THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : rWEDNESDAY. JrDY 15. 1801 , 8PEQ1HL NOTICES. ' JVKUTISI'.MKNTfl Mil TIIKSK COLUMNS will Id-Inker ) Unlit IJiO | i.m. lor tlm nrcnlMK nil until 8 .nji.m. for tlio morning or Humlny cell- All rtTf rllfrrnrntu In tliffc column * 2 ccntn n word rim iwrUon anil m rrntu n word IhcrfMtrr. nr IK fft line rr monlh. No urtTprtl'fiiirnt t krn for ! limn cents for 111" tlrtt Innrrtlon. Tprnn r h In ml- T nfr > Inlllnlo. ncnrr * , nil-oK rte. . rnrhrountiu n won ) . All ndf rllfomcnts mimt run connccu * tliclr Ailtr-rlUori" , l > r rriurntlmc n numbered clipck , run Imro Ihclr nn rri > ildr n1 to n "num- licrpcl Irllcr In c rrof TIIK IIKK. Annwrrmo ml- rtrcffcil * III do deliveredunlr on prcfcntnllon of the check. m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TjilAM IMimCKft-AnvniTfciNd KOIITHKSK J ) culnir > n Rill be ( "ken on flip ntioto conditions m tliPlollimltKr liiiMnrfp lif > u m , nho urn nuthor- Ijcrt to fullnn f Inl notices Bt Ilio nmu r tcs ns c n UP liiu ! nt tinninln office ! Hontli ( inithn Ilranch Offer No WS3 N "Ireot , MB- lor block JolinV Ifrll. I'linrrmicliit , Illli urn ] Mnunn utrppta. H , II. Kntnnnorlli , 1'liBrmnrlfl. JII.M'nnilnK etrcet W .1 llnehPf , I'linriiinrlft.lSIN. Ir.tli Mrrrt. NriirRi' W. 1'nrr , i'lmrniiu-lsl , 1719 I enTcnwortb Itrppt. B * I'hnrmnoy , 2 h and Kurnnm. SITUATIONS WANTKI ) I'or aatrt , rte. , fit loj ) nf flnt column ml ( / jxjjj' , A WANTKI ) , DVAN K.XI'KrllKNOKII AND Hi- liable bookkeeper , nltunllun In nn onico or with B. biinlnvBs house , wholennlo preferred. AitdrpniT 27 lle . Mllffil * A I.AIIV DKSlllKH 1'OHITIO.V AH HTKNOfl- rnpliur nnd typonrltor. AililrcmTT , Ileo. 93 ? 1.1 * AHIJAMSTIllItfS \VI8IIKH TO ( IO OUT 11V TlIK < inr ; iinili'rstiuicl * ilrcfuimiklnit : U ) cpntu n dny AildreimTJH , lieu olllm. MIMIP [ A-MA K KlT IIHRAI ) ANI > \ K I ! IIA K Kit. JVcoiintry preferred. Would rent n nliop. Iti-fi-rJ cncu ( ilvt'ii AiMn'im T . tlili iilllcc. liJ II * - - . I' . KKI.I.V SOUTH ITTli trcet. wants n ilillil to nurse nt her IIOIIIP. til I'll ' IG A I'HACTHIAI. MIM.IMl WANTS A 1'IiACI ! I.V ninlll AiMruMTIT. HIM- . IS ) 15 * - SITUATIONS Hill (1OOI ) ( ) lltrS ! A-WANTKII rooniK nru nltTiijm full from 9 a. m. to Bp. in Cnnndlan Kmiiloyniciit ulllcc , 3IIX b. 15th. Telephone C.U AVAXTKI ) HU 2'or ritto , etc. . fee top of fist column onj/iM / ) xi t. T-Ct TT K n WANT KI > . AUK YOU A CHTTKIt ? Jilf wide > oii HBO tbo A. I ) , ruila now method of outturn ? MIBJ 18- T > WANTKI ) SAI.KHMKN IN KVKIIY COUNTY. J'fTAUl per iiionth nnd i'ticii m. Outfit , immplcn , etc. , frco. ( luod KOld by inniiUit. | Stcndy position to proper pnrty. No experience nect'Kniiry. Full pnrtlcuhirK upon nppllrntlou Bend ttniupn. \Vorrenterferrulitnnd lunnufneturliiK companr , : I2 Harmon street , Worcuntcr , Sli . MIM - : > . A t'AUTV WITH TKN VKAIIS experience In the lonn and rent estate him- tne 'ss ' Ill Ncbrnskn nnd lown desires n Munition with omo responsible lonn comimiiyi best uf references. Addrenn 'I'M , Ileo. Mlifl 1C T > WKOFFKH AOKNT8 Illli J > slvo territory. Our now pntrnt on fen sell nt iddht In city or country. Now intents llrst In Held nctunlly gfettlna rich. One ntrent In on dny cleared tUti. Hcirnii ) ini. Cntalnuiia free. Alptno Snfu com.- puny , SCI 371 Clark ntreet , Clnclniiutl. O. -WANTKI ) , AT ONl'i : . TWO VOITNG MKN. Cull ruoin 3 , ( XX ! North Kith nt. , up nlalrs. MIM 15 * -WANTKI ) . A FIHSTCI.AS.SOAlllllACU bluckitinllh nt IK ) W. llromlwsiy , Council Illulln. m 1C * niiuniiisr WANTKU. AIIAIII : OITOIITHN- Ity for u druuulst In Omnhn ; rent very low. locn- tlon flno. Apply to Uoo. W. I * . Coates , 7 Hoard Trade. W3110 T > WANTIID.OKNKItAI.ANn SI'KCIAI , ARKNTS JJlo represent thn Klriellly Mutual l.lfe Iniurnnco compuny of riillndclphln , I'n. . In Nebnukn unit Council Illulfn ; extra llbcrnl Inducement to rltdit parties. Cull on or nddrens Mntu niiinnier. Kl" I'ux- ion block. Oiunliii , Neb. 810 T > -8AIKS > IANTOHKI.MOOIST ! ) < > MiUCHAr : TS JJby niuunln ; MX pny for workers ! now goods ; per manent Munition ; chnnci ) to build u line trado. Model Mf'K Co. , Hoiilh Ileud , Iml. 7'JI nil * T > WANTKDSAT.KSMKN ON HA IAH V Oil COM- .lifilMim | to Imndle Iho new putrnt chemical Ink ernnlnir penell ; tbo grentcnt pelllnK novelty ever prndiictMli erntoilnk Ilidroiiflil } In two necondi ; no nbrnnlonof pnper ; 2UI to fWi per cent prollt ; ona ncenl'ft nnleH amounted to fluO In fix i1n > H , nnothor IIti ! In two liourn. Ve wnnt onoi/enernl nirent In fnch nliilo "id territory. Kor Ir-riimnnil full pnr- tk'iilnnt IdreHB Ibo Monroe Kraitor MfK. Co. , I.n Crosse , W 4'Jl T > -WANTII : ) . too iAiioiiiiiH : roil WYOMING .IJnnd South lnkotn. ) I'reo trnnttportntloii. Al- lirlKlit I.nbor Axeucy , I1SO Knriiiiiii ntreet. M5US 1 MKN OK OOOI ) All > lliS9. : MKTHOl'OMTAN JSjl'fB Co. , 1C09 Howard Oniiiliu , or Io7 N. lilli Lin coln. lM-Jyl8 | > -fOl ( HAI.lIMtr.N WANTIII ) TO rflUJ. OUK I'l I K- J'nilnm niiraury ntock : the InrKenl nursery of tlio Mls > lsKlid | | river ; Iho nnert ttnck ; nil Ibo new Hiul old frultn ; tbo lowest prlien nml lilirirest pny to nucuta ; money ndvnnoed nveryweek : outllt free. Write u * nt onco. ( i. J. Cnrpenter Co. , Kalrbury.Nch. b"7 Jyll AVAN'i'KI ) FU K II KM' . Fur rnlw. etc. , see ton of fust rnliimn on this i > ngc. C-WANTKI ) , A rillllj FOll ( I JINK II Al. 1 III imi' ! work , 13.13 N. 20th. l-COLOlllll ) QIIIL. GOt NOIITH 18th BTItKKT , M1D3 15 ri-WANTKI ) . A HOOD COMl'KTnNT IIIUIi I1)R V/Kenernl housework , 2IXXI 1'oppluton nvo. I'll 1-WANTKD , A mill. FOll IKNHIIAI. ! IIOU8K- Vwork , family of 2 ; ( iermun preferred , 511 1'ark nvunuo. 174-1U c- GOOD nilll. AT 24r. bT. MAUY'S AVKNUK MILU KOH KI3NT For raits , etc. , see top nf flrtt column on this B FOll IIKNT. y els strict , ultii city wnler , nest eldo of Hniiscoin park. MICj -KOIl HUNT , HANDSOJIK 11-HOOM HOUHi : . nil niodern conveniences. In iierfectorderspnved Ptrectst motor nnit wltbln 5 niliiul s wnlk of post- otllce. Niitlitin Slicllon , llill Kiiinnm Btreet. .MM ! TH-R-itooM Monnii.v iiuini HOUSK , $ a ) PKU J-'nionth. H. K , Cole , Contliieiitnl blilit. OIA2U D-KLAT roil HUNT , UOO.MS , LI.NTON 1II.OCK. newly pnpered , rnuiio ; tM per niontli. John llamlln. 1)1 ) ? S. l.'lth. > M D FOll HKNT , MIOOM COTTAC.K , 1115 N. JI7TH ntreet , ? H ) ; .l-room cottiiKe , ' . ' .Id nnd Fnrniim , tll.'O. Heed A Selby , room lit , llonrd of Tiaile. ail r > - IIKNT. COIIN1MI FLAT. ALL OUTSIDU roomg. Wilgbt nud I.nubcrry , 11X11 Hownrd. M&VJ TV-FOIl UKNT , A 15 HOOM TKNCMKNT , NO. 107 a-'snnlh ITIb. ona block from center of bunluess , one block north of N , Y. Life Imlldlinr. Hullt lor boardlnxiind roomhiK. All modern Improvements , Hco James Neville. KIO-14- I ) , -IF YOU WISH TO HKNT A HOUSK OK STOIlK see , 11. K. Cole , Continental block. 4W TFOH UKNT 10-llOOM HOUSK CIINTIIAI.I.Y J-'loculuil.iiifHlnrn Imprnvenu'iiU. 713 N. 1'Jlh. ' VM -FOll HKNT , NI'.W YOlllTllOTKIj ON WKI1 ter street and stores now I'eople'n Mnminoth IiiHtullmont Hou Q. Inqiilru of tfciirn , U. IVW. N V I.lfo. MBIG2J - UKNT , MIOOM 1IOIWK , SUM HAIINK * ' . liuiulru A. 11 , ulndBlonu , KIIU IliiUKUs alreol. alreol.M.W5 iioo5T 10'Pi'AliK , II . IM. frooiii cottMEe. near motor , f 12.110. 4-rooiu lottiiKe nearmolor , flOOU. Sroomi. unlurnlshed , tlOUO. And the best re.-ditvnco Nats In the city. (30 to ! 5 No stores The Mead Inv't. Co , , 413 Ileo Hldu. ( IIS Oil UKNT. 4 HOOM COTTACK WITH TWO InrBO cl cl nl Ibo renr of Ml S ) Mill si. Jl..iM ) per mouth , l.'nqulre of F. II. bnliuon , Utli nnd Jones. 741 YY-SIIOOM I1HICIC HOIMK. AI.I.'cONVnNt. Jt'enios. K'SOUi il-rooui brick house , ROOD U.K. Cole , UCoiitlnuiitnl. . ' 01 IYCOTTAIIUFOU HKNT iiis.srni AVKNIJI : . * ' uoi TlMll HKNT CHKA1 > , NINK llHM IIOUSU. -l-'fiiriiUlicil or unfurulihed mid Imru , convenient Jociillon. llolbrook , I UeobullilhiK. MiJiT" TV-HOUSKH , Al.I.KINIS-THIlKKNICi : Y FUH- .i nlslml , lluiuly \ Co. , 1014 CupKul nvenn Utt T\-NKW MOtKHN ANIl MOM1 DKsIilAiriiT ? iis' .l-'tlioclty. Hur4 runni > ulte > . Complete for luiu > n- keoplnn. US HKiUtreet , F. U Vnn Horn. > liil ) IV > IIKNT.MIOOM CO-ITAUK , HAST FHONT ! J ' ! > beriiiiin uvo. , near Clnik ; tM. Wrlckt A. l < n - burI'll ) Howard. W TV-'sTlTAM HKATKI ) MODKHN FI.ATS. 7UT AND J/UU ; ti lull ilruul. li. F , Hliikur , IM'J fiunsni. fiunsni.Wl Wl .1ST l-'Olt uiuJai s. ' tlir rltet , etc. , ifC top nf fat column on thti i < aut. l31Gho\lth 15tll .MIM I1. " p-FtiitNISIIKII UOO-MSi OAS AND HATH. Wit , Miiry'aavenuo. 1A I.AIIUKFnb.NTTlOOM.lTUlCAPlTOItAVKN'H ! .ly am _ _ _ _ _ _ E4 NICK FUIINIHIIKD IIOOMt ) . MOOKIIN IM- provcmuutK price * U , M. f 13. Il'U ' Douuloi it. 67.1 IM Ip-TIIM bT. CI.AI11 KUHOl'KAN HOTUI * COIl isili * nit IKidce. will innko low rntu for looini nr Iliv vcck or uioulh with or wllliout board. 'KO an"UKNT. . MOBI VUIINISIIEI ) COOI. Jroomt at norllieait corner HilU mil llowiiril. wu maund building. Krvw t'JOd lo tnl B muulli. -J NICK FHONT HOOM3 VOIl OKNTLKMA N oaly , 9)l8l ) ) r st. l FOIt IIKXT FUUXI81IKI ) ItOOMH. [ ConMniiAl.1 _ _ " „ * KSON"8Ti 81.1-11 * KKONT I'AULOIl' $10 I'Kll MONTH. iniB ES . 2U E SICKLY FUHNICHKIJUOOMsT - - . onrenlcncrs. HOT Capitol itTonuc. M5W10 KUUN1HIIKI ) It'JO.MH ANI > IIOAI11) . Tor rate * , ( te. , rtt ( op iifflrtl tolumti n thli woe , i/-"NTrK fulo.M A niioAimrnTWt ) MKN is 1 prlmlo fnmlly nt IK .V. Ittlmtrect. Callxmn. 1. - Kt'llNISIIKI ) ItOOMH , WITH 1IAY MOAUIV 1' ors , Millclted. Oil North 18th. MjiB IT " ' _ _ _ _ rt "XOHTII lurTi. HOOMS WITH IIOAHD J1 fo r 2i U ) . MIUH 18 * _ IF-TXVir KUIlNiailHIl S.OUTH UOO.M3 WITH Jl board , lm DnTenport. 8.U ' 0 * I.i-KiniNISHKI ) PKCOND BTOIlY HOO.Mfl TO J rent with Imnril. 'Ml S , ? uth ntenno MM7 IS * 17KItONT HOOM WITH IlOAIll ) . llill lOUH.Afl 1 street , UM li * / PU11NIHIIKI ) IIOO.M8 WITH IlOAIll ) . IlliKKU ; encea. Kill Knrnam. "I' ' I' I -UOOIIH AND IlOAIll ) I'JSI ' DOIMJK - AND 110AIII ) AT YOUNO WOMIIN'S * home. 1W S Kill street. TU ) lylli- i-o it it KXT nooaiH l''orratrttr.tcetnpafjlnt column nnthu -KOIl ItK.NT.ZIlOOMS MAHKMKNT. COIl. I..TH ntiil 1'ncltlci JSOJ per month. ! 75-lt > ItOAltDIXO. I'orratct , rte , , MR tup of first column oil " " " T - rw/ui A N i tu.MK , isio "iloim K s 1 1 Kor good bonrd , nlco rooms , modern conven iences. mien nnd location , It cnnnut bo etculled. Jlrs. Horn , I'rop. MIST All * KOIl HI3XT SXUIIKH AXDOKKICKH. /'or rate * , etc. , rt lop of Km' columii on Hits jxi l-KOIl HKNT , THKHKCON1) KUOHOK ONK OK Jthd prluclpnl dry KOOiU stores In Omnhn. Suit- nblo for clothlnif , hatit , cups , crockery cnrpets or furniture. Will rent eltbur tlio entlro Moor or pnrt of It. Address T 31 , lice -Ml8(1 IKOIt HKNT , TIIK OFK10K KOHMKIHA * OCCU- pled by Altmmder A Smith In the Contlnontnl block , corner room , In perfect order. I'rcolnud , Loom ! * Co , M782 1-H3H HKNT Oil SAI.K. MY ] IIIHIIN ( } ON J Jones Bt. , bet. lOtb A. lltli. U.A. UniIqulst,3IU S 1Mb. r KOIl HKNT , TIIK 3-STOHY IIH1CK IIUII.DING , J 1110 DouKlns street , suitable for wholesale pur poses. 1110 pur inoutU. Clm . Kaufman. 1SH UOIIK- las street. MM 1-TOU HKNT Till : 48TOHY 1IHICK I1UIUINO Jwlth or without power , formerly occupied by the llcoI'ubllnhlUKCo. , Dili Knrtmnt st. The build- Inn lias a llrepoof cement basement , complete gleam hcatltiK llxtures , water on nil tbo Moors , itna etc. Apply nt tbo olllco of The llco. 'JI5 FOll KHXT MlSOKIjAXHOUS. For rate * , els. , fee tun nf first column on thli jxioe. Y'ASTlHK JUST fence < l for hones and colts , 72. ) nereis of tnmo mil ) wlldxrass ; will mil for nnd deliver ; chnriie reasonable. Inqiilru ivnns. : Wl t'nxton block , or nddresa ( leorio ti. inns , Smith Omabn. Mill . ! y3 ! * WAXTKI ) TO HUNT. ForrnlM , etc. , teetoi > of f.rtl cdfiim'i on f/if * p tat. ANTKIITOHKNTir/HOOMCOT venlcnt to cnr lines. Aildreea T2'J ' , liee.MISS MISS 17 * K WANTKI ) , HOOSt AND IlOAIll ) NOHTII OV Capital avenue by Kcntlcmnn and wife ; refer- encu Klvcn. Addromi , r. O. llox 339. 180 16 * K-TWO FUHNISIIEI ) OH lI roums with board In prlvnto family ; reference Vlven. Address I' . O. Ilo.x 2i7. ! Kill 14 AGKXOV. For nttm , etc. , reelopofjlrst cnlitmn on tM * L-II. K. COI.K HKNTAL AGENCY , CONT1NKN- tnl block. 4iU STORAGE. For rates etc. , ccc/op / nf Jint column tin thti M-W. M. I1USIIMAN , LOWK3T HATKS , 1015 Ix-nvcnworth. MI8I M-OLDKST , ClIHAl'KHT AND HK9T 8TOHA(3K lioiibO In city. WIlllnuiH , V Cross , 1214 HurneyM5I2 M5I2 M-I1KST STOIIAOK MUlljDlNO IN OMAHA : coveriiment bonded nnrcbouao ; bousohold lioods cured for : lowest ratea. W. M. llushman. IDl.'i I.cavenwortb. 61.1 M CI.UAN , BUY AND 1MUVAT13 8TOHAOK OK furniture. Omaha ritovu Ucjiulr Wurkx. ] 'M1 M.1I4 WANTKO TO ttUY. AT KUHNITUHE JIOUH11T , HOLD , STOIini ) . 1 > Wells , lilt I'-urnam st. ill AT WANTKD TO 11UY , (1OOU Ill'-SIDKNCK LOT 1' or liouao nnd lot , or aoveral loin located o ns to milky n KOod bulldliiK Bite , must bo In tlrst class residence part of tboclty. I'artles ansnerliiK this xbould ulve full description of property , lowest price , tcrnm , whether lucumtered. und If so how much. O ID , lloe. V71 FOll SAIjIi FUKN1TUHK iSTO. 0-Housiiioi.n : KUHNITUHK KOH SAI.K cheap : furnlturo , etc. , of tlvo-roomed liouao , nearly now , by parties leaving towu. T18 , Ileo. llil It * -OKKlCIC KimXlTUIlH KOIl SAI.K C1IKAI * . folding desli , tnblu nndehnlrs. T 111 , Dec. 147 IS * tjR 1IOI tS KS , AV AUONH , KTO for terms , ffc , , rte top nf first foliiinn on inn 7x134 > -rOll SAI/K , FAMILY Nichols' stable , 'JSth nud Loavenwortl M5U 13 OOOlIIOHSKSKOK SALE , 115(1 ( SHKIIMAN L avenue. 1U ) IB * P-KOH 8AI K CIIKAl * . LIGHT ( JI.ASB HOCK- L nttay and xood piano box top buviy > both In good order. Innulrout room 'Mi , Omnlm Nnt. Hunk bulldlni ; . UU T > HKAVY ai'HING WAUO.N I'Oll 8ALK AT -I S705I.eavenworth l. ail 1 > - KAMH.Y HOHS1WKOH8AIK. 1 urn or carihiKO tennis. Ciui furnish nn > kind of hortfo doslreil. Call at C. 1) . Wooilworth H Co. . or uddrean , T. J. KlomliiK , Cnlhoun , Neb. 7lil FOll Furrnfci. etc. , > tc ( oji / firi-t column on lliln Q n ; i iNai KLA T x s A i tleman rooireri , very cheap. 7U1 K. tilth st. . Hut - 8AIK GOOD AND COMIM.KTK K1X- Q-KOll tures of meat iiuuketoxculleut Inratlon nnd low rent. M , A. Upton Co. 117 0 KOHSAi.aOUO.OUOCKI.KHY l'I , t\M \ per tboimund In iuautltlcn | of A.IIUU or inure. for 10 days only. J. T. l.'unibtovk , 11UO Mltcbell ! . . .Milwaukee , WIs. I43 Ui --IJ5 CASH 1IUYS 2-llOOM I1O11SH AN I ) barn ; two yeart leusoon ground.V11I trade. 1318 Dou lui. blij I44 Mir rate , etc. , sec top offirtt ro'iiiMM ' ou thh Jvinkoaboul It ; send for de'crlpilvu clirular. Aii- dreaa "Anll-llitld. " box yy , Dnvenpurl. lu , IJ NOTIC'l' ! . 1 linilKHY NfTIFY ALL fTOHKS Juhat 1 will not pay nny ilobu i-ontructeil by 1117 wife , Mrs 'J heo. Wordrle. Mr. Tliou. Wonlrlis. .Mllll 16 1V-MASSAOK THHATMKNT , KLKCTHO-THKH l iunl Iinttis , hcnlp nml bulr ireiitineiit , iiinnlciiro niiit.chlrOiodl | l , Mil. I'onl. 8IUJ4 S li'.tli.S' , HluuHl blk. K-fOll SA1.IV-CHUHCI1 lllIII.lllNIi NOW Un rated on llnrney ft. , near -'Uli , to bo moved on. Apply to tfnmucl Kutr , Oil N lltli at. W7 U-DH. hONSIlAl.K'S Hl'KCIKIC MI-IDIClNKS fordlaeaset pccutl'ir to nomvn UlO S. 1,1th street , ' i > - IIKHT.\NI ( HODS. WIIOI.KSAI.K AND u- J i lull. J. J , McUiln , 'fJU Spencer tl. , Omabn. ClfAIHVOYAXTS. I'm tntei , etc. , tea ( . / ; ) of t\irt \ enlumn on tMi vagf. C-MIND HKADKIl AND HECO.ND SKHIT HKKH. k.Tbo ureat fortnnu teller In till * city has n sultan f rnrlori r.tthr lla'rnnl Home , south caU corner nf Kill and Howard ilrceti. Tills lady has n maulo mirror. In which you ran < re your fuliira huibnnd nr " \ ( vnomy or frlemi , Nn matiaiVolioatnieiilorany otlm ( | iieitlonabl huilncit. 'Ibu belter elntiei nn > Oivltpd to call. All builnett utrlclly ciniildontlal , 't to arranged you will meci no utrunuer.M1US M1US 15 * OMADAM Kl.DHIIMlK. CI < A1HVOYANT. SWJ > - > L.uuiliiy il. , over bank ! Sundays oncepted. I'D ' . ' 5 * OM IIS. NANNli : Y WAll UK'NTcla 111VI ) V A NT , Uitnnco ipenklnic , wrlllntr ami rellablu builnona medium , four > ears In Omaha , 119 N. lUtu. 615 MASSAUU , IIAT1IH , Kor ratet , etc. , tte ( up of frtt column nn tilt * jMtff , fV-MABSAlKIIATH | ATMAUAMK > JL dour. .M B. 15th tcvct. Mlil , 15' | - MASSAOK.MADAMK DKIwSlKU. OV1SH Cll ) 8. AlJtli , SUOH7 * For rateitett , , trt fnji o/ tot column or this jxnje. "roHHEaroNi ) roii AMUbKMiivrou MAT- iloionyt full parllculais ucalctl ) 10 c LU. llox ! > : < ! , Ouislin , Nvb. Kli Ail' MUH1O. AllT AND I/ANOUAGR. ' ' . rte. lop ofrat tulutim on tftb / . I'or ra'.tt. . , tee /rat _ _ JKIQ/ . OK THK banoi ) with Hoiipo , 15U DoiiKla . 219 _ " \ r - > H aAI.K.OOODHKCOXI ) HANI ) 1'IANO , 1100 > or wll rent cheap. K | K. Itlngcr , IJ19 Karnam. _ _ \r-HKKOHK 1IUYIN < 1 A 1'IANO KXAMINK THK > now scnlo Klmbnll piano. A. Ilos | > o,15l3 DOURlaii. 511 V-fiUlTAll ANDMANJO MUSH ! HIM I'M Kl KlT > HPCPS cadalKlnnce. No knowledge of music required. Send for clr. Uullar Music IVtt At * \T I'WHJB , OHAMMAH A SI'KCIALTV , . . > lougla . 2M-Jy31 * HTWOSKCOND-HAND PIANOS AT A bargain ! tiprlKht * . Wit Chicago t- aioxHV ro liOAXuKAh KHTATK. For ralc > , etc. , see top of flnt colii'im nn this I'UOPKUTV , 1 K. Neb. nnd la. fnmu. K. F. IlliiRor , I'M Far'tu. UbUnll * \\r WANTKII , HMALLLOANHONUNIMl'HOVKI ) IT properly. Fidelity Trusl company. 17831 A\r IIU1LDINU LOANS INSHMrt OFJWJO TO II.MO ii wanted. Flilellly Trual company. 17H 31 \\r-J. U HICK , INV'STM'T SECUHKT1K3. Vtt I.lfo llul'ld. 7 1 A 4 * \V < ! UA11ANTKK1 > MOHTdAOKa ON HAlll'Y. ' Tliayer , Ciimlni ; nnd Hlnnlon Co. Unds for nnlo by 11. T Clarke , in Hoard of Trmlo. 41M \ \ SToi'i'AviNH nr.vr , OWN A HOMK. WK ' will buy or hnvo ono built for yon nny where , nml lei Ihp rent pay for the property. For Infor- timllon cull or ntldre * * Norlh Aniertenn Hnvbifin An- noelntlon. Hoom " "U , New York I.lfobulldlnit. onleo open until 7 p.m. i'15-.i ' U \ \ r-MOHT A KS WANTKI ) . I.ON(1 ( OH HIIOHT > > lime , ( leorao tl. Wallace , 310 J. J. llrown build- : . lUlh nnd Dounlna. 618 AAr-HUlLIlNI ( LOANS 0 TO 7 I'Kll CKNT ; NO > > ndillllonnl clmrnoi for commission or altorney'n fees. W. II. Melklo , first National bnnk bid ) ! . 3) ) \V-IMlIVATr.MONKYTO LOAN. J. 1) . H1TTLK. V > 914 N. Y. Life. KS \V-MOHTAK ) ! IXAN3 WANTKI ) , McCAQUK it Invcntmcnl compniiy. fI r-MONKYTOLOAN ON OMAHA I'llOl'KHTY. AV Fldcllly Trust company , IliU Fnrnam. b'H -EA8TKHN MONKY TO LOAN AT VKIIY AV low rules , H. 11. Irey. SOil N. Y. l.lfn. AlSr. \\r-CHKAl' MONKY-l'HILA. SIOHTOAOK AND 'i Trust Co. , wants Rllt.cdKn lonni. ( Jco. W. 1" . Conlcn , reprcsentntlvo , 7 Hoard of Trade. 630 \\r-LOANS. W. M. HAIIUIS , H. M.FHHN/.KH I1I.K B14 Tir ANTHONY LOAN AND THU9T CO. . 313 N. Y. 'i Life , lend nt low rnte for choice nccnrlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Omabn clly properly. \\r-SKCONI ) MOHTOAOK I/JANS FHOM I50U TO Alex Moore. tUl lieu bullilluic. MC84 \\f-TIIi : CKNTItAIj LOAN AND THDST CO. 'i lini removed lo The Ileo bulldliiR , mnln floor , at rlulit of entrance. City loans nt lowest rates. C. A. Starr , munniicr. I52jyl ! ) MONEY TO For rates , etc. , fct top of first coliimuoii this payc. VJ1ONKY 'TO LOAN m" H Vhouttehold Koodn , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wnrohontto receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible rnten without publicity or removal of property , Time arranged to unit borrower. My loans nro no arranged that yon can make n payment at nny tlmu and rednco both tbo principal and Interest. You will II ml It to your advantano to nco mo If yon want n loan , or If moro conveutenl call up telephone - phone 1031 and your business can bo arranged nt homo. Money nlwnys on hand ; no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates. II. K. Masters , room I , Wltbnoll block , 15th and llarney streets. _ 627 V MONKY TO LOAN ON HOIISHS , WAGONS , -iVfiirnlluro. pianos and collateral security. liusl- ness conlldcntlnl , Fred Terry. U. 4.U llamno blk. 533 \r MONKY ON KUItNITUUK , HOllSKS , KTC. A-Kojrilono MortKaKO Co. , room 203 bhcoly blk.MS30 MS30 X CHATTKI. BANK. 319 S. 15TH , LOANS MONKY on chattels or collateral nt reasonable rates , fi.10 X MONKY IXJANKO ON Alilj KINDS OF SKCUIl Ity. SKI New York I.lfo. It. A. Morris. . WJ Jy-28 1JUSINKSS OI1ANOKS. For rates , etc. , see top of first column on ihii \r2TlAlTllKll OI > FIl SALK , FlilST'CLASS ' J. establlihcd trade. Address 1'alaco barber she | > , Colfax , In. Ml'JS 1B FOH HKNT. Till ! SKCONI ) FLOOH O1''ONK OF tfio prlnclpnl dry eoodsstores In Omaha. Suit able for clothing , half , caps , crockery , carpets or furnlturo. Will rent either the entlro Moor or part of It. Address T 31. Ileo. . M187 Ar FOll BALK , DIIIIO BTOHK : ONLY ONK IN L tbo place , and physician's practice In n llrtt-class mlnlnit town with iiood farmlint 'country surround ing. Address C. I ) . Ilavrson , Van Meter , la. 150 14 * V FOll SALK--THK WKLL 1'AYINIJ LIVKIIY JL stable of the late Walter L. Clark , In York , Nob. ; will be sold for cash or for KOod security on easy terms ; possession can hesclven Immediately : Invoice } 3U)0. ) I ) . J. Colling , administrator , Nork , Neb.M131 M131 13 INTKIlKfiT IN ROOD UUSINKSS WITH I'OSl- tloii ; 81,000 lo $1,000 cash required. AddrcssT20. llco. 141 15 \r-VOLZTIIKTAILOH. WILL SKLLHIS IIUSI- I ne a nnd stock very rcagonnhle on account of chance of occupation ; stock nnd llxtures can bo had separate- desired. A preat bargain. Addrestt T. YoU , 2Utb and N. street , South Omaha , Neb. 110 14 * \r FOll SAI.K , ONK BLACKSMITH SHOP AND X tools complete ; easy terms. Kilward'a Loan AKcncy , 13 llarkcr block. 133 v roiiSALK , MIAT : MAUKKTWKLL KSTAII 1 llshed trade ; line llxturss and In n food , live towu. ( * oed reasons for iclllntf. Address Louis Holler , lilt ! Jackson utreot. 10.1 * 1 ( ! \T ONH-HALF INTKHKST IN I'AYINC. HOTKL J-ln town of 3.01J to oxcbaiiKO for stock of mer chandise or Improved land. Address T 5. Dee. 953 18' - FOll 8ALK A SMALL COUNTIIY IlANIC.llKINfl thoonly bank In town and no other within 13 miles. Ilest of reasons Klven for HelllnK. Cull nt or address room 013 , New York Llfo bulidlnK , Omaha , Neb. 4iB-M Y--WANTKI ) TO SKLL OH LKASK , A NKW llfty-barrcl roller steam mill , located In KOOI ! wheat country. In Northwestern Kansas. Larico wheat crop now belnu harvested. For terms art- dicsa , An elmo 11. Smith , drawer 1503 , Lincoln , Neb. 'JU5-I3 V-FOIl BALK WKLL K8TA11LIHIIK1) COAL L and feed buslncus sldo track will sell low for cash liood reasons for nolllnif. Call at N. 21th street arid belt line. 751 1'J * V-V.KHCHANT TAILOH UUSINKSS. FIIANIC i Sochor , Dnvld City , Nob. tlOi-Jy31 ( KOH IS For ratat , etc. , see ton of first column on MiJs jtnue. rFOIt Tl7AIKCITY. ? ? KWSTOCKlTAUI\YAilk , / I f.i.UW. Address T 33. llco. M183 15 * _ rWK WANT (3001) ( OMAHA I'llOI'KllTY : HKS- AJIdcnco nr bnslne-m , vacant or Improved , clearer encumbered. In oxchannefor cash anil KOOI ! clear property Will InvcatUtato orerythliiK olfered. Alex Moore , 401 Ileo bulhllnu. Ml'JO 17 r/-CIIOl'HOUSKllKAPONAHLK , IN K.XCHANliK , 'JiiprlKht piano , furnlturo , thlnKS suitable to take west. Address T 2il Ileo. MUM 17 Z -WANTKI ) TO TIIADK , NKW FIIUNITUIIK for a good stronu h orsa. Address T 30 , lice. Ml 85 _ y-MlOOM HOllfiK IN Hl'I.KNDlI ) NKKiHIIOIl- f-lliooA ; lot slk'htly lunl on urnilo ; two blocki from motor n nice homo. Will trade for stock of Konds In iiood Iowa or eastern Nebraska town. Address T M. Ileo. .MI57 15' _ ICII01CK UKHIDKNOI ! IN COUNCIL 1ILUFK8 AJand t-ashlo citchaiiKo for merchuiullsn ; hardware preferred. Address K. U. llartlott , 741 llroadwny. Council Illulli. m'tvl rI.SOO AClinS OF A-NO. I LAND TO SKLL , Oil /J wn n Id eichuiiKO for Kood stock of Ronernl niilsu. ; must bu clour stock. Addrust H. A , llarton , Curtli , Nob. ntJU y -lF YOU HAVK A OOOII UIMlKiHT PIANO YOU ' -Jwnnt to tixchniiKO for clear lot worth JJOO , ml- dreis , T 21 , lleoolllcu , 197 y-IFYOUHAYKClTY I'llOI-KIlTY , LAND. Oil /JanythliDj tilnu lo trade , address , Western Kx- chanijo Co. . Columbus , Neb. 151 II * y-IMVIIIKNI ) I'AYINU STOCKS FOll ( lIOI ) 'Jfarm lands or duslrublo city properly. W. . I' . O. boxrtiS. _ MiW5nl _ TFOll SAI.K , IIAlldAlN.H IN li. 8 AND 10 110OM AJhouses ; will tike land or vacant lota in part pay. W. U.Homan. rooms 8 and 10 , Frcnier block. 7 .l 20 y-roil KACHANIiK. Sl'LKNDIlTflKNTAL IMIOI' 'Jertles for vac-ant loin nnd lands , W. II. Human. * rooms li nnd 10 , Frcnzcr block , 7nJ ift ) -WANTKI ) . CLKAil UNIMl'UOVKI ) LOTS f-t anywhvro within IHO mlle limit taken In ux > chaiiKu us payment towards emu vi'ry'lliiB fottano homo. Fidelity Truit Co. , ItiU rnruam Direct. _ .MCT 17 / - FOll K.XCHANliK F1UST CLASS OMAHA < - < | iropurly , clear land and cash for 110,000 to I20.UUO > lock of dry KOOds. W.ll.Homan , room b.VIO Frcnier block. \ tfia _ KOUBAIjl'i--U'HAl7 I38TATH. yprrates , etc. , tee topof flnl column on tttlt j lYNK W - uewly painted and pnpcrrd. city water , cur. lot , ISiH5 , m uriulu , toddud , pared at. , elerlrlo molar , IJ.UW.vlll tnkq itood liorse , buuKy "I'd li riif ns Ur t payment ; bal. f36 per month Keviyour | ere on ibis. Hamilton ln ! > . , bulldvn , IU H. loth it. ua la _ _ \\rANTKI-TO HK1J. Oil HKNT 6-1IOOM COT- I tote to Bood reliable painter and takupayln work. W 11. llomau , rooms 8 kiid 10 , Fronicr block 7SU J ) _ f7OH BOUT1I OMAHA I'UorKUTIKd. IIUrflNT.HS , I- track > ifO or residence , no to ilia luadlov real UtadenleriUiHoulli Omaha , Kd Jobuituu A , Co. . corner Jltb ud N > u t * . MCxI FOR 8AU-S KSTATB. 1 > AUIAINMYOUIl ( rrtOITKOF 3 FINK UIT8 M J xHO on California * < rrotIH mllen from I' . O. near motor. H.'JU. fiM'iU hl fouth front Wxl.TO on Anifi BVP. , Iwo blocks'Uhnolor. line tlow , only fSU ) -nMcnsb. 82x150 , 9-ro iri honso , larxo barn , hard ami soft wiMor , In A lrirdor. tnjaa , will take some trade. Van Huron. Dupf i and Hlh streets. V4fl 17 ] rou HAI.K. . TIIK FINIIST COT- tnRO lionim In the c y.on easy term * . Will take rlcnr lol m tlrsl pnynium'J Fldcllly Truil compnnr inil Farnam itrecl. " Mir.M 17 _ iroTrSALK-ONK OV Till ? IIK8T STOCK AN1 > -1 drain farms In norlbsrri llllnoH ; 4M acres : mi- Incumborcd ! t < V per aatf. d. H. Anderson. Woo- iiiiK III. ) | ' > [ 951 ll _ _ ' ' MnVO KI.r.llANT KA'jjf'FUONT LOTS IN WKST -1 Cuniltii : niMHIon ; linen plarn for n homo In the city. Musi sell. Clear. Non-resident. Wanls offer rlKbt away. A. K , Klloy , room 40 , llnrkor block. 100 31 _ l0ll SAI.K CHKAI * . KASY TAYMKNTS , 1W- J Klory new n-room boti e , with balh. collar , etc. ; full lot. N. ijhcllon , 1614 Farnnni. Wi _ OIISKH FOll HA1.KONKASYTKHMS ; HOUSKS rot-rent. Address Herman American Havltms Hank. 153 _ _ TTOIl I1AIUIA1NS IN KOUNT7.K I'liACi : HOUSKS JLneomo. W. H. Homan , roomnSnnd 10 , Freiuer block. 78U3U _ L ttll ) HAI.K. TO WOllKlNllMKN ONLY ( Sl'F.CU- Inters need not apply ) , on tlaio or monthly pay ments , n neal eotlaxe nt Icis than actual value. In side property , only onn block to electric line. In quire at room 203 , Omabn National bank bulldlni ; . MMl J _ _ _ 14MVK-1UO.M HOUSKS IN OHCIIAItl ) II1I.I , , I1..VJO .1 each on Monthly pnymonts , Thomas F. Hall , .111 1'ailon block. 6.11 _ iTbll SAI.K IJOOI ) WAIIKHOUSK LOT , COHNHH I paved streels , trackage , 3 blocks from depot : very cheap. N. thclton , lull Farnam. 400 . II. MKIlllILI. DHALKU IN UKAL KSTATK , Contractor and Itullder , residence. Maker I'laco Walnut Hill. Cottaites for Irado or saloon month ly payments In Donckcns add. SaundersHlmetmiiKli's add. , "Clifton Hill" and "linker 1'lace , " nil new and convenient to motor. l'rlcc < * way down. Improved and unimproved farms In Mcrrlck Co. , Nob. for sale or trade. Cash for lots. 670Jy2'J' _ fTosT. I'or rates , etc. , nee topof . tlrsl column on tMi -l-Jroad between Hc.'oiimnu's park nnd thu fair Kronnd , Sunday. I aveat llco olllco and receive re ward. 141 14 _ ST13AM FKATJIUU llKNOVATOll. For raf g , etc , , s ' fop of first column on this paye , KllsTIIJKsXNi ) I'H.LOWS WASIIKD , " "KKATl- ers boiiKbt. Mall orders promptly tilled Work called for und delivered Frank Auson,31st ft Franklin M745 DKIMSiMAIvING. For rates , etc. , see too of first column o Juillei sollclled. Miss Slurdy , 3UIO Haruoy street. MI5IJy27 PAT KNT SOMOITOUS. 1JATKNT LAWYKIIS ANI > SOLICITOUS , IL W , 1 Hues \ Co. , llee building , Omaha. Nebr. Ilranch olllco at Washington , I ) . C. Consultation free. KI5 PATTERNS A > ? I ) MOUULS. lvSANDKUSON , COUNKll 15TU AND JACKSON. M I2O il ANlOAIj I ) U A UGH IS M KN. Forratcf , etc. , sec top cJ flnl column on this " " " AND 8 -L prepared by G. W. Sues.t Co. , Omaha , Neb. RHlLWHYjflME GHRD IrfXivtM ICHIGAGO , UtJULINOTON & Q. | Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10thnod aitison Hta. I Omaha. Leaves IHlMLINtiTO.V i.V MO. HlVKIl.i Arrives Omnha. I Depot lOthinnd Mason Sti. | Omnhn Loavoi IOHICAQO , Mlli. & ST. 1'AUL.I Arrlvo Omaha. I U. 1 * . depot. and Maroy Sti. | Omahn 6.30 P ml ChlcaifQ Kxprois 111.50 m tl.l5nm | Chicago Kxproaa I 0.10 ai Lcavoi I CHIUAUO , It/1. * I'ACUFIC. I Arrivoj Omaha. | U. 1 * . depot , IQtli and Marcy SU. I Omnlm. U.20 p in , NlRht Kipruss O.M a m .1.1.1 a ra ] Atlantic Kxprpst. . . . (1.55 ( p m 4.M ) p ml Vostlhiilo Limited. . 10 > "i n m Le.tvoi I 81OUX C1TV& 1'ACIFIO. I Arrive ! Omaha , j Uopot lOtb and Marcy Bti. I Omaha. 7.15 a ml . . . .Sioux City 1'asncnKor 110.30 p m 6.3J n ml Ht. Paul Kxpreaa 110.65 a ra Lo.ivei j SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIFIC. I Arrlvoi m.ihn. Depot 15th and Webster Hts. Omaha. 4 55 pml St. I'aul Llrnllod | (1.2J ( n m "Lonvos K'HICAJOftNOIlTHWKdrKllN. | Arrlvoi Omaha. I J. 1' . depot. 10th and .Marcy Sti.l Omaha. Leavu I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS . . . . .I A rn vo Omaha. I U. I' , depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sls.l O m-iha 11)OU a ml..Kansas City Day lixproas I 6.4.1 p m 10.15 p ml..Kansas City Nliibt ixprots. . . | C.'J ) n ra Leaves I CHICAGO , IIUUL'N A OUINOV.I Arrlvoi Transforl Union Depot , t iuncll HluiM. iTnunfer U.4D n m .Clilcnuo Kxpreis I U.2U p m 10.00 p m .Chlcnico Kipress 41 } m 7.U5 p m . . .Cpjiion I 16 a m Leaves I HIOUX ClTVye I'Al'IFIU. I Arrlvoi Tnniserl Union Dinin , fatanell llluiT , rt'rail'ifo 7.45 n ml Sioux City .Accommodation , i V.40 6.60 p mi . . . .SI. I'nuf.Exorojs | | 000 | INTERESTED ONDEP05IT5 ATQMflHAlOAN&TRUSTCO , ' 5.E1CDR. IBT. &DOUGLA55T5. CAPITALJtS IOO.OOO.OO DinECTORS'iWU.WYMAN-E.W.NASH. ' JKMILLARO-CUVCBARTON-C.B.LflKE. d.O.BROWiN-.iTHOS-L.KIMBALL. National Bank U.S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , WC1. Capital , - - - - S4OO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O , - Oii.BOO Onicers and Dlrvclori Henry W. Yatei.l'reililont. Lewlj H. llouil , Vlco 1'roilUunli Jamoi W. Slvu o.lV V. Morno. John S. Collins II. U Cuthlnc , J. N , U I'alrlck , W. H , S. Ilutilaci' Cu bler. Tl-lEl IRON BANK. Corner 12th aud Farnam Sti acnc.ralll.iiiklut IIuslnojjTr m utoil , Notluo 10 Contrnctord. I am prepared to furnlih promplly Ilubblo Hip- ll p DlmunllonSlona and CruilivU Hock of bmt Duality utlowojt price. Fur fliiurei call or addrao 1 * . U MONItOK , 4M Now York Llfo tlulldlntf. Ouiabn , Nub , TELEGRAPHY. Each Season lisa Id own peculiar malaity j liut with tlio blood mnlntnlncil In n state of uniform vigor nnd purity , by the tuo of Aycr's Sius.ip.irllb. Hie system renillly ndnpl.1 Itself to ch.ineod conilllloii.i. Oompniud nf the best nltcmtlvcs and tonlM , nml lieliiR highly cunccntratcd. Ayer'j SArsapurllla Is the innst ctloctlve nnd of nil blood na-illclncn. " lfor some years , at the return of spring , 1 had serious trouble with my kidneys. I was unable to sleep nighls , nnd suffered gruntly with p.tlns In the small of my back. I was also nflllctcd with headache , loss of nppetttc , nnd Indigestion. These symptoms were much worse last spring , especially the trouble with my brick. A friend persuaded mo to lisa Aycr's Snraaparllla. I began taking It , nnd my troubles nil disappeared. " Mrs. Ocnevrn llclangcr , 24 llrlilgu st. Springfield , Moss. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rllKl'AUKIl IIY DR. J. O. AVER & CO , Lowell , HIXBS. field by Druggists. * lilx \Vorlh * S botllo. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14OO UOUGIiAS OMAHA. NE1I. The moit widely nnd fiivontbly known spec ialists In tlio United States. Tholr Innp ox- porlonco. romarknblo skill nnd universal suc cess In tlio treatment and curu of Nervous. Ulircmlo und HurRlcul Diseases , cntltlo eminent physicians to the full cmifldonuo of the ulllletca ovorvwhcri ) . They Kunrnnloo : A CKIITAIN AND I'OSITIVK OUUE for tlio nwful ofTects of early vlco and the numer ous ovllH that follow In Its train. 1'UIVATK , HhOOI ) AND SKIN DISEASES bpppilllv. complotply nml uorniiiiinntlr ouriul. NKKVOUS DEHIi.TTY AND SKXUAL DIS- OKIiKUS yield roudlly to their skillful troiit- " ' ' ' 'p'lL'ES , FISTULA AND KKCTAL UI.OEU3 euarnntouil cured without pain or detention HYUKOOKIiE AND VAKICOOELE Dorma- nontly nnd successfully curnd In every case. SYl'HILIS , aONOICUIKKA , OIjEKT..lpar - nmtorrliipn. Seminal Weakness , Lost Manhood , Nlsht Kinlssloiis , Dncayed Kaeultlo.s. Komalo Weakness anil all dullcatu dlsoidors peculiar to either BOX positively cured , as well ns all functional disorders that result from youth ful follies or the oxct-s'Kif mnturo years. QTPH'TITPP Guaranteed permanently O 1 1\1O1 U IVL < curort , removal complete , without mittliiR , caustlo or dilatation. Cure effected t homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyanco. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. ACJfTPT ? nnl < The awful effects of OUKll UUiXL , rarly vloo which brliiRs ornnnlo weakness , dcstroyliiK both mind and body , with nil Us dreaded Ills , permanently cured. TlRC RKTT Address these who have JJiVO. DLillJ Impalrod themsolvea by Im proper liululRonco and solitary habits , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business study or marriage. MAHKIED MEN or those entering on that happy life , aware of physical debility. quickly assisted. OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First Practical exporl- onco. Hocond Every case Is specially studied , thus starting rlfiht. Third Medicines nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit h case , thus effecting euros without Inj ury Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGLAS STREFT. OMAHA , NEB. BAD BLOOD I : Plmplos on the Faca | i Breaking Ont | j SkhTronHesi little Borea ) Hot Skin ) : Bolhl Blotoaos ) ! Cold Boreal Bad Breath ) ; Bore Month or Lips | : If you mffrr from ony or tbuo yinptom * ) tuuo | WHYBEOABPiIMrp0uSyLOOD [ ! : II vo you overused mercury I If so , dU you ; ZfMvo yourself the need d attention at tlio time I. Wo need not tell you Hint you requ ro ft blood : : medicine , toensuro freedom from the after - ; I fccts. l r. AckrHn Hlood I.llilr 1 tl > p . will tlioronitlilyerad- : ; only kuown inedlclno ttiat Icato thu poison from the tei7'ii9H i-Vi5OIl { ! . 11. miOKI.H A . Z your drURiillt. or wrlU ) to H ' " ' " " " j. . .ij.jy.- " " " ' KOR SALE IIY KUIIN fc CO. . Omnhn. AND OTHER REVS' lii. ) lIUMi'inucra'SPECIFICS are scientifically and carefully prepared iirebcrliitloiis i u cd for many ycariiluprlrntojirncllcowuhsuecess.undforovur IhlrtyyearsusM by the people , Kiery nhiKlu tipc- clilo Li a nwulal curu for Clio disease mimed. Tbtwe Hpcclflcii curd without drtiKKlm ; , purg ing or reducing the n/Btein , and are lu fact nnd ' ' ' lr iiiiieBo' uaT op I-UIKCII-AL Noa. CDIIEH. riucrs. 1 l'i > viirnConK itlon , Inl'.anunatlon , , UH 'J Woriim. Worm Fever , Worm C'olle .25 il ( Irilnif OolleiOrTwlhlnBoflnfatilJi -i Illiirrhea , of Children or Adults , . . < Jj ft ly ifntoryi OrlplUBlillUm Collc. . . .5.1 ( iliolitrii niorbiin , Vomltlnij ' .ij 7 CouuliH , Cold , llionchltli -J ? H Neurillu-lll , Tootlincbe. Fnceacbo 1 IleniliicheH , Hlekllenilaclio o 10 ntnpuvMliii Blllnua hlnjiincli. . 11 hupprc'Bueilor I'lilnful 1'orlodn. 1-5 WliuuNi lee 1'rofu. o l'erli li . . . Ill Ornuii , Couch , DllllcuUDivalhlnK. „ ! ( Hnlt IMiuuui , ) * liolu ] , Eruptions. 1.1 UheuiillUlHiii , lllicnniallol'nlim. . . . l < l Fprornuil Auiif , Chlll , ilal.irla. . . . 17 1'llca , llllndorlllccdlnK Ill ( iniiirrli , influciita , C'oldlnlhelleail \Vhooplnif i ViolentCmijihs. - - ' -Jt-nemir- 7 Kidney JIlNi'iiHi * S Nerjoiu liability HO rlonryVmiU e.M , V , elllnnlic , ! " "ftO &t lIUuuRfuariliullvart.l'ulplutlloul.UO Hole ! by I > rngKl i , nr ntponlpalil oii receipt furlcp. Hii Iiu i'imiy K' iliNUAU (141 ( patttw | ) rjcfily liound In cloth and cold , mailed frfo. lothMEDIOIHE oo. , Oor. V/llllam and Job a SlreeU , NovYork. . S P E O B F B O S . Notlco to Coiiti-iiutorN. Notlco Is hereby glvi . > n IhutbldH will . bo ro- .Jlvoill thu board of pnbllo. IniiUHiiMil buildIngs - Ings at fhnntUco of hi.'L'rotnry of aluto until July -U IbUI , at r.'o'rliK'U , noon , for thuuruo- tlon nnd romplullon of u cliu | ) l nnd dormi tory for the Homo of Iho rrlumlletu nt Lin coln , Nub. I'liuis und HpecincutloiiH limy bo neon at the olllco of thocomuiUslonurof iiilbllu laniUand bulldlnga ut Lincoln , Nub. uontruulors will bo rpqulrad to conform ktrlutly to condition * of Hpuolflcntlons. The board reserves tlio right to rujuot nny und till bldt I lu ted JnntiSO , 1601 , JOHN o. AM.IN. : A.K. IIUMIMIHHY. tjuorutarjr of state. 1'rcs'tof llnaixl. J 111 ( J tm OF TltK Nrlirnnkiu I ) . O. Myers , nn old settler of Hod Cloud. Is dontl. Mrs. Mlnorvn llynn of Grand Island , Is dond nt Iho npo of seventy-four. Nobrnskn City's exposition miumsrors hnvo received n dovll llsh from Uallfornta which 1s twelve foot In loitRth , A team nttnchod to n mlllcwnpcm rnn nwny nnd dashed through Mluhclson' * plate K'lnss front , seriously injuring ono of the horses. MUs Mary McinbrlRh of Lyons tried to end hcroxlstcnco by tuklun pohon , but thu prompt nrrlvnlof n pti.vsclnti foiled her plans , The men employed In the boot Holds nt Mlndon hnvo struck for nu Increase lu wngos from ? 1M ) to 33. Tbo company Imi refused to grant thu domntid and will try to si'curo now hniuU. Hov. Mr. Do o , the Dlllcr mlnlitor who hnd his leg broken In two place : * some six weeks ngo , has brought suit 'ngnlnst Theo Unruh of StcoloClty , the saloonkeeper who sold him liquor , for $ JOOU Wlillo Hov. D. W. Mc(3regor of Dakotn City wns trying to ford thu IJlncltblrd river nt the Umahn ngunoy , hli horso1 ? hocamo ou- tnnglud In the , but nu Itutlnn came to the rescue nnd snved the team. Kugonlus Wllhclm , n pioneer of Otoo county , died nt his homo near Nobrnakn City , nped seventy-four years. Mr. Wllhclm hnd resided In Otoo coimtv sitico 18.Vi nnd hud boon successfully liloiit.lllod with the county's business history , A horse belonging' toV. . A. U'ngncr of Beatrice , overturned n stand of boos In his owner's back ynnl. The Infuriated Insects nllghtod ou the unitiml nnd stuii him fear fully before they could bo hived. Thrco volerlnnrlos were called and they succeeded lu saving the llfo ot the horso. Iowa , The Manilla crcnmory Is limit In p 2,500 pounds of butter per week. Spencer nnd Hock HnpUU young ladles threaten to orcnnlzo u brims band. Miss Nclllo Campbell of Clinton , hns eloped with n professional brldgo Jumnor. A special dispensation has been ordered to organize n now 1'ythlan lodgent Burlington. The annual reunion of tbo Eighth I own cavalry will bo bold at Moravia , September 17 nnd 18. In n ball pamo nt Dunlnp n player nnincd Scott received u broken uoso by being struck with tbo bnll. Mrs. ICllcn Gnllngher Is serving forty-flvo days lu Jail nt Independence for violating u liquor injunction. D. F. Kendall , n farmer living four miles nojthwest of Osccola , committccd sulciao by Jumping Into his well. Temporary insanity caused the rash net. The house of John Wlloy , nu old soldier , was entered nt I3oono by burglars. Ho hnd Just drawn his pension monoy. § 18.80. which the burglars secured. Selby county has recently sent two pa tients to the insane aivlutn who came to this country from Denmark nud were ornry before fore leaving their uatlvo heath. EU. Cnrter has been n resident of North- wood for twenty years nnd during that tune hns never been outside the county. Mason City nlso has n young lady who has reached her majority nnd has never been outside the city limits. Willmm Heed , n wealthy fnrmor of Jackson county , went to Dubnqub last Thursday to nmko a now will. After doing .so ho wont homo nnd died Saturday. His estate Is worth S.MI.OOO. Ho had made a previous will only n short time ugo. The Early Settlers' nssoclntion of Uubuquo county refuse to tnko part in the laying of the corner stone of Dubutjuo's now' court house because none of their mom bors were recognized in the appointment of committees ou nrrangoment. Mrs. E. Day of VIolo was badly poisoned by Ivy two years ago nnd tlio poison could not bo driven from her system. HOT feet were particularly utTectcd and it wns decided that they should bo amputated. The opera tion was performed aud she only lived u few hours. Mononn county is proud of the physical power of nu eighteen-year-old cltlran , Will iam Penny. lie stands six feet one-half inch , nnd is ns straight ns nn nrrow nnd weighs 215 pounds. During the season ho works' every day on the farm. Ho is willing to wager that , bo can outrun , throw down or juirjp further tbnu any man of his ago in Iowa. A number of Italian laborers who hnvo been working on the Illinois Central railroad , north 01 Cedar Hrplds , got into n dlilioulty with Foreman Hnjo Sunday morning. Seven of them chased Knjn for over n mile with n shot gun. Ho attempted to force them to pny him Konoy to allow them to work. This they re/dsed to do. They were brought up m justice court uud each lined SS , they tnou re turned to work , but the foreman was afraid nnd will go elsewhere. Do Witt's Little Early Hiscrs ; only pil ) to euro sick headache and rosulato the bc'.vaol OUT FOll I1LOOD. Father Corl > ctt DOIHHIIIOOK Certain KrpnrtH of HH ! MiHuomhict. Father Corbott of Lincoln , is In the city with blood lu bis eye. Ho says that the bishop of the South 1'latto dlocuso hns boon informed by certain parties in Omnhn that ho ho ( Corbott ) bus been seen In Omaha under the Influence of liquor nnd usinglnnguago be coming only the hoodlum population of the citv. Tnosodnmagliigolmrgos Father Corbott vehemently denies and declares that ho will follow to the bitter end the parties who lirst gave ) them circulation. Futnor Corbott mot County Commissioner O'Kcoffo yesterday on the street near the Puxton , and n ruthor exciting dialogue ensued. For Homo ri'iison Father Corholt seemed to believe that Mr. O'ICcoffo hnd In formed liUhop Bouncuiu with reguid to the allowed linmor.illty , and ho beo.imo very much exulted in conversation. Mr. O'KoolTo was not the least pcrturbnd , but quietly remonstrated with Father Cor- belt und said that thu strcot wnt not the place for the settlement of personal dllTur- enccH. Father Corbott vowed that ho would nee Mr. O'Kouffo uud those who had circu lated the stories about him burled politically beneath the ' .vr.vo.s of jiublln opprobrium. Mr. O'Kcefo reminded Father Corbott that political matters should not bo dragged into the church , but the latter declared that ho would pull on the ropes within his roach to defeat tbo political iv > i > lr.itlon ! > of these who had slandered him. UiBlmcy cures cutiirrn. Duo bldp. hl'AUhUI.VO I'AIIIt. Air. Illrklmiihttr Takes u llaiiil in Its Improvement. Chairman lUrkhauscr U getting back on the people who held the little niatlnoo up on Spaulding btrroL the other night. ' As everybody ICMOVYJOf ( ) loot of pavement washed out ut the liuursccllon of Spuulding nud Twenty-s < ) vonth street ? . The people asked the board of public works to repair the dan.litres. This wnn weeks ngo , but no attention bus born paid to thu appeal. Hlncu the blocks washed out , teams have driven on thu concrete base until that has been ruined. Saturday night the cill/cns In the neighbor hood held u meeting nnd afterwards pro ceeded to ono of the pools in the ntreet. Tbcro they sodded n park and In the lake that It on- flosud drowned In DllU'V the chairman of tlm board of tmbllo works. Thut gentleman \vas very Indignant , and Instead of taking any stops to repair the svroot. lias orduvod .Shu- man , who wu the li-ader of the nnrlilng party , to open up Iho Twoiity oventh street ditch at lib own oxi > cn > > o. Families not already supplied should loose nn tlmu in procuring a bottle of Chr.mbor- luln'b Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Homed v. It Is the only remedy that can always bu de pended upon for bowel complaint In nil Its forms , "r > nnd 50 cent bottles for aalo by druggixLs , Now Ijluo to UCN Molni'M * Commcnclnt , ' Sunduy , Muy 31 , the Clilcatjo , Milwaukee & St , 1'iuil nillway will OHUibllnh n through line of bloojiln curu between Sioux City anil Dos Moinud viu Madrid. I'tiBsoiigors ( ruin Oiiuihu undtho went can louvo OiniUiu ut ( iJO : p , m. , DQcuro tiloopinK cur uuuonimodations und tirrlvu in UCH MoIneH ut U u. in. Ho- turiilnp , leave Don /Molnus OMO p. in. , arrive OmnhuOMQu. in. Dining cars on both trains. Tlckot olllco , 1501 I'anuun atrcot. R A. NAair , Cion J. K. PltESTON , City 1'u.ijs. A \VICATIIKIl IMtOPIIKT. II n Plans n Itlff Htorin for Neliraskn Next Wook. A prophet has como up out of tbo east nnd presages dire calamity for Nebrnskn. Ho follows In thu footsteps of the notorious Wiggins nnd nmko * long rnngo predictions of violent dlUurbiuro.s In the circumnmbtent ntmosuhcre. If the predictions of the gen tleman nru to bo rolled on , it behooves the lit- habitants of the northern twctof tbo state to got to work with nil speed nud my lu n good supply of rnves nud deep collars. A postal o.ird conveying the Intelligence of the disaster to bo visited upon our prosperous stnto wns received to lay. The warning was couched lu the following tnuitungq : Hu-KKXsu'K , N. J. , Julv HI. To the Editor of TIIK UHK Donr Sir : Toll your readers to bo nu thu lookout for n tornado on July 'JO , In the northwestern part of your stnto. A. J. DuVAi , Meteorologist. The mysterious communication wits shown to the projldtni ; genius In t tie weather ofllco up under the roof of the federal building. Observer Welsh looked the missive ever cnrofully nnd laid It In disgust , re marking : "That follow evidently got his wonderful Information out of nil nlmnunu. Ho had bettor go nnd join bauds with Wig gins mid tnko the lecture stngo. If ho can predict torundoos ton days ahead of tlmu ho ought to hnvo u modal. " OP Intori'Ht in Mother * . The success of Mrs. Annie M. Ilonm ol MclCcosport , I'a , , In the " .rcutmunt of dlar- rhu-a In her children will undoubtedly Do of Interest to many mothers. She says : "I spent sovornl weeks In Johnstown , I'a' . , after the great Hood , on account of my husband being - ing employed there. VVe hnd several chil dren with us , two of whom took the tlinrrhuM very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Homed v from Hov. Mr. Ciiapmnn. It cured both nf them. I know of other cases whore It was equally as successful. 1 think it cannot lw excelled , nud cheerfully recommend It. " " 5 nnd 50 cent bottles for side by druggists. GOIiONKh TAYI.OIl'H The CIilol' of Police WniitH the Animal Itomovotl. Chief Soavoy proposes to tnko Cadet Tay lor's bull by the horus. No resistance Is an ticipate from the bull , but Mr. Taylor will probably object a line or two , The horns nbovo referred to ndorn the head of a mild- looking Taurus that occupies a place just over the entrance to the Globe loan and trust com pany's now bank nl Sixteenth nml Dodge streets , mm as In remodeling the building the entrance wns so constructed ns to take up u part of the sidewalk , the board of lire and police commissioners ordered the entrance nnd Mr. Taurus to come down. Mr. Taylor failed to obey the order served upon him , 'nnd now Chlof Sonvoy has tiled a complaint ngnlust him charging him with obstructing the sidewalk. Air. Tavlor holds that several other buildings in the city are constructed in n similar manner , nnd that the council gave them permission to use a portion of thu sidewall - wall : . The police board takes the view that the council had no right to grant permission to violate an ordlmuicc. f yrii | of KifiH , produced from the laxative nnd nutritious juice of California figs , combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bu most bonollcial to the human system , acts gently ou the kidneys , liver nnd bowels , effectually cleansing the system , dUpolllug colds and headaches and curing habitual constipation Ulilit u-y Aiattcr.s. Colonel Hughes , Dr. Ruche nud Lieutenant Hoe will leave next week for Fort LowU , Colorado , to inspect the post prior to making arrangements for Its abandonment and gale. The buildings nt the post will bu sold lu Oc tober , nnd the- company of troops now sta tioned there will bo transferred , in all proba bility , to Arl/ona. General Hrooko expects to htnrk next week on u tour of inspection including Fort Lognu , Colorado , recently added to the dopnrt- mont , and some others of the extreme west ern posts. Principal Musician Jessie F. Roberts , of the Twonty-lhst Infantry band , will , uiion his own application , bu discharged from the service on October i i. 'When your heart Is bad , nnd your head Is bad , and you nro bad clean through , what is needed ! " tisltcd u Sunday school teacher of her class. "I know Ayor's Sarsapanlla , " answered a little girl , whoso mother had re cently boon restored to health by that med icine. A llazor UndiiIIIn Pillow. Mrs. Whitman , wife of n colored barber , had her husband arrested Monday attor- nooa in Justice Hart's court ou a puaoo war rant. She alleged that her husband had threatened to kill her and had been .sleeping with u razor under his pillow. In the trial of the case It was shown that the throats and tbo razor act belonged to a.iclont . history , having been thu result of n row In thu Whit man family .several years ngo. Whitman wu < accordingly released. People lu general snould know what's best to do in case of a sudden attack of bowel complaint. It Is n well established fact that prompt relief may bo hnd In nny case of colic , cholera morbus , dysentery or diarrhoea by giving u few doses of Cbnmberlalu's Colic , Cholera niul Diarrhoea Heinody. It nets quickly , can always bo depended upon nnd is pleasant to take' . The Atliletto CluI ) House. The permit for the erection of the $0,000 brick and stnno club house for the use of the Omaha Athletic club was Issued today. The building Ls located on Harnoy street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Parent * Head TliiH. July and August nro anxious months for mothers who carefully watch ever their llttlo ones. Hot days nnd frequent changes of temperature an ) liable to produce cholera merlins. How .satisfactory It should bo for parents to know that Hallur's Pain Par.ily/.cr is both a pleasant and affective remedy for all summer complaints , It soothes anil re lieves nil pain aud griping and always olTecU ) n complete cuio. ' DcolHlon In Favor ol' tlio Milwaukee & St. Paul Uy. The now palauo uloopiiiK1 cars of the ChidifTP , M'ihvaukeo & St , Paul Ity , with olcotrlo lights In every bortli , will L'oiitinuo to lonvo the Union tlopul , Omahn , nt 0:20 : p. in. , dally. lJiitmoiiirorB tnlilnj ; this train avoid tninnfur ut Coun cil JilulTs , ami arrive in Chicago at ! ) : ! ! ( > u. in. , in uinpltj tltno to nmico all oaHtora eoniK'oHons. Ticket olllno , 1W11 Karnain Hlrcet. L'A. . N.vsir , K. J. PKKSTOX , ( Jonoml City I'twhotifjor A trout TiNSTKUMKNTS uhwod on ra.JorJ . July M , W\llltArVTIf UKICIH. Ilensna land nymlluiito to A M Walton , | nt 2l nnd 22. liIU'J.1 , UOIIMMI . t BOO O 1' llornaid lo Clinton Oiciitl , lot II , . blk I. hliurldiin place . iVM ) b Sl'nrlls and wlfo to A 11 lliilllgini , lot IT. Kelly's add . 390 N A Clir.iUunMui und \tlfotn H I'Ulilnnil , Hill fiMitof n UI rent lotH I and i1 , blk T , Orchard Hill . l , 0 ! : T t'.illulmn nnd lfu In K 1) Mo.idlm- lior. iotn. Idk'A KoilnUu pliiru . JD.OCO K I ) Mi'-idlinbnr und wlfu 'o IMw Ualla- han. und it n W feet , loll , blk IT , Uiiuihu . 0 Siunu ID W V l-'iilliihniii Hiinii ) . I7 , . 'JO Jiihn NiiUon and lfn to Julin UKcn , lot li' , blk 5 und loliM , blUIl , Alhrlght'x unmix . , % Oi'orgo lidlfus and lfo to Jacob nnd Ainiillii Scluit'ssliir , H ! > H tautuf u I fcut lot u , blk 13. liiiproviMiivi'.t UHvxjlallun iidil . I,1M Jeriiiuii KucL'k nnd wlfu tn.Ir.iiih | Hc-hllt/ bru-.vln ; ; uoiiipiiny , Cu ( t lot 6 , blu II , K'r.nnt/oilit ndd . 0.500 II O Sin Uli and wf | io 11 3 Hughe * , lot III , blk 4. Hilmi'sndd . 3,100 J U Wl'l ! , to It II Wlllli. lotL' , blk I , I'oi- lar'sadd . , . . 3,0:0 : QUiV Ct.\IU Mary I'odiirson et H | to. ) H fJliri u ti biv i'Mi-i : . nnd ii n vr UM.V.II . J K Itoyd. Hhcrlft , to Muruumt Knkle ! > , Jots I ) , lAitnU 19 , blk V. luts ilnnil 4 , bid , Wmt AlbrlKht . . . , . 370 BBIIHI lo I' J TlKlin , jot 21 , blk 4 , Al- tjrUht'i Annex . tin i-niiii ) lo .1 O I'reicoU , vr 'M ft lot 3. und n W ft lot . blk I. I'oiin I'lacU . 810 HIIIIIU to Hnimial 1'riiyu , lot ? , hlk il , Walnut llill . . . . . . . 3tt Toul iaountof ,1 7U.CJ-