Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Brilliant Crop Prospects Serve to Discourage
Investments by Bulls ,
FluctimtlotiH In Onts Confined to n
Narrow Uniitfc Firm I'rovlnloiis
on n StroiiK H K Trade
HlockH anil Ilontls.
CHICAfJO , July 13. The dullness In evcry-
thlnn dealt In nppjrenlly on Saturday con
tinued todny. The ontsldo iinbllc , as tisniil
vthcn vnlnos nrc declining , IB holding aloof.
The hrllllunt crop uniipccts servo lodUconr-
nxc bull Itivcstir.onls nnd the hears have their
eyes turned toward Htisala nnd India whore
iiinch darmiKO Is reported , and don't dare to
enter upon un aggressive campaign.
Wliunt openml dull , 'weak un I lower , and
them was not Ufa rmonyh In ll to lluetuato
with tiny vim In either direction , Tno fooling
wai undoubtedly hcarlsh , however , nnd but
for piirehuso hv I'ardrlduo and others to
cover HhorlM. It would ( lonbtlms have go no
The wrnthcr map showed favorable ronill-
tlons for thu winter wheat harvest , with heavy
receipts of an excellent quality of now who.i t
nt nil wlnler wheat markets. Hoeolpts of new
wheat hero \ore LV'tOO cars , of which " , GG cam
were contract. Toledo received CTI ears , 210
of them contract. St , Louis K < > t i,003 | |
bnsliols and .Mhuionpolls reported M.I cars.
KiiKllsh markels were roporled Id off. The
fieo arrivals with a proipoulof a ntoudy In
crease had a depressing ollVct most of the ses
sion. later , liouovcr , when the rotiirns from
the vldlhlo supply points Ixj iin tocomo InKlv
In Indications of a hlK decrease the markut
licciuno a llltle llrrn. hut was linhl In check by
the larco cstlmnlo of receipts for tomoriow.
In nddltlon to I'ardrldRL's' purclniscs to neol
n profit on Ills shorts. l.oKan and S. V. Whlto
wore fair buyers , while llaMer and llaldwln
told freely. Untslde of the trnnsiictloni liy
tin-Mi llrms business was c.xtromoly aluKKlsh-
even the local scalpers could see no margin
of prollt iindor existing conditions arid re
mained ( inlet , while thu represent all vcs of
commission houses sal dejectedly on Iho top
htnp of the iirtina and talked In whispers of
the ordeiH which never 0:111111. :
The market held within a ran o of H * ® ? , ! ;
till within ten minutes of the close , when It
full to RH'ic and closed there ,
I.lko It , corn Ntnrlcd dull , weak and lower.
The offerings wcie liberal enough , but the de
mand was meiiKX' ' Tim favorable crop
weather , the weakness In wheat , and larco 10-
cclpts contrlbutiMl , caused u ili-u.luo for a
time , then free uuverlnK by shorts , a sharp
demand for Oiish corn and smaller ( stlmiilud
receipts for tomorrow , caused n sharp ad
vance , but all of It was not hold ( o the closo.
September opened at f.O'.ic , sold to OJJio , ad
vanced to.'ilhc nnd closed atM'ic.
Oat.s were dull and sloady , with Ililctuatluns
conllncd within a ritnuoofSic for September. ,
I'rovlslons wnro Ilrm on the stronj ; ho mar
ket at the yards , and a Rood line of out&ldo
buying , and later In sympathy with corn ; .Sep
tember pork blurted 7o ! olT nt tlO.W . ud-
ranccd to IIO.r ( ) , but receded to { lO.rxj , the sumo
lirlccasat the oloso on Katnrdayi
Iiiird closed -Jo ! lower and rlbsf > o higher.
The lending futures rnnscd us follows :
AIITICI.KS. OI'K.V 1111)11. LOW. CI.OHL- .
July $ 8 ! > ! <
September Df'comber fcSM & > $ tin
Ccniff No. 2
Aiiuust lVi
Heptcintior NIJi WM KIJ
OATH No. s
July 85
Auiiu < t 2UU VI
Heptomhor 28 2D } ( 27M
Hei'trmbor ' , 10 42- ' 10 CO 10 421 10 W
October 10 K , 10 OT.hi 10 M 10 m
LA m >
Heptember 6 47- ! 0 to n 42H 6 4.1
October tat tsu ) u 53
It I us
Beplembcr C M r 40 6 1,1
AiiKiiKl 6 io ; UfiO 6 KM
Cimli finotatluns were us follows :
I'r , ' uit Nominally uiiehiuu-cil.
WHEAT No. 2sprln. whoat.h'JJ03lio ' ) : No. a ,
aprltiK wheat. B7o : No. 2 red , 0 ; . .
COHN No. S. flsUc.
OATS No. V , ! ' ! , ; No. ? , white , 41Cll4c ! ;
No. : i , white , IKXTSlle.
UYE-NO. 8. ( iflc. ( ; }
llAlir.uv No. L' . nominal.
KIAXSEKI > No. 1. f l.0. " > ! 5.
TI.MOTIIV PKKII I'rlnie , $1.20.
1'oiut Mess pork , uor barrel. flO.rX ) ;
Inrd. per owt. . $ n.i.r ! : short ribs shies ,
( loose ) . . r.27ttl.0 ! ( ( : ! ! ilry salted shoulders
( lioxcl ( ) . } r .L > 0 5.S."i ; short clour sldos ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Dlstlllors' finished Kooils , per K l-
lon. Jl.lfi.
StiOAiiH Out lonf , nncliansci ] ,
Itccelpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the produce oxuhunco today , the butter
market was linn and unchanged : fancy
creamery. lGM7c ! ; ( Inn western , HOt.Jo ; line
dairy , lifflljo. EKSU , lAliOlO.
c v York IMi-rkcts.
NEW VOIIK , July in. Kr.oint UeceipM,'l7
pnokuKesi experts , ! i.r > 77 barrels ; 0.iai sacks :
iiuletand uucliutiKud.ulosliit ; oasyjsalus , 17.SOO
COIIN MIAI ; < Dull and steady ; yellow west
ern : i.2.V3W.fct > .
WIIKAT Kucclnts. 153.100 btishole ; e.ximrts ,
7.HU ! bushels ; miloe , 1CUWU : ) huhhclii of tu-
turcb ; 187,000 Inn-hulBBpot , Spat markotaetlvo
anil lower ; weak ; Nu 2 rod , $ IMQ'il.W'i In
moro pud elevator ; JI.OIJ iRl.irJJJ alloatitl.ul-i
< 31.0l'i ; f. o. b. ; nncriuloil red , ( "J'.ii'SJfl.O : ! ! , ; ;
No. 1 northern l < > arrive , S1.04JJ ; iNo. 1 hard to
arrive , JI.OMi ; No. SOhlcnco. JLOIUttl-OUi.
OPTIONS Hull und MdtJie lower on lower
cnbluH and west sollbiK oloslnj : weak ; No. ' )
red , July , DU.'JcaJI.OOV't , closinir.OO'iLAusust ; ,
WtO'Jio. closlnc , Ufio ; Boptoinbor , 0" > T-KXijflac.
. Ociober , 'Mi'.iv. ' . closlnc. WJc ;
Dcvt'inbt'r. U7 rKi < 2f8r.c. ! elosluc , USie ? ; Janu
ary. fl ? ' WWf. closing , IWJio ; .May ,
KYK i'lrin , quiet ; western , Koptcmuor do-
llvory , ? t4i77c , Stocks of Brain In sloro and
nllimt July II. Whoat. 1.0J4.m : hnshols ; corn.
4)KV ) buahols : ontH. f > ISov > husholsj rye , 1:0,117 :
hnhhols ; mult. l 'J.\r ) hnshols ; puns , 9,010
bnshulB , llarloy malt ( lull ,
1'oitN Ili'culiits , 80.1.01(1 ( hunholsi oxoorts ,
fi.OITbushuU ; Halt's.'S.VKXJ hiiBhula of fnturi's ,
4I,0X ( ) InihhuU of spot , tjpnt nuirl.'ut dull ,
ciihorj No. ' . ' , Clio In ulovatur ; COSTUo
ullualt inu'railoil nilxud , fiS'4i170c. ! Opt Ions
arti \ < & \a lower ; dull , dunlin ; Htuiuly ;
; July iXitiU c. L-loslnn , die : Aumist , OHic ,
closlnt. . Oljuo ; ScptiMiilJcr , fi8V < tii'0 ! c * . ole liiK ,
M ul Oet bor.'i7j(3.Vlc ( ( , closlu-- , KioDuccin \ \ -
bor&'i 'iic , oloHlni ; .Vj > io.
I OATS licccliita. 17.000 hnshoiii ; exports , 1.075
hnsiiols : Knlos , L'.Vl.COO busholH of fnturos ; 111-
000 hnshcls of spnt , Hpot nuirUut unohaiiKodi
Options Konorally Btronsor and quiet : .Inly ,
IIKie , closlni ; , ii\c : \ : Auaust , It-'ifia ' ie ,
" l Soylombor.IKUeil.'o.
No. ! . ' white. July,4tl7 ( itl7fi : Hiiot , No. a , whllo ,
4b4i ) Ho : mlxcil western , 4lt l7o ; whtto west
ern , 4S4.lllc : No''UhloitKO , 44 > i4liio ,
llAV Stonily , ( inlut.
Hoi's Kasy , qnlof.Ktuto coiiiinon to choice ,
Ztf&ttc I'uulflu ' . ' . '
; euast , 'H.C.'ac.
C'ut'r'KB UptloiiH openuil steady nnd tin-
chiuiRod to A polms down , oloscd i > toady nnd
unclmiiKi'd loIS points up ; gulfs , U.7.VI fjiik's ,
IncludliiR : July , JliUHl ; Aimust , JID.loQIO.'ii ;
[ Soptoiiitior , ? I.VJ'l.V.'i ; Octolior. tll.115 ; siiot ,
llriner nml iiuloti fair curious ; , 118.75 ; No. 7 ,
l7.SXiIlt7.87 ( > , .
fuciAH Kuw , llrninr , iiutat ; ( air to refining ,
215-ltx i"o : ; centrlfiiKuls , W test , U ioi lellnod
moro active , firm.
AlotiAmEs Now Orlenns , btcady , ( pilot.
HVK I'lrin , Rood doiiinnd.
I'BTHOI.KUU IJiilet nnd Btendy ; cruilo In
I 'HirtolH. pnL'kiii-s , f'J.M : piiolinrs In hullc , tti.U7 ;
rellnej Now Ytirk , < U.O.'O7.U5 ; I'hllndoluhlu
nnd lliilllinoro , U.tOftT.O ) ; I'lilludolphlu nml
lliilllinoro In hulk , * N.4Kj&4.50. (
( iOTTON HKUII lu , Dull ,
HOSIN Kusy und 'qulot ; B I nil nod conunon
to pood. tl.Cii ! l,4-.Mi.
Tuni'KNTlNK Hull , lowur Ht 07a'i7ic. (
Kiiis-Qnut : ! Irrctiiilur ; woaturn. l7JTClSo ( ;
reoulplB , 4.5.0 nuukiiKits.
Iliuus .Stonilynull ; wet suited Now Orleans
( ulcotud. 4J to 75 iHiuiuU , tiato ; TO.NUH ulioO ,
fXltoCiOplllllKlH , UUSO.
I'OIIKDull , Htuiuly ! old mess. J10.rIillCOi
nuw ine s * ll,7Yitl ai extra prlino , JlO.SOitll.OO.
CUT MIIATH ljulot , linn ; ploUluil uullles.
6\iW c ! plokloil hhonhU'is. ftHiitWUo ; plcklod
haniK , IDitftllu.
MIIIDI.KI'lrin , quiet ; short olcnr , ( O.J'Si ®
liAitu StoaOy. iinlett wrstorn stenin , fJ.M
naS-'Si sulfH. UO iiorct's at ( O..V ) ! oullon aalea ,
7.V ) tloroeHi Ju'v. ' W.5U ( AiiK-nst JJ.60 ; Suptt'iu-
lier closlin.IW.70 ( ( (1.71 ( iislioili Ootubor , oloiud ,
IGihOti asked.
HUTTKII Qulot. weak : western dairy ,
ll'iUlJot western creainury , ItUlhCi western
factory. Ho : KlRlim , Iff.
OiiBL-su 1'lrni , falny nuttvot purt nklms.
I'lii IIION Dull , unclmngcdt b'cotcli , fJI.OO
O.'l.l'Oi Ainiirleiiii , flU.tw4ilK.00.
( 'Ol'i'KH Dull , uncliunuud.
I.KAU Nominal.
TIN Dull , bteiuly ; straits , t-.CO.
KAHSA8 ClTl' MO. , Jul
4ellt ) , 0,730) ) ihJuiucuts , tuitkut , uatlvei
Btcndy to I5o lower ; Tcxnnv dull nnd loner !
slorr.i , H.O V > .90 ; cows , tl.Mtt.'l.4) ( . itookors
nnd foednrs , r.MWJI.I'- . ,
lions Hcccluts l.tuhlpmont * ! 2.CIO ! mnr-
kot stcndy to Sclilghar : bulk , f4.7oai.7J ! all
grade * . $4.i ( Kffi l.c.1.
HiiEEP-liocolpts. I,4'IO | shipment , 780 ( mar-
CMilii-Vory | ) quiet ; family. I.O.'Hai.l.l !
choice , ll.If/ai.lO ; ( ntiey. l.f.o > ! extra
tunny , Il.b0 ; half pntoiitfl.SOl.Ui ( patent. 2.0J
VvirKAT-Wnnkor : No. 2 hard. cnih. 80o bid !
Jn y. 7 Did i Nu Urod.cnih. 80 < { c bid.
Ui'itN-Wcakuri No. 2 cnih.&Wc bid ; July.
tOc bid. . . . , .
OATs-Wonkcrs No. 2 , casn , 33o bid ; July ,
fancy prnlrlo , SS.OO ; choice , W.50
. ( fl. .
IIUTTEII Stca'ty ! crenmory. 1TI03 ! dairy ,
lOiMlo : store p inked , 1 ci pucilimo. Do.
CiiKKSK-ati-iidy : northern twlrn. I0c : youns
American , iocs skimmed , 48oc ; western , Oc.
Koos WBiilc at lOVJc.
Woo ; , Dulls Mlic-ourl utiwashuil heavy One ,
I.tVKitroot , July I.I. WIIKAT Dull , dcmnnd
poor ; holders oflor sparlnalyj Uitllfornlu No. I
fs I Hid per cental ,
COHN Steady.
IluiTEii 8s porcwt.
UIIKKHK 4s for now American finest whllo
nnd ( oloird.
Zls per owt
ST. I.OUIB. Mo. . July 1.1 WHEAT Weak ;
CHUM , 7S ! ( ) ; Hoptttiiiuor. HITio.
CORN Kaay ; cash. 5(1'K" ( ' Septoinunr , 4D ? c.
OATS -Stotnly ; dish. UiliCf fccptcmbor , l7Uc. !
I'oiiK-Dnlliit JM. ! ' . .
IAim Dull ; c.ish , l. ' > .U.i.
WIIISKV Steady ; 41.18.
Wlinnt Miirknt.
, Minn. , July 111 , WHEAT The
market very dull. Hecolpt-iof wheat for two
( liiyw. K. > cars ! shipment ! ) . i" > curs , riosliijr :
No. 1 hard , July , 'Jl.niti ; on Irack JI.Ol'.JUI.u ' ; ! ;
No. 1 northern , July. IKlci on track. Jl.O.tft
l.X"i ( ) " ; No. a norlnern , July , 0 > c ; on trucu , UJ
cause. _ _ _
CINCINNATI , O. , July U WIIKAT Easier !
No. red , f > ril)3c. ( ! )
COHN ( iood demand ; No 1 ! mixed , 5 350ic. !
OATS I'lrnii No. ' . ' mixed , 40ttlOic. !
WHISK v Ji.lO _
Mllwaiikro Grain .ilnrkctN ,
Mit.wAUKKi : . Wls. . July II.-WIIEAT : Wonlc ;
No. 2 sprint , cath. 10 ; tentoinbor , S c.
COHN Aollvo ! Nn. M , cash , 5SJi.VJc.
UATS Weak ; No. - while , 41'ie- '
Toledo .Markets.
TOI.BDO. O. , July 13. WHEAT Steady ; cash ,
now , O4'ir. '
COIIN Firm ; i-asb , fi'Jc.
OATB Quiet ; No. awhile. 12.- .
I'.lKin liitltcr Mnrlcct.
Kr.diN , 111. , July Kt. Uuttor firm at 25 cents-
M > JtOMtS.
NKVT YOIIK. July Kl The opening of the
stock market for the now week brought no
chiniro : from Its conilltlon of stanutlon , hut
there was still a firm tone an'l the slight ail-
antiiKO gained last week was stubbornly hold
but In some cases Improve I. The runewol
prominence of the k'raiuor.-i. and especially
St. 1'anl , Iturlln ton and Atchi.sou , was ono of
the proofs of this attitude nnd the stubborn
strength shown by all of them in the face of
the bearish attacks by the traders jt < ' .vo tone
to the entire market , though In few other
shares were the dealings of any Importance .
The general apathy of operations was shown
most clearly by the transactions of the dav ,
the movement bolni ; entirely of a professional
making and spasmodlu In tholr character ,
whllo confined to very few stocks and limited
In their eirouts. The opening was steady
though lluriliniton was down H per cent. The
trading was enlivened durlnz the llrst hour
by the covering of shorts In St. 1'aill , Hurllns-
ton and Atchlson. while some buying of Chicago
cage , Cleveland , Columbus & " St. l.ouls
brought that stock again to the front , thotuh
It was unabloto retain all of Us advance.
Itenllzlngon the advance sot In toward noon ,
nnd everylh ng reacted the downward move
ment , being helped by rumors of ho ivy gold ,
shipments which evidently had their origin In
bear sources. Hut the urlces of thu forenoon
were not maintained and the early prices
were In most cases neutralized. St 1'aul and
Louisville wore the most prominent In the
afternoon drive , but the only stock which
showed uny real wea .ncssdurlng the day was
Sugar , which late In the day fell olT rapidly
with some animation.
The market , ho i over , remained devoid of
any special feature and closed very
dull and steady at Insignificant changes for
the day. Sugar lost 1H per cent , but all ether
changes were for the smallest fractions.
The demand for railroad bonds was rather
moro urgent and the trading for the day
reached sro.'UU ) , with the Atchlson Issues and
Oregon Improvements loading In the deal
ings. Thoru was no pronounced tone In the
market and the changes were confined to the
smallest fractions In all cases. The changes
for the day 111 o therefore without significance.
( lovornmcnt bonds were dull and steady.
State bonds were entlicly neglected.
NKW YOIIK , July 11. The following arc the
closing iinotutlons for thu lending slocks ou
tnc Now York slock exchange loday :
Alclilion < KW do prerurreit HI'.1
Adams Kxpross MB N. Y. Central 100
Alton A Terre Haute. ' . ' 7 N. V. Chic. A St. L. . . 12
flo proforroil 125 do preferred 05
American Kiproda. . Ill
11. C. It. * N -'ii ilo preferred 85
Canaillun 1'aelfla B1M Ontario .tWoalern. . . lig ;
Canaillan Southern. . W Oreiton Improvfuient 27
Central I'acltlo SOW Oregon Nar 70
Clies. AOIilo ini i Ortwon Trans 14T {
ilo lit prcferroil. . . . < 8 1'aclHoMall , . . . 85
doliml pruforn-il. . . 28 I'oorla Dec. A Kvans. 17
Mileage A Alton USW I'lttabtirtf I&O
C. 1I.A.Q Wi I'lillinan t'alaco ISIM
C. C. r. AHt.Ii lloadlnir VJ
Del , U , V\V 1U49 ISI. I , . &S. R l l pfil. .
I ) , .t It. . preferred. 4a St. I'aul CA
Knut Tonn 6-t { do preferred 112H
do Isl proferrud. . . . to St. I'auliMln. & Maij.lKI
ilo2nd preferred. . . 18 ! St. I'aul .V Onialm. . . . : : i
12ro [ m rtoprofi'rred.
dijpreferred 4SH Tenri. dial , V Iron. , . ,
Korl Wayne .I4U iTuxas 1'acltlc.
Clil. A Kiul. Ill f > l To I. * O. Cen. pfd. . . . 7B
llockhiK Valley . . . 25 Union I'Hclile 44H
lloinlon A Texas. . . . olfj U. a. KipreJi M
Illinois Cunlral . . . . P5H \V. St.' . I0' ' <
St. I'aul * Duliith. . . . SI dn preferred 2IIU
Kania AToxai 1IU Wvlli-FnrKO Ur 1S7
LakoKrloAW Kl Wetleni Union 60
doprufarreil 69 Am. Cotton Oil. . . . . . 22U
I.nketilioio 1J'J'4 ( ' ' Colorado Coal 3-j !
IxiHlsTllloNi h.- 7111 lometalce ( 12
Ioulsvlllu A N. A. . . . 21JJ Iron Sliver luo
Slomphls AChar 'M Ontark B'.i
MIclilKim Central. . . , . ' 8U ( julchnllver 4
Mil. UH. A W " 5 doprt'ferred 80
ilopniforruil 108 Sulro 6
Minn. A St. I , 4 llulwer 40
ilo preferred 10 lilch. & W. I . Ter. . . . 14U
Mlnourl Taelllo K iH WUconkln Conlral. . . . lh' '
.Mobllo A Ohio ,1S ( jrcat .Northern pfd. .
Naihvlllu Cliatt lilts WJ )
N. J. Central iiix : I.eadTriut. ,
Norfolk * Went pfil. . M'k , HuK r Trust . t'l
Northern 1'nclilc ' ' " ' ' 23' ( Soutliurn I'aclfle . 32 %
do preferreil. . . . . . . . CiHjoro. Sh. 1 ( . & U. Nor ! 25
u. r. Denver A ( lulf. 1SH Itlo lirnniloVunl. . . . . : > 7
Norlhwoilorii. 103 I do prefured U8) ) {
The lolal sales of stocks lodav were 10ll,0tO ;
shales , Including Alchlsou. I5.1U ; Loultvlllo
fc Nashvhlo , GU7' < ; Culuugo Ous. U,700 ] St , 1'uul ,
Fliianuinl Iuvlfw.
NEW YOIIK. July 13. The 1'ost says ; So
much ombarr..ssment has lately been occa
sioned to various railroad , enterprises by the
llabby condition of the bond market that an
experiment In Moating a now and heavy Issue
of bonds would have a particularly Intcruit-
Ing bearing In the general situation. Ktumirs
have been current for a week or more thut the
blight Improvement observed In the local
market would bo followed by a largo offer of
now railroad securities.
It Is now statud with some poslllvoncsi that
the rumors have had reference to the dicat
Northern railroad and that they will In. a
short time offer IIO.oOO.OoO now bonus for sub-
hcrlptlon hero and In London. If this experi
ment Is tried It will n iron I a valuable test of
the real tomporof the Investment community.
Now York Money MnrUet.
NEW Yoiin. July III. Mosiiv os CAM , Easy
M to 2 pur cent , last loan " per cent , closed
ottered af.i percent.
STKUi.u'i KXCIIASOE Dull , sl.itt for sixty
dav bills and I I.H7 for demand.
The following were the closing prices on
bonds ;
U. S. l , r < ul turoil..l M , K. AT , 5s .V.IJ4
IT. M , 4 , couponi . I Mutinil Union C < 101
i. renlilcred N. .1. Cent Int Corl.W/ | ( !
4U > , couponi Northern I'ac. l t . . . 111)1
I'aclllc , lit iif ' \ . 110 dir.'d Ill l.inu Stamp In. . b5 .Vortlnvo.t' coiuoli. .1111
Tonnoatou N. ri. ( ! < , . .101 doilebontnni f
do Si. , , . 'JIMiSl. U A. I. M. ( Jen. 6s. 87
do a , insist. UAH , K.lit'ii. M.10I
Canada ciouthorn ! di ttli'St. ' I'aul consoli. . , . . I2 >
Cuntrul I'aolllo Uts..lu7 st. i > . 5.4 f. Uti..llltj
1) . All.ll.UU t.lllH T , I' . U ( i. Tr , lieu. . b7
dn < i K > T. I' . It. O. Tr. llcti , . .
l > . A U. ( j. West Utu. . U7 t/nlun r i'llolit ! > . . . .1
iri : ! > 2d , U7 \Ve.ttilioru 1UO
M. K. AT. Hen'Ula. . . 7(1 4
NEW YOIIIC. July 13. Clearing * , JIO,8 ,0'IO ;
baluncoH. * ! , 7:17,0" : .
llil > TN ( ) , MIIK.S. . July ia-ClcarlnsA H1.17S.O 3 ;
balances , ti.uMl.i s. Money. 4Iili ! per cent.
Kxchangti on New York , I2iiu.
llAi.Tiuoni : , Mil. , July U Clearing * . * 2.T40.-
Jklll bnluneoK , if-'M.N'is. Money , U per cent.
OlliCAdo , July li Now York exchange ,
easy at lMi4J13o dUcount Money , steady nnd
unclianicl. ( Hank oloarlius. tl5t > oaotKj ; Bler-
llng exchunao steady utM.sS'.i ' for sixty day
bllU and ( I.STi ) for sight drafts.
CINCINNATI , O. , July 13. Money , fvlio per
cent. Now York exchange , 25 conls dUcount.
, ( ; ' ,4U7luO ,
Htouk Itliirkot.
Dosioa , Mass. , Julj U The followluj nero
the olotlnt prlcon on stocks In the lioiton
look ninrkot today ,
Stoulc Market.
LONDON , July J.I. Closing ut4 p. in. :
Console , monoy. . . .DA I5 > l ( Krli' . seconds HI )
Con loli , account. . . V3 15-10 Illlmiln Central. . , . Wit
II. H. 4s , IIR Monlcan ordinary. ,
t ; . H. 4'4 ' Bt. I'aul common , . MS
.V. V. V. A O. ! sH. . N. V. Central
Canadian I'nclllc. . .
1'rle IW < 'Me ' . Cent , new 4 .
Ilitrsllvur 4f.'id | H-r ounce. Tlio discount In
the open iniirkel for both short unil thrco
inoiithi lillls. IH percent.
flunk of Ktiiliuiil nullloii.
I.O.VDO.V. July I. ! . Amount of bullion pone
Into the llunkof KtiKlnnd on balnnco today ,
I'ltrlH ItciitL'H.
PAIII * . July 13. Thrco per cent rontos OJf
60 for the ncuotint.
Denver Mining Stouten.
PENVBII. Colo. . July 13. .Mining quotations
clofuil UH follows :
AllCirhany Ill l.ciol'l cnclur . 2 ! {
Amity 3 I.lttln Hull ) . 110
Arimn.uit 10 Matchless . VM
Ilnllnrut 61 May Mazcppa . 125
HiuiKkuk ! ' ! < MornlnuUlIm . 45
Ilnloi lluular ( W Oni . 110
MIX Inillitn 10 I'ny Hock . 2
IllltSIx t < 4
llrownlow M ? I'-irk Con . II
Calliope Ill's ' lived National . V )
Century , H ltlilto : . 107
Chiy County I1B Itminlnit l.odo . 2:1 :
Ciiililnx 10 loaTi'nwortli . Il !
Diamond II ,1)f ) John J. pfil .
IcnverJn ) A Oil. . . . 8 I'HMlor . Il' '
ICmmoiu 45 Cl.ntilluJ .
irujclail S W ( loltyiburn . H ! {
\VImlo. . . . .
Jnitlcn 124
San Kr molsuo Miu.nir Quotations.
SA.V KIIANCISCO , July I.'l.-The olllolnl cloiini ?
quotations for mining stocks today were us
follows :
Alia . 70 Oplilr 2 U
Hulwcr . 45 I'otojl li'JJ
Best * llclelicr .SO. . Havaito 1117
lloillo Consolidated. 811 Sierra Nevada 210
cnollnr . .17. ' . Union Con 175
Con. On I. \ Va IIUli m
Crown Point .KB Velio w Jacket 1U )
( iould Sc Curry , f > : u ) Com 0
Hale & Norerods. . . . .15' , N.y 15
Mi-xlcan .14 11.1 00
.Mono , .14M N. II. 1 45
Navajo '
St. I/otilw Mining Quotations.
ST. LOUTS , Mo. , July in. The mining stock
market this morning wns dead , dull iintl very
few sales vruru nnidu. Grnnlto Mountain was
stronger than It has been for several days.
Bids of ifJ0.75 failed to brliiK out uny stook. und
the lowest offers were WI.M. It Is undurstood
that thnro Is a stniHllnir order for any part of
: t,030 shan-s at 8IO.BO.
Tim folio wins bids Tforo niiidoon call ;
American IfllJi Montroao "Hi
lllllll'lillllc IIIUO Mickey llrcen 4U
CoiiHOlldiitod Silver. . IU Silver AKO 105
( iranlte .Mountiiln. . . 20)i Kllxubctli 172
l.lttlo'Albert IK Viiuiu 2I4 !
ColTco Altu-lcct.
Hio DB.IA.VKIIIO , July IX OOFKEI : Hosnlar
finest , nominal ; good second , MUD reis per 10
kilo.- , .
Itucutpts diirlnp the week. 7,100 ImRs ; imr-
cliases for United States , ( i1,000 haus : shlp-
inunts to Unitoil States , ol)00 ' ) bugs ; stocks ,
171,000 biiRH.
SANTOS Cor FEE Good uvorago ; 8,803 rols
per 10 kilos.
Kecelptsduring the week , 11,000 baits ; slilo-
inonts to the United States , fi.O.O baKs ;
purchases for the Unltea States , none :
stocks , 00,000 bags.
II : : van 11 .Inrknts.
HAVANA. July ill. SPANISH GOI.D 12.39 ®
EXCIIANCK Klrin ; on United States short
sluht gold S'j'O'lc pronihi'ii.
CUOAU Huttor tone. On Saturday 210 IIOKS-
hoadH muscovado , fair to KOOI ! rollnlnit. 85 to
lUUecrocs polarization , wore sold at 8ZUOU gold
per qulnttil.
Xew York Oil Alurkot.
NEW YORK , July lit. I'BT'tof.EUM Opened
steady at ( tie , hut at tar the first sales became
dull and remained so until the uloso.
SALES 7,000 barrels.
New York Dry GootlH Market.
NEW YOIIK. .Inly Kl. There was no chnnqo
from the previous condition In the market for
dry KOOJs today.
Ijondon Oil Market.
LONDON , July Kf. Splrltsof turpentine , 23s
Trutlcrs' Talk.
ST. Louis , July 1U. r.anconburz Brothers to
Coekroll Urotliurs : The following was the
otllulul raiiKeof prices at tills lOtnt toUay :
coMSioniTV | Open. I tllgb. I I.OIT. | Close. I Teat.
August. . . , 849 $ 84W
Sept . 40M
July . 84 SSH 34
OHICAOO , July l ; ) . Ivunnot llopklns& Co. , to
S. A. MeWborter. Lower cables ami Inercas-
InK receipts have Klven us a lower market ! n
spite of u very bad Kusslan report and an
excellent demand for cash wheat us well as
another larco duureaso In the visible supply
which Is now down to 11,8'JO.OOO bushels.
An associated pres cable declares that
Uusslu will bo In no position to
export wheat this year. Then traflo
Is now so busily onuaKcd In undormln-
InK values of deferred futures that It cannot
take Into bobor consideration the result of
such u harvest failure case as Is reported to
be true. Indian shipments nro falling olT and
If Kusslan supplies should oeaso altogether
America would have to pour outhororforlngH.
with k'reit ; liberality to prevent amount on
ocean passage from belnc sharply reduced.
Foreigners appreciate the situation moro
thoroughly than we do and whllo permitting
market quotations to ease on * gradually they
am largo and persistent buyers of our wheat.
Thin may have no Immedhito olToct on prices ,
but Indications point to higher prices ulti
mately than were reached on the last crop.
Corn rallied quickly and early on an estimate
of moderate receipts tomorrow. It has been
declining for some days under free short
sales , which .showed good pro Ills which
tiiu bears thought advisable to take.
UillCAiio , July 13. Schwartz , Dupco & Mo-
CormleK to lU. . Hwartz & Oo : Dullness
and weakness have been the main features of
the wheat market. Liverpool was half-penny
to a penny lower. Trench markets were
Hunted oasler , and receipts of now wheat at
all points uere very : The results of this
was heavy selling for both local and outsldo
accounts , although the only bullish Item of
news-was a cablegram from St. Petersburg
that on account of damage to thu.r wheat
KuHsIn would this year be an Imuortlng In
stead of an exporting country. Clearances
trom the four Atlantic ports were only 30.0UO
, wheat and 13,000 packages of Hour. The close
was weak and would have elosed lower oxenpt
for purchases against puts. Corn , after the
llrst weakness showed the effect of belig ) over
sold In iiilto | a sharp advance. KccolpU for
today were fair , but the estimate for tomor
row * M cars were 200 cars under the expecta
tions. Itcsultt of this anil a rainstorm which
eiino : an was to start covering of two or throu
lines of shorts. .Market elosed fairly linn
und we think doubtful whether wo will have
much further break so long as tlia cash niur-
Ket shows stronutn. The oat market was dull
and uninteresting. In provisions the re
ceipts of hogs were fully up to the estimate of
i'5tH)0 ) , but prices were quoted lOe higher. This
started covering of one or two lines of short
prov Dions and the buying for long account by
siivenil local buyers and scalpers. Offerings
were very light until nrlces struck tl'.lMJ for
September pone. * ! . & ' for September lard and
$11..Vj for September ribs , at which prices com
mission houses all around had an unlimited
amount for sale. The result of thin was KOIIIO
reaction from the eailler advance und rather
tame closing. Wo * eo no chiingo In the gen
eral position of provisions , although the con
tinued advance In IIOJH Is making of our
bonrs uneasy.
The outlook Is not especially encouraging to
bulis. The vlslb o supply shown no material
change , ro.elnlHiirn fairly good and crop pros-
nocts Improving. Hut prospects are Improv
ing ! Ibex * look relatively I'heup at these prices.
Provisions Ilitctuated within a narrow rungo
und n few local trr.derrt appear to milk the
market. They bid It up toell us much an
possible and buy buck their btulfon the re
sulting break. This bus bean going on for
\vt > oks and while tie : run of hnH light man
ipulation Is ii-asonably safe , Should anything
occur to utulerinlnu the conlldenuo of the
country holders a very sliarp dooitno could
hardly be averted.
CutOAdO. July IU.yl' . ( > . Lntiin & Co. to
Toni-ray V Ilryan Loworoables. Him weather
and largo receipts gave UK a wo tk opening In
wheau but I'ardildgoahsortiod all oirorlngxto
cover shnrts. ijronnil b.V. The result was u
dull , lite.ens murlict for the ; rest of the d y
with the ei'coptlon'of a spurt to hSljc on the
decrease of iTf.iOO bushels In the visible
supply for the wee . but this advance
quickly melton awuy und the market
elosed weak 'it , B7V1. Country ndvle.'S lull
cf thn fri'o and early movement of the winter
wheat. Our spring wheat udvices today are
very favorable. Corn was sold eiirly on e.\-
poeted receipts for tomorrow of l.ooi cam , anil
the irowd were uaught short , when an pctl-
mutoof 7 > X > ears xtnrted seine zood buying ,
whldi took September corn from Sofco to3IT c ,
with the close ut 51 ? < ( Wlli . The Bhlpplu de-
mninl U good and red A'fll ' our slo.-k horn last
week AMIOUO bushel * , utWIls rte hare hud n ilo-
elltilnu tnnrkcttura wjilu wo look now for
foinn Improvement InJiiru'c * . Onta cnntliiiio
to hold dull hut Htn.idtL uXvi'pt nn July , which
noli ! fiom : oto r > o nnd closed nt .We. The
< lccrou o of 7iiiluoj bnli ls InotU hold thu
nuirket stonily. I'rovHbn * dvnnced with
corn , hut closed weak.1" Very llttlo trad nj In
them. l i
Nnw YIIIIK. July IXtrKennctt , Hopkins ft
Co. to S. A. Mc\Vhoiti r."Tho week opens
without any rhnngod features "f Importance ,
l.omlon came filrly HU-OIIS for Anierk'iin
slocks with I. . & y. iipjiidmlly higher. Thu
ailvanuu In this stock rtinnuld to hiivu boon
ciui'ud by short * covering. Traders took
the long side of the market at the opening
and thor purchases c.lrrlcd prices up from
H to 1 per cent , but the tleslru to buy was
checked and n good deal of selling Induced bv
rumors of gold bolnx taken for shipment by
tomorrow's steamer. These rumors were not
confirmed , but on the contrary Blerllng ox-
chungu was rather weaker and tneie la no
reason to expect cold shlpnionlM unless
'change slllfqns. Thu bond market holds forth
riilhor moro promising conditions tliiin for
DIIIIIU lime pasu The hour campaign ngulnst
thu Chicago , Burlington &Q lnuy appear * to
have been a flzzlo. A InrK" portion of thu
short Interest is said to have covered today.
The fact Is the lout ? line of dividends which
the ( Jhlc.igo , Iturllngton .VQnlncy has paid
formany yearn Itispiro.sconlUU'ncoln Its man
agement and the outlook for business Is too
bright to mnko the time opportune for at
tempting to shake out lone stock after the
decline In the market. After gold export
rumors were current a firmer tone was ap-
ninuiitund the oloso was steady hut with
qillto a recovery from the lowest points
Money has been ousy ut H per conU Tolal
sales I04'I4.
NKW Voiik. July in. Honrv Olews. the
banker , aays : Affairs at the stock oxchungo
tire still dull , Inves'inont transactions being
limited nnd speculative operations confined
to nuimiMivios for the advantage of trinsh > nt
sllslit fluctuations In prices. The hesitancy
Is not duo to anything ; unsatisfactory In the
conditions Intrinsically affecting thn current
vulno of securities ; on the contrary these
conditions seem to ho regarded us warranting
a hotter range of prices than now exists , pro
viding all nthor Inilliences wore vitiully | satis
factory. The real cause of thu postponement
of operations lies In a beclouded con
dition of Die foreign situation nnd In the un
certainty as to what may ho Its outcome
within the remaining half of the year. The
position of affairs at the European financial
conttes , though at the moment more nettled
than It has huun. Is .itlll farfiom bolng a hope
ful one. It might bo reasonably expected
that the dorancomonts growing out of thodls-
ustern of last fall had now been so far ad-
Jusled uslo involve no furlhor danger , wore
It not that new dlflleultlcs have to bo faced
between now and December. The Argentine
danger has been reopened by the congress of
tnat lepubllc suspending for thrco months
the laws relating to iho eqllcellon of debts ;
which , though It may not vitally affect the
Argentine hanks , Is calculated lo put a severe
slraln upon commercial and llnuncl'il ' houses
which have already been seriously weakened ,
and whoso credit Is suffering from their largo
u'liaranleos to Argentine nnlurtaklng.
It turns out also that the bal-
iinco of Hiissla's claims upon for
eign banks and hankers Is much larger
than has been supposed. During June about
.f R'.OOO.OuO gold was sent to St. Petersburg , and
It Is understood that Jl..OOJ.O * ) more will have
to bo wlthdr.'wn ' from the Hank of Kngland
for Russia In July and August. Uoyond this
drain , gold Is expected to ho drawn from Lon
don In consldorablu amounls to Germany and
Holland , and the "stay law" adoplcd by the
Argentine congress Is llkoly to cause an early
outflow of gold to that country. The $140,01)0.-
000 of gold which Is now doing such Important
duty In buttressing coiiddonco In London and
Indlrcctlv also at the continent ! ) ! centers is
therefore destined to drafts which will , at a
later stage , withdraw that riiuch needed sup
port and place the goldiboyond thu reach of
the wants Unit will heavily upon the
heels of deficient har.vests. This very Im
portant crop question Is now assuming
measurable dimensions. An eminent English
ntitlmrlty on grain Statistics , while antici
pating an almost aypr.hgo Itrltlsh crop of
wheat , estimates the deflolencv In t'ranoo at
IIIO.UOJ.OOO bushels , and's'rlmo French calcula
tors place the deficit usljlgh us 175 , ( 00,000. Thu'
total Kuropoan delielrriby lo bo supplied from
external sources the English estimator places
at D 0.0lO.iluO bushels of wlioat ; or. If wo were
to accept the flcnrcs of the I'ronch statisti
cian for France , the total European deficit
would bo about J.'l'l.OuU.OM ' ) bushels. Seem
ingly , therefore. It may bu assumed that
Kuropo will have to Import about 403,00(1,000 (
bushels of wheat. Such , a demand Implies a
higher price for thatccroal than has prevailed
during Into years , and worn the price esti
mated at thu confessedly low tl. ure of
$1 per bnshol , It .would follow that
Kuropo will have .to pay SIOO.000,000
to other parts of the world for this
cereal , which Is an'1 ; ifnonnt almost with
out precedent. Our own crop | s variously
estimated , between MWiuOO.itoJ und IUO,010,000
bushels ; nnd , as prospects now stand , 550.00J.-
000 l.s perhaps a fair estimate. Estimating our
domestic rtxinircmGnts for various purposes
at aa' , 0),000 ) bushels , wo should have , at this
rate , a surplus of 190.00J.UCO bushels for export ,
assuming the homo stock to remain at Its
present quantity , whatever that may ho. Ac
cording to these estimates , we aru In a posi
tion to furnish to Kuropo oloso upon or pos
sibly fully onhalf of its total ronnlred Im
ports of wheat. This moans that this ono Item
of our exports will amount to something near
$ ? 03.uOO,000. To the United Stutes , this Is u ,
very uxhlleratlng prospect ; but to Kuropo It
Is a. very gloomy one , Kvon were the Knro-
poan nations In a prosperous condition , such
an extraordinary necessity to buy bread from
foreign countries would bo appalling ; but ,
coming after an onfooblliK financial
crisis , on iho heels of a largo araln of
gold Into Knssia , and at a time when Industry
Is contracting and foreign trade Is languishIng -
Ing what may bo the possible result of these
short harvests to Europe ? It Is useless to pre
dict ; and It Is Imperative to wilt ifor cense
quences. The present attitude of expectancy
assumed by Wall street Is ho only safe and
wlso one undersuoh circumstances , It Is not
likely that wo shall bu permitted to reap this
advantage of a great crop without some scrt
of drawback , and It Is wise to wait and see In
what form that drawback Is HUoly to come.
Kuropu will find Itlmposslhlo to pay us for our
wheat without making some sacrifice , tiho
will offer herpioducts to us at low prices , or
consign them for sale at what they will bring ;
If wo accept thorn freely , our wheat will bo so
far paid for In goods Instead of gold ; If wo
buy only our usual quantity of Imports , then
Kuropc will bo comp'jllod to pay us largely In
our securities held there ; nnd , in Unit case ,
the settlement will not bo conducive to
buoyancy In the Now York stock market. I'or
these reasons wo ndvlsn modnrato expecta
tions , at least until the future of Kuropo
becomes plainer.
O3IA HA L.I } li S I'OClf.
OMAHA. July 13.1S9I.
CATTLE Official receipts of cattle , I.IIIO ,
as compared with . " > 13 Saturday and BC ! .Mon
day of last week , The markut was steady on
good grades of hcoves and wo'ik to lOc lower
on ether grades. Good butuhor stock was
firm , ether grades were slow and unchanged.
Kcodor.s were qnlot und nnchan.'cd. Thu re
ceipts contained somn very good cattle.
lioas Olllchil rocoiuts of hoxs Ir > l4. as
comuarod with 4.0J1 Saturday and uns Mon
day of last wuok. The market was aetlvo
nnd fully steady on neavy hos and r > o hlghur
on light and mixed. All were sold early. Thu
rnngunftho prlcos paid was tt.W&i.Xt , the
bulk selling at $ I.7.V3U.HO. There was n good
demand fur light and niixn.l hogs. Mght , $1,70
® 4.M ) ; huavy. l.80ffi 1.8.1 ; mlxod , $ .7fl4.t50. The
avcra u of the prices pulil was * l.77'i ! , as coin-
p'lrcd with 11.73 Saturday , and JI.MJi Monday
of last week.
SiiKKi' There were no fresh receipts of
shecu. Tlie demand continues good and prices
remain llrm Natives ti7."iji" > .u. > ; wistornstU.50
C$5,03 ; good CO to 70 Ib. lambs , Jj.oat5.'jj.
ICccolptH atul DiHpHltioa ; of Stook.
Olllclal rocolntsaniljjli)0ltlol ( | ) > of "took nt
shown by thu books of.jUJii Union utookvarU
coi.ipmiy fortbutwontrrfu'ir ' hours ending a
5o'clock p. m. . July I'J.Jpni :
jHIIEKI' . II'B A M'l/S.
Can.llluad. Cnri. Hoail. Cart , . -
"M | wio 21 ft 6 I Illl
lIuyiiM. i llo.'J. Hheup.
Omabi I'acltliii ; Co
TIioil , II. llamiuouil Co..r"
Hwlft A l-o A 14.S
'I'liorudahy ' I'acklnit Co , , I.S
North ; :
Klnuaii Ac Hon ih 41 ; . '
K. St. l.ouls ( ii
Neltun Morris v 2.'J
Holie llros ,
, t "
Slillfperi and femlors. . . ) . . , "si ?
I.oft over , C
Total. 1.10(1 (
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. l > r.
) . ! aW IOO G7..lllfifMI3 17. I2 i I. ' . 4 %
I. . 710 420 1U..1I.VI 5 0 : il..l3'J7 5U7H
1. . 8.51 1 (10 ( 2. . DID 13 1 ! W..I02I ; i 00
I. .Ill1) ) 1 7.1 I..1IHO U 40 0. . 010 300
ft . It'll 2 10 1 ! ) . . 077 M 4U 1..II.V ) : i "Jl
: l..llJ ( ) ' . ' M IUIO ! 375 1..U.W 350
5. . 3S5 ' . '
U3I 8 , . 012 75
1 cow and calf . , . , 'f ; . 120 01
1 cow and calf . M ( X )
'i'invfl and i-alvps , each. . . ' . , . -'HI W
Jiows und calves , each . ' . 40 UO
No. A v. 1'r.
Chark's llecht-
a lulls . 1210 3 00
a 1ml is . , . 1:11:1 : : awi
IHeows . . . . . H7J 2 1.1
17 cows . , . . . . . . . . US I 2 HO
' . ' 2 Hlcers . HIO 340
4:1 : htoers . 1173 301
17 steers , hiiy-fcd . . . lliW 4 50
J. II , Overtoil
21 cows , hay-fed . 10CO 'J 0)
17 steers , hny-fod . Ufa 435
A , J. Hnowdon
1.1 steers , tailing ! ) . , . 1.110 3 00
107 feeder * , Utah , , , . 1003 il 00
I t.ig . i ta 3 M
-"lacs . , . . , . , . I''lf , S K )
21 feeders . 1011 310
(1 ( feeders. . 1081 3 Sfl
Ofoodnrs. , . 104'J 325
W. S. Stratton
.Istiigs . 14KI 825
17 steers . 10(17 ( U-3J
.Vo. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sh. t'r.
S . 2H ? l M 72 . 103 Wt47S
87 . 117 4 0.1 07 . K.'O i.'W 475
2 . SOU 400 770 07 . Wl ICO 475
i.r > . 2-J8 4 70 12 . M7 475
JO . ISO 4 70 74 . 214 I''O 475
7 . 11)1 ) 4 72 ! fil . 247 200 4 BO
,4 . W ! 4 7.'ii 77 . 211 N ) 4 8J
JS . 20 ! ) IW 475' 74 . 2I'J 8J 4M )
0 . ! . ' 40 475 05 . 2\7 SO 5 SO
JJ . . . . 29J 475 711 . 103 03J 4 S'J '
i . 214 ice 47.1 r > 7 . : s : sa 4M
' 2 . 22.1 4 7ft 70 . 218 80 4 SO
4 . KM 47.1 CO . 31(1 ( .MO 4 S24
77 . 21(1 ( IM 47.1 71 . 'J4S IU ( 4 82 ' 4
82 . 2-0 100 175 70 . 247 - 483
PIUS AND itounn.
3 . 80 300 S . 130 300
1 . 230 3 UJ
o I lvo Ktook .Mnrlcet.
CiitcAiK ) . July CL [ Siiuoliil Telegram to Tun
IlKAI rho largely Increaaod receipts for to
day , of common and medium grades of cattle
were precisely thu thing oxpected. The ad
vance during the previous ton days of W © 7.'O
per 100 pounds could have had no ether
result , The elfu.-t upon values was also In
accordance with the fitness of things ; " there
was a weak miirket for nil grades. Such qual
ities as arc sought by oiiRteru buyers and exporters -
porters were not moro limn usually plentiful ,
and holders did not find It necess.iry to make
any Important price concessions , but but < her.s
and canncrs stock sntfvred sevotely. declining
h102"o pur liO pounds und closing extremely -
tromely weak at the lo.luction.
The recelpl.M , though not linger than for the
corresponding day last year , weiotliolar est
for Any day within the last six months. They
were estimated at 111,0)0 ) head , of which S.Oii )
were from Texas. As comparatively few of
the natives avcra ed bolter than medium the
average of the pr ces was low. Whllo there
were si-altering bales around fl.OO , the bulk of
the stock was weighed at prices below $ .1.2.1 a
very largo part at { 2.0.13:1,2.1. : Natives were
quotedat *'iO for Infer'or to extra co\vs
and hiills.and at $ l."iOil. > . ' , ' > for common to extra
phipp'ng ' steers. Sales of Texans were on a
baslsof . } ! r > ) Ji1.00 , according toqu illty , grassers -
ers selling principally at ! - . . " > < S3..M. Calves
were Me per 100 pounds lower than lust week.
The fact that the receipts were largo and
the weather Intensely hot did not a' to
check the ardor of hog buyers. They were at
It early and with a vim that made It easy for
salesmen to nil. I another nickel per 100 pounds
to values , Good to choice sorts sold quick at
J.l.ioav-'i ) , and there were -altering trades at
still higher figure" , J.VJ3 belli/ paid In ono ! n-
si.inco. ami t2l's In another. It was a poor
lot for which prices bo ow f 1.0.1 had to bo ac
cented , and by luforenco to the published
transactions It will ho seen that the bulk of
the saios wore at bottoi : than JUK ) . Although
the receipts (2.1.000 ( head ) were largo for this
time of the year they were roiidlly absorbed ,
and at no time during the day did the market
glvo a sign of weakness.
The Evening Journal reports : OATTM : Re
ceipts , 1UO ! ; shipments , 4,000. Market Ir
regular ; expart and shipping stock stua Iv to
strong ; others lower ; top prices. $ .1.7.ViiO.IO ;
no fancy steer ? on sain ; others. fl.25&ViV ) ;
Texans. $2.7. > ® I.OO ; stoaUcrs , Z-.7M14.50 ; cow.s ,
S2..1.0 ® 1.50.
Hods Receipts , 2.,000 ; shipments. 14.000.
Market Irregular : ron.-h and common. '
$ ! .454.C > fl ; mixed and packers , J4 > 0&
5.05 ; prime heavy and butchers weights , $3.1)0 )
® .r .I5 ; light , 91.00(33.1.20. (
SilKlli1 Receipts 11.00.1 j shipments , 2,500.
Market steady to hlL'hor ; common native
owes , $ -.25l.4'0 | : mixed and wethers , $4.80 ®
5.23 ; Texans Jl.-'SOJ.lKjwoaturns , $1.00 ; lambs ,
Now YorK Juivc Htouk Market.
Nnw YOIIK. July 13. IlunvES Receipts , 55,804
head Including OS cars for sale. Market lOc
lower : steers , $4.50tftO.n ( ; Tox.ins and Colorado.
$4.2 ® 5.Q ) ; bulls and cows , $2.IOS4. : 0 ; dressed
beef , Gi ! < 3.'J4e ! ; shipments tomorrow. 2i4
CAr.vr.aReceipts. . G2D head ; market dull ;
buttermilk calves , J250JJH.OO.
Snr.Ki' Receipts. 1.7.'ll ' head ; lambs. > { c
lower ; sheep , $ I.2.V6.1 ? CO ; lambs , $ ( :
dressed muttons , steady ; S'/zSlOc ; dressed
IIoos Receipts. 10.817 head , consigned direct ;
nominally steady ; $4.iO@i.r : ! > 0.
McShane & Condon , ,
300 S. 13th St. First National B.nk Eutld-
Ing , Omaha , Neb.
Deal In Htnckii , bonds. Hccurltlcs , comaicrclnl pn *
per , cto. NcKOtlatu lunns on Irnpriivo.l Oruihu : riml
estate. Short thuo tonne , with bunk ituck , orou all
pprovcd collutcr alfccnrlty.
OJIA.MIA. ll'J/OLF.S.11,1. Jl.lllliKTS.
Fresh I riillH.
Quito a good many blackberries are arriving
but In u general way the supply or berries is
light. Melons aru coming In freely , hut they
are small and cheap. Dealers look to see ap
ples sell lower. .
MKLO.VS ShlppliiB'stock , indJL'Oe.
CiiLiitiiiKS Oregon , $1.5021 1.75 ; homo grown ,
$1.25 per > i bushel basket ,
Ai'i'LKS Per H bushel box , green , 503COc ;
red , OJffi'.lc.
Jii.ACKiiKJiltiES Good St. Louts stock.rxj. .
Hr.ACK RAHl'liUlllltE $1.75 porlOqt. cases.
RKD ItASi'iiEititiKs I'or24qt. cases , $1.00.
1'MIMS Cullfornln , SI.7.1@ > S.OO.
OIIANOKS I'or box. { LOO-ai S.
LnMONS 1'or box , $0.50(0)7.00. ( )
HANANAS I'or bunch , $ .0002.53 for good
shipping stock.
I'KACiins California Halo's early , $1.5' ' ) ;
southern , C5i$7. ( > c per S bushel box ,
Ari'iiicoTH 1'er box , $1,75.
The following quotations represent the
prices at which choice stock Is billed out on
orders unless otherwise slated :
NKW ( OTATOES Round lots from the coun
try , Hlftliuu ; choice shipping stock In small
lots. $1.00.
O.SMONS California , 2'.Jc ' per 11) .
OAIWAOK Homegrown , 2'ic ' peril ) ,
TOMATOES 1'or crate , one-third bu. , C0ii73o.
CiicuMnnits-1'ur do'Ho. .
CKt.Eltv : B40o pur do/
NKW IIEETS 1'er bu. , $ I.PO.
Omaha milling company. Rcllunco. Patent
J'.HJ ; Invincible I'atonl. (2.70 ; Lone Slav. Su-
porlatlve , J.lJSnowlIako ; , $2,03 ; K.incy Kit lu
ll v. $1.00.
H. T. Davis milling company. High 1'atont.
No. I and Cream , $2.50 : llluo 1) . , full patent ,
5S.63 ; Hnwkeyo , half pitonl , $ J.w : ; Special
Royal. 1'atont No. 10. $ : i.uo ; Minnesota patent ,
$2. ( i ; Kansas Haul Wheat , patent. $2.U5 ; Nebraska -
braska Spring Wheat , patonl , if'.OO.
S. li' , Glltmin's Hold Medal. $2.81 ; Snow
White. $2.51 : Snowllako , $2.10 ; low crude , $1. < V ) ;
Queen of the I'antr.v ' , $2.M ; bran , $11.00 ;
chopped feed , J''I.UJ ; Minnesota Superlatlvo ,
" '
"K.'IJ. Welch & Co. . Host. $ . ' .S5 ; Crown 1'rlnno ,
$ . ' .70 ; Jllnnesota Chief. fc..4U : Splendid Kamlly ,
$2.10 : Straight , $1.UO.
Country I'r.'ducc.
IlUT-rnn Thu most of the mites reported at
Do and the market not overly strong at that
Kens Majority of the eggs going at lc , but
a few round lots reported sold at Ms" .
POUI.TIIV Supply light and the market firm.
Old fowls , $3.7.Vii4.UO ; spring chickens. $2.50
@ 4.50.
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Hlsors , best pill.
Thu Di-atli Iloll. , IiiU. , July in. The vonor-
nblo Aqulllx ; Jones died hero yesterday. Ho
had been treasurer of Indiana 'and was post
master of Indianapolis during 1'rcaldcnt
Cleveland's administration , Ho cast his
llrst vote for Andrew Jackson , was the lull-
niato friend of John O. Calhoun , Ilonry Clay ,
Daniel Webster nnti nil the promiuont slates.
inou of ante-bellum days.
A very small pill , nut n very gooj cr.o.
DeWltfs Little Karly KUurs.
ssssssss ;
A Tested Remedy
F ° r A"
A reliable cure Tor Contagious
Ulood Poison , Inherited Scro
fula nnd Skin Cancer.
As a tonic Tor delicate Women
and Children It haa no equal.
Belnf * purely vegetable , Is harm
less In tin effects.
A ( rrnllw on Illood and Bkln DlJ-
eat * * nmlliil KIIIE on appllcallou.
e Kelt It.
Drawers , Atlanta , Ga.
issssssss ;
Manufacturers' Joblm1
m fiLrt Tout & Awn
ing Co.
la cs , IlammoFki , Oil ami
nlibor ClothliiK. Sunillor
atnlozno. 11 I.I Karimn ,
A , II. Pcrrigo it Oo. 1 M , 0. Daxon ,
SoM on Monthly
Bond for our Catalogue
anil I'ikoi. liw ; ( { Karnain St. , Onn hi.
Omaha Eopublicau Printing Oo. ,
Law brief * , bank Mippllui , nni vtrcr/tliliu In the
' [ irlnlhu lino.
lOthnnil Doiixln stri)3ti.
Ackcrmann Bro ? , & Ilciutzo ,
Printer. , WiHloM , clo.nrotrpori , blank boai nianu-
fin inrori ,
IJIStlownrl tr33t. Ointhi.
Oharlea A. Ooo & Oo , , Kirkeiulalljonoi & 0o
Manufacturer ! anJ Job Wholesale Mannfactiir't
bers. A cent" for llostnn llnb-
1109 Ilowar.1 . tcrflinoro. , Ilir. . 1101 ,
Anil HIM Harnoy St.
William * , , Van Aor-
nam & Ilarto , Fhoo Factory , Corner I till
1S12 llarnor strjjl , ami Dit.ik'Ui sti , i ) Ml'
lin Mi'rchaits Invite I
Omaha , S'o' > . locill an I inimlii ) .
John L. LouU Hollar ,
Omaha paper box falory llnteborV and I'.icitnrr
1ilM'l'.l : ' DJlJlii. Tools , V Supiill.n. Ilouf ,
line \ slintT c'-nlnfi.
Orilcrs promptly filial. HUMUS JarK oi : St.
W. T. Seaman ,
Omaha's I.arioil V.irljty
West & Fritsobsr ,
Manufacturers flnocUars
Jobbrrs of loa f tob.icso i.
1011 Karnam street
American Fuel OD. Howell & Oo , ,
Blilppers an'l iloUiri ti
antliraclto anil blt - 217 S. HtliEtrcot ,
inlnoua coal.
Omaha , Nob.
215.S. I5lli5trj3t.
Nebraska Fual Johnson Broi. ,
Oil Fnrnnm t-ircot ,
Omaha , Nob. Oinahr , Nob.
Eagle Oornico Works F.
Manufacturers off.alvan- Galvanized Iron cornices ,
l/od Iron Cornice. Ioruier wfinlir-v * , iloor
Window caps , melallnskr- cap" , tin IiiU etc. Tin
llclils eta 1110-anU 1112 Iron and slitj : roofOr.
DoilL-oSt. 811 Fiirn-iin St.
J , J , Johnson & Oo , ,
2183. 13th JlrJJi
Omah-i , Nob.
M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatriok-Koch Dry
Goads OD. ,
IJry ,
, notion i. Pry BOOils , notions , ontJ
Cor. llth and Howanl sti. Corner Ittli anl Iturauy
Wolf Electrical Oa. Eleetrio Motors
lllubtrntc'ct Catalou3 and Dyn.uoiH. I'atnloLjiio
free. free. II. A. Ivlnnoy.ii > n'l
IOU Capitol Avoniio. Au-t. Ml-3N.V.I.Ifu Ml. ! ' *
Toncray & Bryan , I 8. A. MoWhortor
Uroirrs , grain , prorUlom 3IJ Ut Null lltnk , Hrokart
anil Mortal. X5 | 8. "Uth rrlvata wlrei to N
SU Private wr | to Chi- York , C'lilcoffO nd HU
"no.St. l < ouli nnil Now I < otil . Cili gull ]
Vork. bought for all nmmols
G. W. Dougliwi & Oj John A , Wakofiold ,
Ini ported , American , P. ) '
llnrilwooil I.umbor , land Cenicnl.MllwaukOii
ll > diiiulln Cement and
1310 Nnrth ICth HtroH. ( jiilucy Wtillu l.luio.
Oharlos R. Lea , WyattBullard Lum
llariln'onil luinbpr , wool ber Oo
carpels anil piiniuot
Knoilni ; . Mill nrnllt.irJ Strooti ,
Pill nml Diuiglat.
Catly & Gray , Louis Bradford ,
I.lmc , ccmont , etc. , cto I.mnbcr , llmo , coinontotl
cor , Dili anil Douglni td Douiflai itrcot.
0. A. Stonohill , I , Oberfoldor & Oo. ,
Millinery , Notion * Importers nnrt Jobbon In
Cloak ) , Kla .Millinery.
203'ilO nndl'ia Mouth IHh
118-118 S. llith 8k , Omxha ttU'Ct.
Max Mayer & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. ,
At'f'g Jeweler . iloators In I'lanni , Organs , ArtljtJ'
niiialoal Initriiincnti ,
etc. , Materials , Ktc. ,
Farnntn nnd inth. l..I.I . Street.
Consolidated Tank
Line Oo ,
Itcltnoil anil lubrlmtlnt
oil. " , axle eroaso , ( Ho.
U. II. Until , Mnnvcor.
M , A. Diabrow & Oo , , Bohu Sash & Door Oo
Mamif.iotnrDrs of BIU'I , Maniifai'tiiroH of uiou
lnx * blinds , dlors ,
doori. blind i unit >
.Moilldln . llranoii of etc. , ctdl
tleo , l.'tli ami Uar.I , tl Itilh and Clark fltrocts ,
OonEolidatod OolFoa
Ooinpany ,
1411 and I ll'l ' Humor it-
Onialm. Nul ) ,
A. D , Boyer & Oo Hunter & Oroon ,
M-W ICxchaiijio tlulldln ; , W KxclmiiKO llulldln/
Kouth Onmha. Houlb Oiuunii.
A POSITIVE indptrmtnint CURE for all
whirs othtrlreMmtntlilli. .FulTdirecfion wllh tch
bollla. Hrlct , on dallir. Set ilgnilurftot E. .
HAUL Fov 8 | e D'j All Druualrtl u ,