* I 14 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; S US BAY. JULY 12. 181)1-SIXTEEN ) PAGES. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. All advertisement * In thorn column * 2 cent * n word lint Insertion nnd | t < cent * n word tlirrcnftcr , or n per line per month , No ndvcrtlfcment taken for leu tlmn 25 cent * for the flrfl Insertion , Term * ennh In ad- Tancc. Inltlnlf. tlnnrt * . symbol , etc. . cnchconntn * ft word. All ftdvrtltfcmrnU mutt run conn-en- llvf-ljr. Arivcrtlfer * , by rcquPMInir ft numbered check , rn have their iin'Mor * nddrcMod to a "num bered letlrr In crcof TIIK IlKK. Answer * to nd- rtreMcd ti III be delivered only on prc cnl llon otlho chert. TJIIANrn OFKirilP ADVKUTIHINO Tr'OUTHKSK J > column * will lelnkriion the nbovo condition * nt the follonlnn biiFlnr-M huttr-ci , who nro author- Itrd lo tnke rpcclnl notices at ( lie tama rates ai cnn Iphnd at tin-main olRcci Fniilli Omaha llinnch Office-Ko. ! KKJ N street , Lit- John W. Hell , PharmnrlM , lltli nnd Mn on 'treett. S. H. Karnsworth. Pharmacist , 21 IS Cumlni : street. W. .1 llnitlii'i , 1'bnrmncii't. 1,21 N. Ir.th street , fleorco W. Parr , Plinrmnclit , 1718 Lcavcnworlb flrrct. Hniihrs' Phnrmncy , 21th nnd Karnm. KITrjATIOXHVAXTii : ) Fnraatcr , tie , , srctnpof flrtt column nn tint Ml' . - - HIJWINO Oil KMIIIIOII > KU1NJ ( * A--WANTKD ; experienced. AddrcmT 15,1100. 13.1 12 * - HMAIITKNTLKMANLY ! MAN ( SI ) , employment. Highest city references for straightforwardness and ability. Moderate salary. I. 4Cth and Chicago , city. "H _ _ A LADY WISH I'.S TO OO OUT HY TIIK DAY A or week , understands plain sowing and dres < - making. Address T 2 , Hcoonirc. ! 12 * _ -LADY DKSIHKS POSITION AS STKNOO- rnpher and typewriter. Address T7 , lice. WANTKD HV YOIJNH MANOKfKD ! ( II A HITS and sumo perlenco , | ioslllon as traveling salesman for paper 11011111 or advertising agent. Address , Locked Dox IIDI , Wnhoo , Neb. _ i'H8 ' 13 * WANTKD. SITUATION A3 HOI'SKKKKPril for widower with family by a middle aged lady. Address T II. lleo nlllcc. Wl 12' _ A -WANTKD. THKCAIIK OF AN INFANT ( III - / In valid by an experienced nurse or governess ; low wages. Address T 10. Den olllco. _ ll' -WANTIM ) . A POSITION HY A DOY OF II ) : experienced In oltlce work. Apdrens T. ? . lleo. WANTKD , SITUATION AT ONCK , DY A ynung lady stenogrnpher ; experienced ; under- ttanil bookcecplng. Address I'.l'.l . N. ITth , city. i'AI 12' - WANTKD , AT O.NTK , A POSITION AS STKN- AWANTKD yonnu lady. experienced nnd tfood references. Address L. , 207 N. SJd utrccl , Omiihn. Neh. MiM ir A -WANTKD. SITUATION WITH ( 'ODD FA M ILY JVby riermiin itlrl ; experienced cook and dress maker. Address T 8 , lleo ollico. 1'33 ' 12 * - WANTKD SITUATIONS FOU tJOOI ) filllLS : my waltlnn rooms urn always full from 9 a. m. to n p. m. Cnnndlan Kmploymcnt olllce , 3I4W S. 1Mb. Telephone &H4. 4ft' ' AVAXTIOD-JIAMO 11 KM' . For riittn , etc. . nf toi > of fist ct'littnn ' on thin t ii"WANTED. . DOOKKKKPKIt. NO COM. STU- I dents need apply. T. 14. Deo. 10UO 12 fJ-WANTKl ) . LOCAL ANI ) TIUVKL1NO SAI.KS- J'mcn : Specialties for ( iermaii or Kenernl trndc. Paylni ! Ma MIIKCS to Kood man. Allison , 177 Monrnn artel. Chicago. WU 12 * -WANTKD , ( iUUDSAI.KR.MKN TO SKLL Al- vcrtlsliiK cards nnd novellleH nn comnilsilon di rect from mnnilfncliiier , Yon can make f.'iO per week , Address AdverllslnB Specially Co. , llntrnlo. ' N. V. M7 12- I-- II I ) , T-WANTKI ) , flOOD AfJKNTS IN NKI1UASKA J'to handle "Urnnnlnu's Klectro-Thero penile Appllnnco. " the latest , best and most sclentlllc treatment for rheumatism , kidney and liver trou bles , spinal atlectlons. nervousness' Impotency , sexual iibnseH , femnlo trials and all troubles nrlt- Init from Impure blood. A snro nnd pcrmnnent cure. W. 8. Jiimes , Concordin , Kan. WW 12' 1 > WANTKD. TUUSTWOIITHY MAN Foil JJhrnnch of Inmu company. .Monthly salary $200 Ot ) nnd share of prollls. Must Invest M.tOO. "Lo Hoy. " caru N. Chesman , C03 Homo Insurance bulldliur. Chicago. H70 12' -WANTKD , TWO KNKIUiKTIC YOUNO MKN 33 or ; women lo uork In llil city. Address T 1. Uee. UTI ; 12- l200 ACKNTS WANTKD AT ONCK. UKO. II. J ll'lace , 318 S. 15th slrecl , Oiniihii. WO 12 * WANTKD , IIKST'OFF1CK CANVASSKI13 ( tverywhero to handlu PaUie'n combination lock crank. Sells Itself to every safe owner , lllvpny : very latest. Write utuncu. Am. Lock-Crank Co. . Milwaukee , WIs. H-S1 12' -WK WISH TO KMPLOY A FKW tJOOI ) LOCAL and trnvulhiK salesmen lo sell by sample our money order system to retail merchants. } 2UO n f-i month In It for lira milcsnien. Previous experi - ence not necessary. Address with to slump , Mer- chnnls Money Order company. Cincinnati , O. U71112 * I\VANTKI > , STATK MANAOKU , SPKCIAL AND JJIdCiil aiients , for the Kqultablu Savings nnd In- veslmenl Association of Now York and Chat- tanooia , Tenn. It has ono ot the best plans extant , and will make liberal contracts with experienced men. Special Inducements to Investors tuklnt : paid up stock. Address J , M. .Inncx , secrelry , 332 lllch- ardson block , ChiittanooKu. Tenn. IK7 12 * 1AKNT8 ! WANTKD. CKNK11AL CAN- JDvassers. Insuranca avcnts nnd book salesmen to represent n bnlldliiKiind loan plan , liood terri tory and terms to successful solicitors. Address lledliiKton. 1' . O. box 2C70 , New York. 1178 12 1)-WANTKD , TltAVKLINO SALKSMAN. CAN -Dinnke. f.'O per week perinunenlly. Tradu special ties , ( jeruntn. Tabor , 177 Monroe street , Chlcauo , 833 12 * AKNT8 ( ! WANTED KVK11YWHKUK. fiOOD side line for Iravellni : men. McCjulslon Munfir. Co. , room 32. llarker block. 111 12 T > WANTKD , TWO HOYS , AOK AHOUT 17 , TO XJdlstrlbnta samples from honsu lo house. Salary , K per neck. Address T. 13 , Uee. 11112 * -WKOFFKIl AOKNTS UK ! MONKY IN KXOLU slvo territory , Our new patent safes sell nt sliiht In city or country. New nt-cnts tlrst In Held actually iicttlni : rich , OnnaKcntln one day cleared IK ! . So cnn yon. Catalogue freo. Alpine Safe company - . pany , SKI-371 Clark street , Cincinnati , O. T > -WANTKI > . TKN KI11ST CLASS SOLICITOUS , J'n line opportunity for cneriietlc , perseverlni ! . In telligent men. Must beef Kood ndilresa and ahlo to furnish u satisfactory bond In tint tmm nf f2UiO ; only such as cnn meet these condllloiiH need apply. AduresH , ftirnlshlni ; Omaha references , S 47 , Uee. M'J2I ! 12 * -WANTKD , A ( JOOI ) IIAUNKSSMAKKIl TO I 'work on team harness , Addrcsu C. F. Schlnueter , Mlmlen , Neb. toil ii ; l > WANTKD MKN FOU IIAILUOAI ) WOUK IN J'Montana. Idaho , Wanhlni.'ton and lown. K'rinner A Kramer , labor atiency.0.l ! South lltli st. MlliS ! , > l ) .SOLICITOUS WANTKD FOU "T 11K 110 UstK"- -I'hold Cash llecord. " "Just Ihe thlliK I've wanted for years. " Is nhat linndredH of purchuiers say. Address U. K. S. , tieneral Dullvery. Dill ll ! 11-A TINNKll WHO HAS A SKT OF TOOLS ANI ) J'can comti reeoinmended can tlnd a tooil opening In coniiectlon with n hardware stoio with n well en- labllihedlrndu. Address S Kl , Uee olllce. Mb'.ij ' I4 ll-WANTKD.DKTKC-riVKS MALK ANI ) KKMALK J'In every county In the states. Knclnso stamp V B. Dclecllvo Avcncy , jHX)7 ) IKariiam slruet , omulni. 1DIIUIIIST ! WANTKD. A IIAUK OPPOIITUN- 1'Ily for n ilnmulM In Omaha ; rent very low. loca tion line. Apply lo lieo , W. 1 * . Coales , 7 Hoard Trade. Wlltl 1 } WANTKD-A KIIIST CLASS HKTAIL DllUd . ' 'clerk , ono who can npeiik and wrllo liermiui. Hood salary , lllnke , llrnco .V Co. MHC.i 1. - WANTKD(5KNKUAL ( ANI ) SPKCIAL AOKNTS lo represent Die Fidelity Mutual Llfo Insuruncu company of Philadelphia , Pa. , In Nebraska nnd Council lllnllsi cilrn liberal Induce.nenl lo rliiht purlieu. Cull on or millions Btiitu luiumKcr , 637 Paxton - ton block , Omaha , Neb. 810-1 -SALKSMANTOSKLL11OODSTOMKIICHANTS -I'by sample. ; hlK pay for workers : new k'oinls ; permanent - manent sllualloiii chaneo lo build u line Irnde. Model Mf'K Co. , South llend , liul. 71U mi * T-WANTKI > . S.MAIIT IKISIIMAN < PAYS II.TS .1'per day. . Call between V and 10 , room ( W lieu bnllillin ; . Mr. Hyland , M7N ) 2 T-WANTKISALK8MKN ON SALA11Y Oil COM- 1'mission In handle the new patent chemical Ink crashixpencil ; thu urcntcst relllnK novelly nver piddiiced ; erases Ink thoroughly In t < > tccnnda ; no nlirnslon of paper ; Sim to M.4) ) per cent prollti ono nn'iit'h rales amounted to IV.0 In six days , another 13'J In two houis. Wu Miml onutieneriil acent In rnch slate and territory. For terms and full pnr- tlcnlnis Hddreo the Momou Kruscr Mft , Co. , La ClOMH'VI . 4'.l ' | -WANTKD. . tOO LA1IOIIKIIS KOIl WYOMING . 'and South Dakota. Free trnniportutlon. Al- trliihl Labor Aiiency. 1120 Faninm ulreol. Mi'.U ' - MKN OK (1001) ( ADDUKSS. MKTUOPOI.n'AN M'fu Co. , law Howard Omaha , or 137 N. 121 h Lin coln. 123-J ) 13 ] ) - ; ) SALKSMKN WANTKUTO SKLLOUH PllK- .I'mlnni nursery Mock ; the luriicst nursery went of the Mlsrlrslnpl rivers Ihe llnest stock : all thu mur and old frulti ; Ihu | OMI > > I prlceii and bluuest pay lo ntenti ; money udvunced every weeki outtll freo. Wrltu us at once. U. J. Curiunter | Co. , Falrbury.Nvb , 8ii jyli _ _ _ _ IJ-OIUIANI/.KUS WANTKD--I.-0 AND $100 IN .1)11 vo months ; tlr t ceillllcato In I.V ) clusbdato July I , Ittuli Itrst-clnsi orcnnlterb minted ; xrllu for telius. Supreme lodk'v , thu Universal pruxrcnnlva e , 172 Washington ttrcel , 110.Ion , Max. > l.WJylJ For ra tt > , < t f . . t "j " ' " I' " 111 * JMUC. " " \ 'ponltlon ' In our builnetii inunt huvo qunlltlca- thins of luleiladyi experience not nccosinry , but Booit tofurcnco required ; nulary , IV. U ) weekly. Apply flor 10 , Monday , W. T. Mmnhall , U Crelgbton lloo.k. | _ _ Ell ) ' O-NKW EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. HANK 11LDG. , Udlrectly opi. | llaydoui. lluf. Womuu'a Christian ioclallou. l l U * _ n WANTKIJ. A OOODGHII. AT ONCE FOU GKN- Ueral housework. Tliruo In fuuillyj Uper eek. Aliplr 1011 , N. HHU , * OUU UIUL AT Zm bT. AVKNUU. uwi { Continual. ] TO ADDHKSS KNVKL- _ . . . . at homos ( rood wanes. Particular * and n rnri ! novelty for two Mamps. Address Manaitrr , U07 K , 1.1th St. , Kansas City , Mo. m 12 * n"BVKIIY WAftK WOIIKINO WOMAN AND 01 IIL vvto call and son how we can double their waies and they krcpnt their work. It cost * nothlna to InvpMluntu * All cordially Invited. Ilooni 32. liar- kcr block , 113 12 * n lO KNKIIOKTIO WOjTKN OH ( IIIILS WANTKD VAMonday. Itoom 32 , llarker block. 112 12' fT-WANTKD-A GOOD 01HL , AT COi NOHTH l > IEIh street- 11012 * n-COOK WANTKD , AN' nXI'KIUKNCKD OIHT , \Jlar cook and Boneral hoimcwork , email famllyt liberal wage * . VM DoiiRlna rtrect. 010 / V-OWij KOlt OKNIMIAL HOUSK. 2C1U CAPITOL V 'BTcniio. Mf81 IV I , fiOOI ) KITCHKN OlllLs MUST IIK V Mlr t cln n nnnlior nnil Ironcr , at 2211 Harncr. IlcfcrcnccB rcqnlrcil 758-12 KOlt UKXTHOUSKS. For rait * , etc. , see tap of first column ontht * fS-Koii HUNT , ILI : : ANT'IIUICK notJSK.sooa 1 'I'uclllciilrccl , Hnnscom I'lnce , nil modern convenience ! ! . ! > > 00 Nlco llltlocottnco . . . . at WJ Five room lint corner Cumlni ? nnd VlBtn . 17 M Tiircn room tnccniont . ' t Illckii , N. V. I.Uo Illilg. _ 131 12 -KOIl HKNT , TIM DKSIIIAIILM HIIICK HKMI- dencc , SIU South Mill street ; window slmilen nnd n portion of furnlluru fur unlo. _ MI08 14 * -KOIl 11KNT , PAIIT OF HOUSi : TO KAMILV without children. Would tnko part of rent In work. Inquire ail I St. Mnry'Bnvo. _ Mllll 13 -SIX IUOM ) HOisK. ; ALL JIOIKUN 1MPUOVK- nientii. Cull room CM lieu linlldliiK. il'l 12 _ -4-IIOO.M I'LAT WITH PltlVILKOK OK 3 MOItl ! room" . Itent. f 15. Furniture , 8173. No rnsli re quired If Boenrlty It good. C'o-oierntlvo | Lund nnd Lot Co. , iOj North lOtli direct. .MI1813 -Clllt ItKNT , HANDSO.MK 11-llOOM HOtJS K. nil modern convenience ! ! . In perfectoriler tpiiTCil Mrcetv. motor nnd wltldnS infnntes wnlk of po t- olllce. Nnlhnn Sliellon , Hill Fnrnnni ulreel. 11 'W -FOU HUNT , MLKOANT 2-FLOOIl HOl'SK. nil modern Improvement * ; 8-rootn liouso No. IOS North Blnl st Apply lit KHIil Fnrnani flt. _ 871 13 n"SUOO > i jiti > KUN IIIIIUK HOUSK , 120 I'KIl nionlh. II. K. Cole. Contlnentnl bidtt- 1H' > 20 lY-FLAT FoilTnNT : , UOOMS. LINTON I1IXCK ) , 1 ' 'newly pnpcrcd , riuiKu ; K'l ! per mouth. John Hnmlln.ali S. nth. 13 _ D-l-OIl HKNT , 5-UOOM COTTAHK. 1M N. WTH ctreet. HO : 3-room cotlnne. KM nnd Fnrnnnt , * I3.W. Heed .V Selby , room la. llonrd of Trndo. 'till -KLKHANT S-1100.M NKW COIlNKIl 1IIIICK , newly pfipered. every niodern convenience , on motor line , fc5 ! mouth. J. L. Illce , Vfi N. V. Llfu. -roil HKNT , n-itoo.M COTTA'OI : WITH CITY water. Inquire S.S : S Itttli St. _ IM7 -FOIl IlKNT. 0 UOO.M COTTAOB. INQIIIIIK 1211 North ItPlh. 7U3 lit * _ -FOU IlKNT. COIlNKIl FLAT. ALL OUTSH ) ! ' ! DFOU . WrlKht nnd Luebcrry , 1U)1 ) llownrd. M5M I-\-FOIl HKNT. A 15 UOO.M TKNKMKNT. NO. 107 J sonth 17th. one block from center of tniflncr * . ono block north of N. Y. I.lfo InilldliiK. Unlit for lionrdlni : nnd roumlnic. All modern Improvements. jJcuJiiinus Neville. 830-14' _ -IV YOU WISH TO ItKNT A HOUSK Oil STOHH KCO II. K. Cole , Continental block. 4W _ TV-HM IlKNT 10-UOOM HOI'SK CKNTIIALLY Jlocuteidmoilcrn Imprownients. 7I2N. I'Jtli. 41KJ -Poll IlKNT , NKW YOIIK HOTKL ON WKII- tcr street nnd Btores now I'coplc'H Mnminoth Inatulliucnt House. Inonlru of Scant , II. Uis. ! N. V. 1 .1 f o. M84B83 _ -FOU IlKNT , 7-UOO.M HOUSK , 2023 HAHNHV * . Inquire A. U. Gladstone , 1310 DoiiBlns street.MM5 MM5 D -FOll HUNT , 6-UOOM COTTAGK , CENT11A * . , A-room cottnce. near motor. (12.00. 4-room untune nenrmolor , { 10.00. fi rooms unfurnished , MO.UO. And the best residence tints In Iho city. f20 tof2r > No stores. ' ) lie Mead Inv't. Co. , 442 Dec llldi : . U13 -FOH HKNT 2 KLKVKNltOOM llllICIC HOUSKs" modern Improvemenls , 310 nnd : I12 North 22il street , near Dnvenpoit. Inquire N. W. cor. ? 'd nnd Davenport. 703 -FOIl IlKNT , 4 IIOOM COTTACK WITH TWO hiriieclnf-ets nt the rear of 601 So 20th st. (13.M per mouth. Kuqulru of F. 11. Salmon , Uth and Jones. 74J 1V8-HOOM IIIIICK HOUSK , ALL CONVKNI- 1/cnccs. (2300 ; li-room brick house , KO.OO U.K. Cole , 0 Continental. Wl TV-COTTAGK FOU HKNT 441 S. 21TI1 AVKNUK. 003 D-FOIl IlKNT CIIKAP , NINK IIOOM HOUSK , furnlHhcd or nnfiinilhlicd nnd barn , convenient location , llolbruok , 4 lice building. MOT D-HOUSKS , ALL KINDS-TIIIIKK NICK Y FUH- nlshcd. llnndy .V Co. , 1G14 Cnpltol nvenu Wl -NKW MODKIIN AND MOST DKSlllAllLi : IN Ihnclly. : ior4 room kuttcs. Complete for house- kecplnK. 818 S 22il Blrecl , K. L. Van Dorn.MM)1 ) ' -FOU IlKNT7-IIOOM COTTAGK , KAST FUONT , Sliernuin nve. , ncnr Chirk ; KU Wright & Lns- bnry , 1101 Howard. Mi -FTKAM HKATKI ) MODKIIN FLATS , 707 ANI ) TOO S Itilh Btrcct. K. I1' , lllnger , 151'J Farnam.20IJ27 20I-J27 * FOIl KENT VUHN1SHKI ) UOOMS. Fornta , ttc. , tec to t of Jlnt column on this paae. ' -FOU fNToNK LAUOK nmNsHK ) front room for ccntlcmon , and also a smaller furnished room , 1W9 CHBB street. 101 12 * 17- FOIl HUNT , I'-UllNISIIKI ) FUONT UOO.M : IJnlKO uood bcnmro ulano for Bnlo cheap nt'.il'.l ' DoiiBhiB. M103 13 * E-FUUNISHKT ) UOOMS ; OAS AND HATH. C022 St. .Mary's avenue. M122 IS * KUIINISHKI ) HOO.MH FOIl LKSHT I1OUSK- E kccidni ; . l-'lut A , 62 S. IGth. MI2i ) U' I.iFOU HKNT , N1CKLY FUllNISHKl ) UOOMS 1 Jfor light houeckcepbitf. No children. 00 ? S. llllli street. MliS'J 1 1 _ 171 2 FINKLY FIHINISHKI ) UOOMS , PUIVATK Ijfnmlly. 2017 I > OIKC ! , opposite public scliool. l -FOll HUNT , FUONT HOO.M HUITAULK FOU J .itwo. 2IIJI lloilKU. JllU'J 13' _ \ fLOVKLY SOUTH IIOOM ; MODKIIN C < ) N V K leniences : motor und cable nt linnd. W.O Hurl iitreet. _ MI2ii 111 * 1 ? KOIl IlKNT. KUUNISI1KI ) ANI ) UNFUll- I Jnl.-heil rooms , also li-room tlat. 1321 Cnpltol uvenno , .M'JIU 12 * -FUltNlSHKl ) 1100MS , 1814 DAVKNI'OHT.MbS2 MbS2 12 * 17 KOIl IlKNT. KUIINISIIKI ) HOOMS. HATH ANI ) I < nll modern Improvements. Price ( i ; | ier month. Cull on or uddrers W. C. llouk , 141TJ Dodxe. M8t > 7 12 * ' 1/--NICHLY FUIINISHKI ) UOOMS , MODKIIN I-wconvenlenccii. IMW Caidtol nveiino. .MEM 111 T - hAumFUONT : UOO.M , ioi CAPITOL AVKNUK iJ ? Kll _ _ - FUIINISHKI ) UOOM , Ull JACKSON ST. EFUIINISHKI i-4 NICK KUIINISHKI ) UOOMS. MonimN 1M- l-vurovcmi'MtB ; prices tS , ( I ) , 112. IUI3 DouuluK st. b7J 15- _ _ _ 1 ? KOIl ItKNT , TWO KAST UOOMS , mNGLK OU J-Jen sulto In prlvntu family , to mini nnd wife or two Kcntlcmcn , ( > 3 S South 17lh st , lleferenceii. Ml.sS -KUIINISHKI ) UOOMS IN IIIIICK Ill North 12th street. T'.i 12 * ITi-LAIIOK NOIl'IH ANI ) KAST AND SOUTH J Jfront room , 20I& Cans si. 'M 13 > i-KOK IlKNT , KUIINISHKI ) UOOMS. 1315 DOUd- Ullut. Mil 12 ST. CLA1U KUUOPKAN IIOTKU COIl nml DodKe , lll nmku low rate * for rooms by the. week or month with or without lio.ird. 2.'X ) IJ'-KOll HKNT. NICKLY KUIINISHKI ) COOL I Jrooms at northenst corner lull and Howard. Ijiwn iiruuml bulldliitf , From I7.UO to t''O a monlli. 318 _ _ I- -3 NICK KIIONT UOOMS FOU CiKNTLKMAN LVonly. 2010 Dnvenport street. is I ' ! ? VKIIY PLKASANT KIIONT HOOM IN 1'UI- vnleumlly for Kenllenian , k2&8 VJlh blreel. 321 i'UK.\isini ; ) itooais AND itoAiti ) . Fur niM , etc. , fee top offtrst cofimm on tlila p.iu : . l-NTcT : NKWLY KlTuN18lTKT ) l6o.Ms"wiTil X1 board , 17'JICnplt ol avo. MIM U' _ l > -2 Oil THIIKK SICKLY KUUN1SHKI ) 1100-MS L' with llri > l-clai > 9 bonnl In private family , .ill H. 2ilth street , between Hnriivy and Furimin. Wl 12 * NOIITH IUT1I. UOOMS WITH 1IOAUI ) MIW ib _ 1 , ' KUIINISHKI ) SKCON1) ) KTOIIY UOOMS 'fo i- rent with bourd. 201 S. giith nvuniio. tivtl li 1 > FUIINISHKI ) UOOM WITH HOAIll ) . iTJT iDuvenpott. . ( M u * 1KOIl IlKNT , PLKASANT KUIINISHIII ) ROOMS JltU board at 111 boutli 17th itreut. SUW1 13 * _ 1KIIO.NT IIOOM WITH UOAlll ) , 1011 DOUCI.AS -L ilrect , Vis n > T --KiniNlSlIKI ) HOOMS WITH 1IOA111) . HIIFKIl- tuncea , r.'U l-'uruaui. H 17 * _ -UOOMS AND UOAlll ) . IIKI DODUK hTHKKT. M2TOJy2J _ -llOO.MS , AND UOAlll ) AT YOUNO WOMKN'8 -L home. 10D S. 17lh ilreut. TUU-JjrlU * l'-OU 1U3XT ItOOaiS UNKUltX18IIl-n ) Fur rata , tte. , tee ( op of frit column on ttilt paat G-VOVU UNKUUNISHKU IIOOMH. BOUTHKIIN eipoiuru , modern conionlenci-i , mar builneii oul r , | U gat uo. Adilrcu , U l , Uo , no U * I1OAIIDINO. Forrfitf * . rte. , let tnpofflntcnlnmnnnthll ; i ig " -PULLMAN H OU9 K. o ndlHiKST UT ' j For ( inoci bonnl , ntco room * , modern mn . n lencr * . rule * nnd location , It cannot bo excelled Mr * . Horn , Prop. _ MU7 A ! ] _ -WANTKD-A KKW DAY IlOAUDKllS , AT K2S IT . * omh 17th street. MMI 13 * Foil ItKXT-STOUKS AXDOKKlQIiS. , tic. , ' ( etppnf' ' flrtt cfilumn nnlhli T-Fcm7iisNT.TiFK oi'Kicn KOiiM K iIL Y bccu- .Ipled by Alo.rnnder It Smith In tlioConllnenlnl Muck , corner room , In perfect order. Krcclnnd. l.ootnli Co. M782 - HKNT Oil HAM ! , MY HUILIIN(1 ON 1-FOIl ft. , bet. ( Otli XIIHi. ( I.A. Undqulit,310 W l..lli.KM KM T-KOIl HKNT , TUB 3-STOHY IIIIICK IIUILDINO , JlllO DotiKlas treel , miltntiln for wholesale pur pose * , 1110 per month. Clms. Kaufman. 1303 Duuit * Inn utrcot. Mi T-STOIIK 1100.MS AT TOT AND TO1. ! SOUTH IfiTli. -l tcnm licntcil. IV ! , Hinder , 1510 Fnrnam , M44'i U * 7 IXll IlKNT TIIK 1-8TOHY IIHIt'K IIUILDINO J with or without power , formerly occupied by tlio llca Publishing Co. , Hit ! Knrnnni st. Thu build- IIIK linn n llrepoof cement basement , complcto Mcnm-hcntlnKlMlnrcs , water on nil tlio Hours , t-ns etc. Apply nt tlio o 111 i ( i of The lleo , UI5 KOIl KHXT-MtSGISIiAXKOUM. For ratra , tt # . , sec top of first column on this page , Y-OAHDKNV'AUM'FOll'HiiNT. T7MUUilAY. J M.MO T-PASTUHK-I 1IAVK NKW PASTUHK JUST " fenced for horses and cells , 223 acres * of tame nnd wild grass ; will call for and deliver ; charxe * reasonable. Inquire Kvan * , ( ' . ' 11 Paxlon block , or address Ccorue ti. Oans , Soulh Omaha. Mill JylS * IVANTHIl TO JlIiNT. For rates , etc. , teetnpnf irtt cnliim > nntlilt pqe. \ " TWO FIJUNIHiK ( Ml U roonifl with board In private fnnilly ; rcfeit'iico given. Address 1' . O. HOT SIT. . KOI II itKXTAIj AOUXOY. For intfs , etc. , fee top of first column on tliln pnnc. " " * -H."lJT6LiyiiKNT7v"L [ KNC tal block. C.'J STOUAOIO. For rait tie. , rcetojinf flrst tniitmn on this | Kiu . M -OUKST , CHKAl'KST ANI ) IIKST RTOHAGK home In city. Williams & Cross , 12U llurncy.M5I2 M5I2 M-DKST STODAOK DUILDINC IN OMAHA ; government bonded warehouse ; household goods cared for : lowest rates , W. .M. llushmnn. 1015 LcaveiiHorth. 51:1 : M-CLEAN , DIIY AND 1'ltIYATK STOHAOK OF fnrnlturu. Ouiahu Stove Itepalr Wurks , 1207 Douglas. .MM I WAXTKD TO UOV. \T-KUltNlTItllK 110UGHT , SOLD , faTOUKD. 1 > Wells , 1111 Farnain st. 611 M" HANK STOCK. IIAVB A CASH CUSTOMKIl J. ' for Jl.OUO north of good National hank stock In the city. A. K..ltlley , Itoom 40 , Darker block. M102 IK AT HALFANACIIK OH ONI ! AC11K LOT NKAlt AI motor lines ; with or without Improvements. Give locution and price. Address S. CS , Dec. 1120-12' "Vr WANTKD TO IIUY. ( ! OOD HKSIIKNCK LOT -L > or house and lot. or several lots located seas as to make n good building site , must bo In tlrst class residence part of the city. Parties answering this should give full description of property , lowest price , terms , whether Inciimbcred , nnd 1C so how much. O 1'J , Dec. 1171 I--011 SAMS KUKXITUKH KTC. 0-FOH SALH. FUHNITIHIK HY PIECE Oil IN rooms reaily for hou ckccimig ; excellent chance for young couple. 21:1 : South 21th btreet. One door north of Fnrnum. 12'l 12 * 0-N1CK KUlTNITUIlK COMPLKTK FOIl THHKK rooms for light houvekeeplng. 1'rlce H3. or will sell things separate. 1716 Lcnvenworth ftreet. ! a 12 o -KOlt SALK FtniNlTUHK ANI ) LEASE OK TIIK best boarding house In tlio city. Address S 2lIlee.M ! ( M FOU SALK IIOUSF.S\VAGOXS.KTC For term * , etc. , fee ( oji of , hnt column on tun will' 1)-FOIl SALK , FAMILY CAUUIAtK. LKK Jfc Nichols' stable , Still nnd Lcavenworth. M614 1J-N1CK LAHOK DAY PONY. UOUHLK COT- J- TACK , corner 31th and Jncknon. M 14.-12' J > - FOU SALK , A FIHST CLASS SADDLE HOlisE , 1 young , sound , Btyllsh and gentle ; he Is also a good driver. Juo. 8. Drady , Uth and Lcnveuwoith. TbS 12 1FOIl SALK CHKAP , LHJHT GLASS HOCK- L away and gooil piano box top buggy , both In good order. Inquire ut room 202 , Omaha Nat. Dank building. 360 p-HKAYY SPUING WAGON FOR SALK AT X 2TU3 IjCuvenworth st. liSI I ) FAMILY HOUSES FOHSALK. SINOLK Dill Y- J crs or carriage teams. Cnn furnish any kind of horse desired. Cull at C. I ) . Woodworth A Co. . or address. T.J. Fleming , Cnlhonn , Neb. Till FOIl Fur rate , ' , e'c. , ec to/i / of first column on this page. ryvri Y KS"A N i ) DAiidTFr Kits. " * A cii A UAHM ; Vxmonthly publication of Hi pages. Written by women for women. O omuiended by the Countess of Aberdeen nnd Miss Frances K. Wlllard. For U. S. adverl'slng address Hey V. SommcrvlUo , room 1U6 , Times building , New York , Scut nix months on trial for23c In stamps by addressing Wives nnd Duuuhtcrs , London , Canada , US' ! 12 * - SALK GOOD ANI ) COMPLKTK FIX- Q-FOH tnres of meat market ; excellent locution nnd low rent. M. A. Upton Co. Mil /\-$65 CASH DUYS 2-HOOM HOUSE ANI ) Wiiurn ; two years lease on ground , Will trade , 1318 Douglas. bll'-14 * AllSCKht ANKOUS. For ) / . etc. , fee trip offirnl column on tills jxiye. IILA DIES Dll. KIHK WOOD'S PATKNT AIIT1CLK w III save you untold anxiety , Iron hie and worry. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Send 2c lor circular. Lady agents wanted. Hoyt Hub- her Co. , P. O. Dox 21)7 ) Des Mollies , In , IXii 12 * R" -BALDNESS POsiTTvi-i.Y : CUHKD ; NO MIStake - take about It ; send for descriptive clicular. Address "Antl-Dald " box2'J.l. In dress - , Davenport , , K iSSAGK i THKATMKNT , KLKCTIIO-TIIKH- mnl baths , scalp and hair ticntmcnt , innnlcilre iiinichlropodlst. ; .Mrs. Pout , 3IUMi S 16thWltbncll blk. 1J-FO11 SALK-ClU'ltCIl IIU1LD1NG NOW LO- located on Harney st. , neur''llli , to be moved olt. Apply to Samuel Kulz , UU S. lltli st. I ) . " ) ? -DliriToNSDALK'S MKlilClNKM 1 > - SPKCIF1C XVfordlscases peculiar to women. U10S. Kith ttrcet. UTt nug2 * It LUillTNING HODS , WHOLESALE AND UK- tall , J , -Mcl.alu , 22UO bpencer st. , Omaha. ' ' CIJAIKVOVANTS. For rdlff , etc , , rce tup of flrnt column ou f/ito / & siNit K. . A i E t "A N ) mcoNJ i m G i IT s K si. The great fortune teller In this city has n suite of parlors at the Howurd House , toiith eust corner of K'th and Howard streets. This lady has n magic inliror. In which you can see your fiitiirn husband or wife. No mail ago treatment or any olhcr quesllon- nblu business. 'Ihe belter classes are Invited tocull. Knemy or friend , all business Htrlctly conlldenllal. a M126 19 * S-MI18 , NANNIE V. WAHIIEN , CLA1HVOYANT , trance rpenkliig , writing anil reliable bushiest medium. Innr'ycuis In Omulin , ll'J N. liith. MJ AIAHSACI11ATIIS ; , MTC. For rn'ra ' , etc. , fee top of flrat column on tlili " lAT H SA'i' " MA I ) AM K HM IT I I'S 1 parlors , 3d floor. t'M S. 16th street. MW-'J 12' MASSAGE , MADAME DKL/.1KII , OYEIl . lIO ! S. LlSth. 200 u7 * I'KKSO.N'AKH. For rutci > , etc , , sec tuii of Jlrnt column nn thin jxliia , U"AN'INWuTiGKNT , HlVFTNici AM miCAN wliloir , nice houeekeeper. Is 3S , desirous of keepIng - Ing hontu lor u wtdoni'r ' or buchelor where she eun have u pleusunt home ; no objection to leave Omaha. Addrcnn Mrs. Ida Clark , 1IU7 I'ticlllu street , Omuhu. WJ 12 * "YOUNG MAN WISHES TO COHIIKSPO.S'T ) with young lady. Object , fun. " Dux 210. At lantic , la. MIM U * U-LADIES OU GKNTLKMKN DKSIHING CON- genial correspondent * will tlnd It lo their ad vantage to uddr > i , with stamp , .Mutual Correspond ence Durenii , box I'.U'J , Doatun , Muss. W'i ' 12 * U WANTED INFOH.MATION AHOUT A YOUNG man by the name of Thomas W. McGulro. lie WHI In Oniahii uboiit loycurn ago , working for Mr. lluleoy. Address lluslnesn olllco of Hie lice. Wl 12 * -COIlllKSPOND FOU AMUtJKMIWr OU M AT- rlmony ; full purllculura ( nuuledl 10 cenU. llox 82ti , Omuliu , Neb. 1 A'J * -GENTLEMAN , AGK 30 , WISHES TO MKKT reipectnblu ludyngo IS to 26 , widow preferred ; object mutrlmouy. Addremi S 61) ) , Dee. Mh U 12 * JIUSIO , AUT AXI > I.AXOUAtJIO. For ra'aetc. , ice top of ftr t column on Hit * rune. r -FOU SALK. GOODSECONDHAND PIANO , HIM or will rent chcnp , II. F. Illniiur , 161V rurnaiii. MWll 16 * UGKO. . F. GELLENDKCK , TEACHEIl Of Till ! > banlot with HO.I.Q. . 1618 lougla . 2W \T GUlTAll ANI ) IIANJO ML'SIU S1MPLIFIKD. i Piece * read at glance. No knuwlvdgu of muilu required , bund lor dr. Guitar Munlu Cu.Allantlela. 062 Al * T PUPILS , UllAMMAll A BPKt'IALTY. KU7 F Douglnji. ' - ? * 7-TWOBECONI > .HANU PIANOS AT A UHKAT > barialitt uprlgUU. ItjU Clilcogo it I \XOUAGK. . _ - . . . ' . . I'-llKKOIli : HuVl-WA'pTANO K.VAM1NK THE new scale Klmbnll'Mltno A. Hospel613 DoiiKla * . "tut 610 KSTATI3. \ \ E.MONr.YTO Vl E. Neb. nnd la , farius. K , F. Hlngcr , 15IU Fnr'm. \ WUnll * \\r-FOH PALK,3riH T MOHTOAOE LOANS OF ' nUUench nl 8 irverenl , uuefl years. Properly Tallied at 118,000 , E. Ff Hunger , 1610 Fnrnnm.MW2 U * \\r- Pr < IO TO LOAJfTlN IJIPHOVEI ) OH UNIM- it proved Inside Oiimhn property , live to ten years , 8M per cent. Address S 6.1 , Deo. MhS6 12 * \ \ r-J. L. HICK , INV'STM'T SKCUUETIKS. 022 u Lifoimrid , ra A i * \\r-GUAIIANTKKt ) MOHTGAGKS ON SAHPY. 'i Thayer , Curnlng and Stnnton Co. lands for sale by II. T , Clarke. 1'J Hoard of Trade. 41M _ \\r-STOPPAYINGHKVT , OWN A HOME. WE ii will buy or have ono built for you any where , nnd let the rent pay for Ihe properly. For Information mation call or address North American Savings As sociation. Itoom 720 , New York Life building. Olllce open until 7 p.m. l > I6i V \\T MOHTGAOKS WANTKD , LONG Oil SHOUT time. George G. Wallace , 310 J. J. Brown buildIng - Ing , Killi and Douglas. 61S A\r-DUILIINtT ) < T7\NSI1 TO 7 PKIl CKNTi NO ii additional charges forcominlsslotiornllorncy'n fees. W. 11. Mclkle. Klrsl National bank bhlg. 620 _ AY tr-riUVATKMO.NiYTO : LOAN. J. 1) . X.ITTI.i : , DU N. V. I.lfo. 6 \\r-MOUTOAHK LOANS WANTKD , McCAOUK i Inveslmcnl company. & 2J -MONKYTOLOAN ON OMAHA PHOl'KUTY Fldellly Tnisl company. Kill Farnain. 624 V\r-KASTKHN MONKY TO LOAN AT VKHY lowniloi. II II. Irey. 20I1N. V. I.lfn. J1325 Air-CIIIIAP MONKY I'lllLA. MOIlTOAtil ! AND Trust Co . wants gllt-cdce. loans. ( Ico. W. P. Conies , representative. 7 Iloanl of Trade. MO \\r LOANS. W.M. HAllltlS , It. 20.F11KN/.KII IILK BU A\r ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. . HIS N. Y. ' ' Life , lend al low rnlo for choice secnrlly on Nebraska or Iowa farms , or Oiuabii clly properly. Mlttl l\r-SKCOND MOimjAC.K LOANS FH3.M 5MO TO > (10.0UO. Alex Moore , JOI lleo building. MliHI \y-TIIK CKNTIIAL IXAN AND THUST CO. ii has removed to The lice building , main lloor , at rlitht of entrance. City loans nt lowest rates. C. A. Starr , manager. IW Jyl'.l XlOY TU LOAN'-CI I AT I' K I > S. For nilcn , etc. , w Inn of finl column on till * pane. V"MONKY ' "TO LOAN DY llTR > l IA ST KH"oN -i * household goods , pianos , organs , horse * , mules , warehouse receipts , etc. , ut the lowest pnsslhlo rates nilhnut publicity or removal of property. Time nrrungeil to suit borrower. My loans me so arranged that you cnn make a payment lit any time nnd reduce both the principal and Interest. Veil nlll llnd It to jour advantage to see me If you want n loan , or If more convenient call up tele phone 1H2I and juur business can bo ai ranged at home. Money always on band ; no delay ; no publicity : loncst rates. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthncll block , 161)1 ) nnd Hnrney streets. WT X J1O.NKY TO LOAN ON HOUSKS , WACONS , furniture , pianos and collateral security. Ilusl ness conlldentlal. Fred Terry , It. 4SI Itutngu blk. ! i'U X MONBY ON FUKN1TUUK. HOIIS1M. KTC. Keystone Mortgage Co. , room 21W Bhcely blk. M6il ! _ Y-CHATTEL DANK. 319 s. i.vni. LOANS MONK v -iVon chattels or collateral at reasonable rates. MJ V -M ON BY i.OA N K I ) ON ALL KINDS OFSKCUU -tvity. tttl New Vuik Life. U. A. Morris. .TO | y-2S * For ratct. rtc. , seetapof flnl column on iltls itatie. V KOIl SALK-CIAit ( ! STOHK IN OOOI ) LOCA- I thin : Invoice about' f.MW ; rent reasonable. Co operative Land and lot Co. , 2U6 Nuith lah street. M1I713 _ ; _ \T FOIl SAIiE-TIIU1 WKLL I'AYINO LIVKIIY I Htiibloof thelatPValtcr L. Clark. In York , Neb. : will be sold for cish oij for goo.t security on easy terms ; po-ses-don can beglven Immediately : Invoice I ) . J. Colling , administrator , Nork , Neh.MI2I MI2I IS SALK , AN K TAIILIHHKI ) UNDKHTAK- J Ing nnd church goods business. Stock new. Unsy terms. Address T II ! Dee olllce. 1211 12 * - - SALK Oil HKNT. A 'GOOD PAY1NC 1 hnlrdrcsslng establishment In the best locality of Omaha. Also room for manicuring. Address T 12 , Dee olllce. aia12 _ _ _ _ "V7" FOIl KENT. HOTELA JMi-ltOOM IHIICIv I hotel for rent In u good business town of 2.f'j,0 ( Inhabitants , the only hotel there ; Is doing good business right along- ; the furniture for sale. Ail- dress S 7 , Dee olllce. _ IKiS 12' V-f > .000 DHUG STOCK AT A DISCOUNT. AN- I other stock Invoicing f.1,200 , for f2.6JO. ! to close an estate , ( jeorgo D. Hntchlnson , Paxton block , Omaha. ' . ' 76 12 > "V WANTED , MAN TO MANAOI3 I1US1NKPS J- who can furnish fWO.OO cash capital , i-alary JIOO.OO per month. Address TU. Dee. twi : 12 * AT" I'Oll SALK , A ( ! OOI ) DOOIC ANI ) STATION- L cry stock ; only one In town of 2 , ( > W ) Inhabitants , In blue grass region of Iowa , ( iiiod business es tablished and best of reasons for Bulling. F. L. Ingman , Villlsca. la. ! )71 ) 12 ' - FOU SALK FOIl CASH ONLY. Y'-OHOCKHY Flnu locallon and good class of trade. Invoice about TOO 00. S 111 , lira. M8U7 12 * y KOIl SALK , MEAT MAUICKT WKLL KSTA11 .1. llshed trade ; line tl.\lnrss nnd In a good. HTO town , ( iood reasons for belling. Address Louis Heller , lllti Jackson slrcct. ' .Ml 10 \T 1'AHTNKH , WIDOW OF A1IIL1TY , TALKNT- .L ed , prepossessing public speaker , has one of the best paying hiiBlnebbes now out ; no compctltlmi ; wants gent wllh npot cash , ( MX ) , ability lo act us manager ; intelligent , good appear unco ; none hut responsible need reply. Address , /.onus Xcno , gen eral delivery , po.stoilice. 002 12 * V I'OH SALK , SMALL STOCK CLOTHING AND X furnishing goods In country town , at a bargain ; wllJItuK'ocleiir property us part pay. Address.I , M Llmlsuy , Auburn , Neb. U32 12 * V" ONK-NALK INTKHKST IN PAYINC HOTKL I In town of ; i,000 to exrlinnuo for stock of mer chandise or Improved land. Address T 5 , lleo.J3.1 J3.1 JU * V 1' ' < > " SALK , NKWSPAPKH PLANT IN ONKOF . Hie best towns In nestern Iowa ; doing good business ; only paper In town ; 111 health cause of selling. Addiesa T 4 , Uee. Ml 13 * V VOIl SALK A S51ALLCOUNTIIY DANK.DKING i thoonly liank In tonn and no other within 12 miles , llest of reasons given for selling. Cnllntbr address room U18 , New York Life building , Omahu , Neb. 4'J2-2i ! \r KOIl SALK , A GILT-EDGE , SHOUT TIME I note of (1110. Address S. , 16 Dec. Slur Loan and Trust conipu ny. MeOT | : i WANTKD TO SELL OH LKASK , A NKW tlfty-barrel roller steam mill , located In good wheat country , In Noithwestern Kansiis. Large wheat ciop .now being harvested. For terms ad dress , Anselmo II , Smith , drawer 1602 , Lincoln , Neb. ' .lOJ-S'J ' V Fill I SALK WELL KSTAHLIS1IKD COAL I and feed hunlnews-side track will sell low for cash liood reasons for selling. Cull ut N. VIth street and belt line. T61 lii * V WANTKD-A PAHTV WITH J2WW TO f6,0IO ( 1 to Invest InnbiiBlnes ) ! paying 100 percent. Address - dress S 411 IIL'K. AI6UJ 13 V-rtll SALK. LKASK AND FUHN1TUHE OF 26 1 room hotel. Greut bargain. J. S , Jordan , Council llllllts. M HI2I2 VI't'll ' SALK , TIIK MILLI.NKIIY DKPAHTMENT I of one of the tlnest stvjrus In Omaha. Address S ill ) , lleo. 767-12 t V WANTKDA HUSlNKt-S MAN AS PAHTNKH , 1 ultli M.liou or (6.UUI. In profitable business , established six yent Address Sl , lleo. TU-12 ) " " -.V.EHCHANT TAlLOIl DUS1NUSS. FllANK Y Sochor , Duvld City , Neb. nw-JyUI * FOHjK.VOilAXGK. For rater , rtc. , tec /if/ / | ( ( ) flint ro'umn on tltln vmie. f/-CLKAIt'l.OT O.V IlItOAinVAY lN "cOHNCIl' , /Jllliiirs , lo exrhnnfivfur Onnilin propjrty. Might lut Induced to put a little money nlthlt. A. 1C. Ulley room 10 , Darker block. MIU1 13 r/ -\A rK , CIIAII ; : UNIMPIIOVKD LOTS /J nnytvlieru within' two mile limit taken In ex- ehungu as pa ) incut towards somu very line cuttngo home. Fidelity Trtikl Co. , ICIt Furiiam street. r8U)0 ( ) IN NICK-IlESlDKNCK , STOHK HUILD- /Jlng , ami stock i/f'it'aoilN / doing tine trade In good luwn town. All clear. To exchange for Omaha business or rentul.pcwperly. Slock Invoices (6uuu. General stock. A. K. Ulley , Itoom 40 , Daiker block. * - Mllll | 3 _ rCI.EAU FAHM TO K.M'IIANGK Foil HOUSES /Jaml cattle : also ilnccluurstooJichnnuufurhnrscii nnd mules. Kvuns , Wl Puxton. _ MHi'J 13 * r/ "THAT"NOUTII iToiii STHEKT PHOPEIITY is / sllll for exchange for bK ) furm. Alex Moore , 401 lieu llullillng. .MU.I2 12 _ r/-A GHKAT FAUNA.M STHKr.T PHOPK11TY TO /Vexchnnge for clear Nebraska land. Alex Moore , 401 lice llnllillug. MIU I 12 _ If.S.000 STOCK OF GKNKIIAI. MKUUHAND18K , / Including sloru-bulbllng. coul bu > lne , etc. , clear , to exchange lor good Omiilm properly. Alux , Moore , 4U1 Dee building. IU.I7 12 rTO THADK. CLKAH PltOPKllTY FOIl ft stock of. hnrdwaru. H. A. Darner , It. fil , Hoard of Trade. .MbWJU /-TWO"ciltTicirciaiAit LOTS FimTMpHoVKII / propi-rtyi wllluisumu iniall liiciimbruucu. J. U IUCU.IWI.V V. l.lfw. IVJ-I2 * _ rfVOOO BTOCIC ( FKivKHAI. jrKliniANDisi-J / wanted In utchuniiu for Oinulia properly and e > tcriland ! , J. L. Illci' . Vtl N. Y Llfu , 01U 12 * ' / K > H KXt'HANllH UltST CLASS OMAHA / properly , clear lanu and null for HO.OOO lo KUOU ) lock uf dry liouilt , Wll.Huuuouruoaj bi 10 Freuier block. WSi ' ' j KOIl ICXC11ANOK. V WANTED. TO EXCHANGE IS.MO EQUITY IN 'J * first-class hotel In southeastern Nebraska for farm land In lotrn or rimtrrn Nebraska ! renting for ' * } per month ) only principals nocd apply. Apdrcss T.1 , Dee o nice. Ml 12 * r/ WANTED TO TIIADK PHAETON IN GOOD /Border for lighter ono. J. U Illce , V22 N. Y. Life. OH-12 * y WHAT HAVE YOU IN EXCHANGE FOH 820 ' 'acres deeded Texas Inml , free from' onrmn * brnnce. Make an otter. Address SCO , Dec. VHV12 * yCHOICE HKSIDKNCK IN COUNCIL HLlFFS ! SJnt\i\ \ cash to exchange for merchandise : hardware preferred. Address K , G , Hartlctt , 741 Hrondwny , Council Hlulls. 111703 y-DlVIDBNI ) PAYING STOCKS FOH GOOD 'Jfnrm lands or desirable city properly. W. . P. O. box na , M tt at * rFOH SALE. 11AHGA1N8 IN (1 ( , SAND 10-HOOM 'Jinu-c | > ; will tuko land or vacant lots ni part pay. W. U. lloinan , rooms R and 10 , Frenier block. 7M' 20 rFOH EXCHANGK , SPLKNDID HKNTAL PHOP- 'Jertles for vacant lots nnd lands. W < 11. Homan , rooms 8 nnd 10 , Frenrer block , ' < K > 20 KOIl SAIjK-ltlQAIj KSTATIO. Forratet , ttc. , tee topof flrst co'timii on f/it / pcif ; * . rMlACKA | < ! K. COH. ntliAND NICHOLAsTSTs2. ! I teUX.W. M. A. Upton Co. 107 12 GOOD ACHKS IN SOLOMON'S ADDITION FOH (3.VO.UO. .M. A. Upton Co. 10712 PINK 10-HOOM HOUSK AT 32nd ANI ) PALI- 1 fornln forHO.OUO. Knsy tcrms.M. A. Uplon Co. 10712 A NIOK 1IO.MK IN CMrrON llll.tj ; f3.SOI.iO. ( M. A. tTptoii Co. 107 IS HOMKS IN OMAHA CAN 1IB HOffJHT TIII'.HB times cheaper than ever npnln. "Tim old roll- nlilo" has thiitn from fl.WO.UO to ( TAliOO.UO. M. A. l.'pton Co lleo building. 10T 12 _ A CUB I'HOI'IIUTV. IIAVB CASH CI'STOMBHS VVior cheap aero property 8 to ID miles out Want two or threw tracts rlnltt iiwny. A. K. ittley. llootn 40. Darker block. MIO.H.- V-A KHtsT CI.ASSI , wiiJrrtiitNisnii : : ) . TWO- 1 chnlr tnirbur shop nnd bath rooin In a thriving tnwn of l.iWInhiibltunts. ( iood regular nnd Iran ulent tnido. Address St2 ; , Heoolllco. MKil 14 * fPWO MI.EOANT BAST FUONT LOTS IN WB8T 1 CumlngHiuldltlons lineal placa for u home In the city. .Must cell. Clear. Non-resident. Wants oiler right avuiy. A. 1C. Klley , room 40 , Darker block. AJK'H R UOO.M HOl'SK ; NKWIiV PAI'Klini ) ; i > elty water In kitchen , at2Sth and Ittiril'tte , for t2.1U ( : unny terms. A good chaneo to get n con venlent home for little money. M. A. L'pton Co. I INK 7 UOO.M HOl'SK AT.Uth ANI ) ntANKl.lN ; I lot I0rl : < 0 : bath. etc. llnrn with city water In It. Iheapati.V'W. M. A. Upton Co. . 10T 12 VircANTiurTib ) ( rnr.T IN "DONDBB" WITH I plegant hdiiiioat Just ono-lmlf what It will poll for In I6 i. Sec M. A. Upton Co. 1UT 12 _ iou"PAiiK , HBVBH"AI or TUB KINBST ro-r- 1 tnuo houses In the city on easy terms. Will take clear lot us Ilict payment , l-'ldellty Trust company , Hilt I'ariiiini ptrect. MUM IT _ i J7)K ) HAIiB Oil KA'CHANOK , TWO KLKdANT i houses on large east front lot TftxIW feet on one of thctlncKt renldcnt Htrei'tH In the city , splendid nclghb ( rhood , boutcn Imvo all modern Improve ments. furnace , bath , hot nnd cold water , cisterns , etc. , laruo barn with city water and sewer connec tion. Kverythlng In tlrst class condition ; price , Sli'i. . ' ) < x ) . Troperty will rent forl.VXI per annum. Will veil and take a small portion In good vacant property or clear farm land. Ucorgo N. lllrks , agent , N. V. I.lfo building. ISO 12 'TO INVKSTOUS--6 ACHBS , WKST OMAHA. .f2MX ) 1 - - . ' , acre , ncnr Holt line . .W- > 10 acres , West Omaha . ! > MKI Illacrux , i-loxc to Holt line . C.OOO 10 acres , will mnku fifty lots . (1,500 2'inero' , West I m ilia . lO.WO Hicks , llrst Hour N. V. Life ; olllco open cvenlnCB. 130 13 BAHOAINS YOtllt CIIOICBOK S KINK LOTS 62 .1 140 on California street. IMS ml IPS from I' . O. nciir motor. fl.M.I ) . f.Vil ricli ; : south front R\I30 ) on Ames nve. , t\\o blocks to motor , line view , only ' 800 $2.)0catti. ) | S2xl50 , ' . ) room house , large barn , hard and soft water. In A 1 older , UK)0 ) , will take some trade. Van Huron , Douglas and Uth streets. IMli 17 BAHOAIN FOIl A KKIV DAYS. 51 KI3BT. WKST front , Vlnton near Twentieth street , HI.WU. Knsy tcruia to good man. Addrcns S 64 , lieu. M38J 12 * _ CHKAP KOIl CASH. fS.OUO FOIl UNDIVIDKI ) half Interest of lot H , block 3 , West Omaha. Address B 60. Dee. MSSI 12' AT A I ! A KC A IN KOIl CASH NICK CO/.Y COT tugu home on l-'rnnklln street. J. I , . Illce , fl-'J N. Y. Life. 1U2-12" I01l 8ALK-ONK OF TIIK IIKST STOCK AND i. grain farms In northern Illinois ; 420 acres : mi- Incnmbercd ; 0 per acre. J. H. Anderson , Woo- Bung , III. .131 14 * CHK KHONTINO NOHTHSOTII STHKKT , 11KAU- llfiilcust front , (1,200. 20 acres 3 miles from P.O. , Anil , from molor , nt a great bargain to close up attaint of un estate. House and lot s-w Hunscom Park , ( I.OUO , UOOcash * bahinco monthly. Klegnnt east front lot In Hnnscom Place , with gonil 5-room collage thrown In , t3OJO. Hnlchlnson & Wcad , 1324 Douglas Urcet. 043 13 17OH SALK OH WILL KXCHANOK KOIl OMAHA i- property , nchnlco sccllon of tlno hay land. .1. It. Kvnns , 303 N. Y. Life. Mb51 12 FOH SOUTH OMAHA PHOPKHTIKS , HUSINKSS , trackage or residence , go to Hie leading real es tate dealers In South Omaha , Kd' Johnston & Co. , corner 24th nnd N streets , M28ii 17OH SALK FAH.M CONTAINING SO ACHKS 1M- -L proved land and IS acres timber ; farm Is all fenced ; 1.1 acres timothy pasture , orchard , grove. iHj-slory house , barn , granary , windmill , all In good shape ; farm Is ft miles southwest of Plaltsmouth , iho connly scat of Cnss counly , and 2 miles from Murray , a new town on the Missouri Paclllc rail road ; 1 mile from school nnd church. For purlieu- lorn address PS5 , lleo or.lco. 703 ifOH SALK. WISIHNU TO MOVK WILL SKLL my plnce , corner Park nvu. and Mason at a decided bargain. Honie bulllby days work. Mod ern , good sUe. Lot ikixlilS with largo barn. If yon want a good homo at n low llguiu here Is a chance , lieo. W. Ames , 1307 Fiirnam St. fCiS-12 17OH SALK CIIKAP , KASY PAYMKNTS , Ij ? -L Rtory nowti-room benne , with balh , cellar , elc. : full lot. N. Shclton , Kill farnain. Wi 17011 SALK , 5 ACHI ! LOTS ADJOININl ! TIIK -I city of lllnlr , Neh , H. W. Mcllrldo. M.V.U 14 * OUSKS FOU SALK ON KASY TKIIMS ; HOUSKS for rent. Address ticnunn American Savings Hank. to I7OH HAHOA1NS IN KOUNTXK PLACK llOl'SKS 1 Keo me. W. 11. Homan , rooms S and 10 , Frcim'r block. 78'J 20 AtT-ANTBIl-TO PKLIj OH HKNT IVHOOM COT- it tagi ; to good rellablu painter ami takepiiy In work. W. It. Homan , rooms 8 and 10 , Kron/.er block TK ) 2J f7OH SALK , TO WOHK1NKMK.V ONLY ( HI'lIcT- 1. IMors need not apply ) , on tlmu or monthly piy- : nientH , a neat cottage nt less than actual value. In- ulitu property , only one block to elcctrlu lino. In- iiulro at room 202 , Omahu National bank building.MM MM I KUVK'UOOM HOUSKH INOIICIIAUDHILL , > lw"J ) 1 each on Monthly payments. Thomas ! ' , Hall , .Hll 1'a.xton block. Ks\ \ , 'Olt HALH GOOD WAUBHOIT8K LOT. COKNBIt paved streets , trackage , 2 blocks from depot ; very'i'lieapi Ni Sholtoii.luil'Fariiiiin. 400 . ( j. MKltllILL DKALKIl IN IlKAL KSTATK. Contractor and Ilnllder , reiddence , linker Place Walnut Hill. Collages for trade or sale on month ly payments In Donekens udd. Snnnders.V Hlinelmngirs add. , "Clifton Hill" anil "Haker Place , " all new nnd convenient lo molor. Prices way down. Improved and unimproved fnrnis In MerrlckCo. , Nub. Korsulo or tradu. Cash for lots. a'UJyr.1 * IjOST. For rate * , ttc , , nee to : of iml column on Hits pane. ANI > - 10th anil Huirard Hunday , Juno 27 , small silver bnnglarlng , Howard at DKK business olllco. 13212 * I OST , ON UNION PACiril'THAIN , JULY 4 , w.- Ij tween Omaha -Mead , gold watch charm contain ing photograph , l-'nr reward return to lleo oltlce. M'.W ii : _ V OSTOHKTOLKN-LAHIJK IILUKdltAY HOUND , I Jniak' , with small scar on right loreleg. llewurd lor UH return nr fur anybody who will put me on his track. C. Y. MOD , II20S Ohio t. Ml'Ji 1U I' OST. POCICKTIIOUK , IIKT. . 10TII ANI JACKSON 1 Jaml lltli and Kurnnm strc-ets , Win. Hllcr'H name on buck ; liberal reward at Uorinan Savings bunk. VU 12 l-'vr mttf , rte. , fee tun nf first rolumu on t/ita ) ui/ | ; , DHKSHKS MADB-KIVK DOLLAHS. PKHKKCT lltgimranteed. 15IU Howard. MKI1 M * NIJAtiKMFNTH TO DO Dlti\SM.MAKINi : ( IN If AM- llles solicited. Mlsi bturdy , 2U10 Hiirney street. M4.'ilJy27 * KIOATUKIl I'lir nitf , ttr . , it toy nf tint coluinimn till * i " KD/riUKS A N I ) PILI , O\V8v \ A HI 1 K I ) , Fl ! A Tl- IT buugbt. Mall order * promptly tilled Work culled for and delivered Frank Aii on,31 t.V Franklin MTI3 1'ATKNT KOMOITfMlH. 1 > ATKNT LAWYKIIS ANI ) .SOLIOITOHS , ( I. W. 1 Sue A. Co. , lieu building , Omaha , llranch ulllcu utVa blngton , I ) . U. Cunmiltutlun free. M5 I'ATTHltXH AM > .tlODKKS. rsANDTusoN7ioii.Niii : : : UTII AND JAUKHON' I sw jy w .Not lue. Thu firm ot Md'addun ft llrynn , nrohltucti , U this dav dNholvud by nintmil t'linscnt. J. \ > Hryiin wllU'ontinuo I bo Imslnusi mid pay till tliu dulitHof the llrm , J I ) , ML'I'AiiiiKN , J , W. IIIIVAN. Omulia , Nob. , July 0,1891. JyUdlt * WHAT TYPttH.rER TO BOY. ou open to conviction ? If no , consider can didly our machine. Don't repeat to yourself whnl Is told you. InvoitlK.ilo uiul your own opinion will bj of soina vnluo. If you wish expert opinion do no consult lntcrcsto.1 competitors Sen I for illustrated catalogue giving full description of thu Sinllli Premier Tlio Smith Premier Typewriter Co- E.H. . MAYHBW , Mau iyor. 1(100 ( * Ftirn.tin Street , Omaha , Nob. NdlloO to Coiltl'HOlOl'H. Fpnlocl proposals will bo receive : ! atthonfllco of J.I' ' , llnrrvtl , oily Kcrkuf tliu city of Stor- llns. Illinois , up to s x o'uloel < p. in. , of .Inly Lilt 1 1 , 1MII , for furnishing malr-rlal and tiding tlio work for the construction of the Avi-niio ( I Honor Hi-stum. Incindlne nil connections ami tiimrlciiiuifOs ] | therefor. Tlio work will com- lirlHu utiproxliiiutely the following : MX ) feel JH-lnt-h brick aowur. 4li ( foci ilil-ltu > li brick sower. 2.1DO feet 81-Inch plpo sower. iiw ) fuel ' "o-lnch | ilpe sower. Kl'i feet 18-Inch plpo hewer. l.OSd foot 1.1-lneli plpo sower. B,2IO feet 12-Inch pipe newer. fi.OOJ feet 10-Inch plpo newer. Duo feet 0-Inch pipe hewer. PIOO fuel 8-Inch plpo sower. 1.500 feet 8-lncli pipe for catch basin connec tions. 600 feet 8-Inch pipe for lamp holca. Mi man holes. M catch basliii. ! The whole of the work Is to bo completed nil or before Dec. 1. 1SI. ! ) 1'lnns cnn be seen nnd spcclllcntlons and blank forms for bids can bo obtained umm ap plication to W , 1 * . 1'almcr , Btrcotsupurlntond- mt. ICucli bid muit bo accompanied by a certified check for the sum of $ . " > 00. jia.vnblc to the order of A. II Hershey. mayor , v'hlcli ' chock will bo forfeited to the city of Sturlliit ; In case any bidder or blddons shall fall toovcciite pioper- ly a contract with Rood nnd sufllulont sureties , If awarded the contract ; otherwise to be re turned to the bidder. I'.ucli bid must also bo accompanied by at least two samples of pipe and two samples of brick , such as the bidder proposes to use under the contract. I'aymcnt for the work will bo madn in part by scrip bearing six ( U ) per cent Interest after July 1st , IM(2. ( The bids will bo presented and read publicly nt the meeting of the city council at olghl o'clock p. in. , July 20li ( , lt < 9l. The city council reserves the rlnht to reject any and all bids for any reason they may doom sulllclent. Ily order of the city council of the city of Sterling , Illinois. JAMKS V. I'I.ATT. Charman streets and alley com. Sterling , III. , JulyO , IS'Jl. Jylldllt To Whom It Slay Concern. Notice Is hereby given that the uudorslKiiod will receive b ds until 4iO : : o'clock p. in. , on July liitli. IK'.ll , at the olllco of the city comp troller. for the piuvhiiM ) of the followia do- hcrllieil property to , wit : A certain ploco of irrounl beKlnnln at the northwest corner of block 1) ) , In AlcOirinlok's addition , thence south 1'U foot , thence west 80 foot thunuo north 1IIJ feJt , thence east. SJ foot to plaou of borliinln ; . bohr { S ) foot wide by l.'fjfcotdo 'i ) . No bids will bo received for the above ploco of Ian 1 for losi than ? ! - > par front foot. A cut tain piece of ground beginning at the soiithne-itcornerof blockO. In McUnrmlck's addition , thence west Ml foot , thence n irth iij : foot , thence east 81 feet , three south 132 feetto nlaco of beginning , being 80 fuel wide by KU fool deep. No nhl will bo received for the above piece of land for less tlmn * UJ per front foot. A L-ortitln ploi'o of ground boglnnln ? at the northwest corner of block I ? . In MuUormlok's addition , thence south 1TO foot , moro or loss , to tlio north line of Half Howard street , thence west 8J fo3t. thence north 1TO foot moro or leas , to south line of Hitrnoy street , thence eait HI feet to the place of beginning , bo ng ! < 0 feet wt lo by 17. ) feet deep. No hid for the above"picca of land will bo roiolvod for less than I112..VI per front foot. The above des -rlbod property known as Twenty-ninth street , vacatou by order of the cltv council. I'lio city council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. O. S. Gooimicn. Comptroller. Omaha. Juno 29th 1801. J-ai-d-15-t. _ I'rojiosiilH Cor Stitl ! iiiry and Supplies Sealed proposals will bo reocolved by the secretary of the board of education until 4 o'clock p. in. , Monday , July 20th , 1SU1 , for fur nishing stationery and supplies , as needed by thosehoolHduring the ensuing year. Kstlmatesof rc < | iircmcnts ! anil blank propo sals. will bo furnished to bidder * . The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ily order of the Hoard of Kducatlou , OIIAULES CONOYUII. Secretary JytJdlOt RKILWRYTIMEGRRD Leave * { CHICAGO. DUUI.INGTON A Q.l Arrlvoi Oiniiha. I Depot 10th and Mason St . | Omaha. 4.tO : p m Chicago Ycittbulo B.OJ n in 1L.VI a m Chicago Kxpre.is 111.0.1 n m 11.20 p III .Chicago Kxpreii 11.20 p m 11.60 p III Chicago , V Iowa Local 8.16 a m leaves j l.1 * l'l i c -I ) . I f i.l , v.no OlIKllm. I ) i- 11 i nl M i o i S'i o n I't n Ul.2.1 n m Denver D.ir Kxpron | 4.IU p in 10.2J a m . , * . . . . Dead wood Kxpru s 4.IIJ p m m.'j a m Denver Ex pro-is 11.20 p in T.IO p m . . . .Denver Night Express : > . : t5 n m , i.OO p m Lincoln Limited 1I.IW n in 8.16 a m Lincoln Local ! > . ( / ) p m Leave < K.C. , SI' . JU. . II. I Arrlvui Om.ih i. Depot llnh an.I Mi on Sit. I Oniili.v ' .i.W : a in i. . . . Kansas City Day Kxprens. . . . i 6.6.p m iH.p inK. | C. Night EM > , via U. P. Tram. I I'l.l.'i a m I rnvcH 1 UNION PACIFIC. I Arrlvosi Oinalm. I Depot luth and Mnrey St . I Oniiba. : _ 10.10 a mi.Kansas City iCinro" ( ox Sun. ) . " 4.ii : p'm 0.20 n in Denver Kxnroi 4.IU p in 2.60 p in Overland Flyer .I.US p m ) , : H p m . , Grand Island Kxp. ( ex. Sun ) . . M..V ) n m 7.20 p iu | . . . . .I'aclllo Hxpreas. . 3-10 p m CHICAGO , MIU k ST. "PAUIrrlvo | Omuha. I U. P. dot > ot. an t M ircy St . I Omatiri t > .2J pin ) Chicago T xnro s I V.5' ) m 'J.I.la ml Chicago Kxprox I I'.IO 31 Leavoi I CHICAGO. It. I. X PACIFIC. I ArrivoJ Omaha. | U. P. depot. 10th and Marcy St . I Omalia. O.ii ) p m , Night Kxpres I ' . ' . : * > a in I'-IA H in Athmlle Kxpreis | i > . .Vj p m Loavui | SIOUX I'll'V A PAClFii' . I Arrlvoi iinihv I Depot 16th and Wchstor Sit. I Om.ilia. 466p ml SI. Paul Limited | ! > .2i n m The Piwulo "IMonoop rro " a Prooatnrtlo rcrRiriniinoo. * . Uutor ilon Lttulun ts the moat mnijtilll - jf cout street In Uorlln. In coinjiurlsou f with It the Dola do Houlofrno aruisiico nt I'aroo must pile ; its Ineffectual Hhrub- bory. Hy iluy It Is tllumlnntod by tlio brll'ht ainllos of boiuitlftil women anil the brass buttons on the uniforms of bravo inon. By nijjht u tnnnboi1 of olcc- trlo lights and a lonjj line of second lieu- tonunts smokltif , ' ohotip clpura mnko the pulo moon look tlrod. Hut it will bo many days before the Countess Wllzlo- bon , u lender in high Oormun sooioty , will uniUn bo soon promoniidlnK under the umbrnpooiia basswood shade na wt\3 her wont , if there is any truth In n ro eont spot'iiil disputcl ! to ono of the NO\T York dallios. It wua hljjh noon Untor don Llndoii mid ut Humorous ether poiuta on the sumo inorldlan of loiifjituuo , and the pro- else date wiis u week IIRO last Tuosdity. At the door of the rcmilonco of tlio kiilsor wore two packnpros. just loft by t\ yrocoryman , ono containing Umbnrgor chooBO ctiroftilly wrapped in tinfoil and the ether a kit of mackoral of somewhat anoiont vintit"o. ; Lu/.ily polsod in mid air bolwooit thorn were u bevy of bluebottle - bottle Ilios , soomlngly undocitlod wliii'li of tlio prize piickajjos oii'ht ( , llrst to ro- cotvo their attontion. A Dachshund from the imperial kennels hud located ' his base of o'porations nonr the hydrant and was attempting the impossible task of dislodging a lion from ono of his long cars with ono of hia shot logs. A few idle peasants were lounging about wait- lug to sue how long before the imperial chancellor would come out and carry in the groeorioa. Many gorgeous oquip- ugos were slowly passing along the thoromrhfaro. With dignity bollUlng her high sta tion there appeared ut tills moment on the scene llic Countess Wil/.lobon on foot and evidently out for oxorclso. When in front of the imperial palaoosho suddenly paused and u million little wrinkles began to olmso oaeh other up nud down her nristoeratio nose : toara came to her eyes , the eontor of her mouth suddenly appeared in the vidnity of her right oar , ami she snoozed. The mackerel and the limburger , it is believed - lioved , had nothing to do with the act ; she simply snoozed because she hud to snoo/.o. The peasants , instead of n respectful - . spoctful chorus of "gesundholts , " such as they would have raised n hundred years ago , laughed loud nnd boorishly. Why should they not ? Their nostrils wore umvrung in fuel , most of them had nostrils that could not bo wrung with a monkoy-wroneh. Again and again the oar-splitting sound of the countess' BUCOZO sharply smote tlio per turbed atmosphere , while her complexion - , ion changed from pink to rod ami from- * ? . , rod to purple , while the unfeeling crowd jeered inconsiderately tit the Borios of trumpet calla. Let us hasten on to the grand flnalo. At the end of ono llnal nnd tremendous blast which mndo tlio Dachshund jump into an aslibarrol and caused five several smokers to drop their meerschaum pipes into the gutter , the Countess Wilzlo- bon's front tooth Mow out nnd wor dashed to fragments on the stony pnvo- mont. Did she faint or fly ? Not uho there was gold Illling in those teeth. Tlio special dispatch says aho bent her noble spine to n sullleiont extent to gather up the disjointed fragments and then , ordering a plebeian cab , molted out of sight in the summer sunshine. A , noble order of England owes its origin to the moro or loss accidental finding of i lady's garter. Why should not the talHor institute a decoration to bo given in honor of the Countess Wilzlcben'a store teeth ? Constlpntion poisons the blood ; OoWitt's Little Karly Ilisurs euro constipation. TUo cause removed , the disease Is gone. ill lint Ilnmla. "Within two weeks , " says a Buffalo nhyslcian , "I have been called ' on to pro scribe for seven men nllliota'd with rag- nghoadaches , duo in everyJnstnnco to poisonous coloring matter extracted by Dorsplrution from the lining bands of .lieir hats absorbed through the open pores of their foreheads. What noxious dyes are I hnvo not had time to determine , but I would udviso nobody to wear a hut which discolors the brow , es pecially if the discoloration bo of a yel- , ow or brownish hue. " DoWltt's ' LltUo Early Ilisore. Bostlittla lilll cvur made. Cure constipation every Lima None equal. Use them now. The Siberian Petition. A list of names five miles long is ap pended to the petition which within a [ ow weeks will bo sent from this city to 3t. Petersburg , Russia , praying the czar to deal kindly with his political prison ers. This gigantic undertaking and its successful termination is dno to the ef forts of the Siberian Exile Petition asso ciation , which embraces among its momi Dorshii ) men of all shades of political opinion , men noted in nrt , liternturo nnd science from ono end of United States to the othor. Nuvul K < | iiipnioiit , Prom calculations recently mndo by .ho British board of admiralty it is ovi- leut that the naval engagements of the 'uturo will bo expensive alTalrs. It was estimated that ono vessel , carrying two llO-tou guns , would , in two ordinary en gagements , use UD guns nnd ammuni tion to the value of * ( tr > 0,000 A very small pill , liut , n very good ono , DoWltt's Little Early Hlsors. Not Ieo to OonlraotorH. Not leu Is liuroliy Klvmi Unit bids will lie rci- cclvccl by tliu Hoard nf I'ubllu Lniiilu ami llullilliiiJH , ut Ilioufllcu of the Sccrolurjr-trr Suite , unit ! .Inly Itith , IH'JI. at Io'olouU noun for the oructlon nnd ciiinplotlnn ( if two wlnK9 , liltiilicn nnd Iniindry biiliilltik'H for tlio IIIHIIIIO ANyliini nt HastlncH. Nolirahlin. Illdx will bn lueulvi'd fur tlio vurlniiH brnnelios of work and tnnli-i lul nn.I us u cotnplolu bid , I'liins nnd Hpoullluittloiu iiiny bo noun nt tliu illU-n of ( ' ( iiiiiiilss.onor of I'ubllu Litndb nnil IliilldliiKH nt Lincoln , Nobruskn , and nlHo nt hoonicn of K. M , Kill * , Arclilloct , Onialm , oi rhkn , L'ciiitracMurs will bo required to conform htrli'tly to comlltloiiHof the hiiuulllonllt-UH Tliu llourd ruscrvus the rlubt to rujuct any tnd nil lildH. llatt'd Jiiiut Ifltli , IKOl. A. II. HUM I'll HhV , I'lCHldunlnf Iloanl. John U Aliun , Sou ret a ry of Slutu. Jliitx'- > tin | Not lee to Cent I'liotofH. Notion IH boruby ilvcn Hint bids will I.e ro- ci'lvu.l by tlio board of imhllu lands and I inld- IIIH at thuolllcu of secretary of tale until July M , Ib'JI , at o'clouli , noon , for tlienuu- tlon uiul ooniplotlon of a rhnpnl and duriiil- tory fur tliu Homo of thu I rlendlfBa nt Lin coln , Nub , , I'liitmuiiil HtioclflciitloiiHiiiiiy bu ucnn nt tb olllei'of IbocoiuniUsloiii'rof imbllc Inndu nnil Iniildiiuu nt-Llnooln. Nub. Ounlructors will bo ri'iilrod | to conform Ktrlutly Ui condition ! of Kiiu'ill"atloni4. | . . . . , . 'llu-Uiird ruuurvusthu rlsht to rojcot any an I all bids. Sooiutaryof Htato. I'rtVtof llimnl. .lid UtrQ Kiifjli o lildH. _ . . lilds will ) ) ( ) luiulvud nt tlio uHlcq of the city ulork In Orelo , Ne.li. , until July 17 at n uVlm-k p. m. , for furnishing a U.1 Imrso power uiik'lnu. plnolnie Huino In position und uttauli- Inn to dynamo ready for nuu. Tlio oitv uiinnull rohorvu.H ihu right to reject any or nil IjloX Ily orJur of the city vounull. K. \\II.LIAVIH. I \ . City C Notlou to I uin nroi roil to furnuli I'Minptlf ' ItubUiu ( tip. Hup DlinuiillunSluae uiul Crutlic-a llockuf uoi | uuulltr tit londit urloo. Fur fliturui c ll or adilruii 1' . U MONHOM , .420 Now York Ufa lluliaiax , Uiutba , Wvb ,