THE OM-AHA PAITjY r WEDNESDAY , .JULY 15 , I80JL PLENTY OF CASH IN SIGHT. Baseball Enthusiasts Anxious to Ho tain Omaha's Pennant Ohawn. PLAYEfiS ALONE MAY CAUSE TROUBLE. The Knuohnll Tmifrlo About cnc < l Out President KrautlioITd Conl'croniio with Otnulin I.ovcra oftho Sport. President Ifrauthoff of the Wei tern Base ball association arrived In the cllv yesterday morning to see what could bo done In the way of straightening out the Omaha club cmbrogllo. Ho was mot nt the Pnxton by several prominent bushiest men , nnd thu whole sit uation was discussed at length. Thoio present - ont were Messrs. Garnoau , Gallagher , Mor risen , Hitchcock , Hnymond , Hall , Daughorty , Phllbln.McCord , Colpotzor , Paxton.O'Koofo , I Ion mi and MeShnno. II was virtually decided to keep the club hcronnd It Is now only necessary to complete certain arrangements already under way. There Is Httlo doubt , from the generous manner In which the businessmen of the city have thus far responded that It would bo possible to ralso > 0,000 for a now manage ment. Last evening , as predicted , the baseball en tanglement was about straightened out , despite the despicable machination of parlies who should bo In bettor business , and the Omaha baseball club will continue to do bus iness at the old stand , playing In Lincoln Thursday according to the regular schedule. The complexion of the team , however , will ho mnlorlallv changed , as Manager Shannon , Donnelly and McCauley Jumped to the Wash ington American association loam last night , and Twitchell nnd Sutcliffo loft for their homes In Columous. O. , and Wlieaton , III. , respectively. Sutcliffo says ho will return after n two'dnys' absence , but that is doubt ful , nno tlio probabilities nro that Twltcholl has Jumped , too. All of the contract breakers will bo blacklisted. But mo're of that in n day or two. The team has remaining of Its old men , Griflln , Halllgan , Walsh. Bnkor , Clarke , Eltoljorg and Traflloy and with these as a nuchlcus a strong team will bo completed yet today. The National leacuo and the Western association both responded to President " dent ICrautliofl's call for players last nig"ht , the leagua telegraphing a list of eleven , in cluding some of the best known men In the country mid the Western association with eight , from which Omaha is to select until she has a full complement for her team. Among the now players who will probably bu seen hero are Jack Fields of tbo Pitts- hurgs and "Lefty" Marr of the Cinciiinntis. Notnlug , however , is certain ns to the play ers ! but they will nil bo selected and report for duty within thirty-six hours. Fuller par ticulars will bo forthcoming in this iiftor- nonn's paper. Itlacl : IjiNt Promised. WASIII.NOTO.V , July 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun Br.K.J The National board , through N. E. Young , chairman , decided today that the attempted diabandmont of the Omaha club wns illegal , and that the attempted ro- loose of players should not bo rocogni/od. jt was decided that these players were stil1 under contract and bound to play out the scheduled Omaha comes. President Kraut- hod was Instructed to take charge of the players and to notify them that they wcro still under contract , nnd that unless they re ported according to the schedule , they stood subject to bo rendered forever ineligible. That Ticnellt Gntnc. The Omabas and Eden Muaccs played a game for the benefit of the Omaha players yesterday afternoon at the hall park. Tlioro were only about fifty people present nnd the players ronlbed f.'i.Il.'i each. Jim Cor- bett , the San Francisco pugilist , ola.vnd second base for Omaha , and by his line Holding surprised all. The score was lJo'G ! in favor of the Freaks. The bat tery for Omaha was McCauley nnd Trnflley nnd for the Musoo , Eiteljorg and Sutcllff. Wl-.S'lKllX A Ha OCfA T10X. .Lincoln Fans Kaunas City in a Most Approved Manner. LINCOLN , Nob. , July 14. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] The Lincoln baseball club braced up today and mndo llfo misornblo for the Cow Punchers. King Elmer Smith's glass arm glistened and scintillated In the glad sunlight for four innings this afternoon. In that tlmo the Fnrmcis had succeeded in amassing eight runs nnd ton hits. Swartzol who had been scratching 'round in loft Hold llko a hungry hen , was sent to the bench , Elmer to loft and young Johnson called out. The Formers Immediately wont to work nnd smothered the young man's prido. Eight hits with three pecks of errors yielded eight moro runs. The Cow Punchers plavcd ball llko men who had no love for life , while the Fnru.ers , who had been braced up by several flues , ate base hits , ran bases aiid batted splendidly. This Is what knocked : 1) . Itotto hit by battoil linll. til'UUK UV I.V.NINQS. Mncoln 1 1 3 0 3 R 1 1-18 Kansas City 1 4 BUMMAIIV. Knrncdrunn : l.lhroln.B. Two base liltn : Klnnn- enn , Hunt , Smith. Throw Imsu liltn : Itnnt. Mnniiliiv. Hue-rill hit : II. Howo. Double | iir | ; ! O'Day to J. llotrotn Klannirnii. Ural huso oil bulls ; O'Dar.S ; hniUlt , (1 ( ; Jolmnou , 3. Struck out : lly O'llay , 2 : by Pniltli , 2 ; liy Johnson , 2. I'utmiMl bull : \Vllnoi ) . Wild pitch : Smith. Tlmo : Two hours. Umpire : Kniallu. Hi-aood Up tlm HtiHlcrrs. Sioux OITV , la. , July 14. The reports of Omaha's disbanding scorn to have a stimulat ing ofToct upon the Huakors today , They played \vith Duluth nnd with two men crippled used thorn up by a score of 10 to 7. Mollalo was UnocUcd out of the box in the seventh and Inks nulMltutcd , hut without any good effect. Mould n was rather wild hut was touched up for only four hits : Score : 1 Total a-j 827 U 8 Total M 42114 S Hl'UltK IIV INMMIK. Bloux CUjr. 0 0400402 ' -10 Dulutli , , . , , .2 1 I 0 U t 0 i 0-T MTMMAUV. Karned rum : Sioux Cltr. 8. Thrno b > u liltti fitraiiH. BUill'li lia oa ; Hlunx City. 6 ; Dulutli , ' . ' . lloublo.ilar | i Munkln. flrnuu ; llarl * . Mchulion , V1ritbaioun4 > all > ! bloux Oily , V liiilulli , 6. lilt liv pltclKHl hull : Karlo , l.aUouuo. ( Siriii'k out ! Mr Moakln , ; by Inlm , a. I'assi'd Imlln : Kuril1. S : SIu- Mahon , I. W1IU iilli'lii'i : Mvakln , I : Mullnlo. I , Time : Onu hour anil tlftr-dve mlnutv . Umiilra : Uaffnejr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mllivnukon Downoil the MlllorH. MtNNr.\ , Minn.July 14. Milwaukee won today's game by errors of the homo team. Both pitchers wera in flno feather. Scoro. ) . UI MY A UK IK. All 111 I'O A I A11 111 I'll A E. Ward. Ib 3 I II 0 0 IIUTkO , cf. . . 8 0 0 0 0 ilcOlono , 3b. Puttlt , 2b , , , , 40040 UcQualil.U. . & 0 I 0 0 Hhoch , 30130 Allnnvbaa.a * i 1011 l > alryiuplulf 3 1000 Darlluir , o. . . . 30100 Kuril ) , tf 41200 lloagle , 2ti. . . 40280 , 4 1 IB 0 1 'rroailwairof 3 0 0 clirUiT , o , . S 1 3 2 0 JlltcbiJll.rf. . 4 0 0 U Alborti. Ib. . a 0 0 1 2 luk , d I 0 0 1 0 ' S 1 0 I 0 Total 91 4 24 II 2 Total 80 6 27 12 3 aCOllSlIV l.NNI.NUS. UlunaapolK 0 0 1 0 I 0 I 0 0 3 UIIwauk U 0000033 6 EUUUAIir. Ktrnpd ruuii MlonoapolU. 1. . Home runft Tread' way , Blok'ii baiv > Want. 1) ) McUloue , 1. IKjublu play * : Mlnnchan. Hcnulonnd Watd ) Dckn to Hen- KleloWnrd , Klrit banoon balls : Duke , 3j DaTlcfl. 8. Htruok null Hy lluka , Ts IMflcii , 5. 1'enod l > allm Darltnii , 2. Tlmpl Tno hours. Umplroi Httlof < _ Denver Slightly OfT. DKSVKII , Colo. , July 14. Denver wa ? given the game today , 9 to 0 , on account 6f Omaha' . * non-appearance , Omaha will piny here to morrow , however. Western ; \ flocliuloir n 1'lnjrod Won. Lint , I'er Ct. Omaha. . . . . M .41 i.'l . < & . ' Mllwnilkrm . 72 4't W / ' T Minneapolis . 7J 40 ! B V.I Lincoln . U : ; tl ! > . ' ' ( ! lty . 71 M : > 7 A'.n SlntlxUtv. , . , .7rt 111 Wl - < l'l Donvnr . : . . . , . . M Iff 41 'H7 Oillutl . 7j : 21 tO tf9 ! .ra < > . \ it. i. TuUo ( ho ClitntH Into Cnmp Without Much Trouhlo. Ci.nvnt.xxn , O. , July M. Cleveland out played the Giants in all points today. Young pitched u masterly Rama nnd but flvo hits wcro ni'iito ' of hU shoot * and curvd * up to the ninth tnnlnir. Mo t of the Giants' mlspl-iri resulted in runs nnd the bases on ball * wi-ro KC'ticniHy uoitly. lowing uauirht for the llrtit tlmo in weeks , but did not throw very well. Score : Olovcliind 1 . 0-10 Now Vorlt . . .o aoonooon 3 lilts : rioroluml. 8j N"o\r York. 7 Errors , Cleveland , .1 ; Sow York , C. llallnrloq : Vnuuit nnd.limner : Welch nud KwliiKKarnud runs : Cleveland , : i. run,1.1 KS wox n.\snr. , O. , July 14. The Phlladol- phlus wuro able to bunch their hiti , the ( Jiu- clnnatls were not. That was about thn amount of It , and the Philadelphia)1 ! flno fielding pro von ted the men that Cincinnati pot on bases from ROttincj around. A sur- priKlnpIv larco number of lonp hlti were made , Hamilton alone having tnroo to his credit. Hcoro : CJIni'lmmtl 001000000-1 1'Jilludolphla 0 1 1 8 0 2 J ) : i II Hits : Cincinnati,3 ; I'hllndnlphln.U. Krrois : CliiHniintl , 'Jj Philadelphia. 0. ICarncd runs : Cincinnati , 1 ; I'hlladelphln , 0. llattorlus : Mullaiio , Harrington and Clark ; Ks or and Clements. CAN HP.AT IIOSTOV. , Cuic\no , July 14. The base hits wore evenly distributed todnv , but Chicago's came just when needed , nnd succeeded without , ( lifllculty in downlnp the Bean Eaters. A long running catch by Stovoy was the foa- turoof the gamo. Score : Boston 0 00000000 0 OhlcaKO 2 0 0 I 0 0 0 1 * 4 Hits : Itoston , 8 : Chicago. S. Errors : Ilos- ton , 1 : Chlc.iKO. 2. K.irnihl runs : Clilcaj-'O- . Iluttorlus : ( Murkson und Bennett ; Uumbcrt and Klttrld u. National Ijcafjuo Htanillni ; . Phiyed. Won. Lost. 1'or CH. Now York 65 33 27 . ' > ' > Chlcnjro no 40 29 ASO llostnn 63 IB 30 AVI Chwolnnd 71 : w HT JViT I'lilliidulnliln B3 : > 4 : I4 -W ) llroolilyn ftS ISl 3Ti JR3 I'lttBburi GO 20 40 : 1 Cincinnati C9 - ? 42 illl A31KKICAX AASOCI.l TJfOA' . Outplayed nnil Itcntcn by the lien n KntcrN. BOSTOX , Mass. , July 14. The Bostons out played the Cincinnati in nil departments and won the pnmo handily. Buflington pitched linely unU his support was perfect. Score : Itoston 0 II 0 1 00010 5 Cincinnati 6 . 1 Hits : lioston. 7 : Cincinnati. 3. Krrors : Boston , I : CincinnatiS. Karncd runs : Huston , 2 : Cincinnati , I. llutturlos : lliilllngton and Murphy : Crane Mid Kully. 80METIIIXO OP A SCE-SAW. .Pmi.Minu'iiiA , July 14. The Athletics nnd Louisville teams played a sec-saw game in ivhich free hitting and indifferent field ing abounded. The Athletics earned the winning runs in the eighth on two singles and a triple , ticoro : Athletics 4 0 11 Loulsvllln 0 0 lilts : . Athletics. 17 : Louisville. 14. Errors : Athletics. ) : Loulsvlllo , 3. HattorlcsVoy - hlnt ; nnd Mllltgau : Strattnn and Calilll. ICarncil runs : Athlotlus , 1 ; l > oiilsvlllc , 5. W1IEIIK SIIAXXO.V 13 OOIXO. WASitixnTOX , Julv 14. .Washington became badly demoralized today after the second in ning and made frequent errors , while St. Louis put up their usual good game , winning hnnds down. Washington 1 2 St.LouH 0 3020102 11 Hits : Washington. 5 : St , Louis. 7. Errors : Washington , 4 ; St , Louis 1. Ilnttorlcs : Jlll- ler and Alcflnlro ; McGlll and Cook. Earned runs : St. Louis , 1. VAX IIAl.TUKX'S LOOSE WOIIK. BAI.TIMOUE. Aid. , July 14. Bad fielding on the part of Van Hultron nnd Towtisend , as sisted by a few timely hits , gave the Colum bus team n victory over the Baltimorcs to day. Attendance , li.50. Score : flaUlmorn 2 3 Columbus 0 0 Hlta : Ha'tlmoro , 10 ; Columbus. 12. Errors : Dnltunoru , 0 : Columbus , 2. Ilattorlos : Town- Rund , Oiiniilnghani ; Donah no , Dolnn. Earned runs : Italtlinorc , 1 ; Columbus , 1. American A RouiutioiiStanding. . PlnvoO. Won. Lost. Vor Ct. Boston 73 48 23 .OJ8 St. Louis 80 52 28 .050 llaltlmoro 72 42 30 .St3 Athletics 74 117 OT . .BOO Columbus 7d 37 41 .474 Cincinnati 74 32 42 .432 Loulsvlllo 70 20 50 . : ifi7 Wash niton n 31 48 .333 Illinois-Iowa < ; uo GnincH. OTTAWA. I1L , July 14. Ottawa , 11) ; Daven port , 9. Thirteen innings. JOI.IRT. 111. , July 14. Joliet , 14 ; Cedar Ituplds , 2. Fremont licntoii by the Giants. FKBMOXT , Neb. , July 14. [ Special Telegram - gram toTiiK BHK. ] The Giants of Lincoln and tbo Frunionts put up an oxccllont game of base ball here todnv. In which the homo team was dofoateu. Tha latter played in hard luck all throucrh the game , while good fortune appeared to smile upon the colored men from tbo capital. Following is the score by innings : CJIantH 0 00230200-7 I'reiuonts 0 0000002 1 3 Ilaltcrtcs : ICIinmol and I'almnr ; Castnna and Taylor. Htruok out : liy Kliiiinol 5 , by CastiiuoO. Itasu on balls : I'roinnnts 0 , Giants \ Two huso hits : Cilant.s4. Three basu lilts : Dlantsl. Krron : Proinoiitsl. Ulants3. Tlmo : 1:13. : Umpire , Uiinnon. \ \ Illii-r's Seventh Victory. WiMinii , Nob. , July 14. [ Special to THE BKK. ] Cochrano's Pharmacy base ball club won its seventh straight game yesterday by defeating Ohlowa in ono of the finest games ever seen In Wllber. This inukos the second gnrno Ohiown bos lost to tbo Wilbur's. The features was the batting of the \Vilbor boys. Score : Wlibor 0. 3 2 0 4 0.2 0 1-12 Ohlowa 0 0002210 0 5 ll.ittorlos : Wlibor. Jollen and Abbott ; Ohiown , Hcott and Ad-tins. Two Inso hits ; Hlnl , Jnllun.'i Coo lira no. 2 : Fehwurtz.2. Huso Hits : Wlibor , 18 ; Ohlowa , 8. Krrors : Wlibor , 2 ; Ohlowtt , G. Btruokout : Jollon. 13 ; Scott , 8. \ Vllllii'to Itn a Tonohcr. Prof. A. F. Kaston , the teacher nf phys ical culture , boxing nnd fencing , formerly with the St. Joe amateur athlotlo club , has applied for n position as teacher with the now nthlotia club of this city. Prof. ICaston Is nn all-around iithloto nud wrestler , unit has mot Tom Connors , Saraklcht , "Tbo Jap , " und several other wrestling notables m catoh-us- cntcn-can bouts. IIo Is open fora match , nnd is willing to meet any comiirs. Mint * Wcro Masy. Br.\TittCB , Nob. , July 14. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK BKK. ] Tbo first of a series of three games hotwoon the Nebraska City and Buatrlco clubs was plbyvd hero this after noon , resulting in n viatory for Nebraska City by a score of 0 to 7. Auothor game will bo played tomorrow and ono ou the following day between the same clubs. Central City \Von Twice. CEXTUAI , CUT , Nob. , July 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB. ] Control City won two closely contested games of baioball to day. The Jirst game was with JManjuotto resulting in favor of Central City by 14 to IB. Tbo socoud wlta Clark's was won by n score of 10 to 0. \Von from Ilio Tonuhora. Gr.XEVA. Nob. , July 14. fSiK-clal Telegram to THIS BeE.f In a match game of ball played hero today botivoon Gouova nnd a picked nlno f-ora the school touchers here at tending the Institute was won by Gouova. Score 17 to 7. THEY PICKED UP A BONANZA , Discarded Pool Tickets Mad 3 Valuable bv the Judges' ' Decision. HOW SOME RACE FOLLOWERS PROFITED. Queer Complication * nt the .Icroino ( Park Course Mntuh Ilctwocn JUlcy anil IjoiiKHiroct OIT Alrpatly Other Sport * . Nr.w YOIIK , July 1 1. The moro the extraordinary - ordinary ilcctilon of the stewards of thoMou- mouth park association In the Hackonsuck handicap 1 * cxiiinincd the moro crlti- cum It invites. A great innny people who hnJ bacUod Plcklo Fairy , Correction , Kildoer mill the other horiCJ in the rnco , throw tliulr tickets nxvay n lion they saw Hey Del Uoy spinning along In front mul winning casllv. They did not see nnythmir wrong with the riding ot Sun .luiin , and ns it Is a common superstition on a race track that a losing ticket Is a ' 'hoodoo. " n largo nuuihor of bet ting mon throw avvuy their tlckols ai soon as the race wiw over. On Saturday hundreds of people throw uway their tickets , both bookmakers' tickets and thoio purchased nt the French pool boxes , as soon as Hey Del Hey llushoii by the judges' stand in front of the Hold. After the ntinounco.-nent that nil bets worn declared oil , the scramble- recover tickets that had boon cast mido mid torn up , throw the ring Into the wildest confusion , but few indeed were the persons wno wcro lucky enough to llud tno tickets which they had thrown uway. One darkoy stnbto boy , with the wool sticking out through the crown of his battered Hat , found u ticket calling for 3100 to $50 ng.iinst Fnirv. IIo presented this ticket at the stand where It was issued , and promptly received the WO , although the cash' lor ucll know that the boy had never owned so much money btiforo. "Cash your tickets for n dime" man , who has always an eye to business , began to pick up all the tickets ho could llnd as soon as ho had heard there was a clash over San Juan and Hey Del Hoy. So industriously did ho apply his work whllotha ring was deserted except by the book-makers that his pockets s.oon resembled these of the little bov who vUits the preen apple tree dur ing recess. They bulged nutuntil they would hold no more. When the decision came , "all bets ofT , " he sought a cool and shady nook where he could sort out the tickets and llnd what bis harvest , would bo. He throw away all the tickets on the first three races and re tained only these on the Hnckensack handi cap. Ho pasted the lorn ticlttts together and straightened out these that were crumpled. \ \ hen ho had completed his tusk ho found that ho hud over JCOO 'vorth of returnable tickets , both hookinnicnrs' and French pool , and ho was busy for the rest of the after noon going around 10 the different stands get ting them cashed. Most of his tickets wore from the pool boxes. Ho thinks that the Monmouth Park judges who declared the hots off are the wisest and best pooplp on earth All'uir.s ui Jcroino 1'urk. NEW Yoni ; , July 14. Shortly before the racing at Jcromo park was called today a heavy rain began to fall nud continued for some time. This throw the track in a wretched condition and as a consequence the scratches wore numerous. In the ease of the Hnckensack handicap , winch caused such a rumpus at Morris parlc on Saturday last when Sam Juan , owned by P. C. AloLowo & Co. , was pulled to permit his stable compan ion Hey Lel ) Hey to win the board of control has given a decision. It is to the effect that Matt Allenis lined $ .500 and Mc- Lewe Is cautioned. The board also decided that two or moro horses running in the same interest shall bo coupled in the betting. The board also gave notlco to Jockeys that they must rldo out in the absence of a declaration. The proposed match between Longstreet and Hiloy has been declared off. This is duo to the fact that G. il. , who trains Hiloy , wants the race to ho run rain or shmo on Thursday next. This Mr. Dwyer refused to do and us no settlement could be reached the matter was dropped. First race , hnndlc.ip sweepstake1 ] , seven furlongs. Klvo starters : Uusialla. Dlttnl ) , was llrst into the stretch and \ > as running otislly , \Voodcnttorcarnu tip with urush , but ho could not pass Castalfa , wfio won by a neck. Woodcutter. IU3 (7 ( to 2) ) . limiting Slolpner , 11)7 ) ( C-to 5) ) , a head for thu place. Tlmo : I : ! ! ! . Second race , thu Atlantic stakes , six fur longs. Klvostnrtors : Victory showed In front at the last eighth , but Merry Monarch , 118 (7 ( to 5) ) , came ahead , winning handily by three parts of a length from Victory. 118 (7 ( to W ) . .who was u length from Uadonue eolt , 118 (15 ( to 1) ) . Tlmo : 1:18. : Third rave , the Moiiinouth onp. ono inllo and throe fnrlonsH. Two starters : Klluy , 123 (1 ( to j > ; took the load nt the start''and"waj ! never headed , winning In a common walk by fifteen lengths. Uuniuth. 133 (4 ( to 1) ) , .second. Tlmo : 2:2. : iJt. Fourth race , ono and throo-slxtoontli miles. Four stirtcrs : LongdaiiL-e , 10 $ (4 ( to 1) ) , led ' from the start. Strathiuoath. 113 , (7 ( to 10) ) , made a desperate otl'orl. to gut up , but had to ho content with second place , finishing two lengths behind J/onciluneo and tlirco bcforo .Slr.Iohn. 115(10 ( to.M. Time : 2UIM. : l > 'lfth race , live furlong * Elovun starters : O 1' U led to the htand where Kocebs was In front , with Julio , A. C. Lojtan and Arnold oloso up. Arnold , 103 ( ! ) to 10) ) , wns closing f list , how ever , and ho won hv a head troni .lullo , 115 (4 ( to 1) ) . who beat U 1 * H , 101 (12 ( to. 1) ) , a. length. Tlmo : 1OJU. : sixth race , sweepstakes , soiling six furlongs. Ten starters : Ulot. 09 (4 ( to I ) , won , Lord Del- rnony , U3 IS to 1) ) . siiconil , Daisy Wootlrutr , 80 (7 ( to 1) ) , third. Tlmo ; 1:17K. : Favorites' Dny Once More. CIIICAOO , July U. This was4' nvorites' day at Washington parlc and the talent got most of the money. The track was very heavy from rain , but perfectly snfd ? Five thousand spectators \voro present. The feature was the Quickstep stakes for two-year-olds. Fourtoqn youngsters faced the starter. Bashford , the favorite , was sixth at the start , hut Boycrrodo him with good Judg ment , gradually overhauling tao loaders and winning by a length. First raco. purse $ ) J , for three-year-olds , one mllu. Ten starters : Kluur du Jjys , 107(4 ( to 1) ) , won by a nnsu from Highland , 107 ( 'i to 1) ) . who Orcns , 107 (10 ( to 1) ) , two lengths. Tlmo : i:5iy. : Hoeond race , purse $750 , for throo-yoar-olds and , soiling. ono mid ono-oUhth miles. S-l\ starters : Jil Hull , HiOCJ to 1) ) , \ on In a uunter by n length , while Juu Dunn. 101 (3 ( to 1) ) , heat HornaliK , . ' ' 1 ( U to I ) , two lengths for second money. Time : 2lUii. : Third race , Qulnkntup stakes , two-yoar- olil , { . > ) ontr.inuo , with II.230 added , half mile I'lfteun starters : Itusliford , 11H ( U to f > ) , won somonhul easily by half a length from Two lilts. I'-il (13 ( to 1) ) , who wan a Imigth before Old 1'i'ppor , Ill (15 ( to I ) , third. Time , liUJJi , Fourth race , pur o if'OO .for threo-vu'ir-olds and upwards , one and omi-slvli'onth miles. Six staitori. : S'lnllnco , 112 (3 ( to 5i. won by a loiiKth from Melo.ty , 111 < 2 to 1) ) . My guoiin , 01 (1 ( to 1) ) , was thlid , two lengths iiwny. Tlmo , UM. I'lfth race. PUMO 1330 for three-year-olds and upward , IMIU mllu. I.lvhtHturtors : In a hut finish W. U. .Morris. 133 (7 ( tu ! ! > . won by a length from 1'uyotto. 133 ( : i to 1) ) . who boat Joslo M , liO (40 ( to 1) ) . a , Time , 1:40 : > 4. IVfanlinttaiuTH Conquer London. LONDON , July 14. The roprosontatlvos of the Manhattan athletic club of Now York made their Html appearance In England today - day , on the grounds of the London Polytech nic athlutlu club. In the 'MO yard handicap race J. S. Roddy of the Manhattan club , who had n start of eight yards , won by a yard in 3i5 { seconds. In the 100 yard Hut r.teo , Mortimer Hom- Ington , also of the Manhattan club , finished llrst. Ills time was only a yard worse than 10 seconds. In the WO yard invitation handicap , Kern- Ington , who ran from scratch , n nln dis tinguished himself , winning llui event in ! 3 seconds. The tlmo made by Homlngton in this race is one-half second holow the Eng lish record for the distance. In the hummer throwing contoit , C. A. J , Quock bonier , another .Manhattan man , threw the hammer n distance of 1SIcot , 8 Inches , and will receive the Polytechnic club's spe cial gold medal. Driving at PiTTSiitmn , Pa. , July H. The summer mooting of the Pittaburi ; Driving Park asso ciation opened at Ilomowood today with thu finest field of horses ever bronchi to this city , The wcuthor was fine and taa attend ance about lour thousand. Betting was lively. l'lr t ruco , 2 : iclas . trottlnz. pune tl.OCO ; \Vyunilotto won , Kotttn Kins ; Hocond. 1'llot II third , I.c.ilo C fourth. Ilenttlnn ; Si4U. Uuuiiud race , SW : elau , puclng. pur.u * 1,000 : El Monarch woTuMonkr Molla neoond , Ktntnii II third , MyrimijffroiirtJil Hcsttlmo : Islfl. Third rai-o , plkl , 1 1 , soot i2l ! class , trotting ! Olinrlld won , lii * < iwoHt : ( nocond , Annie \\llkoi third , Tim fourth. Tlmo ; 8iin { . Iowa Amateur OarMinon * SI-HUT LIK > Jin. , July 14. [ Special Telegram to tjp BBE. ! On account of rough water on Spirit Lake a course wns Kuimod off on 0 : obojl and the first vaco of the regatta , 0 liut.lor four , wns rowed , starting at 11:33 : p. 41 , Of the four crows en tered only two started , Slou.x City and Cedar HupUU. Codiir Jt'tplds took water lint and gained n nlco Ifcbl. Sioux City , however , rapidly overhauled ! them and the two crows turned nt the , strikes together. After the turn Sioux City T > urtcd and put two lengths between them , which they hold to the Mulsh. The balance of the races were postponed till morning. The lown State Amateur Hawing associa tion at Ita ur.niml meeting last night elected J. 13. ilnmilgau of Cedar Hnplds. president ; 13. L. ICIlby , Ottumwn , vice president ; E. H. Phelps , Burlington , secretary und treasurer ; J. H. Lindsay , Dubunue , , commodore. Haiti Prevented the Cricket Matuh. TOIIONTO , July M , Ualn today necessi tated a poatponcmnnt of the international cricket match. FOK JlKlt j'.i'itt.XTS' S.tKE. Itniliui Girl Di-o.sso.s In Itlon'ri ClotlicH and \VorkH in a Mlnu. HAZLCTTI : , Pa. , July 14. For months pajt the laborers In ono of the gangs working on the now railroad that is being built near hero have had suspicions that ono of their number was not n nlan , but a Their suspicions wcro Jlrst aroused by his offoininnto appearance and the fact that his hands blistered up and caused hl.n much trouble whoa ho llrst began to work. A few days ngo a newly landed Italian secured a Job and wns put to work in the same gang as the supposed woman and soon recognized her as the daughter of n neighbor in Italy. The woman burst Into tears and confessed that she did It for her father's and mother's sake. She came hero a year ngo for the purpose of earning money enough to bring thorn to this country. She worked for n family in New York , but the pay was so small she became discouraged and" determined to dress as a man. She s.ild .sho had about enough money now saved atid was willing to quit if the boss desired , but she was told to work nway , and this she has been doing. She is known as No. 17 and is dossrlbod as beinir about twenty -two years old , fairly good look"- Ing and lives In a hut by herself on the out skirts of the town. Krcodiiicti'M Aid Society. CINCINNATI , O. , July 14. The board of directors of thoFroedmen's Aid and Southern Educational society of the Mothodlst Episco pal church had its annual session hero today. In the absence of Bishop Walden , who'is in Europe , Hon. Amost Shinklo of Kentucky nrosidod. The attendance of prominent mon from different parts of the country was iariro. The condition and necessities of the fortv- ono institutions under the direction of the society were carefully considered. The sum of $333,050.44' ' wns expended in the past year and the nhrnlal conferences were asked to give f3-IO,000lhe ( coming year in collec tions. The rdtnafndcr needed will como from bequests and donations. The board recommended 'tlio ' administrations of the secretaries nncftho exectivo committee and especially rojoleod1 over the Increase of S5.VJOO during the past yo.xr over any pre ceding year. rjloy. M. V. B. Masoa of Atlanta , 0)a. ) , a colored man of great promise , was elected Held agent. Get a Divorce. ( NEWAUK , N.'J.uly ) 14. Chancellor Gill will shortly g'lmC'a divorce to Jessie Mor- rell. The petillonor Is only nineteen years old and was jntrrriod two years ago to Bertram Morrclf , ( musical director of a comic opera -.cqmpany. Josslo aspired to become , aav6liHOi ) ; . nnd mot Morrell. After _ nijshorton WQ.ualntnuco thojn. were married. The couple lived together for ono season. Thu wife returned to this city and Morrell wont to Grand Hnplds , Mich. When Importuned to return ' jho wrote a letter say ing that Jos.sio was' not his wife. An Inves tigation showed that Morroll had been mar ried olght years ago , ana that his first wife Is now living with him lioar Grand Itapids. Muster In Chancery Whltehoad conducted tbo investigation , and this morning filed a report favoring Mrs. Worrell's divorce potitlon. Denies the Watoli Trust's ] > 'nsoliitlon. NEW YOIIK , July 14. The report from Chicago cage that tbo Jobber's association of manu facturers of American watches , known ns the watch trust , has boon d'ssolvod ana that the immediate cause was the withdrawal of the Elgin watch company from the organiza tion Is denied by James H. No.vos , the secre tary and treasurer of the association. Ho declurea there was no foundation for the ro- port. Mr. Noyoa denied that the < Elgin watch company had left the association , say ing that it had only expressed Its intention of obeying the Fern bill the anti-trust law and for the purpose would alter its relations with the association , but not sovar thorn. XJEWS Ol > ' At Salt Lake City the liberal county con- vontlon adopted resolutions against statc- hood and distrusting profusions of a change of heart. The big Tonry raft of loss , four-fifths of a nillolnnv. contain.IIK 3r > flUuOt > feet ot lumber anil which loft tit. Johns. N. 11. , on Juno 18 , bus arrived in Now Vorlt. It Is said that Slursh , the defaulting presi dent of the Kuystono hanlc Is billing near Me dina , Tciin. thousand dollars reward has been olTcicd for Marsh's arrest. A cloudburst atHilton , Mo. , causuil thu crooks In that vicinity toovcrllow. domgreat : duiiingi' to grain nnd washing out several hundred feet ot railroad trauk. A disease In cattle supposed to bo To\as fuver has broken uut ul Independence , Ky. , and Is creating alaiiii In thu neighborhood. Many cattle have died with tliu dlsoasn. A largely attended meeting ot pipe mniiu- factiiror.s of I'unnsylvanhi. Ohio anil Virginia was held in 1'lttsbiirs to consider prices. It wns dec-tiled to make no udvanuu at present. The largo cas tank of the Municipal gas company at KochcMtr. N. Y. . holding 3)0,000 ) cubic feet of gas. , imploded at about llvu minutes bofoio midnight , causing two deaths anil gieat havoc In thu no ghborhood. A mi'i'Uns of thn creditors ot the omhir- russod iiiiinilfacturliig linn of .Scliollolil , Son it Co. of Manayuiilv , ! ' . . was held In I'hUu- ileluhla. The appraise I stock showed thu ( inil's liabilities to bo 11-Ul.UDO and the n.ssots Jfl 12.00) . Si'urotary Poster expresses hl.s Hatlsfactlon at the attitude tKkvn by thu pruss in regard to thoplato ) . ; / ' , > and the resiilttng controvor r. "l.Mnili * ery fowjiapers tint Indorse - dorso tin ) hiatid ( 'iKcn by the mon on this mat ter. " said ho. i71 " The first meeting of the Wostcin association of fiolgliLiiKuiili\vlH ) \ called to nnlur In thu parlors of thu llfiti/t / St. Louis at Mlniiuljiika , Minn. , with alionV.I.'llftv members present. Thu Important hiviluoss of thu convention was not ri'iiuhcd. Thu ( luHtUntlon''nMon tlio lower classes ot iluriiiany U liui'onlluj iiilto | Intenso. Potatoes , the imual price .ofiuwiiloh U Hi iimrlfH pur bushel , now costjO ijiarUs Itroad Is boi'oiulng doiirevevery vli4-i Kvery branch of uom- meri'o Is snllurlni uill ( many banUriiptcles uro annouiicod. ' - At Cincinnati.ii.iToMi Finn , ugril elghtucn , leader of u giuii : at juviinllii burglaro , WUK shot and iiiorttij ! ) wonniloil by n policeman. Tim ofllcor hud liil'ii looking for him , ami when ho haltudjKlim the latter flre < l nuvoral shots at him wjjliliiit nlfeuU Thu polluemitn returned the flre.J-bnn lng l down Klnn , I'lni drstrovedlwA tenement hniisns at27ii to 278 State streuti N"6w York. Supposoil to bn of Incendiary natiiro rilxtecn faml los lived In the house and a wcnu i-nmioil Unit batllud ilesurlptlon , H'onu'n and ehlldren jumped from Uio lire oseaito-i to the ground and four people uero surloiiHly Injuro'l , Mnuelo Illnhop , thive-vcar-old dniiKlitor of .lolin HNhop , Janitor of thu tenements , U mlsslnx. Henry Witttorson will answer the recent letter - tor in the Now York World. In which rotor- eni'ii Is niaiin to'uttirsoii'.s personal dlsilko of ( Governor Hill , " \Vuttor on says ho him not the smallest porsonul dKllkiiot Hill , and roforrln * to thuuampulKU uf 1MU. sivs there Is n widespread feellm ; thntl'lovelund WHS dt < > tented IIINI tlina by MIIIIU dcnl In Now York with which Hill was cmmuolod and that lllll Is not In Hyinnathy with the gruat domocrailo movement for tux reform , ThoiiiHS Hlnuklcy went fnnn Hoattlo to Ta- coiiiu. Wash. , on u spreo. I'rocurlng a revolver ver lie. In company with a man named ponx- lus. wrnt to thu Kile HUIKII nnd LMCI | | | up all hands fora drink.Vhllu thu barkeeper was serving the crowd lllnckley putloU his rovol- VL-rund boRan ahootlmrllllixin llranuon , thu proprietor , und George Martin , city tax oolkctor.vtoru Instnntl.v killed. Several other uornoiu ware oundiHl , Hluckloy nnd Uoug- lus uro both In Jail. CAPEN CETIING DOUBLE PAY , Another Fanny Fcaturo of tin Rncont Oily Ordinnnco Tinkering. * ONE SALARY WILL NOW BE SHUT OFF. Homo Interesting Pnhlln Itit lno < i4 Trniisncteil hy the City Conn- oil AVltllo it It-ul ItH llniul In Ijnst The council ground out business Inst night without any unnecessary squabbling ami adJourned Journod nt 10:30 : o'clock with the desk cleared of all business , Councilman llochol was at his for the llrst tlmo In n month , ho having Just returned from n needed vacation , which ho speut nt the Dakota hot springs. Mayor Gushing vetoed a resolution allow ing the license Inspector an assistant ntT0 n month. The mayor hold that the services of an assistant wora not needed , but that ho would favor the allowance of $23 a month for a clerk The veto was sustained. The resignation of Charles McDonald as police court clerk was ncco plod nnd the ap pointment of James II. Lynch ns his successor ser confirmed. Hl.s honor presented u communication call ing the attention of the council to the fact that steps should bo talcon looking to the erection of polling booths for the coming fall election. The mutter will bo investigated by a special commltteo. Mr. Popplotou , city attorney , reported the names of a number of business linns that have their places of business on the street on Nicholas street from Twelfth to Fourteenth. It was drcldod to allow the flrms to remain for n time under a Icaso nud that these who would not acknowledge the city's ownership of the property and give a lease bo required to vacate at otico. Mr. Popploton gnvo his opinion to the effect that Dr. Clarke Uapcn is entitled to two salaries , ono of $2,100 per year as city physician and ono of $ ' -,000 as commissioner of health. The matter was referred to the city attorney with Instructions to prepare an ordinance repealing the ordinance creating the olllco of city physician. The contract and bond of Kobort Soogor for furnishing gasoline lamps nnd lighting for a term of two years was presented for the approval of the council. Tbo contract wns similar in terms to that of the Ohio company which has had the contract for the past two years. City Attorney Popploton announced that the city's ' interests wore properly guarded. The contract was adopted fourteen members voting in the uflirtnntivo. Mr. Osthoff voted "no" in ac cordance with his former declaration of his Intention to , oppose any contract offered as charges of boodlinp had boon made and ho would not vote for either company. The contract for the grading of Dorcas street was referred to the commltteo on grades and grading , the council having been enjoined from doing the work. Chairman Birkhausor of the board of pub lic works reported that the repairing of the pavini ! on Seventeenth street should bo done by the Barber asphalt company and that the company hod been ordered to do the work and had refused. The mutter was referred to the commltteo on paving , curbine and gut tering and the board of public works with power to act. General Manager Burt of thho Elkhorn protested against widening the bridge over Tuirtleth street and claiming that the com pany was already complying with an order of the council requiring the construction of a bridge with a span of forty feet. Mr. Bruner made n speech on this subject , und the matter was referred to the board of pnblic works very much to his disgust ns ho wanted it some other way , although ho'didn't make It clear ns to Just what hn wanted. Contracts with John F. Coots for addi tional work on the engine and boiler rooms on the city hall amounting to $937 , and for vault doors , lloor tiling , marble and granite lloor and electric wiring in the now city hall building amounting to $17,530 , were ap proved. Then came a squabble over a contract with Mr. Cooti for placing smoke consumers of the M. E. Herbor patent for the new city hall for the sum of $3,800. , Mr. E'sassor op posed tb'o contract. Ho said there were several hundred patents on smolco consumers and that many of them , if nomost of them , were worthless. lie had letters from experts - perts to the effect that the patent was no good. Mostof the members favored the con tract nnd it was approved , Bruncr , Elsassor und Olson voting in the ncgativo. This wns followed by the presentation of a contract with the Johnson electric heat service company , for furnishing nn electric heat- regulating apparatus for the city. "That's another of these toy nitairs that some follow wants to get a good price for , " said Mr Blassor , "and none of us know any thing about It. " The contract was laid over for ono week. The Union Pacific railway company pres ented a protest claiming that it had been assessed for"taxos on moro track milongo than it possesses. The protest was rolorrod to the committee on hnunco. Alva J. Grover and others petitioned for the repaying of Park avenue with asphalt. Referred to the committee on paving , curb ing and guttering. The bill of Dr. It. C. Moore for $5 for nt- tcndanco on n llrotnan injured at the Pnxton hotel fire was referred to the committee on finance. A resolution authorizing the assistant cltv attorney to employ a stenographer at W5 par month until the completion of the now city luill was adopted. Sewer Inspector Mclvor wns granted a leave of absence for Ilfteon days , the result of an injury received by him while in the dis charge of his duties. By resolution of Mr. Osthoff the lire and police commissioners were requested to with hold action on the property at Oil ) Douglas btreet for further investigation and action of thd council. A telephone was ordered for the board of health olllco. A oomuiittco of three , consisting of Bcchol , Cooper nnd Donnelly , was appointed to con fer with the waterworks company relative to disputed bill. The gas Inspector was Instructed to make nt least eight tests per month of the oicc- tric , gas and gasoline lamps nud to report the result of such tests to the council monthly. The resolution recently adopted by the council ordering the Ohio street lighting company to discontinue the service of light- lug gusolinu lamps was reconsidered and the committed on gns und electric lights in structed to confer with the Ohio company with a view to have It furnish gasoline lamps until the now contractor can got ready with his lamps , which will probably bo about September , This was done after some dis cussion during which Mr , Brunor , a member nf the council from the Eighth ward , made u speech. Upon recommendation of the commltteo on public property and buildings the application of the board of education for space in the now city hall wns placed on lllo. The gas inspector was instructed to pro- euro the necessary apparatus for testing tbo various lights furnished the city , thu ap paratus to cost f It7."i : , City Attorney Popploton presented nn opinion declaring against Mr. Moroarty's sohomo for ropavhig Leavenworth struct and I'ark uvunuo , omitting Intersections. Tim ordinance croallng the paving district was accordingly rejected , Thu special committed appointed to eon slder the mayor's veto of Mr. Squlro's street sweeping bill amounting to $ r. 7-l reported in favor of allowing the hill. The report was adopted. On motion of Mr Klsassor.tho weekly com- mlttco meetings of thu council will bo held hereafter on Monday ovenlng. An ordinance creating the olllco of sanitary commissioner was introduced , The ordinance gives the sttnltarv oommUiionor control nnd supervision of all sanitary nnd health affairs of the city under the direction of tno board of health , the commissioner to receive a salary of | , ( WO yearly. The council went into a romtnlttoo of the whole nnd referred the board of health rules to the city attorney. Ktiuullforil'M Kstnto Sued. Louisvn.i.K , Ky. , July 14. Francis \V. Murray and others of New York , stockhold ers In the LouUvillo , New Albany & Chicago road , have Drought suit against thu estate of the late president , B D. Standlford of the Louisville , t Nushvlllo road for $ . " > 0,000 , It Is claimed that at the tlmo of the consolida tion In l&il of the LouUvillo. New Albany & Cnlcano with the Chicago & Indian- npoll air line , thoi being built ov Henry Crawford of Chicago wiw porpotr.itod which placed In Standlford's hands $ .153,003 of- the road's stock. Slnmliford , It U chi.rccd , sold this stock nt par nnd failed to account to the romn.uiv for the proceeds. For the whole amount judg ment is nskod. The stockholders hold 'J'lS.OOO shares. They claim that n complaint was made when Ur. Broyfoglo wiw president , but it wius Ignored. _ _ > m-w Nrlsini Onnrun ttrnrrrttcul. Wtciim , Kan. , July II. Nelson George , formerlv clerk of the rosistered loiter de partment of the Ogden , Utah , pjitoilli-o , has boon arrested again on tin indictment found by the grand Jury. About three months ago a registered p.ici < - ago containing $0,000 wns missed nt the Ogdou oftlco and It was found that George had ro-nddrossod the p.tckagu to Arkansas City , Kan. , nnd c.illod for It there himself. It Is said ho was promUcd Immunity If ho would glvu up the money. Ho did so and has sltico been staving with nn uncle near horo. The grand Jury recently met at Ogdou and Indicted him for embezzlement. ItltHlllONH I l BOSTON' , Mass. , July 14. John Long&Son , boot nnd shoo manufacturer * , Braintrco fallod ; debts. fW.OOO. PiTTsiifito , PH. , July 14. Nimlck Jfc Co. . dealers In pig Iron , huvo concluded to wind up business. They will require nn extension on obligations to prevent sacrifice. The creditors will not lese u dollar , as the assets aronu.irly two dollars to otioot the liabilities. BUKFVI.O , N. Y. , July 14. William G. Henoiior , dry KOOIJ ! merchant , assigned today - day , with preferences of JTiO.OOO. The cause of the failure Is attributed to hard times. Col I'lirn toil the Itnstllo'M Knll. NKW YOIIK , July 14. The anniversary of the fall of the bastilo on July UFranco's national day was celebrated at the quarters of the French consulate this afternoon. The Viacount Co Absoca , consul general of Franco , rocolvod delegates from all the French societies In New York. PltlLuiui.i'iiiA , July 14. The anniver sary of the fall of thu bastilo was colubratod by the French residents of this city In tin appropriate manner. Nnvujocs Preparing to KcfllHt. FIAOSTAPT , Ariz. , July II. A shocp herder arrived here last night nnd says the Navnjo Indians are gathering In vast numbers and preparing to resist any attempt on the part of the government to arrest the leaders for their mauradlng raids on the ranges. Twenty- llvo moro citizens have loft to reinforce the troops nnd serious troblc is feared. Frost in South Dakota. DKAWVOOD , S. D. , July II. [ Special Tele gram to Tut : Hic. : ] The mercury dropped to 23 degrees during last night nnd a heavy frost was the consoquonoo here , nt Load City nnd Bald mountain. The cold did not extend to the vnllovs and reports so fur ro colvod do not indicate any injury to crops. Iliunlct DcstroyrU. ESCA.VUIA , Mich. , July 14. Forest fires yesterday ( Monday ) afternoon burned the hamlet of Whitney , eighteen miles west of hero on the Fitch branch of the Northwestern road. Everything was burned except n store nnd charcoal kilus. Seventeen families were burned out. Supposed to JInvc Ili'iMi Miirtlcroil. DBXVEII , Colo. , July 11. The hadlv decom posed remains of three mon were found in Los Quito pass , near Fairplay. Two of the bodies are thought to bo St. Paul men , but the third is unknown. They uro supposed to have been murdered. POIilClOMION. Trouble Which a Couple ol' Prowler Got Into. F. A. Dodge who resides at the Globe hotel was calling upon a friend at HIS Harnoy strcot last night. About 13 o'clock there was n knock nt the door and admittance de manded. Two young mon stood on the stops nnd claimed to bo pollco ofllcors. They told Dodge to "givo up or ho would bo looked up and sent ever the road. " Dodge followed the visitors to the sldo- wnlk , asking what the intrusion meant. The strangers ropcatod their demand for monoy. Just as they aid this Ofllcers Drummy and Dubols came around the corner and hoard the remark. Mr. Dodge called the patrol men und stated nis case and the whole party was taken to police headquarters. I Sergeant Wliulen hoard the story of all . three men and decided to lock thorn all up. j i The two supposed olllcors proved to bo W. C. Jordan , a Union Pacific passenger brakeman - ' man , and W. F. Smith , a hotel and bar room lounger. They wcro charged with im personating un ofllcer and Dodge was hold as a complaining wituoss. Mighty Close Call. A poor little newsboy came very near los ing his Ufa last night on Fourteenth street in front of the Murray hotel. Ho1 was attempt ing to sell papers to the passengers on the motor trains , and ho Jumped off n north bound train and made a spring for the foot board of a train going the opnislto way. Ho missed his footing nnd fell almost under the wheels of the car. Passengers who saw him fall wcro thrilled with horror and several mon spranc off the car expecting to BOO the poor boy horribly mutilated under the whools. But fortunately the hid fell Just at the sldo ' of the track , and although ho received sonio serious bruisus about thu shoulder and on the right arm , ho had no bones brolton and vus taken homo by some of his brother news boys. Kallronil Mon Coining. An association of representative railroad men of Omaha will entertain about twoiity- llvo gentlemen from Kansas City , who belong - long to a similar association in the lower Mis- sourl metropolis , next Saturday. Tha ICah- sas City visitors will arrlvo nt 7 a. in , and will bo met nt the depot by the entertain ment committee. They will bo civon n drive about the city and a general good tlmo during the day. In the evening they will bo enter tained at the Dellono hotel in a manner that will doubtless DO very agroeablo. There will M'olmnly bo some speeches , a good deal of music and some very nlco things to oat pro vided for the occasion. PiosUiont. Father Hooffer , who Is to become president of Crcighton college , arrived yesterday froin SI. Louis. Uo will bo Installed today at noon it the college building. Father Fit/gorald , who has for about four yeaw filled the tm- lortunt position of president of the oollogu , iVill lo.ivo soon for Chicago , where ho will bu nstiillcd us president of St. Ignatius college. imiMir PT t TP ISAIT IT IIPMP IOWAS STATE LOUALIZIiRS' Many Citizens Attending mul Submitting Oomphlnts to the Board. J WILD TIMES AT MISSOURI VALLEY , Hurry Winters Terrorized the Town 'illl the Mnynr CapturoU Him HtirprNlnjj lO pnrlonoo ol * a Hurllngtoit Man. DBS MOINK.X , In. , July II. [ Special Tolo- irra'ii to TIIK BKK.J The state board ol c < iunllzaton ! began n susslotr today to con sider nssudsmonts , and will continue from day to day till August. L. M. Van Aiiken. auditor , and G. A. Watts , chairman of the board of supervisors of Cerro Goivlo county , were in nt- tendance , nnd uddressod the council , asking that the assessment be reduced. They said that the ! IO per rout raise of bust year by the council was not liked by the people o'f the county nnd the asxi sofs , under partial In structions , hud made their returns too high , They now wnntrd them reduced. J. S. Daitghcrty of the board of supervisors and John Sohrooder , county nudltor of Luo countyspoko In the same strain , cluiminc that farm property In that county was worth ' . ' 0 per cent less than last year. Henry Dayton , county attorney of Allamakeo county , was also present nnd addressed the council in the interest of his county. Captured l > y the Mayor. Missotmt VAU.BT , la. . July 11. [ Special to TIIK BKI : . ] A young fellow named Hurry Winters ran amuck In this city this aftor- noom loaded with a US-callbor revolver , a supply of cartridges and two or three drinks of poor whlslry. Ho captured the Krlo street saloon , shooting nt whoever showed a nose and generally demoralizing the town. I2d Bradley , a salesman for AIM ) Itachrach & Co. , wont after the would-be-tough with a piece of iron pipe , but was shot In thu arm near the elbow , causing n painful wound. Winter now began to be Joyous mul shot at random , putting a bail through his own foot. This seemed to rile him , for ho came out with a roar. Mayor Uoyor arrived nt this tlmo and wont after thu man. IIo was obliged to dodge tlirco balls , but made u clean basu hit as soon us ho was in reach of Winters' cranium. Ono blow brought him to earth and then the mayor sat on him. IIo was put In thu city Jail , but will bo removed to the county bas tile to await trial. As a mayor George T. Hoyor is u success nud as marshal pro turn ho cannot bo beaten. Opened a Collln. Buuu.s'nTox , In. , July II. [ Special Telo- gruin toTiu : UEH. ] Mr. John H. Connor of 817 West Fourth street , St. Louis , has lind the unique horror of opening n coflin expect ing to see the dead face of his brother nud , finding that the remains were these of a to * ' stranger. Mr. Connor writes to this city city saying ho had boon notified of his brothers death by the kick of n horse in New Mexico and had ordered thn remains sunt to St. Louis. Upon the above discovery ho telegraphed to his brother who came to St. Louis In person nnd Identified the remains as these of ono August Gledlkers of Burlington. No ono knows such a man hero and it is thought ho was passing under an ussumcdv name. Au investigation Is being inudu. \ London Convention DolcK'UCS. DcsMoixiis , la. , July 11. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tii | : BKIJ. | The American I'ublio Health association , which comprisqs the countries of the United States , Dominion of Canada nud Mexico , has commissioned Dr. Kennedy , secretary of the state board of health , as ji delegate to the International con vention of hygeno at London next month. The other members of the commission nro Lr. ) Monlizabert of Quebec , president ; Dr. Hryco of Toronto , Dr. Houch , secretary of the Illinois board ; Dr. Hewitt of thaMIunosoM board and Dr. 1'robsto of the Ohio board. Dr. Kennedy is also n delegate from the state of Iowa nnd the state board of health nnd so holds three commissions. Swindled ly an Old Giiinu CEIIAU RAi'ins , la. , July 11. [ Special Tolo- grnm to TUB Bui : . ] Early in Juno , two men claiming to represent the Water Color&koteh company of Chicago , canvassed this city. They claimed that the company would en large small pictures free , providinc SI.SO wns paid for ono of tnoir frames , $1 down and the balance when tbo pictures were delivered. A largo number of people ordered plcturei , and the two men loft the city with the pockets filled with money. Now comes word from the alleged company claiming that on account of financial troubles It will bo impossible to fill the orders. Thu picture In each case is returned but tlio dollar lar paid on the frame is not. Campaign IMniiH. DKS MOISKS , la. , July 14.--Special [ Telegram - gram to TIIK Dm ! . ] Tlio democratic central commltteo mot this afternoon to lay plans for the coming campaign. At this mooting n secretary was not selected in place of the late T. II. Leo , whoso death wns commemorated in appropriate resolutions. All the members of tlio committee e.x.-npt Messrs. Taylor anil Carter are present , and firraugemoiits wora made to attend the funeral of Mr. Lee at Hod Oak tomorrow. Flowers In appropriate designs and telegrams of sympathy were sent to the bereaved family. Itluzo at Cedar Itaplds. CKDAU Hii-iiw , la. , July U. fSpocIa Toll-gram to TUB Bun. I Au incipient bhuo occurred at the Commercial hotel this fore , noon. It was discovered by L-uidlord .Ham ilton In onn of the bud rooms nnd was speed ily extinguished before a great deal of damage - ago was done , thu loss consisting of somii budding , woodwork of the room , drenching of the carpets and tearing up the lloor , The origin of the llio Is unknown , but supposed to bu duo to spontaneous combustion. Strike. FORT DODCIK , la. , July 14.- ( Special Tele gram to Tin : HISB.J All of the ( juarrymen In the gypson quarries of Iowa itruclc this morning for higher wnecs. The men lirivo been getting * l.W ) per day , nnd demanded ? l 75 The strlko was well tuned as the stucco companies are very busy and men nra scarce. Thu increase asked was granted. Prominent CiiUon Dual. _ _ . KIKJKIK , la. , July II. A. Hojiiior , a ro- tu-cd bunker , for many years a uromliioiit citizen of this city died today , aged til. Is prepared from Barsnparllla , Dandelion , Is the best blood purlflvr before the public , Mandrake , Dock , I'lpslssewa , Juniper Her- It eradicates every Impurity , and cures Surof. rles , and other well-known and valuable vege ula , Salt Klieimi , Hulls , I'lmplcs , all lliminrH , table remedies. The combination , proportion Dyspepsia , Ulllonsnesa , Sick Headachu , Indi and preparation are peculiar to Hood's Harsa- gestion , General Debility , Catarrh , Utieimio- parllb , giving It curatlfo power not ] * > sses ed llsm , Kidney mid I.lvcr Complaints. It over by other medicines. It effects remarkable comes that extreme tired fcellg ; , and build * cures where others fall. up the system , 111 consider Hood's Sarsaparllla the best " Hood's Sarsap.iiilla was a God-send to mo , medicine I ever used. It gives me an appctlto for It cured mo of dyspepsia ami liver com. OH'I refreshing sleep , and keeps the cold out. " plaint with which I had Buffered 20 ycais. " J. S. lfooo , 100 fjpruco Street , I'ortland , Me. J. . HoiiNiiKCK , South 1'allsburg , J * . Y. ' When I bought Hood's Sarsaparllla I made " Hood's Sarsaparllla takes less tlmo and a good Investment of ono dollar In mcdlcluo quantity to show Its effect than any other prci * for the flrot time. It has driven oft rheuma aratlon. " MitB.C.A.lluiiiiAitn.N.Chlll.N.Y. tism and Improved my appctlto so much that "My wife had very poor health fur a long my boarding mistress says I must keep It time , suffering from Indigestion , poor appe lucked up or hu will bo obliged to raise my tite , and constant headache. Bho tried everything - board with every other hoarder that takes thing wo could hear of , hut found no relief till Hood's Harsaparilla. " THOMAS HUIUCKLL , she tiled Hood'H ' Haranparilla. Shu U now m Tlllary Street , Ilreoklyn. N. Y. taking the third bottle , anil never felt better " I find Hood's Barsaparllla the best remedy In her llfo. We foul It our duty to recommend for Impure blood I ever used. " M. II. lUXTKit , It to every one wo know. " QKOIIOK HUMKII- ticket agent , I' . & II. ltd. , Hound llrook , N. J. VIU.K. Moreland , Cook County , III. Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Sarsaparilla BoM lijr all drugxlitl. 91 i llz for S3. 1'reparrd Hold l > r H drugiiUU. fli ill for Ji. rroparod \ > } C.IHOUll X CO.Al > ottiecarli > iI.oKi > ll , Mm. ] , I , HOOD & CO. , Apotlitcarlti , I-owell , Mm. 1OO Doses Ono Dollar IOO DOBOS Ono Dollar