Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Not Yet Settled Whether tbo Doming Cham
pions Will Remain Hero. >
Some ItonHoti to Believe ttinl the Club
lie Kept Intnutlilncolii
Won from Kansas City
\ \ Itli Kue.
Citizens Interested In the maintenance of
Omaha's baseball team will buvo to bo pa
tient for n few hours longer , but they can
rest assured that the enemies of the great
sport stand n good chance of getting left at
every turn in the road.
All sorts of obstacles have boon thrown In
the way of a speedy settlement of the
< embrogllo , but the proper parties are taking
n lively Interest Just now nnd the prospects
are good for an amicable adjustment In spite
of nil adverse .scheming.
There nru n thousand and ono reports afloat ,
but ono thousand of them cut nn llgiirn In the
caso. There Is no player In the Omaha
club going to deliberately cut his throat.
Still there are many phases of the situation
to bo carefully eruislderod , but with the ar
rival of President tCrnuthoff hero the affairs
of the club will rocelvo a speedy disentan
glement , nnd thcro Is n good chance of the
club's continuing right here.
The best men of the city nro awakened to
tbo necessities of tbo case , and It Is icasona-
blo to suppose that they will work out a
happy solution to the whole question. If
they fall It will bo their own fault.
Business men who hope for the retention
of Otnahu's one great summer amusement
nnd still greater advertising card should
move promptly and In unison nnd the club
will remain , and on n basis that will bo a
credit to both players and management.
Ono prominent nnd woalthv businessman
declared yesterday that "thoro would bo
more money taken In at the gatu under anew
now and popular management than has been
realized during the entire season so far. "
If the citl/ons nro successful and r.tlso the
funds to keep tbo club , tbo players wlllloavo
tonight for Denver , whore they are scheduled
to play tomorrow. If not. the present
champions of the Western association
will bo scon for the lust time
on the local erounds todav when they
will play a game against the Eden Musoes ,
for the benefit of the former team.
KANSAS CITV , July 11) ) , President Kraut-
off of the Western ball association left to
night lor Omaha where ha will consult with
Messrs. Morrison and Ciarncnu
concerning the transfer of. the
Omaha club from the management of Dick
McCormlck to that of the former gentleman ,
There were many wild stories nlloat here
todav regarding the disbanding of the
Omaha club and the sale of the nlayers to
the various clubs In the American asso
ciation. President Krautoff was inter
viewed Just before ho loft tonight on
the status of the club. Ho said most em
phatically that the club had not been dis
banded , and ho thought It would not
bo for the reason , ho said , the asso
ciation could not afford to lose Omaha
from the circuit , nnd everything pos
sible would bo done by .tho association
to keep thu club Intact. Ho had anticipated ,
he said , that McCormlck would nttu.npt to
disband the club nnd sell the players nnd ,
under the rules of the association , ho had re
served the players for the association and
they could not ro to another association
until the Western waives Its claims upon
upon them. Mr. McCormlck's ph\n \ to refuse
to disband and soil the men did not succeed.
President iCrautoff today received notice
from the Denver management of the sale of
Kight Fielder Curtis to the Cincinnati league
club. The Kansas Citys today released
Pitcher Coliwny.
'Ilenellt Gnmo Today.
Whether or liot the move to rehabilitate
the Omaha baseball team Is successful , the
boys will have a benefit performance at the
grounds today. A picked nine , strengthened
' /t / by nn Omaha battery , will try to make the
game Interesting. Jim Corbott of San Fran
cisco will play first for Omaha. The teams
will bo :
Omaha. Position. I'lckod Nino.
palter . pltohor . KltolJorR
Trallloy . catcher . HntclllTo
Juntos Corbet . first . CusttliiK
McOiiuloy . second . limn
Donnelly . third . MoKolvoy
yal8h . short . Clarke
i Twltoholl . loft . Iveiuilston
, Orin n . middle . Handle
Hulllzin : . right . Italdwln
Spud Farrlsh has kindly consented to um
pire the game , which will bo called at the
usual hour.
Iilncoln Had no Trouble in1 Licking
the Kansas City , nines.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 13. The homo club
won. today , apparently without nn effort.
Darnbrough's old comrades found him often ,
nnd what they lacked In hitting Uio visitors
inado up In errors. Score :
Lincoln . ; | 30101001-9
Kamu Cllr . 0 00001030 3
Knrncut runiit Lincoln , 61 Kanaun City , 1. Two-
lm u hits ! .Muniilnir. Foster , Unrpvntor. Three-
mine hlta : J. lto i > , Ilurkett. Stolen tmsot : Cllno.
S ! llurkutt , I ) . Howe , 2. Doulilo pluyn : llnymoiKt
to Klannuuti to lloiiti Itcmt to J. Itnwu to Kltinnuiui :
J'lckoUto .Miinnliiif to bttmrna ; Muimhiii to I'lckctt
to HtpnniH. Flint bn on balls : Khret. ; | ; Darn-
broiiKh , 1. lilt bjr iiltohoil bull : Dnrnbroimli , 1.
Struck out : Khrut , U ; Dnrnlirouuh. u. I'axsccl
tmllM Wilson , 2. WIU1 pitches : Dnrnliroiitrh. 1. j
'rimui Ono hour unit llfty minutes. Umpire-sums-
Western Association Btandln < : .
I'luycd Won. test , I'ur Ot.
Omaha . . . . . . . . .M 411 '
Milwaukee . ' . , ,71 42 SO .MB
Minneapolis . Tl 40 nt Wit
Lincoln. . . . . TO ! 17 2 ! )
KanauiOltv . 7U 110 510
Rloiiic City . til ) W .411.1
Denver . fiS 27 n JW7
Uuluth . 72 21
Ghiongo Punched Into Sooimd Phtoo
Good und Hard hy N'mv York.
Cllicuoo , July Kl. llutchlnson knocked
oul a thrco-buggor tu thu second , after the
bases had boon tilled by Kusio's wlldnuss ,
thus saving the Colts from n shut out , as
they never hnd another show to score. The
came wns n pretty ono , nn excusable muff by
Hynn being the only tnUplay. Connor's
homo run drlvo was probably the longest hit
over mndo on the grounds. Score :
Ghlouzo 0 30000000 n
New York. . a 0300020 * 7
I1IU : Ohloauo. 4 | New York. 12. ErniMi
Chicago. I : Now York , o. Karm > d mm : Now
York , o. Ilittturlcs : Hutohlnson und Kllt-
rldKQi Kuala nnd Huoktoy ,
CINCINNATI , O. , July 13. Laclt of Judg
ment In batting lost the Cincinnati thognma
today , although both teams plavod nn errorless -
loss game. M r > played bis giuno with
Cincinnati , as Curtis , who has boon secured
irom Denver , will probably arrive In tlmn to
tuku part in tomorrow's gamo. Score :
Cincinnati 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0
lloston , , 'J 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 - 0
Hits : Cincinnati. 6s lloston , S. Krrors : Cin
cinnati , 0 | llodton , 0. JlntterloHi Kiullionrnu
nnd Koenunj Mohols and tlanioll. Kaineil
runs : lloston. 4.
CLBVRLAND , O. , July 13. The Cleveland
t atu started out 03 though It would win the
game but tbo Qraoklyns lilt ICmum bard
and Qrubor was called In. Ho was pounded
avon harder than Knaim , McKoan played u
miserable game and Doyle caught budly.
Score :
CutvaUnd. . . , . . . .1 7
llrooklrn 0 0 4 0 2 I 0 3 ' -19
Illti : Cleveland , 13 ; Ilrooklvn , I ) . Krrorm
Cleveland , tllrooklyn \ , ? . Kiirned must
Olovoland , 2 $ llrooklyn , tt. Ilaltorlei : Knausa ,
Oruber and Doyle : Terry , Ilumiulut' and
L > 1,117.
rRBrrr TOUQU OAMB AT riTTsuuiia.
Pfnsuuuo , Pa. , July W. Philadelphia
\toa tbo third Kama ot the series to Jay by
nuporlor batting and fielding. The errors o
the homo tonm were very costly. Score : ,
I'lttsbiirs a
Philadelphia I 0230000 1
Illtx ! 1'lttsburir. 7 : Philadelphia. 11. Krn > m
I'lUibnrtr.H : I'hllnclolpliln.r. . ll.ittnrlcs : Klin
nnd Mac It ! Uloiison and ( 'leinpnts. Harnet
runs ! Philadelphia , I : 1'lttsbiirR , 0.
Natlounl Ivcnuuo tit tndln ? .
. I'layod. Won. Lost. I'or ( Tt ,
Now Yoru- of : w 2J ta
Chicago r.1 : ia : o .ft ?
lloston 07 U8 20 'ff
Oloroland70 35 : n M
I'lillHdolnhla 07 ill : > 4 ffi
llrooklyn fA \ : n A *
Olnclnniitl. ( IS S7 41 : ! tr
( M Ol 40 Si
TioulHvlllo In the SIIIIIR I'Mx na Oniiihn
LOUMVIM.K , Ky. , July i : ) . It is roportoJ
hero that n proposition ha ? boon made to the
American Huso Dall association to transfer
to tbo asiaclatlon the franchise and all play
ers of the Louisville club to bo operated dur
ing the remainder of the season. With the
failure of the Falls City bank It becomes nee-
c.ssarv to pay the debt owed by the club to
tha "tinstituttoii. The amount l fcl.uOO.
None of the directors nor stockholders nave
been found willing so far to advance the
money , and there l.s no such sum In the
treasury. The club will probably bo sold or
tbo association must take charge.
BOSTON , Mass. , July I ! ) . Kelly's team dm
poor work lu the Hold In the early Innings
nnd Boston took a winning load. Mainland
Hurley did not work well tosothor nnd Kelly
went behind the bat In the latter part of the
second. The Clnclnnatls did nothing , how
ever , although Haddock gave eight bases on
balln. Score :
IloHon 2 n
Ulni'lnnatl 1 0000-0000 1
lilts : lloston , D : Cincinnati. 4. Errors :
lloston , 0 : Cincinnatifi. Earned runs : lloston ;
2. H.ilterhH : Haddock und Murphy ; .Mains ,
Hurley r.nd Kolly.
WASHINGTON , July 13. The game today on
both sides was oven , but St. Louis bunched
her bits nnd played to better advantage , nnd
In the eleventh Inning won the game after
one man was out , on a slnglj by Hatllold and
McCarthy's single to luft Held. Score :
Washington. . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0- . ' .
St. Louis 1 0
lilts : Washington. 12 : St. Louts. IV. Errors :
Washington , 2 ; St. 1-ouK 4. Batteries ; Fore
man and McGuIre ; Htlvt-lts. UrlllHli and Cook.
Earned runs : WaxhinKton , 4 : St. I.onls. 4.
BALTIMORE , Md , , July HI. The Baltimore
club put up a ilno game against Columbus
today and shut It out. It was a pitcher's ' oat-
( lo. Attendance , l.tti'J. Score :
Baltimore 3 0000000 * 2
Coliimbim 0 00000000 0
lilts : Haltlinoro , f : Columbus. Errors :
Baltimore , 2 : ColiiinbtiH , 'I. Hurned runs :
None. Batteries : Hoblnson , Knell nnd
Pini.AiiRM'iiiA , July Hi. The Athletics
cosily defeated the Loulsvilles tbis nfternoon.
Beginning with the lifth the homo team sized
up Fitzgerald and hit him nlmost as they
pleased. Score :
Athletics 0 0005322 0-10
Louisville 0 030001)00 ) 2
Hits : Athletics , 10 ; Louisville , 8. Errors :
Athletic * . ' . ' : LouNvlllo , 8 , llattorlos : Andor-
scmand Mllllgan ; Kltor.Ud ami Uahlll and
Kyan. Earned runs : Athletics.2.
American Asnociatioii Stnndlnj ; .
I'lavoU. Won. Loit Per Ct.
Boston 72 47 23 .053
St. Louis " 0 51 28 .010
Baltimore 71 42 29 .fl)2 ! )
Athletics 7.1 : m 37 .49. !
Columbus 77 30 41 .4CS
Clnulnmttl 73 U2 41 .4IIS
Loulavlllo , ' . .7S 29 49 . : t72
Wiuhln ton 71 24 47 .333
Youtlil'iil Patrons of the Game to bo
Given n Chance.
Tun Biy ? wants the name of every amateur
baseball plnyor in Nebraska and western
Iowa. It also wants the name nnd address
of the captain or secretary of each boys' base
ball club ui this stato. Tin : Bnu will print
the names of Ml the clubs roportcdr
Tun Bm : will also print or forward to these
addresses all challenges not over twenty-
live words In length. In the future as in the
past Tin : BER will continue to bo the cham
pion and exponent of miatour baseball and
will take bettor euro than over of the boys
Just watch TUB Bnc's amateur baseball
columns und sea bow this promise will bo
made good.
Rco Rasdnnll Itoy.s.
The oiiptaln of thu club mint cu ! thti slip
from any Issue of Tin : Una fill In the names
of his players and nvill the slip to
Hoys' B'iseball ' Editor ,
Tin : 11EK , Omaha.
Names not sent on these sllpa cannot bo
To the linn ? Uaneb-itl tlilltio- :
The following' boys belong to th'o
Dall Olub
of ( town orcltyj
.1st b
. .8(1 ( b
. .3d b
s. s.
r. f.
c. f.
. ; . . . . ; , . 1. f.
Captain's Name
Address. ,
'I ho Clippers Won.
NKW.MVN QIIOVK , Nob. , Julv 111. [ Special
tu TUB BIK. : | The Newman Grove Clippers
played Plntta Center on thy grounds of the
laf.or yesterday for a purse of $20 , the score
being 8 to 7 in favor of the Clippers. Batter
ies : l 'or Platte Center. Phillips.Coffee and
Porklnsouj for the Clippers , McKay nnd
Thosterson , Umplru : Kodmtui. The Clip
pers won the game In thu Ural three Innings ,
complete ) ) ' knocking Phillips out of the box ,
Score ;
Cllppors 1 07000000-8
I'lutto Center. 3 01010110-7
IndluiiM Played a Close Gamo.
Mtisoimt VAU.BV , lu. , July 13. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK BKB.J Tbo Pine Hldgo
ngonoy toatn put ui > u good guino of ball hero
today , although ttioy wcro buaton by a score
of 5 too. The tlvo runs were inado in the
first Inning by the homo tonm. Tha balance
of the game being n shut out all around ,
lialturlua : Wbtpplo and Redwing , and
Uelst and Graver. Tbo regular battery of
the agency team will bo at Council Bluffs
tomorrow. _
MltlorH Tackled Ijoiiiarn.
LnMjut.1 , ( a , , July 13. 1 Special Telegram
to TIIK HKK. ] Over ono thousand people
witnessed tbo eamo today between the homo
club and the Minneapolis western assoola-
lion toam. It came very nearly enillnir fatal
ly for Kd Daltou of tha homo club in
tbo v third liming , whoa ho was
struck near tbo tompla by. n wild
pitched ball und knocked senseless.
Ho soou came around and with characteristic
pluck took his plaoo lu center Hold , but had
to retire at tbo end of thu fourth innings.
LoMars has the best amateur ciunwc.stol
the Mississippi , ttm being thu Ilni
giimo It has lost thU year. Ol
course It hnd to succumb to the
professionals , but tt inado the Millers play
ball , as is shown by the scorn. Howe pitched
for the homo team , and struck out. seven mon ,
wlillo Mitchell only succeeded In retlrlna
six. Ward , the llrnt baseman of the Minne
apolis team umpired tho'gainc. Score :
I.eMars. „ . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t 0 S
iMIniioupolls . 1 0 1 0 0 1 J 3 * fl
* I osr , A gain.
NimiiAsin CITV , N'eb. , July ii. : [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; BEI ; ] Again today tbo Ne
braska City club defeated the Udon Museos
of Omana by the following score i
NtibrHHkn City . 0 0 0 I 2 fi 0 3 0-11
Mtlsoen . 2 -
llattorlos : Ncbr.isku City , Cox and GadUo ;
Musues , Baldwin nnd Ilennlson.
Another Ijonir Stantlliif ; Record I < o\v-
orcd at , U'aHhliiKton Park.
CIIICAOO , July l.'t , Another record was
broken ut Washington park today. Van
Huron , carrying soventy-llvo pound * , running
the milo nnd seventy yards in 1:1 : , * , breaking
tbo long standing record of 1 :4. > j/ . It was
too \\itrm for comfort , but other conditions
wcro perfect. FIve thousand pcoplo were
present and backed the winning horses In
nearly overv race. The feature of the ituy's
sport was tlio easy way in which the Califor
nia colt , Hncino , disposed of his field with 1'JJ
noumls of "Daro Dlvil" I'ltzpatricK in the
saddle. IIo Jumped to the front nnd was
never headed , winning in n common canter ,
pulled double by three lengths In the remark
able time of 1 :45V : < f within a quarter second of
the record. Details :
first nice , tiursu ( COO for two-year-old * , en
trance Jl. > . sell llvo-olulithi of u mile. Thir
teen Htnrtors : Minnie Ceo , 103 ( . " > to 2) ) , was
never handed and won In a cantor. Lord Clif
ton , 10 ! ( H to I ) , second. a loiigth boforu lllni'o
Uuke. tat (18 ( to t ) . third. Tlmo : 1:01. :
Second race , pnrsu ? i00 ! for thrco-yoar-olds
nnr. upward , entrance fl. > , selllnroi > o mile anil
100 yards , Eleven starters : Louise Al , ll. > (7 (
tot ) , won by u noiu from Barney , JOS (0 ( to 1) ) ,
who boat John Dalv , IMi (0 ( to J ) , a head for
place. Time : 1WI'ulmotto : pulled up
very liimo.
Third race , purse ? CO ) . for thrco-ynir-olds :
and upwards , entr.uieo 315. mile anil seventy
yards. Six starters : Haclne , 122 ( I to til , wont
to the front at the start mid the race was
never uflrrwiirds lu doubt. The blR Oalifor-
nlnn pulled ( loutlo. ) won by three lengths
from Hindoo Lass , m (20 ( to II , who boat ll/.le
H 101 (7 ( to I ) , a length for place. Time : 1:1. : > ' 5.
Kourth race , purse JttOO , for three-year-olds
and upunrds. welter-wolchts , ono mllr. Six
starters : llun Chief , 150 (1 ( to 2) ) , won bv a
length , ttalnlor. ir : > (7 ( to I ) , was second , a
nose before The Knlsor , 117 (12 ( to 1) ) . third.
Time : l:42tf. :
I'lflh race , purse JfflO , for thrco-ynar-olds
and upwards , ono and one-sixteenth miles.
Eight starters : Silver Lake. 10J (3 ( to 1) ) , won
by tbroo lonzths from Kuhnnin , 09(12 ( to 1) ) .
wlio boat Ed Hopper , 114 (8 ( to 1) ) , a length for
the plnco. Time : 1M7M.
Sixth race , purse ITOO , for throo-yoar-oUls
nnd upwards , sclllm ; , ono mile and .seventy
yards : Van Itnren , 75 (10 ( to 1) ) , junined to the
front and vat never headed , winning by three
lensths from Lcln Alny , 101(7 ( to I ) , who boat
I'at Conlov , Ui (12 ( to 1) ) . a length for thu place.
Time : ] ; 4" , broaklnjr a loiiu standing record.
Seventh race , purse 5000 , for thrco-ycur-olcls
and upwards , entrance $15. ono and ono-slx-
tecnth'mllcs. Klvo starters : Alohu , 110(510 (
i ) , won oy a lonsth from Nero , 114 (7 ( to 2) ) , who
boat Acclaim , 91 (3 ( to 2) ) , a head for the place.
Time : 1:4S. :
to Wrestle.
A. F. Castan , a handsome looking fellow ,
big , bronzed and brawny , with every evi
dence of an athlete in bis appearance , came
in from St. Louis last night. Ho is a wrest
ler , nnd announced his willingness to meet
any ono catch-as-catch-can for any sum. Ho
may bo found nt Ed. Uothery's or by ad
dressing the sporting editor of Tun BUE.
Western Tennis 'iournninciir.
CniOAOo , July 13. The western ctiampion-
saip tennis tournament begun hero today.
Today's contests wcro mostly preliminary.
A number of crack players are absent.
International Cricket .Hatch Hefinn.
TORONTO , July 13. The annual interna
tional cricket match between the United
States and Canada was commenced today
nnd will bo concluded tomorrow.
Oxford Invites Harvard.
LONDON , July 13. The Oxford university
boat club has invited the Harvard boat club
to a rowing contest on the Thames early in
Fast Time on u Surety.
LONDON , 'July 13. P. V. Twontyman made
L18 } miles In twelve hours on n safety
tiicyclo today , beating Holborn's record by
four miles.
Itllay ixiid Ijonfjstrept Matched.
NEW YOHK , July 18 Uiloy nnd Longstroot
aavo been matched to' race for $1,000 nnd
a > ,000 purse UDOU a data not yet ilxod.
Thirteen Thousnndl Found Stowed
Awisy In a Suicide's Piano Stool.
WINONA , Minn. , July 13.---Nearly two years
ago a sensation was caused hero by the
ulcidoof i eua Weinberg , for thirty years
lousekeoperof thu Huff house , and * the dis
covery after her death of about 312,000 In
? old stowed away under fnlso bottoms in her
trunk. With this money she was about to
return to nor native land , Sweden , and had
shipped tha trunks to Baltimore , but in a
morn'ontof insane frenzy toolr her own lifo
just as the tlmo arrived for departure. The
money was paid over to her heirs in Sweden.
A sequel now turns up scarcely less Inter
esting than the Initiative. On Saturday
evening her executor. E. A. Ooeditz , had his
attention attracted to a piano stool used by
the wonian Lena , and taking it to pieces
there was a further sum of ? 13,000 In gold ,
which the misorlv housekeeper had evidently
stowed away. There are various theories as
to where she obtained so much money , ono of
which assigns the real ownership to Colonel
Coekroll , the former proprietor of the Huff
houso. It is probable u lawsuit will follow.
It A I * A * it If,111. .
Furious Storm In the Vicinity of
Ahordncn , S. i ) .
AiiKimcr.N , S. D. , July 1H. A furious storm
of rain and hail prevailed ton miles north of
hero last night , extending over a country
many miles wldo and thirty or forty miles
long. In some localities nothing suffered ,
but In others fine crops were pounded into
the ground and bouses and barns swept
nwny. It is estimated that hundreds of
acres of wheat have oeen destroyed.
At Columbia the bridge over the James
river was dashed to pieces , whllo trees were
blown down or uprooted. Near Cloarmont
Farmers HnrKor , Cooley , Whltllold and
others lost houses nnd barns. Loss of lifo Is
rumored , but has not boon confirmed. Hail
stones ten inches in circumference were
picked up durlncr the storm and ! the ground
looked as though covered with big marbles.
Ono farmer says the hall was driven throuuh
boards near the bouso and a cow covered
with blood from hail.
Filial How at a Noyro FoHtlval.
NA.SHYIM.K , Tonn. , July 13. There was a
negro festival at Co.lar Hill , in Uobartson
county , last Saturday night. About mid
night the entertainment war turned.into u
drunken brawl. Pistols were nourished and
thu first shot Instantly killed Venn Wash
ington , n nogress. Charley Boll was mor
tally-wounded und Tillman Manor r celved a
Hash wound. An unknown negro was uUo
badly hurt. Tha murderers , Abe Jomlson
nnd Washington Burns , lied nnd several
hours later Sheriff Savoy with n possu ot In
dignant negroes was in hot pursuit , but the
murderers eluded the ofllcora ,
Chopped HlHVICi ) to Dnatli.
OEDIIAM , Mass. , July 13 , This afternoon
Gcorgo Naglo with an axe cut tlvo limes into
the skull of his thirty-four-yoar-old wife
whllo tiho was lighting kindling In thu kitchen
Htove , She dlod at once. Niigli than at
tempted to brain himself with tbo axe and
failed. Hn says ho don't ' know why ha killed
bis wife and ho was locked up. He was a
bard drinker.
Itntod us Personal Properly.
INI > IAXAIOI. | ! * , Ind. , July 13. Attorney Gen
eral Smith has rendered an opinion to the
effect that all franchises , whether granted by
the state or not , to corporations doing busi
ness In this state , must be assessed as per
sonal property and taxed accordingly.
. . .b
i ji
Omaha's EonrdHrf Education Qots Down t <
Tolld Work.
? r
Wohrer CnnfjUii'nd * Indefinite Snim
Any lioiirt-l'f ; | tl10 Helloni
School ihUH'iiKitlon HOIIUCH cd
The sidewalk In frdntof tlio board of odu-
entlon rooms on Capitol nvonuo wns the
scene of very earnest mid Interesting lobby
last nlRlit for half nil hour before tlio bonnl
mot for bURlnem. Kx-ComtnlBslonor Andersen -
son , M. Y. Kocdcr , ex-Superintendent ol
Buildings Wooloy nad sovorat other astute
politicians were zealously button-holing
various members of tlio board In bolialf ol
this , that and the otlior thing. There wore
axes mid hntchots and small chisels being
ground thcro In great shape.
VVbon the board was called to order and
the minutes of the previous meeting had
been properly disposed ot the secretary , Mr.
Conoyor , presented and reid Ills personal
bond. The sureties wore .lolin Hush , 0. D.
Woodworlh , William McIIugh and Hanry
Pundt. The bond was approved.
Prof. A. Mathews was granted the tiso of
two rooms In tlio high school building for
two weeks , beginning August 1" , for the pur-
posa of holding the Douglas county instl-
tu to.
Superintendent Hamilton submitted a
batch of recommendations with regard to
needed repairs on.the school buildings.
A resolution was introduced authorizing
the committee on buildings mid property to
proceed with the repairs as recommended by
the superintendent of buildings.
"lias the committee not already the power
to proceed with those repairs I" nskod Mr.
"Tun BEI : says the committee hasn't , '
erowlod Wehror.
"I'm : Bnn is usually right , " retorted
S my the , and the laugh went 'round the
Mr. Popploton was opposed to the dele
gating of authority to expend indefinite -
definite amounts of money. Mr.
Bnbcoclf , Mr. Smvtho and others
wore also opposed to the idea of granting
committees power to expend money for mut
ters the cost of which had not been recom
mended definitely to the board , but ai these
matters recommended by the superintendent
of buildings wore evidently necessary they
were in favor of delegating the authority , In
this instance , to the committee.
The resolution was adopted.
Tlio following persons applied for positions :
Kathcrluo M. titillwoll , soeclal te.iuhor in
penmanship ; William Xiglor. Janitor Daven
port school ; M. A. Downs , Janitor ; Miry E.
Copeland , teacher High school , Kiln L. How
ard , assistant teacher i L. G. Morrell , assist
ant , teacher ; Edna Ilarnoy , special teacher.
The city boilor-Mspoctor submitted a num
ber of recommendations with reference to
some needed repairs and improvements on
Mrs. Mary Nlooro applied for a position as
Thcro appearbd tb bo n contest with regard
to the princlpulHbip of the Saratoga school.
The applicants were Mr. Ferris and Miss
Kcod. The matter was referred to the com
mittee on teachers , '
Miss Abby Kceilof Brooklyn prosontcd nn
application So : ; the position of supervisor of
C. D. Harris of Lincoln wanted to Icnow
if the board wishes to'omploy a teacher In
bookkeeping ; referred.
The board I received notification of the fact
that the Lombard investment companv had
purchased at tax , sale , lots 5 and 0 , block lit ) ,
Credit , Foncier.addition to Omaha.
BUs were then opened for the plumbing of
the Long and tbb ( Jinaim View school. The
bids were' referred to the committee on
buildings and property wltb. instructions to
report at the next meeting.
The committee on claims recommended the
payment of bills for repairs amounting to
nbout240 ; adopted.
The same committee also recommended
that Bell & Borllnghoff , the architects , bo
paid $1,100 as part payment for the plans for
the Kcllom school. Mr. Smytho said that ho
should like to know why the board should
pay this money before the building nad been
begun. Ho called for the reading of the
original proposition by Boll & BerllngholT.
The proposition was read. It stipulated that
the architects should furnish plans for the now
building for. ! per cent of the cost price of
the building and the linn also agreed to
superintend the erection of the building for
1 per cent of the cost of the building. The
architects were granted the § 1,100 partial
payment on the plans.
The llrst breeze of the evening was created
by Mr. Coryell when ho offered n resolution
to appoint Mr. Hamilton as superintendent
of the erc'ctlon of the Kollom school building.
Morris Morrison and Charles Wehror were
opposed to the uppointment of Mr. Hamilton
for this special worlc. Tnoy thought ho had
too much work on hand to give proper atten
tion to this important new building. Mr.
Hamilton was finally appointed as the super
intendent of the Kcllom building with no ad
ditional salary.
Superintendent James was allowed $30 for
the purpose of visiting St. Louis to Investi
gate the kindergarten schools of that city.
Mr. Popplotou offered the following reso
lution which was adopted :
Ucsolvcd , That the Olobo loan and trust
jompany bo hereby directed to report to tlio
> oud : on or hufuru the twentieth day of July ,
IMI ) , thti number of depositors In their savings
hunk under the present school savings hank
system , the amounton deposit nnd Urn pi echo
viilno of tin ) special .securities at present ev-
istlnB for tlio sufo keeping of the said school
children's deposits.
The debate of the evening was upon n resolution
elution by Dr. Spauldtng. lie offered a resolution
elution that the bond furnished by the Isaac
Sineiul company bo approved. The bond
was the same us that presented two weeks
jeforu and rejected on the ground that the
bond contained no local sureties. Mr. Pop-
uletoii , Mr. Sinytho , Mr. Morrison and Mr.
Points vigorously opposed the acceptance of
.ho bond , with the Missouri , Kansas mid
Texas Investment company as surety. They
couteudod tjmt good local sureties should bo
demanded. All other members present
seemed to think that the security offered was
amplu and the bond was approved.
The board decided to advertise for bids for
the plumbing of the Kollom school.
The board then went Into committee of the
whnlo with Mr. Coburn in the chair to con
sider plans for the now school at Clifton
Hill.Mt. . Hamilton ( futbmttted plans which ho
lad drawn for a-jfoyr-room hull ( Ing. After
carefully iuspectliiK.tho plans and discussing
the coat and praytlniblllly of two and four-
room buildings forjhalf an hour the commit-
.oouroso , roporteUlprogress and asked leave
to sit again.
Tlio roM | > rt wns ' .received and adopted by
the board. ui fi
Not a word w 0 sajd by anybody about-tho
election of n sup rhitondont of schools. Both
, ho James and uriu-Jamos men had agreed
to let the inattur rest until next Monday
light. The election must bo hold then.
Thn following' * assistant teachers were
elected : Miss Kuto Powers , Mrs. T. C.
( Joodson and Mlitt Amoliu Brown.
Secretary Conojrw and Superintendent of
fiuilditiga llaimllonjurnlsliod two boxes of
choice ciguri amllpo bo.ird sampled them.
' Pirates.
AsitMsn , Wls ° fJuly ; ja.-A United Siatos
marshal from Mad'tson Is In the city with
both pockets lined with warrants for the or-
rostof parties who have cut timber on gov
ernment lands. The first man arrested was
\ P. Ferguson , who was taken to Madison
tonight. Other parties will bo unosted to.
norrow , Ferguson is made defendant with
the Bowdot & Murray lumber company.
Ciiuus KuUud liirDulit.
HUNTISOTON , Pa. , July .1. The property of
ho Frank A. Uobbjns circus and menagerie ,
which exhibited here on Saturday , was seized
> y the sheriff today and has boon advertised
or sale on Tuesday , Besides local claims
there aro4,000 duo on labor claims and f'J.MX . )
on a confessed Judgment.
National < nunull of Kdiiuntlnn.
TOHONTO , Ont. July 13. At this morning's
session of the National council of education ,
icorgu P , Brown of ( ihlcujco , editor of the
llllnoln School Journal , read the report of tbo
committee on | > odaeosle. the subject boln ;
"Tho Education ol the Will. "
Tno llrst nominations In the council o
membership weru mndo. the election result
Ing m follow * : U. S. Jonas , Lincoln. Nob.
re-elected ; W. N. Hallnmn , Ln Porto , Intl. ,
re-elected ; Charles Dorarmo , Chnimugnc ,
III , , In place of .loslah L. P.mK ml , who ro.
tired , and Nicholas Murrav Butler , Now
York , In place of N , B. II , Dawson , w"io retires -
tires voluntarily.
The teachers' gathering is < lally Incro.isinp
In magnitude mid to overwhelming pro
portions. It is estimated that about live
thousand teachers arrived loJitv. They wen
from the northern , middle and Now Kngland
states. Now Yolk and Pennsylvania , that
yesterday were poorly represented , have now
nliout seven hundred dolocn-os. Tennessee
and Arkansas have sent in today lf > ( ) and " ( X.
dolacntoi respectively.
' [ 'here is n big lighten as to where tlio tioxl
convention will be bold. Helonn , Ark. ,
seems to bo leading , with Seattle a good see-
Ond and Boston and Saratoga In the distance
JI l.'JKl "lODAV.
Itullrond Presidents Will Ilcti <
Some Interesting Question * .
Nnw YOIIK , July 111. The railroad presi
dents' meeting will bo called to order at II a ,
in. tomorrow. One of the r.Ulroid oftlclnli
who will bo present at the meeting said :
"Tho chief subject discussed will be
the Joint agency plan for the
dlslrlbutlon of competitive business ,
This plan was recommended at the
meeting two months ago and the com nils
slonors were ordered to draw It up In detail
and dccldo upon tnoallotrr.ontof percentages.
I have received n copy of the plan drawn up
by the commissioners. Other matters to b
discussed are likely to tnito considerable
tlmo And the mooting will consume at least
l\v tlays and probably more. "
The gentleman refused to say whether n
copy of the allotment of percentage was sent
out with the plan or not. The mooting will
take place at the Windsor hotel. Messrs ,
Stuyvcsant , Fish and Von Uensnllnor , who
wore prosont. said they did know what the
proceedings will bo.
Sidney Dillon said ho would attend the
mooting. IIo did not expect to see Jay Gould
nt the meeting bernuso that gentleman was
out of town.
Among the roads that will bo represented
are the following : Kock Isiand , by Presi
dent K. H. Cable and Benjamin U'rowstor ;
Northern Paeillc , by President T. F. Oakes ;
Denver & KIo Qrando , by Georco C. Coppell ,
chairman of the hoard of thu directors ; St.
Paul , by President K. C. Miller and Samuel
Spencer ; Central Iowa , by Hussoll Suiro ;
Atchlson , by President Mnnvol and Gcorgo
C. Magoun ; North western , by President
Mnrvln Hughltt and Albert Keep. The Bur-
llncton will probably bo represented by Its
president or an nl'ornato and the Great
Northern will probably bo represented by
President H41. ! C. P. Huntington , who will
probably represent the Southern Puclllo nt
the mooting , lid not como to this city today ,
remaining at his Wcstchestoi ; residence , but
ho said last week that ho would certainly
Some of the ofllcors named do not look for
the adoption of the Joint agency plan , as they
think the effort to wipe out all existing
agencies would bo too great for the associa
tion to attempt. As a general thing the
representatives of the various roads are
reticent in speaking of the meeting and the
probable results are decidedly uncertain.
IliiHlness Troulilou.
SniAcusn , N. Y. , July ] . ' { . Considerable
surprise has been occasioned in this section
by two failures. On Saturday afternoon
Hard Bros. & Co. of Onelda , spring bed
manufacturers , closed their business , owing
the Stark it Co. bank of the samn place
ST.000. They secured the bank in the sum
of ? 20.000 before shutting down , loavlug a
deficit of $55,000 unsecured.
This morning U. M. Binghutn & Co. of
Homo , manufacturers of carriages , sleighs ,
saddlery and trunks , closed their doors , they
say , for an inventory. They owe the bank
The liabilities of Hand Bros. & Co. , will bo
about SlL''i.OOO and of U. M. Blngham & Co" . ,
about $ ii,000 ( estimated. )
U. M. Binirhnm of Homo with E. C. Stark
of Onleda composed the banking llrm stated.
Bingham & Co. , tbo wagon llrm , will bo able
to pay a fair demand if not pushed by cred
Not n Cent
WASHINGTON. July 13. The count of the
money and bullion in the vaults of the treas
ury consequent upon the transfer of the
oftlco of treasurer /roin Mr. Huston
to Mr. Nebeoker will bo concluded to
morrow morning. It began April 27 and
has Involved the actual handling and
counting piece by piece of $01-J.liU.r S ! > .3'J ,
of which amount $20,048,000 is pold coin and
J13')02,000 ) ! ) in silver coin. Mr. W. B. Milli-
ken , who represents Treasurer Nobeckor in
the count , says that every cent called for by
the books of tbo ofllce have boon accounted
for , including the silver dollar missing from
ono of the bairs examined several weeks
since , which com was subsequently found on
the floor of the vault after the ottior bags
had been removed.
Now Southern Ttoail.
Niw : OnusAXs , La. , July lit. Uriah Lett ,
president of the Sun Antonio & Arkansas
Pass railway , announces the building of a
new road. H will bo called the San Antonio
& . Tampico beginning , at Alice , Nuecos
county , on the line of the San Antonio &
Arkansas Pass.
It will run to Monterey , Mexico , and ex
tend a distance of U''tU miles. There it will
connect with tbo Monterey & Mexican Gulf
which has Its lower terminal nt Tampico
harbor. The object Is to roach deep water ,
From n point on the road a branch will run
to Brownsville and open up the Klo Grande
valley , Grading mid tracklaying .vill begin
in September. ,
Declined tlio Invitation.
C.vvi ! MAV POINT , N. .T. . July 1 ! ) , A com
mittee representing the residents and cot
tagers of Atlantic City , headed by Mayor
Heft man , ex-Adjutant General Daniel Hast
ings of Pennsylvania , William H. Lodds ,
marshal of- the eastern district of P6nnsyl-
vanln , and William L. Johnson , postmaster
of Baltimore , arrived here this morning for
the purpose of inviting the president to visit
ilioir city. The president received them cor
dially , hut declined the invitation for the
present , .stilting that hn was hero for rest and
quiet , and If ho visited ono plnco ha would
bo obliged to go to many others to which ho
hnd boon asked.
Accident at n l nnnrnl.
KII.KKNNV , Minn. , July Hi. A sad accident
occurred a mile west of hero this nr'tornoon.
During a funeral possession a team drawing
a wagon containing six pcoplo ran nwny ,
smashing the wagon and throwing out the
people , Daniel McCauley , aged seventy
years , was Injured internally and will prob-
nblv die. Mrs. Young hud an arm and sev
eral ribs broken anil has not recovered con
sciousness. The physicians think slio will
dlu Mi's Mary Daly ami Mrs. James Ash
were badly but not seriously Injured , mid the
other occupants of the wagon wore badly
Dnlis Sued I'm-
Cmouio , July HI. Presiding Elder \VI1-
Ham Goessllo of the Hvangollcnl association
of the Chicago district ths morning sued ox-
Bishop Rudolph Dnbj of the same church
for $3,000 damages for libel. The defendant
Is. editor of the Gorman religious weekly
called DloDoutsuho AlU'emliiu Xeltung. The
plaintiff demands damages for a number of
articles reflecting on him In that paper. The
trouolo grows out of thu Diibs-Escbur
factional fight In the church. CJoe.ssllc was a
mnmhor of the committee which tried mid
suspended htm.
Usual HcHiilt of a Kentucky.
Loimvu.i.K , Ky. , July 111.Near London ,
Ky. , Sunday afternoon James Stewart got
Intoasalooit tight with John Kowlen , Jack
Downing , P. 1C , SIbert and Jowplt Brown.
Stowurt was shot through with n Winchester
and fatally wounded. Downing received tt
bullet in the abdomen and will probably dlu ,
Two Hoiuito CommlUiMiH in
NKwYoiiK , July 18. Two United States
Hcnato committees the committee on rules
and the sub-committee on llnanco nru hold-
lag sessions In this city. The committee on
rules Is dUcussIni ; architectural changes In
the plans of the house. The matter of chnng
Ing the Aonnto rule * was not dUeuwd.
The Mih-unnimlttco on finance spent tin
afternoon In discussing tbo best methods foi
arbitrating U\tlstlfiil roporU and then ad
journud until tomorrow.
ilcronnorlt Will ho Controlled hy nn
KiiKllHli Hyndlunto.
CIIUHOO , July ll. ! American glucoio wll
hore.iftor bo controlled by an English syndl
c.ito. The contract by which the prlnelpa
glucose plnnti of the country were pur
chased was elo od today. The syndicate wll
attempt to control the American glucon
market , in well , It Is said , us compote wltli
the starch comblno and Invade the territory
of thu whisky trust.
For several days last week n party ol
Ertglislimen with Colonel H. Cooper Glen'doxv
nt Its bowl were In Chicago. When they
left they earrlnd with them n proposition fo <
the sale of the plants formerly controlled hj
thu glucnso trusts , Today tbo syndicate
telegraphed to Levy Mnvor , Who represent *
the old trust , accept Ing the proposition. The
glucosn trust , whloli bus been dead only In
name. Is or was composed of the companies
controlling the factories In Buffalo and
Glencovo , N. Y. ; Davenport and Mnr.shall-
town. In. ; Waukcgan , WIs. ; East St. Louis ,
Poorla and Chicago. Thu combined capacity
of these factories Is from ( UOIK ) ) to 71MKXI
Imshols of corn n dav. The property hold by
tin ) olghteompanlc.s Is valued at about $1,000-
and It Is said that to handle those plants the
English company will float bonds amounting
to ( ) ,000,000 In value.
I'Yenoli Xnvy'H Slmin Ituttlo.
Puns , July la. The French manoeuvres
In the Gulf of Lyons ondoJ today In the
whole duet attacking Toulon. Ministers
Ktbot and Barboy , the military attaches of
the American , British and GermaU legation ,
and many senators and deputies , wit-
nc.sscd the attack. Torpedo vessels
and shore batteries defended the
roadstead ngnlnstslxtv warships , headed by
a stool barbette , which was extremely form
idable. After a furious cannonade the ships
advanced in one long line and broke through
the defenders. Among the features of the
mnmunvro.s was the use of balloons and two
MINIUM More Tim it Sfero Courtesy ,
Biiti.iN : , July 13. The Yosslscho Xcliuiig
regards the visit of the emperor to Hntflcld
iiou o , the residence of Lord Salisbury , as
something beyond n mere act of courtesy.
It says that the emperor , accompanied by
Gorman statesmen , has mot the chief English
statesmen aim that both countries are con
vinced that the conference nt Hutfleld house
sealed the assurances of friendship. The
Xeltung concludes by contrasting the cold
ness of the Russians with thu warmth of
England's reception.
Prince Georjjc Kolihod.
IlAMi'tx , N. S. , July in. Last evening ,
whllo the Thrush was at the dock yard , the
wharf whistle called the men on deck. They
were Informed that some ono had entered
Prince George's cabin and stolen a hunting
case watch. All declared their Innocence
and expressed r. willingness to bo searched.
The watch bus not boon found. The matter
has boon placed in the hands of detectives
for investigation.
Indicted for CauHlnn tlio Wreck.
CiiAiti.isTo.v : , W. Va. , July 13.Tho crim
inal court grand Jury has found true bills
against Patrick O'Connor , the engineer of
the Kanawhn & Michigan train wrecked July
4 , N. P. Baker , roadmastor , O. T. Wilson ,
master carpenter , and .1. II. Gaffney , as
sistant engineer of the company. The in
dictments nro for manslaughter.
Almost Cut to Pieces.
BnAiN'Aiin , Minn. , July 13. The body of
PatUyan , well known in this vicinity , was
found in a barn at George Barkloy's lumber
ranch , thirl v-threo miles up the river , cut
nlmost beyond recognition. Fred Ellis , his
Indian wife and throe Indians nro under
arrest charged with the crime.
No Pay Until Confirmed.
WASHINGTON , July 13. First Comptroller
Matthews made a ruling today that the Judges
and other ofilcors of the land court organized
Juno IS , under the provisions of nn act ap
proved March 3 , 1801 , can receive no compen
sation for their services until they shall have
been confirmed by the senate.
Fhtnl Affray-Over a Pool Game.
BiiiMiNOMAM , Ala. , July 13. In a si.loon
tonight Sol Bonhcimor , a drummer , and
Thomas Hyde , n railroad man , quarrnlod
over a game of pool. Bonhoimor drew his
weapon , placed it to Hyde's stomach and
fired. Bonhclmer is under arrest. Hyde
will die.
Killed Ills Su'oetlioart. and Suiuldcd.
SII.VKIITON , Colo. , July 13. Perry Hudson ,
proprietor of tbo Enterprise hotel , last niirht
Miotnnd Killed the cirl with whom ho was In
love and then killed himself. The girl's
refusal to marry him is supposed to have
prompted the act.
First to Get Itcducnd Interest.
WASHINGTON , July 13. The first of the 4'
per cent bonds to bo continued nt 'J per cent
were checked off on the books of the soero-
tnry of the treasury this morning and the
Donds have been referred to the register of
the treasury.
Favors tlio World's Fair.
LONDON , July 13. The Standard savs :
' The Chicago world's fair will bo the blg-
? est show on record. It must not bo neg
lected either by the British manufacturer or
the British artists.
Three Seal Hunters Drowned.
SANTA B VUIIAUA , Cnl. , July 13. Two men
and a negro boy were drowned last Monday
near San Miguel islands while hunting seals ,
Ono man clung to a rook twenty-tour hours
and was saved.
ICev. Situruen Worse.
LONDON , July 13. Mr. Spurscon's condi
tion continues to irrow worse A special
servclo of prayer was bold In the tabernacle
Itata'x Cargo I'ormnlly Ijllinled.
SAN FIUNTISCO , Cal. , July 13. Thq arms
and ammunition on bnnrd the Hutu were for-
nerly libeled this afternoon by Marshal
Jiird. . . i _ _
Arrested for llolililrp ; tlio Coniwiny. |
CITV OP MKXICO , July 13. An nuont of the
Mutual llfo Insurance company of Now
York has been nrrostod for robbing the com
rim Secret , of This Paper's Karly De
livery In tins So it Invest.
Few people know of the expense Incurred
by TUB HUB to onublo it to ruach IU sub-
scrlbors at the earliest hour possible In the
nornliiB. TUB IIui : always takes ad vantage )
of the llrst trains which lo.ivo thu city in the
no nil nk' . Whnrn the trains do not leave us
oarlv as could bo desired , Tin : BKK biros a
For Instance , the B. & M. ' llyor from Chicago
cage to Denver roaohus' thu southwestern
mrtof the state earlier than any other train.
IJut It does not m&s through Omaha. II
does not come within l uillos of this city.
J'IIK DEK thuroluru mtiuts that very Important
train at PlatUtmouth. It does so with n
special train. This special leave *
Jmnhn at 3 o'clocic in the morning.
t I.s loaded with HHK.'H ' , Then ) nru thou-
sundtt of them , The train thunders down to
Muttsmouth , at which placa the papers are
runsforrod to thu B. & M. Flyer. Two inln-
lies later thu Flyer Is rattling along at n
speed of forty-live miles per hour. At every
station , thu packages containing Tun BBH
iru thrown off , landing , at the station door.
t reaches Lincoln , the capital , 4 M a.m. ;
'airmont , 0-.1 : ! a.m. ; Hastings , 7 . ! , " ) a.m. ;
Holdrujru , 11:13 : a. m. : MeCook , 11:110 : a. 111 ;
\kron , Ji.V ) p.m. , and Dunver , iliir > p.m.
Phis special service of Tun BUB costs money ,
jut Tin : BKK mauon no note of that. It pub-
Lshos all the news and guaranteus to deliver
t In thu snmu liberal and ufllclunt manner.
f you want to read all the nuws mid roud It
enrliett , takuTuu UKB , You can maUo no
mistake. |
William Phlpps Shoots nnd Kills Ilis
Drnnkon Fnther , X
Krcd Kiirsytho of DQN Molnm Hi'smit *
Parental IntorlVrcnuo with n lie.
volver llcntli of a Prom
inent Democrat.
BOONH , In. , July lit. iSpoolnl Telegram to
Tun BIIK.J Klins Ptnptu , whoso homo Is In
Mary township , this county , nbont ton mile *
from Boone , wont homo Saturday night drunk
and began to abuse his wife. HI * son Wil
liam , n crlpplo of fourteen , wont to bis moth
er's aid , when tlio father turned .savagely
upon mm. The boy solved n gun which was
In the room and fired ntlilt father , inlllctlng
Injuries from wlih-h the doctors sny ho cannot
possibly recover. The boy was arrested nnd
n country Justice bound him over for murder
In the Ural degree , though his father was not
dead. Hn wns brought to thu county Jail nt
this pliu-o. Lilt" reports .say the Injured man
Is very low.
Shot HIH Sweet hoart'N leather.
Dm AIoiNiis , Io. , July ! . ( Special Tele
gram to TIIK Bun. ] About 0 o'clock this
morning Fred Forytho , aged about twenty
eight years , shot Jiuiios Ford , who lives with
his family , consisting of several grown up
sous and a daughter , in the south part of
town. The bullet entered the victim's luft
breast In the region of the heart nnd mav
provo fatal.
Tlio cause of the iron bio was the disap
pearance of the girl , wno Is about .sixteen
year * old , with young Forsytho Julyro ! -
mnining nwny with him overnight. Her
parents forbade her going with Forsytho
ng.iln , us ho Is n desperate character , having
Just boc'n released from a term In tha nenl-
tontlary. The girl , however , was Infatuated
and iis'iiln disappeared with Forsy the Frldny ,
since then she has not been found.
It was while so.irchlnir for his daughter nt
thu homo of Fomtho'.s mother that the
shooting occurred this morning. For.sytho
win arrosloa and arraigned In police court ,
nnd in default , of bonds languishes in lull.
Ho afterward Illod Informations against the
entire Ford family , the daughter oxccptod ,
charging them with threatnning to kill him ,
and thov wore nrrostod. Ho claims ho shot
In self-defense.
Trnpi'7.o I'aiTormur llnnlon Killed.
LyoNis'In. , July lit. This afternoon , during
the performance of Foropnngh's circus , a
trapeze bar hroko and William Hanlon , ouo
of the famous llnnlon brothers , who was
performing , fell thirty foot to the ground.
Ilis noeic was broken and ho was Instantly
killed. Ho loaves n wife , who Is in New
York sick.
Hoi-rotary ! llnnd.
Hin > OAK , la. , July iy. fSpelal Telegram
toTiinBnn.J . H. Lee , secretary of the
democratic state committee , died last night
from heart disease. Mr. Leo came homo
Irom the Ottumwn convention sick from overexertion -
exertion but showed no alarming symptoms
till Friday , when heart trouble grow serious ,
nnd ho had boon steadily growing worse over
Two Fatally Itnrneil.
BOONE , In. , July -Special [ Telegram to'
TAI : IIii--Mrs. : ; | Lid eon and Mrs. CUistafson
were fatally burned by the explosion of n
gabollno stove nt Molngona , four mlles from
hero , this afternoon. They are terribly
burned and cannot recover.
KIcetiiiK Itoins Corralled hy the
Watchful Polluo Kciortor ]
Giovanni Marouhocl , a rag picker , who
lives In Dago alley , was slugged and robbed
at the corner of Twonty-olgUth nnd Doilgo
streets about 10 o'clock last night. Near thu
corner Is a vacant lot with a largo hole , the
collar of a house which had boon moved
A negro tackled the rag man and told him
that there was u largo bundle of paper
nnd rags In the holo. Murcchocl crossed the
flat and went down Into the old cellar and the
negro followed. With ono blow from a club
the rag man wns felled to the ground , and
before ho could regain consciousness his
pockets hnd been rilled and $ T > taken. A3
soon as possible the case was reported to the
police and they nognn a search for the col
ored man with the club. -
Ernest Cook , about eighteen years old , was
arrested as lie cniuo out of u North Tenth
.street saloon last niirht , charged with being
n suspicious character. Coolc had two $1011
bills which he was trying to gut changed. He
had entered several saloons und after buying
beer had olTurcd one of thu bills In payment.
They could not bo changed , and a barkeeper
In the burnt district bcc.imo suspicious
when the second attempt had been made
to pass the bill , and he nollllod the police.
On being searched ut police headquarters
another $100 bill was found neatly tucked
away In his watch pocket. The young man
will have a chance to explain matters to
Judge Helsloy this inornlni- .
Mlku "Mikado , " u dago , was down In the
Third ward last night looking for a tight.
Ha got out In thu middle of the
street and defied any one to take him.
Pretty soon a policeman cumu along
and took thu dago with the Japanese nanio
Into custody. He had n good-sl/cod American
bull dog revolver in his pocket , besides a
knife and was evidently well prepared for
thu fight which ho didn't got.
William Coulson boards at 2010 Slmlor
street. Last night ho went homo with u
] ug and tried to stand his landlady off for
a board Dill long since due. When ho could
not do this he assaulted Mrs. Hoyt , hut
did not hurt her seriously. Coulson wns nr-
rested and taken to the station , where ho
n'ascharged with being drunk nnd attempted
I'M nix Lee , n dusky courtesan of the Third
ward , worked a drunk for $20 yesterday.
Thu young man reported the matter to Ser
geant Ormsby last night and Kdna was ar
rested. She does not deny thu charge.
A. J. Heed worked as colleoUir for H. 1C.
Van Ilnson of South Omaha 401110 tlmo ago
und did not mnkothu proper settlement when
ho quit. Van Huson swore out a warrant
vnstcrdav for the arrest of his ilork on the
charge of oinbo/ilomunt. lloud was arrested
on Tenth street lust night and lodged In Jail.
A. C. Henderson , u her o truilur who llv * '
nt At Inn in , lu. , wns thrown from n cart last
night and one log wn.s broken. Henderson
was driving n colt , wmm near I'J..I Sherman
avenue the was frightened and .started
to run overturning the cart. The driver was
thrown out and an examination showed that
tlio right leg Just below tlio knee was broken.
Thu patrol wagon wns culled nnd thu Inlurod
man taken to St.Joseph's hospital at bis own
request. Dr. Leo set the limb and nt lulu-
night the Injured man was resting easy.
Mlnnlo Fulrchllds , who I.s thu landlady of
n burnt district house , telephoned to police
headquarters for help about 1IK ) this morn-
lin. ' . Thu patrol wagon nnd three ollleors
that " , " O'
woio sent. It was found "Cap
lay , the lover ot Mlnnlo , was lighting drunk
and breaking up the furniture , When the
police arrived mollor-t had cooled down some
nnd thu Falrolnlds woman declined to prefer
: i complaint against O'Mnlloy. Kjcctlng him
ram the house was all the ollUai'i could do ,
A dj ' i n rued Till Thiirmliiy.
About a dozen Loavenworth Btrout , property -
ty owners hold n mooting last ovonlnif at the
corner of Nlnnlooth ami Loavonwortli streets
la dl cusi the repaying problem. On account
of the .slim attendance und the ubsoncn of the
I'Quncllmon from the ward the meeting was
nostponod until Thursday evening of thU
weak when n full atlundunnu Is requested.
t Couiioll lllnrfH.
Ex-Senator John J , Inintll of Kansas will
lecture bofora tlio Council Bluffs and Omaha
Chuutauquu association on 'Ihursday after
noon. Thu subject of Mr. Ineallii' lecture U
not announcDil but will bo baforu the duy , >
Tills U a ploanant opportunity for soolnif ono
at America's most notud mon and bearing
him at his best.
Utlim Chunuu PrlocH.
, N. Y , , July lU.-Ghooso , 7 -