THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : \TOJNESI > AY , JULY 15 , 1801. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : NO. 12 PEA KL STREET. Ccltrertii by Carrier ID any part of the City. . W. TILTON - MANAUEU. TKLEP110NE8J nuilncssOnicc , No. 43. Nleht Editor. N'o. 23. JliMTAOX , N. Y. P. Co. Council Illuffn Lumber Co. , coal , Craft's chattel loans , 204 Sapp block. If you want water In your yard or house fo to" Blxby'g , wrj Mcrrtam block/ A mnrrlntro license was Issued yesterday to Andrew J. Davis and Mngtflo Whltllcld , both of this city. Frank Carroll wns arrested yesterday on the charge of drunkenness and using bad language an the street. Bricks nro 'now being hauled to Washing ton avenue for the pavlnir of the street. Work will be commenced this week on the laying of the brick. Chris Anderson was arrested yesterday , charged with doing scavenger work without n license. lie will have n hearing this mornIng - Ing before Judge McUco. In pollco court vesterdav H. Allen and Ed Fchr , allaa If. Hcnson , wcro fined for In- toxlcntlon. James Wheeler , who was ar rested on n charge of vagrancy und gambling , will bo given a hearing today. Opposite the court house on Pearl street Is n largo vacant lot , with n luxurious crop of weeds growing on it. The weeds are an eye sore to the people who do business in the court housn and considerable complaint is being Indulged In , PJ.itl Ovrrton , owner of the yacht J. C. , Illxby , on Lake Mnnuwu , is out with n chal lenge to any other small boat on the lake , with the exception of tlio Psycho , for n race for any purse from $1 to $50 n side. The challenge Is only good for this week. * Shi-riff O'Neill went to Clnrinda yesterday irorning to take T. J. Boll , tlio Insane man who was captured on the streets last week , to the nsvlum. It is supposed that ho Is an escaped Inmutc of some asylum , but from what ono it has been Impossible to learn. Of the seven saloon keepers on Cut-Off Island for whom warrants were issod last week for carrying on tlio sale of litiUous , three have pnlo their tine , and two moro nro quietly reposing in jail awaiting their trial. U is not thought that there will bo any fur ther trouble with thorn. Tlio cases of Dr. F. P. Bellinger and his assistant , F. Grung , charged with practicing medicine without n permit from the state board of health , were continued in pollco court yesterday morning , by request of Dr. T Jiryson , tbo prosecuting witness. They will bo heard tomorrow morning. Tno western Iowa veterans' annual mootIng - Ing will be held In Dunlap today and tomor row. A number of delegates will attend from this cltv. Among the speakers will bo Judge J. H. Heed , Colonel J. J. Stcadmnn , Colonel D. B. Dailoy. Hev. G. W. Crofts , Major King and Major Bailey of this city. Adams' Map of History. I Bishop Vincent , chancellor of the Chau- tanqua university , savs of Adams' Map of History now being used at the Council Bluffs Chnutuuquu ; " 1 regard it as a most ingenious , compact and wondeiful device , admirably calculated to give a clear idea of contemuo- r.ineous oyonts , and to fix In the mind the general facts of history. It is n textbook , library of nlstory. a panorama and picture gallery all In ono. I cannot too emphatically commend his \vondsrful help. " i This Is heartily endorsed by all who have examined it. Klrcincii. Fireman Clutterbuck und Cnptain Cotter of the Fo. J hose toum on Lower Broadway had n light several nights ago , thopurtlculnrs of which huvo been kept from tho.public with n care worthy u bettor cause. At the tiroo of the disappearance of Flromnn Evans l eouplo nf weeks ago it scorns old scores rvcro rnkcd up with the most reckless aban don , nnd for somb reason Clutteibuck nnd Cotter could not hitch. A quarrel took plnco last Saturday nteht In wnlch Ciattcrbuck wns knocked down , and tbo report was thnt ho had lost several front ccth which , when lust seen , were Jn close proximity to Cotter's coot. The re port , Is denied by Chlci Levin so far us the teeth nro concerned , but for sonio reason or other Clutterbuck has disappeared , und all Incjulrors after him are told that ho is n homo taking cnro of his sick wife. Cotter It considered by the chief to Do ono of the bcss men In the company , and that fact prevents him from getting u scoring for hU loss of temper. Levin states that Cluucrbuclc Is simply taking n lay-off In tbo hope that when ho goes buck to work the captain will uppro- jcluto htm better , and things will run inoro Ifoothly. _ llntnl Chun-jcH llnmln. The Ogden house was sold yesterday by Messrs. Morse & Parmaleo for S > 0,000. John Dan forth was tbo purchaser. A largo amount of land formed the consideration , In cluding n tract near the Chntnuqua grounds nnd 440 acres in Harrison county. The change takes effect nt once , but the present , nmnngcmont will not stop out until Septem ber 1 , when Mutineer Whltnov's louse runs out. At that titno It Is rumored that F. T. True will toke the management In ctwrgo. The now owners expect to spend about $12- 000 in Improvements , nnd to run it in a iirst- cluss manner. Hear Ingalls tomorrow afternoon nt t'io grounds. Council Bluffs souvenir spoons nt Burhorn's Union Park races , Omaha nnd Councl HlulTs , September 8-11 , SO100 ! Octooor iiO-yj M.OOO. For programmes uddross Nat Brown Merchants hotel , Omaha. Superior Court Noton. The second decision was in the case of Council Bluffs & Omaha Transfer company against M. Saltsmann , which was taken to superior court on appeal from Justice Swear- iugcn's court. A Judgment for the defen dant was rendered for $112.50. . Arranulni ; a l\\n \ < Jmn ] > . Herr Kyle nnd S. H. Howe nro In the city trying to make arrangements for n balloon aiccnslon und parachute descent. They nro on their way toTncomn , and have a date open next Sunday , which they want to put In horo. They will try to mnko arrange ments for the ascension In FatrMount parker or a Munnwn , nnd If they can induce the jiptor company or the Manawn managers to ptlt up enough cash to pay their expenses they will stop ovor. Senator Ingalls will lecture tomorrow nfternoon nt Chnutnuquu on "Tno Problems of Our Second Cfcntury. " Ho Is ono of the keenest and most eloquent of speakers , and u treat U in store for those who attend. M. 13. Wethorbeo will run a carry-all line nnd will connect every thirty mlniite.4 with motor line on Upper Broadway for Chuutau- qua grounds each day from 0 a. m. to It p.m. Hound trip 23 cents. Gu.iollno und oil ; CODS , wood nnil coal : prompt delivery. L. U. KnotU , V7 ! Main , tolcphoni 'Ml Duy your furniture , carpets , stoves nnd household goods of Mundul & Klein , Council Bluffs. Prices -very low ; freight prepaid to yourclty. _ _ _ _ _ O. Younkcrinan & Co. , feed and commis sion , 103 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Tel. TT , Tlio l.oht Found. Little Joe Bcom , who wandered away from the resilience of O. W. Butts night be fore lust und was lost , wns found nt about midnight. The juvenile drum corps hud gone otT and lolt him , and ho had not the slightest Idea where to go to llnd his homo. All the men and boys In the neighborhood spent thu evening In the search , and at lust ho wus found on Sixth street , between Tenth and ICIevonth avenues , safe and sound , but frightened nearly to death. ' Senator J. J. Ingalls ot Kantas , Is ono of the finest orators In the country , Ho will lecture an "Tho Problems of Our Second Coutury" tomorrow afternoon at Cbuutau- NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS , Children's Day at Obautauqua Attracts Many Young Folks. MASS MEETING IN THE AFTERNOON , "Scholar In Politic * " Kloqiiently Din- Speaker Down Tor Thin Morning Will Not Appear .Music Yesterday was announced as children's day at Chntitauqua , and a largo number of children accordingly took advantagc of the announcement , although there was nothing especially adapted to them on the programme with the exception of n mass meeting of young people In the afternoon , which was addressed by a number of speakers. In the morning James Clement Ambrose lectured on "Tho Scholar In Politics , " to n good nudi- crico. Ho is an eloquent spo.ikor , and his effort was highly appreciated. In the even ing there wns a concert by the Stryk en Illaas Lust club , under the leadership of Prof. Charles Baottonsof Omaha. This club has appeared before Council Bluffs audiences before , but never did It do so to any better advantage than lust evening. The club pln.\ed together reraarknb'y ' well , showing n marked improvement since it was last heard hero in public. JJr. Emory Miller , who was engaged to lecture this morning on "Testa of Truth , " was found unable to stand his own test , and ho will not boon hand. The programme this morning will bo a blank , but for the usual class exercises. In the afternoon at 20 : ! ! o'clock there will bo a concert by thn assem bly chorus and tbo State band , under the di rection of Prof. C. C. Caso. This evening Mrs. Mary Lathrop will lec ture and Miss Baylss and Mr. Painter of Omaha will slnir. Caligrnph Wrltitg machine isthe best foa manifolding and for speed. Senator Ingnlls will lecture tomorrow afternoon at Chuutumiun on "Tho Problems of Our Second Century. " Ho l.s one of the keenest and wittiest ot speakers , and a treat Is In store for all who attend. All the banks and most of the other bu i- ncss houses will bo closed tomorrow , in order to give everybody a chance to hoar Ingalls. Change In CnjitaliiH. Colonel D. B. Dmloy has sent In his resig nation as captain of the Dodge light guard , and It has been accented. As stated In THE BKI : some time ago , the members of the com pany have selected Captain A. H. Scarff of Omaha as his probable successor. The com pany has extended an Invitation to the captnln to act in that capacity , and ho has .stated his willingness to do so. According to the rules of tlio militia , however , Captain Senrff Is not elliriblo to the position until ho has been u resident of the stnto for six months , so that the formal elec tion has not yet taken place. Ho will act as drill master ut present , and in the near future ho will move to this side of the river and engage In business. The boys are concratu- lating themselves on their good luck In secur ing the services of Captain Senrff. Ho was formerly captain of the Omaha guard , and under Ills leadership It was very prosperous. Use Hullor's German Pills , the great con stipation and liver regulator. Senator J. J. Ingalls of Kansas Is consid ered one of the finest orators in the country. He will have a packed bouse at the Chau- tnuqua grounds tomorrow. Drs. Woodbury , dentists , 30 Pearl street , next to Grand hotel. Telephone 145. High grade work u specialty. Pianos , organs , C. B. Muslo Co.,539 B'way. Don't wear a heavy , ill-fitting suit when you can got elegant sununcr suits and eastern prices at Heller's the tailor , 310 Broadway. Cuuulit a Horse Thief. A constable from Mlndcn was In the city last evening , having In tow Frank Hutan , who is charged with having stolen a line team of horses and a carriage from Kcasch's livery stable In Mlndeni Last Monday ho hired the _ team and went out for a drive , but fulled to return. Telegrams were sent out after him and at last no was' located In Shelby county. An ofllcer was at once sent to bend him off , and bo was captured. Ho was taken to Mindcn yesterday and given a preliminary examination , after which he was bound over to await the action of thq grand Jury on the charge of horse stealing. Ho was unable to give ball and was brought to this city for safe keeping in the county juil , where 'he occupies a berth in the steel cylinder. " _ DoWitt's Little Early lliscrs for the liver. Senator Ingalls is one of the greatest attractions of the Cbuutuuqun programme this season. _ Wanted In private family , a nlcoly fur nished room for sltiglo ontloman. Must bo facing or near Bavllss park. Address P.O. box43- ' , Council Bluffs. Swanson Music company , 335 Broadway. . * Picnic at Manhattan beach , LakoManawa- good fishing , line bathing und boating ; plenty of shade ; best place for camping out parties. Try It. Indians Defeated. An Interesting game of ball was played yesterday afternoon nt the Union Driving park by thr Models of this city und a club from the Pine lildgo agency , Sioux reserva tion. The Indians wore genuine Sioux and did their coaching In a language that rJsem- bled Chinese. Besides this they succeeded in putting up u very good gan'O ' of ball , the pltcherbolng etpeclally lino. They were not able to cope wttn the Models , however , and the score nt the close of nine hotly contested Innings stood 7 to 3 in favor of the Models. The game was witnessed by a fair crowd of baseball cranks. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething softens tbo gums aim allays all pain. 5 cents a bottle. Drs. Stewart and Patty , veterinary sur geons ; 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs , lu. Try Duguotto ft Co.'s pomoiia fruit Juice tablets. They are delicious. Arrested for llnrtia Stealing. Dan Cnrrlt'g swore out a warrant In Jus tice Cone's court yesterday charging John Madden with stealing n horse and buggy from his burn , A warrant was Usuod and Madden was arrested by Constable Evans. Ha was released on ball and his hearing was sot for tins aftarnon at 'J o'clock. Madden admits taking the team , bu ho claims thnt ho did so with Carrigg's ' permission. He says he went to Carrlgg and usited for the use of the team to go to Chautauqua or some other moral place , and Currlu'3 granted his request. Ho thought ho wns hardly accountable for what he said at the time , however , and supposed that he hud forgotten his promise * . He Hcemod very much surprised when ho was told by the oIHcor what ho wns wanted for. All Alumni lor Col lax. Fer health and recreation seek tlio waters and rest of Col fax Spring , Iowa. The Chi- cugo&Koclc Island Is selling round trip tickets from Council Buffs und return for $7,00. A. T. Elwell , ticket ngoiit. No. 10 Pearl street. Spoiled Ilia run. Ed Lav In , Pottuwattamlo county's solitary smallpox patient has been living with n givat deal of satisfaction to himself and something of an expo iso to the county in the pest bouse for Just tlfty-one days past. Ho has enjoyed his rest from the cares of an active business UIo very much , the ocly cross ho was com- pelted to bonr being the small allowance of wnlsky the that was allowed him by the county officials. Ilia good time came to an end yesterday , however , and ho was thrown out again upon the world to earn his llvlnt ; by the sweat of his brows. Dr. Thomas , who has cared lar Lavln , nil during his conllnomcnt , nays that the case was n very light one , and his patient could hnvo been discharged some time ngo had It not noon for the panic which his liberation would undoubtedly have caused the public. Ho thinks that on the whole It was the best thinir that could have boon done to keep him In limbo until all traces of the disease passed away. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Try Duquette & Co.'s Pomona fruitcough tablets. They are delicious. Hotel Gordon , mou centrally located first- class house in city ; straight * J a day. Drs. Stewart ft Patty , veterinary sur guons , 45 Fourth street , Council Bluffs , la. Will I'ulld Next Month. E. E. Sanford of Springfield , Nob. , Is about to erect a brick building on tbo corner ot Bryant street und Broadway , where L. Kinnehnn's boot and shoo store now stands. It will bo throe stories high and will have a frontage of twenty-one feet on Broadway and sevonty-Jlvo foot on Bryant street. The lower lloor will bo used for store purposes , and the two upper stories for ofilces. The building now occupying the site will bo torn down about the tirst of next month. It has stood there for thirty y&urs past , In nil of which time , the owner says , ho has not lost n month's rent. The postofllco and the Nonparlcl wore nt one time located there , and the touring down of tlu > structure will remove ono of the old landmarks of the city. _ A telegram has been received announcing that Installs will bo here without fail this ' evening. and will lecture tomorrow afternoon at the Chnutauqua grounds. The Chicago , Kock Inland and Pactllo Will run trains to the Chautnuqua grounds July 1U to'Jl , inclusive , as follow.s : L'cavo Council Bluffs : 0:10 : n. in. , 7:50 : a. m. , tO : ( n. m. , 10:3J : a. in. , 1:30 : p. in. , 4:00 : p. m. , 0:37 : p. m. , 7:30 : p. in. Leave Chautauqua : (3:10 ( : n. m. , 3:20 : n. m. , 8:55 : a. m. , 11:30 : a. m. , 2l0 : ! p. m. , 5:35 : p. m. , 0:15 : p. m. , 10:15 : p. m. Special train Thursday Ingalls' day and Saturday traveling men's day nt 12:30 : of rhirncter. There Is perhaps nothitm on the Chautau qua grounds that gives more pleasure and prolit tlian the games of character. Mrs. Aldan ( Pansy ) says of these games : "They cannot fail to Interest and profit the old as well as the young. The student of history , geography , etc. , can hero llnd amusement mid healthful fun. I would I could persuade many families whom I know to llnd in these games their entertainments ratncr than In certain other amusements so called. " VAl'IVKKU A Yomift Women I five Their Assailant Into an Ofllcer' < Arms. Pi.UNTni.i > , N. J. , 14. Miss Harriet Rich ardson , who lives nt her father's house in Uaco street , North Plalnllcld , had a young woman friend , Miss Delia Lathrop , visiting her over Sunday. The young women bad been having a pleasant ovenlnvr , entertaining cullers , and It was late when tbo last guest had gone and they hud retired. They were were Just dozing off when they wore startled by hearing tlio crash of a window pane. Then they hoard the window slowly raised , and in an instant a man leaped into the room. The girls were almost paralvzed with fear and were absolutely unable to cry out. When the man began to attacK Miss Hicbardson her companion sprang at him. The girls fought liereely. They soon saw that they wore struggling with u negro. The vigorous attack confuted the man. and bo ran to the open window. Ho stooped on the roof of the porch and lot himself down , to the ground. The screams of the girls attracted the attention of Marshal Hutlcdgo , who was on his beat. The assailant ran directly into his arms. Ho gave bis name as Samuel Johnston , and said ho came from Newark. Ho was examined and sent to the Somcrvillo Jail to await the action of the grand jury. COULOA'T WAST TILL , HUB DIEIt \ Woman Gives a Church a Thousand on ilcr Deathbed. . NEWCASTLE , Pa. , July 14. The Eoworth Methodist Episcopal church has just received a legacy of $1,000 In a very peculiar way. Mary Groor was an eccentrio old lady of nearly four score years. About four weeks ago , feeling that her time hud come , she sent for her lawyer and a friend to make her will. She first asked to bo carried to a woodshed In her yard , and there she pulled aside some rubbish and disclosed a can containing $ -1,000 in gold , Then the old lady was carried into the house again und made n will bequeathing $1,000 to the church und $500 to the Newcastle hospital. Itso that publio bequests made within thirty days of the death of de cedent do not hold in law and the good Methodists became a little anxious as Mrs. Grcer became weaker , Ono day Pastor Squires called on tbo dying woman and in formed her of the provisions of the statute , suggesting that If she desired the church to have the $1,000 beyond question she had bettor pay the money over before her death. This she did and ho gave bis receipt and the congregation U richer by that amount bud poorer by the less of a devout worshlupor. III' A Ji > < H.lUK3l.ix. AVIIIIam nrcnnan Shot Dead and Hit ) AVile Mortally Wounded. JisnsBY CITV , N. J. , July 14. William Brcnnan and his wife Liz/lo were shot at their homo at Jersey City Heights early this morning by Policeman Hyorson. Brcnnan wns killed outright and uls wife mortally wounded. Ofllcor Uyerson claims ho had to use 111" pistol to save his own life. The tragedy was the outcome of a murderous as sault by Bronnan upon the policeman who killed him. Mrs. Bronnan also took part In assault upon Hycrson. I'lungcd Into n Itavlno. SPOKANE FAI.I.S , Wash. , July 14. A local freight coming Into the city over the North ern Pacillc , last night , crashed through a high trestle and plunged into a ravine below. There wore flvo treight cars and a caboose , and the wreck was a frightful ono. Fireman Michael Flaherty was so badly hurt that ho died after being removed from the wreck. Headmaster Spoor was probably fatally hurt , but the other trainman and passengers es caped without serious injury. Two of the cars were loaded with horses and cattle the most of which were killed. Found a I\\K \ Shortage. OIAF.V , 111. , July 14. The committee ap pointed by the county board to Investigate the county books for the last ten years has made a partial report. The books began with were those of the ox-county treasurer , Frank Cilllesplo , now postmaster of this < ; ity. The report from 1SSO to ltxS5 shows a shortage of about f9.000 of county funds alone. These only include a little over half of his term. Ih-i board ordered the commitloo to go over the school funds. Thorn ! Colorado Gr.iRNhoppcrA. TOI-HKA , Km. , July 14. Persons arriving heio from eastern Colorado brine Information that the grasshoppers there nro not the red- legged variety which devastated Kansas In Ib74 , and are not destructive. Private dispatches - patches from Norton , ICnn. , say the grasshoppers - hoppers In Flnnoy und Kearney countliM nro doing considerable damage to gardens and orchards , Small grain U too fur advanced to bo greatly Injured , To Unite the Twlim ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 14. The first stop toward the union of St. Paul and Minne apolis was taken by the chatnbor of com * morco yesterday In the adoption of n resolu tion appointing n committee of seven to con fer with a committee of the Minneapolis hoard of trade upon the best measures of bringing about u permanent union. II I ! I Constipation poisons the blood ; DeWltt's ' Little Karly Hisers cure constipation. The cause removed , the dUeaso U gooo. HE IS SLOW \YirirfE \ | ) BOOKS , 1 II / Complaint at Haitlnga fOoicaralng the Movements of the Expdttf Examiner. SOME STARTLING FACTS .OVERLODKED , What tlio Stiprrlntciulijn't ' Might Ilnvo Told IP I'ut on tlio'i ' Stand Other IntereHthfe Stnto Mutters. , Nob. , July 11. [ Spaelnl to TUB BIB. : ] It li reported hero Hint thnro Is not tlio celerity displayed in thn examination o ( tbo books at the Insane n ylum that there might bo. However , the citl/cns lioro np- provo of nny examlnntlon , no matter how slow Ills , so [ OUR i it Is fair. It M wondered lioro why the driiRgUt who stood In with Dr. Test Is not put uuon the stnnit. It Is not belloveJ that ho would com mit perjury , and if ho only tolls all ho Knows it Is assorted thai there would bo developed sonio startling facts in regard to the corrup tion of certain members of the lotflslnturo. There nro a nurabor of citizens hero who posi tively clcclnro that not only the druggist but also the baker might bo nblo to tell somo- tiling about the corruption fund of STOO raised for members of the legislature and to secure the passage of the deficiency bill for the asylum. A number of well known citi zens say that when the corruption fund was being raised that iho druggist and the other follows interested in It assured the merchants upnrouchod that In case the bill was passed the money contributed would bo returned. In two or three instances it is known that contributions have actually been made good and It is therefore sup posed that all contributors to the corruption fund have received back the amount contributed by them. Now not only the citizens of Hastings , but it is safe to assume that all the taxpayers of Nebraska , would like to know from what source these funds wore drawn to repay these contribu tors. If the state of Nebraska paid those fellows. It Is u mod that the cilUuus of the state should know it. This Is the reason thnt there is considerable speculation as to whether the druggist will bo called on to testify. _ Chiulron News \otcs. Ciunnos , Neb. . July 14.--Speeial | to THE Bcc. ] A severe storm of rain swept over the western portion of Dawos county lost night. Ash Creek , a small tributary of the White river , was so swollen by the waters , that bridges were carried away and a fine horse belonging to John MuCauley was drowned in the Hoed. William Shulzo , n farmer living at Esther had Jive horses killed by lightning. They were huddled together near a wire fence , and wore all killed by the fcntno bolt. Thus fur there have been about $1,100 of hail looses adjusted by the companies represented In Chudron. Everything points loan early und bountiful Irrvost , and the people are in good spirits accordingly. School Nob. , .luly 14. ( Special to Tin : BIK. : ] Tlio board of education organized last night by electing J. E. Curtlss , moderator ; J. D. Jenkins , director , and W. J. Price , treasurer. The corps of teachers are : J. H. Graham of Chillicotho , III. , superintendent and principal ; Miss Oll.i Scott of Lewis , la. , grammar aoDiirtmont ; Mrs. C. M. Cook , first Intermediate ; Miss Laura Dock ; control primary , Miss Viola E. Ifftrrnr ; south primary. Miss Nellie M. Curtiss ; north primary , Miss May Palmer. Fremont Business FJIBMONT , Neb. , July 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKI : . ] There was a surprise In business circles this afternoon , caused by the transfer of Frank Scott's parlor grocery stock to E. H. Monroe for the sum of $7,000 , tbo price given by the bill of sale. The transfer is a conundrum to every one as no hint hud been given that Mr. Scott was on the verge of disposing of his stock. Tno negotiations were closed Into this afternoon and Mr. Monroe is now in possession. Teachers Selected. Lour Cm' , Nob. , July 14. [ Speciil to THE BEE. ] The teachers selected by the now school board today wore : Prof. A. T. Mar tin of Independence , la. , as superintendent , and Louis W. Wool , grammar department ; Miss Ella Long , Intermediate ; Miss Myrtle Williams , second primary , and Miss Lilllo Nightingale , primery. This Is an entire now lot. ot teachers with the exception of Miss Long , who taught the grammar department lastyear. _ Broken How l.nivycr Dend. BIIOKKN Bow , Nob. , July 14. ( Special Telegram to TIIK BEU.J I. N Atkinson , an old and highly respected citizen of this county , died yesterday of apoplexy. Mr. Atkinson practiced law hero for n number of years , but for the last two years has been living on a farm near Oerwyn. His remains will bo taken to Fillmore county. The funeral will bo token in charge by the Grand Army of the Republic. Installation at O.socoln. OSCEOM , Nob. , July 14. [ Special to THE Bne. ] At the regular mooting of Uislng S. tar lodge , No. 75 , I.O.O.F. , last night the fol lowing named olllcers wore installed by S. W. ( iiisheo , acting deputy grand muster : T. H. Saundurs , noble grand ; V. H. Clark , vice grand ; George H. McCoy , secretary ; J. ICarror , treasurer , and n host of other offi cers too numerous to mention. After the Installation refreshments were served. Alllniiuo HalcKittcH Named. FAIUIIUUV , Nob. , July 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun. ] The farmers' alliance of Jefferson precinct held their primary this afternoon and nominated the following per sons for delegates to the convention to bo bold here on July lb : Judson Clark. II. Erwln , J. Schultz. P. P. Monon , J. L. Ken nedy , A. A. Pearl , S. C. Ingrabam , F. Hue ano'W. M. Armstrong. Isn't Itencly to Hnport. LINCOLN , Nob. , July 14. ( Special Tele gram to THE BKE. ] Lcavltt , the export nc- . countant employed by the board of public lands and buildings to examine the books at the Hastings usvlum , reports to the board that ho cannot complete the , Work for a week. The board therefore held' ' no meeting today , and further investigation was postponed until Leavitt should report. llohvy llnrvrnt. HUITINOTONNob. . , July 14. [ Special to TUB. BKR.J The Initial woTk of emi of the heaviest harvests over knpwn In northwest Nebraska has commenced. ! Harvesters are nt work in a number of early ripened rye and barley Holds. It Is but the preliminary skirmish to the actual Imprest which will bo Inaugurated in tbo wheat and eats Holds next week. , Palriiioiint Hootl bfrer Caught. FAIHMOU.NT , Nob. , July/14. / ( Special to TIIK BUK. ] Louie Tyfun J bettor known In this city as Sing Lee. thaccle.stiul who pro- filJea over the city laundry , was taken to ' Omaha tbls morning bjy'u deputy United States marshal , on the charge of bootlegging ardent spirits. _ I'rotrfHH of the Alliance. STKIII.INCI , Nob. , July 14. Special Telo- cram to TIIU BnK.1 The organisers of the citizens' ' alliance wore here yu-itoriUy a nd worked tl'o town und got about twenty to sign their paper und on Saturday night a citizens' alliance was orgnnlzod , Most of the members are old greonbacko , graua'or3 , TRAVELS A LONG DISTANCE , Who would IIHVO thought that the C irlsbiul Sprndol Springsciin bo brought from Kuropo to Ainoi'k'u ; niicl yotyou eui ; obtain Culsbiul Sprudul Salt lioro ut every drutr store , which contains all the solid constituents of the wutar. Do not bo Imposed upon by unttorupulous donl- ors. Insist upon the fjouuluo imported article. 3Hlt HI Kit. BTIIFNOTII-OUAC R-ltRiiplly uiiltcil In Urn F Kind I iv Head Wntfon , In the proicnco ot thotunmlt nt tulniin-m , All Strnuth uml True Oruco. At homo \Velr-Shnnnrt U > > . , iiflrr June 1st. : * * For the result of thU happy union look at this exquisitely brauttfu now novelty , the Mght , Uracofnl , Strong 3 4 on With either grained body and gear or carmine gear and blaok body , solid panel under the seat Inathei-orel > th fancy trimmings. Ion ? sprlncs with hoary curves the whole uvercuintngabselutoly tuo great objection to ro.ul wnguns their heavy and clumsy upponrutici ; , uml unit * Ing streiiBth , beauty and pracc. Send for for catalogue and description or the Now Itlco Celled Pprln , ; Carriage , "Tlio Drummur's 1'rlend , " and other new and t.ililnjf novel tiesVe guarantee better values than any other house In the west , WEIR SHUGART CO. , Council Bluffs , la SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. W ANTii-llri : ) nt boarding house , S."J civcnth avenue. Council HlulTs. _ _ HOUSE thnt can boat 2IK , line bred. Will Mill or trade , Address or call on 1) . Brown , Ii2 west Ilioachvay , Council lllnlTs. 1'OK SAM < A line piece of Burden und fruit land , ut { JO pur acre. Johnston & Van- 1111 ten. _ _ OljAlllVOVANTnml sytOioinetrle , or char acter readings ; also diagnosis of disease. iiond lock of hulr for ruudlnes liy lottar. tinn- f.iys and evenings. Mrs R Hooper. 14'J ! Avo- due 10 , near corner loth street , Council UlulT , Terms. SJo und JI.OJ. MAOMKIOHNTucrouroiiurty lu tlvp-nero 1 1 acts , louutod 2ti inllos from postollloc , for sale on reasonable terms yomu line resi dence property for rent by Iuy& Moss. . or Kent Qanloa land. wltb houian , uy J. U. lUoa. U ) < iUta it , OouaoU Bluffi 27 MAIN STI113I5T. Qvor O. D. Jacqucmln & Co. . Jewelry Steer or followerr ot other side Issues and ii few good republicans and a scarce quantity of democrats. As this county is strong alliance there are two candidates for probate judge and ono for sheriff already materializing in the newly born citizens' alliance. Elmwood'u PoHtmiiKtor EI..MWOOD , Nob. , July 14. ( Special to Tun Bnc.l A , U. Mayfleld sent in his resigna tion as postmaster today , and with it wus : i petition unanimously signed , asking the ap pointment of Kev. Cyrus Alton to till the vacancy. A Now Move. Leslie & Leslie. 10th and Douglas. C. J. Frico , Mlllard Hotel. W. J. Hughes , -J321 Farnam , 0'34 N. 10th. J.V. . Clark , S. iiflth & Woolworth avo. A. Shroter , ISli't Furnam. All the above named leading druggists handle the famous Excelsior Springs , Mls- ourl , waters and Sotonan Ginger Ale. MOXH Ttit COXFLA ( i It A TIOX. Disastrous Flro Uajron at Montreal Some Fatalities He-ported. MONTIICAL , July 14.The most disastrous conflagration Montreal has witnessed for years begun shortly before midnight in tbo great lumber yard of Profontalno , Brosscau & Co. and spread with tremendous rapidity. A wholosquure , bounded by Paplneou roudSt. Catherine strcctShaw street , Kent street , und Joseph Lane was destroyed. A number of firemen nro reported badly burned , and some fatalities are reported. The Humes wore finally gotten under control. The loss will nrobubly amount to $500,000. PiTTsnni.n , Mass. , July 14. Bracken's now brick block burned this morning. The building wus occupied by a numoor of stores and carriage factories. The loss is about $100,000. _ _ Yard's Hearing Continued. PIIIMI > KM'IIA | , Pa. , July 11. H. II. Yard was brought into court this morning on an attachment for contempt in fulling to heed the order in the court directing himtonppoar before the city council investigating com mittee and answer questions regarding his connection with the transactions of the Key stone national bank and with Ex-City Treas urer iiurdsloy. The Judge , after hearing the arguments , continued tbo case until Satur day next , so that the entire court could give a decision on it. Yard was placed under $5,000 , bail to appear that day. New United I'rcHbytorlan Church. PITTHIH'IMI , Pa. , July 14. At n mooting of the East End Presbyterian church It was resolved to organize the Seventeenth United Presbyterian church. Rev. O. B. Milllgan , ono of the ministers recently expelled from the Church of the Koformod Presbyterian synods for heresy , was chosen pastor. About seventy-five members Joined the now congregation , IynoIiMt Without CIIIIHP. NtsiiviM.K , Tenn. , July M.-A lynchln without any apparent cause occurred last night at Love , a small station on the Illinois Central railroad In Do Soto county. The victim was a negro named Samuel ( iillosplo , under arrest for rescuing another man in charge of an oflicor. Up Old Stock. EFFINQIIVM , III. , July H. The township has just sold Its $ . - > 0,000 stock In the Vandulla railroad for 10 cents on the dollar. There are efforts beliife made by eastern parties to buy this stock from all the municipalities along the lino. It is believed the road is gottint ; its old stock out of the way. Prohibition on Corners. Sr. PETKIISIUMO , July 14. The govornorof Nlzhno Novgorod h warned the committee of the exchange thnt speculators forming cor ners to raise the price of gr.iln or otherwise trading on the growing nocossltio * of the people ple will bo punished and driven from his Ju risdiction. For Schlltz beer upply to II. ft. Orott lo"OPurnnm. I'-avor tlio ST. Louis , Mo. , July 14. The question as to whether or not the glass blowers associa tion will leave the Knights of Labor und the American Federation nf Labor was referred to a special committee to report later on. A poll of tbg dolo'Mtoi showed over ono half of them favored the amalgamation. Train ut Ills .Jnurnoy'H Mud , SHATTI-K , Wnsn , , July 14. Clttien ( leorpo Francis Train arrived here last evening and loftut midnight for Whatcom , thu end of his Journey , where bu will arrive today. Ho U lu high aplrlla over beating uU former record , " ' " * M ' " * . ? < * ? yafZ ' - " - = ; - "VW e . TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , G. A. Scnoodsack , Proprietor , Offices 621 Broadway , Council Bluffs and 1521 Far-nam St. , Omnha. Dye , clean and refinish floods of every description. Packages received at either office or at the Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. Council Bluffs. Send for price list. Merchants who have shop-worn or soiled fabrics of any charuutor can hnvo them redvoil ' and llnishoil equal to now. BED'PISATIIKRS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BV STEAM , with tbo lutest and most approved inuchinory , at less cost than you ever paid before. ( Mlinq 0 a t ORDERS GUM HaiiKCs $0.O mid $1O.OO. Some olciritnt KUM stoves. Gits company's nro asking J.UOO to $30100 for .similar poods. Don't full to sou us before buying a gas stove. Tlio Wonderful Now Process Vapor stove. The gas It uses costs only 45 cents pur l.UOO feet. ' Tlic Victor Hlcyolo Wins all the races , Their wonilorful cushion tlio makes the other fellows chunuo their minds. They all talk cushion tire loud enough now. There Is no gni'ss so or don't know about the Victor. Guaranteed from first to last. At ore Durable , Knnl < ; r Put on , the fastest : im ! easiest rid I MR tire ever used. It Is patented und not nsod by any other concern , Don't think that everything called a cushion tire Is good because the Vic tor uuMilon Is siifli : i lite success. Tburo nro good and bad In all things. If you wantii wheel InvoHtlRiito tlio Vlutor. Wo can fill all orders on L's and Its now. COLK & COLE. 41 Main street. The olnnilila Illcycfc. We have the best cushion tire iniido. Hut this is not thu only good feature of the old rullublu und popular l/oluiiihla. Invu-itlL'iito wlmtsnmo tinxL-riipuloiia dealers have to say for their wlieelx. The Columbia Is worth Its weight In gold , oven with "free sllvur. " . Do Without a KclVlffcrator. In hot wuutbcr It Is Impossible to do so und preserve your health und uomfort. Food can not bo prosurvod wltliont ( hin 'uions dutcrloi-a- tlon , In u L'ooUud or raw .stale , without refrig eration. You will llnd It more Impnsslliltt than ovur to do without this Important ml jiinotwlion you look at 'ho North Htar and limrn the prices . 'o will make for the nnxt thirty days. ( JitHolIni ! HlovoH , Ijuwn Mnworri , And cnrdcu hose ut lower llguii'S than you ever gel buforu. Kvury article sold Is the lir.'h- ebl Kraclu made ) . Screen doors und window sureens ut cost. Make your homes comforta ble ut little expense , V. C. DoVol. r.Ol Itromlway. They Miint Go at Cost. There Is no nsoof your endeavor ns to got nloiiK und ccoiioinl/i ) by doltiK without a re frigerator. Health and comfort cannut bo inaliifiliiod In the hoi summer weather und food propuny pruHurved without HOIIIO menus of prosorvliu u cool , dry ulmoiphuro. Thu now ( Juunisoy refrlirvrutor Is the world boater In every essential point , and from tills time on we propose to put them Into your houses at absolute cost. TnlH Is u bonii lido olfer that It will pay you to Investigate . Window HiircoiiH and Doors Oo ul the Hnmo prleu until our present lurxe Htoek i.s exImiiHtud. Tula Is your opportunity to provide yuur humus with theuu necessary comforts. All modern little labor-savin : and com'ort- p rod no us * novultles In the hurdwuiu line for minimer use will bo din posed of In the same manner. & Son , No. I 1 Main Hlruot , Council lllullH. W. C. ESTEP , 14 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Funeral Director nud Emtnlmer. /THBL QRAND , Council Bluffs , la. This Elegantly Appointed Hotal Is Now Open , George T. Phclps , Manager Gas Heating Stoves. No No SMOKE. Just the thlnx for bith : roomi , bed rno-iu , ot-i Cull uud sue our lur.'u assortmunt. C. B. Gas and Electric Light Co. 2111'eurl and 210 Muta Street , Lake Manawa Hotel , Attractions : I'lne. KlBhlni , Itoallnff , Ilath- Ini ; nnii Kxeellont .Mineral Water. Only fifteen minutes ride from Council HIiilTN. .Motor trains uvury half hour , dlreati to centers of Ooiincll Itluir.s and Oimtlm. .Most dellK htful und accessible place for picnic parties. TELEPHONE NO. 45. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. CAPITAL STOCK . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 70.000 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . . . . 225.000 iiiKirrous I. A. Mlllur , V. O dloaiou , R U Bhiik-art B. R HarUJ. U. Edmundsoii , Uharloi Ii. llunnan. UanlcItU bull- iiesi har < oit and urplui et a banklu Southwestern lo.vx TIM i DEP 331 P3. First--National--Bank : : * -OF- GOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , raid Up Capital , . . . . $100,009 Oldoit orK.mlioil b.uik In tlio cltr. Kurolvn nnj d niu < tlo isxcliuiuu uml luail aodlritlui. ISjpjuU nttimUonpililt' ' > ojllujiloni. AuoimtiDt lallvll uah. bitiki , l > , ink' ijllJUj-l < Jor resiiunilciHu Invltod. UltO. I1. HANfOlll ) , Pro < l < Ioat. A. W. ItlKKMAN , Cuhlor A. T. HIOK. Asilitu tCmtllor NEWOGDEN HOTEL. Centrally located in the business portion or Council Bluffs , all the street car Unas in the city passing the door. Modern and conven ient ; thoroughly fire proof ; 12O guest chambers. The best $2 a day liou-io in the west. Board and room from $ OO per month up. Table board $0 pep week. C. M. WHITNEY , Mgr. Dr J. H. CHAMBER-LIN Eye , Ear , Nosa and Throat SURGEON , Council HlulTs , la. Bhiitfart-Huno HMc. Koom 1. l ) to 112 m 7 und 8 p. in. COUNCIL llt.tJKKH Galvanized Iron Cornice Works , u tut A m , \ BON , pnora. 1O15 nncl 1O17 Broatlwnu ; , Kitlnmloi fiirnlihMl oil nil klmlt of ( lalvtiilioil Iron Ciirnlca Wurk. Iron Uooflnif , htoro r'runln am ) Copper Work. ArlUllo work n | mcl Hf. Corrn. puiiduncu ullclttxl rruia point * VJU uillui fruiu Cuuit Ul JlluD. anil Ouialiu.