicM ,
Mnlnrln , nnd nil Internal pMni arising frumcli.niKuuf illut or nnturur oilier causes.
CO Cents a Bottle. Soli by Drusjists.
e sitory ,
Wholesale Dealer in Carriages , Hujwies , Spring Wagons , Carts anil
Road Wagons.
Guarantees better value and more satisfactory goods than anj
other house in _ theMissouri _ Valley. General western repository foi
the Hamilton Grade Vehicles and
Columbia Carriage Go's buggies ,
surries and phaetons. Bonanza
buggies and phaetons. All styles
spring wagons. Van Brunt and
Michigan roa I and farm wagons ,
carts and harness in great variety.
Correspondence solicited. Catalog
ues and pfice lists on application.
12 , 14 and. 16 , Fourth St. , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa.
All kinds of Dylns and Olo.inln1 ? drmo In tin
lIlKliestStyloof tlio Art , F.idu.1 uiul St.ilneJ
t'lOirlcs mude to look us good in 11017. Ho 1
I'o.ithms Ulu.mud lly hlo.iin , In Klist <
Miinnor. XVork promotly done untl ilollvoroJ
In ull part * of the sauutry uud for prlaa
Ilst o. A. MAOHAN. Prop. ,
1U1J Uroadvrav. Near Norlhxvosloru Uupol.
ii.rc.TB c irtsfis , BELT , CHE
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Sims & Saunilcrs-fti.iorloyt&tlsri ! | | ;
foderul courts. HODIIIS . ! . 4 and
llcno block , Council lliulT-i. la.
rilllllllPrc Atiornoy nt I.UXT. No. ' 9
HI , vjlliltllUllii | iuiri ! Hirjot , ever UIH'I.
null's Htorc. Tulopliimo .No.M llmlnuii
Ijunrs. 8 u. in. toU p. m. C.iimjil ll.ulli. i L
D. H. McDanrsld & Co. ,
Butchon1 aij Pji'nrj1 Sfj.iIIn ) ,
Markat Fixbm
, Cislnji ,
plcos mil i < nusa'o Mukori' Miiohlnory. rti ) >
i'Jil tin nt , . l/'ouiiuil IllUifi. lu. AUo Uuiluri
u lllik'K anil Kuri
Ol-TIOU ili llroadway , Council Uluff , la.
A Summer
Lake Manawa Hotel ,
Attractions : Kino Ii'lshlns. Iloatlns , Iliith ,
liiL'iuiil i\ccjllont.Mlnoiiil : Water.
Only fifteen minutes rich ) front Con neil
ItlnlTs. Motor tnilns uvory liulf hour , dlreul
to centers of Council llliill'B anil Omaha.
. Must delightful und accessible pluco for
ptcnle imrtloii.
Or Council Bluffs.
DniECTOits 1. A. Millar , If O Olo.tson , E. U
fihiiKiirt K. K. It.irUJ. U Edmiinilsoii , Oliixrloi
IMInnnan Transact KonorU tnnkliK Uul >
ncsi LnrtflJt and lurplui ot nuy
tannin HcniUnrostoru IO.T.W
First--National--Bank : :
Paid Up Cns'Hiil , - - - - $10f > ,0)3 ( )
Oliloit urnanliuil biiitc In the cllr , Korolun anil
Uomuitiu uxcluiuo mil li)3il 900irlllji. KiiiaoU
nuuiillunpililti ojlluilo-ii. Auaiiitiof limuil
null. Ijuiiki , li iiilcurHitn lu iriuratljui jjlhUjL Oof
ru | ionilonculnvltuil.
UlSO. 1 > . SANtOlll ) . I'reililonU
A. XV. IlIKiniAN , Caslilor
A. T. UIOK. A sl t tCaililar
Centrally located In the business
portion ol' Council Bluffs , all the
street , car lines In the city passing
the cloor. Modern and conven
ient ; thoroughly flro proof ; 12O
guest chambers , The best $2 a
day house In the west.
Board und room from $3O par
month up. Table board $ B pop
week. G. M. WHITNEY , Mgr.
14 N. Main St. , Council Blaffu ,
Funeral Director and Emhalmor.
Gas Heating Stoves.
Just the thliiK for b.ith rooms , bed rnoms , eta
Cull und BUO iinr ur o usuurtliiuut.
C. B , Gas and Elaatrlo Ughf , Co.
ill I'garl und 210 Matu Stru"