Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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    f i
Sixteen of the llftv-two persons who
took Iho roeotit ncliool board exami
nation , fulled to pass.
A through sleeper between Omnlm
nnd Spirit Luke will bo put on todny
by the Sioux City & Puelllo road ,
Two cars of Loot sui/nr machinery for
the sugar factory at Norfolk wcro ro-
cuivcd at the customs ollluo yesterday.
Clinlriniiti Van AlBtyno has culled n
meeting of tlio Fcorot lulior roptibllciin
pnrty to meet nt the hull Sunday after
noon at" oVlock.
The dccdH for the proorty ) ) which the
Into Byron Uocd bequeathed to the city
for library purposes were Hied in the
olllco ol the register of deeds yesterday
( iflcrnoon.
The nnntiitl parish picnic of St. Bar-
nabiis church will bs hold this
nftcriioon at Ilansooin piirk. A cordial
invitation in extended to all members of
the parish and their friends to attend.
The colored people had nn interesting
meeting at Knights of Labor hull Thurs
day night. Speeches were inado by Dr.
M.'O. HIckottH , J. Bolngor of Council
Bluffs , and 13. G. Uoz/.oll , aSotith Omaha
letter carrier.
While assisting at the kltchon work ,
Mary Kllott , the twelve year old daugh
ter of George Kllott , proprietor ot a Six
teenth street boarding house , was badly
scalded by the overturning of a pan of
boiling water.
The Kountzo place fife and drum corps
gave a benefit lawn sociable Thursday
evening at the residence of John I' . Bay ,
Twenty-first and Binnoy streets. The
lawn was prettily and tastitly decorated
with Chinese lanterns of all colors and
description ; ) . A largo number were
present. The corps rendered several
selections and were loudly applauded.
Gtttnctt and refreshments were partici
pated in and everybody had a good time.
A Traveling MIIII'H lOxperieneo.
F. S. Verbeck , who represents the typo
foundry of Messrs. nnrnhardtlSros. & Spind-
lor , Chicago , says : "On my return homo
train a trip" ! found our little. girl sick with
summer cointilalnt. I wont ton drugstore
and procured a boUloof Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera nnd Diarrluu.a Itcmcdy . Wo pave
her a few doses according to dirootlons. She
recovered in a short tlmo and wo were well
pleased with the medicine. " For sale by
Military Mutters.
Captain Coolidge has arrived from Hock
Springs to talto charge ot the Uellovuc rlllc
There will bo flfty.flvo Indian scouts mus
tered out of the United States sorvica at i'ino
Hld 'o on JunoUO. A few woclcs later aootit
forty moro will be mustered out. The war
department bus decided to retain twcnty-llvo
of the scouts for another six months.
have boon ussicnod to duty at the followinu
posts : Fort Nlobrura , 11 ; Fort Huiulull. 10 ;
Fort WashaUloS , and Fort Du Chesue , U.
All the bids for supplying oats for the de
partment aliened last week have bjcn re
jected by tlio quartermaster anil now bids
will bo advertised for.
The general order transferring the state of
Colorado to the department of the I'latto ar-
rlviul from Washington today. This will
pivo the department of the I'latto two addi
tional posts. Fort Logan , seven miles out of
I7envor , and Fort Lewis , In thu southwestern
part of the state.
Chunked Ills Ml ml.
During our state fair a large , lleshy gentle-
mnnlcamo into our drug store and was suffer-
Inc Intensely from pain in the stomach caused
bv n change ot water and diet. Ho called for
plngor anil brandy. The latter wo could not
supply , wo therefore recommended Chamber-
Inln's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhnea Kemcay.
He replied that ho had no faith in any patent
medicines , but ho finally concluded to take n
' ' iloso. In a short time he returned and bought
n liDttlo. The Jlrst dose relieved him. Wo
have a largo side of U mostly to commercial
travelers and to persons who have usiul it
and know what It is. Charles Arnold , t Co. ,
Morgan house drug store , Des Mollies , la.
For sale by druggists.
Nothing adds so much to a person's appear
ance as n line thick head of hair of even
color , nnd to assure this use only Hall's Hair
H\ts \ Grading Contract.
The board of public works , at Its session
hold yesterday , lot the largest grading
contract of the season. It win for the grad
ing of Dorcas street from Second to Tenth
and will require the removal of nearly three
hundred thousand yards of earth. There
wcro seven bids for doing ; the work. The
contract was secured by C. F. Wiliams ,
His bid was 10 cents per cubic yard.
For tlllniK Nineteenth street between Dor
cas and Center , there were two bids. Ala-
honey & Nolin bid 14 7-10 and Kd Callahan 15
cents per cubio yard. The contract was
awarded to AInhonoy & Nollu.
C. K. Squires was notified that Monday
? - morning nt 1:30 : o'clock the members of the
I- board will meet him and witness an exhibi
tion swcoplng of the now machines that ho
II has recently purchased.
A resolution was adopted requiring Squires
I * . ' to furnish the board with n list of the places
whore street sweepings nro dumped ,
\ N'ew Kind of Intitiraucc.
For Iwonty-llvo eonts you can msuro your
self nnd family against any bad results from
an attack of bowel complaint during the sum
mer , One or two doses of Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhaia Remedy will
cure any ordinary case. It never f.ills and it
U pleasant nnd safe to take. No one can af
ford to travel without It. For sale at ' . ' 5
cents per bottle bydrugglsts.
Joe Kcdmait'H Solieinn.
"Uncle Joo" Uedman has n scheme for
keeping the Omaha ball team In the city. Ho
will wait upon the park commissioners and
insist that they show their good will for thn
north part of town by buying the team nnd
playing It for the amusement of citizens In
that part of town. Ho says the commission
ers hlro a band to play in Hanscom park for
the people ot the south sldo and the residents
of the north sldo are entitled to some consid
eration. This matter has been thoroughly
discussed by pcoplo in the Fifth ward , so
Mr , Hodman says , and they are in earnest
in the matter.
DoWUt's Little Karly Risers. Oust llttln
pill'ovur made. Cure constipation every
tnno. None equal , Use thorn now.
'IVniilH TiiimmmtMit.
The Omaha Young Aden's Christian asso
ciation tennis club will hold n tournament
this afternoon nt their grounds on liar-
noy street , near Twenty-fourth. The tourna
ment will bo mndo up out I rely of single
matches. There will probably ho nbout
twenty entries. There will be two clauses.
Class A will compete for the championship ,
and a prize , while class 11 will compote for n
priiju only , The tournament begins nt'J p. in.
The public Is cordially Invited to ihls tourna
ment f roe of clmrgo nnd it Is hoped that n ,
large number of people will witness the can *
Dyspepsia's victims nro numbered by the
thousands. So nra ttiu pcoplo who have bean
restored to health by Hood's ' Sarsapurlllu. .
A HuroossCul Collector.
A. nich , ix former omployo of J , Slosburg ,
was arrested en the uliaruo of patlt larcouy
preferred by Slosburg , Klch was discharged
two weeks ago , and slnco than has boon
palming himself off as Sloslmrg's collector ,
thus mulcting suvoral gulllblo persons of
some ? 7. llinico his urrost.
DoWitfs Little Enrly Hlsors ; only pill to
euro sick headuchu and regulate the uc.fsol
r Hiu JiiukHonlun Olul ) .
The regular monthly mooting of the Jack-
Ionian club will bo hold at the hall , 1210
Fnrnnm , Saturday , July 11 , at 8 p. in. All
members are requested to bo present ,
Small in size , proat In results : DoWUt's
LltUo Early Klsers. llest Pill for constlpa-
tlou , boit lor ilok headache , best for tour
rntvpn Titnnn ittrf c iitfifttMi
County Oomtntaloncrs Inoroaso the Levy
on a Slightly Increased Valuation !
Decided Increase In 'Ihelr Valuation
Jlnilo by tlio Hoiml. An Offer
1'or ibc.Over-duo HoniU
The county commissioners , or at least three
of them , Chairman O'Keofo , Messrs. Uerlln
and Tinime. met yesterday afternoon and
made the tax Invy for the coming year.
Owing to the numerous cnangos and cor
rections In valuations while the members
were sitting ns a board of equalization the
books were not completed. The valuation of
ttio county was approximated at $25.41)0,000 ) ,
and upon this basis the levy was nindo.
The following shows tie levy and the
amount that It will furnish for the various
funds :
I'lind. Mills. Amount
( iutioMl fund 7.8
Koad fund 2.S 71.1'JO
llr.ilitu fund l.'J 30.4M )
Sinking fund 1.5 IIS , 100
Holdlors film ! 0. ' . ' 6,00
Insiino fund 0.5 U',700
Total 11.0 J3V > , GOO
In voting for the approval of the resolution
mulling the levy , Mr. Hcrlln said : "I vote
yes because I believe this to bo the last day
allowed by law for making the levy and It
requires my vote to carry the proposition , "
Last year the valuation was $ 3,0 ,419 , and
the levy wns 100-10 mills.
This was ilivldod among the following
funds and brought in the following amount :
Fluid. ' Mills. Amount
QuiiLTitl fund 4.3 j 41
Mil I ; I unfit ml 0.8 JO.OIB 71
Iltmil fund 4.0 lHU.Oir.1 (17 (
; e fund 1,0 'Aifa 41
jrs' foliof fund 0. : ) 7,5/7 02
Total 10.9 K.7S3 SI
The commissioners ficuro that it will re
quire about the full amount of the levy to
keep the county running and Its credit nt
p-ir. This Is owing to the great Increase In
court expenses , brought about by the law pro
viding for Judges. On January 1 ,
when thoostimato was made , the law increas
ing the number cf judges had not beer made.
Now there are seven judges instead of four ,
and six court rooms to keep up instead of
thrco , seventy-two jurors Instead of twenty-
four , and a corresponding Increase in the
number of bailiffs.
The assessment on the banks is completed
nnd was passed upon. It is ns follows , to
gether with the tiguriM showing the valua
tion that was placed ugainst those institu
tions last year :
Excepting live , all of those banks are in the
city of Omaha. Tnnso that are outside of
the city nro located in South Omaha , Elk-
hori * . nud Vallov and are assessed nt a total
of10,5liS.U , leaving SSa'I.OTS.tB to come infer
for city assessment purposes.
John F. Dido appeared before the board
with n proposition to take cnro of the ? 15S.OOO
bridge bon-ls which were duo July 1 , Ho
offered to take refunding bonds duo in
twenty years , drawing 5 nor cent soml-an-
nnal interest nnd pay par , together with ac
crued Interest. The commissioners had some
doubts about the legality of offering the
bonds nt private sale and rejected the propo
By resolution the county treasurer was In
structed to advertise the proposals to pur-
ehnso the whole or n portion of the bonds.
For the country districts a poll tax of S3
por. capita on ovcry male ultfzon botwcon Iho
ngos of twenty-one and fifty years was lov-
led. Dogs were assessed at $1 each.
Village taxes for vlllago purposes were
levied as follows : Florence , 10 mills ; Millard ,
8 mills ; Elkhorn , 10 mills ; Platte Valley , 10
111(113. (
,1. C. Knot , the contractor who graded
State strcut In Florence protested against the
payment of any bills on his account until ho
has n full settlement with the county.
The bond of G. A. FItotn , constable of the
Second ward , was presented and referred.
The llnnl estimate for grading Prospect
strcut , amounting to $714 , was presented nud
The IjtitCHt Conundrum.
Why is Hallors Siirsuparllln and Burdock
like the most popular . of the day I
Uccauso they both cleanse the skin and
leave it soft and Velvety.
Seven Applications lor tlio IMaco at
the I'nliuo Station.
Seven applicants for the position of police
matron were examined by the police commis
sioners yesterday afternoon. Most of the ap
plicants worn mature matrons nnd the most
of thorn had a long list nf references.
Nearly all claimed 10 bo nurses , but none
had over served In the capacity of police mat
ron.Out of the seven examined , the choice will
lay between three or possibly four who im
pressed the board favorably nnd showed spo-
cml qualifications for thofiosition.
Thrco applicants were wives of police
On account of the absence of Mr. Smith ,
the decision was deferred until the regular
meeting of the board tonight , when two
ladles who were unable to bo present will bo
_ _
Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup forchll
dren teething relieves the child from pain
" 5 cunts a bottlo.
I'KitHOXA L , I'.l .i HA MIS ,
H. J. Walsh of Lincoln is nt the Millard.
H. 13. Wahlqulst of Hastings Is at the Paxton -
ton ,
William Simpson of Hastings Is at the Del-
Houry Zimmerman of Gretna is at the Del-
lone ,
M. L. Elsomoro of Hastings Is nt the Mil
G. L. Horn , Jr. , of Lincoln is at the Mil-
J , A. Kllroy of Lincoln Is a guoat at the
Dr. A. Boar of Norfolk U a guest nt the
N. C. Abbott of Lincoln Is a guest at tbo
lion P. Wiley of Grand Island U at the
Murray ,
W. H. McCuo of Beatrice is a guoi t at tbo
H. K. Jackson of Noligh U a guest at the
General Van Wyck was In the city last
Walton Klmball of Dig Springs is a guest
at the J'axton.
Mr. C. Wood Davis of Uoddard , Kan. , ono
of the foremost writers on economic ques
tions In the country , called upon TUB Uuc
MI i Carrlo Chandler , a former member of
the W. J. Florence company and last uonsou
with T. 11. Vaunott , Is u guest atthoMlllurd ,
accompanied by her husband , Air. F. A.
DoWlU' * LUUo Early HUort ror the liver.
Sir. Koncwntcr'H First IniprcHilonH of
tlio Modern Italtvlnn
Tun Si'NiiAV Hun will contain a character
istic letter from Ar. ! Koaownlcr.
London has been described time nnd again ,
yet owing to Its Immensity and the vnrlcii
character of Its 6,000,000 Inhabitants n keen
observer can always IIml something now nnd
striking to say nbout IU Mr. Hosowator
gives n very graphic description of some of
tbo more prominent features of the empire
city. What ho tclU about the treasures
of antiquity stored In the HrltUh mu
seum , Iho vast collection of arm
ory nnd arms in the tower of
London , and the tombs and monuments of
the Illustrious dead In Westminster abbey
and St. Paul's ' cathedral will bo road with
keen IntoroU by the patrons of this paper.
The unbounded wealth locked up in the Hank
of England nnd other numerous banks in the
same vicinity , the beautifully laid out parks
and public squares , the condition of the
streets , Iho way the city is lighted nnd the
modes of travel In the mighty metropolis nro
all touched upon in an entertaining in minor.
The Wuhoo roller milU nt Wuhoo ,
Neb , will bosoldntslioriir'ssjilo.luly 27 ,
1891. This la a yood business opening.
Dr. Kensington , eye , oar , nose nnd
throat surgeon . 11U ! Dodge street.
IfUUdljASti OX Yr.ll'T/ .
HoTalk.H lncrcHtlii'ly ( ol' the Condi
tion ol' the Itepnhllu.
Nr.w Yoittc , July 10. The New York Ago ,
devoted to the interests of thn colored race ,
has interviewed Minister Fred Douglas on
Haytian affairs nud today prints what ho
said :
"How do you account for the frequent re
currence of those revolutionary movements
In Hay til"
" 1 account for It on the ground that the
young mon of Hnytl have become accus
tomed to look to the government as n moans
of enriching themselves nnd of procuring
those pleasures to which young men edu
cated in Franco nro commonly nddlcted.
Government Is the source of wealth. "
"Do these upheavals Justify the argument
of the white Americans ns to the inherent in
capability of the colored pcoplo for self-gov-
. "No rnoro so than the revolutions in the
South American republics nro : m indication
of an inherent inability nua incapability for
solf-govornmcnt. Latin races have never
yet proved themselves able to maintain uny
permanent republican government , To my
mind Hnyti Is going through the same pro
cess some of the most cultivated nations in
Europe went through some years ago. She
has the same vices and virtues that were ex
hibited In Germany. "
"How do you explain the recent tendency
of our big dallies to argue the virtue of send
ing white men as ministers to the posts now
occupied by colored men ! "
"That idea is based evidently upon the
nssumptiot" that moio can bo won from the
fears of llayti than can bo obtained from the
reason and good will of Hayti , and on the
still further assumption that n white man
wilt command compliance with his demands
upon n black man more readily than a black
upon one of his own kind. It is born of the
thought that u black man stands in awe of
the white , and is con lined more to our ex
perience as a slave-holding pcoplo than to
facts as they exist in the history of Hayti.
Hayti has shown that she cares no moro 'for
a white man than she does for n black. They
demonstrated by their assertion of Inde
pendence that they could look a white man
in the eye and not lower their chin an inch.
Hnyti has half a dozen white diplomats In her
capital to ono coloredand she has yet to show
one hair's breadth of deference moro to n
white man than a colored man. Instead of
being humiliated by the presence of ono of
her color , it is evident that she Is proud to do
him honor. There Is nothing that any white
man has asked of Hayti or is likely to ask of
Hayti in behalf of the United State's that will
not uo at readily grunted if demanded by a
colored man as by a white man. "
"Is there any tiope for Hay til"
"Is there any hope for Hay til My answer
is that I don't ' allow myself to despair of
llayti. Her progress may bo slow , halting
and titful , but she will make progress. I vis
ited her twenty years ugo , and while I have
heard men say that things are worse and
worse , my experience and observation di
rectly contradict the assumption. She has
moro schools , moro churches , moro marriages
and butter houses nud better clothed people
than she had twenty voars ngo. Why should
wo despair of her ? bho has intelligence , she
has n constitution , she has Increasing contact
with the outside world , she has now tele
graphic communications with nil the great
seats of learning. She is granting privileges
for railroads. She is putting up electric
wires , telephones and building bridges. She
has her thrco departments of government n
judlciarv , n legislative and executive depart
ment. She raises an increasing revenue.
Her people are men and women. She has
maintained lioi elf for years and I see no
reason why she should not go ou the same
100 years longer. "
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Risers ; best little
pills for dyspepsia , sour stomach , bad breath.
"Will Prevent n Famine.
ST. PfiTinisiiuuo , July 10. It Is semi-
ofllclally aniiouncod that If the harvest proves
n failure the government , co-operating with
the public authorities , will provide ample
means to ward off anything llko n general
famine. The largo government stores of
grain maintained for military purposes can
bo distributed in the distressed regions. The
ministry of the interior is preparing for the
expected scarcity. The late reports from the
grain districts are reassuring , Ucports inado
to the government represent the present in
flation in prices as largely duu to speculation.
It is probable that the government will inter
vene in order to nut an end to the artitlcuil
embarrassment In the market.
DoWitt's Little Early Uisers , best pill.
Ifov. TuvlH Found Guilty.
KANSAS CUT. Mo. , July 10. Dr. A. Tovls ,
pastor of the Washington avenue Methodist
Episcopal church in Kansas City , Ivan , , has
been on trlnl before tlm district conference
since the llrst of the week , charged with im
moral conduct In ulna specifications. The
specifications alleged that Dr. Tovls was un
truthful and hypocritical. The conclusion of
the trial was reached last night , when the de
fendant was found guilty on nil but two of
the specifications. A peculiar feature of thn
trial was the fact that Presiding Elder Gill ,
whom Ur. Tovis Is suing for J20.000 damages
for slander , soloctcd the Jury and presided
over all tbo deliberations.
Constipation poisons the blood ; DoWitt's
Little Karly Risers cure constipation , The
cuuso removed , tbo disease Is gone.
Driven from tlio Strip.
GAINESVII.I.K , Tex. , July 10. Indian Agent
Dennett and the Chlckasaw militia have ar
rested ovur llfty white families charged with
being intruders , who will bo put across the
river Into Texas tomorrow with orders not to
return to the territory undorhoavy penalties ,
The cuttle tux of f 1 per bond Is being collect
ed by the Indian militia from whites , mm the
wire fences around the big pastures are being
cut ,
No gripping , tin nausea , no pain when
DoWitt's Llttlo Burly Risers uro takon.
Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill.
Think They Have Found'Marsh. .
MILAN , Tenn. , July 10. This section , lias
been thrown Into , great excitement owing to
the report that ono of the Philadelphia de
faulters has boon found near hero. The
man , who is supposed to bo Marsh , istravlly
armed. A posse is in pursuit of the suspect.
A very small pill , but n very good one.
DoWitt's Llttlo Early Uisers.
no Protection.
CLIJTON , La. , July 10. The house of S. P.
Anderson , a Swede' living ttf teen miles west
of hero , was struck by lightning , killing hi *
wife and three daughters , all that wcro la
the house , Tbo Uou o vita roddcd ,
Much Vftuntfld Ohsntauqua Activity By No
Moam a Delusion ,
Congressman Urjnn'H Opinion of Poll-
ties Ulovatlitjc Instead of Ic-
Brmllni ; Anliloiiitcnt Wo
man's ClinrmitiK AddrrHS.
Cunrn , Neb , , July 10. ISjiccInl to Tun
Bii.J : : The flue weather which has o.iar-
nctorlzcd ti.ost of the assembly still con
tinues. The attendance kcops up ns well as
heretofore , nnd the sunlight broods over
everything. Nothing Is so deceptive ns the
np pea ran co of a Chnutauoun assembly. The
casual visitor scos a few children at play in
the groves , n fnw individual reading the
p-ipors on the piazzas , nnd concludes that
the much vaunted assembly activity Is n do-
luslou. But lot him enter the classes which
are everywhere In session. This morning ho
would have found an examination of the
children's and young people's' classes taking
place In the normal building. In the taber
nacle chorus practice was in progress , while
Frank Board handled a drawing class In the
press building. Thus the weak goes on.
The subject of the morning devotional ser
vice was "Christ at the Feast. "
At 10 o'clock tlio normal class considered
"The Uoyal Throne Judah. " Dr. Duryon
having arrived from Omaha the blblo stud
ents' class met In the Congrccratloiiiil build
ing at 10 o'clock.
The Women's Christian Temperance union
training class handled "Railroad Work" and
"homo Protection as Dellned by Nebraska
Lawmakers. "
At 11 o'clock Mrs. Beard lectured on "An
American Pool Longfellow. " This is the
second lecture the lady has delivered. On
account of the excellence of her llrst
presentation a large audience greeted
the lady today. Her rapidly sketched
the life of Long'fcllow , and dwelt upon the
characteristics of his life and genius.
Numerous extracts from that pool's ' works
Illustrated the points imuio by the lecturer.
The perfect purity of his productions was
inado n theme of discussion. As n lecturer
Mrs. Beard is a success. Her voice Is re
markably clear and strong , nnd her enuncia
tion is perfect.
At'J p. m. Hon. W. J. Bryan , congressman
from Nebraska , spoke in the pavilion to nn
immense nudienrc. Mr. Brvan's ' subject was
"Tho Young Man in Politics. " Among other
things , ho said : "There is a general " impres
sion that politics Is degrading. Tbls Is wrong
and I protest against such a sentiment. In n
land like ours it Is necessary for every ono to
take part in politics. Duty to country is
rising above fealty to pntty. Purity In poli
tics Is not an 'Iridescent dream. ' Immorali
ties are always handicaps in the race of poli
tics. In the homo the young man should bo
trained to outer into mid cot to avoid politics.
The science of government or politics is n
ifoblo sclonco worthy the attention of every
true citizen. Po.ico requires good men in
politics ns much 03 war. The absence
of good men from politics invites corruption.
The Australian ballot system aids greatly in
the purincntion of " politics , but corroctoduca-
tlon does moro. Eloquence will always
exist , nnd must bo born in n man concen
trated to n great purpose. The problems of
today nro as great ns any that have over con
fronted our people. There are two forces in
America , one which tends to center every
thing at vVasblugton nnd another which
tends to weaken the bonds of union. Civil
government is a golden mean , but diflicult to
secure. The corporation is something which
requires the immediate attention of our law
makers. The mouoy question , class legisla
tion , accumulation bl money bv the few , nro
some problems which should bo considered.
He who becomes a student of the science of
government young ; 1ms i the greatest oppor
tunities of usefulness. Thcro Is n special
mission before the young moil of this genera
tion. It is the mission to establish beyond
nil chunco of change the reconciliation be
tween the north and south. " At ttio close of
Mr. Uryan's effort nn impromptu reception
was hold on the platform of the pavilion.
Atil0 : : ! o'clncK Frank Beard delivered n
lecture with crayon illustrations. The draw
ings were line , nnd the lecturer's wit was
liberally applauded.
The afternoon chorus training occurred nt
5 o'clock. The Clmutnuqim Literary and So
cial circle round table and the Ladies' Mis
sionary conference mot as usual.
Tonight Rev. George W. Miller delivers
his famous lecture , "Eyes , Or the Art of See
ing. " Mr. Miller is pastor of Independence
nvonuo church of Kansas City , and is a regu
lar lecturer at all the prominent assemblies
of our country. Mr. Miller lectures tomor
row nt'J p. m. on "Pluck. "
D. M. Manning and G. E. Richardson of
Omaha nro recent visitors.
A largo nudionco Is promised for the Mc-
ICelgha.i-Hopkins silver debate tomorrow.
Other f intures of the program are two grand
concerts under the direction of Dr. Palmer ,
nnd n lecture bv Gcorgo W. Miller of Kansas
The crayon pictures drawn by Frank Beard
during the past two weeks wcro sold by auc
tion this nftcriioon.
The diplomas of the young people's class
wifl be conferred tomorrow morning at 10
The Hltio river Is again on the boom , but
so farChuutuuquans have suffered no incon
The soft glow of the tea rose U acquired by
Indies whousoPo/zoni'sComplo < iou Powder
Try it.
Western Pension ! ) .
WASHINGTON , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bni : . ] The following Nebraska pensions -
sions were granted today : Original Thomas
B. SIddons , William G. Stark , Charles n.
Riploy , Darwin C , Kerr , David Chllffs ,
Washington Hair , Lewis C. Pock , Ralph'P.
Buck , Jo > oph T. Ragland , Jacob J. Trailer ,
Mntthow Munson , George D. Hough , Eugunu
Armstrong , Abraham Utter , Thomas Carter ,
Edward Blonder , Lovl Slusscr. Alonzo Fin-
noy , Daniel W. Long , William J. Dudley ,
Christopher Bock , Jo so Shorwoad. John
Wulles , Henry It. Slovens , James P. Plxlor.
Additional Simon Shall. Original widows ,
etc. Mary Still , mother of Nancy C. Shor-
Iowa : Original Walter M. Sawm , Bonla-
mln F. Martin , Edwin S. Russell , William
Mariner , George F. Mooney , Thomas Martin ,
James Fleming , .Uimes Jurgonsmulcr , Fred
erick Schnfrolb , GcanvllloC. Cooper , Charles
D. Millls , Joseph tibcnowoth , William Ackor-
mnn , Wells K. Chapman , Henry Slater , John
Heron , Alex Fisher , . Dana W. Pralt , Dennis
Leury. William . Roberts , William Ungor ,
Thcophllus S. WlUb , WllllanwI. Rood , Peter
Thelm , Jacob \Vi tf Francis M. Andrews ,
Klyman Rynn , George W. RIggs , Ezra W.
Chisslngor , Simonn Slceth , Charles Lowry ,
Gilhnm Vandcrpoot , Sangcr B. Fuller ,
Andrew Cassfd.f , . Almon E. Thur-
bor , Peter Dila ; Jeremiah Rolston ,
Richard A. Sarc.cnt , James L. Myers ,
John A. Putlerson.Loroy O , Montgomery ,
Gcorgo Banks. Thrnnns J. Gunloy , Philander
Black , Amos Taylrir , William H. Darnell ,
Archibald N. Enwoc , William Mntlox , Orson
A. Andrews , Morris. H , Chapln , George II.
Fuller , August Sinitii , Louis Politer , Wilbur
F. Ule.lson , HnydumA. Gregg , John Jelllson ,
Noah E. Palmer ( epcclnl act ) .
Additional Christopher Cook , John Lodcr ,
James S. Ayres , James Glllasplc.
Increase Daniel Kcdlngton. Aaron S. Cnrr ,
Joseph Cells. Rolssuo-Wllllam McMillln ,
George D. EusUco , Original widows , ulc.
Sophia Freeman , Laurlnua P. Richardson ,
mother. .
That because it's July , and July is usually considered a dull month
simply because it used lo be dull -when our granddaddies kept store ,
that -we intend to "let up" for a minute. On the contrary , we intend to
work harder , hustle faster , and make still greater efforts to keep our
sales up to the top notch. At ho ugh our stock is in better shape today
than it ever was in July , still we find on looking around a number oJt
odd lots ; a few suits of one kind , a few of another , several broken lines
of boys'suits ; fifty shirts , all large sizes , and a lot of another sort , all
small ; a line of shoes all cleaned out but a few pairs ; a line of hats all
sold but one size , and so on.
Do you ? The man with the red ink has been around the store
marking them down. He didn't mind what their value was , simply
marked them so low that the first man that fits 'em can't help buying.
Need clothes ? Want shoes ? Anything in shirts ? Hats ?
To Organize nn Kxtensivo Co-Opcrn-
tive AH.socliltlon In KunsaH.
TOITICA , Kan , , July 10. A call has boon Is
sued for n general convention of the farmer's
alliance and all Industrial nrgant/.alious In
Iho slnlo nt Topekn , August " 0 , for the pur
pose of organizing n co-operative nssocintlon
for the control of all farm products nnd cx-
chaniro of supplies. The call wivs signed by
J. B. French , secretary of the farmers' alli
ance ; Senator Pcffcr , S. McLallln , editor of
the olllcial alliance paper ; W. F. Wripht-
myer , secretary of the national citizen's , alli
ance , nud Fred P. Biloy , general manager of
the Mutual Protective association. The olll-
nnco leaders would not explain the objects of
the convimtlon further than lo say that it
was for the purpose of taking steps to pro
mote the scheme of co-operation among nil
classes of producers.
Mr. French , secretary of the alliance , do-
nicd that the scheme was in any way con
nected with the alleged farmers' trust out
lined In the Chicago dispatches or that the
intention was to.doviso schemes for with
holding grain from the market. A cooperative
tive svstcm of life and lire Insurance will bo
perfected. Fred P. Bailey , of Wichita , who
prepared the call , Is general manacor of the
Mutual Protective association , an organi/n-
lion just perfected for preventing sales under
mortgage foreclosures. All members of the
association are the owners of mortgaged
tarms nud assist oncn other in lighting tlio
attempted foreclosure.
An Ofl'oiiHive Ilroiith
nnd dry throat nro promptly relieved by a
cirink of Sulpho-Snlinc , bet led at Excelsior
Springs , Mo.
Discovery of 111'nrnHlto Wliloli IC.vter-
iniinilcH Iho Wheat I'CHt.
CiiAMi'.Max , 111. , July 10. Early last spring
Prof. Forbes , state entomologist , received
from the Smithsonian institution at Wash
ington , n few of the larvae of u parasite sup
posed to bo destructive to the Hessian Hy.
This parasite Is found only in Europe. Ho
i undertook nn experiment to prove whether
the Inrvno nro destructive to the Hy here , and
if so to what degree. In order to determine
this , a small section of wheat about n yard
square was enclosed In n box , arranged so
that the grain could have light and air to
grow. A considerable number of Hessian
Hies and the larvae mentioned were put in
and the box so closed that they could notes-
capo and other insccls got In , and thus the ex
periment was begun. The Inrvno have
hutched nnd nro nourishing. They nro almost
microscopical ami seem to have been created
solely to prey upon the Hessian Hy. Tlio
parasite is a 'wasp-shaped 11 ttio niltcsuppllod
wlttrn sharp sting or nuger. With unerring
instinct it llnds tlio place whom the Hy has
laid Its eggs under the husk of the strawand
boring down inlo It the parasite lays its egg
inside the egg of the Hy. Thcro it develop *
iutn a grub , consuming the egg of the Hy and
destroying it. This is In outline wlnit has
been proven bv the experiment made. The
parasilo was lint discovered committing its
doprudatlor.s upon the Hessian Hy in the
wheat llclds of southern Europe.
Use Ilaller's German Pills , the great con
stlpation and liver regulator.
Talked on American SoIioolH.
LONDON' , July 10. The Canterbury diocese
conference has been discussing the relations
of the church to educational schemes. The
dean of Davenport , la. , at the request of
the archbishop spoke on education in
America. Free education , ho said , was
recognized ns n fact 'whether desirable or not.
It was felt to be of the utmost Importance to
have some kind of oducntlon as extensive ns
possible. Against free schools there was n
religious objection and also the objection
that the teaching was apt to niuuhan-
Icnl. lie nducd that an attempt was being
made to establish everywhere , church
schools , but that as yet no great progress
had been made. .
Acid Pliosplmto.
If you nro Nervous
nnd cannot sloop , try IU
Sent Up for Ijll'c.
NKW YOIIK , July 10. Frcnchy , Now York's
Jack the Hipper , was sentenced to life Im
prisonment in the penitentiary today for the
murder of old Shakespeare In the East River
hotel some time 'igo ,
The U. S. government nro using largo num
bars of the Improved Ilowoic.ihu . Bordun
& Sellcck Co. , agents , Chicago , III.
Gr.mteil tlio Srliooncr'H Appeal.
Los ANUEI.KS , Cal. , July IU. The motion
for the appeal of the case of the Robert and
Minnie to the United States court of appeals
In Sun Francisco , lias been granted ,
( lOMler'sMagloIleadacno Wafers. Cures al
headaches In 'M minutes. At nil druggists
Vr * _
Powder :
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Mnnr years' experience. A rcKiilnr Krndunto In nirdlclnMin nipiunma snow. In still trcnltng with the
irentestnucrixs , nil Norvoiis , Clirnnlo nnd I'-lvuto ll oi ei. A pi m inuit- : euro utmrnntuod for I'ntnrrh ,
SpcrnmlorrlHun. Lost Munhoncl. .ScmlimlVi > -ikiie H , NlKlit I. < m a , liiliotofy | , .Syphilis , Stricture , nnil nil
dlsenat'S of Ilio lllnod , Skin nml I'rliuiry Ort.uis. N. II. 1 uuarnii L'O f.iilj ( or every c.iu 1 unilurlnko nnd full
to.cur . Cinntilmtlon fruu. llntik i.Mvutt'rlun of J.lfo ) aunt frou. OlUoJ liJurd 'J a. m. to ti p. m. Hundnj
10 a in. to K m. Send alnnip for roply.
DPS. Belts # Belts
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most widely ami favorably Itnown spec
ialists In Ilio I'miiMl ' States. Tlii-lr loir. : ex
perience , reinnikitlilu hkill mid universal sui-
i't'83 In llm IrtMitiiiL-nt and cure of Nervous.
C'lmmlo and Surgical Dlsen.-es. out It hi thrsr
eminent Dhyslelnns to the full conlldoneo ol
thn iilllli'tuu ovurrwhoro. Tlusv unaruntec :
the awful effects of ourlv vlco and the numer
ous n\lN that follow In Its train.
1'UIVATIC. 111.001) AN'D SICJN I > I8KAPF >
sneodllv. roriipletoly nnil ncrnmm'iillv CIIIUM
( IKUKKS yield reudlly lo thulr skillful trout-
" " '
--niininteed cured without pain ur detention
from business.
minllv iind Mifrfssfiilly inmtd In tivorv tii-c.
HVlMllI.lH. (30XOKUIKMA , < il.KK'lV fjicr-
mutorrhu'a. HemlimlYimknes , Lost Mimhood
NUht ICinlsblons , Decayed [ ' 'acuities. Kiiinuli
Weakness and all delicate illsoiileis pcculliu
to ulllier BOX positively cured , an writ as all
functional dlsordeis thit : result , from youth
ful follies or tlm excess of mature viiiir.s.
C-r3"rilOK | | ( llimrnntee.l . permanentl.\
Jll\l\- U l\lj cured , removal complete ,
wltliDiit cutting , uau.stlu or dilatation. CUM
olVected it homo by patlunt without n mo-
niunt'.s pulii or iinnoyniu o.
A < " " "JkM ri""fl" ' ' 'l > ° awful ollVols of
M. OUIVL , l/luVl < curly vlc-o which lirlnsrs
organic \vcakne-s , destroying both mind nnii
l < ody. with nil Us dreaded Ills , permanently
> O IJKTTQ AiWross tlinso who have
> J. liltL I J Impiillud thcmselveH by Im-
uronur Indulgence and solitary habits , which
ruin both mind and body. niilUUntf thorn for
business study or inarrliiRO.
MAKKIKD MIO.N or thOMi onterln ? on that
happy life. Kwaru ot physical debility ,
quickly assisted.
Is based upon fuels. Kirst I'rnctlnal oxpnrl-
euco. Keetiiid Kvury ciiho IsHiiviiItilly Kindled ,
thus starting rlcht. Third Medicines uru
prepared In our laboratory exactly tn suit
cacliciiBc , thus cITectlnK euros without InJ ury
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Pimples oa the Pace |
Breaking Oat )
Bkln Troubles )
Little Bores | Hot Skin )
Bolls l Blotchoal
Gold Borei ) Bad Breath )
Bore Month or Lips | ,
If yuu inlfVr friim n J " >
lUc.u jinptuuii , tuka
. ' from ino ? " ' "
Icit.'i thu polfou ;
tynnrilruifiil.t. or wrlto lo U . II.
SCO. . Weit Itruiidwnj , Ae
J'oil BAI.B IIV KUIIN.t CO. . Omaha.
_ "
Graduate Dentist.
A Full dot of Taotti on Huhoir ,
. lor HV1I : I ) | .I.AIH. A iiurfou ;
jt lltKunrKritco , ! . Taulli u < trnctl
'jwllhuut imlti r ditnitar. unl
{ ivlthuut iinnothatloi. lloU an I
, Uiltor Illlln/i nt lnwuK rnou.
llridnu ami Crown Work. Tuath
Mliliout plutui. All won war.
Kntrnnce , liitu druol ulomlor Opoa vTonliui
"I o'clock.
I Hllunlliin * procured for um < lu-
| ieiVrttii ( for clrculnrt.
SCHOOL OFVork | l.lfo lll.l'u . , Oumlm. Nub.
For Discuses ot the Liver use Mooro's
Trco of Lifo.
For the Blood , uo Moore's Trco of
For Catarrh use Mooro'fl Tree of "Cifo
Cntnrrh Curo.
Muoro'H Trouof Ufa. n poiltlvn cnro for Ifldnor
nnd l.lvur l.'oinp ! ilnt nnd nil t > no tilHuun , . Doom
pny tc suitor when yon CUM uro IIItuliiK Moora'i
Truocjf l.lfj. the ( l.lfo llomoilr ?
No. 108 , 110 & 112 N. Eleventh St. ,
1'rotcctoa hy U. S. Patents. )
Mniiiirnrtiircrrt of Iron and Slcol 1Mb-
lion , Vnrd Liuvn IVnccs , also 1'iinii ,
Isldck , 1'ark and Comulitry KcnceH.
Arclilteeturul Iron Vaso-i. Uhalrs , Sutto
nud CrustliiKH. Hold t.KonU for Ituolitliorn
Gaivanl/.ed .Stool KlbbimYlru.s. .
Telephone 1772 , Samploi at Factory
Ice Cream in Tliirty Seconds.
Throw Avrnjr Your Old Kroeier.
2-iUiirt | I 4-iiuurt ( ! -iiiart ) 8-ciuart ,
53-75 I $4.50 * 5-5 ° 56-5 °
Wrltii or call for circular.
Itoiiin 11)1) ) ) lieu HIil'K , Oumlm , Noli.
National Bank
r s. DEPoairoKr UMAHA. MSI.
Capital , - - - - $400,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800. - Oii.BOO
omcor iind Illroclori-llnnrj- . Yalai.l'rcililant.
Ixiwli S. lluml , Vlco I'rmlrtout , Jiimo W. Ha omi\V
\jl'rVo. John H. CollliK , H C. UiMliln/ . N. Uj
I'ulrlck. W II. H. Hutdiiu'Otililtir.
Corner I''tli nud Knrnaia Sti.
Ornoru ! Ilunkliu HiMluo iTraiHiiit oil.
! Barrorinir from
the rrtc-cl ) ol
youthful erron
tarlydocnr , wantlnqtweakncM , loot lauuluxut , etc ,
I wfll u.-uil araluiUo trcallso lu'altdi couTinln | |
full particular * for homo cure , I'ltUlt or cLt-'v *
Aiplvndld nwllcal work ) kunulil IHJ read by ere.
man who U ii rrnii < nn't dfl > UIUtil. Aitclrivt
1'rof. J' . C. I'O Wlililt. Muudui , Count
b < i < taii'l ' onlr cap ul i pre a r ih
re uur piriun , , fgr th rlV 4 b ?
Oonorhoia and ill < ctiar u4 frojj III * urluar c r
uhuilteU or aoqulruU , fl.M vtt bgx.