8 THE OMAHA DAILY KIBE , TUESDAY , JULY 7 , 1891 , BELLEVUE GETS ALL OF THEM , Kitlo Competitions of Tnroo Scoured fjr tbo Omaha Range. COMPANIES THAT WILL PARTICIPATE , Rules Governing tlie Various Contest * ) Mid Programme of the Di'puri- ueiit Work HIIHJ- Times Ahead lor Itcllevuv Mnjor Dnnlcl W. Hcnhftrn , Inspector ot small arms practice of the department of the I'llttto , has succocilud Iti huvliitf the rlllo competition for tha department of tlio Pluttc , tlio cast. 11 ml of California , culled nt Ucllovuo range. This In conjunction with the minual department civiilry uomputltion , will make the season nt Hcllovuo n very busy one. The department competition will open on August 1 , tirorudea with three days of pr - llmlnary practice. ThU competition will continue four duys. The cnvniry comiiotl- tlon for the thrco departments will butfln AtiKURt I" , preceded hy three days of prolloi- Itmry practice , and continue .six days. Thcso competitions will bo under the direc tion of Major D.inlolV. . Hcnhnm. Cntitnln Charles A. Coolldffo of the Sev enth infantry will bo In command of the cmnp. ICncn competitor will bo required to tauo with him his rllle , full dress nnd futlKuo unllormvltli overcoat , foraso cnp , fatifuo lint nnd cqulnments complete , Including his field cartridge belt , bodsark nnu bedding. Post cominnndcrs will see that in addition to the articles mentioned cneh soldier takes with him nil proper and necessary clothing that ho may require during his stay at the depart ment nllc camp , At > commutation of rations Is not provided for competition while at the nlaco of compo- tlton , the department commander directs that each company commander forward to the acting commissary of substances of the d'jpiutnient rlllo camp $ J for each enlist ed competitor , to purchase vegetables for mess of competitors. In the selection of competitors duo regard will no had not only that the men sent to the competition nro of good habits and reliable , but nlso that their excellence In marksman ship Is baseil upon their proficiency In both Individual and skirmish liring. After the selection of the competitors is made they will , nt their reif cctivo posts , bo practiced nt least six days nt known dlstnnco nnd skirmish tiring before being sent to the competition. Report of the amount nnd the kind nf such practice had bv each competitor will bo niiulo bv post cominnndcrs to the Inspector specter of small arms practice of the depart ment , when the competitors leave their re spective posts. Major Iletiham received yesterday from Washington thirty medals to bo awarded ns prizes to the best marksmen in the revolver match , the ritlo competition nnd the cavulry competition with carbines , ten medals for cacli competition. The medals are gold , silver nnd bron/o The gold lire for first p es , the silver for second and the bron/o for third. The incdnls uro circular in form nnd nro about ns wldo ns a fJO gold ploco but fully twice as thick. They are at tached to solid bars nnd pins nbout nn inch nnd a half long upon the snmo material. Upon the front side of the modal there la nn omboscd imago of n marksman In the act nf shooting. For the cavalry this ombosod Imago consists of n horse nnd rider , nnd for the infantry simply n marksman on foot. The workmanship h very line , and the incdnls mo truly beautiful. On the opposite side of the plate the surface Is loft smooth so that the name of the winner may be inscribed thereon utter the competition Is decided. Those medals will all bo placed in Max Meyer's window for a few days that the public tuny sco the In ducements held out to the boys in blue to become - come distinguished marksmen. "Cold , couch , conin Is what philosophers term "a logical sequence. " Ono is very llablo to follow the other ; but by curing the cold with dose ' I'octorul n of Ayer's Cherry , the cough will bo stopped and tha cofllu not needed Jiut nt present. Furniture. Visit S. A. Orchnrd's special snlo do- partition ! , ns you may find just what you need in the funiiUiro line at very much reduced prices. Continental block , loth nnd Douglas btrcot. a > Decision In Favor of tlio Chicnjjo. Milwaukee & St. Paul Ily. The now nalaoo sleeping cars of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Pr.ul Ry. , with electric lights in every berth , will continue to leave the Union depot , Omaha , at 0:20 : p. in. , daily Passengers taking this train avoid transfer at Coun cil UliiUs , and arrive in Chicago at 0:30 : n. in. , in ample time to mai < e all eastern connection : ) . Ticlcot ollico , 1501 Farnam street. F. A. NASH , E. J. PUICSTON , General Agent. City Passenger Acont IN THIS COU11TS. Interesting Onsen Coming : nt tlio Close of tlic Torin. Ono of the financial Institution1 ; of Omaha secured n point in Judge Doano's court yes terday morning. Several years ngo the Equitable trust company of Omaha was organized nnd com menced the business of loaning money upon real estate. The business has been prosper ous nud has brought largo returns on the In vestments made by the stockholder * . A short time ago the Kqnltable loan and trust company of Chicago was orgaul/od nnd nt once opened a general ollico In this city for the purpojo of loaning money. Tnu Omaha company thought the Chicago concern had stolen Its thunder nnd nt once sued out n restraining order to prevent the use of the name , ' -The Eciultnblo Loan nnd Trust Companv , " In this Judicial district. The case was argued bo/oro Judge Doano nnd ho decided that the name adopted by tha Chicago company \vas nn Infringement nnu cannot bo used in this section of ( ha country. Tno trial of the case of Tlona , T. Boii70n ngninst her husband. August Honzon , was rcbumeu In Judge Doane's court. In this case , the wife , the plaintiff , Is suing fern n dlvorco nnd the property. She charges that her husband is n drunkard nnd although abundantly able financially , has failed to pro vide the liocossnrv means of support for nor- self nnd the children , Tha property In con troversy consists of n number of lots and a row of brick Huts ut Nineteenth und Nicholas streets. NeU Jensen , tha legal head of a family consisting of n wife nnd six small children , wa.s sentenced to do a turn of ono and ouo-hnlf years lu the penitentiary. Jotihcn wns charged with having broken Into the cnrpontcr shop owned by Kd. Honshnw and with having stolen therefrom tools of the vnluo of f05. Ho ndnlttod the charge and wns sentenced without u trial. A. Hoppo wns nrralgnrd before Judge Es- tello and pleaded not guilty to the charge of having walked away with $110 of Joseph Warrar's money. In this case thu informa tion charges that on July T , Ib'.K ) , Houpo forged the name of Kd. Atu&cow to n land contract. After gottlnir the contract ho hunted u victim , who proves to hnvo bcon \Vnrrar , for ho swears that ho was to tiuvo imjil Hoppo MIX ) , nnd did actually pay tilm 1110 tor the-worthless paper. Do Witt's Uttlelcnrly Uisers , flost little pill over made. Cura constlpatluu every llmo. None equal. Use thum now. Tlio ( Jamilluo Lumps. Gas Inspector tillbcrt took the lamps of the contesting gasoline lighting companies to the jns works yesterday for the purpose of testing them , hut the company's cnndlo bal ance was broken und the test was uccessariy postponed. As there wns no other testing apparatus nearer than DCS Molnes the Inspector ml vised the contc.sUuiti to take their lumps there und have a test made for the Information nnd rulilnnco of tha council In awarding the con tract for city lighting , but the bidden did not take kindly to the idea. Small m aUo , treat m rusuitit DoVltts \ Uttla .Kurl.vKUoM. Host pllLforConstlpa- Uon , boat for Hick HoaJacho , bet for Sour Stomach. C WOUK9. IHdfl for G rail I UK D.niKlitH Street filtlc- wullc Construction DUoumcd. Bids were opened by the board of public works for the grading of Douglas street Iron Sixteenth to Twcntlitb. There were seven bids offered , tto lowest being that of John A. O'ICcofo , who offered to do tha work for 0 cents , the city to dis pose of the dirt , or for 10.5 cents per cubic yard , and the contractor tnlto the dirt , The November estimate of C. E Squires , amounting to f742.i. ; > for sweeping streets was presented and allowed , less 10 percent. Messrs Illrkhausor nnd Egbert voting nyo. Mayor Furay voted "no , " Raying that the city owes the whole bill or not any of It. Thcfttrcot commissioner presented a bill of { . " > , I'JO.S'J for labor performed In repairing streets during the month of Juno , It was allowed , subject to approval bv tha chairman. Estimates wetc allowed ns follows : Hugo Murphy , curbing Thlrty-llrst street , from Fnrnam to Davenport , (1.7f > l ! ; Hugh Mur phy , paving Pine street , from Eighth street to Park Wlldu nvenuo , jyii ; MeUuroek .t Onllo.v , sewer , S'J.l'J ) ; Samuel Kntz , grading Eleventh street , from Clurk street to Mc- Cnguo's addition , S'J.OIO.TJ. A spirited tilt took place between the board and John A. Wukoliold over sidewalks. Lii- ward Hums Is the sidewalk contractor , but U'ukollcld furnishes the lumber. An estimate of $10,0JO for sidewalks laid durlni ; the thiee months ending Juno lit wns pre ontcd. This wns allowed less 15 per cent. Mr. Wnkolltld objected to holding back such u large reserve. Ho said that the walks are the best that have over bcon put dowu In thu history of the city. All thrco of the members took exception to the statement und denounced the walks , say ing that they nro constructed of rotten and poor material. * Chnlrm in Hirkhauscr hinted that the con tractor bns ch trged for work that ho has never performed. Major Furny favored turning the walks over nnd letting people see how they are constructed. The 15 per cent reserve will bo held for the purpose of putting the walks in proper con dition. I'.iroiits Head Tills. July nnd August nro anxious months for motheri who carefully watch over their little ones. Hot days nnd frequent changes of tfmpcraturo are liable to ptoduco cholera mornus. How satisfactory it should bo for parents to know that Haller's Pain Paraly/or is both a pleasant und effective remedy for all summer complaints. It soothes and relieves lievos nil pain und griping and always effects u complete euro. EXCURSION J U TORONTO. OXT. , Via the WauiHli Hnllro.i I. For the national educational conven tion at Toronto. The Wabash will soil round trip tickets July 8 to Itt nt half faro with SHOO added for membership fee , good returning until September SO. Everybody invited. Excursion rates have boon made from Toronto to all the summer roberts of Now England. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations and a handbomo souvenir giving full information , with cost of side trips , etc. , call at the Wabash ticket ollicc , 1.102 Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton , northwestern passenger agent , Omaha , Nob. a ) TIIIlHtt IN bKsSION. Work Executed by a Trio of County Commissioners. Three county com nissioners attended the adjourned meeting held yesterday afternoon. Mar > Shophard nslced for transportation to Now York. The matter was referred. County Surveyor House recommanded thnt a number of culverts bo constructed iu the Elkhorn turnpike. Superintendent Mahoney of tno poor farm wns granted parmission to employ a soatn- stress nt the county hospital. Ttio Injunctions restraining the county from paying any money to Ilyan & Wnlsn , the hospital contractors , were presented und referred to the committee on Judlclnrv. A number of llnal grading estimates were presented nnd referred. A protest was llled niratnst allowing the estimate of Peterson Hros , for grading Pros pect struct. The prole1- , states that the street has been left iu a rough nnd unfinished con dition. Ed J. Brennanwho constructed the cistern nt the county .hosnltnl , protested nguinst the holding out of fo ! ) to repair leakages. The protest was considered , but the money was withheld. The resignation of Ed Ledor as constable of Douglas precinct was aceoptod and John P. Clapp appointed to Jill the vacancy. The bond presented by Clnpn was rejected , Mr. Berlin claiming that there Is no vacancy in the precinct. Mr. Timmo presented a resolution that the county clerk be Instructed to draw a war rant on the railroad sinking fund to pay the interest on the railroad bridge bonds , duo July I. The resolution wns adopted. Nothing ndds so much to a person's nppcnr- nnco ns n line thick head of hair ot even color , ana to ussiuo this use only Hall'b Hair Keuowor. SwIficr'H ' . HNjilliuit Held. A. II. Goodman , the colored cook belonging to Sells Brothers' circus , who assaulted Will iam Swigcr when the show was hero , had n hearing in police court yesterday afternoon. Judge Holsloy bound the prUonor ever to the district court in the .sum of $ ToO nnd charged him with assault with intent to kill. Swiger has uoon nt the St. Joseph's hos pital over since ho was injured , and for several oral days It was expected thut ho would ale. Dr. Leo said yesterday that his patient was getting along nicely and would pull through , but would probably bo weak minded for a while. The best nnd cheapest Cnr-Startor Is sold bv the BjrJ viJfc Salluj'.c Co. , Chicago , III. With it ouo man can move u loaded car. Tliey Pulled Hair. Hosa King , a fallen woman , was lugged Into police headquarters yesterday afternoon lu n badly dilapidated condition. She started a hair pulling match with ono of her frail sisters and for n few minutes had things her own way at the corner of Ninth and Capital avenue. When the smoke cleared away It was found that Uosa had lost considerable hair , besides having a couple of gn.shes on bar bead. OftlcorDlbnoin dressed the wounds nnd locked the woman up on the charge of fight- Ing. _ Ttio ImtCHt Conundrum. Why is Hallcr s Sarsaparllln and Burdock like- the most popular soap of the day I Bocausu they both cloauso the skin nnd louvo It soft and velvety. Marriage Incenses. Thn following mxrrUjj llojaui wan iv uedby Judge SiiloUs youo.-Uy : Name ana address. ABO. ICIirls Hanson , Ieg Mollies. la M I Laiirn Hum , Onmhu z\ \ llu atnrl. Sehneelt , Fonth Omaha } llertha MoGriuh , Omaha 2j J w. J , ItpyiiuldR , Omaha . . . . . ! | Kato Reynolds. Iowa ' , ' 1 Uosjlor's.MagloHeadache Wafers. Cures ol headaches In "U minutes. At all druggists That Triage CAKO. Judge Dundy stated yesterday that ho expected Justice U rower to arrive In Omaha at any time , The Justice stated when nil wont away that ho should probably return nbout the middle of July nnd it Is expected thnt ho will hand down an opinion In the HocU Island-Union Pacltlo case at that time. IIotM'ord'M Acid If you nro Nervous and cannot sleep , try it. Rold Without Ijlconno , Anton Hnvollclc of Marbton was brought In y cite relay upon n charge of selling liquor without license. Ho furnished n satisfactory bond for his appearance at the fall term of thu federal court and was discharged. Information Free. Do you know that any old ! > ere or out con bo absolutely cured by the intelligent uio of Haller's liar bed Wire Llnlmout. Ho merci ful to your horio anil try lu "SOME ONE HAD BLUNDERED , " Umnty Officers Surprised by ttio r eaouta- tl.nof a Big Bill , ERROK IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S ' RECORD , Seventy-One Thousand Dollars Worth of lionilH Koll Due Six Montlia Mcforc IC.xjioctod * Treasurer Hnyder. A numDcr of Uio court house oihdnls v/'cfc so surprised yesterday that tholr nerves were unstrung for several hours. Some twenty yours ngo , no ono looming to romom- bcrtho exact date , Douglas county voted ! . ' 50,00(1 ( of bonds to nld the Union Pacific railroad nnd tiio Missouri river bridge com pany In constructing n r.itlroad and wagon brldgo over the river at this point. The bonds were fffr f 1,000 each , payable In twenty yuan , and have been drawing inter est nt the rate of 7 per cent per annum , pay able scrnl-iuiHimlly. Slnco that tune the county has always paid the Interest and has reduced the debt hy the payment of $ ih,000of ! principal. Thooftlcials have always supposed that the balance of the bonds will Dejotno duo mill payublo January I. Ib'.U nnd with that understanding , they Intended us soon as the next levy is miuio to make some provision for taking up or refunding the bonds. They gathered their information regarding the bonds from tlio entry in the boild register , made twenty years ngo. This entry states that these donils , describing thum , will bo due .January 1 , 1MU. Standing upon this record , County Treas urer Snyder a few davs u o sent the , 'uly Interest to Kount/.o IJros. , Now York , llio holders of the uonds , ami nt once onieiully notified Auditor Evans that'lho Intoroit hud been paid. Tlmlguntloman felt satisfied , as no felt that ho had a county debt off his hands for six inoaUis at lo.ist. This feeling of security and satisfaction was suddenly dispelled yesterday when a man from the First National bank milked Into County Treasurer Snyder's ' ofllco and coolly remarked , "Can you take ui > these und pay moTlXil ( ) | " Snyder thought It was a Joke , nnd didn't propose to have anv fooling , but soon dlscov- oicd his error , as seventy-one Sl.OO'J bonds , payable July 1 , Ib'JI , were spread out before him. Thunderstruck , the man called Auditor Evans into the room , and a moment later they made a raid on County Clerk O'Mnlluy to secure the bond register. This book shows that the bonds are duo next January , but the bonds , on thulr fuco , C.UTV the information that thuy arc live days past due. The trouble all comes about on account of thuurior upon the part of the county oniclals who registered ttio bonds twenty years ngo. At the next meeting of the board some action will be taken to provide for the care of the paper , and no serious trouble is liable to arise , as the commissioners understand that Kount/.o brother * are anxious to refund tlio debt nnd carry it for ten to twenty years longer. 13 HKK It Travels at the Kite of Sixty MILcs I'er Hour. THE OMVIIA DEI : , on Sunday , In the west ern , northwestern , and many places in the southwestern part of the state , reaches its readers from eight to twenty-four hours ahead of all Its competitors. In fact , when the latter reach their destination they are like b-ick numbers. They mo not used for reading , but for wrapping and carpet pad ding purposes , fn each of thee respects they are qnlto valuable. How is Tnu But : ublo to so distance its competitors ! Because it has established n number of horsa routes throughout tno state ! Because it has its own special train which makes a run to Grand Island , 154 miles dis tant from Omaha , in four hours 1 Making allowance for the stops at rail aonil crossings , this train travels at the re mark able speed of sixty miles an hour. It stops at only two stations. THE BIE : , hoxvevor , stops at ovorj station. It is thrown from the train as the latter llio * past each town In bundles and quantities of all the way from five up to . " > 00 copies. This UKI : contains every line of news dis tributed to .subscribers within the shadow of TUB Btr : bull-ling in Omaha. When the subscriber in this city Is unfold ing his paper at breakfast , the subscriber in Grand Island is doing the same thing , the great paper bclngplaccd in his hands nt 7:1 : shap. This enterprise costs money. It Is , however - over , appreciated by TIIK Bii's : readers. No other paper In this 'section could stand thu expense. No other paper could stand half the expense. Some of them have tried it and given it up. THE UKI : alone sends out n apodal train. This is something which is Uono bv no other paper in the country. This train leaves Omaha nt H o'clock in tha morning. It reaches the other stations on the Union Pacific as appears below. Cut out this time table and past it upon the wall. It will tell you when your Sunday paper Is duo. It will tell you also when to look from your door or window and see TIIK lien Flyer rushing through your town with the swittncss of the wind : Hemoiit 4 18 ii in ( 'lurks Simbcri ; 4.2.1 u m Tliiimmol . . . . AIUCH i : iu H m Central City . . North HcMHl . . . .4 411 n mM'nddock . . . . liny stuto 4 45 in ClinptimiiB lucent 4 U am Lotkwood . . . . ScliMvlur . . . . 5 OS ii m ( irniul Isliind. , l.iimbort . . 6 11 a m At Grand Island Tin : BKE'S Flyer con nects with the early train on the St. Joseph nnd Grand Island road und BIIS : : arc sent ( ly ing in sacks to Bolvldcro , Davenport , Donlphan , Edgar , Falrbury , Fairllelu and Stoulo City. Tobias , McCool Junction nnd Mlllliran are readied by horse route from Falrbury ; Hebron Is supplied from Bclvl- dcro , At Columbus connection Is also made with a train fromPlntto Centre , Humphrey , Madi son nnd Norfolk , nnd a horse run is made to Wagner. At Grand Island also n fast freight is caught which supplies Kim Croon , Gibbon , Gothcnborg , ICearnoy , Lexington , Shclton , Woou Hiver nnd North Platto. TIIK BKP. reaches the last mentioned place at 2 : 0 p. m. Its would-bo rivals tumble in there at Oiii-l at night , hoven hours latorl It is too late to read them than , and they are accordingly do- iv orod next morning , when they are about twenty-eight hours old I Ask your grocer for Cook's Extra Ory Im perial Champagne. Once used no other will suit. Its boquut Is delicious. Ilrmi Now IIiitH. The firemen donned tholr summer straw hats yesterday. The now hats nro shaped something HUe n helmet , and are stocl grey In color with a two-inch blncK band , The boyb bay that they uro way out of sight now. That the waters of lOxcolslor Springs. M o. cannot bo questioned. 1 , N Lane , M. D. Medical Mirror , St Louis , Mo , 01jD.CONTHilCTS ClaimantFretod by Congress Front KxnctloiiKor Hlinrk Agents. It Is perfectly natural of course for the claim agents mid pension sharks of Washing ton to try to hold their business nnd to con tinue to exact exorbitant fees from parties who have claims of any kind against the national government , or who have applica tions pending for pensions or patents. . Claimants have been swindled for yonra but there la no longer any oxctiso for tholr being subjected to tlio sharp and swindling practices. Parties who had contracts with claim or pension ntlori.oys prior to the last congress ore now at liberty to revoke such contracts nnd to renew th'cir claims or applications through TIIK lint : claim bureau , and thus se cure prompt und proper attention nt the min imum cost llxed by the law. The last congress did npcclllcally cancel nnd annul all existing contracts between claimants and attorneys In the Indian Don- redntlon Aet of March H. 1801. This Is a fact which any ono lntorostc.1 may read for him self by applying to the Examiner nnd Tin : Bn : bureau for n copy of the law. Possibly the eminent con stitutional lawyers and jurists In the scnnto and house of 'loprcscntntlvcs should have consulted these obscure claim agents before passing the act Which so seriously curtailed tholr Shvlook propensities. But inoro re- llanca was placed upon the recent decision of thu United States supicmo court , case of Mitchell vs. Clerk , reported In 110 United Stntct Hoports , page I5J.I , wherein thchluhcst tribunal In the land asserts : "No provision of the constitution piohiblts congress from interfering with the validity of contracts. " The second legal problem Involved Is that of rcvccntlon of powers of attorneys. When and iindcr what circumstances can a claim ant recall an existing power and employ an- ol nor attorney ( One of the attorneys quotes Judge StoioyWhen an authority or power Is coupled with an interest it is from Iti own nature nnd character , in contempla tion of law irrevocable. " And then ho pro ceeds to argue that the retaining of an attor ney on n contingent fee Is equivalent to coupling the power with an interest. This statement is absolutely false from a legal standpoint , but it is nn assertion \\ell calculated to mislead the ordinary reader. What Is really meant bnn "interest" is nn interest or light in the thing itself. Thus , if nn c-tato Is convoyed to a trustee , with power to sell , this power cannot bo revoked because the trustee has an Interest In the estate Itself ; ho holds the legal title on the property. Again , if the owner of n patent assigns one-tenth of it to u second party , and gives him n pownr of attorney in connection , said power of attorney cannot bo revoked be- f.tuso the assignee has an interest In the patent itself. But if a claimant gives a power of attorney to an agent to prosecute his chum on n contingent Ice , this power is not coupled with an interest , and can be re voked nt the pleasure of the claimant. When the agent agrees to wotk on a con tingent fee ho accepts as a very serious part of the "contingency" the possibility of havimr his power revoked. And u fee con tingent on the successlul prosecution of n claim can in no way bo construed as an "interest" in the claim which would render a power of uttotnoy irrevocable. Mrs. Winslow's' Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething relieves the child from pain. j cents a bottle. JJ.YIT1ST YOU.VG PKOP..I3. ICutluisiiiMiu AV < rlcerw Going to a < lik'ago Convc itlon. Attached to Burlington train No.3 yesterday was the handsoino Pulliiun palace cir Auck land. This car was for the special use of the delegates en loutu to the national convention of Baptist young-people which will bo held in Chicago today and Wednesday. On each side of the Pullman was a long white banner which read "Baptist Young People of Ne braska Going to the Chicago Convention. " Oniuhii ppoplo.ivho btuitcd for the cnthcr- ingvero ; Key. Dr. Wilson of Calvary Bap tist church , Hev V. W. Foster of Emaiuicl Baotist church , M. G Macleod , Frank Car penter , J. M. Brunner , W. K. Uhonues. V. O. Strickier , J. .1. Everlngham , Mrs. ij Klrod and daughter Daisy , Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hull. W. C. Vandorbrook and Messrs. Blck- nell nnd Wallace. About ono hundred delegates from the state are expected to be picscnt and the total number expected will be about live thousand. The Baptist young people organized their first society on November 1. ISb' ) , at Grand Island. From that small beginning the oraer spread throughout the state until now there nro forty-live lodges. The state organi/ation grow to bo a national ono and thU is the iirat convention of the Baptist young people. Delegates from Lincoln , Beatrice and Grand Island are going on another train as far as Ked Oak at which place they will join the main party. Hev. C. Perron , Ph.D. , of Chicago , will preside nt the convention and the matter under discussion this afternoon will bo the local und state organisations of Nebraska. An effort will bo made to have the next convention held in Omaha. Dr. Kensington , eye , car , nose and throat surgeon. 1310 Dodge street. " \\lljlj ISXONICltATH IIIM3V. Ilejiort Prepared o i the Investigation of Ijiucnso Inspputor Ulley. The council committee appointed to en quire into the acts of Frank , the son of License Inspector Uiloy , hold n short session yesterday , und tonight will submit the report to the council. This report will sustain the mayor and his suspension of the young man , hut It will exonerate the father. Ferdlnando Hormillo , a street cor ner banana merchant , was oa the stand this morning. Ho informed the committee that upon a couple of occasions ho had paid yonuglMloy money with the understanding that In lieu of the money he was to have a licence. Ho had not dealt with tno father of the boy , and know nothing about his manner of running the license business. The soft glow of the tea rose is acquired by ladies who use PUzonl'sComplexion Powdor. Try it. FJ3AUS KOIl Ills SAPEl'V. William WnltiT'rt Unexplained Au- HIMIUO AliirniH III * Friends. The friends of William Walter entertain grave fears for that gentleman's safety. It has been learned that ho spent the evening of July 1 at the reldeuco of P. II Wind in Council BlulTs and spent thu nicht at the Ogden house. Ilonhad expected logo to bt. Louis on the morning of the ' 'd , but meet ing nn uncle nt tha transfer depot who was on route west , Mr.iWaltor changed his mind und started at oncafor Now York. Ho Intended tot Wit-graph friends hero Im mediately upon hlB arrival at Buffalo , but nothing 'has beoil board from him and this has led to the bclit'f that ho was on the ill- fated passenger twin which was wrecked at Uavcnnu. O. Use llnller's Uorman Pills , the great con stlpatlon und liverugulator. Fonifcl Tliein SulV. Jailor Pat Horrlgan received n tolecram yesterday afternoon from Deputy Shorllt O. G. Dt'cker , dated utlUvonna , O. , stating that his wife and chili ! Were safe and bound for homo. When the news of the wreck was llrst telegraphed It was supposed that Mrs. Decker and her child hud been killed. Mr. Decker started at once for Ohio and wiis overjoyed to find his family safe. Jakin _ owder : Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. DON'T THINK That because it's July , and July is usually considered a dull month simply because it used to be dull -when our gyanddaddies kept store , that \ve intend to "let up" for a minute. On the contrary , -we intend to work harder , hustle faster , and make still greater efforts to keep oui1 sales up to the top notch. Athough our stock is in better shape today than it ever was in July , still we find on looking around a number of odd lots ; a few suits of one kind , a few of another , several broken lines of boys'suits ; fifty shirts , all large sizes , and a lot of another sort , all small ; a line of shoes all cleaned out but a few pairs ; a line of hats all sold but one size , and so on. WE DON'T ' WANT 'EM ' , Do you ? The man with the red ink has been around the stora marking them clown. He didn't mind what their value was , simply marked them so low' that the first man that fits 'em can't help buying , Need clothes ? Want shoes ? Anything in shirts ? Hats ? * -THI8 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY. WE CLOSE AT 6:30 : P. M : SATURDAYS , 10 O'CLOCK , AM/US EM HI N BASK BALxL- OMAHA -vs- Kansas City TODAY. Oninc ( it 4 o'clock. Lidic : , all privileges , 2.5o. THEGR.ANDT\vo . | | Nights. Tuesday nud Wodnesda , July 7 and 8. A Ked-I.ottur K GEORGE THATCHER'S ' MINSTRELS. 45 TROUBA.DOURS 46. A few of the ni iny Oeo au Thatcher. Low Doclt- tnilor , Hurt Miup.uil , . lay fjulisli'y , It J .Into , 11 W. rrlllmnn Cain A. lx > rcm > , .lohn' A rolciimn , ( ii > i > rio 1 pivls , Itnymon Mauri ) , Tliunrn Jurtl.i neil Krnnlc I a Momluo llAliu .lames Corbctt , chiimplon boxer of Cul.v fornln , will : iiour | In n lilcmlh cut to Popular Prices5c , 50o. ? 5c mill it. Hex sheet now open. EDESMUSEB Cor. llth itnil rnrnatn Mrcot . WKIK : OK JUI.L uru. I'rof Olouon s Itor ( lrtn Juiues llnlllos Cornel ) Co. .Mnrlt I'n.iln'a Comodjr aOM SAWYKll IVrscntcit hy W W. Illltner's comcily counpnny , Ailinbaloii oiiBcllmc Open from I p m to ID p. m. dnll ) . APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT IN FORMl-MATCHLESS IN V/ARI / So aaxloue wer Ihe tncleim for ittlwtrl men tlitl puny hojut Mtlh nvrefiutlodralh. Every MAN can t < 8TRONO and VIQOKOOS In all reipecti. YOUNG MEN OR OLD , ufferlng from NERVOUS DE BILITY. Lett or Filling Mia. hood , Fhvelcal Exeeiiti , Mental Worr . Blunted Development , or any 7ERRONAL WEAKNESS , can ba reltored to PERFECT HEALTH tLd the NOBLE VITALITY of 8TROKO MEN , the Prldo and Pomr of tlatloni. Wo claim by ycnrn o ( pructlcc by ur pxcluflKo mpthnds iv iinirorin "MONOPOLY OF BDCCESS" In treat- Incnll Dlieaien. Weaknenei and A Aalctloniof Xen. Tcstinionlnla ' 7 > ' from SO Klnlpa and Territories. OUR NEV/ BOOK pulil. for n . ' . Qel Itwblle youcac. Full CipUnatlone forHOME TREAT MENT You can b FULLT RESTORED ai Thouiande nave been by ue Readaarteitlmoutali Addrenatooci ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO , W.Y. KOVAI , MAIIj MONTREAL ana QUKBEG To DERUY nnd LIVERPOOL CA1I1N , S.VJ to fso Ac'oorilliiu to btunmer nnd location of Htatt'ruom. Intcrincdiitto Mini Stet'ritKO at lo\v rate . NO CATTJ.U CAIIIIII5I ) . ern A iriTni i SI.HVIOI : ov & i 3. X JCl L A Li Li A N U I N Hi LINK. STEAM-'IIll'S. NKW YORK and GLAbiiJW. vltx r.ondondL'rry. every Kortnl M. Mil .Inly , STATlt OF NKIIUA&KA , 11 A M. 2tnl Jiily.hTATlI Ob' ( IIIOUUIA , 11 A. M. AiijmsUtli , 8TATK OK NKVADA. 10 A M. CA1IIN , f.TS up Uetiirn , t > & Stouni o fl Apply to II. , V A ALLAN. Montreal , or to II I , ' .MOOKIN Wnbimli Tic ket Ollloo. W r' VAIL , llurlliiRton Ticket Olllco " " " " DOAlLEYT Graduate Dentist. A Full Sot of Tooth on Itnubor , fur I 1VK DoI.I.AIH. A porfuut ltKU.iriintoeil. Teotli oxtractol < vlthout pain or danxor. anl Tlthout nmusthutlci. Gold nn I liver lllllnir M lowott ruon. llrlilno nnd Crown Work Tooth without plutoi All worn wiir TantHd. OFFICE , PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Enlrunce , Ibtb itreot oluvntor Open uvenlnifi untlia u'cluck. _ HOTEL. Tjir.irtirraii , Cnr. t-lth nl Mai-lift , iitlni moHt HnliHtuntfulIu Hotel Itnlliliiiii In Ointiliii. ftc ItrtclsIre millti riiim/n/ ; t to i-uiif. AH tinftnina * unit floor * Unctl trltlt AnbvHtunro \irool nl nit , tii < ilinit it iiiiiiiiiHlltto to burn r/iiic/- . 1 /ni fi\v i > vH if IK'fro uliti'ini tln-tinuliunt tlio Intllillnifttrinn In-tit , Ituf unit cunt tintfr tinil Hininlilin-i i i'ti'1'ui-iioin. Tallin nnttnriHiHaett HIIJ. M /i err ; . B. SILLOWAY. Prop. _ UNION DEPOT HOTEL. Corner Illh nnd Mnion StrooH. Half hlnck weil of Union Pnctllc and II \ M IK'put" . Now milldliiK now fnrnltnru every thlnit Hr t- cln . roulo.t loiatlun In Oinalin vluir > , t unllre nurroundliiK omintr ) , K.I tintli ele i trie mil ' ells tli Unto IHUn'id tl 0) ) . t\ur : ) llnu ot tulilii ami ni'ilui ' ctr , pm witliinnniitiNik i ei'pt hhuriumi Atunuo and llaiircoin Park line. I ijluvk u ay mid you can train ( ci to thiiio If you wUli. 41 t St. , Ni > n \iirl < . x ' ' W. OTVTATIA . blluntl-n pH'i'urwl fiircrnda- UtfiAnzi. gJ > \ \ , | n fur.lr.'iilnri HKUM < iClll IIUiil 41 ! ) Now SCHOOL OF \cirkl.llollulV.uiii.iim , M l > TELEGRAPHY. HAMIAI.WUOO tAI'SH.KS an lliu DOGUTAl- and only captuiui pruto ara Iho rotfulir phMlclaui fur lliu rluoj by Gonorhoei nd UHcuuru'ot truui l unnur ( .urj of or acnuliuJ , ll.M i > r bttx. Ally NO GUR.EX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Mnny yosm'oxppilrnro. A rcmiHr urndunto In niertlclns nipiomu suuvr. Ii 11111 trcntlng with thl rrentest nuctejs , nil Xorrous , Chronic mit I'-lvato Il on oi A pormanant cure nunrnntcud for Catarrb , hi'iTiuntorrliu ! i. lo t Mnnhood. tmlnnl Wunknoi" , Nl lit Lost , n , Impoto u'y , SyphllU. Stricture ? , und all dl unscs of tlio lllooil , kln nm1 L'rlmry Ow ma. N 11 1 Kunmnlco t.M for ovcrjr cn o I unilcrtako nod fall v lo euro. CmiMillnlloM free Hook i MvsUrle : ) of l.lfu ) iunt frao O.Uao lioura 9 a. m. to 8 D. m. Sund 5T .V luii in to 12m. Send itimp for roply. T FOR B1TE3 , 50RE - . FEET , from OVE.R- EXERTJOri. FOR PILES. CHAFIMCj , To 5athe FACE and HAMD3 wh < w heated etc. DOriT FORGET when on vacation wiln you ( sure. To need if ; perhaps VERY indeed , VHHiV H RLIFU5E 3UB5TITOTE5 probably worlM > 6 Accept POMD'i ) EXTRACTonlyv Pondi ExtV cT Co. , /1 w VorK and London. ' 'vflUrtTS Ice Cream in Tlvrty Seconds. 'I lirow Awitr Yuiir old r ruetcr. 2-iiarl | I l-ijiiurt -iuual i | M-i'inrt. | ' S3 75 I S4.- > ° ? 5-5 ° 6.50 t rllo or cull fur circular dl It.HlIll . ( UK lll'O Itld'g , OlllllllJl , Nell. DOCTOR McGMbEW THE SPECIALIST llorutlmn 1J JTOIM cxporlonoj In ihy treitj > 3aS ot PRIVATE DISBASB3. Acuro uaraDtcedln 3 to 5 rt 171 , nltliont baton ot un hour'n tluio. The mo t complete nntl nb elute cure for Hlcet an < 1 HlliuinoylintillncliarKO.i over known to the moUloru iTuIcaslon. L'ormtnantly cured In fromitulj ai STRICTURE 5-1" Or pnln In rollovlnif the hlddrtor caron without nj5 or liiitruniuiiti , no cutting , no illlatlnir. Tlio mull rcmurkubluruiucily known to modern sol < 9nco. SYPHILIS. Cured In r < 0 to CO dnjs Ir. McGroir'a treatment for Ihls torrlblo blood ilHoauilrnn bcon pronounced tbt niOHtsuccoMaful remedy over dl < cover J for tlu > nb- toluto euro o ( tlio dlaeno. Hlj succosj with t Bit ill en olmi never boon eijuiiltoL A complain our * L'U.inmtucd. LOST MANHOOD uosn.nll wonkncssei oftl o oximl oritani , norroui- And timidity und despondency abjolutulcurui. . I I'll orollof la liunieJI.ito nnil complotn. f "M SKIN DISEASES , mil nil ( ! l < cnio < of the blood , liver , kMnoys , aal bl.iddcr pcrnmnontly cured FEMALE DISEASES The doctor "Homo Trcntmcnt" for ladles Is pro. nounu-d by nil who liuru uaod It to bo thu muit com ; pletound convtMilent remedy crur ollured for th | trc.itmentof female dlaeiioi. It U truly n wonderful remedy. Hours for Indlot , from 'I to 4 only. DR. McQREW'3 Marvellous succosi In thu treatment ot prlrntodl * . caitn lias won for lilm n roputntlon which In trull _ nntlonul In cliiiriicliir , am ! hli Kroat army of patlonti * leiithcu from tlioAtliintlo to the I'lwlflo. The doctor M a Kr.idiuito of "reuuliir" mcdlolno and hiu haf lonu nnd careful experience In liospltJil pructloa , nnd I' cliKKfd lunonvr llio leiullnz npeclnllsti In moil. rrn Hclonco. Tro itment by corruipondenco. Wrlt < for chotil.iri about ouch of the ubuvo illaoaies , freoi Ollico , 1-lth and Fariiim StreoLi , Omah'i Nob. Entrance on olthor street. \\'e ncnil tlie marvrloui Prrneb 1 ICi muly CALTMOS free , nud a. \ IuMlKuaruiiteniialCALTiiosttir ) MTII > Ill.rliarffm A rmU.lone , lLltRSi" ! ? < ' "Iof \ | : < TiiK1iuu\aor . i'seit ami pay i/iatiijitti , uiM. . . VON MOIILCO. . , Hole iutrlrei ltaU , IUrl 4ll , Uble. k rp'ilno llnliU -r.dinioioaod y Hnp rtHlcur.J DB J SIErUtMOLtli n > nO MOORE'S TREE OF LIFE _ "hit tuioUinr man mui > , othoo. and no1 ihlnf own iHi'iilli. A Ml inu'ur und not lll'uu ' i > lip * ' It' ' v. ( iiuiKo Minor. I iirllln , luwai Itiiv Anthony Juculis , Midnuy , lowiij Kuv. J W litiiur riimMini Or Mi. Iowa ; Kov K. V I eiiv. ( ' < durl ui ds low i , Itov W. II. lo | I.favKiiMiirtli. Iv Una * ; Itxv .1. T Muniforii 1 niir"M. IDWII. linr. I W. ( J.ithuurt , Kmor Kiri I'UVII ' , Itl-Vlli i | i | | > r.niCTiOll I , , H.I : linn. T. J Alu'l. Drcat r , IlHnoU , W A . 'inintt. niinc-ll ItnilN. Iowa. Whuti suult M.UII HC tlio itbovn li.m Klvuu thnlr tuttlinrm- I iln lii ( intlin nf Mount's Tinu of lilfo und -Vv lri Ihik hi > luiulo dru- homos iiity thuy have * " L' Mtn unllio NittlHfaotlnn wlioro thuy Imvn L'I I en kulil , what bnt'.ur uvldcncu do yon want ) Why xliuulil yim snllcr whim you can bo ouroj ly sli > x loorit'H Tiot'of Mfo. MMUIUI freuotl.lfe n iiodllto card for Klilnor unit I.Ivor touipUHit anil all b o-xlillioai * . , lloai II inla ii if or whou yuu can curoJ t > t Truuuf I.ifs. lUvUroktl.lU Uouixirt